The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 29, 1898, Image 4

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    The War Scare 1
If you want to keep posted you
must read the newspapers. We de
liver all the New York. Philadel
phia and I'ottsville papers to all
parts of town: also the Kvknistv
IIi.KVLn, which contains the latest
news by wire and all county and
local news. Leave your order at
the store or give it to the carrier.
a rvissin St.
laic uirums, lace, tnble (.loth-,, Iincni,
ni'.uU, underwear and gem furiii5limus-
I hrsc are rare bargains to Iir had. Will
le io the town shortK and will close out our
si nk .it am.iinjjli lnw prices.
33 West Centre Street,
Kobblns' Mock.
Pennsylvania Militiamen, 'Mid Snow, Hail
and Rain, Show They Are Not
Fair Weather Soldiers.
Mount Grptna. I'u.. Aruil 20. Thn
I'' iins l anla m II It In yestiMdny refi'iv-
od lh' first test of lt silt and endur-nin-c
of the present campaign when th''
ntiie division uaaemUled at Mount
liitnn tiB a result of the president's
t. quest upon Governor Hastings for
toltinteers. Snow, hail and rain were
Hi.- dlHtlngnlshlnK features of the sol
diers' advent, and last night the men
slept under wet canvas and on ground
ankle deep In mud. There was not a
mumiur from the ranks. I'ach man
bore himself as steadily and obeyed
orders as promptly as If the most
pleasant weather prevailed. Ofllcers
and men alike floundered around In the
mud as best they could, all showing a
Fiim determination to prove to the
state that Its militia are not fair her soldiers. ImM night, however, of the men slept In the auditor
ium of the relltrious meeting grounds,
and others in freight and passenger
cai .
Tin- regiments began arriving as
early as six o'clock In the mornlns,
wlvn the Ninth, under Colonel C. Bow
Dougherty, reached the camp with
every man In the ranks. The regiment
left Wllkesbarre at 0:10 o'clock Wed
ru sday night. Generul Goliln and the
Third brigade staff nrilved shortly be
fore noon nnd at once took possession
of brigade headquarters. General
"Wiley and the stalf ofllcers of the Sec
ond brigade came into camp while the
hailstorm was at Its worst. It had al
most ceased raining when the first of
the Philadelphia troops arrived, and It
wns well on in the afternoon before the
last of them reached camp. Owing to
the late arrival of many of the com-
miimls it was decided to postpone the
formal opening of camp until sunrise
today, wlitM a salute of 21 guns was
As nulckly ns the various commands
rea( bed the grounds their respective
camps begun to assume form, and In
a few hours rows of white tents dotted
the surface of the ground. This work
had no sooner been completed before
n. many of the soldiers ns could pos
libly get away went into Lebanon and
purchased extra supplies. There was
eui h a demand for rubber boots that
In dark It was hard to obtain any
foi love or money.
Secretary of War Alger has advised
Governor Hastings that tho I'ennsyl
.mia National Guard ns now consti
tuted will be mustered Into the United
Slates service. The only change will bo
an increase in the membership o the
Infantry and cavalry companies to the
maximum of SO olllcers and men and
the three batteries of artillery to 11G
ollkers nnd men each. The guard will
enter the volunteer service with its
present line and staff ofllcers. Mem
bership in the guard does not make It
Impel ative on either olllcers or men to
enlist In Uw United States service.
win:." tuavi:i,in(i
Whether on pleasure bent or business, talio
on cery trip a boltlo of Syrup of l'lys, as it
nets most pleawntly all,l effectually on the
kidneys, liver, and bowels, provcuting
levers, headaches and other forms of hick
m ss. I'or mile m 50 cent bottles by all lcad
uB druggists Mnnufiictuied by tho Cili
forma I'ig Syrup Co. only.
we: bottle:
Weiss Beer,
Ale, Porter.
Private family orders will receive
prompt attention. Leave them
at the office, we will do
the rest.
FOR SAM'. C1IEAI', V f 2,000 Iioum for
1,400, No. 313 Hast Centre stieet,
Shenandoah, l'a., lot 15U50. I paid
$1,785 undtr the hammer six months ago and
will sell at once if you want the above
bargain ; will take $500 cath and will give
four years credit on Iwlaiicc. You can call at
the above addicts and examine same.
( all or address,
111 Pcnn Street,
Tamaqua, Pi
M Floor and Table 011 Cloths.
Sen j:m cv w vt ... m
Prevention is always better than
cure, even when euro is possible,
liut so many times pneumonia is not
cured that prevention becomes tho
natural act of that instinct of self
presorvation which is " the first law
of nature." Pneumonia can be pre
vented ami is often cured by tho use
of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral.
"Somo years ago I had n severe cold and
wsb threatened with pneumonia. 1 could
neither eat nor sleep, and was in a wretched
condition. 1 procured a botlle of Aycr's
Cherry l'ectorai and took It according to tho
directions, nnd at the ond of fifteen daysw as
ns well and sound as beforo tho attack. I
have recommended it in many casus of pneu
monia since, and havo never known it to fall
in effecting a euro."
JOHN HENRY, St. Joseph, La.
"I was attacked with a cold that settled
on my lungs, and defied tho skill of i: y pliy
nicians so that they considered mo incurable.
At last I began to use Ayor'sCherrj Pectoral
and was entirely cured after having taken
two bottles."
Taunton, Mass.
is put up in half-size bottles at half
prico GO cunts.
Mm fluent
to lEaUfi
Mahanoy City, April 21). It. V. Swank,
I'Atu, lias subscribed f25 to the funds for tho
maintenance of the families or members of
Co. l; now in service A meeting will be
held to-night in armory hall to ofl'ect a nf r-
uianciit organization for the purpose of re
ceiving tho funds nnd applying them for the
object stated.
.Mountaineer Council No. Ill, Jr. O. U. A.
II., has decided to exempt all members from
dues whilo in the scrvico of tho United
States during tho present war.
Goorgo Lichmau, a boy, was put under
$301) bail for throwing a stono through the
sitting room window of Patrick Klllott's
lwuso. Threo other boys wero arrested for
the same oH'cnso, but wero discharged after a
The Sandy Kottom foot ball team will havo
an anniversary celebration in Kaier's danco
hall this evening.
James Haushuoy has purchased "Kitty K,"
a trotter with a record and prouiUcs to givo
some of tho fast horses in this vicinity
Work was begun 011 the sewerago this
morning under tho direction of Supervisor
Silas Davis. The main street sewer will bo
the first put in.
Mr. ami Mrs. J. Corfield, of Staffordshire,
Knglaiul, aro in town visiting tho laltcr's
brother, l'ruf. A. Wright, and wero tendered
a reception last night.
John O'Urien, son of the furnier Justice of
the Peace, has made application to enter the
Miners hospital at I ountaln Springs as
The Dangers of Spring
Which arise fiom impurities in tho blood and
a depleted condition of this vital fluid may
bo cntiiidy averted by Hood's Sar.saparilla.
This peat medicine, cures all spriiiK humors,
b ills, eruptions and sores, and by cnrieliinu
and vitalizing the blood, it overcomes that
tired feeling and tives vitality and vigor.
Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick headache,
biliousness and all liver ills. Price 25 cents.
Helen (jonnl'i (il'lT to Uncle Sam.
New York, April 29. Miss Helen
Gould confirmed the report that she
had tendered the United States eov
ernment $100,000 to aid In prosecuting
the war against Spain. Miss Gould
added that, while President McKInley
had acknowledued the offer, it had not
vet been accepted.
ij)nufiirri4 Tlitnl; Our ships Itptrented
Madrid, April 29. The version of the
bombardment of Matanzas by the Uni
ted States fleet which has reached hers
says that "after half an hour's light
the Americans were obliged to retreat."
The ofliclal reports, In addition to say
Inu the Americans "were obliged to re
treat," admit that "several men wero
killed," and that "some damage was
done to the town," also saying that the
"American loss Is not known."
A ItPtiliiKMit Kor (.'0I0110I (Jrnnt.
New York, April 29. Major TCdmund
H. Mitchell, who resigned from tho
command of the Fourteenth regiment,
of Brooklyn, over eight months ago,
said today that he had met Colonel
Fred D. Grant by appointment yester
day afternoon, and assured him that
he would be elected to the command of
the regiment. Colonel Grant, he said,
agreed to accept tho position, In caso
of election.
Alleged Spiinluli Spy Arrcitort.
New Orleans, April 29. The govern
ment engineer olllcer at Port Kads has
arrested a man believed to bo a Span
ish spy. He gave his name as John
Walsh and his home as New Orleans.
Several undeveloped films and map
descriptive of the river and govern
ment works at Port Kails were found
on him.
AUHtl'liui Ktiipenir'H (lift to Spain.
London, Apill 2D. The Vienna corre
spondent tit The Mornlns Post says:
"Emperor Francis Joseph privately
contributed $100,000 to the national
naval subscription In Spain, anil has"
further shown his sympathy by per
mitting a number of Austro-Hungarlan
olllcers to Join tlw Spanish flag.
Sllvor Croam Polish, tho best In tho world.
At llrumm's.
I'irel I'lrnl viral
Insuro your property from loss In tho
oldest and strongest cash companies: Phila,
Underwriters Insurance Co. of North
America and l'ire Association, Hartford
Flro Ins. Co., American Kiro Insurance Co.,
Wont Chostor Flro Ins. Co., United Firomcii'11
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah.
I'lioIiiytlowor ii oirt.
Now York, April 29. The Ogden Goe
let estate hns refused to accept the
JtVOO.OOO which the government had
agreed to pay for the yacht MayJlower.
The Mayflower 1b now In commission
as a torpedo boat destroyer, and Is at
tached to Admiral Sampson's fleet.
Thousands of sullerurs from grippe havo
liccu rtstoied to health by One Minute CoiikIi
Cure. It quickly euros coughs, colds, bron
chitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, and all
throat aud lung discuses. C. II. llonenbuch.
dherrg Peciora!
I Tim wr.ATiii:n.
The furecast for Saturday ; Tartly cloudy to
fair, wanner weather, preceded by rain In
tlif northern dWrlets, with fresh to brisk
southerly and westerly winds.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fry spent yestorday
at tho county seat,
County Controller Snyder was a visitor
In town this afternoon.
T. II. Van Duseiiand Jacob Houtz visited
friends at Pottsvlllo to-day.
Miss Jennie and Harry Golden attended
the dance at Pottsvlllo last eveninc
.Miss Clara Metcalf, of North Wbito street,
spent yesterday in Maliauoy City visiting
Thomas Parker, of tho Mahamiy City
Record, was a caller at tho HKlUI.Dnllico last
.Mrs. JdIiii I.. Williams and her daughter,
Mrs. Thomas Sanger, spout to-day visiting
friouds in town.
JllssS.idlo Koehler, of Allcntown, Is vis
iting her grandmother, Mrs. Joseph Kohler
011 North Main street.
Mrs. John Spenco and son, Frank, of
rVlIcntown, who spent tho past two weeks In
town, returned homo to-day.
Mrs. Mary Coleson, of Philadelphia, who
spent tho past few weoks as a guest of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John West, 011 Oak
street, left for her homo to-day.
A Mill Kinployii llus 11 Very Thrilling Kx
perltnce. Mahanoy City, April SB. William Moyer.
employed as engineer at tho l'uslo hosiery
mill and residing 011 Last Mabanny Avenue,
had his right arm broken in three places this
nftornoon. Ho was wiping oil from a
shaft when the end of tho rag be was
using wrapped around tho revolvins shaft
and his hand. Moyer was whirled around the
shafting aud ho fell to the floor, a distance
of twelvo feet. Moyer was unconscious and
it was found that his right arm had been
broken in two places below the elbow and in
one placo abovo.
Oo to Uofowich and get ?10 worth of goods
for $5. i-28-3t
Wnyler by IriJcy.
Tho strcots aud pavoments at the intersec
tion of Jardin aud Ccntro streets were
crowded with people shortly . bofore nine
'clock last night when tho Itazor Club
strung up an elllgy of Wcyler in front of
I oltz s harbor shop and applied a torch to it,
As tho flamos spread over tho form of tho
substitute for the despised Spanish represent
ative tho Patriotic drum corns rattled oil'
enlivening Yankee tunes and the greatcrowd
JIIeIilnl7lH unfa.
Cream of tomato soup, frco, to-night.
sk your grocer for tho "Itoyal Patent
dour, and tako no othor brand. It is tho best
flour made
To llccoi-afo 11 'ItloclcniUi ltitnnor.
Mndrld, April 29. In the senate yes
terday General Donoso greatly eulo
gized the captnln of the transport
Montserrat for running the blockade.
Admiral Hermejo. minister of marine,
replying, said tho government had de
cided to offer a decoration on the of
ficer. Senator Toca declared that the
American blockade of a part of the
Cuban coast was contrary to interna
tional law anu caicuiateu to cause
great Injury to neutrals. Admiral Ber
mejo promised that the government
would take up the question with a view
of communicating its conclusions to the
I'lilmo t'oiiiiniinils Now Jorsoy Troops
Trenton, April 29. An order was Is
sued from the adjutant general's ofllco
yestorday designating Major General
Plume, of tho New Jersey National
Guard, as commander of tho military
post at Sea Girt, where the regiments
designated for the volunteer army will
be mobilized. General Plume has not
yet decided whether he will order the
men to report at Sea Girt on Saturday
or Monday. Captnln Dalilgren, of the
battalion of tho 'west, naval reserves,
has asslgiit-d the Camden division of
his battalion to take the Montauk from
League Island navy yard to Portland,
I'ortncnl Deolnres Xoutrnllty.
Lisbon, April 29. The Ofliclal Gazette
publishes today a decree declaring the
neutrality of Portugal In the conflict
between Spain and the United States.
The terms of the decree are similar to
those used on the occasion of the
government's neutrality proclamation
at the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian
Annual Solos overC, 000,000 Boxes
such as 'Wind nnd Tain In tho Stomach.
Giddiness, Fulness aftor meals, Head
ache. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings
of Heat. Loss of Appotito, Costlveness.
Iilotchcs on tho Skin, Cold Chills. Dis
turbed Sleep. Frightful Droams and nil
Nervous aud Trembling Sonsatlnus.
IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer
will nckuowlodgo them to bo
lli:i:ciIAM'S FILM, taken ns direct
ed, will quickly restoro Fornalos lo com
plete health. They promptly rcmovo
obstructions or Irregularities of tho sys
tem nml euro Mi ll Headache. For a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Boccham's Pills aro
Without a Rival
And have the
uTnny Patent Medicine. Intlio World.
25o. at nil Drug Storos,
Wo make tho lot bunting flnu for outaMo use
on tiulldliiKi nml hell tht-iu as low m any oilier
doler In the laml. No need to send to the city
tnauufneturere ns you can save the cuprous
churRi' hy buying of ub,
R, H. Morrill!, ranUfaUa!irdrriuporter.
Tho Rosy Freshnoss
Ami a velvety softness o( the skin Is Inva
riably obtained br thwswhouao I'ozzoni's
Complexion Powder.
y5rd in .ossiog.
: A Measure at Last.
) A V.
'h .
2 The Cleanest, Fastest Dye for;:
; Soiled or Faded Shirt Waists, S:
5 Blouses, Ribbons, Curtains, Under
;S linen, etc., whether Silk, Satin, :
5 Cotton or Wool. ' J:
ZsSolJ in All Colors by Croccrs ano
5 Druggists, or mailed free S:
z for 15 cents;
; 12T Duaae Street, A'etr York, J:
P. 0, S. OF A.
Kliihurutc Arrangements Made for tbo
C1111111 H Auiilversury.
The arrmgeuients for tbo celebration of
the 29th anniversary of Washington Camp
N'o. 112, P. O. S. of A., at Ferguson's theatre
next Wednesday evening, have been com
ploted on an elaborate scale, l'rof. S. T.
cord, tho celebrated humorist and Imper
sonator, will be the star attiaction, but by
no means the only interesting and pleasing
feature of tho oonlng, as an excellent
uixillary program has been arranged and
tho full Schoppo orchestra of ten pieces will
figure in it. Tho doors or tho theatre will
bo opened promptly at 7:30 o'clock. Mem
bers of tho order who havo net secured
tickets for tbo event should mako application
at onco at Yost's barber shop, on Kast Centre
Whito blanks lit 5 ceuts per piece aud gilts
at 0 and 7J cents per piece. We have higher
priced wallpaper. At J. I'ortz, 21 North
Main street. tf
Wedding IIhIIh.
A doublo weddinu was celebrated at St.
John's German Catholic chmch, I'ottsville,
ou Wednesday afternoon. Tho contracting
parties wero 1 C. L. Kbcrlo and Miss Cath
arine Hummel, both uf Pottsvide, aud John
Swain and Miss Theresa Wright, both of
Philadelphia. Tho ceremony was performed
by llov. F. W. Longinus, tho rector.
John Smith, 01' Heading, and Miss liarbara
Itadcr, of Pottsvlllo, wero married in tbo
Niino church yesterday1 alternooii, by the
William Ward and Miss Katie ltoeder, both
of Ashland, wero married yesterday after
noon at tho paronago of St. Joseph's church,
by Itev. II. J. McUettigau.
(Icorgo Itnborts and Miss Clara J. Harsley,
wero ruairiid last evening by liov. V. I.
Evans, pastor of the Welsh liaptist church,
at the home of tho groom's patents, Mr. and
Mrs. Sainutl Kobcits, 011 West Cherry street.
Only fiicndsaud relatives of the contracting
parties wero present. Tho young couple en
joy a largo circle of acquaintance who oxtoud
to them their good wishes.
John tlrowcott and Miss Margaret J. West
wero married last evening at the residonco of
tho brido's parents, on West Oak street, by
Itov. Swindells, pastor of tho Methodist
Episcopal church. Miss Katherino West,
sister of the brido. was tho bridesmaid and
Henry Millward, of Maliauoy City, tho
groomsman. Aftcr-tho ceremony thero was
a receptiou with immediate friends of the
contracting parties in attondanco.
Headache Quickly Cured.
Dr. Davis' Antl-llcadaeho never fails, 25c.
Deserved l'romotfon.
Among tho officers of tho regular army
who aro in tho lino of promotion to majors
of tho third battailous of each regimout pro
vided for by tho Act of Congress passed a
few days go, appears, the namo of Captain
William Auman, of tho 13th Infantry, now
at Tampa, Florida. Capt. Auman is a
Schuylkill mau, having entered tho army
from Pottsvlllo and ranks well in tho service.
Dr. J. Kjro Cicriimii Physician
And Surgeon, of Heading, Pa., will be at tho
Franpy Hoti ou April 30th, from 1 to 3 p.m.
Rupture euro guarantaeo. Pritato surgical
hospital, H2 N. 8th St., Heading .L2S-2t
Justices' Cases.
Edward Toohoy was put under $300 bail
by Justice Tourney last night. Ho was
charucd with assaulting John Uugonls at tho
Maple Hill colliery.
John Sowluskl was put under f 100 bail by
Justice Shoemaker last night 011 charges of
assault and battery, surety and malicious
mischief preferred by Mrs. Stlney Czerwus.
Finest spring styles of clothing for men,
youths and boys sold at Refowich's at half
tho regular price. 3t
l'ell In 11 .Minn Ilreacli.
John Dclaney, of Locust (lap, lies in tho
stato hospital nt'iring his end. Last Satur
day ho and a companion stinted on a walk
from tho Gap to Mt. Carniel, having wagered
ou who would resell their destination fust.
Delanoy made his way across tho hill and
fell into a 111I110 breach, sustaining injuries
that may terminate in his death.
Go to Refowich's and get a dollar's worth
for fifty cents. Prices to suit the times. 3t
Meetings To-night.
A meeting of the Soldiers Monument Asso
ciation will ho held In the U. A. It. hall, lief
owlcli building, at S o'clock this evening. A
full attendance of leprebeiitutives is desired.
A regular inouthly meeting of the Hoard of
Health will be hold in tho Council chamber
Kfiidrlek IIoiish Vren Lunch.
Clam soup will bo served, free, to all pa
trons to-night.
A lleiiutlfiil I'lag.
Tho largest Cubau llsg displayed lu town
was unfurled lu froutof tho Ferguson Houa,
on Centro street, this morning. It is a beau
tiful emblem 10 x 0 feet in size aud floats
proudly besido tho largo American Hag
which has so often dono duty at tbo hotel ou
gala occasions, Tho Cuban flag was mado by
Mrs. Thomas II. Hutchinson, wile of tho
proprietor of tho hotel, and tho patriotic
lady Is now at work on a similar Hag which
she Intends to send to her former place of
icsldeucc, Suubury,
Dwelling 17 S. Jardin St.; all latest Im
provements, ready for rent May 1. Apply
No, 10. 4-23-tf
I r ; 1
I No Muss. No Trouble.
liiilipniilngs Throughout tlm Giitmti'y
(fhrontcliwl for Hasty I'erusnl.
Work on the new slalo capitol was started
on Wedueday.
A mail box has been placed at the corner of
C oal and Jaidln streets.
Many first-class machinists at Delano are
securing work elsewhere.
Flags aro quite numerous In town, but
tlicro Is room for many more.
lllds for street paying In Mahanoy City
will cloc 011 Saturday at noon. '
Thomas Jones and son, Kay, journeyed to
Pottsvlllo yesterday afternoon
Allotments out of tho $50,000,000 defense '
fund to datoapgrcgato $11,222,110.
Tim Mahanoy City Lithuanian lland will
hold their anniversary this evoulng.
Improvements' at tho Pennsylvania K. It.
station continue. It is now being icpalnted.
Mrs. O. M. Matter has changed her resi
dence Irom Kast Oak stieet to 21 Kast Coal
Maliauoy City has a Flying Squadron Club,
anil they will hold a clam bako at lakeside
on Sunday a week.
An amateur of Mahanoy City has chal
lenged Peter Woodball, of Fisher's patch, to
shoot at eleven bird.
Tho Junior Endeavors will hold hold a
meeting this evening, ill tho basement of the
M. H. church. Magic lantern scenes will bo
lio sine you aru right, then go ahead, lie
sure you get Hood's Sarsaparilla, and not
somo cheap and worthless substitute,
Charles II. Lewis, formerly of Shenandoah,
is in tho county In tho Interest of Palm's
Huslnees College, Philadelphia.
llcnjiimln Green, of Cllrardvlllc, a con-
tractor at the Hammond colliery, was badly
bUrncd by gas. Ho will recover.
Tim contest com t completed tho examina
tion of illegal voters in Shenandoah, the
Fifth ward being disposed of yesterday
The Oerman Catholic congregation, of
Newtown, has just completed the laying out ,
of a cemetery, tho first In that Httlo town.
Oeneral Coibin says no Stato's volunteer
allotment will bo increased, as every Stato
has signilicd it would furnish its full equip
There are ten now mines being opened lu
tho anthracite region In splto of the fact that
thoso already in operation can only work ten
days a month. Why is It?
The Mellet building on West Centro stieet
Is at present being wired throughout for
incandescent lights. Tho power will bo
furnished by the dynamos at the Columbia
2,00.'i pcoplo attended two performances of
the "Spotting Duchess" at Heading recently.
This sanio company appears at Kaier's opora
bouse to-night and plays a return date at
Heading to-morrow.
John Dempsey, of Mlnersville, who was
fire boss at Tliomaston colliery, until it closed
down, has accepted tho position of inside
foreman of tho Losch and Mooro colliery at
I.orberry. Mr. Dempsey will remove his
family to Tremout.
Another Case of Classic Uliigliuins.
Undoubtedly our classic ginghams, which
we formerly sold at 10 ceuts and which aro
now going at 5 cents havo mot with success
among tho ladies. This morning wo opoucd
another case. Come early aud secure first
1-28-tf ILF. Gill.
lllckort's Cale,
Clam soup, freo, to-night. Baked potatoes
and sausage to-morrow morning.
To-night's l'lay.
"The Sporting Duchess" comes to Kaier's
grand opera liouso, Maliauoy City, to-night,
with its great cast, its mammoth scenes, its
brilliant costumes, its thoroughbred horses
and all tbo general paraphernalia which
helped to mako this production the most
famous of any ever given in America.
Everybody should go and seo this great
The best placo to buy your wall paper is a
F. J. Portz, 21 North Main street. Wo havo
a big assortment; tf
Stii'iiaiiiloali dots the I'rle.
A spirited waltzing contest was held in
BurchiU's hall, Frackvillo, on Wednesday
night, in which a large number of young
people from all points of tho county partici
pated. One of tho contestants was Miss
Emily Kraft, of town, who had as her
partner, William Davis, of Mahanoy City.
They were awarded tho prizo, a gold medal.
NEUEALGIA and similar Complaints'
I h MlSrtll?lfm
World renowned I IfcmnrknMvsurfpRflfiill
I Only Bonulno Willi Trado Mark" Anchor.'
Jf. .d. Klrhtcr&Co., 215 1'carlSt.,. Kcir York.
13 Branch Htmses, Own Glassworks.
23&&OGU. Hudorscd & rucoiaumudcd by
A. Wasley, 106 N. Main St..
. II. Hagcnbuch, 103 N. Main
P. P.D. Kirlln, S. Main St.
' Shenandoah. .
Dn. nicHTcrt'a k
i.oii. i'ysprpNia:Nmiiinrii rinmpfnlntn.
' ,1 11 1 iiM.iiiii, l.tKii, ii . w I Ml IM I
, 1 0. 8. OF fl.
Arrangements are now complete
lor the entertainment to be given
in Ferguson's theatre on Wednes
day evening, May 4th, by Prof S.
T. Ford and others
Members of the order who have
not secured tickets can have the
same bv calling at B. J. Yost's
barber shop.
Doors open at 7:30 o'clock p. 111.
Children positively not admitted.
The undersigned have assumed charge of
the bhenandoali Kenovating Coinpaivy'splant,
nnd are prepared to clean, sew anil lay
carpets, mattresses, and do general upholster
ing work.
Feathers Cleaned.
Work Done Promptly.
... Drop Us a Postal.
Orders can he left at No. 7 Noith West street,
or at the plant, Apple alley and
llowers street.
of tbo Clolio f or t5t
"20LD DUST." I "OOLfi fiDST."
E$&''MmW 's nercr pleasant work. The way to have cleaning I
wMW veu t'on; nll(l t0 K through It quickly without 1
BBvg ' fffisftSiat spending much strength, Is to use D
WMWrtM W EPfe am I
' ISif Powder.
fejaQM lM T'lcn denning things nre laid aside early In the day, nnd I
I jr'vKb I K housewife has time for more pleasant things. I
fOlDf '(; B largest package grentwt economy. I
lVluJfUr WL Chlcag0' St. Louis. New York. Boston. Philadelphia. R
As low prices on lumber and all kinds 01
building material as is consistent with good grades. Away
down prices do not always mean good grades. Come in and
see us some day and we will show you our stock and quote
Glenn & O'Hearn,
(Successors to J. W: Johnson,)
IN. Main St., Shenandoah, Ra.
Factory Shoe Store'
Has opened al
No. 7 S. Main St., Shenandoah. Pa.
Next door to I,. Goldin's clothing store, with a full line of boots and
shoes at factory prices. New stock, new goods. We also carry a com
plete line of gents' furnishing goods, hats and caps, underwear,
notions, &c, at prices according to the times. We quote a few articles
the prices of which speak for themselves :
Infant's shoes, from 20 cents up; children's shoes, from -lo cents up;
ladies' shoes, from 75 cents up ; men's shoes, from 95 cents up,
0 ABE LEVIIME, Proprietor.
These were the two reasons that formerly
kept people frm attending to their teeth,
lloth reasons have no existence in this ad
vanced age. I'ainlfss and inexpensive dent
istry with an absolute guarantee for five years
is our method.
A Good Set of Teeth, $$.
The Very llett Teeth, 58.
You can get no better, no matter what you
pay. No charge for extracting, where teeth
are ordered. We can take your impression in
the morning and give you your teeth in the
afternoon if desired.
Gold Hillings, $1 ; Best Silver
Fillings, 5oc up; Cleaning, Soc;
Extracting, 25c.
Crown and bridge work at very reasonable
rates. Examinations nnd estimates free.
Wcuse but one grade of material
the best.
7 North Jardin St , Shenandoah.
Thos. Buchanan,
Examination Made at Tour Home or at
Our Store.i
--Has Moved to
118 S. Main Street.
mim mm w
Attentive und skillful tonsorial artists always
iu attendance,
Neatest Shop In "Town.
W. G. DUSTO, Prop.
Ferguson House Dlock,
A Handsome Dining
Where tho walls ond ceilings aro mado dnlnty
nud nttrnetlvo by our tinhpie designs and rich
nnd beautiful coloring lu wall papers, Is an
Incentive to a fulling appetite. At no tlmo of
the year does your rooms need a new dress as
much as when spring conies In ber new garb,
and shames tbo dingy room where wlnttr'lias
left its impress In smoko and dust. Look at our
new and lovely stock of wall papers.
224 W. Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
IjlOIt 8AI.I-:. Beat located two-chair barber
Hhop In Mt Carmcl, Pn., cheap. Address
J, II. Thonuis, Mt. Carmcl, Pa. It
Local salesman to Bell our IN
l liimluatlnir nnd luhrlcratliiK oils, axle
ureasu aud petrolatum, Kino oils nnd liberal
commission. Address I'eiin Petrolatum Co,,
Ofllco and Refinery, Cornopolls, Pa, 4-28-2t
EOI: HUNT. Two lartre rooms In Itefowlch
bulldiuir, 10 South Main street. All con
veniences. Suitable lor ofllco. 3-19-tf
ITtOH HALIC A very desirable property. Ap
) ply to Joseph Wyatt, 201 North Main St. tf
30 Days Slaughter
Sale of ... .
In order to make room for my
new branch of business, hardware,
stoves, shelf and builders hard
ware, in which I am going to em
bark in the near future. Here are
a few of our prices, as an illustra
tion of our slaughter sale.
Baby Carriages
3.50 and up.
Six foot square extention tables,
nicely furnished, S2.75.
White enameled bedsteads, a
miracle, SI.98.
Cane seated chairs, in Cherry
and Walnut, 49c,
High-back wood seated dining
chairs, 35c.
Leather seat rockers we nre
selling at $,69.
. . . DEALER,
121-123 North Main St.