THE HERALD Cnalts iuiiuesi because of its hneitw large circulation and rentiers rich results to ils advertisers. tttttl DO YOU WANT To reath the public through a pro gressive, dtgnifiea, influential journal use the HERALD columns. t. X'Wmhr JSVIS W 1 .11 II II IB II ri II 1 88: 88 89 VOL. XIII -NO. J 12. SHENANDOAH. PA.. THURSDAY, 311 AT 5. 1898. ON; CENT J. P. Williams & GO TO r"V UADA'C OPEN DAY SHENANDOAH and SPRING DRESS GOODS AND SILKS In all the leading shades. Also White and colored organdies, embroideries and new effects in cotton goods. At the old price, regardless of the advance, t . CZCpjrF"'C North Main St., Great Slaughter Sale Of Millinery. : A chance that does not come every day. Trimmed Hats, 25c; Fine Sailors, 18c; Hats worth $5 and $6, now at one-half the price ; Short-back straw Sailors, 19c; Fine Panama Short-back Sailors, 49c. All other latest shapes in proportion. DON'T MISS THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY WHICH WILL ONLY LAST ONE WEEK. THE BEE HIVE, Third Door From Post Office. BICYCLESE2R1898. $50.00 WILL BUY A VICTOR. $40.00 WILL BUY A GENDRON. $35.00 WILL BUY A DEMOREST. $25.00 WILL BUY A WARRANTED WHEEL. All standard make wheels, that you will run no risk in buying. Bring your old wheel in and we will over-haul and repair it now. Have it ready for you to ride the first fine day. SWALM'S HARDWARE STORE. WE HAVE TOO MANY CANNED GOODS, To Reduce Stock wo Offer a Pow Special Dargalns : Corn. Maryland Sugar Corn, 4 for 25c. Fancy Northern, 3 for 25c. Tomatoes. Standard cold packed tomatoes, 3 for 25c. Extra size and fancy quality, 2 for 25c. Peas. Extra early June, 4 for 25c. Sifted early June, 3 for 25c. Fancy quality, sweet and tender, 2 for 25c. Gooseberries, 5 for 25c. LFresh Stock California and Jamaica Oranges. N EWCARPBTS. FLOOR OIL. CLOTHS . . . AND LINOLEUM. NEW PATTERNS, Do you want a good Tapestry Brussels at 60 cent worth 75 cents. At KEITER'S. War Declared On Prices. A large and beautiful new stock of Baby Coaches, $3.50 and upwards. Son, r and r AND NIGHT. MAHANOY CITY. A N D Shenandoah, Pa. Baked Beans. Picnic size, 3 for 10c. Standard large cans, 5 for 25c. Fine quality.very cheap, 4 for 25c Extra quality, 3 for 25c. Fancy quality, 2 for 25c. California Peaches. Standard Yellow Crawford, 2 for 25c. Lemon clings at 15 and 18 cents. Regular 25c goods. Salmon. Red Alaska, 3 for 25c. Columbia River, 2 for 25c. Apricots and Eggs Plums, 3 cans for 25c. ADMIRAL 1 10 Mil PORTO 10 ! Officials at Washington Expect That Port to be Ours Within the Next SPANISH DYNASTY European Nations Fear Ameri can Invasion at Manila. Special to HVKNIXO Hkuai.d. London, Miiy 5. f hero can bo no the United States at Manila ives little A RECENT roHTIUlT OF VICToniA. Emperor William and Emperor Nicholas aro very much disturbed as to the ultimate destiny of the Philippines, and vention is extremely probable. A majority of tho commentators States will make somo deal resulting in the islands becoming Hritisli possessions. There is reason to believe that there is considerable activity in the German Foreign office in consequence of threatened German interests in tho Philippines, which Iuih taken the form of attempts to induce England to join in the protests. Until quite lately ' tho press in Perlin and elsewhere could find no adjective too virulent to apply to tho methods of tho people of tho United States, and no sneers were bitter enough, when talking of a possible Anglo-Amorican alliance. Now, ow ing doubtless to official hints, the tone has altered from that of abuse to one of disinterested advice, because, forsooth, it has been brought home to these cities that out of thirty-throe great trading houses in Manila some fourteen are German. Somo Paris newspapers are already enlarging on what they call "Le Peril Yankee." Political writers in other capitals lengthily discuss the subject. STATE VOLUNTEERS, Special to Kvkniso IIekald. Mo'int Gretna, Pa., Hay 6. The for mal enrollment of the Pennsylvania militiamen for the volunteer service of the United States was completed yes terday, when General Gobln's regi ments, comprising the Third brigade, were successively formed upon the field at Camp Hastings and each of ficer and man was asked Individually for his answer. Five regiments, a bat tery and a cavalry troop comprise the brigade, and make up a grand total of 2,723 olllcers and men on the field under arms. Inspector General Morrell put the same question to them as he did to the other two brigades, and Governor Hastings personally assured each of. fleer answering "Yes" that he would be commissioned In his present rank. When the ceremony was over It was found that 2,266 enlisted men,133 com ANOTHER BOMBARDMENT The Marblehead Silenced the Batteries of Cienfuegos and Shelled the Town Itself. New York, May 5. A special from Key West says: Clenfuegos has been bombarded. Not only did the Marble head silence tho batteries of the town on the afternoon of April 29, but shell ed the town Itself, playing havoc with the bulldlngn and driving thousands of the Inhabitants to the Interior. The shooting at the forts was at 4,000 yards. As soon as tho forts were disabled Captain MeCalla ordered that the five Inch guns be given an eleva tion to reach 8,000 yurds. Firing be gan with the starboard batteries, fol lowed bv the ports. Treasurers of (he Church, Bpoclal to KvBMiia Hkiulu. London, May 5, A despatch from Homo to tho Clironlclo says that tho Vatican Is con sldsring a request made by tho Spanish Bishops for nutliorUntion to sell part of tho treasures of tho churches to aid the govern incut hi meeting the expeuscs of tho war. The Keatlug Ilicycle 305 days ahead of them all at Uruimu's. Also u full supply of cemonts, oils ami sundries Twenty - four Hours. IS SURELY DOOpD I doubt that tlio unexpected success of pleasure to continental politicians, who recognize that America is now certain to become a first class naval power and will have to be reckoned with in the world's ufTitlrs. Tho fact that the American papers aro looking kindly upon tho possi bility of a Hritisli protectorate in the Philippines gives additional umbrage, as indicating a coiiTergonce of Amer ica and England toward an entente. Certain liismarckiau journals ar gue that Germany ought to voice the ultimate futo of the Philippines owing to their proximity to her New Guinea possessions. The Associated Press learns that that some sort of immediate inter betray their dread that tho United EMI'EKOR WILLIAM II. pany ofllcera and 61 regimental officers had agreed to volunteer. But 25S en listed men refused and five olllcers were unable to go. As near as can be approximated at present, and Includ ing some changes In the figures of the First and Second brigades, slightly over 90 per cent of tho entire National Guard of the state volunteered, and when the official numbers are made public the percentage will, it la thought, be higher. In the three brigades 8,546 officers and men faced the Inspector general and Governor Hastings and staff, and 7,739 of these .volunteered. Of that number 568 were olllcers and 7,171 were enlisted men. Those who declined were 13 officers and 791 men. The ma jority of the declinations were due to age, physical disability or because of family conditions. DEWEY HASJHE CABLE. But Has Not the Telegraphic Apparatus Necessary to Use It The Re port Unconfirmed. Madrid, May C It la bollovoil In SptiulHli ulrolos lioro tlint it vessel be longing to the lleot of Commodoro Uowoy Iuih suecc-oiled In lining tho cabin In Manila Imy connecting with Hong ICong, but that tho uuiiunodoi'o hns not boon ublo to uso It, as lio did not hnvo with him tho neeossary t,l. oiiruplilo npjmrutt'. Thoro 1 no con. tlrniatlou of till story. After the Alfonso XIII. Special to KvENlNn IIekald. Washington, May 6. Spain's transport ship, tho Alfouso XIII, couvoylug to Havana 1,100 bel.licra and supplies and a half million dollars, will soon bo captured. She left Spain several weeks ago, and learning Hint Havana was blockadod, stopped at Barbados, a British province. She cannot remain there more thau forty-eight hours. Several vessels of Sampson's iloet havo been tout thoro to await outsldo of the three mile limit for the Alfonso XIII. WASHINGTON NEWS. ilest Adtlcen Troiu the Mttlomil OnpMiil . on tho War Situation. flp )Cclol to KvrHINO llEKAI.Il. Washington, May 5. The navy depart ment has received information that Oregon and tho Marietta both put to son yesterday, and tho Nicthcroy followed them to-day. The Spanish gunboat is still near Bio in a disabled condition. Tho navy department villi givo no information as to the destina tlon of Admiral Sampson's licet that left Key West yesterday, with their bunkers full of coal. It is believed, however, their destl nation Is the Brazilian coast whero It Is ex pected tho Spanish fleet Is heading to intor. sect tho Oregon. I.ittlo credence is placed on tho reports that tho Spanish licet has re turned to the Canary islands. It is believed tho enemy intends to mako a fight or to es tablish n base of operations at Porto liico, Tl his our government will prohibit. Should later advkos show that tho Cape 'crdo fleet has returned to tho Canaries, both tin io naval and military forces of tho United States would move at once to Cuba. There vould also bo a demonstration against San fuan, Porto Rico, taking that l'ort and pro- ilbitiug tho enemy from using it as a baso of 'Iterations and coaling station. There is well defined rumor, from high sources, that Sampson's fleet will first attack 'orto Itico, capture that port, and then pro ceed after the Capo Verdo fleet. Sonator Burrows held a long conference 1th tho President this morning, and when ho left tho White llouso gavo out a siguill- cant and Important statement. Ho said : "I KXPKCT Wi; WILL 1IAYI1 I'UKTO ItICO 11V TO-MOKltOW OH Till: NI1XT DAY." From this statement it is behoved that Admiral Sampson's fleet is bound for Porto Jiico. It was officially stated at noon to-day that io word had beou received from Commander Dewey, hut his report is hourly oipucted. In anticipation of an early communication Secretary Long has sont to Hong Kong a long cablegram containing instructions for Doweys future guidauco, and in reference to plans made for dospatchiog troops to his assistance should ho deem such action necessary. Our consul there will deliver tho niossago to the olliccr of tho despatch boat when it arrives at Hong Kong. A Vienna despatch says that tho American Legation at Constantinople has received oilers from 2,000 sailors at the Turkish ports to servo in tho United States Xavy. All tho oilers havo been declined. Tho departuro of tho army for iuvasion of Cuba has been delayed indefinitely. No troops will leavo Tamna until on i fleet has ,nt ), nf r .,. , v' i.mius or iisiruBu ineir whereabouts. The opinion is oxpressed by otllcials con nected with tho Adjutant-General's otlico and tho headquarters of tho army that it will bo necessary to keep tho volunteers in their state encampments for at least a month after they havo beon fully organized. DYNASTY DOOMED. Rumored Tlint the Queen Itegent Is lteiuly to ltuhign. Hpeclal to Kvesiso IIeiiald. Loudon, May 3. An attempt is being mado here by meaus of inflammatory circulars to influouco public opinion against tho United States. Despatches received from Madrid this morning say that the Spanish dynasty ami government is doomed. Tho family of tho Queen Begeut of Spain aro seriously con sidering tho idea of her resigning tho He gentship with tho view to averting an anti dynastic movement and saving tho throuo for her sou. Some of tho most influential members of tho family are opposed to such action. Disturbances continue in tho provinces and lootiug and shooting are reported ut many points, and are assuming alarming propor tions. Tho Madrid newspapers are very pessimis tic in their comments upon the situation in the provinces and tho debates iu tho Cortes, aud it is believed tho reblmiatiun of the Cabinet Is imminent. Curlus In (Julet, Special to IIekald, Brussels, May S. In an interview Don Carlos, tho Spani.h pretender, declared that ho would not provoke a revolution in Spain, ami would prevent, If necessary, any Carlist agitation during tho war. (War nows coutinuod on Fourth page.) Aiiiiarluin For Kln Apply at tho Ferguson llouso. fi-B-lt POWDER Absolutely Puro SGHOOIt Proceedings at a Regular Meeting' Held Last Night. ROUTINE ORDER OF BUSINESS I The Superintendent and Truant Olllcer Make 'Iheir Monthly Reports-An Adjourned Meeting Will be Held to Close the Accounts For the Fiscal Year. A regular meeting of tho School Board was held last ovenine with Dinwinn iw.iit Hanna, Sullivan, Baugh, Kdwaids, Dove! Coughlin. Connors. Hleirlna. 1ir,.ii., t. . and Britt, Superintendent Cooper, Truant Olliccr Smith and Solicitor Burke. Applications for umml ,1lnl, .,. r Misses Norn M. Graham, Sallie Itoach, Martha Shields and Hrldirot W!i- .i .Mr. h. U. Kdwaids werp read and the re quests granted. A communication from iwt wiin.,. & Co. was read. Tho company declines to rcleaso tho Board from the contract for a heating apparatus plant In the High school building and rcoutu.tR n . -.. somo time this mouth, when the oomi.anv will havo a representative present. Tho rCDOrt of Klltinrintri,l f showed tho following statistics : .Monthly in- iuiiiiuiil: noys, ijjj ; girls, 1 150 j total, 2S11. Average daily attendance : Boys, 1178 ; girls 1203; total, 23S3. Percentage of attondl anco: Boys, 01 : eirls. UO: total, on Vi.i.t oy citizens, tlj ; Directors, 0. Pupils present ovory session, GS2. John L. Jones, of Lost Creek, settled tlio account against him for luuion or ms daughter and desired the state ment to be made to the Board that tho dolay in payment was duo sololv fn r miu ,.r legal right. If the School Board of his tnivn. Ship will not comply with the law, he pays it Individually, as he believes this district is entitled to pay. Thoro uro similar cases that aro beiug attended to. Iho superintendent. IVfKi Itlfit Ml.) ...1 . 11,, IU BCilU tho bills in these ensno tn M, o.o.,t r I'u.uuio u, mu pupils. Truant Olliccr Smith mudn tlm (V,un,.-i., report : isited tho narcnt nf mil t.i,n ti. .. cuses given for their absenco in liiost cases ueing McKiicss. lu other cases there were no legal excuses. I lin,. nc,i ,...... i attendance by serving legal notices on the parents, on pupils plnyed truant during the mouth of April. Most of them were punished. It became necesKirv tn nr,,c..,.,,., t..i... i, of Last Centro street, tlio guardian of Jobs ouiBiiuK una conviction was .secured before Justico Toomey, a flue of ?2 and the costs being Imposed. The insurance cninmittno mo. it.,..,i,.,i renew $1,000 worth of insurance on the Centre street school building. A communication from Watkiu Waters Post .No. 110, O. A. R inviting tho Board to participate in the Memorial day exercises, was lead and accepted. Director Coughlin, who is general treasurer of tho School Savings Bank, reported that thoro aro 872 depositors and deposits aggro gating f221.27 for tho first month of the system i no finance iCoramitteo reported that Tax w'wtorsimrko.ndScanlan were unable to mano any payments this month. rno Hoard adjourned to meet on tho 23rd inst. to pay salaries aud bills aud clobo the accounts of tho present school year. .Melilulzls ouTe. Sour trout and pork to-night. Soelnl and Kntertiilmneiit. Tho social and entertainment of the Welsh Presbyterian church In Bobbins' opera house last ovening, was a grand success. Tlio at tendance was largo. The entertainment, principally by Sunday School scholars, was a pleasing feature and all acquitted themselves in good stylo. The program was as follows : Song by children, "Our Khig ;" recitation, aiary rarKer; piano solo, Boy Hugh leuorsoio, j. j. rnio ; Ilainbow song by little UlrlS : lllclaili:ltinn r,w.a n..-; . .ivva liltlv. , song. Patrick Cnonev vlnlln il i"........ Straughn ; song Jennio Hughes j duett, Sadio ami aiaggio j;vans ; "Cilvo tho Boys a Chance," by young boys ; violin tolo, Luther Kvans; recitation, Mattio Morgans; soprano solo, Miss Lizzie Jonos ; selection, Mandolin club; "Bain and tlio Daisies," by children. Refreshments wero then served. It was a financial success. Kemlrlck llouso Free Lunch. Sour krout, pork and mashed potatoes will bo served, free, to all patrons to-uight. Summer Itenort Ilurlleil, The beautiful summer resort, tho Hotel Shikellimy, on tho heights opposite Suubury, was destroyed by flro yosterday afternoon. The hotel was built sovoral years ago at a cost of $30,000. It was insured for only $19,000, so tho loss will reach over $30,000. Tho best place to buy your wall paper is a F. J. Portz, 21 North .Main street. Wo havo a big assortment. tf Injured at Maple 11111 Philip Casavago, a miner, residing at Shouandoah. was admitted in tlm Ml hospital restord- "uivlnrr lnn fiorlnnali. I,. Jured by a faV ..oal at Maplo Hill colliery. His head and one arm wnm luullv ljirAo,.ui and his chest seriously injured. Illckert's Cuto. Itico and tomato soup to-uiglit. Clam soup to-morrow morning. Deullm inn runeriiU. Tho funeral nf TlnMint u-lft. ,.r r ,.l-n t Sweeney, of Mahanoy Plane, who died on .1. - nl t.. , inu oru lust., agen ;su years, will tako place to-morrow morning anu o'clock, services iu Holy Itosary church. Interment will ho mado at Centralia, tho funoml cortcgo pro ceeding by electric cars. JaniOB O'Toolo U"ed 7f ntMill Creek on Tuesday. Tht fuuerul took place inn morning. Annie, twelve-year-old daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph OrlUin, of Colorado, died at 3:30 o'clock this morning. Death was duo to puoumonla, after an ilhiess of three days. Tho funeral will tako place 011 Saturday morning. Services and iutuimcnt will take placo at Qirardvlllo. Fruit Stand Tor Hale. Best location lu town, southeast corner Centra and Main streets, Egau Building. Ownor will sell cheap fur cash. Apply at tho Btand, 4-30-lw White blanks at S cents per piece aud gilts at 6 and 71 cents per pieco, We havo higher priced wallpaper. At F. J. Portz, 21 North Main street. tf BOGUS CHECK MAN NABBED Ho Is S. nin.teln, of Iteiidlng, mill I, M ell Knoun Hrro. Chief of Police Wise, of Willlam.-port effected the capture of a clever bogus check man yesterday, who Imil I Mien nn,ln.i. through this section of the couutij titu, time past. He is S. Kinstein, of li, ,iling a commercial mlestnan who has .ippi arpd in town on neveral occasions selling -.uspi nder Ills last visit here was last summer wlic-i hi. boarded at a private boarding lio.:so foi several weeks, II ii latest victim waa It. Lahotv?- r'tlK I.ymlhnnrt hotol, Shainokin, on .r, he passed a bogus check for mill win caused li is arrest. He settled with the nro. Drietor. after blnir Arrtaefntl ti.r 4in line,.... his Imprisonment telegrams weie received irom ponce UeaUciiartors at Wilkesbarrc and Philadelphia, wburn h ia charges. Einstein forged tho names of New York firms, ami that of Theodore Myci3 & Do Haven, of Philadelphia. At Kepchliiskl's Arcade ChTo. I.ivcr and onions to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. Appointed I'oHtiilMler. John C. BenslnL'Hr lllin hoen nnMim-l postmaster at Stroudsburg. He w. formerly of Mahauoy City, and ia a sou of I harlcs lionsiugor, of the latter place. Hats Trimmed Free of Charge AT THE 29 N. Main St Shenandoah. Leaders of Low Prices Great sole of spring millinery this week, as we must make room for our Leghorn ( p nn.g We offer hats worth $3.(8, $3. (9 and $2.98 for .SO, And a bi i.,t f,r 51. 40. Also hats worth $6. 98 and $...(9 we will sell at $2. QO. It will pay j-ou to call at the Bon Ton and see the line of children's trimmed I ephorn hats for SSCi Also our flowers and feathers. 'THE BONTON 29 N. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. Leads Them All For Style and Low Prices Next door to Holderman's Jewelry Store Max Levit Means Best." Spring lmts this week new shades, sent us specially for the spring selling. Youmans, Dunlap, Knox. The top notch of elegance in men's hats. Display of spring neckwear and gloves beglru to-day. MAX LEVIT, 15 E. Centre St. Up-Tc-Date Hat Store and Shenandoah's Greatest Gent's Furnishing Store. A WEARY ...HUNTER! I low often people tramp and tramp aronnd for rare bargains and fail to find them. The best plan is to come directly to us. We oiler the best for the money. Not al ways the cheapest goods for a cheap price, but the best goods for a given price. T.J. BROUGHALL, 23 South Main Street.