mstaulisiusu tmo. I of ISi M - I erorr livening, I'-Jcept Hunrtsy, at . HOITH .TAttlllS STIIFIT. NHAK (YKTHIS. 1 li risratd lit dellreiMl In Hlieimmtoan and the fhr i.,ip.lln(t town!" for nr cent" a work, pa mI o the carrlen.. lly iM.OOa year, or J-' rnm month, pnyaMu In advance dvortin rwnitK ch.irired BcuordlliK to smco and .oltion. f,.-, .mbllaliew r.n o the right to vIum.kc Hi wiuUVmi ot adveilemcnts whenever tho pnt "SW i of news demand It. The rlirht la i i t .1 to i ilo '.aiur advertisement, whether fTn (or not, ,jatUie publishers may neetn lpropcr. Advertising rates nimlc known mn. application. , , ,. Kiit-red nt tl. postofflee it Shonamioitli, r.,a cla-s mall matter. TKLKPIIONK CONNKOTION "All the Hews Thai's Fll lo Print." Evening Herald SVTPUDAY. MAY 11. 1WIS. Jl'R COUNTRY: First, Last ami Forevei. Questions of the Future. The policy of tho uoyorninont of the Inited StHtes with regard to the Simiiish province about to fall into j its- hands can clearly lie fores-eon, at j least so far as temporary control of the Mime is concerned, comments the Philadelphia Star. With the down fall of Manila, tho Philippines must puiiie under absolute subjection, hut thin uill present u fjmve problem, and one w liioh must be promptly, wisely ami coimigoly met. Seven millions of little more than senii-civili.ed people 'anuot lio made over in anight. This vast mass of ignorance, pre judice and a mixture of elements and races will require many years' careful bundling; before it can be satisfac ti.rily governed, from the standpoint d the treut llepublic. Spanish ways are not our ways. Tho iron rule of tyranny cannot iifforil to make a radical departure from its usual methods and keep a stauilin; army and a litrc naval squadron on dut ten thousand miles from home. A strong hand will he needful for a time, and heroic, work will be required fur the future, near and remote. For the present a military governorship will doubtless answer the purpose; after that must come the slower process of enlightenment, uplifting and regenerating. Under such a policy, faithfully carried out, the Philippine Islands may he made the allude of internal peace, thrift and happiness. Porto Kico will only he an incident, easily disposed of, hut (hibii will pre sent the biggest problem of all. It should lie remembered that the popu lation of tho Island Is composed about in this way : ,"i00,000 Cubans, 500,000 negroes, 200,000 Spaniards, the latter .omprihing the ruling class, and many of these will doubtless yield a reluct ant assent to Republican government in its integrity. That is to say, they will bo quite ready to assume tho duties ami re sponsibilities of citizenship on their own account, but thoy will never look wi'li favor upon tho idea of their be ing subordinate to the other classes, a very largo majority of whom aro in every possible way their social in feriors. The leaders of the revolution tliem s"hesnreuot men who would com mand the willing support of a great part of the white population; there fore, the United States will bo com pelled, whether it wishes to do so or not. to exercise supervision of the closest character for some time to come. To organize popular government and pJt it into working order under such circumstances will be a task, tho magnitude of which it is quite safe to say tho average American statesman of to-day does not begin to realize. The government is wise in view of this suggestive fact in providing itself with a large armed foroo subjeet to its orders, without restraint or condi tions, for full two years, with the regular army at its disposal indefin itely. It will not do to have a civil war in Cuba immediately following tlio ex pulsion of the Spanish army. There must llrst lc peace and safety, then order brought out of chaos, material prosperity restored, and after that satisfactory government permanently put in force. After a short and vigor ous campaign this will be tho nxt duty. Free Cuba means much more in the Uncle Sam Says: This is America's Greatest Medicino. It will Sharpen Your Appetite, Purify and Vitalize Your Blood. Overcome That Tired Feeling. Get a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla and begin to take It TODAY and realize the ereat Ir, ' I T..:. E Mood's Sarsaparilla li Anurlc&'i Oreatett Medlclue. All druggists. i way of work for our Koveriiiuont tl.un npi-ennon the wirfnce. Jinny H venrn must ol iiDSo mid liiualt imtli int 1 ..flrit 1, avrtMliflrll Imffirp tho llt'fllllll ' trim KeiiublictiiilsniliitlieQuuunof , ttii Antilles in fully renlir.ed Imcklen's Arnica Salve. Tho he"! slvi lit the world for cut, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt, rhemn, favor mm, tetter, chpied lunula, chilblain, corns, itiui all skin (iriiptloDB, ami jnwltlTi'ly cures pile, ni jo pay leytiired. H to guaranteed to glvi porfK't satisfaction or mony refunded. Price US rents per Ihi For sale by A . V.'w'flr. With the Bombardment of San Juan tie Porto Rico. OF It If Seven Injured by (lie Firo of (lie Spanish Uutferies. BATTLE FOR THREE HOURS. Our Warships Retired From the Contest Uninjured. FLYING SQUADRON OFF FOR DUTY. Commodore Schley's Ships Sail on a Secret Mission Perhaps to Co-operate With Ad miral Sampson in Forcing a Naval Bat tle Which May End the War Meantime the Orders For Sending Troops to Cuba Have Been Temporarily Suspended Pend ing the Expeeted Big Naval Engagement. San Juan da Porto Rico, via St. Thomas, DanlBh West Indies, May 11. The forts of San Juan do Porto Hlco were bombarded by part ot Hear Ad miral Sampson's llect Thursday morn ing. The enemy's loss Is behoved to bo heavy. Tho American, loss Is two men killed and sovon men injured. After throe hours tiring tho admiral withdrew the tleet, and, heading for Key West, he said: "I am satisfied with the morning's work. I could havo taken San Jiinn, but I have no force to hold it. I only wanted to administer punishment. This has been done. I came for the Spanish licet, and not for Sun Juan." The men killed were Seaman Frank Wldonmrk, of the New York, anil a gunner's mate, of tho Amphltrlte. Tho latter died from ti.o effects of tnc extreme boat. Of the injured men three wore on board tho Iowa ami four on board tho New York. Those slightly injured on tho Iowa aro Socman Mitchell, Private Marino Merklo and Approntlco Hill. Tho In jured on tho Now York aro Seaman Samuel Foltman (sorloiiBly) nnd Sea man Michael Murphy. Two other en listed men were slightly Injured. All the above named woro Injured by tho bursting of a shell on the Now York. Tho American ships were uninjured. Tho engagement began at 5:15 a. m. and ended at 8:15 a. m. Tho enemy's batteries woro not silenced. Tho town in the rear of tho fortifications prob ably suffered. Tho ships taking part in tho action wero the Iowa, Indiana, Now York, Terror, Amphltrllo, Detroit, Montgom ery, Wanipatucli and Porter. Tho enemy's firing was heavy, but wild, and tho Iowa and Now York woro probably tho only nhlps hit. Thoy wont right up under tho guns In col umn, delivering broadsides, nnd then returned. Tho lino passed thrice in front of the forts, pouring tons of stool on shore. H Is impossiblo to judgo tho amount of (hunago dono to tho buildings and forts. Thoy appeared to bo riddled with shot; but tho Span iards woro plucky. The after turret of tho Amphltrllo got out of order temporarily during tho engagement, hut she bungod away with her forward guns. After tho first passage before the forts tho Dotroit and the Montgomery retlrod, their guns being too small to do much dam age. Tho Portor and tho Wampatuek also stayed out of range. The smoko hung over everything. spoiling the aim of tho gunners and junking it Impossible to toll whom our shots struck. The officers and men of all the ships behaved with coolness and bravery. The shots flow thick and fast over all our ships. Tho men of tho Iowa who woro hurt during the action wore Jnjliiod by splinters thrown by an oight Inch shell which came through a boat into tho superstructure aud scattered frag ments lu all directions. The shot's course was flnully ended on nn Iron plato an inch thick. Merklo was stuick In the arm, and may lose it. All were belt by splinters, and n flro was stnited In tl-o boat, hut was quick ly o;.t;n;.'iii bed. JIoito kuoiiy, on the eastward arm of tho ' irbor, jjaa the principal point of utti ' ;. I tear Admiral Sampson nnd Captain Kans wero on the lower bridge of the lowa 'auU had a narrow escape from splinters, which Injured threo men. The lowa was hit eight times, but the shells made no Impres sion on hor armor. The woather was lino, hut the heavy swells made ac curate aim difficult. Tho hroadsldos from tho Iowa ami Indiana rumbled In the hills nshnro for five minutes after they were delivered. Clouds of dust showed where they struck, but tho ' smoko hung over everything. Tho shells screeching overhead mid drop I "lnB "Ioulm wu, l" "'K"8 111:11 t Spaniards still stuck to their guns. Utter Indifference was shown for the enemy's fire. The wounded wero (julckly attended, the blood was wash n a nitnnnii i r n mm r n r. n a i mm w m m vt n .in n i ; it hlji jmr l -w - - - - JUS ,- tre cr a rr H B. HI V RfcBCSB BF ? EH Si H tU'BUUtce- and wife should know about the pre. pjration that for half a century has .xjui htlpingexpcctant mothers bring little ones into the world without langer and the hundred and one ift discomforts and distractions incident to child-birth. It is applied externally, which is the onlv wav to pet relief. WrA Medicines taken internally 'Xsnl'ii will not lieb and may r 7 ? J W ' 1. 1 -n!a.-AV result in harm. 8ier s Friend fits and prepares every organ, muscle and part of the body for the critical hour. It robs child-birth of its tortures and pains. Baby's coming is made quick and easy. Its : .1,,.. 1.1., !.., ui;iioii 13 UUUU1J' uc.iu vfieial if used during the whole period of pregnancy. 1 per bottle at all drug stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price. Books Free, containing valuable infor mation to all women, will be tent to any address upon application by The Bradfield Regulator CoM Atlanta, Ga. (d away and everything proceeded llko target practice. At 7:45 a. m. Admiral Sampson signalled " censo tiring. 'Ilotlro" wns sounded on tho Iowa, nnd she headed from tho shore. Tho Terror was tho last ship In tho lino and, failing to see tho signal, banged awny alone for about half an hour, the concert of bIioio guns roaring at her and tho water Hying high around her from tho exploded shells. But sho pos sossed a charmed life, and reluctantly retired at S-in. As nt Matanzas, tho unsatisfactory condition, tho smoko and tho distance prevented any important conclusions being drawn. Tho town of San Juan must have suffered, although protect ed by the hills, as the high shots must havo leached It. No traces of tho bombardment were discernible on tho fort except small fires, which woro ap parently extinguished before tho fleet left. SAMPSOH'SjeT MOVE. Expected to Meet the Spanish Flying Squad ron in Battle Meantime the Inva sion of Cuba Is Delayed. Wnshlngton, May 14. A complete cbaiiKo has taken place In the offensive plans of the government. The receipt of the news from Sampson of bis nttnek on the forts of San Juan and the news of the nctunl presence of the Spanish flying squadron off Martinique, only COO miles away from Sampson nnd less than 1,000 miles from Havana, caused the dispatch of the flying squadron under Commodore Schley nnd the delay of the army invasion of Cuba. It Is to the navy that the government again looks for a battle that may end the conflict. The news of the Spanish fleet revealed at once the possibility of a quick move on the part of the Spanish fleet that would cut the lino of com munication by water between Culm and Key AVest, exposing to great peril any American landing force that might be caught between a superior Spanish army in Culm and the sea patrolled by Spanish cruisers. It became necessary therefore to 'defer the departure of the military expedition from Florida until the Spanish Meet is met and crushed or driven fiom West Indian waters. The navy department wired Sampson Information of the approach of the Spanish fleet and directions what to do. and another order Hashed to Schley to start with his vessels nt the earliest possible moment. The commodore took no chance of a cancellation of these highly desirable orders, but at 3:45 o'clock bad put himself beyond the reach of any telegraphic recall. "What Is expected of him cannot be disclosed at the navy department, and naturally is purely a matter of conjecture. Snmp son's licet Is strong enough unaided to overcome the Spanish flying squadron It he can ever catch It out of the reach of fortifications. Ills fleet, however, Is lacking In speed as compared with the Spanish vessels, and eo-onerntlon on the part of our flying squadron would add very much to the chance of corner ing tho Spaniards and forcing the tight which Is believed to be necessary to the success of the Cuban campaign as now planned. Some one suggested at the navy de partment that the Spanish fleet when last heard from was at a point not very much more distant from tho great cities ot the Atlantic seaport than from Havana, but If the Spanish admiral contemplates a movement In the formor direction he probably will run full Into Schley, who will have his scouts well out In advance. It can be stated that there Is good ground for the belief that Admiral Sampson has achieved all that was ex pecttd of him or that was necessary to carry out the plans of the strategy board. The purpone wns to destroy :', in .In. .ii as a fortified base that might I' a harbor of tefugo for the Span Ish licet, and according to the ndmlrnl's report this hns been ac complished. It was neither necessary nor mateilal that San Juan Itself bo occupied. Beats the Klondike. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, Texas, hai. found a more valuable discovery than has ..... , I'l 1:1. 1... )ei oecn main ill inc rviumiiuc. i-ur years nc suffered untold aeony from cnntuiiiption, ac counianied by hemorrhages : and was abwi lutely cured by Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs nnd Colds, lie declare!, that gold is of little value in com purison with this marvelous cure; would have it, even if it cost a bundled dollars bottle. Asthma, bronchitis and all throat am lung affections are lively cured by Dr, King's New Duicovcry for Consumption, Trial lioUles fiee at A. Wasley's Drug Stole, Regular sie 50 ct. and $j.oo. Guaranteed to cure or price icfundcd. a von ooino soiirn TUB MIUTIIH11N ILMI.WW 11 KA Cliffs A 1'JIOHINHNT POINTS. Don't start South without consulting Job U. lloull, District Passvii or Agent, Southern ltaibvay. 028 Chestnut street, Philadelphia If you cauuot call lu person, writo to him. 'M M THE SPANISH REPORTS. General Blanco Descrlbs the Engagements at Cienf uegos and Cardenas as Spanish Victories. Madrid May 11. General Blanco's dispatch (lepcillilng tho pngagement at Clenfuegos says: "The American? tired over COO EhelW while they nttempted to effect a land ing with laree boats, towed bv steam launches. Seme of the boats landed their men, but the latter were ener getically and victoriously re-pulsed all along the line. The Americans were compelled hastily to re-embark nnd withdrew with considerable loss, retir ing In a westerly direction after nva hours' flalitlnK. The sttack was made In combination with bands of Insur gents, who were nut to flight. Our louses were onlv two killed and 14 w minded. 'At the same time they were attack ing Clenfuepns nn attack wns made by the Americans on Cardenas. One of their larger ships anchored about a mile from the qunyp, and the enemy then attempted to land troops, but our forces, consist Ins of volunteers and two companies of Infantry, compelled them to deplnt. Our gunboats disabled nno of the enemy's destroyers and com- pelli'd the remaining ships of the iqii i dron to leave the l)Ry. "The garilson had five wounded, nird about ten were wounded on board the Kunboats. little damage was dono to the town, though one shell fell In the Ililtlsh consulate. The nttnek had been plnnnpd In co-nperntlon with the In surgent forces who were recently de feated at San Miguel. Many of the Americans, while trying to disembark, fell under the Ppnnlsh tire, and at Car denas two of the Inhabitants were kill ed by shots from the enemy." SVcds asuistnnco it may be host to render it promptly, but nno should lcmcmbcr to use wii tho mutt pel feet remedies only when needed. The best and mostsimple and gentle remedy Is the Syrup of Figs, manulacturcd by tho California Fig Syiup Co. .NI iiti'i-Iii!V In'MiiryVaiiiTi olrtlerf.. Haltlmoic, May 11. Mustering Olll cer Tjleutennnt Klwood Evans of tho Eighth United States cnvalry Is today mustering the Fifth Maryland regi ment into government service. The regiment has been recruited to Its full strength of !iSC officers nnd men. It Is expeeted that Immediately It Is mus tered into the recular army ser vice the regiment will be ordered to Chickumaufr.'i Park. The two battal ions of Infnntry are nlso recruited to t li eli- full strength, and It Is expected will bo mustered in on Monday. .V. iX Hi siYiYiYrYiYrYYt cil nFsi be Biit.tH A Pleasure at Last. rv NEW STYLE III fltt MAYPOLE- SOAP ' WASHES. & PYE5 I WASHES and DYESjjj S AT ONE OPERATION v 5"; I . . ANY COLOR. I .? The Cleanest, Fastest Dye for?: S Soiled or Faded Shirt Waists, 3: j Blouses, Ribbons, Curtains, Under- 5: linen, etc., whether Silk, Satin, -Cotton or Wool. ,.-wfj 5; S S; l'i Sold in All Co'ors by Grocers' and si g Druggists, or mailed free S- tor 10 cents; Z; S Address, TUB MAYPOLB SOAP DEPOT, jj ;! 127 Duaae Street, Hew York. ;i GREAT PAIN ! GREAT COST ! These were the two reasons that formerly kept people frxm attending to their teeth. Ilotli reasons have no existence 111 this ad vanced age. Painless and inexpensive dent istry with an absolute guarantee for five years is our method A Good Set of Teeth, $$. The Vciy lle.n Teeth, S, You can get no liettcr, uo matter what you pay. No charge lor extracting, where teeth nre onleied. We can take our impresVion in the morning and ghe you your teeth in the ntteiuoon if desired. (laid PUIhigs, $1 ; Host Sliver Plllings, 5oc up; Cleaning, 5oc; Extracting, 25c. Crown and bridge work nt very reasonable lines. ixuiiuiiuiioiis 111111 usiiuiiiieh nee. We use but one grade of material the best. SCHUYLKILL DENTAL PARLORS, Cor. White & Centre Sis., Rohbins' Building EVAN J. DAVIES. Livery and Undertaking, No. 13 Nortli Jardin St. 5 V ' A I I No Muss. No Trouble. : 1 jy 1 DO IT YOURSELF. You can tell Just as well as a pliysloinii whether your kidneys aro dlscufced or honltliy. The way to do Is to take a bottle or gluso tum bler, mid fill It with urine. If there is a sediment a powdor-llko substance at the buttum :iftcr otandlng n day and night, there ii noun-thing wrong with the kidneys. An other nine sijtn of disonso is u desire, lo urinate often, and still another sIkh is pain In the back. If iirlno Mains linen, there is uo doubt that the ki lueys are afl'cctcd. Any mid all diseases of tho kidneys, liver, bladder and of tho urinary pamigen and con stipation of the I6ve1s mo cuied by l)r O.ivid Kennedy's Favorlto ltcincdy. Them is no question about Us bciuu thu best and surest medicine In the world for such troubles. It unlckly relieves and cuies inability to hold urine, and people young or old, who take It aro not compelled to get up n number of tlmo durinc the night. For putting an end to that scalding pain experienced in parting urluo, nothing is so good as Dr. David Ken ued's Favorite llcmtdy. It collects tho bad ell'ects of whiskey and beer ; is pleasant to tho taste, and does not seem to lie uiediclic at all. Diseases of the kidneys and bladder olten require tho ufo ol instruments to pusli back tho sandy matter so tho urine can be voided. In such cases Favorlto licmedy should be taken without further delay or the disease may luovo fatal. It is sold for one dollar a bottle at all drug stores. It is well woith many times its price. Samples Free. If you wish to test Dr. D.ivm Kennedy's Favorite lteniedy licl'oie buying It, send your inn post tuuco Harness io ine wr. w.iviu jven nody Corporation, lloudotit, N. Y., and mention this paper. Wo will then mail you a sample liottle trie, as well as circulars giv ing full dhcctiniH for Its use. Every readei of the can depend upon the genuine noss of this liberal oiler, and all suH'crers from kidney troubles should tako advantage or it at once. Sunday Specials. Services in tho Trinity lleformed church o-moriow at 10:OU a. 111.. and 0:30 p. 111 Sunday .xliool at 1:30 p. m. Itov. Hubert U'lloylo pastor. Ilegular services will be held in tho United nvangcllcnl church. Norfh Jardlii street, to morrow at 10 a. m. nnd 11.30 p. 111. Sunday chool at 1.30 p. 111. ltev. I. J. Itritz, pastor, K. L. C. K. 011 Monday oTculng. Prayer. pralso anil testimony meetings overy 1 lies lay. ctlncstlay, UiursJay ami t riday even ings. Jr. K. b. C. E. every Saturday evening ai 1 o ciock. Primitive Methodist church, James Mnore, pastor. Pleaching at 10:30 a. 111. and (1:30 p. in. bunday seliool at M p. 111. Class meet ing on Wednesday evening, (leneral prayer meeting on Thursday evening, l.veryliody welcome Services in All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church on YostUas street lo-morrow. Holy l.uelianst ut s a. m. Muruiug prayer at 10:30. Sunday school nt 2 p. 111. Ksciih.g prayer nt 7 p. 111. the rector ill oluciatc. First llantist church, corner of West and Oak stieets. Rev. D. I. Uvans pastor. Services atJOa. 111. and dp. m. suml.iy school ut p. 111 i-niver nieeiinir . onuav evcnincs. louo; People's meeting Wedne-day evenings, Class meeting Thursday evenings. Methodist Fpiseopal church, comer Oak and White streets. Ilev. J. T. Siiindells pastor. General class meeting nt 0 a. in,, led by John benior. bermou nt 10:30 a. m Sunday school nt S p. n., Dr. J. S. fallen Superintendent. Sermon at 0:30 p. ai. Seats tree, l-.veryliouy welcome. Calvary llaptist church. South Jardin street. Preaching to-morrow ut 10:30 a. m and (WO p. 111. ltev. It. Ii. Allans, pastor, Sabbath school at 2 p. 111., Deacon John Ihinn. Superintendent. I!. Y. P. U Tuesday evening, at 7:30. Wednesday evening, general prayer meeting at, Everybody welcome. Services in the Preshytorian church to morrow ut 10:30 a. 111. aud (i:30 p. m. Sabbath school nt ti p. m. Jr. C. 1-.. nnd br. c. lu Tin sday evening at (1:30 and 7:30 o'clock Prayer and song servico on Thursday even mg at 7:30. blmngers always welcome. St. John's Lutheran church, West Cherry street. ICov. John tirulilor, pastor, rrcach lug, lu a. in. : Sunday school, l:3U p. 111. preaching (1:30 p. m', St. Michael's (ircck Catholic church, West Centre street. J.ov. Cornelius Laurisiu. pas tor. Jlatatinum service tl a. 111. High mass 10 a. m. Church of tho Holy Family. Hiorinaii 1 C.) North Chestnut street, ltuv. A. T. Schut tleholer, pastor, l-irstmasss a. in., second mass III a. m. St Casunlr's Polish K. C. church, Isoitl Jui'diu street, ltev. J. A. Lcnarkiewicz, pastor. First mass 8 a. 111., high mass 10 .. vespers mm hcncillctioii 1 p. 111. Church of tho Annunciation, 218 West fherrv street. l!ov. II. F. O Iieilly. pastor: ltev James Kane, assistant paslor. i-irst mass, 7 u. in., second mass, 8 a 111. , high mass, ilia. 111, iienciilcumi, 7 p. in. Kehclcth Israel Congregation, corner o 0,1k nndWit streets, Itov. Henry Mlt uik. pastor. Satunlay services. 8 lo lu 11. in uid 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday services 8 to lo a. m and every week day morning fiom 7 to8n. 111 Impossible, (o foresio all accident. Xol inpossible to bo pre pi red for it. Dr. '1 bonus' Kclcctrio Oil Monarch over pain. Buy lCeystouollour. Bo sure that tho name hfcssm & 1!eb, Ashland, Ph., is printed on overy sack. NUGGETS OF NEWS. James W. Collier, the old time nctor and malinger, died In New York hist night, aged CI. J. S. Collins, a prominent resident of Topeka, Kan., was mysteriously mur dcred In his bed. Philip Hill, the negro murderer of Contractor George Lawrence, at Hul ton, Pa was hanged nt Pittsburg. Tho Amalgamated Association Of Iron, Steel and Tin AVorkers, at th convention at Cincinnati next Tuesda will demand an advance In prices. In a sparring match nt Phlladelphl last night Joe Ooddard, of Australia, defeated Peter Maker, tho Irish cham plon, In one inlnule and fifty-one bee inda, "Ml. Cilllllll OIIH'H 'IllllUhS. London, May II. It was announced last ovenlng that Mr. Gladstone wan delirious on Wednesday evening, but It appears he recovered on Thursday though bis weakness Is Increasing. The failure of the heart action may cause his death at any moment, although the local disease may yet run the courso of another three weeks. Opening of l'lillailelplilil & It.ilillng Sell Islo City Iloule. Tho Philadelphia & heading lino to Sea Islo City will ho letuly for business 011 nu after May 1.1th, Schedule ot train servi will he, announced Inter. It is tho intention of flit) P. & II. inairigeinent to make very ex tensive improvements In tho Sea Islo City lino. It will bo flrot-class In every rospc and up to tho high standard now lu chert 011 thisc pany's Atlnntic City, Capo May and Ocean City branches. Decoration ll.iy Tour to Uuttj-shurg, Tho Pennsylvania liailroad Company has arranged fur anuthcr ot its popular seven day porsonally-conductod tours to tho battle field of Gettysburg, I.uray Caverns, nnd Washington, to leave Jsow York and Phila dolphin by special train Saturday, May Itale, 837.00 from Sow York: $31 00 froi Philadelphia, cover-, all neeossaiy expenses I'lopoitiouato rates fioiu other point l or itinpraiios and full information 11111 to ticket agents : Tourist Agent, 110U broad way, .New ork ; 7feU Ilroad stiect, Nowar N.J.; orlieo. W. lloyd, Asiisuiut (tuuond Passenger Agent, Philadelphia, I. O. O, r. I'ui'iiilc, Wllku.1t.irru, Fur thu Odd Follows' parado ut Wilkes Iuito, l'.i.. May 17. tho Pennsylvania liail road Company will sell special cxcursl tickuts from stations 011 Its lino, within radius of ouo hundred ml los, to Wllkosbarro and return, at rate of single faro fur tl round trip (minimum rste, 25 cents). Tickets to lu, sold Miiv 10 and 17. good to return u til lluy is, jhiis, Inclusive. OFF TO THE RESCUE. Schley's Flying Squadron Sails to Aid Ad miral Sampson or to Intercept a Spanish Fleet. Newport News, Va May II. Five esse Is of the flying squadron, led by the flagship Brooklyn, steamed cut of Hampton Hoadi yesterday afternoon, and after passing the Virginia capes took a southerly course, going, It Is raid, to augment Admiral Sampson's licet, now In the vicinity of Pofto Hlco. When the ordeis to sail were tfiven out suppressed oxcKement, mlnrled with delight, prevailed, nnd the men showed their detlre for active warfare In the hearty manner In which they rushed the preparations for departure. The crulBrs Wlnnear-olls and New Orleans were left behind, as was also he auxiliary cruiser St. Paul. At 8 clock last nlcht the Ilinneapolls hauled up her anchors and steamed out t full speed to overtake the squadron. It hnd been reported that the St. Paul, Captain Slgsbee commanding, and the New Orlepiin would not leave beforo daybreak today, but lato last evening Captain Slgsbee received orders to pro ceed and at rrdo'r.'-'r'.t che joined the New Orleans nt Old Point. Both ves sels then put to eetx. They are ex pected to overtake Commodore Schley some lime 'h's evcnlns or earlv to morrow morning. The fact that the Sterling, laden with l.COO tons of coal, accompanied the llc.-t Indicator thnt n long Fall !s to be made.' The arrival of the flying squadron will greatly strengthen Admiral Sampson's fleet. There Is mother report In circulation that n flotilla of Spanish torpedo boats has been sighted cruising along tho Atlantic const, and thnt the flying rquadron lias been ordered to intercept the fleet and sink the boats, but an ofllcer of the St. Paul declared that no credence should be placed In the rumor. Commodore Schley left under sealed rrders. THE INVADERS REPULSED. The Steiiiiier (Jumlo Fulled to Deliver Her Cm-go to t'ulmii Insurgents. Key West, May 11. Information of a vague character reached here yester day of the attempt to land on Cubnn soil of the enrgro of arms and ammuni tion taken over by the steamer Gussle on Wednesday night. The Gussle went from Tampa with 7,000 rifles and a large quantity of ammunition, clothing nnd provisions for the Cuban Insur gents. The expedition was In charge of Captain J. II. Porst, of the United States cavalry. With him were about 100 members of the First Infnntry of the regular army nnd ten Cuban scouts. Arrangements had been made to have a body of Insurgents meet the Gussle nt Cabanas to receive the expe dition and cany It to insurgent troops. When the Gussle reached Cabanas on Thursduy, however, there was no one there to meet her but a body of Span ish soldiers, who opened fire from the shore. The auxllllary gunboats Wasp and Manning had met the Gussle on the way over and acted us escort. They returned the lire of the Spanish troops, and are said to have killed many, though this, of course, Is largely con jectural. Under the protection of the Riinbonts, the scouts and a detail of soldiers a landing was made, but they wero driven back by the Spanish troops, who had maintained a vigorous attack. One of the American party was shot In the arm, but none of the others wore Injured. The Gussle eventually aban doned the attempt to land her cargo, nnd at last accounts wns still cruising along the coast awaiting a favorable chance to do so. Tho human ni-ichino starts but onco and stops but unco. You can Keep it going longest aud most regularly by using Hewitt s l.tttle l.arl.v liiseis. thu lamoiis iiuio lulls Mr con stipation and nil stomach and liver doubles, (!. 11. ilngcuoui-h. TO BIRMINGHAM AND MEMPUIS. UNSuiiPAtsun snitvici: oi'Fi:i!i:ii nv Tin: KlUTlli:i:N RAILWAY. . Leaving Ilroad Stiect nation, Philadelphia at 0:53 11. in. daily, the Southwestern Limited," canying a dining ear and the moat luxurious Pullman drawing room sleep iug ears, reaches Ilirnilnghau tho following night at 10:10 and nriivcs at Memphis the next morning at 7:19. Through sleeping car.- for ' Ashovlllo, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampi, Atlanta, Mobile unci Neiv Orleans aie also attached to this train. Pullman reser vations can bo made In ndvancu and all in formation obtained by cotnmimicntlug with John M. Ileal, District Passenger Agent, 82 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. S. II. Parker, SI. aron, Wis., writes: "I have tried DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo for i chiug piles and it always stops tliem 111 lw nnnuies. 1 consider uowilis witch ii:i.'i Salvo tho greatest pile euro on tho market " C 11. ilagcnlmch. Decoration Day at (lettygtiurg. Memorial Day, May 30, will bo a great day at Gettysburg. Imposing ceremonies will be performed 011 this historic spot in which President MoKinley and his Cabinet arc ox pected to tako part. The personally-conducted tour of thu Pennsylvania to Gettysburg, Luray, and Wnshlngton, which loaves New York aud Philadelphia May 28, wid all'ord nn excellent opportunity to visit the famous battlefield on this occasion. Two days will bo spent at Gettysburg, 0110 ut Luray, and two ut Washington. Tho party will be under tho guidance of 0110 of tho company's experienced tourist agents, A chnpciuu, whoso especial chargo will be unescorted ladies, will accompany thu trip thioiighout. hound-trip tickets, cover big nil necessary expanses during the entile time absent, will bo sold .11 tho extremely ow rato of $27 floin Now York, $2(1 from Trenton, $21 from Philadelphia, and pio- pmtMiuato rates from other points. For itineraries and full information, apply to ticket agents J Tourist Agent, 11110 liro.ul. way, New York j 780 Hioad Street, Newark, N.J. 5 or Geo. W. lloyd, Assistant licuei-.d Passenger Agent, Ilroad Street Station, Phila delphia. Tim South and Its Advantages. Tho Southern Ihiibvay has issued for free distribution, a sixteen imgo journal des criptive of Vhglnia, North and South Caro lina, Tcuucsbco, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. Persons seeking new locations, or capitalists desiring to make Hafonnd prollt- ablo iiivostmciits will find tho information contained therein both valuable and inter estiug, Copies will bo mailed free upon up. plication to John M. Basil, District Passen ger Ageut, 828 Chefctuut street, Philadelphia, I'a. Scratch, scratch, scratch ; unable to attend to buslnoss during thu day or slvop during thu night. Itching pllus, horrible plaguo. Dunn's Ointment cuim. Novor falls. At any ding storo, SO rents. Itedueed Itales lo Serautoii, Tho PoniiBylvanla Itailroad Company an nounces that, for thu parade, of the (lormau Catholic State Convention at Serantou, Pa, Wednesday, Slisy 30, u win sell excurs on tickets from points 011 its line within a radius of one hundred miles to Serantou and return at rato of slnglo faro for tho round trip. Tickets will bo sold May 21 and 25, good to return until May 20, luclustvo. At four Score, Dr. Miles' Nervlno Restores tlcalth, ml f y f , W vTiCl.3 LZCrcUiLOlIKAH, ns-e ir..l liSc.-!.,vtor1".-vriy, Km? , r.l. l.i.o najse'i I'laCSth Ufo tnllo M uo i.ji: "Dl. US! -a' Iteitorallvo Kervino 1 : Jour a creafcdert oi'cocd. Izaffpivdf j nilifii sloopk:.-mjs an urrvor.3 lu.i-'1, trouble. Vv:nIdfetU earyr.adiiBodnpIa tl.- .tra ins, had no E.'.WMon and my work recned . burdou. A f-1 .id j-ernmrjcidf Tr. !t 1 -' Norvlno, u.: 1 I p'.nvha od a I ttlo v.ud t protest r-.i, I l!..Jt-kiEoiaauy rcni" '.1, un-succc?-felly, I thousht It n use. Put it gave ! 10 rttul sloop, a rvod r.ppctlto aril rel;i'j,l 1110 to e.norgetlo health. 1 Lip grn id good laodlcino, aud IvrlllgladI" .nlti) auyoi.e lctja.lnf, p .rtl.'uU. ', -v lsfactory evporic: Dr. Milos" tcu.L aro sold bv nil drug .t.i.nn,ii,. o.ui,.nfi- kwioa- vu guarantL flv-1 bottle HE. SMsrVtotJ DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, luu. PROFESSIONAL CARDS jr. M. PUItKK. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. On-lceKirim hillkllne. cor"er of Main nn Centre streets, SliciiRmlonh. J. II. I'OMKKOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Hheimndoah, I'a. W. HHOKMAKRi; E. ATTORN EY-AT-I. AW. Corner Market nnd Centre streets. pIEOK JOHN JOKKS, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, !ock U'jx 65, Malmnoy City, I'a. ilavtiii; Htutlled under eotuc of tho hmi niatcralp Lundon nnd Pnrlf, will tzivc vt ns otitl'tt violin, mftiidolln. guitar and votalcnltM-e. Ierm rei?o liable. AddtCRH In raro ot ntrouHo, he Jcwfilftp fihisnindftnlt. Priiladeiphia &: Pleading Railway It. i,H.t..lCoal- No 01110..2 IN KKK1CUT MAPXTI 13th, 1898. Tniljiu leave Klicnnniloali as follows: For New York via rfillbdelphla, week days J 10. JSC. 7 30 9 Ma. m., 12 3J, 8 10 nnd 6 07 111 Sundays, 1 fC a. in. For New York via Mottch Chunk, week days, 5 8(3, 7 33a. m., 12 3.1 amis 10 p. 111. Tor n-e.Kiiiijr and rhilftdcIphiH, week days, 2 10. 5 31,, 7 S3, 0 St Iklit., li S3, 3 10 .mil 6 07 p. r. , Sun lns, 210 a. m. For l'ottsvllle, week tlaya, 2 lu, 7 30, 1) 51 11. lu , 12 83,3 10, 0o7ttnUT2- p. ill. Hunilnya, 2 10 k. In, For TanuuiOft and Mulianoy City, week iluys 2 10. 5 US, 7 30, 0 HI n. in., 12 XI, U 10 Slid 6 07 11 m. Addbloiuil to Malinuoy City only, It 40 p. 111. Humlays, 2 10 a. ui For Wllllaiusport, .Suntmrv alid Iwlsturg, neek Inb. 4 0,5. 5 86, 11 10 a.m.. 12 33, 7 1 0 m Kuuila0, 8 2S n. 111. ForMabanm l'lnnc?weekiln s, 2 10. 4 0V 5 3D, 7 30. 9 54, II 30 u, m., 12 S3, 3 10, 0 07, 7 2S, 55 and 11 40 p. 111. .Siimluvs, 2 10, 4 0.1 a. 111, Yt r Afchhitul and Shaiuoklii, week dt.ys, 4 0, 531!, i 3J, II U0 a. m.. 1233, 310,007, 725 loi'l 9 .v, 111. IsuiidyH, 4 03 a. lu. For lla.tlmore, Wustilugton and the tVdit via H. : f.-. It. it., tlnougli trains le.,- llev lug Teuulnal, PldluOetphiu, (1. ii U. If R.) 3 '.1), 7 6B, Il2i, a. in., 3 10 and 7.27 p. 1 dur-aays, 1 7 00, 11 20 u. in., 3 4(1 aud 7 27 p. in, Addi tion, I trulns fioiu Tw,itty-fourtli and Cliest nut miuUb station, weak days, 10B0 a. ul. J2 20, Ul(8 40p.Ui. Sundays, 135, 8 23 p. m, TItAINS FOU SHICNANDOAII. Ijjvo'Nuw YurU via Philadelphia, Meek ,la j, 12 lw, 180.3 00,1133 11. .11., .01 J 130,(10 00 p.m. Humlays, (i 00 p. lu. Irfjve New Vork vfa Maui.h Chunk, v eek iluys, 4 110, tl Ul h. 111.. 1 30 und 1 15 p. 111. 1auvo Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, ..eek day. '2 01 3 10, 8 85. 10 10 a. 111. anil 1 12,4 05, liM p. lu. tUii days, 12 01 a. ui. Leave ltwtdiiiR,wrrtLdnya,2OJ,7 0J, 0 03, a.m. 12 ie 111., I 19, h Ol and 8 20 p. Kumlayc, 20! a.m. Iave Pott.ivllle, wceK days. 3 03, 710 t,, m 12 ru and 6 10 p. m. Kundays, 8 07 a. m. LiHoTnmqua, week tlnys,3 55, 7 10, 11 r n. ill., 1 84, 5 50, 7 20 and U 43 p. Ul. holidays, '. 55 m I-ave Malianoy City, wpflk days, 1220,401, 8 15, 1 1 47 n. 111., 2 17, 5 18, 6 21, 7 44 and '0 08 p. in Cauda) 12 25,4 21 a.m. Leave SInlianoy Plane, week days, 12 85, 2 40, 4S5 030,83.1, 10 25, 1159 a. in., 282. 582, 041, 7 57, 10 22 p m. .Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 35 a. ui. Leave Wllllaiusport, week day, 7 42, 10 20 a m t 00 and 11 30 p. m. Sundays, tl 80 p. in. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Lcnve Philadelphia Chestnut afreet warf and South street wharf for Atlantto City. Weltiliiys KxprobB, 9 00 ft. m., 2 00, (3 00 f-'aturdavs only I, I 00, 6 00 p. 111. AeooinmoJu. lion, 800 a. m., 515, 0SO p. m. Bundaya KxpreBS, 900, 10 00 a. lu. Accowmodution, 8 00 a, lu., 4 45 p. m. lteturnfng leave Atlantic City depot, corner Atlantic and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Knrcs, 7B5, 9 00 a.m., 8 80, B 30 p. m. Accommodation, 4 25, 8 15 a. m, 403 p. tu. Btinuaya axpreas, w, ouu, aw p. lu. a coii mouatloii, 7 IS a. m., 4 13 p. m. Varlur Cars ou all express trains. vui luiiher Information, apply to nenrest I'MlmU Ipluu and iteudlng Hallway ticket agent cirnddicsa I. A. SWK1UAI1U, KlISON J. Wkkks. (len'l Sui t., Uen'l Pms'r AgU, ncHdlnc Terminal, Phlladelptila. rmuL-ciifflr-sioE o DKALKlt IN o Fruit, Confectionery, Cigfars and Tobacco. Wholesale and RotaU. S West Centra Street. DRINK- CIJiAUY'S IiXTUA FINE QUALITY -GINGER ALE, - Superior Sarsaparilla... and Orange Champagne. 1 TFL'i i mi it m 16 benefits or money re- foCY, v funded. Uoo.cond.s- m,,;;. ease, of tho heart and W&)?,r. - W '4 ucrvM free. Address, &iiis WtJ. VI