The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 11, 1898, Image 4

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    11 5
t -
The War Scare 1
If you want to keep posted you
must read the newspapers. We de
liver all the New York, Philadel
phia and Pottsville papers to all
parts of town: alt-o the Kvkning
Her ami, which contains the latest
news by wire and all county and
local news. Leave your order at
the store or give it to the carrier.
Till'. 'K vtim:i.
4- N. Main
The Bee Hive.
Our Spring
We offer vou the newest
goods and the best values you
ever received. To our already
many departments we have
added another, millinery. Fine
trimmed hats from 39 cents up
to $14.41), and all hats trimmed
free of charge.
As Millinery
Is only one of the many lines
we carry it is a simple matter
to understand that we can give
you greater values than auy
other house in town.
Great Bargains
Are oftered in all the latest
silks, stylish dress goods, white
goods, embroideries and lnce
As these goods will not last long
at the remarkable low prices we
are selling them at, it will pay yoti
to call earl v.
The Bee Hive,
29 South Main Street.
Thf force ut toi lnjlay: Fair to imrtly
climrty cnlln r mid frenh to llglit, vailabk
wirnK folli.wi"1 liy -lowly rWti temperature
mil by 1 mi ii. Hiiii niarilif Ihhh region.
,lutt llneliiol IUfot- 11 '' Trtiil to
CniiiMillmir .M.trr.
ltt-ville, April 11. Judge IHrlilel. In
court tliix morning, rt'A'l a tcii-iiHKe closely
written oillon rvfimiuK a new trial to
County ('omioi'-loiier Charles Mi-yctn, ran
rioted tlirna weeks ago of niMemomuir in
ortlco on oath of William I.. Shnufer, agunt
for the T.ixpnyerV Aaiwcitttinn. (irorge J.
Wiiillingor, Ktq., Illcil ixceitlnn to tlio de
cision, but tli Taxpayers' Amociatiui will
press for heutence auil muter from olllco,
pending appeal to the Supremo Court, should
one he taken
The Jiidga said, "The main twtimotiy as
to (lie alleged separation nf the Jury Is that
of Jurors Kluenhutli anil Zuper. Klwiilintli
says the crier 'called Juror Wehlier and also
Juror Duuklelierger' and nay 'W'Lhbcr went
to the door and Mood at the door; thu door
wan ajar; I eould nee them both from the in
side and they had a conversation ' Then lie
says he eould not hear them. Webber canir
In and called Mr. Dunkelberger and had a
few words with him about 'pluming. Dim
klcberger was inside the room. Webber and '
the crier were in I lie hallway, u nanow puss- j
nge way between the jury loom and the
hallway. The tlpstall' was thero. too. j
Webber, culled by the defendant, contradicts
nixenhuth and swore positively that he wn-, I
not out of the jury room, or through the
door, but up to the door. Duuklelierger, I
also called by the defendant, contradicts'
UiKcnhutli about the telephone message, one
saying it came in (lie evening and tho other,
t'.e nest morning. One says tho talk was
with the crier, und tho other that it was with
the tipstalT. Zuper says 'Webber must have
went out; I seen him at the door.' "'
The Judge pointed out the many contra
dictions upon the. testimony of the jurois,
court erier and tlpstall' as to either Jurors
Duuklelierger, or Webber, being ouUido the
jury room, and Dually said the evidence
strongly predominated in fauor of the Com
monwealth that neither of tho jurymen loft
room ; and it the witnesses uo reg'irucu 01
equal credibility we would necessarily ac
cept tho testimony of the two jurors cor
roborated by tho crier and sworn tipstall'.
Decisions are then cited to show that, even
had the jurors left the room as claimed, It
would not spoil the verdict. It was not shown
that the Mt-rt-m case had been talked about.
In one of the cases referred to a birbor en
tered the jury room, and in another a physi-
imii had attended the juror in an unjoining
room, the door between having neon ion
open .
o misconduct was csiaoiisiieu 10 uupino
the defendant of any constitutional light
Hie telephone message was i-eiit 10 iiunnie-
bergcr from his wile, who was very ill; and
the .iurv remained out anout i;s Hours aner
the alleged misconduct, disproving tho con
tention of the dofense that tho message of
the court that it would not be at tho court
aro tho seat or tho starting point of
many maladies, all of them serious,
all more or loss painful, and nil of
them tending, unless cured, to a
fatal end. No organs of tho body
aro moro delicate or moro sensitivo
than tho kidneys. "When symp
toms of diseaso appear in them not
a moment is to bo lost if health i3
to bo restored. Tho best way to
treat tho kidneys is through tho
blood, cleansing it from tho poison
ous matter which is usually at tho
bottom of kidney complaints. For
this purposo there is no remody
equal to
I'asblon Display Spoiled, Hut the Church
Servlcos Successful.
Leaden, ragged-fringed clouds yesterday
ton great extent brought discouragement to
those who worshipped at I he shrines nf the
milliners, drossmukors, hatters and clothiers
tho past few weeks, aad spoiled their cher
ished hopes of showing what faster hail
hatched In stylos. It was a disappointment,
indeed, for It Is a fact, legardless of how
mournful it may seem and be, that in tho
amount of Interest manifested on Haster lu
the now hats of womon and the messages
'from tho pulpit the former in the present
ago is by long odds the greater magnet.
True to the prognostications of the weatbel
oxports nattiro made her early morning ap
pearance with nil ominous shadow upon her
countenance and long ere tho evening
shadows wore duo mnbicllas, waterproofs
.ami puddles were in vogue instead of faBhlou
plates. Novel tholess, many of the ljaster
lisplays made their appearance before the
clouds wept and it was apparent that, despite
the hard times, thero weie many money re
posiloilcs equal to the demand of new togs.
In tho ovenlng, thu rain liav lug ceased a few
hours previously, the display became general
and a glauco over the ehiueh congregations
brought visions of a botanical and huiticul
tural order.
"For many years I have bean a constant
sufferer from kidney trouble, and have
tried a number of largely advertised kidney
cures without benefit. At last a f riend ad
vised mo to try Ayer's Earsaparilla. Tho
oso of eight bottles of this remedy entirely
cured my malady." M.vr.Y, 1238
Hancock Street, JJrooklyn, N. Y.
Happening Throughout the C.oiulr
Chronicled (or llmtv J-roSSl".
The Cron Urvk Urol tC following thocx
itmplu, or the Lehigh Valley, is reducing its
force of men as much as possible.
About foity of the foreign element of St.
Claii, especially Huns and Poles, have off
ered their services to Capt. Holmes in the
event of war. They are all first class
soldiers, being well drilled ami disciplined.
There are many pavements in town iu
need of repair.
Twenty-two foreigners left Rt. Clair for
their native kind one day last week.
D.ttiic I Helwig was held up by five men
near Lavelle on Friday night anil robbed of
$5.1)11 and a ring.
Tho Jewish celebration of the Passover
ends 011 Weil in sday.
The lloaid of Trade of St. Clair, is now in
full working order with Dauiel Duffy as
The employes at St. Nicholas will lie paid
Cremona men will have to either reside at
St. Clair or relinquish their work on the
Heading road.
llristol storekeepers sold 2000 Easter eggs
on Saturday last.
l'ivc hundred boilermakors at Erie 011 Sat
urday struck for an advance.
llutler citizens luve voted in favor of
Simon l'mnkel for postmaster.
William J. Ilryan will attend a Democratic
confoicnce at Pittsburg to-day.
Mr. and Mrs. James I. lllakcslco celebrated
their 00th wedding auuiversary at Mauch
Chunk yesterday.
Pittsburg coal operators will meet to-inor-row
to devise means to resist the United Mine
Workers' demands.
Tho Mack Wood Working Company at
"Weatherly lias staited a force of GU men
working 121 hours n day to (ill tho largo
orders 011 hand.
204 South Haiti Street.
My entire Mock of dry goods at cost
prices and also below cost.
We are still weaving carjiet at from
25 to 50 cents jr yard.
Suitable to theTimes.
Two pounds of Arbuekle cofleo given away
with one pou ml of 00c tea
Tea plus's of good white flouting soap, 3Sv
Ttiree pounds California prunes. 28c
SI pouh Hnia Iteaim 2fe
Two cans 01 it leuy w
flood loose cofTee
Other good mo!U in proportion.
And that is the time to have
Uf ttiir cut. We make it a specialty.
-V -. -
12 V. Centre St. BARISIiR SHOP.
Ferguson House block.
118 and 130 N. I lowers St., Shenandoah.
house lifter li.n o'clock micJit be taken as
suggestion that the jury hud been out long
el,VK"- . - . .-. ,-. .....
The remarK ol .mrpr-mias iviingcr i
with Charles Meyers" was not enough
to wirant- tho granting of a new trial,
jcihrger was intoxicated when bo said it in
Wadlinger's hotel. A few cases were cited in
support of this position. If tho entertain
ment ot an opinion on the part ol a juror in
validated a trial no verdict could bo reached
in any case. The imprudent conduct of this
juror would nover have occurred had ho
listened to the court 1' was more the result
ol liquor than no iutcntion of wiong to any
As to the address of counsel allegid to bo
ground lor a new trial, the Judge said that
during the argument defendant's counsel
called the attention of tho court to a remark
made by the Commonwealth's counsel and
we promptly agreed with him and informed
the jury it must be entiiely disregarded.
Thi ended the matter and no further, or
other nimln ation was made to the cotiit, no
exc-ption taken, nothing placed on lccord,
and no paper of instructions, or application
todischarge the jury was made. On this
statement we need only cilo Commonwealth
vs Webber, 1(17 P.i.. 153 ; Commonwealth vs.
Eisenhower, LSI Pa., 170, nil charges and
convictions of minder iu tho lirst degree.
The latter ease holds that tho embodying
of alleged lemarks in tho reasons for a now
trial is not sulUcieut.
After the case had been on trial for nearly,
or unite two weeks, and all oviilenco on both
sides bad been lirescnted. oxcenting the evi
dence of Mr. Ulrich, an application was
iimilu lor continuance or tho witnurawai
from the -iurv of certain counts. 1 he wit
ness bicame ill during thu trial and ho was
called as a witness concerning counts 7, 8, II
and 12 only. .i'o icfu.sed the application, it
being scriuusly objected to, and placed our
reasons on record, lho counts mentioned
concern the payment of money to him and
the payment of mutiey to Severn. As to
the 12th count there were tho other
commissioners and clerk, and the
defendant himself. As to the counts
of Ulrich, concerning tho payment of $:130
and luo, thero were seven persons present
when the matter appears to bavo been acted
upon. Of this number live wore subject to
tho defendant's call without Mr. Ulrich, us
wero tiie recutds of tho Commissioners' and
Controllers' ollico. Ilcnco the defendant had
jiinplo opportunity to supply his testimony.
surely no one couiii Know nciicr man mo
defendant whether, or not, tho payment was
honest, or otherwise. .Nouo could better ex
plain why the money was taken from tlio
treasury. Ily his side sat the County Solici
tor, lie vigorously protested against tho
payment to Ulrich and, after having tho
protest luted, actually left the room. John
I. Marliu was in reach of defendant's pro
cess, but was not called.
Under (hose cireuiustnuccB, and with IU
other counts in tho indictment, concerning
which ho was not to testify, with Uvo other
witnesses, including the County Commis
sioners and County Solicitor, und the de
fendant, neither of which was called, itscems
nut only just, but necessary that tho applica
tion should bo refused.
As to the jurors, Webber and Dunkel
beiger, we cannot see why we would be justi
fied iu setting aside tho verdict upon thu
ground suggested in the reasons. Webber,
according to the testimony, was not an appli
cant for Commissioner in place of tho de
fendant, and under the plain lutlguugc of the
constitution, ai tide 11, seition 7, could not
be appointed iu Ids place if a vacancy existed.
Tlio tact t.hat Duuklelierger belonged to a
local taxpayers' association and contributed
to a fund, some of which was used to prose
cute Neri Dietrich, and not this defendant,
would uot disqualify him. lie says lie did
nut contribute, to any association to which
the nrosecutor. v. E. bhaeler, belongs, or
contrlbulu anything to anyone to prosecute
this case. Wo could not nave sustained a
challenge fur cause in either of those cases
hail the matter preseutou neioiu me jurors
were sworn. A number of uuthoiitius are
cited iu sueport of this position.
Tho criticism that the court's answer to
the point relating to the keeping of proper
uitnutea will be best answered by pointing
out tho fact that the jury did not convict on
Uneo Shots I'li eil ut Him liy mi Ollleer o
.Main Street.
About three hundred people wero uttiacted
to tho northern end of Main street at about
(1:30 o'clock Saturday night by tlio liriug of
thico shots and a subsequent leport that one
of the gypsies that encamped near the ceme
teries on Saturday had hceu shot, lho re
port proved incorrect. It was trtto that a
gypsy had been shot at and missed. Hie
man whu did tho llring said tlio shots were
discharged into tlio air with no intention of
hitting tho inaik.
It appears that the band of gypsies was
encamped at l'rackvillo before cumiug here
and while tbcie one of the number,' Edward
Harrison, alias Edward Guy, puicbascd a
small bill of horso feed from William llnupt
and left tho place without settling tho ac
count, llaupt swore out a wurraut and Sat
unlay night Detective Levi liobb and his
son, George, came to town, armed with a
warrant sworn out liy Haupt before Justice
Conrad, iu quest of Harrison, alias Guy. The
latter was taken ihto custody at Daniel
Xeiswender's saloon at tho corner of Main
and Coal streets. Harrison made no resist
ance, but accompanied tho officer out of the
place and they wcio abeut to walk down
Main street tu get on one of tlio Traction
cars at tho stalling place to avoid getting into
tho car after a crowd would buaid it, when
Harrison suddenly slipped away and dashed
up Main sticet toward the road leading to
the gypsy encampment. The two liobbs gave
chase, the yotingur keeping iu close track
of tho fugitive. Tlio elder liobb is disquali
fied as a sprinter on account of his weight.
Ho trailed behind and fired three shots from
his rovoher enroute. The gypsy turned to
the right into thu open space known as Gar
field Square, just this sido of the P. & 1!.
freight station, where tho younger liobb
tripped up tho gypsy. As tho latter stumbled
ho swung his light arm ami caught young
llubb on tho corner of tho left eye, splitting
thu skin und making a nasty wound of about
an inch in length. As tho gypsy fell liobb
threw himself upon hlui and cried for heir
which was promptly given liy ex-Policeman
Christ. Soon after tho elder Bobb
arrived and Harrison was handcuffed, liobb
the senior then grabbed tho prisoner
by tlio throat, but desisted upon
lialticr's interference. Upon Harrison's
request tho party went to Joe Wyatt's hotel
and the case was sotllcd by Harrison paying
tho claim and costs, aggregating $7.20 and $5
for the damaged optic young liobb carried.
Harrison's band of gypsies has been coming
to this town uud vicinity annually for scv
oral years. After liobb released him Harri
son was held for about half all hour by
Policemen Murphy and Mullaby, who
thought he was a mau wauled iu Virginia
but they became, satisfied that bo was uot the
man ami released him.
Scalp Treatment.
Kathariuo A. llickey, 120 N. Main St.
HAY and SHtAW.
Floor and Table Oil Cloths.
E. B. FOLEY, 27 Centre bl.
Murphy at Killer's.
A number of yeais ago tho great actress.
Charlotto Cushmau, saw J. S. Murphy in his
play Kerry (low." After lho horse-shoeins
scene where Mr. Murphy makes a horse
shoe and fits nml fastens it to tho foot of a
hurso, the actor paid the lady a brief Jislt
in her box, at her invitation. After bestow
lug vaiiotis compliments us to the cll'ectivo
coustiuctiou of tho play, the judicious ' use of
roalism in its cllccts, and thu beauty of the
story picscnted. eho added : "Mr. Murphy,
if I were ten years younger, I would liko to
play Mig Menilles under your stage man
ngeinent." This play will bo seen ut Kaier's
grand opera house, Mahauoy City, on Wed
nusday evening.
Withhold lho License.
The State Hoard of Charities, which has, in
conjunction with tho local hoard, invest!
gated a scandal at the almshouse, Schuylkill
Haven, has finally decided to withdraw tlio
license from that institution, granting per
mission to keep insane patients, until the
law is conformed with uud the insane are
guaranteed tiie proper piotcctlon. Tlio Poor
Directors havo he'cn informed of the action
of the State Hoard of Charities. They must
muku it impossible for communication be
tween male and female insaue patients be
fore tlio license is restored.
, P, 0. 8. OF fl.
of the counts tlu-.y acvuitted on. Tho lesti
moiiy of McGurl, Hast, Hill and Keher, and
the paii, cleaily showed that tho jury was
right in convicting ou the counts in the
small lU'U'tiueiit
sustaining uf any one count requires tho dis
charge of a rule for a new tiiai, wo will not
refer to It.
Iu conclusion, we will say anyone of tho
nine couU uf which defendant stands con
victed will furnish tutlicloiit room for sen
tence and the I'lrich counts become imma
terial, and may be omitted iu Imposing sen
tence. Aud now, April 11, 113. -for the reasons
given, a new trial is refused.
Defendant excepts; tlio court seals the bill.
Ily the court,
O. P. HuaiiTW., A. J.
All members of Camp 1 12, P. O.
S. of A., are requested to call upon
thatelniige. The evidence justified the ver-, t,e connuittee, Oil or before April
diet Their action was liberal as to some I r .. , ! r i...: ..!.. . -Ai.
20111, tor uckihs ui auiiusMuu iu 111c
anniversary of the Camp to be held
on May 4th, 1898.
Alt , rP fSnti.rvo tQ-s nrf
Equally as strong is the evidence as to tlio ..... , 1 1
uuu in the ether indictment, but as the and visiting members are requested
to call at 15. J. Yost s barber nhop,
Uast Centre street, on or before the
26th hist., for cards of admission.
Children positively not admitted.
1$, J. YOST,
Shooting Mutch.
Jaiiira (Ireeu, of Olroidville. hat been
matched for a plgoou shoaling contest with
John Pitta, of locust Gap. It will bo for
$100 aside and will bo decided at Glratdvillo
11 the 10th lust.
A Hand
Is one of the
possess. Pi
gives It.
Easter was lellglotisly observed In all tho
local churches yesterday. Iu some Instances
In the morning only; lu others at the evening
services; and in a few at both. Tho principal
Easter servlco in the Methodist Episcopal
church was hold in the evening. It was an
Easter song service, embracing Eorouz's
liistor cantata "Priest and King," tho ser
vice opening with the doxology by tho con
gregation, after which theie was an Invoca
tion by the pastor, l!ev. J. T. Swindells.
Then followed choruses, qnartctls, duetts
and solos by well trained voices under the
leadeislilp of Prof. J. J. 1'iice with organ ac
companiments by Miss Anna Denglcr. These
wero inlersperfcd by scripture readings bear
ing upon periods before, during and sulise
qucnt to the crucifixion and resurrection, and
icmarks by tho liastor. Tho service was of a
veiy impressive diameter and the wurk of
the soloists and choir was highly comnicim
able. The renditions were really excellent
and Prof. Prlco can lest assured that
nothing better has been done on tho
part of a choir in tlio history of the
congregation. The sciipturo readings wero
given liy the pastor, iiev. Swindells, Dr. J. S.
('alien and Messrs. H. E. Denglcr, A. H
Swalm and James Patterson. Miss Helen
Price rendered the solo "Mommies of Getb-
semaiio very Impressively ami was amy
suniwitcd by the choir. The alto solo and
chorus "Must Jesus Hear the Cross Alone"
lyMissSalllo Wasley and tho choir, the
duet and chorus "Christ our Passover" by
Miss Ennrva Llewellyn and Dr. I). J. Price
ml female voices of tho choir were also gems
of musical proficiency and mado profound
impressions. Following the closing chorus,
'Hark, Ten Thousand Harps," were tho
doxology and benediction. The quartettes
were sung by Misses Minute Powell, Oertlo
Hough, Eva Powell aud I-.nnua hlowellyu,
Messrs. James Hough, David Hughes, Morgan
Hoviin and 1'icd. Jay. Mi-ses Matlio Thomas,
Jennie Hughes, Eva Powell and Mrs. Evans,
Dr. D. John Price and Messrs. David Hughes,
William Thomas and Fred. Jay. Mrs. Walker,
and Misses Minnie Powell, Jennie Hughes
and Emnia Elewollyn, and Messrs. James
Hough, David Hiighes.Fred. lluttouuud Leon
Wasley. Miss Emma Elewollyn also rendered
an alto solo very effectively. Tho attendance
at the church was very large, '.ho spacious
auditorium being more than filled to the
seating capacity. The chancel was profusely
decorated with Easter lillies and various
lluwers and plants.
That tlio Easter festival is not merely a
halting placo on tho almanac, but a religious
ibscrvunco in which is crystalized tho foun
dation of tho Christian ciecd, was evidenced
yesterday by tho services in tho Aiiuuucia-
tiun Human Catholic church. I hcii solemiiity
left no doubt as to their object and the efforts
of the pastor, ltov. II. F. O'Kcilly, were im
pressively supplemented by those of the choir
under the conductorsbip of Pi of. Edward
Coughlin, the orchestral work under the
leadership of Prof. Warren J. Port', and the
organ accompaniments of Miss Ratio Malla.
The work of the choir was grand and Prof.
Coughlin was justified in reeling that the re
sult was one of tho gieatcst achievements of
his musical career. Hcv. O'Kcilly took occa
sion to commend the conductor, choir, solists,
orchestra and organist from tho pulpit.
At the iinpicssiTC ten o'clock mass iu tho
morning the soloists wero : Soprano, Misses
Annie E. Coogan, Miss Maggie 12. Cavanaugb
and Maggio Uillerty ; alto, Miss Juno T.
Eamberl; tenor, Mr. J. J. Kelly; bass.
Messrs. John Oinficld and Michael Uilly. At
tho evening service tlio following program
was rendered : Vespers No. 2 in fl, with full
orchestra accompaniment (A. H. Koscwlg);
soprano solo, "Ave Maria" (J. Wcigand)
Miss Annie E. Coogau ; Magnificat
grand chorus (Gcob) choir with Itasso
solo by Mr. John Canficld ; licgina
Colli, chorus (Eauibilotto) full choir:
benediction: "O Saluuiris," alio solo (C.J
Garrett) Miss Jane T. Lambert; Tauttim
Ergo, grand chorus (Geob) choir, Eatidate
Doinhiiiui from vespers in C (A. II. Hoeswig)
full choir and orchestra, and tenor solo by
Mr. Martin Devitt. Tho soloists during the
Vespers wero Missrs. John Caiifield, Michael
Eally und John Hreslin, basso; Misses Jane
T. Lambert, Sadie Cuidhi and Mary 12, Fox,
alto; William Hill, Martin Devitt and Frank
Grady, tenor; and Miees Annie E. Coogan,
.Maggie 12. Cavanaugb and Maggio LalTcrty,
Special Easter programs wero oirercd in the
Primitive Methodist church in addition to
tlio special set minis by tlio pastor, ltov. James
Monro, whoso morning thcuio was "Christ,
tlio Subject of Prophecy" uiid eveuing sub
ject, "Thu Kesurrectlon." Tho choir, uudor
tlio efficient leadership of Prof. Lilwaul
Coopor, rendered a series of 12astcr nuthenis
in connection with tho evening servlco with
excellent effect. An Easter festival was held
during tho afternoon by tho Sunday school,
at which tho following program was rendered:
Slugiug, school ; prayer ; recitations by
Mamie Paso, .'.dia liyan, William Taylor,
Fanny Euterliuc, liichard Tievcluas, Clara
Day, Hoy Phillips, Olive Halres, Viulut
Davies, LUzIo Sharrocks, Essie Major, Maggie
Parker, Lucy Itotiser, John Castln, Mabel IVid
Joseph Lewis, Emma Thickens, Gertie
Jamcs.Jeauiiutte Uroxtou, Lizzie Pasco.Lizzle
Taylor, Fanuy Perkins, Florence Huddle,
Joseph Hall und Frank Pasco; solo by Hen-
lietta Huddle; duct by E llio Huwser and
Adia liyan; trio liy Hoy Philtlps. Arthur
Davies aud Adia Hyim, ami singing by tho
school, thu service closing with benediction.
This service was conducted by Prof. Edward
Last ovenlng a large audience was present
ut tho Calvary Haptist church. Miss Morgan
preached a very able and impressive sermon
on tho value of tho soul, and all weie deeply
impressed, During tlio evening Mr. Waters
gavo an appropriate solo und tho choir also
gavo soino beautiful Easter music. This
evening and during tho week servlcos will ho
continued at 7:30. Miss Morgan will remain
during tho week.
Next to tho observances of Christmas aud
Palm Sunday tho coiHinerinoratiou of Easter
Day is tho most imimttant uud Impressive
observance In the church calender ol German
Evangelical Lutheran church, of which ltov.
John Gruhler ka been the faithful und
honored head for tho tut twenty-six ycarf.
As in many other churches much attention is
devoted, in the arraiigemcuts for such ser
playod groat attention to detail and tlio cliolr
acquitted itself with much credit to tho con
ductor nntV tho mombors. The gloria of
lloznrt s twelfth masa was rendered In a
martorly manner. At the motulng servlco
ltov. Gruhler preached his Easter sermon
from Mark XVI 1-8. At tho evening 'sorvlco
a baritone solo was sung by Master Frcdorlck
Gruhler. a graduate of tho junior class at the
Muhlenberg Collcgo, Allcntown.
The Easter worshippers nt both masses in
the Church of tlio Holy Family (Goinian
Catholic) wero In largo attendance Tho
rector, ltov. Scliucttelhoofor, again displayed
his generosity by placing a liberal Easter
donation in the church tieasury. Many
words of pralso wero extended to the choir
for their splendid rendition of Leonard's
mans iu 12 list. It was pronounced excellent
in uNury detail.
Tlio Easter services iu tills church began at
0 o'clock Saturday night and oamo to a close
at midnight. Massos wore road nt 0 and 1(1
o'clock tho rector, ltov. C: Laurlsln. olliciat
lug. llotb services wore well attended.
All night services woio held In both of
these churches Saturday, many of the par
ishioners being given up to fervent pinyer
duiing the en'.lro period. To mako tho cele
bration of Easter moro impressive a repre
sentation of tho tomb of Christ had been
elected near tlio altar of each church. This
was guatded by two mcmbeis of tho con
gregatlou dio'scd as liomaii soldiers. They
weie lellevcd every half hour. Masses were on Esster Sunday at 0 and 10 o'clock be
fore large congregations. Tho renditions of
tiie choir in tlio Lithuanian church wero
accompanied by an oichistia of fio pieces
under tho leadership of tlio choir master,
John Scmailis. Tho choir was also strength
ened, there being a total of sixteen male aud
sixteen femalo voices. At St. Cnslmus
I'oinan Cathollu church tlio attendance was
so largo that many were unable to gain ad
uiiltunco. l'lltST 1IA1TIST CHUIlCH.
ltov. D. I. Evans, pastor of tho First Hap
tist church, punched to his congregation In
the Welsh language yesterday iimrning on
"Evidences of thu Itesuriectlon" rod iu the
evening deliveied a sen. ion in English on
"The Hesiure'ctlun in its Heating Upon
Chiistiau Living." Special music was lou
deied by tho choir.
The regular Holy Eucharist service was
hold in All Saints' chinch at 8 and 10:110
o'clock yesterday morning. Theie was a full
choral celebration nt the latter co.ebratiou,
during which thu following musical
program, under direction of Miss
I Edith Morgan, wits rendered: Pro
cessional, hymn 311, Jell'ry; "Ancient of
Days;" Introlt, Psalm 3; Holy Communion,
Woodward, lu E Hat; hymn 110, Arlinatlica,
"Angels roll the rock away;" Oll'ertory,
"Awake up my Glory," by J. Bamby; Pro
cessional, hymn llii, Worgan, "Jesus Christ
is itlsen 'lo-day." At 7 p.m. thero was a
Sunday school carol servico led by the vested
trinity Rnror.Mni).
Special Easter servico and communion ser
vice were held in tlio Trinity liefoiined
church yesterday morning and evening. The
attendance was very largo on both occasions
and in tho evening many peoplo wero uuahlo
to gain admission. Tlio pulpit and recess
were transformed into a bank of flowers and
plants. It was tho most beautiful decoration
the church lias ever had. A largo class of
catechumens took their first communion in
tlio evening, tlio choir assisting witli a special
program of anthems, ltov. Hubert O Hoylo,
tlio pastor, officiated at tlio services.
(Successors to J. W. Johnson,)
IN. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
If you contemplate building consult our contract price. The new
proprietors were formerly with the Shenandoah L,uinber and Keed Co
O i. m K -t. sis, siww- iv
Eczema, scald bead, hives, itchluess of tho
skin of auy sort, instantly relieved, per
manently cured. Doan's Ointment. At any
drug store
CONGRESS TO ACT, limber Will Urchin Question;.!!
or Peace.
Handsomo Comploxlon
i irrnalftttf fhnrmR fl WOtnail Can
ozzom'a Couflbxiok Powdbu I vCCSi to t10 wori. of ,1U cuor j ,s Kasler
picparations this year Prof, V. Zeiu dls-
Washington, April 11. Tho Spanish
Government, tluotmh Us minister ut
"WnshiiiRtoii, Seiior Polo tie Uernnbo,
last night delivered an Important of
ficial document to the state department
statliiK that an nrmlstlco which the
queen refrent of Spain had commanded
General lilnnco to proclaim yesterday
was without conditions, that her ma
jesty's government had cranted lib
eral Institutions to the Island of Cuba
which the coming1 Cuban parliament
would develop; recalling; the condolence)
and sympathy expressed by the queen
reg;ent and her irnvernment on thu dls
aster of the Maine and the horror this
tlisnster had occasioned In Spanish
hearts, nml appealing to the courtesy
and sense of justice of the United States
government to enlighten public opinion
upon the attitude of Spain. The note
also repeats the offer & the Spanish
government to submit the Maine tiues-
tlon to experts eleslgnateel by the marl
time powers of the world.
This document was tlio official notlfl
cation of the Spanish government to
tlio United States of tho granting of an
armistice and Its essential terms. Mln
Ister Woodford's dispatch Saturday
night had briefly stated the fact that
an armistice hud been agreed upon, but
It wns not communicatee! as coining
from tho Spanish government, Yester
day's communication cleared up mis
apprehensions on the most vital point
of Spain's concession, namely, that tho
armlstlco was without conditions. The
note was received by the statu depart
ment after the first cabinet meeting
and was one of the main subjects
consideration nt the second cabinet
meeting held last night.
Sonor Polo tie Uefnnbe delivered the
document In person to the state dopart
ment, and aside from the Interest In the
communication Itself the call had ndd
ed Interest as an evidence of a renown!
of diplomatic negotiations, this being
his first call at the department in ten
days. Later Senor Duliosc, tlrst sec.
retary of the legation, made another
call nt the department on the same
gonoral subject. Besides delivering the
note, the call permitted a personal ox
change between the secretary of state
and the Spanish oiilcluls of an agree
able character.
The first effedt of the armistice will
be to bring about a complete cessation
of all Spanish hostilities throughout
the Island. The Spanish troops will for
the time being go Into garrison. Then-
future disposition has not even been
considered, for much depends upon the
duration of the armistice and the
course of the Insurgents. If the In
Burgents continue tliolr fighting and
make attacks upon the Spanish troops
tlio situation will become complicated.
for It Is hardly believed that the Span
Ish forces will lay down their arms for
any length of time It they continue to
be under lire from the Insurgents. The
attitude of the Insurgent advisers nt
Washington is that of rejecting the
armistice. Senor Quesnda, of the Junta,
declared that the armistice was simply
a tspamsu trick, designed to create the
impression that the insurgents were
unreasonable. From his standpoiu
nothing short of Independence will
satisfy the Cubans. It remains to be
seen liow far General Gomez and th
insurgents in tho field entertain this
view. If they also reject the armistice
Spain Is not likely to continue it, and
thus tho resort to arms will continue
as It has been during the last three
Prof. L. J. Coughlin. of Ciirardvillc, at
tended tlio services at tlio Annunciation
church last evening nnd assisted tlio choir
Miss Mary McLaughlin, of Glrardvllle,
wasa guest or fiicnds iu town last evening.
Misses Fay Hcsser, Huth Griffiths and
Sadlo O.ivls, of Northumberland, aro
guests of town friends.
It. P. (1111 spent Easier at Mabanoy City
as the guest of D. .1. Clcary and family.
E. H. llrtimm was an iuterestod specta
tor at the Easter services held at Lost Creek
last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. llcbcr Hooks and daughter,
Alma, of Pottsville, wero town visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hcndcr and their
cousin, Miss Hcndcr, of Pottsville, wero
guests at tho homo of Mr. and Mis. Jacob
Noll yesterday.
Major E. C. Wagner, of Gli-.irdvllle, was
a business visitor to town to-day,
Mis. William Ackernnd daughter. Violet,
of East Coal street, spent Easter with rela
tives at Maysville.
Miss Maud Klino returned to Philadel
phia to day, niter spending several uays in
town with her parents.
William Potts and sisters, Misses ( lata
and Mamo, of Pottsville, wero visitors to
town yesterday.
Miss Lizzio Allison, of Shuinokln, was
the guest of Miss Laura ltobertson in town
Postmaster Daniel Iledca visited lnentls
t Pottsvillo to-day.
John E. Hlggins, of town, has entered
tho field for the Senatorial Democratic
omination in this district.
Peter Donavan wns a morning passenger
to Philadelphia to-day.
Mrs. P. J. Can field, of West Centre
street, is reported as being seriously ill.
.Mrs. Sweeney, of HccksMiervillo, was.
the guest of her mother, Mrs. Murphy, ou
South Jardln street, yesterday.
Messrs. Grant Lcsslg and Anthony Maua-
glian, of tho Lehigh University, are home on
i vactiou.
W. V. Miller, and family, havo removed
to McAdoo. Mr. .Miller will engage in tho ice
business there.
Walter D. Ileddall and wifo, of Ilazleton,
aro visiting E. D. Ileddall, on West Oak
street. Mr. ileddall is tlio popular barber at
tho Valley House in that city aud lias many
friends hero.
Gcorgo Portz was an Eastor visitor to
William Wynti spent Eastor at the paren
tal homestead iu Mt. Canned.
Messrs. Lowrey.and Jenkins havo left
town to fill an engagement with Welsh Ilros.'
shows. Tho circus opens at Lancaster on
tlio 10th inst.
Misses Ida Eenhart andGwennlo Thomas
srent yesterday at Ashland.
W. II. .Iiniuerman spent yesterday at
Pottsvillo witli his brother, who is danger
ously ill.
William Fleming, of Pottsville, spent
Sunday lu town with relatives.
30 Days Slaughter
Sale of ... .
111 order to make room for my
new branch of business, hardware,
stoves, shelf aud builders hard
ware, in which I am going to
embark in the near future. Here
are a few of our prices, as an illus
tration of our slaughter sale :
l'()OLi:U-On tlm lUh hint., nt .Shcimmloal
1'a , John INioKt, Jr., f on ( f John mid Klizu
heth Pooler, niretl 17 years, 5 month nnd it
days, Thu funenil will take nlatc on Tnen-
day, 12th Inst., nt 1 p. in. Services will ho
held at the family residence, 115 J5at Centre
street, and at All Quints' church, Interment
In the Odd KcllowV cemetery, ltelatives und
friends respectfully invited to attend.
IIAAK At Shenandoah, on tho 11 lust., Cath
enne. wneoi soioimm iiaat, nj;ea j i-nrs
2 months and 10 days. Due notkoof the fun
cral will he ul eti to-morrow-
Baby Carriages
$3.50 and up.
Six foot square extention tables,
nicely furnislied, $2.75.
White enameled bedstesds, a
miracle, SI. 98.
Cane seated chairs, in Cherry
and Walnut, 49c.
High-back wood seated dining
chairs, 350.
Leather seat rockers we are
selling at $1.69.
. . . DEALER,
121-123 North Main St.
Tilos. Buchanan,
Examination Made at Your Home or at
Our Store.
Central Hotel. 10 rooms a d nil
hotel convenicneeB. Hotel for fifteen
yearn. JjUe proprietor, Jlartin hueeler. ltcnt
valnut bed room
Apply at IIi:uai.I)
clieap. Apply to j)r. Clifton ltolltIns
TjWIt MALIC A liratitiriil
1 hiiito. Complete outlit.
ITtOlt SALH.llouso anU lot, 313 Unit tJentro
1 etreet. Apply to T. It. ileddall, Slicnun-
ITIOlt 8ALH A very desirable property. Ac
! ply to Joseph Wjatt, 201 North Main St. tf
IilOKltlCNr Tho corner ptoro room now oe-
culled by tho factory Hhoo Store. A (rood
opening for any one cither in thu hoot nnd uhoo
or nny other bnslnc&s Apply to N. W. Ileddall,
lleddali'D Ilardwnro Store. tj-17-tf
--Has Moved to--
118 S. Main Street.
Xotlcti Is hereby fiiven that an nppHentfon
will be made to the court of Common Pleas of
Schuylkill county, at Pottsville, on Monday,
May -d( lb98, ut ID o'clock intho forenoon under
the Act of AuEeinhly providing for tho Incorpo
ration of certain incorporations, approved April
IWtli, isTl.uud the supplements thereto, for the
charter of a corporation to be known as ''Tho
Martyred UUhop KalnU Stanilnus Polish ltomaii
Catholic' Society, of Shenandoah. Penna., thu
character and object of which urn thu maintenance-
of a fund for the aid of Injured or bick
members nnd the faint 'Ich of uuch aa may die,
and the promotion of charity and benevolence
Said corporation la to bo carried on nt Shenan
doah, Pa., and for the purposes above set forth
is to have, and enjoy nil the bcnetUa of aatd Act
of Assembly and its supplemcirts,
Shenandoah, Pa., April U, 189$.
1IIAUTKU NOTIC1S.-Notice la hereby kivcii
J that an application will bo made to thu
Court of Common Pleas, of Schuylkill county,
at PotUvllle, on Monday, April iMli, 1KUS, at ten
o'clock In tho forenoon, by P. J. lllley, Prank
Orebllk, William Metikewic, John Wasaer and
Andrew Siaukicwlize, under the Act of
Assembly to provide for the Incorporation and
regulation of certain corporations, (and Us
supplements) approved April LNth, lt7lt for tho
charter of an intended corporation to bo called
nnd known nH"TheSliimiul)aiikiuitollenelUinl
Society, of Shenandoah, IVnipi.," tho character
and object of which ur tlio maintenance of an
organization for beneficial and protective pur
poses by establishing beucllcial fund for the
relief of sick or injured members, the aid of
families of deceased members nnd thu cultiva
tion of charity and benevolence. Said society
in to bo carried on ut Shenandoah, Pa , and for
the purpose herein wt forth Is to have, potuen
uud enjoy all the rights, heucllt uud piUMcKca
of said Act of Assembly and Its supplements.
M. M. UruKE.
Shenandoah, Pa April 1, M-U-lfl
Celebrated Femalo
Powdera never fah
.iBaa-M-Hw-a-w-aM tale ana .ur. liner ituin.
ijwTF with Tanir fid Pennyroyal IIUi aocl othfr Hi.
JSCS' SEmiIS.7 Alwavabuy th. be.t and oUl
. Uuuinttal upcrior w.wl intra, -;J'.ttnfwi
ha tiflrrkrt- A Nn. 1. niuuuuh.U. Jii 1
h 1... In
MX.ll.k Day, Uortoo, Mu
These were the two reason? that formerly
kept people fr.m attending to their teeth.
Iloth reason's have no existence in (his ad
vanced age. 1'ninless and inexpensive dent
istry with an absolute guarantee for five years
ijtir method,
' A Good Set of Teeth, $5.
The Very l!et Teeth, $8.
You can get no better, no matter what you
pay. No charge for extracting, where teeth
are ordered. We can take your impression in
the morning and give you your teeth in the
afternoon if desired.
Gold Fillings, $1 ; Best Silver
Fillings, 5oc up; Cleaning, Socj
Extracting, 25c.
Crown and bridge work nt very reasonable
rates. Examinations nnd estimates free.
We use but one grade of material
the best.
7 North Jardln St,, Shenandoah.
have some nice effects in
Easter baskets.
rnun.-ctiEnr -stoke,
29 West Centre Street.
Kimball's Detective Agency
Do all legitimate dttectivc work. A
correspondent wanted in all towns.
Office, 58 (Trust Building, Wllllamsport, Pa'