The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 04, 1898, Image 4

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Navy is a sixteen page book
with pictures of the navy of this
i ountry ami Spain . It will also con
Urn pictures of the important battles
ol the war now on. One copy is is
sued each week, nine being reaily
now . Back numbers can still be had .
The price is 25c each, but we
furnish them by special arrangement
at ioc each.
a rsi. VI a In St.
Beef, Wine
JfL aiid Iron.
Large Mottle, 50 Cent.-;.
3 South Main Street, SHe andoali, l'n.
Suit lniyo- li-i'nll'.il l)t4(ttutlnii.
C.i Ilttjtlfii. J 1 t i . June 3. No ill
rct 1 s litis lieeu received here today
fr n t-'untlacu de Cuba except a ie
1 1 i-inn i'f the reports of the diend
f ' d stitutlnn of the Inhabitants there.
It is . 1 i il that now even the ollleliila
at unable to procure a normal supply
of fuud.
ho Allim-o Wns ot (.'iiptiiri'it,
i rlil. June 3. The leport that the
' li troopship Alfonso XIII hail
1 .iptured by 1111 American nuxil
1 ulser Is without foundation. It
1'iunced olllclnlly that the Alfonso
1- now landing her carno of pro
- at Porto Hlco. The captain Ren
r I'urto Itlco cables thnt the ques
1 subsistence has raised no dllll-
S ,11
1 1
Is ;m
! ' I
tl I)
cult J
iii the Island, as several vessels
. n'"i.(l the ports with provisions
Ask .your Rroier for tlio "Itnyal Patent
flour:, and take, no other brand. It is tlio best
liour niacin.
The Most
Complete and
Most Durable
Folding- Bath
Cabinet on the
Only $5.
To use it ia tileus
ant, toning efrnii
inj, rt'lmiltlhiK, in
vigornt i n tc it (1
ftreiiKtltfiiitii;. With
it you have in your
own room Sanitar-
t II..-
3i.UWU (iiiill'UUimiUiliUUsLr Tt.rUi.h, liui.-u.,
Mftlleatt'rt Mineral. Perfume mid nmny other
kiml of li. It im a necenxity in every
hoimelioiil. I'm- it in any room. Notify u hv
card or otherwise. We ill deliver a Cabinet to
your remdeiiee, allow ymi to have a trial bath
free of charge If not entirely HatNfai tory, we
take it aw ay No cohI to v on.
(a1l or -end fni eireularn deserihinp: tliem in
detail Authorized agent aie V (J. I'aliner,
aiOW f'entii- street , Win J. Wclmter, 117 K.
(Joal street ; Harry Tratt, ifctl H. .Taidin htreet.
Wm. R. Pratt,
OHlce 033 Koutli 3 null 11 street, HluMtntuloali, Vft.
o oooooooooooooooooo-oooc
?7Vv B - -rf--c 9 f.
I International
swiusmir of tho ' ( wtrirf0rii
Tlio Ono Great Htnminrtl Authority,
s rln h ll"ii l .1 HrewiT,
Justin- ( . S. Mi)irfiuo nttrt.
ofllmt S lov't l'rintlntr I
Office, Itio 1' H huirPiUQ (
uonri, nu me nians mi-
memo ronng.aniun near
ly an me ncnooiuoobs.
ly State Hiijierfntetiilenta
(f School. College l'ri'Kl-
tie nts,iuittlhei J.iliit'iifoiH .
UUlUfSt without lltUJIbt'l
hi (he Imliw liol-l, nml to
rgf . 8&" irssfoinl man, ami t.-li-j
i'thu ator.
1 3 easy to find the word wanted.
it is easy to ascertain the proniincla'or
ft iieasy 10 trace tne Rrowtii ui a Wfiru.
it fs easy to learn wnat u worn means.
"Vio .".'cjir I'.irfc Trtbnno Says:
t1 'lt t eillllori rcmi-s fromllit' iirfs nltli u i
r i i s tmpIit'H tin lnoKt UioumiMi
I 1 Ktmir.' RttiM'r lalon. '
n ill. . Ii'ii. llmlH tlilH 11-nork tn Willi ll 1. 1
p illy ii.-fiilM i.'fiT.- Ir-rll . 18UC
5 "Sjieclmeu patjes sent on appllcatinn I"
6 . . r. yir.nniAM co vuiiiisimf
T StirtntUiehl. Hnss.. U.fl.A.
Should be la Every Uonie and Library.
! written br IMaht Hon. William Kwart Oladitom
Vx I'reriior of Great J frit Ian uml Ireland, ChHtpr
Kiitf Itev A. If. Knice. Qnwn' Collefi, Oxford, huw
Itev HuiuiihI Ive ('tirtlns, 1). !.. Chi cno 'lioIok'irut
irv t'itipnan 111 1 Kit v.
. Frederic . Farm
V H.H.. wean of (Canterbury, Canterbury., Itev
r. it
KlmprJI t'ai'en, I).lJ.,7ufta lAllee, Hnmervllle, Jll.itw.
lirv Jt.tnlt W OunhaultiB, 1 l.. Armour Institute
Chlearo. HI Itev 0ori,o P 1'entecoHt, D.U., Mnryl
tnne l'n sbjtprlan Church, Ixindon. nq., Jtor. It 8
Marrtbur. I U., Oalvarr baptist Churth, ew ork
City, N V. Hov Martyn Hummerbell, I.1.. Mailt
UtrHot Frflfl IlaptiHt Church, lewirton, Me.i lie? I rani
M Unstnl, i.i , J-'irnt MetlmdUt Kpibcopnl Church
J vanMon, Ill.t Itev W, T Moore, Hi l.,f"iho Clint
tlan ( .tmmon wealth," London, J'ng.i ltev. Kdward
Ivor'T Hale. l.l.. South Conareaatlonal Chuirh
llofton.Matf.i Itev. JoM-ph Agar Ueet, H.U., Vtetdey an
Co' . - Stichmond, J'n lUv Caiar Ilent Orory.
I on i Cnivar-ity, Iipxic, (iermany: IUf. ru
IIf ver Wilktuuon, V.U., University of Chicago, Chi
rT i. Ill.i Itev. Harauel Hart, II, THnltjr ttollw,
llartturd.Cuun iI'.hv.J MonroGtbfin,
ofi 1're-byterianOhurch. London -ut .ltev. Geoite
V. Lrimnr, LI. I The Temple, Hotton, Maw.
rui'lLilt KIM HO V 913 paucitf. 61 full-page illustra
tion, yilt edees, cloth, ll.; half levunt, t.Wi tail
1c -an. M9l.
4ji AlUO I lilTlOS.-lGO, COO full-pase illustra
tlom. Htjle A-gllt hro, full levant, one volume.
il.MII: BtylH U-two voluiuvti, full lovant, tuftwd. I4).U)
In 10 lAlClH. quarto ii to, review qutwtlon toboch,i.tip
lneer coverM, sewud, trlmmiMl ullithtly, (1.U0 eacli irt
' For Rale at all UwVfcUmw Mt nfkMmn. ym
farther tnformattnn, write Iir.NltY O. Hill!! Alt )
I'uiilUUBr.iu ana xi i munrua piriwi.wiiiwvuu, ihuu"
... is me Beginning oi oaianess,
Wcctphal'o fluxiHotor
( urf DandrufT and all diseases of the scalp,
Ferguson House lllock.
I. 1L . n.J I .1 n.l I
Floor and Table Oil Cloths.
Ti t POT T3V 27 Went
Centre Bl.
6 sfr-
You need a doctor many limes whn you
rlnn't call one. You suffer pain In fifty
forms and yet won't call the doctor, be
cause you "hoe that tha pain "wiil 110
nv.'ay after a while." And, too, you know
by experience, that that lint visit of tha
doctor is generally followed by many other!,
with the ineitallo consequence of a Lig
bill " for prof eiFionnl services." You don't
know what to do f or yourself or what to take.
I!ut suppose that you could get free, ab
solutely fiec, the advice of one of the moit
in the United States? You can. The phy.
Eii'iiin is n'ht here. He has nn office in the
building, lie h.n a ftalf of correspondents to
:ist him. and anyone and everyone, who
needs medical advice is invited towiiteto
him. If it's bnbj'a health or mother's or
tho health of any member of thef.ii i!y vou
mav write a'mut it, suro of ,1 caivi'ul read
liiic of jour letter, sure of a consciontioua
diagnosis of your case,
$wt of o cure
If euro is possible. Tvery letter will be hell
ns a strictly confidential communication.
Kememlier these facts.
We oiler j-ou medical advico from ono of
the most eminent practitioners in tho United
.States, whether our medicines suit your
particular case or not. We oirer j-ou this
advice at the cost of tho tio cent stamp
which it will take to bring your letter to our
office. Address the Medical Department,
I)r. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Ma33.
Among tlio hick,
William Kil wauls, a resident of town, is
leporttil as Ij-ins fccriously ill with typhoid
fever In Philadelphia.
Itobert Smith, Jr., a son of Itobert Smith,
of Woet Cherry street, is confined to his bed
by an attack of typhoid fever. Tho young
man had been located at McKcesport.wIiore lie
was taken ill l.iit Saturday. Ho expressed
a desire to bo brought home and reached heie
on Thursday, under tho caro of Dr. W. (J.
Itaird, who accompanied blui. His condition
to-day is somewhat improved and tlio indica
tions aro that ho will be favored with a
spcedj- recovery. Dr. Hnird during his stay
horo Is visiting at tlio homo of bis parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh llaird, at Hrownsville
He will remain daj-s.
HUM) Halt.
Tho Shenandoah base ball club will cross
bats with the Frackvillo team on tho hitter's
grounds to-morrow afternoon.
Possibilities of the Method of Telegraph
ing Without the Use of Wire..
Privy (Jmmsolor. Dr. Slnby of Chariot
teiibui'K, Ueriniiiiy, contributes to Tho
Century mi nrtlcle on "Tho New ToIcr
riiphy. " Dr. Slnby conducted n series of
experiments in telegraphing; without tho
uso of wires before tho German omperor.
Ho soys in concliulinu: his article:
I hnvo often been uskod In what dlroo
tlons mid In whnt fluid tho uso of spnrk
teleKrnphy mlf?ht bo employed. Our
knowlodRO of tho phenomenon in question
Is, so fnr, n Tory modefet thiiiKi wo ore
renlly In tho very opening chapters. Who
woultl euro to sny today how far nnd
whither, tho path will lend iisP I do not
purposo to pnlnt pictures of tho future,
but I belhno I enn i-tnto w 1th emphasis
that for certain purposes the now teleg
raphy Is rlpo today nnd woll worthy of
consideration. Tho most Important np
penr to mo to lie In tho inllltnry field.
Besieged fortresses ami mhaiieliiK iirmles
which bnve tho enemy between them
could mnko uso of spark telegraph today
ns n method of communication, Tho sj-s-tem
works just us suroly on a bright day
ns by night uml In fog1, though, to bo suro,
only In ensus whom balloons can bo em
ployed, since tho distances reuchod when
towers, mnsts nnd high trees woro used
would hardly Miilico In cases of this kind
Quito ns Important Is tho usefulness of
thodlscoory for tho navy. Experiments
of last summer hnvo inado perfectly cer
taln tho iin-ll i!!t." .f "-l"g e;'.ptl',e 1 al
loons on the high sen. In place of bal
loons, without doubt, one might uso tho
modern kites, brought tu .-.ui li n pitch of
perfection in America, as Ihoi-o of Ilnr
grave mid Others. I owe It to tho kind
ness of nn iieqmilntunco In New York tl at
I know something of these oxcellout kites,
uml n fow experiments have nlrendy shown
mo that they nro porf i ctly ndapted to tho
currying of thin wires.
Thoro is a future for tho uso of tpnrk
telegraphy for lighthouses nnd lightships.
Tho receiving apparatus can easily ho
undo In a handy form, not bulkier than n
chronumutor. On tho approach to n light
hoiifeo It would not only glvo falgus, but
would tick out tho nnmo of tho light
house; it appears oven poseiblo to pro ldo
tho rcooivliig appnrntus with n regulator,
to bu ml justed at will according to wheth
er n greater or hinaller sensltlvoness Is do
sired, whorcby tho distance of tho light
house can bu rend olf.
An uiidenlablo wonknoi-s of spark telcg
rnphy is this: 12ory tologrnni Is Imparted
to tho wholo world; every rocolvcr can tako
it up. Owing to this reiison for tho prc3
out its application will have to be confined
to particular oases. For practical pur
poses, if one donlrcs to protect oneself from
having dlspatchos rend by others, there ro
iimliiB only the uso of signs arranged be
forehand. In war, to bo sure, telegrnphj
would become) Impossible ns soon as a hos
tlio spark generator should cause u perma
nent disturbance of tho characters. A
very interesting buttle might occur in tho
wuvei of either.
Thrives on good food and sunshino, with
plenty of exorcise in tho open air. Her
form glows with health and her face blooms
with Its beauty. If her system needs the
cleansing action of a laxative lemcdy, she
uses the gentle and plensaut Syrup of Figs,
made by tho California Fig Syrup Co. only.
And throw the
American colors to
the breeze. You can
get any size flag you
desire, iu any quality,
and at the lowest
market price. We
are now manufactur
ing our Bunting aud muslin flags
and we can save you money. Get
our prices before buying. All
kinds of flag material at retail if
you desire to make your own flags.
23 North Main St.
Oliver r.lseiihowcr, of tho Wilkcsbarro
Uncord, is visiting relatives In town.
Miss l;dith MorL'iui visited friends at Potts
vlllo to-day.
P. .1. Mnlholland spent n part of to-day at
the county seat.
Cjust.iblo Thomas lioliu transacted busi
ness at tho county sent this mornliiE.
Miss Tlllie Woods left town to day for
Philadelphia, whore alio intends to locate.
Mrs. C. H. Hainpsell, of Fishers' patch, has
presented her husband with a daughther,
IncreitM'il Working Time.
Orders have been issued bj tho olllcials of
the P. k It. 0. Si 1, Co. calling for an inrreaso
In working days over that of the past several
mouths. Xoxt week tho collieries of this
company will work Monday, Tuesday and
Thursday. Tho Wm. Peun colliery will
work Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday,
making three dajs of 81 hours each. The
Lehigh Valley Coal Comiany has not made
olllcial iiuiiouncemeiit of the number of days
their collieries vtill woik.
A Seminary's loll-n tliiblleo.
Airaiigcmonts for the rclehralion of the
semi-rontennlal of tho Willlamsport Dickl-
son Seminary aro so far completed as to indi
cate that the event will bo the most important
in tlio history of tlio institution. Bishop
Hownian, tho Honor lllshop of tho Methodist
Upiscopal church, and Jtishop Vincent, of
Chautauqua fame; Gen. J. V. Ituslliig, of
Trenton, N. J.; Governor Hastings, Attorney
General McCormick, Judges Illume, Mclzgcr
and 1'urst, Hon. T. H. Murray, Dr. (i. 12.
ltccd, of tho samo state; Hon. 1), A. DoAr
mond, of Missouri, and manj otlier dis
tiuguislicd men will bo present and partici
pate. Piesident McKinloy has assured the
committee that ho will bo present if public
biiBiuess will allow. The forty-six clashes
will hold reunions and large numbers of old
students will join them. The special jubilee
exercises will begin Tuesday morning, Juno
Tito Mrt.urcti Kimcriil.
The funeral of John McLaren took place
at two o'clock this afternoon 1 rum the Iniully
residence at No. 103 Kast Coal street. Ser
vices were conducted lit tho rcsideuce by
l!ev. Kohlur, of the Presbyterian church of
lo. vn, and Kcv. T, M. Morrison, of Maliauoj'
Citj'. Tho remains woro Interred in the
Odd Fellows' cemetery. The attendance at
the funeral was large. Anthracite Cistlo
Xo. 74, Knights of the Golden liigle, Shen
andoah Lodge No. GUI, I. O. O. F., aud
Washington Gimp No. 200, P. O. S. of A.,
had largo delegations in attendance. The
deceased was a member of tho socletios.
Tho pall beaiors woio Motors. George Smith,
of tlio K. of G. K., liobert Anderson, of tho
I. (). O. P., and Joseph Shapbell, of tho P.
O. S. of A., and William J. Gregory, W.
Thomas Leo and William Iteovos.
Straw lierrj- unit Vuiiillii Ico flrciilu lliul
Orange Water Ico
To-day and to-morrow. At Schcidcr's
bakery, 27 Kast Centre street. It
Church Notices.
liev. D. It. Grilllths. of Catasauqua, will
preach in Welsh at 10 a. m. and Kuglish at fl
p. m. in tlio Welsh Congregational church to
morrow. Sunday school at 2 00 o'clock.
Services wdll be hold in tho P. M. church
to-morrow morning and evening. .Morning
subject, "Tho Saints Under the Altar."
Sunday school 2 p. m. In the evening a
special sermon to the H. 11. & L. Co., and the
Columbia Hoso Co. Everybody kindly in
vited. To-morrow at Calvary Jiiptist church
the pastor will preach morning and evening.
Morning subject "Sanctificatlon versus
Holiness." Evening subject "A Dream."
Tho choir lid by W. Waters will during the
evening give an anthem. All welcome
Owing to tho attendauco of tho pastor, Uev.
John Gruhler, at the Synod now in session at
Philadelphia, there will bo no services in the
German Luthcrn church tu-morrow.
All kinds of vegetables nnd (lower seeds,
and plants at Payno's nurseries, Giraidil!o.
Clectrie cars pass tho door. fl-O-tf
rocullill' lllvyclo "Wager.
Mahanoy City, Juno 4. A cyclist crossing
and re-crossing tho state of Pennsylvania on
a peculiar wager arrived at Mahanoy City
this morning. He is William li. Euuis, aged
uinoteen years, of Steubouville, Ohio. Hi
is hero looking for employment to earn sulli
ciciit lo tako a course in college If Ennls
succeeds in crossing this stato twice within
ten days ho is to receive fi" as a bonus. Ho
thinks ho is on a fair way to accomplish the
Death iuhI l'linerulK.
After siiU'cring from rheumatism for fifteen
years, Mrs. Michael O'lirien died nt her
home in Ashland, leaving nine giown chil
dien to survivo her, among them being
Daniel O'Jlrieu, of Girardville.
Valentino II. Liob, of Pottsville, died at
tho hospital at that place, siiU'cring from a
chronic disease
Tho funoral of Henry Lloyd took placo at
Wadosvillo this afternoon.
An infant sou of Itobert Patterson, of South
West street, died this morning.
Itev. Natho's Silver Jubilee.
Tuesday next will mark tho twenty-fifth
anniversary of the ordination of I!ev. An
toiilus Natho, pastor of St. Mauiitius' (!er
man Catholic church, at Ashland, into the
priesthood, and fcreat preparations for tlio
celcbratiou of the evont aro being made by
bis parishioners. In the evening the chil
dren of the parochial school will givoan on
tortainment, and on Tuesday mornlug
solemn high mass will bo celebrated, a'
which soveral priests will bo present..
American and Cuban Mags, all sles and
qualities. F. J. Porlz, 21 N. Main street, tl
Tlio Itoyer failure
II. Iloycr it Son's stock of dry goods, at
Pottsville, was sold yesterday by the Shciiil'
on an attachment amounting to $17,000 33. It
was purchased by a syndicate of New Voik
and Philadelphia dealers, and subsequently
transferred to a Pottsvlllo firm, lioyer &
Son bad been in business for 30 years, aud
their failure was somewhat of a surprise.
l'lrel rile! I'lro!
Insure your property from loss In the
oldest and strongest cash companies: Phi hi.
Undeiwriters Insurance Co. of North
America and Fire Association, Hartford
Fire Ins. Co., Amoricau Fire Insurance Co.,
West Chester Fire Ins. Co., United Firemen's
Ins. Co. , T. T. Wli.MAMH,
123 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah.
Tlio I.attlmvr Hints.
John Nemeth, of Austria-Hungary, has
been appointed agent at Hazlcton, for the
counties of Luzerne, Schuylkill, Carbon,
Susquehanna, Uradford, Tioga, Lycoming,
Columbia and Lackawanna. This Is sup
posed to have some connection with the
claims of miners killed iu tho Lattimer riots '
last year.
Wauls Ilia Salary,
Warden lirower, who refuses to aeato his
ofllco at the demand'of tho Commissioners,
called upou the Controller yesterday and
demanded his salary and that of his sub
oidiuates. The Controller refused to sign
the warrant until tlio court passes upon the
question as to whether Urowor legally holds
the olUco. Tho warden's counsel will mi
Monday apply fur a mandamus to show cause
why the salaries aio not paid.
riro Hons Ite.lgns,
William .Morrison, of Ilrownkvllle, has
roslgucd from the poaitlou of fire boss at
Pucker No, 1 colliery.
Headache Quickly-Cured.
Dr. Davis' Antl-lleadaclie never falls, 25c.
flannelling 'IIiuiiikIhuiI tlio Uuiiiilrj
Olirnlilcliiil tor IIiibIV IVrnsnl,
Naturalization court wus hold to day In
Tho HmiAI.B doetho neatest job work
tho county, and at reasonable rules.
Tho noxt session of criminal court will
hold on Monday a week, tho 20th Inst.
Tho Orant popcrty on West Oak street Is
urTbicd for sale. See advertisement in another
Cougrossman Drumiii is still confined to
his homo at Minersvillo sulleihig from
Tho machinery has airived for twenty-four
wooden jigs, which will bo placed In St.
Nicholas colliery.
Luzerne has the smallest constable in the
state. Ho is 40 Inches tall,- weighs Oil
pounds, and Is 4S yenrs old.
Itev. I, M. Schaeffer, of Ashland, was
elected president of the Last Susquehanna
Clasis of tho itcformod church.
Michael Flaherty, the conductor who was
shot by the negro lteynolds last Sundaj, is
now out of danger and will lecovor.
Schuylkill county will bo repieseutod by
111 delegates at the Stale convention of the
Ancient Order of Hibernians which opens at
Scianton next Monday.
Arrangements have been linido for giving
sacred concerts at High Point park this sum
nier on Sundays. The Citizens baud of Mali
anoy City will furnish the music.
illelilulls Utile.
Cream of tomato soup, fice, to-night.
A ".Maine" Itcllc.
Ennoh HiutAl.l): I nolo, with plcasuie,
that the ID;i!,u.i is furiibhing its leader
Willi as complcti, though condensed, war
news ns any of the big city dailies. This
feature of your current issiios, I nin sine, is
prompted as much by the Heisami b pa
triotism as its desire to print all the news
In appreciation, therefore, ol your ellorts 1
enclose horeivith a lutito witness of tho great
tragedy that Involved the loss of 200 of our
brave seamen of Hie Maine in Havaua har
bor. This relic is part of a small piece of the
deck lulling of tho battleship Maino. 1
seemed it tliiousli a friend who has charge
of a gang in tlio mechanical depaitmcut of
the Itiooklyn navy j-ard, to which placo tho
Maino wreckage was biought, and you may
rest assured that it is not counterfeit. In
thoso days when foundries and factories aio
working overtime turning out Maine lelics,
it may be a sourco of gratification co you to
know that you aro iu possession of nn au
thentic relic. Though there is not enough
of it to plato a man-of-war, 1 tliiuk you will
find it to bo sutlicient for ono or two watch
eliai ins, nnd above all an incentive to "lie
member tho Maino !" Very truly yours,
J. D. TituzisK.
Brooklyn, N. Y., May 31.
lllckerl's Cute.
Potato salad and Ulmcr's sausago as freo
lunch to-night.
Welhli Hros. Annual Visit.
Welsh Bros., whoso reputation in circus
fame for giviug meritorious performances
havo added many features this year amonir
which aro the follow ing: Professor T. E.
Uurtino's troopo of English leaping grey
hounds give an exhibition of high leaping
which has never been equalled in this city.
The triple bar display presented by Weitzell,
Hard, La Van and Mason is also woithy of
special mention. Ono of tho crowning
features is tho mysterious act called "Meta
morphosis," which is presented by Harry
and Beatrico Houdini. Their work out-rivals
that of Kcllar, Hermann and all of the so
called kings of mystifinrs. Jenkins and
Lowroy aro also among tlio performers, and
contribute largely to the exhibition, by their
many clown acts which creato roars of
laughter. Professor Jules Heyho.d's band
orchestra Kppcar attired iu naval costumes
and present a natty appearance Tho show
will appear hero on Monday and Tuesday and
will givo two performances each day, after
noon and evening. The prico of admission,
10 cents, is within tlio leach of the humblest
citizen. Enormous crowds should bo iu daily
At Kcpchhishl's Arcailo Cute.
Clam chowder, freo, to-night.
Hot lunch on Monday morning.
Coming Wedillngs.
The engagement has been announced be
tween Mr. Hubert Hartman, of Iiloomsburg,
and Miss Kay Keoso, of Park Placo. Tlio
rontiacting parties aro well known and
popular in this town.
Miss Clara, daughter of Georgn F. Dcnglcr,
of Schuylkill Haven, and M II. I'itteuhoui-c,
of Philadelphia, will bo mariicd on tlio Kit li
inst. They will make their futuro homo iu
Philadelphia. Tho prospective bride is well
known iu this town.
Miss Josephine C Pugh, of Pottsville, nnd
liobert Fair, of New York, will bo married
on the i;ith i list.
Tlio best phu o to buy your wall paper is at
V. J. Portz, 21 North Main street. Wo havo
tho largest stock north of the mountain, tf
I'raclivllln'it llreiu li of rinm'se.
Last January a jury gavo Emma Seidcl a
veidlct for $2 000 iu a breach ol' promise suit
against S. Morgan, of Frackvillo. Iu an
opinion for a now tiial Judge Lyon refuses
the samo provided tho pluintill' accepts a
verdict of but $1, 100, and if tins is refused a
new trial is granted. His Honor says tho
veidlct was excessive. MUs Seidel resided in
Frackvillo for somo time, but while at her
homo iu Clinton, Iowa.tlio defendant married
another lady, but continued to correspond
with the plalntiir, and theso letters we're
given in evidence
Geraniiiuiis, fuchsias, pansics, daises, roses,
etc., for spring planting at Payne's nurseiios,
Girardville Tuberoso aud gladiolus bulbs.
Inspector h Kctuins,
Mino Inspector William Stein reports that
In his district during tho month of May there
was but one fatal accident, ono serious acci
dent and three of a trilling chaiacter. Tho
1 itter were caused by prematura explosions
on accouut ol tho cutting of squibs. The
Inspector and iidno olllcials are exercising
extra diligeiico to prevent accidents of this
character and whenever a man Is detected he
is discharged.
A S.'ulng fund's Trouble.
A number of stockholders of tlio Girnrd
Saving Fund of Girardvlllo, held a meeting
recently and engaged tho services of Georgo
J. Wndlinger, Efq., for tho purposo of
investigating the recent turn of affairs in
that association by which many of the
stockholders aro heavy losers, A meeting of
those Intel estcd will bo held at Giraidvillo
on Tuesday evening when dcfinltoactluii will
bo decided upou.
Tho "V" l'rograiu.
Tlio following program will bo rendered at
the nicotine nf tlio "Y'Mhis evening: Sing
ing, "Y;" Scripture nailing, Edna Loiicks;
recitation, Jennie Tempest; leading, Lilly
Llewellyn; solo, Maud Gilpin; news of inter
est, John II. D.iuks; historical question box;
critic, to bo appointed,
Advm-tlsetl Letters.
Letters addressed to Miss Sarah Kej'ser,
Lou Fiilds, M. M. Wright and N. Smith
remain uncalled for at tho local postolUco,
Window shades from 10 ceuUand upward.
Ilstlmales given on largo shades. 1''. J, I'ortz,
Sil Ninth Msiu stiect. tf
An Oilier l'roin Texan.
Au order for an American ilac was received
to-day from tho Jr. O. it. A.M. Council at
McKinloy, Tweas, by Jt. II. Morgan, tho
reitalia and Ilac manufacturer of town. Tho
ilug Is tu be 15i3 i'eet iu size.
(Continued from First l'ngo,)
tho direct connection was reconsldorcd and
this was followed by a decision that tho
water coinmittco proceed with tho work nnd
employ on it only taxpayors of tho borough.
Mr. Coakley suggested that in tho meantime
tho water coinmittco get a connection with
tho old water plant and placo n meter, In
order to ho prepared for nn accident. No
action was taken on this.
Mr. Poll said ho was in favor of building a
storago reservoir on tills sido of Locust
mountain, hut others want to build it near
the liraudouvlllo pumping station. One
advantage of his plan is, ho said, that tho
borough has little money to spend ami tlio
dam could lie built uu this sido by men work
ing out taxes to a great extent.
Mr, .Tames said a dam on this side would
cost no less than $75,000.
Mr. Coakley said Mr. C. E, TItman would
like to make an olfer to Council to lease the
old reservoirs to tho borough, or ho will lease
the borough plant.
Mr. James said It was demonstrated last
fall that both plants didn't havo enough
water for the towu and tho proposition would
not remedy tho evil.
Mr. Hand thought tho host plan would bo
to get the Arnold stream and pipe to tho
ISrandouvillo reservoir.
Mr. Englert was also In favor of tho plan
favored by Mr. Hand.
Piesident McGuiio said an attempt to build
a reservoir on this sido would bring on suits
Mr. Murphy thought the water coinmittco
ought to glvo the matter more consideration
aud come iu with more dclluito inlormation.
Mr. JamcssMid there were two propositions
for tho stream and pipe plan in tho valley
one for $10,000 and another for $20,000.
Mr. Coakley moved that the water com
mittee inquire what arrangements can bo
made with tho tux collectors for financial
assittanco iu having tho work of enlarging
tlio water plant done. The motion was
an led.
Mr. James moved that water committee
ascertain the lowest figure of the old water
company for a lcaso of its plant for five j'cars
and the motion was earned.
S. G. M. Hollopctcr and E. W. Shoemaker,
Esqs., sent ill a communication requesting a
meeting to adjust a claim for damages from
Mrs. Henrietta Staufier, wdio was injured by
falling on a street where tliero was no pave
ment. Tho communication was referred to
the law committee and Solicitor.
Tho Chief of Police report showed 7 arrests
for Majr. Finos were paid by 5 aud 2 served
time. Lodgings were fin nished to 4 people.
Tho report of tho Chief Ilurgess showed $2
collected for lines aud $1 for a building
At Paj-uo's nursery, Girardville, you will
find tho largest stock overseen in the county,
A Good (lame In Kxpcclcri
The Browns, Shenandoah's crack amateur
nine, will inn tho bases at tho Trotting park
to-morrow altemoon In a gamo of ball wdth
tho Mahanoy City team. Both teams aro
evenly matched, and tho rooters may look
forward to a cieat game Play ball wdll he
called at 2 p. m. slurp.
,tOU HAI.13. The nmneity on West O,
htri'i-t, known ns thn (Irani property, III
he noli! I n Hinule loin or as a whole. Apply
V. (1. (Iretfnry, agent, 20S Ninth Main Htreet,
CMiciiumioan, v 0-1-11
MOU SAIiK. A iroml property at No t
JlJ Turkey Jiun, Lot 150aU0. Water in the house.
anil other convenient
MaUcu n nice home
Will ho pohl cheap for
cash. Apply at tho
dwelling house at No. 211
V North Main utroet. Apply at No, 212 North
: rs ort
Main street.
TTIOU HKNT. A six-room Iiouhu for rent, uood
j cellar, water In houe, loe-ateil on Kaht
Apple nlley. Apply to Mary Huberts, No. 123
iuist joai Hireet, nncnnmioan. u-ww
rwi SAMC-A
valuable property on "West
Centre Hiicet, dwelling hoime. anil nil con
veniences In tlclrablo locution. Apply to
Thomas Tosh, for further p irticulara. 5-27-tf
HAIiR A Bnloon. 3ood stand and
1? central location. JIuh two pool tables, one
peiuu; a coinninniion oi pool ana uiumrus,
Apply at the A i.i ollicc. tf
TOU 1M:NT. Two largo rooms In
liuililiuir. 10 .South Main street. A) con
veuienees. Suitable forotllce. 3-lU-tf
Scaled proposals will bo received hy the
nonet signed, the Controller of f:ehuylkill
county, at his olllee at the couit house, rotts-
ville, Vn , until ThuiHday, June liOth, 1MM, nt
10 a. in-, for the purchase of Kehuylklll county
lour pi r cent, rcgibicrcu coupon ponds, tlated
July 1st-, lhiH. lideeiuahlo after live yeaisainl
payable ithin thltty yearn from date. Hsuo to
b. one luniilred nn I llftv hoi ds of th ilcnom
nation of l,0U each, one hundred and twenty
i torn in eacn. ami one nuumeii ami tunctv
bouiNot 00 each, a total of J.OO), interest
payable heini-unnimlly on the Hint day of July
anil J.umarv. respectively, nnd free of ttdo
tux lliiln will he rcceivtd for the entlio if-mic
or any pottiou theieof at the dicrttinuof tho
bidder and are to be marked ''bond purchase."
Tho right lehcncd to rejett any or all bids. Hy
older of the County Corninihbfonei-H,
CiiAiuxu A. H.NYpnn,
J,ottnilIe, li , June 1st, u-MllH-:5
Baby Carriages
S3 .30 and up.
They must be sold at once.
They are now going at the low
price of
These goods are brand new
and selling at worn-out furniture
' prices.
123 North Alain St.
Both Sorely Afflicted, bui Belief is Found in Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for ?'a!o People.
Vom the Call,
Tho Call has known the Dyers family, of
Talbot, Ind., for a lone time, nnd J. W.
ltycrs is ono of thos.o deliberate men who
say little, but read and observe much, Mr.
Hycru has been suflcrlnc for the past three
years with grip .and kindred troubles. Mi
mother hai over been a sufl'crcr, rcmillliif!
later in the moat nrgravating farm of lhcu
matlsm. Some time ago Mr. Ilycrswai per
suaded by a neighbor to try Dr. Williams'
Dink Pills. It didn't take Ion? to set Mr.
Dyers to talking about tiiij leniedy, and ilie
Call sent a special representative to his hoi 10
to ascertain tho eiaot facts. Tho subjoined
mom stalcmcut of Mr. Dyers is eufheient.
It tells tho fads simply and briefly:
"I know positively taut 1 ua cured by
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was persuaded
Iv one of my neighbors, JJnxin Williams,
to trv them, ua he claimed to havo be n
cured bytliem. I had tho grip three (lines,
and was taken down with rheumatism, nnd
did not expect to live. Tho doctors said I
would never get well. They advised mo to
take a change of climate. I was reduced
from ono hundred nnd thlrty-fivo to one
hundred nnd fivo pounds. As soon ns I bo
pan taking tho Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I
began to gain strength nnd the use of my
limbs was restored. 1 had been almost help
less for two years, the BtifTness iu my limbs
hr.d been painful in the extreme. Put with
the u?o of tho pills tho pain ceased and now
1 am ns limber and ns nclivc ns when n boy.
" I wns also troubled a great deal with my
kidneys, but the ailment has entirely disnp
tiinred. I have been a subject for the doctors
for a long time. Two reputable physicians
had treated me for months, and I had spent
a large amount of money for patent medi.
ciucs, but to no avail. As I said, I finally
We celebrate our opening at 15 N. Main street,
to-day (Friday) June 3rd, by selling the largest
and most complete stock of
Glothing, Gents' far Dishing Goods, Boots, Shoes,
At the lowest prices over offered by any store in tho Shenandoah valley.
Our goods are not the accumulated left-overs of several seasons,
but honest, new stock just received from the manufacturers' hands.
We have made up our minds that in order to secure the permanent
trade of the people we must give them good value for their money, and
this shall be our motto: to render a dollar's worth for every dollar
spent. Having had several years experietice in the clothing and shoe
business we know how to buy and what to buy in order to keep abreast
of the times, in quality, style and price. Come aud be convinced.
Prices Advertised Will be Adhered to :
Children's shoes, 3 to S, spring heel,
patent tip, 48c ; to 11, in Russet, 5Sc ;
Iti to 2, good stock, lace or button, leather
soles, 69c. Infants' fine shoes, 35c.
Our special price in ladies' shoes, regular
$2.00 shoes at $l.oi and Si. 25.
We have an elegant line of men's shoes,
patent leather, at $1.89, worth $ 2.50 ; elegant
shoe at $1.00, worth S1.50 j our $1.25 shoe
sells elsewhere at $2.00,
Lot of baby shoes, good stock, will go
at 19 cents.
Gent's furnishings. We have a fine line of
handkerchiefs Which will go at 2 cents each J
fine socks, 4c per pair ; celluloid collars, 5c ;
4-pIy linen collars, 9c ; big line of neckware,
from 5c: up.
Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House,
(Michael Peters' Building,)
IS North Wain Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
We build you a home just as you want it built.
We will submit plans and cost, or pass on the practicability of
any sketch you may have, without any charge. We will build
the house for you according to specifications and by the time
you state barring strikes. We will keep the cost within the
figure quott'd and will guarantee that you will be satisfied
with your home. See us about it.
Glenn & O'Hearr
(Successors to J. W. Johnson,)
N- Main St., Shenandoah, Pa
Weiss Beer,
Ale, Porter.
Private family orders will receive
prompt attention. I,eave them
at the office, we will do
the rest.
A ood placo for u gf'od
Michael MillsSaloon,
23 li. Centre utreet, Mllet'ii ImlMlnic,
Wine, WlilHklea, liter id ClHittn. Frwbcxt
liccr Iu tuwi'lwnya kiI tun.
Lafayette, lixd.
took Dr. Wllllflnn' rink Pills for Talo Vta
plo nnd here I am well. I believe that is
tlio most wonderful remedy ever made, I
need not extol this remedy for nil mynclgli.
hois know what my condition was nnd what
cured me. They will all tell you that it
was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
My mother, who is seventy years old, wns
also troubled with rheumatism nnd could
scarcely move. She wns very wakeful at
night and hnd no appetite. She took live
boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and now
she is in perfect health, aud does all her own
work on n farm.
(Signed) J. AV, Dyers."
Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this
10th day of August, 1800.
.Tames Goodwine, Notary J'uhtte.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro not looked
upon as n patent medicine, but rather ns a
prescription. An analysis of their properties
shows that they contain, in a condensed form,
all tho elements necessary to give new llfo and
richness to tho blood and restore shattered
nerves. They nre nn unfailing specific for
such diseases ns locomotor ataxia, partial pa
ralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia,
rhetnnalism,ncrvous headache, the nfter ciVects
of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and
sallow complexions, nnd the tired feeling rc
sulllng from nervous prostration, all diseases
resulting from vitiated humors hi the blood,
such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They
are also a specific for troubles peculiar to
females, such ns suppressions, irregularities
and all forms of weakness. They build up the
blood, and restore the glow of health to pule
and sallow cheeks. They are for sale by all
drinrgists, or may be had by mail from Dr.
Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady,
N. Y., for 50c. per box, or six boxes for $2.50.
Overalls 40 cents.
Dig line of stockings, 5 cents up.
Dig line of infants' caps.
Nice line tnble cover, 2 yards, for 38c. ,
Machine cotton, 2 for 5c.
Ladies' fine shirt waists.
Ladies' .skirts.
Fine line ladies' anil gents' underwear.
Lace and embroidery.
Apron Ginghams, 4c.
All kinds laundered shuts.
Nice linen hats and caps.
Trunks and valises, feathers, bed spreads.
Doy's overalls, 19c.
Nice stock of umbrellas.
Mining caps, 8c.
In wall papers nnd decorutlons la ono of tha
nineteenth century nccoinpliahiiients. That 1m
why those who select their wall paper nt
CAUOIN'H Rot fuvh delightful result. It isn't
neces-ury to puichupu the expensive prudes, tho
designs nnd coIth nre just na artMIc Iu tho
cheaper rudea, if they arc not ho lich. For
those who wUh to decorate their rooms with
artistic wall papers k to
224 W. Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Thos. Buchanan,
Ezamluajfion Made at Your Home or at
1 ' Our Store.
Has Moved to
118 S. Main Street.
o Complexion
intan canf
charms a woman i
I AHandsom
I la one of the greatest
I possess. I'ozzoNt'B
gives It.