(Snoring DO YOU WANT THE HERALD Creates business because of its hnntin large circulation and rentiers rich results to its advertisers. 7i reach the public through a pro gressive, dtgntfiea, influential journal use the HERALD columns. a? 88 r -88 VOh. XIII.-N0. 117. SHENANDOAH. PA.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 11. 1808. ONE CENT War Declared On Prices, A lnrge and beautiful new stock of Baby Coaches, 13.50 and upwards. J. P. Williams & Son, SGHLEt id GO 10 CUBA It is Reported the Flying Squadron Has Received Orders to Sail. 13 S. Main Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. '8 FLEET IS HI CADIZ sotoQ'HARA'S SptHlli AND Official Information That the Spanish Squadron Has Returned Home. ITALY'S REVOLT OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. SHENANDOAH and MAHANOY CITY. SPRING DRESS GOODS AND SILKS In all the, leading shades. Also White and colored organdies, embroideries and new effects in cotton goods. t OIL GL0TH8. LINOLEUMS f At the old price, regardless of the advance Fearful That the Soldiers Will Join the Populace. DOES SPAIN WANT TO QUIT ? Speciul to EvKKiXO IlKltALl). Washington, May 11. Naval strategists differ in their deductions drawn from the reported return of Spain's Cape Verde iluet. Some see in its re turn to Cadiz a hope of peace, while others believe it means a prolongation of the war and that Spain proposes acting on the defensive, pending our operations against Cuba and Porto Rico. By harassing our commerce, with ler ileet at homo, Spain will compel us, after the above ports are taken, to send our ileet to Spanish waters. Advices From London Look Upon the Fleet's Return In That Light. J. J. PRICE'S, North Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. Sp Speclul to EVENINO HERALD. Washington, May 11 Iu view of tbe return homo of tho Caro Vcnlo flcot, tho probability is that Sampson's siuadrou will do nothing more at preseut than blockade l'orto Rico and harbors. It would bo useless to capturo Sun Juan until troop3 can be sont there. Tho President's A chance that does not come every day. h,rosram i9--,iowover' to capture Porto itico, irw rrc iSn- Hnrc wnrth e anH uui wucu mo program is 10 no carrieu out cannot uo positively siaieu. It Is believed that orders have been Issued for the flying squadron to move towards Cuba to till the gap made by the absence of Sampson's fleet. Many naval strategists contend there is nothing to be gaiucd by a blockado of Porto Rica now. It would dlvido Sampson's lloet rendering less effective tho blockado of Cuban ports. The Spanish troops in Porto Kico can not bo used for operations in Cuba, and if their transportation was attempted tho trans. port ships would bo captured by our ships bo- Great Slaughter Sale Of Millinery. irimmeu J-iats, 25c; rine sailors, 10c go, now at one-halt the price ; bhort-back straw bailors, 19c; Fine Panama Short-back Sailors, 49c. All other latest shapes in proportion. DON'T MISS THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY WHICH WILL ONLY LAST ONE WEEK THE BEE HIVE, Third Door From Post Office. ring Has Come.: v The voice of the lawn mower is heard in the land. Our stock of Lawn Mowers, Grass Shears, Hedge Trimmers, fore t,,oy could laud etc., is complete. Llme In Cans, White Wash Brushes, Caustic Soda, Lye, Copperas, Sulphcr, "Slug; Shot" for Roses, Garden Seeds. SWALM'S HARDWARE STORE. WE HAVE TOO MANY CANNED GOODS, To Reduces Stock wo Offer a Fow Special Dargalns : Corn. Maryland Sugar Corn, 4 for 25c. Fancy Northern, 3 for 25c. Tomatoes. Extra size and fancy quality, 2 for 25c. Peas. Extra early June, 4 for 25c. Sifted early June, 3 for 25c. Fancy quality, sweet and tender, 2 for 25c. Gooseberries, 5 for 25c, Baked Beans. There is little doubt that Admiral Samp son's squadron will be recalled from Porto Rlcan waters to assist iu establishing tbe base of supplies and operations for the United States army In Cuba. They will bo needed t cover the landing of tho land forces which aro to bo sent to some places on the northern coast as rapidly us possible, to begin an ag' gressivo campaign with the ultimate object of taking Havana. The general belief is that tho seven Span. Ish vessels that havo returned to Cadiz, for fear of meeting our Ileet at Porto itico, aug. monted by a number of other warships, will leave tbe former port before very long. The navy department will be informed of any movement the Spanish licet may make. A naval official to-day stated that Admiral Sampson will carry out his work at Havana without regard to tho enemy's naval ileet, but will not bombard Havana until the army is landed la Cuba and has fought its way to Havana. Then hostilities from water and Racing tfye Regular Soaff). GENKHAL HltOOKE. 1 to EVKSINO ItRRALU. ChlckamniiRii Park, Oa Mnv 11. Major General Brooke, commanding the TTnltpil KtntVu mvitln. ,.... army corps at cfilcknmnuga Park, yes terday received! orders frnm tho wnr department directing: him to send all the cavalry and Infantry troons now In camp at Chlckumnugu I'ark. ubout G.O00 111 an, to the southern coast without delay. Two regiments of Infantry left fot Tampa this morning anil two this af ternoon for the same point. Two rai ments of cavalry, also bound for Tam pa, are marching from the park to Iltnggold this afternoon, and will take the 'Western and Atlantic trains at that point. The Second cavalry has been ordered to Mobile, and they are inarching to Hossvllle to be loaded on the Southern at that point. The First and Tenth cavalry will no to New Or leans, marching to this city and taking the Alabama Great Southern here this afternoon. There will be very little delay In transporting the troops, all the rail roads having provided the necessary cars In expectation of hurry orders. Information was received at General Brooke's headquarters that the volun teer army will occupy tho grounds now being vacated by the regulars, and that while there will not be so many of the volunteers here as was at first ex pected, a larce number will be mob ilized here to be held In reserve ngalnst the time they may he needed at the front. In reply to a question Adjutant Gen eral Sheridan stated that before Fri day night, all the regular troops will have been moved south, an accomplish ment due to the fact that every com mand has been on waiting orders for a week, and each command had disposed of all Its surplus belongings and equipments. PflGItED BY ft TRAIN I:atal Accident at Mahanoy Plane Last Night. LOST CREEK. ring THE REMAINS ARE UNCLAIMED I OPPOSITE DEDUCTIONS. formation was received at tho War Depart ment to-day that most of the entire number of volunteer troops needed will bo prepared to leave that port within a fow days. It was announced that contracts have been closed for two ships to carry tho troops under escort of tho cruiser Charleston. The War department has Issued orders to every officer in charge of state encampments to hurry forward all regiments as fast as mustered, without waiting; for equipments. C. H. Allen, of Massachusetts, the now Assistant Secretary of tho Navy, assumed his duties this morning. ITALY'S CIVIL WAR. Iteported That the Soldiers May Join llui Mobh In Iteslcglng Milan. Special to Evexing Herald. Rome, May 11. Riotous outbreaks aro in progress at Collo and NaTara. Troops aro now battling mobs in tho streets of both cities. Italy is on the brink of a revolution. Re ports coming in to-day state that there is re newed fighting by well-armed mobs. Tho government is in a panic and there aro fears that tho army may mutiny and help the populace An ordor was issued by tho Italian govern uieut to-day to mobilize a brigade of railway engineers, llosigucd to prevent the stoppage of railway communication, which would occur if tho railway men should join the revolution. Six l'.xpeilltlou Delayed. Special to HERALD. San Francisco, May 11. The expedition to the Philippines is not expected to get away before next week. It may bo docided to send both tho Charleston and Philadelphia with troops to Rowey's assistance. More than 3,000 men are awaiting transportation to tho Philippines. GENERAL MILES. It is announced this afternoon that Gen. Miles may not start south until Sunday. It is probable that some slight delay in the em barkation of tho expedition to Cuba will be caused, although not by tho unexpected ap pearance of the Cape Verde fleet at Cadiz. It has been found absolutely impossible to raise a sufficient force of volunteer troops to start tbe expedition from the Florida coast as early as next Suuday. It was this setback of the plans whicli have been making for the last two days that caused tho commanding general of tho army to postpone his de parture to the South to-day. It is probablo that the whole expedition will bo postponed until the volunteers at least are ready to go, This may be as early as Tuesday of noxt week. Meanwhile a much needed oppor tunity will bo given for fully completing the arrangements for setting out from Tampa. Picnic size, 3 for 10c. Standard large cans, 5 for 25c Fine quality, very cheap, 4 for 25c land will commenco in earnest. liXtra quality, 3 lor 25c. There is 110 question of tho trustwortht .fancy quamy, 2 lor 25c. uessoftho news that Spain's Capo Verde California Reaches. fleet, which was supposed to have beon ' Standard Yellow Crawford, beading for Porto Rico, had changed their 2 for 25c. Lemon clings at 15 and 18 cents. Regular 25c goods. Salmon. Red Alaska, 3 for 25c. Columbia River, 2 for 25c. Apricots and Eggs Plums, 3 cans for 25c. Fresh Stock California and Jamaica Oranges. N EWCARPBTS, FLOOR OIL. CLOTHS . . . AND LINOLEUM. NEW PATTERNS. Do you want a good Tapestry Brussels at 60 cent worth 75 cents. At KEITER'S. course and returned home, and is now at Cadiz. To say that there was surprise and amusement upon the receipt of this news hero is a truo statement of fuct. In some quarters thero was disappointment. It was asserted to-day by an ofllcer in a position to speak authoritatively that tho armor-clad division sent to Porto Rico under Admiral Sampson's personal command had not gone thero to attack San Juan, but merely iu the hopo of falling iu with the Cape Verde Ileet. Now that that fleet Is known to bo several thousand miles fiom Porto Rico thero appears to be no necessity for Sampson to re main thero. A number of Spauiih guuboats tied from Cuba when the war began, and are supposed to be at Porto Rico, or elsewhere in that end of tbo West Indies, Nuvul oillccrs hopo that Sampson will fall Ju with some of theso before bo returns westward. The proposed expedition of armod forces to tho number of 5,000 to co-operato with Ad. mlrul Dewey's fleet in the Philippine Island is almost ready to icavo San Francisco. In- SPANIARDS ARE FURIOUS. The Populace Dlsgunteil at tliu ltetiirn of Their rieet. Special to Evening Herald. London, May 11. Madrid despatches say tho eoplo aro furious at tho roturn of the Cape Verde fleet. Rioting lias been renewed on tho streets of Madrid, and serious trouble is feared. At a Cabinet council tho Minister of War submitted plans for fittiug out an oxpoditlon to tbo Philippines, which wore approved, but the plans aro kept secret. Tho expedition will be a strong one, consisting of military and naval forces, and will loavo as soon as possible SpunlBh llout Mown Up. Special to Evening Heiiald. London, May 11. A despatch from Gibral tar says it Is reported that a Spanish torpedo boat guarding the Straits of Gibraltar was blown up on Monday night by the bursting of her boilers. It is believed all on board were lost. Culm's Shorn Ilatterles. Special to EvENisa IIerald. ivcy west, may n. A shoro battery n Santa Clara, which has beon firing on tho blockado fleet every morning for tho past four days, scuta loaded shell within twenty yards ot the littlo Tccuiuseh. So far no damage has been sustained. Spain T.lkely to Quit. Special to Evening Herald. London, May 11. American securities opened weak, but improved on tho report of the roturn of tho Cape Verde fleet. The in fereuce hero is that this movo foreshadow early abandonment of the strugglo by Spain 'Iwo Killed by Train. Special to Evening IIebald. Rye, N. Y., May 11. two unknown men. apparently laborers, wero Instantly killed by a west-bound exprcsss train on tho N. Y., N, U. & U. R. R. at tills station this morning. Rumors Gave the Case a Color of Foal Play, But They Were Oroundlesi-In Avoid ing One Train the Victim Was Struck by Another. Rumors of foul play followed tbe discovery I of a man's dead body on tho Philadelphia ,t J Roading Railway tracks at Mananoy Plane last night, but subsequent investigation shows that tho rumors wero groundless. Tho victim was a Polish young man of about 23 years. Ho was known as Robert and his last name had not been learned uc- ordiug to latest reports, nor had the remains been claimed. Robert left his boarding house in Rauschtown, a suburb of Mahauoy Plane, shortly aftor seven o'clock last evening. He ;iid ho was going to tho Piano to nmko pur chases. About half an hour later threo Polish men found the dead body of the young man on tho railroad track, near the switch towers and a abort dlstanco west of tho Mahanoy Piano station. The remains wero terribly mutilated. Upon first report of tho ease a rumor gained circulation that tho victim had been assaulted and robbed, and tho body thrown pon tho track to bo ground to piece by tiains and tho crimo concealed. It is well settled, howover, that tho man's death was urely accidental. Tho place where the body was found is between two largo electric lights and iu a location frequented by many railroad crews, and an assault could hardly have taken placo thero without being wit nessed by somo of tho railroaders. It is believed that the victim was walking on the south-bound track when ho hoard tho whistle of a train approaching from the rear and, in endeavoring to avoid this train ho stepped to the other track and was struck by tho north-bound mail tram. Tho deceased was single ond it is not known that ho has any relatives in this county. DISASTROUS FIRE. inlalng Held Last livening nt 'Squlro Johnson's. Tbo residents of LoH Creek Inst ovcmiig wltnewed another flag raising. This one took place at tbo hostelry of 'Squire G V Johnson. About dusk the village wai ci livened by the arrival of the Grant band of Shenandoah. It inarched up to the s'ene ot celebration and openod the ceumonles bv playing a patriotic air, when the hoist lug of the flag took placo. The flag raised was made by Mrs. G. W. Joluisan tou years ago. A cannonading was kept up on tbe caution near by, whiln a program waj being rendered. The speaker of tin. cv. i. lug was Joel II. Ledden, of Win. Pcnn n veteran of tho late vnr. He was very en thusiastic in his remarks. The Giant b. ud was very liberal in discoursing limbic, and Its selections wore all appreciated In connection with the event tlierci' ci Grand Army bean soup was served aj luncheon. It was prepared by Mri John .on, who was all that could bo expected as hostcsi. She was assisted by Misses Edna Ru hardson, Jennie Peele and Olive Johnson. In honor of tho occasion Mr. Johnson bad the Iront oi his building gayly decorated and (r ghtly illuminated with Japanese lanterns Ikforo loavlng for home the Orant baud serenaded Osmond Rickcrt, Division Superintendent ot tbe Lehigh Valley Coal Company. White blanksat 5 cents per piece and gll' at 0 and 7J ccnti per piece. We have higher priced wallpaper. At F. J. Portz. 21 Nortli Main street. tf 111 I. man Killed in ll riillatielplllli l'lro To-day, Special to Evening Herald. Philadelphia, May 11. A firo broke out at clovon o'clock this morning in a big ware house owned by McCadden Bros., 019 Market street, dealers iu toys and fireworks. It was caused by an explosion of tho latter goods. Tho fivo spread to tho building of the Reading Hardware Company o tho cast sido and the plant of Iirainerd and Armstrong, dealers In silk, and Janoway and Company on tho west sido. Fire alarms wore turned iu, as it was feared tho firo would dovelop Into a conflagration. Threo persons wero killed by the falling of a fuo escape and were so horribly mutilated that it Is Impossiblo to identify them. The building of tho McCaddens is com pletely gutted. At 12:15 tho lire was under control. Tho loss cannot bo now stated. Later. At 1:30 o'clock this aftornoou it was known that six people had lost their lives in the firo. Tbe bodies of tho engineer, fireman and porter of tho McCadden build ing woro found. Spain Haloes .Money. Special to Evenino Herald. London, May 11. It is learned that Spain has secured a loan of ?20,O00,P0O, probably from tho Rank of Franco. We are determined to make tins week the busiest one in tin.- m .Hiik ry history of this town. An ag,rv.0a tion of bargains that were never equalled. The few items mention ed below hardly give an idea of what a little money will cloh.r, You must come to appreciate it Beautiful and Artistic- Hats, Toques and Turbans in great ariety and designs at $1,39, $1,98, $2.49 $4,98; worth 2.50, $3.ys, s oo, S8.50. Children's Hats at 29c 49c, 69C, 98c; worth 65c, osc, $1 25, $2.00. THE BON TON 29 N. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. Leads Them All For Style and Low Prices. Next door to Iloldernian's Jewelry Store Japanese Troops to Withdraw. Special to Evening Herald, Yokohama, May 11. The war oflico has issued ordors requiring Japancso troops to withdraw from Wei-hai-Wci within a month from May 7th. l'rlncoHH Louise In nn. Asylum Vienna, May 11. Princess Louise, of Saxe-Corburg and Gotlia. was con veyed to a private asylum Monday night. The princess had clandestinely passed the last few weeks with Lieu tenant Von Mattachich-ICesllnch, her lover, at his castle neur Aeram, Coatla. In the meantime, her debts grow to millions of llorlns, and bills bearing; tlio alleged forged (denature of the Arch duchess Stephanie came Into circula tion. King Leopold, her father. Is pre pared to pay her debts and to arrange the matter ot the forged bills. INSTANTLY KILLED. Morris I'itrgeralri 1"1W III Front of a Car nt Maple lllll Colliery. A fatal accident occurred at Maple Hill colliery at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon, by whieh Morris Fitzgorald, of 310 West Apple alley, met instant death, Ho was employed us a car ruunor at the bead of tbo piano, and was engaged in running in two cars. Wbilo performing this duty ho stepped on a bumper on tho front of tho car which was partly broken oil'. This caused his foot to slip and ho fell directly in front of tho cur. Fitzgerald was dragged for a distance of 20 yards and when picked up lifo was extinct. It was found that his neck was broken and one of his cars cut oil'. His right arm was terribly mashed and two lingers on his left hand wero amputated. Tho remains wero taken to bis homo iu au ambulance. Ho was aged about 30 years and is survived by his wifo and one child, aged two years. ICYCLE From one of the largest man ufacturers in New ork en ables us to make buying at our store a BIG MONEY SAVING EVENT. If You Ride a Bike Don't fail to give us a call, as all the suits in this great purchase are marked at simi lar low prices, The Topeka Sails. Special to Evenino Ukuald. Brooklyn, N. Y., May 11. Iu full war paint the now steel cruiser Topeka left tho navy yard at this place this morning. Her destination is not known. POWDER Absolutely Pure PENNSYLVANIA'S TROOPS. Arttlloryuiou Orr For Xowport Sows. Infantry Awiiltlinr Ordors. Mount Gretna, Pa., May 11. By sun set yesterday 27 companies of Infantry were transferred from state militiamen to Pennsylvania volunteers. Of this number, 10 represented two complete regiments of eight companies each. Total enlisted men, 2,321; regimental and company officers, 191. Tomorrow night will probably see all the troops In the volunteer army. Seventy compa nies aro ready for mustering. Nearly all the recruits have arrived, and It la only here and there that gaps remain to bo filled. Battery A, Captain Warburton, and Battery C, Captain Waters, pulled out of camp at 3:50 o'clock yesterday after noon for Newport News. Cheers greet ed the artillerymen as they moved away. Whllo directing the final move' nunt of the batteries, Inspector Gen eral Morrell was thrown from his horse by the animal stepping Into a hole. Colonel Morrell landed heavily on hla head, and blood Rushed from his nose and mouth. His Injuries uro not thought to bo very sorlous. Notwithstanding all reports to the contrary, absolutely nothing Is known here as to when uny of tho infantry commands will move. The war depart ment has ordered that speed be made In mustering, but the time of moving volunteer regiments and their desti nation will not be known until word comes from Washington. Orders may come at any moment.. MAX LEVIT, 15 E. Centre St. Up-To-Date Hat Store and Shenandoah's Greatest Gent's Furnishing Store. A WEARY . HUNTER! 1 T V J How often people tramp and tramp around for rare bargains and fail to find them. The best plan is to come directly to us. Wc ofler the best for the money. Not al ways the cheapest goods for a cheap price, but the best goods for a given price. T.J. BROUGHALL, 35 South Main Street;