ON EfcrejOlT Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figa is taken; it is pleasant J and refreshing to tho taste, and acts , gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and J3owels, cleanses tho sys- ' torn effectually, dipols colds, head- j aches and fovcrs and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figa is tho only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac Eeptablo to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthyand agrccabloRiibstanccs, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, N.t. CURES No. 1 Fever, Congestion. No. 2 Worms. No. 3 Infants' Diseases. No. 4 Diarrhea. No. 7 Coughs & Colds. No. 0 Headache. No. lO Dyspepsia, Indigestion. No. 1 1 Delayed Periods. No. 1 2 Leuchorrea. No. 10 Croup. No. 14 Skin Diseases. No. IB Rheumatism. No. 19 Catarrh. No. 27 Kidney Diseases. No. 34 Sore Throat. No. 77 Grip & Hay Fever. Dr. nmnliruys Homeopatlita Manual of Diseases nt your PruircMs or Mailed Free. Sold by ilruirirls.ti, or ent on rccolpt of 2.VW., BOots orS1. llimiiilireys Med. Co., Cor. William aud John Sts , New York. THE PHILADELPHIA IS THE HANDSOMEST and BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED. During 1H TIIK TIMIJS will not only mnlntnlii the high ntnniliu-il of excellence it r.nclieil the past year, but will ftteadfawtly endeavor to excel uh own licst record, and will not swerve from its et purpose to tnako THE TIMES THE FAVORITE FAMILY NEWSPAPER OF THIS COUNTRY AM) THE BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED riiiKTiNa ALL THE NEWS OF ALL THE WORLD ALL THE TIME No Journal 1 moro cxti'iiMlvcly clrci'lntd! or hiLs u wider circle of rctulerH in I'eimsylviiniii than THE PHILADELPHIA TIHES WHY ? BECAUSE IT DESERVES THEM Specimen Copies Sent Free Send for one TCPHIC DAILY. 83.00 rcr annum i Mcenti IClvl'lO per month; delivered liy carrier for 0 cents ner week. SUNDAY KDITION. 35 targe, hamUome unites 221 columns, elegantly Illustrated, beautifully printed In colors, 820 nerunnuini 5 cents per copy. Dally and Hun- ilny, $5.00 per iinmim; SO cents per month. Address all letters to THE TIIVIES, riUI.ADKLPIIIX. DO NOT DESPAIR I llo Sot buffer I.oiiuei-1 Tlie juy 1 und ambitions ot me can to restored tu yuu. Tin; very ,M nf NtrVOUb Deb 11- IV are nlivoluti'ly cured by rKw i'i:itri:c-ro 'i'aiii.iitn. r-rfjs.iilvu prompt relief loliibuiiinla, IllllllIK mc-mury 11111 nml drain of v la! nowers.lacuf riHi bv lncliscrutlousoreieukkes ot early years Impart vigor nt,,, ..nttmev In nvi'rT t unction. Braronp ttio system. Ulvo checks mid lustru to tliu or old. OiioMo tmx renew. eyes of young vuai energy . notes at irvu u cum iiiiul mironr inonov ruriifiit- ntcto mm run tnl. Can bo vprvrheroor carried In vest ocket 80I1I miiiiiiii In itlnln wriiiiinr on 'iJ" rm tinl ruceliitof price tyniK ruiuKcroco. eastern muii. cuicuko-iil For Halo In Hlicimiuloah by Slienamlo.ih Drug more aim urunicr iircm, flUHons of Dollars On up in smoko ovory year. Takono risks but got your houses, stock, fur niture, etc., insured in nrst-ciass rc liable companies us rcprceontcu by nAVIn FAIIST Insurance Aent, Also I.le BndAccldonUI Oompanto WAES7ED DY THE CHASE NURSERIES i:Mwnt.Tt: hi:no b, licit "T'kT yr on. h4rdy Numcry tituvk, Kipkiimus Anil .iilury to Uiafto ivufins lii'iu iirt'inMiilmiiuii tt. lo cal m;iutH. I'.'rinaiii'iit em uloTiui'Ut Tlia liUfthueN prturly tt'arn )d. Adilrt'iw Tlie It.n.C'MAIjt'O. rv 1 m m PLUCKY PEDRO. A Cotta lttcn Conboy'n Dcnth .Stroke to a Virion Jncnnr, A wounded nml iiimlriuncil jiiRUnr Is n diiiiKutuus oiioiny, but a Uostn Klon cow buy unllincliliiidy fiicurt ono not Ioiik ngo, nml Furust nml Strriiin tk'AcrlliuH tiio en counter. -A large eattlo rancli hntl lust, ruvurnl cnlvos and youiiK mules, nnd tlio cowboys reported that thoy hnd seon a big jagunr snonklliK awny from n dead calf. Tho inannKor, tlieruforo, nlfurud $26 to any limn who would kill tho hoast. Tills Is a lai0'(i Htini to a (fistn Klcii cowboy, nml all tho old inuzzlu loaders on thu rancli wcru immediately loaded to tho nozzle. Ono morning, toon after tho nitimiKor'a offer, a day old cnlf was found with Its fckull crushed In. Tho meat had not been touched, and, believing that tho big cat would coino line; that night for his kill, a hunt was arranged, every ono going, In cluding thu dogs, and a start was mado late in tho ufti moon. A hhort rliie brought thu hunters to thu spot wliero tho cnlf had been that morn ing, but the oarcass was nut thcru. It had boon dragged a little way off to a clump of bushes. Thu Huuiit was redhot, nnd all thu dugs wore off at once, ono old hound in particular baying at uvuryjunip. Tho cowboys and tho other men followed closely. Suddunly tho balking of tho dogs broko out louder than over. Thoy had tho jaguar treed, and when tho manager reached tho treo tho old hound lay dying from a blow of thoeo turrlblo claws. Tho Jaguar was far up in a big mountain gnava tree, hug ging a limb, showing only his little ugly head Tho men blazed nwny with tholr old imizzlo loaders, but tho cnt was fo high and the buckshot twittered to badly, that the fusilhulo had little effect, except to make tho cat change its position. As It sprung for a higher limb, tho manager raised Ills Winchester and ilred. . Tho result was startling. Down camo thu jaguar, striking tho ground like a bag of salt. 'J no ball l.,id cut the spine, so that the hind legs of the animal wcio paralyzed. It (.truck the ground nbuut eight fect from whero tho youngest cowboy, Pedro, stood. Thu boy had no gun, but liko a Hash bis maeheto was out and he sprang at thu beast, 'lho jaguar, with open mouth, made a vicious grub at ills leg, but tho boy ran his maeheto down the brute's throat with all the strength that was in him, and when ho drew It out. the jaguar was duad. l'odro cot his 25 and something olso that money could nut buy thu respect of tho whole ranch. Tho Population of Shenandoah s about eighteen thousand, and we would ay at least one-half aro troubled with sonic affection of the Throat and Lungs as those complaints arc, accoiding to statistics, more numerous than others. We would advise all not to neglect the opportunity to call on their drtiggUt and get a bottle of Kemp's llaKnn for the tin oat and I.ungs. Trice 25 and 50c. Tiial size free. Sold by all druggists. A Itatttt'cinrito 'irust. Tho iiiouiitnin rmmcHof Xow.Tertey nnd l't'iinylviinln uhnuiid in rnttlesiinkos, which nro tin mil hy tl natives to various coimncrchil uses, nnd, though tho reptile does not tiny wry well, his rcsiluunry sub- Etuncc.H hivvo homo hellliiK vuluo. For in etiinco, his i-kin, If a hiro ono, Is worth 51, nml if Bolil to tho suininer honrucr hriiiHS on mi nveruno nholit $3.5(1. It le lnnilo Into belts, iiocketbookB, slippers nntl other nrticles of like sort, nml li of n ilell onto orniitc texture, with curlnuH interluo- Iiiuk nml Imbrications showing how flnnly tho original serpent was jacketed. Its oil Is very vostly nml has various uses nml itt Tcnoni, btlll inoro costly, Is administered in cases of scarlet fever. Tho market rate per ouncu of tho rattlesnake venom is nut precisely nlven. hut it is high up on the schedule, nml that is probably ono reason why Illrnm Skato of 1'ike county, l'a., wnnts to organize a rattlosmike trust to rcKtilato prices ami control output. Tho Bchemu is In harmony with current coin luercinl tomlonoies, anil, ns was said of ono of tho l'eptllos which liad swallowed n frojr too larKo for its constitution, "there muy bo soinutliln: in It. uw York Tribune. Don't Tobacco Spit- and Smoke Your Life Away. If you want to nuic tobacco using easily and forever, ho mado well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Biic, tho wonder-workor that makes weak men 9trong. JIany gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000 cuiod. Buy No-To-Iiao from your own druggist, who will giiarauteo a euro. 50c or fl.OO. Booklet and sample mulled freo. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or Sew York. Ynlimlito Aliimimes. Tho most valuable nlinanao over made Is that now in tho Jiritlsh musouin, .which is priceless. It is believed to bo at iunst 8,000 years old. Thu days aru written In red ink on papyrus, in columns, mid un der each is a llguro, followed by three char- notors signifying tho probable btato of tho weather for that day. Tho most olaborato almanac in the world is that issued by thu Chlneso government in 13 thick volumes, which gives full information as to lucky times and places fur performing tho acts of overyilay life, which is considered an es suntlnl of succoss by every good China man. Tho Nnutionl Alinanao costs tho British nation ;),!) IS a year. At its office, No. 8 Vorulnm buildings, Cray's Inn, London, tho superintendent, A. M. W. Downing, doctor of science nnd fellow of thu Royal society, roeolvos 600. Julwnru Roberts, follow of the Royal Astronomical and Statistical sooleties, tho chief assist ant, receives JMtiO, nnd thoro nro 11 other assistants, several of whom nro graduates of unlwirsitlcs or members of learned so oietlos, who aro paid from 100 to 300 oaeh. Tho most curious oaleiulnr at pros on t in use is that of tho natives of Centrul America, whero tho months nro only 20 days, and thesu aro named after animals. Among most modern Buroponn ones tho Almanno do Qotha has been tho longest In continuous circulation, upwnrd of 195 years. Uoston Transcript. A llttlo hoy asked for n bottlo of "get up in tlin mornine as fust as you pan." tho drngiiist leiognized a household name for "DoWllt's Little Karly Hiscrs," and gavo liim a bottlo of thoso famous llttlo pills for constipation, sick headache, liver and stomach troubles. C. II. Ilugcnbueh. BESIDE THE FIRE. Behold whero in my urnlo thoro glow. Tho Hlllishlno of the lineu, And list with mo to men long dead Heroea and ealuta and sukchI Long hurled light released for mo, Long hurlod men mado living. And yet you cull mo poor, who hnvo Hucli riui.on fur tlmnloiglvliigl Oh, rich am I, with hooka nnd ilro And food for contemplation, Pineo I poMW8 tho world and moro Through iny iniHginatlonl Mury Norton lliudfoul in licwton Qloho. Tho farmer, the mechanic and tho hlcyrlo ridor aro luihlo to unexpected cuts and hruUo. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo Is tho host thing to keep on haud. It hoala quickly, ned Is a well known emu for pilos. C, II. llaccuhiich, Buy Koystoueflour. Do euro that tlio name I.kssio & llAEit, Ashland, l'a., la printed on every sack, llic Laic Emperor Ask for tlie Genuine JOHANN HOFF'S MALT EXTRACT. ALL OTIIGRS ARU WOKTHLtJSS IMITATIONS. Ltl 1 J. J. QUIRK, Mgr. MAHANOY CITY, PA. Friday, April 29, 1898. Fnink Iy. 1'crlej' nnd Fred M. Ranken's New York Company presenting the Gigantic and Magnificent Spectacular Drama, Sporting Duchess A Story of Intense Human Heart Interest. Framed in the most sumptuous scenic setting of modern times, and presented with an excellent cast, headed by the beautiful and accom plished artiste Ffolliot Paget, who has been recognized for many years as the leading comedienne, of Kngland and America. Complete and original production including the Famous Derby Race with its thorough bred horses. Klectric cars will be held until after performance for Ashland and intermediate points. Special train to Park Place and Delano after the performance. WE HAVE KO AGENT tut have sold Burner tor 3j years tal prices, sarins dealer i proms, wnore tor eiaimoaiion. Kferytbing 116itTteaof 65 styles of Me-m Topuuffgies, f idio;ju. SurreTB. SSUtoJtj Carna ires. I'haetons. TratiS. ettfls. ferriae-ltoad Ifa.tt. Samr nrnen. Price, I6.00. Ai food s lella for 115. ELKHART OAUUIAOE AND HAUKBS AUTG. mMmffiTmffmmmtmmmm BER Gives a satisfied smile to evry palate that tastes it. Now on tap at all our customers. VM. SCHMICKER, JU., - Ajreiit. RUPTURE CURED. A Specialist on Kurnure from Willianisport will visit Shenandoah Every Thursday AT THE Hotel Franey, from 8 till 10:30 a, m. Rupture permanently and quickly Cured or no pay. Written guarantee to ahsolutcly cure all kind? of Rupture without operation or detention fi om business. Absolutely no Danger. Examination Free. loo persons cured in Sunhury, ShamoMn, Mt. Carmel and vicinity who can he referred to. Charges and terms moderate and within reach of all. QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS, PYNY-PECT0RAU The Canadian Remedy (or all THROAT AND LUNG AFFECTIONS. Larog Bottles, 25 cts, DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lim., Prop's PiRnr Davii' Pain-Kiuib. FOR 8ALB Or ALL CU1311S1S AND l)lll'001T8. DETECTIVES ! Kimball's Detective Agency Do all leuitimale dttective work. A coirckpondcnt wanted in all towns. Office, 58 -Trust Building, Willlamsport, Pa, of Germany PcT.ionally acknowledged the merits of the Genuine .IoIkuiii Hoff's Alnlt Extract by a letter nnd appointed Johann Hoff as Coun cillor of Commission, and decorated him with the order of the crown. More strength in one dozen botllei of John nil Hoff's Malt Hxtract than in a cask of ale or poller, without their deleterious effect. direct to the con at v noi him the snip any warrantoa. Vehicles, Harness. AVairon and Milk Wagons. Send for large, fre Ho. 606 Surrey Prlev, with cartaini, laropi, an-Catalogue- of all our styles, ibali, apron and feeder, 100 Ai cool ai icIU for Wt CO. tV. 11. FUATT, Bcoj, ULKUAUT, Wl. Thit's why they enoy their COFFBB. Any grocer can tell you why custonn Veep coming b-,r!t for STJEtlG'S. Onlj 5c ft p.cktc . IE (IRUN'S FOR KITIir.lt sr,x. Tills rcnicily lieing 1 jeetcit tllrpotly to tlio neat of thoHO illiscnHeH of tlio Cieiilto-IJrinari H Orgniis, roci uii'OH no cuarnntct'il In 1 to a ilayH. Nmall plain pncU- r TTT U? TC .v ai U U Sx. iCawold only by ny mall, si.uu, S. P. KIHLIN, Slienandoali PHILADELPHIA. PA. CURE GUARANTEED' AKICVULM UKiSII.ITV, r -nKanf Nfll-iitxui't Npet'lal JlUt-itki'w, Var Ipuci'lc, Nti lclui't'M. ,o Ciilllni;. Nimill Lrnilt iIoM-il OririinM I.itat .MmihuiMi Kf-ioi t-o. ni nnn nnionu -. .. ii.,.. i ni linn riii.iirfl sjPjfSt 1 1 tlny. Si'iid lOt'tm. stumps for lo)ic Uuucka&XakuAuttiUuteiiiiUclr trlcKti iSstchcmc LAUER'S In Bottles or by the Keg. Lauer's Lager AND Pilsnei Beer. Porter and Weiss Beer. Christ. Schmidt, Agent nnd Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street, SHENANDOAH - PA Colol rttoa remain Von tiers dovop full. lire I limit m lafeailtl urefafttr f.lllntf vn'a 'Imiuy riu i-mujriujai mi. inn omrr in .. ...Hi..! Alw.vi buvlhfl bent .ml Ali.1.1 illMr. " T.l ipiil. U'ihi -'liJ niirwr to all uthen. JWitiVttb f ROYAL I (WORCESTER) CDR5ET5 AskYdurDealerForThem. xsr" A STEER'S STRANGE DEATH. Ill Ilnrnn drew Through 111 Kynn Mil Kllleil Itlm. A oquntter In tho back hlookn of New South Walen hnd a young ntoerwltli horns 60 perfectly turned that they formed two artistic loopa nt tho Hldcn of his hunU. Ono day Horn strayed With n inob of gtore cattle Into u ploco of wild country infested only by kangarooo nnd the out notion boundary ridor' families. Them cattle Hr rounded up and other wise handled hut once n yonr. Before thin an mi nl yarding took place Horn Imd be come n frnotlntie terror to every anlniul and man in that rnimo. lie had terrified and scattered the herd that was oneo his Juntos. He had olmrRod madly every kind person who w.ts wont to pat him. Because his horns curled like those of a sheep ho was called Sheep Hond. Ills mild, tractable nature addod to this delusion of llkenlnit him to lamb. Six months after IiIh entrance upon tho range ho boKnn to net strniiKely. A wild look shot out of his eye under the points of tlio lntfrowiiiK horns, whom shadow fell beoier and heavier upon the retina. He constantly shook his head, as If trying to rid himself of some aniioyanoe. Then Boss would fctnlid and stare nt the points whloh Wore prossiiiK tlio pupils nearly up against the sockets. Ho became more irritable nnd unfriandly. He roared, stamped, shook his crazed bond and stared nt the creeping things before his vision. At Inst Boss went mad and bellowed through tho night like an enraged demon. He olined everything In sight and vicious ly dashed himself ufiainst the forest trees. Tho niuro tramp of a foot angered him. Tho points of the horns wero cruelly press liiK bis helpless eyes back in tholr sockets, nnd ovcry Jar upon tho ground tortured ills brain nnd enriiKed him. Boss had scat tered tho mob of his ruminating mafos nnd had so terrorized the fow people about that fences did not givo n seiiso of Bocurlty. Women and children lived in mortal dreud of tho unfortunate beast. At length his maddened ronr was beard no more. About a month aftor that tho out boundary rider wont out with dogs nnd it Winchester rlflo to end the suffer ing of .Shoe) Huad Boss. After searching for two days the bullock was found. Bohs was dead. He was lying under n clump of aenein, less sweet than their blos soms, lie hud evidently been dead for a week or mure and had beon blind for months. Tho horns hnd grown Into the eyes and almost touched tho bono of tho skull behind. Tho bend of the poor beast was ns ttrangc an object as ever was seen. Tlio horns of Boss wero never curved by any art. They grew as nature directed their fatal tips, and, unless tent to the Boyal College of Veterinary Surgeons, England, tho preserved head still bangs upon the door of tlio Darling out station whero Boss lived and died. Washington Star. Yellow Jaundice Cured. Suffering humanity should be supplied with eery means possible for its relief. It is with pleaiuic we publish the following. "This is to i crtify tliat I was a terrible sufferer from Yellow Jaundirc for over six months, and was treated by some of the best physicians iu our city and all to no avail. Dr. Hell, our druggist, recommended Klectric Hitters ; auil after taking two bottles, I was entirely cured. I now take great pleasure in recommending them to any person suffering fron this terrible malady. I am gratefully yours, M. A. Hogartj', Lexington, Ky." Sold by A. Wasley Druggist. How the btiil' Catches Ktllles. Almost all tho larger fishes nt tho aqua rium like Kllllcs tu eat when they can get thorn, and in this respect the New Hnrop shlro seal is like tho fishes. There is a great disproportion in tho slzo between the seal and n killie, but there is nothing clumsy about tho seal, nnd, big ns it is, it Is a lightning swimmer, nnd it can double on Itself with the greatest facility. It Is much faster than tho killlo nnd the kllllo la powerless to scapo It. On being tossed into the pool the kllllo makes off from whero it struck the water, us fast as it can go, with tho seal after it. Thoro aro steps nt ono end of the pool lead ing to tho platform on which the seal sleeps at night. Tho kllllo may hug ono of them steps, but It docs not thus escape. Tho seal humps it up there and cutohes and eats it or btnrts It out across the pool ngnln. Tho ,senl can gut it practically whonover It wants to. When chasing up tlio killlo, tlio seal sometimes flaps its sido flappers like wings, and then it seoniB like n big bird rushing along under water. It would take a good many killUs to mnko a meal for tho seal, and they are rarely fed to it, only when the seal is a lit tle off Its feed and needs something differ ent for an appetizer. Now York Sun. It is n great leap from tlie old-fashioned doses of lil lie-mass anil nauseous physics to tlie pleasant little pills known as DeWitt's Little Karly liisers. Thoy cure constipation, sick heaihiehe nnd biliousness. U. U. Ilageu liuch. Old Olury. Among tho gallant defenders of Old Glory at the battle of Now Orleans none sen eil moro faithfully than Cnptnln Sam uel Chester Held. This snuio Captain Held was tho man who suggested tho present form of thu Hag. After tho flag had by tho admission of two states como to bo one of 15 stars and 15 stripes tho ndmlsslon of Tcnuestee, Ohio, Indiana and Louisiana rendered a chnngo dosirulilc, and In 1810 a committee Was appointed to Inquire Into the expedl ency of altering tho ting. (Jnptaln Held was consulted. He nt once gttggostod that the stripes be redus1 to 13 and that tho union hnve n star for every ttato, now stars to he added to the flag on the Fourth of July following tho admis sion of tho states. Tho first flag made under that law was tho handiwork of Mrs. Held and floated over tho house of representatives April 14, 1818. .Manchester Union. Scrofula, salt rlieum, erysipolan and otlior iliitrosslng eruptivo diseaws yiold quiokly and iiormanently to tlio demising, purifying power of Burdock Blood Blttors. Wonderful 'axnmltiuic Hoes gorgu tlii'iniclveii with honoy, then hniiK thuinsolvon up ill festounsor curtuiut to tlio lilvomiil ruiwili) quiescent for hours. Aftor n tiiuo wiix hciiIub nppenr, forowl out from tlio wax pookotd. Tlio Ihiob remove tlieho eciiIoh with their natural forceps, onrry thu wax tu tho mouth nml chow it for n tlino, thus olmngliix it clioniionlly. Thus It limy ho scon that wiixmakliiK U a groat oxponso to tho colony, fur It oosta not only thu time of tlio workers, but It U estimated that 81 poll nil a of honey are re quired to mako ono pound of wnx. Clil oiiKO Inter Ocean. It la urged that tho sparrow Is n hene factor to the farmer, 4miuiia It feeds on tho seeds of wata planu and weeds ilur Ing tho winter. Tlin nlilnut nlrithnllR hiu'nriLUii l;nnv tn nan Is Jupunnsu M.ko or riev wine, Its use In .Input) dating back over 2, (WO years. Many People Cannot Drlnlc cofl'eo at night, it hpoiU thulr sleep. You cn drink aralu-0 when you pleoa and sleep like iv top. Tor Gutlu-0 does nut stimulate; It nourishes, cheers and feeds. Yet It looks and tastos liko the liest coll'ee. Kor nervous persons, yomiK people and children Gmln-0 Is the porfoct drink. Made from pure grains (let a package fruui your grucer tu-day. Try It in place of rolt'ue. Ill and 25c. 'Tin' !t'nlt of Insularity. Proti i lion ii mi Invasion Is not niorr than hall tin I Ii - d nriu' their lii.-ui.i! Ing h a ha- Ui ni ll.e Kngllfh pi'ople, .1. lirniil points nut in 1 ho Atlantic. It 1 put a linpi j '! i n hhm; iiiiiiilMims in tholr kit. . p , i, inn t' ,- l 1 1 tni'iii for nearly 6m rum aggri .ive eonll rlontnl war-, in b i n' i ll tin Ir -l.,ir.' in tin' frictions, ji alMiMi . m lulibm homl rhnl rlen, dynastie ent ini;lemi lit nf Luropenn liolitlos. Jij ol.'i 1 1 of tin it h.is lurmd the energies nf lh"lf umliilion muri. pruiit ably to remoter Holds of ti.inniil'i e iimI oalonintlnn. At the sumo tinio, b hhiil ting out many diKl ni' tloiiH, it has In UI their moro can .ill atti ntlmi to diuncMli nfTulrF. It has lortercd s"ll' u linneo In tin natloniil Kplrit. and unity of belief Hiuong Knglblnnen in ono another. Hy stundlng a little nt ono hide of tho inouimuntH nl thought and fuling In rOntinintnl J.ti rope, the Kngll-h rople hao experieiuni a more iniliiieiulnnt deelnpnielit of cli.u acter and mind, temllng mnietiiuos toward narrow nesw, hut nf truer to tho broadening of linos. In llteiuture theie has been u fruitage not citiali l in any other tnngtie; In morals there Is an outrmni' of doctrine that fins iHilnted nml nf m nl inn nt Hint, has led aliiinst every prai tiral ivlntui in the modern world. Thousands of sufferers from arlppe li.m linen restored to health hy One Minute I' in 'i Cure, ittjuickly i uies eoiiuhs, mills. Inmi i-liitls, pneumonia, ciippe. asthma, and all throat and Inn? disiases. ( '. II. lliii nine ), . The I-.ltlr Man K plied. Tlio new woman nr.itni w.'i.snd eloquent "And what," slie ili in. null il as silo enim to the i II. mix, "is In he I he result ot mir eniunclputkiny" iiho lunki il around win tbo calm assurance nt one who iinil a-l . i a poser, and this was too mm Ii fur the lit tie man who was waiting fur his wile in a far ooriiu- of the hull. "I know,'' lie shouted. "Ah," returned the new woman on tho platform seurntulJi , "the lmlu ninn witu the bald head think-, ho has sohed t In problem that woi umo hi ro to il.cu tin- flfteruoon. We w ill glutll guuuiir.tttt.n- tlon wlillo no tells us whut is tu bo the in- Milt." "Cold dinners and rugged child! hii, " roared tho little num. Stmnrt Muk.iziiii' Strike Quickly. " On the instant when a lion shows his tem per " said a famous linn tamer "cut hitu quickly over the face. Don't wait until he springs at you." Thih is equally good advice for treat- iwSf the lion of disease. Many fin nt(iH rf diiiiireious illnp'-'s would hv heakl oM if a the first fmmomtoiA symptom1- the ictnn would strike (tuickly Those evere com lis, bronchial nfff ctio and wasting dit-tases which mrc nro consumption would nvcr Ret tin ir -;u tet-lh into tht- constitution if their ..'iv BipnHwcre headed off by Dr. Pierce' ( I 1 en Medical Dibcovery. It provides such .ui abundance of rich nourishing blond th.it tuberculosis germs have no chance to t any lodginent in the lungs. It clear the Hkin and purges all the impurities from every organ. It invigorates the livu to expel all bilious poison from the nnuh tion. It creates healthy tissue, vilah d nerve fiber and gives solid strength. " I have thouglit for a lonff time," writes Mr Rose l'etty, of LocVvilk, Chatham Co N C . "that I would not do you jus'tcf if I h 1 n-,t write and ttUyou how I ns ciiitd of that ilr t ful disease called consumption, by u-iij,r I'r I'ierce's Golden Medical Diw-overy. I h id im.i les and pneutnnnin lioth at the same tinu md came near dying, and as soon as I was uMe in out I was taken with unp, and tlu-n iollnw t consumption. My phsiclau hd all lie could lor my relief hut T received wie 1 tried c ry tlnug that I could hear of that wa- (food f i i cough hut grew worse, and outd h.ive du-d s nt had I not commeneecl usiu tlu-T.olden M'..i cal Disoovtry.' I ielt iminvtd before tlu int Ijottle wai finished. I took si bott'i s and ,tker that 1 felt better and htrongut than in leu - ar Ik fore That iw six ytars -ipj nnd to d.n do wot fofl nuvsymptnnisnf a utinu l tlu d- (se 1 remain cured, and I Ihmk 1 im tlu t. iu-t ol a irieiul being cured by u-aiitf the -.tnu- mttlKinc He was nfllicted lib I was and aft- r tvtr Uum? failed to cure him he trjk Dr Puree Ooldeu Medical Discovery and wa cured." . J0JX0KKKM0KOKC-C-CK. C-O- Webster9 , k international ' Di5tionarv ,S(.rf rtefii it the 'nahriftffwl. ' Hie Ono !rent Standard Authority, I .1, 1.1. Wif, Mll'l'll)f t mill. StRiidarcl of the P. s (.fjv'tPHiit r: ( unico, in i n nuprnitj Court, all tl.o suie s i fxeiiir ( ourlK, iui.il f iiLal yHlltlo htUuolUirliB. Warmly Coiiimcutlccl by ShiN SutMiitui i t' nf M-h-K.N. t ulli'v. l'l.t,, (ifitii.-tiMnthfi b'lui m-'iu ; ItUlinHl WllllUlH llllltl'H i Invaltinlrle In Hi loits. liul.l. itinl I t tin' A- ' lit , s h'l ii , i i ftim i d in. in, .mil e It cdiu-.tli r. ; THE BEST FOR PRACTICAL USE. i !t I s cwy to find the wont wanted. - li !: i,.ny to ascertain the pronuncla'oir 1 It Is "Hsy to trace the growth of a word. ) It Is cany to learn what a word means, i Th- V ii- t'nrfc Trlbvne Says: ! IU.!" .t ''.'iti i 1. im .j lioiTitl'i i rim mi'Ii 'i , .in-l"1'-.i iti it liiipllt's II i' liioht Uniii'iiI' M ' l'l Ml I 1 l -'I 1 1. III. ,ll HllHll.lil. ' l - ll I'lll . I lllt.lH UllH II Willi, til .llll'll I. 1 ,) ' ' nli u i ii 1 i.i in. l.- iiril B.iam. Q I ' OET THR BHST. X , .w'ici linen p.ipcs sent on applii alion t X b :., t Mt.KTtiAM ro puhiitjtvi... 5 S iiminziiehl, Mitts., U.S.A. 5 0KMOOCH(OCK00K-r-H5 ''iC . I .''.t A 11 ! ' .lll-.ll. . I . EVERY WO dm noe'li n roliabln, Monthly, rotolatlrr :.-aMe Uie iiurvtt(trugabuld M ukiI, It BomstlnMnoe'linroliablii, Monthly, rotolatlrr i. o.Uri 1 1 r " H1MS &Di UiejiurettdrugaabtuldbcuKil, It lij : il.i, . ct Dr- Pears Tliey are prompt, safe and enteln In rsaalt. The t, noiut. Snutanjwhtri), 11.90, Aildreiu i'zxi. For Sale at KIKUK'S "DIRT DEFIE3 THE KING." l HEN POLIO IS GREATER THAN Xilllllliilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiuiii!i!iui:,i;i,i,ii hii.. . I POB SALE rVH3TWHERE. 5 Sill lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll' Mllllllllli.il SLEEP FOR SKIN-TORTURED "-h PS i Al.lt !l 1 ti'l I l,, I ! t' , - III .1 V v nli i i 1 1 f ii l" r .in, I i smi. j lift I II' I l, I I . I l,' jrri .11 l-l I, Cl ,1' f i , l.l ,i li n'l'inl n. 1 1 l Bin) pi' Ill I III-- , ,U l III.' nt t"M I lii'ri'r. h innl,.r inu, in In 1. 14 , 1 u i inn ln. il i-.i -l m .ily sliln anil Hi-all, li ' Willi ln-1 nl i , i ' ..il I'lsU fml, - I' ' Dm'j C ; l SKIN, SCALP Pennsylvania RAILROAD. w mnrKii.i. division Ma acit 17, WW. ' i ns will Iflave Slienftnctonlt after t, , r rt f r Wltrioins, (itlherton, Fmekvlii. Dnm I. ,Ht. f'lnlr, Pottsvllle. Hamhiirir. K. ail I . own, I'hnenUvllle. Itiirrlntoirii . d 1M" llln IRronit "tree station) t 6 OS nnd 5 2i2. ai'l( in on week da snud.ofl, I mi . I "in p Ml sh. nun'!,' for I'ottsvllle ' v(m I'u.mo i a in , U"'i 2S nml 2S p m r .te i - "lua, 0 , , m , flat p. ni 'i 'lOVI' I'r, . livllle for Hlll'imn'l. t! f.1 I. til .1 1 , anrl '1 ' j i iottp 111 f, ii :n m n on . i itNwll ' 111 . I '-lllll- "1,1 II nli i ',1 , ti nt ' , 1 da s. --mi' OBil ftr, t AshMlx ! mil Ii n-i - 7 fit p. i.I.V hcnaniloiih M 1. 1 t i 20, 7 2 p. in 1 i 1 andoah I i d 5 on j, in i in 05 p. m I I street -ti.tt n ' nd 10 l'i ii " t eavc at t' V; i. n it on, Phllaileli i 1, Ocean tirn- 1 tte stAfeimi' I II', tu , II 1 1 Li I'. a.Bc n ,'i i . ro. week-iiuj r 1'ioad ttt. t -t ."on.PhHadeU'tiiH. FOK - i YORK. 1 WCfk-tia" .(20, 4 00, 4 "SO M r 38, J Mi, ' 1 l Dining Car , n u t mi... 2BR il in. tod 100 and A . f fl 'ni. ( ..n), no, ' .0 (Dining Oir 'i j i y - 00 ; iMnint ( r), 000, 7 7 I 1 . " i-' , nilit -ndftyn, 8 an, 1 , ("j - - 50. 10 il. Kiting Car). II fc. n m - . l Ditilntr ( ii r ) 2 80 (Dining ar 4 0 limit i 22 Diinnt, ( ar), 520, 55fi,i Dining t i.7.' 7 43. in. . ni,. 1201 night l-M i for JUjvt,.,, without cbftiiKu, 11 k a m r i 'i 1 i i ail, 7 n i, m., dally. W HIX(.'K)N AND THE SOI III more ini'l "'aahitiffton. 3 V), 7 - 2-J, 12 oy. 12 :n ( 41, fS 25 ( HU.rc4 Car, 6 17 Rf Otn ' urj p. in , and J ,w -, 3 TO, 7 2o up li "tlllgTCHHl'il! I t. 0 . g :ar, 7 II l nr. 1 . ' on, 9 i Ulted, I T 411 D- . : da s - 1 1 I I 4 l K Car t, -, , I tu and I 2 ' more i ' lit n w k d i. Ku , ; i oad tin cpn s. 'i irk-1 "in ' 1 t itmif i .iii ' D (a a ill t . UI if. pi i ,1TY. fA I'lan ' i rif. A p. Ill d i ,r t -Krprt"s J ' n i 00,3 00 p m - inmodbtion t I . la. - 1 t -1 I 1 i 1 ;M..j , AnL-if - . Wildwuud and 'I 'i ft 1mI c -u, i) All City, AMit-.n iv ' tior -1 pn '00 a. oi., 4 00. p ci h. Siiini . 1 0 a. m. oerw liut Kxprww, 8 TO, ro 2 00 p. m i . daya 'hind s jr, 14 (n niISM(), J. K. u ...n 1 Maniiger. Oen'l I t-- tf r I i M' StlllH W i l I o 1 0l, ). i. av rr a tr I "THE STYLISH PATTERN." Ar ti:lic. Fa.-.hioiiatK Original. Fei-fvt-T I;illing. Piices lO ami 15 i-ci'i i. Mci.c h!,;l- r. Kone better at any p..?. J Some uli.ible mercliaid sells ilu-m i i J nearly e.ry city or town. A'k for I them, or tuey can fce had by m, il tn ni J uj in eil'ier Ntw York or Cn-arn. J Stamps i.iken. Latest Fashion iii,-t I sent upon receipt of one cut to f. y f pebge. 1, sM r m m rrva isi m na II Brightest ladki7 m.iparfne publkhed. 7 I Invaluable for the home, Ff'mns of g Ihi day. Home i iu'r.iture. Hi o-ih. 'd I ! Hints, Fancy Wn,!,.. Current Topus, T Fiction, all (or only 50 cents a yr .ir, in- S , eluding a I'roo pattern, your own sclt-c- i )' tion any time, &nd two 2-ceut &tu":fs J (or sample copy. Address H THE McGALL COMPANY, s 1 J42-J46 West l4th Street, New York, k I i . J89 Fifth Avenue, Chicago. X '''' Z J ! (0 . U -lc.Fi.rf I.M S jl' i3C' jGiJAf" " CoFcirie CiimP-iuv. . A St PovtMky'i drug store, Centre street. ATOM'S TANSY PULS A Tttivn. TiimiTiD lATf WOMAN i Rfc I IET. Alwsi vn Droinnlsnd tth hW .timt '"' ' Am f'ATnw'i TMsr lii i t and vii'iM t Attlrun Murrt. orwut dirtdt (netivtl). tr" e Catow Bi'kc Co , BottoB, Uau. Otir'n.tk c For Mte at Klrllo'e CtUfc Horlntl Hbennndoft Penr.,;tY$i3 t ills 'iu ;Ci.'. i.'i'i i verdls&r ICIilK U Cl"- : -.JI.J, Kl. mm gfy BAb ltd -3 Drue Store, Sbenacdoah, Pa. ROYALTY ITSELF. are jirntrKwcive umiI koi-ii liil'onnei! ( the World'rf PruKreM. Tlie well In I'onmMl anil tlirifty Hou.vlfe will always kep RAINBOW LINIMENT 1 111 the house, fm a gtiimlaril remedy fnr s Biirajua, lirulaee, C'nuupn, Itlieumutluu, x ami all aulie aud jiaiiii. HrioatScU. SHdtOets.Mrbshi. S PrsssfSd k H. 1. HACKITI t CO., Phlladslshla 3 lllillMIIMIIUIMIIMIIIIIinnillllllltlia