The War Scare I If you want to keep posted you must read the newspapers. We de liver all the New York, Philadel phia and l'ottsville papers to nil parts of town; also the Kvisninc, IIvkm.1), which contains the latest news by wire and all county and local news. Leave your order at the store or give it to the carrier. HOOKS & BROWN, a N. Mas In St. SELLING OUT. I an vi i. lace, table cloths, linens, sirH'l- .'ear and gent's furnishings. i: rare bargains to be bad. Will town slKxtly and will clme out our it atnamgly low prices. LOUIS MANN, 33 West Centre Street, Hobblns' Block. GOOD ADVICE TO SPAIN, Foreign Governments May Urge Her tc Yield Promptly to the Demands of the United States. Washington, May 11. As a result of the Spnnlah reverse lit Manila lending members of the diplomatic corps, rep risenting some of the most influential of the great powers of Kurope, lmvi unoflklally exchanged views on the op portuneness of a movement, prompted by the most friendly spirit and in the Interest of peace, towards urjrlns upon Spain the futility of further prosecuting the war, and Inducing her to sue for peace on the basis of the relinquish ment of Cuba, the promise of war In demnlty and the occupation of Manila by Admiral Dewey until the war In demnlty Is paid. It was stated by one of the most influential members of the diplomatic corps, an ambassador, that such a step by Spain was the logical re sult of the crushlnc Spanish defeat and that Spain herself should be the first to recognize it as a measure for her own self protection and self preser vntion. He did not know whether the men at the head of the government were strong enough and brave enough to save Spain by a heroic sacrifice of her pride, but unless they did, he said, the disaster of Manila would he re peated, for It was now patent to the world that Spain's military and naval strength was grotesquely Inadequate to cope with the forces of the United States, and Spanish pride would ulti mately be humbled Into peace on far more severe terms than she might be able to obtain now. It Is said tlpt Spain's plight Is such at the present moment that a move ment on the other side may beeln at uny time towards inducing Spain ti. make terms for closlnir the war. In such a move. It Is pointed out, those powers which have been friendly tc Spain, particularly Austria and Prance, might well Join in urging her to sue for peace before It was too late. It was stated with posltlveness at several cf the embassies and legations that Intervention. In the sense of stay ing the course of the I'nlted States was no longer being discussed, and thai only sin h intervention as would luducp Hpiiiri to sue for peace was pussihU under the existing condition of affairs The military authorities connected with the foreign establishments hen say t hat Admiral Montejo and his en tile staff of olllcers ousht to be, and undoubtedly will be, court martlaled for allowing themselves to be surprised by Admiral Dewey's lleet. itelUT Veiuiici- for timuifimttlon Hay. Washington. May 11. After an ex tended and Interesting debate In the senate the resolution submitting to the legislatures of the various states an amendment to the constitution of the United States changing the date of the beginning of the terms of president, vice president and members of con gress from the 4th of March to the 4th of May was adopted. Another NEW - STOCK -OF- U. S. and Cuban FLA(35 Just received. Large Flag Poles and Bracket Holders. All kinds of Flag Goods by the Yard. Morgan's Bazar, 23 n. Main st. WE BOTTLE Beer, Weiss Beer, Ale, Porter. s-Ki Private family orders will receive prompt attention. Leave them at the omce, we will do the rest. Columbia Brewing Company. A good place for u good drink Michael Mills' Saloon, 22 H. Centre street, Metlet'n building, Wine, WhUklca, liter and Cigars. Frenhcst beer in town always on tup. j? fttCST LINK OK- si GROGERIES, FLOUR, FEED, HAY and BTKAW. Floor and Table Oil Cloths. gE. B. FOLEY, a If PITHY POINTS. Inppmilngn Hifttttajilnui th iJomitry lllir ."tn.i r.,i. fUlyJ'ijnUnl. Did ymt say tour fainf O.l il Fellow' dftHt-tfUcwvlllii nn Krlilny. Walter ,Mainig clrbm 1 billed for l'otls ville. Ereu thr'Juattae hi"" very little buslnoM the rW The Sitaqwhftntia Denial Association meets at rt'illiattnrroft on Thursday. 81. Ctait hat purchased a 000 stono crusher. So did Shenandoah at one time. The prudent itilvortlsum place their niW now, iitid In the paper that Is read by all. Dr. IIea, of I'ilU'inimti, will bo tho new 1'alibi for the .less lull congrtiKntiiiti lit l'titt vlllo. The turns out the Illicit class of job work. It has no competitor In this re jpeet. The 1. A 11. lnilroad employes in tliU section anil Jlaluinoy I'lauo will be paid on tlroSMth hist. 1 lie anthracite ciml (mile is Hot as brisk as It was last week, says a tnido journal. That is no news. The bicyclists are anxiously awaiting the date for the luces at Miihaiiiiy City, on Memorial l.iy. James t'atlln has arrived at his homo in Malianoy City from a visit to Iioland. 11 hail a pleasant trip, One hundred ivciulls leaving Wllli.imnimrt for Ml flictna ikded tlicmelves to abstain I rum siurituous drink. Tluiu ate many pavements In town in need of repair. The Chief Iturccm should Kct a hump ou hinuelf. The fifth MinHuchiiMtts liogliut'iit Vetei ans' Association will hold a rv-unlim at (Jettyslitirg on .lunc 5lh and litli. Attempting to bnaid a fieiuht train at S ha i no I. i 1 1 , James Ilium, aped 13 years, fell under the wheels and was killed. W. I!. I'ratt hit evening stretched Ameri can and Cuban Hags across the street In fiont of his icsideiice on South Jardln street. Seventeen yuuuj; women took tlie white veil at Malliiickrmlt Convent. Wilkesbarie, yesteiilay, and eleven took tlie flml vows. After iliiHsins in Ids best clothes, William Ciruver went to the barn ou Ids farm, near Alleiitown, and hanged himself from .1 rafter. At llloonisliurg the Danville District Women's foreign Missionary Society of the .Methodist Episcopal church is liuldiiin a two days session. Lawicnee colliery at Malianoy V line suspended yesteiilay afternoon, aud will remain idle for the next week or ten days while some cxtcuMvo lepairs are being made. Judge Woodward has decided against the payment of an expense bill of $129, pieseiited liy John O'llrien, county detective, of Luzerne, fur hunting a man wanted for homicide. The uoveriiiiient has called upon tin I'. & 11. ollicials at Heading for some of the most expel t machinists employed in the shups in that city. Those engaged will woik at tlie arsenal at Frank ford, Philadelphia. Christian Kinlrnvor Cum cntloii. The picsident of the Schuylkill counij Christian l'mlravor Union has appointed the oIlowniK committee to draw up a program for the next annual convention : J. if. Schrope, chairman, Delano; S. AI. Enterline, Esij., l'ottsville; D. W. Si gabies, Mlnersvillc; S. II. Clair, Ashland; Kev. T. M. Morrison, Malianoy City; Anna Dongler, Shenandoah; Florence S. liieh.irds, Minersville. At the meeting of tlie Executive Committee it was decided that the program committee select the date for the, next annual convention to he held in the M. E chinch, Shenandoah, conferring w ith a committee, from that church before tinally selecting tho date. It was also decided that the Junior rally be referred to the committee with the recommendation that it bo held at the samo timo as tliecoiivcntiou. Illckeil's Cute, Special ficc lunch to-night. Hot cakesand sausage to-morrow morning. Tmlns to he Taken Oil On account of lack of patronage several trains on the 1'. &. 11. liailway will he discon tinued when tho new time table goes into etl'ect on Sunday next, the loth inst., and one full crew dispensed with. Under the new arrangement the first train to leavo Shenandoah dally will bo the one leaving at 30 a. in., the trains leaving at 2:10 and 5:3(1 a. in. being taken oil'; and tho last to arrive at night being the one due at 8:13 p. m , the ones u rri vini: at 10:41 p. in. and 4:10 a. m. being discontinued. Under the new schedule there will bo no tialns in or out of Shenan doah after U:55 p. m. until ft 3 1 a. m. This is one of tho results of trolley lines. Tho Keating lllcyclo 305 days ahead of them all at Ilruuim's. Also a full supply of cements, oils and sundries Voting I'hj Htciuiis are Actlw. A number of medical students from this and nearby towns have luado applications to spend their tummer vacation at tho Miners' hospital at Fountain Springs. They are W. J. Scanlau, I). F. Malone, Arthur O'Hara, of town; Clarence K. Detigler, l'ottsville; Fred, like, (iordon; John I'rlce, Delano; William M. Monaghan, (lirardvillo ; Edgar E. Steiferstein, Taumiuia, and l'orcy Wentz, Drifton. Tho Hoard decided that they shall ho allowed tho privilege of the hospital dur ing vacation, and that three remain perma nently the llrst mouth, thrco the second uud the same number thothiid mouth continu ously during the vacation. Headache Quickly Cured. Dr. Davis' AiitMIoadacho novcr fails, 25c. (tone to thu Front. George Kneeht left town this morning for Mt. Gretna to reioin the 4th legliiient drum corps, of l'ottsville, which has enlisted fur servico in tho war with Spain. Mr. Iviiecht ivas ou a two-day furlough and came to town to spend the time witli ids wife, who Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pooler, of East Centre street. Mr. Kncclit accompanied iter husband as far as l'ottsville. JllclitnUU Cuff. Vegetable soup, free, to-night. Nun I'rom the West. Illelmi'il I a fitriner resident nf town now located in California, anived here last night to spend a few weeks as a guest of friends. Ho has been successful on tho Pacific slope nnd says the Wheoliban faintly, also iormoriy oi mis town, nro uoiug won mere. l'hll. AVoll Cloes to Tamuiun. Philip Woll, at ono timo a resident of this towu.uiid until recently conducting a hotel at l'ottsville, has leased the IT lilted States hotel at Tamaiiia. Ho will take possession as soon as all iirranneinents can be made. Volunteers Kieiupt, Washington Camp No, 11B, P. O, 8, of A., has decided to exempt from payment of dues all members w ho volunteer for servico in the war with Spain. Tho exemption to contiuuo during the service aud tho rights ot the members to remain intact. Anutlier Hxciiritloll. If the Guardsmen uio at Mt. Gretna ou Sunday next tho 1. & It. Hallway will run another special oxcursiou train leaving Shenandoah ut 7:10 a. m. and running through via Tamaipia nnd Port Clinton, making the trip shorter than via l'ottsville. Fare will bo the same as last Sunday, $2 25 through. I'lrel l'lrel rlret Insure your property from loss In the oldest and strongest cash companies: 1'hila. Underwriters Insurance Co. of North America and Fire Association, Hartford Fire Ins Co., American Fire Insurance Co., West Chester 1'iru Ins. Co., United Firemen's Ins. Co. T. T. Williams, 1S3 S, Jardln St., Shenandoah, 2 "Thrco from two you can't," pays tho schoolboy. Right I Threo from two you can't, either in dol lars or dividends or sarsaparilla. It takes tho best sarsaparilla root to make the best sarsaparilla ex tract. Tho Lust sarsaparilla comes from Honduras, C. A., and tho Dr. Aver Co. practically controls tho entire product. Yet others qlaim "to bo making "best" sarsaparilla. They must bo making it out of tho remainder left after subtracting three from two. But, " threo from two you can't." You can't make tho best sarsaparilla without best n.ot. You only get tho best when you which is watle wholly from the best root imported from Honduras. P0TTSVILLE NEWS. Allalrs of Interest In anil About the Coint Special IIl'.ltAI.D Correspondence. l'ottsville, May 11. The two weeks' term of criminal court came to a sudden end to-day, and jurors were discharged. The case against Fred. Shlssler, member of the brokerage linn of Eby & Co., charged bj William Darker with embezzlement, has been continued to noxt term. Eby is said to be jick. A largo number of cases have been nn! piosstd. NKW COUNTY llONDS. Judge Koch's decision handed down on Monday, points out the duty of County Commissioners vory plainly as to borrowing money for current expenses. The members of the liar interpret the decision to mean thill they (tho Commissioners) can bonow money for current expenses, but when it conies to paying oil' past temporary loans, there must bo a bond issue. In view of this decision the Commissioners have decided to make a now issue of bonds, at 3 or 1 per cent, interest, to pay oif tho outstanding temporary loans and to jivo them sullicicnt money to pay current expenses until the taxes cauie in. The total amount of tem porary loans is $176,000, drawing six per cent, interest, and $51,000 will bo required to pay oil' orders outstanding for salaries, con stables and justices' fees and other court ex penses. It is proposed to issue bonds to the amount of fc-'.IO.OOO, which will fund the present indebtedness. FOU.NI DUU) IN li:D. Abraham Ernst, a well known farmer of South Manheim township, was found dead in bed by his sister. Ho was 70 years old and has been sick for some time. His sister, who lives wdth him, was three years older than himself. taki:n to HAKKISIlUnQ. Geoigo I.itzeo, all inmate of tho Insane department at the almshouse, was taken to the asylum at Harrisburg. I.itzeo had grown very violent aud was controlled with diffi culty. IIo is a resident of McAdoo and was serving a term in prison when his faculties gave way. THE CONTl'JT COURT. Tho Judges in the Lyon-Dunn orphans' court contest havo finished the last district, and the result of their finding and the num ber of illegal votes east for each should bo uiado known very soon now. An cll'ort will be made on tho part of the contestant to open tho ballot boxes, and if this is done tho con test will extend into many mouths, llesides the respondent has filed a list of persons w ho were not called during the taking of testi mony, and the contestant is preparing a similar list. This contest has as many lives as tho proverbial cat. pki:ds ltixonuED. Fiom David J. Williams et al. to Michael ilillau, premises in St. Clair. From William 1). I'ollard and wife to I'enna. Schuylkill Valley K. H. Co., premises in l'ottsville. COUMT ADJOURNS. The criminal court adjourned for thu term this morning, thu list of cases ou tho calendar having been exhausted. NOTES. Captain James S. Carpenter, 3rd, wants twenty moro recruits for ills l'ottsville Cadet Corps, which now musters do members. James MeNeaiey was acquitted of tho charge of assault and battery, as chargod by William Iiracoy, ai tho costs placed on tho prosecutor. G. 1'. Witchey, who formerly conducted a jewelry store at Shoiiandoah, was committed to prisou in default of $300 bail, charged with larceny as bailee of a gold watch. At Kepehtiiskl's ArcnilH Citfo. Mock ttirtlosoup, free, to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. SmprUeil Many. The vigorous character of tho celebration attending the Hag raising at Turkey I!un collUry yesterday afternoou stirred up the whole town and hundreds of people swarmed in the direction of tho colliery. Tho chorus of breaker whistles with tho accompanying explosions uf dynamito led many people who had not heaid of the Intended llag raising to believe th t something terrible had happened in that vicinity. Tho Shenandoah City colliery employes supplemented tho thirteen shots at West Shenandoah with thirteen moro and also dipped their large llag threo times. A patriotic englaeer on tho P. & I!, railroad kept his wliistlo blow ing for a long run while passing tho scene of celebration, The best place to buy your wall paper Is at F. J. Portz, Ul N'orth Main street. We have thu largest stock north of tho mountain, tf Win. I'enn Join" In. Thf. etmilnves nf tlin Win. I'enn enlllppv .... . -v - - ... . are maktug active preparations for a llag nils- iw, lti inn niuir iiiiiirn. nnv nnvn niiiee,, tin order with It. II. Morgan, for the purchaso of a large llag loxau feet. 11 will tie erected on a polo wberu the old breaker stood. ltetllicutl llilte to Svrunloli. The Pennsylvania Itallroad Company an nounces that, for the parade of tho Qermau Catholic Stuto Convention at Scrautuu, Pa, Wednesday, May S5, it will sell excursion tickets from points ou its lino within a radius of ono hundred miles to Scrauton and return at rate of single faro for tho round trip. Tickets wilt In sold May 24 and 23, good to return until May 6, Inclusive. To Cure Heads chs In 1$ Minutes, Take Dr. Davis' AtbHcodacho. All druggists Till! WHATHEK. The forecast for Thursday t rartly cloudy to cloudy and slightly cooler weather, pre coded by rain, with fresh southerly to west erly win Is. ir Vifsrd in ssii)g. 7n ! n Pnccinrf A Mrs. W. II. Kerslake vNltcd friends ut l'ollsvlllo to-day. William Scanlau, Christ. Ortihler and Harry Wasley, students at tho Medico Chlrurglcul College at Philadelphia, have re turned hero to spend their vacations, the terms having closed. Col. 1). P. Urown, of l'ottsville, visited friends in this town and Lost Creek yester day. John Micldnzis made a business trip to l'ottsville this morning. M. J. Lawlor spent a part of to-day at I the county scat. I Miss Sadlo Gilbert, ofl'liilaibdphia, Is a guest of town friends and will spend about j two weeks here. Mr. aud Mrs. William Urower and daughter, Evi, have gone to tho CatsUII inoniilaliis They will bo domiciled at the lloli I Ilrcwerton. of which Mr. Ilrewcr is I proprietor. . John Kullck, of Mt. Carmct, Is tlie fii'st , of h's daughter. .Mrs, John, on j South Main street. Mr. and .Mrs. L. E. Clark and family, liau letiirued home from l'hll ldclphia. Diicctor of the l'oor Stephen Middlcton. of Maizeville, spent this tillerunoM in town Edward Kobitwin, the South Jaiilin I street commission merchant, Is confined to bed by an attack of rheumatism. 1UAHAN0Y CITY. Two IticyelistH ltiin Down by u 1tcckle Ithlcr. Malianoy City, May 11th. Itobert, son of W. J. Miles, tho East Centre street merchant, while riding his bicyclo on that sticet last night, was run down by a reckless Hungarian bicyclist. Miles was thrown high in tho air and fell heavily on his light side. At Dr. Hiigenbuch's office it was found that one of the tendons of Miles' right arm had been torn looso at the elbow. Tho HuiiEailan did not stop to ascertain the damage the col lision had caused, but continued duwu tlie street at rapid speed and ran into a sou of D. J. Thomas, the hotclkcepor. The second victim escaped injury, hut Ids bicycle was a wieck. Tlie Hungarian continued his rapid pace and got away before he could bo identi fied. William Palmer has tendered his resigna tion us inside foreman at the Primrose col liery, under the Lehigh Valley Coal Com pany. The resignation will take etl'ect on June 1st. .Mr, Palmer has been engaged in the mines for upwards of forty years. Tlie shirt factory hero is running to its capacity and woiking over time. Thero are 01 men and girls employed and tho number will bo increased as soon as now machinery can be placed. Keiulrlck House Free Lunch. Itico soup will bo served, frco, to all pa trons to-night. .Hurried. Mathias Morges, of Mt. Cariucl, and Miss Augelia Iicrgund, of Ashland, woro married yesterday at tho latter place. Tho tuarriago of John Liigan, at present ducket clerk in the County Commissioners' olllce, and Miss Annie Goyne, both popular young people of Malianoy City, took place last evening at the M. E. church parsonage. Tho wedding was a quiet ono. The groom has a number uf intimate friends in tills town. Weill! Ing Announcement. Cards were issued to-day announcing the approaching marriage of Alfred liutler Jay of town, and Miss Emma M. Drcslicr, of Uinglowii, which takes place on the 23th hist., at the homo of tho bride's mother, Mrs. Anuio C. Dresher, in itinstown. The prospective groom is at present employed at Wilkinson's diy goods emporium, aud enjoys a wido circle of acquaintance, while tho bride is also well known hero where sho has rosided for fiomo time. American and Cuban Hags, all sizes and qualities. F. J. Portz, 21 N. .Main street, tf Departure Stopped. A Polish family about to leavo town for Pittsburg this morning was compelled to post pone the departure on account of a coustablo attaching the household goods under a land lord's warrant. For Sale, A spring wagon nnd buggy. Also a horso and two cows. Apply at tho Hrrald olllco. 5-7-0t, Held for Wife Heating. Mrs. Martha Waitkiowiez last night charged her husband, George, with repeatedly beating her and Justico Shoemaker required bail in tho sum uf $100. lteliloviil Notice. F. E. Magarglo, tho grocer, has moved his place oi business irom tho Titman building I,, v.. on p..., t. c,..,.t .....,. i... i..... 1U .1 u. u JrflOb .t,V.U ...IIJ.U 1IU 1IUS all facilities for a prompt and satisfactory Hilt P 1 n t IL lining ul uiueis. u-i.-ii, Window shades from 10 cents and upward Estimates given on largo shades. F. J. Portz, 21 North Main strcot. tf School Children ltiilsu a Flag. Tho children attending tho schools in Lower Win. Pcnn held a llag raising this afternoou. Tho flag is suspended from thu roof of tho school house and its dimensions are 10x15 feet. A program of patriotic songs and recitations accompanied tho raising. 1'eoiilliir Story nfa Trntrodv, Schuylersvllle, N. Y.. Jlnv 11. The Inhabitants of this town are greatly excited over the mysterious death of Miss Cecilia Nelson, a Swede, aged 22, employed In the Horlcon mill. The girl had been missing since Monday night. Yesterday Clmuncey Wood, aged 22, who hnd been keeping company with her, gave himself up to the police, stating- that ho aud Miss Nelson, while out walking, determined to commit Bulclde. They wnlked ou ou a bridge and, clasped In each other's arms, Jumped off. When they struck the water Miss Nelson loosened herself from Wood's grasp nnd disappeared. Wood, regret ting; the rash act, swam nshore. The district attorney will Investigate the cuse. Ask your grocer for tho "Iioyal Patent dour, and take no other brand. It Is tho liest Hour made. I.lvo Stook .MiirliiitM. New York, May 11). lieevu weak and cables iincliunged. Calves steady; all sold, poor to primo voals, 3.Wtr6.&U. Hlicep and binilm ateaily to firm: all (old; clip ped slieip. S.TtClbJIHi clipped lambs, good to choice, S.lUfifi.l0; southern spilng luinbs. 17.11 Hogs higher at 1.2061.Mi. Eust Llbei ty, Pa May 10,-Cattle steudy: extru, 6C640i prime, common. H.aon i.lS. Hogs fairly active: prime ineilioina and heavy hogs, JI.304J) 4.3S: best yorkerg, JI.2fiOl.S0; light, 11.10 4.20. pi;,.-.; roughs. t2.B04j8.76. Sheen Mimic; choice cllppl, I1.154jI.2C; common', JS.lMi3.uO: lambs, common to good, 11 264f. luwba- Veal calves, Buy Koystoneflour. Bo sure that tho name Lessio & Baeb, Ashland, Pa., Is printed on overy sack, i TUB SPANISH CABINET. Opposition to Honor Morot'H I'roposN Hon I'ofn Dceliirut Ion or Intentions. London, JIny 11. The Madrid corre FlKimlcnt of Tho Times, oxplnlnlntr the cablnei situation, says: "Senor Mniet'w practical Invitntlon to the hamber to declare what policy the country desired to adopt has not mot with general approval, it beinR regard ed, aH Senor Hllvela said Saturday, ns a confepslon of Impotence on the gov- i ernnicnt's part and n conversion of the j tuocn iiiiu i tuu i:,,iuii ttllU Ul IJ1I cabinet Into a mere executive commit tee. "Cabinet changes have become In evitable, and tho CarllstB, ltepubllcan.s nnd SoclallstB nre pteparlnt? to tnke ad vantage of nny opportunity presenting Itself to make mischief. Happily the activity of this hybrid group, which includes several nondescript and un scrupulous politicians and some Ilomei' Ists, presents no Inimedlnte danger. In side the chamber they only number nbout 20 deputies, and outside they have no elllclont organization, except the Ciirlists, whti ' not desire at present any Instinct" maiy movement, but only want to discredit the ninn nrcby, hoplna; Hint an anarchic repub lic would pave the .ay to a leglilmute i I'storallon in fusor of Don Callus. Ppaln lias not foiBntten the terrible suffeiliiRS of the lust Cnrllsl war. and does not desire to begin another strug 1,1c of the same kind." i)ii:i). I.HW1S.- On the 10 li Inst , nt Hbennieloah, l'n., Oweniloline, 1 n flint ilniiuhlcr of Llewellyn nnil Surah Lewis, iuiiI 1 mouths anil ."ilu8. Tlie funeral will take place on '1 liurwlav 12tb. Int . nt 1 p in , from the family rcdilcniu at N'n. :UM South .laullii Mrcct. proe'Cilit" on tlie 2p in. Pi niiHvlvnula tr.dii for St Clnlr. where Mermcnt wl'l lin miiile. K lutives nlnl fliemU it iptltflllly Inxllcil to Kttcnil- St Our Httlo girl's humor commenced with a tiny soro on one nostril, but It kept on spread ing till we thought sho would noTcr get it cured. We tried ecrj thing wo could get, but it kept getting larger all tho time, till both nostrils, the upper Up, apart of the lower Up, andvp one side tothecyc,tccreasolUl sore. We thought was no cure, and that sho would be disfliuredfor life. Finally wo tried Curicmsv UnMCnics. Wo used CirnctmA Unsoi.vnsT and nearly a box of CimounA (ointment), and in a short timo she was en tirely well, witli no scar or traco of tho humor. a -.ire. W.M. CHICHESTER, I'lalnville, Ct. SftlliT CIT.I TltSATMKNT FOR TORTCnilffl, IllSTIO. I ftimi llmnm.wiTti Loaor IIaih. Warm liatlnwllh Ct'Tin-nA Sow, senile anolnttntri with Ccticuka, and mild dorn-s of Cenci'RA Itrsoi.vrsT. Sold IhToinrhout the world. Pottir Pbi-o Ann Ciiim. Cobi., Prop!., noiton. How to Cure ilaby Humors, free. ItlU'OItT OF TIIK COXDITIOX OF THE MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK, nt Shenandoah, in the state of Pennsylvania, at the close of business, May Tali, 189S: nnsouitcKs Loans nnd discounts 210,313 09 11. S. Howls to secure circulation 75,000 00 Premiums on V. H. Houils 0.500 00 Stocks, securities, etc E!,:00 00 Hatlking-hoiise. ftirnltiirc, mitt flxt 2,l.r9 72 Due from approved reserve ngents ll,21'.l OI Checks mid other eash items l.Ui, 67 Xotes of other national banks 1,rs0 00 Fractional papereurreney, nickels and cents IS I Hi Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Specie 22,73'.! 50 l.egal-tcniler notes 8,os:l 00 U. . cei tit's of deposit for legal tenders 31,722 50 Kedeiiipuon fluid -with U. S. treasurer (5 per cent, circulation) 3,375 00 Total 3ofl,510 ii) LIAlill.lTI IX. Capital stock paid ill S100.000 00 mirliius iiinii Undivided prolttH, less expenses mid tnves paid Niitional Hank notes outstanding Due to other nntionnl batiks Due to state banks nnd bankers 20,000 00 15,311 15 07,500 ai 8.775 Ul 1,11 31, lmllvldiuil deposits subject to cheek. 153,097 77 Demand eertilleiites of deposit 211 30 Certified checks 1,000 00 Total S36IVI0 10 State of IViinsylvaiiln, County of I, IC. 11. llunter, cashier of thu nhove-uaiued oanic, no solemnly swear Hint tlie nliovo state- ment Is true to the best of my kuowledgo nnd Heller. ;. li. uuntkii, C'asliler. Subscribed nnd sworn to before uiu this lltli ilny of .May. 18'JS. J. It. Covi.K. Correct Attest: Notary Public. II. W. TlT-MAN, ) I, J. Wilkinson, Directors. I. .1. (JAUIIIIAN, I MISCELLANEOUS. "IjlOIt SAFJO. A nalnon, Good btitml ami JJ central location, lias two nool tallies, on l)cinu a coiiiMiiatioii of pool ami liUUarils. FOIt SALK. A valuable (jroperty for sale on South Janlin street. Kor further informa tion apply to aw South Tear alley, 5-a-2v WOK ItKNT. Two Jarno rooms in Itefowlel I1 hulhlln, 10 South Main strt-ct. All ton enieucoM. .Suitable for ofllco. 3-lU-tf won SAUC A very desirable property. Aii X1 ply to Joseph Wyatt. 201 North Alain St. tf Tlios. Buchanan, OPTICIAN. Examination Made at Tour Homo or at Oar Store.) --Has Moved to 118 S. Main Street. THOMAS BUCHANAN, OPTICIAN, CARPET CLEANING. The undersigned have issumed charge of the Shenandoah Kenovatiiij; Company'splant, and are prepared to clean, sew and lay carpels, mattresses, and do general upholster ing work. Feathers Cleaned. Work Done Promptly. ...Drop Us a Postal. ALLEBACH & HEFNER. Orders can be left at No. 7 North West street, or at the plant, Apple alley and 1 towers itrect, "00LD DUST.' I "GOLD DUflT." Wfe Grimy fingermarks ', ' -i seem to grow on the woodwork pV I 5X about the house. They come easily and X'Ss, &fp5ry y stlck to unless you get rid of them with V makes all cleaning easy. ts?Cs. THE W. K. FAItlBANIC COMPAXY, 4jkufs. S-'fe .v4S Chicaeo. St. Lc'ils. New York. ' Js fMHMiMWM A Handsome Dining -mmMmmml Room WE BUILD norms. We build you a We will submit plans and cost, any sketch you may have, without any charge. We will build the house for you according to you state barring strikes. figure quoted and will guarantee that you will be satisfied with your home. See us about it. Glenn & O'Hearn, (Successors to J. W. Johnson,) IN. Main St., Shenandoah, Ra. -THE Factory Shoe Store Has opened at No. 7 S. Main St., Shenandoah. Pa. Next door to I,. Goldin's clothing store, with a full line of boots and shoes at factory prices. New stock, new goods. We also carry a com plete line of gents' furnishing goods, hats and caps, underwear, notions, &c, at prices according to the times. We quote a fev articles the prices of which speak lor themselves : Infant's shoes, from 20 cents up; children's .shoes, from (o cents up; ladies' shoes, from 75 cents up ; men's shoes, from 95 cents up. c 32-- ABE LEVI N E, Proprietor. GREAT PAIN ! GREAT COST ! These were the two reasons that formerly kept people frem attending to their teeth, lloth reasons have no existence in this ad vanced age. Painless and inexpensive dent istry with an absolute guaiantec for five years is our method A Good Set of Teeth, $5. The Very liest Tcelh, $8. You can uct no better, no matter what you pay. No charge for extracting, where teeth are ordered. We can take your impression in the morning and give you your teeth in the afternoon if desired. Oold Fillings, $1 ; Best Silver Pillings, 5oc up; Cleaning, 5oc; Extracting, 25c. Crown and bridge work nt very reasonable rates. Kxaminations nnd estimates free. We use but one grade of material the best. SCHUYLKILL DENTAL PARLORS, Cor. White & Ceiitro Sts., Robblns' Building RUPTURE CURED. A Specialist on Hupture from Williamsport will visit Shenandoah Every Thursday AT THE Hotel Franey, from 8 till 10:30 a. m. Rupture permanently and quickly Cured or no pay. Written guarantee to absolutely cure all kinds of Ktiplure without operation or detention from business. Absolutely no Danger. examination Free. loo persons cured in Sunbury, Shamokin, Mt. Carinel and vicinity who can be leferml to. Charges and terms moderate and within rfnch of all. DUSTO'S DMBER IM Attentive and skillful tonsorial ailUls always in attendance. Neatest Shop In Town, W. G. DUSTO, Prop. Ferguson House Block. Where thM alii and eelllngfl nro tnndc dalnt ami attractive, by out utihitH designs nnd rleh ami be ititfful coloring in wall pnpein, M nil Incentive to a failing appetite. At no timo of the our does your rooms need a new dress ns inu h ns when pprlnj; comes in bcr ncwtfM'Ji and fllmtni'H the dingy loom wliere wint r litis left it inipri'HM in Kinoltu nnd dust I noli ut our new nnd lovely stock of wall papers. J. P. GARDEN, 224 W. Centre Street, Shenandoap, Pa. home just as you want it built. or pass on the practicability of specifications and by the time We will keep the cost within the NEW- o CARRIAGES A GREAT SALE. Baby Carriage; $3.50 and up. Stoves ! Stoves ! ! We are at present making a specialty of handling stoves and ranges. Our latest inducement is "Queen Cinderella," With an everlasting triplex grate, one you can burn on three sides. Will burn hard or soft coal, is a good baker and a fine looker. This stove we will sell lor the next 30 days at greatly reduced prices. (1 BUSY FURNITURE and STOVE STORE, 121-123 North Main St. EVAN J DAVIES. Livery and Undertaking, Nor -lPNorth Jardln St.