wfriiillitiifyal '3: The War Scare! If you want to keep posted you must rend the newspapers. We de liver all the New York, Philadel phia and Pottsville papers to nil parts of town; also the Hvhninu Hick, which contains the latest news by wire and all county and local news. Leave your order at the store or give it to the carrier. s a isi. rviin st. SELLING OUT. I .nr mrl.iins, lnre, table- cloths, linens siui'inK unilcrwear ami gent's furnishings. l'liesf arc rare hargnins ti lc bad. Will leave the town shortly and will close out our slock at nmainul) low jirices. LOUiS MANN, 33 West Centre Street, Robbins Mock. t in assiog. Hirry lleevcs, of South Jardln street, ii eoniiniil to his homo by illnc. -I l'reidinati lias returned home from a viiit to lelatives at I'hilade'phiH. Mhb N'ura and Thomas 0111, of Xorth Mam street, are visiting relatives at Jliibiiuoy ity Juhn A. licilly, William 1). Chimeluwski and William Suydor epetit this Morning at the aunty seat. W M. ltiewer and M. 1). Malone made a trip to l'uttevillu this morning. 1'rof. J. W. Cooper has Rono to Tremont to spend Sunday with friends. Mrs. Thomas Iiairil and daughters, Mlftscs Nellie and Until, left town this morn ing to visit friends at Pottsville. 1". W. lliorsteln spent to-day at l'otts. villc. - Miss Jeanuio Iieilly, of llazkton, is being entertained at the O't.'onuell residence, on I; st Lloyd street. JIiss Weiivor and Jese Kline, of the Hotel Franoy, aro spending a few days at Treiuout Mrs 11. I). Jlageubuch, of North Main street, presented her husband with a daughter this afternoon. Iiobert Peters and Charles like, of II zloton, and V.. A. Morris, of Wilkeslmrre, passed through town this morning on their way to visit friends at Pottsvillu. Mr. Peters is the champion buck and wing daucer of Luzerne county. A. L. Shay, Hsq , spent this afternoon in town. - Tax Collector IMward llurke rnado a business trip to Pottsvillu this morning. - ConatabloThomasTosh transacted olllcial business at Tamaiiua yesterday. -F. W. McDormntt and sister wore pas sengers to Philadelphia last evening. To day they attended tho funeral of a friend. Dr. and Mrs. S. II. ltrady. of Lost Creek, were visitors to Philadelphia to-day. -Miss Newton, of Philadelphia, who spent a pleasant vacation at the residence of Mr. and Mrs P. J. Ferguson, Lost Creek, has re turned to the Quaker City. Ui Working rime. 15,111 ""The collieries of the V. ,t !. C. I. Co of IiIh ! wnik two tlireciuarter days next week on Monday and Wednesday. Operations will then lie suspended until tho following Monday. A good drink. place for a good Michael Mills' Saloon, JJ IS. Centre btrcet, Melk't'n ImiMhitf, Unit, AVliinkifH, Brer and ('larn. bt-r in tow n ulwiiyu on tap. 1'reshest NEW STOCK -OF- U. S. and Cuban FLAGS Just received. Cuban Flags, 10c, 20c, 25c, 40c, $1.50, S2.00. 1). S, Flags, from 3c per dozen up to $15.00 each. R. H. Morgan, Manufacturer uiul Importer, WEI BOTTLE Beer, Weiss Beer, Ale, Porter. Private laniily orders will receive prompt attention. Leave them at the office, we will do the rest. Columbia Brewing Company. FOR SAL11 CHEAP. A 2,ooo house for $1,400, No. 313 15at Centre- stieel, Shenandoah, Pa., lot 15U50. I naid $1,785 under the hammer six months ago and will sell at once if you want the above bargain i will take $500 cash and will jjive fuur years credit 011 balance. You can call at the above address aud examine same. ( all or address, J. D. HOLT, 111 Re n n Street, Ta m aqua, Pa, mm -III'AT LINK OF GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, HAY and BTltAW. Floor and Table OH Cloths. E. B. FOLEY, 21 Centre bl. 5' -H -WtlTSE-. Stomach troublo is tho common namo applied to a derangement of tho svstem which is keenly felt but vaguely understood. It nuy mean inability to retain food or to digest it. It may mean nausea, pain after eating, fullness, inordinate craving for food, or entire lack of appetite. Whatever it means, there's troublo, and it's with tlio stomach. If you havo stomach trouble, you will bo interested in this letter from a man who had it and was cured by "For nino yea.-s I Buffered from stomach troublo. I tried the nid of the be-t doctors of Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and spent largo sums of money, all in vain. Ono day while waiting a train in Bellairo, 0., I picked up a paper with a notice of Ayer s Sarsaparilla. 1 got ore bottle to try it. It did ino bo much good that I purchased five more bottles. I took four of them and gained in flesh, my appotito improved, and now I can eat anything. My stomach is all right, thinks to the use of Avor's Sarsapa rilb." -Calvin M.STLvess.Uniontown.Pa. MAHANOY CITY. Tho funeral of James Curnow, son of Will iam Curnow. took ldaco this afternoon. Tho Sandy Ilottom foot ball club celebrated Its third anniversary last night by holding a dance at Kaicr's ball. Forty couples took nart. At tho meeting last night for the purpose of raising funds for the relief of families of members serving in Co. 1'. there was a strong contrast to tbo enthusiasm which marked the f.irewell meeting. An adjournment was taken until next Thursday evening. Wllliami:. Perry, telegraph operator at Delano, is ono of those who havo been com- noiled to move to that nlace from town. A number of changes of this character have taken nlace rtcently. At a meeting of tho Hoard of Jrado last night it was reported that subscriptions to the amount ot $1,B00 had been raised to wards tho silk project. Church Notice. Services will bo bold in the Welsh Congrc. Rational, South West street, to-morrow at 10 in., sermon in Welsh, and 0 p. m., sermon in English. Preaching by Iiev. W. C. Davis, of Minersville. Sunday school at 2 p. in. To-morrow at the Calvary Jtaptist cliurcli nt. I hn i'Iobo ol the morning service, ise- lievcr's Rmtism;" in the evening a delega tion of the (Hand Army Post, and Womcns' ltelief Corns. Sous of Veterans, and the Ladies Aid Society, will attend the services The pastor will preach a special sermon en- tit I'd. "I Have Fought a lioou i- igni. inc choir, led by W. Waters, will sing selections diirini: the evening. All wishing scats come .:irl v. Volunteers of Amorica, 111) North White street. Meetings every evening at 8 p. witli the exception of Monday. Saturday iiMit L'osnel temperance meeting. Sunday 11a. in., holiness meeting. Praiso meeting at 3 p. in. At 8 p. m. meeting siihji ct will lie Faith Triumphant." Lieut. J. u. jacnei in chaigo. Iiev. W. II Hyatt will occupy tlio pulpit ol tho Presbyterian church to-morrow morning and evening. Tlio best placo to buy your wall paper is a F. J. Ports, 21 North Main street. Wo have a big assortment. tf ltaso Hall. What promises to he the first interesting base ball game of the season will bo played at the Trotting park to-morrow atternoon. 1 lie gamo will bo called at 3 o'clock. Tho two teams will be tbo Famous; nf town, and tho rjiirokas, of Mt. C'sirinel, who siMVreil defeat at tho former's bauds on the latter's ground last Sunday. I'l iilt Stiinil 1'i.r .sale. Host location in town, s aitheast corner Centie and .Main stieets, Kgan Ilullding. Owner will sell cheap fur cash. Apply at the stand. 4-30-lw Holier ami O'ltrlou. Jack Boner, of .Summit Hill, and Dick O'Bi leu. of Boston, will fight fifteen lounds at Athens, near Philadelphia, on Monday night. Trying to l'liioatn Old l'rleniU. Ill tho debate on the war tax measure in the House yesterday .Mr. Brunim advocated less taxes ou beer and tobacco, and wanted the Issuo of $150,000,000 more of green backs, but ho voted for the bill nevertheless. WIIKX TKAYUI.INO Whether on pleasure bent or business, take 011 overy trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasautly and effectually on the kidneys, liver, and bowels, preventing fevers, lieadachos and other forms of sick ness. For sale 111 50 cent bottles by all lead ing druggists. Manufactured hy tho Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only. MIhh tiodld'H Goiiki'imim OfT'or. New York, April 30. President Mc- Klnley 1ms replied to the note of Miss Helen Gould, offering to donate to the Kovernment $100,000, thanltlns her for her generous offer, and stating that in the absence of special authorization of congress he Is unable to accept It. He suggests, however, that If sho should see fit to Invest the money In a vesBel to be purchased by tho navy no con gressional action in that case would be necessary. WIllltH tnWlBlll LiHi'H'Kunl. Italelgh, N. C, April 30. Tho ulleged challenges to Geneial Leo and Captain Blgsbee by- Lieutenant Carranza, of the Spanish navy, liavo aroused a North Carolinian. AV. V. Uallard, of Ashe ville, formerly on tho police force there, has written General Leo requesting In case the general does not desire to meet the Spanish olllcer on the field of honor that he be allowed to take the general's place. Xlotlieroy'M Deport ni'o DoIiivimI. London, April 30. A dispatch to The Dally Mall from 1116 Janeiro says tin departure of the United States dyna mite cruiser Nlchteroy has been delayed by the breakage of her machinery. . lire! l'lrul Hrel Insure your property from loss In tho oldokWiud strongest cash companies: Phlla, Hudeiwrltens Insurance Co, of North America, and Fire Association, Hartford Fire Ins. Co., American Fire Insurauco Co., West Chester Fire lus. Co., United Firemen's Ins. Co. T. T. WILLIAMS, 123 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah. Ask your grocer for tho "Koyal Patent dour, and take no other brand. It U tho best Sarsapariila flour wade. TIII5 WKATIIKK, The forwmtt for Sunday : Fair Rud slightly wuriuor weather, with llghtto fresli, variable winds, hocomiiiR Botithensterly, followed hy clomlliiww. POTTSVILLE NEWS. Tim I'Ihii of Campaign Against Prison Warden llrowei. Special Meiiai.d Correspondence. Pottsville, April 30. Tho County Commis sioners were in session this afternoon, con slderlng tho nppolntmciit of a Waiden to suc ceed Calvlu W. Ilrower at the prison. It was stated that nu attempt will bo made to get over the old soldier law of ISA" by bringing charges against Mr. Ilrower to remnvo him "for cause." Tho Warden will contest any such move to the full extent of tho law. CMMIXAl, COUKT. The criminal term of court will open with 3ii.i new eases on tho list next Monday morn ing. .Tudgo Lyon, of Juniata cuiinty, will assist Judgos lleclitol and Koch. Judge Pershing istodeliver tbo chargoto the Grand Jury and tho curious aro anxious to know just what significance is attached to It. MOKK KKCIIUITS VANTi:i). (Japt. Uiubcnbaner, of Co. O, 4th Host Pinegrove, has sent word from Mt. (Iretna to get 41) men ready for ciilishinctit in IiU com. maud. TAX PAYMENT. Tax Collector M. J. Scanlan, of Shcnan doah, made payment on his 18'Jfl county luplicato this morning. MAnuiAni: LICENSES. Henry W. Christ and Mary E . Doyle, of Shenandoah ; John Jones and Anna lllack- well, of Locust Valley. WHIST CHAMPIONS. Mrs. Iiaird Snyder and daughter, Edith, o! this place, won tbo championship ol Anicr. ica at tbo American whist tournament wind elided in Philadelphia yesterday. They scored 61 points, tho next highest being 47 HHKIilFf'S ram:s. Sheriff Toole sold the following properties tnis morning : Joseph II. I.ichcrt's, Wasl ingtou township, to Charles Miller, $1,3S5 Winlleld Miller's, Last llrunswick township, to Attorney Enterlliic. $5; Thomas Keed heirs, Schuylkill Haven, t' Attorney disc O. P. Leibensperger's, JIcKeansburg, to Attorney Wadlinger, f25; Hugh and llridget JIcGrady's, Mabanoy City, to Attorney Lyon, $825; William II. Miller's estate, Walker township, to Fiancis Moycr, f 1,050; George Iliney estate, Illy the township, to Attorney llohlich, $25; Henry Strauch's, Kamauua, to Attorney Ileblich, $25 ; Joseph Hoyer'i, West Ilrunswick township, and farm in North Man helm to Attorney Wadlinger, $2,525 ; O. P. Loibenpcrgcr's, Mokeansburg, to Attorney Wadlinger, $500; William 11. and Martha E. Morrison, Potts' ville, to Charlos II. Woltjen, $5 ; Annie Lover's, Mahanoy City, to Attorney Wad linger. $5 ; Isaac Klein's, Ashland, to Attorney McH. Wilhelm, $125; Charles Wagner's, Salome, Duller township, to Attorney McH. Wilhelm, $25 ; Amanda HuU'meu, samo place, to Attorney McH. Wilhelm. $25; Siblna O'Neal's, Ashland, to Attorney McH. Wilhelm, $25; Frank Iiich- ardell's, McAdoo, to Attorney I!. Y. Sollen- borgcr, $i80. I ho sales of properties No. S. 10 aud 12 were stayed. Those of properties Nos. 1, 7 and 15 postponed. DEEDS ItlXOIiDKD. Amanda J, Carey and husband to Mary Sengo, premises in Nelson City ; James Traccy and son to Mary Cauley. prumises in Port Carbon ; Israel Niincinacher to Henry Zcttc uioyer, premises in East Brunswick twp; Mar.Malouey to M. J. Connelly, premises m Ilranchdale ; Hicbard lioclcke to Catherine llunimersb.ich, Lanibcrtson, llcgins twp ; Albert W. Fiitss to William L. Strauso, prem ises in West Iiriinswick ; Neal Fisher and others to Mary A. Gildra, premises in Coal Dale j Central U. & L. Association to People's 11. & L. Association, premises in Pinegrove Kate Hossler and husband to Will iam P. Koons, premises in Birry township; Kliza Iiviner and others to William liicht, Sr., premises in Iieiner City; Patrick Higgiusand wife to Allan Edniundson and others, premises in Shenandoah: Eliza Horgor to Jonathan lierger, promises in Pino- rove township; Jonathan Wagner and wife to Harry Schmoko, piemises in Pinegrove township. Jllelilalis uule. Hot luuch on Mouday morning. Tho (illlirrtun Troublo. Last evening a public meeting of tbo clti zons of tbo East ward yr Cilberton was held for tho pr;poso of Considering tbenronosition Lino 1 met 101. Company made to Council ts iclay their tracks in that borough. Tho meet lug was well attended, and many speeches wero made for ami against tho proposition. A vote was taken on the motion to urge Council to accept tho proportion audit ro suited in 100 votes against and 5 for tho or dinance. The latter gives tho company tin privilege of connecting the tracks torn uii dining the bloody riot lit that town, in which two of the citizens weie killed, but Council has refused to grant the permission because tbo company will not pay the annual tax on its ears, which Is due for several years, and which is provided for in tho original ordl nan to. Tho question will bo finally decided at the next meeting ot Council. Keiidrlek Ilouso Free Lunch. Sour krout and frankfurts will be served free, to all patrons to-ulght. Council Meeting. A special meeting of tho Borough Council was held last evening upon request of Bor ough Auditors Ploppcrt, McDonald aud Byrne aud was of short duration, as it transpired that tho matter could be attended tout tho next regular meeting. It appears that one of thu assets carried by the borougli for the past few years has been $170.64 balance duo 011 , street paving" and tho auditors have discovered that Mrs. Sarah Sweeney, of Big Mine Itun, ptid f 121,07 of this, leaving the net asset of 51.07. It was understood that tho auditors should correct tho assot accoidingly aud tho Council will glvo tho matter any further attention it uiuy require at a regular meeting. Go to Itefowich'i and get a dollar's wortl: for fifty cents. Prices to suit the times, 3t ltrotlierhood of St. Andrew. The spring meeting of the Brotherhood o St. Andrew of the Episcopal church win held in Pottsville last evening. The object of the society Is to create Interest in the church especially uu tho part of young nieu. general discussion 011 thu themo "Th Attendance ot Men at Church, was very interesting. A ilellglitlul collation was served after the services. The next meeting will bo hold in Heading on June tilth. Mure ltrcrult Ar Xueded It is likely that moro Schuylkill county men will have 11 chance to servo Uncle Sam within tho next few days. Iu ordor to make up tbo full quota of men from this state, It is tho Intention to recruit the companies up to their full war footing of 100 members, aud the work of securing tho necessary num ber of recruits for each company Is to begin uoxt week. Quito a number of the present members of tho Guard will bo rejected for various reasons. Some are too old and others will uot bo able to pass tho medical examina tion, Tho places of these men will bo filled by recruits so that next week an opportunity will ho given to over 300 more Schuylkill county meu to join the guard. Dislodged a Turntable. Tho turntable near tho Pennsylvania rail road station was thrown from Its bearings yesteiday afteruoou aud it i out of service for the present. Three boys were playing ou the table and throw it off by throwing the stop-rath after they succeeded In getting tho table in rapid motion, PITHY POINTS. Iluppeulnga Throughout tho Country Olironlcleil for Hasty I'eruanl. No matter whero you go you hear war talk. Tho Ashland Elks will glvo a tnlnstrol show on May 18th. Ii. II. Morgan, the manufacturer, is having a big run on Cuban Hags. Forty hours devotion will comiucnco in Annunciation. church to-morrow. This is pnouinnnia weather, and many penplo are suffering from tho disease. Many will return from Jit. Urotna, bo- cause of failure to pass tho physical exami nation. John O'liricti. of Mahanoy City, has nude application to enter tho Miners' hopital as a student. The Sunday school class of Mrs. . H, Kerslako was given a picnic to-day on tbo' mountain. Tho Loschltes Iihvo their innings and tho Ilruinmites aro In tlio outfield, to use a base ball phrase. Mrs. Jacob Gillespie, wife of the populai Lakeside conductor, is dangerously 111 at hor home in Mahanoy City. The P. & II. will tun special trains to Mt. Gretna to-morrow, giving an opportunity to see the soldier boys In cunp. William llooth, a Heading passenger brake- man, lelt bis liomo at Sliamokiu u weeK ago Hid has not been heard of since. Tho Episcopal Arch Deaconry of Heading will convene in Christ church, I!cthlehem on Monday next. Bishop Talbot will make an add less. Charles W. Dyson, son of Key. John Dy son, of Wm. Venn, has been assigned to duty as assistant onglneer on tbo cruisor San Francisco. The pcoplo of tho South are just as patrio tic as aro those of tho North, and perhaps more so, and aro ready to go to the front by the thousands. It is Slid that Company K. of St. Clulr, has a father and In its membership, who aro out side tho ago limit, tbo father being over 45 md the son undor 18 years. The Penna. Telephone Co. pays a borough tax In Pottsville of $78 for two-thirds of a year. This is tho proper time, according to tra dition, for bock beer. Armour Si Co. aro remodeling their meat market. The porch of the Jardlnstreet public school miUilng was adorned with Hags by tbo teachers. Last night Pottsvillo defeated the Allen- town basket ball team by the score of 35 to 2. Six hundred men and boys aro thrown out of work for an indefinite period by tho clos- ng of the Neilson shaft at Shamokin. Deruareo Brothers' extcnsivo new uroom factory at Illoomsburg has commenced opera- ions and a large foice of men will soon bo uiployed. At Matich Chunk A. F. Sturdevant was yesterday sentenced to pay a lino of $50 and undergo 30 days' Imprisonment for selling mpuro vinegar. Emanuel Delcamp, Jr., unturlea a ucauti- ful silk American flag in front of his resi dence on North Weststrset to-day. Governor Hastings yesterday refused ex tradition nanors for Georce 1$. Whito, of Bedford, wanted in New York to answer to tho charge of defrauding tho Central Na tional Bank of $50,000. Amanda Fenstermachcr, who sucrl I rands Peter, a wealthy Lehigh county farmer, for $5000 breach of promise damages, accopteu $150 as tho prico of her broken heart. White blanks at 5 cents per plero and gilts it 6 and 71 cents Der niece. Wo havo higher priced wallpaper. At F. J. Portz, 21 North Main stieet. 11 Children's Party. A children's party was hold at the homo of Miss Jennlo Buiiu 111 honor of her birthday. The children enjoyed themselves and all spent a merry timo. Kcfreshnients wero served. The little ones present woro : Ll.zlo and Ada Jenkins, Cora Willlims. Aiinlo lost, Madeline Burns, Maggio aud Mattio Jenkins, Annlo Broome, Edna Beck, Grace Hess, Naomi Lehmler, Irene and Wilbur Iliiue- brand, Emma Ploppert, Jennie, Clara and Willio Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Charles liroouie, Mr.and Mrs. D.ivid and John Price, Miss Mattio Prico, Mrs. Joseph Perry, Mrs. Will iam Lolimler and Mr. and Mrs. Johu Bunn also enjoyed tho festivities. Finest spring styles of clothing for men, youths aud boys sold at Itefowich's at half tho regular price. Jl County CoteutloiiH. Democratic County Chairman Joseph W. Moyer expects to issue a call probably next week for a meeting of the Executive Com mittee with a view of fixing upon a date for a meeting of tbo county committee. At this latter meeting tbo timo for the county con vention will bo lixod. It Is understood that Mr. Moyer favors an early convention, Republican County Cbalrmau A. L. Shay has not yet issued a call for a meeting of the ..leentivn committee, with a view of select ing a dnto for the election of delegates to the state conventiou. Diphtheria, sore throat, relief, permanent cute. Dr. trie Oil. At any drug store. croup. Instant Thomas' Ecloc- Three l'er Cent, llelow. The rate of wages for the last half of April aud tho first half of May has been fixed at threo per cent, below tho $2.50 basis. The following collieries wero drawn to arrive at the average, viz: i.l.,l, l. OMv (....J2.31 11. nr Hl.lirn 2.81-1 Mnnln Hill 2.W-9 Alaska 2-5'-l Mount Hope 0 Average 82.12-2 The MY" Program. Tho following program will be rendered at the meeting of tho ' Y" this eveulug: Slug ing, "Y"j scripture reading, Annie Itobinsou ; quartette, Alfred Morgan and party; decla matlou, Emma Llewollyn ; reading, Dora Richards ; solo, Mamo Morgan ; address, Rev John T. Swindells ; recitation, Eva Powell ; solo, Jennie Hughes; critic, John II. Dauks. Headache Quickly Cured. Dr. Davis' Anti-Hoadacho never falls, 25c, Advertised Letters. Letters addiessed to the following named people remain uncalled for : Sirs. Mary Joues, Mrs. Mat. Helentall, A. M. llors, W. 11 Cooper, M.J. Watson, E. A. McFuddeu, Mrs. Lena Felthaus. Thousands of sutl'erers from grlppo havo been restored to health by Ono Minute Cough Cum. Itriuicklv cures coughs, colds, bron chitis, pueiimouia, grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung diseases. O. II. Hagenbuch. Una Hundred lllcycle Tires Tho stack of Morgan & Wright single and doublo tubo tires iu front of Swalm's hard ware store attracts much attention. This storo Is leading the town in tho 6lo of bicycles uud sundries. Mr. Swalm is one of our regular udvortlscrs, Ho believes it pays. Incorrigible Held, Thomas, son of Samuel Trovena, tuitted by Justice Shoemaker lust default of $300 l(ail on a chargo rlgibility made by his father. was com night Iu of lncor The liefendera lleneflt Those holding tickets for the Defender Hose Co. benefit are notified that It will take placo in tbo hoso house. Turkey Run, ou Monday evening, May 2d. 2t (ioue to Knllst. Edwuid Roberts and William Millor, of South West street, went to Pottsvillo this morning to cuter their names at the recruit ing station. They will prefer enlistment Iu tho navy, having served iu tho English wavy. LAST NIGHT'S MUSICALE. It Was ltendertd nt the Homo ot Mr, ami Mn. T. ,T, Mullnliey. Last evening the home of Mr. and Mrs. T, J. Mullahey was a scono of joyousncss, mirth and music. A tnuslcalo was tendered their little daughtor, Isabclle, In honor of her tenth birthday. Tho musical part of the program was under tho supervision of Mrs. W. N. Erhart, on whom It roflccts groat credit. The children indeed showed marked ability, duo to tho careful tutoring of their musical Instructress. After tho musical program had been ex hausted, thu host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mullahey, Invited tho guests to a lunch prepared by them. It consisted of sand wiches, cocoa, cake, fruit and ice cream. After luuch tho little folks enjoyed them selves playing games, after which they departed for their respective homos greatly pleased with their evening s entertainment, and showered congratulations on tho host and hostess and their ten year old daughter, Isabclle. Sho was the recepleut of many h'liidsomo aud costly gifts. Thoso who took part In tho niustcalo w'ero : Opening selectlou.piano solo, Sadlo Mullahey; vlollu solo, Nora O'Neill; Guitar and Mando lin club composed of Daniel Langton, Jr., Eddlo Langton, Kate Suuilau, Katio Purccll; vlollu solo, Millio Zimmerman, accompanied by her sister, Emilia; Guitar and Mandolin club; vocal solo, Mr. Ed. X. Bobbin; piano solos. Uachael Kirllu, Annie Itadzlcwlcz, Isibolle Mullahey, Ella Franey, Clara White lock, Edith Link, Blaucho B. Bobbin, Annie Keithau, Ella Gaughan, Emma Zimmerman, Pearl Loviue, Julia Hlgglns, Mr. Ed. X. Bobbin; piano duetts, John and Earl Kistler, Belle and Sadio Mullahey, ltoso and Graeo ("Icary, of Mahanoy City; Ella and Anna Gaughan, and Blanche slid Ed. X. Bobbin, Mildred Magargle, Lizzie Monaghau, Mar garet Maloy, Maggie Bell, Bessio Miles, Katie Clcary, Maggie Kcilly, Florence O'Neill, Misses Minnie C. Harnett, Mary Fox, Mazio Connors, Lizzie Dolan, Mary Mullahey, Maine Bell, Ida E. Bambergor, Mrs. Dowiing, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mullahey, Dr. I). J. Langton, T. M. Scanlan, Frank Scanlun and John II. Coylo wore also in attendance. Another Case of Classic (Hugluilils. Undoubtedly our classic ginghams, which we formerly sold at 10 cents and which are nuw going at 5 cents have met with success among the ladies. This morning we opened another case. Come early and secure first choice. 4-28-tf It, F. a ill. l.llilr l'olks 1'oily. Tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. John Harlo, ou North White stieet, was tho scene of a sur prise party last night in honor of their daugh ter, Agnes, who had attained her seventh birthday. Miss Harle was presented by her little friends with a number of presents. Ite frcshineiits were served, and all present bad an enjoyablo time. Among those present wero tlio following : Mamo aud Laulle Creary, May Gralln, Laura McGouigle.Maud, Blanche and Evelyn Schoppe, Katio Kester, May McQuiuess, Mamo Dooley, Agnes and Annlo Harlo, Maria Metcalf, Emma Bcllls, Mary O'Hara, Nellie McGuiro, Bessio Boran, Mame Galligau and John and Frank Harle, John Humble, Mr. and Mrs. John Harle, Mrs Lizzie Mumble. Go to Itcfowich and get $10 worth of goods for $5. 4-28-3t "Tho Sporting Ducliess" Last Night. "Tbo Sporting Duchess." in all its splendor, was produced at Kaler's grand opera houso last evening, to u largo and well pleased audience. The play was in four acts and cloven scenes, presented by a company of metropolitan artists, overy one of whom played their parts to perfection. Shenandoah was largely represented, tho largest delega tion at this popular play house of tho season. It required two largo cars to accommodate tbo Shenandoah delegation, Tho company closes its season at Reading to-night. Silver Cream Polish, tho best in tho world, At Brumm's. Hallroad Conductor Injured. A collision between two locomotive: 011 tho Heading road occurred at Frackvillo last night in which Daniel Molstor, of Pottsville, a conductor was critically scalded by escaping steam aud boiling water. He is tho father-in- law of Deputy Sheriff Thomas O'Donnell. Tho engines were badly damaged, Muister died at 8 o'clock this morning. Dwelling 17 S. Jaidin St.; all latest im- piovements, ready for rent May 1. Apply No. 10. 4-23-tf MISCELLANEOUS. $i 000 Wanted, 11 loan of 3,000, first UjVUW, niortuaue, at unco. Apply lit the IlKliALli ulllee. 1-MKlt ITIOIi ItHNT. L1 iHilIdiiiK, -Two large rooms iu Itefowleh 10 South Main street. All eon. venienees. Suitable for oltlee. a-pj-tf FOH HAI.1C A very desirable property. Ap ply to Joseph Wjutt, 201 North Main St. tf 30 Days Slaughter Sals of ... . FURNITURE In order to make room for my new branch of business, hardware, stoves, shelf and builders hard ware, iu which I am going to em bark 111 tlie near luuire. Were are a few of our prices, as an illustra tion of our slaughter sale. Ba by Carriages $3.50 and up. Six foot square extention tables, nicely furnished, $2.75. White enameled bedsteads, a miracle, $,98. Cane seated chairs, in Cherry and Walnut, 49c. High-back wood seated dining chairs, 35c. Leather seat rockers we are selling at $,69. FURNITURE . . . DEALER, 121-123 North Mnln St. SAb AFFAIR. An Old nntl Itonpecteil Itesldiint lio1mhly Fatally Itijurcf!. Tho community was shocked this morning by tho announcement that Jjffrcy Williams, I nu old and highly respected resident, bad been shot. Tho shooting took placo nt tbo family residence, 427 West Kaspborry alley. Friends of the family say It was nn accidental shooting, but whether or not such was tho case it is certain that tho victim was sull'er- ing from temporary aberration, duo to pro-1 longed suffering from nn injury sustained In ; the mines. Whllo lifting a heavy cross tl in-1 ber Mr. Williams sustained an Injury which kept him under tho continuous care of tho family physician, Dr. J. S. Callcn, Jtho last; six months and during tho past two mill tho victim has suffered from Insomnia The bullet, which was of 45 calibre, entered Just j over the heart and penetrated through tho j body, resting under tho left shoulder blade. ' An ell'ort to oxtract tho bullet will bo mad" this evening. This was contemplated this morning, but tho victim was too weak, chances for recovery aro not promising. The SeliujlltlU's Yellow Journals, This county has Its quota of sensational journals, especially as to war news. Yester day a local erntemporary contained n des patch" that Cardenas, Cuba, had been fired on by our licet, tho engagement lasting two hours and that many Spaniards had been killed. This was also to bo found among tho "fako" bulletins about town, and even "our own wire" publication nt Pottsvillo was taken in. Tho people havo como to tho con clusion that no rollanco is to bo placed In any news furnisliod from tlicso sources, and apprcciato tho reliable servlco furnished by tho Herald, which Is invariably verified by subsequent publication In tho city papers. Thos. Buchanan, OPTICIAN. Examination Made at Your Homo or at Our Store.i --Has Moved to 118 S. Main Street. THOMAS BUCHANAN, OPTICIAN, CARPET CLEANING. The undersigned have assumed charge of the Shenandoah Renovating Company'splant, and are prepared to clean, sew and lay carpets, mattresses, and do general upholster ing work. Feathers Cleaned. Work Done Promptly. ...Drop Us a Postal. ALLEBACH & HEFNER. Orders can he left at No. 7 North West street, or at the plant, Apple alley and llowers street. tut hare told direct to tbt eon turner for 26 yeiri at wholo- nl pried, lailnp dealer i prontj, iTQore ior lamination. Everything warranted. HSitylci of Vehielei, do eiyiei 01 iiarneai. Topliuxgies, (36 to 970. Sarreyi.esotolllU. Carria ge 1. Phaetons. Tram. ettei, Snring-Itoad Ks.TT. BurMj nrneii. Priea.flS.DO. Aigood uniforms. ELKHART UAUlUACItt A.NI UAlUtEUS MSfU. WE WILL GIVE- As low prices on lumber and all kinds 01 building material as is consistent with good grades. Away down prices do not always mean good grades. Come in and see us some day and we will show you nur stock and quote prices. Glenir & O'Hearn, (Successors to J. W. Johnson,) N- Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. -THE Factory Shoe Store Has opened at No. 7 S. Main St., Shenandoah. Pa. Next door to h. Goldin's clothing store, with a full line of boots and shoes at factory prices. New stock, new goods, We also carry a com plete line of gents' furnishing goods, hats and caps, underwear, notions, &c, at prices according to the times. We quote a few articles the prices of which speak ior themselves : Infant's shoes, from 20 cents up; children's shoes, from 4o cents up; ladles' shoes, from 75 cents up ; men's shoes, from 95 cents up, Vfct erring remty tti to txtter than all others U Paine's Celery Compound Thousands have been cured by It physician use and rec ommend It. e Recommend It. Wo have It Try a bottle. A. WASLEY, 106 North rialn Street. GREAT PAIN ! GREAT COST ! These were the two reasons that formerly kept people from attending to their teeth, lloth reasons have no existence in this ad vanced age. Painless and inexpensive dent istry witli an absolute guarantee for five years is our method. A Good Set of Teeth, $$. The Very Hest Teeth, $$. You can get no better, no matter what you pay. No charge for extracting, where teeth are ordered. We can take jour impression in the morning and give you your tectli in the afternoon if desired. Oold Fillings, $1 ; Best Silver Fillings, 5oc up; Cleaning, 5oc; Extracting, 25c. Crown and bridge work at very reasonable rates. Kxaminations nnd estimates free. We use but one grade of material the best. SCHUYLKILL DENTAL PARLORS, 7 North Jardln St., Shenandoah. BRIBER StlQF Attentive nnd skillful tonsorial artists always' ill attendance. IN! catcst Shop In Town. W. G. DUSTO, Prop. Ferguson House Block. Tho Rosy Freshness And a velvety softness of tho skin Is Inva riably obtained bjr thofwhouae Pozzoni's Complexion powder. A Handsome Dining Room Where the walls nnd ceilings are made dafnt and nttrnctlvo by our unique designs and rich and beautiful coloring In wall papers, la an Incentive to a fulling appetite, At no timo of tlio year does your rooms need a new dress at much a-j when Pprlng comes Iu her new garb, aud Hhatues tho dingy room where winter has left its ImniL-ss In smoko and dust. Look at our new and lovely stock of wall papers. J. P. CARDEN, 224 W. Centre Street, Shenandoah, l'a. bin th snip any- Wairon- and Milk 1 sm msLn" Waguna. Band for Urge, fr No.6MBumj, Frlo,Uhcur(alu,laut ub. Catalogue of all our nylei. ihade, apron aud tender, gCO, At goo i ai ai-lli 'or W. CO. V. II. l'liATT, IWj, ELKHAUT, IX D. NEW- o ABE LEVI N E, Proprietor. if