The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 16, 1898, Image 4

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    The War Scare !
If you want to keep posted you
must rc;ul the newspapers. We de
liver all the New York, I'hiliidel
pliin and l'ottsville papers to nil
parts of town: also the Kvkninc.
llKRAM), which contains the latest
news by wire and all county and
local news. Leave your order at
the store or give it to the carrier.
a, N. Main St. I
The Bee Hive.
Our Spring
We offer you the newest
;oods and the best values you
ever received. To our already
many departments we have
added another, millinery- Fine
trimmed hats from 30 cents up
to Si4 4), and all hats trimmed
rice of charge.
As Millinery
Is only one of the many lines
we carry it is a simple matter
to understand that we can give
you greater values than any
other house iu town.
Great Bargains
Are oflered in all the latest
silks, stylish dress goods, white
goods, embroideries and lace
As these goods will not last long
at the remarkable low prices we
are selling them at, it will pay you
to call earlv.
The Bee Hive,
2t South iMaiti Street.
l'olrs, HiineiiriaiiH nnd t.ltlmnnl.ins I.euv
I11B In l.urgo Number.
Mabauoy City, April tu. liver since the
collii ih-iof this district havo been working
bol twu three-quarter days a week a large
number of Poles, lluugarians and Littm
urn 111s have been leaving tho town daily.
The majority of them go to the soft eoal re
niuii of Illinois, and inauy to their native
binds. The railway officials here state that
torty li ft this weok for tho West. Tax Col
lei tors, grocora and other merchants have
bean kept busy tryius to hold thoir own.
Paul Kadosbok was put under bail last
night for stealing mining tools from Joseph
ilcnoiigb, Kadoshok then ealibvd the
,1111 st of Martin Oskeuis, alleging that he
stub the tools. Oskenis went to jail because
It, , uld not get bail.
"-.tlx in 11a Price, I!) years old, one of the
bi.i who run away from this pluco on Tliurs
iU , w.n found 111 Potuvillo yesterday morn-11-
mil brought here last night. Nearly all
t,,. utherboys have returned. The crowd
1 "iiL-iegated at tlio lime kiln on Thursday
an I e luded to run away and joiu the
n iy They started at 10:30 o'clock that
nuht on a coal train and lai.ded at Gordon.
I 1 0111 there they went to Schuylkill Ilavon
11, .1 back to Pottsville. After traveling iu
lb, ram all night witli nothing to eat the
ouipauy disbanded at Pottsville and most ot
tin in bcat-tt hasty retreat towards Home.
I'm ewas one of the few that remained in
I be excited condition of the public mind
l,y n ii.son of impending war wan fairly illus
trated last night. It is the regular custom ol
the bugler of Uen. 12. O. C. Ord Camp, Hons
of Veterans, tosuiiimon the members to their
ineetiugs by sounding the bugle call. When
the buglo was sounded lasteveuing, it caused
n great many pcoplo to believe that it was a
rail fur tho National Guard to assemble,
and the runiur spiead that they bad received
ordi is to go forth to war. Soino of the
iiu.ird nero ruuniug about aimlossly for some
lime until they learned thoro was no founda
tion to the alarm.
liushar A Phillips' shirt factory will begin
upii.ilions next week. They will employ
about 50 hands and already there aro TO
application for employment. Some being
S rum Shenandoah.
Klondike Views
Udwatd Kestor, of town, has received the
intelligence that his brother, l'rnnk, has re
turned to tho state of Washington from the
Klondike and will leturn to tho latter place
111 June with a man who is to engage in the
grocery business. Mr. Kester's brother istu
iei-i ive fl'fl a month and all oxponscs from
the time he leaves Seattle. Notwithsianding
tins tin- letter says, "The Klondike is no
1. lace for a while man. I would almost a
soon uy in Washington at ,"0 a month as
go mi Iheie for ftiuo, for it is a hard place;
bul I Iiho something hotter in view."
20.1 South Tlain Street.
My entire stocl; of dry goods at cost
prices and also below- coil.
We are still weaving carpet at from
35 to 50 cents er yard.
Suitable to the Times.
Two iiounds of Arbncklc coffee given away
with one puund of Run tea.
Tun plena of good white floating soup, Mc
'I'liree jMjunds Oallfurntu prunes Stk;
Kix nounds lima beaiis 3fki
Two cans ol let Jelly
tiood loose eofTee 'JOc
Other goods sold In prouirtlon.
ii5 HAY and HTJtAW.
Floor and Table Oil Cloths.
E. B. FOLEY, 27
"Throes from two you can't,"
pays the schoolboy. lUglit 1 Three
from two you can't, oitlior in dol
lars or dividends or sarsaparilla.
It takes tho best snrsaparilla root
to make the best sarsaparilln ex
tract. Tho liest raraupurilla comes
from Honduras, C. A.,and the Dr.
Ayer Co. practically controls tho
entire product. Yet others claim
to le making "best" Rarsaparilla.
They must bo making it out of tho
remainder left after subti acting
three from two. But, " three from
two you can't." You can't make tho
best sarsaparilln without best root.
You only get tho best when you
which is made wholly from tho best
root imported from llouduras.
Hoses Dwcns mndo a trip to tho county
seat to-day.
Edmund Harris, the grocer, transacted
business at Pottsville to-day.
Mrs. John Spenco, of Allcntown, is
visiting her parents in town.
Mrs. 11. II. Zulick leturned last evening
from a visit to friends at Philadelphia.
Mrs. R. A. Shortol, leturned to her home
iu Pottsville to-day aftor spending a few days
in town as a guest of her nephew, Sol. Haak,
on Sou til Main street.
Goorgu Cox was auiong the local fislicr
ineuwhu made a trip out of town to-day.
Jamos Uleary drummed up trade among
the merchants below the mountain lo-day.
William Watson, one of this employes at
the Lohigh Valley freight depot," is recover
ing from the attack of rheumatism that has
cunflned him to his homo on South White
street the past three wooks.
ur. A. II. Ilalberstadt, of Pottsville, as
actlvo as lie was SO years ago, atloudtd to
professional duties iu town to-day.
Miss Nora liutler, of Pottsville, has
returned to her homo after spending a week
as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. lit 011 11:111 .
of West (lie try strsot.
.Mrs. William Smoyer, of Vot Coal street,
is lying ill at her homo.
Mistes Mollio Magiiiness and Libido
Cavanaugh wore Pottsvillu visitors to-day.
New tiliulllo Itioiril Parlor.
A novelty which is something entiiely new
to many of our town people, has just been
introduced at Ilrreu's Cafe. It is a shullle
board and has been plucod ill the parlor on
the second floor. Since its introduction, a
few days ago, it has become quite a drawing
card. Jt is Ul feet in length, and is so ur
ranged that two sets of players, eight in
number, can play at tho samo timo. The
new pastime has won favor among those
who have played it, and will undoubtedly
take the place of a pool and billiard table ere
lung. Thuro ale St points to tho game,
which aro obtained in the same manner as in
quoit pitching. .Mr. Ilrcen is the first to in
troduce the game here. It should meet
with favoiahlu support at tho hands of lovers
of indoor amusement. It
Vllect Water Connection
A meeting of the water committee of the
Ilorough Council was held last night and it
was ducided to adopt tho plan suggested sev
eral 111011I lis ago and inuko a direct connec
tion between the steel pipe, lino which carries
tho water over Locust mountain from lirau
donville and tho pipes that supply this town.
in automatic valvo will bo placed north ol
tho Fowler's Jtun reservoir, which is now fed
by the steel pipe lino. A proposition to pro
vide a stuudpipo instead uf tlio uutomatic
valve was irjectcd.
Anthracite foi tho Navy,
Tho Pennsylvania Coiigiossuian, at least
those representing anthracite districts, called
on Secretary Long and strongly advocated
the use of autliiacite coal 111 the vessels of
tlio Navy. Theie are no definite results as
the outcome uf tlio visit, but Hie matter will
bo pushed iu the interest of hard colli. One
of the war vessels now being built will likely
be constructed for anthracite ill older tu
give this coal a fair trial.
Tint I. thigh rrosbylciy.
Tho 1'iesbytery of Lehieh will meet next
TuteJay evening at South Laston and will
probably coiitinuo iu soseion two or three
days. The delegates from Shenandoah will
be Messrs Albort Hoover and W. M. lirewer,
Thoy will present a call iu behalf of their
congregation to Rev. Koeliler, of Princeton
Attempted Itolibei-y.
All attempt was mado last night, at about
7::iu o'clock, to rob tlio house of John Culo,
ornor of Centre and (Illicit strocts, l our
men were awaiting an opportunity to enter.
Cole tired three shots at them, but all es
caped uninjured
Uhocohilo null Villillbt leu Cream
To-day and to-morrow at Soheider's bakery,
.17 Hast Centre street. It
Curds Are Issued.
John .1. O'llearu and Miss Mary K.
Wlialen, two prominent young society people
of this town, will be married iu tlio Annun
ciation church at noun on the '-"lb lust.
Cauls have just been Issued. The prospec
tive gloom is a member of tho firm of (iluuu
,t O'llearu, and is very popular. Tho bible
to U Is a daughter uf the late M. J. Whalcu,
lllilliilll to right a Duel Mt.
The New York Journal to-day publishes a
story to the effect that Representatives
llruruui, of Pennsylvania, and lUrtlott, uf
(leurala, who oiigaged iu a personal en
counter on the floor of tho lloubu last Wed
nesday, luive nut patuhed up thair dill'ur
ences. UarUdett Insists upon uu apology,
but III uuim refuses, and that each have se
lected seconds to settle their differences 011
the Held. The twu liilligereuU met iu the
cloak room, says the Journal, and exchanged
a few bcl'icose words.
The Working lime.
The collieries of the 1'. Jt U. C. & I. Co.
' mil wurk throe-quarter shifts next Monday
.aid Wednesday, alter wuiou they will shut
I down agaiu until Monday, ilSth lust.
I lluy KeysUmoIlour. lie sure that tho name
Lkmum & JUKU, Aahlaud, Pa., Is printed on
Get Apf S
every sack.
Tulti'ii Into Cmtixly Wlilln iUnRlng
School Hell.
Alimm Mmtmv, well known nlioiit town
iimi fur many years Janitor of tlio old Wlilto
iitftxH wliool liiillillnt:, wih taken Into cus
tody tlill numilng nnil committed ai Insano.
llo was RfiuMcd by Truant Oflicer Jaini'S
Smith wlillo riiiKliiK the liell in tliu liulldliii!
In wlilcli he had served as janitor. Mostow's
mind lias lieen fulling for some time and it is
believed I10 is now approaching a dangerous
slaRO. At tlmeii lie imagines himself a lam-
mis physician with constant calls upon liiln
from patients in Philadelphia hut wltlimit
idhhiis to luai'h tho city. On oilier oconsloiis
lie "Hll'eis fiom the hallucination Unit he is
In the ervlio of ('Hpt. Linden, of l'liilndel
plila. nnd'has ahoiit $3.(101) iu Hilary duo him.
To-day ho complained that lie had liecn
Inaten iu a saloon and demanded fifty mil
lion dollars in dauniRes. lie also benced for
a icvolvor to shoot his Imaginary assailant.
Tho unfortunate man was taken to I'ottsvillo
this afternoon ami Mill ho M'tit to asylum
somo time next week.
enlp Tlcullnclit.
Katharine A. llickey, ISO N. Main St. tf
Announcement Is made of tlio death of
Miss Sarah A. ltlchaids, a young lady well
and favorably known in ths town and Win.
Peiin. Her father, Joshua Richards, kept a
general stoio at Wiu. 1'cnii formally yeais.
The doath occuricd at Royorsford on Thurs
day, last. The funeral will taku placo there
next Monday. Miss Richards' ago was SI
years, 11 months and SS days. 'She announce
incut of her deatli was received hero with
much regrut.
Patrick M. Noono, one of the School Direc
tors of West Mahanoy township, died tins
morning, at H o'clock, from an attack of
llright's disease, lie hail been seilously ill
about three weeks, but was an invalid for a
long time previously, Mr. Noono was un
married and is survived by his mother, with
whom lie resided, three sistcis and two
brothers. The funeral will tako pl.ico on
rucMUy morning. Interment will bo made
at Girardvillc.
Dinning School.
Scboppe's Orclicstia will hold dancing
si houl iu Robblus' opera house on Saturday
night. l-13-lt
The rirst Cuban Plug.
The first of our citizens to have tlio honor
of displaying tlio Cuban flag before his placo
of business is William Woomer, tho tiuck
dealer. He returned from Philadelphia last
night witli twelve in his possession. Ho was
soon besieged by his friends, and It was but
a short time after until lie hail disposed of
them. Of course, as is natural, he has pluccd
tho stars and stripes above Cuba's emblem.
Tho Soldiers' Monument.
There was a well attended meeting of the
Soldiers' Monument Association iu the O. A.
R. hall last evening and the session continued
about twu hours, although there was nothing
of special interest to the public transacted.
llun. M. U. Watson saul tavnrahle progress
was being made with the Girard 1. statu to
wards securing a site for the monument.
Kondrick House Kree Lunch,
Chicken soup will bo sci ved, freo, to all pa
trons to-night.
.Hiss lleililull III.
It will I nv a great surprise to the many
fneiids uf Miss Carrie Ilcddall, of Port Car
bon, to learn of her sudden illness. Shu is at
present attending an educational iustitution
at Moycrstown, Lebanon county. Her
mother, Mrs. (ieorgu W. ilc-ddal, has been
called to her bedside.
."Miss Seltzer's I'lllleral.
Tlio funeral of Miss Clara, daughter of
Louis It. and Sarah Seltzer, took placo from
the family residence, on West Line street,
this afternoon and was largely attended
Services wero conducted iu the United Kvan-
gelical chinch by tliu pastor, Rev. I. J. Rcitz
Interment was mado iu tliu Lvangelicil
cemetery at Riiigtuwn. The pall hcaicrs
were: Chant Troutman, Thomas Dove,
IMw.ird Dornsife, (Jrant Waguer, Chailes
Rcitz and Charles Lawrence
lleateil Instead of 1'alll.
Adam Maliuowski wus put under $300 bail
by Justice Shoemaker last night on a charge
of assault and battery made by Joseuh
Irabowski, who says lie worked as a laborer
for Maliuowski and when ho asked for a
skill's pay duo him, was beaten.
At KepehfiiHltl'K Arcailo Cafe.
Hot lunch on Monday morning.
Sillprlso Parly.
A number of young people last night
tendered a birthday surprise party to Miss
l.ilna Schurz, at tho icsidencs of Rev, John
liriihler, on West Cherry street, aud among
those wiio enjojed tlio festivities of the
ovcnlng wero Ida C. Dusto, Clara Hilde-
brandt, I loroiico Hoover, Lizzie aud Daisy
Jlcss, Anna Doiigler, ifortha Morgans, I.inuin
Morton, Ida Iliurmau, Lizzie Dalis, Lizzie
lieddall, Minnie liailscb, Rcnle Schurz,
Misses I-anny and Mary Oiuhlor and Annio
ISIuruiau and Mrs. Caroline llrcnnan and
Ml. and Mrs. Martin Oruhlor.
High art wall paper in all tho latest de
signs aud colonugs cheap at Ciidln's, SSI
West Centio street. -1-lil-lm
l'aliiotle Display.
Paul Hoiick, tlio druggist, has an attractive
and patiiolic display in tlio show window of
hisstoiout tlio corner of Main and Centre
streets. It is a grouping of muskets, flags,
iiiiualuiu cannon aud Zouaves, aud a baud
some picture of the ill-fated Maine A
suggestion of approaching war is given toth
groiipiug by an excellent modol of an old
time war ship and a case of surgical
Instruments lying noaiby.
.MclduUl culu.
Iteau soup, free, to-night.
Among the Anglers.
A boy named A lex., Major, of North Wiiite
sheet, spent last evening fishing in tlio Cuta
wissa Valley and returned homo with seven
lino specimens of trout lauaing from 7 to 11
S. O. M. Hollcpeter, Fsq., and Dr. J. 0
Church leturned home ltst evening with
thirty-seven speckled bcautlts, the luugest
being 8J inches. Iliey weie at Lizzard
Creek (?) and report that tiotitaiu plentiful
1 be llicli ot the law, Inn over, draws tliu
line on feather beds made of stisw for the
icpusc uf the wiary fisherman.
lioautiful whitu-luck wall paper ft cents a
roll. Rooms papered for ?S ami upwards nt
Cardin's art wall paper store, SSI West
Centre street. 410-lni
The V" l'rogiiiiii,
Tho following program will bo reiidcied nt
the mooting of tlio "V" this evening : Scrip
ture leading, Miss Morrison; reading,
Kdn aid Rock ; it-citation, Miss Fiuiiia
Llewellyn ; historical question box, by tlio
president; quartette, Hilton and party;
comic rending, L'dward D.iuks ; critic,
Alfred J. Millichap ; temperance doxology.
Promised Suit for Libel,
Detective Miles Doughercy is about to
bring criminal llliel action against tho pub
lisher of the .Ml. Carmol "Star" for publish
l g an article Iu Its columns last week which
ho alleges was full of malice. The article
referred to was in reference to tho expeii
uueeof tho detective in bringing a prisoner,
from Tatnaqua to Shamokiii, whooycutually
esuuped at .Mahanoy City. Tliu "Star's"
allegation that Dougherty wus locked up,
made overtures for ti)s and attempted to
pick hi prisoner's pockets on a passenger
train are all denied. Shaniokin Herald,
To Cure Headache In 15 Minutes.
Tako Dr. Davl.' Atl-IIcudaclio. All druggists,
You enn tell jnit h-. well as a physician
whelhoryoiir Unlmysare dlscHsnd or healthy.
Tho wav'to do i to take a bottle or kIuss tum
bler, and fill it with urine. If there Is a
sediment i powder-like sillKtniuo at the
bottom after standing a day ntid nlht, there
IssoincthlnK wroiiK with tho kidneys. An
other auro sIku "f disease is a dosiro to tiriuatn
often, nnd still another sign Is miii iu the
liack. If urine stains linen, there is no doubt
that tho kiijticys lire directed.
Any and all diseases of the kidneys, liver,
bladder and of the miliary nswi(! and coii
stinatlon of the bowels aio cuicd by Dr.
David Kennedy's favorite licmedy. There
Is no question about its being the best nnd
surest medicine i" the world for such troubles.
It quickly relieves mid euies 'nubility to hold
urino, and People, young or old, who take It
aio not compelled to get up 11 number of t ments "t envuiry. a ieKiiiieiiin in in
times during the night. 1'nr putting an end fantry nnd the light hnttei leK of nvo
to that seiilding pain experienced in passing regiment of artillery. At Chlckit
urlne. nothing is so gowl nsUr David Ken- lrm(rlm there will be kIx reglinents ot
ned's favorite Heinedy. It corrects the hurt ' cavnry Bli the light batteries ot llva
Cl t'ClN Ol Wl ISKt'J Hllll iH l I , l.MJnnoii. iw
the taste, nnd does not seem to bo mediclie
at nil. Disease" of the kidneys and bladder
often reqiliio the Use of Instruments tu push
back tho sandy matter so the urine enn be
entiled. In sni'b eases ruvoilte Remedy
should bo taken without further delay or tho
disease may prove filial. It Is sold Tor olio
dollar a bottle at nil drugstores. It Is well
worth many times its price.
Samples Free.
If yon wisli to test Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy bcfoie buying It, send your
full post olllco address to the Dr. David Ken
nedy Corporation, Roudoiit, N. Y., and
mention this paper. Wo will then mall you
a sample bottle free, as well as eiiculars giv
ing full directions for its use. Lvery leadei
of tliu llRUU.iicniidopeiid upon the genuine
ncss of tills liberal oiler, mid nil slitlererr
from kidney troubles should tako advantage
of it at once.
Iniipenltiga ThroiiKhollt tho Country
Uhimilrteil lor Hasty Periitwit.
Rents aro being rodured by many St. Clair
Tlio Valley tracks at Jeauosvillo
are sinking.
Thoie aro i'i districts to lie examined by
tlio Lynn-Dunn contest court.
From 6o!f-ln!lhied wounds Mrs. Myiuu W.
nrlitan died yesterday at Cambria, Luzerne
county. ,
While working in his garden, ngod William
Smyrl, Sr., of Summit Hill, fell dend from
heart failure.
The Ashland School Board has decided that
nil who voted on ago last year In that town
must pay lb()7 taxes.
Port Clinton lias been without a supervisor
and constable for the past six months, ami
the town faros none tho worse.
Ah tho result of competition between rival
telephone companies at Dubois, the rate for
service lias been cut to $1 50 a month.
Charged with horse and chicken stealing,
William Jacobs and Albert Spang have been
landed in the Lcbauon county jail.
William J. liryan will visit I'ottsvillo next
Wednesday evening to address a meeting
under tliu auspiics of the fico silver men.
Tho sixth annivcisary of Council bSS,
Jr. O. U. A. M of Frackvillc, will lie cele
brated Friday evening next, in the Park
A cako and milk sociable will be held in
the 1'rimitive Methodist church on Monday
evening, under tlio auspices of Mr. Ldwatd
Cooper's Sunday school class.
Tlio commission bureau of tlio stato de
partment at Harrisbuig will issuo in a few-
days about 1,000 commissions of ollico for
justice of the peacu throughout the stato.
Falling coal hi the Cranberry nunc.
Luerno county, fatally itijuied John Parsley,
a miner known throughout tho anthracite
region ,
Tlio Commissioners ol Lancaster county
have decided to stop paying bounties on
minks and fox scalps, tho law having been
declared unconstitutional.
A projoct to lebuild the Delaware River
road between Fasten and Mai tin's Creek, a
distance of seven miles, has been approved
by the Northampton county Grand Jury.
Itching piles' Is'ovcr mind if physicians
liavu failed to euro you. Try Doan's Oint
ment. No failuio there. 50 cents, nt any
drug stole.
Can This llo Tuns '.'
from Mt. Cnrinel Mnr.
Tlio Coal and Iron Company Is now carry
ing on a policy that means tlio closing down
indefinitely of many of its collieries in
Schuylkill and Northumberland counties nnd
operating of othois to their fullest extent.
It has been cleanly demonstrated that tlioie
aie too many collieries operated by this com-
piny, thus pioducing an excess to its allot
ment and forcing a suspension several nays
each week. It has been resolved to shut
down 30 per cent, ef the mines and the work
is going on quietly in dillcrent sections ot
tlio region.
Cupid's Darts,
It is announced that Richard Sneddon and
Miss Maudo l'arrish, botli of town, wore
married ou March 1st last, by Rev. Alficd
Ilecbner, until recently pastor of the M. D.
church, of town. Tho contracting parties
have a wide circlo of acquaintances.
neadache Quickly Cured.
Dr. Davis' Anti-Headache never fulls, 25c.
OR SALE C1IF.A1'. A '$2,000 house for
$1,400, No. 313 Hast Centre sheet,
Shenandoah, "l'a., lot I5I.SO. I paid
$1,785 under the hammer six months ago nnd
will sell at once, if you want the above
bargain; will take S500 cash and will jine
four years credit on balnni c. You can call at
the above addres and examine same.
Call or address,
111 Penn Street,
Tamaqua, Pa.
The undersigned have assumed charge of
the Shenandoah Uenovatuio; Company splant,
and arc prepared to clean, sew and lay
carpets, mattresses, and do general upholster
ing work.
Feathers Cleaned.
Work Done Promptly.
... Drop Us a Postal.
Orders am be left nt No. 7 North Weil ttreet,
or itf the plant, Apple alley and
lloweis street.
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail,
SO Wcct Ccntro Street,
The forecast for Sunday : Fair tn clear
and warmer weather, with light northwest
erly winds and a decided warm wavo, fol
lowed probably by local rain.
Thlrty-tliroo Iti'ttliui'iitH Onlm-cri tn
Cfim't'lltt'Htn lit SdlltllOI'll I'llIlllK.
AVn'hltiRtoti, April 1C Decidedly the
moBt wnrllko ntep tuken by the wnr
department In preparing for the pos
Bilillity of an eii"jiunter with Spnln was
liimiuuinted yesterday, when orders
were looued for the concentration nt
four polntB In the miuth of six regl
leginu-nts of nitlllery; nt New Orleans
eight l'PKlmenla of Inrnntry; at Tampa,
seven regiments of Infnntry, nnd nt
Mobile seven regiment of Infnntry.
Since the civil wnr no such proportion
of the tinny has been mobilized, and
the movement Itself Is the best evi
dence of the Kravlty of the situation
as looked upon by the president and
his advisors.
The determination to rendezvous the
troops In the south, wheru they enn bo
acclimated to the condition of n more
troplral climate, lins been under con
sideration by the president and his
cabinet for some time. It was not un
til yesteiday, however, thnt the presi
dent, In view of the enormous expense
which will be entailed, felt Justified In
talng; this at pp.
The heavy batteries of artillery In
each of the five artillery regiments
ordered wmtli will remain at their pres
ent posts. The two new regiments of
artillery recently authoilzed by con
frress have not been recruited to their
full strenjjth and in uddillon are not
well equipped with horses and other
necessary requisites for service, and !
therefore are not Included In yester- '
day's oi'leis. The ilepai Uncut lias so
distributed the 22 regiments of Infantry
nt convenient places on the KUlf that
thpy will be nrecsflble for transporta
tion to Cuba. Instructions to the com
manding ofllceis of the regiments, or
dered to move were sent out by Gen
eral Miles Into yesterday, with direc
tions that they be put into effect as
soon ns possible. As a result a number
of tne reElmentH. are now cn route.
X Sjigliillfiint
Visit .Made
hy a Pottsvlllo
Walter S. Slioafor, ono of tho executors of
tho Sbcafcr Fstate, was a visitor to town yes
teiday and visiled several of tlio properties
belonging to tlio estate. Ho also inspected
tliu workings of tlio Kohinoor colliery, and a
gentleman who stems to bo well informul
says that tho visit and a subsequent conversa
tion had a bearing on tlio proposed consoli
dation of tlio Kohinoor, West Shenandoah
and Turkey Run collieries, and tlio erection
of a joint bicakci.
Seeoiiil-llaltd Organ 1'or Sale.
In good condition. Apply at tlio HllRAM)
ollico. 4-11-fit
Church Notices.
There will bo services in the 1'. M. church
to-morrow morning and evening. Morning
.subject, "The Wonderful Physician." Sunday
school at S p. 111. Fvcning subject, "A
Father's thief." Everybody welcome.
Rev. Joseph C. Harvey, of Philadelphia,
will occupy the pulpit of tlio First l'rcsby
toriau church to-morrow morning and even
ing. Volunteers of America have meetings ovory
night at S o'clock, and Sunday holiness meet
ing ut 11 a. in. Song and praise meeting at
3 o'clock. Tlio subject fur tho evening meet
ing, at S o'clock will bo "1'ower of a l'uro
Life." On Tuesday night, April II), wo will
havo with 11s dipt. W. J. Shipway, tho con
veiled actor, llo is u bright talker, 11 good
singer and has Ids own music witli him.
Don't fail to bo present. Lieut. T. II. Juckel
in charge.
Last ovening at tlio Calvary ISaptist church
a very large audience was present in spite of
tlio rain. Miss Morgan s faiewell address
was both impressive and instructive and was
listened to by all witli great doliglit. Row
I). I. Lvans and the pastor also addressed the
audience. During tlio evening W. Waters
sung two lioautiful solos in a very feeling
manner. Miss Morgan's final appeal to tlio
unsaved resulted iu six persons giving them
selves to the Lord, thus making a total of
forty-seven, tho result of thrco weeks' act
vices. Wo all bless our (lod for this great
blessing to tlio church. To-morrow tho
pastor will pieucli morning and evening. At
th? evening survlco, tho ordinance of lie
Hovers' llaptisin will bo administered.
R. R. Ai.iii.n-.
Itoinugh ItonilH 1'or Sale.
$1,100 woitli. Apply at tho lli:i:.u.i
ollico. 1-11-dt
Nmv Carrier Uniforms.
Tlio new uniforms for the local letter car
rier lone nave arrived and will be worn on
Monday, next.
Tlio farmer, tho mechanic, and tho bicycle
rider aro liable to unexpected cuts and
bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo Is tho
best thing to keep 011 hand. It heals quickly,
aid Is a well known euro for piles. C. II.
(JKIIUKKIK.-On tlm lMli Inst , atSlu-iiaiuloali,
Vh , Charlotte Kliuhetli Jloclilt-r (iflircUit-,
itiretl 01 yt'iirs, II itmiitlw and rt days I'mu'ral
will taku place mi M outlay, jsili iimt-, at 2
p. in., fi t) i n the latu icHiilenie, li'2l Wvtt Centre
street. Hervk'i'H will he held In tliefJtrnian
Kviiiigelleal )utheruii church. Tute uncut in
the Odd l-'ellrnVH cemetery. Itelatlvri and
friends respectfully Invited to attend. IM.VSt
JILHilll-lS.-On the llth hiht.. nt HieimndiHili.
Martha tt , wifoof Thomas It. IIimht-M, iinl
5SeaiH. Jf uncial will taku place on Mutxl iy,
iMtli Inst ,at i! p. in, from the family res id
unee, 131 North CheHtmithtre t, ner fcvH at the
hotisu, I ntermeut iu the )ihl Felloes' icine-tcry-
l.elativt'B and frlunda ln ited to attend
nOU HAXH. A hoautlful
walnut bed room
Apply ut IIi.uai.I)
Httite. Complete uuttit
TiOU HAMS A very destrahlo property. Ap
l1 ply Ut Jobeph Wntt, 201 North Main St. tf
1IIAUTKU NOT1C12 -Notice I hereby kIi en
j that an application wilt be made to tho
Court of Common l'lcu. of Schuylkill county.
ut Pottsville, ou Monday, April iMh, 1KS, at ten
o'clock in the forenoon, by T. J lliley, KranW
(Jrchllk, William Meukcwle, John Wusner und
Andrew 8iuuklcwfc7e, under the Act of
AhMcmhly to provide for the incorporation aud
regulation of certain corporations, (and IU
HupplcnienU) approved April IWtli, )7J, for the
charter of an intended corporation to be called
and known a "Tho Nlmaiuil.uikantofenelieial
Soticty.of Shenandoah, l'enna.," the character
and object of which aro the maintenance of an
orKanUation for heucilchU and piotcitlve pur
poMCM by establishing a beiiclleial fund for the
icllef of nick or Injured members, the aid of
families of deceased member and tlio cultiva
tion of charity and beneo)eiie. Said hociety
i to be carried ou at Shenandoah, l'a, and for
the purpose herein net forth is to bin e, posbcw
and enjoy all the rlht, benefit and privilege
of itaid Ait of Assembly and it Hiipplcmenta,
M. M. liritKi:,
Shenandoah, l'a., April 1, 1H9S. M-llfl
Attentive mid skillful lonsorial artists alwnyh
ill attendance.
Neatest Shop In Town.
W. G. DUSTO, Prop.
lVryiK-on Houe Ulocfc.
Family of Wm. P. Courtney
Mayor Courtney", in employing Paino's cel
ery compound in Ids family, hud tlio example
and assurance of many persons who occupy
to-day like responsible positions In other
Mayor Ramsdcll of Lynn, a personal friend
ot Mayor Couitney, recently gave ids opinion
ol tins great remedy as follows :
"A previous oxperienco witli Paino's celery 1
compound as a restorer ol exhausted energy
induced 1110 recently to take it again, tlio
many duties of tlio mayor's ollice having
taxed my slight physical lcsources greatly.
1 mado no mistake. In one week 1 round
my appetite improved, tlio feeling of weaii
ness disappeaiingaud my nerves becoming
steadier. Panic's celery compound has thus
been a friend in timo of need and I like to
say a word for a friend."
His unhesitating rccotmnondation had
iiiucli to do with its use by Mayor Courtney.
Mayor Miles Is. Preston ol Iliirtlord, Ct..
said wit bin a day or two, speaking of the
same remedy t
I bo modern man ot business, bo bo ever
so sturdy, funis often that tliu continued
pressure ol affairs lias caused tlio nerves to
lomoiistrate aud fall in tone. At such a timo
Paino's celery compound becomes of value.
Having experienced its boueflts 1 gladly com
mend it."
Among other statements as to tlio valiio of
Paino's celery compound. Mayor Bennett of
St. Charles, 111., adds: "I bolievo that Paino's
As low prices on lumber and all kinds of
building material as is consistent with good grades. Away
down prices do not always mean good grades. Come in and
see us some day and we will show you our stock and quote
Glenn &
(Successors to J. W. Johnson,)
IM. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Thos. Buchanan,
Examination Made at Your Homo or at
Our Store.'
-Has Moved to
118 S. Main Street.
These were the two reasons that formerly
kcjit people frm attending to their teeth,
llotli reasons lmve no existence in this ad
vanced age. I'ninlrM and inexpeinive dent
iMry with an absolute guarantee for five years
is our method.
A Good Set of Teeth, $$.
The Very Het Teeth, $8.
You can pet no httter, no matter what yon
pay. No charge for extracting, where teeth
arc ordered, We can take your impression in
the morning and Rive you your teeth in the
afternoon if desired.
(lold Fillings, $i; llest Silver
Fillings, 5oc up; Cleaning, 5oc;
Uxtractlug, 2gc
Crown and liridge work nt very reasonable
rate. Examination and estimates fiec.
We use but one grade of material
the best.
7 North Jardln St., Shenandoah.
Has Reason lo Believe in
celery compound has enabled ino to cscapo
my periodical attack of rheumatism this
winter. I very cheerfully recommend it to
any 0110 iu similar ncsd, in the full belief
that It will bo helpful in every case."
Mayor Couitney has been eminently suc
cessful as a lawver. onn of bis anneals to the
! supreme court having beon instrumental lu
bringing about tho passage of tlio present
ballot leform law. layor Courtney's happy
oxperioiico with Paino's celery compound is
shown iu his letter annexed :
Lowkli,, Mass, Nov. 11, 181)7.
Messrs. Wolls, Riciiardsou & Co.,
fiontlcmen 1 tako pleasure in recommend
ing l'aluo's celery compound. It has beon of
groat beuellt to members of my family, who
have used it, and among my friends and ac
quaintances, including Mayor Ranisdull of
Lynn. I have known it to prove very suc
cessful iu accomplishing cure. Sincerely
Thoro is absolute relief from nervous pros
tration, sleeplessness, poor appetite, growing
thinness ami loss of vigor and strength iu
Paino's celery compound.
It is a fact vended by tho practice of tho
best physicians and by thousands of personal
testimonials that 1'aiiiu's celery compound
makes new, pure blood, builds up the ner
vous system, aud cures disease when all other
remedies havo failed. It is tho groatest
spring remedy In tho world.
30 Days Slaughter
Sale of
In order to iiwke room for my
new bmneU of business, hardware,
stoves, shelf and builders hard
ware, in which I am going to
embark iu the near future. Here
are a few of our prices, as an illus
tration of our slaughter sale :
Baby Carriages
$3.50 and up.
Six foot square extention tables,
nicely furnished, $2,75i
White enameled bedsteods, a
miracle, $1.98.
Cane seated chairs, in Cherry
mid Walnut, 49k
High-back wood seated dining
chairs, 35C.
Leather seat rockers we are
selling at $1,69.
. . . DEALER,
121-123 North Main St.
A Handsome Comploxion
ono of too greatest cnarms a woman can
gives It.
- 1