4 f THE HERALD Creates business because of its known large circulation and t enders rich results to its advertisers. DO YOU WANT twin To reach the public through a pro gressive, dtgntfiea, influential journal use the UKHAI.D columns. ifcyr0 vf,, yjAvj 88-- -88 VOL. XIU.-NO. 189. SHENANDOAH. PA.. TTJiSDAY, JTNE 7. 1898. ONE CENT (fit J. P. Williams & Son, COR RENT. An eight-room dwelling house, good loca " tion. On North White street. Call at O'Hara's Livery Stable, Corner White and Lloyd streets. SPRING DRESS GOODS AND SILKS In all the leading shades. Also White and colored organdies, embroideries and new effects in cotton goods. . OIL CLOTHS. LINOLEUMS k At the old price, regardless of the advance J. . I EZDjZD'.rPT'CZ: North Main St., WINDOW SHADES. Wo i gain Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Screens, &c, So If you aro In need of that kind of goods we can save you money toy buy. Ing here. THE BEE HIVE, iiS S. Main St. Third SWALM'S HARDWARE STORE tl53dquarters for Screen roots, Window Screens, Green Wire Cloth, Eic. For Good Light White Bread AND NO TROUBLE TO BAKE USE AQUEDUCT MILL Daisy or Moss Rose Flour. Sold by Geo. A. Keiter. Whole Wheat Graham Flour Old Time Pure Rye Brookside At KEITER'S. War Declared On Prices. A large and beautiful new Stock of Baby Coaches, $3.50 and upwards. Shenandoah, Pa. We arc now offering groat bar ga Ins In Door From Post Office. Flour Fancy Pastry Flour Best Granulated Corn Meal. ED Admiral Sampson Again Gives Battle to Span iards and Enters the Harbor. Sampson's Purpose was to Destroy Entrance Forts, Blow Up the Mcrrimac, Enter the Bay and Engage Cervera's Squadron. Special to KvKMNn 11kuai.ii. Kingston, Jamaica, June 7. Details of yesterday's bombardment of Santiago potts have been received here. Admiral Sampson was in front of Santiago de Cuba on Sunday and thought on the Oquendo that a signal iuwa. i soon as ne learned 111s mistake ne returned to us slim. The details of the battle state at eight o'clock yesterday morning and continued until nearly noon. The Spanish forts attacked were rendered practically useless. The United States battleship Iowa, with "Fighting Bob" Kvaus in command, opened the engage ment on one of the batteries below Morro Castle. Following the Iowa were all the armored ships in the combined American squadron. The amount of ammunition poured into the enemy's strong holds was enormous. Fifteen hun dred large calibre shells were fired by the fleet. The fort ot Port Agnodores was utterly demolished and Colonel Ordncz, one of the Spanish officers, in command there, was badly w 1 ed. As the first fire from the forts slackened the American ships en gaged the Spanish vessels in the channel. I he Reina Mercedes was hit squarely by a thirteen-incli shell. At least ten soldiers on this vessel were killed and many were wounded, anions' them the second The crew of the Reina Mercedes filially abandoned the ship. It is stated that the first class armored Spanish cruiser Infanta Maria Teresa was sunk during the engagement. The object of the attack was to destroy the enemy's batteries and other fortifications at the mouth of Merrimac, which blocked the entrance, enter the bay and attack the Spanish fleet. Whether this was accomplished as to clearing the mouth of the channel, is not definitely known, but it is believed Sampson en tered the harbor and gave battle to Admiral Cervera. The firing was not only at the entrance of the port, but it was evident that the Americans were attacking further down the coast, for sounds of cannonading came from the direction of Aguadores, less than three miles to the eastward of the Morro. It was thought at Santiago that that the Americans were attempting their ships, but there is nothing to THE SPANISH VERSION, Special to Lvknino IIixAl.n. Cape Ilaytien, June 7. The. Spanish version of yesterday's en gagement reports serious loss to the Spanish land and naval forces at Santiago and vicinity. Captain Sanchez and lieutenant Trifar were badly wounded, lieutenant Garcia and PcreV of the infantry, nsd twenty-one infantry men and artillery men are reported so badly wounded that they will die. The forts protecting Santiago are in ruins. At about noon a landing party of American marines, with the aid of the insurgents, landed heavy guns under the protection ol the American vessels near Garquiri. They were attacked by the Spanish infantry and cavalry, but held their position. 26000 MEN LEAVE F0RCUBAN SHORES. Hprclnl to Kvknino IlKIIAl.Il Chicago, Juno 7. A spuuial to the Chicago Record from Washington says Its correspondent lias positlyu knowledge that the last of the llrst expedition to Cuba left Tuuipa last OLD GLORY, A FLAG plans had been made for an attack on the town on that day, but was postponed. The ships were cleared for action and everything was ready. The delay was due to the appearance of a Spanish launch bearing a flag of truce just about the time the bombardment was to begin. The Spanish officer in command of the launch said it was flag had been displayed on the that the American fleet began firing ADMIRAL PKIIVEKA. officer. the harbor, and then to blow up the this firing at Aguadores denoted to laud troops under the fire of confirm this opinion. night, comprising KltrausportscaiTy Ing 20,000 men, with all necessary equipments, (leueral Shafter is com manding. l'remutmo llkploston, Martin Peso Ik, a minor, was burned and bruised about tlio body this morning by a premature explosion of dynamite. Tlio accident occurred at Packer colliery, No 4, Pesuiks' injuries aro not of a sorlous iiatuio. WORTH DYING FOR. AMERICAN SHIPS ENTERED THE HARBOR. Hpcclnl to KVKSINO IlKRAI.n Port 1111 Prince, .limo 7. The bom himluiuut of Simtiiifro wax rusunit'd yesterday by the Americans. It is mid that the Americans suc ceeded in forcing the harbor, haying flint destroyed the wreck of the Merriinac, which they mink on Fri day morning to prevent the escape of the Spanish squadron. After entering the harbor they en gaged the Spanish warships, and after hot lighting sank two of them. It is reported that one of the Ameri can vessels was damaged, but this cannot bo continued. It is reported a large expedition of American troops were landed under the protection of the warship. The despatch bout St. Louis arrived at Mole St. Nicholas with despatches for "Washington, giving particulars of the bombardment. WASHINGTON J1EWS. Latest Advice I'rom tllo Mitionnl Capital uii the War Sltuiitliin. Spfclal to KVIXINO IIkuald. Washington, Juno 7. Naval officials contlmio to praise the daring of Naval Constructor Holism, il.n hero of tlio hour. L'ven tho Spaniards nic ready to pay tribute to Hobson's men. Admiral Cervora sont tho following message to Sampson : "Your boys will bo all right in our hands. Daring liko their's makes the bitterest enemy proud that his fellow men can be such heroes. Thoy wore afterward taken to tho city of Santiago and thenco to Santiago's Morro, where they are our prisoners, but our friends. I'verviLin,. i being done to make their stay with us com- loriauie. it you wish tu send anything to them wo will cheerfully take it." Tho Yalo, formerly tho I'aris, is to be mnde an auxiliary cruiser, and will (lion l,,l i, St. bonis in patrol duty. Thuio is a well uenneil lieliel that tho government proposes sending one or two of theso faSt scouts to Mm Spanish coast, and tlms keep thb govern ment iniori 1 01 movements on that side of tho ocean, ospcclally as to tho Spanish re servo squadron now at Cadiz. The monitor Monterey and tho collier ilrutus sailed from San Frauclscu yesterday for tho Philippines. Prosldont McKlnley has decided to carry on tho most oxtoiisivo operations against Spain, and this includes the occupation of tho Canary Islands. As soon as the Santiago campaign is successfully carried out and troops aro landed 011 tho island of l'orto lileo, tho only thing that will thou prevent the operations against the Cnnarios is a sug gestion i'rom Spain that hostilities should coaso. It was said officially to-day that every regi ment of volunteers organized under tho call fur 125,000 men would bo recruited up to tho full number of 1,280 soldiers. This will apply to tho troops that bavo been sent to tho Philippines as well as those rcinalniiiL' in this country. It is estimated Mint 42,000 men from those authorized by tho Into call of tho President will bo required to fbT up tho regiments already organized. Tlio Navy Department has been officially advised of tlio death of Lieutenant Kdwaid Sturdy. Hegliiiunts Assigned. Hprclnl to KVKNlxo IlKUAU). New York, Juno 7. Tho 11th Pcnnsyl. vania Iicgliuent lias been assigned to Fort Mott, New Jersey anil Tort Delaware. Tlio I8th Pennsylvania Itegiment goes to Delaware City and Alliance Tho 15th Ohio goes to Sheridan Point, Virginia, and Fort Washington, Maryland. Absolutely Puro POWDER New sGjiooii BOARD PETS OU IioJy Adjourns and the New blfecls a Reorganization. THE DEMOCRATIC SLATE HOLDS I Joseph Coughlin Mado President, Frank Kanna Secretary. II. J. Muldoon Treas urer, M. M. Burke Solicitor and James Smltli Truant oilloer, An adjourned meeting of tho School board was hold last night fur tho purpose of wind ing up tho business of tho old organization and organizing tlio now ono. Tlio following old members were in attendance : Mossrs. Hanim, Sullivan, Coughlin, Price, Kolpor, Itailgh, Kdwards, McNealis, Dove. Connors, Higglns, liieslin, Devitt and llritt. The now members who took their seats wore Messrs. bdward C. Malick, John II. Martin, George Holvoy and M. J. Whitaker. When the old lioaid was roady to proceed .Mr. Coiighlin, of the Finance Committee., statod that it would be necessary to meet June payments, for tho Hoard to make ar rangements to secure a loan of f 1,000. The matter was leferred to the now board. Borough Auditors Ploppert, McDonald and llyrue piosentcd tho audit Tor tho School yoarending June , ISiOS, and complimented the board on its condition. Tho Auditors also picscnted tho cancelled orders, coupons and bonds and thoy were ordered destroyed. Tho report was accepted and a vote or thanks tendorod tho Auditors for their promptness in auditing tlio accounts. Their bill of 82.30 was paid. Health Ollicer (,'oiiry and Chief burgess Tabor mado complaint against a sower outlet at tlio West Centro street school building and tlio mattor was referred to tho building and repairs committeo of the now board with instructions to arrango for uu aba'tement of tho nuisatico complained of. THE NEW 110A.KO. Tho old board then adjourned sine die and tho organization of tho new board was pro ceeded with. There was nothing of an unusual charactor in tho proceedings and they progressed as smoothly as a lovo feast. Tho nine Democratic membors had arranged their slato in caucus and it Mont through without a bieak. Tho six Citizen membeis mado nominations and voted as a matter of form. Mr. Hanna called the meeting to order and Mr. J. J. Devitt was mado temporary chair man. Mr. Hanna acted as temporary secre tary. Tho election of permanent olliccrs was then taken up and Mr. Hroslln nominated Joseph Coiighlin. Mr. Dovo nominated Mnrshal Haugh. Mr. Coiighlin was elected by a veto of 0 to U. For permanent secretary Mr. Sullivan nominated Frank Hanna and Air;" b.wgU named Thomas Dovo, Jr. Mr. IJauna was elected by a voto of 0 to 0. Mr. llritt nominated H. J. Muldoon for treasurer and Mr. Holvcy presented tho naino of benjamin bicliards. Mr. Muldoon was elected by a voto of 0 to l). For borough Solicitor Mr. Sullivan named M. M. burke, Esq., and Mr. .Martin named T. It. bcddall, bsq. Mr. burko received 0 votes and Mr. ISeddall (I. James Smith was nominated for Truant Oillcor by Mr. Whltakor and Sir. Dove pre sented the namo of David brown. Mr. Smith received U votes and Mr. brown (1. Messrs. Thomas Manloy and A. 1!. Lamb were elected Library Trustees for a term of three years each without opposition. It was decided that tho salaiics of the olliccrs remain tho sanio as last year. The bond of the treasuier was fixed at tlio sum of 10,000. It was at once prcscntod, rend, accepted and ordered to bo recorded. Tho olliccrs of the board were authorized to ncgotiato a temporary loan of ft.000 to meet tho June bills. Tlio following c.immittces were appointed by tho new president : Hum Solium. W. J. britt, Hanna, Whltakor, Martin and Kclper. ' TKArniais .nd S.u.AiiiKS J. J. Devitt, IJ res lilt, Sullivan, Malick and Dove. bvK.Ni.vo Schools J. F. Higglns, Whit akcr, britt, b.itigh and Dove. Tkxt buoKs VNi).Si;i'i'i,ii'.s Patrick Con nors, Hanna, breslin, Holvcy and Kclper. HlJATI.Wi AND Fl'Kl. J. J. Devitt, britt, Sullivan, baugh and Martin. bUIMH.NU a no IiKPAins T. F. breslin, Dovlt, Connors, Holvoy and Dovo. r.xoNEitATioNs Fmnk Hanna, Whitakor, Sullivan, Higglns, Kclper, Slartin and Malick. iNSUKANi'K Patrick Connors, SiiIIItuu, Dovit, baugh and Holvoy, Finani'f. M. J. Whitakcr, Hanna, Con nors, Mai tin and Malick, Non-1!iiiu:nt Pupils Michael Sullivan, Whltakor, Higglns, Kclper and baugh. Cov-PULSOKY Kui cation Frank Hauna, lliggius, llritt, Dovo and .Malick. Visiti.no Committees Sept., Oct. and Nov. Hanna, Connors, Sullivan, Haugh and Martin. Dec, Jan. and Feb. Sullivan, brcsliu, llritt, Dovo and Malick. March, April, May and Juno Whltakor, Devitt, lliggius, Helper and Holvcy. Tho board then adjourned to meet at the call of tho chair for general business. MAIIANoY I'LANK. The School board of Mabauoy Piano met last night at Malzevillo and organized by electing tlio following olliccrs: Piusldeut, Edward tlaughnn; Secretary, Vf. J. Smith; Treasurer, John biordan; Truant Ollicer, David J. Evans. After tho meeting the members enjoyed a bauqiiot at Uaridau's Ilolol. FINNEY A JHKECIOli. The organization of tho Pottsvlllo School board was on'ected last evening, by tho ru clcction of the old olliccrs, as follows : Piusl deut, Fallot; Secretary, W. F. Schcerer; Treasurer, M. Lewis. Tlio salaries of tlio secretary and treasurer wcro fixed at fllOO and $800 per nunum uwpcctlvely, Tho new monibcrs of tho Hoard are John F. Finney, James Mcaduwsuud William Muehlhoir. The customary feed was indulged in. WET MAIIANOY. 1 ho new beliool lioaid ol West Mithanoy township was organized at Lost Cieok last night mid elected tlio following olliccrs Piosldcnt, Thomas E. Flaniiigiin ; Seeictary, J. M. Donhin ; Treasurer, P. J. Deniio, Tho board appointed J. J. Curloy to fill the uuex plrcd term of P. M. Nootio, deceased, as School Director. County Superintendent Weiss hold Ids examination of teachers at Lost Creek to-day. MAIIANOY CITY IHitETOI!. Tlio School boaid of Malianoy City or gauized last night witli much harmony. The election resulted as follows : President, Harry J. Christ; secretary, W.J. Perry; tioasuror, Charles beusiuger, solicitor, It. P, Swank, Tho old janitors wcro le-olertod, and alt salaries were filed the samo as l.ut yi.ir Supt. Ehriiart was granted leave of ab.sencc to act as examiner at tlio Kut.town Normal kIiooI. The schools will open August 20, and a II months and 20 days term decided upon. The contest for president nasspirited, (ieorgo Wren being defeated by H J Christ by one vote. MAIIANOV TOWNSHIP. Tiie MhIihiioj- Township School board met at Cole's last evening and effected an organ! zatlou. Tiie following officers wcro elected without opposition : Piesldeiit, ( hark . Ml Keens, of Ht. Nicholas; Secretary, William F. Anderson, of New Huston , Treasurer, Thomas F. Haley, of Ellaiigowaii , olnltor Jainoa J. brown, lisq. OILBEKTON IHKBCTOIiS. The ()llli ton boiougli School board held its reorganization meeting last night in the Maizoville school house. The otliccrs of the now board aro as follows: President, Ldwaid (laughan ; Secretary, W. J. Smith , Treasurer, Jno. F. O'lloardon ; Truant Ollicer. David J Evans. lllcl(erlH Cain, Puree of pea soup to-night. Filled beef and dressing to-morrow morning. I.Iccuho Transferied. The following transfers of liieuoC wero granted yosterday : Enoch Sobolsky, in tlio I irst ward of .Shenandoah, was transferred to Paul Peezulis; (fustav Waehani, in the Fourth ward of Shonandoah, was transferred to (lustav Itotok ; Caroline Pauley, in tho Third ward of Minersvillo, was transferred to Joseph Kline ; Wm. Menkewicz. in tho Fourth ward of Shonaudoah, was transferred to Oustavo Wachans. MeliiallH Cafe. Purco of pea soup to-night. To Cure Headache In IS Minutes. Take Dr. Davis' Ati-Hoadacho. All druggi-ti STRAW HATS! STRAW HATS ! ! Up-to-date straw hats with up-to-date bands at the up-to-date hat store. Change of Season Creates a change in underwear. We have a large assortment of lip-lo-date summer underwear. Up-To-Date Patriotic Neckwear in all styles made of the finest of silks at 25 cents. MAX LEVIT, 15 E. Centre St. Up-To-Date Hat Store and Shenandoah's Greatest Gent's Furnishing Store. STARTLING ASSERTION. We are still doing business at our old stand, 106 South Main street. We are daily receiving furniture which must be turned into money. We are bound not to be undersold by any of our competitors, and we are in a position to uphold this assertion. Call and see us and be convinced of the fact that we are beyond approach. For the summer we will make a specialty of REFRIGERATORS For family and business pur poses. I,et us quote you prices and styles. M. O'NEILL, IOC S. Main St. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. Measured Values. When you come to think of the things you have to buy you will be astonished at the sum required to provide all you must get. Put down the items. They all seem small, perhaps, but putting a price to them you find they count up. Now we are ofleriug you special savings on everything you need. Put our prices on the list you have made and you will see the greatuessj of the saving. T.J. BROUGHALL 25 South Main Street.