4 The War Scare ! If you want to keep posted you must read the newspapers. We de liver all the New York, Philadel phia and Pottsville papers to all parts of town: also the IJvuning HiiRAUJ. which contains the latest news by wire and all county and local news. Leave your order at the store or give it to the carrier. a N. tVIaln St. SELLING OUT. lair uiil.im. l.icr, table cloths, linens, spieniK. unilciw.ai anil gent' furnishings. 1 host' arc rare bargains to be had. Will leai- the town glumly and will cle cult our sU'ik al amainylv lull price". LOUIS MANN, 33 West Centre Street, Kobhlns' Block. N lln.vtli'n 1V"W I'm' V Port nu Prince. Hay tl. May 14. A rm-f M"""b nt liml nn Interview yester day vtiih M. Tanoiede AURimte. who i th- i ..nti'lontlal udviaer and petFonal friend 'f Simon Sam, as to the cession of Mule St. Nicolas or some other point a- n maling station. M. AURUHte iI.m inreil Hint tietrotlalioiis to such an end vt"ie out of the question, as it was imposslhle for Haytl to code any tor rlturv. the popular jealously of for-el(-M)' is lieinfr great and enduring. At tho sun'.' lime he said the sentiment of the mivei ninent and people of llnytl for Ameilea was friendly. ciiiit'oe Mori-ltl llerott. Wa'hlnKton, May 1!. Mrs. Ttuth Swan .Morrill, wife of the venerable senator from Vermont, died at the fam ily residence on Thomas Circle yester day. Phe had been f-erlously 111 for some time, but lately she showed con siderable Impiovement. She came of n distinguished New KiiKland family and v n one of the best known and best l'i ' women In olllclal life. She was u 'M t years the senator's Junior. ' Nnnmntrii Park Nearly De-oi'ted. ckamauKa Park. Oa., Mav 14. KlKliih and Twelfth reslments, last of the United States infantry e park, left yesterday for Tampa. Flist and Tenth cavalry left this ing. one company of the Eighth i ins here until the volunteers ar to no on duty. General Brooke has notified officially that 20 refitments lunteers had been ordered nt once, xpeets from 10,000 to 60,000 of them P tn T 1 I if 11. to concentrated at ChlekamauKa within two weeks. sr.r vouit rr.iri' into tiii. .eiitleiuan'h hull' liusc, Hottest novelties auii largest .iHiiirtineiit lit our usually low pro-os. At MAX LHVIT'S, 15 r.-ist Centre -In it. Crilftliei! by tl l'lni: Pole. Joioph Keitz, bkciI f."i yeairt, received poi bips fatal injuries while assi-tiw; the Col li ' l( I I I lull, of Ashland, to eiuet a Ki fool i i oh-lust evening. They liad suicceileil itmii it raised a considerable distance from the ground, when it suddonly fell back. Keitz, who was closest to tho butt of the pole, made u strenuous dibit to hold it, but II n ,-ion linn, i rushing his lung- and hreak-,-c of his ribs, lie is at the Miners' , u! in a i rilical condition. Pake Ulel-gj lillill. 1 v " J. W. (lunnor Is the nanio of a i -.ninillur, who represents himself us a man, and who ii operating throuchout region, lie says lio is stationed al i i umbei land, ami claims to bo an llpisco i 1 1 i nii-ter, having cliargo of tli parish at 1 phue It has been learned that the i ipal faith is not represented in that t, .i lie faked tho business people ol i, okin and was traced as far as Mt. i i. nel, but left the latter town for Slienan ' i i iO where he will attempt to operate. fieiiiniimns, fuchsias, punsies, daises, roses, i for spring planting at Payne's nurseries, i- . ..ilvilie Tuberose mill gladiolus hiilhs. Another NEW STOCK -OF- U, S. and Cuban , FLAGS Just received. Large Flag Poles and Bracket Holders. All kinds of Flag Goods by the Yard. Morgan's Bazar, 23 n. Mam si. urns For all Bilious and Nervous EEI?S g 0 ! Disiases. They purify the ja 5 Kj gj; III od and give Hkaltiiv m K W ML tit oclon to the entire system, it E (59e35a Curo DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION and P'MPLES. we: bottle: Beer, Weiss Beer, Ale, Porter. rpP. Private family orders will receive prompt attention. Leave them at the office, we will do the rest. Columbia Brewing Company. I1 - & UHUUtKlbS, HUUH, ntU, W 15 HAY and HTitAW. 'jfii M Floor and Table Oil Cloths. M ffo rULEI' Centre HI. W m life li iiiwV i.i wc' si (J1ENFUEG0S WAS BOMBUIDEU, (Conitnuiril from Vlrpt I'ngo.) Illnliiip Nt-Mlil.ili In ltilln-, Mpwlfll to KVMMKO llKMAI.il Sail l-'raueiir-o, Mny II. It Is rcportm! hero Hint llfolutp John 1'. Ke iv ma n, of tlit Molliu dial Kplmnpnri-tiurpli, will booh retllo from artive iliity bccntiM (if ill health. Srtilej'n Orleri, Spet-inl to 111 iiai.1i. WihIiIiikUhi, Mny 1 1. Ooniiiioiloiii Schley's siiiiadron, nhlcli loft l-'nrtteM Miiuroo yeider day. In under orders tn unit to Charleston, and tliere await further oiilew. litis (lerillilliy Plolesled? (special to IIB1H1.1I. laiNiiux, Jlny 1 1. 'i'lio Mmlrld eorrespon. dent suys that, nltliough Ssiwln bus received no otlicial coliiiminirattnu, she has good grounds for believing that Gut many ban positively told the United Stfllc that she would view with (lUpleiisuio tho permanent occupation of Manila by the United S'u es or the cessation of the sumo to any European power. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS Ai-o Poriiiully Triin-lerrod to tho "i'i--vloo of I'm-lo Mini. Mount P.rotim. Pa., Mav 11. The Pennsylvania National (lunrd, which hae a compact oir inlzatlon Hlnce 1877, yesterday practically paused out of existence when the muster of the Ins! company of volunteers was conipleteil, and until 'he arms of the United States are finally 'victorious will be known as Pennsylvania volunteers. All that remains of the "old euard" un tile division and briRailp genernls and their staff" and n colored company or Infantry in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania bears the distinction of beliiff the first state to answer the piosldent's cnll for volunteers, and last nlfrht, on tho field nnd awaiting orders, lo.SCO Peniisylvn nlnns stood reody and anxious to do battle for a united country. The scene last evening was memor able, Imposing and Intensely drnmatle as the whole division, recruits and nil, swept over the hill In columns of com panies and passed 111 review before the governor. Then Generals Snowden, nohln. Wilev nnd Sr-hnll faced their conimandei-ln-chlef and were address ed by the (fovernor, who Bald he had urffed upon tlw pre sidi nt their ap pointment in th volunteer army to their present communds, and declared he was still hopeful that this would be done. Uach of the generals responded. A carload of the travel rations, which had cone astiay. and thereby held back the Fourth and Sixteenth regi ments, arrived yi sterday. The men of these commands have no orders to move, and are still quartered in the barracks. All the colonels have re ported to the war department, and will receive orders relating; to their move ments from WashliiKton direct. Orders were received Inst nlKht from Secretary Aleer to have seven regi ments icady for departure to Chick -iimaugn. Orders were Immediately given the colonels of the Fourth. Six teenth, Third. Fiist. Fifteenth, Fifth and Ninth roL-lmeiits to prepare to move forthwith. The Fourth and Six teenth left today, nnd the others will leave ns soon as possible. Supple mentary orders are expected directing; the Fourth and Sixteenth to proceed direct to Tampa. MAHANOY CITY. Mahanoy City, May 1 1. Two hundred people assembled at tho P. .t II. railway Million at ten o'clock last night to meet tlio members of Co. 11 who failed to pass the physical examination at tho Mt Gretna state camp. Sore disappointment is iuu ny mosi, of them over their lailuro to pet to tliolront. At tho armory they carefully put away their unilorins and eiinipinents. Tho members who returned were C'apt. Cuinrey, Sergeants Jenkins and llaitin. Corpoial Norris and George Webber, Jacob Warner, Kdwaid Couirey, Koy Orr, Walker Hanks, lMward Smith ami Louis IIuiitziiiRur, privates. Tho inquest ill the case of .Mrs. Thomas L. Hess, who diid suddenly on Thursday, re sulted in a veuliet that death was due to heart failure. At a meeting uf tho members, subscribers ami others iuteiosted in the V. M. !. A , last evening Slate Scuu-tary llaird. of Harrishurg. was present and urged tho members to keep the Association intact. The leport of the finance couimittco in reference to tho clear ing oil' tho debt was encouraging. Owing to tho small attendance, nothing definite was done. John lllair. of St. Nicholas, severly sprained his back at tho St. Nicholas colliery while lifting a heavy piece ol tinnier last evening. Henry Ilachinaii has elected a CO foot pole nnd hoisted a Hag in front of Master's maiblu yard. GIRARDVILLE BOMBARDED Tim Town Sliirlli-il by u Telrlllo Implosion Last Nlglil. A terrific explosion occurred at Glraidville at auoiit half past ten o'clock last night. A few minutes after the stiects were crowded witli people and there was grout excitement. Tho explosion took place at a Lithuanian saloon on Second street. It appears that early in the evening two Lithuanian paid the landlord a visit mid three, men got into an altorcation. An ejectment of the visitors terminated tho altercation. It is alleged u plati was agiced upon to seek revenge. Tho two men repaired to their homes and secured a quantity of dynamite, l'hey stole, to tho luar of tho saloon and plaied it under tho house. Tho force of the explosion shattered tho entire btiildin Nono of the occupants were Injured, uut two suffered considerably from shock. One of tho dynamiters has been arrested. Flag ltulsluu Deterred. The employes of the Win. Penn colliery liavo postponed tho raising of tliolr Hag until next Monday evening. An elaborate pro gram is being arranged. The Lost Creek hand and cartels, Win. i'c-iin baud, M. 1'.. church choir and public school children of Wm. Penn will bo in attendance mid the speakers will bo Itov. Father 1. V. Daggett, of Lost Creek, Key. John Dyson, of Wm. I Ynn, Superintendents William II. Lewis and Michael Golden, and Mine Inspector William Stein, of Shenandoah. The Grunt Hand will also he in attendanco. There, will he general cannonading and fireworks dis play. Tho bost place to buy your wall iapar Is ut F. J. Port, 21 North .Main (street. Wo have tho largest Mock north of tho mountain, tf .Ununited ii Child. Mrs. I'osa Miiu, of Iiist Centre street, was committed to Jail to day by Juttico Shoe maker for assaulting a six-year-old child uf Michuel llowluikl, AUU YOU ItIJA lY TO CMAM115 Your underwear T If so, we have a large assortment of cool summer underwear and medium weights ut remarkably low prices. At MAX LUVIT'S, 15 Kast Centre street. 9 "Throo- from two you can't," nay3 tho schoolboy. Right ! T lireo from two you can't, either in dol lars or dividends or sarsaparilla. It takes the best sarsaparilla root to make the best sarsaparilla ex tract. Tho best sarsaparilla comes from Honduras, C. A., and tho Dr. Ayer Co. practically controls tho entire product. Yet others claim to lie making "best" sarsapariHa. They must bo making it out of tho remainder left after subtracting three from two. But, " three from two you can't." You can't mako the best sarsaparilla without be.;t root. You only get tho best when you which is made wholly fron tho best root imported from Honduras. 'HOOKEY" FLAG RAISED. An Immense 1 lining til People Wllltrss 1 he Ceremonies. About till eo thousand people Kiitheicd at and in the vicinity of the Itescue Hook & Ladder Company's building on North Main street last evening to witness the compiny's flag raising and attendant ceremonies, which wcio of a vory impressive and inspiring character, llo'oio and during tho ccicinoiiies cannon boomed from the slope of the mountain north of the point of a--cmblage nnd tho event tools on a Fourth uf July aspect. At 7:40 o'clock tho ceremonies were opened at n temporary platform erected at the lioitlioastern corner of tho company's building, close to tho Go-foot polo erected for the two Haas to bo raised. Tho exercises opened with patrioticuirs by tho Uiant Hand, al'tei which Mr. C. T. Straughn, tho master of ceremonies, introduced I!ev. James Moore, pastor of the Primitive Methodist church, who uttered prayer The singing of "My Country Tis of Theo" by the P. SI. church choir followed a brief address on tho object of tho flag raising by Chairman Straughn, during which ho briefly referred to tho events leading up to tho war between the United Slates and Spain and piulicted success for the former and freedom for Culm. Mr. Frank II. Williams made an inipicssivo address on ' Old Glory" in which he spoke of its incep tion, ifs beauty and significance in the eyes of other nations. Mr. P. J. Mcllalo gavo a vocal solo entitled "Tho Ill-Fated Maine" which brought from tlio assemblage evidence of vivid recollection of tho sad end of the ship in tlio harbor of Havana. The flag American and Cuban wero then raised amid a booming of cannon, a great blast of tlio big whistle nt the Kohley Hun colliery, great cheering by tho people, and stirring music by the bind. The flag was drawn to the top of the polo by Misses Sadie Ilangh and Lizzie Junes, two members of the choir ill atten dance. As the American ling leached the height desired it was unfurled by a rouo ar ranged for the purpose ami from its folds fell a shower of miniature flags. Kcv. James Monro then made an address in which he ex piessed tho hope and confidence that the American flag would continuo to float as not only an emblem of liberty, hut also of victory. Tho choir then i endured "Three Lhcurs for the ltcd, White and ISlue," and tlio selection was followed by cheers for President McKinley and his cabinet, tho army uud navy, tho flag, Itear Admiral Dewey, the Grant baud, the P. M. choir and finally for all who helped the demonstration to success, lloucdiction by Itov. Moore closed tho ceremonies. Tho ICescuu Hook and Ladder Company desires to thank all whu assisted in tho cere monies and arrangements, especially Super intendent Thomas llaird, for explosives and other materials; David Jones, of ltiugtown, for the Hug polo and tho Grant band, P. M. choir, Itov. James Mooio, Frank It. Williams and P. J. Mcllalo for their services, and also to William Lang and James O'llearn. The two flags raised aro beauties. Tlio American flag is 10x18 feet iu size and the Cuban flag tlx!). Tlio latter was made by Mrs. Morgan Stctler, whoso husband is a member of the company. At Kepeliiiiskl's Ai-eado ChTo, Hot lunch on Monday morning. The i'V" Program. Tlio following program will ho rendered at a meeting of tho "Y" to bo held in Mi-Ilet's hall tills evening: Singing, "V ;" prayer; scripture reading, Liz.io Ilrooks; solo, Jennie Taylor; recitation, Mattie Pi Ice; reading, Clara Morrison; solo, Annie liohiuson; reci tation, Minnie Uohcrts; comic reading, John Charles; critic, Lillio Llewellyn; singing,"Y," ICeiiitrti-k IIoiiku Free Liuirli, Mock turtle soup will bo served, free, to all patrons to-niglit. Transfer of Pilests. ltev. Francis J. Hamilton, a former curato at St. Kyran's church, HeckschervMle, lias been transferred from St. Peter's, Heading, to Our Lady of Mt. Curmol, Philadelphia. Rev. Jusrjili L. O'Connor, formerly of Potts villo, is tniiisfcried from St. Clement's tu St. Francis do Sales, Philadelphia. At Payne's nursery, Glrardville, you will find tlio largest stock overseen in the county, File! Tirol I llet Insure your property from loss in tlio oldest and strongrst cash companies: l'liila. Uutlciwritor Insurance Co. of North Amcrim and Firo Association, Hartford Firo Ins Co., American Klro Insurance Co., West Chester Firo Ins. Co., United Firemen's Ins. Co. T, T. Williams, 123 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah. Funeral. Tho funoialof Maurico Fitzgorald.who was instantly killed at Maplo Hill colliery, on Thursday, took place from Ills lato residence 3111 West Apple alley, this morning. Services wero held in tho Annunciation church, which was largely attended. Interment was inado In tho parish cemetery. Tho funeral was in churgo of O'liara Bros., tho undertakers. Headache Quickly Cured. Dr. Davis' AtuMIeadaeho never fails, 25c. Adveiilsril Letters. Letters ml ill osscd to tho following named iieoplu remain uncalled fur ut tho local posl-olllco: 11. E. Share, Henry Usseiiwiue, ' Mrs. .Mary Shaw, U. A. Sherman, P, W. Mo Olouo, Mrs. Patsy Jones, W. J. Carroll, llw. Joue, M. 11. Dole, M. A. Mulcy, Samuel Klngstou, American uud Cuban Hags, all sizes and qualities. F, J, Portz, 21 N, Main street, tf rs rat j"k wxr Sarsaparilla POTTSVILLE NEWS. Allans of Interest In nnd About Hie County Meat. 1'ottivlllo, May 14.-The "iinterrlfled" weru rcpros'iitod hero to-day In goodly mini hers. This inorulng at 10 o'clock was fixed Tor tlio meeting of tho Democratic County Standing Committee, In accordance with the call issued by Chairman Joseph W. Moyer and Secretary II. O. llcchlel. Tho candi dates and their friends wero unusually no tiro among tho members of the committee, tho latter generally looked upon as tho rep resentative party men from their respective committees. Those candidates seeking the Congressional nomiuatlon were tho moro uctlvo to-day, al though tho aiplrsuts forthe Coiitrollership and District Attorney wero by no moans backward In urging their claims nnd solicit ing tho aid of tho member of the committee. As usual, north of the mountain brought foi th the greater number of candidates, with Pottsville a good second. The Democratic county standing comuiltle nu t at Pottsvillo to-day. County Chnlrman Moyer was in tho chair and County Solicitor llechtel served as secret iry. July 11th was selected as tho date for the county conven thin and Union Hall tlio place. Tho dlstiict conventions will ho held as follows : First, Muhaiiny City, July 13 ; second, Ashland, July 13; Third, Tiinuiiiua, July 13; Fouilli, Schuylkill Iluvou, Tuesday, July 12. Thoio jll be no nomination for Senator in tho 29th district. Tlio 30th Senatorial convention will he held at Oirardvllhi July 12th. Ilx-Ciingressinau James 11. l'eilly, cx-Dis-irlct Attorney James W. liyan and Mnrlha 1'. Qiilnti, all of this place, iiretlicalinounced candidatis for Pongiofs. The hitler lias gal iied considerable sircngth during tho past mo wicks, mid his friends are confident that he u ill go into the convention with sullich nt delegates to lead on the first ballot and ulti mately win the uoiniiiiition. This chiim is disputed by the opposition. The supportuis of liyan say their man will lead, and will de velop greater strength than he did in tho District Attorney contest. He is personally known in almost every patch in the county und hiicxtensivo relation-hip is to bo a big factor .Mr. Iteilly is tlio choico of tho Cleve land DcmriRr.itK, hut he has certain elements of weakness that will probably result in ids overthiow at this time. The contest for Con gross will bo a hot one. The contest for Controller biings out i small army of candidates. Shenandoah le.nl ing. From that town comes Harry J. Mill- doon, tho cx-couuty chairman. M. H. Master and Hany lliadlguii with John A. Iteilly as a dark horse. Thomas S. Kerns, of North Manlieim township, is tho latest candidate lor this oilii-e. The Judicial contest assumed definite shape to-day. The friends of Geoigo Wadlinger amiouiicul that lie was n full-Hedged candi date, and will oppose W. A. Murr, of Ashland tosuccied Judge Koch, recently appointed by the Governor. last year the Democrats wero strong advocates of a non-partisan judiciary; this year you hear no such senti ments expiessed. They want the whop) hog Many booms wcio ciiculated to-day, but It Is hardly likely that they willall stand the piercing rays of Old Sol. THE BOND ISsUK. Tho County Commissioner have douo nothing more in rcfeieiico to the issuing of county bonds tu relievo tho treasury of its present depleted condition. Controller Snyder lias filed in court bill in equity praying for an injunction to restrain the Commissioners from making a bond issue in excess of 1(10,000. Nothing will bo done until tho court passes upon this question Tho proposition of tlio Taxpayers' Associa tion, suggesting that the Commissioners issue certificates of indebtness to pay off current expenses is Lot looked upon kindly by tho Commissioners. They will haidly adopt that plan unless compelled to do- so by order of court. The Commissioners aro piepariug a state ment for tho court with a viow of creating tho new bonded indebtedness. The amount of tho bond issue, they say, has not been decided upon. Till: NKW AITOINTIHSI. Next Monday is tliu time fixed by the County I'oimiiis.-iimeis fur the new clerks and under otlicials to take their places at tlio court house and jail. Several of tho now appointees in the Commissioners' office have been under instructions for somo days, and there will no doubt ho nothing of moment when tho chango occurs heio. Warden Ilrower lias instructed those under him to hold on to their positions and to retain their keys. Thcrowill likely bo somo fun when tlio new appointees attempt to assume their positions at the prison on Monday. MAitKiAtiH i.ici;nsi:s. John Houser aud Mary Motts, Itingtown John Galchus and Annie Fatritus, .Mai nnoy City; Clark Del- rehn and Malinda DoFiehu Shenandoah; John G. Shoup, Kingtowii, anil Mary Alice Zimmerman, Union township Geoigo J. Sliivclhood and Mary Lally, Ash land. Window shades from 10 cents nnd upward lChtlniatcs given on largo shades. F. J. Poitz, 21 Noith Maiiihlieet. tf Church NottceB. ltev. T. 1), Whltloss, of Princeton, will preacli in tho Presbyterian church to-morrow morning nnd evening, Services in tho P. M. church to-morrow at 10:30 u. m. and 0:30 p. m. .Morning subject "Tho Messed Man." Evening subject, .Man a stranger to all that is Good." Owiug to tlio absence from town of tho pastor, In uttenduiico ut conference, the reeular service will ho dispensed with in tho First llaptist church to-morrow evening and tlio following program of exercises will be substituted : Singing, choir; scripture lesson Miss Emily Jones ; singing, choir; prayer Miss Sarah Blower; singing, choir; recita tion, Miss Hcssio Gritllths ; recitation, Miss Lily Huberts; duett, Garfield and Miriam Jones; recitation, Miss Stella Davies; recita tion, Miss Annie Jones ; solo, Joseph Jones recitation, Kdwaid S. Koherts ; recitation Walter Capper; singing, choir; recitation, Ml.v) Jcnnio Jones ; rending, Miss Maggie Huberts ; duett, harah and Mary Aim Jones reading, Miss Sallio Grilliths; recitation MissAniiiu Ilowells ; singing, choir; lecita- tiou. Miss Sarah Mower; address, W. T Ilowells; lecltatiou, Miss Margaret Howells; singing, choir; closing prayer, Thomas Hughis. To-morrow at Calvary Baptist church, tlio pastor will preacli morning and evening, In the evening a special senium on "Indecision." Tho choir led by W, Waters will glvo an an them during tho evening. All will bo made welcome. Services at 10:30 a, in. and 0:30 p. in. It. H. Albin, pastor, .Meetings every night ut 8 o'clock ut tho Volunteers of America. To-night gospel temperance meeting, Sunday meetings, 11 a. in., Holiness meeting, snug uud praise at 3 p, m. At 8 p. in. Salvation meeting, sub ject, "Moderu Excuses." All aro welcome Lieut. F. H. Jacket in charge. Tlio Routing lilcyclo 303 days ahead of them nil at lirumiu's. Also a full supply of cements, oils and sundries 'l fiat Oliuoxloiis lloll. A good story, a truo one, Is told of n mom. bor of tlio Nutioual Guard Iruin this town. When tho inspection of Company F, of Girardvllle, was on tills particular member, who holds tho rank uf Corpjral, had a boil ou his neck, preventiug him from holding his head erect. Asa rosult ho failed by 1 of uu Inch of the required holghth. Subse. quently the boll ht-uled, uud Ills comrades laid him on a stretcher und put a Uipo on him and ho tipped the mark at flvo foot four inches. Tho inspecting otllcer gavo liliu nn other chauce, uud he passed. It was a closo shave for Louis. To Cure Headache in 15 Minutes, Tako Dr. Davis' Ati-Headachc. AUdniKglsts this wr.ATiii-.u. The forecast for Sunday ! Fair to partly cloudy, slightly warmer weather, witli fresli easterly winds, followed by rain. PITHY POINTS. tlHppeiiliigs Throughout the Country Clilutdclntl (or Hasty Perusal. As the cockney would put it, Sampson knows how to do 'Is duty, too. A recruiting ofllco for tho regular army will he opened in Hazlcton next week, Glenn & O Ilearn, tho lumbordealcrs, have placed a neat Hag stall' on tho roof of their olllco. Old Glory floats proudly from It and can bo scon very prominently on Main street. Gustuv Wachaus lias applied for tho trans fer of tho liccnso now held by William Meiikcwlcz, of tho Fonith ward. To-day the P. & 11, employe heio received their pay. 'Squire Mellon, of Treniont, has removed to Pottsvillo. Fulling down a manway in a colliery nt Tamaqua, Frank Saplctou was killed. Tuesday, Juno 11, has been nxed as the day fur Democratic delegate election in Columbia county. Kiilghfs Templar of Pennsylvania will hold their annual couelaui at Harrishurg on May 23, 21 and 2.1 Scrantoii lias been selected by tho Grand Commandery of tho Knights of Malta as the place for next year's convention. A movement is on foot to institute in Potls- villc a lodge of tho Daughters of Veterans. The matter is in the hands of the Sons of Veterans who are seeming u membership list. W. L. lleaiimout, publisher of tho St. Clair Local, and who Is eolisiileied ono of tho best lay readers of the Zpiscopul church in this region, lins been usked'to become the lay leader of Christ church. Frackvillo, and will very likely accept. A fast freight train on tho Northern Cen tral ltrilway was wreckid just east of Fisher's Ferry, Northumberland county, and uu unknown man stealing a rido was in stantly killed. Notice was yesterday posted in the Phila delphia & Heading locomotive shops, at Head ing, that beginning next Monday tho work ing time will be increased one-half hour per day. Coseph Kelt-z was crushed beneath a 03-foot Hag pole, which ho was assisting tho Colum bus Club to erect nt Ashland, und his injuries aio likely to prove fatal. Keilly It. Iluntziuger, of Valley View, this couuty, fell from a ladder to the pavement, while engaged in painting a house, and died sliurtly afterward. All kinds of vegetables and flower seeds, and plants at Payne's nurseries, Girardvllle. Ulectiiu cars pass tho door. 5-C-tf lCemovul Notice. F. K. Magarglc, tho grocer, has moved his place of business from tlio Titnian building to No. 2(1 liist Centro street, where ho has nil facilities for u prompt and satisfactory filling of oiders. 5-ll-4t White blanks nt 5 cents per picco and gilts at 0 and 71 cents per pieco. Wo have higher priced wallpaper. At F. J. I'ortz, 21 North Maiii streot. tf JVIISCELLAN IOST. On the 13th inst., neur Iteeuc Hook J nmt Ladder IttiihlliiK. u navy hluc btck belt, with nilvrr hiu'kki nnd slitte nnd Initials "C- J. I)." on 1 nick lu. I.theial run-nnl will hejnidlf itturiK'il to owner, Mrs. Kndi't HW S. West St, It pllOPOSALS.-lthls will ho received until 1 Muy 2th or the election nnd completion of a frame church nt I'.nk l'loce. 1'Ians and ppeclUcutiont run he wen nt Lent- Az Uo.'s oriicu. KmvAiti ltrfcE, Hupt. 5-1 Mw TjlOU HAMS. -A saloon, (lood stand nnd I' central location. Has two pool tallies, one, hcinir a combination of pool Apply nt tho Ilr.itAUi olllee. nnd billiards. tf COUHAIJ2. Two Rood houses for R.ile on L South Jnrdln strot-t. Vnr furtlicr itifnrnm- eet. For furt tion npply to 200 South Tear nlley. fi-U-Hw 1710U UKNT. Two Jnrfjo rooms in ltefowleh ? building, 10 South .Mala street. All eon venfenees. Suitable for ofllco. 3-19-tf THOIt SALIC A verv defdrnhlo itronertv. Ap 1 ply to Joseph Wyntt, 201 North Jlntn St. tf "IHAltTlCn NOTICE. Notice U hereby Riven j that an application 111 ho made to the Court of Common Pleas, of Schuylkill county, at Pottsvillo, on Monday, tho liOth day of Mny, 1S9S, ut ten o'clock In this foienoon, by Stanfs lnw llartvlock, Stanislaus Itndziewiez, Walter KninlnakI, Anthony Kaczmanskl, John Gorncy, Anthony Kamln.skf, iternnt Mechoweki nnd Mfchuel Itawluskt, under tho Act of Assembly to provide for tho incorporation and regulation of certain corporations, nnd tho supplements thereto, approved April 29th,l74t for the charter of nn Intended corporation to be called ami known ns "St. Stanislaus Polish Komau Catho lic Ueneflcial Society, of tho St. Cusiiulr church, of Shenandoah, l'enna.." tho chaiao ternnd objects of which aro tho maintenance of n iiinn inr ine am oi mjureu ami sick memitcrs and the families of such members as may die, ami tho promotion of charity and benevolence. Said corporation is to be carried on nt Shenan dortli, Pa., nnd for tho purposes above stt forth is to have, possess nnd enjoy nil tho rights, bent fitrt nnd pilvllepes of said Act of Assembly aud its supplements KlAVAKD W f HOEMAKtli, Solicitor, Shenandoah, Pn., May litii, 1S9S. fi-11-21-28 CHAIRMAN SHAY'S CALL. Amendments Murin For Republican Dele gate Kluctlon For State Delegates. ScnuYi.Kii.i-Co. Hni'unurAN Commit? nis No. W South CilnthijStuki.t. Potisviixi:, PA , Mav 7, IMK . Notice Is hereby given that the Republican Deleuates elected lat year on Saturday August Ilth, or their alternates, for tho Pirbt Legisla tive District will be convened In tlio JSorough of Mahanoy City nt the Armory Hull, on Satur day, May 21st. A. I). IH'JS, ut JO o'clock In the forenoon, for the election of twti delegates nnd two alternates to tho next ltcpublieuii state Con vention, This contention will bo culled to order by Harrison Hall. The delegates or their alternates in tho Socond Legislature District will he reconvened In tho llorough of Ashland fat Washington Hull, on Saturday, Mny 21st A, 1. 189, at 10 (clock in the forenoon, for the election of ono delegate and ono alternate to tho next Uepublican State Convo tion This convention will ho culled to order by Jo-eph Cocklll. The delegates or their alternates In the Third Legislative District will ho reconvened lit tho llorough jf Tnniamin, nt tlio United States Hotel, on Saturday, May 21bt, A. I). 1MW, nt 10 o'clock tn tho forenoon, for tho election of ono delegate nnd one alternate to the next Republi can Stato Convention. Tills convention will bo called to order by Charles Sulmlel. The delegates or their alternates In the Fourth Legislative District will bo reconvened In tho llorough of Pottsville, nt Centennial Hall, on Saturday, May 21st, A ). nt 10 o'clock In tho foienoon, for the election of four delegntes and four alternates to tho next Republican Stato Convention. This convention will bo called to order bj tbc Chairman of the Inst County Convention. Delegntes or their alternates in tho respective districts will gocrn themselves accordingly, Jty order of lixecutivo Committee, Aiuui'K L. SiiAY. Chairman. 7-H-2t 1 wm mm siw Attentive and skillful tonsorial aitists always in attendance. Neatest Shop In "Town. W. G. DUSTO, Prop. Keiguson House IJlock. A good drink. , place for a good Michael Mills' Saloon, 23 K. Centre Mrect, Mellefa building, Willi', WliUklts, liter mid Cigars. Krcsln-ot ln-i-r In town ulwnja uu tap. 9 j l(Hrd in ossipg. Itov. James Mooio has returned fiom Pittsburg, where ho spent so feral days in ut teiidaiico nt PriuiitiVa Methodist conference. -P. J. Mulholland, H. J. Muldooii, M. II. Master, George Foliiier,Jnhu F. HIkuIus an ' Chief Ilurgcss Tabor attended n meeting of tho Democratic county standing connnlttto ut Pottsvillo to-day. Mrs. Matilda Tempest and Miss Mutllo Llowellyn left for Philadelphia this morning to visit friends. Mrs. Tempest will remain In tho city soveral months. Samuel Drehr, of Mt. Ourmcl, spent hist evening in town. Garrett Kciillng, of Gllberton, was a guest of friends in town lo-dny. Joslah W. Johnson, of Heading, spent to-day in town visiting frlemls. E. J. Johnson is home from Scrantoii on a shoit visit. On Monday he leaves fur Philadelphia wliero ho has nccepted n posi tion In a pharmacy. Superintendent William II. LowK of Wm. 1'enn, was an Interested spectator at the ling mi-dng ceremonies lust night. Daniel McN'calls left for New York to-day and Intends to re-irh Mt. Gretna next Tues day to enlist in tho army. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signaturo of Coming Kvcutn. Juno 0. Entertainment und ii-c t-rrain festival in tlio P. SI. eliureli. RUPTURE CURED. A Specialist on Rujaurc from Williauisporl will visit Shenandoah Every Thursday AT THE Hotel Franey, from 8 till 10:30 a. m. Kupture permanently and quickly Cured or no pay. Written guarantee to absolutely cure all kinds of Rupture without operation or detention from ' business. Absolutely no Dangir. Examination Free. loo persons cured in Sunbinyj SliamoKin, Mt. Carmel and vicinity who can be referred to. Charges and terms moderate and within reach of all. Thos. Buchanan, OPTICIAN. Examination Made at Your Home or at Our Store. 1 -Has Moved to 118 S. Main Street. THOMAS BUCHANAN, OPTICIAN, WE BUILD HOHES. We build you a home just as you want it built. We will submit plans and cost, or pass on the practicability of any sketch you may have, without any charge. We will build the house for you according to specifications and by the time you state barring strikes. We will keep the cost within the figure quoted and will guarantee that you will be satisfied with your home. See us about it. Glenn & O'Hearn, (Successors to J. W. Johnson,) N. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. -THE Factory Shoe Store No. 7 S. Main St., Shenandoah. Pa. Will sell for the next two weeks, only, shoes at the following prices : tVl en's Satin Calf, worth $1.35 now $I.OO. Men's Brown Russian Calf, worth $2,25 now $1,65. Factory Shoes at 75 Cents. Caps worth 25c and soc now going at 10 cents. All other goods sold in comparison. Come and convince yourself thrt this is the cheapest place in town for Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Gent's Furnishing Goods. ' - ABE v 1 ON . llttlo rlt-months old girl had Kczema. Vu-wlr.T kinds of remnilh s, but sho kept ; ' i I Used to wrap her hands up, r 1 .a 'Ire j licr, h.. 1 1 - p. -tin i- on tho table. I "t.1.1 :u. lull hir, she . mill kick anil i r -a n, r.a.l, v.Ik :i . ho could, sh - would tear bar faco and r.r.n i cl".ot to pieces. Pour i nt3S of Ci Ttui r. V (!ntincnt), to cakes of Ci-TioonA aAr, and Ctmct'iiA ItcsoLvr.XT rurei her, ami no trtfci are It1 ft. l'eb.7,'08. Mrs. G. A. CONP.Afa, Lisbon, X. II. PrsrrtT Cmn Trratmstt. Wnrm hathi wllh On ce .i Sntr.iri-nUf Anointing will, (Jutici-hi (ointment), nil.l lllll ldotIPrei'TICIIIIA ItrSOLTBNT. f-ol i tVrttljhrtU tl WWM. l'OTTIB DltTO A! CftEM Cowr.. rio.,Uoetoa. HowtoCurotfklHlJlaeaici, Iree. A GREAT SALE. Baby Carriages SD3.50 and up. Stoves ! Stoves ! ! We are at present making a specialty of handling stoves and ranges. Our latest inducement is "Queen Cindorolla," With an everlasting triplex grate, one you can burn on three sides. Will burn hard or soft coal, is a I good baker and a fine looker. This stove we will sell for the next 30 days at greatly reduced prices. BUSY FUKNITUKE and STOVE STOKE, 121-123 North Main St. CARPET CLEANING. The undersigned have assumed charge of the Shenandoah Renovating Company's plant, and are prepared to clean, sew and lay carpets, mattresses, and do general upholster ing work. Feathers Cleaned. Work Done Promptly. ... Drop Us a Postal. ALLEBACH & HEFNER. Orders can be left at No. 7 North West street, or at the plant, Apple alley and Howeis street. EDUCATED and ARTISTIC TASTES In wall papers and decorations Is one of tlio nineteenth century accotnplIslnnenU. That la why those who select their wait paper nt UAItDIX'S RetHueh delightful results. It Isn't necessary to purchase the expensive grades, tho designs and colors are just as artistic In tho chenper grades, tf they aro not so rich, For those who wish to decorate their rooms with artistic wall papers go to J. P. GARDEN, 224 W. Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa. NEW- o LEVIN E, Proprietor. 14