The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 21, 1898, Image 1

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7J reach the fublic through a fro
gretihe, digmiea, influential journal
use the llKKAI.D columns.
Creates business becauseof ittknnvn
large circulation and renders rich
results to its advertisers.
VOL. XIII.-NO. J 25.
War Declared
On Prices.
A large ami beautiful new
stock of
Baby Coaches,
J. P. Williams & Son,
and upwards.
13 S. Main Street,
The Flagship New York Returned But Sampson Re
mained in a Strategic Position to Intercept
the Enemy on the Southern Coast
of Cuba if They Appear.
"COR RENT. An eight-room dwelling house, good loca-
tion. On North White street. Call at O'Hara's Livery
Stable, Corner White and Lloyd streets.
Special to HvKKixn IlKitAi.n.
Washington, liny 21.
Important diets lmvo leaked out to-day regarding Sampson's ileet.
ItiH stated that tlic cruiser and llai;ldp New York was the only sliip
that returned to Key AVest and that Hear Admiral Sampson remains In a
good strategical position to descend upon Admiral Corvora's Ileet should it
ppear on the southern coast of Cuba.
ThiH position, it is believed, is at the Windward passage.
It is believed Sampson is informed by scouts of the Spaniard-' presence.
It would not be surprising if news came that Sampson had headed oil
Cevera's ileet.
It is also said that reonforcements have been hurried to Sampson and
the blockading squadron has been strengthened.
In all the leading shades. Also White and
colored organdies, embroideries and new effects
in cotton goods.
At the old price, regardless of the advance.
, ! I PRippe North Main St.,
I is. I C, Shenandoah, Pa.
Special to Hvkninci llKKAl.n.
Key West, May 2 1 . This city is in a ferment in anticipation of
big news.
It is hinted in the circles of people that should . know that mutters
are now so arranged that it seems impossible for the American fleets to
fail in accomplishing their purpose. ,
It is also confidently believed that negotiations for peace will begin
ithin a mouth.
Leader of High Grade Goods, Latest
Styles and Genuine Bargains iiaw
This week we are selling a fine grade of the latest
organdies in Roman styles and plaids at 8c per yard, worth double the
price ; not to speak of the great assortment of white goods in lawns
dimities, checks, striped organdies, plaids, &c, which are going at the
same low price, irom 5c per yard up. Also one peep at cur muinery
will assure you at once that vou can save dollars in that line alone.
So walk through the different departments and get prices and convince
yoursell oi the money you can save.
Third Door F"rom Post Office.
Soring Has Come.:
The voice of the lawn mower is heard in the
land. Our stock o( Iawn Mowcis, Grass Shears, Hedge Trimmers,
etc., is complete.
llmc In Cans, VAhlte Wash Brushes, Caustic
Soda, I ye, Copperas, Sulpher, "Slug Shot"
for Roses, Garden Seeds.
To (Seduce Stock
Special Dargalno
wo Offer a Pow
Maryland Sugar Corn, 4 for 25c.
Fancy Northern, 3 for 25c.
Kxtra size and fancy quality,
2 for 25c.
Kxtra early June, 4 for 25c.
Sifted early June, 3 for 25c.
lfancy quality, sweet and tender,
2 for 25c.
Gooseberries, - - 5 for 25c.
Baked Beans.
Picnic size, 3 for 10c.
Standard large cans, 5 for 25c
Fine quality, very cheap, 4 for 25c
Hxtra quality, 3 lor 25c.
Fancy quality, 2 for 25c.
California Reaches.
Standard" Yellow Crawford
2 for 25c.
Lemon clings at 15 and 18 cents
Regular 25c goods.
Red Alaska, 3 for 25c.
Columbia River, 2 for 25c.
Apricots and Eggs Plums, 3 cans for 25c,
litest Adders I'riim the -National CiiiIIh1
mi tho War Situation.
pcclal to Evoking Herald.
Washington, May 21.
Tho Information given to-day Is tliat Ad
miral Sampson lias left Key West to give
attlo to tho Spanish fleet near Santiago. The
moves to bo mado from now on will bo wholly
offensive. It is proposed to pron'cuto them
1th tho greatest vigor, nnd to follow up
Itliont delay any advantages that they mai
led uco.
Naval oflicials nro very reticent In furnish-
ng information or oppressing an opinion
upon tho moTcmonts of tho naval and army
forcos, but thoy nil say that a battle Is imminent.
"If tho latest Information is correct," said
u Administration ollicial this morning, "and
Admiral Oervora's fleet has loft Santiago do
uba, then a gieat naval battle will take
laco within a short time."
Itisuotknowu hero whether tho repurt
that Admiral Corvora's fleet lins left Santiago
e Cuba is truo or not.
With tho juncture cil'ected by tho United
States squadron under tho command of Ad-
liral Sampson and tho flylngs'iuadron under
tho command of Commodoro Schloy the
United States licet is vastly superior to the
Spanish squadron. Seven ships all told fly
o Spanish ensign, four of them armored,
thrco unarmored, and tho destroyers.
On tho other hand "Old Glory" waves over
six armored ships, soven when tho Oregon
arrives; over four mouitors, over flvo regu
lar cruisers, over ton regular gunboats, and
over a score of fast converted gunboats and
auxiliary cruisers. Bosides those, our Hag
floats over half a dozen first-class torpedo
boats and nearly half a bundled armed tugs,
rorenuo cutters, lighthouse, tenders, colliers,
In view of these facts it is not dltlicu't to
determine tbo outcomo when tho opposing
forces meet.
Admiral Cervera's Danger.
London. May 21. Admiral Corvera's
maneuver excites the keenest specula
tion here. In some quarters the whole
story is regarded as a ruse designed to
hurry up tho Spanish government and
the spreading of it broadcast is sup
posed to hide some sinister move. Thu
bulk of opinion, however, regard the
news as authentic and Is Inclined to the
belief that Admiral Cervera well known
reinforcements are ut hand, and that
otherwise he would not have risked
being bottled up at Santiago.
The Dally News directs attention to
the great secrecy preserved about what
Is happening at the Canaries, where
the cables have been seized and censor
ship Is severe. It says: "The ques
tion now arises whether the reserve
squadron from Cadiz Is not already half
way across the Atlantic. One thing
seems clear. The Spanish strategists
have a prearranged plan of operations,
while the Americans have been forced
by circumstances Into a defensive at
titude. However, if Cervera is in
Santiago de Cuba It ought not to be
dllllcult for Admiral Sampson to And
him. Thus It Is possible thero may be
a big fight within a few days.
"Admiral Cervera has given the Blip
to two powerful fleets that have been
scouring the ocean for a fortnight In
an endeavor to catch him. All the
American schemes depend thereupon
Admiral Cervera, with four cruisers
and a few destroyers, alone In the At
lantlc, Ignoring events In Cuba and In
rorto nico nnd . the position of the
American squadron, has out maneuver
ed, disorganized arid dispersed the Int
tcr, making the Arnerl' uns believe they
wero threatened on every sine.
"The torpedo bofttg Azore, Itayo and
Artete steamed from the Cape Verde
Islands to the Canaries with the ut
most precaution, hugging the coast by
day and covering their lights by night.
The Arleto, slightly damaged, was
towed by the Cludnd de Cadiz, and tho
transports carried tho smaller boats of
the Vlzcava, the Alinlrante Oquendo,
the Cristobal Colon and tho Infanta
Maria Teresa, probably In order that
these vessels might be cleared In view
of possible battle."
The Dally Chronicle, on the other
hand, thinks Admiral Cervera has
walked Into a trap from which he can
not escape, "thanks partly to the lm
beclllty of the Spanish government In
publishing his dispatch, which Is doubt
less done to avert domestic evils." Tho
Dally Chronicle concludes:
"As to hinted negotiations by Spain
with the cowers, the best answer to
them would bo an American victory,
which we hope to record Monday or
' The Times says editorially: "Whether
publicity will assist the success of Ad
mlral Cervera's operations Is ques
tionable, but It has undoubtedly helped
the new ministers to make a favorablo
debut In the cortes. Certainly tho
situation has Increased In Interest."
Fresh Stock California and Jamaica Oranges.
Do you want a good Tapestry Brussels at 60 cent
worth 75 cents.
Special to Kvontng Herald.
Madrid, May 21. Tho question of Sonor
Castillo taking tho Foreign OHlcc portfolio is
still uudecided. Ho is expected bore to-day
from I'ails to coufor with I'riuio Miuistor
Sugasta. Meanwhile, a paper which is some
times inspired, announces that Scuer Castillo
Is ongagod iu effecting a" rapprochomcnt
with Franco "for reasons which must not bo
mailo public."
In his speech in tho Scuato Scnor Sagasta
rofurrcd to tho absence of Sonor Castillo in
words which bavo caused much speculation
Ho said : "Tho appointment of a forcigu
Minister has been deferred becauso tho cud
of tho ministerial crisis happened to coincide
with certain ovents abroad which may pro
voke unlooked-for consequences; and in faco
of such consequences tho Government In
dorses ttio reasons urged In favor ot our
Ambassador at 1'nris remaining at his post,
belluvlug that it would bo inconvenient to
wlthdiaw him until the situation brightens
and tho trend of international relations be
comes clcady dlscornablo."
It ran bo assoitod that Admiral Corvora's
licet now at Santiago do Cuba must light or
Spain will not bo satisfied.
Stmor Tiilo Sails.
Special to Kvuninci Hkhalii,
Montreal, May 21, Sonor Polo Bcrnabo,
who represented tlio Spanish government at
Washington, salltd to-day for Madrid, ac
companied by his stall'. Ho leaves behind
tho Spanish Consul to continuo to gather in
formation for tho Spanish government.
Tho "Y" l'rofruliu
The following program will bo rendered at
tho "V" this evening i Slngiug, "Y" ; scrip
ture reading, Kdna Loticksj solo, Mary
Dimto; recitation, uiiomas Mlllichap: ad
dress, Ooorgo James: Instrumental solo. Ida
Kohler; reading, liattlo Mausell; uuws of
interest, Alfred Mlllichap critic, Edward
Danks J singing, V."
Olio Infantryman Killed mill riftccn Seri
ously IiiJuriMl.
Special to Kvnsixn IIi:rali.
Chattanooga, Tonn., May 21. A trooptralu
carrying tho 1st Missouri Infantry to this
placo collided with a passenger train at n
point fivo inllos from this city this morning.
Tho troop train was wrecked.
One privato named Robbing was killed and
fifteen wero injured.
It is believed that several of tho privates
are fatally injured.
Results at
the Conventions
County To-day.
in This
ltuii tho lllockadp.
Special to EviSNINO llKRALl).
Madrid, May 21. Tho Spanish steamer
Montserrat, with supplies and ammunition,
has reached Cieufuegos, having run the
Thcro is much lejolcing hero ovor tho news
and it is claimed that this successful ruu con
firms the declaration of Spain that tho block-
ado of Cuba is ineffective.
Spaln'i Internal Troubles.
Special to Evening) IIeiuld,
Madrid, May 21. It is reported tliat hread
riots aro imminent at Badajos.
Tho Portugeso authorities expoct nn attack
on a number of store houses filled with wheat
and aro preparing themselves accordingly.
Admiral Corvera's squadron has been olli
cially reportod at Santiago de Cuba.
Roar Admiral Sampson has ocean scouts
watching tho Spanish licet and will move to
attack it at once.
Sampson's squadron, reinforcodbySchloy's,
lias lour battlo ships and two cruisors.
General Merritt received final instructions
regarding tho occupation of the Philippines.
Sagasta declares Spain will not accept peace
that dopmea her of any torritory.
Spain's Souato has passed resolutions con
gratulatiug Cervera.
Souor Polo do Beruabo leaves Canada for
Liverpool to-day.
Nearly 10,000 Spanish troops oro embark.
lug at Barcelona to sail for tho Philippines
Admiral Camaia, commander of the Cadiz
squadron, is In Madrid.
An Am fill Dooil of u Woman Craved l,v
Special to KvlcMSd llKiul.l).
Poughkcopslo, N, V May 21. Mrs. John
Sperio, ogod 40 years, cut tho heads oil' her
two children this morning.
Tho victims wore John Sporlo, aged two
years, and Rogina, aged fivo mouths.
Tho weapon used for tho horrible dead was
a large butcher knife.
Tho mother is believed to have been crazed
by grief over tho death of hor husband fivo
months ago, Sho is now In jail, a raving
A Statu llmlal.
Special to Kvkmko 1Ikuai.i
London, .May 21, Tho family of tho lato
Hon. Win. Kwart Gladslono has accepted
tho government's oll'or for a state funeral,
and interment of tho dead statesman's re
mains at Westminster Abbey,
Tho acceptance is bellovod to bo conditional
that Mrs. Gladstone shall share tho gravo
when sho dies.
Tho Garibaldi Sold.
Special to Kveninq Herald.
Komo, May 21. Tho purchase of tho
Italian cruiser Garibaldi by tho Argentine
Republic has been completed and tho latter
government has acquired formaJ possession
of tho vessel.
Well l'ortiflcd.
Special to Kvunino IIeralu.
Norfolk, May 21. Hampton Roads is r
considered perfectly safe from attack.
Ihreo new eight-inch guns aro being
mounted and a night signal system has boei
Tho passage of tho channel by small boats
of tho enemy is considered almost impossible
Significant Movement,
Special to Kveninq Heualu.
Kingston, Jamaica, May 21. Tho steamor
Adula sailed from this port early this morn
ing for Cieufuegos, Culia, to bring hero any
Aiuerioaus, or other poreous, wishing to leave
that city.
Gil' Tor Clilekaliuiugii.
Special to Kvenlni; Herald,
Hempstead, N. Y., May 21. Tho COti
Regiment, tho fighting Irishmen of New
York City, will loavo for (adekamauga to
morrow. This regiment made n splendid
record during tho rebellion.
Absolutely Puro
The Convention at Ashland Was Wholly
Without Interest and Eberle Was Not
Opposed The Returns From Maha
noy City, Pottsvlllo and
The result of the election of state
(lelesivtos in this county to-iluy was a
Htirtiriso In some (luiirturs. The dele
gates nro not for William A. Stone for
Governor, tin ureillcted they would
be. The Qimyltufc hud an easy victory
at I'ottsvlllo by mi "unholy alliance,"
but In tho other districts the Hiiti
Urunini people fcecured an eauy vic
tory. Schuylkill county will be rcpre-f-ented
by eiyht delegates, and only
oue-hnlf of that number can be
counted us out-and-out Stone mip
Mahanoy City, May 21. The delegates to
tho Republican convention of tho First Leg
islative district met here this morning and
elected two delegates to tho State Convention
which nients in Harrisburg on June 2nd.
There was a largo attendance and every
district, with but ono exception, was fully
represented. Tho liruinm crowd made a
fruitless effort to stem tho tide that has set in
against them in tho 30th Senatorial district.
Fortunately this was not a boodle" conven
tion, and what littlo etl'ort the lirumm people
made iu this direction was effective only in
ono ortwo instances.
It must be admitted that a strong Waua-
makcr sentiment was appaicnt, and were it
not for tho dosiro to allow the delegates to
the state convention to use thoir beet judge
ment, a resolution endorsing Wanamakcr
would probably have received a majority
vote. A resolution to that offect was ready
to bo introduced.
Messrs. Ruchm and Harlow, tho delegates
elect, were strongly opposed by liiumin's
henchmen, and as tho Congressman being the
Quay leader in this county and working for
their defeat, tho delegates, therefore, are
under no obligations to the Quay-I5runim
Harrison Ball, of this town, called tho con
vention to order at 10:25, and appointed II.
T. Lvans, of Frackyille, and J. M. Richards,
of Now Boston, as temporary secretaries,
who wero subsequently made permanent
officers. Alfred Palmer, of Colo's, was nomi
nated as permanent chairman, uud received
unanimous election. Ho extended his thanks
in a few well chosen words, and immediately
got down to business by ordoriug tho roll call.
Tho election of vice presidents was dispensed
Tho chair appointed tho following com
Ittco on resolutions, -Messrs. W. L Jones,
Mahunoy City; John Blaker, Shenandoah;
A. Seligman, Mahanoy City; Charles II.
Ilroomo, Brownsville ; J. M. Richards, New
Boston; Albert Major, Lanigans. Tho com
mitteo retired and after deliberation, sub
mitted therosolutions below, which wore
unanimously accepted by the convention :
Rosolved. That we endorse the adminis
tration of President McKinley as pure, con
servative ami patriotic, destined to rank as
high In ouroountry s history that tuc nations
in tho world aro already bestowing a praise
unparrelled in tho history of tho country.
Rosolved, That wo record with patriotic
satisfaction tho noblo stand our national
administration lias taken to relievo the
oppressed and to stay the hand of ignorauco
and barbarity near our shores.
Resolved, That wo commend and endorse
tho Qovornor of our Commonwealth for his
moral courage, his devotion to tho intorosts
of tho state and tho personal devotion to the
interests of our entire country in this tho
hour of hor need. He will rank as tho
second great war Governor of Pennsylvania.
While the resolutions endorse President
McKinley and Governor Hastings, it will be
noticed that tho Congressman, Stato Scuator
and members of tho Legislature aro entirely
ignored, thus practically refusing an endorsement.
Tho nomination of state delegates was
called for when John Blakor named John P
lloohm, of Shenandoah ; Samuel IXivios pro
sonted tho name of A. 1). Gable, of the sumo
placo ; Andrew Comrey offered Ephriiun
Barlow, of Mahanoy City ; aud Joseph
Wollor nominated Squiio Alox. May.
Tho vote resulted as lollows : Boehm, 00
votes; Barlow, 57; Gable, 20; May, 15. Tho
total vote cast was 158. Mossrs. Boehm and
Barlow wero declared elected. Androw
Comrey then oll'ored II. T. Evans, of Frack-
villo, aud S. O. Middlcton, of Gilbeiton, as
altornatos. Mr. Gablo ottered an amendment
substituting tho names of Samuel Davis, of
Shenandoah, and Joseph Wollor, of this
town. Messrs. Coinry nnd Boehm spoko
against tho amendmout, claiming tho two
towns mentioned had alieady been honored
with tho stato delegates, and tho amendment
was lost with but ono or two disputing votes.
Messrs. Kvans and Middlcton wero made tho
This was the second test of tho Brumm and
anti-llrumm strength, and the latter won.
Messrs. Boehm and Barlow, in tho vote for
stato delegate, made their canvass on tho
anti-Brunim issue, while Messrs. May and
Gablo wero brought out and supported by the
friends of tho Congressman. Tho former
received 51 votes straight, while May and
Gablo received but U uf the straieht votes.
Somo of tho delegations broko up iu casting
their votes, and tho Individual sticngth of
the candidates is shown a; follows: Boehm
(10, Barlow 57, Gablo 20, May 15.
Barlow and Boehm iu Shenandoah, received
a total of 88 votos. Gable and May 18 ; while
in Mahanoy City tho former had a totul of 21
and Gablo aud May only 3.
Tho vote of Shenandoah was as follows
D. C. Hughes voted for Gable and Barlow
William Wagnor for Boehm and Barlow
John P. Boehm for Barlow and Boehm ;
T. M. Stout, for Boehm and Gablo; Johu
Blaker for Boehm and Barlow ; George Hoi
vey, for Boehm and Barlow ; A. 1). Gablo,
for May uud Gablo; George Lorah, for Gablo
and Barlow; Samuel Davis, for Gable uud
May ; David Calo, for Gablo and May.
Tho Brumm emissaries, including his fed.
oral appointees, took tho cue from tho Miners'
Journal to havo tho former endorsed for
Governor, hut finding tho sentiment so
strongly the olhor way did uot attempt to so
on ro tho endorsement.
The. Second District.
Ashland, May 21. Tho convention of tho
Second dUtrict was hold at Ashland this
morning aud was called to order by Joseph
The Sheriff this morning sold 1 . t
of John Strolls, on Kast Centre street Lot
No. 15 and buildings wag sold to Attorney
Shay for ft, 750; lot No. 11 aud buildings to
Atturnoy Whitehoiise lor $150, siil.jc 't to a
mortgugo of $4,800. Notice was given by
Borough Solicitor Burke tliat the pur, baser
would have to pay all water rent maniac a
or the connections would bo shut off. Notice
was aim given that tho bar fixtures, &c in
both saloon properties, Iwlong to the ( olum
bin Brewing Co.
At Kt'prhlnttkl' Aromle Cafe.
Hot tamales, free, to-night.
Hot lunch on Monday morning.
Struck lly n Tniln.
special to ICVBRISO llHRALl)
Mahanoy City, May 21. Joseph ovcrc ki,
a LillilianiHii, and John Cispo, a Slav wer
struck by a P. ,t R. passenger train at the
Catawissa sttoet crowing at 2:30 o'clock tin.,
afternoon. Ciespo sustained sculp wound.:
and internal injuries. Novoroski sti.-.t .'nc.l ;.
deep cut on the head and ono of his na was
Koiil i;tnto Trunsfer,
Negotiations were consummated yc-Urday.
whereby tho Grant mansion on Wcit Oak
street was transferred by Mrs. .laie Grnt
and the heirs of tho late William .i..:it now
leshlcntsof Orange, N. J., to tin (.ilbtrt
estate. The consideration is not ilatcJ
In ltHl) a I'lag-
llenjainin Winner, one of the engineer at
the lirundoiivillc pumping station, will to
niidit raise a flag at his residence on czt
Centre street. The Grant band will be In
attendant e and a program has been (m-ailgcd
Beautiful and Artist u Hats,
Toques and Turbans in great v .iricty
and designs at $1.39, SI.98, $2.49
$4.98; worth $2.50, $3.cA s,r, 00,
Children's Hats at 29c, 49c,
69c, 98c; worth 65c, n--. ?' 25,
29 N. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Leads Them All For Style and I ow Prices.
Next door to Holderman's Jewe'rv Store
From one of the largest man
facturers in New York en
bles us to make buying at
our store a
If You Ride a Bike
Don't fail to give us a call, as
all the suits in this great
purchase are marked at simi
lar low prices,
15 E. Centre St.
Up-To-Date Hat Store and Shenandoah's
Greatest Gent's Furnishing Store.
(Continued on Fourth Pago.)
I low often people tramp and
tramp around for rare bargains aud
fail to find them. The best plan is
to come directly to us. We ofler
the best for the money. Not al
ways the cheapest goods for a
cheap price, but the best goods for
a given price.
25 South Main Street.