The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 16, 1898, Image 4

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    The War Scarce 1
If you want to keep posted you
must read the newspapers. We de
liver all the New York, Philadelr
phi.i and PottsVille papers to till
parts of town: also the Kvunino
Ilr.KU.n, which contains the latest
news by wive and all county and
local news. Leave your order at
the store or give it to the carrier.
a N. IVIsalm St.
1 in' (uitnins lace, lalilr cloths, linens
5prt'a.K. underwear ami gnu' furnishing.
I ht-sv are rare bargains to he had. Will
Umc the town shortly ami wdl ehi out our
"'H lv .it 4inainl low price;.
33 West Centre Street,
Kobblns' Block.
An Kxtrnorilliinry (Ironp In h Comer of
the Stiitt mill thti ltlg Ham 111 Tllclll.
"A iiiTsoii mlKlit look on tlio limp until
ho wiw lilliul," wiiil W. Ii. Mult ot Itleli
iihhiiI, 1ml., "without illbcawrliiK tlio cu
rious fuel, tlmt limldlod tnfiitliur In tlio
nortlieiistorii eorniT nl Inilliinn nro muro
tliiin 1,001) ntiturnl lukci, rnncliiK I" fric
fjuni 10 tn lot) hitch. Tlii'.v lire nil within
tin' luiiiniliirirs of Sti'lluuii, Do Knlb, I.ii
Craliui', Nnlilc nml KoM'liii.kti 001111110.1,
013 of tluiii ln-inj, In Nnlilu county. Such
Is tin' (solution of tliiHu.itriiordln.iry (Troup
of lakes thut tho iiwuinu 1 mllaiia oltlun,
outnlOV thu Mimll (iron in which tho Hjhtom
is iltimtiil, isun.'iwiiio of its oxlstemo. It
ia entirely bepnnito from tho river system
of thu btnte mill uom'Fpoiuls In ohnrncter
with that famous group of lakes in Ornngo
nml Sullivnn counties in Now York, and
Piko nml Wnyno counties in l'onnsylvnnln
lltornlly urout oiienlniisGf crystal water,
with bottoms of tho whitest Mini. The
wild rhnrniof mountain cnvlronnient that
is characteristic, of their eastern counter
parts Is lacking, however, in thu Indiana
lakes, although they occupy tho highest
situation in the state hut one.
"N'owlieroelse In Indiana is tliero a lake
of any size whatever. These sheets of wa
ter aro the natural homes of tho small
mouth blank bass, and ex-Fish Commis
sioner Dunnls asserts that tho small mouth
lilark bass that inhabit the various waters
of this country come originally from that
group of Indiana lakes. Nowhere clso on
tho continent, except in n small lake near
Ulcus Tails, N. Y., havo thoso fish been
caught equal in sUo to thoso taken from
those Indiana waters. The largest small
mouth black bass on record was caught by
A. N. Cheney of (ileus Tails In tho lako I
mentioned. It weighed ton pounds. But
that llsh was mi exception to tho ordinary
run uf bass in that hike, while seven, uight
nml ii In ii pound bass aro not uncommon
In the Indiana lakes. Sidney Smith of
Komo Cit. Ind., caught a small mouth
bass In Sylvan lake that weighed Ui
pounds, 'Hid Dr. Mover of Kend.illvillo
killed one that weighed nine pounds In
tho same lake. Sylvan lake Is tho largest
of thce Indiana big springs, its natural
size having been enlarged by damming to
make it a reservoir in tho days of canal
navigation. It is live miles long and
mile wide." Now York Sun.
Jlmika Tlnit Haiu Helped .Hark Twain.
The Critic says that Mark Twain has
reached tho terrible frankness of maturity
mid famo, anil "tolls talcs liko Illsmarck,
regardless whom ho hits, so long as tho
blow ib deserved." Tho example given Is
this Tiidd uheiid Wilson sentence at tho
beginning of a chapter in his latest book:
"hho was not what you would call refined;
she was not what you would call unrefin
ed. Hio was tho kind of woman who
keeps a parrot."
That Is Indeed an Illuminating Instanco
of the working of Mark's mind. A pri
vate letter from Mr. Clemens to a friend
In New York who Is Interested In statistics
affords aft analogous examplo of candor In
this passage:
"Tho buoks which havo most inllucnccd
my lifof With pleasure. This is tho list:
Tho Innocents Abroad,' 'Houghing It,'
'Tramp Abroad,' 'I'riiice ami Pauper,'
'Huckleberry Finn,' 'Tom Sawyer,' 'Yan
kee at tho Com t uf Prince Arthur,' 'Per
sonal Itcmlnlsccnces of Joan of Arc,'
'Piidilnheail Wilson,' 'Following tho
Equator,' and the publications of tho Into
Ann of Charles L. Webster tc Co. "
Yes, and that veracious story book,
"Tho Jumping Frog," the predecessor of
nil the works niuned, mid possibly tho
most influential of tho lot. Harrier's
U. S. and Cuban
Just received.
Large Flag Poles and Bracket
Holders. All kinds of Flag
Goods by the Yard.
Morgan's Bazar, 21 n. Mainst.
SAeiss Beer,
Ale, Porter.
private family orders will receive
prompt attention. Leave them
at the'offiee, we will do
the rest.
ltfWT UNK 01'
Floor and Table Oil Cloths.
t! r rtm nv 27 w.-.i
E, D. rULDl, Outre M.
(Coii'lniteil from Flit l'i(rf.)
Oni "..'I.. . '. : .en, two (termini
nml out' .liipaiioci' vomkoI here oli-oi'v
IliK. lirwiiY.
The nfhVinln ore making nil possible
liuutc to itiali troops to supplement
Ailmlrrtl Dpvoy'R forces, so that If the
Spaulnh governor (loot surrender the
former will not lie dependent upon tlio
small number of tunrlnes which he can 1
Illy spare from his ships, but will have I
the of soldiers In holding !
his position and maintaining order. '
U Is . anfldently hoped that the City i
of Peking, ehartorod as a trntiBport ,
vessel, will be able lo olear from San !
l-'niwljeo In a very short time, to bo
followed In vapid succession by tlio
other throe ships ongaRad for a similar
purpose. The Peking can cany 1,000 j
men, which, with the marines aboard i
tlio Charleston, just about to still, will
bo of considerable ngHisUnico to the .
admiral, bt't far from 'SJp number
which he will need. The totnl number
of men to be sent will aggregate prob
ably 12,000, as Major General Wesley
Merritt, who Is to command the ex
pedition and stiliKcipiently to bo made
military governor, rogarils that as tho
least which can maintain order In n
city llko Manila, mndo up of many
illBcordant elements.
Secretary Long, In addition to tho
dispatch from Admiral Dewey, au
thorized the publication of tho state
ment that the torpedo boat Terror,
belonging to the Spanish licet, wan dis
abled tit Port of Franco, Martinique.
There wan a disposition ninong some
of those who saw this statement to re
gard It with suspicion, suggesting that
tho report of disability was Intended
simply as a blind, and that tho Span
ish government had caused It to be
spread so that no complaint could bo
made to Franco on account of tho stay
of the boat at a neutral point. None
of the olllclnls, howover, would express
themselves on tho subject.
Secretary Long also made public a
messago which had been received from
Key West telling of the departure of
the United States vossel Uncas, in com
mand of Captain llralnard. She Is
bound for some point In Cuba, with a
view of securing the ruloaso of two
American prisoners in uxchango for
Spanish prisoners held by this govern
ment. i:pi iiiiiini to Hie riiliipiiim's.
Special to Kvikimi Hr.iiAi.ii.
Madrid, My lti. Tliero is not much doubt
t'uit Spain will send an expedition to Manila
for tho purpose of ousting Admiral Dewey.
Tho Admiral in coniinnntl of the sipnulron
now beins fitted out in CailU was hastily
summoned here to inform the government
wh.U vessels lie lias ready to pass through
the Sui. canal. Aniplo number of men have
volunteered, and tlio expedition will stmt at
the curliest pnssihlo moment.
Sp.iln's Cabinet In Tin t.
Special toKvilMMl Hl'KAI.II
Madrid, .May 1(1. A piolonjjcd meeting of
tho Cabinet was held yesterday. Contrary
to expectations, Prime. Minister S.igast.1 made
no statement after tho meeting. Itcgariling
the talked-iif chaoses in tho Cabinet, tlio be
lief prevails that the Mlnis'.ois will postpone
tliocn'sis. Tlie rumor that the Cabinet hail
resigned is otllci.illy denied.
Sp.inlsli r.ll'roiitery.
Special to Hvkvino IlmiAUi.
Madrid, May 10. Tho government declares
that tho blockade of Cuba cannot ho recog
nized as effective and hopos tlio European
powers and Central and South American
countries will refuse to rccognUo it.
Ooiillug Million Can lie I'liri-liaH.'tl.
Special to tll'UAl.l).
Washington, May 10. United States Min
ister Powell, at Portau 1'rinco, llayti, bus
directed tlio attention of tho government to
the Island of Cionaivcs as a coaling station,
with the information Hint it can be purchased
by this government. Tho i.latul is incal
culably rich in mahogany.
Tli Mustered Volunteers.
Special to livr.NiMi llr.uAi.D.
Washington, May 111. To day's report to
the war deparmeut show that 70,000 volun
teers have been mustered in for tho war with
New Oilcans Did Not Sail,
Spcclnl to Hyknino.
Fortress Monroo, May 10. Tho New
Oilcans is still anchored oil' Fort Monroo.
She hits not changed her anchorage since tlio
flying squadron sailed.
Seizure by Spain
Special to HniiAi.n.
London, May 10. It is rumored hero that
tlio Spanish authorities havo seized tho tele
graph ofliroat the (Imud Canary Islands.
A Trench Denial.
Special to Hvknimi Ilr.iiAl.n.
Paris, May 10. Tho French cable agent at
Martinique telegraphs a denial of tho charge
that despatches of Captain Cotton, of the
Harvard, wore withhold by tho French
authorities at that place.
Ttieltu l'eoplo l'erisli at an Institution In
Special to Kvhkino lleiiAl.n,
St. llyacluthc, Quebec, May 10. A hospital
owned and conducted by Nuns, and known
as tho Mctalr, was completely burned this
It is hulioved that twelvo people havo per
ished. Six bodies have been recovered,
Tho dead are three young women who
won) about to take tho veil, two boys named
lleauclieiulu, and a boarder numed Mrs.
The building is valued at ?l,000.
A telephone messago was received at the
IlKKALli olllco at ii o'clock this afternoon an
Domicilii: that, owing to tho unfavorable
weather, it had been decided to postpone tho
Hug raising which wui to have taken place
ut the Win. Puuii colliery this evening until
next Friday event ng, at 0 o'clock.
is a
to be rid of, because bad blood is
the breiding place of disfiguring
and dangerous diseases. Is your
blood bad ? It is if you ai'o
plagued by pimples or bothered by
boils, if your skin is blotched by
eruptions or your body eaten by
sores and ulcers. You can havo
good blood, which is puro blood, if
you want it. You can bo rid of
pimples, boils, blotches, sores and
ulcers. How ? By tho uso of
It is tho radical remedy for all dis
eases originating in the blood.
Head the cvidenco :
"Aycr's Sarsnparilla was recommenced
to mo by my physician as a blood purifier.
When I began taking it I had boils all over
my body. One bottle cured mo." Bo.NNUll
Cl'.AFT, Weiwon, Miss.
"After six years' suffering from blood
poison, I began taking Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla, and although I havo used only threo
bottles of this great nie.iicino, ll.o Bores
havo neatly nil disappeared." A. A. MAN
NING, Houston, Texas.
Severn Post, (i. A. It., Women's Itelief
Corps and Gen. Oi-d Camp, Sous of Veterans,
attended service in the Methodist episcopal
church last evening. l!ev. O. Itced preached
a patriotic sermon. Tho church was decor,
atcd with tho national colors.
The senior and junior branches of tho
United American Mechanics listened to a
patriotic sermon by l!ov. I.. h. I.ohr in St.
John's Unglish Lutheran church.
Lieut. Thomas I.'. Hyan, son of Patiick
i'yan, of tmvn. lias beenltraiisferred from the
position of ixtcutivo utliccr of the tnuisport
.rustin to tho command of tho auxiliary
patrol boat l'eoria.
L. V. Hausch, editor of tlio Tribuno at
this place and now at Mt. Gretna, has been
mndo quaitermastcr of Co. 13, 8th Iteg't.,
U. S K.
Deposition? were taken before Justice
Ketncron Saturday in tho broach of pioinisc
suit of Itaibara Lckcrt against John Swartz.
The proceedings' ale taken to uttach nionoy
on deposit In tho Union National Hank, al
leged to belong to the defendant.
The funeral of Mrs. Thomas L. Hess took
plain at 2:110 o'clock this afternoon' from the
family lesideuco on South Main street. The
services ucre conducted by I!ev. O. Itced,
pastor of tlio Methodist Lpiscopal church,
assisted by Kov. 'V. Maxwell Morrison, pastor
of the Presbyterian chinch. Interment was
made in the Herman Protestant cemetery.
The pall bearers wele Me.ssis. Joseph A.
Seligiuan, (lay C. liish, George W. Dennis,
Harrison liall, William Haak and S. (1.
liippnliit;H Tlirouglioilt tlio Country
Chronicled for Hasty rrriiHtil.
M. O'Neill is having gas introduced and
other iiiipioveuieiits made in Ids residence.
The largest Hag in tho world, 75x4(1 feet,
was raised by a Chicago business linn last
A little son of James Stevenson, superin
tendent of Ilristol, was drowned in the caual
at that place Saturday night.
Farmer llihlis, of llucks county, has sold
his wheat at S1.50 a bushel, tlio highest price
ever obtained in that section.
Survivors of tlio old Ninth Pennsylvania
Cavalry will meet in reunion at Lako Carey,
Wyoming county, on Juno t).
J. Snyder, of Ottsvillu, reports having had
a terrific tight with a monster hlacksuako.
which attacked him on the road, but was
finally killed.
Society Doings.
i no Annunciation l. A. u. Society, at a
meeting held yesterday, decided to exempt
from dues a'l members who volunteer for
service for the United States in tho war with
Spain, and contiuiio their rights of member
ship. Michael O'llcarn was appointed
marshal for tho society in the Memorial Day
parade. Tho members will attend mass for
deceased members of tlio society on the
morning of .Memorial Day, and before taking
part in tho parade
Steel Itriilge l'laced.
. Yesterday tlio Pennsylvania Hailroad ran
its trains over tho Delano route to nml from
I'otisvillo to enable tho bridgo builders to
place tlio steel bridgo in position at liostou
II ii ii . Tlio work was accomplished ami the
short lino route was put into operation asalu
tliis morning.
Their Sertlcuii Accepted.
Joseph Uoarty nod Thomas Moore, of
Locust Gap, fireman at a colliery at that
place, some tlmo ago made application for
positions in Uncle Sam's navy as firemen on
ship. Saturday they lecelved word tore
port and last evening they left for Philadel
phia to be sworn into tlio service.
County Silperliiteiideiiey.
Tho fight for tho County Superintendeiicy
of Public Schools in Northumberland county
lias already taken a jump to tho front. Thoro
aro four candidates in tho field : lienjaiulu
Apple, assistant piiucipal of the high school,
Sunbiiry; Ira Shipnian, tho present Incum
bent, Sunbury ; Wm. It. Owen, Shaiuokin,
and Ldward Snyder, Coal township.
I.unt Creek Won.
Tho Lost Creek No. 2 team won its first
gamo of tlio season yesterday by defeating
tlie Itiownsville nine to tlio tune of 1,1 to 11.
Tho ganio was played on tlio No. -I ground.
Duntcavy's two base hit won tho game fur
tho Lost Creek boys. 1 ho team is now open
for challenges which should ho addressed to
John Horn, manager, Lost Creek No, 2. A
fair sized audience witnessed the value.
And 1'loners, tlin Iliiud of Ainuilca, Call,
Via tho true pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
ltuttto," which traverses n region of perpetual
sunshine, where enow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes are unknown, Pullman first
and second class pahuo and tourist sleeping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and New Moxico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah ami
Nevada, without change, Quick time, low
rates, and nil tho couiforlsof modern railway
improvement guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via tho Missouri 1'aclllo.ruilwiiy
system. For rates right from your homo,
literature, and full information, dropapostal
card, J.P. McOann, T. P. Agent. Bill Hall
road avenue, Kliulm, N, Y., or 801 Hruatl
way, Now York.
3-1-tf W, K. Hoyt, (1, K P. Agt.
thu wr.ATiiun,
Tho forecast rot Tuesday t Partly cloudy
weather, with fresh, variable winds, pro
ceded by local rain and followed by slightly
higher temperature
in ssiog-
John W. Major "pent yesterday as a
guest ot friends nt l'ottsvllle.
Mnjur Holier S. Thompson, of Pottsvlllc,
was a vislior to town to-day.
Mrs. Oscar Goho, of Fillers', 1ms pre
sented her husband with a baby girl.
Superintendent M. T. Schielllcr, of Ash
land, wns among the visitors town Saturday
Daniel Owens loft town this morning for
llnuesdale, Pa , to attend tho stnto conven
tion of tho Improved Order of lied Men.
-Among tho townsmen who attended tlie
ripening of civil court at l'ottsvlllo to-diy
were W. Thomas Lee, Thomas Tosh, Georgo
Wnlaltls nd Chief lltirgess Tabor.
M. M. Ilurke, S. O. M. Ilnllopcter, J. It.
Coyloand E. W. Shoemaker, Ksqs., trans
acted business at the county court house to-
Owen mado a trip to Pottsvillo
this morning.
It A, Davenport and Samuel Davis spent
to-day at Pottsvillo.
11. II. Hunter visited the county scat this
Policeman Martin Mtillahy went to
Pottsvillo this morning.
Miss Maude Groll' and Miss Tiley.of Ash
1'iud, were the guests of the Misses Ilcese. on
List Centra street, ycfterday.
Timothy O'Iffarn.of Ashland, was a Sun
day visitor to town.
Mr. and ilrs. David Faiit. and children,
of Shaiuokin were the guests of Mrs Sarah
Clauser, on North Jardin street, yesterday.
U. F. Clcary was n visitor to tlio National
(luanl encampment at Mt. Gretna yesterday
IV . J. Ilrown was a business visitor to
Mahanoy City to-day.
J. . bpailcr, ot .Mt. Carinel, railed on
friends In town Inst evening.
It. F. Gill, and daughter, Nora, were tho
guests of Mahanov City fiicnds yesterday.
Messrs. 11. ,1. Johnson and P. J. CarJln
wcio Philadelphia passengers this morning.
Liveryman Nciswcnter and Hess Glover
were county scat visitors to-day.
At Keprliliislil's Aremln Cari.
Ilean soup, frco, to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Jtlore rings Flouting.
A very enthusiastic ihig raising was held at
the flats" on West Coal street, on Saturday
evening. An American flag, 8xJ2 feet, was
unfurled from a Go-foot pole which was
elected between the two rows of houses. The
expenses were defrayed by tho tenants. Itev
James Mooro, pastor of the P. M. church,
delivered a patriotic address winch was
listened to by a largo nudlcnco. A choir
composed of residents rendered vocal selec
tions and wore accompanied by Allio Hollo
bach, as organist. The Hag was Hung to tho
hicezo by two little girls, Sarah Hlnks and
Lsthor Hollobach. The committco was con
gratulatcd upon their success and consisted
of Messrs. Peter Fabian, LouisSliistel, James
Hinks, John McGniro and William Pecker.
A Cuban flag will ho unfurled on tho sanio
polo on Decoration Day.
Keudrick lloiiso Free I.iuirli.
Vcgctablo soup will bo served, free, to all
patrons to-night.
At tlio Synagogue,
A service of a patriotic character was held
nt two o'clock yesterday afternoon by tho
Jewish congregation in tho synagogue on
West Oak street. Tho services were ably
conducted ill the German language by Itov
Dr. Saul Schorr, of Heading, with the as
sistance? of Iiov. Minnie, tlio rabbi of tho
congregation. Six enoir boys brought from
Heading by Kov. Schorr also gavo able as
sistance in tlio service, singing national
anthems. Prayers were offered for President
McKinley and all tho national ollicers. Tho
services coutinnrd until four o'clock. Tlio
attendance was very largo. Tho interior of
thu synagogue was decoratod with tlio
national colors.
Tho Keating llicyclo 3G."i days ahead of
them all at llrtimm's. Also a full supply uf
cements, oils and sundries
A Clover Swindling Scliemo.
A clever swindling scliemo is being worked
by a pair of smart follows in nearby towns.
One goes through the country on a good
bicycle. When ho strikes a town ho claims
to bo hard up and offers lo sell tho wheel
cheap to get some money. The boys admire
bicycles and hi to readily, paying a small
prico for a first-class wheel. After a few days
tho other sharper turns up and claims to bo
looking for a man wlio stole his wheel. He
describes it well, giving the number and tho
owner lias tu part witii it. Tlio sbarpurs raise
from f 20 to $ 10 a trip aud start for greener
l'otted Plants.
For Decoration day now on sale dally at
tho I'crgttsoit House, Main street side, by
Jolin Hall. Cheap and big variety. fi-li-St
A Slutcimmt.
Mrs. J. II. Lalng called at tho JIkuai.I)
oilico ami asked to havo a statement mado
refuting tlio declarations mado by some people
that she is not imrried. Mrs. Lalng says tlio
ceremony was performed by Hcv. G, M.
Hock, pastur of tho German Lutheran church,
of Mahanoy City.
Died nt tlio Ho.pltiil.
Joseph Kcitz, the old man who wns crushed
by a llag polo which was being raised at Ash
land on Thursday night, died at tlio Miners
huspital, Fountain Sprlngs.Satunlayovenlng.
Word was received in town this morning of
tho death of John Maury, at his residence ono
mile west of Hitigtowu, on Saturday. De
ceased had reached tho advanced age lit fcO
years. The funeral will take vlaco on Wed
nesday morning from his lato resilience nt 10
o'clock. Interment will bo made in tho
cometery in Itiugtown.
Tlio host placo to buy your wall paper is at
F. J. Portz, 21 North Mnin street. Wo havo
tho largest stock north uf tlio mountain, tf
Mnro ring.
A largo and beautiful Cuban flag was hung
beside an American ling oyer tho headquar
ters of tho G. A. H. Post on Saturday even
ing and attracted much attention, Tho llag
was purchased from F. J, Portz, 21 North
Main street.
To Cure Headache In 15 Minutes.
Take Dr. Davis' Atl-Hcailucho. Alldruggists
Mlllouo AVoli.
A shouting match took place nt the Trotting
park on Saturday afternoon between John
Malouo, of town, and Kciirn Igo, of Jack
sous. The mutch wns for a purse of $ 10,
each contestant tn shoot at five bitds. Malnno
won tho match by killing two, while his op
ponent killed hut one.
I'gg", in Cents l'r Doeu,
Strictly fresh, not mora than 10 dozen sold
tonne person.' At F. E. Magarglu's nuw
stand, 20 Last Centre street. If you want
any coiuo fur them at ouce,
A Spring JoUo,
A spring of tlio Ferguson Ilotito cab broke
this morning. J, J, K el Icy, tho millinery
dealer, said the accident was duo to tho fact
that the cub had ns a passenger a drummer
who was leaving town with an order in his
Sx'Clslmi ltmldril Down nt tile Philadel
phia sitting To-day,
Special to TCvENlNG IlBnAt.n.
Philadelphia, May 1(1. Tho following
orders and Judgmonts wcro filed In tho
Supreme Court to-day i
Jennings vs. Lehigh alloy Hailroad Com
pany, petition lor mandamus denied nml
petitioners for costs.
Alexander vs Pennsylvania H. II. Co., peti
tion for nllowanto of appeal from tho
Superior to tho Supremo Court on allocatur
Dyson ct. nl. vs. Hltteuliouso et. nl., Mont
gomery county, decree alllnncd, bill dis
missed; appellants for costs.
First National Ihnk of Lock Haven vs.
l'cllz, judgment alllrmcd.
Miller vs, Lebanon and Annvillo Street
Hallway Company, Lebanon County, judg
ment ntlirmcd.
Testimony lleforo u Coiumlsoloner.
The case of lluoch Flnglor and six others,
charged with burglary by Adolph Szcrjko, on
South Main street, was tried last week and
six of tho defendants wero convicted of re-
elvlng stolen goods. L. 1). Haughawoiit,
I'sq., counsel for tho defendants, moved in
arrest of judgment and for n new trial. In
support of this motion testimony was taken
before 'Squire Tourney, acting as commis
sioner. M. M. lluike, lq., represents tho
commonwealth. William Strelszyk testified
that on the night of tho robbery, ho gave
the defendants ono quarter of beer ns a
"present." Strelszyk is bar tender for Leon
Dunowsky, the Main street saloon keeper.
Tho defendants wcro arrested at threo
o'clock on the morning of Sunday, May 1st,
drinking fiom two quarters of beer in a
Polish house in Hoad's low, at tlio Shenan
doah City colliery. Thucouit this morning
refused a new trial.
White blanks at T cents tier piece and gilts
tit 0 and 7J cents per piece. Wo havo higher
priced wallpaper. At F. J. Portz, 21 North
Main street. tf
Dleil ill it Hall ltooio.
Tlio datico at Summit Hill Saturday morn
ing was brought to an abrupt end at about 2
o'clock, when ono of tho female dancers fell
to the floor, and died an hour later in a room
at one of tho hotels, wdicro sho had been re
moved. Tiio young lady was Mary O'Don
nell, aged 17 years, and heart failure was tho
cause of death. It was a pathetic scene
when tho dead body was being conveyed
from the hotel to tho homo of tho widowed
mother, whoso grief was intense.
Improvements nt Maple 111)1
A large foico of carpenters are at work
making extensive improvements at tho
Muplo Hill colliery. Tho breaker is being
enlarged, and shakers and other machinery
is being placed in position. Tho work is
being pushed as rapidly as possible.
Your underwear? If so, wo havo a largo
assortment of cool summer undorwear and
medium weights at remarkably low prices.
At MAX LEVIT'S, 15 Ilast Centra street.
A Clumsy Counterfeit.
A new counterfeit note has mado its ap
pearance. It is a $2 treasury note, of tlio
series of 1891, witii a portrait of Mcl'hor
son. It ought not to get into wido circula
tion, fur it is a vory clumsy counterfeit.
Tho portrait, latho work and parallel ruling
aro all poor, nnd the words "Hearer," and
"Hiircau" aro both misspelled.
Tn Travelers.
It will ho well for travelers to consult tho
local tlmo tallies before making arrangements
for departures. Several changes have been
made In tho schedules.
American and Cuban flags, all sizes and
qualities. F. J. Portz, 21 N. Main street, tf
ITIOIE SAI.,13. A well rfiulppt'd lmrnest nml
1 rUm1, having a larno Mock, cheap.
Also n qimtitlty of Iioiimc furniture, it rooking
stoc hihI heater. Apply to Mm. (leorgu Kobin
mm, II North White street, Odd Fellows hnlhl
hitf. Tim ptoek enn he purchased In bulk or
separate lots. 5-lG-lw
PUOVOSAT.S. liids will bo received until
Slay -Stli for tho erection nnd completion
of a frame church nt Park IMoee. I'lansuud
npecitieatioiiH can be hccIi nt Lentz & Co.'a
oillce. KiiWAim ItKrxi;, Sunt. H-lI-lw
noit HATK. A Baloon. Good stand and
cent nil location. Has two nool tables, one
belnir a combination of pool and billiards.
Apply at the IIi:itAl,l olllec. tf
FOltHAT.K. Two good boutcs for sale on
South .Inrdin street. For further informa
tion apply to 200 .South l'car nlley. S-a-aw
"iriOlt ItHNT. Two Inrgn rooms In Itefowlch
X' inilKUng, 10 soiitn tliiin street. All con-
venli'liccs. Siuitable for ofllee.
TOlt SAI.I5. A very deslrnblo property,
J ply to Joseph Wyatt, 201 North Slain Sit.
A Good JVIan Wanted
A good opportunity for tho right man for
Helm yl kill county or local district, as preferred,
"Wanted, a man well nnd favorably known
practical mnn prcierreui ween on commission,
IlttllnuH, King & Co.'s High Grade Paints nnd
Vnrnlshcu. Apply with references nnd full
particulars of qualifications, to Hiixiis'gh, Kino
t Uo , iilS Pearl St., New York City.
In Bottles or by
the Keg.
Lauer's Lager
Pilsnei Beer.
Porter and Weiss Beer.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Unttler,
203 W. Coal Street,
Attentive nml skillful lonsorial artists always
ill attendance.
Neatest Shop In Town.
W. G. DUSTO, Prop.
Ferguson House lllock.
A good place for a good
Michael Mills' Saloon,
22 . Centre street, Mcllet's building,
WLic, Whiskies, liter am Cigars. 1'renlicst
beer In town nltvayic on tap.
Many Cases Added to the Dockets Satnr
day Night.
Anthony Sabalewskl, a resident of Klon-.
diko, was almost beaten to death early yes-'
tenlay morning. His faco was boa' cn Into a
jelly. One of his eyes was closed and foveral
of his teeth wcro knocked out. It is alleged
that lie wns assaulted by several men of a
gang who makon practlco of avenging In
this manner tlio grievances or allcecd
grievances of tholr r.oinpatilo'lis. Four
of the assailants wero arrested nnd
taken before Justice Toomoy by lVlccmati
Mtillahy with the nsslstnnre of other ollb ers.
.Too Yabrufskl, tho alleged rlnglenilor', and
Charles Harmon wcro committed in default
of bull, Michael Schtiltz mid .Trim AmilslcR.
wicz wore put under $.100 hail, o'icli. The
prosecutor was utiablo, on account of his in
juries, to appear against tho accused. Peter
Cherkch and Charles Porkarski have avoided
at rest.
Among the other cnos before Jostle
Toomey wcro tlie following: Lnoeh Gustra
and John Porshock, aswult nnd lnttcry, oath
of John Phillips, committed in default of
J300 bail. John Slopkus, breaking wlniow,
oath of Josephlno Gowanskl ; $300 ball,
Joscphlno Gowanskl, asault and battciy.
oath of George Pratchkclla ; -?300 hail.
Anthony Synknwicz, nssnult and batti :y,
oath of Joo Ilubllij committed for hearing
Jus Ice Shoemaker disposed of the follow
ing casci. : Peter Kozakiewlcz, nuisance and
maintaining a dog that hit Harry Kmc. $300
hall. Anthony Hozak and Mrs. Gabriel
llarmata, nssault and battery, oath of Joe
Swcntowskl ; committed in default of flOO
hull each. Mrs. Hose Miza, assault on Mid .id
Howinskl's son , committed In default of
$301) bail.
Window shades from 10 cents and upwind
IMitnatrs given on largo shades. P. J. Portz,
21 North .Main street. tf
A Specialist on Huptnie from 'illiamport
vill visit
Shenandoah Every Thursday
Hotel Franey, from 8 till 10:30 a. m.
Kupltire permanently and quickly Cured or
no pay. . Written guarantee to absolutely
cure all kinds of Kupttirc without
operation or detention from
Absolutely no I)ang;r.
Examination Prcc.
loo persons cured in Sunbury, ShamoMn,
Mt. Carmel and vicinity who can be referred
lo. Charges and terms moderate and within
reach of all.
Thos. Buchanan,
Examination Hade at Your Home or at
Our Store.i
--Has Moved to
118 S. Main Street.
We build you a home just as you want it built.
We will submit plans and cost, or pass on the practicability of
any sketch you may have, without any charge. We will build
the house for you according to specifications and by the time
you state barring strikes. We will keep the cost within the
figure quoted -and will guarantee that you will be satisfied
with your home. See us about it.
Glenn & O'Hearn,
(Successors to J. W. Johnson,)
N- Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Factory Shoe Store
No. 7 S. Main St., Shenandoah. Pa.
Will sell for the next two weeks, only, shoes at the following prices :
1V1 on'a Satin Calf, worth 931.35 mow $I.OO.
Men's Brown Russian Calf, worlli $2.2B now $1.S5.
Factory Shoes at 75 Cents.
Caps worth 2Sc and SOc now golngafio cents.
All other goods sold in comparison. Come nnd convince yourself that
this is the cheapest place in town for
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Gent's Furnishing Goods.
h l A B-, LEVINE, Proprietor,
riyw ifo wot, in I'ao most horrible condition
or ;. .y 1 u i being, from Hczcma. fiho could
ncl Iir pit ib' :ir rllcdown,!icrtorlurowa9
bo i.i'cnsc. I tri .'doll the doctors that I could
reach, bnt Bho got Bo that I firmly bcllovo 6ho
vould havo died within twelvo hours If I had
tv-,1 1 o- i advised ot CtrricnnA Rkmeoics and
1 i tlic-n. My wlfo went to deep tn two hours
v!t f'"" fret application, although eho had
r.c' ' fif fi'ciJ e!iv, and with two b 'xrs
of Ccuci n.V. (ointment) tnd ono cake of
CcTtoun v RoAr eht tras absolutely cured, ami
is tveil and hearty to-dav.
t.t CmE TrnATMr.lT ron ToEtrntirn, Disnn
"unto nutaou, witii I, or II Am Warmbithivll't
C'trti'MjiiA soac BentlennoInOtiF. wlili Cctici'oa. rr
Cn! 'Tsnislllfnt fkln run I. and tnl'fl (tof fif C'l'Tin 1:4
It -'"'i.Tcr.T, e rcatret of bltwi punacr. nnd humor cure
ust.:ttirnu(?JiMitt&WTM. Cnxncs I). Aln C. Corp.,
8cK' IV pi , lioston. ItowtoCufBtha WuicLcTcm.frfa
Baby Carriages
3. 5 and up.
Stoves !
Stoves ! !
We are at present making a
specialty of handling stoves and
ranges. Our latest inducement is
"Queen Cinderella,"
With an everlasting triplex grate,
one you can burn on three sides.
' Will burn hard or soft coal, is a
I i .i r.. i !... mm,:,.
gUUll UltKCl illlU i 1111U 1UUNC1. J. 11IO
stove we will sell for the next 30
days at greatly reduced prices.
and STOVE ST01U:,
121-123 North Main St.
The undersigned have assumed charpc of
the Shenandoah Kcnovaling Company'splanl,
nnd are prepared to clean, sew and lay
carpets, mattresses, nnd do general upholster
ing work.
I Feathers Cleaned.
Work Done Promptly.
...Drop Us a Postal.
j Orders can he left nt No. 7 North West street,
j or at the plant, Apple alley and
! liowers street.
111 wall papci-s nnd decorations la ono of tlie
nineteenth century accomplishments. That la
why thoso who select their wall paper nt
OAUMK'S Ret eueh delightful results. It Isn't
necessary to purchnso tlio expensive Rmdes, tho
designs and colors are Just ns artistic In tho
cheaper grades, If they nro not so ilch. For
those who wish. to decorato theii rooms with
artistic wall papers o to
224 W. Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa.