The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 03, 1898, Image 2

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Published every Evening, Except Sunday, fti
Hotrrn Jaudin Htrbkt, Nraii Obsthr.
ly lli-rald I. dellvt-ird liiHhciuindoan ond the
(UrroatulluK town (or six cent a week, pay-
to the carriers, lly mall W.00 a year, or 25
n runnth, payable lu advnnce. Ajhcrt's
U charged according to spai anil position,
publishers reserve tlie right t" ehal.tio the
Han of advertisements whenever tho pulc
ftn ol news demands It. The right Is
icwervMl to i Ji-.1nnr advertisement, whether
lia lor or not, .4,15 lbe publishers may deem
lproprr. Advertising rates made known
uhjd application.
Rawed at the poslotllce 11 1 Shenandoah, Ph., an
secVmd elas mall matter.
"All the News That's Fit to Print."
Svening Herald
TI'ExnVY. MAY 3. 1S1IS.
OUR COUNTRY: First, Last and Forever
TilK HnitAl.l) not only furnished
itx renders with thu Intent untlii'iittc
nuws from thu Philippine, but
covered the. local Held thoroughly,
and chronicled the court proceeding.
There is nothing toogood for lIliltAl.n
ifdders tlie.-o dny..
Tjik short engagement between
three of Admiral Sninp.-on's sliips
and the furtificiitions near Miitiuiziis
settled one thing besides the Spanish
forts. The guns aboard our men-of-war
will do tho work they lire in
tended to do. Commodore Pewev has
simply emphasized this statement.
It will come with a great surprise
that Win. L. Singerly's debts reach
the appalling figure of $3,0110,000. It
is not believed that Mr. Singerly him
self realized how hopelessly in debt
he was involved and tho statement
of tho receivers makes it doubtful
whether the estate will realize f0 per
cent, to tho creditors.
Tins war is going to cost a idle of
money, but there is some consolation
in the thought that Spain will ulti
mately have to foot the bill, War
indemnities in these times usually
mount up pretty high. Uncle Ram
will keep a careful account of all
items of expense. Spain has some
little real estato lying around that
may serve as security.
Tun attitude of the French press
toward the war is revealed in a highly
interesting review transmitted by
special cable from Paris to the Xew
York Herald. All the radical and ad
vanced journals, including those
which defended M. Zola, see in the
action of the United States only the
help given to the oppressed against
the oppressor, but the more conserva
tive republican journals clearly sym
pathize with Spain. "It seems that
Spain, in tho exercise of rights that
are clearly hers beyond question, will
preserve the sympathies of Kuropo,"
says the most authoritative govern
ment organ, the Temps. "In the ac
tion of the United States there is no
justification in precedents of the
rights of nations,'' says the Debuts ;
while a popular journal declares that
it is the right of Kuropeto hold terri
tory in America that is called in ques
tion. I'f is the desiro of the Xitvy depart
ment to suppress the publication of
tho movements of our ships. Such
publication is merely giving notice to
the enemy of our intended move
ments, and prevents any surprise, if
6iich is contemplated. At Key West
a censorship has been established,
and rules have been adopted for the
guidance of correspondents there. It
would be a good thing for tho depart
ment if some of the unreliable cor-,
respondents could bo totally removed
from that point. Tho rules are as
follows : "It is prohibited to forecast
the movements of the lleet and army;
theories are forbidden; improper criti
eisms of officers are forbidden; ad
vices of engagements between oppos
ing lloets must go first to the Depart
ment in Wnshington; press miittei
limy follow; no code or cipher mes
sages are permitted."
Spain may appeal to its "glorious
history" for inspiration in this
struggle, but this will not put oir for
It single hour tho date of its over
throw. Spain may cry out In piping
falsetto that Its "honor" will not
ullow It to give up Cuba, but the
days of Spain's mlsgovernment in
Cuba are near their end. It Is said
that Spain's army in Cuba numbers,
counting those in the hospitals, 120,
000 or lflO.OOO num. Not u soldier of
this force will ever see Spain until he
goes out disarmed mid discomfited as
an American prisoner of war. Dark
threats emanate from the Madrid
press that Woyler is to be sent to
Cuba to supersede liliinoo, but al
though tho United States, for purely
selfish reasons, would like to see the
poltroon and blunderer Woyler back
in command in Cuba, it knows, and
Weyler Knows, that tho Spanish Hag
'will have been torn down and cast
out of Cuba before he gets a chance
to see the island ngaln.
Needs assistance it way be best to render it
promptly, but one should remember to use
even the most perfect remedies only when
needed. The bet and most simple and gentle
remedy Is the Byrup of Ugs, manufactured
by tho California Flit Syiup Co,
Coining lSveutt.
May 4th. Social aud eutertalumont under
auspices of tho Welsh Presbyterlau church
lu itobbins' opera house.
dewey's bext move. '
May Combine With the Philippine Insur
gents to Have the Latter Garri
son the Island.
WnnhltiKton, May 3. It In a curious
fact that the nation most directly In
tore tfd of all the great porrs In the
comliat that took place at Manila Sun
day nhould bp aimiiiR the last olllclully
to know of the tcault. Up to the close
of oilier hours yesterday absolutely the
only Information that our Knvernmint
had received of the brilliant victory of
Connniubire Pewey and the wlnnlnir of
the battle came to the government
through the medium of the press ills
patches. If the report In true that Com
modore l)eiey has begun a bombard
ment and blockade of Slaulla It Is un
likely that he can spate a vessel from
his lleet to carry the news to Ilonu
Kong, the nearest cable station, so It
Is not known when olllclal uuvlces will
There was wine expectation that
through the surrender of the city the
commodore might acquire control of
the cable, but even then theie might
bo practical dlllleultles In communl- ,
eating through It. A fear Is entertained 1
that before retiring from the city th"
Spanish troops will smash the delicate
and complicated i-lni-tHcnl apparatus,
and It Is very uncertain whether there
Is i nouph technical skill In the Ameri
can lleet to repair such damage.
The greatest anxiety Is felt as to the
casualties sustained by the American
lleet. From the slubl orn defense made
by the Spaniards It Is reined that be
fore they burnt, blew up or sunk their
ships they managed to Indict severe
damage upon Commodore Dewey's
squadron. All of the ships engaged
were vulnerable In one respect, namely.
In their lack of protection to life. There
was not an armored shi; in Commo
dore Dewey's lleet. the nearest ap
proach being the flagship Olympla.
If Commodore Dewey lias lost a con
siderable port ion of his men It Is feared
he will be much embarrassed In the
work of maintaining possession of
Manila for lack of sulllclent force. It
will not be possible, having regard to
the safety of the ships, to spare any
considerable number of men to keep
the city, especially if the engagement
bus disabled ninny of them. There was
some talk yesterday of sending troops
out from Pan Francisoo to aid In this
work, but this has not yet taken shape
as far as can be lennipd, and It Ic
likely that the department will wait to
hear from Commodore Dewey himself
before taking any action. It may be.
and In fact It is expected, that by com
bination with the insurcents he will
succeed In having his men relieved of
the task of garrisoning the Island.
As to the future of the Island, It Is
likely that the government will retain
possession of at least one irood port,
such as Manila, for a coaling station
and base of supplies during the re
mainder of the war. It is believed the
olllcluls have not decided what to do
with the Islands at the end of the war,
but In their possession the United
States will enjoy a powerful weapon in
enforcing terms of peace with Spain.
Supposing l'orto Hlco shall next be
seized, It would seem that Spain will
have Utile to encourage her In fur
ther reslnlance.
l'linniuiiiils of Kiill'erers from irrlnno havi
been restated to health by One Minute Cftisli
f'urn. It (inii-klv cures emmhs. colds, bron
chitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, and all
throat ami lung diseases. 1:. 11. iiuccnuucn.
A I.arg Majority of tho People l'nvor
I bo t'ulii'il Mutes.
London, May 3. The question ns to
whether Ililtish sympathy Is really
with America is still agitating those
who are chiefly Intel ested In establish
ing a good understanding between tho
two nations. Mr. Alfred Ilnrmsworth,
who personally and through his papers
has been doing the most rlllclent work
In this dlreetion, Is convinced that a
large majority ot the people of the Uni
ted Kingdom are unreservedly In sym
pathy with the United States. lie
bases his conviction on a caieful can
vass of the country, which he has Just
had completed. It shows that Scotland
Is practically solid for America, and
that Ireland, except In tho north. Is
hostile to America. Of the merchants,
shippers and business men generally,
30 per cent are keenly American. 35 per
cent nre neutral and 35 per cent aro
against war anywhere.
The Non-ConformlstB are solidly pro
Amerlean, while 00 per cent of tho
Roman Catholics are pro-Spanish, In
nil cases, according to the statistics
The llrltlsh aristocracy, aside from
the Catholics, is evenly divided, while
the Jews are opposed to America.
Itlghts of Amci'IcaiiH In 1 1 1 1 -1 1 .
Port au l'rince, Ilaytl, May 3. The
efforts which have been making for 20
years past to Induce the Ilaytian gov
ernment to accord the same trade and
labor rlghtB to Americans as to the
natives, have at last proved successful.
An agreement has been arrived at that
there shall be no difference In the li
censes. Amerlonns are also admitted
to the retailing privilege, heretofore re
st! Icted to Haytlans.
Kallntl Ill-end IHoIm Continue.
Home, Mny 3. -A dispatch from Ita
venna. capital of the province, of that
name in central Italy, says a bread
riot has occurred at the village of Ung
nla Cavallo. The tioopa fired on the
rioters and three rioters were killed
and three sokllets wounded.
Probably to Carey Troop-, lo Cuba.
Mobile, Ala., May 3. A call for trans
ports has been received here. The war
depattment has wired Major Pond to
secure at once. If possible, two lighters
and one bowl capable of carrying 600
men with l-nggage. It Is believed that
the Intention Is to make a landing
somewhere alonw the Cuban coast.
Tho Homo of Hood's Sarsaparllla
A Wonderful Cure.
"A swelling as big as a largo marblo
cahio under my tongue. I'bysleWinssaid it
was a semi-transparent tumor and must bo
operatcu upon, I felt I could not stand it,
and ns t-nrlng camo began to tako my
avorlto spring tonic, Hood's Sarsaparilla.
The bunch gradually decreased and tlnally
disappeared. I have had no sign ol its re
turn. I am Glad to praise Hood's Bursa pa
rtita." Mas. II. M. Cobuhn, 8 Union St.,
Lowell, Moss. Get HOOD'S.
Hood's Pills euro Sick Headache. 25c.
Celebrated Female
l'ovt-ilr-rs povor fall
lo,uM Vui!Hilet4u I ilui
tie sod turc ftr lillu.1
vith Ttt7 'id Penny roytll'Ul ml aher tlif
tointmfpt. Uujpntwd ttipcrtor to all outer. -UtveU
lUJIUUll'll. Alw, uuj ut
fig. V'i Ur. Ilntfnu, Maw-
I AHanc
r I Is one of the
, I posneaa. I'
I tivea It.
Handsome Comploxion
e greatest charms a woman can
Favorite Remedy Cures When All
Other Mcdlciucs Fail.
People who sutler from Gravel,
Brikht's Disease, Kidney, Liver or Urin
ary Troubles, Pain In the Small of the
Hack, Frequent Desiro to Urinate, es
pecially at night, who feel a Scalding
1'ain in pass
ing Water, and
whose urine is
cloudy and
standing 0
short time,
ought to
know that
there is n
which will
cure those
It Is
Dr. David
It has cured when nil other medicines
linvc failed. It can be obtained at drug
stores for $1 a bottle. It is needed by
the army of traveling salesmen, bv
thousands of railroad men, by those who
are kept inofliccs breathing foul air nnd
sitting or standing all day long, as all
of these employments breed kidney and
bladder trouble.
nre a sufTercr, or if you have a suffering
friend, send your name and nddress to
tho Dr. David Kennedy Corporation,
Iiondout, N. Y., when a samplo bottle
of Pnvoritc Remedy and pamphlet
containing valuable i.uormation will be
mailed free to you. He sure to mention
the name of this paper when you write.
After eight vcars of ngonv, Clarence Vnn Os
trom.of Stisslng, Dutchess Co., N.Y., wtia cured
otliravei by mvnrne Kcmciiy. 110m you,
render, neeu a ineulufne ot tnii Kinar it 1
buy a bottle of It or send for sample.
As Itellocti'd bv Dealing-, In I'lillndol
pblu unit Ilaltluiot'o.
Phlliiilelphid. May 2. flour firm; win
ter supurliiie. $3.Tjfil: Pennsylvania roller,
clear, $1.7ii4fu; western winter, $4.:iKi5.1.-i.
ltye Hour linn; choice Pennsylvania, $3.30
per barrel. Wheat advanced; No. 2 red
spot. Jl.121il.l3; No. Pennsylvania ami
No. 2 Delaware red, Sl.l,fU,5jl.l4. Corn
lower; No. 2 mixed, April, KlUifTSD'c.; No.
2 yellow, for local trade, 12c. Oats scarce'
No. 2 white, 37Viii3Se.; No. 2 white, clip
ped, 37(137'. Hay linn; choice timothy,
$12.6iWil3 for large bales. Heef firm; beef
hams, gait; at.SU. Pork quiet: family, JlSjf
13.311. laird steady; western steamed,
JU.03. Putter llrm; western creamery, 1414
17c.; factory. 13yHMfC.; lilglns, 17c; Imi
tation creamery, H115ic; New York
dairy, 1 ITHUlic; do. creamery. MM&l'c;
fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing at 20
2:ie.; Jo. wholesale. 19c. Cheese firm;
large, white, S'2c.; small, white, S?49c.;
large, colored, 8iiSjc.; small, colored,
Sc.; light skims, &Vic; part skims, 4Jf
5',4c; full skims, 2fi:ie. Eggs steady; New
York und Pennsylvania, W,(.m2c.; west
ern, fresh, llViUV'.; southern, lO'.iffllUc.
Potatoes steudy; New Orleans. $2.37140
2.50; sweets, $3fr-f..ri0. Tallow steady; city,
3sic: country. 3 U-l(;ii:e. Cottonseed oil
steady; prime crude, 17!i,fy20e.; do. yel
low, 2Ie.
ISaltlmore, May 2. Flour quiet; west
ern, $3.231j3.W); do. extra, $4,151(4.75; do.
family, $:.1j5.3U; whiter wheat, patent,
$5.5011 3.M); spring do., f0.10fi0.C0; spring
wheat, straight, $3.85110. Wheat strong;
spot and month. $1.1 IK.1(l.ll-4; July, $1;
steamer No. 2 red. $l.1lis1i 1.11; southern,
by sample, $1.13iiil.l53: do. on grade, $1.12
fil.13. Corn Hun; spot. SDIjSOVic ; month,
3S3,39c.; June, 3Sr;i1i3S?4c; July, SSvic.;
steamer, mixed, SSli liUe. ; southern, whlto,
40V IHic; do. yellow, 39?iifi42c. Oats
llrm; No. 2 white. 37'i1i3Se.; No. 2 mixed,
3Hi1i35c. Itye .Heady; No. 2 nearby, Cl?i
C3: No. 2 western, (Mlic Hay firm; cholco
timothy, $13. Uraln freights rather
quieter; demand not so active; rates
steady; steam to Liverpool, per bushel,
5d., June; Cork, for 01 dors, per quarter,
4s. fid.. May; Is. 4V4d., June. Sugar
strong; granulated, 5.52. IJutter steady;
fancy creamery, lSe.; do. Imitation, 1C5J
17c; do. ladle, 13c; store packed, 1314c
l-:ggs llrm; fresh, lie. Cheese steady;
fancy Now York, largo, UillidHc. ; do.
medium, 9H$ll0o.; do. small, 1014c. Let
tuce. fl.E0fjl.Tr, per basket. Whisky, $1.27
(1.2S per gallon for finished goods In car
loads; per gallon for Jobbing
i;ivi Stock- Markets.
East Liberty, Pa., May 2. Cattlo
strong; extra, $3,131)5.20; prime, $3.031j5.10;
common, $3.9UHI.15. Hogs steady; hesj
medium, $1,051(1.18; best Yorkers, $4.03;
light Yorkers, $3,951X4; heavy hogs, $11j;
4.10; pigs, $.1,755(3.90; roughs, $2.50ft3.D0.
Sheep dull; choice clipped, $4.201f45; com
mon, $3.15f)3.Ml; cholco clipped lanlbs, $1.75
(4.90; common to good, $1.158 4.70; spring
lambs, $51(7. Veal calves. $31(5.75.
East Buffalo, N. Y., May 2. Cattlo ro
cclpts moderate; good fat shipping steers,
$4.D0U5; fat smooth steers, $l.S0t(4.90;
coarse and rough steers, $4ff4.50; light
steers, $1,501(4.05; fat heifers, $4.50S4.70;
mixed butchers' stock. $3.75ii4.4U; good fat
cows, $J.S014.15. Hogs about steady; good
to cholco Yorkers, $1.07((4.10;llglit York
ers, $1,0514.07; mixed puckers' grades, $4.10
((4.12; medium weights, $4.15; heavy hogs,
$l.l-Vn4.2U; roughs, $::.C51(3.90; pigs, $3.75Q'
K.9U Sheep and lambs slow, but steady;
native clipped lambs, cholco to extra!
M.9'Mi.r; fair to good, $4,501(4.75; yearlings!
fail to choice wethers. $1111.25; wool
limbs, fair to choice, $31(5.75; native clip
ped sheep, choice to selected wethers,
1.15(04.25; mixed sheep, $484.10; common
to fair, $3,731(3.93; culls, $3.25B3.75.
Ask your crocer for tho "Itoyal Patent
dour, and take uo other brand. It la the best
Hour mai'oj
Cahio Con'iiniiiilcatloii Interrupted.
New York, May 3. Tho central cable
olllce of the Western Union Telegraph
company Issues the following notice:
"We are oillcially advised that the
cable between llong Kong and Manila
Is Interrupted."
Tito popo Prostrated.
Itome, May 3. Ills holiness Is quite
prostrated bv the news from Manila.
He has expressed his horror at the ter
rible loss of life, nnd repeatedly said
that he could wish to have died before
seeing such a war. lloth the pope and
Cardinal Kampolla, papal secretary of
state, have refused to consider any In
terference, declaring that the attitude
of the Vatican Is one of strict neutral
ity. I'liwci'M Will Not Intiu'vono.
Vienna, May 3. In woll Informed cir
cles It Is positively denied that the
powers will Intervene at the present
Juncture, nor has any agreement been
arrived at for mediation at nny futura
time. The disparity of views Is con
siderable enough to render highly Im
probable the co-operation of all six
powers in any diplomatic step, either
at Madrid or Washington.
At Jctico, Mo., yesterday 13 persons
were killed and several fatally Injured
by a tornado.
The gift of Yale college to the cruiser
Yule will be two Vicar-Maxim cutis,
coBtlng over Jti.000. r
Prince Kouiik, inoihient of the
tsung-ll-yumen (ChlneLfdrelgn offlco),
died yesterday ut Peking'
Winston T. Townsegh-'u. -a-year-old
Yale freshman, wasyTiijled by his
bicycle collidlnc wltla.iea'm at New
1 '
' 11 1 -11 -..1 1 r. 11 1 in ii-
A III It to TSnlNt Them In Our Array
I'lidoc Itcitrlctlous.
Wnshington, May 3. Sevcrnl war
measuies were passed by the senate
yesterday, nnd, liotvvlthstnndlng their
Importance, not one ot them elicited
the Bllghest debate. Probably the most
Important measure passed by tho sen
ate was the emergency wnr deficiency
bill, carrying $3&,"20,94G. Mr. Hawley,
chnlrnian of the military affairs com
mittee, secured the passage of a bill
provldlUK for the enlistment of a vol
unteer brlKwde of engineers, nnd of
lO.nnn men In the south who lire Im
mune to yellow fever, these enlist
ments to be In addition to those pro
vided for In the president's cnll for
125,000 volunteers. The men will enlist
" for the war." The war revehue
measure, passed by the house of rep
resentatives last Friday, wus received
by the senate nnd referred to finance
committee for consideration.
Senator Proctor Introduced a bill
pctmlttlng Cubans to enlist In the
American arm during the Spanish
wnr. Such volunteers are to receive no
compensation or allowances, but nre to
be furnished with sifch supplies, arms,
ammunition nnd other military nld ns
the ollleer of the United Slates com
manding them mny deem nbsolutely
necessary to enable them to perform
effective military service. There Is nlso
a provision depriving those serving
under this law from the benefit of the
pension laws of the United States.
"-Not VIotoi'jViluT Aniillillnt I011."
London. May 3.- The Dally Mall In
nn editorial this morning on the en
gagement at Manila, says ; " It was,
In Nelson's winds, "not victory, but
annihilation,' and It proved Commodore
Dewey n worthy discipline of the heroic
Karrngut. It Is characteristic of the
American race to be generous to the
weak, and ns the president Is averse to
useless bloodshed he will doubtless
meet Spain, whose honor Is now saved,
In a generous splilt."
Iiucklen's Arnica Salve.
The bsst salvo In tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, 6alt rheuiu, fover soros,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positholy cures plies,
or jo pay lequlrcd. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satlf faction or mony refunded. Price
35 coats per hnr. For sain by A. Wastor.
Decoration Ihiy at tetfybiirg.
Memorial Day, May 30, will be a great day
at Gettysburg. Imposing ceremonies will bo
performed on this historic spot in which
President Mclvinley and his Cabinet are ex
pected to tako part.
The personally-conducted tour of the
Pennsylvania Itailiond to Gettysburg, I.uray,
and Washington, which leaves New York
and Philadelphia May 23, will afford an
excellent opportunity to visit the famous
battlefield 011 this occasion. Two days will
be spent at Gettysburg, 0110 at Luray, and
two at Washington.
Tho party will bo under tho guiilanco of
0110 of the company's experienced tourist
agents. A chaperon, whoso especial charge
will bo unescorted ladies, will accompany the
trip throughout. liouud-trip tickets, cover
ing all necessary expanses during tho entile
time absent, will be sold at the oxtieuiely
low rate of $27 from New York, $211 from
Trenton, $21 from Philadelphia, and pro
portsonato rates from other points.
For itineraries and full information, apply
to ticket agents; Tourist Agent, 11IK1 lirond
way, New York ; 7S9 Hroad Stieet, Newark,
N.J. ; or Geo. W. Iloyd, Assistant General
Passenger Agent, liroail Street Station, Phila
delphia. Tho fanner, tho mechanic and tho bicycle
urier 1110 flablo to unexpected cuts and
bruises. DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salvo is the
best tiling to keep on hand. It heals quickly,
act! is a well known euro for piles. 0. II.
Don't start South without consulting John
M. llcall, District Passeiucr Agent, Southern
Hallway, 028 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
If you cannot call in person, write to him.
Terrible plagues, thoso itching, pestering
diseases of tho skin. Putau end to misery.
Doan's Oiutmeut cures. At any drug store.
Tho Yalo OIV Tor Wnr Duty.
New York, May 3. The steamship
Yale, formerly the American liner
Paris, left her dock last night under
sealed orders. When the vessel swung
out from her pier, hundreds of steam
vessels In the river saluted her with
their whistles, and a number of small
cannons In the vicinity boomed salutes.
Tho Yale carried a full supply of stores
for an extended cruise, and had 5,000
tons of coal aboard
Tlio C.'oit of War.
Washington, May 3. The compara
Uve statement of the government re
ceipts and expenditures Issued yester
day shows that during April the re
ceipts from nil sources nggregated $33,
012,943 and the expenditures $44,314,062.
This deficit ot over $11,000,000 was
caused by Increased expenditures on ac
count of war preparations.
? No Muss. No Trouble.
I ::any color. i
S 1 .. S;
Tho Cleanest, Fastest Dye for;:
:S Soiled or Faded Shirt Waists, :
j; Blouses, Ribbons, Curtains, Under- j
: linen, etc?, whether Silk, Satin,;:
: Cotton or Wool. W ;i
js Sold In All Colors by Crocers' and'.
jg Druggists, or wailed free S;
5 for 15 cents 1
: 127 Dunne Street, AW I'orifc. 3;
j: A Pleasure at Last. jjj
i hew Rfel&itl old i
Every expectant mother lins
a trying ordeal to faco. If uho docs not
get ready for It,
thcro is no tolling
what mny happen.
Child-birth is full
of uncertainties if
Natttro Is not given proper assistauco.
Is tho best help you can use at this time.
It is a hinmcnt, nnd when regularly ap
plied several months beforo baby comes,
it maltes tho advent easy and nearly pain
less. It relieves and prevonts " morning
sickness," relaxes tho overstrained mus
cles, relieves tho distended feeling, short
ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer
tain without any dangerous aftcr-elTccts.
Mother's friend is good for only ono
purpose, viz.: to rcliove motherhood of
danger and pain.
1 Oue dollar per bottle at all drug stores, or
sent by express on receipt of price.
Faun Books, containing valunblo informa
tion for women, will be Eont to any address
upon application to
Atlanta, Go.
Tho last three-day personally-conducted
tour of thu season to Washington via Penn
sylvania Kailroad V'iH leave New York and
Philadelphia May 12. Tlckels, including
tmusporUtiou, hotel accommodations and
every necessary cxpenso for the entire trip,
will bo sold at tho following rates: From
New York, llrooklyn and Nowark, 14.50;
Philiipsburg, N. J., 511.E0; Pottsville, $11.30;
Capo May, $13.25; Philadelphia, $11.50, and at
proportionate rates from other points.
Persons desiring to return via Gettysburg
may do so by purchasing tickets at $2.00
extra, which includes this privilege. Au op
poitunity will also be ailbrded to visit lit.
Vcruou aud Arlington at a slight additional
l-'or itineraries, tickets, aud full informa
tion apply to ticket ncents ; Tourist Agent,
111)0 Hroudway, New York ; or Geo. W. lioyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent, Ilroad
Street Station, Philadelphia.
Give the Children a Drink
called Grain-O. It is a delicious, appetizing,
nourishing food drink to tako tho place of
coll'ce. Sold by all grocers and liked by all
who have, used it becauso when properly
prepared it tastes liko tho finest coh"ce but is
free from all its injurious properties. Grain
Oaids digestion and strengthens the nerves.
It is not a stimulant but a health builder,
and children, as well as adults, can drink it
with great benefit. Costs about 1 as much a3
codec. 15 and 25c.
And l-'limcrs, the Hand nf America, Cali
fornia. Via the truo pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
Itoute," which traverses a region of perpetual
siinshino, where snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes uio unknown. Pullman first
and second class palace and tourist sleeping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah anil
Nevada, without change Quick time, low
rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway
improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via the Missouri Pacific railway
system. For rates right from your home,
literature, and full information, drop a postal
card, J. P, McGinn, T. P. Agent. 511) Kail
road avenue, Elmlra, N. Y., or 391 Hroad
way, New Yoik.
3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, G. E P. Agt.
It Is a great leap from the old-fashioned
doses of bluo-mass and nauseous physics to
thu pleasant little pills known as DeWitt's
Little Ear'y Kisers. They cure constipation,
sick headache and biliousuoss, C. II. llagcu
UNsuiti'Asscn snitvicE orrr.uEi) 11 v 'run
Leaving Hroad Street statioii.Philadclphia,
at 0:55 p, 111. dally, tho "Southwestern
Limited," carrying a dining car aud the
most luxurious Pullman drawing room sleep
ing cars, reaches lllrniinghan tho following
night at 10:10 and arrives at Memphis the
uoxt uiorniugat 7:10. Through sleeping cars
for Asheville, Savannah, Jacksonville,
Tampa, Atlanta, Mobile and New Orleans arc
also attached to this train. Pullman reser
vations can bo inndo In advance und all In
formation obtained by communicating with
John M. Ileal, District Passenger Agent, 628
Chestnut street, Philadelphia,
' Neglected colds make fat graveyards."
Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup helps men
and women to a happy, vigorous old ago.
Decoration liny Tour to (fetlyhlmrg.
Tho Pennsylvania Kailroad Company has
arranged for another of its popular seven
day pcrsonally-couductod tours to tho battle
field of Gcttybburg, Luray Caverns, aud
Washington, to leavo New York and Phila
delphia by special train Saturday, May !JS.
Hate, $27.00 from Nuw York; $21.00 from
Philadelphia, cover all necessary expenses,
Pioportlonato rates from other puints,
For itineraries and full information apply
to ticket agents ; Tourist Agent, 110(1 Hioad
way, Now York j 780 Broad street, Nowark,
N. J. ; or Geo. W. Hoyd, Assistant General
Passenger Agent, Philadelphia,
Had blood and iniligcbtiou aio deadly
enemies to good health. Hurdock Iilooil
Bitters destroys them.
The Soutli and 1U AiUaiitageH.
Tho Southern Hallway has issued for free
distribution, a sixteen pago journal des
criptive of Virginia, Nortli and South Caro
lina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and
Mississippi, Persons seeking new locatlous,
or capitalists desiring to make safoand profit
ublo investments will find tho information
coutalncd tliereiu both valunblo aud Intel
estiiig, Copies will be mailed freo upon ap
plication to John M. Beall, District l'usscn
ger Agent, 828 Chestnut streel, Philadelphia.
A little boy asked for a bottle of "get up In
thu morning ad fast as you can," the druggist
recognized a household namo foi "DeWitt's
Llttlo Early Kisers," und gavo hit. a bottle
of those famous llttlo pills for constipation,
sick headache, liver and stomach troubles.
C. II. llugcubuih.
Our Troops Mny Tcnvo For tho Inland
on Sunday Is'ovt.
Tampa, Fin., Mny 3. Two hundred
native Cubans who have been quietly
enlisted In New York city by General
Julio Sangullly nrrlved In Ttimpu last
night. They will bo formed Into a
cavalry regiment und, under tho leader
ship of the famous Cuban who en
listed them, will probably embark for
Cuba with tho American troops. The
rest ot the regiment will bo made up
of Cubans from Tampa und vicinity.
The New Yorkers created a sensation
ns thev mnrched down tho street In
a body, and they were followed fot
blocks by n perfect 1110b of excited
Slowly, but surely, arrangements nro
being made for the landing of nn
American force In Cuba. The Plant
system yesteiday gave formal notice to
the government that Its steamers Oli
vette and Florida, both of which nro.
In putt here, were at the disposal ot
the government for usu us Hoop ships.
The Mascotte, of the same line, was
turned over this morning.
Uy Friday seven other vessels arc
expected to be in waiting nt tho
wharves at Tnmpn for tho reception
of the United Stntes troops. The boats
nil have been contracted for and have
a carrying capacity of about C,000
troops. It Is not believed, however,
that actual embarkation will take placo
before Sunday. Much remains to bo
done In the way of gatheilng ammuni
tion and supplies, and several daya
must elapse before all Is In readiness.
It Is believed that the force will be
made of 3,000 Infantry, 1,000 cavalry
und 10 batteries of artillery, In all close
to E.000 men. Only one regiment of
cavalry, the Ninth, Is now In camp at
Tampa, but the Tenth, now at Chlck
amauga, will, It Is believed, bo brought
down here to fill out the quota.
The fortifications at Kgtnont nnd
Mullet Keys, commanding the south
channel of Tampa bay, and on which
work has been rapidly pushed, are now
prnctlcnlly complete nnd ready foi; tho
mounting of the guns.
Tlio Prlzo Wo Hail In Vlow.
Berlin, May 3. It Is believed In po
litical circles here that America has
gained the prize she really had In view,
liaving promised not to annex Cuba,
but giving no promise as to Philippines.
A regiment under the above veteran
olhccrs of the 7II1 Pcttna. Cavalry anil
the 50th I'cnna. Infantry, will be organ
ized immediately under the following
authority :
CARMSr.i;, Pa., Apkil 23, 1S9S.
Samuw, C. Thomson,
Pottsville, Pcnnn.
You nre hereby nuthorizcil lo raise four
(4) companies for my regiment for ser
vice in the war against Spain in Cuba or
in defence of our own coasts. The
regiment I am authorized to recruit will
be accepted after the present Naliouul
Glial d.
Josuni G. Vai.h,
Provisional Colonel.
A battalion of four companies will be
curollcd iti this county nnd will nwnit
orders from the Governor of the Com
monwealth through Colonel Vnlc.
Rooms will he opened and enrollment
lists will be ready for signing at once in
Pottsville, St. Clair, Schuylkill Haven,
Orwigsburg, Pinegrove, Mahauoy City,
Shenandoah, Giranlvillc, Frackvillc,
Mincrsvillc, Llewellyn, Trcmont ntid
Present enrolling officers are :
In Pottsville, Company A, Cuptain
George A. Harris.
In Pottsville, Company B, A. Howell
Halberstadt, Jr., and Clyde G. Allan.
In Schuylkill Ilavcji, Palsgrovc's store,
Lieut. Colonel Samuel A. Losch.
In Orwigsburg, Captain George If.
In Girardville, John B. Granger.
In Miucrsville, Captain James Lcvau.
In Llewellyn, James Archbalil, Jr.
Individuals or bodies desiring to enroll
are requested to report to the enrolling
officer iu,or nearest to their respective
towns. Sons of Veterans of the 48th,
50th and 96th I'cnna. Infantry and the
7th and 17th I'cutia. Cavalry arc particu
larly desired".
April 27, 1898.
IN, P, 0. 8. OF fl.
Arrangements are now complete
for the entertainment to be given
in Ferguson's theatre on Wednes
day evening, May 4th, by Prof S.
T. Ford and others
Members of the order who have
not secured tickets can have the
same by calling at B. J. Yost's
barber shop.
Doors open at 7:30 o'clock p. m.
Children positively not admitted.
1). J. YOST,
Her Health Restored
3I1R cry of sleeplosmosq can only be
H tcnlued by tho-su who luvo oxperl
cncedlt. Neivousness, sleeplessness,
headaches, neuralgia and that inI?crablo
feclluff of unrest, can study bocuicdby I)r.
Mllos' Itcstotntlvo Ncrvlno. Po certain la
Dr. llllei) of this fact that all druggist nro
authorized to refund prlco paid for tho Urst
bottlo tried, provldlns H does not benefit.
Mis. Hcnty llruns. v.lfoof tho w'1 known
blnck&inith at Grand Junction, Iowa, say.:
'I n as troubled with sleeplessness, nervous
ness, headache and lrrcgulariiicnstruaMon;
sutTerint' untold ml-ery for years. I used
various ndvortl-icd remedies for female cons
plaints bosldcs belni; under tho care of local
physicians without help. I noticed In Dr.
Miles' advertisement tho testimonial of a
lady cured of ailments similar to ml no, and
I shall novor ceai;o to thank that lady. Her
testimonial Induced mo to uso Dr. Miles'
Ncrvlno and Nervo and Liver Pills, which
restored mo to health. I cannot say cnotuth
for Dr.Jliles'Itomodies,
Dr. Miles' Iiemcllej
aro sold by all drus
gists undor a posltlvo
guarantee, flr-,t bottlo
benefits or money re
funded. Book on dis
eases ot tho heart und
nerves freo. Address,
-Nervine i3
M C'l
Dli. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind.
Ofllco URnii hulldlnir, corner of Main an
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa.
ITnvlriR ntudletl under eomo of tho best
masters le Ixindon anil Paris, will Hlye leaorus
on the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal cultiiro,
Terms reasonable. Address lu cara nf Hlrodm),
tho Jeweler ShnnAndnah.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
'.! 'birn Ha-d Coal No Smoke
. IN KFFKCT MAltCH 13th, 1808.
Trains leavo Slicnnniluah as follows:
Kor New York via Philadelphia, week days
2 10. 6 80, 7 33 '. 51 a.m., 12 83, 3 10 and 6 07
m Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
5 3G, 7 30 a. m 12 33 and 3 10 p. m.
For H-cailtnj; and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, S 36, 7 30, 0 M a.m., Vi S3, 8 10 and 0 07 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a. in.
Fur Pottsville, week daya, 2 10, 7 30, 9 51 a. m
12 33, 3 10, 0 07 and 7 25 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Tainnqua and Mahanoy City, week days
2 10, 5 30, 7 30, 0 51 a. m., 12 83, 8 10 and 0 07 p. m.
Additional to Mahanoy City only, 11 -10 p. m.
Sundays. 2 10 . m
For Willlamsport, Sunbury and Lewlsburjr,
week days. 4 05, 5 86, 1180 a.m., 12 33, 7 25
p. in Sundays, 8 25 a. m.
For Mahano) Plane, weekdays, 2 10. f 03, 5 it,
7 30, 9 51, 11 30 a. m., 12 33, 3 10, 6 07, 7 25, 9 55 and
11 40 p. m. Sundays, 2 10, 4 05 a. in.
For Ashland and Snarooklu, week days, 4 05,
5 86,7 30, 11 30 a. m., 12 33, 3 10,6 07, 72 Blld
955 p. in. Sundays, 4 05 a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington aud the West Tla
I). & O. It. It., through trains les-1 Keadlm;
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & It. S K.) at SA
7 55,1126 a. m., 3 10 and 7.27 p. !-. Hundarg.
3 20, 7 00, 11 28 a. m., 8 46 and 7 27 p. in. AdQJ
tloual trains from Twenty-fourth and Gbcwt
uut streets station, week days, 1080 a. m. 12 20,
12 16 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
.lays, 12 15, 4 80. 8 00, 11 30 a. m and 1 80, 4 30,
9 00 p.iu Sundays, 6 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m.. I 80 and 4 15 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, neck
days, 12 01, 3 40, 8 85. 10 10 a. m. and 1 42, 4 05, 6 80
p. ni. Sundays, 12 01 a. m.
Leave KeudlnK.weeTt days, 2 05, 7 00,10 08, a. m.
12 00 m., 4 19, 6 00 and 8 20 p. in. Sundays, 2 01
a. in.
Leave Pottsville, week days. 8 05, 7 10 a. ui.,
12 80 and 6 10 p. m, Sundays, 8 07 a. ni.
Leave Tamaqua, week clays, 8 55, 7 40, 11 28 a.
lu., 1 86, 5 56, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m, Sundays, 8 St
a in
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 12 20, 4 9L
8 15, 11 47 a. m., 2 17, 5 18, 6 21, 7 44 and 10 08 p. m
Sundays. 12 25, 4 21 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plana, week days, J2 35, 2 40,
4t5 080,8 30. 1025, 11 58 a. in., 282, 332, 641,
7 57, 10 22 p m. Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 35 a. m.
Leave Willlamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 30 a
m., 4 00 and 11 80 p. m. Sundays, 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wait and
South street whail tor Atlantlo City,
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, (3 00
Saturdays only), 4 00, 5 00 p. m. Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a. m., 5 15. 6 80 p. m. Sundays
Ezrress, 900, 10 00 a, m. Accommodation, 8 00
a. tu,, 4 45 p. m.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, orn)f
Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 85, 9 00 a. m., 8 80, 5 80
p. m. Accominoaattoa, 4 25, 8 15 a. in., 4 05 p. m.
Sundays Expresi, 4 00, 6 80,8 00 p. m. 'A,
core modatlon, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. m.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
Vor further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Heading ilallway Uoket agent
or address
I, A. sweioakd, Epson J. Weeks.
(len'l Supt., . (len'l Pass'r Agt..
Heading Terminal, Philadelphia.
A Socialist on Rupture from Williams port
will visit
Shenaudoah Every Thursday
Hotel Franey, from 8 till 10:3d a. m.
Rupture permanently and quickly Cured or
no pay. Written guarantee to absolutely
cure all kinds of Rupture without
operation or detention from
, business.
Absolutely no Danger.
Examination Free.
loo persons cured in Sunbury, Shamokin,
Mt. Carmtl and vicinity who can bo refemxl
to. Charges and terms moderate and witliin
reach of all.