The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 12, 1898, Image 2

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Published every F.veidnp:, Kircpt Sunday, at
HouTn .lAnniN HrmcKT, Nkah Ckntbk.
U njiritlil I- dellretrd In Hhcnnmtnnn and the
iCrriMlinllii); town- for r cent n week, pa-
aid 'o me curriers, uy man js.uuii year, or
i-W.-lt montli, twynniein auvance. -vurnw-rmllt"
clmrecdaeeordlngto-pnceBnil Kirltlon, 1
m.. ..i.l.ll. I. nr. v......... l.n I,.l,t t Mint,,,. th
tint- rnlM tnadc fiin1n
mix) nppllcutloii.
Rnter" 1 nt the pontofflo nt taenm. ,
iccotid clftw iimll matter.
"All the Nm Ttaft Fit te MM."
jv.? Herald
i 'H'KSIHY. MAY 12. IMS.
oR COUNTRY: first, Last and Forevei.
I'lt'Oi tlio tono of our Potlsvllle
contemporaries, there is a "niis-,lii(-link."
liftweuii the Miners' .louriiul
and the Reiiulilit'iin. Perhaps it can
he found in the Commissioner;!' olllce.
.Yftpu inueli litigation and the
engendering of much bitter fooling,
tlio railway tracks at Giluertoli are
relaid, and tile Traction Company
now runs through cars from O Irani -villi
to Mahanoy City.
The Hero of the Hour.
As Admiral Dewey is the hero
of tlie hour, some points about his
career and personal characteristics
ought to bo of interest to everybody
who is not a Spaniard or who is not
possessed of Spanish sympathies.
For the past nine years until lie as
sumed command last December of
the Asiatic squadron under his newly-
acquired rank of Commodore, he re
sided in Washington, held high offi
cial positions, and entered thor
oughly into the best life of the Capi
tal A characteristic Vermont
ankee, he possesses unusual traits
of popularity, and hundreds of inti
mate friends, prominent in every
high calling, will ilnd extraordinary
satisfaction in his great naval
achievement, that makes him the
foremost American of the day.
Commodore Dewey is known every
where as a lighter, lie comes of light
ing stock and was a lighter from boy
hood. II is father was a country phv
sician and a man of some means. He
is known as a very determined man
in all ins relations, but withal a polite,
alfable and congenial companion. In
personal appearance he is a little
under the medium height, stoekily
built, witli broad, heavy-set shoulders.
Ho has snappy, black eyes, gray hair
and moustache, and is always attired
in perfect apparel. Ho loves social
lite and is a member of tlio Army
and Navy Club, of which "Fighting
li"l ' hiuins is president.
Admiral Dowoy 1ms long been a
widower, his wife, who was a daugh
ter of (iovernor Uoodwin, of Now
Hampshire, having been dead about
twenty years. Ho has one sou,
tieorge ( food win Dowoy, who gradu
ated at Princeton in the class of Ib'.IG,
and is now engaged in business in
New York.
Naval ollicers say of Dowoy that
few men wore more familiar with
ships than he, although ho was not
distinctly a scioutillu olllcor. He al
ways kept hix ships neat, and in per
feet order, and was always ready to
light them. He came to Washington
in 18811 as chief of the liureau of
Equipment and Kecruiting. He
served for four years in that capacity
and when Mr. Cleveland came in for
the second term was appointed on the
lighthouse board. When Admiral
Selfridge was ordered to command
the Mediterranean squadron, Com-
inodoro Dowoy wus made president of
the board of inspection and review,
and had an opportunity to familiarize
himself in oyery way with tlio quail
ties of our modern war vessels.
J n politics he is an ardent ltepubll
can, having always supported tlio
principles of the Republican party.
Although, like most army and navy
olllcers, his political opinions were
not publicly paraded.
For some years his health has not
been the best, as ho hud a delicate
operation performed upon Id liver
when he was on the Asiatic station in
the later eighties. Ho had recovered
thoroughly by last autumn and do-
This Is
It will
Your Appetite,
Purify and
Vitalize Your Blood. Overcome That
Tired Feeling. Get a bottle of
Hood's Sarsaparilla and begin to
take it TODAY, and realize the great
good It Is sure to do you.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
l America' Greatest Medicine. XU druggists.
sired further sen duty befor? Ids re-'
tlroincnt. which wuhl fioin In tthout !
two your. He w theffurt;onlerpd
to 'ointiuind tlii Alatle Sftiiitdroii,
Till wiih the Unit tim. h evef hiul a
lhi of 111 own an naval 0ThVer, and
well did he rtef4 otilors, an the
lmttloftt Mai)iiVnHfit.
T 1 ft Mlt bub Prnm tint r,h1.facd,lfiti(Ml
doses of taeiqaM'Hliii nauseous physics In I
the uteftsafri) pills known as DeWitt's
Little Kit J Riser", They euro constipation,
nick headache nnd biliousness. ('. It. llugen
tnrab. Hurrying Preparations for
Invasion of Cuba.
Throe-fourths of tlio Quantity
to J!e Sont to Culm.
Doubts That tlio Spanish Fleet Ke
turnetl to Cadiz.
Government Declines the Gift of a Torpedo
Boat With a Condition That a Civilian Be
Appointed to Command the Vessel The
Authorities Still Refuse Information as
to the Whereabout of Admiral Sampson's
Fleet General Merritt to Command Our
Army of Occupation in the Philippines,
and to Be Governor General.
WnHhinRton, May 12. Tlio army
movement on Cubit is now fairly
launched, ami there Is a concerted
effort all alons tlio lino to begin ag
gressive operations on n big scale for
the ejectment of tlio Spanish troops
find government from the pearl of the
Antilles. An order given yesterday
afternoon by the war department for
the purchase of r.,000,000 rations Is an
carnost of the scale on which prepa
rations are making for invasion of
Spain's territory. Of this vast quan
tity ono-fourth Is to go to tlio Philip
pines, by way of San Francisco, and
the balance to Cuba. Many bodies of
volunteers that wcro originally slated
for one of the great concentration
camps have found themselves sud
denly under orders to proceed direct
to southern points, so that soon vol
unteers from the east and middle west
will lie moving swiftly to Florida and
the gulf, while from the far west the
cars will he carrying troops to San
Contiary to expectations, tlio day
again passed at the navy department
without news from Admiral Sampson.
Notwithstanding what appear to bo
confirmatory newspaper advices rola
tlvo to the presence of the Spanish
Capo Vordo fleet nt Cadiz, tlio navy
department otllclals are beginning to
entertain strong doubt of the accuracy
of tlio report. It was not possible dur
ing the course of tho day to obtain
anything like an olliclal confirmation
of tho olliclal report received on Tues
day, hut this is not to he wondered nt
In view of the success which tho Span
ish government has so far met with In
keeping secret tho movements of Its
naval ships. Until news conies from
Admiral Sampson of his doings In
and around Porto Ilico It cannot bo
said definitely what program shall bo
decided on as regards that Island.
It has been suggested that somo of
tho troops now being hurried so rap
idly to tho gulf coast may bo Intended
to co-oporato witli Admiral Sampson
In tho reduction of the fortifications
at San Juan do Porto Itlco and tho
subsequent occupation of tho Island.
It is felt that tho admiral will bo in a
rather dlsagreeablo plight, supposing
oven that ho managed to reduco tho
forts with his fleet, If ho were obliged
to remain there In occupation of the
placo for lack of troops, when ho
might othorwiso bo urgontly needed
oltlior on tho Cuban coast or somo
whnro In tho Atlantic to moot tho
Spanish fleet.
Tho rovival of doubts as to tho
whereabouts of tho Capo Vordo squad
ron caused a renewal of anxiety as to
tho .Oregon. The ship was at Uahla
at hist accounts nml is holleved to
havo started n day or two ago up tho
Brazilian coast to join Sampson's
squadron In tho West Indies. She will
havo to mako a run of 3,000 mllos
which will occupy tho Oregou about
ten days only. It Is holleved that Ad
miral Sampson will do whatovor Is
necessary In his Judgment to safeguard
tho ship In her run up tho coast.
During tho past month tho bureau
of construction and repair of tlio navy
department spout $1,250,000 In tho re
pair und outlining of ships, nud none
Df this money wont to new construe'
tton. 'I his Is Huid to ho tho largest
expcndlturo In this particular lino
made by tho equipment bureau oven
during the days of tho civil war.
Tho navy department folt obliged to
decllno tlio offer made by some
wealthy Now York jtonllomen, hoaded
by Mr. O. II. P. Helmont, to build and
equip a torpedo boat for tho use of tho
gnvernmont during tho war. Possibly
the declination was brought about
through tho condition attached to tho
offer that tho boat should be com
manded by Mr. llolmont, for without
tho least rolleetlon upon that gentlo
man the naval officials have been
obliged to decline to ostnhllsh tho pre
cedent of appointing civilians to com
mands In this way.
Lieutenant Colojiel Hoosovelt yestor-
Priceless Pain
"If n price run be placed on p-iln, "Mother's
Friend' Is woith Its weight In gold nsnu allevi
ator. My wife suffered more in ten minutes with
either of her other two children than she did al
together with Ikt last, having previously used
four bottles of ' Mother'! Friend.' Itisnblesslng
to nny one expecting to become a mother," says
u customer.
Thus writes Henderson Dale, Druggist,
of Cnrmi, 111., to the IJradficld Regulator
Company, of Atlanta, Ga., the proprie
tors anil manufacturers of "Mother's
l'ricnd." This successful remedy is not
one of the many internal medicines ad
vertised to do unreasonable things, hut a
scientifically prepared liniment especially
effective in udding strength and elasticity
to those parts of woman's organism which
bear the severest strains of childbirth.
The liniment may be used at any mid
all times during pregnancy up to the
very hour of confinement. The earlier it
is begun, and the longer used, the mote
perfect will be the result, but it has been
used during the last month only with
great benefit and success.
It not only shortens labor and lessens
the paiu attending it, but greatly dimin
ishes the danger to life of both mother
and child, and leaves the mother in a con
dition more favorable to speedy recovery.
" Jlother's l'ricnd " is sold by druggists
nt $i.oo, or sent by express ou receipt of
Valuable book for women, " Heforc
Baby is Born," sent free on application.
day turned over the duties of assistant
secretary of the navy to Mr. Charles
II. Allen, of Massachusetts.
I'lio rush orders to the Charleston,
which went out yesterday, will doubt
less have the result of obliging tho
department to send anothor vessel.
probably the Philadelphia, along with
the troop transports which aro ex
pected to go out from San Francisco
about tho end of tho week, since it
is very unusual in timo of war to send
such transput ts without a warship for
A Narrow Escape.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada 12.
Unit, of Grotou, S. I). "Was taken with a
bail cold which settled m my luugi ; cough
't in and finally terminated in Consumption.
I'mir Doctors ipivo ino up, saying I could live
but n short time I eavo nivself m to my
Savior, determined if I could not stay with
my lriends on earth, 1 would meet my abseut
mesnbnvu. .ill husband was adviseu to cut
Dr. Kinz's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds. I bvo it .1 trial, took in
all ciKht bottles. It has cured mo, and thank
(!od I am saved and now a well and healthy
woman. " Trial bottles fico at A. Wasley's
Drui: Store. KeKiilar suo 50o and 81.00.
Guarantee,)! or prico rufunded.
National I. cumin.
At WnsbltiKtnn WnshlnKton, 10: Phlln
elphlii, 7. At Iio.stnn llostnn. S; Haiti-
more, 1. At l'lttsliurit I'lttslmnr. 4:
.oulsvllle, 3. At Cleveland-Cleveland,
'; ChlciiK", 5. At Cincinnati Cincinnati,
!; St. l.uuts, 1.
Kn-diTii I. ('nunc.
At Wllkcslmrre Syracuse, ri; Wilkes-
inrrc. 1. At III U'lli.sllcr inrntitn & Pn.
rhpstor, 1. At liuffiilo Montreal, 13;' Iluf
fulo, 3.
Atlantic I.cuiruc.
At Heiidlnc Newark. 3: ltonillni 1. At
Richmond lllchmond, 7; llartfoid, 1. At
Noi folk Lancaster, 10; Norfolk, 5.
Dentil In an Under Wiiter Tiinnol.
Cleveland, May 12. Ten men were
Injured, five fatally, by an explosion
of fjas yesterday In the new water
works tunnel under the lake. The dl
ners were C.300 feet from shore. The
explosion was caused by one of tho mn
striking n match tu light his pipe. In
stantly there was a blinding flash and
a terrific roar, filling the tunnel with
smoke and blinding the diggers. An
alarm was sent to the power house on
shore and a relief expedition was or
ganized. I'lackened, blinded anJ s'un
neJ, the injured men were carefully
transported to the shaft and thence
irmveyed In ambulances to hospitals.
Michael Tovelln, James Anderson and
Michael McFadden i.led during the
night and Tony Degrade and Thomas
Conigan will probably die.
A Hi' Iiuvciiuc Hill Completed.
Washington, May 12. The senate
committee ou finance has completed
the consideration of tho war revenue
bill with the exception of some admin
istrative features, which will be taken
up this afternoon. There Is now no
doubt that the bill will be reported
some tlmp today, but the understanding
Is that It will not be taken up for con
sideration In the senate before Monday.
All the Democratic amendments were
voted in. They include a corporation
tax of 1 per cent, a provision for the
coinage of the silver seigniorage, and
another for the Issuance of $150,000,000
of greenbacks. They strike out the
bond provision.
Xiiuioiini M'ntitor's by Popular Voto,
Washington, May 12. After refusing
yesterday to consider the senate bill
restricting Immigration the house toolt
up and devoted the session to the house
resolution to submit to the states a
proposition to amend tho constitution
so as to provide for the election of sen
ators by a direct vote. The amendment
us proposed in the resolution, as re
ported to the house, left It In the discre
tion of tlis states to elect their sena
tors "by direct vote or through their
legislatures, but an ninendmeut by Mr.
Underwood, of Alabama, making selec
tion by popular vote mnndutory, was
adopted, and the resolution was then
A Police Chirr ,M lil'dcrcil.
Indiana, Ph.. May 18. In an attempt
to arrest Joseph Dennett Chief of Po
lice Cunnlnishuni was shot and killed.
Dennett was Intoxicated, and was
riding a bicycle and llrlng bis revolver
at every one lie mat. One shot Btruck
a young lady named Smith, but she
was not seriously Injured. Later nen
nett made nn unsuccessful attempt at
suicide. He Is now In Jail.
Tim Imperilled "Ynvp'u Inlanders,
Baltimore, May 12. The seventy odd
luckless whites und colored on the lone
phosphate Island of Navassa, In the
Carrlboan sen. who are In Imminent
danger of starvation or eopture by the
Spanish If uld Is not soon sent to them,
are still awaiting the arrival of an
American warship to take them avay.
President Fowler, of the Navassa com
pany, says he has received assurances
from tho authorities at Washington
that they will' be takjan n In a very
few days.
Ask your urocor for tlio "Koyal Patent
flour, and take uo ether brand. It Is tho bust
I flour nude.
schley lauds dewey.
"He and Every Man in His Squadron De
serve Every Recognition That a
Grateful Nation Can Bestow."
Fort Monroe, Vn.. May 12. Commo
dore Wllifleld s. Si hl. y, commanding
the flylntf squadron, jesteidny for the
first time consented to give his views
upon the victory won by Admiral
Dewey at Manila. He said:
"Admiral Dewey's victory nt Manila
must deservedly take Its place side by
side with the cn-atest navy victories
of the world's history. It hns been
urged that the rrnults show such de
cided Inferiority in resistance ns com
pared with the vleor of attack that
there Is a diminution of the glory, but
that ts untrue, for il must llrst be re
membered Hint the greatness of
Dewey's success lies In the calm cour
afre and daring displayed In his de
cision to ontr n strange harbor, at
dark, under the guns of many forts and
braving the perhaps hidden torpedo or
"The preponderance of ndvantngo
was certainly with the enemy, and with
the grent dntlng displayed by Dewey
there must 'fall upon 1:1s shoulders the
mantle of Perry am Fnrragut. It Is
evident that, despite the gieat risk
every ollleer and every mnn knew was
being taTien, there was not a faint
heart In nil that squadron, but ail en
thusiasm and espiiit de corps that
could not but win with such n lender.
I would note, too, that superior educa
tion, which brings Intelligence, coupled
with perfection of marksmanship, aided
greatly In winning the day, and will, I
billeve. contribute to future victories.
Admiral Dewey and every man In his
squadron deserve every recognition
that a grateful people and a nation can
The definite news of the leturn of
the Spanish Meet to Cadiz put new life
Into the squadron oitleers, who reallzs
that their presence on the const has
been the direct cause of the return of
the Spanish squadron to Its own ports.
The general belief is that the history
of Nelson will be repealed, and that
Spanish indignation may force the
f'pnulsh fleet to Hen, and Trafalgar be
repeated. livery officer Is now encour
aged to believe that Commodore Schley
will be allowed to display his acknowl
edged skill and daring In active battle.
f-pniilsh l.'li-ct "tVlirn'o It Oiinlit to Ho"
Madrid, May 12. Admiral Bermejo,
minister of marine, denies that the
Cape Verde squadron has returned to
Cadiz. He afUrnis that this fleet at
the present moment Is "where ft ought
to be, according to the Instruction
given It."
Pan-nMifrcr Ilont Fired "Upon.
Now Haven, May 12. The Starln line
steamer Erastus Corning, plying be
tween New York mid New Haven, was
fired upon while leaving Now York har
bor by the government patrol tug
Heath. The Cornlns was discovered
by the Heath In the mine field. One
shot was llred, taking effect in the Cor
ning near the purser's cabin. The boat
wns towed to an anchorage, where she
remained until morning.
r.qunl I.nyTitrprcseiitiitioii Cnrrlos.
Washington, May 12. The spring
conferences of the Methodist Episcopal
church have all been held, and the
voto on the proposition for equal"' lay
representation is: For, 3,278; against,
037. Fifteen foreign conferences are
yet to bo held nnd the voting of the
full conferences will not bo held until
Sept. 1. The proposition, however, has
already received 119 more votes than
the necessary three-fourth to carry.
The ('Imrle-lon Ordered to "Manila
Valejo, Cal.. May 12. Orders have
been received from "Washington for
the cruiser Charleston to proceed Im
mediately to Manila, without waiting
for the transport fleet. No actual date
was set for tho sailing of the Charles
ton, but she will undoubtedly leave for
the Philippines tonight.
J,cgotlntlntr"VItli San Domineer
Santo lJomlngo.May 12. Negotiations
for the conclusion of a polltlcnl and
commercial treaty have been conducted
by tho minister of the United States
for some month", and now gives prom
ise of complete success so far as the
desires of the American government
are concerned. 1'he terms of the pro
posed treaty are Immensely more fa
vorable to America than those of the
treaty of 1S01 between the United States
nnd Haytl. The significance of this
statement may bo partly judged when
It Is remembered that the Haytlen
treaty gives to America, as against any
enemy In time of war, privileges of the
utmost Importance,
No Muss. No Trouble.
if WASHES 02 DYES fj
5 rzr S;
The Cleanest,' Fastest Dye for :
Soiled or Faded Shirt Waists, -J:
;5 Blouses, Ribbons, Curtains, Under-;:
I; linen, etc., whether Silk, Satin, j
!; Cotton or Wool. hA?iJ "
tzSolJ in Alt Colors by Crocers andl
Druggists, or mailed free S:
: for 15 cents;
jr 12T lluane Street, ttcw York. ;i
nillionsof Dollars
Go up In smoko every yoar. Take n
lleks but got your houses, slock, fu
nlture etc., Insured lu flrst-clasa r
Uablo companies as ropresonted by
DAVID FAUST insurance A?ent
Alao MiemdAt'cldenttl Compaulet
A Pleasure at Last. S:
r a 3
IJPl !
HEW AX itHllil OLD !
V , SOAP ' :j
! slip
Favorite Remedy Cures When All
Other Medicines Fail.
Peoplo who suffer from Gravel,
DriliCs Disease, Kidney, Livcror Urin
ary Troubles, Pain in tho Small of tho
Hack, Frequent Desire to Urinate, es
pecially at night, who feel a Scalding
rain in rass
Ing Water, nnd
whose urine Is
cloudy and
standing a
short time,
outrht tc
know thai
thero Is a
which will
cure those
It is
Dr. Bavfd
It has cured when all other medicines
have failed, It can be obtained at drug
stores for $i a bottle. It is needed by
tho army of traveling salesmen, by
thousands of railroad men, by those who
are kept in offices breathing foul air and
sitting or standing all day long, as all
of these employments breed kidney and
bladder trouble.
arc a sufferer, or if you have a suffering
friend, send your namo and address to
tho Dr. David Kennedy Corporation,
Rondout, N, Y., when a sample bottle
of Favorite Remedy and pamphlet
containing valuable information will be
mailed frco to you. He sure to mention
the name of this aficr when you write.
After eivht vedrs of ngonv, Clarence Vim Os
trom.of Stlsalni;, Dutchess Co., N.Y., was cured
of Gravel bv i'nvoriie Jfemedy. Ilon't you
reader, need n medicine of this kind? If so,
buy a bottlo of It or send for sample.
Am liellectcd by HeiiUmis In 1'lillndol
pliln and Hull linoro.
Philadelphia. Maj 11. Flour firm; win
ter superfine. J.'Ti.'.i;; Pennsylvania roller,
clrnr, $0i(:.2j; city mills, extra, $T,fi C.23.
Ityo Hour in light supply at $t per barrel
for choice Pennsylvania. Wheat unset
tled: No. 2 red, spot. $1.4Sf!T1.40. Corn quiet
and firm; No. 2 mixed. May, 40W10',4e.i No.
2 yellow, for lncnl trade, 4KjH'io. Oats
quiet and firm; No. 2 whlto and No. 2
white, clipped. SS'.e. Hay firm; choice
timothy, tl3.r,0t 13 for fnrge bales. Beef
linn; beef hums, J2!l.noii2l. Pork steady;
mess, SlKill 50: short clear, $ll.G0Xfl3.G0;
family. .fl.Tfi 13.C0. I,ard strong; western
steamed. tH.75ifiC.S0. Ilutter steady; west
ern ci raillery, H'VfilTe.; factory, lZftUc, ;
Klglns, lie.: iniitutton creamery, 14ffl54c.
New York dairy, 145;l(iHc ; do. creamery,
lJVtf'l'c.; fancy Pennsylvania prints job
bing nt l!Wi22c. : do. wholesale, ISc. Checso
easy; large, white, 7?4⪼ small do., 7?i
Sc.: large, colored, Sc.; small do., 8c;
light skims, r.'ifiCHe.; now light skims,
CWIf.c.; part skims, CjtiC'ic: full skims,
"iU3c. Kggs steady; New York and Penn
sylvania, UiillVfeu. ; western, fresh, 10V4
lie.; southern, lOfilOUa potatoes firm;
New York, $.1. Tallow steady; city, 3c;
country, 3SJfi34c. Petroleum steady; re
fined New York, ?C; Philadelphia and Bal
timore, $5.03: do. in bulk, $3 45. Hosln
steady; strained, common to good, J1.42V4
F(1.43. Turpentine steadier nt 31c. Cab
bage dull; southern. $157 Cottonseed
oil hliiher; prime criiile.20',ifi21c. ; prime
slimmer yellow, 2lk.ft-3c.; off summer
yellow, 24ii-IU.c.
Baltimore. May 11. Flour dull nnd un
changed. AVlient unsettled und lower;
spot and month, $l.9; July, S1.1GV4;
steamer No. 2 red. 11.23; southern, by
sample, $1.3uftl.40; do. on Krndo, $1.3C$
1.40. Coin easy; spot, 41RI1UC.; month,
405Tllc; June, -lOVM 10c. ; July, lOJTllc;
Btoainer mixed, 40i lO'i". ; southern, whlto,
41MH2e.; do. yellow. 1.1ft 41c, Oats steady;
No. 2 white, 30Vu40c; No. 2 mixed, 25M;
CCe. Ityo easier; No. 2 nearby. 7Gf75Vc. ;
No. 2 western, 7C',i.c. Hay firm; choice
timothy, $13. drain freights uulct; de
mand slow; rates barely steady; steam to
Liverpool, per bushel, Gd., June; Cork, for
orders, per quarter, 4s. Gd., May; 4s.,
Juno. Lettuce, Sl.50Tfl.73 per basket.
Llvo Stock MarkotH.
Ncv York, Mny 11.-Beeves weak; four
cars unsold; steers, fl.30Ti3.on; oxen and
stacr, 33.75; bulls, $3.2uTi 1.10; dry cows,
$2'if3.3. Calves active; all said; veals,
f 15(5.50; choice, 13.0011 5.75. Sheep Hrm;
lambs lo-ver; sprbiK Inmbs, 20T35c. lower;
four earn unsold; clipped sheep, JS.GUft 1.35 ;
export wethers, JI.80; clipped lambs, $1. CO
5(5.40; gprlne lambs, $Gi&7; by the head,
t2l. lltRS ..rmor ut J4.23Tr4.53.
Hast Liberty. Pa.. May 11. Cattlo
steady; extra. t5.105.15; prime, $ I.Ge'fj 5;
common, J.I. 'Mtii 4.15. Hogs steady; prime
mediums and best hoavy hogs, ). Soft 1.33;
best Yorkers, $1,201(1.33; light, $4,101(4.20;
pigs. $3.!)3Tf 1.03; roughs, $2.50T(3,73. Sheep
firm; choice clipped, $1.15Ti4.25; common,
$3,155(3.05; choico clipped lambs. $4,11015;
(ommon to good, $1.25'!4.S0; spilng Inmbs,
$"li7; veal calves, $5.5060.
A Great Surprise
Is in store for all who uso Kemp's Ilalsam
for the Throat and Lungs, Would you he-
ieve that it is sold on its metits nnd any
huggist h authorized by the proprietor of
this wonderful remedy to give you a sample
bottle free ? It never fails to cure acute or
chronic roughs. All druggists sell Kemp's
lialsatn. l'rice 25 and 50c.
Opening of I'ldliidelpbhi A: IIiiiiIIiik Sell
IhUi City Itnnte.
Tho Philadelphia & Iieading lluo to Sea
Isle City will bo ready for business on aud
after Mny 13tli. Schedule ot train scrvlco
will bo announced later. It Is the Intention
of tho P. & It. management to mako very ox
tenslvo Improvements in tho Sea Islo City,
lino. It will be first-class in ovcry respect
and up to tho high standard now in effect on
this company's Atlantic City, Capo May and
Ocean City branches.
Decoration liny Tour to tiettybhiirfr,
Tho Pennsylvania liailroad Company hits
urninged for another of its popular seven,
day personally-conducted tours to thodiattlo
lleld of Oettysbure, I.uray Caverns, and
Washington, to leavo Now York and Phila
delphia by special train Saturday, May 28.
ltate. $27.00 from New York; J21.00 fiom
Philadelphia, covcrj all necessary oxpensca.
Pioportionato rates from other points,
For itinorailes and full Information apply
to ticket agents ; Tourist Agent, 1111(1 ISroad
way, New York ; 780 Ilroad street, Newark,
N. J. ; orCieo. V. lloyd, Abt,ltant (Icnoral
Pa&scngcr Agent, Philadelphia.
Coughs and colds, down to tho very border
laud of consumption, yield to tho soothing,
healing Influences of Dr. Wood's Norway
Pino Syrup.
I, O, O, 1'. 1'iirnile, VIIIiebiirre.
For tho Odd Fellows' pamdo at Wilkes
banc, Pa., May 17, tho Pennsylvania Itail
road Company will sell special excursion
tickets from stations ou its lino, within 11
mil I us of one hundred miles, to Wllkusbarro
and return, at rato of single faro for the
round tilp (minimum rate, 25 cents). Tickets
tube sold .May 1(1 and 17, good to return un
til May 18, 1MIS, inclusive.
M. 1,. Yocnin, CHiiiuron. Pa., savs "I was a
mill'erer for ten yeans, trying most nil kinds
of pile remedies, but without success. Do
Witt's Witch llu.i'l Salvo was recinumcuded
to mo. I uwil 0110 box. It has effected n per-'
maiicut cuio." As a pcrmanani euro for
piles DoWltt's Witch llazol Salvo has -no
cijual. C. II. Ilagcnbuch.
Duy Kcystonoflour. He suro that the name
Lehsui & IIakii, Ashland, Pa., is printed on
every sack.
nirro Porsons Demi nnd S55fi,000
"Worth or Property Destroyed.
Philadelphia, May 12. Throe persons
Were burned to death nnd property
amounting to $226,000 destroyed by tt
lire which originated yesterday In the
big six story building occupied by Slc
Cndden Brothers, wholesale dealers In
toys and fireworks, G19 Market street.
The dead nre: Wllllnm McCndden, a
member of the firm; Chnrles Richard
son, n packer, and Miss Kelyn CI.
Caldwell, stenographer nnd typewriter.
Their bodies were found on the second
floor of the renr of the building, and
were so charred that It vnie Impossible
to recognize them, but as all other em
ployes hnve been accounted for there
can be no doubt as to their Identity.
The fire originated In the bnscment
of the building and was caused by the
explosion of fireworks which had re
cently been hi ought Into the store nnd
Were being unpacked at the time of the
explosion. When the explosion occur
red there were 25 persons In the build
ing. It Is supposed that the three per
sons who perished were on the upper
floor, nnd nfler making their way to
the second floor were caught by the
Uames. Less than half nn hour after
the explosion the McCadden establish
ment was a mass of llames. The lire
quickly communicated to 017 and G21
Market street, occupied respectively by
the Heading Hardware company and
Bralnerd, Armstrong & Co., spool silk
manufacturers, und Janeway & Co.,
agents for the National Wall Paper
compnny. The building occupied by
McCndden Brothers wns completely
gutted, but the adjoining property wns
saved by the good work of the fire
men. -
I'llllmsterliig Ciiiw Not Culled.
New York, May 12. None of the fili
bustering cases were called vestenlnv
at the opening of the Mny term of tho
criminal branch ot the United States
circuit court. Ten liersnns nre nmler
Indlctnient In this district for filibus
tering, nnd nre under $2,500 ball each.
United State.-. District Attorney Bur
nett said he could make no statement
about what was to be done with the
Bucklcn's Arnica Salvo.
The host salvo In tlio world for cuts.
tetter, chapped luinds, chilblains, corns, mid
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to givo
uoricct. satisiactiou or mony rciunucu. rncc
25 routs per box. For nalo by A . Waslor.
And rioucr", tho lliind of 'America, Cali
fornia, Via tlio true pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
Itoute," which trove'rses a region of pcrpotual
sunshine, where snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes aio unknown. Pullman first
and second class palace and tourist sleeping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utali and
Novada, without change. Quick time, low
rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway
improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway
system. For rates right from your homo,
literature, and full information, drop a postal
card, J. P. McGinn, T. P. Agent, 511) Rail
road iivenuo, Elmira, N, Y., or 1191 Uroad
way, New York.
3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, O. K P. Agt.
Atwpid liver robs you of ninlnthm aud
ruins your health. Do Witt's Lit.lo Early
liters cleanse tho liver, euro constipation
and nil stomach and liver troubles. 0. II.
UNsimi'.issim snuvici: okfi:i;i:i by tiii:
Leaving ltroad Street station, Philadelphia,
at 0:53 p. m. daily, tlio "Southwestern
Limited," carrying n dining car and the
most luxurious Pullman drawing room sleep
ing cars, reaches Birminghan the following
night at 10:10 and arrives at Memphis the
noxt morning at 7:10. Through sleeping cars
for Ashovillc, Savannah, Jacksonville,
Tamp i, Atlanta, Mobile nud Now Orleans aio
also attached to tins train. Pullman rcser-1
vatlons can bo mado lu advance and all in
formation obtained by communicating with
John M. Ileal, District Passenger Agent, S3
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Tho farmer, the mechanic and tlio hicyrle
drier are liablo to unexpected cuts and
bruises. DeWitl's Witch Hazel Salve, is the
best thing to keep on'hand. It heals quickly,
nrdlsa well known euro for piles. C. II.
Deeorutiou Duy nt GettyHhurs.
Memorial Day, May 30, will bo 11 grtat day
atdettysburg. Imposing cerciuonios will bo
performed on tills historic spot in which
President McKiuley and his Cabinet uro ox
pected to tako part.
Tho personally-conducted tour of tho
Pennsylvania ltailroad to Gettysburg, I.uray,
and Washington, which leaves Now York
and Philadelphia May 2S, will afford an
excellent opportunity to visit tho famous
battlefield on this occasion. Two dys will
bo spent at Gettysburg, 0110 at I.uray, and
two at Washington,
The party will bo under tho guidance of
nuo of tho company's experienced tourist
agents. A chaperon, whoso especial charge
will bo unescorted ladies, will accompany the
trip throughout. Itouud-trip tickets, cod
ing nil necessary cxp.usts during the cnthu
timo absent, will bo sold at tho extremely
ow into of 527 from New York, $20 from
Trontou, $21 from Philadelphia, and pro.
purtsouato rates fiuin other points.
For itineraries and full information, apply
to ticket agents; Tourist Agent, 11UII Ilroad
way, New York ; 76U Dread Sticet, Newark,
N. J.; or Geo. W. lioyd, Assistant General
P.isseugcr Agent, ltiond Street Station, Phila
delphia. WHI1N NATUIli:
Needs assistance It may bo bust to render it
promptly, but ono should remember to use
even tho most perfect remedies only when
needed. Tho host and most simple and gentle
remedy is tlio Syrup of Figs, mnnulncturcd
by tlio California Fig Syiup Co.
Tlio Houtli und Its Advantages.
Tho Southern Hallway has Issued for frco
distribution, n sixteen p.igo journal des
criptive of Virginia, North and South Caro
lina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama mid
Mississippi, Persons seeking now locutions,
or capitalists desiring to mako safe nnd pro lit
nblo investments will find tho information
contained therein botli valuable and inter
csting. Copies will bo mailed frco upon up
plication to John M. ltuall, District Paescn.
ger Agent, 823 Chestnut strcot, Philadelphia,
Scratch, scratch, scnitcli ; unable to attend
to business during the day or sleep during
tlio night. Itching piles, horrible ulaguu.
Dean's Ointmoiit cures. Never falls, At
any ding store, 50 cents.
Do-i't start South without consulting J0I111
M. Hcall, District Passeuucr Agent, Southern
Itallivay, 028 Chestnut street, Philadelphia,
If you cannot call lu person, writo to him.
Dr. Miles9 Nervine
Effects of Tobacco.
( 1
! Mk J3f
HI', exccsslvo uso of tobacco, especially
Ly -young men is ulrays inJur!ot:i and
undoubtedly s'- irtons ltfo materially.
Mr. Ed. O. Ebscn, compositor on tho Coutra
Co3ta JTrus, Martlnc-, Cal., writes; "I hd o
used Br. Miles' I'cstoi'-itlvo Ncr . Itio nnd re
ceived much benefit from It. I v as troubled
With norveusncss, dizzy shells and sleepless
ness, caused by tho uso of tobacco nnd stim
ulants. I took Dr. Miles' Nervluo with rcar
volously good results, allaylngthodlzzlnoss,
quieting tho nerves, and enabling ino to
sleep nnd rest, proving In my cuso a very
beneficial remedy." Dr. Miles' Ilcstoratlvo
Nervine Is eipccially adapted to restoring
tho nervous system to Its uormal condition
under such circumstances., hoaU
and strengthen-.
J'Vv,,'Wi. Al..(,
Dr. lilies' Remedies f
aro sold by all drug
IT. . Lii-- jiIi
!. IVSIIos
gists undor a positive I
guarantee, first bottlo
I .- frlnvxiino.
oxa wi v uai? -
benefits or money re
funded. Book on dis
eases of tho heart and
uervesfrco. Address,
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
OniceKgnti building, corror of Mnln fin
Centra Mrretn, Slictmnrionh.
J 11. 1'OMKKOY,
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Lock Rox 65, Mnhnnny City, Pa.
Having nt mlled under some of tlio nest
masters h London nnd Parts, will tflve leponu
on the violin, mandolin guitar aild vocal culture.
Termp reasonable. Address In caro of Strouse,
the jeweler Shenandoah.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
'. . .II.stnH.tid Coal No Smoko
Trnlns leave Hhenamloali fig folUws:
For New York vlrt Philadelphia, week days
2 10. S3G. 7S0 951a.m., 1283, 810 nml 6 07
in Humlays, 2 10 ft. m.
lror New York via Mauch Chunk, weotc days,
S Uli, 7 30 11. in., 12 83 nnd 3 10 !. in.
For H-cadlng and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 6 8G, 7 :10. 0 61, 12 33, 3 10 and 0 07 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For l'ottHVlllc, week days, 2 10, 7 30, 9 51 a. m
12 83, 8 10, 0 07 and 7 25 p. in. Hllliilllj s, 210 a. lu.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days
2 10. 5 30, 7 80, S 51 a. III., 12 83, 8 10 anil 007 . ni.
Additional to Mahanoy City only, 1140 p. m.
.Sundays. 2 10 a. in
For WllllaninpOrt, Hunbury and Ijewlnburg,
week days. 103, 580, 1180 a.m.. 12 33, 7 a
p. in Hundays, 8 25 a. in.
For Mahano) Flane, weekdays, 2 10. -1 05, 5 80,
7 30. 9 51. 11 30 ft. m 12 83, 3 10. 6 07, 7 25. 9 55 and
11 40 p. in. bundaya, 2 10, 4 05 a. m.
For Ashland nnd Sharaokln, week days, 4 0
5 30, i30, 11 30 a. in., 12 33, 310,6 07, 7 25 null.
9 55 p in. Hundays, 4 05 a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the Wut via
ft. iSc O. It. It., through trains lea- Heading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & 11. If X.) at 8 20,
7 55,1120 a. m., 3 10 and 7.27 p. u..- riundnys,
i 20, 7 00, 11 20 a. m., 3 16 and 7 27 p. in. Addl
tlont.1 trains from Twenty-fourth and Clent
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20,
12 It S 40 p.m. Hundays, 1 85, H 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, neck
days, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 SO a. m and 1 80, 4 'JO,
9 00 p.m. Hundays, 0 00 p. m.
I,e.ivo New Vork via Maueb Chunk, vteek
days, 4 30, 9 10 u. in.. 1 80 and 4 15 p. in.
Ijcuvfi Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, ncek
days, 12 01. 3 40, n .13, 10 10 a. m. and 1 42, 4 05, 6 30
p.m. fSiwidayti, 12 01a. ui.
Leave ltendlng.week days, 2 03, 7 O,,0OH, a, m.
12 00 m., 4 19, G 00 and 8 20 p. ' in. Hundays, 2 01
Ia-hvo PottHvllle, week days, 8 05, 7 10 a. iu,,
12 80 and 010 p.m. Sundays, 8 07 a. ni.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 55, 7 40, 11 2P a.
in., 1 86, 5 60, 7 20 and 9 43 p. ni. Hundaya, 8 55
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 12 20,4 91,
8 15, 11 47 a. ui., 2 17, 6 18, 0 21, 7 41 and 10 08 p. m
Sundays 12 25, 4 21 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 81, 2 40,
18.', 030,8 30. 10 25, 1159 a. m., 282. 532, 641,
7 67, 10 22 p m. Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 35 a. in.
Leave Williamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a
m., 4 00 and 11 30 p. m. Sundays, 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and
South street what! for Atlantlo City.
Weekdays Hxpremi, 9 00 ft. in., 2 00, (3 00
Haturdavs only), 4 00. 5 00 p. m. Acornmoda
lion, 8 00 a. m., 515, 6 80 p. ni. Sundays
F.i press, 900, 10 00 a. in. Accommodation, 8 00
a. tu 4 45 p. m.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, corner
Atlantlu and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 85, 9 00 a. in., 8 UO, 5 30
p. in. Accommodation, 4 25, 8 15 a. m. 4 05 p. m.
Sunday- Eipresj, 4 00, 5 80, 8 00 p. m. Ac
coaimodatlon, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. m.
Parlor Cars on all express train.
voi lutther Information, apply to nearest
I'Mladelplua and Heading Hallway ticket agent
or address
I. A. SweioAnu, Kpson J. Wkuks,
(len'l Supt., (leii'l Pass'r Agt.,
Heading Terminal, Philadelphia.
rnim.-enmr - store.-
o DK.U.KIt IN o
Fruit, Coiifeclionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholosale and Retail.
SO West Centre Street,
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Orange Champagne.