The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 21, 1898, Image 2

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i:-tTAiii.tsiii:i ihki.
Punllshd every Evening, Except Honda) , at
8 Mourn Jakdih Hiuekt, Nr.AH I'knthe.
lie Herald dollvried to Shenandoah and the
surrounding town fornix cents n week, pay
rM 'o the carriers. Ily mnll fs.00 n year, or 3
c&lti a month, payable In advance. dvertlc
nTents charged according to space and position.
The publishers rir tlio right to clmngo the
ptltton of advertlm-pient whenever this pub
r?ntloi of uew demnndn It. Tho light In
rwerved to wjc'any advertisement, whether
rtrltrt for or not, tAat the publishers may deem
tproper. Advertising rates made known
upon application.
Entered at the piwtoftlee at Shenandoah, Pi,., an
eeond clann mall matter.
"All Ihe News That's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
Tini:siiAY. Ai'itn. 21. ism.'
Cltl.en Jr .mi.
The reception tendered William
Jennings Uryun at I'ottsvillo lust
evening, as tin' jiiii'bt ot tlio lli
Mctallic Lontrno of Schuylkill county,
via all that could bo desired. Tlio
distinguished guest was ulithiisiastl-
(Hlly received, without regit rd to
piirtisan considerations. The Hi
Metallic Iieague,whlch is responsible
for Mr. Aryan's visit to Schuylkill
enmity, is a strictly non-jmrtisaii or
giumatiuii, and was formed to ad
vance the cause for which our friend
JJryitn is laboring, and incidentally
to land him in the Presidential chair
in 11)00.
A largo audience greeted the Demo
cratic standard-bearer last night, and
Nhenandoah was prominently repre
sented. As an orator Mr. liryan has
few equals, and those who had the
pleasure of hearing the Xubraskan
last night were charmed by his ora
torical abilities. While one may
honestly differ with him on the finan
cial question, it must he admitted
that ills daring and independence, his
logical conclusions, are powerful
weapons in tho hands of one with the
oratorical abilities and pleasing ad
dress so prominent in the character
of tho defeated candidate for the
True, ninny who heard him last
night have an intense admiration for
the man, while many more were ac
tuated by curiosity and were, there
fore, not surprised by what ho said or
did. Mr. Bryan has a motive in
coming into Pennsylvania on a lec
turing tour at this particular time.
His appearance is not accidental. It
pays him well both llnaucially and
politically. Just at this time his
mission is political, and the fruits of
his visit are shown in the result of
tho Democratic state committee
meeting yesterday, which aillrms the
Chicago platform anil names liryan
as their candidate in 1!)0U.
The gold Democrats have been
quietly at work to induce their party
associates to make the light this year
on state issues, leaving out all na
tional questions. They were hopeful
of success until liryan was given the
tip and later appeared upon the scene
advocating his pot theory. There is
a dash in Mr. Bryan's make-up that
attracts tho masses and arouses their
enthusiasm. In 11 sense, he is magne
tic as well as ambitious ; and he has
infused renewed life into his followers
in this state, which bodes no good for
those members of the Democratic
party who diller witli him on econo
mic questions.
liryan created a good impression
on his hearers and dealt a body
blow to tho gold Democrats within
the party.
Anthracite and the Navy.
The supply of coal for tlio navy
seems to have created a good deal of
feeling in various parts of the coun
try, says the CoalTrade Journal, and
it is not unusual to find in the local
papers of the state where coal is
mined many articles upon this topic.
One of these, which has caused con
siderable comment, was tho statement
emanating from Pitts'jurg that a coal
pool hud been organized there to
corner all tho supply on the lower
rivers as far as Is'ew Orleans; that
even the barges of coal below Padu
cali had been secured, and that it
was the intention of the owners
thereof to Increase the price to the
government, about 7ii pur cent. This
matter was referred to in the halls of
Congress by Mr. Morgan, stating that
already "a great coal combination
was formed to control tho price of
Then we hear that West Virginia is!
making "great preparations In the
endeavor to huvo the state recog
nized in tho purchase of supplies,
that coal Is the chief product tho
statu can furnish and the West Vir
ginia Senators and Congressmen
think their state ought to be allowed
to supply the bulk of this article of
naval equipment and that any effort
which might be made on behalf of
Pennsylvania hard coal in furnishing
the navy with fuel, would be re
sisted by AVest Virginia to the ut
most extent," and that AVest Virginia
coal has been used to a great extent
heretofore and has proved to be "the
most valuable of fuels."
The representatives of the anthra
cite districts in Pennsylvania have
met with little success to provide for
the use of anthracite coal, because
they cannot sootiro the co-operation
in Congress thoy have reason to ex
It is claimed that people represent
ing the bituminous coal Interests, In
cluding "well-known Senators and
others iullueutiul with the President
and the legislators, have stepped in
mid will prevent any action by Con
greR tending to open the market for
The soft coal people have tho better
of those In this region, because they
control tho legislative machinery of
the dominant party. It is true the
anthracite operators ought to be n
power in this respect, hut they are
not. They contribute largely to tho
campaign fund of the party in power,
and "in return for that they should
have the benefit of some considera
tion when it comes down to tho pur
chase of coal for our ships."
The men of this region should read
the riot act to the-o political bosses,
and give them to understand that un
less anthracite is used more exten
sively by the government, they need
expect little support from those who
initio that product.
Children llko it, It saves their livci. We
menu One Mimic Cough (Jure, tho inf.illihlu
remedy for cough, raids, croup, lj m uch 1 1 Is,
grippe, and all and tunc troubles. C.
II. llaueubucli.
That She Must at Onco Ktilell.ito the
Island oT Cuh.l.
Washington, April 21. Yesterdny was
a day of events in the history ot the
Cubun question. The signing; by the
president of the Joint lesolutlon re
quiring intervention In Cuba, the noti
fication or that action to the Spanish
minister here, his demand for pass
ports, the department's piompt reply to
that demand, the departure of the min
ister and the transmission of our ulti
matum that Spain must evacuate Cuba
and must make answer by Saturday,
through Minister Woodford, followed
In rapid succession. The next step Is
Spain's answer, If she Is to make any,
and the movement of the United States'
army and navy on Cuba.
Enrly In the morning the execution of
the program for the day began with a
conference between Assistant Secretary
Day. ex-Secietary Foster and Second
Assistant Secretary Atlee, in which the
wishes of the president and cabinet as
to the ultimatum were reduced to dip
lomatic form. The other events suc
ceeded each other with rapidity. The
ultimatum was sent to the Spanish
minister by Judge Day's personal mes
senger, Kdward Savoy, who was ap
pointed to his place in 1SC9 by Ham
ilton Fish. The messenger returned in
the course of an hour with the min
ister's application for his passports.
It was not until 3:30 In the afternoon
that Savoy made his second trip, car
rying with him the desired paper. This
was a passport for the minister and
Ills family and suite. It was not In the1
usual form, but was what Is known as
a special passport. In general terms it
Is similar to that presented to Lord
Sackvllle-West when that unfortunate
minister was obliged to retire.
At first there was some expectation
at the state department that a response
from Minister Woodford might be ex
pected before night. Later on, how
ever, after Judge Day had calculated
the length of time that would be con
sumed in the cabling of the ultimatum
to Minister Woodford. Its translation
Into cipher and retranslatlon, he be
came convinced that It would be prac
tically impossible, owing to the dif
ference In time between Washington
and Madrid, to receive a response so
soon. Therefore the following state
ment was posted at the department:
"The text of the ultimatum to Spain
will be given out by Mr. Porter, sec
retary to the president, at the White
House sometime tomorrow, probably."
Spain Mny lliisieu .Matters.
The next move must now be made
by Spain, according to the department
olllcials. If the Spanish government
takes a view, as might possibly be
concluded from the action of Its min
ister here, that In language and terms
the congressional resolution is Insult
ing, it may promptly hand Mr. Wood
ford his passports upon receipt of this
communication, and thus bring the
negotiations to the crisis and cause a
breach of diplomatic relations within
the next 24 hours. If, on the other
hand, It should neglect to return a
satisfactory answer before Saturday
noon, that line of policy will be quite
as effective as a positive act, inasmuch
as It would amount to refusal of the
demands of the United States.
In such case the president would pro
ceed Immediately to use tho naval and
military forces of the United States to
execute tho will of congress. How this
will be done, what steps shall first be
taken, whether Havana shall be block
aded or whether an attemut shall be
made to make a speedy campaign by
hurling a large force of troops to Ha
vana under cover of a bombardment
by a fleet, are all matters of mere
speculation. The experts of the army
and navy have laid their plans with
the greatest detail for the future, but
they do not hesitate to sav that any
attempt to make these public In ad
vance, to the manifest advantage of
Spain, would be actual treason.
An outline of the policy to be followed
by this government In the treatment of
neutrals and the matter of privateering
Is contained in the following state
ment: "In the event of hostilities between
the United Stales and Spain, It will
bo the policy of this government not to
resort to prlvau-eilng. The govern
ment will adhere to the following rules:
First, neutral tlag covers enemy's
goods vtith 'he exception of contraband
By nourishing
every part of
your system
with blood nindu puro by 'tak
ing Hodd's Siiraaparilla. Then you
will havo nerve, mental, bodily anil
In the Spring
tVigcstivoMrenglli. Then you need not
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and attneks of ilhiesi. Tin n you will
know tho absolute iulriusic merit of
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cine and Ulood l'"rltifr. 51 s f i t pared
only by 0 I 11 ; o., Lovm-II, :,u ,i.
Hood's PilW
lift r.'sity, promptly and
i cenu.
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
And a velvety softnets of the akin Is Inva
riably obtained br thorfi who uso 1'ozzoNi'a
Complexion Vowilcr.
Things You Can Do
Just as Well as a Learned
Often it is needless to consult a doctor.
At such times you can treat yourself
just as 'veil as the most learned phvsl
cian. When a man or woman is suffer
injl from Kidney disease, the doctor asks:
" Uo you desire to urinate often, and ate
you compelled to get up frequently at
night to make water? Do you have
pains in tho small of the hack? Does
your urine stain linen? Is there n scald
ing pain in passing water, and is it
dilHcult to hold the urlno hack?" If the
answer is "Yes" to any of these ques
tions, your Kidneys aro diseased and
decay has set in. Ask yourself these
questions, and answer them.
There is another thing you can do.
Put some of your urine in n glass tumbler
or bottle, and lot it stand 24 hours. If
theie is a sediment or powder-like sub
stance at the bottom, or a cloudy
appearance, there is grave danger. Your
Kidneys arc surely affected. Sufferers
with any of the above symptoms ought
to he glad to know that Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorite Remedy will surely
relieve and cure even the most distress
ing cases. No living physician can pre
scribe a medicine for Kidncv, Madder.
Liver and Wood that equals Favorite
Remedy not one. Nearly all who drink
beer or whiskey have diseased Kidneys,
hut Favorite Remedy refnoves the bad
ellectB, and it also docs away with
the uso of instruments for pushing back
the sandy matter so that the urine may
pass freely from the bladder. All drug
stores sell this medicine for Si a bottle.
Favoi ite Remedy can be tested with
out cost. Send full postoffico address
to the Dr. David Kennedy Corporation,
Rondout, N.Y., and mention this paper.
We will then mail you a sample bottlo
free, together with circulars giving full
directions. Those who suffer from any
of tho symptoms mentioned above
should write at once. Our readers can de
pend upon the genuineness of this offer.
ot war; heiomi,,ieiuial gmds not con
traband of war are not liable to con
fiscation under enemy's Hag; third,
blockades In order to be binding must
be effective."
This doctrine Is undoubtedly laid
down to meet the vailous Inquhles re
ceived by the diplomatic representa
tives of the United States from foreign
governments as to the attitude as
sumed by the United States. It is sub
stantially In line with the rules prac
ticed In the lecent Chinese-Japanese
war. and places the United States in
a most advanced position so far as the
protection 01' Individual property and
neutral gnuds at sea is concerned. Hy
It Spanish goods are made free from
seizure on the sens In the bottoms of
a neutral power. This decision on the
part of our government will doubtless
be welcomed in Europe.
Spanish CruNors at Capo Vet do.
Word came to the navy department
that the Spanish ciulsers Pelayo, VIz
eaya and (Jquendo are all at present at
Cape de Verde Islands, In company
with the torpedo boat llntllla. It is re
alized that this constitutes a most
Ijrmldable naval force, la the opinion
of experts, equnl to our crack flying
squadron now lying In Hampton Roads.
The department Is a good deal dis
turbed about the torpedo boat Somers,
now lying at Falmouth. England, and
Is casting nbout for means to bring her
to the United States witli safety, but
so far without success.
No purchases of ships were made
during yesterday, but the offerings
continue in undiminished numbers.
The military enthusiasm has spread
to the Capital, usually so undemon
strative, nml today the city is brilliant
with the Stais and Stripes. Along F
street and other thoroughfares nearly
every building files tho Hag, and some
of the larger business houses took on
the appearance of an Inauguration day.
Several of them were literally covered
with red, white and blue bunting. In
the residental portions of the city many
private houses raised the colors, and
the city generally had a holiday as
pect. Passengers arriving from a distance
report that the enthusiasm was gen
eral In the country. Nearly every rail
way station was decorated, particu
larly along the routes of tho troops now
In motion. At every hamlet and villnge
the Hag was In evidence, and cheering
crowds everywhere greeted the mili
tary trains. In western and southern
cities the announcement of the signing
of tho ultimatum to Spain was herald
ed by the blowing of whistles and other
noisy demonstrations.
It is a great leap from the old-fashioned
doses of blue-muss and nauseous physics to
the pleaMUit little pills known as DoWitt's
Little Lirly ltisers They euro constipation,
sick headache nud biliuiiMie-i.s. C. II. llageu
SpiinNIi MlulHtei' nml II In Sulto Leave
tho Xiilloiuil Capital.
Washington, April 21. The Spanish
minister, accompanied by six members
of his staff, left Washington at 7:30
o'clock last night, and the Spanish
government thus terminated Its diplo
matic representation In the United
States. The minister and his party
left by the Pennsylvania railroad, going
northward to Ilufl'alo and Suspension
IJrldge, und thence t3 Toronto. By
10:40 o'clock this morning the Spanish
olllcials were on Drltlsh soil. They
will stop for a day or two on the Can
adian side of Suspension Bridge, nnd
will then spend some days at Toronto.
From there they go to Halifax to take
an ocean liner. While the minister was
on this side of the border he had the
protection of the passports Issued late
yesterday afternoon by tho state de
partment at his request, following the
delivery of a copy of the president's
ultimatum to Spain.
The departure of the Spanish party
was made without noticeable demon
stration, nnd although a considerable
number of seciet olllcers and police
were on duty at the depot there was
at no time uny occasion for their do
ing more than keeping back a crowd
of curious onlookers. At C o'clock last
evening Senor I'olo made a hurried call
at the French embussy and the Aus
trian legation, where Spanish Interests
aro left In charge, and then Joined his
staff at the legation and started for
the train. An express wagon was piled
high with trunks of the large party.
Just before the departure from the le
gation the Austrian minister, Mr. Hen
gelmuller, and Baroness Hengelmuller
dropped In for a last word, and several
other members of the diplomatic corps
called to muke their final ndleus. This
done, the legation was vacated, and the
party assembled at tho Pennsylvania
depot. As the minister entered the
station he was recognized by the crowd,
which closed In nbout him until gently
cautioned by the olllcers. No words of
Indignity were spoken, and the saluta
tions of those In the crowd were rather
agreeable than otherwise, He smiled
In acknowledgment or the attention
given him, and several times touched
his hat. Senors Dubosc and ualatzadjd
pot accompany the party, but remained
until today In an unofficial capacity.
The Spanish minister spoke feelingly
of his departure. He said his request
(or his passports had heen made tmlv
alter the 'ciiarlniertt nf a law which
attacked Spain's sovereignty, Impugn
ed her honor and insulted her.
Lieutenant de Carantha asked the
representatives of the press to make
known the lieutenant's view on the war
about to be opened. He suld the Span
ish people, particularly membeis ot the
nrmy and navy, hud always entertain
ed the most cordial feeling lowaid
Amoilca, and Spanish ships had found
It a pleasure to solute ships of the
American navy. Now. however, a war
was being precipitated by an attack
upon Spain's honor, and against this
every spark of Spanish loyalty would
be aroused.
"It Is no longer a -question of retain
ing Cuba," said Lieutenant Carantha.
"That waB merely a question of terri
tory. Now a higher purpose Is In view
the honor and dignity of Spain since
the United States has contemptuously
ordeicd Spnln to vacate Culm, and has
made the Infamous charge that we are I
respomlble for the murder of the poor
men of the Maine. These orders nnd
chares are made with a kick of the
boot, and against such action Spain
will resist to the uttermost. There
should be no mistake about this. His
tory has recorded that even the legions
of Napoleon, with WO.OOO men bearing
the triumphs of nil lmrtipe. were halted
and r tlrnl from Spain, after those le
gions had lost between 200.000 and 300,-
000 men. We recognize tho gallantry of
the American navy, and the notable
heroes of Its past Paul Jones, Faragut,
Porter but Spain, too, lias her heroes,
nnd their blood Is In the veins of thosu
now called upon to defend her honor.
1 speak after leeently talking with my
naval assodatcs. coinmnnders of Span
ish ships and torpedo boats, and I know
that there Is but one sentiment, name
ly, that not one Spanish ship shall be
taken. Your navy may send many ot
them to the bottom, but not one Span
ish ship will surionder to the Ameri
can navy. With honor at stake, that
will be the 1 espouse of the navy of
For Infauts and Children.
Tho fc- O
I: cn
Colored Troop- Acted Undly.
Key West. April 21. Sergeant' Will
lams, of the coliiieil company heie, was
examining a revolver on the street
when a policeman asked him to put It
away, lie refused, fired at the po
liceman, and was finally overpowered.
After his arrest a number of com
rades surrounded the lockup and de
manded his release, which was ac
ceded to. The case will be Investi
gated. Tliirty-flvo years make a generation. That
is how long Adolph Flilier, of Z.inesville,
O., suffered from piles. Ho was cured by
using three hexes of DoWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. C. II. Ilagcnlmch.
Liberal oiler Prom I lie Trnimviml.
Cape Town. April 21. Mr. Frank W.
noberts, the United States consul here,
has received offers from prominent
Amei leans in The Transvaal to raise a
force of 2,000 men and to defray the cost
of transportation to any place desig
nated. Tho farmer, the mechanic ami tho hicyrlu
rider aro liable to unexpected cuts and
bruits. DcWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Is the
bet thing to keep nil hand. It heals quickly,
1u.1l is a well known euro for piles. 0.11.
lion ( nrlos l.el'l Itn. by Iteqilest.
Bi'U'-.-ls, April 21. Don Carlos, th
Spanish inm ndi i, nnd his wife arrived
here last night. Tlvv were traveling
under the namey of the Duke and
Duchess of Madild. Don Carlos left
Italy at the request of the Italian gov
trnment. Many People Cannot DHuk
coffee at night. It spoils their sleep. You can
drink Orain-0 when you pleaso and sleep like
a tup. For flrain-O does not stimulate; it
nourishes, cheers and feeds. Yet it looks
and tastes llko the best coffee. For nervous
persons, young peoplo nud children Orain-0
is tho perfect drink. Made from puro grains,
(let a packago from your grocer to-day. Try
it ill plaro of cotree, 15 and S.'5c.
Ilrlll-li Uldlllon to Our Nnvy.
Boston, April 21. The Biltlsh steam
er Soulhery, which was recently ac
quhed by the government as an auxil
iary eiulser, arrived here yesterdav
from New York to be officially turned
over to the government. She will be
fitted out at the Charleston navy yard.
The steamer Is a steel vessel of 2.00S
gross tons, 2SS feet In length.
Irlsliiiieii to tho Front.
New York. April 21. The national of
ficers of the Irish National Alliance Is
sued" a call yesterday to the members
of that body to bo prepared to show
their fealty to tho Stars and Stripes
nnd respond promptly to any demand
that may be made upon them by the
A Pleasure at Last.
No Muss. No Trouble.
; . . ANY COLOR. H:;
: Tho Cleanest, Fastest Dye for-:
j Soiled or Faded Shirt Waists, S;
i; Blouses, Ribbons, Curtains, Under-;:
I; linen, etc., whether Silk, Satin,;:
s Cotton ot Wool, .ijkitfu ;
S 1
Sold In All Colors by Grocers ont;5
ig Druggists, or wailed free s
: for 15 cents; s-
j; Addnst, TUB MA Yi'OLO SOAI'DEPO T, ;j
is 117 Duaae Street, Hew York. :
There Is no
1 r..M
and about which such tender and
holy recollections cluster as that
of " Mother" she who watched
over our helpless infancy and guid
ed our first tottering step. Yet
the life of every Expectant Moth
er is beset with danger and all ef
fort should be made to avoid it.
so assists nature
in the change tak
ing place that
the Expectant
Mother is ena
bled to look for
ward without
dread, suffering or gloomy fore
bodings, to the hour, when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood.
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement in short, it "makes
Childbirth natural and easy," as
so many have said. Don't be
persuaded to use anything but
"My wlfo suffered more In ten min
utes with either of her other two chil
dren than she did altogether with her
last, liavins: previously used four bot
tles of 'Mother's Friend.' It is a
blessing to any one expecting to be
come a MOTlIEU ," says a customer.
llriHDEiisoN D.vlk, Carmi, Illinois.
Of TlnifrKlats nt 11.00, or Boot by oxproes on receipt
of price. Writo for book containing tostlraonlilfl
nut valunbio Information for all Mothers, froo.
Hie llrniUKU Peculator Co., Atlanta, (la.
Toiih of War .Mntoi'lnlH.
New Yolk, April 21. War supplies
for the United States government camo
from England yesteiday on the steam
ships MctiBk and Mississippi, of the
Atlantic ransport line. The Mississ
ippi cart led IS i'cs of rapid fire guns,
12 casej of gun "astings and B0 tons of
ammunition. The Mohawk brought
44 cases of rapid fire guns, 2C packages
of gun castings and 14 pieces of gun
(Jovoriior Atkinson Will J. end.
Atlanta, April 21. Governor W. Y.
Atkinson announced today that In the
event of war he would lead tho Georgia
militia to the front. "I have received
so many pathetic letters from mothers
all over the state asking me not to
send their sons," said the governor,
"that I have concluded the .best reply
I can make Is to lead tho boys myself,
inasmuch as I may bo compelled to
order them out."
Hut if you have weuk kidneys, Madder
trouble or distressing kidney complaint, then
Swamp-Root will prove to be just the remedy
you need. Too frequent desire to urinate,
scanty supply, pain or dull ache in the back
is convincing evidence that yoiirkldaeysand
bladder need doctoring,
Thero is comfort in the knowlcdgo so often
expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-lJoot,
tho great kidney remedy fulfills every wish
in relieving pain in tho back, kidneys, liver,
bladder and every part of the urinary
pa-sage. It coriccts inability to hold urino
and scalding pain in passing it, or had cll'ccts
following use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times dining tho
night to urinate. Tho mild and tho extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-ltoot is soon
realized. It stands tho highest for its
wonderful cures of tho most distressing cases.
If you need a mcdicino you should havo tlio
best. Suld by druuaists, price fifty cents and
one dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet both scut free hy mail upon
rccuijit of tlireo two-cent stamp to cover
cost of postage 011 the buttle. Mention
llintAl.unnd scud your address to Dr. Kilmer
it Co., liingliaiutoa, N. Y. The propiictors
uf this paper guarantee the genuineness of
this oiler.
Pa trio tie I'ouusyl viiiiIiiun.
Harrisburg. Apiil 21. If the governor
were to accept the services of all who
have offered their services In the event
of war 50,000 volunteers would go to the
front from Pennsylvania. These offers
have come from old soldiers, ex-members
of the National Guard, patilotic
societies a'nd officers of tho regular
army who have entered the United
States service from this state. More
than 100 women have offered their ser
vices as muses. If there Is a war with
Spain the Keystone state will respond
quickly and generously.
.Malo Itntiu rcapes tho Xooe,
Boston, April 21. For the second time
Thomas Mead Brain has been con
victed of the murder of 'Captain
Charles I. Nash, of the barkentino Her
bert Fuller, on the high seas, during
the night of July 13, 18DG. The verdict
this time, rendered by n jury shortly
sftcr 10 o'clock last night, carried with
it the additional voids "without capi
tal punishment," under a law enacted
since the (list trial.
1 tistPi'iliiy'h lliiHoluilt (nines.
At Philadelphia Philadelphia, 8;
New York. B. At Baltimore Baltimore,
IS; Boston, 3. At Washington Wash
ington, X; Brooklyn, 0. At Louisville
Louisville, 7; Chicago, 0. At St. Louis
Clevelund, 10; St. Louis, B.
And Floucr, the Hand of America, Cali
fornia. Via the truo pathway, "Tlio Iron Sfoimtnln
Houto," which traverses a reaion of porpetual
KUiishlno, where snow storms, blizzards ur
htgh altitudes nio unknown. Pullman first
and second class palace and tourist sleeping
cars to points hi Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and Now Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
I Nevada, without change, Quick time, low
I rates, mill nil Ilia rnmfnrljlfif iiunlit-i riitlwnv
improvements giiaiantced to all who pur
chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific nillwiy
system. Tor rates right from your home,
literature, and full Information, drop 11 postal
card, J. P. McGinn, T. P. Agent. fllDltail-,
nud avenue, Elmira, N. Y., or 391 Uroad
wsy, New York.
3-1-tf W. K. Hoyt. (1. E P. At.
The Utile folks love Dr. Wood's Noiway
Pine Syrup. Pleasant to take; perfectly
haimlcsa; positive euro for coughs, colds
bronchitis, lutlima.
, 111; vim (loiMJ south'.'
Do'.i't start South without consulting Joint
M. licall, District Passenger Agent, Southern
Hallway, U38 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
If you cannot call in person, writo to him.
To Cure Headache in IS Minutes,
TakoDr. Duvib' Ati-lluadacho AlldruggUts
mimn mum
llinvo lCmrlnccr I'lrst Mortnll.vWoitnd
od Olio nfllln M IxereniitH.
Los Angeles, Cal., April 21. The
Santa Fe overland No. 1. westbound,
wns held up at the Mojave liver bridge,
two miles woijt of Oro Grande, In finn
bernnrdlno county, shortly after 2
o'clock yesterday morning. ISnglneer
Girford wns killed by one of tho rob
bers, nfter bin companion had been
mortally wounded by Glfford In an
exchange or shots. The robbers Hug
ged the train nt the approach to the
bridge, nnd bonrdllng tho engine took
the engineer and fireman back to the
express car and endeavored to detach
It fiom the passenger coach, but could
not uncouple It. They succeeded In
cutting off the mull car and compelled
the engineer to pull It up to the siding.
Hero thev rilled tho mull car and se
cured the registered mall.
They then backed down to the train
again, and were proceeding to the ex
press car when lCnglneer Clifford open
ed fire on them with a revolver. He
fatally wounded one of the robbers,
Paul Jones, of Oro Grande, but the
other escaped, after killing the en
gineer. Express Messenger Mott re
mained on the rear platform ot the
express car. The sheriff arrived at the
scene at C a m., and tracked the other
robber to Cummlngs' Ranch and Into
the hills. Ho had a horse. Ills Identity
is unknown. The robber got nothing
but registered mall.
Cbui'giMl With Itolilmiir "-nil l'rniielneo
San Frnuclsco, April 21. Augustus C.
Wldber, treasurer uf the city and
county of San Francisco, Is believed
to have embt zzlcd J1CO.O00 of the mu
nicipal funds. The suspicion ot other
civic olllcials that something was amiss
In the treasury department was arous
ed Tuesday nlght. and yesterday Mayor
l'helan nnd Auditor Broderlck began
an Investigation, which resulted In the
discovery that sealed bags of gold In
the city treasurer's vault had been
surreptitiously opened. Wldber Is un
der arrest.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo In the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fover sores,
1.1,.. 1 i.nn.i.;..n
l.UUIifl',l 1, (111, IO, lillllUlitlllO, luiiio, mm
all skin eruptions, and posltirely cures piles,
or jo pay requited. It Is guaranteed to give
perlcct satisiactlon or tnony rolundod. 1'rlco
25 cents, por box. For bhIo hy A . Wnalor.
Spurgeon's Tabernacle at London was
destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon.
Four sailors who deserted from the
British stenmer Dunfermline at New
York are believed to have been drown
ed. Wlin.N TUAVUI.IMl-
Whether on pleasure bent or business, tako
011 every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it
acts most pleasantly and effectually on the
kidneys, liver, and bowels, preventing
fevers, headaches and other forms of sick
ness. For salo m 50 cent bottles hy all lead
ing druggists. Manufactured hy tlio Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only.
i'in:-oN.u.LY-coNDucTi:i Toun via Penn
sylvania 11AII.KOA1).
Tho last of tho present sciies of four-day
tours toOld Point Comfort and Washington
under tlio Pcrjonally Conducted Tourist
System of tho Pennsylvania Kaihoad will
leave New York Saturday, April 23. The
party ill travel by the Capo Charles Itoute
to Old Point Comfort, where une day will bo
spent; thence by boat up the Potomac river
to Washington, pcuding two daysut that
point. Hound-trip rale, including transpor
tation, meals en route, translcrs, hotel nc
ccoiumodations, Perth 011 steamer, and all
necessary expenses, $22.00 from New York;
S21.00 frum Ttentim; J10.50 from Philadel
phia. Proportionate rates from other points.
Tickets to Old Point Comfort only. Includ
ing 0110 and three-fourths days' bund at that
place, and good to return direct by regular
trains within six days, will bo sold In con
nection with this tour at rate oi $10.00 from
New York, $15.00 from Trenton, $11.00 from
Philadelphia, and proportionate latcs from
other points. At a slight additional expensed
tourists can extend the tiip to Virginia
lieacli, with accommodation at the Princess
Anno Hotel.
For itineraries and full Information, apply
to ticket agents ; Tourist Agent, 110(1 liroad
way, Now York j 780 Hroad Street, Nowark,
X. J. ; or Geo. W. Iloyd, Assistant General
Passenger Agent, llroad Street Station, Phila
delphia. Give the Children a Drink
called Grain-O. It is a delicious, appetizing,
nourishing food drink to tako tho place of
coll'co. Sold by all grocers and liked by alj
who havo used it because when properly
prepared it tastes liko tho finest collVe hut is
free from all its injurious properties. Grain
O aids digestion and strengthens tho nerves,
it is not a stimulant but a health builder,
and children, as well as adults, can drink it
with great benefit. Costs about 1 as much ai
collce. 15 and 25c.
Decoration liny Tnur to Gettysburg.
The P ennsylvauia Kallruad Company has
arranged for another of its popular seven
day personally-conducted tours to the battle
field of Gettysburg, I.iiniy Caverns, and
Washington, to leave Now York and Phila
delphia by special train Saturday, May K8.
Hate, $27.00 from New York; $21.00 from
1'liiladolpliiit, covir, all necessary expenses.
Proportionate rales from other points.
For itineraries and full information apply
to ticket agenU ; TVirist Agent, 110(1 llroad
way, New York ; 7b0 Hroad street, Nowark,
N. J. ; or Geo. W. Iloyd, Assistant General
Passcugur Agent, Philadelphia.
M. L. Yocum, Cameron, Pa., says "I wns a
sufferer for ten years, trying most all kinds
of pilo remedies, hut without success. Do
Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo was recommended
to mo. I used one box. It lias effected a per
manent cure." As a periuaiiunt, euro for
piles DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo has no
equal. C. II. Hagenlmeli.
Thn South mid Its Advantages.
Tho Southern Itailway has issued for frco
distribution, a sixteen page journal des
criptive of Virginia, North nnd South Caro
lina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and
.Mississippi. Persons seeking new locutions,
or capitalists desiring to mako sufoand profit
able investments will find the Information
contained tlieidn both valuable and inter
estiug. Copies will bo mailed freo upon ap
plication to John M. licall, District Passen
ger Agent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia,
Bodily pnlu luses Its terror if you'vo a
bottlo of Dr. Thomas' Elcctiic Oil hi tlio
house. Instant relief la cases of burns, cuts,
sprains, accidents of any sort.
Coming Kvrnts,
liny 4th. Social and entertainment under
auspices of tlio Welsh Presbyterian church,
in Kobblns' opera lioubo, -
A torpid liver robs you of ambition and
ruins your health, DoWitt's Utile Early
ltisers cloauso tlio liver, euro constipation
nnd nil stomach and liver ttoubloa, C. II,
Ask your grocer for tho "Jtoyal Patent
dour, and take no other brand. It U tho best
flour made.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
a nnr.iEDY for the
Effects of Tobacco.
-uN-III: cxEosslvo uso of tobacco, especially
M ly yotmi men ts nlrraya lujurlon i and
' undoubtedly j rtens llfotauter.-lly,
Mr. Ed. C. Eliscn, compositor on -tho t'ontra
Costa. A'cti's, Martiiic, Cal., writes! "I huvo
used Dr. Miles' Restorative Norvlno aud ro
cslvod much benefit f .am it. 1 was troubled
with Jicrvaugr.ess, dlzy spell-i umi sleepless
ness, caused by tho uso of tobacco nud stlm-'
ulants. I took Dr. Kilos' Norvlno with rnar
vclously good results, allaying tho dizziness,
quieting tho nerves, and enabling mo to
tlccpaud rost, proving in my caso a very
beneficial remedy." Dr. Miles' ltestoratlvo
Norvlno Is especially adapted to restoring
the nervous system to Us normal con!lt!on
under such circumstances, Itcooth' i, hcaln
and strengthens
Dr. Miles' ltcmcdlcs f
aro sold by all dru
30, Miles'
gists under a positive
guarantee first buttlo
t-Nervine '
benefits or money re
funded. Hook on dis
uZ Restores
rT. 1 j tiu
eases ot tho heart and
nerves frco. Address,
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
onice Kgnn building, cor. M of Main nn
Centre streets, Shenandonb.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa,
Having studied under some of tho hcit
masters le London and Purls, will give lesgona
on the violin, mandolin, puiifir and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address lu care of Strouie,
the ieweltr Shenandoah.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Enn'iu-, Burn Hard Coal No Smoke
IN KI'l'HOT MARCH 13th, 1898
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For New York vlrt Philadelphia, week days
2 10, 5 30, 7 30 Onto, m., 12 83, 3 10 and 6 07 p
in Hundays, Z 10 a. m.
For New "V ork via Muuch Chunk, week days,
5 3a, 7 SO n. m., 12 83 and 3 10 i. m.
For lteudlng and Philadelphia, week days,
1 10, 5 30, 7 30, 9 M li.ln., Vi 33, 3 10 and 0 07 p. 111.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Pottsvlllc, week days, 2 10, 7 30, 9 51 a. m.,
12 33, 3 10, 0 07 and 7 25 p. m. Hundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Tainiwpia and Muhauby City, week days,
2 10, 5 80, 7 30, 9 fit a. 111., 12 33, 8 10 and 6 07 p. ra.
Additional to Mahnnoy City only, 11 40 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m
For Wllllauisport, Sunbury and Lewlsnurjr,
week days. 103, 5 80, 1130 a.m.. 12 33, 7 28
p. in Sundays, 3 25 a. m.
Fm Ma)iant Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 4 Oi, 5 30,
7 30.9 51, 1180 a. 111., 12 33,8 10, 0 07, 7 25, 9 55 ami
11 10 p. in. Sundays, 2 10, 4 05 u. ni.
For Ashland and Shamokin, week days, 4 05,
5 3li, 7 30, 11 80 a. m., 12 33, 3 10, 6 07, 7 25 and
A 55 t. m. Sundays, 4 05 a. m.
For naltlmore, WuHliinirtoii and the West via
tt.hO. 11. It., through trains Ieo"l Reading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & It. D K.) at 3 20,
7 55,1120 a. in., 8 10 and 7.27 p. u.. Sundnys,
1 20, 7 00, 11 20 a. in., 3 46 and 7 27 p. in. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 1080a. m. 12 20,
12 16 8 40 p m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 1180 a. nr., and 180,4 80,
9 00 p.m. Sundays, 0 00 p. ra.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 SO, 9 10 a. in.. 1 80 and 4 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week
days, 12 01, 3 10, 8 85, 10 10 a. m. and 1 42, 4 05, 6 30
p. m. Sundays, 12 01a. m.
Leave Reading, week days, 2 05, 7 01,10 08, a.m.
12 00 m., 4 19, 6 00 and 8 20 p. in. Sundays, 1 0
Leave Pottsvllle, week days. 8 05, 7 10 a. in.,
1280 and 6 10 p. ra, Sundays, 3 07 a. ra.
IavnTanianua, week days, 8 55, 7 40, 1128 a.
m 1 88, 5 60, 7 30 and 9 43 p. m, Sundays, S 53
a ra
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 12 20,4 91,
8 15, II 47 a. m 2 17, 5 18, 0 21, 7 44 and 10 08 p. m
Sundays. 12 25, 4 21 a. ra.
Leave Mahuuoy Plane, week days, 12 35, 2 40,
IBS 030,8 30. 10 25, 1169 a. m., 2 82, 532, 6 41,
7 57, 10 22 p in. Sundays, 12 49, 2 40, 4 35 a. m.
Leave YVllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a
oi., uu anu n uu p. ra. sunuays, u bu p. m.
Lcdve Philadelphia Chestnut street waif an'
South strectwhaif for Atlantic City.
I.ll.u.;. l.lllbOB, , UU M, U,, W, UUV
Saturdays only), 4 00, 5 00 p. m. Acsouimoda
tion, 8 00 a. ra., 5 15, 680 p. ra. Sundays
Express, 9 CO, 10 00 a, m. Accommodation, 8 00
a. iu 4 45 p. ra.
Returning leave Atlantic City de ot, corner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 35, 9 00 s m., 8 80, 580
p.m. Accommodation 25, 8 15 a. rc. 405 p, ra.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 5 30, 8 00 p. m. Ae.
coiutcodatlon, 7 15 a. ra., 4 13 p. m,
Varlor Cars on all express trains.
vot further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent
I. A. Swkioarij, Epson J. Wkkkb,
tlcn'l Sunt., (Icn'l Pass'r Agt,
Heading Terminal, Philadelphia.
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Orange Champagne.
nillions of Dollars
Go up In smoko ovory year. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., Insured In first-class r
liablo companies as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Ageo',
1 1 'fiu,Ji'l2Q.8outb Jardla St.
Alio Lite sndAccldeuUI Companies