Plenty of Tliom, But so Different, Local Proof Is What Slicn- andoali People Want. Thcie aro a p.rcat many of llieiu, Every p.ipor has Its shnro. Suitcnionts lmrtl to bollevo, Imnlcr to prove. SUitcinouts froni far nwny places. What people say In Malno. Public expression from California. Oftlincs Rood endorsement there. lint of little sorvlco hero nt homo. Shenandoah people want local proof. The sayings of neighbors, friends mid citizens. Homo endorsement counts. It disarms the skeptic, Is hoyond dispute. This is the hacking that stands behind every box of Doan's Kidney l'llls. Here Is a cuso of It ; "A Ira Thomas McKay, of B02 Itiispberry Ave, iys:"I had been much troubled with un aching in the small of my back nt.d n lameness or tenderness in my loins when stuuplnu or rising from a chair. There were pains in the top and back of my head and a feeling of weariness hanging o'er rao till the time. 1 had no energy and seemed moro tired mornings than I was tho night before. Doan's Kidney Pills wero highly recom mended to mo and I got them from Klrlln's Pharmacy ou South Main street, and began using them according to directions. 1 found immediate relief and they soon stopped tho dull, minding aching in my back and re moved tbo lamonoss and also Kidney Pills as a remedy that can always bo rolled upon to cure backacho and kidney troubles." Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by nil dealers. Price 50 cents. Mailed by Fostcr-Milbiirn Co., llufl'alo, N. Y., solo Rgonts for tho U. H. Kemembor tho name Doan's and tako no other. CURES 1 Fever, Congestion. 2 Worms. 3 Infants' Di senses. 4 Diarrhea. 7 Coughs & Colds. 9 Headache. lO Dyspepsia, Indigestion. 1 1 Delayed Periods. 1 2 Leuchorrea. 1 O Hrntn No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1 A Skin Diseases. No. IB Rheumatism. No. 1 9 Catarrh. No. 27 Kidney Diseases. No. 34 Sore Throat. No. 77 Grip & Hay Fever, Dr. Humphreys' ITomoopathlo Jlmraal of Diseases at your Uruffgists or Mailed Free. soul uy (lruirgnsis, or sour on receipt oi ssxas., II.....,,.-......, (.1 ".... MHlllntn LUU .JUI1U r.LH - MW 1 MTK. 1 I an sell you package ofl admixture c satisfied, buy more will touch Grocer SEELIO'SJ AKBEY'S OOK EER Gives a satisfied smile to every pa'ate that tastes it. Now on tap at all our customers. Witt. SCHM1CKRR, JR., Agent. CTopamrrfmyout RUPTURE It you wear tho CHAMPION TRUSS. UUdelDhl Truss Co.. 610 locust SU Phm A Handsome Complexion Is one of the greatest charm a woman can possess. I'ozzoni'd Comiixiion I'owdkuj i J mm lir Ifwc M M who this m ha3 added e'1'1 alitUqofSeel. jn, VE u ordinary the spot coIKo knows nl lave iJ5?HmiuriuK uiai j' twill olease her husband. I FwQRCESTEt B 1 llll 'I Wl I II Mill I'llli. MARCHING ON CUBA Next on the Program in the War Preparations. I SPANISH SQUADRON II CADIZ. Interesting News Expected From Sampson. HE MAY ATTAOK PORTO BI00 Tho Navy Department Will Not Di vulge Plans. EUROPE HAY ADVISE SPANIARDS. Diplomats at Washington Talk of the Un equal Contest and the Futility of Spain's Efforts to Combat Our Forces, as Illus trated at Manila, and Intimate That Theit Governments May Urge the "Haughty Castilian" to Sue For Peace Before It Is Too Late. Washington, May 11. It Is hard to tell whether the naval officials were relieved or disappointed by tho news that camo late yesterday afternoon, to both the navy and stato depart ments, to the effect that the Spanish flying squadron had arrived at Cadiz, Spain. Tho safety of the Oregon from attack is now completely assured, and the way is clear for military opera tions in Cuba without running the risk of having tho occupying army's lino ol communication cut olT. Ou tho other hand, it is believed that no enduring peace can bo secured until tho Spanish navy has been destroyed, and it now appears that to do this our sailors must nuiko up their minds to go after the Spaniards, a task very much mora difficult than that of meeting them near our own shores. It was suggested by somo of tho members of tho war board that there was just a possibility that the Spanish squadron might make a quick passage into the Pacific, through the Suez canal, and attack Dewey at Manila. It Is said that, contrary to tho common understanding, the Suez canal Is open to warships of belligerent powers, so that If the Spanish chooso to take this course they would have a long start of any pursuing fleet from our sldo of the Atlantic. It Is scarcely believed, how ever, that tho Spanish are willing to take tho great risk of exposing to our attack their own homo ports. Nothing was heard from Admiral Sampson yesterday, but thoro is a con fident expectation that interesting news will be coming from his squad ron within the next 12 hours. Wheth er this means any nttack on Porto Ulco or not cannot bo learned. One effect of the retreat of the Span ish fleet has been to hasten oven moro tho preparations already under full headway for the dispatching of mili tary expeditions to Cuba. It also has caused a complete change in tho con centration plans. There is no longer opportunity to Indulge In extensive drilling nnd practice maneuvering. Tho regular army troops do not need these, and are to be thrown at ouco into the fray. Many of tho regiments of tho National Guard which aro en tering tho volunteer service are felt to bo sufficiently trained to follow tho regulars Immediately, and tho depart ment has Indicated its purpose of dls patching these volunteer troops direct ly to the gulf coast for shipment. Tho quartermaster general has al ready gotten under charter 27 mer chant steamers for tho transport of troops, and roughly speaking, these should carry about 20,000 men. Others are being procured as rapidly as possi bio. Tho plan of the war department is to have these vessels assomble at the different gulf ports, Tampa, Mo bile, New Orleans and Galveston, to take on troops which will be sent there. The navy department Is ex pected to furnish convoys-' ir these transports, which would be absolutely helpless against Spanish attack. At this point there aro signs of friction. Tho navy department insists that to insure tho Bafety of the convoy of tho troops all of tho transports should be gathered In one fleet to start from Tampa, and the navy is likely to pre vail in this. Now that Major General Sewell has been assigned to command tho con centration CLmp at Falls Church, prep arations are belLg rushed to put tho grounds thoro Into shape for the re ccptlon of tho volunteers. Two million Americans suffer the torturing pangs of dyspepsia. No need to. llurdock lllood Hitters cures. At uuy drug store. 1-tivoriiiK llitwutlitit 'MiiKixiitliiii, Washington, May 11. The house committee on foreign affairs met yes terday to consider the Hawaiian an nexation treaty, but finally deferred the vote until tomorrow. The delay was on request of the minority. The committee stands 11 to 4 In favor of annexation. There was little done by the committee at the session, aside from the examination of Lieutenant General Seluifield, retired, and Admiral John Q. Walker, retired, both of whom warmly advocated annexation. Give the Children a Drink called Qnilu-O. It is a delicious, iiopcIIzIiil' nourishing fond drink to take tho place of coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all who have used it because when properly prepared it tastes like tho finest coffee but is free from all its Injurious properties, drain O aids dlgostlon and strengthens the nerves, It is not a- stimulant but a health builder, and children, as well as adults, can drink it with great benefit. Costs about 1 as much a) cotlco, 15 and lSo. CftSTORlA Arcec(ablcPrcparationfonAs similatliirj Ihcrpo'dfltulRcgula Ung HmStamoilisftdBoTOls of PromolcsDi'cslioaClicciful ncss nnd Rcst.Conlflfns ncilhcr Opnim.Mofphino nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Have ofOldU-SWlXmnVllEB HmtpJcin Srtil sflx.Srsii Seed Hpptrmint Mi CarionateSoda 115m Seed -Ctmlud Sugar hintuymn flanr. AocrfccHlcmcdv forConstipa- tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions.Fevcrislv ticss and LOSS OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of NEW TfORIC. EXACT COPy OF WHAPPEB. W - 'I'"' but hare soM direct to the con earner for 35 yeiri at whole- eais pricei, aiTioft Dim iae dealer'! profit!. Ship an j. wnere lor examination. ETerjthlog 118 itrlei of 55 ttvlca of Ton Uuffriea. Barren. C5U to S125. zee. I'htetona. Trars. ettes, Sprfof-ltoad k food m Mill for U. ELKHART CAUUIAQK AND lIJ.mK8S MJfU. :ammfwwww?mw? Kaier Export Beer IN THE MANUFACTURE OP THIS CHOICE BREWERY PRODUCTION THE KAIER COMPANY, Limited, 1 OF MAHANOY CITY, Has attained an excellence which has rarely been excelled. MR. CHARLES D. KAIER 3 And his associates liavo spent, not only much time, but also a largo amount of money, In experiments, to bring tills Iteer to its present perfection and they havo many testimonials that the company has received from well known medical men which are exhibited with pardonable pride by tho President, Mr. Chas. D. Kaier. Tho brewer, Mr. Franz Kalor, is a uentlenian scientifically versed in all that pertains to tho lliewer's Art nnd to his perseverance and closo application is largely duo the splendid triumphs achieved by The Kaier Export Beer.. It is compared by many "Old to tho products of Uadon and MADE ONLY AND SOLD BY i;3 THE GflflS. D. piEH GOMPflJiY, Lmd. 1 Mahanoy City, Pa. is IE REPRESENTED IN SHENANDOAH BY EDWARD O'DONNELI Mail orders will receive prompt attention. ADVERTISING DOCTORS FAILED Snm'l Ilenrr, solemnly swears be fort Notary 1'ubJlc if. Abelen 'l fluttered se verely and my whole system was wrecked wrougu a very oaa ailment oi private nature, also had a very bad case of VAH IC(K lM.IMli tOMia.K AMUSli. and all the accompanying symptoms, I did not consult any physician; but for three years spent a treat amount of money and took the treatment ol more than halt dozeu advertising concerns, all of whem guaranteed a cure and afterward my condition was worse than ever. I then resolved to consult a physician, one whom I heard so much about old DR. THEEL 604 North Sixth St. (private entrance on Urevn Hi.), rhtluilelplitn, and a tier seven months under but care I was per manntly cured or the I'lMVATU IHHIIASH also the Varicocele without the use of the knlte, I am so grateful to the learned Dr. Thee I and cannot praise lilin too highly. I think him able to cure the most dangerous diseases. Dr. Theel also cured my brother William or a bad Stricture and Hydrocele. Bend Ave 2c. stamps for book "Truth," the bst and only true meJlcal book advertised Its equal cannot be found. Secrecy Kuarantced. No name or address published wltuoutconsent. Hours. 9 3;ev'gs, 6-9; Wed. and B&U ev'gs. MO; Bun. 9-11. Freeh Caaee cured In 4 to 10 flays. Treut mcut by fflall. Btrlcture and Varicocele cured. CURE ALL YOUR PAINS WITH Pain-Killer. A Medicine Chest In Itself. Simple, Safe and Quick Cure for CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA, COUGHS, COLDS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. 25 and SO cont Bottloe. i BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. BUY ONLY THE GENUINE.? PERRY DAVIS' millions of Dollars Oo up in amoko ovory yoar. Take n risks but get your houses, stock, fu nituie. etc., Insured in first-class r liable companies as represented by hAVIH FATKT Insurance Atrent Also Llfa.tndAoclileiital OompanUi The Kind You Have Always Bought, Bears the Pac-simile Signature . OF ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE. THE KIND YOU HAVE ALWAYS BOUGHT. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY warranted Vehicle!, Ilarnese. S36tof70. C'arria Vaon and SI ilk &&&& v AJrHA X V A X7 Wagona. Send for large, free Ko.eoflSumy. Price, with eortilQi.Umpi, ion. Catalogue of all our itjlea. ebade, apron and fendere,W. Ai toodiiillifgrM. CO. W. B. rUATT, Bcc'r. KLKUJJIT, LID. wmmmwmmnm? P5" Country" Beer Driukcrs Bavaria. '2 luamumiiuuLiuR Health is Wealth, DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND, BRAIN TREATMENT ) THE ORIGINAL' ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS, Is soldunder positivo. Written Ouarnntcc, by antlioriiod agents only, to euro Weak Memory, Dizziness, Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria, Quick ness, Nii;lit Lossos, Kvil Urenras, I,ack of Conti. douco, Kerrousnoss, Lussltndo, all Dniins. Vonth til Errors, or Excossiro Uo of Tobacco, Opium, or liquor, which loada to Mluory, Consumption, Insanity and Death. At storo or by mail, $1 n bor, six for $5;wltli written Biiurnntco to euro or roruuil money. Sample, paru. iibc containing fivo days' treatment, with Jul, Instructions, 25 centB. Ono enniplo only sold tc anrl, Tiltnuin. At Atnrr, nr l,v Tnnil. 'IFtSrncd Label Special Ex,ra Strength. fflfLA ti&IRjVo Impotcnoy. Ihs flf'i'fi Ber-OREor by mail. For Sale at KIIUIN'S Drug; Store. CclcbrotAil ronmlo low tiers norcr fim. TuMnuIreiniocTBU afoui d lure (tfttr falling with Tansy ful rennyroyaj 111U and other lit : '.',1...; ' ii.v.i..VihB huit and avuM d ur 5lX, BMk U, Bortna. KV- DETECTIVES ! Kimball's Detective Agency Do all legitimate dtlectivc work. A correspondent wanted in all towns. Office, 58 Trust Building, Williamsport, Pa. Y l (iwr, 44,., k Bterility it ltairenncssA. uj k,l a Ikii; biz for fwilhXNv ffp.wrlt t en uu urau I r fffs& V " 1i rrn,t ,(lll(l' . AtetOIOll 1 N HOW IN THE llopublican Loader's Speeoli Antici pating Queen's Abdication EVOKES A STORM OF PROTESTS. ltlottnir at Aliciiuto Still OiiitlnuoM, Itoiidi-d Warehouse KoIiIkmI anil Itiirned Moro Snnlli Ijles In !! KUi'd to tho Ciibnn lllookndo. Mmlrld, JIny 11. In tho chamber of deputies yesterday the Cntalonlan dep uties strongly protested ngalnst the proclamation of martial law In Barce lona, as there have been no disorders there. The minister of the Interior, Senor Capdepon, replied that the au thorities of Barcelona undoubtedly had rood reasons for their action. There upon the Catalonlan deputies declared they would postpone their Intended In terpellation of the minister of war un til a proper government has been formed. A Velenclan deputy declared that the captain general of Valencia had threat ened the newspapers, saying ho would break up their forms If they printed matter attacking the government. Tho chamber had a prolonged sitting lost evening with a view of passing the current political measures giving the government authority to procure funds to continue the war. Senor Salmeron, the Ilejiulillcan leader, alluded to the rumors of the queen regent's abdica tion, and declared that the Republi cans were ready to form a government forthwith. His remarks evoked n storm of protests, and Senor Salmeron was unable to proceed for fully ten minutes. Monarchists and Republicans shrieked at each other and bandied threats. The president's voice waB completely drowned. When he finally obtained a hearing, the president. Mar quis Vega d'ArmeJo, requested Senor Salmeron to withdraw the calumny. Senor Salmeron refused, whereupon the president named him and threatened to name Mm thrice if he contiued his attacks upon the throne. As a result of this caution and of the persistent monarchist Interruptions Senor Sal meron was compelled to desist from continuing his speech. Senor Sagasta, the premier, declared that anyone trying to sow disunion among Spaniards when the nation was engaged In an international struggle was unworthy the name of Spaniard. Senor Salmeron shouted: "I am a good Spaniard." This exclamation was greeted with monarchist shouts of "No, no; out with him." Senor Sagasta appealed to the pa triotism of members and prayed the house to vote the funds so necessary to conduct tho war. His appeal was greeted with the general cry: "We will vote Immediately." Senor Silvela, leader of the Dissi dent Conservatives, said his party would abstain from further discussion, and was ready to vote the urgent war funds Immediately, but he claimed the right to debate the other budgetary measures. The chamber then definitely adopted the war credits. The bread riots at Alicante, the sea port of Valencia, were continued all night, the women taking a prominent part In the work of destruction. A riotous mob paraded the streets, de manding cheaper bread and other nec essaries of life. The rioters marched to the factories, where they were join ed by the people who were at work. Later they sacked the Octroi bureau and burned the furniture and archives. A strong force of gendarmes was sent to the scene and a charge was mae upon the mob, which was temporarily dispersed. But the rioters reformed and attacked and burned all the bond ed warehouses, after possessing them selves of the wheat In storage. A dispatch received here from Ha vana yesterday afternoon says that the Spanish steamer Montserrat, which, with a valuable cargo, troops and a large sum of money, intended for Havana, escaped the United States fleet and entered the port of Clenfuo- gos, has now run the blockade of the American squadron and has entered the port of Havana In safety. It Is consequently claimed that this proves that the blockade of the Cuban ports Is Ineffective. So many utterly false reports have been given out in Madrid recently that American confirmation of tho arrival of the Montserrat at Ha vana will be required before the story of her blockade running Is accepted as truth. General Primo de Rivera, who In March of last year succeeded General Polavloja as captain general In the Philippines, and was in turn recently succeeded by General tlgustl, has ar rived here from the Philippines. Great crowds assembled in the streets and on the quays to welcome him, but he suc cessfully evaded the demonstration. The Sure La Grippe Cure. There. Is no use sull'crinc from this dreadful malady, if you will only get tbo right remedy. You are baviuit rain all tlirouch your body. your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no lire or ambition, have u baa cola, in tact aro completely used up. Electric Bitters is tho only remedy that will give you prompt and sure rcliof. They act directly on your l.lvtr, stomacn anu Kidneys, tono up too wliolo system and make you feel like a now beint;. They aro guaranteed to cure or price refunded, tot sale afr A. Wasloy s Drue Storo, only SO cents per bottle. Voliliitoors Mustered In. Washington, May 11. Reports re ceived at Adjutant General Corbln's oITlce yesterday show that 31.351 men had been mustered Into tho volunteer army of the United Stntes. It is prob able, however, by this time that the actual number mustered In Is about CO.000 In round numbers. Children liko it. it saves their lives. We mean Olio Minute Couch Cure, tho infallible remedy lor coufjlis, eolds, croup, uroncliltli, crippo, noil oil throat and lung troubles, V. II. HuBcnbiicb. Troiisury l'nylH "t' fiolil. Waalilngton, May 11. The I'nlieil States treasury yeHteriluy liegan pay Intr out K'lld over tho counter In lieu of currency. This will lie continued ln ilellnltely. The available cash lialnnco ou hand, Includlui the hunilreil million pold reserve, Is $213.313,6S5. Ot, thlH amount $S0.32S,431 Is free roUI ami the balance Is made up ot silver treasury nnd United States notes, etc. A llttlo hoy asked for n bottle of "Ret up in tho moriiiiiB in fust us you can," tho driiKsisi recosnlzud 11 household name fm "Di'WItt'i Mltle l!arly lllsors," and khvo hli- a bottlo or tlioso luiiiLUi llttlo pills lor consilium"", sicV headache, liver nnil stomach trouhlcs. O. II, llttRcnbucli. iveiiiiiiurSiui'is in scou- Aiiilruo. New York, May 11. Walter Wellmnn yesterday emlmiltea on his search for tho North l'ole and Andree, Ho sailed on the Kaiser Wllhelm der O rosso and expects to reach Tiumsoe, Norway, within a foi tnlK'hl- There his party of HClentlsts will meet him, and on June 20 they will depart on the loo steam boat Kritjof for tin." Arctic regions. Walking the Floor. When a business man gets to the point where he cannot sleep at night, where lie is 10 shattered of nerve that it is torture to tven remain in his bed, and he has to get up and pace the floor It Is time for man to bring himself up with a round turu. If he does not, it means nervous proBtration and mental, If not physical, death. l?or a man who gets into this condition there is a remedy that will brace hltu up, put him on his feet and make a man of him again. It is Dr. Pierce's Colden Medical Discovery. It goes to the bottom of things. It searches out the first cause. When a man is in this condition you can put your finger on one of two spots and hit that first ;ause the stomach or the liver or both. This great medicine act directly on these spots. It promptly transforms a weak stom ach into a healthy one. It facilitates the flow of digestive juices and makes diges tion and as.similation perfect. It gives a man an appetlk like a boy's. It invigor ates the liver, it fills the blood with the life-giving elements of the food, and makes it pure, rich, red and plentiful. The blood is the life current, and when it Is filled with the elements that build new and healthy tissues, It does not take long to make a man well and strong. It builds firm, muscular flesh tissues and strong and steady nerve fibers. It puts new life, vigor and vitality into every atom and organ of the body. It cures nervous exhaustion and prostration. Nothing "just as good" can be found at medicine stores. " I bad suffered about eleven years with a pain in the back of my head and back " writes Mr Robert Hubbard, of Varner. Lincoln Co , Ark " I suffered for eleven years and spent a great deal of monev for doctorR and medicine, but did uot get relief. Then I tried four bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and improved great ly. 1 sent for five more and now am glad to tell everyone that I am in good health." CniiiioniiilliiK OfT f'npe Lookout. Beaufort. S. C, May 11. Captain Al len, of the schooler Alert, and many others of the ocean fleet of fishermen of this place, report hearing heavy cannonading off Cape Lookout, N. C, at 10 o'clock yesterday, counting 47 distinct shots. For Infants and Children. Tie he- f ' it M emy Ad in leal Montcjo ltrporttnl Killed. London, May 11. A special dispatch from Shanghai says It Is reported there that Admiral Montejo, the commander of the Spanish lleet, who escaped from Cavlte by running along the shore to Manila with his two suns, was killed by the populace of the latter place. Thirty-five years make a generation. That In I...... 1.. A.I..1..I. 17.. 1...- rr MI O., suffered from piles. Ho was cured by using tbreo boxes of DeWitt's Witch Ha.el Salve. C. H. Ilagenbui-li. iME PBrMOT MESS S DO MOT DESPAIR! lk Not SnflVr Iontiert The ios mid anilnrinns or life ma hv rcst'ire.t 1" mih Tin- very RurM ':i.,p- u! Mtvuu- IH'ImII tv an- iihMiluniv rnti-d ly ij:itri:crro i'ahkktm. tiivo prompt relief tointsoiunla, fuilhiK menior uml the waste nmi (irnin or vuai powers muiir red bv indiscretutiis uruxceshes if early yearh Impart vitror inn) pdiencv to cvitj iuiicuuu Uraroupthe sysn-m oiv otiixtlrc 11 nil lllvt 1 Hi t hi bloutti to the cu's of youn itiil energy; plete Kiiaran tii run be oruld. One box rnifw-- k C boxes at S.AO n iMin-fifW 1 f teeu cure r mine reTinin carrietl in vest pocket Nuld m-illinl in uliilti nrm tuTiin iTervw hereui receipt ut prlfe For sale in Slieimritlouh by Shenandoah Drug Store unci (Jruhler Bros. WHEN IN STKUH13 '-WW ft T vigor to the whole hemt;. All drains and losses are checkr.l . tn tiilv. Unless ptiei rs are properly curnl, their condition often worries thm into Ii--inity, C' nutnptlon or Death Mailed sealed. Pru e $i perLox; 6 boxes, with lron-cl-irt ri guarantee to cure or refund the moucy,5.oo. Send lor free book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO , Cleveland, 0.T" For Sale al KIHLIN'S Druff Store, Shenandoah, Pa. "A FAIR FACE K AY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES HllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllKllllllIllllllllllIlllli.ilMIIIIIIKH' . . rfXSv A. f are l'iou!V8 ami kceii -.tormeit if; E 'ti?YA-r tlio W.irlil'a 1'r.itrrei.s. Tli wll in- (f'At fu l?lM ' V f'Tiiieil ami thrifty House-wife will iMfRAINB0W LINIMENT I rfln fi aud l'l 3?OR SALE Slllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll"1 llllllllllll!lllllllini!H:illll!lll!li"i"HMtl; ".mi . at!, r ""!i!y up-f-d thirty Ct. iv !utr. t l'u A MIRROR Paris and New fork ich Fashions A Colored Fashion Supplement Cut Paper Patterns A Bi-weekly Pattern Sheet LONG SERIALS T W Illifslnu T o famous authors will contribute Iohr pi n il stones to the IIazak in iHS The first dels w.lh Slo1i.Ii and 1'uulliienUl c nc , the set ond is a story of a young girl, t.rsatile, ana typically Mary E. Wllkina Octave Thanet These vrrji i: ir m W ','(, A?:."u:".: nrominent writers will coiiuibme a iMsy v , . sliort stories to the IIazak in is,i, I Ka.bTSr,.o,. rnakjiu, ,-p.r ,.ciall, ncU ? nuPinTiHTOTS Awn ?PPriAT. ARTICLES OUU PARIS LETTER fit KATH4Rl'B "if FORkST ni tin fJ n M .. M By MIRUAhhTH. H'MCll Tt... u;il tu. i a,rii, nf i rVs?3B Voitt. rl, the Plav, Women and Men, leaders among Woman, NV 0 GardeniiiB. Housekeeping, Life and Health, Indoor Detalli, eic. A 7W . n. n Cana - C- l'jil.ift " in tit Until w. D. lloweiu Address HAnrtfi cs UHUintiii, ruuiitneri. new iui vui Pennsylvania RAILROAD. BOHTTKILI. DIVISION. Mat I, ISO. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the am.r iih mr wiggsns, wnoonon. Fraolcvllle jirr Water, St. CTalr, Pottsvl'V Hamburg, Kwllj,. l'nttrtown, PhoenlivllU XonNtown and Phi Delphi fllMMd street station ) S0A Mid IIS a. in., 2 02, ft is. p. m. un week days. Himdays, 6 Ot a. in., 1 50 m. Iave Shenandoah for Pottsvtlle (via Delanni 7 117. 1(1 OTi a m , 12 SO, 2 02 and 28 p, m. week days. Sundays. 0 a", i. ni., II 31 p. m. Trains leave Krackvllle, for Sbenan dost at 7 3, illllt, m. and tie, 7 81 p. it. hut.-'r-y, 11 ot a in, and 8 20 p m Trf-nve Pottsvlllu for Shenandoah (via l rac k vllle 7 10, 11 30 B. m., 6 20, 7 2S p ni ,' ,y 10 ftr, a. m.. ft 00 p. m. Leave Pottavllle for Shenandoah (via i, Unn 7-1".. 040 n. m., 1280, a m noop. m w ik days. Sundays, 9 IS a. m. 6 05 p m. lave Philadelphia, (llroad street station i f SliKiianrtnah at S IW, H 85 and 10)9 am., HO p. m. week days. Sundays leave at SO a. ru lave Broad street station, Phlladelpbla 1 Sea (lit, A.lnr Park. Ocean drove, In Rrancti. and Intermediate stations, 8 0, 11.14, a. m., 8.80 and 4 00 p. m. week-days. Leave Hrond Street Station, Philadelphia, FOR NEW VOKK. Express, week-days, 8 20, 104, 4 SO r r X 7 83,8 20, 9 50, 10 21 (Dining Car), 11 'In t, , 12 00 noon, 12 85 (Limited 100 and 4 !- , Dining Oars), 140, 2 80 (Dining Tar) 3 an 1 00, S 00, S 50 (Dining Car), 8 05, 7 02, 7 11 I . lug Car), 10UO p. m., 1201, night. Humlavg. 8 20, 4 OS, 4 SO, 6 15, 8 20, S, 10 21. (Ill ing 1 i;ari, ii an n. m., i i, ion fuming luTj z j (Dining Cat), 400 ( Limited) 4 22 (Dfiiliiii ."120,850, (Dining Cat (185, 7 02,7 18, (himrig I Cnr 10 00 i. m., 12 01 night. ' Express for Boston without change, 11 00 a ra week-days, and 7 48 p. m., dally. WASHINGTON AND THK SOUTH. For Baltimore and Washington. 8 50, 7 20,8 L 1020. 11 23, a. m., 12 09, 1281 (DL.Ing Cut , I . Ii' un, ik -nrj, a in, i -ii, id bj ' uuri-'S' Monal Limited, Dining Car, 6 17. 65r. ; lilu lug Car, 7 81 Dining Carl p. m., and liOl night week days. Sundays, 8 SO, 7 20, V 2, 11 Z3 a. 111.. 1200, 1 12, Dining Cr 441, "J0(t. grcmlonal Limited, Dining Car, 0 55 1 Dining Carl, 781 'DinlngCarl p. in. and 12 05 ulglit For Baltimore, aeioiumodatfoii. 9 12 u in r and 4 01 p in week duya, 5 08 and 11 16 p in da ay FOH ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad street station via Delaware rice bridge Exprees, 9 20 n m, 7 05 p. ni. dulK I,eave Market street Warf Express, 'Ml a in 2 00, (8 00 .Saturdays only I, 4 00, 5 00 p. m Sri days, S 45, 8 45 a. m (accommodation 4 ;., u, ., 500 p. in.) j rot caps May, Angiesea. vt ildwood and IIoI v Reach, riea Isle City, Ocean 'tlv, Avalmi nil' Stone Harbor Express, 900 a. in., 4 00, p u week days. Bu nduys, 0 00 a. m. HFor Somers Point Express, 100, a. m , 0 ro, 4 00, 5 00, p. m. week days Sundays, 8 11 a. ci and 9 43 p. m. I. B. HUTIHIXDOH, J. R, Wood, Uen'l Manatcer, rton'l Pa a r -t THE GREATEST BOOK OF THE Ml 1 Should be Id Every Home and Lima- ins People's Die Hfsiom Ts writton by Riht Hon Will mm Kwnrt f.l.t I t n Ki-l'rmi'r of (.rent Hritiuti itnd IrnUitnl. i b.nt? ite . H. b.iir f, n s ( m!m. , -Kov Hiinim-t !vrn rurti.s, ) ) , (hicitu't It. SemiTiHii, ClncaKO III , Kuv. i rt dm k W K.r ' F.K S . I' an of Cium-rhurs . CiuiHMhitri. I I- hif r II (' ipmi, I I Toft Collfc, hoinwrii lie ! runt- V 'fi- l ll. Aimuur ft I'lliniiri. Ill He i.. ' DI, hum, lr''-h l. 1 1 n i Alai!ilh-it 1' ') . I City. N. Y . H- Strpi'l F'if'i H ii ti-t i ' i M. HriHtol, 11 1 , I u i l.vonton. III.; Eei. . I ilan Oonmomvenltli " 1 I.vurett Helo. I) I) . ltcwlon, Mac-., Ii .1 1- 1 T'lllflito, Midline 1 1 ' 1 ' I I'll in Ifur.ernLt.. f t (lli'imr Wilkinson 11 1 , I rutjo, 111 . If.n. - tnmol Hui I I liinttor'l,('inni..ln.v ,J Monro id I'robvforiHii flhurcli Ion'l. r Lnrlmpr. 1.1, II . Tim Tenililfi. lit, 1. 1. N I. I' .1 .1 . H,i- run un Miinni.-ut; ptuw. 51 ,u. ,. tlonu, allt etluSK, cloth, 4 a), hnlf levant, ; lov int. HOI ji (KTIl HHTIOV-I yv imvi". Vf fiill-l ni Ii,.n HI p A (flit ,-U'H, f til 1 !'' in' ( 1 tUm, Stll" ll-lwn volumi'- lul1'i inlPAR"W,luarl''-i7P. review 'i ...Ui'iif paaerotrrsn. sawed. tnauu.L'1 i hru.fl1" Fur sala at all booksterm m$mvc'j!-'' tnithsr InfomiaUoB. write KKSUV O.n'n Pal niier.tlaB4 Ml Mcwroe Strssl. Chios ' i fOfilfrwt rf' w- - Knr. ,rc Co.,rvL r&. Pot at Povtnsky'a drug- store, Centre street. Eas c PAWN'S TANSY PILLS A Tmre. TEIVAtl. l.FI- WOMAN S H F. AILt,,i,nniitinil r.l'.il.t Aij 1 1 'if' 9 Gl Cikiu'i Tst 1'iu.snnil miiiiiomii. M ilru ' otnrvl Or MTit .UreCt (k11 . I.nre c'atux Hesc. Co., boium, Mrm. Our buck, 4e For eale at Klrlln's drutr store and Sbenoodoa drugstore DOUBT, TRY Ihoyliavc A tllLti I f& .id h.kc t Nttoin lib. : I ieb'tii , ii4 iiie1'- ' J 'icy lIi ar t ic br.nii, the uixul itton, m net'- t. anil imp .rt a t !r t LIO i WONIFN WHO READ I the liouso, as a standard remedy for Siirajns, Bruises, Crninpn, Itlioumatlsru, s all nclius aud pains. ; Pric 26 eU. and E0 els per bottle. Prepared by H. i. HACKETT & CO , PMIadelpMa EVEETWHEEE. u . OF FASHION wue mil cumai lull , I rt, ii drawitiKs t the ad jiii c tuslnoiis ol P.o.s and Ntw York. Oute a m.Jiilh the ltZAK will issue, free, a color, d fashion supplement I'ut paper patterm, of certain gowns m each number wilt be made a feature 'ltiee will be sold tit connection with each issue at a umfoi m price. The Hazah will alto publish bi weekly, lief, ail outline pattern shtvt WrtliiraBlili AND SHORT STORIES WILD EELLN By II II 11.1 l I I ' RAGGED LADY fiy If. J HOII I I . s American. ami a acore of other equi prominent writers will tlu li. VVullos THE LONDON LETTER H) tin. rOVLTtSSY PluH OU' HUMOR By JOI.V KBNDRKU BAKGS irt nn Kllnuette. Music, at P,nn.c1 Suh.. ti Yaif J SUUl, Camui, aiut lUxic. 0,u,t Tl.Jiiet 3s