THE HERALD Creafet hisiniss because of its hnewn large limitation and rt niters lich results to its advertisers. DO YOU WANT To rtaeh the public through a pro gressive, dtfntfiea, influential journal use the HERALD columns. VOL. XI1L-N0. J 20. SHENANDOAH. PA.. SATUItDAY, MAY 14 1891!. entntnn cfiii taemlft. . . f: -r( War Declared On Prices. A large and beautiful new stock of Baby Coaches $3.50 and upwards. J. P. Williams & Son, 13 S. Main Street, SHUNANDOAH, PA. Wi lt. COR RENT. An eight-room dwelling house, good loca tion, un North White street. Call at O'Hara's Stable, Corner White and Lloyd streets. Livery .M ' 4. .,. .. 5 3 3C .3v atv3 .jX-A- T . v w M- - - - -0--o' "O OO DEGK If AS SIO Americans Suffer a Loss o Two Killed, 8 Wounded. 400 SPANIARDS KILLED ! Both Cables at Cienfuegos Cut and Blanco Must Send Despatches via Key West to the Spanish Authorities. HAMflTGAflDEfiflS SPRING DRESS GOODS AND SILKS In .ill the leading shades. Also White and colored organdies, embroideries and new effects in cotton goods. , OIL CLOTHS. LiiLEOMS e At the old price, regardless of die advance BY TIIE GUNBOAT WILMINGTON AMER ICAN BOATS LAND. IJMASIOU Of GUBfl SPANISH LOSS AT LEAST 300 M CflRPEfS MM! WiU J. J. PRICE'S, North Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. THE BEE HIVE Leader of High Grade Goods, Latest Styles and Genuine Bargains. ma. This week we are selling a fine grade or the latest organdies m Roman styles and plaids at Sc per yard, worth double the price; not to speak of the great assortment of white goods in lawns dimities, checks, striped organdies, plaids, &c which are going at the same low price, from 5c per yard up. Also one peep at cur milinery will assure you at once that you can save dollars in that line alone MONEY SAVED, MONEY EARNED, So walk through the different depaitments and get prices and 'convince yourself of the money you can save. THE BEE HIVE, Xhlrd Door From Post Office. Spring. Has Come.; The voice of the lawn mower is heard in the land. Our stock of I.awn Mowers, Grass Shears, Hedge Trimmers, etc., is complete. Ilme In Cans, White Wash Brushes, Caustic Soda, Lye, Copperas, Sulpher, "Slug Shot" for Roses, Garden Seeds. The Americans Pound Over One Hundred Bodies in a Masked Battery. SWALM'S HARDWARE STORE. WE HAVE TOO MANY CANNED GOODS, to Keaucc stock wo Special Bargains : Offer a Pew Corn. Maryland Sugar Corn, 4 for 25c. Fancy Northern, 3 for 25c. Tomatoes. Extra sine and fancy quality, 2 for 25c. Peas. Extra early June, 4 for 25c. Sifted early June, 3 for 25c. Fancy quality, sweet and tender, 2 for 25c. Gooseberries, - - 5 for 25c. Baked Beans. Picnic size, 3 for 10c. Standard large cans, 5 for 25c. Fine quality.very cheap, 4 for 25c Extra quality, 3 for 25c. Fancy quality, 2 for 25c. California Reaches. Standard Yellow Crawford, 2 for 25c. IeiHon clings at 15 and 18 cents. Regular 25c goods. Salmon. Red Alaska, 3 for 25c. Columbia River, 2 for 25c. Apricots and Eggs Plums, 3 cans for 25c. LFresh Stock California and Jamaica Oranges. NEWCARPBTS. FLOOR OIL. CLOTHS . . . AND LINOLEUM. NEW RATTER NS. Do you want a good Tapestry Brussels at 60 cent worth 75 cents. At KEITER'S. .Special to Kvesino IIf.rju.d. Key West, May H, 10:00 a. m. A fight has taken place off Cienfuegos. The third rate cruiser Marbleliead, Commander B. II. McCalla, and revenue cutter Windom, Capt. C. S. Maguire, were pitted against the forts and Spanish ships. The Windom has just arrived here with the Americans wounded in the engagement. Two Americans were killed and eight wounded. The Spanish loss was four hundred. The cable at Cienfuegos is cut. The gunboat Nashville, Commander W. Maynard, also took part in the Cienfuegos engagement. The wounded Americans brought in by the Windom were Robert Bolt, John Davis, Ernst Sundenlzenlch. George Hcndrickson and John Ooran. Commander Maynnrd, of tho Nash ville, was slightly wounded ncross the chest. Lieutenant Cameron, of tho Win dom, was shot in the head. Tho American ships woro not in jured. The Spanish flro seemed entirely from long range rifles, machine guns and one-pounders, accompanied by strong iho from infantry. The Spanish used a lighthouse as a fortress. The Windom demolished it with her soven-pounder. The Spanish showed very poor marksmanship. Additional reports concerning tho bombardmont of Cienfuegos state that Bolt and Hendriokson, two of tho wounded Americans, will prob ably die. Uoth cables at Cionfuegos are cut and Blanco's only communication now with Spain is through Key West. SPANISH FLEET TO BE DESTROYED BE FORE ARMY MOVES ON HAVANA. SCHLEY IS BOUND FOR CUBA Will Stop at Charleston for Further Orders, Before Proceeding Pur ther Down the Coast. THE CIENFUEGOS BATTLE. Off Cienfuegos, May 14. Tbo cruiser Mar- bleboad, gunboat Nashville and revenuo cutter Window fought a desperate battlo against fearful odds on Wednesday, and Cien fuegos is now in ruius. Tho dead and dying till tho streets. Tho boats mentioned woro assigned to cut olT tho Spanish cables at Cicnfucg03. Tbo Windom, under tho command of Cap tain Maguiro, dodged tho batteries at tho ontranco of tho CienfueraH bay. When she was about a thousand yards distant tho forts oponed flro uu tho Windom. Tho lleot ropliod and in a fotv minutes tho fortifications woro reduced. Under cover of cannonading from the Nashvillo nud Marbleliead tho Americans launched boats and their crows cut tho two cables. Thoy thou started back for their cruisers. Whou thoy woro half way across tho batteries opened a merciless fusillade. Tho small American boats were riddled and tho occupants woro soon struggling in tho wator. The gum of tho Nashvillo and Marbleliead thou bleached forth and every shot wont true, and tho earthworks, guns and Spaniards woro seen flying In tho air. Tho wounded Americans were picked up in boats and carried back to their vessels. Special to Kvkninu IIkualu. Washington, May 1 1 Tho Strategic Hoard has again changed its war plans, on account of the close proximity of tho Spanish squadron to Cuban waters, 1 ho enemy's fleet having been defiuitelv located has again caused a postponement of tho plan of operations against Havana from both land and sea. Tho invaslou may bo deferred another week, or until Sampson and Schley havo met tho Spanish fleet and demolished it. In the meaiitimo Havana will not bo attackod. At two o'clock this afternoon tho stato department has an ofllcial report from Curacao, Dutch West Indies, which is COO miles southwest of Martinique. It says tho Spauish warships havo been sighted there. If tho news is correct, it indicates that tho Spanish lleot is sneaking to tho west ward of Cuba to avoid Hoar Admiral Simpson's fleet. Navy officials say tbo torpedo boat Winslow. which was in action at Cardenas, is almost a total wreck. A Spauish sholl struck a torpedo on tho boat, and passed through tho guueotton charge without oxplodiug. It will renuiroa long time to repair tho Winslow. Admiral Sampson has left San Juan, and has received orders from Secretary Long to intercept the Spanish fleet and destroy it There is no doubt in tho lnlnds of naval ofli cials that tho commander of tho Spanish fleet sighted olfMartiuiquo on,Wodnesday, receiv el Information at that nnlnf tn it,.. whereabouts of Sampson's squadron; it is now believed that tho Spaniards will avoid San Juan and proceed with all speed to Cuba and destroy as many of our small vossels in those waters as posslblo, hoforo attempting to enter Havana harbor. Simpson has two swift scouts on tho lookout for tho enemy. By delaying tho transmlsssion of the message sent by Captain C. S. Cotton, com manding the Harvard, announcing that tho Spanish vessels had passed that point aud wero hull down to tho westward, tho French government has eoriously impeded tho work of this government in getting machinery in operation for crushing tho enemy. Captain Cotton's despatch should havo reached Washington on Wodnesday night. Instead, it caino on Thursday night, twenty four hours lator, so that the Spanish fleet has been out of sight of tho Amorican vessels for an ontlro day. If bound for tho southwostoru coast of Cuba tho Spauish fleet will not ho ablo to make tho dlstanco from St. Pierro before Sunday or Monday, so that in this event a battlo could uot possibly occur beforo tho beginning of uoxt week. Hoforo reaching its destination, howover, tho authoiities are confident from the precautions they havo taken that tho enemy's squadron will bo sighted. Tho Fly ing squdron should lo at Havana beforo ho enemy reaches there. Secretary Long has signed and mailed tho commission of (ioorgo Dewey as ltear Ad miral of tho United States navy. Tho navy department is about to ask for bids for tho const t net Ion of sixteen torpedo boat destroyers, tho new vessels to bo tho very best of their class. Sir Julian l'auuccfote, Ambasadorof Great ilrltaln, had a consultation with Secretary Day ou tho subject of tho contluucd rosl deuco in Canada of tho former Spanish min ister to tho United States, Don l'olo Itornabe. This government ohjocts to his coutinucd Was tho Oregon DUalilnil ? ipeelal to Eviinino Heiui.u. Now York, May it. A despatch received icro from Rio Janclra, says a warship, be lieved to bo tho Orogou, that left Bahia sev eral days ago, has returned to that port with her engines disabled. Tho injuries wero slight, aud after repairs tho war ships sidled gain yesterday. uso of tho territory of it neutral nation ns a baso for receiving Information and furnish ing asslstanco to tho Sulsb government, and has made Its objection ofllclally known to Lord Salisbury. Tho French Embassy 1ms given to the Stato Department a copy of the French decrco of noutrallty. Tho decrco penults prlzos to bo taken to Frouch ports for twenty four hours, which privilege is not allowed by Oroat Ilrltaln and other nations. The 'ronch L'mhassy lias received no word from French officials at Martinique. TI10 land ii under a colonial government, with a lovernor General at its head. Oil for Tiinijut, leelnl to HvEXiNO IIkuai.d. XT . 1 now ion:, .,iay ll.-Four of tho ten transports chartered hero by tho government take tho stato ti oops to Tamiia, Florida. Jilod this morning. They aro tho Concho, ,eona, Iroquois and Chciokco. to GOUflGik fllEETIjtfG. Special Session lo Discuss Improvement of Water Works. SEVERAL PROPOSITIONS MADE The Cost of a Storage Reservoir and Also Cost of a steel Pipe Line From Ulshafer's Run to Bo Ascertained. Oril rs to March. Special to UvnxiNCi IIkuai.d. Mt. Gretna, May 14. Orders wero received in camp this morning from Washington, call ng on the Colonel of ovtry regiment tomovo 1I3 men to Chlckamauga as soon as possible. The movement of the troops may begin beforo tho closo of tho day. The Manila Kipedltlon. Special to EvmiNQ IlEnAi.i). San Francisco, May 14. Thoro seems to bo 11 unaccountable delay in starting tho ex pected expedition to tho Philippine Islands. Tho Charleston will not leavo for Manila ho foro Sunday, and probably not until Mon day. No reason is assicned br tbn ikmrt. inent for tho delay. Tho government Inn purchased tho ttcamer Centennial for tho expedition. A special muting of tho ilorougli Council was held last ovonlng to consider matters bearing upon the public water works and looking to an increased supply of water to waid off dangor of a shortage of water dur ing tho dry seawn. Mr. 11. A. Hreisch, of liingtowu, was In attendance and gavo the Councllmon an Idea of his plan to Increase tho water supply. Ho proposed to drill forty wells, llo would not guarantee more than fifteen thmiHaml tmllmia n rlnv fn nun1. and said pumping would be required. He oxpoctea to ue paid for tho sinking of tho wells. Council spent somo tlmo in discussing various suggestions, among thorn tho erec tion of a Stnrapn roRnrrnlr nf ltmtwl...,nMt and the laying of a plpo lino from Ulshafer's run 10 1110 pumping station. It was finally decided to refer the proposi tion for Mr. Hreisch to tho wator rnmmittuo with inetrnuf tnns ihtit tit,, n,r.,.-iU... ascertain tho cost of a thirty million gallon siorago reservoir, anu the cost of laying au 8-iuch steel tiilm linn nlnm. tlm l.o.l ,r crook from Ulshafer's run. just beforo Council iiillmirmul ProIJ(.,,f McGuiro said that at tho last meeting of Council the Iinronf.ll Amlitnra warn rnnit..fc.l to turn overall books and papors in their FOR AMERICA'S SUCCESS. Special Scr Icon In the Jewish Synagogue To-inorrmv. Uov. Dr. Saul Schorr, of Jieading, by social request of the Jewish congregation here, will bold special services in the syna gogue to-morrow afternoon, beginning at 2 o'clock, for the success of the Anmrirnn cause. The reverend onnllm,,o ,.,111 .i- I11 German, and will lie assisted in the service by six choir lioys from his church in Iteading The services will bo of a patriotic charartcr, in which Jtev. Miuniir, tho liabbi of the icai congrcgalt will assist in the servirca ltov. .Schorr will lead tho 18th aud Ml, Psalms, and the choir will sing patriuli songs, and prayers will l ollfered for ttic President and his Cabinet and national officials. A general invitation to the public to attend the services is extended, ltov. Schorr, who ii a fluent and eloquent talker, held spc. lal Services ill th Rvnaivnoim tl,la which wore largely attended. TIIH i'Ol'Ut.AK STJEINGS. Madras strlmr ties, auninutjuul i.. new patterns, 6 for 25 cents. At MAX LKVIT'S, 15 East Centre stieet. Monument Meeting. A resular seini-mnntlilr moll,,,, nf i, Soldiors' Monument Association was"to have been held last eveninir. lint w ilaform.! til next Monday evening, when it will bo hold at the residence of Hon. M. O. Watson, on North Main street. MclilitliN cafe, liean soup, free, to-night. OVERSTOCKED III We are determined to mnte tine week the busiest one in the millinery possession belonging to tho borough aud the history of this town. An asrfrreira- reauest wakJlniuirentlv pntnnllnrl wltli 1,) 11... . . ... 0 request waimnnarentlv eninnlled with nt flm time, but itvas subsequently leainod that several papers wero not leturued by tho Auditors. Upon motion of Mr. James it was decided to instruct tho Ilorougli Solicitor, in conjunc tion with tho law committee, to have tho Auditors turn over to Council all papers and other property belonging to tho borough in their possession, and if they do not do so at onco, steps bo taken to require them to comply with tbo request. A SUHL'GStinil U.IR millln tlmt mnV. arrangements lor its annual tour, but it was concluded to let the matter lay over until tho regular meeting night, next Thursday. Mmmfimmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmti 1 MANILA SURRENDERS. I s? Us- v E 33arisK Loss 5aic to Be 300 Killcc aftcj f B 600 Wouhdcd. 3 Special Despatch to Kve.nino Herald. H Madrid, May 14 The Liberal says the : arsenal at Manila has surrendered to Rear 1 E Admiral Dewey, and that Cavite has been evacuated. The Spanish loss during the bombard- 2 j ment of Manila was 300 killed and 600 f sE wounded. 31 tion of bargains that were never equalled. The few items mention ed below hardly give an idea of what a little money will do lu rr You must come to appreciate it. Beautiful and Artistic Hats. Toques and Turbans in great varict and designs at S .39. S .98. S2.49 $4,98; worth $2.50, $3.98, $6.00, Children's Hats at 29c 49c 69C, 98c; worth 65c, 98c, $1.25, $2.00. THE BONTON 29 N.iMain St., Shenandoah, Pa. Leads Them All For Style and Low Prices. Next door to Iloldfrman's Jewelry Store. BOMBIIRDMENI OF CflRDElS The American Ships Cause Terrible Havoc, and 300 Spaniards Are Killed. Special to Kvesixq llr.RALli. Key Webt, May 14. The reports re ceived lust night tell of the terrible huvoc wrought by the Wilmington at tho bombardment of Cardenas on Thursday, when all the forts were silenced. Boats wero landed, and in a masked battery m dead bodies of Spaniards wero found. Cardenas is on fire, and it is thought that at least 300 Spaniards perished. One of tho shots from the American sldps caused tho houeo of the British Vlco Consul to take fire. rotted l'luiils. ror decoration Uay now on sale dally at tho Ferguson House, .Main street sido, by John Hall. Cheap and big variety. 5-14-3t Ilase Hall Camps. Tho Shouandoah Iirowns aud tho Mahanoy City Keystones will play at tho Trotting park to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Tho Famous nine, of town, will play tho Locust Dale team, ou their grounds to morrow afternoon. Tho altar boys of tho Annunciation church wero defeated by tho Uoscbud nine to-day to the tunc of 0 to 1. Mr. Olailstoiio Sinking. Special to Kvenino Heuald. London, May 14. Thero is evidence of Mr. Gladstone's Increasing weakness. The falluro of tho heart action may cause his death at any moment. Tidal Whvo In Japan, Special toEvKKINO IlKRAI.I). Yokohama, May 14. A groat tidal wavo has swept tho coast of Sivato and 200 fishing smacks with 1,500 men on board aro missing. (Continued on Fourth l'age.) AkiN Absolutely Purer Pigeon Pot Pie lit Hlcktirt's lor frco lunch to-night. Tlenty of it for ovuryuouy. uoino ana try it. Tim i:isenlioner Case. Tho caso of I'rof. J. H. Eisenhower vs. tho School Hoard of lti plaintiff seeks to recover salary for a term of years as principal of schools, tho de tails of which aro familiar to our readers, camo up befuro tho court of Columbia county yesterday. After hearing ovidenco the Judgo took tho caso out of tho hands of tho iury, aud u decision will bo rendered upon tho law points involved. Tho decision will probably uot bo announced for several days. JUST TIIH TlllNC.. Never rin overalls. Our nricn r,,io MAX LUVIT'S, 15 East Centre street. Married. Clark Dill'riilin n ml Mim Vnlln.ln T11?M1... were married last evening at tho residence of tho brido, 218 West Coal street. l,v Itnv. Itobort O'lioylo, pastor of tho Trinity lie formed church. Mcniiitj's Heer Kniiclie Town, The first consimnnnnt r rim n.i. l,r..u ,.r MtGiuty's brewory, Tamaqua, roached town wui.y. was snipped lo p. j. Muluollauil, at whose cafe it is now ou Jap. This is tho only place In town whore it can bo had. Al though iu IU iufaucy tho beverage has been Piuuouucou uy iiioso who liavo partaken of it to bo of OXl'flllxat. imirlr imil . v 1, i I, , .. 1 1 .. qualities, tho predictions aro that it will bo lavureu uy an consumers. It Changes on the "l'tiiiny," Ilogiuulng with to-morrow soveral changes will bo mado on tho Pennsylvania short roilto. Suudav trainx liuivo hern ut KlRn. ?n. Bud 4:25 p. ui returning loavb I'ottsvillo nt 10:35 a, m and 5:20 p, in. Tho only changes in the week-day trains is tho early train lftxfivaant ltln. in t..c.n..,1 ..fn.lK nl.nM . Hv ... ,u , ,,,a,v.,,t v . .tutu aro now no Sunday trains to I'ottsvillo via XT iiuw uosiou or long route. Btraulierrv mid Vunllla leu Rrtmiii and o ran go wator ice to-day and to-morrow, at Beholder's bakery, 21) East Ceutro streot. uicuiy luvorcci anu uoucious. ICYCLE SUITS From one of the largest man factiirers in New York en bles us to make buying at tir store a BIG MONEY SAVING EVENT. If You Ride a Bike Don't fail to give us a call, a.' all the suits in this grea. purchase are marked at simi lar low prices, MAX LEVIT, 15 E. Centre St. Up-To-Date Hat Store and Shenandoah's Greatest Gent's Furnishing Store, A WEARY .vTHUNTER! How often people tramp and tramp around for rare bargains and fail to find them. The best plan is to come directly to us. We oiler the best for the money. Not al ways the cheapest goods for n cheap price, but the best goods for a given price. T.J. BROUGHALL, 25 South Alain Street;