The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 11, 1898, Image 2

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Published ererr livening, Kieept Sunday, at
The Herald la dellvtircl loSheimmlonh and Hie
nQrreandlliK toivnt tor lx c-en n week, pay
M o the carriers. Hy ranll 18.00 a year, or
-- - - 11, ....... l.l .. I . . 1 1 t-r t I...
Jlll II minim, ynfniwiv in i , i . v -
tnta charged aewrdlmr to rimv mm Hift1non.
Tin MtibllalicrM rwwrvi: the riirht to elmtltfe th
noMtlon of adrrrtWmeiitn whenever the pub
"ttu-l of ne demands It. The right if
tworved to 1 if-' anv ndvcttlacnient, whether
paid for or nol, .4ftiUie publishers may deem,
lpropcr. AUt?Ttl(iliiK rnton made known
IrpOII Application. I
RnUirtxl the po-tr)loe a-t Shenandoah. IV
DeVond claen mail matter
"All the Hews Thai's Fit to Print."
Evening Heirs Id
MONDAY, APRIL 11. 1896.
Tint Is certainly giving
tlio people tin- news, even In nclviiuce
of metropolitan papers. And there,
is nothiiiK "yellow;" iibont it.
In ono district of Cuba 12,000 desti
tute nersons uru reported In a total
population of yil.OOO. Weylor's plan
. ii... 1
to wipe out a whole nice would soon
iiccciniplish Its purpose at this rate. j
- ;
ltisii 1K'K is 83 years old. He was
horn in the vear of the 1 attle of,
,, -, . .
AVaterloo. lie is not as strong as lie ,
used to he, hut can still smoke ten
pipes of tobacco a day and make an
epigrammatic remark on the news of
' " , r ,,, ...
tlio worm, we nave a tow iin.uuvS , 1arIs Amerk.nnSi wm never stalld tha
in Shenandoah. i presence of Spanish troops In Cuba
I while the armistice rujis. In the Amoii-
Mll. Waxamakhh's remark in htsicttn Episcopalian nnd other churches
i .in i. n. ...... ,i.iii.... 1 here Sunday the preachers alluded to
speech at Town nda, that no ruholl on, the mhJwt )jut h& Joymi( hoi)eB uf
was intunded by the Bourse liieutiliR , 1)eace were damped by a feeling of un
or its managers or adherents, "pro
vided," is very significant of the
possibility, if not the protmbility of
an independent nomination for Gov
ernor under certain circumstances.
In the strictly Spanish report of
the Maine calamity groat stress is
laid upon the absence of dead ilsh
immediately after the explosion,
They may not havo appeared in the
harbor just at that time, but plenty
of them have since turned up :
AVeyler, Do Lome, Sagasta, and a
whole school of mackerel statesmen
and heroes.
Tun American people have great
cause for thankfulness, that in such a
crisis as the'present, when tlio danger
is tlmt hasty impulse may direct
action, and the supreme need is of
patience and cool deliberation, we
have in the Kxucutivo chair a man of
such patient spirit, clear foresight
and undoubted courage as William
Thk predictions tlmt tlio price of
shoes would be advanced by thu
duties placed upon leather and hides
by the new law, have not been sus
tained by the facts. Tho latest re-
ports on sales of shoes in tho markets '
1 I
of the great manufacturing cetitors,
as given by tho Shoe and Leather
lleportor, show that although the
sales of the past three months are
the largest ever known, tlio prices
are in nearly every case lower than
those of last vear.
Easter Festivities.
Easter was observed in all tho
churches of Shenandoah yesterday
in an appropriate manner, and the
services generally were especially im
pressive. Of all tho festivals cele
brated by tho Christian church none
is more joyful than that commemorat
ing the resurrection of tlio Son of
Man. It is significant of the triumph
of humanity it means light out
of darkness ; civilization out of
The history of tho observance of
Kaster is in a measure the history of
tho church. The dawn of Kaster
morn is full of meaning a new world
of brighter sunshine and happier
lives, which began upon tlio message
and meaning of thellrst Kaster morn
ing, sweeping away tlio old world the
world of Pagan gods, of darknessand
hopeless sin. And above all, it means
Christ; the resurrection and the life.
Tlio time of observing Kaster is an
appropriate one. Spring is bursting
into life. There is an added hlueness
to tho ether, and a greener tint to
tho grass. Tlio early flowers ars rais
ing their heads, and the branches of
the trees are taking on a tint of fresh
ness anil vigor. These are among tho
numberless meanings of Kastertido.
Hunter is the Resurrection ; and the
llesurreotion is life.
Tho poetry of Buster: "Let not
your heart bo troubled! ye behove in
God, believe also in me. In uly
father's house there are many niun-
sions. If it wore not so, 1 would have
told you. I go to prepare a place for
Care vi'k hcudaiin'. had
Lute in tlie nioMtli ma'id
tongue, gas in the stinii.uii,
dHtieii and lntl!.?- . .i !('
not Moaken. Imt ln.e t
Tb only l'.IU tu Uke iwtu
pftert fi'i-tl.
louu's Har-a)iarllU.
Variable Friction Feed Q
Ajax Genfer Crank Engine
Itapld, accurate, strons uri't nlraplf. witu larm
LOL'UI llj '"in"'1"
fcljL or whKila. Htron
and Kate. Ni Fiinjuliur
Holler Inn fvr rx
lUilt'tl, Also Htiinrltn )
fluriruliural liuiili-im nt-
' iv it" iitltv Hp .1 '.t
tttta'u-'UH unU in iJ '
A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd,, York, Pa.
foreign Press Opinions on the Im
pending Conflict.
TllO I 'l)t, lilt tllO Oilier IllllKl, llo-
Ilovos Tlmt Hit I'.ll'dflM ti Avort
Win Will lie SllciHvvaflil Onn of tlm
im iuu-i i ininu 1 1-. ul u 11 I.IIIIU- I
London, April 11. Yesterday's con
I tlnental tslewams to thin morning's
an welcome the armistice ns
giving at leant a prospect fur pence, but
It la the general belief, looking to all
the difficulties Involved, that there Is
only a delav of war, as the Untied
States will refuse to be a party to fur
ther negotiations.
The Vienna correspondent of The
Dally Chronicle says: "The European
oablnets are exchanging Ideas as to the
further modes of procedure to secure
peace. The negotiations will be very
dllllcult, owing to the susceptibilities ot
both patties."
The Dally Chronicle's Paris corre
spondent snvs: "Grave doubts exist
as to wheth 'i' a permanent peace can
be engrafted upon an unlimited and
vague armistice. The real crux lies
with the Cubans, and to judge from
their group In Paris an armistice is
unnccetal,Ie nnu peI.lloUH, as lt wl
Klve Sl,ain Ume ,irK lll0 rany sea.
son to save money. The weather does
not affect the Cuban Insurgents, and
"' 'e not likely to give Spain this
ndvantage. Moreover, the Cubans con-
slder Umt Rn armgtlce ,vouW be eltlal
to a positive alliance between Spain
and the United States ngalnst Cuba,
"Alnn,her Mack wot Is the attitude
of the confcrcas, which, according to the
The Home correspondent of The
Dally News, telegraphing Sunday, says:
"The pope left instructions that he
should even be awakened when Spain's
reply came. Accordingly, during ills
siesta, Cardinal Uampolln went to his
apartments with the welcome news of
an armistice from Madrid. The pontiff
declared this one of the greatest picas
ures of his later years, and expressed
a confident hope that he will succeed
1 In warding off wnr.
"The pope telegraphed personally to
the queen regent and Senor Sagasta
yesterday to convince them that It was
Spain's Intention to concede the armis
tice without delay and without condi
tions, In order to put President McKln
ley In such a position as to make It
dllllcult for him to decide what course
to take. At the Vatican it Is said that
the armistice will have the effect of
moderating President McKInley's mes
sage nnd of Inducing congress to give
him greater freedom of action. It is
also pointed out that since the queen
regent's personal letter to Queen Vic
toria all the powers. Including Great
Drltaln, support Spain."
It is a great leap from tlio old-fiisliioncd
do-ea of liltiu-mass nnd nauseous physics to
the plensuit little pills known . DeWitt's
Little liirly Itlsers Tlicycura constipation,
tick headaclio nnd hiliouno. C. II. Ilagcu
Imcli. I'lio soini'is' t'roiv nn strike.
Portland. Kngland, April 11. The
new United Slates cruiser Topekn (for
merly Diogenes), In command of Lieu
temlt,t Jnnn '' uij,p. anu mo torpeoo
1r.fl, 1111101 u 1. ti:lrn i" VV Ilii7lmn
commanding, which were en route for
the United States, put In here yester
day. After clearing Portland Hill such
a heavy sea was encountered that the
Somers was almost burled, and Lieu
tenant Knapp deemed it safer to re
turn. About 30 of the Topeka's crew
refused to sail in her. necessitating the
shipping of others to 1111 their places.
The Somers, it Is found, sprung a leak,
but her oilleers do not regard the In
jury ns serious. Her crew, however,
became frightened nnd struck, llelng
merely hired hands, not enlisted men,
they are not amenable to naval dis
cipline, and Lieutenant Knnpp is en
deavoring to secure n fresh crew.
Kczoniii, icahl head, hives, itchiness of the
skin of any sort, instantly relieved, per
manently cared. Doan's Ointment. At any
drug store.
A Cariro of Wnr Munitions.
Now York, April 11. The steamship
Hturia, which arrived from Liverpool
yesterday, brought a large enrgo of war
munitions for the government, pur
chased abroad by government oilleers,
which is today being transferred to
Governor's Island and the navy yard
for shipment to fortifications along the
sea coast nnd to bo mounted on ves
sels recently purchased as auxiliary
cruisers. Some are for New York and
Uoston harbors. The cargo consists of
rapid lire guns, machine guns, heavy
ordnance and many tons of smokeless
Tlio farmor. tlio mechanic and the bicycle
rider are liable to unexpected cuts and
liruNes. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo la the
host thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly,
aid is a well known euro lor piles, u. ii.
Spanish Troops Leuvo Cndlz.
London. April 11. A dispatch to The
Dally Telegraph from Gibraltar says
that the Spanish cruisers Cristobal
Colon and Infanta Maria Teresa have
left Cadiz for a destination undlvulged,
with six battalions, each a thousand
strong. Additional troops, the dispatch
nsscrts, will leave Cadiz by the mall
steamers during tho next few days for
Children llko it, It saves their lives. Wo
mean Ono Mmuto Cough Cure, tho Infallible
leniedy for oougliB, colds, croup, bronchitis
grippe, mid all throat mid lung troubles. C.
II. Haiioubutii,
Hoorotury Porter Probable wuccoHhor
Washington, April 11. A private dis
patch received from a well known Ohio
politician announces that President
McKlnley hag tendered to James Hoyle,
at present United States consul to
Liverpool, the position of private sec
retary to BUieeed J. Addison Porter,
whose resignation will be announced
In a few days. It Is understood that
some differences have occurred between
the president and Mr. Porter, which aro
responsible for the change.
A Clever Trick.
It rertalaly looks llko it. but tliero Is roaliy
no trick almut it. Anybody can -try it who
has lame back and weak kidneys, malaria or
nervous troubles. Wo mean no can cure
liimwtr ri ulit nwav bv taklin: Klettr o Hit'
turn This medicine tones up the wholo
system, acts as a stimulant to tho liver and
kidneys, is a Mood purifier and nervo tonic.
utln.itlrn. hoadaclie. fainting
tpells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is
purely vegetable, a mild laiatlve, and re
store! the svsteiu to its natural vigor Try
metric Hitters and bo convinced that they
arc a miracle worker Kyory bottle guanm
teed. (July 60c. u bottlo nt A. Wasley 's drug
Spnln'M llellluoi-Kiit Wiir.MlulstorCnlls
It Only Coalition of Hostilities.
Madrid. Apill 11. Kl Impnrclal says
that Lieutenant General Correa, min
ister of war, in a conversation with sev
eral people expressed himself as fol
lows: "It Is an error to say that the gov
ernment has granted an armistice to
the rebels. 1 would never give that
before leaving the ministry, because lt
would be the same thing as recognizing
the belllgeiency of the rebels. The
government has granted the wishes of
the powers that we should cease hos
tilities dm lug the delay, which General
Dlanco judges prudent for preparing
peace. I acceded to a cessation of hos
tilities, because to t of use the wishes of
the poweis would be to divorce Spain
from the wolld. If I left the cabinet
I should be placing my successor In nn
nwkwiml position.
"Gcneinl lilunco will publish a proc
lamation of truce, and also another of
fering Indulgent terms during the ces
sation of hostilities. If, during that
period, there are Important submis
sions and the United States withdraws
Its ships from the neighborhood of
Cuba and the Philippines, all will be
well, and peace will soon be reached.
Otherwise the war will continue, and
the powers will be obliged to demand
that the United States maintain abso
lute neutrality and enforce a dissolu
tion of the filibustering committee in
New York. The armistice is not to
prevent the Spanish government con
tinuing Its military preparations nnd
placing the peninsula, the Canal les, the
lla'earlc Islands and Porto Hlco In a
state of defense."
Kl Impnrclal says that during the
cabinet council a minister reminded his
colleagues that the powers, before ap
proaching Spain, approached the Uni
ted States, getting President McKlnley
to delay his message to congress and
General Woodford to withdraw the ul
Tor Infants and Children.
Unto- y ,
Mnro Auxiliary Kaval Vessels.
Port Townsend, Wash., April 11. Tho
government has secured an option on
the si earn tug New Kngland, lately
from Itoston, nnd she has nlso been
ordered to report nt Senttle today. The
government has ulso an option on four
tugs of the Puget Sound Tugboat com
pany's licet. They ars the Taeoma.
Ilolyoke, Tyee nnd Pioneer. These
tugs aie for patrol duty and the pro
tection of Amcilcan commerce and
shipping, and will be manned with
suitable guns.
They arc Shenandoah People and
What They Say is of Local
When an incident like tho following occurs
r gkt horo at U bound to carry weight
with our readers. When so many btrango
occiirronces go the rounds of tho press; are
published as facts; when the liitolliBent
reader knows they cannot lio true, there is
no wonder that tlio people become skeptical.
On one biibject skepticism is rapidly disap
pearing. This is duo to tlio actual personal
experiences of our cltizons and their public
utterances legardins them, I ho doubter
must doubt no more in tho face of such
ovidencoas this. Tho public statement of a
reputable citizen living right here at borne,
ono who you can see every day, leaves no
ground for the skeptic to stnd oi..
Mrs. Hannah Waters, of 321 West Cherry
street, was interviewed by our representative
regai dhiB a remedy that slio had been using
for irregularities of tho kidneys. Slio pro
cuied lt at the Kirlin Pharmacy after ebe
became interested in it for seeing the im
pressive statements of thoso who had tried it.
Here is lier experience. "I can say for
Uoan's Kidney Pills that they are good. I
used thorn and they certainly did all that I
could ask from any medicine. I hud hack-
aches which made me tired the wholo time
and I was bo lame across my kidneys that 1
could lift nothing without it hurting me and
whou I stooped or went to straighten up, it
caught me. I had paiu and aching some
times low down the luck of my neck. Oh,
yes, Doan's Kidney Tills are a good medicine
for they cured my hack and 1 have had no
trouble since Biid it is several mouths ago
sinco I took thcru."
Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers.
Price 00 cents. Mailed by Fostcr-Mllburn
Co., Ilufl'alo, N. Y. Sole agents for tho U. S.
lit'inember tho uamo Duau's and take no
Gives a satisfied smile
every palate that tastes it.
Now on tap at all
our customers.
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Orange Champagne.
Those. Grntoful Womon Who Havo
Boon llolpod by Mrs. Plnlthatu.
Women whit hnve suffered sevorcly
nnd been relieved of their Ills by Mrs.
l'lnlclinrn's mlvlce nnd medielno nro
constantly urging publication of their
fctntements lor the benefit of otliur wo
men. Hero tire two such letters:
Mrs. L-tzzlR IJbvkm.y. 2!8 Mcrrimac
St., Lowell, Mns9., writes:
" It affords me great plcnsuro to tell
nil suffering- women of the benefit 1 havo
received from taking Lydia U. l'inU-
hnm's Vegetable Compound, lcatihsird-
ly Unci words toexpress my gratitude for
what she has done for me. My trouble
was ulceration of the womb. I w ns un
der the doctor's care. Upon examina
tion lio found fifteen very largo ulcers,
but he failed to do me (rood. 1 took scv
cralbottlesof Lydia K. l'iuUlwm's Vege
table Compound, also used the Sanative
Wash, and am cured. Mrs. I'inlthnm's
medicine saved my life, and 1 would
recommend it to all suffering women."
Mrs. Amos Ti:oim,n.vv, Klleuburgh
Ctr N. Y writes:
"I took cold at the time my baby
was born, causing me to have millt
legs, and was sick in bed for eight
weeks. Doctors did mo no good. I
surely thought I would die. 1 was al
so troubled with falling of the womb.
I could not eat, had faint spells as
often as ten times a day. One day n
lady came to see mo and told me of tho
benollt she lind derived from taking
Dydia 13. I'inkham's medicine, and ad
vised mo to try it. I did so, and had
taken only half a bottle before I was
able to sit in a chair. After taking
tin oo bottles I co.Md do my own work.
I am now in perfect health."
emtio liccnlpts III I'bllndolplilit unci
the Closing (jnotiitlons.
Philadelphia. April II. The receipts of
cattle In this city last week were ns fol
lows: Ueeves, 2,(iTi; sheep, 4.721: hogs,
4,022. Iteceipts for the previous week
were: lieeves, 2.CS7: sheep. S.115; hogB,
lleef cattle, ns usual nt Kaster, was
slow In demand, but prices remained
steady, although receipts were full. Quo
tations: Kxtra. fiV'SHc.; good, G'aTi siic. ;
medium, 4KQGc: common, JUffHSic.
Sheep wero Inactive, nnd nlthough tho
receipts were extremely smull, prices
were lower. Quotations: Clipped sheep,
3V45f4'4c.i clipped lambs, 434Hi.'iMic; wool
sheep. 3l405',rc.; wool lambs, G',jGc;
spring lambs,
Hogs wore In fair request; best western,
tilifiGc. ; other state, GVtliGc. ; stato hogs,
Pat cows were only fulr nt 2t4ff3Mo.
Thin cows were In moderate demand nt
Veal calves were easier nt 4'2rt(7c.
Milch cows were unchanged nt WiTIO,
Dressed ben res were active at CtjbViC,
Millions Given Away.
It is certainly gratifying to the public to
know of ono concern in the laud who arn not
afraid to bo generous to tlio needy and stiller
ing. Tho proprietors of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, have given away over ten million trial
buttles of this great medicine; and have the
satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely
cured thousands of boneless eases. Asthma,
llionchltls, Hoarseness and all diseases 01
tlie Tluoat. Chest and Lungs iirosuioly cured
by it. Call on A. Wasley, Druggist, and get
a trial bottlo free, liegiilar sue !i0e. and jl
Kvery bottle gnaianteed, or price, refunded.
Dentil or ii iJonteUerirto flrliruillcr.
Memphis, Tenn., April 11. General
James Honald Chalmers died here Sat
urday, aged OS, of complications result
Ing from an attack of the grip. He was
a brigadier general In the Confederate
A lazy liver makes a lazy man. Burdock
Blood Bitters is tlio natural, never failhu
remedy for a lazy liver.
Indiilgo In a Siuiduy Itlot noil Wreck
ii IiiiHulo Ciiuruli.
Buffalo, N. Y April 11. Tliero was a
riot In front of the new Polish church,
on Playter street, near Broadway, yes
terday afternoon. For nearly an hour
the air was full of Hying stones, and
the street was black with an angry
vicious mob. The doors of the church
were broken in, and all of the windows
In the front smashed before the police
arrived. The riot grow out of a split
In the Polish llomnn Catholic church
The church that was attacked Is a tern
porary structure, built by Apollnary
JCarowskl nnd his followers, who ceded
recently from the church of Bishop
Kamlmski. The police had to be relm
forced before quiet could be restored
and more trouble is looked for, es
pecially on Wednesday, when the now
church Is to be dedicated. No one was
seriously hurt during the rioting.
Few Pointers.
Tlie recent statistics of the number ol
deaths show that the large majority die with
consumption. This disease may commence
with an apparently harmless cough which can
be cuied instantly by Kemp's Balsam for the
Throat aud Lungs, which is guarautccd to
cure and relieve all cases. I'ricc 2$ and 50c.
Sold by all druggists'; ask for a free sample
Tho Cnpltnl of Marlon Coiinty'rt OH
Field I'iamo Swept.
Wheeling, W. Vu., April 11. The
most serious fire In the history of Man
nlngton, tho capital ot the Marlon
county oil Held, broke out yesterday In
the New Commercial hotel. The flames
were beyond control when discovered,
The building, valued at about $G,000,
burned like tinder, nnd the fire goon
spread In all directions. Most of th
buildings burned were frame, and went
In the following order: Tho residence
of J. P. Gump; Mannlngton Produce
company; Snodgrass' saloon; 'A, A.
Hayes' home; 13. C. Martin's Bon Ton
store; J. T. Koen building, occupied by
several firms; Dr. W. C. Wilson's resl
dence nnd olllce; Hank of Mannlngton
building; Mrs. Cartagon's boardln
house. The total loss from the lire was
about $50,000. There was great excite
ment, and for a time It looked as If the
whole business portion of the town was
V.H nlmw'n Trial.
Camden, N. J April 11. EH Bhnw
will be pluced on trial In tho Camden
court of oyer and terminer on Apill 25,
1111 the charge of murdering his mother
and grandmother. The special panel
of Jurors from whloh the trial Jury will
he selected will be drawn this week.
Harry B. Scovl will defend the pris
oner. Shaw, It Is said. Is anxious for a
sneedy tilal. now that his counsel has
been acquitted of tho chargo of em
Buy Koystomifiour. Besuretuai ttionam
. - ,
Lsssio&Bakb, Ashland, Pa., is printed on
ever) sack,
Donmeriits Por Itccounttlon.
The Democrats, both pf the commit
tee and the house, havo taken an un
equivocal position In favor of the rec
ognition ot Independence, although
theie Is n difference of opinion ns to
whether intervention would follow. A
majority of the Republicans of the
committee have within a few days de
clared themselves for Intervention and
independence. Two of them, Messrs.
Quigg of New York and Henry of Indi
ana, while they do not favor recogni
tion of the existing republic, have
earnestly advocated a declaration to
the effect that Spain's dominion over
the Island cease, leaving to the future
tho question of the actual government
of the Island.
Hut hi the desire of the Ilepubllcans
of both houses to secure harmony of
action some of the advocates of Inde
pendence have about come to the con
clusion that the difference between
armed intervention and tecognltlon is
more technical than substantial, as un
less the Island should be annexed, to
which they are opposed, a republican
form of government for the island
must follow. It seems probable that
existing differences may at' least to
some extent be adjusted, and whether
all the Ilepubllcans agree to a resolu
tion declaring for Intervention only or
not such a resolution will be reported.
It seems equally certain that n resolu
tion for Independence, possibly coupled
with Intervention, will be presented by
the minority. No definite arrange
ments have yet been made as tit the
debate, but there seems to be no de
mand for prolonged time. Mr. Halley,
of the minority, thinks two days ought
to sulllce, and some of the Ilepubllcans
think our action would be strengthen
ed If there were no debate at all. Two
days seems to be the general opinion
as to the length of the debate. There
probably will be considerable pressure
for time for brief speeches, as many
members desire to bury their hatchet
in the painted war post.
Senator Worklnir Pop Ilnriuoiiy.
The week In the senate probably will
be given entirely to the Cuban ques
tion. The president's message will be
eferred promptly to the committee on
foreign relations, and the present un
derstanding is that no report will be
made by the committee before tomor-
ow. Tho report may, in case of the
development of radical differences In
the committee, be delayed to even a
later day.
There Is a decidedly strong disposi
tion on the part of many of tho sena
tors who are not members of the com-
Ittee to have the senate as a body
take up the subject of shaping the
committee's report contemporaneously
with the committee, and lt Is not im
probable that a secret session of the
senate may be held with this purpose
n view. The purpose of this movement
Is, as has been frequently stated, to
secure as near an approach to har
mony In the senate as possible, and lt
If. believed that this can be accom
plished by having the senate agree upon
the form of the resolution before lt
goes to the senate for action.
The present tendency in the senate
Is to confine the congressional fulmina
tion to a declaration for armed Inter
vention, leaving the recognition of In
dependence to come later, and it now
appears probable that the foreign .rela
tions committee will report In favor of
this course, thought not witnout some
Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
Tho best salvo In tho world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhoum, fovor sores,
totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all Bkin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
01 AO pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
'35 rents per oox. for brio uy a. wasiey.
Beware of Olntnents for Catarrh that con
tain Mercury,
in mercury will Mircly destroy mo k-iiso 01
Minell ami completely nernnge tne wnoie system
when entering It through tlio mucous surfaces.
Such nrtlc-li'i should ni'ier be ucil except on
nrescrititliiiiH from retmtablo lihyMcians, as the
Inmugo they will do is ten fold to tlio good you
c-an pollily derive from them. Hairs Catarrh
Cure, m.-milfiictiircd by P. J. Cheney & Co., To
ledo, cj., columns no mercury, nnu is innen in
o.riuillv. lu-ltuu- direcflv unon the blond and
mucous surfaces of tlie byhtc-m. Ill buying IIuII'h
Catarrh Cure lie sure you get the genuine. It is
tukeu internally, nun innue in loieoo, unio, n
. .1. uneney .v l, -cohiiinoninjs ireo.
Sold bv IlruggMs, price 73 e. per bottle.
Hall'sVamilv Pills are tlie lii-t.
1-Yciioli Cycllnir (iiumploiis Arrive
New York, Apill 11. Henri and Vic
tor Jnlluu, the champion cycle team,
with their electric tandem, arrived last
night on the French steamer La Gas
cogne. They have been booked to ap
pear on various bicycle tracks. The
electric tandem has a speed of 50 miles
an hour, and has been used successfully
In pacing the leading French riders last
year. The Jallau brothers will go to
Chicago this week to meet their father,
who lives there.
From Extreme Nervousness,
W4IIAT no ono remedy can contain the
a elements neeossary to euro all discas
os, Is a fact well known to ovcryono,
Dr. Milos' SiatCM cf Bestoratlvo Bcmodlos
consists of sevon distinctively different
preparations, each f 01 Its own purpose,
Mrs. U V. Bromley, 37 Henry Ft., Ht. Cath
orlncs, Ontario, writes: 'Tor yoars 1 suf
fered from ext renio norvousness nnd annoy
ing constipation, developing Into palpitation
nnd weaknoss ot tho heart. I wim unnblo to
sleep, suffered much from headaclio, pain In
ray loft sido, palpitation -and a constant
feeling of weaknoss and prost ration, I begun
using Dr. Miles' Nervine, lloart Curo and
Norvo and Liver Pills nnd tho Ant!-l'ain
Iills to roliovo sudden paroxysms of pain
and headaclio, I soon felt much improved
and tho pains und aches nnd weariness left
mo. I then took Dr. Miles' Restorative
Tonic and am now restored to my former
goou noaltli."
Dr. Miles' Remedies
aro sold by all drug
cists under 11 nn-.ltlvn
guarantee, first boHlofeiriofJjoc;
benefits or money rc-fe
funded, Book 011 ills-
' eases of tho heart and Wv j??.0'",
1 nerves iree. Allure
DIt. MILES MEDICAI, CO.. Elkhart. Iud.
- fi!
Celebrated Foinal
powders cevor fall
snd lurftf After fjdliuc
i.y witn -ram , I'mnTmri i-iui oilier ill,
SS3f kuHiiH). Aiw.f. buy tu. bet and now )!.
j via.umiuij. uunou,
Dr. r'W
I "00LD DUST." I "
seem to grow on tlie woodwork
about the house. They come easily and
few' they stick, too unless you get rid of them with H
Illiibv It makes all cleaning easy. Jy
Chlcaco. Bt. Louis. Now York. 2tT
And l'liiucrx, the 1 1 it ml of Aiiiclli-n, Cali
fornia. Via tho truo pathway, "Tlio Iron Mountain
llciutc," which traverses :i region of perpetual
sunshii.o, where snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes 1110 unknown. Pullman first
and second class palace and tourist sleeping
cars to points 111 Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah anil
Nevada, without change. Quick tlmo, low
rates, and nil tho comfortsof modern railway
Improvements gnaianteed to all who pur
chase tickets via the Missouri Pacific milwny
system. Tor rates right from your home,
literature, nnd full information, ilmpn postal
cud, J. P. MeCann, T. P. Agent, fill! Kail
road avenue, Khnlra, N. Y., or 3!)1 Broad
way, New York.
3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, G. E P. Agt.
Nothing so interferes willi one's plans or
ambition like sickness or poor health. Have
you ever thought that your kidneys may be the
cause of your sickness? You can easily find
out by setting aside your urine for twenty-four
ours ; a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy condition of tlie kidneys. When urine
stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble.
00 fiequent desire to urinate or pain in the
hack, is also convincing proof that the kidneys
and bladder arc out of order.
It is a.sourcc of comfort to know that Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp Root is the great remedy for
all kidney and bladder complaints. It relieves
pain, slitcli or dull aching in the back, difficult
or painful urination, frequent desire to urinale,
scalding or pain in passing it, and quickly
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times during the
night. The mild and extraordinary eiTect of
Swainp-Uoot is soon realized. Its action is
gentle, yet immediate, the relief speedy and
lie cures permanent. At druggists fifty cents
and one dollar. You may have a sample hotlle
and pamphlet, both sent free by mail upon
receipt of three two-cent stamps. Men
tion IIkkali) and send your address to Dr,
Kilmer ci Co., llinohaiutou, IN. 1. I tic
proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuine
ncss of this offer.
Jacksonville, I'la., Pel). 22. Last 6cason it
was not an uncommon occurrence for the
trains from tho North to reach here from ono
to five hours late. Tho remarkable regu
larity of tlio arrival 011 tlmo of tho Southern
Railway trains tins season is a matter of
comment and favorable criticism around tho
hotels and by nil incoming tourists
schedule of tho Fiorid-i Limited, tho fast
train over tho Southern Railway and tlio
Florida Central and Peninsular, la several
hours shorter than that of last year, nut tho
track has been put in excellent condition and
tho engineers of incoming trains say the new
schedule is mado witli case.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your L
If you want to cpiiv tobacco using easily
nml Cncnvni- l.n mtlllll ll-nll. RTrnmr. tnA!7llP.tic.
...... .. v.. v., w ... . ..x , aj '
full of now lifo and vigor, tako No-To-Bac,
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Mauy gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-Io-Bae Iroin
your own druggist, who will guarantee
cure. 50c or $1.00. Booklot and saiuplo
mailed freo. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.,
Chicago or New York.
Decoration Day Tour to ilcttysbnrg.
Tlio Pennsylvania Ballroad Company has
urangod for auothor of its popular seven
, ,, ..i, ,.i.
day perMinally-couducted tours to tho battle -
field of Gettysburg, Luray Caverns, and
Washington, to leave Now York and I'hlln-
delpU.i by special train Saturday, May 28.
Rate, 527.00 from New York; SSl.uu tram
Philadelphia, rovers all nccesiary expenses.
Piopoitionato rates from other points.
For itineraries aud full information apply
to ticket agents ; Tourist Agent, 1100 Broad
way, Now York ; 7e'J Broad street, Newark,
N. J.; or Geo. V. lloyil, Assistant General
Passcuger Agent, Philadelphia.
Give the Children a Drink
called Graln-0. It is a delicious, appetizing,
nourishing food diink to take tho placo of
coileo. Sold by all grocers and liked by all
who havo used it becaufeo when properly
prepared it tastes like tho fluet coffee hut Is
freo from all its injurious properties. Grain
O aids digestion and str jugthcus tho nerves.
It is not a stimulaut but a health builder,
and children, ns well as adults, can diink it
with groat benefit,
coileo. 15 and 25c.
Costs about i as much as
Coming ISvents.
April 10. Kntertainmcut under auspices of
the Welsh Congregational church, in tho
church building, South West street. Tickets
10 cents, including refreshments.
May Ith. Social und entertainment under
auspices of tho Welsh Presbyterian church,
in Rabbins' opera houso.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition and
ruins your health. DoWitfs Lit lo Karly
Risers cleinso the liver, cure constipation
and all stomach atifl liver troubles. C. II.
PliroiT Killed In Fiimi'v i-'eiid.
Knoxvllle. Tenn., April 11. A family
feud cost thteo lives near McGhee Sta
tion, Monroe county. John McGlp e and
his son, Joe, shot and killed Henrv
and Ernest Ilownid and James Mur
rand and mortally wpunded Tom How
aid. The Howards wero brothers and
sons-in-law of McGhee. The McGhees
are prominent people nnd highly con
nected. Thirty-live years make a generation. That
is how long Adolph Flghor, of .aiiesvillo,
O., suffered from piles. Ho was cured by
usiug three boxes of DoWitt's Witch Hazel ,
Salvo. 0. II. lluecubiich.
Jjlt. W. II. YINOST,
Grmhinlo and Ijite Itcsldent House Surgccv
Hie Uiilvcrlty Stato of N. Y.
lleftdoimrtersj-Commcrclftl Hotel. Shenandoah
Cnlls night or day promptly responded.
Ofllce Kgnn. building, corner of Mnln nn
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
8henandoah, Pa.
W. 8110KMAKKU,
Corner Mnrket nnd Centre streets.
Lock Box 65, Malianoy City, Pa.
Having studied
under sou. of tho best
masters iv London and Paris, -wfll give laMaris
on the violin, mandolin, ruttnrand vocal ciAiro.
Term reasonable. Address In euro of StrmsRe,
tha j jwHnr Khemand.tAh.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
i Burn Hard Coal No Smoke
Trnlns lenve ShenAndoah as follcwa:
For New York via Philadelphia, week tlaya
2 10, 30, 7 30 9 51 a. m., 12 33, 3 10 and 6 07 p
m Holidays, & 10 a. m.
For New ork via Maiit-h Chunk, week daya,
S 36, 7 30 n. m., 12 33 and 3 10 p. m.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, n 86, 7 30. 9 St n.m Vt 33, i 10 and 6 07 p. El,
Sundays, 2 10 h. m.
For Pottei Hie, w eek days, 2 10, 7 30, 9 61 a. ra.,
12 33, 3 10, 0 07 and 7 25 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. rz.
For Tmnaqua and Mahanoy dty, week days.
2 10. 5 36, 7 30, 9 SI a. 111., 12 83, 8 10 and 6 07 p. m.
Additional to Mnhnnoy City only, 11-10 p. m.
Sundays. 2 10 ft. in
For Wilttauisport, Sunbury nnd Lctvlsburir,
week days. -I 0-5, 5 30, 1180 a.m., 1233,
p. 111 Sundays, 3 25 a. m.
FnrMaliano) Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 4 0J, 539,
7 30. 9 54, 11 30 a. m., 12 S3, 3 10, S 07, 7 25, S 65 and
11 40 p. in. Sundnys, 2 10, 1 05 a. m.
For Ashland and Shamukln, week days, 4 05,
5 30, 7 30, 11 30 a. m 1233, 3 10,807, 725 and
9 65 p. ni. Sundays, 4 03 a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and tho Vfeit via
11. ,tO. It. II., through trains leo- Handing
Terminal. Philadelphia. (P. & H. B X.) at S Si.
7 55, 1120 a. m., 810 and 7.27 p. lu. Sundays,
3 20, 7 00, II 26 n. m., 3 40 anu 7 27 p. m. Addl-
trf,n" ff0 ','n n SvSi
1 r j .
12 lt 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
1 ,n .k on o v, 1, on . , on . on
9 M pm- Sundays, 0 00 p. m.
! Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, weak
.1 . . a on n in M 1 on .1 A IK n ,
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, neek
days, 12 01,3 40, 85. 10 10 a. in. and 1 42,4 05,6 80
p. in. Sundays, 12 ol n. m.
Leave Heuuing.week days, 2 05, 7 0),I0 08, a. m.
12 00 ru., 4 19, 6 00 aud 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 2 05
Leave Pottsvtlle, ween daya, 8 05, 7 10 a. m.,
12 80 nnd 6 10 p. in. Sundays, 8 07 a. ra.
Leave Tamoqua, weec days, a oo, 4 id, ll a.
. . l oj. rrn 17 Oft un, O JQ r. m
" '
cunuays, a
I Leave Mahanoy City, week days. 12 20,4 91,
I 8 15, 11 47 m., 2 17, 5 18, 6 21, 7 44 and 10 08 p. u
i Lcv'e Maha!ioy I'lans. week days, 12 83, 2 40.
a'4B5 6 30,8 30. 10 25, 1159 a. ra., 2 82, 5 82, 6 41,
7 67. 10 22 ii in. Sundays. 12 40. 2 40. 4 35 a. m.
Leave willlamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a
m 4 00 and 11 80 p. m. Sundays, f 1 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and
South stieetwIMit for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Bxpress, 9 00 a. m 2 00, (3 0
Suturdnis only), 4 00. 500 p. ra. Acaommoda-
nun, aw n. in., u 10. uwi p. in. nuuuuys
1 Eiitcss , OOO.'IO 00 a. m. Accommodation, 800
a. tu.. 4 45 p.
lleturnlng lenvo Atlantic City depot, aoMaar
Atlnntlo and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 85, 9 00 a m., 8 80, 500
p. m. Accoiuuiouatloti,4 25, 8 15 a. rr. 4 05 p.m.
Sundays Kxprers, 4 00, 5 30, 8 00 p. m. Aa.
comuioUatloii, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. m.
Parlor Cars on all nxDrnna train.
vor further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia und Heading Hallway ticket agent
or address
I. A. SWKIOAUD, Edson J. Wkkks.
(leni Hupt, Clcn'l l'aaa'r Agt.,
Heading Terminal, Philadelphia.
llillc. Fashionable. Oritrlnal. Perfcct-
rming. Prices lO anil 15 cents. ?
Nons higher. None better at any price. D
Some reliable merchant cells them in I
nearly every city or town. Ask for
t nearly every ciiy ur iuwii. ma. lur i
ft them, or they can be had by mall from 1
J us In either New York or Chicago.
Stamns taken. Latest Fashion Sheet T
Stent upon receipt of one cent to pay I
Brightest ladles' magazine published. 7
I Invaluable tor the home, rasmons oi n
ll-s day, Home Literature, Household I
Hints, Fancy Work, Current Topics, 7
Fiction, all for only 50 cents a year, In- H
eluding a freo pattern, your own selec- I
tlon any time. Send two 2-cent stamps T
I lion any uiuc. .jchu iwu
for sample copy. Address
) J42-146 West 4th Street, New Yotk.
I . IRQ VtttU Avraio. Cnlrjirm.
A Hand
Is ono of tho
possess. I'
gives it.
Handsomo Complexion
i greatest charms a woman can
l -a, BAZAR. KKS f T
m 1
ll -A