irTii rtfr Tir"ilTTi-TtirfrM i The War Scare ! If you want to keep posted you must read the newspapers. We de liver all the New York, Philadel phia and Pottsville papers to all parts of town; also the ISvknino Hi;kai.d, which contains the latest news by wire and all county and local news. Leave your order at the store or give it to the carrier. HOOKS & BROWN, a INJ. Main St. SELLING OUT. I .lie cm lain, lace, Inlile dnlli., linen, Sirt'(ls, imelmvcar anil yent's fiirnislilni;. 'I'liese are rare lmtgalns to lie liml. Will leave the town shortly ami will close out our stock at anmiiiiRly low prices. LOUIS MANN, 33 West Centre Street, Nubbins' Block. Miv'inciiti of ( rrwrn'H tinil i-m . I'uiarua. May IT. The Spanish Biiuailitm umler Admiral Cervera, which left Sunday weuing after the cruisers Vlziaya and Infanta Marie Teresa had taken on board about TOO tons of coal and a went quantity of provisions, was sighted yesterday. When the squadron disappeared It was K"l weBtward. Stroii); Hint to I'olo (11 I.i'iivo Ciiiuiilti. Toronto. May IT. The Olobe (BoS'ern mi'tit organ) says: "This Is certainly nut a time at which an Inuiortnnt of ficial of the Spanish government would lie making holiday. The suicide of UnwnlnK and the evidence that he had been In communication with a mem ber of Senor I'olo's party In Toronto are circumstances that enhance the Rravlty of the situation. It Is possible that some of the stories are exagger ated, but It must be apparent to our Spanish visitors that there is no ef fective means of setting such stories at rest so long as they remain In this country. We d not want to be luck ing In courtesy, but we do not desire that this country shall fall In its obli gation to be neutral." Ilurr.vliifr tho Volunteer. Washington, May 17. Reports re ceived by Adjutant General Corbln In dicate that &1.000 volunteers have now been mustered Into the United States service. Several of the larger states Pennsylvania, Ohio and Wisconsin among the number have mustered In their entile quota of tioops and many of them have either already arrived at or are en route to the camps ic which they have been assigned. It Is expected now that unless something unforeseen occurs all of the 125,000 vol unteers will be In their permanent camps or en route thereto by the end of the present week. MnrylimilV Naval .M 11 It lit. Baltimore, May 17. One hundred and forty-live men and all the olllcers of the Maryland naval mllltla were yes terday mustered Into the government service. They will be used to man the vessels comprising the Chesapeake bay mosquito lleet. Lieutenant Charles T. Hutchlns. U. S. N., Is to have com mand of the eight vessels of the fleet. MolvInloy'H Vlr-t Voto iistuliied. Washington, May IT. The house yes terday received Its first veto from Pres ident .McKlnley, and voted unanimous ly to sustain the executive. The veto wus of a bill conferring upon the court or claims Jurisdiction in a private claims ease of long standing. lluiilou I'lrnt Steps In i:ni;llli, A native has been caught at Calcutta scaling the wall of tho preinUes Into tho compound of No. 2, Uhowrlnghl, dressed ill a complete suit of Kuropean clothes. Tho in ii it had, on tho provlons ovonlng, concealed himself Inside, a shop, and hud employed his time till morning in fitting himself with a complete suit of clothes, including a whlto hhlrt, with studs and links, a red tin, carefully put on, black tocks, a pair of hoots, a watch and chain, handkerchief and even a poeketknlfn, with n straw hat and stick. He even wont the length of writing his nnmo Inside tho hat. On buing caught, ho said ho wanted to Icnrii Knglisli, and as a preliminary step thought It best to clroi himself in sahib's clothea. Uomlmy (India) Aihocato. HOOD'S PITiliis euro lilver Ilia, Biliousness, Indigetitlo.ij Headache, A. ulcas'-nt. laxative. All DruccIsU. Another urm new STOCK -OF- U. S, and Cuban FLACi.5 Just received. Jarge Flag Poles and Bracket Holders. All kinds of Flag Goods by the Yard. Morgan's Bazar, 23 n. Mam st. we: bottle: Beer, Weiss Beer, Ale, Porter. tit. Private family orders will receive prompt attention. Leave them at the office, we will do the rest. Columbia Brewing Company. GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, hay aim hticaw. w Floor and Table Oil Cloths. E. B. FOLEY, 27 Ssf. Vi 'li 1 YS, j IlfcST LINK OK ft i eSI. CVV HAWAII HOT NEUTRAL. Will Probably Allow Our Government to liaise i hi 3iars and Stripes Over the Island. San FranclMo, May 17. The Ha waiian government will not proclaim neutrality. This stand Is taken on ac count of the existing relntlons between the United States and Hawaii. The ex ecutive considers that a proclamation of neutrality would be a breach of good faith. The government made known Its position on May 0 at a se cret session of the senate. It Is under stood that the senators favored the stand taken by President Dole. Another important matter consider ed at the session was the occupation bill, which, If ratified by the senate, will allow the United Stales to raise the American flag over the island and use the same as a base of supplies. This measure Is raid to have been prepared with the knowledge of the members of the senate committee on foreign affairs, and has had the approval of President McKlnley. This bill was received by the Hawaiian government a short time ago, and has- had the careful attention of President Dole and his cabinet. The members of the senato question ed the executive regarding the fore going measure. They were informed thnt the measute was under considera tion, and that It would be unwise to make it public at this time. When the bill Is given to the senate that body will ratify It nt once. On this point there does not seem to be any doubt. It was extensively reported in the business community on the 7th that Spain, through agents In Hawaii, was buying all the coal to be hnd In the island. The consul for Spain denied this. That a coal famine l imminent there can hardly be any doubt. Only one house has any coal for sale, and will only consent to sell in quantities to satisfy Immediate demands. United States Consul (leneral Hay wood has been watching the situation closely, and has strongly fortified Amer ica's position. He has ,G00 tons of coal on hand at the piesent time, with two cargoes ulloat bound for Honolulu. In a few days the United States will have 7,100 tons of coal at Honolulu. EVACUATING MOUNT GRETNA. It- Sill lll llll.V All tho IVllII-.VlVlllllM Volunteer Will lluvo Departed. Mount Gretna, l'a., Mav 17. It now looks as though by the end of this week the camp will be deserted. Kven now, since the departure of the Fourth, Six teenth, Third and First leglments, the governor and brigadier generals, with their stnfTs and with the absence of the several lnlfmle bands, and with very little drilling, tho effect has been to make the place quite dull. The First regiment, of Philadelphia, left last .evening for Chlckamauga. The Fifth and Ninth regiments leave today and the Tenth and Second regiments will leave tomoirow. Tho Second, which was divided Into two battalions, were book ed to leave yesterday, the first to go to Wilmington, Del., and the second to Pompton, N. J. This order, however, was changed, and they will now remain In camp until tomorrow. Tho colonels or the Sixth, Klghth, Twelfth and Fifteenth regiments re ceived orders to leave for the camo near Washington, and all expect to bo away from Mount flretna before Sat urday. The Pennsylvania division, United States volunteers, are now di vided thus: l'lrst, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, Tenth and Sixteenth regiments ordered to Chlckamauga; Sixth, Eighth, Twelfth and Thirteenth, to Washing ton, D. C. ; Second, Fourteenth, Fif teenth, Klghtcenth, Sheridan Troops, Governor and City Tioops, to the de partment of the east. V. II. Da Costa, first lieutenant of Company II. First regiment, and Miss Alice Mullholland, both of Philadelphia, were married yesterday by Alderman Charles O. Hooth, at Lebanon. Tho groom left with his regiment for Chlck amauga last evening. Sanip-on'K Fleet sighted Oil" Ilnytl. Cape Haytien, Ilnytl, May 1". The United States torpedo boat Porter and the storeshlp Supply, which have been here waiting orders, have sailed to Join Admiral Sampson's squadron. Tho squadron passed Cape Ilaytlen Sunday. It is uncertain whether it will turn southward to meet the Spanish flot or go first to Key West. Annual Sales over G, OOO, OOO Boxes FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Pain In tho Stomach, Giddiness. Fulness after meais. Hcail acho. Dizziness, Drowslnoss, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appotlto. Costlveness. Ulotchos on tho Bkln, Cold ChlllB, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sonsatious. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufforcr will acknowledge, thein to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. IIUIXII AM'S P1IXS, taken as direct ed, wlllqulcklyrestoro Fomnlos to coin pleto health. They promptly removo obstructions or irregularities of tho sys tem and euro Mrk Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Boccham's Pills aro Without a Rival And have the LARCEST SALE of nnyl'mcnt. Medicine In the World, 25c. at all Drug Stores. RUPTURE CURED. A Specialii.1 on Kupfure from Willianujiort will visit Shenandoah Every Thursday AT Till! Hotel Franey, from 8 till 10:30 a. m, Rupture permanently and quickly Cureil or lio pay. written guarantee to ansoiutciy cure all kinds of Rupture without operulion or detention from business. Absolutely no Danger. Examination Free. loo persons cured in Sunhury, Shamoltin, Mt. Carmrl and vicinity who can be referred to. Charges and terms moderate and within reach of all. BSUQUk I f W J'yii9' bosses many a body and bur dens many a mind. You can't enjoy tho food you liko because you aro bilious. You tako all sorts of pre cautions, and yet tho bilious attack leaps on you liko a tiger from ambush. You know the feeling ! Tho blood seeming on firo with a dull heat ; tho boring pains in the cye3 ; tho head seeming to open and shut ; tho hor riblo nausea. You know tho irrita bility which precedes and tho languor that follows tho attack. It's miser able, isn't it? 'Why not cure tho trouble ? There's a pill that will euro biliousness. Dr. J. G. AYEU'S PILLS aro an acknowledged specific for this derangement. A. Swanger, Texurkana, Tex., vr!ts : " For fifteen years I have used Ayer'a Tills, anil find them very effective in bilious com plaints. I have yet to see. tho casu wliero tliey have failed to euro." You arc Bllloua DO MOT FAIL TO POTTSVILLE NEWS. Allitlri liT Illtert'Kt III mid About tile County ont. Special llEKAMi OorrcMpouilciiec. I'ottsville, May 17 Tho civil term of court is not very active, and as usual tliu attend ance is much smaller than during criminal court. Shenandoah, however, is pretty well lepresenteil. Thoro in still no relief for those holding orders against tho county. No money is coining from tho tax collectors and other sources aud nothing can hu dono until the court has settled the hond issuo muildlo one way or t lie oilier. This matter is now in tho hands of Judge Koch, who has granted tho Controller u preliminary injunction ngahi9t tho Commissioners issuing bonds to the amount of $350,000, and is ninilo returimlilo on Wednesday afternoon next at 3:30 o'clock. Il Is txpcctctl tho matter will bo settled on Unit day, and then the Commissioners aud Controller will know "wliero they are at " JIINOll COURT NOTKS. The case of Amur and Andieivs vs. J. 1). Kocher is on trial before Jndgo Itechtel. Tlio feigned issue in which John Mailuils is the prosecutor and V. It. Weimer & Co. ,tho defendants is on trial before J lulgo Koch. The suit involves tho title to a ceitidn saloon piopcrtyin Shenandoah. Tho transfer ol tho Muhlenberg llrowing Co. Caacncy at Shenandoah, fruni William DuiusiUu to 1". J. Fecley, was announced and Matt. Lambert to Win. Donzilla. Court dismissed tho oxivptioni to tho re port of viewcis of a new road in Kast Union township. MAUKIAtli: I.ICK.NSI S. John Ramuiika, of llroad Mountain, and Toiesa Ilirlint, ol St. Clair. William lMuska and Aunie Witkowski, both of Shenandoah. John 11. Maurcr, of (iilbcrtou, ami I.ydia it. (icisc, of ritiuau. PKHiM i!i:coitiii:i. Deeds havo been recorded as follows : From Oottlcib Meyer to Gottleib Schauhel, premises in South Mauheim; Joseph J. Schmidt to Acnes Schneider, premises in Minnrsvillo j lhnanuel It. Moycr to Eva I). Moycr, prem ises in Mahanoy City; S. Livingston and wil' to Michael Krell, premises in Taiiiiuitia. S. Livingston to Frank M. Kroll, premises in Tamaipia; Mary Lynch to O-car Kleckncr, piemises in Ttuuaquii; Mary Lynch to Mary Nehf, premises in Taniaiiua. All kinds of vegetables and flower seeds, and plants at Payne's nurseries, Qlrardvlllo. Klecti ic cars pass tho duor. B-0-tf Literary Note From Tlio Cuntury Co. llesides tho article on tho causes of tho failure of tho Spanish Armada, by Captain Malian, the Juno Century will contain "Ten Mouths with tho Cuban Insurgents," tho experiences of a major in tho army under Claicia, and an articlo on "Tho Confederate Torpedo Service" by the clcctiician of tho Torpedo Division in tho Confederate Navy who laid tho mine which blew up the first gunboat ever destroyed by this means. A fatal l ull. Mahanoy City, May 17. While getting milk at a fanner's wagon at ten o'clock this morning Mrs. Mary E. l'liillips, 0. years of age, was seized with n fainting spell and fell so heavily to tho pavement that her skull was fractured. Tho victim wai removed to liei liome, on West Centre street, and sho died at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. Two children sunho, Miss Aunlo and Harry K. l'liillips, living at homo. OcliftllNWUld Cotiticted. Special to Kviiiiso Ilniui.n. Philadelphia, May 17. Thomas J. Oclien- swahl, of Altoona, who decided to become a letter currier and tried to iriegtilarly post himself for examination, was to-day con victed in the United .States Cotiit of making certain falsa writings in violation of tho civil scrvico law. Sentence was deferred. A ''utul Hurl. Special to IIvknino IIkiiai.ii. illriuiughuiii, Ala., May 17. Nelson Cum tilings and Samuel Stewart, two well known planters, fought a duel In which Ciiinmiugs was shut and killed. Killed liy a Counterfeiter. Hpeclal to Kvcninu 1Ikiui.ii, Chattanooga, Teiin,, May 17, Deputy Sheriff William Ilalston was shot and killed by Charlcsliusscll while endeavoring to ar rest blm for counterfeiting. Buy Koystonetlour. Ho euro that tho name Lkhski & Baku, Athland, Pu., hi printed on every saclc Jacolm (Iocs Doun. Congressman Ilrumm was a visitor to Mali uuoy City and GUberton yesterday and it is stated that, as ono of tliu results of tho visit, Justice Williams, of GUberton, Is to bo made the postmaster of that plaeo and the Polish applicant, Alox. Jacobs, is to bo turned down. Ask your grocer for the "Itoyal Patent dour, and tako no other brand. It is tho host flour made. All our goods aro marked in plain figures so that by buying at a ono-prlce house you nover piy mora for tho goods than they are worth, Mammoth Ci.othinii House, L. Goblin, Prop, PSLLM PITHY POINTS. Happening Throughout the Country Chronicled for Ilinty lVrunal, When will that rrodlgal sun return for ood ? ltallroad employes havo donned their sum mer suits, Consult tlio railroad tlmo tables beforo leaving town. Tho new Lehigh Valley time table gives very little satisfaction. Philadelphia was treated to a celestial bombardment yesterday. Workonnho street paving in Mahanoy City will begin next Monday. Potatoes me selling nt 81.00 a bushel In Ashland, and moat has advanced. George W Nuhlitwas yesterday appointed fourtb-chiss postmaster at Pigeon. About forty young men of Jackson's have niganl.ed a company of light infantry. 1 ho Omnd Lodge, I. O. O. r., of Pennsyl vania, Is now in session nt WUkesarro. Mahanoy City will organise n now company to succeed the old oncin tho National Guard. Tlio section men at Fnirkvlllo raised a 11 ig, aud Yardtnnstor It. C, limit made the address. George Hoblnson, the saddler, will remove his family to Philadelphia about the first of tho month. The attendance nt tho public schools In Mahanoy City this year was larger than for many terms. While walking with his mother In Lebanon tun-year-old Gem-go Uross was attacked by a vicious nog nun terribly bitten in tho face. Tlio thirty-first annual convention of tho Sunday schools of tho Church of God will begin to-day at Mount Joy, Lancaster county. Michael J C'lcsry has been reroiiim"iideil by Congressman llruinm to succeed Post master Iteed as letter carrier at Mahanov City. Tho Lehigh Valley continues Its retrench ment policy. Tlio agent at Heaver Meadow Ins been lemovcd and tho telegraph operator win no ins work. T ho strike of tho Honey llrook stripping employes was Droimht to mi iiniicabli' settle tnent on hriilay night by the suspended nanus neing reinstated. John Ld wards, sun of T. J. Edwards, and Miss Annie l'renk will wed on Wednesday next. All tho parties aro of Shamokiii. hut ornierly residents of Mahanoy City, , l or the second time within a month vandals vented their spite against Harry i cese, ol .North Cornwall township, Lebanon county, by cutting to pieces his harness and carriage. It will requite a great deal of patriotic gluo to hold that now Spanish Cabinet to gether. I hat Spanish fleet may be an "Artful Dodger," lilt Sampson will raiso the Dickens with it yet. Window shades from 10 cents and upward. i-stiuiatcs given on largo shades. F. J. Portz, iil North Maiu stieot. tf Tho Colli ItintiiiesH. Tho authracitocoal trade hasagaln rclanscd into tho couilltlon of dullness usual at this season of tlio year. Tho Now England dealers are over their recent war scare. OwIiil' to tho unusually larf.o shipments of coal made to the Eastern markets within the past two months, tliero now exists a condition of stagnation in tho wholesale anthracite trado, and consequently there has been a material l eduction of vessel freight rates within tho past week or two. Tlio new England markets aru now well supplied with coal aud thcro aro largo stocks on hand at most nil of tho Western lake distributing ports. Tho mining and carrying eoinpahies havo still unfilled a considerable number of coastwise orders, which will keep their collieries and barges moving lor sumo tlmo yet. At Kfpchlnitki'H Areailo Ciifo. Vegetable soup, free, to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. llnrpir'H lliinr. Everything at tho moment is keyed to tlio conceit-pitch of tho war. and Hamer's Bazar lccogiiizlng tho universal feeling, takes special nolo Just now of woman's share the work in war times, ur. Graco N. Kim ball, in tho Bazar to ho Issued on Mav 21st will give practical details as to the equipment oi nurses, and state what women may do in mo way ot reliol to tho wounded and stiller. ing. Edith lwreueo will tell in u late number about tho society girls of Now York and their organizations to hcln the soldiers Tho number of tho Bazrr dated May 14th tens ot tlio Patriotism ot Club Women. Kcudriclc Hoiiho Free T.imeli. Grand Army beau soup will be served, free, iu uu patrons to-ntgiit. Lost Control of tlio Kngliio. A costly accident occurred at tho Gilborton water shaft lato Saturday night. Frank Evans, a new engineer, was on duty and lost control of tho cnglno whllo a tank holding a.-wu galloua of water was being hoisted The tank went up to tho sheave whoM at full speed Tlio shock broke tho heavy iron cable holding the tank and it plunged down tho shalt a depth of 1,070 feet. Tho aeeiden wrecked the machinery of tho shaft badly but no ono was injured. To Cure Headachs In IS Minutes. Tako Dr. Davis Atl-Heudacho. All druggists Schuylkill lloy In Command. Tho Philadelphia papers say that Lieut. Thomas W. Ityan has been given command of tho picket boat Peoria, now lying ut tho l.eauuo Island navy yaul. Tho vessel Is ex pected to bo manned by a crow of men from tlio regular navy, and that sho will be or dered to Join tho squadrons now ot Cuba. Lieut. Ityan Is a native of Mahanoy City, wliero his patents now reside. Tlio Keating Bicyclo 305 days ahead of them all ut Ilrunun's. Also a full supply of cements, oils and sundries llentli of a Noted Violinist. Edouard Iteuienyi, tho noted Hungarian violinist, dropped dead at the Orpheum Theatre, San Francisco, on Sunday afternoon, while rendering his performance. Mr. Rcmcnyi gave u performance in town about two years ugo. Ho was uu intimate friend of itev. Cornelius Laurisin, pastor of the Greek Catholic church. They were schoolmates in their early boyhood days and were born in tho samo village. rotted Plants. For Decoration day now on salo dally at tho Ferguson House, Main street sido, by John Hull. Cheap and big variety, d-ll-Ht Palmer's Successor. It is rumored that James O'Donncll, firo boss at Packer No. 3 colllory, Lost Creek, operated by tho Lehigh Valley Coal Company, will succeed William Palmer as lusido fore man at Prlmroso colliery. Mr. O'Donncll, until six months ago, was employed at Buck Mountain colliery, Tho best placo to buy your wall paper Is at F, .1. Portz, 21 North Main street. Wo have the largest stock north of tlio mountain, tf Ilugli livunn u "Daddy. KromMt CnrioelStar. Tlio lioiuo of rennsylyanla colliery clerl; Hugh Rvanson, West Avenue, was mailo a bright and luipny ono tills morning when a young master Kvans smilingly acknowledged tlio welcome accorded Ids ontrancoluto this wrld. l'lrfil Tirol rlrel Insure your proporty from loss in tlio oldobtand strongest cash companies; l'hilu, Underwriters Insuranco Co, of North America and Firo Association, Hartford Firo Ins Co., American Firo Insurance Co., West Chester Firo Ins. Co., United Firemen's Ins. Co. T. T. Williams, 123 S, Jardln St,, Shenandoah, Till! WHATIWIt. The forecast for Wednesday '. fair, Wanner weathor, preceded by local frost near the Lakes, with light variable winds. l'OI.lTICAT, POINTS. Tho ltopubllcan district convention, for tho lection of state delegates, will bo held at Mahanoy City on Saturday. B, J. est apparently has a clear track for the Republican legislative nomination iu this district. Tlio Democratic polling placo in tho Second wind has been changed, and will ho held at Mulholl.ind's cafe. Tho Republican statu convention will bo hold on Juno 2d, It Is predicted that Georgo J. Wndllngcr, Esq., will sccuro tho delegates from this town lor the Judicial nomination. It is likely tho Republican county conven tion will not bo bold beforo August. Tho namo of John T, Schoener, present Clerk of the prominently mentioned in connection with tho Congressional nomina tion. Tliero Is a lively contest brewing among the factions of tho local Democracy over the election of delegates to the county couvcti tion. Tho principal contest is over the Judicial and Contiollorshlp nominations. Tho District Attorney fight Is given veiy little consideration ; when it is talked of James Moran, of Rappahannock, appears to ho tho favorite. Tho Quay delegates wore elected in North timberland and Columbia counties. Wnna maker carried York county. Who'o is tho Congressional orator who said that Spain could bo cnnqueied In fifteen mill ntcsV And whoro Is his moro conservative fcllow-ineiiibei who prophesied that tlio war would last hut fifteen days? Tho PhllaHclphlii Times sys Senator Quay will lead the battlo for William A. Stone candlihito for Governor, Tho Senator will boa delegate to tho state convention and will conduct tho Stone forces on tho floor of the convention. This is Mid to have been tho result of tho coufercuco of tho leaders at Avalou, tho past few days. Whlto blanks at 5 cents per picco and gilts at 0 atrl 7J cents per piece. Wo havo higher priced wallpaper. At F. J. Porta, 21 North Main street. tf A Serious Case. Anthony Sobalewski, tho man who was badly beaten at Klondike on Sunday morn ing, was still uiiablo to appear against bis assailants last night aud each of the four accused men wero put under $500 bail for a hearing on l riday night. Peter Chcrkeb, another of tho assailants, was arrested by Policemen Hurley andUraitlsat about five o'clock this morning, while ho was on his way to tho Pennsylvania It, R. station. Gcraniiinus, fuchsias, pansics, daises, roses, etc., for spring planting at Payno's nurseries, Girardvillo. Tuberose and gladiolus bulbs. AViU Iteiiliilii a Gunner. Michael Hnrklus, who is a gunner's mate on tho United States cruiser Montgomery, writes to his relatives in Girardvillo that ho has to-onUsted. In Juno next Harkins will have concluded his third enlistment, nino years of service. Ho is getting $05 a month and expects promotion to gunner, which will give him 'JO a month. That Is certainly better than Harkins could do hi tho mines of this region. I7U)U sAr.IC A well equipped ImrnewM and saddlery fttore, having n larc stock, clicnp. Also a qimitlty of house furniture, cooking Htuve, ond heiiti-r. Apply to Mr. (H-oro Kohln son, 14 North White, street, Odd Follow h build hitf- Theptoek tan hu purchased In hulk or separate lots. 5-lG-lw pUOl'OSAT-H. Hid will ho received until 1 May 28th for the, erection and completion of a frame church at l'ark l'loee. IMansand Hpccilk'iUlotm can ho si-en at Lentz Co.'h otttce, Kiwaiu It k.i ;h ii, Supt. 3-11-lw nOIt HAUC.--A saloon, flood fdand ami Jj central location, lias two pool tallies, one hcliur a combination of pool and billiard. Apply at tho JIi:ham oil leu. tf FOll SAL12. Two good houses for nalo on South .lard hi street. Kor further lnforma- Hon apply to 200 Houth Tear alley. 5-tf-3w "TOIt HUNT. Two large rooms In Itufowith X' inmunifir, iu boutn iwum street, ah eon venlcnces. Suitable for office. 3-iy-tf InOIt SAMS A very destrahlo property. Af ply to Joseph Wyntt, 201 North Main Hi. tf A Good Man Wanted A k""1 opportunity for the right man for Schuylkill county or focal district, 3 prefcircJ Wanted, ft man well nnd favorably 1 nown practical man preferred totclloiicouimt-tlon, fillings, King ilc Co's High CJrade, I'uints and Varnlnhcs, Apply with references mid full paitleulars of qualifications, to Itir.i.iNUs, Kisa V Co., US Pearl ht , New York City. PROPOSALS. Pi'ildl proposals will ho viewed liy tlio water committee of Council for tlio hauling of nil the coal from tlio P. fc It. la'lwny statlou nt Ilrnn douvillc to tlie pumping station of tlio Sliennu doali Water Work, for a period of one year from Mny SOtli, lh'.. A $500 bond to accom pany each proposal for the faithful performance of the win K, All propotmlfl to ho In tlio hands of the chair man ut 0 o'clock, Thursday, May 111, 1H!B. Jos. W. lli:u 5-17-3t Chairman, LAUER'S In Bottles or by the Keg. Lauer's Lager aud Pilsnei Beer. Porter and Weiss Beer. Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street, SHENANDOAH - PA DlftTQ'S MDEK WT Attentive nnd skillful tonsorial ortists always ill attendance. Neatest Shop In Town. W. G. DUSTO, Prop. Ferguson House Block, place for u good drink'. , Michael Mills' Saloon, 22 II. Centre street, Mcllet'a building, Wlno, Whiskies, llecr ond Cigars. Freshest beer in town always nil tap. liford in Pgssiog. William Nolinan has gono to Mahunoy City and Intends to spend tho summer theio -John W. Curlin inado a business trip to Girardvillo to-day. Charles Bashoro, is homo from the Bloomsbtirg Stato Normal School to spend a few days with his relatives. Boss Glover transacted business nt tho county seat to-day. Ldwuid Roberts spent to-day in attend ance nt court Iu Pottsville ns a wIIiiom. Simon ltainanout bus changed hi place of resideiifo from North West street to No. 17 South Jardln street. Matt. Trewclhi, of Blngtowii, was u visitor to town to-day. Edward and William Mailer, of iast Coal street, left town yesterday for Butte City, Montana, whcio they Intend to Incite, N. J Howson, of Philadelphia, letnrned to that city yestciday after spending a couple of days In town. Mr. Howson was the leader of the liand which nccomp inled tho Idml theatilcal company during a week's engage tni nt h"io list winter. Miss Emma Hinkel was a noon p.tssciigci to Philadelphia to day. Bernini Dully, of Ashland, was a busi ness vi.itor to town to-day, Willl'itn J. Brooks has gone to Philadel phia with tlio intention of locating there. E. S. Weimer, representing the Sunhury casket company, was In town last (-veiling o attend to legal business, Elijah Gregory and wife, of Readli g nrc visiting their son, Borough Surveyor Gregory. Councilman I), it. James made a trip to the county scat this afternoon. John Mcldalzis transacted business at Reading yesterday. fr r:r.:ifj.m of tlioGlobofcr BliEfJrMTIStM NEURALGIA ami dmiiur Oomplaints, GERMAN MEDIOAL LAWS. proccribed by c-alneat physicians!. HO DIPUTITD'O !S&; Illllll li ? " ANGEMR PAIIS EXPELLER.l wotla renown id 1 P-'mnrKaMy puerep.f til I Only gennlno wlili Trad-) Alar!: " Anchor,' Ail. Klthtc r .VCo., 21." rtnrlSt... ot lork, 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branch Hoceos. Own Glassworks. 25 ,t SO as, Kndoracd ,t rccouiuituikd by A. Wasley, 106 If. Main St.. 0. H. Hagenbuch, 103 N. Main St.. r.r.D.Kiriin, 6 s. Main St. f ' Shenandoah. -.wk DR. mCHTUFi'O' "ANCITOU" STOMACHAL boat for I I coll . iiyfcppr"lngf-roinnr! CMiinplnliilw. Thos. Buchanan, OPTICIAN Examinalioii Made at Your Home or at Our Sloro.i --Has Moved to 118 S. Main Street. THOMAS BUCHANAN, OPTICIAN, tv WE BUILD HOHES.- We build you a home just as you want it built. We will submit plans and cost, or pass on the practicability of any sketch you may have, without any charge. We will build the house for you according to specifications and by the time you state barring strikes. We will keep the cost within the figure quoted and will guarantee that you will be satisfied with your home. See us about it. Glenn & O'Hearn, (Successors to J. W. Johnson,) N. Main St., Shenandoah, Ra. -THE Factory Shoe Store No. 7 S. Main St., Shenandoah. Pa. Will sell for the next two weeks, only, sliois at the following prices : Men's Satin Calf, worth $1,3S now $I.OO. Men's Brown Russian Calf, worth $2.-5 now $1. SB. Factory Shoes at 75 Cents. Caps worth 35c and sOc now going at 10 cents. All other goods sold in comparison . Come and convince yourself that this is the cheapest place in town for Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Gent's Furnishing Goods. m m m m mm w T; JRE BY CUTiCURA ? roiei.r. lOscommcticedwlthabornlngonray '.- io. Wli -Irnb'icdthc yoncouldseolltllo :'tt! 1, - llf' Itll atwl.tlngtlicmoiitor '. . j Hi d high fever nnd cold chills, 1 1, 1 1 to v ..i tho floor nnt.I I fell asleep. ; , i' " iS 'c 'lcJ like &n onion, tlio flegcr nulls got i ,',t'iTH rr nonf.nndllicrothoburnlngnro . .. y hands puCcd o p worso than ft toad, tho .r ran thruugh tho bandage on to tin) floor. I .j.-. t-?o doctor for a year. IgotCcnannA lis - r-i-rmndCrmconABoAi". ThenalUhnrdcncd rp, rclad o!T, &nd my haidj aro now curod. CAI3PK1S DIKTSCirbKU, Pembroke, N. T. Britinr Crite Tna ti!s r rou 'roBTCBlrrn. Disrin r',to IInitoi'3, with M)3 of ItAlit. Warn hetlii t ll ri-Tlcrn Sor, penile anolnunm Willi CUTiceiiA, uidmlMdotcior Ci'TicwM llnotTur. Soli (Sroiijlioiitllii wnrM. I'oTTFa Dhto Aiin Cinw. (Mar.. Uoi'un. " ltov to Have Ucautirul lltatM," ireo. CARRIAGES A GREAT SALE. Baby Oear r iag,o? S3 .5 and up. Stoves ! Stoves ! ! We are at present making a specialty of handling stoves and ranges. Our latest inducement is I "Quoon Cinderella," With an everlasting triplex grate, one you can burn on three sides. , Will burn hard or soft coal, is a good baker and a fine looker. This stove we will sell for the next 30 ' -i ,1.. 1 1 : . uays ai gretiuy rtuuceu prices. 8 WJSY FUUNITUKE and STOVE STOUE, 121-123 North Alain St. CARPET CLEANING. The undersigned have assumed charge of the Shenandoah Renovating Company's plant, and ate prepared to clean, sew and lay carpets, nialttesscs, and do general upholslcr- ing work. Feathers Cleaned. Work Done Promptly. ...Drop Us a Postal. ALLEBACH & HEFNER. Ordets enn be left at No. 7 North West street, or at the plant, Apple alley and llowers street. EDUCATED and ARTISTIC TASTES In null papers nnd decorations is one of the nineteenth century accomplishments. Thnt 1s why those who select their wall pnper nt CAKDIN'S Ret fiich ilelluhtful results. It Isn't necessary to purchase tho expensive grades, tho designs nnd colors nro just ns artistic In tlio cheaper grades, If they nro not so rich. For thoHo who wish to decornto their rooms with artistic wall papers go to J. P. CARDEN, 224 w. Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa. NEW- I ABE LEVIN E, Proprietor.