The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 08, 1898, Image 4

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    ii-n i ii-f nir r i (f
N i is a sixteen page hook
v. f lun-sof the n.tvy of this!
i. u-m and Spain. It will also con- j
t uiusofthcitnportnnt bottles!
u' Hu war now on. One copy is is-,
r ' i uh week, nine Mwg tently
ii uk numbers enn still be had.
1 j:ii-i is 25c each, but we
ni - ,".u 111 by special arrangement
n rsi. ivielr-i St.
' Beef, Wine
r!I cand Iron.
Large Mottle, 50 Cents. j
1 South M.1I11 Street, S'.ic.ianJoali, Va.
11I I ililnlliR Strike Ibiucclnlislj
i li- to Two t,ahtii-cr.
,u i 1 ay, June s -Two HtinjtHriHiiH
cii it K:iier' lesorvoir on the moult
ni 1 n.ii-row escape from doing struck
terday. A bolt shut between
, 1--1 d beneath the horn-, but did
1 , iilu-r mini, or the animal. A
r 1 , its trunk ripped ami tlio
..!' I. the bolt.
1 1 1 'i-h Lutheran Sunday Srhool
n nt Schuylkill county is holding :i
In if to diiy in the linlwh '
1 1 iliuieh. Ueh'KUteit from many
j 1 1 Hi. 1 minty itre in attendance. Mi-s
I i .mi Mit phe rd, daughter of Watson V.
S!n,, 1 1 L-.) , uf l'ottsville, is the secretary
1 f !!.(. eon .cntiuti.
tjuti a stlriinr: meeting of the ltorouffh
C juiii 11 i.i hold last night in which disputes
uf a M-pm,: character wore indulged in over
the ' mn.'i work now in projiess In the
I. , 1-1
-f , 1' 1 In
.nil cxti
I 1 .1 1
t . 1 .v.
members of Council cl.iinied
Mm 1 committee is iiiiuecessurily
ii.iiMiitty spending money where
r- me already in existence, lind
in, have been permitted to enter
1- without cost. Some members
I 1- to state that sewers are put in
11 1 1 for the purpose of draining
i t it rtHin citizens without cost.
II 1 sposuru in connection with tlio
.1 the ue8tlolis prepared by Him
ni the High school for tho e,raduat
:uiil tlie conseuuent rellection upon
pr iii r'
S in
U 1 h J
p .1 .
11 h-
tin vr linn, ind the examination tlitounh
w null I'n v piKsed, several niemliors ol the
mil. 1 1 1 1 1-1 havo asked the supcrintcn
il 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 amin.1ti011.
N r 1 mi liiuiel Phillips, of Co. K, now in
1 imp in I all- Cliiiri'h, Va., returnud to town
la 1 en inn.' to secuio lis men foi dipt.
Hi n command, to All the quota of 100.
Hi iv 1 I t.ike all able-bodied men of Hood
phy ii'il prnpoitions and proper uro. Hole-port-
11M well in camp.
The I'.i iibrrliooil of Railroaders will meet
at T u i.ii.i next Sunday and a part of tbo
rt u nvmin will bo tbu decoration of the
Kravc- of fellow-railroad men, many of
wh "in ir, buried thero. A largo niimbor
met violent deaths on tills division of the
! ,t I. r..ilroad.
Mm in hi ind Cuban flac, all sizes and
1 1 r .1 I'ii il. ill N. Main street, tf
Boom Hard Coal !
T . u .t..t.ifit..l
3 .u.. t m- millHllril with
K hhiii
.iiiiH nt i n ii of
firiKht ratt'Maiicoal.
I'M I.Mtll i'Jllllllt't
3 m ,t liium tn littnuin-
it xa ill tint If it Vdli
m 11 If ymi tiro
. 11 it .. Ml l?i
3 u wilt. A liatliln
Ii til tlio-n' t'lllilllt It
will in iut'c tin
THUujuji uiiii immmiiiiuiiEi
T r i', Itil--mn, Mim rnl, .lleillillteil, 1'erfllllie
li .1 - in Mini- on ii Inline. You eiiimot have
t'ii i ii n imrli l ih
( .il or -i nil fin i in uliiiH ili'-i-i iliitii; tliem In
id tul ut hoi ii il uii' iiti are ' O. I'aliner,
I M l.i.lii -not. Win .1. Webster, II" K.
C ,ii ii .I llurr 111.11, :M H. .lanlill stn-et.
Wc Itcpalr All Kinds of Stoves.
Wm. R. Rratt,
Oltli 'jiSdwtli lunlni ttrt t t, Slicimmliiiili, I1!!.
June 14-,
Flag Day,
mill see a proper
display of American
flags, interiningl e d
with n Cuban flag here
and there. No where
in Schuylkill county
can you get the as-
sortnunt a at
23 North Main St.
we: bottle
Weiss Beer,
Ale, Rorter.
Private lantily orders will receive attention. Leave them
at the office, we will do
the rest,
1!1!8T LINK 01' MR
Plnni. ind Tihlfl fill P1nih
E. B. FOLEY, 87 Centre HI. jNB
What tloos A stand for! When
somo friend sumjipMs that your
blood needs A sarsapavillu treat
ment, remember that A stands for
AYEll'S. The first letter in tlio
alphabet stands for tlio first of
sarsaparillas ; first in origin, first
in record, first in tlio favor of the
family. For nearly half a contury
lias been curinv; all forma of blood
diseases scrofula, eczema, teller,
rheumatism, erj sipelas, blood poi
soning, etc. There's u book about
theso cures " Ayer's Curehook, a
story of cures told by the cured,"
which is sent freo on request, by
Dr. J. C, Ayer, Lowell, Mass. Tlio
book will interest you if you aro
sick or weak, because it tells not
what it is claimed the remedy will
do, but what your neighbors and
fellows testify that it has done.
Will it euro you ? It has cured
thousands like you. Why not you?
Dewoy's Aid Is Conducting n Civil
ized Warfare.
JIiih Tiili.-n I Ivor 'Pivii TlioiiMiuil I'l'N-oiii'i-.,
Itioliiillnur tin" ffovi'i'iior of
C'uvltc Aiiifi'li-iiii ( "ii t il I ii Sii.vhTIktii
Will Soon ltu No "-iiunl-li Army'l,
Iindiin. June S. Tlie IIoiib KotiK j
corresiuiiilpnt uf Tlie Daily Mull snys: i
United States Consul 'Wildinan liaa
reeeived tin; followInK letter from
AuKlnnldo, the liiHiirRent letulcr in the
"Iteforo opening an attack upon nny
town I suminon the Spanish nllloer In
command to surrender. In one ensp
one of the ollleers so summoned replied
by 'statltiL' thnt the Harrison was not
UUite ready to Unlit, and ho nsUed If I
would ilerer the attack for three hours.
I complied.
"Tlie Hrst engagement wo had with
the Spaniards occurred on May 2S,
when we ruptured ID. with their arms
and ammunition. Towatd evening we
hemmed them In. One hundred and
ninety Caznilores and 70 loyal natives
participated. We lost four klUed. The
Spaniards lost 1G killed, including one
olllcer. The result of this eiiBagoment
was that IlKhtlnB became Kcneral
tliruURhout the province of Cavlte. Af
ter four days- llnhlins over 2,000 Span
lards were taken prisoners, including
many Mincers and C.eneral I.eopoldo
IVnn, governor of Cavlte, who handed
me his sword, revolver and golden belt,
and a formal letter of surrender."
An Ameilcan naval captain writes as
follows: "In my opinion the rebels
have undergone a radical change since
the arrival of Atulnnldn. Tho Span
lards have lost all during the time he
has been there, and If our people don't
hurry there won t he any Spanish army
left at the end of the light."
The American shlsis have taken no
part In the nghtlng. Neither boats nor
men huve been hunted, and statements
to tlie contrary uie false. Dispatches
from Manila say that Aguinaldo is
doing splendid iork. .Monday of last
week, he routed the Spaniards, taking
400 prisnneis, among lliem 2S olllceis.
On the Wednesday following he took
HO prlsomii'. and four Held plces In a
battle at n point bctwetn Cavlte and
on Tliursilay, when this dispatch left
Manila, he li id lorneicil lf.O Spaniards
in an old church at Cave. and, not
cuiing to bnmb.ii'd, he was starving
tin-in. lie tieals his prisoners well.
Four towns aie now In nosseslon of
tlie lebils. 11 Is reported that the gov
ernor general of the Philippines want
ed to surrender, hut his olllceis prevail
ed upon him to hold out. The capita'
of the province of liatunugas has been
taken by the Insutgents, and the gov
ernor attempted to commit suicide. Tho
governor of Malabar Is also a prisoner.
The Insurgents from other provinces
are advancing on Manila.
A proclamation issued by Aguinaldo,
the Insurgent chief, points to a desire
to set up a native administration In the
Philippines under an American protec
torate. Aguinaldo, with an advisory
council, would hold the dictatorship
until the conquest of the Ulnnds and
would then establish a republican as
sembly. Aguinaldo has Issued orders
that the lives and property of Euro
peans, Chinese and all Spanish non
combatants art' to be protected, and
that all excesses are to be avoided.
The Spaniards In the church In old
Cavlte are still holding out, hut tho ad
jacent town of I mud has been cap
tuied by the Insurgents- This Is an
important point at the back of Cavlte
proper, and Its possession by the rebels
is a serious matter for the Spaniards,
becauiw It Is the outlet to the surround
ing country, and through It supplies
are brought to the city of Manila. It
will also afford an ndmiinlile huso of
operations for a fuither ndvancu to
ward the city.
It has been found Impossible to con
ceal from, the Inhabitants of Manila tho
fact that the Insurgent successes have
oust a deep gloom upon foreign resi
dents, who are more anxious than ever
to get away. Vor the most part tho
men remuln, hut the women and chil
dren have, been sent to Cavlte, where
they are safe under the Stars nud
Stiliw. The most friendly relations
exist Itetween Admiral Dewey and tho
consular representatives of the powers,
and the commanders of the Kuropcan
warships In the bay.
The Spanish soldiers who have been
captured are a sorry looking lot. If
they are a fair sample, they will bu no
muti li fur the American troops.
I'lret 1'lrel I'lrot
Iiuuro your property from los In tho
oldetand strongest ouh companies i Phlla.
Underwriters InsumiiM! Co. of North
Amorloa and Pire Awioclatloii, Hiirlfonl
lire Ins Co., American Fire Insurance Co.,
WW Cluatcr Fire Ins. Co., United Firemen's
Ins, Co. T. T. Wim.iahh,
123 H. Jarilin St., Shenandoah.
ltiniii;h Cumuli tteilueei. Thx leiy mill
Cutii ii I'lre Company,
l'ottsville, .lune 8 Tho Town Council met
last eleiiiiiB slid nmilo tl'o nuniinl n'l'irri'irln
tloim. Three (if tlio llio companies pet fAOU
eneli, tlio l'liueiiix is reduced to $100, while.
I tlie Wert laid coinpHiiy U ilicrciied to $1100.
! The Omul Will gets $M0. Tlio tutnl appro
i lirintloua for tlio borough during tlio yciir Is
1 fsn.TTU 1, mid the total amount of caili 111
I liHiid ut picscut Is but $'TII 10. Tlio minimi
1 Ins levy wan reduced nnc-lmlf mill, uuikinc
it 71 mllh. Tho Hoard of Ileiltli H given nil
itppiupilntloii of $1,000; strict lights, $11,
1 "il 00; police salnrlei, $11,790. A temporary
I Icmu of $IR,000 was made to meet current
i epenes.
I The Amorlkmilslier ItepubUUiuicr was
n winded llio contract to print tliclipw county
, bunds. This win the only hid received by
I the CniiuulsgioiictH lind Contloller.
Deeds fur tlie following leal estate transfers
I weie llled for record : 1'roin John (1. Ilullitt,
' attorney, to Allcp Wile, luemises in Port
Cinlion ; from .lane (Imnt to Henry Slieafer,
premises in Shenandoah ; from Harriet II.
(Irani, executrix, to .lane (Imnt, pieiuises In
Shenandoah ; from I,. W. Wls!iii;pr to r.llcn
C llarner, premises ill Schuylkill Haven;
' I'niiii WelKlrr I!. Leader ct ux to I W.
Wci-wiiiKcr, iuciiiics in Schuylkill Haven;
fmm lleuben ItilliTinu to Henrietta Shell-
i hummer, piemiM-s in Walker township.
Hon. S. A. Loscli was elected a meinour ol
the Schuylkill Haven School Hoard, succeed
ing County Commissioner StauH'er. lesijjucd.
It will ho lemomliered tliat l.nsch was de
feated for the ollice by Stiiutler at the Febru
ary election.
In the case of the Safe Deposit Rink
against the County of Schuylkill on a tem-
poraiy hun for iiO.OOO tho arbitrators meet I
i at the court house next I'riilay morning for j
1 the purpose of hearing evidence.
' Several l'ottsville homing birds weie
! turned loose in Virginia on Monday, and
i were Ul hours in coining home owing to tlio
, storm, ltettlg's bird won, Nicliter's second
1 and Ruler's third.
Marriage liceii-cs Merc issued to tho follow-
ling: John I'lanlgnii ami Ratio (i.iriigau,
both of Palo Alto; Daniel I.iinderg.ui and
Margaret Hughes, both of Palo Alto; John
Manning, of Mt. Caimcl, and Katie Cauiey,
of (ioulon; Mike Tanuawski and Itosey
I Ivlassank, bnth of Yorktimu, l'a.
1 Many itiiproicinents are to be made in thu
Academy of .Music this summer, and then
Pottsvlllo will have tlio Iluost opcia house in
the county.
At ii meeting of tlio American Order of
Steam Kngiuccrs, held in Cllrarilville, resolu
tions were adopted deploring the condition of
the people of the anthracite coal legions, and
lcipicsthiK the (lirard H-lalo to icducc the
loyalty on anthiai ile, so as to give it a
i haui'c to compete u ith bituminous coal.
Thohc uhn ale anxious to serve their coun
try in the Held, hut have not yet enlisted arc
likely to have an oppoitunity. It would
not bo surprising if tlio captains of the
Silinylkill county companies should arrive
hoine before the end of the week to recruit
their companies up to the rupiired number
of ICO ull'u-cis and men. The companies now
have 81 olllcer' and muu. There aie now
ten companies in tho ICighth regiment ami
five of them aro from Schuylkill county, and
!' uf tin, l-firrtlits will bn tnillilpil to fill out
these companies. Under tlio new regula
tions tkc volunteer regiments must consist of
twelve companies.
One Minuto is not long, yet relief is ob
tained in half that time by the Use of One
Minute Cough Cure. It prevents consump
tion and quickly cures colds, croup, In inn li i
tis, pneumonia, la grippe and all throat and
ung troubles. C. II. llagcnhucli.
The Coal Triule.
Tho month of May has not proven more
satisfactory for tlie anthiaeito Initio than did
April. At its beginning, thero was a tem
porary activity in the New Iceland inaikct.
This was brought about tliiniigh an advance
in barge rates to suventy-fivo and eightj
cents, owing to tlio fear that tho nur might
pruvent regular shipments, hut as tills was
found to be without good ground, the rales
dropped, and those whoso orders hud not
gono forwaid had them stopped, while othei
buyers decided to wait until thu rates again
reached a satisfactoiily low figure. Charters
were obtainable for ill'ty-ilve and sixty cents
at tho end of the month and were oipectul
to go lower. Tho market at Philadelphia,
llultinioro and Washington was without a
feature of interest so far as llio iiuauttty ol
sales was concerned, hut prices at theso poiuU
have been oxtieinoly weak, and material
concessions aio known to have been given.
In the West, at liull'alo and corresponding
points, the samu condition cxWs. Thu mar
ket for the steam si.os bus suH'eied seriously
through the small production. Some ordcis
for tliciu havo been Idled with larger siicd
coal, but in tlio majority of ca-es the con
sutuers bill o taken a quantity of soft coal
which they have used either alono or with
such amount of small anthracite as the)
were able to secuie. Tho outlook fur June in
fin-fiom iiiiouraging. Thu consumption has
been estimated at a.i'iOO.OOO tons, and wink
this might ill itself bo mure than the actual
lequircnients, thu usual excess in pioduutiuu
above the estimate must bo ulloweil lur, and
this may piovo sullieient to cauo trouble.
Thus fur prices haio been exceptionally linn
in and around New York and Nuw Kugland
points, but it is feared that the .weakness in
tho southern and western markets may tinow
an abnormal quantity of coal to tidewater
points and forcu sales at lower liguros.
Tho human machine starts hut onco ami
stups but once. You can keep it going longest
anil most regularly ni using imnun nunc
r.n-iv i.'lsi-rx the I'.iinuiis littlo nills for con
stipation and all stomach and liver troubles.
C. 11.
Col, CoiIj'h Only Card.
To Tin: I'Uiii.ic: Onco for all, and all
rumors and reports to thu contrary iiotwith
stiindlnL'. I beg to most positively iissuio my
comrades, friends, patrons and the press, that
wherever and whenever my "Wild West una
Congress of Kough Itiders of thu World" is
hilled to ainioar. there will I no Willi It also
That I not only always personally direct it us
u wholo and every production conniiltil
therewith, but Invariably appear at each ami
every afternoon and evening performance,
conscientiously lullilling every anveniscu
nriiiiilso mado in my name. My place 1ms
always been at tho froU; I havo not been
ucciistomed to loiter at llio rear.
Yours very truly,
W. F. Copy ("liull'alo Hill")
Mr. Cody's (liull'alo Hill's) Wild WostSliow
will nnnear in Shenandoah on Tuesday, Juno
2lt. Unserved scats will bo sold at Klrlln's
Window shades from 111 cents and unwind
1'j.tiinatos given on large shades. F. J. Port.,
!M Not Ih Main stieet. tf
Ah Itclleiifi'd by IlcalliigH In I'lillildel
pblu and lliiltliiiorii.
Philadelphia. June 7. Flour xvenk; win
ter supcrnne. il.Kul.Mi; Pennsylvania
roller, clear. tllC.JS; illy mills, exlra,
tt.&usM.ifi. ltye Hour sold In a small way
at per Isirrel for choice Peun
sylv.iulu. Wheat neglected; No. 2 red
spot, 11.. Coin Inactive; No. 2 m'xed,
spot, aWWie. ; No. 2 yellow, for local
trade, Jse. Oats dull and wouk; No.
white and No. 2 white, clipped, Sic. liny
wtuk; choice timothy, tlii.CO for lnrgo
bales, lb of quiet: beef hams,
Pork easy; mess. Jlo.7M,ll; short cleur,
in.2.v,iia.76; family. IM.tjotflt. I.ard easy
western steamed, J.a). lluttcr llrm; west
ern creamery, ISM-liki.; do. factory, 10ft
li'jf.; isigins, 1U-.. Imitation creamery
Jliiillc t New YQrk dairy. 12frfalHq,.
The bust place to buy your wall paper Is ut
V. J. Portz, 21 North Slain street. Wo have
the Urgent stock noith of the mountain, tf
MeelhiK for the 1'urpoi.o to be Held Itoro
Messrs. W. F. Sleln nnd W. K. Lord, a
euiumlttco apH)lntcil by the Mt. Curmul IUis
luess Men's Association, aio in town to urgo
tho booming of anthracite coal. They
visited a number of our business men yester
day and to-day nud received such ciicourngu
incut that a meeting lias been arranged for
to-night. It will bo held In Schmidt's hall,
on North Main street, and it is hoped
thai all business men favoring tho movement
will be In attendance to give It their support.
Tlio object of tho meeting is to appoint u
committee to attend a eeiienil convention to
lie held at Huzlctoii during tho latter part of
this month to further the interests of the
boom with combined action.
Suggestions nnd plans fevniing tho in
leiests of the unthraclto coal industry will
bo dlscused.
Tlio commltteu desires to stalo that there
will lie no oxpenso In connection with tlio
movement, unless It should occur in the
form of subscriptions to a fund to press
action before the Inter-State Commission in
behalf of the undertaking.
To give an Idea of tho feeling that exists
the following letter received by President
llolieh, of Ml. Curinol, from II. S. Fleming,
soiretnry of the Anthracite Coal Op"ralors'
Association, tho ollice of which is in Now
York city, says;
"I see by tlio papers that you have belli
elected president of the Association which
lias for Its purpose tho betterment of the an
tlinicito trade. This is something which wo
havo been trying hard to bring about, nnd if
we can co-operate Willi you nnd bo of any
assistance, plcaso consider us entirely nt your
"Some ncllvo measures are essential at this
time to again place the nnthrarlte trade on a
substantial basis. It has been losing ground,
and unless something Is done to stop this and
place the product on tho basis where it can
better coinpeto with other fuels, no change
for tlie better can ho hoped for.
"I should bo very glad to hear from you as
to what steps you proposo taking. To show
you a part of tho work wo have been doing,
I am sending you by this mail a copy of our
association letter containing a communica
tion sent to tlie various railroads, with special
icfercneo to tho small sizes of anthracite,
which, as you know, are an exceedingly im-
poitant part of tho product."
It might be well to add that the president
of the association'is Hon. Wm. Council, Con
gressman from the Scranton district.
Till; .IKIDCltN lli;.l!TV
I'hrivcs on good food and sunshine, with
plenty of exeicise in tlie open air. Her
foi m glows with health and her face blooms
with its beauty. If her system nculs thu
leansing action of a laxative remedy, slio
uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of Figs,
made by the California Fig Syrup (Jo. only.
ltci. Nullie's Siller .lubllee.
Last evening tho closing exercises of the
celebration of tlio tweiity-lil'th anniveisary
of Itev. Aiitonius Nathc, Ircetor of St.
.Maui ik-us church nt Ashland, was held.
The three days of prayer preceded the silver
Jubilee held yesterday. Tho jnbilco eier-cisi-s
proper began by the leading of a solemn
high muss by thu jtibilariau, l ather Nathc.
assisted by Father Mcdcttigan, of Ashland,
deacon, and Father Mason, of Minursville, as
sub-deacon, rtov. James Flanagan, of Head
ing, acting as master of ceremonies. The
church was crowded, and the ceremonies
were beautiful. Tlio sermon of the mass
was pleached by Itev. Francis Parr, of New
York, and then Father McOcttigan,
of St. Joseph's church, preached
short and "eloquent sermon. After
tho mass tho happy juhilaint and thu
invited guests repaired to tho parochial resi
lience whole congratulations were showered
upon hiiu. Many presents wcru given him
to iciuiud him of tlio quarter post in tho
century iuii. The ladies presented the
cliuich with three handsomo sanctuary chairs,
while tho men havo started a fund to wipe
out the remaining debt of the church.
Among tlio many priests present were : Itev.
Scheiitelhafer, of town ; Kuv. P. I'. Daggett,
Lost Creek ; lov. MiCullough, (ilrurdvillu ;
Keys. Hogan, Musturli, Rilli nud Hurksco,
Muhnnoy Plane. The observance of tlio
oveut closed lust evening hy an entertainment
in the opera house by tho parochial school
Yi'Merdny'-s l.UM'hull l.'nino.
At I'lill.ulelphl.i-St. Louis. C; Philadel
phia. 1. At Iloston Ilostim, D; Cincinnati,
'1. At Now VoiU Chlcugo, 3; New York,
U. At li.illlmoio lliiltlmorc. H; Louis
ville, 2. At Washington Pittsburg, 3;
Washington, 2. At llruoklyn llrooklyn,
0; Cleveland, 5.
At Tonmlo Toronto, 13: Springfield, 4.
At llutrulo Hiiiralu. 11; Syracuse S. At
MnntrcHl Piuvlilence, S; Montreal, 7. At
Itiiehester Wllkeshurrc, 11: Itnchcstf r, 10.
At Hlebmonil Itiebiuiinil, 7. LuniVistor,
3. At New.irli llurlioid. S. Nexvaik, 2.
At Itemllng Heading, s; Paterson, 0, At
Norfolk Nurfulk, 9; Allentown, 5.
.1. P. Owons Acquitted.
Wheeling, W. Va., Juno 8. The enso
of J. P. Owen.s, indicted jointly with
Mrs. Atkinson, wife of Governor At
kinson, on the charge of complicity In
nlleged forget y, went to the Jury last
evening. A verdict of not guilty xvns
returned. A demurrer xvas entered to
the second Indictment against Mrs.
Atkinson and argument has begun.
Her fi lends are conlldent of her acquit
tal since tho Owens verdict.
AX'lll Not KVep Out Prowi limits.
Kingston, Jamaica, June 8. Tho gov
ernment here is much exercised over
the enforcement of the neutrality laws
In Its endeavor to do strict justice to
both parties. A case In point Is that of
the Spanish steamer Purlsima Concep
clon, with a load of provisions for
Mnnzlnallo, Cuba. Tho American con
sul Iras protested that these provisions
wore intended for the Spanish forces.
Tho general belief Is, however, that
they are not contraband. In tho case
of the newspaper dispatch boats tho
government hns decided thnt these can
enter for coal whenever they choose.
Tlio Next .Manila Kxpeilltloil.
San Francisco, June 8. Major Gen
eral Merrltt declared yesterday that the
Becond expedition to the
niny leave tomuriuw, although the titini
ot sailing cannot bo definitely nxod.
Only a few of the cavulry troops which
go to Manila will carry horses xvlth
thorn. The greater number of cavalry
men will go dismounted and xvlll se
cure mounts when they reach their des
tination. DRINK-
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Orange Champagne.
Subject to Prmncrutlu rules.
THU WllATItint.
Tho forcens't for Thursday ! Cloudy, warm
and sultry w outlier, with fresh southerly
winds nnd slight temperature changes, fol
lowed by local rain nud thunderstorms.
Ilsppeultigs Throughout the Country
Chronicled lor Hasty Perusal.
Paving was beguu at Hnzleton on Monday.
The German-American hose company of
Mahanoy City has received Its new hose
Amos Walbildgc, for many yeaisn travel
ing salesman, has opened a brokerage ollico
at Mahanoy City. j
Thu Windsor hotel at Shamokln is fur sale,
tho pioprietor contemplates leaving that
town. t
Tho O. A. It. (lung lo the breeze n hand. I
some now flag In front of their building on j
Main street. It was pin chased from F. J. .
Port?. ,t Hon, local dealers.
Advance car No. 8, of Hufl'alo Hill's Wild 1
West show, was In town yesterday doing '
additional billing for its appearance here on
Tuesday, June Ulst,
Thomas Kudalowski, of Mlnersville, fell
down a Might of stairs and broke his neck.
Tlie construction or the 12-mllo trolley
load between Haslon and Hethlcliem was
begun yesteidny.
Lvau tlrlllltlis, of Mahanoy City, sustained
dangonius internal injuries hy being thiown
from n carriage
During a storm a wagon shed blew over on
Daniel Hicbelhoiiner, a wealthy timber con
tractor of Port Carbon, nnd he wus seriously
Tho new North Franklin colliery operated
by tho Philadelphia & Heading Coal and Iron
Company, was put in active operation yester
day at Trovortou, Northumberland county,
giving employment to 500 men and hoys.
Lveryboily's liable to itching piles. IJIch
and pour, old and young terriblo tho torture
they sudor. Only ono sure cure; Dean's
Ointment. Absolutely safe ; can't fail.
Frank Schmidt has sulllclciitly recovered
from tho operation petforined upon him last
week to bo about again.
T. F. Miles, the grocer, spcut a part of to
day nt the county scat.
Chiist. tiruliler was among the townsmen
who visited l'ottsville to-day.
Mrs. Vj. H. Hunter, Mrs. T. H. Hutchison,
Mrs. J. S. Klstler, Mrs. N.W. lleddull, Mrs.
H. L. Whitelock. Mrs. SI. S. Klstler wero in
Heading to-day to witness tho scsqul-cciitcn-
nial lelcliration.
Mrs. William Stein, daughter and son,
Agnes and John, visited fiieiulsat l'ottsville
A. F. Morgan made a business trip to
Frackvlllo this morning.
Mrs. Hills Supowitz. of North Main sticct.
has presented her husband with a daughter.
John (! Thunini and Miss Lizzie Stank
left town this morning to witness the sesqui
centennial ccienioiiles at Heading,
fieranuinns, fuchsias, pansies, daises, rose,
etc., for spring planting at Payno's nurseries,
(lirardvillo. Tuberose and gladiolus bulbs.
irion SAM?. The property on West Oak
V street, known as the llraiit property. Will
be sold In iuglu lots or us a wlmle. Apply to
W. (1. (Ireixory. agent. 20S r,ortli Main street. Mi, l'u. G-l-tf
17IO It HAI.U A good property at No 42.',
) Turkey Hun. but 150W. Water in the houo
mid other conveniences.
Makes' n nice home.
XVill be sold llleap fur
lush. Apply nt the
JjXOU HKNT. A slx-roinn bouse fur rent, good
cellar, water In bouse, loented on ICtist
Apple alley. Apply to Mary ltnhertp, No 125
Knst Coal street, Shenandoah. C-l-lw
lilOlt HAI-i: A vnlimblu property on West
V Cetitio stteet. dwelling house, and all con
veniences, in ileslrublo locution. Apply to
Thomas Tosh, for further particulars. 5-27-tf
HAI.IC.A Huloou, Oooil stand and
V eeutrnl locution.
Has two nool tables, one
beluir u combination of pool anil billiards.
Apply at the ItlutAl.n ollice. ' tf
-A liouic, suitable for n sinnll
locution In Pear idlev. near
1 finally
Apply nt IIkkai.ii ollice. :-IMf
Baby Carriages
$3.50 and up.
They are
price of
must be sold at once,
now going at the low
These goods are brand new
and selling at wont-out furniture
n jujsy ruHNiruun
and ST0VI: STOW:,
121-123 North JVlnln St.
A good plnco for a good
v drink
Michael Mills' Saloon,
23 15. Centre street. Mi llet's building,
Wine, Whiskies, iteer and Ciunri. Freshet
beer In town ulwuys on tup.
. . . Is the Beginning of Baldness,
Wectphal's fluxlllator
Ones Dandruff and all diseases of the scalp.
luR sale AT
Dime's mim
l'ergusou House Itlock,
Is never nlcnsant
xi ell done, and
spending much
K M et .i i-..: n.:.
'in Alli:il llic i:iC(Uiiu liuua
the houscwile lias time tor more jueasant tilings,
Uirgest package greatest economy.
Chicago. Ft. Louis,
We build you a home just as you want it built.
Wo will submit plans-and cost, or pass on the practicability of
any sketch you may have, without any charge. We will build
the house for you according to specifications and by the time
you state barring strikes. We will keep the cost within the
figure quoted and will guarantee that you will be satisfied
with your home. See us about it.
Glenn & O'Hearn,
(Successors to J. W. Johnson,)
IM. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
We celebrate our opening at 15 N. Main street,
to-day ( Friday) June 3rd, by selling the largest
and most complete stock of
Glothing, Gents' par nishing Goods, Boots, Shoes,
At tho lowest prices cvor olferod by any storo in the Shenandoah valley.
Our goods are not the accumulated left-overs of several seasons,
but honest, new stock just received from the manufacturers' hands.
We have made up our minds that in order to secure the permanent
trade of the people we must give them good value for their money, and
this shall be our motto: to render a dollar's worth for every dollar
spent. Having had severa' years experience in the clothing and shoe
business we know how to buy and what to buy in order to keep abreast
of the limes, in quality, style and price. Come and be convinced.
Prices Advertised Will be Adhered to :
Children's shoes, 3 to S, spring heel,
patent tip, 8c ; S'2 to 11, in Russet, 58c j
II i to 2, good itoiU, lace or Union, le.illicr
soles, 69c. Infants' fine shoes, 35c.
Our special price in ladies' shoes, regular
2.00 shoes at Sl.oo and $1 25.
We have an elegant line of men's shoes,
patent leather, at jit. 89, worth J2.50 ; elegant
shoe at Sl.oo, worlli Sl.50 ; our J1.25 'hoe
sells elsewhere at 2.oo.
Lot of baby shoes, goal stock, will go
at 19 cents.
ijcnt's furnMiiiigs. We haie a fine line of
li.mdV. ti c hiefs wl.ii h nil) go at 2 cents each;
(me ,ncks, ,p per pair ; celluloid collais, 5c ;
plv linen collars, 91-; l)ij line of uecW.ue,
from 5r up.
Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House,
(Michael Peters" Build I rig,)
15 North Wain Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
'Hie undersigned have nssumed charge of
the Shenandoah Uenovatinej Company'splant,
and arc prepared to clean, sew anil lay
carpels, mattresses, and do general upholster
ing work.
Feathers Cleaned.
Work Done Promptly.
...Drop Us a Postal.
Orders can be left at No. 7 North West street,
or at the plant, Apple alley and
llqwers street.
Thos. Buchanan,
Examination Made at Your Home, or at
Our Storo.
-Has Moved to
118 S. Main Street.
"00LD DOST,"
work. The way to liave clcaninc
lo net tliroutiH it quickly without
strength, is to use
r:.l ...1 :., i, ,i,. .,a
um miu miui ,-unj ,u .1.1. uio u,,u
Kenr York. Boston. l'lilludelitiU.
Iti wnll pHpcr nnd decoration N one of tlie
nineteenth century nccomplUhment', That Is
why IhtiMi whu Helett their wnll paper at
CAKDIN'H Ret juich delightful resnUri. It Isn't
ncccxKury to purchase thu expensive gradei, the
defllKiis and eolnts are just ns nrtUtlc in tho
cheaper grades, if they are not no ileh, Vor
thotc who wlfdi to decorate their rooms with
nrtMic. wall paper o to
224 W. Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Overalls 40 cents.
liig line of stockings, 5 cents up.
Ilig line of infants' caps.
Nice line table cover, 2 yards, for 38c.
Machine cotton, 2 for 5c.
Ladies' fine shirt waists.
Ladies' skirts.
Pine line ladies' nnd gents' underwear.
Lace and embroidery.
Apron Ginghams, 4c. .
All kinds laundered shirts.
Nice linen hats and caps.
Tiunks and valises, feathers, bed spreads.
Hoy's oveialls, 19c.
Nice stock of umbicllas,'
Mining caps, Sc.
In Bottles or by
the Keg.
Lauer's Lager
Pilsnei Beer.
Porter and Weiss Beer.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Dottier,
203 W. Coal Street,
rnnn.-ciiEnf - store,
o l)KAI,i:it IN o
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail.
2Q Woct Oentro Streets
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
And a velvet softness of the iklu li lnvm
rlably obtalued br thoft) who use 1'ozzoni'h
Uoiupleilon I'owdcr.