The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 04, 1898, Image 4

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    The War Sea eg j
r. t
If you want to keep posted vou
must read the newspapers Ve de
liver all the New York, Philadel
phia and Pottsville papers to a 1
Par s of tow,,- also the1 Kvumnt!
-Hi Ktn, which contains the latest
news by wire and all county and
local news T.PnVA , "
mc- niure or
give it to the carr
.- - .0 W N,
lain St.
1 a..
itiri.uns, lace, table cloths, linens,
uiulrrwear anil gent's furnishings.
lhcsi art' rare Imrgnins to be hail Will
lease the town shortly anil ill close out oui
stoik at amazingly low prices.
33 West Centre Street,
Kobblns' Block.
li--linili'lii'.v III Aiwtrln,
VUnnu May J. A very despondent
lia litcn taken here xlnee the
Manila defeat. It Is believed that tho
Spanish d nasty Is Hearing Us end, und
crat 'lymi'ulhy Is expressed for the
qtun recent in her ill re trouble. Tin
Prutsihe Zeltuni? thinks it possible
that i ii.rnmny will secure the 1'hlllp
pincs In return for renounclnc her
claims upon Samoa.
Tho French cabinet has approved tho
nuppresMun of the wheat duties until
July 1.
Schuyler Colfax, only son of tho late
Vice President Schuyler Colfax, was
yesterday elected mayor of South Bend,
Mrs. Henry T. Thurber, whose hus
band was President Cleveland's private
necretary, died at Detroit, Mich., yes
An lleilooted by Healing 111 Philadel
phia and Unit Imoi'u.
PbllaUlplii.i. Muy 3. Klour weak; win
ter superllni. 3 75'fjl; Pennsylvania roller,
clear f4 70'n.l, city mills, extra, (1&J.25.
ltye Hour Mild In u small way at $3.30 per
barrel for choice Pennsylvania. Wheat
wciik No. 2 red. soot, Jl.lHiW 1.12; No.
2 Penns Ivunia ami No. 2 Deluwuru red,
i12i'i 113. Corn weak; No. 2 mixed,
April. 3V'i38Hc.: No. 2 yellow, for locai
trade. 12i- Oats quiet and steady; No.
2 white. 3"ii3"!4ic. ; No. 2 white, clipped,
37u3Sc. Hay tlrm; choice timothy, J12.M
ftj 13 for larce bales. Beef tlrm; beef hams,
J23'u 23.50. Pork dull; mess, 10.7M(11; fam
ily, $13'.il3.50. Lard tlrm; western steam
ed, Ji;.lf. Putter sternly: western cream
cry. H'nlTi.: do. factory, mil 14c; El
Klns. 17. , imitation creamery, HfjlSlic;
New uik dairy. IHiIOc. ; do. creamery,
U'.M"i Cheese tlrm; IniKe. white. 8c;
tin 11 lnte. sc; lariie, colored,
9c mill, colored, 9c; llKht skims, GVu
Ik purl skims. Uifi'i.c., full skims, 2)3c.
Klilf o.i'.id'. New York and Pennsylva
nia ipiU'i . western, fresh, ll'.fillSic.; W1 n IP ic. Potatoes steady;
New York $2.37',; hweets. Wgt.M. Tallow
Btcady. lity. !tfv'.; country, 3i3c., as
to duality 'ottonseeil oil dull; primo
crude. I'.n .'ii20c. ; do. yellow, 21c. Cabbage
btcad K'Hiihern, $1. 7&IU2.
Iiu ii iin.ii e, May 3. Flour dull and un
ciiiiiu.iJ Wheat tlrm; spot, $J.13'iU
II., monlli, Jl.l3l.ul.l3r. ; July, 91)c;
mi mi-i N.i I red, Jl.lUli LI0'a; southern
L - ripil. l.!2'nl.H: do. on Krade, $1.11
f u i hi ii dull; spot. 37943:. ; montli,
0 . .7",( .1 mi.-. 371 fii.fiv -lnlv
l'olleles Will Hold (iooil.
11. I.. Tallcy, president of tlio Home
Fr endly Society of llaltlmoro, Mil., lias
eivcu olllcial notice that all losses falllnc due
by reason of any member of tho society par
ticipating In t tin war with Spain on the
1 nited states side will bo promptly paid.
A Tine Clltcb.
Probably tlio iluest mess of trout which has
been camtlit by any of our local anglers this
deison must bo credited to ('. II. llauenbuch.
They were caught on Monday in tho utreams
about lioariiiB Creek. Tho mess contained
18 of 'lie tinny tribe measuring from 7 to 11
i 1 u
Kohher Tolled
Ka attempt was made at 10 o'clock last
iht to rob the cobbler shop of .Matthias
H iwicz, of West Centre street. near Jardln.
ii pant was awakened by the voices of
'i n men, who discussed their mode of rob
n in the Lithuanian tongue They cut
,''ie window pane so as to rcacli in and
in .1 of several pair of new shots. The
bit arose iiuictly from his cot, secured a
aid ns soon as tho hand of one of the
' appealed ho struck it a severe blow,
a uiused the robbers to hastily retreat.
U. S. and Cuban
Just received.
Cuban Flags, 10c, 20c, 25c, 40c, SI.50,
U, S, Flags, from 3c per dozen up to
$15.00 each,
R. H. Morgan, M8"u and Importer.
SAeiss Beer,
Ale, Porter.
Private family orders will receive
prompt attention. Leave them
at the office, we wjll do
the rest.
Floor and Table Oil Cloths.
E. B. FOLEY, wa.Bt
.1) ?-:ll
What doos A stand forT When
Konio friend suggests that your
blood needs A sarsaparilla treat
ment, remember that A stands for
AYEll'S. Tlio first letter in tho
alphabet stands for tho first of
sarsaparillas ; first in origin, first
in record, first in the favor of the
family. For nearly half a century
has been curing all forms of blood
diseases scrofula, erzemn, tetter,
rheumatism, erysipelas, blood poi
soning, etc. There's a book about
theso cures " Ayer's Curebook, a
story of cures told by tho cured,"
which is sent free on request, by
Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, Mass. The
book will interest you if you are
sick or weak, becauso it tells not
what it is claimed the remedy will
do, but what your neighbors and
fellows testify that it ha3 done.
Will it euro you ? It has cured
thuusands like you. Why not you?
John Hall mado n trip to tiie county seat
Mux Schmidt, of Sliamokin, was seen on
our streets last evening.
Kx-foiincilinan A. I). Gable greeted his
many friends this mnrniuK with beaming
countenance. A young ihuiKhter arrived at
bis house this morning. Mother and babe
aro doing well.
Miss May llolinan has returned from a
visit to friends at Tarnaipia.
Joseph Conway, junior member of tho
firm of Conway liros., of Philadelphia, spent
i few hours in town yesterday afternoon, in
tiie interest of tho local branch store.
Krcd. Jay has returned from a visit to
Ids home in Philadelphia. Humor has it that
Fred, will soon juiu the ranks of ltenediets.
laipenini;s Tliroupjiout tlio Country
Cbroulrled for Utility l'erusul.
The pay roll of the Carlisle Indian school
is $1,00(1 tier mouth.
A siidalistii-. labor party was held in Itoh
bilis' opera house last evelihiK-
Tho new biewery heiliR erected at Mt.
Cannel is neariiiB completion.
How many men will go to war if they did
not expect to coiue home niin?
l'ottbville wants this curfew ordinance, at
least one of Its newspapers thinks so.
Tlio Pennsylvania passeiiKcr train hands
have donned their summer wiiito caps.
The lloiiiugh Council will meet to-morrow
evening anil tlio N-lioul Hoard tills evening.
Tlio collieries will chie down to-nlKlit for
tho halanco of tlio tteok, working two three
quarter days.
The employes at West Shenandoah col
liery will raise a huge Hag to-morrow with
appropriate ceremonies.
Tlio social and eutertaininout of tlio Welsh J
Presbyterian church will ho held this oven
g, ut 7:00 o clock sharp.
Samuel Trcgea, one of the Couucilmen o
(ilibertou, lias removed to Philadelphia.
where lie has secured employment.
Health OHicer Conry is having a Hag pave
ment laid from Hast Centre ftrect to his
residence on South Kuieriek street.
Tho report of Mine Inspector Davis, of tho
Ifazlcton district, for the month of April
shows that three fatal and eight non-fatal
accidents havo occurred, leaving three
widows and fifteen orphans.
After many years of idleness, the I.ocliiel
iron furnace, at Harrishurg, will bo put in
With poison furnished by his wife, Thomas
(iallaglier, a prisoner in the Williamsport
jail, tried to end his life.
'I lie mines of tlio Wyoming region will
work on increased time this mouth, and the
outlook is considered vory bright.
Carpenter Levi I.entz, of Weatlierly. Car
bon county, fell from a roof which he was
repairing and died from his injuries.
The Society for Prevention of Cruelly to
Children caused the arrest of Kli llierniHii, of
llethlehcm, who for more than a year has
i vinl bv sending his six childieu out to heir.
Sons of VetcrmiH ltully.
There was a big tlmo by the Sons of Vet
erans at Mt. Cannel last night, at the fifteenth
anniversary celebration of Camp 31, of that
place. Prominent people wero present and
do'.lveied addro-ssos, and there was a parade
and baiii,uet. On account of tlio war excito
iiient, the occasion was more than usually
MIhmIou Keport.
Miss Mattio Price, supeiintcndcnt of the
Flower Mission connected with tho "Y", has
submitted the following as her report for the
month of April : Distributions, 2.1 pounds of
Hour, " baskets of provisions, 10 baskets of
fruit, II garments. " glasses of Jelly. Visits
made, "0. Collections, 22 cents. Donations, 50
Toot Orilsbetl,
Michael Kelly, aged 17 years and residing
at Uluvor's bill, had his left foot so badly
crushed yesterday afternoon that Dr. Stein
was obliged to amputate one of thu toes.
Kelly und other hoys wore playing with a
dumper ou tho No. 3 colliery diit bank and
the oar was run over Kelly a foot.
Window shades from 10 cento and upward.
I'stliimtos given ou largo shades. I J. l'ortz,
21 North Maiu street. tf
Till I'll t 'li I'll by Spuulnli Sptof.
Valpaialso, Ind., Hay 4. Spanish
gplcR ure tlireatenlne the dextructlun
of the Aetna l'owder iiiIIIb nt .Mill Htn
tlon, near Clietitertiin, this county.
CI mu ds are on duty day and night to
piuvent the IiIqwIiik up of the Itirire
BUpplleH of explosives. No one. U al
lowed within the enelonure where the
government supplied ure stored, and no
now men oie given employment.
AlfmiKo 'Will Not lti-ncih tlio Tlirnun.
UrUHselii, May 4. Don Carlos, the
pretender. Is much agitated by private
tij. 'grams he lint) received from Madrid.
A Spanish diplomatist of high position
said today: "They are practically in, a
state of revolution, and It Is the be
ginning of the end of the regency. The
queen regent may make a Una) effort
In favor of her wm, but he will never
come to the throne."
Mioct Tnting nml Other Problems llnthrr
the Coiiiirlliueu,
Mnlmnny City, May 1. A lengthy session
of the lloroiigh Council whs liclrl last evening
and it was attended by representatives of
lulck manufacturing concerns located In
illHercut parts of fills state and Ohio. There
weie sixteen bids for tho $SO,000 street pav
ing contract, and each olio was lu'cumpiiiilcd
by a certified check for f 1,000. After some
discussion the matter was laid over for filial
disposition next Thursday, tho secretary in
the meantiinn lo tahululo the figures In tho
bids to enable the Coilucilincii to bettor
iindci.stnnd them.
t the same meeting tno communications
were read, one from Wlllanl Wooden and the
ntliki' from Tliomas llryaut. l'.urli claim tho
$.100 lewaid for furnishing the evidence that
led to the ariest mid conviction of the men
who bet ilie to the laglo hosiery mill. The
Council will hold u special meeting to deter
mine who Is entitled to tho rcunrd. There
are several claimants for It. Wooden ami
llryaut were two of tho men who turned
slate's evidence in tlio case.
Silas 1'iirllll, wlio claimed to lie the oldest
miner in the anthracite region, died at ll:fiO
o'clock last night at the resilience of Hubert
Sneddon. The local cause of death was an
abvess of the left arm, noir the shoulder.
but he had been ailing for a lung time,
l'arfltt was lioru at l'ersnet, Stall'ordsliiie,
r.nglaud, in 1807. He worked in tlio mines
li:i years and ciuno to this country in 1S71,
locating in this town. He was n man j of
strong constitution and wonderful vitality.
His habits were those of a christian and he
was a regular attendant ut tlio Primitive
Methodist church. The wife of the deccasid
died aliout fire years ago, in her SStli year.
Tlicio are tlneo surviving children, a son
residing In town, a daughter living in Pal
estine, O., and another hi Kngland. Eight
of his children are dead. There are 41
grandchildren, 131 gieat grandchildren und
eight gieat-great-grand-chlldren.
Tlio musical and literary entertainment in
tho Primitive Methodist chinch last evening
was a brilliant success. Tlio church was
A huge delegation of young men and
women of tho Sons of Temperance of St.
Nicholas paid a fraternal visit to tlio Ullber
ton lodge last evening.
Owen Dunn, of Wiggans, has received a
message announcing tiie death of his brother,
John, nt Schuylkill Haven. The remains
will bo brought hcie for interment.
Mrs. A. V. Peters, sister-tn-law of Charles
lleusinger and Daniel Shcip, died at her
home in Whlto Haven on Monday morning.
She wasi 53 years of age. The funeral tskes
placo to-morrow.
Kemlrlrk Huusu Free I.itucli.
Cream of tomato soup will bo served, free,
to all patrons to-night.
Flag Ualslllg lit Lost Creek.
Tlio clerical force of tlio Lehigh Valley
Coal Co., at Lost Creek, nro preparing for a
gi.ind demonstration tomorrow evening
when a beautiful emblem of patriotism in
the form of a large American ll.ig will be
unfurled to tho brcezo in front of their
headquarters, the central oflico. A polo 57
feet high has been erected and everything is
in readiness to hoist tho (lag. Appropriate
ceremonies have been prepared by the talent
of which the oilico Is possessed and a very
enjoyable tiino is looked for. The program
will consist of the following: Introductory
remarks, A. D. Nhnucks; National hymn.
Central oilice band and chorus ; Hag raising,
accompanied by tho band selection, "Star
Spangled JSamicr" and firing squad of six
guns; oiatlon, I!ov. Father Dagget; selec
tion, Central oHIco band ; chorus, Lehigh
tileo Club ; address, (apt. tleorgo W..I11I111
son ; selection, Central oilico band; burning
of W'eyler in elllgy and fireworks.
White blanks at 5 cents tier piece and gilts
at II and 7J cents per piece. Wo have higher
mieed wallpaper. At F. J. Portz, 21 North
.Main stieet.
We lei's lllltgy Iturnetl. L. Company
last evening celebrated the Ainoricau victory
over Spain by burning an elligy of W'eyler.
Yesterday afternoon the eiligy was suspended
from a wire strung across tlio street, and
while it was being raised tho gougs on both
the ladder truck and chemical engine were
sounded. As soon us darkness set in the
torch was applied amid the cheering of about
a thousand boys who had gathered in the
vicinity. Several cartridges which had been
placed iu the elligy made loud reports when
At KepcblnsUI's Arcade Cafe.
Sour krout and pork to-uight.
Hut lunch to-morrow morning.
l'liif. l'ord To-night.
To-night Washington Camp No. 112, P. O.
S. of A., will celebmto its 2!lth anniversary
by holding an entertainment in Ferguson's
theatre in which Prof. S. T. Ford will bo
the leading attraction. Prof. Ford is a cele
brated humorist and Impersonator aud made
a big hit when ho appeared at the samo
camp's anniversary u year ago. Tliero will
lie an auxiliary piugram in which the
Scliuppo orchestra and other excellent talent
will figure. The theatr has beeu renovated
aniKotherwiso specially prepared for the
event. Several huudred invitations have
been issued to members of the older.
Headache Quickly Cured.
Dr. Davis' Autl-Hcadache never falls, 25c.
Tim Coal Trade.
The anthracite coal trade shows as lis
chief, ami, probably, only special feature, 11
stimelated demand for New England points
reached by sea, curtailed, howovar, by tho
inability to get enough vessels. Tho demand
lor tonuago to carry eastern cargoes has in
creased freight rates iu some cases more
than double what they were early iu April,
and pretty much all tho available vesiols aru
going Into that trade, The announcement is
mado that five largo Ilostou coal dealers have
effected consolidation of their business, with
a capital uf $1,000,000, and will handle in
that community annual sales approximating
one million tons.
Fruit Slant! Tor Sale.
Host location in town, soithcast corner
Centre aud Main streets, Lgan Iluilding.
Owner will sell cheap for cash. Apply at
the stand. 4-30-lw
I. I). (. I'. Parade, Wllkerbarre.
For the Odd Fellows' parade at Wilkes
barre. Pa., May 17, tlio Pcmuylvani ltall
road Company will soil special excursion
tickets from stations on its Hue, within a
radius of one hundred miles, to Wllkoslurro
and return, at rate of single faro for the
round trip (minimum rate, 25 cents). Tickets
to bo sold May IB and 17, goodto return un
til May 18, lbuS, inclusive.
The best place to buy your wall paper Is a
F. J. Portz, 21 North .Main street. Wo have
11 big assortment. tf
There' no Place lAUu llmue.
After reaching the innermost part of New
Jericy, Charles lllgglns, John Dowline.
Patrick McDemiott aud a young man named
Carroll, who left town mysteriously on Sun
day night, concluded to chango tho course of
their wanderings and return home again.
They arrived yesterday.
Fire I Fire I i-lrel
Insure your property from loss in tho
oldest and strongest cash companies : I'hllii.
Underwriters Insurauco Co. of North
Amerlm and Firo Association, Hartford
Fire Ins. Co., American Firo Insurauco Co ,
West Chester Firo Ins. Co., United Firemen's
lus, Co. T. T. WILLIAMS,
123 S, Janliu St., Shenandoah
Special Despatch to
AVnBhliiBton, May 4. YeBterdny passed
without a single word from the Ameri
can lieet In the Philippines, und In
view of tiie lone continued Interruption
In cable communication tho ulIlclulM
aie beginning to resign themselves to
the belief that they must awnlt for
their ulltclat news until u boat arrives
nt Hone; Koiik. This will not neces
sarily he n naval vessel, for It Is not
believed that Commodore Dewey, who
will bo udmlrnl iib sunn us he can be
leached by ca'de, could have spared
any of his ships.
It Admiral Dewey wants troops he
will lie sent as many as he needs di
rectly from San Francisco, and It Is
very likely that state volunteers will
make up the quota. Tho cabinet Is
only waltiiiK lo hour what Commodore
Dewey wants. Meanwhile the plans of
the Cupun campaign are being: steadily
developed, and there Is no Indication of
a chaiiBe nf purpose mi the part of tho
military authoiltles. who are expected
to land an expeditionary force In Cuba
In a very short time.
Admiral Sampson is steadily main
taining; the blockade of the Cuban
coast, and this Is not likely to be aban
doned for the present, though two or
three of his ships may be sent nway
temporarily to meet the Oregon on her
way to Cuba from, ltio Janelru. Wblbi
(liuiril's Will Not ! In Culm.
Special to KVK.HNCl llURALll.
Washington, May 1. It is not now tho
intention of the War department to include
the National Guaid and volunteer regiments
in the army uf invasion. Thu mission of the
Pennsylvani.i state troops now In camp at
Mt. (irctna, together with all other legi-
meiits in thu various states, including tho
department of the East, will probably he to
defend the Atlantic coast against any invad
lug force and to man tho big guns and
reinforce tho garrisons of seaboard for ti lieu
tious. They will not bo needed in Cuba.
Spy Captt1r4.1l.
Special to Evr.MNQ IIkkai.d,
Philadelphia, May 1. A Spanish spy was
captured here this morning while in tlio net
of tampering with the magazine uf tho St
Paul in Cramp's ship yard.
Wtiylor'H Hi'tliir-lii-l.iiw a Cuptlvo
Key West, May 4. The Spanish mall
steamerAi-Konnuta, Captain;e, waa
conveyed Into Key West harbor by the
United States cruiser Mnrblehead yes
terday afternoon. It appears that Col
onel Vicente de Cortijo, of the Third
Spanish cavalry, who, with 10 other
army officers, was taken on tho prize,
Is a brother-in-law of Lieutenant Gen
eral Valerino Weyler. Colonel Cortijo
denies this, but it is learned from Rood
sources that lie sustains tills relation
ship to the former governor general of
Cuba. His captors are measurably
All Itenily Tor tin- Philippines.
San Francisco, May 4. The an
nouncement that the Rovernment would
probably send I'nclfic coast troops to
the Philippines ns soon- as possible
after Commodore Dewey's report has
been received creates considerable ex
citement In this city. The officials are
fully prepared to dispatch the requisite
number of men as soon us the demand
Is made for them. They will be ready
and fully equipped for the Journey to
the Philippines or anywhere else within
48 hours after lieinr; so notified.
UoiTiilt Inn (foes Forward Slowly.
ChlcknnutUKii Park, Gn May 4. lie
crultliiK the regular army at Chlcka-
mauga i-aitc is c-uing forward very
slowly, except in the colored regiments,
and it is believed that the full quota
of colored troops will be speedily ob
tnined. The officers and men have dls
played more decidedly than heretofore
their eagerness to get into the fray
plnce the news of Commodore Dewey's
victory at Manila, and there Is more or
less chafing ut the present Inactivity
In camp life.
(JrookH Wunt to Tight Tor Uh.
Constantinople, May 4. The porte
has notified United States minister An
gell that Turkey will maintain strict
neutrality In the war between Spain
and the United States. The American
legation hns received more than 2,000
offers of volunteers for the American
navy, chlelly of Greeks, some of whom
declare themselves ready to pay their
fares to tho United States In grateful
reniemherance of America's aid In the
Greek war of Independence.
Mo I'li'iilct TIiIh.
New York, May I. The volunteers of
the National Guard at Camp Black,
Hempstead Plains, I.. I., spent an un
comfortable night In overcrowded tents.
There was need of 250 more tents than
were on the grounds. When the men
turned out nt taps many of them com
plained of colds and stiff joints and '
other ailments. The raw recruits who
came to the camp scantily clad es
pecially suffered from the cold, damp
Tlio Cost of War,
Washington, May 4. The secretary
of the navy yesterday afternoon made
application fur an emergency nppro
pioprlatlon of $2,E0r,u00 for the use of
the bureau of yuids nnd docks. This
fa In addition to $18,170,000 asked for
In the morning. To tills must be added
$31,013,938 nsked for hist week by thu
war department and the $CO,000,000 ap
propilated by congress as a special
emergency fund.
Sti'cut lliltd ut Moliorly, Mo.
Moberly, Mo Mny 4. A street duel
took place here last night between
James Mason, of this city, and Cliff
Wude, a hotelkeeper of Madison, Mo.,
as a result of which both men prob
ably will lose their lives. Wade has
three bullets In his stomach and
breast, while Muson was struck In the
region of the stomach. John Hogg, a
deputy sheriff, received a bullet
through the wrist while trying to stop
the fight. The trouble occtirred over a
Tho llieiid ItlotK In ltnly.
Home, May 4. llreud riots In various
parts of the country have been renew
ed, and severe conflicts between the
rioters and the gendarmes have occur
red at Placentla nnd Figllne. At each
place a rioter was killed and several
others Injured. Serious dlsturbancoa
have also taken place at Purma and
elsewhere. The cabinet has decided to
tull out the reserves of 1873.
Ouurliirly reunion Day.
ThU is quarterly pension day, when tho
veterans or the Mexican and Civil wars fill
out their vouchers heforo a notary puhllo and
tend tliem oil' to tho pension department.
The pensioners will receive their checks sonic
time next week.
KvknInu llKRAM).
tno oiiicutls ot the navy department
naturally feel a warm Interest In this
race of the magnificent battleship
aiiiund the continent, they profess to
feel little anxiety as to the outcome,
Uven should the Spanish vessels fall In
with her It Is by no moans certain, not
withstanding their numbers, that she
would bo dereuted. ,
' China Issued her neutrality procla
mation yesterday, so there is now no
plnce left on the Asiatic coast open to
the free use of the war vessels of either
Spain or the United Htntes. China haq
never before Issued a neutrality proc
lamation, and the naval oillcerB ate
duly grateful for the consideration
shown by the Chinese government in
withholding the Issue of the decree un
til Informed that the Americans had
acquired a base In the Phlllppin.'
Islands. I
The nominations of major generals
and brigadier generals will be sent to (
the sennte today. It Is understood to
have been divided to name General
Shufter, who luiB been designated to
loiid the armv of invasion into Cnbn.
nenetal e'lizhuRh and General Joe
AVheeler, of lfederate cavalry fame,
as three ot the major generals. The
president may also nominate General
Woodford, former minister to Spain, to
bo a mnjor general.
The forecast for Thursday : Fair to partly
cloudy and slightly warmer weather with
tt--li unrtlicily niuds shifting to noithciist-
A ltrolien Holsllnp; ltopti I'bieed Ills Life
In Jeopards.
At ten o'clock this morning tho west rope
In the gunboat slopo at Knickerbocker col
liery, Yatesville, broke when a loaded boat
was forty feet from the bottom and was
being hoisted witli full head of steam. The
end of tho rope remaining on the drum
whirled towards the engineer witli every
revolution and caused tho man to lice from
his post after shuttiiig oft" thu steam. Both
rones and boats aru in thu pit at tlio bottom
of the slopo and considerable daniago was
done to both tho slopo and tlio engino house.
It may tako several weoks to make the re
pairs, as now boats and ropes must bo fur
nisheil before tlio colliery can rcsumo opera
tions. Fortunately no 0110 was injured by
the accident.
lllckerl's Cute.
Pea soup to-night. Special free lunch to
morrow morning.
Fire at lJroivnsvllle.
Shortly alter one o'clock tills morning the
residents of llrownsvillo wcro aroused from
their slumber by an alarm of fire which hail
broko out in a houso tenanted by a I.itliu
uuiau. A bucket brigado was immediately
put to service and before tho flames had
gained muck licadway tuey woro ex
tinguished. Tlio firo was caused by mining
clothes being ignited, They hung behind
a stovo. Tlio damage to tho building was
A torpid liver robs you of ambition nnd
ruins your health. DeWitt's Lit lo Early
Itiscrs cleansu tlio liver, ctiru constipation
anil all stomaeii aim liver troubles. C Jl
Would You llutleve It?
A curiosity which attracted the attention
of many pedestrians ou Main street this
morning was u hay horso having a full grown
black mustacho. It measures six inches
from tip to tip. The owner of the horse,
farmer of the Catawisa Valley, stated that
it was necessary to keep the mustacho curled
so that it would nut interfuru with the horse
while it is eating.
Jlleliltiils (;afe.
1'urco of pea soup to-night.
Wltbdrew Ills Iteslgmitlon.
The Consistory of ion's Itcformcd church
at Ashland, met Monday evening to consider
tho resignation of their pastor, l!ov. I. M.
Scliaetrer, who had received a call from a
church uf thu samo denomination at Heading,
I!y a unanimous request they wero success
ful In having Itov. Sehaeller withdraw his
resignation and continuo his pastorato tliero.
Dwelling 17 S. Jardln St.; all latest im
provements, ready fur rent May 1, Apply
No. 111. 4-23-tf
Lutheran MIulHtorilmi.
Tlio Pottsvillo conference of thu Evan
gelical Lutheran Ministerium lias been iu
session at Schuylkill Haven since .Monday,
The services will close this evening. Itov,
John (Iruhler, of town, icpresents tlio local
congregation ut tlio conference and has taken
an active part in its proceedings.
My baby sister had a rash, causing her in.
tenso suffering. Wo had doctors, and tried
everything, without a cure. It would scab
over, crack open, a watery matter would oozo
out and the scab fall off. Wo procured a box
of CuTicmiA (ointment), a cake of Chticuha.
BOA1-, and Cimcun A Hi-sot,vi:.VT, and sho was
tntirely aired without a scar being left.
Miss I.Il.T.IK CHASB, Ilristol, Vt.
SrtEor Cure TtKlTMKVT. Warm bathf with Curt
cm Soai-, jrentle aaolatkngi with Cdtici'Ra, tiie great
Ikln cure, and mild ilmn-aol Cdticuba IUsoltemt.
SoM throughout thfl world. 1'ottvr Dcro and Ciitu.
Cokf., i'ropa-, Uoaton. Itow to Cure var7 liuuior, Ireo-
IOU SAI.H Steam laundry at 11 sacrifice,
: doing good business, well established trade.
(Jood reason for selling, Call or address Free
land Stenm Laundry, Freebii.d, Pn. fS-4-St
Foil HAI.K. A valuable property for sale on
South Jnrdlu street. For further informa
tion apply toUOUSoutli Pear alley. S-3-lw
000 Wonted, 11 loan of J3,000, flrit
ijjfJjUuu, mortgage, ut once. Apply
ut the IIeuai.h office.
TlOIt HUNT. Two largo rooms in Kefuwlch
building, 10 Soutb Main street.
All con
veulenees. ISultublo for oflk-e.
1710U HALH A very desirable property.
I' ply to Joseph Wyntt, S01 North Main St. tt
A good plaeo for n good
Michael Mills' Saloon,
23 II. Centre street, Mellet's building,
Wine, Whiskies, liter and Cigars. Fieshest
beer In town ulwuys on tup.
ifnicn't lnnL- en liic
41... l. 1
f iiii. juji.ui wiiu
clentiilii' To'.l a Rmltt nf
values her money as well
nnd hns something to show
a worn nice unn a
jjurgesi. pacKugo
The Itf. IC. I'nlrllnnU Company,
Chi K St. 1,-i'U
uuston. rmiailelphla,
building .material as is consistent with good grades. Away
down prices do not always mean good grades. Come in and
see us some day and we will show you nnr stock and quote
Glenn & O'Hearn,
(Successors to J. W. Johnson,)
fJ- Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Factory Shoe Store
Has opened at
No. 7 S. Main St., Shenandoah. Pa.
Next door to I,. Goklin's clothing store, with a full line of boots and
shoes at factory prices. New stock, new goods. We also carry a com
plete line of gents' furnishing goods, hats and caps, underwear,
notions, &c, at prices according to the times. We quote a few articles
the prices of which speak for themselves :
Infant's shoes, from 20 cents up; children's shoes, from -lo cents up;
Indies' shoes, from 7s cents up ; men's shoes, from 95 cents up.
o ABE LEVINE, Proprietor.
These were the two reasons that formerly
kept people frm attending to their teeth,
llotli reaionii have no existence in this nil
vanced age. I'ninless and inexpensive dent
istry with an ahsolute guarantee for five years
is our method.
A Good .Set of Teeth,
The Very llejt Teeth, $S.
You can uc. no better, no matter what you
pay. No charge for extracting, yhere lecth
are ordcied. We can lake your impression in
the morning and give you your teeth in the
afternoon if desired.
Gold Fillings, $1 ; Best Silver
Fillings, 5oc up; Cleaning, 5oc;
Extracting, 25c.
Crown and bridge work nt very reasonahli
rates. Kxamiuations nnd estimates free.
We use but one grade of material
the best.
7 North Jardln St,, Shenandoah.
Thos. Buchanan,
Examination Made at Your Home or at
Our Store.i
--Has Moved to -
118 S. Main Street.
Attentive nnd skillful aitists always
ill attendance.
Neatest Shop In Town.
W. G. DUSTO, Prop.
Ferguson House Block,
na flln innn rf it. 1
r 1
rUaiji iui iiuum;"
nrntinmv Otr lnntra
'lM.n ........... ..t.n
ns her strength uses
for her labor besldo
pair or rougn nanus.
greatest, economy.
A Handsome Dining
Wlicrc llic walls nml ccMIiik1 nro miulo dnlnt
nn1 attractive by our unique i1islns ninl rich
anil bfiiutiful coloring h wnll papers, U an
tniviitivo to n falling nppcttto. At no tlmu of
the yunv tlot" your rooms need a new dress us ns when Pprlng comes In her new y;nrh,
nnd shames the dingy room where wlnttr tins
left Its Impress In huioUo nnd dust. 1 ook nt our
now and lovely stock of wnll jmpcrs.
224 W. Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
As low prices on lumber and all kinds oi
Baby Carriage:
$3.50 and up.
Stoves !
Stoves ! !
We are at present making a
specialty of handling stoves and
ranges. Our latest inducement is
"Queen CJndorolla,"
With an everlasting triplex grate,
one you can burn on three sides.
Will burn hard or soft coal, is a
good baker and a fine looker. This
stove we will sell lor the next 30
days at greatly reduced prices.
121-123 North Alain St.
The undersigned have ssumed charge of
the Shenandoah Henovatinj; Company's plant,
nnd arc prepared to clean, sew and lay
caipets, mallreskes, and do general upholster
ing work.
Feathers Cleaned.
Work Done Promptly.
...Drop Us a Postal.
Orders con lie left ut No. 7 North West street,
or at the plant, Ajiple alley and
Dowers street.