EVENING HERALD KHI'AIII.ISIU'.I) 1870. Publlnlieil every Evening, Kxcept Sunday, at -foc-rn Jarmh Struct, Nkah (Ikkthis. ha rifciaM li dellvrird InSlieniiluloatl and On iVt.'rndlnK tuwiM fornix cents a wwk, -iili. o the carriers, lly mall (8.00 yonr, or 35 cttvUH ruolilll. payable In advance. ilVBrtlBe wrcnwcharKCdnccnrdltiKtosimconiul position. T i-uiilltliem reserve the riKlit to chniiKO the ixWiUil of advertisement" whenovcr tho pub. 'Jw,-i "I ntmn demands It. Tho rlht l syorvwl to i Ji- any advertisement, whether uuM tor or not, txil the publishers may deem "imopor. AdrerllalBR rales made knowu uptm application. B ifcred at the postofflce at Shenandoah, I'm. leconcl class mall trtatter. TKI.KI'llONK OONN'ltrrriON "All the News Thai's Fit to Print." vening H r ! ci vVI.lA' -"Y. MAV 11. 1MIS. l MRY : First. Last and Forevei. . will 1)0 tilt- ne.t hero of the .it war? . BotK.s I'kmiosk bus our s for vultmble maps of tliu il States and tlio inland of Cuba. M vmis who contemplate liuid iiih in Florida liiuy expect a warm re-r-i itlun and a chance to return home on a e-ooling-bourtl. TiiKUK is this important difference between France and tlio United States , one claims to be a republic, and the other i a republic. Uisiioi' I'ottkk solved tho labor (pieation when lie declared "neither capital nor labor can bo on top ; they mut walk hand in hand." IS i) one would ever compare our friind Jack" McCartv, of the New dealer with a cabbage liead, but liis editorial paj-e TuuMluy showed a ttronj,' leaning in that direction. I'MiKll the new army bill the pay of a private i-oldier will be -l;S a month in time of pence and $15. (ill a month during war. The boys will liae no objection to 200-uent dollars. A mi vi'iiK maker say that the lifty dollar and seventy-live dollar wheels now on sale are just as good as the hundred dollar wheels made by the same manufacturers last year. Somk one suggCfts that the noble fish heretofore known as the Spanish iiiackerai is entitled to a new and more popular name. He is not a Spanish product anyway, and never was. ONK result of Dewey's victory Is that our commerce on the Pacific is safe fmm Spanish attack. The Spanish (leet, if itliad escaped, would hut e in-i ll a constant menace to our Oriental trade. TiiK mayor of lliuleton lias en listed Without reileotion upon that towns chief executive, there are oMiers holding similar positions that might do likewise without incon venience to tlio towns they profess to g jvern. Tiik Hkhaiui'S late bulletin last evening, to the effect that the Span ish lleet hud returned home without meeting Sampson, caused consider able comment and no little chagrin. IS very body was anxious to learn of tin expected battle. i t w weeks, or even days ago the i .1'ii-h press was bubbling over v Mi warlike enthusiasm and dilating F:uiuine manner upon the com P reparation of Spain and the '.. d unreadiness of the United And now it is cursing its own riiment for lack of preparation, , 1 -brielying, "We are betrayed." jTM.vis having little troubles of t- ou n these days and can give Spain inii more than its sympathy, x i i r,- are bread riots at Jlilau. The 1 ilc have been attacking the troops nt hundreds have perished. The of the rioters is for bread or . I Starving people who can get '" work nor bread do not take k i id i to the appearanco of well-fed Tr , ,im to preserve the peace. Tiik tvholo country cannot but ob serve tlie present extraordinary t partitions of speculators in bread alls In Chicago with profound dis satisfaction and the most emphatic disapproval. For ninny months past, certain interests have been engaged in milking great Minis of money iromrli llctitlous advance in the t. "... prve oi wnuai anil oilier commoui- tieuX It is not il legitimate business. GambShig on wheat or any other necessity, of life is a bare-facop robbery of the poor. Tiik Miners' Journal, in quoting the IlKiUbH's remarks suggesting lion Ellas Davis us a candidate for Congress, says the popular County Treasurer is not seeking that honor. Tlint, we know, is true; liut neverthe less lie can and should be nominated. Tho HepublieanH must make nn ax- liestore tall, regular aetloa Pills oi tlio bowels, do not irri tate or loflame, but leave ftll the deucJiU dlgMtlve or Kaulim In (ttrfcet condition. Try thrm. 2b cents, t'rtpariiil ul; bj C. L UovJ i Cu., Lull, Unit. Hood S Hopeful Words to Childless Women. The darkest dnvs of liusbftnd md wife are when they como to look forward to a eh i Mli- . and il .solafe old igc. Many a wife 1ms foirtlt In-i-sctf Incapable of motherhood owlntf to sotOf (rrrnt lHck of streiitryiiu theon;nrKof 8nrMnn. Such a condition is nearly al ways due to long con tinued ncgrleul of 1 he plainest warnings. Frequent backache ild distressing paitis nccomuanlod by offensive discharges and generally by Irrejrohir and seamy lilpnstt iiBttnn. lutllwte a nerve de generation at the womb and sur n m ndingorgans, that unless speedily checked Will remilt In barrenness. Bead Mrs. M'llwm's letter: DkarMrs. 1'inkiiam: N'oonecould have Mffered from female troubles more than I. I hnd tumors on the womb, my ovurieR were diseased, and for fifteen years 1 was a burden to myself. I wns operated upon three different times, with only temporary relief; also tried ninny doctors. I.ydia 11. l'ink ham's Vegetable Compound was recommended to mo bv a lady friend, and after taking four bottles 1 was like n new i man. I had been married nine years, and hud no children. I now have a beautiful little girl, and we feel assured she is tho result of my taking Compound. MAY B. Wllox, 3'.'3 Sassai St., .Mlltville, N. J. Modern science nnd past experience have produced nothing so effective In treating diseases of tlio female organs as I.ydia II. I'inkhain's Vegetable Com pound and Sanative Wash used according to special directions. If you know any woman who is suffering and who Is unablo to sccuro relief, or who is sorrowful because she believes herself barren, tell her to write to Mrs. Pinkhtnu, at Lynn, Mass., and ask her advice. The thousands of Mrs. Pinkhiim's cures are all recorded for quick reference, and areply will bo promptly sent wholly without charge, that will direct her what to do. Mrs. It. Iti.uuti, 1040 San Francisco Ave., St. Louis, Mo., writes: "It lias been my great desire to have n babe. Since taking your medicine my wish is fulfilled." Lytlin E. Pinkliam'sVcgetablcConipounaiAWonian'sRcmCklyforWoinan'sllls ceiitionally strong nomination for Congress tin's year if they hope for success, and we know of none better than the ex-member of the Legisla ting The election of tlio present in cumbent is out of the question. Thousands of sulloiers from grippe Imvo been restored to health by One Minute C"!icb Cure. It (prickly euies conuhs, co'ds, bron chitis, pneumonia, grippe, usilima, and nil throat and Iuiik iliseases. '. li. llnuciibucli. NORWEGIAN STEAMER CAPTURED SiiHpcetcd of. Mnk I ni; n s(.(.onil At tompt to Itini tin Itlockndo. Key West, Fla.. Muv 11. The Nor wegian steamer llratslierg, which ar rived yesterday under the convoy of the Mangrove, Is still a prize of war, pending the decision of the United States government on the question. The affair bears many features of resemb lance to that of the Fiench steamer Lafayette, but, like that cuse, it will be settled without any International complication". About two weeVs ago the Hratsberg, bound from I'rogreso, Mexico, for Ha vana, with iOO head of cattle, was warned off tho Cuban coast by the blockading lleet. She put Into this port and remained a couple of days, when she sailed, ostensibly for New York to find a market for tho cattle. She was not seen again until Monday morning, when the gunboat Newport sighted her about 23 miles off Havana. Captain Tllley bailed and boarded her. Captain Thorsen stoutly denied that he was attempting to slip past the blockade, but he could not satisfac torily explain the disposition of his cargo, and hub sent In under the Man grove's escort, In company with the risking smack Fei-nundito, taken by the Vicksburg off Havana Monday. There Is a great deal of sorrow here over the Illness of Chaplain Chldwlck, formerly of the battleship Maine, and now of the cruiser Cincinnati. He Is :onflned to the Marine hospital with an attack of erysipelas, but his con dition Is not at all serious. Coughs and colds, down to the very border land of consumption, yield to tin: soothing, healing influence;! of Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Mrs, Frances Hodgson Hu-nett, th novelist, has been granted a divorce. Spanish soldiers are displaying great activity along the north coast of Cuba. Major General Fltzhugh Lee, it Is said, will be tho llrst military governor of Cuba. Admiral Dewey has taken possession of 10,000 tons of coal which the Span lards had stored at Manila. Charles F. Havemeyer, son of the late Theodore Havemeyer, of New York, committed suicide by shooting. A strike of coopers In Chicago's big meat packing houses may limit the supply of "salt boss" to the soldiers at Tampa and Chickamauga. Jtobert Itandall was shot and killed In a friendly struggle with William Shelton for the possession of a loaded pistol at the latter's home in New York. Leander Small, Joseph Morris and William Hardy were killed and six others Injured yesterday by a cable breaking and a car dashing down an Incline at Thacker, W. Va. Impossible, to foreneo mi accident. Not Impovdblo to bo prepared for it. Dr. Thomas' Lclectric Oil Monarch over pain. A Patliotlb Will' Incident. Elgin, Ills., May 11. James L. Daw son, uged 211 years, desired lo accom pany the Klgln volunteers to the war. HIM widowed mothers entreaties pre vailed, and he merely want to the de pot to Bee his friends leave. He was crowded from the platform, and tho In coming train that took the volunteers away ran over him. He died lost night. Tlio ntvlltrin "Major fionornls. "Washington, May 11. Major General Bow-ell has been assigned to command the concentration camp near Falls Church, Vu. This Is taken as an Indi cation that the general has concluded to accept his military commission, ilsklng his tenure of olllee as a sena tor then by. The three civilian major generals are assigned to divisions. Generals Lee, Wilson and AVIieeler go to Chattanooga for duty undor General Brooke, who will undoubtedly com mand one of the army corps. The .Maine Wl'oukortt J'nlil Otr. WashhiKton, May 11. The navy do partment has Just closed the accounts of the contractors for wrecking the Maine. The department settled their claims for till aKKregale of $60,000, which is about one-half of the appro priation made by ooiiKiwss for the work of wreckiuit. Op to the time when the work of wreaking was stop ped by the outbreak of war the con tractors hail ieverd a good deal of Bovemmsnt prutHM'ty. Including five Fix Inch rlftwt which alone are worth the amount of money paid to the con tractors. E.TV, t r In it A I'M S -a. 5S llond of n .Miil'riercri Man Found. Orange, N. J May 11. The head of the murdered mun tvhope body was dis covered a few dais ago near Verom Lake, N. J., was found yesterday in the mud nbout 15 feel from where the body was found. The head was evi dently that of an Italian or a Hun garian. There was a bullet hole In the left temple and two cuts under the right ear. The head was brought to the Orange morgue. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL GAMES. National I. entitle. At WashlUKton-I'lilhidclphla, C: -Washington. 1. At New York New York, 5: liruoklyn, 0. At Honton lloston, 10; Ilal tlmore, 4. At Pittsburg Pittsburg, G; Louisville. 2. l!astoi'ii Lciia'tic. At Wllkesbarrc Syracuse. 3; Wllkes bane. 0. At SpilnRlle'ld-Sprlngtleld, S; Providence, 7. At Uuffalo-Ilniralo, S; Montreal, 4. At Rochester Toronto, 15; Itochester, 2. Atlantic l.eiiiiuo. At Heading Heading. S; Newark, 3. At A'.leiitown Pateison, 21; Allentown, 4. At Hlchinond Hartford, 4; Hlelnnond, 0. At Norfolk Lane-i,ter, lLNoifolk, 10. PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. MIKKK ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. Ofllce Kgan building, corner of Mrdn nn Centro ctrceta, Shcimniloah. J" II. 1'OMKItOY, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW ShenAndonh, Pa. P IV. SHOi:.MAKEK ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Corner Market and Centre streets. JIliOK. JOHN JONKH, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Iock Rox 65, Maluuioy City, Pa. IlBvtnK tinned under some oi tuo it& meters Ip London and Parts, will fr'vc l4fiir on tuc viomi,ii)announ. Etuiar una vocai emijuru Term rcinoiinhle. Address In earn of HVrouiia, he jowelor Shennmtnnh LAUER'S BOCK BEER In Bottles or by the Keg. Lauer's Lager AND Pilsnei Beer. Porter and Weiss Beer. Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street, SHENANDOAH - PA rmm.-enEnr-STORE. DIUI.KU IN o Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail. SO West Centro Street, DRINK- CUJARY'S KXTRA KINI5 QUAUTY -GINGER ALE,- Snperior Sarsaparilla... and Orange Champagne. Tho Rosy Freshness And a velvet aoftueaa of the aklu Is Inva riably olitained br ttio") who uo I'ozzosi'H Complexion i'owder. am? TliE TROOPS AT TAMPA. Fouttesn Thousand Fighting Men Will Vt in the Florida Coast Town by Friday. Tampa, Fla., May ll.-Hy tomorrow six of the big government transports at Port Tamim will be In readiness for actual loading of the troops and horses, Th y have already been fully supplied with coal and water. The work ol building the stalls for the horses and mules was prnctlenlly completed yes terday, and long lines of freight cars filled with boxes of ammunition for the rifles for the soldiers and for fta gatllngs and Hotchklss quick flrlns guns were backed up on the tracks along the wharves, nnd the work of loading them on ship wns commenced. Today each transport will have mount ed one or more of the Hotchklss guns, while the frntllngs which will be taken alonsr will be placed on the lower decks. Soldiers nnd olllcers nre uuletly pre pnring for orders for the breaking of camp. Pr.ictlcnlly all their belongings except such things as are absolutely necessary have been packed away, and when the orders come but little will remain to be done except to take down und load Into the wagons the tents. The mobilization of the state troop? at Tampa commenced yesterday, and by tomorrow nearly a thousand vol unteers will be encamped here. The ordering to Tampa from Chickamauga of the Third and Sixth cavnlry regi ments nnd all the Infantry regiments yet remaining there will swell the total number of regulars at this point to over 12,000 men, and, with the state troops and the Cuban volunteers, 11,000 soldiers will be encamped here. SpiullHii Credulity. Mobile, May 11. Gustave de Carde nos, a prominent Cuban of this city received the following letter from Ha vana yesterday, dated April 2S: "Tin Spanish are celebrating the victory ol me rupture oi lour American ports Mobile, Boston, Charleston und I'ens acola. Hlaneo has given a very large banquet to tho army and nayy. The city Is gayly decorated, and thousands of people are in processions. The city Is wild with enthusiasm." A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mis. Ada E. Ihut, of Grotou, S. 1). "Was taken with a ad cold which settled on my lungs; cougli et hi und finally terminated hi Consumption. Knur Doctors gave mo up, saying I could live hut a short time. I save myself uti to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friend on earth, I would meet my absent lies above. My husband was advised to get Dr. KIiik's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I give it a trial, took in ill eilit bottles It has cured mc, and thank (iod I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles frco at A. Wnslcy's Drug Store. Regular suo 50c and $1 00. Ouarautecd onuico refunded. Opening of Philadelphia A: ltindhig Sea lttlo City 1'oute. Tho Philadelphia & Jieadins Hue to Sea Isle City will bo ready for business on and ifter May IStli. Schedule ot train service will bo announced later. It Is tho intention of tlio 1'. & 11. management to make very ex tensive improvements in the Sea Islo City line. It will bo lint-class in every respect mil up to the hlfjli standard new hi cll'cct on chis company's Atlantic City, Capo May Hiid Ocean City branches. M. Ij, Yocum, Cameron, l'.i., says "I was a sufferer for ten years, trying most all kinds of pilo remedies, but without success. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo was recommended to mo. I Used one box. It has effected a per manent cure." As a permanent cure for piles DoWitt's Witch llazol Salvo lias no equal. C. 11. llagenbucli. 1. O. O. I', l'aniile, IVillterlmrrn. For tho Odd Fellows' parade at Wilkes liaric, l'.i., May 17, tho Pennsylvania Hail road Company will sell special exclusion tickets from stations on its line, within a radius of ono hundred miles, to Wllkcsbarro and return, at rale of singlo fare fur the round trip (minimum rate, 25 cents). Tickets lo be sold May 1(1 and 17, good to return un til May 18, 1SUS, inclusive. Interested People. Advertising a patent medicine in the pe culiar way in which the proprietor of Kemp's lfalsam for Coughs and Colds docs it, is in deed wondcifttl. lie authorizes all druggists to give to those who call for it, a sample botlle free, that they may try it before pur chasing. The large bottles are 25 and 60c. We certainly would advise a trial. It may save you from consumption. Philadelphia & Reading Railway ' 1 :. 1 lii.rn Haul Coal No Smoke IN 1CKKKOT MAKCII 13tli. 1898. Trains leave Hiienandonh as follows; Kor New York via Philadelphia, neek (lays 2 10. SSS. 7 3J 0 51 11. in.. 12 1XJ. 3 10 nnd S 07 111 Sundays, i 10 a. m. ror PJcw YorK via jnnticn kiiunK, wook unys, 5 88, 7 30 a. 111., 12 33 und 3 10 p. 111. eor tteading aim i-uiKiuuipnia, wees un, 10. 5 30. 7 30. V 01 a.m., Vl 83. 8 10 and 6 07 1. u K1111 Jays, 2 10 a. m. For l'ciUsvlllc, week nays, z 10, 7 uu, v 01 a. 01. 12 33,3 10, 0 07 and T 25 p. 111. Sundays, 2 10 a. m, For Tamanua and Malianoy City, week days 210,5 80, 7 30,061 a. in., 1233,8 10 and 6 07 p. m. Additional to Malianoy City only, 1140 p. 111. Hundiiyn. 2 10 a. in For wullamtort, nunnury Anu L,ewisourg, week days. 4 03, .130, 11 to a.m.. 1233, 7 24 n tn HundavB. 3 25 u. m. HorMahanoj Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 4 0J, 530, 7 30. 9 Al, 11 SOU. 111., 1233, 3 10, 6 07, 7 25, 9 65 and 11 40 p. in. minoayu, z iu, 1 1 u. ui. For Ashland and Shumokln, week days, 4 03, 5 36,7 30, 11 30 u. in., 12 33, 3 10,0 07, 7 2 and 9 65 (i. tu. Hundays, 1 03 a, in. For nauiinore, vu8iiiiik(u aim suo , uek tim H. A O, It. 11., through trains leo" 1 lteniiu; Termliml. Phi udellitdu. !'. & It. II K.) ut 3-jS. 7 65, 1 1 20 u. 111., 3 10 and 7.27 p. i rJundai-H, 3 20, 7 00, 11 20 a. ui..S 48 und 7 27 p. m. Airlff tlouul irullis iroru a weiiiyiuurm uuu ities nut Htreets tatlon, week days, 1080 a. m. 12 20, 12 1& 940 p.m. Sundays, 1 00, o 43 i. in. TRAINS KOIl 8HKNANDOAH. Leave xsew lone via i-iiiiaueiiuii, wtc days, 12 15, 4 30, 8 00, 11 30 a. m nnd 1 30, 4 80 9 00 p. 111. Uunduyi, 0 00 p. 10. Leave JNew lorK via aiaucu i;iiuuk, wcea days, 4 30, 9 10 a. in., 1 80 and 4 15 p. m. Iuve l'tillaueluhla. KenatDlt Terimnnl. week days, 12 01,8 40, H 85. 10 10 a. Dl. and 1 42,4 05,8 80 p. in. rnoiinys, uvi 11. ui. U-ave IteiuliiK.week days, 2 05, 7 00,10 Od, a, m. 12 00 m 4 19, 6 00 and 8 20 p. 111. Sundays, 2 0) m. Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 8 05, 710 a. in 12 30 and 6 10 p.m. Sundays, 8 07 a. m. Leave Tnmanun. week dAys, 8 55. 7 46. 1128 a. m., 1 88, 5 80, 7 20 and 9 43 p. lu. Sundays, 8 53 A 111 Leave Mnhanoy City, week (lays. 12 20,4 91, 8 15, II 47 . in., 2 17, 5 18, 0 21, .7 44 and 10 OH p. in Sundays 12 25, 4 21 a. in. lA-aie Malianoy Plane, week days, 12 35, 2 40, 4 85 8 80,8 30. 10 25, 1159 a. in., 2 82, 5 32, 6 41 7 57, 10 22 11 m. Sunday, 12 40, 2 40, 4 33 a. ui. Leave Vtilllaiusport, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a ui., 4 00 and 11 80 p. m, Sundays, H 80 p. m. ATIANT10 CITY DIVISION, Leave I'hilttdcljihU Chcatnut treet waif ami South fctrettwlmtf for Atlantic City. Wopkiluyn Kiprena, 9Q0 a, m 2 00, (3 00 uuu ow n. ui., 40, uau p. 111, nunuuyH Kxptetui, 900, 10 00 a, id, AccoiuinotfUloii, 8 00 . Ui, 4 45 p. in. HeiurnlnK leave Atlantic City depot, corn Atlautlo and Arkansas avenues. Weekday-ICxnrtmt, 7 U5, 900 a.m., 8 80,5 30 p. in. Accommodation, 4 23, 8 15 a.m. 403 p. in. coinmouatlon, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. m, Varlor Cars on all exmetui ir&lna. Vor further information, apply to neurtat I'kiludrlphlaauU Ufcudluu Hallway tUkct a-it f A. Mwirirl inn IJ1... 1 ln. llen'l SuVt., llVn'i IWr Agt. iirauiuK i criiiinui, ruiiadvipiiia. La Grippe, Followed by Heart Dlicnie, Cured by DR. MILES' HEART CURE. Mil. C. O. SRULTS, of -Wlntcraet, Iowa, :.i :tik:r mvJ nnnufacttirrr nt Phults' Safoty -Wliifllctrco Ooupllm.', wrltpsof Di. Iuilen' n.-.v I. Cure. "Tvroyoam "Roan ntti-ukut I..iGrlppo loft ino with n, weak liotrt. I liad run down In Cesh to :.c re uUii anil lion'. I could not dot-plylnc down forsniotli'-'i li.B . pciisi frorienf. f harp d irtlug pr-lna nud p.i'.i llnt'on causei1 v. con stant lear of sudden dontli, uotlilug could Ijduco mo to remain away from liomoov( r night. My local pliyetclnu protcrlhod Dr. Miles' Heart Curo and In a few days I was ahlo to sleep well pud tlio pains gradually lessened, and finally ceased. I reduced tho tlio dosei, having gained fifteen pouuds, and am now feeling hotter in every way than I have for yeaib." Dr. Miles' r.emcdlo; aio sold by all drug-ngN guarantee, Qr-it bottlo Jj12 lieucflU or monoy ro- f& . RostcrGO. casca of tho heart and f ISbij f norveofree. Address, ttk2iiittlM2d2 DIt. MltiKS MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Intl. rpiiij iiinrm iT irniiu 1UB LliUIO m 11 ALL State of Siege Proclaimed iu Many Cities and Towns. STUDENTS LEAD NAPLES EIOTS. IIor.o C'ufH Overturned mid Attompts Mudoto Itulld ISnrrlciiilcM Tho3Iob DNpoiXMl by Cnvulry Clinrtscs nud Alnuy looi)lo Killed. Home, Mny 11. A state of siege has been proclaimed In tho province of Florence and ut Llvourno, Pisa, Slnea, Massa and Grosseto, and also In tho town of Spczzl, the naval port of Spezzla being excepted from tho decree. At Messina a crowd of women nnd children proceeded to the town hall, demanding food. They were dispersed by the police nnd the crowd then began breaking street lamps and tried to sack a provision store. The proprietor shot one of tho rioters, which Incensed the disturbance. Troops are now oc cupying the town. The rioting at Naples yesterday was widespread. It was started by big hands of students, armed with sticks and revolvers, who operated In vari ous quarters. They wore soon Joined by others, and stone throwing became general. The police frequently charged and dlspered the rioters, who, how ever, reformed and overturned horse cars, with which they attempted to build barricades In several streets. But they were unable to withstand the charges of the cavalry. Tho rioters made several attacks upon the sol dlers, using stones and revolvers, and the troops fired, killing or wounding n number of the rioters. A number ol trees and electric light poles in the streets were felled nnd several guard houses were burned by the rioters. Disturbances are reported from van ous points in the province of Naples. Advices received from Milan glvo de tails of the arrest of 200 rioters In a monastery there. It appears that tho students from Pavla, who Joined In tho disturbances, entrenched themselves In the Capuchin monastery, and while a detachment of troops was passing tired upon them. The military authorities sent two field guns to tho scene, opened fire on the monastery, made a breach In Its walls and entered the building, but the students escaped. All the monks were arrested, and they will bo Imprisoned previously to being dls trlbuted among the other monasteries of the order. For the present the monks will be held at tho disposal ol tho military authorities. The workmen of Creva, near Lulno, numbering several thousand, struck work yesterday and a fight occurred with tho customs ofilcers. The Duke and Duchess of Saxe-Melnlngen, who were attacked by brigands outside ol Ttomo a couple of years ago, were driv ing through Lulno when they found themselves between the rioters and the customs olllcers as the latter fired n volley. The duke nnd duchess were not hurt, but a dozen of tho rioters fell. Tho ducal party returned here at a gal lop. The riotous demonstrations at Lulna began on Sunday. The mob leaders demanded a reduction in the price of bread, which the local authorities con ceded. Yesterday the rioters attacked the carabineers in their barracks, and also attacked the prison. The police fired on the mob, killing several per sons and wounding a number of others. The premier, tho Marquis dl Kudlnl, has sent a circular to the authorities of Milan, Naples and other affected districts, and to the commanders of the army corps, declaring that though the agitation may be spreading It la less Intense, also pointing out that the tranquility of Piedmont, Sicily and Sardlna Is a factor of the highest im portanco "In discouraging tho agitators of disorders and encouraging those who are wishing to maintain tho In tegrlty of the fatherland." Continuing the premier urges the of ficials not to harbor exaggerated feara and to avoid constant domnnds for troops, as, It the whole army Is needed It would put the country In a state of war. In conclusion tho premier says all civil nnd military functlonarla must "employ Inilexlble rigor In promptly repressing disorder. Itlgld IrH4 foiiMifHltip lit Itnly, London, May U. Tho Milan corre spondent ot the Dally News tele graphs: "I am unable at this momont to send you mora than a few words. Fresh nnd more rigid measures havo been adopted In the censorship of tele grams. The forced silence Is most ominous. Any 'nlllclal accounts of tho restoration of older must bo received with alt reserve. Tho rebels arc be sieging Milan." The Home correspondent ot tho Times says: "It Is believed that mat ters are Bteadlly growing worse. Tliu government Is dourly unequal to tho dilllcultlue nt tho situation, and great anxiety prevails In political circles." TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE And I'lnivers, tho Hand or America, Call foritln. Via tlio true pathway, "Tlio Iron Mountain Koiitc," which traverses a legJon of poipetual sunshine, where snow storms, blizzards nr IiIrIi altitudes aio iinktiowu, rullinati Hist and second class palaco and tourist sleeping cars to points In Missouri, Arkansns, Texas, Old nud Now Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and Nevada, without cholige. Quick tiino, low rates, and all the comforts of modern railway iniprovements guainutced to all who pur- chaso tickets via the Missouri l'aclflc railway system, Kor ratos right from your homo, literature, and full information, drnpn postal curd, J. 1. McCunu, T. 1'. Agent, nil) liall- road avenue, Ulnilra, N. Y or 3111 llroad way, Now York. 1-1-tf W. K. Hnyt. 0, T, V. Act. Bucklen's Arnica Balve. The boil salvo in tha world tar rnu. bruises, toios, ulcers, salt riicitm, over sores, I..4. .1........1 1 t -1.1, .1 I iajviui. uimjii'(t iii.uus, uiiiiiimiiis, coins, and all skin eruptions, and positively cutis tiilos or .10 pay required. It w guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or uiony rofundod. l'rlco 35 cents por box. For sain hr A . Wndny TO BIRMINGHAM AND MEMPHIS. UNsimi'Assini Fnnvici: oi'Fr.itim nv tiik hOUTItKKN ItAlIAVAY. Leaving Itroad Street station, Philadelphia, at fkfij p. in. daily, the "Soutliwoslern Limited," rarrylng a dining car and the nost luxurious Pullman drawing loom sleep ing cats, rear.hos Ilirminghan tho following night at 10:10 ami arrives at Memphis the next morningat 7: to. Through sleeping cars fur Ashuville, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tainpi, Atlanta, Mobllo and New Orleans are also attached to this train, Pullman reser vations can bo inado In advanco and all in formation obtained by communiratlng with John M. Heal, District Passenger Agent, MS Chestnut streot, Philadelphia. WII12N NATUItll Needs assistance It may bo liest to render it promptly, but one should remember to use oven tho most perfect remedies only when needed. The best and inostsimple and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs, manulaclured by the California Fig Syiup Co. Tho South mid ItK ArirHiitngcH. Tho Soutlicru Hallway has issued for frco distribution, a sixteen page journal des criptive of Virginia, Nortli and South Caro Una, Tennessee, Georgia, Alaliaiiia and Mississippi. Persons seeking now locations, or capitalists desiring to maku safoaml profit able investments will find tho information :outuined therein both valuable and inter esting. Copies will bo mailed frco upon ap plication to John M. I3cn.II, District Passen ger Agcut, 82S Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. It is a great lean from tho old-fashioned doses of bluo-mass and nauseous nhvsics to tlio pleasant littlo pills known as DeWltt's l.uttle lJirly Hisers They cure constipation. sick ncatlacnc nud biliousness. V. ll.llagcn nucn. 'Tlio IJiiiiililIufc in' vriirnt. ' New York, May 11. Tiie bears In wheat had a chance, to retaliate yes terday, and did so with a vengeance particularly In tho last hour, when their persistent attacks upon the mar ket resulted lu a wholesale tumble of values, July losing nearly 10 cents a bushel In a halt hour's time. From the standpoint ot tluctuations the mar ket was by far the wildest seen in years. July rushed In quick stages up to $1.31, reacted to $1.1DH, nnd closed nt $1.22. The feature In May was a late advance to $1,91. I'm- mi Italian ltopubllo. Lugano, Switzerland, May 11. Tho Italian Socialist deputy HondanI has arrived here from llelllnzona. lie de clares the Italian revolutionists desires to found a federated republic like tho Swiss republic. Wfflm Poor Way Is to rely upon local applications, such as soaps, lotioiiB, salvos, etc., which can not possibly go below tho surface. This treat ment is vory much liko attempt ing to boil water by applying tho heat to tho top of the vessel containing it. Evory body knows what a orudo and uusatisfuctory process it would bo, aud no ono would think of omploying such a niothod. Yet it is a vory common thing for thoso afllicted with Eczema to expect to bo cured by treatment which does not touch tlio disease. Eczema is not a skin disease, as so many people think, although it pro duces fiory a i . I burning itching that becomes almost unbearablo. Zinc ointments, and other applications containing minorals, should bo avoided, as they uro vory injurious to tlio skin. Tho diseaso itiolf, tho real cause of tho troublo, is in tlio blood, and only n rwil blood romedy, liko Swift's Specific, wliicJi goes down to tho vory foundation and forces out all impurity, can over have tiny permanent offect upon it. only tho scars remain to show 477 have been a sufferor for eight years with that horrible diseaso, Eczema, nnd no por boii can describo tho burning nnd itching I had to onduro, I wns treated by tho best of physicians with no success, and tried till tho patent medicines recommended for Ec zema without nny good results, I went to sovorul celebrated medical resorts, but the disease soon roturned. 1 then tried B. 8. 8. mid after a short whilo the burning nnd itch ing subsided and I continued to improve steadily until I was well entirely cured. Ym, Ahmsthoko, Bo Bore, AVIs. Thoso who aro contont with only temporary roliof from Ecze ma can continuo tho uso of local applications, but all who would havo every traco of tho irritating, burning diseaso thor oughly oliininatod and tlio system rid of it forovor, will find tho only euro in Swift's Speoitlo (S. S. S.). Uoingaroal blood romedy, it novnr fails to curo tlto most obstinate, deep-seated casou, which aro beyond tlio roach of other remedies. S. S. S. is tho best blood romody, becuuso it is PURELY VEGETABLE and is tlio only ono guaranteed to contain uo mercury, potash or any othor minoral. Books, on blood and skin disoases will bo mailed free to auy address by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. WASHINGTON. The last threo-day personally-conducted our of tho season to Washington via I'rtni- sylvania Itnilroad will leave New York and Philadelphia May 13. Tickcls, Including tiinspmt.ittiiu, hotel accommodations and issery nciTssaiy expcuo for tho vntlro trip, will bo sold at tho following rates: Fiom New York, Urooklyn and Newark, 11.00; Plillllisburg, N. J , $14.B0j Pottsvllle, $11 30; Capo May, $13.23', Philadelphia, $11,50, and at proportionate rates from other points. Persons desiring to return via Gettysburg may do so by purchasing tickets at f'J.oo extra, which Includes this privilege An op portunity will also lo a fiord oil to visit Mt, Vernon and Arlington at a slight additional xpenso. For itineraries, tickets, and full informa tion apply to ticket agents j Tourist Agent, linil llroadwity, New York j ordco. V. Iioyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, llroad .Street Station, Philadelphia. Tliu farmer, tlio mcchaiilu and thobicvtlo drier arc llahlo to unexpected cuts and bruises. DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is tho best tiling to keep on hand. It heals quickly, mills a well known curo for piles. 0. II. Ilagenlmcli. Decot-iitltm Day at tlettyshiu-g. Memorial Day, May 30, will bo a great day it Gettysburg. Imposing ceremonies will bo performed on this historic spot In which President McKlnlcy and his Cabluct are ox pected to take pint. The persunally-conducted tour of tho Pennsylvania Hallroad to Gettysburg, Lnray, Hid Washington, which leaves Now Yoik mid Philadelphia May 28, wi 1 afford an excellent opportunity to visit tlio famous liatlloflcld on this occasion. Two days will lie spent nt Gettysburg, ono at Luray, and two nt Washington. The party will bo under tho giiidanco of ono of tho company's experienced tourist agents. A chaperon, whoso especial charge will bo unescorted ladies, will accompany tho trip throughout. Hound-trip tickets, coor ing all necessary expanses during tho cutiie timo absent, will bo sold at tlio extremely low rato of $27 from Now York, $20 frjtu Trenton, $21 from Philadelphia, und pro portionate rates from other points. Fur Itineraries ami full information, apply to ticket agents; Tourist Agent, 1100 llroad way, New York ; 7S9 liroad Street, Newark, S'.J.;orGco. W. Iioyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Phila delphia. Sciatch, scratch, scratch ; unable to attend to business during the day or sleep during the night. Itching piles, horrible phiguo. Doau's Ointment cures, Novcr falls. At my drug store, SO cents. Peroration Puy Tour to Gettysburg. Tho Pennsylvania Hallroad Company has arranged for another of its popular seven day personally-conducted tours to tho battlo llehl of Gettysburg, Luray Caverns, and Washington, to leave Now York and Phila delphia by special train Saturday, May 2S. Itate, $37.00 from New York; $21.00 from Philadelphia, covers all necessary expenses. Piopiirtinuato rates from other points. For itineraries and full information apply to ticket agents; Tourist Agent, 1100 llroad way, Now York ; 780 Hroad street, Newark, J. ; or Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. DoWitt's Lit lo Harly Hisers cloiuso the liver, euro constipation and all stomach and liver troubles. C. II. llagcubuclu AUK YOU GOING SOUTH? TUP. f-OimiKUN RAILWAY KKACHES ALT, ntOSIINKNT POINTS. Don't start South without consulting John M. Hcall, District Passenncr Agent, Southern Hallway, II2S Chestnut street, Philadelphia. If you cannot call in person, wrlto to him. to Treat I liatl Eczomn on my foot for twenty years, and liotwlthstaiulinp; constant treat ment it continued to spread and prow worse. I used salves und lotions innumerable, nnd also used several blood remedies, but none hud nny effeet. The disease finally ex tended from niy toes to my knee, nnd the pain nnd itching were almost unbearable. On account of my ago (which is 70) the physlclnns said n cure was impossible. One dozen bot tles of S, S. S. cured mo completely, and now tho awful struggle I huvo endured. Jhts. Saiiaii Pikr, Broadway, South Boston, Mass.