The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 03, 1898, Image 4

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    The War Scape!
If you want to keep posted you
timet mnA ihr ttmvtinrMra . Wo ill
liver all the New York, Philadel-,
phia ami Pottsville papers to all ,
parts of town: also the KvENtNO i
Hku.u.d, which contains the latest
news by wire and all county and
local news. Leave yonr order at
the store or give it to the carrier.
d ISI. VI a In St.
In u 1 1 1 1 n -, luce, tnlile rliithi, linens
sjnul-. undnwear ami gt'nt' furnishing.
tticse are rare bargains to be bad. Will
leave the town ahurtly and will close out our
stock nt amazingly low prices.
33 West Centre Street,
Hobblns' lilock.
Cliarle V. Ilerger, Kin,., deposed as County
Solicitor, is "nid to be a candidate for County
C jniroller.
II J Muldoon, of town, Is making an
active canvass for Controller, tinder Demo
cratic rules, and is meeting with much suc
cess. Uis friends aro confident of the dele
gates from this town.
Brtimm has returned to his first lore the
Greeubackcrs. At least, that is what they
My in Washington.
Joseph II Niehter, of I'ottsville, wants
tho Democratic nomination for County
Will Warden Ilrower bo lemoveil ? The
answer to that question Is worrying many
politicians these days.
J I ltlaksleo, caudidato for tho Demo
cratic Senatorial nomination, is with tho
National Guard, beiiiR second lieutenant of
Co E, of Mahatioy City.
Representative GriUlths is a candidate, for
to-nomination by the Democrats
When the mercantile list was heinc given
out for publuation, Commissioner Meyers re
minded his col leagues that they were gi vine it
exclusively to Pottsville papers, and stig
gested that this was not right. Hut the two
'( ombine" Commissioners did not heed. The
"deal" must bo carried out.
It Is intimated that ex-Senator Coyle, if he
fails toserun an appointment to a clerkship
in Philadelphia, will seek a renomiuation iu
thi3 dutm-i N"o outsider need apply.
The Thirtieth district gets hiitone appoint
ment from the Commissioners, ami that is
credited to Shenandoah.
Ashland and Mahanoy City didn't cut any
figure in the latest round-up in the Commis
sioners orlico Why is this thusly ? Aren't
these towns expected to turn in for the
"ticket next Fall ? Chronicle.
Tho old greenback ideas which Congress
man Iirmum has cherished for years are
again cropping out. Tho other day while
debating the war tax measure ho advocated
tho issue of a hundred and fifty million new
greonbai Us And notwithstanding all this
Jtriunm claims to he a gold man, and is seek
ing re-nominatiou on tho Uepiihllcan ticket.
It is high timo that this politica.1 ''Huckster"
is relegated to tho rear.-VTj' the voters of
Schuylkill, says the, Hs'zh toii Standard.
Wiudovv.srV,., fmin 111 cents and upward.
ttijK.''ii fiu ii on large shades. F. J. I'ortz,
n Noitli U.iui street.
Paring Highway Hohhcry.
II ,id i- m l rohhuries are becoming limn-erou.-
a ..mik! Ashland, and one of tho most
dar.og .asis f highway robbery heard of in
tins ountv lor soino years, was perpetrated
in Il.iri y township on Sunday night. The
vii t in iu Hany Sauser, a well known resi
dent ot ilegins township. Ho was held up
by two uukuuvTii men while returning
homo from Ashland, dragged from the
carriage shot in the tight leg, robbed of $10
and left lyiug unconsciuus on tho lonely ruad
side After making the assault the footpads
tied the horse to a tree and made good their
escape. An hour later ho was found by two
men. and lakon to his home. Ho will re
cover but can not identify his assailants.
Headache Quickly Cured.
I)r Davis Aiiti-Hoadacho never fails, 2
A Shooting Contest.
' hooting match arranged between John
" f Jackson, and John Malonc, of Shell
'c J for a purse of $2.", will take place at
j doab park, Saturday, May 11th, at !.'
Director Kleetell,
a meeting of tho Hoard of Directors of
1 ; National Hank last evening Joseph
T. kaw ez was elected a director to fill the
- v caused by the resignation of Dr. J.
'. of Philadelphia.
U. S, and Cuban
Just received.
Cuban Flags, 10c, 20c, 25c, 40c, SI.50,
II, S. Flags, from
SI5.00 each,
3c per dozen up to
R. H. Morgan, M",u""fl0,n,5ri.p..rter.
we: bottle
Weiss Beer,
Ale, Rorter.
l'nvate lainuy orders will receive
prompt attention. Leave them
at the office, we will do
the rest.
iiwi uir ur
Floor and Table 011 Cloths.
E. B. FOLEY, 27 &8,
i x
istphat a gnat many nun And womcn
are looking for ; help against approaching
baldness; help against Ivhitcntig lochs
help to restore the lost gloss to the hair;
help Against fading tresses, help for the
scalo attacked bv dandruff. AVER'S
HAIR VIGOR offers rust such help. It
restores gray or faded hair to Us original
color, gi-ves it length, thickness and gloss,
and removes dandrti.
" Mv hair was rouirh nnd broken and begnn
to (. I " it. The vise of but one buttle
AvrK s II vIK Viook bnth tlirekfd thefnlHne
out and lendered mv hair smooth, Kloiiy ana
in splendid condition. H lithe finest of di es.
ams. r. 1.. .vil i rj, Oliver icutv, Jiisa.
"Some venr ntro mv
bair 1" Kran to fall oiitand
1 became ciuito bald, lly
ndvice 1 tl led
and very soon my hair
censed to fall out and a
new and vigorous growth
made its appearance. Mv
hair is now abundant ami
plossv." Ttioa. DUNN,
Hockville, Wis.
rim rropoMltloii I'or tbo i:tiihliHltinent
ii Milk .-Villi.
Mahanoy City, May 3. Tho projectors of
tho plan to transfer n silk mill from P.iteison,
X. J., to this town were heio lnt night and
made their formal proposition. They oti
inato the value of their plant at f I0.O0U and
want the people here to raise $30,000 on six
per cent, bonds redeemable In ten years.
They said the mill would employ 150 hands,
and perhaps twice that number. An effort
will be mado to nile the money ieiiiiied,
but the conditlouof the times Is rather against
the success of the project.
Tho pool match last night between John
Williams, the bartender at tho opera hou'o
saloon, and Louis Culbertson, of Shenandoah,
was witnessed by about i.'00 people. The
contest was interesting from statt to finish
and was won by Williams, who scored 2U0
points against Culbertson s ISO.
Tho base ball season will open at the local
park next Saturday with a between the
St. Nicholas Illiies and the Locust Dale club.
Thee clubs wero the champions of tho Mah
anoy Valley In-t season.
A black snako four leel long was found in
the yard adjoining Jacob West's stoio on
Last Centic street.
At a meeting of the School llaard last
night a letter from tho State Tieasurer's
ollice was read, stating that by mistake the
amount of the school appropriation sent to
this borough last year was $1,000 in excess of
the amount due and tho excess will bo de
ducted this year.
During tho past two weeks tho electric
light company has been annoyed by the ma
licious cutting of tho ropes of the street
lump. The , company is giv ing warning
against the depredation.
Social and Kiitertiiliiineiit.
A social and'cntertainnient will bo held in
Hold ins' opera bouse to-morrow night, under
the auspices of tho Welsh Presbyterian
church, of town. This congregation seldom
appears before the public for assistance, in
fact this Is tho II 1st public entertainment they
have held for ten or moio years. Those in
charge f the atl'air have arranged an excel
lent program, tine that will prove a novelty
iu many respects. Tho entertainment will
begin promptly at seven o'clock, aud during
the evening refreshments will bo served. The
admission is only ten cents, and those who
attend aro assured an enjoyable time. You
will miss a treat if you fail to bo present.
l'elislolis Issued.
1 lie following soldiers pensions were
issued: Amos Stine, pine Grove, jfl ; Peter
I). Helms, Philadelphia, s ; William A.
Wary, Ashland, fO; Alice Slocutn, (iiraicl
ville, fs; William Clements, Shamokin, fit; ;
Franklin Wagner, Pine drove. $12; John
Longenberger, Oneida, $12 ; James Mc
Laughlin, Shenandoah, $0; John Saus'cr,
Pino drove, $12. Increased: David Pritch-
ard, Pottsville, to ?17; Daniel M. Itashuer,
Shamokin, to $12.
Man Inge Licenses.
Thomas Galinski, of Oilbertou, aud Victoria
ilurba, of Shenandoah.
John J. Navey and Ilridget Corcoran, both
of llomesvillo.
Pctor Kissel and Mary Kil, both of Potts-
Councilman Magarglo is making extensive
alterations and improvements U his recently
purchased property on Last Centre streot in
order to make one of the stoierooms- better
adapted for his grocery business.. It will
soon be ready for occupancy.
Ituv. ScliaellVr Iteslgus.
Kov. I. M.Schaoll'er, pastor of tbo Itcformcd
chinch at Ashland, on Sunday announced to
his congregation his intention of retiring
from that pulpit. Ho presented his formal
resignation to tho Consistory last evening, to
tako effect June 15. Ho has been extended
a call to St. Marks Reformed church at Head
iug which ho desire to accept.
At K epclilllskl'it Arcade Cafe,
Vegetable soup, free, to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Mrs. Clear Gets the Award.
Messrs. Charles King. Charles Mutton, Sr.,
and Andrew Cochran, arbitrators iu the suit
brought by tho (lirard Estate against Mrs
Winifred Cloary, of town, to determine the
ownership of land in Win. Ponn, now held
by Mrs. Cloary, on Saturday niado their
award. They decido that Mrs. Cleary is the
rightful owner, she having been iu possession
tho required number (if years. The laud
covers an area of ono-clghth of au aero, and
the dwelling and saloon makes it desirable
property just now in that township. It is
likely the Lstato will appeal from tho award
I'lrel rlrut rlrel
Insure your property from loss in tho
oldest and strongest cash companies : Phila.
Underwriters Iiisuranco Co. of North
America aud l'lie Association, Hartford
Fire Ins. Co., American Firo Insurance Co.,
Wet Chester Fire Ins. Co., United Firemen's
Ins. Co. T, T. Wilmamh,
123 S. Jardiu St., Shenandoah.
A regular monthly meeting of the School
Hoard will he held to-morrow evening
Tho liurough Council will hold u regulat
meeting on Thursday night and tho annual
report of tbo liorough Auditors will be pre
sented. The best place to buy your wall paper Is a
F. J, I'ortz, 21 North Main street. We have
a big assortment. tf
The forecast for Wednesday : Partly cloudy
to Mr weather, with fresh westerly Winds,
followed by a slight fall of temperature.
rroceedlngs nt the Criminal Court During
the Day.
Special Correspondence.
Pottsville, May 3. Tho cao of ex-Police-man
Thomas Jlolln of Shenandoah, against
Councilman Peter Harklns, of tho saroo
place, on a charge of bribery, was Ignored by
the Grand Jury and tbo costs were put on
prosecutor. 1 Sol 1 n alleged that in considera
tion for his votu at the ward primary nnd
election Harklns had promised to seen to him
appointment as a policeman.
The caso of Commissioner .Meyers will bo
unbailed to-dav and during tbo week a lie-
tltlou will bo presented to the Suncrinr Court
for a special allocatur nnd siipciscdoas. If
tho special allocatur and supersedeas arc al
lowed Mr. Movers will remain in ollice until
the case Is finally decided by tho higher
court. If they are not allowed and the caso
should he decided favorable to him on the
appeal he would be entitled to tho salary
during the time he would be Illegally ousted.
John Hockabaskis, larceny, en oath of John
Constaniskic; f, line, costs and IK) days. Peter
Chickenavago, malicious mischief, oath of
John Ancklovvsky; f 10 hue and costs. Thomas
Wntson, entering and breaking, oath of J.
A. Zimmerman: bill Ignored, county for
costs. Mary Meyers, larceny, oath of John
Hums; bill ignored, prosecutor for costs.
George Senian, larceny, oath of Win. A.
Womer; f5 Hue, costs and 01) days. Luke
Sa l,v 1 1 is, assault and battery, oath of Maggie
narrow-sparrow; yiu line, cosLs ami au days
IMward Mattin, cruelly to children, oath of
John ltaltinrise; ignored, prosecutor for
costs. Itcuben Itcynnlds, assatiltand battery
oath of Honry D.mco; $1 Hue, costs nnd (iu
lays; I liumas Kllpatrlck, malicious mis.
chief, oath of Prudemc Davenport and
FlUa Herman -, both bills ignored
and prosecutrix In earh caso to nay
tho costs. John Mack, John Cook and Pat-
lick Dougherty, forcible entry and receiving
stolen goods, oath of John J. Ilreuuaii; $1
tine, costs aim 2 mouths. John Kitch, catry-
ing firearms, oath ot James 1-ilzslminonr. : $1
tine, coiits and fu days. Anthony Johns,
laiceny, oath of John Iioletis ; s2.r nno, costs
and nine months. Daniel McGrath, mall
cions mischief, oath of Michael Horgan, $1
lino, cojtsund III) days.
District Attorney llechtel has received a
lettur from Justice May, of Mnhanoy City,
stating that a number of parties interested in
cases at the criminal court have no money
with which to pay the expense of attending.
The District Attorney hays hois powerless to
act, as there is no fund for such ptirposos.
coMMissniKi:its' costs.
Tho costs in the cases of ex-County Com
inisiinneis Itentz, Martin and Allen aggregate
Sili."i.2li They wero considerably reduced by
witnesses signing off. The costs in the caso
of Commissioner Meyers were reduced iu a
similar inannei to$3.
Ten capiases were issued by the District
Attorney this uftcrnoou for parties who did
not appear whou called.
Peter Litwyn and Harney Mclverus plead
guilty to burglary, oath of Max SupowiU ; $5
duo. costs and three mouths.
William L. Sheafer, of the Taxpayers Asso
ciation, whs excused fiom jury duty.
Tho Simano Donkanto Ileneliclal Society,
of Slienaudoah, was granted a charter.
Decree of divorce granted in tho caso of
Lizzie Windlass vs. Charles J. Windlass,
grounds of adultery.
Mr. Wilholm secured a subpoona in divorce
on behalf of Elizabeth Kogcrs against
Ishmacl Kogcrs, of l-'rackvillo, on the
grounds of cruel aud barbarous treatment.
Hogers is solving a term iu prison for having
smuggled two lovolvers into prison tu his
Iu tho matter of the second plurius lnan-
dato of Kdw. O'Brien vs. Union township,
there being no money iu tho treasury, Hon.
lames II. lieilly had the time for filing the
same extended to tho first Monday in July
In tho caso of the Shenandoah lodge of
Odd Fellows vs. John A. Iteilly, J. II. Pom,
roy was granted a rule to show causo why the
lefeudant s appeal should not he stricken oil ;
returnable iu two weeks.
George S. Stauller, C. W. Dengler aud
Jacob Noll were appointed viewers to lay out
i new road in Uuiou township.
Ktmrirlck Hoiihh t'luo I.iincli.
Puree of pea soup will bo boived, fiee, to
all patrons to-night.
DoiitliH and rulieniU,
l'lie fuuaral of Daniel Sigfried, who died
at Palo Alto on Saturday, took place this
uftcrnoou. The deceased was 75 years old
.Mrs. Cathariuo, wife of E. J. McDonald,
formerly of Colorado and now of Gir.mlvillo,
licit ou Sunday, aged 30 years. Interment
was niado at uirardvillo at u o clock this
morning, high mass beiug celebrated in St.
Joseph's church. The funeral was largely
'ihomas Blanch died nt St. Clair ou Suuday
Kuiieral to-morrow afternoon.
Miss Katie, daughter of James and Eliza
beth JleUowan, ol silver UieoK, died on
Sunday, aged -tl years, interment was
made this morning.
lllrllnlay I'urty.
Several pleasant hours wero spent by
number of young folks last night at the
birthday party of Laura McGonlgle, at her
home on North White street. Among those
pretent wero Marie Motcnlf, Mary Igu,
lllancbo, l.velyn and Maud beboppe, Annie
Cantwell, Sadie llrcnuau, Mary O Hani
Agnes and Annio H.irlc, Ucttu l.llis, Mary
Leahy, Margaret McGonigle, Harry nnd
Edward Lally, Edward Kalbach, John and
Frank llarlo, Edward Fox, Patrick llrennau
Harry Major, John Wasley aud James
Triiit Stand Tor Sale.
Host location iu town, siuthcast comer
Centre and Main streets, Egau Building.
Owner will sell cheap for cash. Apply at
the stand. 1-30-lw
New Military Company.
A new military company was organized in
the armory at Girardvllle last evening to bo
connected with the battalion now being en
rolhd by Samuel C. Thompson, of Pottsvlllo,
to ho uudor the command of Col. Joseph G.
Veal, of Carliilo, Pa. Schuylkill county will
be represented in this regiment by four com
panies. Tho company organized nt Girard
villo last night will ho known as Company
C, First Kegiuient. Tho meoting was largely
attended, aud the company starts out with
au enrollment of ninety-one men. An elec
tion of olliceis resulted in tho selection of
II. W. Payne, of Ashlaud, as Captain; Harry
Ellis, of the samo place, First Lieutenant;
Charles Wagnor, of Girardville, Secoud
Lieutenant. Other names will bo added to
the membership as the enrollment proceeds.
Deeds Itecorded,
From Geo, Klminol and wife to Andrew
Kimuiel, premises iu West Brunswick Town
ship ; from John Williams, Sr aud wife to
John Williams, Ji premises iu Mahanoy
City ; from Alex, Faust, treasurer, to Samuel
Dccble. premises in Noith Union Township;
from Samuel Deeblo to Evan P. (Iriintlis,
premises in Nuremberg ; from Samuel Deeblo
tu Jacob Alhertson, Jr., premises In Nurem
berg ; from James Bull aud wife to Samuel
Singly, iireiniies In Now Loudon ; from Evun
I'.lirlUlth und wife to Eliz. J. Lougcnberger,
premises iu Nuremberg ; from Jacob Albert
sou, Jr., aud wife to Eliza J. Lougcnberger,
premises Iu Nuremberg ; from Win, Clark
and wife to A. V. Curr, premises Iu St. Clair;
from Georgo J. Goldsmith nnd wife to Frank
Hoke, premises iu Yorkvllle.
Dwelling 17 S. Jardiu St.; nil latest im
provements, ready fur rcut May 1. Apply
No. 10. 4-23-tf
(Continued from First IMge.)
Illlllili Subjects to Leave.
Hprclal to Kvi:it.iu llr.iut.r.
Key West. Ilav 3. Tho British cruiser
Tnlbert arrived five miles northwest of
Morro Castle to-day nnd, with tho consent of
tho commander of the United Stntos cruiser
Montgomery, proceeded to Havana,
It Is supposed tho Titlbeit will leave
Havana to-morrow with all British subjects
desiring to leave Cuba.
N' Nuts rroiu Miintbi,
Special to KvnxlMl I1i.ka1.1i.
Hong Kong, May 3. Xo news has been
received from Manila to day. The cutting of
the enhlo has cut off communication, and It
is not known whether tho boinbaidmcnt of
thatpoit by tho American licet has been
I.t-n XII M'lshi-n lie lllld Died,
Special to I'.vi:ni.n!
London, May 3. A despatch to tho Dally
News from ltouio says that tho Pope learned
of the disaster to tho Spanlaidsat Manila
just lifter ho had finished celebrating mass on
Tuesday morning. Ho was quite prostrated,
more hecauso of tho loss of life than by tho
defeat of Spain.
Ho repeated his honor that such an evil
as this war should blot tho nineteenth cen
tury, and said ho wished that ho had died
hcfoio he had pruved powerless to avert the
shame and the retrogression in tho advanc
ing sentiment of Christian brotherhood.
Dewey's Ultimatum to Cnptitln flenrrnl
London, May 3. Tho Madrid corre
spondent of the Times, describing Suil-
duy's engagement nt Manila, says: Tho
Olympla, the Hoston, the Halelgh, tho
Concord, the Petrol nnd the Monocacy,
entered the bay under cover of dark
ness by tho smaller nnd safer Uo-
cachica channel. The forts of Cor-
regitlor Island gave the alarm by firing
ou the Intruders, but they seem to
hnve inllicted no serious damage. Tho
American squadron moved up the bay,
and at 3 o'clock in the morning ap
peared beforo Cavlte. Hero, lying
under tho shelter of tho forts, was tho
Spanish squadron.
Admiral Montejo, a few days heforo,
went to Sublc bay to look for the
enemy, but learning that they wero
vastly superior in force had prudently
returned and placed his ships under
tho protection of the forts. This was
his only chance of meeting the enomy
on something like equal terms, and It
did not suffice.
Soon tho Americans opened fire,
Tho Spaniards replied vigorously, anil
tho combat continued without Inter
ruption for four hours, during which
the Don Antonio do Ullea was sunk,
the Castllla and Mindanao wero set on
lire, nnd tho Itciua Maria Christina
and the Don Juan do Austria wero
seriously damaged. One or two of tho
smaller craft wero scuttled by their
crews to escape capture. Others took
refuge in a small neighboring creek,
emptlng into Baker bay, where pre
sumably the American ships were un
able to follow them. Hut not one sur
lendercd. It Is said that the burning of the
Spanish vessels was caused by tho use
of petroleum bombs which were
thrown by the American vessels. Thesa
bombs also set ou fire a number of ua
tivo huts at Manila during tho en
gagement. Captain Cadarso, of tho cruiser Iteina
Maria Christina, who was killed ou
tho bridge of his vessel, was one of tho
most brilliant olllcers in the Spanish
navy. His ship was a model of order
and efficiency. Ho road and wrote a
gteat deal, especially with reference
to naval aud colonial matters, and was
so outspoken that ho often camo Into
collision with tho authorities.
An unconfirmed dispatch from Mad
rid places tho Spanish loss In tho bat
tlo of Manila at 400 killed and a largo
number wounded. The American loss
is not stated, though it is asserted that
tho American ships wero badly dam
Little additional news has arrived
from Manila, but tho cardinal fact is
that Commander Dowcy is now in pos
session of Manila bay, and can cor
tainly take possession of Corrogldot
Island, oven if ho finds difficulty in
effectually capturing Manila Itself,
bwlng to tho absonco of a necessary
landing force. Having thus secured a
naval baso, ho will have no difficulty
In securing supplies of coal. This is
a mero question of money and or
ganization. Tho holllgercnt who Is
strong In certain waters will gonorally
ho ahlo to obtain coal. To declaro
coal contraband is no ohstaclo to pri
vato enterprise If tho risks of trans
port aro modorato and tho pecuniary
luducoment siilflclent,
John Hnrrison und Mrs, Sldonia Cooper
were married at tho home of the bride's par
ents in Ilrovvnsvillo on Saturday ovfnlug by
Itov. James Moore, pastor of tho Primitive
Methodist church of town.
Won the Prizes.
The Defender Hoso Company, of Turkey
Bun, lust night held their drawing, and
resulted as follows: William H. Davis, of
Tuikey Uun, held number 103, and drew f25:
Frank Carbon, of Mayberry alley, blienan
doah, No. 1050, won $15; Sarah Ann Kir
win, Turkey Hun, No. 090. won f 10. William
Tcunaii, of Gilbertou ; James Kerwln,
Turkey Hun, and Thomas liroslin, of town
conducted the drawing,
Whlto blanks at 5 ceuts per piece aud gill
at 0 und 7! cents per piece. We havo highc
priced wallpaper. At F. J. Portz, 21 North
Main street. tf
Notice to Pensioners.
I'arties In Shenandoah drawing pensions
aro notified that Mrs. S. W. l'omeroy, notary
public, will bo here to-morrow, tho 4th lust,
to attend to all pension business In her hands,
'1 hose interested will bear this In mind.
I.xpponlng Throughout the Collntl)
Clironlrled for Ilnsty I'erunnl.
Kcglstcr Frank C. liccso was horo Satur
day evening nnd showed local hnrsometi
what Shenandoah can send out In the fast
hore line. Mahtnoy City Amoricnn.
flio Increased demnnd for tho IlKUALh
should bo taken ndvntitngo of by advertisers.
May tho first will bo n red-letter day In
American history, with Com. Dewey in the
Tbo Borough Council of Jlalintioy City
will award the street paving this evening.
George Stern, of Mahnnoy City, will Iocnto
Iu Philadelphia, wheie ho has secured a posi
tion with the l'elinn. 1!. K. Co.
Edwnid Dornn, Sr., of Hills patch, loft
yesterday for Colorado, nnd will make that
western stato his fuliiro home.
Pawnee Bill's show Is at I'ottsville on the
Kith Inst.
lion. George V. Kennedy was appointed
foreman of tho grand jury.
It Is said fourteen weddings will occur in
Pottsville next week.
The Miners' National Hank, Pottsville, has
dcclaicd n dividend of three per
The coiner slono of St. Paul's Liilherin
church nt Port Ciiibon was relald Sunday by
Itov, Uiubenhcn.
E. B. Foley, of grocery fame, Is a consplcl
ons figure ou our stieets behind hi; new
globe trotter, which is acknowledged to bo
eiiual to any Derby winner.
Guy Winters, of Mahnnoy City, yesterday
accepted a position on tho reportorial stall' of
the ltepublicun.
Senator Quay presented n petition numer
ously signed by citizens of Pennsylvania
protesting against tho increase ot duty on 1
cigars. i
Thomas Fnrrcl, Jr., of Locust Gap, had his
foot crushed by a stick of timber falling upon
it, wliilo engaged In timbering tho gangway. :
lie was icmovcd to the stato hospitnl for
treatment. 1
There seems to be sonio doubt about the
Heading paying at Mahanoy Cily next Satur- 1
day may be n three-week pay. !
Tho Ladies Aid Society of the 'j unity1
Kcformed church will give n sociahlo In tho
church to-night. 1
Miss Harriet Bevan, of Mahanoy City, has ,
proll'errcd her services as a nurse to tho lied i
Cross Society nnd will probably bo accepted. !
The High School Alumni Association of
Mahnnoy City, will hold u reunion ntKnior's
grand opera houso on Thursday evening.
The School Directors of Ashland will placo
in American Hag over each of the school
buildings in that town. An excellent ex
ample for the Hoard iu this town.
Tho big advance in wheat bas caused a
rise of about 1.00 per barrel iu tbo price of
Long Controversy Knded.
At a meeting of the Borough Council of
Gilbertou last night it was decided to per
mit tho Schuylkill Traction Company to re
lay its track at tho eastern cud of tho bor
ough on conditions to be inserted in an or
dinance to ho drawn up by W. A. JIarr, Esq ,
counsel for tho coinpauy. Tho conditions, it
is said, aro the payment of tho f 1,500 dam
ages claimed by the borough and all taxes
duo on the cars, which have not been paid for
several years.
Our Population on the Increaso,
Mrs. James Brennan, of East Oak street,
gavo birth to a baby boy yesterday afternoon.
The homo of Mr. and Mrs. John Klchards,
on West Huckleberry alley, was brightened
yesterday by tho appearance of a baby boy.
William Evnns, of South West street, has
been presented with a baby boy by his wifo.
And last but uot least.Mr. aud Mrs. William
Jones, of East Coal street, havo become the
happy parents of twins. They wero born on
Annual Sales ovorC, 000.000 Boxes
such a9 Wind nnd Pain In tho Stomach,
Giddiness, Fulness alter meals. Head
ache Dizzinoss, Drowsiness. Flushlng3
ot Heat, Loss ot Appetite, Costlveness.
Ulotches on tho Skin. Cold Chills, Dis
turbed Sleep, Frightful Droams and all
Nervous and Tromblltip; Sonsatlons.
IN TWENTY MINUTES. Evory sufforer
will acknowlodeo them to bo
lir.IXH.VM'S 1'iLI.s, taken as direct
ed, will quickly restoro Fomalei to com
plete health. They promptly romovo
obstructions or irregularities of tho sys
tem nnd euro Mck Headache. For a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Beecham's Pills aro
Without a Rival
And havo the
ofnny Talent .Hcillrlno in tlic World.
25c. at all Drue Stores,
Baby Carriages
$3.50 and up. N
Stoves ! Stoves j i
We are at present making n
specialty of handling stoves and
ranges. Our latest inducement is
"Queon Clndorolla,"
With an everlasting triplex grate,
one you can burn on three sides.
Will burn hard or soft coal, is a
good baker and a fine looker. This
stove we will sell lor the next 30
days at greatly reduced prices.
121.123 North Alain St.
--v&w&vvx mm
ji ! 1 1 1 1 ririh
Mnny Coal Cnrs Wrecked by n Urblge
A serious wreck occurred nn tho lMilhulcl
phla & Kendlng Hallway nt about cloven
o'clock last night, n short distance below
Mentzors' and near Wells' dam nbove Tama
qua, hut fortunately none of tho crow sull'ercd
Injury. AToaded coal train from tho Cntn
wlssa branch parted below last Mahanoy
Junction nnd the two sections cnnie together
on n bridge at the point above stnted. The
shock hroko the hrldgo down nnd thlrly llvo
cars were picclplbitcd Into the cleek
Wreck crews from Tainniiua and other points
wero hard nt work early this morning clearing
nwny Hie debris nnd repairing the biidge,
which continued in progres during the day,
tho passenger trains making connections via
tho short route. The road will not be ready
for trallle until 12 o clock to night.
P fi 11. passenger train No. 108, In eliargo
of Engineer Dreher nnd Conductor Meis
wluklo, duo In Pottsville from Ashlnud nt
7:10 o'clock last night ran into the rear end
of a coal train at Palo Alto. Tho passenger
engine nnd one coal car were slightly dam
aged, roitunalely, however, no one was in
jured. of tbaCIobofcr
m HfiUKALGIA and rlmllar Complaint,
IM. nna prcportu unuif fi" l nor-
YfW nrnyin iirninii I t;i o
u c iittm n in lu i uuu uuno
prescrluoa ly eminent physicians!.
1 1
World renowned f KcmarkaMy pucci -t til !
K-t-fnninn wiLii i rndc ftinrK " Alienor.
1. HU'hterU'o., 215 1'enrISt.,. Jiew lorL.
13 Branch Houses, Own Glassworks,
U&SOcu. Enilormd A, recommended by
A, Waslty, 106 N. Main St.,
II. Hagenbtich, 103 N. Main St.,
F.F.D.Kirlln, 6 S. Main St.
,. Snenanioah. (
"ANCnOIt" STO.iIAOMAT. bost fop
Coil, llvspepsin 'Sroiiincli Coinplnlrun
IjlOlt SALE Stuiin laundry nt n sscrlllce,
' doino- irood buiiness, well establl-hed trade.
Uood reason for selling. Call or address Proc
laim Steam Laundry, 1-reeiand, l'a.
FOITSAI.K. A valuable property for sale on
South Jnrdin street. Kor further Informa
tion apply to 200 South Pear alley. 5-3-lw
Q O A 0 0 Wanted, n loan of 13,000, first
fp'JjVUVJ. mortgage, at once. Apply
nt the ofllec.
TTIOIt HUNT. Two large rooms In Itefowleb
U building, 10 Houtn inin street, ah con
vciilciicc.H. Bultnliic for oflicc. 3-lU-tf
I nOH SALE A very desirable property. .
J ply to Joseph Wjntt, 201 North Main St.
Thos. Buchanan,
Examination Made at Your Home
Our Store.i
or at
-Hac Moved to
118 S. Main Street.
SS, , J$B11& ' Wine,
As low prices on lumber and all kinds ot
building material as is consistent with good grades. Away
down prices do not always mean good grades. Come in and
see us some day and we will show you our stock and quote
Glenn & O'Hearn,
(Successors to J. W. Johnson,)
INJ- Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Factory Shoe Store
Has opened at
No. 7 S. Main St., Shenandoah. Pa.
Next door to h. Goldin's clothing store, with a full line of boots and
shoes at factory prices. New stock, new goods. We also carry a com
plete line of gents' furnishing goods, hats and caps, underwear,
notions, &"c, at prices according to the times. We quote a few articles
the prices of which speak for themselves :
Infant's shoes, from 20 cents up; children's shoes, from -lo cents up;
ladies' shoes, from 75 cents up ; men's shoes, from 95 cents up,
ABE LEVI rl E, Proprietor,
Ilcforo using CuTlcunA SoAr, my faco anil
hands were just as rough as could bo nnd my
faro was nil covered pimples, 1 was un
lit to looknt,butnftor using CtrncuUA Soap
thrco weeks, my faco was equal to velvet,
Feb. 0,1898. l'AFIi DUl'ilE, Chalor,La.
I suffered with blackheads and pimples for
two or tbrco jcars until It becarno chronic. I
tried everything Imaginable, but It did mo no
good. CuticuiiA Soap cured mo.
Feb. 20, 'US, L.V.OII.l.IAM.Oak P. O., Va.
I was troubled for eight years with pimples
on tho faco. I commenced using CtiTlcmtA
Roav. In n very short time tbo pimples all
disappeared and mv skin Is now In n healthy
condition. J AMIS I'OSTEIl,
Feb. 17, 1803. Dlxmont, Allegheny Co., l'a.
Botil ttirouphout the vrorlil. rrtce.tle. Potter IlRtm
Ann lurM 1'i'Hr , Sole Prop., Motion.
f-" Uuw to Prcvcut tod Curt PlmplM," mailed fret.
These were the two reasons that formerly
kept people frm attending to their teeth.
Doth reasons hnve no existence in this ad
vanced age. Painless and inexpensive dent
istry w ilh nn absolute guarantee for five years
is our method.
A Good Set of Teeth, S-
The Very Iiest Teeth, $S.
You can get no belter, no matter what you
pay. No charge for extracting, where teeth
are ordered. e can take your impression in
the morning and give you your teeth in the
afternoon if desired.
dold Fillings, $i ; Best Silver
Plllings, 5oc up; Cleaning, 5oc;
Extracting, 25c.
Crown and bridge work nt very reasonable
rates. Examinations and estimates free.
We use but one grade of material
the best.
7 North Jardln St., Shenandoah.
The undersigned have assumed charge of
the Shenandoah Uenovating Companj-'splant,
nnd are prepared to clean, sew and lay
carpets, mattresses, and do general upholster
ing work.
Feathers Cleaned.
Work Done Promptly.
... Drop Us a Postal.
Orders can be left nt No. 7 North West street,
or at the plant, Apple alley and
liovvers street.
A good
drink. ,
plaeo -for a good
chael Mills' Saloon,
1 K. Centre street. Mcllct's building,
Whiskies, Beer and Cigars. Krealteist
beer in town nlwayu on tap.
Attentive nnd skillful tonsorial artists always
ill attendance.
Neatest Shop In Town.
W. G. DUSTO, Prop.
Ferguson House UlocW.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvety softness of the skin Is inva
riably obtalued br triors who use l'ozzom'a
Complexion Powder.
A Handsome Dining
Whoro the wnlU nml ceilings aro made dntut
nnd attractive by our unique designs nnd rich
nnd beautiful coloring in wall papers, is an
incentive to a falling appetite. At no timo of
the year docs your rooms need a new dress ntt
much when rrng comes in her new enrh,
and shames tbo dingy room whero winter hau
left tU iinprcMS in smoke nnd dust. Look at our
new ami lovely utock of wall papers.
224 W. Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa.