Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing ,to tho taste, and acta gontly yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head- j acucs ana lovers ana cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac Gcptablo to tho stomnch, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most hcalthyand agrocablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 3AH FRANCISCO, CAL. UOUISVIUE. Kr. KCW YORK, N.f. WITCH HAZEL OIL C Piles or Hemorrhoids Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. I I Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Boils fe Tunaors. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rhium oVTetlers.- EChnppet Hands. Fever B isters. Sore Lipj & Nostrils. Corns & Bunions. Stings : Bites or Insects: Three Sfrcs, yc, 50c. aucl $1.00. olil by druggists, on ci- iwat-paldonrett'lptof price mjiriiiii,is'3itu.(u , 11 a its Hiiiiisi.1Rwicri. Every man's wife wh has usetlSEELlQ'S knows a good drink. Try iton your husband. friends j&f can tell you about Seol- lar's. This admix ture improves cheap coffee and makes vmiadeliciouidrink for little romey. 2c. a ape grocer. mmmmmmmmmmmmm AKBEY'S OCK EEE, Gives a satisfied smile to every palate that tastes it. Now on tap at all our customers. WAl. SCHMICKUii, JR., - Agent. miiimimuuimiLLiaiiu EVAN J. DAVIES. Livery and Undertaking, No. 13 North Jardin St. rWORGESTE B 1 I)I?MM ILU W IV ITobly Responds to tho President's Call for Volunteers! NEARLY ALL OFFICERS ENLIST. The Eight Officers and Four Hundred and Thirty-one Men of the First Brigade Who Did Not Volunteer Were Unfit Physically or Were Needed for Family Support. Mount Gretna, Pa., May 3. Yester day was Inspection day for the First brigade nt Camp Hastings, but this was overshadowed by the enrollment of volunteers for the United States army, and, as has often bean demon strated before, the Pennsylvania Na tional Guardsmen again showed the stuff of which they are made by nobly responding to the call to duty. Out of 2.GS0 ulllcers and men who reported on the Held 2,241 volunteered to go to war for the two years llxed by the presi dent. In these numbers 32 ofllcers done away with under the volunteer army bill are not Included. Many of those who did not volunteer Included men of old nge or known to be unfit physically, musicians nnd men whose families sorely needed their support, and who had been advised by their olllcers not to volunteer. These numbered eight of llcers and 431 men, and those who will noon become United States volunteers numbered 1G2 regimental and company olllcers and 2,0S9 men. In some of the companies there are vacancies yet to be filled. The day was not without Its accident. Colonel Howman, of the First regiment, Just before the Third regiment was In spected nnd enrolled, had paid hfH respects to Governor Hastings and staff when his horse began to buck suddenly and threw his rider violently against tho pommel of the saddle. Colonel Bowman fainted and fell to the ground. He was taken to the Eighth regiment hospltul tent, where the In juries were found to be painful and probably serious. He was sent to Philadelphia In the afternoon, and there Is a possibility that he will never again be able to assume his command, although as he lay on the hospital cot he volunteered to serve his country. The feature of the day was the en rolling of the volunteers, and It was intensely dramatic and pathetic at times. Throughout the day there was a hushed gayety about the camp, and until after the Third regiment had gone through Its ordeal only once did the feelings of the men break loose. It was when the news of Commodore Dewey's brilliant naval victory came. In a flash almost the news passed along the two and one-half miles of the camp line, and In a moment afterwards the men dropped their mess tins and rushed Into the company streets. For half an hour cheers echoed and re echoed from end to end, and from down In the valley came the cheers of the batteries and cavalry troops. The oc- caslon Inspired patriotism, and perhaps had much to do with the events that followed. The Third regiment was the first to pass In review before the governor, and then formed In columns of companies, and the governor and staff advanced. Inspector General Morrell presented himself before Colonel Ralston and said the words that permitted the young colonel to become the first volunteer of the war from Pennsylvania. The roll call of the different companies was then rapidly proceeded 1 Ith. Following are the regimental oftlcera volunteering and the aggregate of the company ofllcers and enlisted men: Third regiment Colonel Ralston, Lieutenant Colonel Price, Jr., Majors Cavln nnd Tllghman, Jr., Adjutant Groome, Quartermaster Taylor, Sur geon Martin, Assistant Surgeons Bow man and Patterson. Every company officer volunteered and 400 enlisted men answered "Yes." The nays numbered 51. Sixth regiment Colonel Wnshabaugh, Lieutenant Colonel Shenton, Majors Clyde and Price, Adjutant Price, Quar termaster Steele, Surgeon Ashenfelter, Assistant Surgeon Ward, Chaplain Mowry. Company ofllcers all volun teered, and 209 enlisted men answered Yes;" nays, 89. Second regiment Colonel Porter, Lieutenant Colonel Dechert, Majors Worman and Hartung, Adjutant Kun zlg, Quartermaster Rutter, Surgeon Burgln, Assistant Surgeon Robins. AH but thrci' company ofllcers volunteered. These were all physically Incapacitated. Among tho enlisted men there were 487 yeas and 105 nays. First regiment Colonel Bowman, Lieutenant Colonel Good, Majors "Will lams and Allen, Adjutant Pusey, Quar termaster Koens, Surgeon Smith, As sistant Surgeons Harland and Tunis. Every company ofllcer volunteered ex cept Captain Muldoon, a veteran of two wars and not able to go. Of the enlisted men 491 said yea, and 101 nay, State Fenclbles battalion Major Brazer. All company officers volun teered and 176 enlisted men. The nays were 68. Battery A Cnptaln Warburton, Lieu tenants Cresswell and Pancoast and Second Lieutenant Lewis. Surgeon G. Thomson did not come In under the new law, but expects to be appointed, and will be detailed with the battery. There were 61 yeas from enlisted men, 17 contingent upon parents' permission, and 9 nays, Gray Invlnclbles (colored company) Lieutenant Henderson and 46 enlisted men. There we're 11 nays. First Troop Philadelphia cavalry Captain Groome, Lieutenant Browning, Second Lieutenant McFadden and As sistant Surgeon Frazler. There were 59 enlisted men and 1 nay. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, l'lainfielcl, 111,, makes tlie statement, that she caught cold, which settled o"n her lungs ; she was treated for a month by her family physician, hut grew worse. lie told her she was a hopeless vic tim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption ; she bought a bottle and to her delight found her self benefitted from first dose. She comtinued its use and after taking six bottles, found her self sound and well j now does her own housework, and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at A. Wasley's Drug Store. Large bottles So cents and Sl.oo. Tliri (iorninn Wnrnlilps fur" Mnnllu. Berlin, May 3. The German warship Kormoran (third class cruiser) left Klno-Chau Sunday for Manila. This, with thu Irene (second class cruiser), now en route to Manila from Nagasaki, .Japan, will make three warships of Oermany In the Philippines. According a the last olllclal statistics there are nly about 100 Germans In Manila." M, L, Yocum, Cauioron, l'a., Bays "I was a sufferer for ton years, trying must all kinds of pile remedies, but without sucrcsd. Do Witt's Witch Ilnzcl Salve was recommended to mo. I used ono box. It lias effected a per manent cure." As a iermannt cure for piles DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo lias no final. O..H. Hagcubucu. INETHE RS OLE writcs I "Aftor bolnff complotoly worn out from constant norvous Btraln, I wm advlsod. to uso tho aonulno JOHANN HOFF'S MALT EXTRACT. Ithasbono- fltod mo so wonderfully that I havo bocotno its strongost advocate" Ask as. Joliann Iloff's Malt for Genuine AVOID SUBSTITUTES cjC;6eececciecccsececccceceececceGsccec6cceeececs mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmim C'Kaier Export Beer"-1 IN TUB MANUFACTURE OP THIS CHOICE BREWERY PRODUCTION THE KAIER COMPANY, Limited, OF MAHANOY CITY, lias attained an excellence which has rarely been excelled. MR. CHARLS D. KAIER And his associate have spent, not only much time, hut also a largo amount of money, in experiments, to brim; this Ileor to Its present perfection nud tliey liavo many testimonials that the company has received from well known medical Men which aro exhibited with pardonahlo pride ly tho President, Mr. Chas. 1). Kaier. The brewer, Mr. Franz Kaler, is a KMitlcinati scientifically versed in all that pertains to the Iliowcr's Art and to his perseverance and closo application is largely duo the splendid triumphs achieved by The Kaier Export Beer. It is compared by many "Old Country" lleer Drinkers to tho products of lladcn and Havana. MADE ONLY AIM O SOLD BY THE GHflS. D. KAIER COMPANY, hmd. Mahanoy City, Pa. REPRESENTED IN SHENANDOAH BY EDWARD O'DONNELI Mail orders will receive prompt attention. LAUER'S BOCK BEER In Bottles or by the Keg. Lauer's Lager AND Pilsnei Beer. Porter and Weiss Beer. Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street, SHENANDOAH - PA THE PHILADELPHIA TinES IS THE HANDSOMEST and BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED. DiirliiR 1898 Till! TIMKS will not only maintain the high Htandnrtl of excellence It reached tho pat.year, but will steadfastly endeavor to excel Its own het record, and will not swerve from Its set purpose to make THE TIMES THE FAVORITE FAMILY NEWSPAPER OF TU13 COUNTRY ANIl THE BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED rniNTiNa ALL THE NEWS OP ALL THE WORLD ALL THE TIME No journal Is more extensively circulated or has a wider circle-' of rcuders In Pennsylvania than THE PHILADELPHIA TlflES WHY? BECAUSE IT DESERVES THEM Specimen Copies Sent Free Send for One TCn JVT C DAILY, $3.00 per annum ; 25 cciitn A J-lvl l per month; delivered hv carriers lor o cents per weeic. bukuay kiutiun, 32 lurne, liundsonio piiues 221 columns, elegantly Illustrated, beautifully printed in colors, 8J-C0 per annum S cents per copy. Daily and Hun day, S3.00 per annum ; SO cents per month. Address all letters to THE TIMES. FUIUDKLFUIA DRINK- CMSARY'S EXTRA FINE QUALITY -GINGER ALE, - Superior Sarsaparilla... and Orange Champagne. Extract LE BRUN'S. von F.rrnr.u sex. TIiIm rcnicdv Iielnir in jected directly to tlio n effa went or mote aiscascH m 0 I""' tho Gciilto-Urltinry SHlffl tl IM Organs, requiron no HjM jf "91 chance of diet. Cure xmp --1 HBH cunrntitceit lit 1 to 3 ilnyw. Nninll plain puck. TTT TP T7" mull, 81,00, HJf J XfuJCftHold only by S. P. KIRLIN, Shenandoah. ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND THERE IS NO KIND or pain or i ACHE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL, THAT rAIH-KILLER WILL NOT RE LIEVE. , LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB- , STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS &. SON. CURE GUARANTEED."" KIVOlli;ilII.,I'rY,i-ehti.Ufr Nelf-Mhute. (Special JHeiikf, Var icocele. NU'lctlircR. .o Cuttlntr. Ntiiull Ultleclufc(l Ortfittit:Ioi)t MiiithoiHl Ktfttm-etl. di nftn nnionu ;J ii re iimi .int.-ed ULUUU rUlOUH In till oaei, Preali citnea cured In -t t10 uuy. Sind lUcta. stamps for JloJlc "IVlltll. OIllVtrilGirif'dlOnl hnulr V.ynnntnt Uuucki&rakoluititutct.tUclrtricks&ecUcinefl. WE PERFECT Will X DO NOT DESPAIR I l)oXit Suffer X.ouuer! The Iuytf mut ambitions of life can u re stored to von Tho very worst cases of Nervous Uebili tv nrt absolutely cured by 1'KII r KCTO 'FA 11 1 AYVH. ttilvo prompt relief tu insomnia, laiiuiK memory uiiuuiunutu and drain of vital powers.tneur red by Indiscretions orexcesses of early years Impart vltfor and jtotency to every function. Ilraconptho system. Olvo uioom io i no eyes of young c a eft s nua lu&iru u inu oroUL Onefflp box renews C boxes nt VA( n eom-l teeil ciirn or mono? refund- vital enemy i pi eie L'uaruu ed. Can be vervwlierOor carried tn rust pocket, bold mnltpri In iitnln wriiimor on recelptof price tyTllE I'tSUFUCTOCO. CaxtouBldg. CbicaiJlL For sale In Slicnandoah by Shenandoah Drug Htoro and Gruhler liros. rnun.-enenr - stoke. o DEAI.Klt IN o Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail. SO West Centre Streets flilllons of Dollars Go up in smoke overy year. Take n risks but got your bouses, slock, fa nlturs, etc., insured in first-class r liable companlos as ropreseutod by DAVID FAUST,,!?"""? Also 1Mb knd Accidental Oorapanlaa DETECTIVES ! Kimball's Detective Agency Do all legitimate lUtective work. A correspondent wanted in all towns. Office, 58 Trust Building, Wllllamsport, Pa. Io pam from yout RUPTURE If you woar tha CHAMPION TRUSS. Mnrln Rv fbJUdeiDhU Truu Co., 610 Locuit SI. Pirn, Pa. Ik 1)1 anvJSien 3 ay wmmim -ax MS OF WAR. The Nashville Brings Twenty Span ish Soldiors to Key Wesk CAPTURED ON THE ARGANAUT. Civilian Passengers Were Placed Ashors at Cienfuegos, Where Our Vessels Were Fired Upon and Returned the Fire Our Soldiers May Start for Cuba Next Sunday. Key West, Fla., May 3. One of the most Important captures made since the outbrenk of hostilities was that ot the Spanish steamer Argonaut by the gunboat Nashville last Friday, newu of which reached here last night when the warship arrived. The Arganaut had on board Colonel Corljo, of the Third Spanish cuvatry, his first lieu tenant, surgeon major, seven other lieutenants and ten privates and non commissioned olllcers. The steamer also carried a large cargo of arms and Mauser nmmunltlon. She was hound from Batnabano, Spain, for Cienfuegos, stopping nt Port Louis, Trinidad and Manzanlllo. The Nashville, tiie Marblehead and the Eagle left the station on the north coast last Monday to blockade Cienfue gos, arriving nt the latter place on Thursday. They spent the day recon noiterlng, and the next morning (Fri day), In order to get better Information, steamed close to the mouth of tho harbor of Cienfuegos. All were cleared for action. At about 10 o'clock in the morning smoke was seen rising on the western horizon, and tho Nashville, because ot her position, put on all speed and steamed In that direction. Twenty live minutes later she put two shots across the bow of the coming steamer, which promptly hove to. Ensign Kuenzll was sent with a prize crew ot four, who took possession of the Span lard. Learning that Spanish soldiers were on board word was given to send them to Nashville Immediately a3 prisoners of war, and this was done. Arrangements were then made to transfer the passengers and non-combatants to the shore. The women and children were placed In the first boat, and under cover of a Hag of truco were soon bound toward the entrance to Cienfuegos. The second crew took the other passengers and landed them. The Eagle hoisted a signal conveying the Intelligence that she had been fired upon by Spanish boats coming out of the river. The Eagle Immediate ly returned the lire and held her ground until the Marblehead came up. Both vessels then tired broadside after broadside up the entrance to the river. The boats coming down were two tor pedo boats and one torpedo boat de stroyer. After 20 minutes' firing by ths Eagle, the last two of which was par ticipated tn by the Marblehead, the Spanish boats ceased firing, and it Is considered certain they were damaged. The report that Ygleslas, the bus pected sailor on the Puritan, has been court martialed and sentenced to be shot Is an Invention from the whole cloth. There Is nothing In the state ment against him, but to save hlm'from the Ire of the crew, who believe the treason story, he was quietly put on shore today and advised to sail for thu north. Robbed the Grave. A startliinr incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was tho subject, is narrated by him as follows : "I was in a most dreaillul condition, ily skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortun ately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Hitters.' and to my great joy and surprise, tho first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their uso for thrco weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed tho gravo of another victim." No ono should fail to try them. Only 50 cents per bottle at A. Wasloy's drug store. I'otroleum ltnmli Story Doubted. Washington, May 3. Naval officials are inclined to discredit the statement In dispatches from Madrid that Ad mlral Dewey employed petroleum bombs In the reduction of the city of Manila. In fact, no definite Informa' Hon could he obtained that the Ameri can squadron was supplied with such Instruments of destruction. It Is re garded as quite likely that, In the event of a bombnrdment of the city, the bursting of shells would start Beri ous fires, and perhaps result In a con flagration, but that Admiral Dewey used bombs with the express idea of firing the city Is deemed lmprobahle Children like it, it saves their lives. Wo mean Ono Mlutc Cough Cure, tho infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, aud all throat and lung troubles. C, II. llagenbuch. Xlmnkh to t'oinmodiii'o Dowry. Washington, May 2. Hepresenta tlve Grout, ot Vermont, of whose district Commodore Dewey Is a native, yesterday Introduced this reso lution : " Resolved, That the thnnks of congress are due and are hereby tendered to Commodore George Dewev and the olllcers and seamen of the Asiatic squadron by him commanded for the heroism and skill displayed by them in the total destruction of the Spanish Meet In the harbor of Manila, and the capture of tho city and the planting of the American nag In the capital of the Philippines." A little life may bo sacrificed to a sudden attack of croup, if you don't havo Dr. Thomas' Kclcctrio Oil on hand for tho emer gency. ' Forced to Ulvo Up IIIh Command Springfield, Ills., May 3. Major Law rence Ennls, of the Seventh Illinois National Guard, and formely law part ner of United Stntes Senator Mason, was yesterday forced to give up his command. To follow the fortunes -of the regiment he promptly surrendered a law practice In Chicago which his father founded In 1845, cancelling the otllce lease and Bending all clients to other lawyers. Ily the decision of the war department, under which the regi ment will he mustered In the service In two battalion formation tho Junior major and a number of others are left out In the cold. A Great Surprise Is in store for all who uso Kemp's Il.ilsnm for the Throat and Lungs. Would you be ieve that it is sold on its meiits nnd any druggist is authorized by the proprietor of this wonderful remedy to give you a sampl bottle free? It never fails to cure acute or chronic roughs. All druggists sell Kemp's Uttlsaiq, 1'rice 25 and 50c, ao ittHip Out laumtlcs, "Washington, May 3. Senator Fair banks yesterday Introduced a bill pro hibiting the landing of Innane persons In tho United States, and for the return of those who become Insano two years after arriving to their own countries. To Cure Headache In IS Minutes. Take Dr. Davis' Atl-llcudaclio. AU druggists The Soni of the Crsdle. Dye.bye 1 1 tope rlcs h leh I There's a awett lini, nn. EOiSt' Jy-- d!e ''uur "P I" lh'- ; SVV"5 - A lr llflle llfr that t. r cointna to Ulcus , Two on rhuWiy hntlds that will put nnd can-as; A pure little aoiil wing ing down from ntiove; A darling to care for, a baby to lovt. . .1 I - Jt In the days when live sinned it was writ ten that motherhood should here after be ac coni pan led with pain and sorrow; but this curse upon our fore parents has been light ened more and more a mankind have learn- cu to riie superior to many of their sins and mistakes. One of the grandest agencies which en lightened Science has discovered to relieve motherhood from excessive suffering is the "Favorite Prescription" devised Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of lluffalo, N. Y. This wonderful "Pre scription " imbues the entire nervous m-s-tetn with natural, healthy vitality; gives elastic vigor to the delicate organism spe cially concerned In motherhood' renders the prospective mother stiong and cheerful and makes the coming of baby entirely free from danger and almost free from nain. The delighted gratitude of Mrs. Pearl Walton, of Alvo, Cass Co., Neb., will find an echo in tlte heart of every expcclaut mother : " Previous to the birth of my child, " writes Mrs Walton, " I had no appetite, was sick at my stomach, had headache, conld not rest at uight, was completely worn out in every way I com menced to use Dr. Pierce's Pavorfte I'fcsci iption and began to improve right away 1 used two bottles of this great medicine and felt like a new person At the time of confinement I was in latxjr but a little while and I owe it all to that great remedy Dr. Pierce's favorite Prescrip tion." Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation. YiiSlHKUAY'S BASEBALL GAMES. National l.eniritr. At Brooklyn llniokb n. 10; Philadel phia, 9. At Miiltlnxirf -Baltimore, 0; New York, 1. At Pi!ljurg -Cincinnati, 7; Pittsburg, 3. At Washington Boston, 7; Washington, 0. At Chicago Chicago, 13; Louisville, 7. Custom I.i'umie. At Syracuse Syracuse, 8; Buffalo, t. At Springfield Toronto. 7; Springfield, 2. At Providence Montreal, 4; Providence, S. At Wllkesbarre Wllkesbarre, 7; Ro chester, 4. Atlantic l.eugruu. At Hartford Paterson, 11: Hartford. 2. At Norfolk Norfolk, 9; Heading, 1. At Richmond Richmond, 0; Allentown, 1. At Newark Lancastor, 10; Newark, 0. Thirty-livo years uiako a generation. That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanesville. O., suffered from piles. Ho was cured by using three boxes of DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. C. II. Hageubuch. Now'Yoi'Ii'h uolTflcirs Kiit'iunped. New York, May 3. Camp Black, at Hempstend Plains, and Camp Town send, nt Peeksklll, were formally open ed yesterday, about 12,000 men going Into camp. Patriotic citizens gathered at points of departure throughout the state and immense crowds lined the streets of this city through which the soldiers marched. Grand Central sta tion, where the troops from the interior of the state ai rived, was surrounded by men and women vicing with each other In outbursts nf patriotism. For Infants and Children. Sle fie- O I: ob erery i a v II II Bom9tlx&eB necis a reliable, monthly, rcualf.ui.q inUclne . O v the jjurestdrugsshould be U3ea. if yi a Tint the l - , Db1. PeaPs Penn,yre9yai Pills Thor are prompt, sate and certain In result. The jnuinl (Dr. JVaJ'v) nrTerdlsapf Dolnt, Bent anywhere, SI. 00, Adlreu L'zjti. J.liu.oiKit Cc I'lcTLiand, O. For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drusr Store, Shenandoah, Pa. "A FAIR FACE 1VAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES REE TRSAL TO Iho foremost Medical Company in tho World in tho Cure of Weak Mon Makes this Offer HAPPY MARRIAGE, IJeaLTII, ENERGY AND LONG LIFE. .Jj?J!? the wotld kyr111 ?H lhe h'story of the world-no doctor or Institution hai treated and restored so i many men as has the famcrt ERIE 11 EPICAL ro., of nuffulo, n y. J his IS due to thQ fnofc that tho mmranv "r,ntrlu kn,A I rnn,nn. .....t .v..l i rSi".111.!1? 0,15 w!iol9 Flm at niedical ulenri' ""i"1'8 K.r.?na old con'l'any now makes this C . w'))j nm) iuuK)-a')y eueiuve appliance ana whole month's courso of restorative remedies, posiUvelu on tnaL uithout erpCTiM, to any honest and reliable man I sm a aoimr ncea do aavancea not a twnny paid till result re known to and acknowledged by tho patient. The Erie Medical Company's appllamo and remedies have been talked about and written about nil oer the world, till strciiBth, vigor, healthy tissue and new life. They repair drains on tho syttcm that mp tho energy. They cure nervousness, despondency, and all the eflects of evil habits, excesses, over-work, ete. They give full stremjth. development and tone to every jortlon and organ of the body, l'ailuio is inuussl. ble and age Is no barrier This "Trial Without KlWlMo" ntT,r Is nivtiimllr Urn. lted by the company to a short time, and application!' miitf. liA mafia n, irtfit ' I1 Write to the ERIE MEDICAL COJ1PANY, BUFFALO, K. Y . and five VOtir PITtreu HdHrnu na U'11 ,u vmiF E.stoflice, Refer to seeing the account ol thalr this paper. tat him snlJ dircf' t tin. t id euuu r f"r 2. oara ut wliulo ea!" vQin, trmg turn tho dealer a rroDu. wnero lor fiamiDtiioa, j.Terjtiiing k rriQUj. 1I8iIt!i if Vehiolei, to itjiei oi utrneu. Tod liuuiui. t3G to f 70. Surrevt. J50toil25. g9, I'ii Ae tons, Trajn, V(ton cttee. bpnug-Itoad ru1 Milt ff0.1T. Surrtr nirorii, Pi f 18.00, ai goua tor s ELKHART uauuiaui: a.m iiaumibb mfu. HiiiiniHiiuiHiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiHiMiHiiiiiiHuuiiiinniuiiiiiuii!iniiiiMuiiiiuim nro tlio (f'yi YYV I V A& funned m li&'(lRAIN. tintl g uk'S, WtZ. Prepared bill. I. HACKETI 4 CO., Philadelphia. - FOB SALE EVEBYWHRRE uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLUA iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiijiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiina jennsylvania RAILROAD. HTIHTYKIM, DIVISION MAncil 17, H8. Trntrin will leave Hhennndonli after tne anora date for WlnrAna, Oflberton, Frakvl?ic. DatIi Water, St. Cfelr, Pottavtlle. Itnmburg KcacVlrut, 1'otWnwn, Phoenlxvil!' .foirlstown ar.d Phli aelphlA (Bmftd street st tt on at 60S anj) SIS a. oi,, 2 IB, 8 18 p in. on week days, Sundays, fl OS , in., 1 80 p. m. Iw Hbenandoab for PoHsvlIle via Delano! 7 87, 10 05 h. in.. 12 80, 2 82 nnd KS'ip, m woolc days. HumUy, 9 &1 . m., 681 p m. Tnln leave Prackville for Hln nnn Joah at 7 HI, 1 1 4(1 at. m. nnd S 16, 7 81 p. Hundny, 11 01 a. m. Hnd 3 26 p. io. I.cave Pottsvlllu for Hheuamlonlt i via F rak vllle 710, 1120 a. m., 8 20,7111) in Sunday !0 8." a. tu., 8 00 p. m. Leave Pottavllle tor Shenandoah via Delano 718, 940 a. in., 128K, 242 and IOOj m, wc:k days. Pundnya, 9 18 . in. 6 08 p m Inve PhllwlclpMa, (lirotut rn t ptntlon), fo Hhciiiinriofth t 8 87, SIIS and 10 l'i a. m , 4 10 p. in, week days. Hundays leave at It GO n, m, IxpftveBroAd atreet atiiHon, Phli,'b'rMA tor Hea Oil, Anbury Park, Ocean drove Lonr HrAtieh, and Intermediate stall nis. 8.'J0, 11.11, a. m 8.80 And 4.00 p. in. week-days, lave Broad Street Htatlon. Philadelphia, 1'OR NKW YORK. KspretM, week-days, 8 20, 4 On. 4 00 5 I 6 E? 7 88, S2C, 9 80, 1021 (Dining '. , II n, r.i 1200 nonu, 12 88 (Limited 100 and 4. : r,j Dining Cars), 1 40, 2 80 (Dining ( ar B ', 4 00, 8 00, 5 88 ( Dining 0r), 8 00. 7n' 1U Hln dig Car), 10 00 p. m., 12 01, inlit Hundays, 8 20, 1 08, 4 80, 8 1, S 20. 9 88. II ) 1)1. Inn Cur), 1188 a. m 12 88, 1 08 i Inning ( ur 2J (Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited) 4 21 Klnlr 8 20,8 88, (Dining Car) 0 85, 7 02, 7 4j. Dlr.Inir Car 10 00 p. in., 12 01 night. Kxpri'xx for Ronton without change 11 00 in. , week-days, and 7 48 p. m., dally. WAHHINOTON AND Till-: SOI TIL I'or llaltlmore and Wiwhlngton. 3 W, 7 13, 8 32 10 20. 11 28, A. in., 12 09, 128) I 1)1. .in ( ir lit Ii"liiK Car). 8 18, 4 41. t aliErca- hIoiiaI Limited, Dining Car, ii 17 6B.J , Din ing Car, 781 Dining Car p in and 1.' OS night week days. Sundays, 8 Ml, 7 20. 9 12 11 i3, a. in., 1209, 1 12, (DlniiiK Car, 4 11 r3 ( on greetlonftl Limited, Dining Car 0 1. Dining Car, 781 IDintnirCar p. in. and I. Oj night. For Baltimore, accommodation ') ,2 a ur ,TC1 and 4 01 p in week days, 8 OH and lit' u dally FOR ATLANTIC CITY I,cAve Broad street ftation via Delaware rlvei bridge Lxprtps, 9 20 a m, 7 08 p. in dally ijave aiuraethircec an e.prt -i. s&oam 200, (800Haturday only), 4 00, 8 00 p. in Sun days, 8 48, 9 48 a. in (accommodation 4 30 nnd auup, m.i cor ispeaiay, Anxieaea, vt nauoouand IIoIIj Brach. Hea Isle City. Ocean Cllv. Avulon and Stone Harbor Kxprexe, 9 00 a. m., 4 00, p. m. week days. Sundays, 9 00 n. m. ror aomers l'oint Kxprens, hbo, a. m.,2 00, 4 00, 8 00, p. in. week daya SiiMlat a, 8 IS a, in, I. U. HUTcHiNnuN, .1 It. Wood, (ien'l Mnnaxer. (Jeu'l Past k r Aut THE GREATEST BOOK n tp ill:! Should be in Every Home . l He People's ma km$ U written hy JM-ht Hnn WUIimn lit Kx-i'riniifr uf li ttiun in l I F.nw . Itwv A. H. .i-r, (,u"Mi . O.I . lirv Simiu-t Ivhh CurtiM, 1.D, f I ' Hptmuiir v, Chicaiio Jll . Unv J' r 1 1 FkN, Peiin of fiuit' rhurv, Cnni r ' Klni'-rM t iwn, I) IX.TuftN Coll'v - Itn. Trunk W i 'iiir.iiniu, lJ It (Mtfcntrn, III , Uf" (jooivm V. Ivi.t-1 1 , i tionn l'rst fpri ii rtmrt'h Um t i MnuArthui 1 1 , TnKiiry 1 ft ' N lt, N Y. Utv Mtirtm St. di i htrwot 1 urn !t iiitint rhuroh. lj!i-t.,i . M. t(rllnl, IU . Fir-t Muhnthft I FvniiPton, 111 . Y. 1 MfMtn t I tinu Oominonwcntth." Lnndmi, I i 1 J Everett Iffile, 1 I) , Smith OtiiiL-n it, liOKtoUt M-h , Kev .looli Auiir ). i ' I i n Colleoo, Htchmcinl, hii , llov. Cn-i u I ITnivtr-it, Leinzitr, im ' ' t Olinor W i 'tiiion, I) I , I'nt-vcr-n ' ' i niKO. 111., llov. SamunI Hurt, J I ! i , Hiirtfrtr'l.C mil j Km .J. Monro i i I p'' I'luh'.-ilei ian Churrlt, LoiMlfin 11 "9 O Loj imr. P., Tho Ttmiiln. lio-'i t 1'UI'tl.AH Fltinftl.-Wi pnuiH. r. fi rn lion i. Kilt edOf, cloth, tlM, hulf 1' ' v (ull luvant, tli())t Ijl UtTO ! UITIOV 15!0 raCfH. 20 f i. ' I T rn ti.-ins. Stilo A Kilt fiiro-. full ! i i" . I1SIM. KtlU tvra volume-, full ' : i lit Iti PAliTS.aunrto si?B. n'U' (. t '.I p;uor covorn, ewc I. trlntinHil r-li In i faiihnr information, wnt' J - Mi, 1'niiiiMiBi rzvi nttfi iw nti Pot at Fovtnsky's druic store, Kaa Centre stret. A WN'S TANSY PILLS A TRIFD. TKTI ANT) HFK WOMAN 3 Alwn DrnntntHtitl rflmb'.t I nt i. Gft CiTIIN'S TABIT 'ILLS and 'AV K kkOKKTB, Vt rlrn,' fititrfi 01 ff nt tlirecl (m 11 f 1 ) u- 't tl Cati ric Co , Boitoo, Mau (inrt,aok 4c Kor sftle at Klrl!n8 dru etoroand .Shenaodoa drujc etoro .4 ll U ci x & ".rmiMj and ANY HONEST MAN tn niui h do eptlou has been practised In advertliluK hUinltni; oiTer : v oHert?!' ! sLipmy - t'arria - ft S J3 INS ' T M i in 1 yi IiiMMiii. ,imT m I I Mi I ill I TV vfsu m mil Mm 11 mm I I x Ma'ni, beutl tor Urfie, fret Nu BOOBurrty Price with curtain iim. iun CaUlogu o( all our uli lei itmle auaaDtliviiiera t Aii-)iuiuururtJ, 1.0. . u. l'luxr, beev,; WOMEN WHO READ I lirogiMMtlvo autl kt'ej) informed of 5 World's l'rogro.-M. Tho woll In- unit thrifty liouao-wlfo will RAINBOW LINIMENT i In tlio house, us ft standard remedy for SiinUns., C'nunus. lUioumatlsin. nil aches and pains. C P,l9Hrll unit ROM. n..hA,llA