The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 21, 1898, Image 4

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    The War Scare !
If you want to keep posted you
must read the newspapers. We de
liver all the N'ew York, Philadel
phia and Pottsville pipers to all
parts of town: also the Kvknino
Hi;kali. which contains the lhtest
news by wive and all county and i
local news. Leave your order at
the store or give it to the carrier.
1 N. Misln St.
The Bee H i ve.
Our Spring
We offer you the newest
goods and the bet values you
ever received. To our already
many departments we have
added another, millinery. Kine
trimmed hats from 39 cents up
to $14.41), and all hats trimmed
fiee of charge.
As Millinery
Is only one of the many lines
we carry it is a simple matter
to understand that we can give
you greater values than any
other house in town.
Great Bargains
Are offered in all the latest
silks, stylish dress goods, white
goods, embroideries and lace
As these goods will not last long
at the remarkable low prices we
are selling them at, it will pay you
to call early.
The Bee Hive,
2" South Main Street.
"The Sporting yileliei,."
Due of the most succosrifiil spectacular
drntnai u tho road this season, "The Sport
ing Duchess," will bo the attraction at Kaier's
Grand upora house on Friday evening, tho
2!Hli inst. It is a story of intense human
heart interest framed ill the most sumptuous
suenie -.ottius of modern times, and pre
sented with nu excellent eait, headud ly the
beuutiltil mill an imiplished artiste, l'folllot
Paget, who has been recognized for many
years as the leading cninuilivmic of KiiKlaud
and luicricu. Manager J . J. (inirk has com
pleted arniuceineius whereby a special train
will be run for tho accommodation of all
jorsons fioin I'arU l'lacoand Delanoafter the
net loi mance. Tho electric curs for Ashland
hn.l intermediate sUtioiii ill aUu run after
t 1, p rfiirmance for the uccunmniilatioii of
t'ni people in the Mnhanoy valley. Till1"
! i is Klarauteed to he one of the llnest
m i presented in America, and tte would ail-vi-.
j,( rsnos desiring to atteud to -eeure scats
in iilwuie. Tho chart will open in a few
.it Snyder's drug store, Mahanoy City,
An Enterprising Druecist.
I 'h i 1 are few men more wide awake and
rpi lsing than A. Wasley who spare no
j i.i.s tu secure the best of everything in their
1 in fur their many customers. They now
h iv- the valuable agency for Dr. King's New
I is overy for 'omumption, Coughs and
t This is the wonderful remedy that is
producing such a furor all over the country l)
its many startling cures. It absolutely cures
Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all aflec
tiuns of the Throat, Cliest and I.tings. Call
.it abinc drug store and get a trial bottle free
or a regular size for 50 cents and $!.oo.
llMaranteed to cure or price refunded.
KerjlnMly f.ook at This.
A special attraction at fooler's concert
salnou all of this and tiext week. I'rof.
lulir Wilkinson, comedian, vocalist and
11111-1c.1l artist has been engaged. Every
body welcome 1-15-Ut
High art wall paper in all tho latest do
signs and colorings cheap at tVirdin's, 2'l
est ( entrc str i t. 1-lll-lm
204 Soutlt lain Street.
My entire stock of dry goods at cost
prices and also below co't.
We arc still weaving carpet at from
25 to 50 tents jier ard.
Suitable to the Times.
Two pound of Arhuekle coffee glen iiwny
with one pound of 50c tea.
Ten pieces of ifood white flouting soap, 25c
Tbren pounds California prunes S5c
5ix pounds lima lieuns c
Twp cans of beet Jelly
Oooil loose cottve 'JOe
Other goods sold In proportion.
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardin St
iii'.st un is or
Floor and Table 011 Cloths.
E. B. FOLEY, 27 Centre 8k.
to bo rid of, because bad blood is
tho Invoding placo of disfiguring
and dangerous diseasos. Is your
blood bad? It is if you aro
plagued by pimples or bothered by
boils, if your skin is blotched by
eruptions or your body eaten by
sores and ulcers. You can bavo
good blood, which is puro blood, if
you want it. You can bo rid of
pimples, boils, blotches, sores and
ulcers. How ? By tho tiso of
It is tho radical remedy for all dis
eases originating in tho blood.
Head tho evidence :
"Ayer's Sarsaparilla wa3 recommended
to mo by my physician 3 a blood purifier.
When I heg'an taking it I had boils nil over
my body. One bottlo cuied me." Honneh
CltAFT, Wesson, Miss.
"After pit years' sutferins from blood
poison, I began taking Ayer's .Sarsapa
rilla, and although I have used only threo
bottles of this great medicine, tho soroa
havo nearly all disappeared." A. A. Man
MSG, Houston, Teiai.
A .lolnt Celebration of Wedding
lltrtbdny Anniversaries.
Tho residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Whitelock, on South White street, was the
scene of a brilliant social gathering last
evening in celebration of Mr. ami .Mrs.
Whitelock's twentieth wedding anniversary,
Mr. Whitelock's birthday anniversary, and
also the birthday anniversary of Miss Clara
Whitelock. About sixty guests were in at
tendance, among them several friends from
distant points. Thegifts were liumeroiis.beau-
tiful and costly, thoso in china and glassware
being especially worthy of mention. In
connection with tho event thero was a musi
eal umler the direction of Mrs. W. N.
Khrhart, of Mahanoy City, during which the
following program was rendered : l'iauo solo,
'Le Trovalorc." Mrs. W. N. Ehrhart; yocal
duet, Miss Helen and Dr. I). John Price;
piano solo, "La Matinco," Miss Mattie
1' ranoy ; violin duet, Misses Drewer and
Beddall ; vocal solo, Dr. I). John l'ncc;
piano solo, "Titama," Miss Millie Zimmer
man : vocal solo, "Hid Me Discourse," Miss
Emily I.eightcnbergor; vocal duet, 1'iof. ,1. J.
l'ricoand Dr. 1). John l'ricc; violin solo.
"I'aust," Miss Eva Brewer; piano solo, Miss
Gertrude Neisweuter; vocal solo, Miss .Mar
garet Beddall; piano solo, "Staccato Caprice,"
Miss llertruilo N'eUn enter; vocal solo, Miss
Maud Uilpin; vocal solo, "Ave Maria," Miss
Emily l.cightenhurgcr; piano solo, Thalherg's
"Home Sweet Home," Miss Helen Price.
Tho musicale had a striking climax in the
appearance of tlneo littlo girls, Pearl and
ltuth Matter and Clara Whitelock, dressed in
white with red, white and blue drapery, and
iho singing by them of "Uoom Kur One More
Star," a composition touching upon the
Cuban situation. Tho piano accompaniment
was played by .Miss Margaret Beddall.
The guests weio served with lefiesliments
n tho form uf chicken salad, sandwiches, ice
cream, cake, culleo, cocoa and lemonade.
Itickert'H Cale.
Vcgetahlo soup, free, to-night, l'ish cakes
to-morrow morning.
I.uliigli Presbytery Meets.
Tho I.ehigh Pioabytery met at Easton,
when J!ov. T. Maxwell .Morrison, of Maha
noy City, thu retiiing moderator, preached
the sermon, llev. J. K. Stoneciphcr, of
Iistoli, was elected moderator. Thero were
piesent !17 luinisteis, 21 elders and 7 6tudeuts.
l'ho treasurer's loport shows a cash balance
on hand of 13. Hev. Henry Koehler, of
Kingston, was ordained and his call tu thu
church at Ashland was sanctioned.
If you want to get for $5 a suit for which
you uso to pay $10, go to L. Goblin's Ouo
Price store.
Miss Ellen Donlan, daughter of Patrick
and tho lato Mary Donlan, and a sister of
School Director John Donlan, of West Maha
noy township, died at her homo in Browns
ville, at about 0:30 o'clock last evening, ii:
her thirtieth year. The deceased was un
married and had been an invalid fur about a
year. The funeral will take placo at 0 o'clock
Saturday morning. High mass will bo cele
brated in thu Annunciation church In town
at tea o'clock. Thu remains will be interred
iu the Annunciation cemetery.
.llldails Cafe.
Sour kroutatid pork to-night.
Captain Itiusell lining.
Captain Samuel It. Bussel is dying at his
homo iu Philadelphia, of consumption of
the stomach. Mr. Kustcll is a first De
fender and u native of Pottsvlllo. Ho held a
position at tho Philadelphia mint under Col
O. C. Boshyshell aud was nUo ideutilied with
that Institution under the present adminis
tration. Beautiful white-lack wall paper 8 touts a
roll. Hooms papered for f2 and upwards at
Cirdln's art wall paper store, 221 West
Centre street. -Mb-lm
Gives a satisfied smile to
'every palate that tastes it.
Now on tap at al
our customers.
ord in PossiQg.
Mrs. Mattie Blakerand Miss Ida Thomas,
of town, arc visiting friends In Pottsvlllo.
I.. A. Bamberger left town this morning
en a commercial trip that will extend to sev
eral points through tho western pait of tho
Mrs. Howard Delshcr visited friends In
Pottsvlllo to-day.
Mr. and Mrs. l'red. Schctililng, who wero
tho guests of town relatives thu psst fen-
days, returned to their homo in Philadelphia
P. P. D. Klrlln has returned from Head
ing, wliaro he attended a special convocation
of the I). O. K. of K Knights of Pythias.
W, M. Brewer has gouo to New York to
attend to business ill connection with the
Columbia Brewing Company.
-Mr. and Mrs. I). I). Doris will shortly
change their placo of residence from 3,"i North
White street to Eat Coal street, near White.
Miss Dirrow was a passenger te Phil
adelphia this morning.
Misses Kate and Mary McUulrohavo gono
to Northumberland, whero they havo secured
employment in a large hat and cap factory.
John Elliott, of South Bethlehem, has
assumed tho position of engineer at the
Columbia biewory.
Councilman John P. lioelim lias gone to
Benjamin DaiHIow and A. D. Nimocks,
of Lost Creek, paid a visit to l'ottsville to
day. Although nothing positive is known, it
is hinted by parties In a position to know
that Mr. Nimock's visit gavo business to one
of tho county ollicials.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glenwright, of
Miuersvllle, spent a fewhotiisiii town yes
terday as the guest of l datives
Ml?s Gertrude Sigfried, of Munch Chunk,
has relinquished her position as saleslady at
tho Bon Ton millineiy.
.Messrs. Noisivcnter and Sclmoll'cr made a
trip through Locust Valley to-day iu the
interests of thu Shenandoah fertilizing plant.
Mrs. 1). J. Cleary and daughters. Misses
Hose and Grace, of Mahanoy City, were
guests at the residence of It. Gill last
Mrs. James J. Coakley, was a Pottsvlllo
visitor to-day.
Headache Quickly Cured.
Dr. Davis' Anti-Headache never fails, 25c.
Caught in u Scraper Line
An accident, which may yet result fatally.
befell Charles Hall at tho Shenandoah City
colliery yesterday. His right foot was
caught In the scraper line. He was removed
to his homo on South White street, whore his
foot was dressed temporarily by Dr. G. M.
Hamilton, aftor which the victim was re
moved to the Miners' hospital. Hall is a
brother of John Hall, who had one of bis
feet cut off on the Lehigh Valley railroad,
whero ho was thrown after having been
Scalp Treatment.
Katharine A. Hickey, 120 N. Main St.
llettor .Mull Sen lee.
Beginning with to-morrow tho outgoing
local mail service will bo stiengthened by an
additional mail pouch direct to New York.
It will leave hero over tho Heading railway
at 2:10 a. m. The pouch for this mail closes
at 8 o'clock in thu ovening. All Sunday mail
matter for New York must bo dropped at
thoollice before tho same hour.
If you want to got a good all-weol Btiit for
thu price of a cotton suit go to L. Goblin's
One Price store.
Hoard of Trade Needed,
The Wllhelm hicyclo works, which were
burned out at Hamburg a couple of weeks
ago, will locale elsewhere. by don't some
f our active business men get together, or
iiniza a Board of Trado and make an efi'oit
to have this aud other linns locate here 7
Shonauduah needs mure industries.
Their New l'astor.
Uev. Joseph Zilinski, who has been pastor
f tho Lithuanian church at Shamokiu thu
ist four years, has been transferred to
lymotith. Ho is succeeded by Hev. Joseph
Martiszius, formerly of Hazleton. Tho
change went into ctfect yesterday.
Tho low prices at which our clothing is
marked surprise tho people. They wonder
how tho goods can he made up and sold at
our One Price figures. L. Goblin.
Narrow' INeapo,
James O. Sampsell, while using a sharp
broad axo on the timber bank at the Shenan-
loah City colliery this morning, narrowly
missed cutting oil' part of his left foot. The
axe glanced on a piece ol wood anil cut
through thu shoe, hut uuly mado a small
wouud iu the foot.
"Weyler's lCnlgy ltlirued.
Ashland's peoplo went wild last night over
the war excitement. Between nine and ten
o'clock a large crowd gathered on Main
street and tho discharge of firearms became
almost general. An elligy of Weyler was
strung up on a post. The crowd then moved
up and down tin street, blowing horns,
hooting and yelling, and a bonfire was mado
nt the northern end of tho town, around
which the crowd conducted a war dance.
Orano Shot.
A fish crane shot at tho reservoirs above
the Kehley ituu colliery this morning is on
exhibition at lleglcy's restaurant.
By patronizing a Ouo Price clothing house
you save money. J., (lolclin.
Curd of TlianltH.
Mr. W. L. Smoyer desires to express his
t rati tun u to menus ior tncir expressions 01
sympathy upon the death of bis beloved
wife and floral tributes at tho funeral, and
especially the klnduess of friends ut Win.
Peun. Hu also desires to thank uev. ICobcrt
O'Boyle, pastor of tbo Trinity Keformcd
church, and the choir of tho church for their
kind sorvieos at tbo funeral.
Buy Keystonellour. Be suro that the name
Lessio & Baee, Aalilaml, Pa is printed on
every sack.
P, 0. S. Of I
All members of Camp 112, P. O.
S. of A., are requested to call upon
the committee, on or before April
26th, for tickets of admission to the
anniversary of the Camp to be held
on May 4th, 1898.
All members of Camps 183, 206
and visiting members are requested
to call at II. J. Yost's barber shop,
Ivast Centre street, on or before the
26th inst., for cards of admission.
Children positively not admitted.
A Hand
Is ono of tho
possess. I'l
gives It.
Handsomo Comploxlon
(.rentest charms a woman can
Sent to Jnll For Appropriating and Selling
n OR.
Mahanoy City, April 21. Theodoro Trlpol,
a painter, was arrested at Shenandoah yes
terday and brought hero for a bearing on n
charge of faUo pretense, on oath of Joseph
Loweiithal. It is alleged that about two
months ngo Tiipol stole a valuhlo dog from
ono Andrew Bcndriek, and then traded the
canine with Lowenthal for a suit of clothes.
Tripol said thu dog was given to him nnd
Bcndriek denied the story. Tho accused
was committed In defiult of hall.
MIm Catherine Perrong and Jacob Conrad
wero married this morning in St. 1'idells'
Gorman Catholic ehiirch. Mli Kate Ilollen
bach was the bridesmaid and Philip Conrad
the groomsman.
John Dolphin, of Ellaugowan, nnd Miss
Bridget Burke, of Philadelphia, weromariied
at the parsonage of St. Caiilcus church yes
terday afternoon. Miss Bridget Galvln, of
Yalesville, ivm the bridesmaid and Patrick
Keilly, of Ellaugowan, the groomsman.
John V. Iltihb, of town, and Miss Lena E.
Herman, of Sheuandoali, wero married by
Key. CI. M. Bock.
Mrs. Elvira Gilbert, wife of William H.
Gilbert, of Coles, died at B:0 o'clock this
minnlng, uged 43 years The funcrnl will
take placo on Saturday afternoon.
The P. ,t It. colliery employes of tho Gil
herton and St. Nicholas districts will ho paid
to-morrow, and iu this district Saturday. It
will be the smallest pay In many years.
Tho remains of Mrs. llauuah O'lliieu,
mother of Justice Junes O'Brien, of town,
wore brought from Philadelphia last evening.
The funeral will tako place to-morrow from
the residenco of the deceased's son-in-law,
Thomas Hornsby.
Edward Ileusyl, tho painter, while un his
way to work at noon to-day, was thrown from
his bicycle and struck the ground with such
foico that the front teeth of his upper jaw
wero broken and protruded through the lip.
His noso was also broken.
Wo guarantee our goods at One Price as
cheaper than the goods at any oilier store iu
town. If you find they are not, return your
goods within live days and wo will return
your money. L. Goldin, 0 and 11 South
Malnstieet, Mammoth Ono Price Clutbiug
Surprise Tarty.
.Miss Mary Tracey was tendered a surprise
party at her homo on East Centre street last
evening and a very enjoyable evening was
spent. Among those iu attendance were
Missos Beatrice Haskius, Mary and lirsa
McGonigle, Mary and Maggie Devcrs, Maine
McCarthy, Maiuo and Sal ho Ormsby,
Margaiet Lynch, Alice Maher, Nellie Tracey,
Annio MeDcruiott, Bertha King, Katio Igo,
Salma Lally, Mollie ltowan, May Burns,
Nellio Malloy, Ida Williams, Katio Cleary,
Nellio Dougherty, Clara Delaney, Agues
Tohin, Nellio Gallagher, Lizzie Flaherty and
Masters Charles Klisrh, Peter Kane and
Daniel Waid, of Mahanoy City. Andrew
Carl, Charles Illggins, James Shields, John
Kirk, Michael Whaleu, Patrick Cooney,
Mini rice Connors, Harry Mellet, Harvey
Wells, William O'Donncll, Charles Carden,
Martin and Michael llrcnnau, John Diuk
lockur, Archie Hares, Thomas Uahur, Harry
Gordon aud Nellie He'd.
At Kepeliluskl's Arruilo Cafe.
Vegetable soup, free, to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
A Priest's Plucky fight.
Hev. Victor Zarck, pastor of St. John's
.Slavonian church, Mt. Carmel, had an on
counter with thieves on Monday night that
he is not likely to forget. Ho was stopped on
the street by two burly fellows as hu was
icturniug fium a iait tu a patient at 1 o'clock-
iu tho morning. He knocked down one of
the fellows with a loaded cano, and then
i-ti uc.k at the other, who jumped aside, aud
hurled a stonu at the priest, which struck
him in tho back of the neck. Fortunately
tho lapel of his overcoat was turned up
which warded oil' the force of the blow. Tho
blow, howevor, felled him to the ground, but
ho quickly aroso ready to renew tho struggle,
when the would-be thieves lied.
Tho customer who thinks he inaku3 a
bargain by "Jewing" down is mistaken.
You get full value at our One Price store. L.
llrilliuut Wedding.
Iiobert A. Waldron, the well-known un
dertaker of Pottsvillo, and Miss Marguoritc,
daughter of tho lato Daniel and Mary Curry,
of Ccntralia, wero married in St. Ignatius'
church, at the latter place, at 9 o'clock this
morning. Itev. Thomas F. Waldron, brother
of the groom, of Dover, Del., was tho cele
brant of the nuptial mass, Hev. Hayes, pastor
of tho church, as deacon, and Hev. Masscy,
of Shamokiu, as sub-deacon. A number of
clergymen from different parts of the county
wero present. A reception was held at the
home of the hrldo. The couplo will make
an oxtcuded wedding tour.
Keudrlck Utilise Vrtse Lunch,
Cicani of tomato soup will be served,
to all patrons to-night.
Ills Coin-rs Are l ull.
A party of pickpockets aro following, in
the wake of William J. liryan aud his
friends. Two of these thieves wero arrosted
at Heading yesterday afternoon. On their
persons were found tho dates fur number of
Bryan meetings tu lie held during tho ensuing
threo or four weeks.
Wo leave it to tho public to judge as which
is the bast house to patronize, tho ono which
has the Ouo Pric system, with goods marked
at the lowest possible figures, or thu home
that has a dozen or more dill'erent prices on
the 6.1 ino article. L. Goldiu.
New Sign.
A handsome blue painted sign with silver
letters has been placed over the pavement in
front of H. II. Morgan's regalia establishment
on North Main street. It is an artistic piece
of work irom the brush of It, D. Ilagenbuch
The only favor we ask tho peoplo is to call
at our store and cxamiuo the Ouo Price
marks oil our goods. Wn don't ask thorn to
buy. The goods and prices make tho sales.
I, Goldin.
These were the two reasons that formerly
kept people frm attending to their teeth.
Both reasons have no existence in this ad
vanced fl;c. Painless and inexpensive dent,
istry with an absolute guarantee for five years
is our method.
A Good Set of Teelh, $5.
The Very Heft Teeth, $8.
You can i;ct no belter, no matter what you
pay. No charge for extracting, where te ill
are ordered. We can take )Our impression in
the morning and give you your teeth in the
afternoon if desired.
dolil Fillings, $1 ; Hest Sliver
Fillings, Sue up; Cleaning, Soc;
Extracting, 25c.
Crown and bridge work nt very reasonable
rates. Kxaininalious and estimates fiee.
We ue but one grade of material
the best.
7 North Jardin St., Shenandoah.
(Onnfhmrd from First I'ngp.)
voice ot liiui who represents human
justice on enith was rnlscil In counselM
of. pence nnd prudence, to which my
Roverninent had no dllllculty In heark
ening;, Ptroni; In the consciousness of.
lis right, nnd cnlm In the strict per
formance of Its duties.
"Spain's Knitllude Is due to the pope,
nnd nlso to the irrent Dowers, whoso
action streiiRthens my conviction that
Spain's cntisp deserves universal sym
pathy, nnd that her conduct merits
unanimous approval. It Is possible,
however, that an act of agGresslon la
imminent, und that not the sanctity
of our rights nor the moderation of
our conduct, nor the expressed wish ot
the Cuban people freely manifested,
may setvo to restrain the passions nnd
hatred let loose against the Spanish
fathet Intnl.
"In niitlclimt Ion of tlili critical nio
lllOllt. Wlll'll I't'IlxOll mill Jtistlco will
liuvo for" tliolr support only Spntil-li
rourauo una tho trndltlounl onoriry
of our peoplo, I Iiiivk huntc-ncil tho
niseiiilillim of tho cortex, nod tho hii
promo ilcoWlon or piii'llnnicnt wilt
doubtless, Function tilt) tllillltt'l'nblo
i-oHoln Hon or iii.v irovoriimoiit to rto
rond our rltihtH, wliitlmiovut'Hiiurlfliwt
niny ho Imposed upon uh Iu iiuooiu-pll-ihliiu;
thlH tiihk.
"Thus Identifying1 myself with the
nation, I not only fulfill the oath 1
swore in accepting the regency, but I
follow the dictates of a mother's heart,
trusting to the Spanish people to gather
behind my son's throne, and to defend
It until he Is old enoush to defend It
himself, as well as ti listing to the
Spanish people to defend the honor and
the territory ot the nation."
The iiuoen refient then referred to tho
trouble In the Philippine Islands, and
continuing said:
"Although a dark and gloomy fu
ture Is before us, the dllllcultles are not
beyond our powers. With our glorious
army and navy and the unltod nation
before foreign aggression, we trust In
God that we shall overcome, without
stain on our honor, the baseless and
unjust attacks made upon us."
Marshal Lopez Uomlnguez, In an in
terview. Is quoted as expressing con
fidence In the Cubans joining the Span-
lards against the American forces.
The minister of marine, Admiral
Bermejo, and Admirals Uerapgo and
liuller declare the Spanish peoplo can
thoroughly rely on the bravery of tho
Spanish lleets.
The senators and deputies, in the
lobbies of parliament last night, talked
most determinedly, and declared the
demands of the United States would bo
energetically rejected.
Miss AVoodford and the remaining la
dles of the United States legation here,
accompanii d by Lieutenant Dyer,
left by the night train for Paris, where
Mrs. Woodford now Is. General Wood
ford thought It would be better not to
uecompany the ladles to the station,
tflus avoiding attracting publicity to
their withdrawal.
Minister Woodford's own withdrawal
from the Spanish capital Is contingent
upon the government's answer to the.
president's ultimatum. This was re
ceived by Minister Woodford at mid
night, but the minister decided not to
present it until today. It is expected
that a prompt answer will be returned,
and that the minister will leave before
night to Join his family in Paris.
Firot Flrol I'lrot
Tiisnrn vonr nronortv from loss in the
oldest and strongest cash companies: Phila
Underwriters Insuranco Co. of North
America and Firo Association, Hartford
Firo Ins. Co.. American Firo Insuranco Co.,
West Chester Firo Ins. Co., United Firemen's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah.
DONI.AN. On the 20th lust., at Brownsville,
Pa Kllcn, daughter ot Patrick nnd tho late
Marv Donlan. aged 30 years. Tho funeral will
take place on Saturday, 23id inst., at un. in,
High mass will bo celebrated In tho Annnneia
ii,.,, ,.i,rni, Hbommloab. nt 10 a. in Inter-
iniMit In tbo Annunciation cemetery, l'riends
und relatives respectfully Invited to nttend
IjWK HUNT. A dwelling, centrally
Apply nt HuiiAUioillce. t
OK SAI.I5 A very desirable property. Ap-
ply to Josepli N jult, -ui iNorili .iiauiDs. u
SALE CIIKAP. A $2,000 house for
,400. No. xx hast Centre stieet,
Shcnandonh, l'n., lot I paid
Si. 78s under the hammer six months ago and
will sell ut once if you want the above
bareain : will take $.500 cash and will Rive
four years credit on balance. You can call at
the above address and examine same.
Call or address,
111 Penrn Street,
Tamaqua, Pa
Tlios. Buchanan,
Made at Tour Home
Our Storo.i
or at
-Has Moved to-
118 S. Main Street
we: bottle
Weiss Beer
Ale, Porter.
Private family orders will receiv
prompt attention. Leave them
at the office, we will tlo
the rest.
Happenings Throughout Iho Coiinlt)
Ulironlrleri for lias!' l'eiilsal.
William II Zimmerman Is putting a cement
Hour In tho basement of his place of btnlnefs !
on South Main street,
A horso belonging to Miles and Gatirhau.
tho grocers, died yesleiday from paiiilyds of j
thu kidneys. Thu carcass was claimed by
tho Sheiiaiidtah l'eitlllziiig Company.
A movement Is on foot lu Pittsburg to iti.
ci ease the salaries of many city oftlclats by
3(1 per cent. I
Application lias been mado (o tho Governor
for a Ilfth respite for Mitrdeier l'runk Jon
grass, sentenced to ho hanged at New Ciistlc,
on-April 20.
The P.ihst Brewing Company will esiahli-h
a big bottlo factory nea: Pittsburg, which
will give einployniiiit to BOO mou.
Owing to Hie short hours of work at the
uilllcrios many of the miners nt Glinrdvllle,
Schuylkill county, cannot pay taxes, and the
school treasury is empty.
For tec loss of her husband, who .was
killed iu tho Lehigh Valley Hull road yard at
South Bethlehem Mrs. Levi Worst was Yes
terday awarded $000 damages.
The Dubois lion Woiks aro filling orders
for !10() initio cars. '
Tho Hostou Hun washery lias resumed
By a fall of rock hi the ischooley colliery,
Wllkesbarrc, William Daniel was instantly
Sixty additional hands havo been put to
Work on tho double-tracking of tho Littlo
Schuylkill railroad.
The articles of agicement between Sehliltz
and Dictz, of Ashland, for a pigeon shooting
match wero signed last night. Kiich man is
to shoot at ten birds on the 30th lust.
A number of the foreign workmen at thu
La'tlmcr colliery Rro being discharged from
tho employ of tho company, und tlieie is
much discoutent among the.alieiis on this ac
count. Tho draliugo on tlio property of Jacob
Moll, on North Main street, was connected
with the sewor on that thoroughfuro to day.
of tlioGlobofer
1TSUEALGIA and similar Complaints'
uuu uaucr 1110 stringent
n f n m A fj m f n 1 n a 1 i aivs
tirescrlbodbvflmlnnntr.hvfiielaniti A?:
" er-Ki.
64 R !!;BB.ft5rS si
World renowned I Hemarkatily snrccsnf ul I
SOntyifoniilno with Trade Mark ' Anchor,'
. Ad. Itlihtcr.U'0., 215 realist., Acur VoiU.
1 3 Branch Hocses. Own. Glassworks,
25&M)cia. KudurBcd & recommended uy ,
A. Wasley, 106 tf. Main t A
H. Haccnbncli, 103 N. Main St.,
P.D.XIrlin, 6 . Main St.,
,, Shenandoah, r,.
va ait
uri. tiu.n 1 tti'tt
f?nll'. llVfcDeosln&Ktimuirli Tumuli,! nt
Die undersigned have anm?d charge of
the .Shenandoah Renovating Company's plant,
and are prepared to clean, sew and lay
carpets, mattresses, and do general upholster
ng worn.
Feathers Cleaned.
Work Done Promptly.
... Drop Us a Postal.
Orders can he left ut No. 7 North West street,
or at the plant, Apple alley and
llowets street.
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail.
2D West Centre Street,
As low prices on lumber and all kinds of
building material as is consistent with good grades. Away
down prices do not always mean good grades. Come in and
see us some day and we will show you our stock and quote
Glenn & O'Hearn,
(Successors to J. W. Johnson,)
N- Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Factory Shoe Store
Has opened at
No. 7 S. Main St., Shenandoah. Pa.
Next door to I,. Goldin's clothing store, with a full line of boots and
shoes at factory prices. ' New stock, new goods. We also carry a com
plete line of gents' furnishing goods,, hats and caps, underwear,
notions, &c., at prices according to the times. We quote a few articles
the prices of which speak for themselves :
Infant's shoes, from 20 cents up; children's shoes, from 4o cents up;
ladles' shoes, from 75 cents up ; men's shoes, from 95 cents up.
tat btT. laid direct
lamer Ux 23 j eiri
1.1. r"cci, HTiDir
ae.ier i prouti. staple?,
where for examination. .
jTerjtning warranted.
USilrlei of Veblclei,
63 Itrlel of llaraeea.
rr;,, liutolto. t'.rrla-
i. I'haetc-al. Tram.
etui, Bpriiii-iload Serrer Haraeil. mieJll.OO.
ooa .. mil ivi e-
Tti iprtng remedy tWi
totter than all other U
Thousands have been cured
by It. physicians use and rec
ommend It.
We have It
Try a bottle.
106 North Hairi Street.
30 Days Slaughter
Sale of ... .
In order to make room for my
new branch of business, hardwaie,
stoves, shelf and builders hard
ware, in which I am going to
embark in the near future. Here
are a few of our prices, as an illus
tration of our slaughter sale :
Baby Carriages
3.50 and up.
Six foot square extention tables,
nicely furnished, $2.75,
White enameled bedsteads, a
miracle, $1.98.
Cane seated chairs, in Cherry
and Walnut, 49c.
High-back wood seated dining
chairs, 35C,
Leather seat rockers we are
selling at Sl.69.
. . . DEALER,
121-123 North Main St.
DlftTQ'S DfflDER M0F
Attentive nnd skillful tonsorial artists always
ill attendance.
Neatest Shop In Town.
W. G. DUSTO, Prop.
Ferguson House Block.
-ABE LEVIN E, Proprietor.
to tht floa
at whol.
mm iai
and Milk
naioni. Deoa lor larje. frei No.60eatr.J, rrice.wlthc.llalai.lampe.eua.
Cataloiui of all our aljltl. ehade, apron aod feodere, l. ii wd ,. l, lor Irt,
CO. W, II. rUATT. Bc.7, KLVUAllT, Ifltf,