The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 06, 1898, Image 2

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fubllMixtl every KvciiIiir, Kicept Hinittnj-.M
TIio Heriild lii tlcllmrri InHtienandimii and the
rtrroumllne tim on for rlx cmit n ok, i-
nW - the onrrtiTn. Iiy mull 91.00 n yenr, oras
cent n millth. payillili' 111 mlvi nw. ilvertlw
i ii.iri(cuncfopUiiKUf.pMcunttit iKwttiou.
i In-1 ui.lilier reen the right tu cIwiirx tli
I . Ulii'. nf Bilvertln iiiPiitu whenever the pull
i ii ' of Hewn deiiifttHln It. The rlRht l
ir 1 1. 1 .-Jc tuny iittvettlemeii, whether
I a tor or noi, .mt the pulilMieni amy deem
. nr. AilverllliiR riiten nmdo known
l(-i "I I'llCRtloil.
Rut- i t the xtolnr Rt Wwrmmlrmli, r.,
eroiitl rlHNH imill matter.
"All the News Thai's Fit to Print."
evening Herald
MONUAY. JI'Ni: il. lsiw.
First, I.nst and Forever, i
n's now clmice liasu ililTerelit
in n- nij,' in America to wlmt it lias in
Tin, Sclmvlklll eomitv soldier boys 1
.i. n liuiiltiifU diet lire not renieinlier
m the Maine e.elii.lvcly. Thoy iiImi
leiiu :.her the lreiul their mothers
i.nk. . I
U inakiiiK u iiiarvolous run of fillOO cartridges and blazing the path to tho
miles without pauslin,' to take lireatli, j harbor entrance with search lights,
the Oregon has demonstrated liur considered, but abandoned, bo
. i in ....... f,,.. .,....t.... ,,. hiIulI Hint causo Lieutenant llobson and his vol-
Plll'i ill llllli;'3 ll rni ., .""i1
I "
deceptive Cadiz licet.
Wni i.l) it not tend to lirouiote lie success if certain Schuylkill
conn editors were to volunteer us
v.ililicis for t wo years in n regiment
I,. .mi.! for tlie Philippines?
i. NK.HrStiA has stdeeted ex-l'reni-dciit
Harrison its its chief counsel in
the li.iiiiulary arbitration proceedings
to hegiii in Purls next year. Tlie
cl e shows good judgment und in-
miri-s a searching test of the questions 1
in ni ed.
Tint celebration of the one hun
dred ami fiftieth anniversary of the
founding of the city of Heading began
to day with a monster purudo. The
cerciniiiiies will eont iiuie during tlie
week closing on Saturday with a re
gatta mi the Schuylkill und u masked
cai-MiMil in tlie evening.
'I'iik Peiiiocrutlti editors of the state
are In receipt of it circular lotlor call
ing on- a meeting to he held at Hnrrls
i.nrg mi Wednesday evening next.
The purpose of tlie conference is to
lob .il a line of policy to be iiursiicd
'n rhe coining state eiimpaign. Wo
w.oihl suggest t hut they borrow the 1
a. hi res of the delegates from tills
ciiou to tile Oeniucrutic state con
tention, just issued, in which the
great majority of these editors are
designated as "traitors" and a "notor
iously corrupt press."
Tiikiih is no good reason why Shen
andoah, the largest and most patri
otic town in the county, should be
outdone in the proper celebration of
the nation's birthday, and tho move
ment fur mi old fashioned celebration
cannot be inaugurated too soon. Tilt
year INKS, when the American seamen
and soldiers have yohmteered tiioir
services in defense of the old Hag and
fur a humane and holy cause, seems
to be the proper time to revive tho
old maimer of celebrating Indepen
dence Day. Our business men should
lend their active assistance, Iliiun
cially und otherwise, livery dolhir
they contribute townrd the movement
will be the means of addlngtwice und
thrico that amount to the colters of
t icir fellow merchants. Crowds will
be attracted to the town from the
surrounding country, and it will
alford the pooplo an opportunity to
lot olT some of their patriotic feelings.
Who will start the ball a-rolliug?
Don't all speak at once.
Somk of our contemporaries have
mentioned tlie iinmo of Isaac A.
Sweignrd in connection with tho ap
pointment of Second Assistant Secre
tary of War, tliu olllco recently
created by Congress. As it is under
stood that this oillce will liavo charge
of all matters pertaining to uriiiy
transportation, it is in tlie nature of
things that its occupant should have
a thorough knowledge of tho trans
portation businebH.and Mr.Swolgnrd's
career ns a railroad man fit k lit mi In
an eminent degree for just such u
place. His long service witli tlie
Philadelphia & Reading Railway,
from the time ho was it clerk in the
scale olllco at Pino drove ninny years
ago, through the various positions ho
won by strict und intelligent attention
to his duties to ills present honorable
position as Cloueral Superintendent
of the road, points hint out as a man
capable of successfully handling
transportation problems which are
likely to arUe in tho hurry incident to
the rapid movements of large bodies
of troops, and It would boa fortunate
thing for the government if his sor
vices could lie secured for the ofllce.
(i e s K IH'All.e lie I'.ul
lnw la the mouth, co-.tol
tOHCll' R!14 III tll NMIIt.u tl,
1 r unit Hal i n l)o
lint ticHln-n tnt lt'.ve tunic effect nS centi.
'flu. duljr l",ui to Ukit with llooit'a rUmi'Mllla.
(Onnllniied from l'lrit I'hro.)
fell Upon Btl UliRltMppfllliK top. 'lloll-
on took his ship, oer :ion foet long,
Into the very foctw of n dozen but
tcrlen with the enemy lit the gutis.
and blew her up. Discovery nt the end
of Ills journey whh ineviiiilile. nnil
(lentil wan almost certain. No nam",
therefore, tun be written higher on
war's temple of fame than his. LU;e
dialling's fined, Hobson's despp.rato
undertaking was conceived by him
uho executed It.
! When Hear Admiral Sampson Joined i
Commodore Schley on Wednesday th
latter had already iiRccrlnlnod Hint it 1
I would lie Impossible for the fleet t.r
crawl Into the rnthole In which tho
I Spanish tleet had taken refuge Th
i inlnoR across the entrance nnd the bat
' teries which commanded It made lb.'
mere contemplation of It an act of
, folly.
Commodore Schley was Inclined to
! think the dynamite cruiser Vesuvius
might be able to countermine, but the
1 ships would hove to go la single file,
and If one were sunk In the channel
U'p progress of the others would be
blocked. It was then that Lieutenant
llobRon conceived the scheme of sink
ing the big collier across the harbor
entrance, and asked to bo allowed to
oxecute It himself. It seemed certain
death and almost certain failure, but
Ilobsou was so enthusiastic that his
confidence was Infectious, and the ad
mlral Anally leluctnmly gavo his con
i sent.
t AVouIil Xol -nil t'lidee I'iiUo Colors, 1
The plan of allowing the Monimac to
run in under the Spanish Hag, with the
lleot In feigned pursuit, firing blank
. .... . i. j.
imtnni- nl'Ali' ilf.l lint u-llllt In llln. If
their lifes should be sacrificed, under
false colors. They wanted to go down
with tho Stars und Stripes floating
Proudly from the Merrlmac
1111.,... ,l.n ..,1ml..., I'u .....icif.
When the admiral's consent was ob
tained Lieutenant llobson became Im
patient of all delay, and that very
night, Wednesday, after tho moon
went down, ho set tho time for tho nt
tempt. Volunteers were called for
on all the ships of the licet, nnd whole
cheering crews stepped forward at tne
summons for the extra hazardous duty.
About 300 on board the New York,
homo ISO on board the lown and a Uko
proportion from the other ships vol
unteerod, but Lieutenant llobson de
cided to risk ns few lives as possible,
lie picked thrco men from tho New
York and three from the Merrlmac.
The latter were green In the service,
but they knew tho ship and had plead
ed hard to go.
Other men selected from various
ships, with Ensign Powell in command,
manned tlie launch, which was to llo
nt tho harbor month and tnko off those
who escaped.
Ltoutcnant llobson had his plana
carefully prepared. Tho sovon men
who wcro to risk tholr lives In her
woro as cheerful as schoolboys on a
frolic, despite 2t hours' sleeplessness
nnd hard work. Murphy was to cut
louso tho forward anchor, Montague
tho after one, and they woro then to
Jump overboard and swim to tho llfo-
boat, which was towing astern. Phil
llpps, Kelly and Dolgnan wore to slop
tho engines and knock away tho
Kingston valves to flood tho hold, nnd
Lieutenant Ilobsou nnd Charctto woro
to flro tho torpedoes from the brldgo.
"And you expect to come out ot
this allvo?" asked a companion of tho
Their DlMi-egiicd ol' Dentil.
"Ah. that is another thing," said the
nontenant. He wns so Interested In
tho mechanical details of the schema
that ho scarcely stopped to talk of
llfo and death. Hut In roily to fro
quant questions llobson said:
"1 suppose tho Estralla battery will
lire down on us a bit, but tho ships
will throw their searchlights In tho
gunners' faces and they won't see
much of us. Then If wo are torpedoed
we should oven then bo ablo to make
tho desired position In tho channel.
It won't bo so easy to hit us, and I
think the men should bo able to swim
to tho dingy. I may jump before I
am blown up. Hut I don't seo that It
makoB much difference what I do. I
havo a fair chance of llfo either way.
If our dingy gets shot to plecos we
shall then try to swim for tho beach
right under Morro Castlo, Wo shall
keep together at all hazards. Then
we may bo able to mako our way along
nnd porhnps get back to tho ship. We
shall light tho sentries or a squad
until tho last, and we shall only sur
render to overwhelming numbers, and
our surrender will only tnko place as
a last and almost tmconiompiaieii
Words cannot paint tho cool, matter
of fact heroism of tho enlisted men
so calmly conflilont of success In their
nudaclous undertaking, so Implicitly
trustful in their young nontenant who
was to lead them, so oblivious of
everything excopt that thoy were going
In. They did not speak of coming out,
with the exception of Delgnan, who
Bald nonchalantly: "Oh, I guoss wo
stand a fair show of gottlng out, but
thoy can't stop us going In," this last
In a most mntter of fact style, as
though going in wns tho only point
worth considering. So It was to them
Iteinly I'nr I lie (Jreat I'eat.
The Merrlmac waB mado ready,
Six torpedoes wcro strung along her
port side, with wire connections to
tho brldgo. Her anchors woro lashed
at tho bow and stern. Hor cargo of
coal was shifted and her cargo ports
woro oponod so that she would moro
rondlly 1111 whon tho tlmo camo to cut
her anchor lashings, open the soncocks
and torpedo her bulkheads.
The work wns not completo until
after 4 o'clock Thursday morning, but
with the sky pnllng in tho east Lieu
tenant Hobion headed In on his ties
pernto mission. As the Merrlmac
steamed forward Admiral Sampson
looked at his watch and at the streaks
in the east, and decided that tho Merrl
mac could not roach tho entrance be
fore broad daylight. Consoquontly the
toipedo boat Porter wns dispatched to
recall the daring officer. Lieutenant
jionson sent km p otest, win a re-
(iiicst for permlsinn to proceed Uut
Wit; uutiii.uu tu uuuvv uiiu tu
Mr. Pinklmm Rallovod Hor of All
Ilor Troubles.
Mrs. jMahoi: lUticocn, 111 Soeotil
St., (rami liapids, Mich., had ovarian
trouble with Its attendant aches
anil pubis, now she Is well. Item
are lier own words:
"Your Vegeta
ble Compound has
made me feci like
a new person,
lb fore I be
fiii n taking it
I was all run
( Itthvil
ninlslccpv most
if tlic time,
bad piins In
my hack and
siile, and such
"T licadacbcs
" all the time,
iiliilcould nut
slcrl' well
nights. I al
so hud ovarian
trouble. Thro.igh
the advice of ii
friend 1 b
the use of L.vdi.i II.
I'inKhuni's Vi "v
table Compound.
and since taking
it all trouhlesbave gone. My monthly
sickness used to be so painful, but have
not had the slightest pain since taking
your medicine. 1 cannot praiso your
Vegetable Compound too much. My
husband nnd friends see such a change
In inc. I look so much better and have
some color In my face."
Airs. I'inkham invites women who are
ill to write tolier at Lynn. Mass., for
advice, which is fruely oi'.Vrcd.
t iko the risk, and slowly tho Merrlmac
swung about.
When the Merrlmac started Thurs
day morning on the trip from which
she was recalled sho had on board
of her t -o men who had no right to
be there. They were Assistant En
gineer Crank, of the Merrlmac, and
Iloatswaln Mullin, of the New York,
who had been working on the collier
nil day. The two men refused to leave
the ship, nnd, as their disobedience
was of the nature which produced
Cushlngs and Farraguts for the Amer
ican navy It was not officially recog
nized. During tho day Lieutenant llobson
went aboard tho flagship. His once
white duck trousers was as black as
a coal heaver's, his old fatlguo coat
was unbuttoned and his begrimed face
was deep furrowed by tense drawn
linos, but steady resolution shown In
eyes. So alisorncil was lie in tlie tnsit
ahead of him that, unmindful of his ap
pearance and of all ceremony and na
val etiquette, ho told tho admiral in a
tone of command that ho must not
again bo Interfered with.
1 can carry this thing through,"
said ho, "hut there must bo no more
recalls. My men have been keyed up
for 21 hours, and under a trcmen
dons strain iron will break at last."
Friday morning the Merrlmac start
ed In shortly after ? o'clock. Slowly
tlie seconds of fate ticked on as, for an
hour, 3,000 strained eyes strove to
plerco tho (loop veil of night.
Suddenly several blood red tongues
of llamo shot down from the rocky cm
Inonce on which Mono Castle Is sit
tinted. They woro followed by jets
and streaks of fire from tho batteries
opposite. The Merrininc had reached
tho entrance of the harbor. Into tho
murderous fire tho Merrlmac passed
and moved a full quarter of a mile.
It seems a miracle that her apparently
riddled hull could have reached tho
goal. After five minutes tho firing
censed, and all becaiuo dark again.
Siiiinlnrds A 1 1 in 1 1- Their Itrnvor.v
Then among tho watchers of the
fleet aroso tho question as to whether
those five minutes of murder had left
grief stricken mothers or widows or
nrphmts. Many a gunner's niato be
sought permission to flro, lint nothing
could ho done, as an 111 directed shot
might kill our men, possibly struggling
in tho water toward the open sea.
When tho curtain of night was at
last lifted tho light disclosed a tiny
steam launch riding tho waves at tho
very throat of tho entrance of tho liar
bor. In an Instant tho guns of the
shore batteries woro turned upon her,
and with a last, lingering, vnin look
for the crew of the Monimac Huslgti
Powell headed his launch close along
shoro to tho westward. In this lay
his salvation. Tho guns of the hat
toiios to tho wostyard could not ho
depressed enough to hit tho llttlo
launch, and the guns on Morro Castle
would not bear upon her.
Corvera, the Spanish admiral, was so
struck with the courage of tho Moni
mac's crew that ho thought Admiral
Sampson should know they hnd not
lost their lives. He therefore sent Ida
chief of staff, Captain Oveldo, to board
the New York under a Hag of truce,
Captain Oveldo told how llobson and
his men had Jumped Into a boat as tho
torpedoos were oxplodod and rowed
away from the sinking collier. As it
would have been Impossible to row to
our fleet through the storm of shot and
shell they rowed to the Spanish (lag
ship and surrendered. Captain Oveldo
Btntod that two of our men are slightly
Injurod. Ho did not know their names,
Lieutenant llobson Is uninjured.
The Spun lull admiral offers to ex
change the prisoners, nnd declares that
meanwhllo thoy will bo treated with
tho greatest kindness. Their bravory
has won for them tho admiration of
uvory man In tho Spanish Hoot. Whon
Captain Oveldo returned to his lleot
he took a supply of provisions ami
money for tho prisoners.
How to Look Good.
f lood looks are really more than skin deep,
depending entirely on a healthy condition of
all the vital organs. II tlie liver be load no
you have a bilious look ; if your itoniacli be
disordered, )ou have a dymeitia look ; if
)our kidneys be allectcil, you have n pinched
look, hcctire good health, and you will surely
have good looks. "Klecliic Hitters" is a god
Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly on the
iionmcli, liver anil kidneys. 1 iiriliusthe blood
cures pimples, blotches und hoik), and gives a
L'ood conmleiion. Hvurv hottie ifuaranteed.
Sold at A. Wntley's drag store. 50 cents ier
A(,kyuur or for ,ll0 ..Koya. ,.atclt
fl(mr Btia tolta B0 otw biuni,. Ul the lest
flour natdu
Woiltnlntt And atfU on the taolnoo,
New York, June C. - 'l in- ambulance
ship came Into port yeiiidiiv. hrvln-r
on board B-l wounded and pick, some of
whom bad been trnnivi rl from the
American warslilna In Cuban waters
and others taken from the hospitals
at Key West. I'nui- of the heroes from
the Nashville and tbe Murhlchead were
among the patients on the Solace. They
are Robert Voltz nt Sun Frunctnco nnd
Henry llendrlcksen, John Davis ttilil
11. V. Kuchtnelster, all of New York.
They are the wounded of that gallant
band of volunteers who cut the cable
at Clenfuegos, nearly a month aKti.
Titty will carry their marks of hero
lum to the grave. Another of thu
wounded Is George Merkle. a victim of
the I'orto lltco engagement, who Is
minus one nrm.
l vo .'More ol uur rteisies.
Tamia, Kin., June 6.- Hv an act nf
herolstn l.teutennlit l'niker. who Is In
clmrge of llif old clubhouse on I,afay
itte street, which Is being used by the
government as a sioicbouse, and
Thomas McCIpp, a veteran of the civil
war. in evented what might have been
a calamity. These two men picked up a
box of ammunition which In some
mysterious wav had caught lire, and
heedless of the danger cart led It to the
river, some distance away, and thew
It In the water. The box was recov
ered Inter, when the tide went out, and
was found to be considerably ebarred.
llow the lire originated Is a mystery.
Had the entlrldges In the burning box
exploded a great loss of life might have
The Itloelmde of Mimiun.
Kev West. .Uine C The imnendlng I
Invasion of Cuba und the Santiago sit
uation are the oulv topics or Interest
here todav. Intense anxiety Is felt for
more nnd definite news from Commo
dore Schley and Itear Admiral Samp
son, and the north coast blocltaile lias
become a minor incb'.i nt. The slilin
are still stntloned In line and hnve re
laxed none of their vigilance, but dur
ing the nnst few dnvs nothing hns oc
curred to vary the tedium of the wait.
BucMen's Arnica Salve.
Thn tiwt uilvts hi the world for cuts.
hitihee, sores, alccm, salt rliciim, fovcr sorou,
totter, cliitpptMl hanilB, cliiunains, corns, Him
ill skin uriintlons. anil positively onus liilee,
01 .10 pay lcuuiicd. H is guaranteed to give
licrfict satlslaetloii or mony refunded. Price
in ccniB tier imx. ror Baio ny a, tHiuy.
iii:.;.im: moui-1'i:ntunni.ii,.
ui.m ctui i:ti:s via I'iinnsvi.vaxia iiaii.-
For the Ilcadini!, Pa., ScMiui-Cciiteuiiiiil
hibilcc, .lime f to 1-', the IVniisyhauia list 1-
roail Coiniiany will fell excursion tickets from
stations on its lints in tho state of Pennsyl
vania to landing and return at reduced rates.
For specific rates and conditions apply to
Ticket A cents.
This celebration pionilses to be one of the
icatcbt events la tho city's history. M lay.
Wednesday and Thursday, June il, Sand II.
will be special days. ' The cclcbnition will
loso with a grand masked laimval on batur
lay ulglit, Juno 12.
Troop "ship liomViite at tile Mole.
Cape llaytlen, Ilaytl. June (1. The
United States troopship Uesolute, for
merly the Yorktnwn. under convoy of
the torpedo boat destroyi r Mayflower,
the converted Ogden (ioelet vacht of
the same name, arrived at Mole St.
Nicholas Satuidny and departed
shortly after. Advices from Mole St.
Nicholas sav that on Saturday, some
distance off Jean Jtabel, a seaport on
the northwest coast of Ilaytl, a com
bat tools pl ite between three Spanish
and four American warships. The
American ships are said to have wlth
diuwn from the combat.
A Great Surprise
Is In store for all who use Kemp's balsam
for the Throat and Lungs. Would you be
ieve that it is sold on its inciits and any
Jmggist is authorized by the proprietor of
this wonderful remedy to give you a sample
bottle free ? It never fails to cure acute or
cliintiir roughs. All diuggUts sell Kemp's
llnlsam. l'ricc 25 and 50c.
!tlds to lilnclniilo Ifiinnci-s.
Havana, .Tune G. The council of sec
retaries of the autonomist government
has decided not to allow the shipment
of sugar to American ports, but will
allow it shipped to neutral ports in
blockade 1 tinners which bring provis
ions and coal, that can be landed In
any part of the Island without paying
custom house duties. The council also
ordered the mining of coal that has
been discovered near Cluanagay, In the
province of Havana, which will he
placed at the disposal of Admiral Man
teroln. A credit of $2.'.000 has been
voted to promote the cultivation of thii
territory near the mine.
"Ono Minnie Cough Cure is the best pre
paration I have ever sold or used and can't
say too much in its praiso " L. M. Kcniion,
Merchant, Odell, (la. V. II. Iliiijeiibuch.
Spaln'H Anlely I'nr I'cnoo.
Washington, June C The belief is
growing in the best informed govern
ment clicks that Spain Is sincerely
anxious to make peace, and that even
now she Is seeking a favorable oppor
tunity to innke overtures In that direc
tion. Numerous evidences nf this have
como to the attention of the authori
ties here, but up to this time no actual
move has been made toward ascer
taining on what basis tho United States
would consider pence.
Can't bo poifect health without pino blond
Ilurdock Hlood hitters makes puru blood.
Toiioaand invigorates tho whole system.
Ton-line sinuulilec or I'lntUw.
Malaga, Spain. Jun" C- The follow
ing details hnve been lecelvod hero as
to the punishment recently Inflicted
upon Hlff pirates by the Shereeflan
troops at Alhucenias, a small Island
fortress and prison settlement belong
ing to Spain In the Mediterranean, off
the const of Morocco, near Cape Mor
loco, it appears that the Ilocoya and
Kabvle tilbes were assembled, to pay
a fine of 120,000, when suddenly, nt the
sound of n trmniiet, tho troops attacked
them and slaughtered many. Twenty
five bends were collected In a basket
for nn sentatlon to the siiltnn of Mo
roco. Hpaiilali TliInkTlKi.v'vii Had a Victory.
Madrid. June C Ml lleraldo, point
ing 1 tit that the United States Is "ut
teily unprepared for war," says: "Ad
mlraPl) wev, who fancied that he
could seize Manila whenever he wished,
has not .mccoeded in Bettlnjf beyond
the arsenal at Cavlte Island. Cub i
continues Inaccessible to the Ameri
cans, whose formidable squadrons re
coll from the mediocre kuus of our
batteries, ind Admiral Cervern's lleet,
that led the wild goose chsse nn tho
sea, has inn louled and repulsed them
at Santiago." The papers unanimously
treat the Merrlmac affair as a signal
victory, and this view orevntls in the
peninsula generally.
H. M. floury, I'lewia, Mluli., writes! "He
Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo Is curing inoib piles
hero to-day than nil other remedies roiu
hlncd. It cures ci zcuia mid all other skin
dlscabcs. ' C, 11 lluiiciihuch,
From Extreme Nervousness.
THAT no 0110 remedy can contain tho
elements iicccs-ury tocttic all diseas
es, is a fact well known to everyone.
Dr. MIIob' S8(rm of Restorative Ilemcdles
consists of sot en distinctively different
preparations, each for lis own purpose.
Mrs. I.. C. llramley, 37 Henry Ft., St. Cath
erines, Ontario, writes: "For years 1 Buf
feted from oxtromo nervousness nnd annoy
ing const Ipnt ton, developing Intopalpltat Ion
nnd weakness of the heart. I wus unable to
sleep, sull'eied much from hoadacho, pain la
my left side, nalpltatlon and a constant
fooling of weakness and prostration. I began
using Dr. Miles' Nervine, Heart Cure and
Ncrvo and Liver Pills and the Autl-l'aln
I'ills to relievo sadden paroxysms of pain
and headache. I soon felt much Improved
and tho p. lias and aches and weariness left
inc. I then took llr. Miles' Itestorntlve
Tonic and am now -restoicd to lay former
good health."
Dr. Miles' Itcmcdles
:11c sold by all drug
gists pmler a positive
guarantee, tlr-t bolllo
benefits or money u
funded, llonlc on dis
eases of the heart and
nerves free. Address,
Dlt. MILLS MLDIOAL CO.. Elkhart, lud.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
IN lCKI'Ktrr MAY 2Mli, IS'JH
Trains lenvo flhcimmbmli as follows:
Kor New York vl l'hllailelplilft ivcek day,
7 31 (IB I a. 111., 12 27 : la nnil 1107 p. 111.
Kiir New York via Mauvli C'luitut, week ilays
7.10 a. 111., IS 27 8 10 11. 111.
For llvailliiB ami i-iiii.itiripmi, wins, ih.jb.
"30. 9 Si 11.111.. I'-' 27. 3 10 anil 0 07 l
Kor 1'ottHVllle, cck ila'. 730, 051 n. m.
12 27, 3 10. 0 07 anil T 2t p. ill.
For TnuiiuiM iiml Miilianoy City, week ilays
7 30, 0 Si ii. m., '-' -7 8 10 ami 007 c in.
For WIlHainslMirt, Muuliiin anil Lowlsturg
week ilii. IIW) ,i in.. 12 27, 7 21 n. m
For Malimim "lime, wecmlnys, 7 30. 9 SI, 11 80
n. 111., 12 27, 3 10, 0 07. 7 28, 0 8.1 p. m.
For AshliuiJ inul Shaiuoklii, week days, i 30,
1130 a. ni 12 27, 3 10,007. 725 ami 85 p.
For li.iltllnorc, Washington anil the Vt'tt via
!(.&(. It. It., tliriniL'h trains lc" i Kuanlne
Terminal, Philadelphia, tl. & It. If X.) at 8 20.
7 8,1,112llli. m., 3 10 nnd 7.27 p. I.. Holidays,
:l 20, 7 no, 11 2S n. in., 3 40 and 7 27 p. m. Ailin
tliinnl trains from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest
out streets station, week days, 1030 n. m. 12 20
12 IS X 40 p in. Hundnys, 1 B.1, 8 23 p. m.
I.eavo New York la Philadelphia, week
days. 12 1,1, 4 30, 8 00, It 30 a. in., and I 15, I 80
'.I UO p.m.
heave New York via Mauch Chunk, verk
days, I 30, '.1 10 a. in., 1 30 p. in,
I.eavo Philadelphia, ItcndliiK Terminal, week
days, 3 10, S 80 1021 a. in. nnd 1 nil. 410 p.m.
I.cavc UeadliiR, week days, 7 0J, iOIW, n. m
12 15, 4 17, 0 00 p. m.
Leave 1'ottnvillc, week days. 7 10, 7 10 n. nl
12 30 I 10, Ii 10 and 6 50 p. In.
heavn Tninaquft, week days, S 30, 11 23 a. in.,
1 10, 5 80, 7 20 p. in.
U-nve Slnhanoy City, week ilayn, 9 05, 11 47
a. in., 222,5 12, 021.7 II p. Ill
I.eavo Mnlinnov Plane, week daya. 030.9 2.1.
1025, 11 50 a. m., 2 11, 532, flll.757,pm.
heave Wllllnmiport, week days, 7 12, 1UO0 n
in.. 12 31 and 4 00 n. 111.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street waif nnd
Koutli Btrcetwhatf for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Kxprowi, 9 00 a. m (130 Sat
uribivB only). 2 00, I 00, 130, 5 00 p.m. Accom
modation, li 15 a. in., S 15, 0 30 p. in. Sundays
Hipress, S 00, 900, 10 00 a. in. Accommodation,
0 15 u. lu., 1 45 p. in.
m-turnlng leave Atlantic City depot, cornet
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays llxprms, 7 00, 7 11,9 00 n m., 8 80,
5 30 p.m. Accommodation, 121, 8 01 a. IV. 4 05
p. in.
Sundays lSxprons, 100, 5 30, 8 00 p. in. Ac
coinmndatinn. 7 15 a. m., 1 15 p. m
For Cape Slav ami Oeenn City, S 15 a. in., 2 30,
1 15 p. m. Kiuiilajs South stri ct, 9 00, Chestnut
i-lreet, 0 15 a m
rnr Men Isle Ulty, s l) a in, l la p m. ninniny
Koiilli strcit, 9 00, Chestnut stri ct, 9 15 a in.
Parlor Curs nn nil express train.
Vnr further Information, nlinly to nearest
: Philadelphia and Hemline Hallway ticket iikcoI
or undress
I. A. SV.KK1AHI1, Hiwos J. Wkeks.
(len'l Hupt., (Icn'l l'ass'r Ant.,
Itradliu; Terminal, Philadelphia.
MAV 2S, 1898.
Trains will lenvo Klienandoali after tnu HDQti
onto for WIkxahs, (Ulberton, Krackvllle Pail
Water, St: Clair, l'ottsvllle. HainburK, Heading
I'ottstown, Plioenlxville. Norrlstown a- d 1MV
a4clphla (Hr'-ad street station) at 6U5 nud 8 15
n. in., 2 02, 6 10 p ni, on week days, Sundays,
8 15 a. in., 4 25 p. ui.
Trains leave Krackvllle for Shenandoah b1
7 an, 11 10 a. in. and 8 10, 7 30 p. ic. Sunday,
11 01 a. m. und 5 10 p. in.
Leave 1'ottsvlllo for Shenandoah (vlaFraek
vlllo 710, 1120 a. m., 5 20,710 p.m. Sundnj
10 3.1 a. in., 5 20 p. m.
1, en ve I'hlladclpMa, (llroad street station), fn
Shenandoah at 8 31 a. n. I 10 p. m, week days.
Hiindnys leave at 5 50 ami 9 23 a. in.
Leave lironi! itrcet station, 1'lilUdclpllla, lu
Sen Oil, Asliur Park, Ocean drovo, I.ont
llraneh, nnd Intermediate stations, H.20
11.14, a. in., 3.80 ami' 4.00 p. in. week-duys.
Leave Proud Street Station, Philadelphia,
Hxpresi, week-dnys, 8 20, 1 ft), 4 50 6 0 5, 0 50
7 33,H2C, 9 50, 10 31 (I)llllliK Car), II 00 a. IP,
12 00 noon, 12 85 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p. r.i
DlniiiK Cars), 1 10, 2 80 (l)bibiB Car) 3 20, 3 50.
IU0,8t0,6 8(l)inlliKCr). 000, 7 02,7 50 (Dill
hit; Car), loou p. in., 1201, nleht. Sundays,
3 2C, 106, 4P0 5 01, 8 20, 9 50, 10 21, (DililllK
Car), 1131 a. m., 12 35, 101 tDinliiB Car) 2 80
(Dining Car), 4 00 (Llmlted4 31) (INulna Car),
5 20,5 50, (DIllllIK Car) 0 35, 7 02,7 50, Dining
Car 10 0(1 p. in., 12 01 nlelit.
Kxpross for Huston without change, 11 00 a ,,
week-days, and 7 43 p. m., dnlly.
For Italtlmore nod WashliiKtoii, 3 50, 7 20, 8 S3,
1(120.1123,11. m 12 09, 1231 (Db.lliir Car), 1 12
llllnlni; Carl, 8 12, 4 41, (5 23 Colieres
sloual Limited. DIiiIiik Carl, 0 17. 055 lllln
lni: Curl, 731 HluliiK Carl p. in., and 12 OS
iiMitwcukdnys. Sundays, 3 80, 7 20,9 12, 1123,
a. in., 120-J, 1 12, IDInlnir Carl 4 11, 1520 Con-k-rcssinnal
Limited, lllnlne Carl, 0 85 l)lnliik'
Car, 731 IDililnifCar p. in. and 12 Ol nlu-l.t.
For Ualtliiiore, accommodation, 9 12 a in, 2 01
and I 01 p in wcik d.iys,808nnd 11 10 p m dally.
Leave Ilroad street station via Delawaro rlvei
liridKO Uxpress, 9 20 a in, 7 0.1 p. in. dally.
1 Ia uvh Market Street Warf Hxprisi, 5 00, 9 00
n m. (100 Saturdays only), 2 00,4 00, I8n,500 p.
m. Sundays, 8 00,8 41,9 00, 9 15 a. in (uccom
modstioti f 80 and 8 00 p. m.)
For CnpuIay, Ani;lesen, Wild wood and I loll j
Ileat-b l-.vpress, 9 00 a in, 1 00 p in weekdays,
Minda s 9 1 a a in.
For Cape May only, I 30 p in Saturdas
For Sea Isle City, Oeern City, Avalou and
Stone Harbor Kxpress, 900 a. in,, 4 20, p. in
week days. Suuda) s, 0 00 a. in.
For Souiers Point Kxpicns, 5 03, 9 00, a. in.,
2 00, i 00, 5 03, p. m, week days Sundays, 8 48
a, in and 0 15 p in-
I. II Hutchinson, .1. It. Wood,
(len'l Manauer. (len'l 1'nisVr Aiet
HiUions of Dollars
do up In sinoko ovory year. Tako n
risks but get your liousoa, Block, fa 1
nituio. etc., insured in first-class r
liable companies as represented by
DAVID FAUST insurance Afren-
LmYllJ riVUal20 Houll, Jord.n B
Alio Llfe.siiUActldinUl UoiLlMilei
KRemediesl j
ife Restore ,53
TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1898.
Living Heroes of Romantic History
The Only Exhibition of its Kind on Earth
Under tlic Personal Direction of its Vorld-l;anious Originator,
Who Positively Appears and Participates in i;nch and I: cry Afternoon uul
laveninjr Performance,
Than any Other Exhibition liver Had. A Veritable Army of Instructor' and
Entertainers in tlie Most Stupendous of Open-air Arenas, with nb-olulely safe
and perfett piolection from both Sun and Knin ill
Tlie night exhibitions being lirilliantly and Perfectly Illuminated by the Most l.nor
mous Portable Doub''" l'.leclric Plant of 250,000 t'andle power.
i J 1 UI I JLlll ll 1 Ci 1 vJ The PEKFOUNANCE in the OPEN Allt
3X t, I Si4.
r .u.i),. .
v&3 n
iT. " .'Il,
mil w
1 1 1 IV
Afternoon at S o'clock. Night at 3 o'clock.
Doors open one hour earlier. Night as llfflit as day and as complete In detail.
Nnnibered couiion, nctually reserved seats will be sold on the day of exhibition, at Kirlin's
drugstore, No. 6 South Main Stteet.
Raster jTIartial Rivalries.
Aided by the Sovereigns of Europe.
Cordially Countenanced by its Own Government
Endorsed by all the Great Generals of the Age
Now Introducing 1,100 Men and Horses,
Magnificent Equestrian Review of Nations
I'rcscnling Eight Hundred Sioux llravcs,
Scouts, Soldiers nnd Horses, in n Stupendous
nnd Tremendously Realistic Rattle Spectacle,
tlie like of which was never seen in peace,
and which only Col. Cody could produce.
lsacli one of whom bears honorable wounds in
proof of devoted service, mounted and equip
ped as for (iticrrilla waifare.
Wildest, Finest Horsemen
Fearless Cossacks from the Caucasus.
Strange South American Gauchos.
Picturesque Vaqueros and Ruralies.
United States Artillery Just as In Action.
Fanatic Arabs and their Priceless Steeds.
The Virginia Reel on Horseback,
Klectrifying Ilareback Feats by I". S. Cavalry.
Wild bonier scenes Magnificently Real, (heat
lledouin Athletes in 1'iodigious Feats, Peer
less Crack Shots of both Sexes. Uuffalo Hill's
Marvelous Marksmanship oil Horseback.
The Last of the Buffaloes on
Outlawed Rucking Ilroncos and tlieir Riders.
I lie celebrated Mounted Cowboy Hand. I lie
Rifle, Lariat and llolas Wonders. Startling
Incidents of Savage Warfare. Tlie Custer
Massacre on the Little Rig Horn ; the most
Stupendous and Magnificent of Rattle Spccta
cles. At 10 o'clock on each opening day
of exhibition,
Presenting to public view Col. Cody's Fill
nological Congiess of the Savage Raibarous
nnd Chilictl Representative Rough Riders of
the Universe, superbly mounted and splen
didly equipped anil aimed.