EVENING HERALD KSTAIIMSIIKI) 1870. Tu'Ml lutt fvory Kvei.liig.HxvciitHtii.ilfty,.! f 01 TH JAHDIN SriiRKT, Nkau Ckktkh. tho llrnitil in ilollveiotl In Hhchnmlonti ami the pftrmiiiiiii tow at for nix ccntM n week, tny n'i otJ cnrrlcrn. Hy mull $8.00 n year, or 2 cntn tt mouth, tiaynble In iwlvntic. XdvertUn m ntn liur-getl nnronlthit tn)ttv aim! position. A He milllhet rqairve tlio right in change tliv UL'.'jtmii of nloitutcmentri wWimver tho nub s'tf.ln of iipwb cleiimniN H. Tho rlaht l i, i I tn i Inny nriicrtlncim-nt, whether iHiui fur or not, v.mt the iHihllfthorn mrty tlnnm liropff Ail vert Ifllnff mttw iitmlo known ill"-). hm. Mention. Ksifi rel Hi tho pontoQlco nt Hlienruutonh, l'u., an utiotul cliiM mull matter. TKI-HI'IIOKK CONNKCTtON "Ml the News Tint's Fit to Print." Evening Herald Tl KSDAY. MAY 31. 1WIH. OUR COUNIltY: First. Last an J Forever. ll KIlTISI.Vd is to lltlslllt'SM wllllj, ji'ii-t im to hri'itd. T in wore you put into it tlii' more it grown. MiiN liav( not ultoix'tl inuturiitlly Miu-i" NliuKt'Hiienro mill, "to Im honest, ii . tli K wurhl joes. in to lie one picked uit of ten thousand.'' Siikmimi ii Miiiiiish Imttory at Jlimtim might to lo ii mutter of 1 Dilutes Am this work, prop c.-m'h tin paiiii' in tho pu-rii-oiis will in c rt jisl It is proliubly not Kuui'nilly known tlmt (lit word "dud," used by ninny children in pluee of "futliur," is the purist Welsh. The opening words of the Lord s l'niyer in AVelsli are "Ulln Dad r It is a noticeable fact tlmt nil tho new papers that carry ,lohn AVana- niak.rs advertif-enients, "at. prices Jiss than tlio actual cost of composl tion, ' are strong supporters of his eaiididaey for Governor. Tlio reason is plain. It is to lio hoped that the Ion;; looked for and coiilldently expected Imttle between Kcliley and Cervera have heon founht in tinio to cele bratt the victory on July the. Fourth. n earlier date than that, how-over, would suit a largo number of II liitAl.n readers. At Tlioi (ill tlio rate of interest paid by tho Oaiiadiaii post olliee savings lianUs was reduced last, year from ill percent toil per cent, the deposit have increased and now amount to H).2(lil,fiUi. Therocaii bo no doubt of tho micros of a popular ii per cent loan in this country. Tim city papers' are not content with disfiguring their pages with ty pographical monstrosities, but their make up is such that it is evtremely (M.lcult to pursue the windings of an article In and out of the pictures and over to the inner pages. Those jour nal - are of the belief that it is neces sary to begin all the news features on tho llrst page. TilKiiir. is ii strongsontinient among newspaper publishers in Ohio in favor of d"alliig witli railroads on a cash basis. Yet there are always men who will retard such a movement. If ro- iiire(I they would give up their col- l limns to the railroads and accept in return an annual ticket for bainl-car L privileges mid then sign u contract that they would not sue the company it tl ley should ho run down by the xpress. Sl'KXKl.vn of phantom hospitals, Elolin Wuniuuuker referred in a recent uldress to a little ancient history that Kv ill be familiar to the people of this kpunty. He said: "At the last ses- p.n of the legislature tho uppropri- rii'ion committee wits obliged to ro- ftiso actual maintenance for many of tlio most deserving hospitals of tho l tat i' et this saino committee, iiudi r orders, passed for Senator Coyle, of Seliuylkill, it Quay lieiitun- ijtut, nil appropriation of $1 0,000 for (lie iiiaiiitenance of the American lllospiiul Association, of JUiihunoy ItowiiBhip, which was an imaginary iiiKtittitiou of Senator (Joyle's wlth- mt capital, without n building, or tlioiit even a site upon which to lild one. This fraud was fortun- ly dlscovensl by (lovornor Ilast- Bi ii 'H, who vetoed the nefarious Lnhi'iue Great Bled! fi will Bharpe IyoutApP' iPiirlfv and tVltallze Your Blood. Overcome That Iflred Feeling. Get a bottle of wood's Sarsaparllla and begin to m.ka it TODAY, and realize the great Sod It Is sure to do you. Wood's Sarsaparilla fst mini c?nB- TOM MM j a via t in v ri ui n II mum NUGGBTS of news. The authorities nt Mole St. Nleolnw, Ilaytl, forbid the signaling of Hiiy ship hi Hltfllt. Cyrus C. Carpenter, ejt-novernor of Iown. died nt Fort DodRe Saturday evening, aged C. Oenoral Oreeley, e-lilef signal olllcer, Ik making at-ranst-monts for enlisting I the volunteer slminl corps authorized by conn-cess. Tlio President and Mm. JIcKlnley ont a beautiful bouquet to New York Saturday to be placed on the tomb of Cleneral Grant. The government has leased 4.000 acres of land near Hoyee Station, four miles from Chattanooga, on which troops wilt be encamped. In the Spanish chumhci- of deputies Beilor Pulfjcerver, milliliter of lliuinoe, i presented n bill to prohibit the ex Jiortallon of silver money. In the Japanese parliament n jctl tlon to the mikado ngnlnst Marquis Ho nnd the restmnslble uuvernmont was rejeeted by n mnjoilly of fiO. August Vast I, nn engineer on the Central Uallrond of New Jersey, fell from his locomotive at Wilkesbnrre, l'a., nnd was Instantly killed. A short session of Pennsylvania's su pieme rourt was held In lluulsbun! yesterday, after which nn adjournment was taken until July 20 at 1'hlhidelphlu. The cruiser Harvard hns sailed from KbiKSton, Jamaica, to Join Commodore Schley's squadron. She took a pilot familiar with the south coast of Cuba. Surgeon Genera! Sternberg has taken the initiatory steps for securing a hos pital train for the transportation of the Invalided troops fiom the front. This train Is to consist often touilst sleepers t nd one dlnlnsr car. Tlio New liccrulti, 'Washington, May 31. -Adjutant Oen eral Corbln Is now working out the de tails of the second call for volunleors. The apportionment of the 7B.O00 among the various states hns not been ilxe.rt definitely, but will be In a day or two. The governois of the several states ap prove of the plan to recruit the regi ments from their states up to the min imum streiiRth or 1,326 men out of the second ea.11. This will absorb about 50,000 men, leaving about 25,000 to be organized Into additional regiments. The new recruits will be assigned to regiments of their own states und, so far as possible, to companies and regi ments which reuiesent the cities nnd sections of the states In which they reside. Tlio St. bonis iiIIh Away. New York, May 31. The auxiliary ..cruiser St. ouls sailed from the Amer ican line pier yes t unlay. Just as the ship was drawing out from tho dock n messenger boy rushed up to Oiricer O'lllpi-ne, of the harbor police, and handed him a sealed message to be de livered to Captain Handle, of the St. Louis. It could not be learned what the message contained or where It came from. The strike which threatened to delay the vessel's snlllng was peace fully adjusted about a half hour before sailing. Of the 300 strikers all but 41 returned to duty. The places of the men who refused to return were nt once filled the many who stood at on the pier anxious to serve. The Cuban (jtiestluii '"' 'V'Mitiiul issues sink into hisii!io'!c;:iiiu with tho man who 'iC'-r. f....i piles. What homo-it desires, Ii relief. I HAY ill's Witch lhizul Salvo cures piles, 0. II. ihijccnliur.il. An I'.r. M-ioYy I'm- Ten Hyelt. New York, May 31. The 32d annual ii'gattn of th" llni'-pin llcitatta associa tion, New York, rowed yesterday on the Iliirlem rivet one mile course, marked the opening of the amateur rowing rac ing season In the easl. In the senior single sculls 10. II. Ten Kyck, the Har lem champion, bad as his opponents Ju venal, of Philadelphia, and Macltey, of the Nassnu P.oat club, of New York. The men kept together for a dozen strokes, when Mackey fell behind. Juvenal stny-d with Ten Kyck for about a qu. liter, anil there the cham pion lui i-easi-d bis speed with such ef fect thai .it lie- ball' In- led Juvenal by at least ti n leiif-ihs. After that It was simply a pmn't Son. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signaturo of S'Paln'H "1,'esiii-i-ei'tloii Slilji." London, May 31. A dispatch to The Dallv Chronicle from llareelonn, re ferring to the Spanish announcement of the formation of a third Spanish Meet, Including the broad ship Numan cla, under the headhiK "A Kesurrectlon Ship," says: "Tho Numancla is here, her bulwnrks battered, her anchors and chains thlft with rust and her paint all gone. Apparently she does not enr ry a siiiBle gun. I am not sure whether she has engines or not. Iie yond a few Belittles she certainly has no eiew. A small Kng of men Is hnm inerlng, swiibblng and painting, nnd 50 run lines from C'nrlliBgena bave been ordered hero to do the work of patch ing up." Chicago Honors Itluo mid Cray. Chicago. May 31.-In addition to the great number of grnves of Union sol diers fi.000 Confederate dead lie buried In cemeteries here. Not one of them, northerner or southerner, was over looked ypsterday. After the ceremonies at the cemeteries there was n mng nlllcent parade In the heart of tho city The cheers were loudest whon the Ninth battalion of colored soldiers fell into line. They will be the (list to go under the new call, and tho only representa tion which the city will have in the call for 75,000 volunteers. Ono of the features of tliB parade wo. the tat tered pennant from tho 111 fated Maine. Starvnt bin In Kpnln. London, May ill. The Madrid corre 'pi ndent of The Dully Telegraph says: ''Willi spread dlstiess Is reported In vailftis parts of the Interior, more c nccl.illy In the provinco of Catalonia, wlir-p- food prices have risen consid erably, while a number of working peo ple have een thrown out of employ ment and hundreds of families plunged Into misery. The local government Is endenvoring to nllevlate want by open ing soup kituhens. Hints occurred yos trrday in the cltv of Mula, owing to the scarcity of food, especially bread." IiIhoiiho Strikes Dowo.v'h Fleet. Hong Kong, May 31, A dlnjuitch from M'inlla says: The American wart-hips are still hi the bay except a i-onple of smaller ones, which are being ustd on patrol duty outside. Hear Ad miral I )eu iv Is losing men from dla i use almo t daily. Smallpox and dys cntary a if s iid to In rife In (lie Amur lean squruit'on Ae.ulnaldo, the Insur gent chief, U working hard to gain over tlie rebels to the side of the Americans. flDNEY PAINS Only Those Who Have Suffered Cau Understand the Torture. Tcrriblo pnins in tho back; burning sensation in passing urine; annoying and frequent desire to urinate, especially nt night; the passing of gravel; sedi ment nt bottom of vessel after urine lias stood 24 hours, and other forms of Kidney and Bladder Disease, arc cured easily nnd quickly by Dr. David Kennedy's Vnvorito Jicmedy. It can be had in any drug store at St per bottle, and relief nnd euro can always be depended up on by thoso suf ferers who take this wonderful medicine. J. T. Ford, of lHnghnmton, N. Y., writes: "1 had Kidney Trouble r.e badly that I had to sit uii all night or, account of my back aching so. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Item edy cured me. I often tnke it now in small doses, and I find it keeps my bowels regular." SAMPLE UOTTLB PRfifi. Men who liuve Kidney, lilnddcr or I?lood Dis cases, and women who have Femali Troubles of any kind, are invited U. send their name nnd address to the Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Iiomlout, N. Y., who will send by mail a sample bottle of Favorite Itciwdy and circu lar of valuable information, nil free of charge. Please mention this fapet when writing. Every reader can de pend on the genuineness of this offer. Ilnt'i-y mid I. con I'lgbt to 11 Draw. . New York, May 31. Jimmy Harry and CaBper Loon met at the Lenox Athletic club last night for a 20 round contest for the bantam championship of the world, and after lighting 20 rounds, which weie productive of most scientific work by both boys, the ref eree, Johnny White, of this city, culled It u draw. Theie was little to choose between tho boxers at the llnlsh. Hnny was a big favoilte In the betting at 2 to 1 011, but, although no money was lost on the result, several bets at odili on that Leon would not stand six rounds, IS rounds and the limit were made by some sanguine friends of the little Chicago boxer. The New York ers snapped these bets up quickly. Tho Pi-oMilont Honors Dead CoinradoM Washington, May 31. In the center of the Held of "bivouac of the dead," the great ampltbenter of the national cemetery at Arlington, President Me Klnley and three of his cabinet Sec retaries Onge, Alger and Wilson yes terday Joined 0,000 citizens In doing honor to the patriotic dead. Ceremonies were held slmutaneouslv In several parts .of the cemetery, but tho main Ciiemonles- were In the ampltheuter, close to the old Lee mansion. The feat ure of the ceremonies was the address of Senator Thurston, of Nebraska. Pro longed applause greeted his references to the nbscnee of sectionalism and to the presence of Admiral Dewey in the harbor of Manila. ltriilu rrnf-i'KMct unit Crime. In our courts of law tho question o' double consciousness occasionally forms tho subject of legal deliberations, for u man in his second hulf may commit n crime of which he has no recollection whatovor In his natural ftnte. IIo Is, In other words, nt one time tho Jekyll of his household and may bo u loving father, n responsible citizen and a ronMinnblo friend. Then, when ho lapses, he bccuims tho Hydo of the romance realized to tho full. Ho may become a veritable villain, who will not stop short of minder If Ida unnat ural propensities direct his energies In a homicidal direction. Yet ho will wnko up, oil unconscious of his wrongdoing, to rehumo his life as a peneoflil niiin and sober citizen. . Tlio Interdependence of our social llfo Is aptly Illustrated by cases of this nature. Tho question of responsibility for crimes committed undir dual consciousness is ono of tlio gravest which law mid nicdlclno ullko can Iiao to fnco mid determine. It Is not without the hounds of rens-un to sup pose that our education In tho story of tho brain's byways may lead us pcrclianco to form judgmeiitscven of criminal nets morn consistent with mercy than have often been delivered, nnd to regard apparently irrational offonses With a charity which is none tho less real in that it is founded upon n knowledge of tlio weakness and ir regularities that beset tho working of tho bruin. "Some Uyways of tho Drain," by Andrew Wilson, M. I)., In Harper's Maga zine. TWO PATIENTS. Tlio fltnry of n Young 'i)lcJ!i niul the Monti Thereof, A young physlliiaii living in another city wmh onco called to see a patient at a tlmo when ho was himself hi n state of morel crlsifi, Ho had been present two days before at a consultation 011 tho case of an eminent citizen, and the doctors had disagreed. Uy all of his own study nnd cxperlouco ho was absolutely convinced that a certain operation desired by two of his colleagues In consultation would result in the deuth of tlio putlunt. Tho fuurth physician bolloved as ho did, hut when he spoko It was to assent to tho opinions ot the two eldor men, hi tho hope that their wisdom was assured and that tho man's llfo might bu saved. The old doctors hud their way, Tho potlont died uoxt day un dor tho hand of tho skilled younger man, whoso conscience, piomptly entered Into revolt of his whole, nature against his own Individual relation to tho conditions of his profession. After a sleepless night ho was called to the bedside of a second well known cltl.un, a niiin suffering from "Amerlcmiltls" crushing overwork whoso system was a little shaken up by a fall from 11 bicycle and who had a sllylit feverish cold attended by nn Inability to hold up his head, Tho young doctor, be ing, ns wo have said, in 11 state of moral crisis, said to the, patient: "In bedf That's good. Ktuy there for a week, Don't out anything If you can possllilj- help It. Drink plonty of cold water. Forget busi ness." To tho patient's wife ho said: "He's all right. It's time Im had a rest. Uo sure there Is plenty of fresh air In the room nlglit and day. Don't let any ono talk business to him for n week." Ho went away without giving a tablet or leaving a proscription. And next day ho doubled to quit tliu profession, so that when ho heard later how horrified people wcro to learn that Mr. A. had died under his hand niul that he laid told .Mr. II. that nothing ailed htm he only mulled grimly ami sah! nothing. Ho is now a very rich man, but he. iiuulu his money buying and selling a very coiiiiiiuuplaoo commodity. Uoston Trunsurlpt. Ask your urocor for tlio "Itoyid Patent flour, anil take 110 other bmiul. It is tlio Ismt Hour mado. ' 'ALL ANXIOUSJTO AID DEWEY. flenernl Mm-i'ltl Will Have Twenty Thousand Troops For Manila. San Frnnolseo, May 31. Yesterday General Merritt Issued an order as suming commnnd of the Philippine expedition, nnd is now busily engaged completing arrangements for the for warding of the second deatchment of troops to Admiral Dewey's assistance. The work of preparing the steamers Eealandla, China and V ion for the re ception of troops is progresng, though rnther slowly, it Is not ejected that the fleets can leave hen before the mid dle of net week at the earliest. Tho question of what regiments will mnko up the second expedition Is agitating the men at the ORinp. Thev nil want to go, but ns there are already over 12,000 men and more coming, nnd the second expedition will ronslst of only 6,000, thero will be many disappoint ments. Uy direction of the president formnl orders were prepnred adding 8,000 men to the department of the Pacific, under Mnjor General Morrltt, thereby Increas ing the strength of bis force to 20,000 men. While General Merritt wns prom ised a week ago that this Increase would be made If possible, dlilicultles of an apparently Insurmountable char acter were piesented, nnd It was only upon Buccess achieved by the war de partment Saturday In securing the execution of certain contracts much earlier than anticipated that It wus found possible to redeem the promls". These related not only to transporta tion, but arms, ammunition, uniforms, and other lequlslte equipment, It hav ing been feasible up to this time to secure these essentials for only 12,000 men. Ilonoi-big V,Tini-'ett''S'Tlcinorv. Paris. May 31. With a view to check the blatant pro-Spanish feeling here und enlist the sympathies of French men on the side of America, a special effort was made by the Ameilcnn col ony yesterday to do honor to the mem ory or Lafayette. A big gathering pro ceeded to bis tomb In the PIcpus cem etery, which was' decorated with wreaths and mutual flags. The United States amboHMHilor n,.,w.i 11, I'1"''", deposited the American wreaths .mi, in uii eloquent speech referred to America's debt to Lafayette and the "unbreakable ties between the two peo ples." He was warmly applauded. M. Dartholdl followed In the same strain. Tg'tlU.iitiiuijLi. t..a.iViiV.'ltlVVflJ'. A Pleasure at Lest. 4 Kfe style: I I I I i7nkKIiLa.l . . MAYPOLE- SOAP ' WASHES. U QYE -A is No Muss. No Trouble. ; washes? dyes ! ; ml S AT ONE OPERATION r 3; I ..ANY COLOR. i "t Tho Cleanest, Fastest Dye forj: i; Soiled or Faded Shirt Waists, 3: S Dlouscs, Ribbons, Curtains, Under- : llncn, etc., whether Silk, Satin,;: : Cotton or Wool. . "I :5oo in All Colors by Crocors ant;i S Druggists, or mailed free S; 2 tor 15 cents'; Address, TUB MAYPOLB SOAP DCPOT, c jr. 127 Dunne Street, Sew York, S; THE PHILADELPHIA IS THE HANDSOMEST and BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED. During lSiWTIIHTI MIX will not only iiiHlntaln tlio hlgli staiiilanl of cxri llcoci It icai-ln il the put year, lint will HtcuilffiHtly endeavor to uxix'i im mvn iii-M rriimi, mm will 1101 swerve irom uh set piap.uiO 10 iiiauu THE TIME'S HIE PAVORITH PARI 1 1. Y NEWSPAPER OF THIS COUNTRY ANO THE BEST NEWSPAPER PUIU.ISHEI) I'ltlNHMI ALL THE NEWS ALL THE WORLD ALL THE TIME No Jnuriml N more extensively circulated or urn a wmer ciicjo in reuncrH in J eunwyiviniiu inun THE PHILADELPHIA WHY ? BECAUSE IT DESERVES THEM Specimen Copies Sent Free Scud for one 1 m TniJJYlC DAIbY.KOOiirruiiiniiii; 3fi rents 'J per month; ilullvrml liytarilera for 0 wuUHirf-k SU.ND.V iilll I'llJ.N, HJ bugf, liiiiiilsinne ihikmi-',SI Miliiiinif, elegantly lllimtHitisl, bwitlffully printed In colum, ttU IXiriwiium; Sm-iiU imr copy. Daily und him ', l-"0 lr annum j 60 cents nr month. Aihlri-s all bttcra to THE TIMES, ruiuniii.riiii nnd wife should know about the pre paration that for half a century has been helping expectant mothers bring little ones into the world without danger and the hundred and one discomforts and distractions Vwf 5T "ll-,ut111- lu -uiiu-uiriii. 11 is applied externally, which is the only way to get relief. A Medicines taken internally will?1 w'" not ne'p-ani may 5S fits and prepares every organ, muscle and part of the body for the critical hour. It robs child-birth of its tortures and pains. laby's coming is made quick and easy. Its action is doubly bene- Vficial if used during the whole period of pregnancy. $1 per bottle at all drug stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price. Hooks Free, containing valuable infor mation to nil women, will be sent to nny address upon application by The BradHcid Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ca. "AteDliillli'M Speedy TVn Miles. Urldgoport, Conn.. May 31. Over 2,000 people attended the bicycle races held at Pleasure Heucb yesterday afternoon under the niuiolces of tho Drldgeport Cycle club. The principal event of the day was the ten mile multicycle paced match race between Eddie McDuflle, of Cambridge, Mass., and Fred C. lloyt, of Bridgeport, lloyt took the lead nt the start and held It for two miles, but poor work on the part of bis pacemakers caused blm to fall behind, and McDuflle held the lead from then on, winning by over n lap. Ills time for the ten miles was IS minutes nnd 48 seconds. Tlio Iteiinlt,.,! nine ,! orny. Lexington, Ky Alay 31. For tlio first time since the war the Confederate vet terans Joined with the G. A. It. in ob serving Memorial Day and decorating the graves of Union soldiers, Two Di-owncil In Tlio Deinwnro. Philadelphia, May 31. lllchnrd Hog hnladen, aged 20 years, of this city, and a Swedish sailor named Berg, from the schooner J. Manchester Hnlnes, were drowned yesterdny in the Dela ware river. Ilnghaladeu and two com panions bad been visiting on the boat and lterg was rowing them ashore, when the boat upset. "It was almost a ininicln. llurihic.k Itlood hitters cured 1110 of a tcrriblo hicaklng out all over the body. I am very grateful." Miss Julia l-'illiriilge, West Cornwcil, Conn. TO BIltMINOIIAMAHD MEMPHIS. iiNsuitiMssim hi'.itvioi: nrrixnn iiv Tin: HIIITIIKIIN ItUI.WAY. Leaving Itioad Street sbilloii.Plill.iilelpliia, at 11:65 t. in, daily, the "Southwestern Limited," carrying n dining car and tlio most luxurious Pullman drawing room sleep lug ejus, reaches hlrminfjhaii tlio following night at 10:10 and anives at Memphis the next miiriiingat 7:10. Through sleeping cirs for Asliuvilio, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tainpi, Atlanta, Mobile and New Orleans are also attached to this train. Pullman icscr vatlous tan bu niaile in advance and all in formation obtained by communicating with John M. Heal, District Passenger Agent, 82 Qlicntuut street, Philadelphia. AviniN NATimr. Needs nsfchtnnco it may liu host to lender it promptly, but ouo should rememlicr to use even the most nerlcct remedies only when needed. The best and most simple awl gentle remedy is the fjyrup of Figs, nianiilactiired by thu California rig Syrup Co. TO THE LAND OF SUHSIHNE Anil Flowers, the Hand of Aineilca, Cull- rornlu. Via tlio true pathway, "Tlio Iron Mountain lioutc," which tmverfees a region of perpetual sunshine, where snow storms, blizzards or high altitudes aio unknown. Pullman first and second class palaco and tourist sleenin cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Toxas, Old and Now Mexico, Arizona, Califomi Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and Nevada, without change, Quick time, low rates, ami all tho comforts of modem railway Improvements guuantecd to all who imr- chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific: railway system, l-or rates light from your homo, llterutuio, anil lull information, drop a postal card, J. P. Ah-Uimi, T. P, Agent, filti hail road avenue, Klniliu, N. Y., or 3U1 llroaib way, ,Nuv York. il-l-tf W. K. lloyt, (1, K P. Agt. "Ono Minute. Couch Cure is the best nrc paratiou I have ever sold or used ami can't say Iiiii much in its pralso." ,. M. Keimiin Merchant, (Moll, (ia. C. II. iIaBcnbiii:h. iti:.v;;ixi siisitiii-ciiNTiiNNiAU limiUL-IUI UATHB VIA IT.NNSYI.VANIA JtAII 1111 A II. For the Reading, Pa., Scsqui-Ceiitciinlal Jubilee, June B to 12, the Pennsylvania Rail rcid Company will soil excursion tickets fiom ktations on Its lines in tho statu of Pcuusy). vauia to Heading anil ictuiii at reduced rates For spfllo rates mid conditions apply to 1 ickct Agents. Tills celebration promises to ho ono of tho V greatest uvents hi the city's history, Monday, Wednesday anil Thursday, Junu (1, Hnndll, will be kpocial days. Tho celelinitlon will cIom) with a grand masked cainival on Satur day night, Junu 12, it's folly (o Miller from that horrible nlaeiin of the night, itching plUw, Duau's Ointment cuius quickly and permanently. At any drug store, r0 cents. Tlio South anil Its AiltuiilugcH. Tho Southern Railway lias istuicd for free distribution, a sixteen pigo journal dote uilptivo of Virginia, Nortli ami South Caro lina, TttintaoM, Georgia, Alalaina and Muuinsippt. Pei-Mimi seeking now locations, or cupilulUtsdeaiiinu to make Kifuanil liroflt- able invcstiuents will dud the information nontHimil tliurciu both valuable and Intoi tstiiig. ('oplos will bo iiiuiled I'rco upon up. plinttiuu to John M. itoall, District Paswin- gor Agent. hSH C'liustnut sticet, Pliiludelplila, i-a. Iluy KcyBtoncllour. llosuiotliat tlionamo Lrrski & ItABK, Ashland, l'a,, i nriutwl on M K'tk m o very sack. The liugllMh'ltldei' Ylctorloim, lloston, May 81. Tom Linton, the Fnglbhman, was the star rider of th annual race meeting of the Massachu setts division, L. A. W on Qlinrles Itlver Park yesterday, and he Is credit ed with having added to his accomp lishments nine world's records In his SO miles paced race with Hnrry Elkos, of Glens Falls, N. V. A closer finish or u different ending might Imvo hap pened had Kikes been furnished faster pace. Linton finished fresh In 6G:G0 1-ti, or 1 minute and 40 seconds uuilor tho record for the distance. , Tho Fi-onoh '.voIImIh Won, New York, May 31. Tho Berkcly Oval bicycle races yesterday, though no records were broken, were unsuallv Interesting, the international pursuit match rnce. France vs. America, be ing one of the prettiest events of the kind seen In New York thlB year. The rnce was won by Gougoltz and Latn berjack, of France, fiom Soger nnd Swnnbrouch, of America.. The French men envrht th" .,-. ' ' -r rrtcr gSng a distance of 391 miles; time, 7.23, Iteelproolty With Fennee. Washington, May 31. The president late yesterday afternoon Issued a proc lamation setting forth that tills nation and France had entered Into a com meiclnl agreement In which reciprocal and equivalent concessions have been granted this gover.'-nent. In accord ance therewith the duties now Imposed on various articles or French manufac ture nrc lowered to the minimum rates under the favored nation clnuse of the tnrlff bill. A Now Hummer Throwing Itecoi-d. P.nyonne. N. J., May 31. A featuro of the oonteBt-s at the N. J. A. C. carnival yesterday was the throwing of the 10 pound hammer, In which John Flana gan, of th New York Athletic club, the holder of the world's record, was defeated by bis only competitor, J, C. McCrneken, of the University of Penn sylvania. McCracken made n new world's record of 1&3 feet S Inches, Ht'hlch beats the record by one Inch. Sngntii i:poots No Aid. London, Mav 31. The Madrid cor respondent of The Times says: "It Is reported that Senor Pagasla, the pre mier, during Sunday's cabinet council, reasserted that Hpain does not expect the support, diplomatic or otherwise, of any foreign power, and that there Is no question whatever ot undertaking negotiations for this purpose through Kennr Leon y Castillo, Spanish am dassador at Paris." Bucklcn's Arnica Salvo. Tho lest salvo in tho world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt lhouru, fevor fores, letter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and nil skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or jo pay required. It w guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price 25 rents nor box. For wdo by A . Woslor. RUPTURE CURED. A Specialist tin Uiipnuc fiom Wil1t.-unnorl will viMt Shenandoah Every Thursday AT THE Hotel Franey, from 8 til! 10:30 a. tn. Ruptuic permanently and quickly Cured or no pay. Written guarantee to alisolulclv cure oil kinds of Rupture without operation or detention from business. Absolutely no DniiRir. Examination Prec. Inn ttit-cruic ft trail In Quiil itiri 1tt-trl. in .w,, .v.,w..n t..iv ... t;tt j , ..H.iiiiunin, Tt Vunml .i!,!.,!le mlio e..i. I,- .f,. to. Charges ami teuns nuxlcratu ami williin uaca oi nu. GREAT PAIN ! GREAT COST ! These were the two reasons that formerly kept people irom attending to their- teeth, llotli reasons hnve no existence in this ad vanced ai;c. Painless and inexpensive dent Ktry witli -an absolute guarantee for five years is our niclliou A Good Set of Teeth, $. The Very licit Teeth, J8. You can get no belter, no matter what you pay. No charge for extracting, wlicie teeth arc ordered. We can take ) our impression in the morning and give you your tcclli in the altcrnoon II desired. (loltl PilliiiKs, $i ; Best Silver Fillings, 5oc up; Cleaning-, Roc; iixlinctlilg, 2f,-. Crown and bridge work at v ly reasonable rates. ICxan ination.s and i sliin.,les free. Weiise but one grade of material the best, SCHUYLKILL DEHTAL PARLOflS, Cor. White & Centre Sts., Robblns" Building LAUER'S In Bottles or by the Keg. Lauer's Lager WD Pilsnei Beer. Porter and Weiss Beer. Christ. Schmidt, Agent und Bottler, 203 W. Coai Street, SHENANDOAH - PA Her Health Restored TfHKu !--cry of sleeplessness cau only be JJ rcuilrd by thoso v;bo hr.vo oxpc ' c,:clii. Ilcrvoitsnoss, sleoplessm , I - -l:r-, netiralrla nnd that lalsc.i' .i loclii-r ' t enrc.-.t, can sjroly bocurodl v Dr. Mile-.' ltot-toratlvo Nervine. Bo ccrta! i n l)i. Alllesof this fncttliat nil drtifrelstu nro ntilli:l.Lii iorotund price paid for the fli ,i bottio tried, providing it docs not beucut, Mrs. Henry Brims, wife, of tho well l:n wn bl-..-' -iltl':,t (ir-xnd Juncllon, Intra, say : 't as ! roubled w lib sloeple niM", ncrv t j. nu.-, h.ulr.cbo and Irregular nionstrualloii; riiffcrl ig untold r.-.bery for years. I used various udvrtlsc'j remedies for fomale com plaint1: 'ec.J'.l.'.i bulng under the care of local physlc'anc, T.-llhouthelp. I noticed In Dr. Mllos' advertisement tlio testimonial of a lady ( u-ed of ailments similar to mine, and Ie1i& 1 never ccai e to thnnk that. lady. Her testimonial Induced mo to use' Dr. Miles' No: vino and Norv6 and Liver Pills, which restored mo tolioallh. I caunots.iy cnouh for Dr.Mlleslton-."d cs " rsvJoTiWjt? Dr. Miles' Itomcdlos jiV Qr. ''fS$ U1UMIIU IJJT UII UlllK glsu under a posltlvo guarantee, nri,1. hottlo benefits or money re funded. Hook on dis ease ..of tho heart and ner-iafrcc. Address, . Raatorco , K-A-uisiJJsa Dr.. MILKS MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Iud. Philadelphia 81 Redin; Railway Str.-ke IN Kl'KlCUT MAY 2Jlh, lS'.'S. Trains leave Hiiennndoali nn followi : Kor New York via 1'hlIudrlplilA, week iIiij-h, 7 30 0 51 a. in., 12 27, K 10 nnd b 07 p. 111. Kor New York via Mauch CIiuilk, week daj-p, 7 30 a. m., 12 27 and 3 10 n. m. Kor K-ujiUlliK nnd l'lilladelphls, week dnyM, 7 30, 9 rJ li.lll., 12 27, 3 10 nml 0 07 11. 111. Kor l'ottsvlllc, week dayn, 7 30, 3BI n, m,, 12 27, 8 10, 0 07 nnd T 25 ji. in. For Tainnquft nnd Mnlianoy City, week Unyn 730, Otil fc. m., 1227 3 10 nod 6 07 . 111. For Wlllinnisport, Sunburv and LowlsburK, neuk days. 11 B0 a. tn.. 12 27, 7 21 n. m For Mnhano IMnne, wcekilnyB, 7 30, 9 &l, 11 30 n. 111., 12 27, 8 10, 0 07. 7 23, SI 61 p. ni. For Ashland nnd Sliamokbt, week dnpt,, 730, 1180 u. in., 12 27, 8 10,6 07, 723 and 9 55 p. in. For llnHlinotu, Washington and tho Went via B. .fcO, It. H., Ibroiigh trains lra"i Uefti,lli Torniliml, Philnilelpliln. (P. Ac It. II R.) nt 3 20, 7 5o,1120n. in., 8 10 nml 7.27 p. i. MuihIiivh, 3 20, 7 00, 11 2 n. in., 8 46 nnd 7 27 p. m. Allot ttounl trains from Twenty-fourth and Obcsfc uttt streets station, week days, 10 80 n. m. 12 20, 12 It H 40 I). in. Sundays, 1 05, 8 23 p. in. TKAINH KOlt SIIKNANDOAH. T.rnvo New York vln I'hilndclphtn, i.eek days, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 1 1 SO n. in., mid 1 15, I 30, 9 00 p.m. Leave Now Vork vln Mnuck Chunk, week days, 4 80, 9 10 ft. in.. 1 30 p. m. benvn Philadelphia, Kendliiff Tcrinlnnl, week days, 3 10. 8 811, 10 21 n. 111. mid 1 31), 4 (6 p.m. l,cnvo loading, week dnya, 7 07, J0OM, a, m. 12 15,4 17,0 00)1. m. I.cavo 1'ottsvllle, weekdays, 710, 740 n. m. 12 30 1 10, n 10 mid a 50 p. iu. 1,f-iivoTaniaqun, week flnys, 8 30, 112:1 n. in., i 111, 5 60, 7 20 p. m. lo.-avn Mnlianoy City, week dnys, U05, 1147 a. 111., 2 2.', S 12, 6 21, 7 41 p. Ill Leave Ainliauoy Plnno, week dnya, 680, 9 25, 10 25. 11 51 n. in., 2 II, 532, fi 41. 7 57, p in. Leave Wflllmnspoit, week dayB, 7 12, JuOl in.. 12 81 mid 1 00 p. ni. ATLANTIC CITY 1)1 VIHION. Leave Philadelphia Clicntliut sttoul wuif nnd Bouth strict whmf fur Atlantic City. Weekdays Krprcss, 9 00 n. in., (130 Sat urihiVBonly), ju, 1 00, 130, 5 00 p.m. Acoin moilntlon, 15 it. in.. 5 15, 0 80 p. in. HunilnyH Hl mis, SCO, 900, 10 00 a, in. Accoliilnodntlon, 11 15 n, 1,,., 4 45 p. in. JlrturnliiK leave Atlantic City depot, corinr Atlantic nntt Arkansas iivi-mics. Weekdays Uiprcts, 1 CO, 7 15, 9 00 m., 3 HO, 5 30 )1. in. Acconiuiodntlor,, 4 25, 8 01 n. in, 105 p. in. Sundays Kxpress, 4 00, 6 30, 8 00 p. in. Ao eoinoieifatlon. 7 15 n. m., 4 15 p. in. l-'or Cape May and Ocean t'ity, 8 15 a. m , 2 80, 1 15 p. m. Sundays South street, 9 00, Chestnut street, 9 15 a m For Hca Isle City, 8 (5 a in, 1 15 p in. KiindayH South street, 9 00, Chestnut street, 9 15 a in. Pnrlor Chih on nil exitniM, trains. vor further Information, apply to nearest pMladelphla mid Heading Hallway ticket agent or ndiiress 1. A. Hweioaiiii, Kudos J, Wkeks. (len'l Sunt., (Icn'l l'as'r Agt., lteailing 'JVrmiunl, Pbilailclphin. Pennsylvania RAILROAD. Bl'IIUYKILI, DIVISION. Mav 28, 1898. Trains will lenvu Shenandoah litter tne nngtk iluto for Wlggans, illlhcrtun, Fraekvtllo, Dark Wuter, St. Clair, l'ottavillu. llnmburg, Ittadliik, Pottstowu, l'hoenlxvllle. Norrlstown ni d PVV sJelpbla (Broad street station) nt 6 05 and 8)5 a. m.( 2 02, 0 10 p ui. on week days. Sundays, 8 IS a. in., 4 25 p. in. Trains leave Frackvllle fnr Hhenundoah nt 7 30, il 46 a.m. and 6 46, 736 p. w, Sunday, 11 01 a, in. nnd 5 46 p. in. Leave i'nttsvlllu for Shenandoah (via Krack vlllu 7 10, 11 20 a. m., 6 20, 7 10 p. iu. Sunday 10 &5 a. in., 5 20 p. in. Iaivo ridladelplrfa, (Broad street station), for Shenandoah at 8 85 a. m., 4 10 p. m. week days. Sundays leave nt 6 80 and 9 23 a. m Leave Ilioad street station, Philadelphia, k,i Boa dirt, Asbury Park, Ocean drove, I,on Branch, mid Intermediate stations, H.20, 11.14, o, in., 8.80 mid 4.Ulp. iu. WLe.k-dnys. Ixnve Broad Street Station. Philadelphia, FOB N1CW YOltK. Kiprcss, weck.i!a, 8 20, 4 Oo, 4 60 5 01, 6 50 7 33,821', 960, 1021 (Wiling Car), 1100a. u, 12 00 noon, J2 85 (Limited 1 00 and 4 22 p, ta. Dining Cars), 1 40, 280 (Dining Car) Un, 3.50. I 00, Sou, 5 66 (Dining Car), 0 00, 7 02,7 50 (Din ing Car), 10 00 p. in., 12 01, night. Sundays, 32C, 4 05, 4 60 601. 8 20, 9 50. 1021, (Db Inp, Car), 1185 n. m., 12 35, I 05 i Dining Car) 2 80 (l)liibig Car), 4 00 (Limited 4 22) (Diiilng Car), 5 20.5 60, (Dining Car) 0, 7 02,7 60, Dining Car 10 00 p. in., 12 01 night. lSxprcsH for Boston without change, 11 00 a i., week-days, mid 7 43 p. in., dully, WASHINGTON AND THIS SOUTH, Fur llalttmoru nnd Washington, 3 60, 7 20, 8 32, 10 20, 11 23, a. ui 12 09, 12 31 (Dining Cur), 1 12 Dining Car, 312, 4 41, 5 25 Congres sional Limited. Dining Car, 017. 655 Dln- lug Car, 7 31 Dining Cur p. in., and 13 09 night eelc ilays. Sundays, a 60, 7 20, 9 12, II 23, ii. in., izu-j, 1 1.', tinning usri I 41, a-ji .,( RreHaluual Limited. Dining Car , C65 Dlnti Car, 7 81 IDiidngCar p. iu. und 12 0.5 night. Con- in: For Baltimore, ueeoiniiiodatioii. 9 12 n in. 2 02 mid 4 01 ) m week days, SOS and II 10 p in dully, FOB ATLANTIC CITY. la-avo Broad street station via Delaware rlvci bridge ICxprcss, 9 20 a m,7 0.1 p, in. dally, Leave Market Street Wurf-lCiprcBS, 6 (X), 9 00 a ir.(I00S.iturdu.vonly), 200,4 00, 130,500 p. 111. SumtuVH, SOU, H 45. 9 00, 9 45 u. ill (aecoill luodatlun 4 80 und 5 00 p. in.) For Cunt) May, Angli-scn, Wild wood and Doll. Beach lSxpi-ess, 9H0u in, I 00 p iiiwcekdu, Siiiula s 9 1 0 a in. For Capo May only, I 80 p iu Saturdays For hen Isle Cltv. Oct u City. Avaloii nnd Slope Harbor Kiprcmi, 000 n. ui., 420, p. in. wetKuayg, niliinays, v uo n. in. For Homers Point Hum-. 5 OP. 9 00. a. in., 2 00, 1 00, 5 00, p. ill. week duys Sundays, 8 45 n. in and 9 45 p m. , J. 11 HUTCHINSON, .1. It o"w, (lun'l Mummer, (len'l 1'ais g'r Agt riillions of Dollars llo up In smoke every year. Take n risks but get jrdMr Iioums, sus k, fa nltuio, etc., Iiisurod In flisUlasu r llablo eempaulos ss roprosonttd ly DAVID PAUST. Insurancc AKcut t Alto Llln.andActlclti UI ColiiinltI