The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 30, 1898, Image 2

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P u a (I every Krenl n, Rjoept Hunday, M
lth .lAuntN Strkkt, Nkak Ckstrr.
Ho !fcrill Is tlelWued InHlieiinndonti nd the
fllr nulitifc to-vn for six cents a wcek, ny
n. the carriers. By mail 18.00 n yenr, or 39
lY'-Atn pnynlile In advance. i.vcrt
mt ".M irrfedftccontliiK tospftceaim ioetttoti.
Tt.o f ut tinhorn renervu the right to cluitiKO the
iti itijuof ndvenlmmentfl whenever th pul
At'oi of iiewn ileuinmlfl tt. The rtRht Is
ir r'ti to i ,JoMftiiv nilvertNemciit, whether
i i f u' r uni, t-Uktllie publisher may detu
ijir-'f Adt eTtUltig rates made known
tit tpit( atiun.
RnfV j (I at tho iHietofHce t Shenandoah, Ph., nn
ee. a 1 clai mall matter.
"All liie News Thai's Fit to Print."
vening Herald
STI'lll)AY. APRIL 30, 18HS.
Our Counlrv, First, Last and Porevei.
A nun. is speiKliiiK tfootl money
in nil' Hi quuiiithvs but it is for u
ni bk i-aiisu.
l'll"M last accounts Dr. Mnry
Walkrr linil not etillbteil ns a private.
Shu belmiffs to the ponco-at-iuiy-prico
It is possible that Cuba, the Pliilip
pints ami Hawaii will all join In the
Fourth of July celebration as one of
TnintK is a stroiif; bond of friend
ship between linIuml and America
just now. And there is no good
reason why there should not be.
Tir csj. who were ridiculing and
cond uiniiij; McKinley's policy before
it was known, are now the President's
most ardent supporters. They rea
lize that he was rijjht in ever- move
of diplomacy that he made with
Spain Even the Xew York Journal
has folded its wins of war-cry.
I t lias doubtless been forgotten by
many that (Jen. A. YV. Oreely, who
has -written a graphic article on "The
I'olor Hear" for The "Youth's Com
panion of the week of Jtay lath,
owes bis rescue from starvation in
the Artie to Com. W. S. Schley, now
commanding the United States Fly
ing Sijuutlron.
Thk Spanish prophet who pro
claimed that the announcement of
hostilities would be the signal for a
n Insurrection in the old Confeder-
states never attended a well coll
ided guessing school. Di.xio laud
is In evidence to prove the absurdity
of his Intm. The display of the na
t' -, it .oi-h in that section is enough
t mi .in themoi-t lukewarm citizen.
Tin- . n. time Confederacy is as loyal
to la. ii-any part of the Union, and
thu have the lighters to back up
tin. ir lonl spirit.
Tin, llnit.U;!) is giving the people
tin inu-st news in brief and concise
f inn ui a in inner that makes the city
"pnperb next morning anything but
interesting." said a prominent busi
ness man yesterday. Such expres
sion are frequently heard of the
splendid and very reliable news ser
vice e are now receiving. That is
what the reading public demand at
tins time, and we will continue to
dish it up in palatable doses. No
"fake ' telegrams appear in our
columns, becauso our news service is
tile must reliable in the country.
Tint County Commissioners, re
centh appointed by the court, have
reluved the anxiety of those seeking
political plums in the oilice on the
hill 'While I'ottsville and Schuylkill
Haven have secured the lion's share
in the distribution, at the sued lice of
other and more deserving towns,
Shenandoah makes a slight gain.
Heretofore we had no representation
in the Commissioners olllcw, and the
appointment of ex-Justice of the
Peace T. T. Williams, of town, to the
position of docket clerk, is favorably
received here. A life-long Republi
can, who has ulways taken an active
interest in tlio success of the party
nominees, without regard to fac
tional differences, Mr. Williams is
certainly doi.yrving of the recogni
tion accorded him by the Commis
sioners, and we predict that his in
troduction Into this important olllco
will result in much saving to the tax
is made a wets- w
Buy by iheim-Medicine
puro condition of the blood after win
ter's hourly foods, and breathing viti
ated air lit home, oilleo, schoolroom
or shop. AVhoti weak, thin or impure,
tho blood cannot nourish tlio body as
it should. Tho demand for cleansing
and Invigorating is grandly met by
Hood's tJataparillu, which gives tlio
blood Just the quality and vitality need
ed to maintain health, properly digest
food, build up and steady llio nerves
and overeomo (hat tired fueling. It is
tho Ideal Spring Medicine. Get only
Tlio One True
I'rtfpared by i'. I. Hood & Co., Jiwcll, Mass.
u .ii nin art easily promptly am)
HOOd S Fills effectively MceuU.
payors. Tito position of dookot rlerk
is In lino witli Ills former duties us
Justieo of the Punoe, and tlio knowl
edge lie pnenp will ! of viilunhk
umj In his pietunt position. Mr.
Williams' appointment moeta with
general natlsfaction here.
Robbed the Oravo.
A ntnrtllliK Incident of which Mr .tolni
Oliver nf Philadelphia, was tlio subject, Ik
minuted by lilm us follows : "1 was la a most
dreadful condition. My skin was almost
yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, palu
continually in luck and sides, no appetite
gradually growing weaker day hy day
Three physicians had elven tne up. I'ortun
lately, a friend advised trying 'Electric
Hitlers.' and to my gieat Joy and surprise.
the llrt bottle made n decided improvement
i I continued their uso fur tlueo weeks, and
, nin now well man. 1 know tlicy saved my
1 lite, and robbed the grave of another victim."
No one hIioiiM fall to try them. Only ISO
ceius per nntllo at A. vt aslcy's uruj; store.
AiiKiripiiti l.lnors us I'rlzo Sookers.
WRShlnBtou, Apt II 30. It is entirely
poMlble tlial the operations of the
American fleet In Cuban waters, In the
j matter of seizing Spanish vessels as
j prized, will he aoon completely eclipsed
, y the performance of the swift ocean
Breyhoimds recently purclinseil by the
government from the Ameilcnn line
I Three of these vessels, St. Paul, St.
Louis ami Harvard (lately New Yorkl.
I have been tilted with armor protection
I over all their exposed muchlaery and
have nlrendy received good batteries.
It is rumored that they nre to be rush
ed to sea and are to head directly for
the coast of Spain, where they will llo
In wait for a number of richly laden
Spanish vessels now nlloat.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using casil
and forever, ho uiado well, strong, magnetic,
full of new life and vigor, take. No-To-Iln
tlio wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days
Over 400,000 ctiiod. l!uy No-To-Hao from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
euro. 50c or $1.00. Booklet and sampli
nulled free. Ad. Steiling Itomedy Co..
Chicago or New York.
Ittissliiusymimfliy If or Spain.
London, April 30. The Moscow cor
respondent of The Standard savs:
Public opinion in Iiussia, so far as It la
expressed, sympathizes with Spain.
Apart from admiration of the courage
that ventures upon a conflict with an
overwhelmingly superior antagonist,
Russia has received a severe blow In
the Husiietted friendly agreement be
tween the United States and England.
The Russians do nut forget placing
their fleet nt the disposal of the north
In the war of 1SG1, and they are bit
ter Iv aggrieved that the Kintna
is not equally mindful of this service
M. Ij. Yocum. Cameron. Pa., savs "I wns n
sufferer for ten yours, trying most all kinds
of pile remedies, but without success l)i
wuisvutcn Hazel halve was recommended
to mo. I used one box. It has etfected a per
inanent cure." As a permanuiH euro foi
piles DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo lias in.
equal. O..H. Ilagenbucli.
Coming Kvents.
May itli. Social and entertainment undei
auspices of tho Welsh I'resbytcriau church,
in Itobbins' opera house.
Give the Children a Drink
called Orain-O. It is a delicious, appetizing,
nourishing food drink to tako the placo ol
coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all
who liavo used it because when properly
prepared it tastes like tho finest coffee but is
free from all its injurious properties. Grain
O aids digestion anil strengthens the nerves
It is not a stimulant but a health builder,
and child reu, as well as adults, can drink it
with great bent fit. Costs about 1 as much a?
codec. 15 ami 25u.
liciiiieiiii; Kiin-ns,' (junta of Snlillors,
Topcka, Kan., April 30. A communi
cation from the secretary of war re
ceived by Governor Leedy reduces the
Kansas quota 900 men from the number
Governor Leedy expected to offer. In
stead of 81 privates and 25 commis
sioned and non-commlssloned officers
for each company the companies,
counting all officers, must not have
more than SI men. Secretary Alger
says the United States will accept them
as soon as ready.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition and
ruins your health. DcWitt's Lit lo Early
Risers cleanse tlio liver, euro constipation
and all stomach and livor troubles. C. II.
A I'l'iiposcil IWmIi IIi-Iuimii,
New York, April 30. A letter has been
sent to President McKInley by "Will
lam Lyman, president of the Irish Na
tional Alliance, offering to form an
Irish brigade to assist the United
States In the war against Spain. Among
the best known of the regiments which
will be called on are the Clan-na-Gael
Guards, of Chicago, and the Ited
Branch Knights, of San Francisco.
K Few Pointers.
The lecent statistics of the number ol
deaths show that the large majority die witli
consumption. This disease may commence
with an apparently harmless cough which can
lie cured instantly by Kemp's Halsam for the
Throat aud Lungs, which is guaranteed lo
cure and relieve all cases. I'ricc 25 and 50c.
Sold by all druggists ; ask for a free sample
JWoiiMi!- (Soon Tlirniicli tho IIouso by
IH1 to lill.
Washington, April 30. The house
yesterday passed tho war revenue bill
with only the fimenilments agreed upon
by the Republican members of theways
and means committee added. In order
to accomplish this a parliamentary ma
neuver was necessary, as the whole
time for amendments was exhausted
by the minority In trying to amend the
bond feature of the bill. Mr. Dlngley
offered hb a substitute an entirely new
bill containing those amendments after
the bill had been reported to the house,
This was an old parliamentary trick,
frequently resorted to years ago, Many
amendments were offered to the bond
feature of tho bill, ranging from a
proposition for the substitution of an
Income tax provision to an authoriza
tion for an Issue of J150.000.000 green
backs. All were voted down, At tho
last mtnuto tho Democrats decided to
offer the motion to recommit, with in
structions to report back the Income
tax proposition ns an amendment to
the bill. Instead of as a substitute for
the bond provision. The motion was
defeated, 134 to 173. Four Republicans
voted with the Democrats and Popu
lists on this vote. Hut on the anal pas
sage of the bill, which was carried by
181 to 131, the Democrats and Popu
lists, with six exceptions, voted solidly
against the bill. The Democrats whg
voted for the bill were Messrs. Cum
mlugs, McClellan and Griggs, of New
York; Fitzgerald, Massachusetts; Mo
A leer, Pennsylvania, and Wheeler, of
Alabama. Two Republicans, Messrs.
Llnney of North Carolina and Thorp,
of Virginia, voted with tho opposition.
Quite a number of Democrats declined
to vote. The bill now goes to the senate.
means naln. ilnnrrnr ntid
possible death for Boino
wives. For others it
means practically no
discomfort at nil. There
is no reason why child
birth should bo a period
of pain and dread. Sev
eral months beforo a
woman becomes a
mother she should
prcparo herself for
tho critical ordeal.
There is a prepara
tion mudo which is
intended for tills
purtioso nlouo.
Tlio riamo of
this wonderful
preparation is
, It is a
to ho np.
plled ox
tornally. It vehixpR
the mus
cles and ro
lieves the
gives elastici
ty to every
organ 0011
cornod in
takes away all
danger and
nearly all sttflcr
imr. 13est results
follow if tho
remedy is used
during tlio whole
porlod of preg
nancy. It is the
only remedy of the
kind in tlio world
that is endorsed hy
$1 perbottloat all
drug stores, or sent
by mail on receipt
of price.
Fmee Books con-
taining invaluable in
formation for all women,
will he sent to any ad
dress upon application lo
Tbs Giadfleld Regulator Co,
Atlanta, Ga.
Great Naval Engagement Imminent Be
tween Commodore Dewey's Ships
and the Spaniards.
Hong Kong, April 30. It Is denied
that the Spanish fleet has left Manila
to meet the American squadron. On
the contrary, it Is assorted that the
Spanish watshlps will remain In Man
ila bay to assist the forts.
It Is reported from Manila that the
American wai ships have been nlKhted
off liolinao, where the rebellion broke
out last February, but the weather Iiob
been loo stormy for the fleet to com
municate with the rebels.
Commodore Dewey Is accompanied
by Jose Alexandrlno, a prominent of
ficer under Aguinaldo. Alexandrlno
has a magical influence In the Philip
pines, and will head the popular move
ment to throw off the Spanish rule.
A naval hnttlo Is expected at any hour
in Manila bay.
The Insurgent chief Aguinaldo Is
coming to Hong Kong from Singapore.
It Is alleged that he absconded with
a half million dollars, paid by the
Spanish government for the other In
surgent leaders. Aguinaldo and his
colleagues are elaborating a plan to
make a descent In force near Manila.
They have secured a vessel for the
purpose, and have been plentifully sup
piled with arms and ammunition from
the American squadron.
Russia will send naval experts to
the Spanish and American warships
to he eye witnesses of the Impending
battles if permission Is obtained, which
is regarded as doubtful. The Interest
of Russia In the war Is evidenced by
her leading statesmen In starting the
idea, which was coon taken up by their
colleagues at Berlin, Purls and Vienna,
that the first real naval battle must be
used for ending the war, which practi
cally means pressure upon Spain to
give up Cuba, because If the war lasts
too long It Is thought the United States
might create n powerful navy.
That Russia should allow the United
States to retnln the Philippines with
out ample compensation to Russia and
her allies appears as doubtful as that
the Islands should be nllowed to fall
Into the hands of Knglund by arrange
ment with the United States, without
eucIi differences arising as might easily
lead to war among the great powers.
According to another Manila dis
patch the Voz Kspanoln describes the
port of Manila as Impregnable. The
paper asserts that the forts at Male
ton, Sud Malate, Mlleta, Pasten Mlral
las and St. Lucia Bllar bristle with
guns, chiefly Krupp guns. No bom
bardment can be attempted by the
American commanders with much
chance of success. The entrance to
Manila bay Is mined, and ten inch guns
have been mounted.
Tlio farmer, tbe'niechanic and the bicycle
drier aro liable to unexpected cuts and
bruises. DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the
best thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly,
ardisa well known cmo for piles. C, II
Of the Matamas Bombardment as Given
Out by the Spanish Minister of
War- Only a Mule Killed.
Madrid, April 30. The minister of
war, General Correa, in the chamber of
deputies yesterday, replying to In
quiries for particulars In regard to the
bombardment of tho forts of Matnnzas,
said the government had decided to
publish all the news received, good or
had." lie told tho deputies that the
United States squadron tired 60 pro
jectiles, and that the only victim was
a mule, a remark which aroused
laughter among the Spaniards. The
general next Informed the house that
the Amerlcnn warships were Injured
by the fire of the Spanish batteries,
and continuing he asserted that tho
Insurgents were acting In conjunction
with the United States forces, ns they
advanced In tho direction of Matnnzas
while tho boinbaidment was proceed
ing. "Rut," added the minister of war,
"they were completely routed. It was
a glorious day for the Spanish arms."
A great Impression haB been pro
duced here by a rumor that the Ger
man government hns Issued a note de
claring that It will not oppose the land
ing nf troops In the Philippines, but
will not permit a bombardment, owing
to the Important German mercantile
Interests In all the towns of the Islands.
Germany's omission to declare neu
trality Is held to give color to this
The captain of the Spanish steamer
Montserrat, the vessel which was bound
for Havana with a valuable cargo, and
which succeeded In making the port of
Clenfuegos. province of Santa Clara,
hns been deenrattd with the Red Cross
and has been granted a special pension.
It Is asserted on seml-ofllclal author
ity that the Spanish government Is
upon the point of expelling all citizens
of the United States from Spain.
Children like it, It saves their lives. We
menu One Miiute Cough Cure, tho Infallible
remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis,
grippe, aud all throat and lung troubles. V,
II, HiiEonbucli,
Vessels Have Left Cape Verde Islands by
Invitation of the Portuguese
Washington, April 30. The news of
yesterday of most Interest In this city
was tho departure from Cape Verde
Island of the Spanish fleet, the stay of
which at St. Vincent has been a source
of anxiety on the part of the ofllclalB
here, because It seemed to Indicate that
the sympathy Of Portugal for Spain
might lead her to wink at a violation
of neutrality laws In favor of Spain.
Late In the afternoon a cablegram
came from the state department from
Cape Verde, bearing no signature, an
nouncing that four battleships and
three torepdo boats had started north,
and some of the transports for Cuba,
and that the northern lleet returned
shortly, having been In collision. The
destination of the fleet Is, of course,
unknown, though It Is given out In
Madrid that the Vessels are ordered to
North Atlantic points. The fact that
It Is proclaimed In Madrid makes the
story extremely Improbabale.
Captain Sampson sent a telegram
relative to the firing at the Matanzas
forts, but tt was disappointingly lack
ing In detail, but the few words con
tained In the dispatch went to confirm
the olllclal view that the affair was
nothing more than a naval reconnols
sance. No news came yesterday from Ad
miral Dewey's squndron, now on Its
way to the Philippines to do battle with
the Spanish lleet. One ofllcer pointed
out that If Admiral Dewey succeeded
in defeating the Spanish fleet the
Spanish officials, who control tho cable
connecting the Islnnd with the rest of
tho world, In all probability may sup
press the news or distort the facts Into
a Spanish victory.
Viscount Do Santo Thyrso, the Portu
guese minister, looked over tho press
dispatch from Lisbon giving the sub
stance of the neutrality decree gazet
ted there yesterday, and said It was
evidently accurate. The viscount says
that article 3, which permits belliger
ents to make a short stop at Portu
guese ports, probably will be better
understood by saying that belligerents
will not be permitted to make long
stays at Portuguese ports. Under the
usual rules of International law the
stay Is likely to be confined to a day
or two.
To Cure Headache In 15 Minutes.
Take I)r. Davis' Atl-IIeadaclio. All druggists
Sunday Specials.
Services in tho Trinity Koformcd church
ii-inorrow at 10:00 a. 111., and 0:30 p. 111.
Sunday school at 1:30 p. in. Key. ltobcit
O'lioylo pastor.
Itegular services will bo held in the United
Evangelical church, Xorth Jardln street, to
morrow at 10 a. in. and 0.30 p. in. Sunday
school at 1.30 p. in. Itov. I. J. Keitz, pastor,
lv. L. O. E. on Monday ovcuing. Prayer,
praise and testimony meetings every Tues
day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday even
ings. Jr. K. L. C. E. every Saturday
ovening at 7 o'clock.
1'rlniitivo Methodist church, James Moore,
pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30
p. m. Sunday school at !i p. m. Class meet
ing on Wednesday ovening. General prayer
meeting on Thursday ovening, Everybody
Services iu All Saints' Protestant Episcopal
church on West Oak street to-morrow. Holy
Eucharist at 8 a. 111. Morning prayer at 10:30.
Sunday school at 2 p. 111. Evening prayer at
7 p. 111. On the first Sunday in tlio month
Holy Eucharist nt 10:30. Tlio rector will
First Baptist church, corner of West and
Oak streets, Key. D.I. Evans pastor. Services
at 10a. 111. and 0 p. m. Sunday school at U p. m.
Prayer meeting Monday evenings. Young
l'eoplo's meeting Wednesday evenings.
Class meeting Thursday evenings.
Methodist Episcopal church, corner Oak
and White- streets. Iiev. J. T. Swindells
pastor. General class meeting at 0 a. 111., led
by John Senior. Sermon at 10:30 a. in.
Sunday school at 2 p. m Dr. J. S. Callen,
Superintendent. Sermon nt 0:30 p. ai. Seats
free. Everybody welcome.
Calvary Baptist church, South Jardln
street. Preaching to-morrow at 10:30 a. m.
and 0:30 p. 111. Iiev. 1!. 11, Albins, pastor.
Sabbath school at 2 p. m., Deacon
John lluun, Superintendent. 11. Y. P. U.
Tuesday ' evening, at 7:30. Wednesday
evening, general prayer meeting nt 7:30.
Everybody welcome
Services in tlio Presbyterian church to
nlorrow at 10:30 a. 111. mid (1:30 p. in. Sabbath Jr. C. E. and Sr. C. E
Tuesday evening at 0:30 and 7:30 o'clock.
Prayer and song service on Thursday even
ing nt 7:30. Strangers always welcome.
St. John's Lutheran church, West Cherry
street. Itev. John (Iruhler, pastor. Preach
ing, 10 a. m. ; Sunday school, 1:30 p. 111. ;
preaching 0:30 p. 111.
St. Michael's Greek Catholic church, West
Centra street. Itov. Cornelius Laurisin, pas
tor. MaUitluum service 0 u. 111. High mass
10 a.m.
Church of tho Holy Family, (German B.
C.) North Chestnut street. Itev. A. T. Schut
tlehofcr, pastor. First mass 8 a. 111., second
mass 10 a. in.
St. Caslmlr's Polish It. C. church, North
Janliu street. Itov. J. A. Lcuarkiewicz,
pastor. First mass S a. in., high mass 10 a.
m vespers and benediction t p. m.
Church of tlio Annunciation, 218 West
Cherry street. Iiev. II. F. O'Bellly, pastor;
Itev James Kane, assistant pastor. First
mass, 7 a. m., second mass, 8 a. 111., high mass,
10 a. iu, benediction, 7 p. m.
Keheleth Israel Congregation, comer of
Oak and Wist streets, Boy. Henry Mit
nik," pastor. Saturday services, 8 to 10 a. m.,
and 3 to 5 p, 111. Sunday services 8 to lo a. m.
mil ovcry weekday morning from 7 to 8 11. in.
A Pleasure at Last.
No Muss. No Trouble.
:5 The Cleanest, Fastest Dye forj
Soiled or Faded Shirt Waists, f.
jr Blouses, Ribbons, Curtains, Under- :
j linen, etc., whether Silk, Satin,;:
: Cotton or Wool. mK! ;j
:;SoW in All Colon by Grocers' and1.
Druggists, or mailed free 2;
s for 15 cents; 5;
if Duaae Stmt. Kew York. ;i
style XSE
You can tell Just as well as a physician
wliethcryour kidneys aro diseased or healthy.
Tlio way tit do is to tako a bottle or glass tum
bler, and fill It with uriuo. If tliero is a
sediment it powdcr-llko Biibstalico at tho
bottom after standing a day aud night, there
Is something wrong with tho kidneys. An
other suro sign of disease is a desire toiiriuatu
olteu, and still another sign Is pain In the
back. If urine stains linen, there is 110 doubt
that the kidneys aro affected.
Any and all diseases of tlio kidneys, liver,
bladder and of tho urinary passages and con
stipation of the bowels mo cured by I)r
David Kennedy's Fnvoiito Bcmedy. There
is no question about Its being the best and
surest medicine In tho world for such troubles.
It quickly relieves and cures Inability to hold
mine, and pcoplo, young or old, who tako it
nro not compelled to get up a number of
times during tho night. For putting an cud
to that scalding pain experienced iu passing
urine, nothing is so good as Dr. David Ken
ned's Favorite Bcmedy. It corrects the bad
effects of whiskey and beer; is pleasant to
tho taste, and docs not icem to bo medicine
at all. Diseases of tho kidneys and bladder
often require tho uso of Instruments to push
bark tho sandy matter so tlio Uriuo can be
voided. In such cases Favorite Iteuicdy
should be taken without further delay or the
disease may provo fatal. It Is sold fur one
dollars bottle at all drugstores. It Is well
worth many times its prico.
Samples Free.
If you wish to test Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Bcmedy hefoie buying It, send your
full post office address to the Dr. D.ivld Ken
nedy Corporation, Bondout, N. Y., and
mention this piper. Wo will then mail yoti
sample bottle free, as woll ns circulars glv.
ing full dhectlons for its uso. Every readci
of tho llr.K.w.l) can depend upon tho genuino
ness of this liberal oiler, nud all sufferers
from kldnuy trouhlm should tako advantage
of it at once.
Aim voir cioiMH south v
ritOMIX!-.NT 1'OtNTS.
Don't start South without consulting John
M. Beall, District Passciiticr Agent, Southern
hallway, 028 Chestnut street, Philadelphia
If you caunot call in person, write to him.
Fill a bottle or common glass with urine
and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sedi
ment or settling Indicates an unhealthy
condition of tho kidneys. When urine
tains liuon it is ovldenco of kidnoy
trouble Too frequent desire to urinate or
pain in tho back, is also convincing proof
that tho kidneys and bladder nre out of
Tbcro is comfort in tho knowlcdgo so often
expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot,
tho great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish
in relieving pain iu tho back, kidneys, liver,
bladder and every part of the urinary pas
sages. It con rets inability to hold urine
and scalding pain iu passing it. or bad effects
following uso of liquor, wlno or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasaut necessity of being
compelled to get up many times during the
night to urinate. Tho mild and tlio ex
traordinary cfl'cct of Swamp-Boot is soon
eralizcd. It stands the highest for its won
derful cures of tho most distressing cases.
If you need a mediclno you should have the
best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents
and ono dollar. 'ou may liavo a sample
bottlo and pamphlet both sent free by mail,
upon receipt of thrco two-cent stamps to
cover cost of postago on tho bottle.
Mention tho Evening Hkbai.ii and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamp
ton, N. Y. Tho proprietors of this paper
guarantee tlio genuincues of this oiler.
A regiment under the nbovc veteran
officers of the 7th l'cnna. Cavalry and
the 50th l'cnna. Infantry, will he organ
ized immediately under the following
authority :
Carisu;, Pa., Apkii, 23, 1S98.
Samuw, C. Thomson,
i'ottsville, l'cnna.
You arc hereby authorized to raise four
(4) companies for my regiment for ser
vice in the war ngainst Spain in Cuba or
iu defence of our own coasts. The
regiment I am authorized to recruit will
be accepted after the present National
Josnm G. Valu,
Provisional Colonel.
A battalion of four companies will he
enrolled in this county and will await
orders from the Governor of the Com
monwealth through Colonel Vulc.
Booms -will he opened and enrollment
lists will be ready for signing at once in
I'ottsville, St. Clnir, Schuylkill Haven,
Orwigsbttrg, Pincgrovc, Mahauoy City,
Shenandoah, Girardvillc, Frackvillc,
Mincrsvillc, Llewellyn, Trcmont and
Present enrolling officers are :
Iu Pottsvillc, Company A, Captain
George A. Harris.
Ill I'ottsville, Company 11, A, Howell
Halherstadt, Jr., and Clyde G. Allan,
In Schuylkill Haven, Palsgrovc's store,
l,ieut. Colonel Samuel A. Iyosch.
In Orwigshurg, Captain George F.
In Girardvillc, John 11. Granger.
Iu Miuersville, Captain James Ivcvau.
In Llewellyn, Jnmcs Archbald, Jr.
Individuals or hodics desiring to enroll
nre requested to report to the enrolling
officer iu or nearest to their respective
towns. .Sous of Veterans of the 4Sth,
50th and 06th Pcuua. Infantry and the
7th and 17th Pcnmi. Cnvalry are particu
larly desired.
April 27, 1898.
VTav Hns Llttln or No nnVot Upon
Trnilo Distribution.
New York, April 30. n. G. Dun &
Co.'h weekly review of . trade says!
Hostilities have not as yet changed
Inst week's conditions. There Is much
postponement of orders by men who
do not know what they are waiting for
and much restriction of loans by banks
which are abundnntly strong. All this
checks new business, and yet tho vol
ume of transactions through clearing
houses Is larger than In the same week
In 1892, with no foreign trouble. Hut
this Increase would be much larger but
for speculative stagnation here.
Confusing accounts about the great
Industries cannot cause surprise in
view of the contradictory Influence of
monotnry stringency curtailing mnny
orders, heavy orders by the govern
ment In many branches, and all per
vading confidence that after temporary
conditions have pussed business Is go
ing to be better. Banking caution, nt
the same time, Is stopping work In
some lion and woolen mills. Yet con
fidence as to the future causes the re
fusal of very mnny contracts for long
time, the holding of wool nbove Its
current manufacturing value, and a
marked rise In hides,
Brndstreet's review says: The lack
of excitement, nervousness or Inter
ruption to the orderly conduct of pub
lic nffalrs, and particularly business
operations, with which this country
passed from peace to war seems likely
to become historical. The temper with
which the country has recognized tho
outbreak of hostilities Is not only proof
that tho dullness and depression of the
past six weeks have largely discounted
tho effects usually witnessed, but fur
nishes a valuable Index to the general
point of view taken by the business
community as to the outcome of the
pending war. Little or no effect upon
general trade distribution of an un
favorable character Is perceptible In
the reports of the past week.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhoum, favor sores,
totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positiToly cuies pllos,
or jo pay required. It Ut guaranteed to give
perfect saticfaction or mony refunded. Price
SS cents per box. For sale br A . Waslov
i-' Executors, Administrators, Guardians,
Trustees, &c, herein named, filed their re
spective accounts iu tho following estates iu
tho jtcgistcr's olllco at I'ottsville, hi and for
tho County of Schuylkill, which accounts
having been allowed by tho Beglstcr. will be
presented to tho Judgoof tho Orphans' Court
for confirmation nisi, on
Monday, May 2nd, 1898.
1 First account of Aaron Bciclmrt,
guardian of Bobert Schweikert, minor child
of George Schweikert, lato of South Man
holm Township, deceased.
2 First aud final account of Tho Safe De
posit Bank of Pottsvillo, Pa., guardian of
Mary Elizabeth Fishburu. minor child of
Ueorgo C. Fishburu, lato of Itoilly Town
ship, deceased.
3 First and final account of Georgo P.
Ilickcrt, executor of Magdalcna Goettler,
lato of I'ottsville, deceased. .
4 First account of John Schmeltzer,
guardian of Theresa and Annio,
minor children of John Dottorweich, lato of
I'ottsville, deceased.
0 First mid final account of Bcnben H.
Shade, executor of Hannah Bullilngtou, lato
of llubley Township, deceased.
0 First and final account of W. D. Kartcr
man, guardian of Samuel S. Heiiu, minor
child of Isaac Heim, late of Eldred Town
ship, deceased.
7 First anil final account of Aloxnnder
May, guardian of Caroline Klcindienst,
minor child of John Klcindienst, lato of
.Mahauoy City, deceased.
8 First account of Alvin E. Bill, executor
of Gideon Bill, lato or West Peiin Township,
D Second and final account of Mary SI.
Bossier, administratrix of A. J. Bossier, lato
of New Iiluggold, deceased.
10 Account of Daniel Shcpp, executor of
Catharine Scitzlngcr, lato of Tamaqua, de
ceased. 11 First and final account of Ida Bred
beimcr, administratrix of Solomon Bred
benner, lato of East Union Township, de
ceased. 12 First and final account of Margaret A.
Nolan, administratrix of John Nolan, lato of
Gonh 11, deceased.
13 First account uf John F. Shoup,
Clarence B. Shlndel and August Ilnitwig,
oxecutors of Adam Ilartwig, late of Ta
maqua, deceased.
11 First account of Georgo M. Beads,
administrator d. b. 11. c. t. a, of Christina
Pott, late of I'ottsville, deceased,
IS First and final account of Edward
Beck, executor of George Beck, late of North
Mauheim Township, deceased.
10 First and final account of Joseph
Schock, administrator of Mary Schock, late
of Walker Township, deceased.
17 First and final accouut of Theodora 8.
Thompson, executor of Kathariuo W.
Thompson, lato of Malianoy City, deceased.
18 First and final account of Tlio Schuyl
kill Trust Co., of Pottsvillo, administrators
d. b. 11. c. t. u. of James Gilllngham, lato of
I'ottsville, deceased,
ID First and filial account of Georgo J.
Wadllnger, trustee of John Quluu, lato of
Pottsvillo, deceased,
20 Seventh account of David Watkins,
executor of David M, Evans, lato of I'otts
ville, deceased.
21 First and final account of Charles P.
Sciders, trusteo of John Enty, lato of Begins
Township, deceased,
22 Fiist uud final account of D.uilel
Ncster, administrator of Priscilla Nestor, lato
of East Brunswick Township, deceased.
23 First and final account of W. L.
Kramer, administrator of Henry Wooster,
lato of St. Clair, deceased.
21 First and final account of John H.
Beed, executor of Francis M. Lukcnbill, late
of Wayne Township, deceased.
25 First nud final account of II. B, Gracll",
executor of Catharine S, Conrad, lato of
Tamaqua, deceased,
20 Fiist and final account of Win, M.
Fuussct, trusteo of John 1'. Partou, lato of
I'ottsville, deceased.
Bkoistkii's Ori'ICK,
I'ottsville, Pa., March 20, 1898.
hereby given that tho appraisement of thu 1
decedents herein named, setting apart thu
personal or other property to tho uso of the 1
widows and children, have been filed iu tho
Clork's olllco, and that they will bo presented 1
to tho Judge of tho Orphans' Court of said
VUlllltJ U, VUl.lll IlltlilUII 1IIBI, Ull
Monday, May 2nd, 1898,
1 Tho nppraisomont of the real aud per
sonal estate of Samuel V. Dorr, lato of Potts
villc, deceased.
2 The appraisement of tlio personal cs.
tato of John E. Flood, lato of Now Philadel
phia, deceased,
3 Tho appraisement of tho personal cs
tato of Luciau Fcgley, lato ot West Bruns
wick Township, deceased.
4 The appraisement of tlio personal cs
tato of Abraham Carl, lato of Tower City,
5 Tho appraisoinont of tho personal es
tate of John L. Eckort, lato of tho Township
of East Brunswick, deceased.
0 Tho appraisement of tho real aud per
sonal estate of William M. Wagner, late of
South Mftiihcim Township, deceased.
7 The appraisement of tho personal es
tate of Augustus Fox, lato of Pottsvillo,
8 Tho appraisement of tho personal es
tate nf Aaron Klcckncr, late of Balm town
ship, deceased.
0 Tlio appraisement of tlio personal es
tate of John J, Ryan, lato of Port Carbon,
10 Tho appraisement of tlio personal
estate of Frederick Hcckcrt, lato of Tower
City, deceased.
Clork of tho Orphans' Court.
Reoibtku'b Office,
I'ottsville, Pa., March 20, 1808.
At Four Score.
Dr. Miles' Nervino Restores Health.
NOLR nZL'KIEL.OnEAR, assessor and
tax collector, Beverly, Mass., who has
passed tho 80th life mllo Etcuc, says:
"Dr. lilies' Rcstoratlvo Nervino has dono a
great dorl o.'ccod. IsufTorcd for years from
Blooplesr.ncis and nervous heart trouble.
Would fed weary aud used up la tho luoni
lng, hiid no tUiMUon aud my work seemed a
burden. A frljnd recommended Dr. Miles'
Nervino, and I purchased a bottlo under
protost as I ha.l t rlcd so many remedies un
successfully, I thought It no uso. But it
gavo mo restful sleep, a good appctlto aud
restored mo to energetic health. It is a
grand good medicine, and I will gladly wrlto
anyono inquiring, full portleularjof my sat
isfactory oxp?rlouco." FgZ&flffi&En
rlsta mwlnr n ntlflvn R- I ...,
oMervin M
guaranleo, first bottlo
benefits or money re
funded. Bool: on dis
eases of tho heart and
nerves free. Address, I
Elkhurt, lad.
Ofltce Kgnn building, corner of Main nn
Centre etreetn, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre afreets.
Lock Box M, Mahanoy City, Po.
"laving etudled under lomo ot tho beat
masters ie London and 1'aijs, wjll give- lessons
on the violin, mandolin, gulrhr and vocal culture.
Teririf reasonable. Address In eare ol Slrouse,
tbo jeweler Hbennndoah.
Philadelphia 6z
Reading Railway
!' --n Ii 1 d Coal No Smoks
IN El'KKOT MAItCH 13th, 1838.
Trains lcavo Shenandoah an follows:
Kor New York via Philadelphia, week days
210, 5 80, 7 33 9 Ma. m., 12 83, 810 and G 07
m Sundays, 1 10 a. ui.
For New York via Mnuch Chunk, wsok days,
5 88, 7 30 a. in., 12 83 and 8 10 p. m.
For it-eatllng and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, B 30, 7 30. 9 51 a.m., 12 S3, 3 10 and 6 07 p. la.
Sundays. 2 10 a. m.
For I'ottsville, week days, 2 10, 7 30, 9 51 a. m.,
12 S3, 8 10, 6 07 and T 25 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m,
For Tamaqua and Malianoy City, week days
2 10. 5 80, 7 SO, 9 51 a. in., 12 OS, 3 10 and 0 07 I', m.
Additional to Muhnnoy City only, 11 40 p. in.
Sundays, 2 10 a. in
For WlHiaiuHport, fiunbury and LewUburg,
week da8. 4 03, 5 80, 11 SO a.m.. 1233, 7 'i5
r ni Sundays, 3 25 a. ui.
ForMahano) I'laue, weekdays, 2 10. I OS, 5 30,
7 30.9 51, II SO11. 111.. 12 83, 3 10, 0 07, 7 25, 9 55 and
11 40 p. 111. Suuilaya, 2 10, 4 05 a. m.
For Ashland and Sbaraoklii, week days, 4 05,
5 30, 7 30, 11 80 11. m.. 12 33, 3 10,6 07, 7 So and
9 ss p. 111. SuudayB, 4 05 a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the Wed via
11. &'0. H. It., through trains lea-, Heaoltu;
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & 1!. II K.) at 3 3U,
7 55,1120 a. in., 8 10 and 7.27 p. u. Sundars.
3 20, 7 00, 11 20 a. m., 8 40 and 7 27 p. m. Adtfl
tluuil trains from Twenty-fourth and ClievV
uut streets station, week days, 1030 a. in. 12 20,
12 It 8 40 pra. Sundays, 1 85,8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 80, S 00, 11 80 a. m., and 1 80, 4 B0,
9 00 p.m. Sundays, 6 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, ncek
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. in.. 1 80 and 4 15 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week
days, 12 01, 3 40, B 85. 10 10 a. in. and 1 42, 4 05, 6 80
p.m. Sundays, 12 01a.m.
Leavo Headlng,week days, 2 05, 7 0),10 08, a, m.
12 00 in., 4 19, 0 00 aud 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 2 Oi
a. m.
Leave I'ottsville, week days, 8 05, 7 10 a. m.,
12 80 and 6 10 p. m. Sundays, 8 07 a. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3 55, 7 46, 11 i8 a.
in., 1 86, 5 68, 7 20 and 9 43 p. in. Sundays, 3 Si
a m
Jx-ave Malianoy City, week days, 12 20, 4 91,
8 15, II 47 a. m., 2 17, 5 18, 0 21, 7 41 and 10 08 u. m
Sundays. 12 25, 1 21 a. m.
Leave Malianoy I'laue, week days, 12 85, 2 40,
4 85 0 80,8 30. 10 25, 1159 a. m 282, 532, 041,
7 57, 10 22 p in. Sundayi, 12 40, 2 40, 4 35 a. m.
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a
ni., I 00 Und 11 80 p. m, Sundays, 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street waif aikd
South strcetwhaif for Atlantic City.
Wrxkdays Express, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, (3 00
Paturdays only 1, 4 00, 5 00 p. m. Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a. m.,515, 6 30 p. ta. Sundays
Kxpress, 9 00, 10 00 a. m. Accommodation, 800
a. 111., 4 45 p. m.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, omr
Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Bxpress, 7 85, 9 00 a. m., 8 80, 5 TO
p.m. Accommodation, 4 25, 8 15 ft. na., 4 05 p. m.
bundsyn ISxprew, 4 00, 5 80,8 00 p. m. A
coir modatlon, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. zn.
Parlor Cars on all express tralm.
vut further information, apply to sea-eat
I'Mlndelphia uud Reading iiailway tlaket aent
or i.ddrcas
I, A. HWEiOAnn, IIiison J, Wceks,
Oen'l Hunt., Uen'l Pasa'r Agt.,
Reading Terminal, I'hlladlphla.
A Specialist on Rupture from Williamsport)
will visit
Shenandoah Every Thursday
Hotel Franey, from 8 till 10:30 a. m.
Rupture permanently and quickly Cured or
no pay. Written guarantee to absolutely
cure all kinds of Rupture without
operation or detention from
Absolutely no Danger.
Examination Free.
loo persons cured in Sunbury, Shamokiii,
Ml. (n,m.t nnd vlrtllitv wlin rnn bo r,(7rr,w!
to. Charges and terms moderate and witiua
reach of all,
m.. Health