WEEKLY HERALD Pt'llUsilM) KVKUY SATUIIDAY. SATl'ltDAY. A Will. . 1HHS. THEY MINED IN ALASKA. JLost Only Their Iilior nnd S10.U1 Apiece In SI Months' Operations. Every omi who hml ever liceii In Alaska u,.in .,, ,1,., mniilntf ..f I h.t hTlnn. f.r, tn rr-lnfn rmr.nllll nTlwrlnllMW . which ill Boinowayor other had eoiiiieo-I tlon with the subject of nold inlnlnc. ! Slnny of them hml n clmnco to make n for- tune nrmj-nmi uiuy Known, nrai owiurs smv nnllioiiB, more or less, t.ikon out of mntP whoso only capital it vrM come tank to the States mid llui hnpplly over utter- ward. Hut in splto of tho liiuonulry wliieh has hceii put into tliommiufHctuicof those stories, there la un original llnuirtoone told by a soldier at present located in tha , United State army In this city. , It was In 1S0. when ho wan in tho linvy, that ho win stationed on a vessel neat Slfkn. There was oonsldernl.lo gold belnR taken r.t near there, mid an cntorprlsliiK speculator not hold of a party of marines on the ship and induced them to buy hl i luluc. Tin re were luo of them who fimillv went into the scheme, uml they paid $10 , each for their new Miu.co of wealth, 'there was always a piKiil ileal of spnro tlmo on ,r...i ..,.. ...n, ..,.. ...i uiltslon to ii.se this in working thelrchtlm. For sis months tho Milliters dug quarts! by day and dreiiiued of suilik'ii wealth by night. All were confident of being aide to retlro from the service with conifortablo nones aim iiiiiKeii i-aiuy on mo poor om-, cm, who would haye to keep on solilicring all their lives, not being In tho schomo. ! if ,i. r tw n.,i,. ,i i,...i .. 1 largo pilo of quartz', anil, loading it into 1 nil tho old barrels, bags and provision j casos they could find, tho.v sent H by shin to tho nearest crushing mill. Then follow- .oil wechs of waiting till tho returns should come, ami an air of subdued importance 1 grow In each man who expected at any time to bo Informed that he was worth thousands of dollars. At lust tho ship enmo which brought tho returns from the consignment, and the gallant hundred gathered around tho treasurer of tho com pany to hear how much each was now worth. That Individual opened tho mos sugo, and n grim smilo froze on his faco as ho went through n shurt calculation on the back of the envelope. Gentlemen." ho said, "vou each owe tho sum of 10 cents to tho Henmf hip coin- ( as sw Iftly. The London correspondent pany that carried tho quartz. The gold in ' of The Kpoca sees reason for declaring it was just $10 short of tho freight that President McKlnley has not coin ohnrges. " municaled with the pope, and The And then ho paed his hat, whllo ono of Epoea is not an alarmist organ. . their number fcought out tho ship's chap- lain to lead in a bhort service. Spring Hold Republican. Beware of Ointuents for Catarrh that con tain Mercury, ns mcrrurv will surely destroy the MMifrp of smell and i oinpletely demiiRe the wlmlo sstcni wll nterlng It lliniUKli the mucous xurf.lco. Such nrtu les should never he ueil except on prescriptinns from reputable ph sleiuns, as the ilanuiKC thev will do Is ten fold to (lie good you inn possliilv derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, inaiiiifiuturcd by 1". J. Cheney it "o., To ledo. II , eonlnins nn mercury, nnd Is taken in ternally, luting directly upon the hlooil and mucous surfaeesof the nytem. In buyhu II'iII'm Catarrh Cure lie Mire vnu get the nemilnc. It is taken internally, anil made in Toledo, Ohio, h) 1' J l 'lient'v A; Co. Testimouialri free. Sold liv DruuKlstx, price 75 v. per bottle. Hall s I'amilv Pills are the hc.t. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Dinah Sutton, who said she was 103 years old, died In Paterson, J. J. The Japanese cabinet has decided to refrain from action In China nt pres ent. The Chinese government has an nounced the opening to trade of three ports. A party of French scientists will at tempt to reach the Klondike country In a balloon. The trial of Mildred Brewster for the murder of Anna Wheeler on May 29, 1537. is in progress at Montpeller, Vt. In the event of war tho Camden Na val Ktserves will patrol the bav nnd coast as f.ir as Harnegut in the mon itor Ajax. Frederick Milne, former assistant en gineer of the Itrooklvn water works, pleaded guilty to a charge of misde meanor in ollice. Every thought, word and nction tnkns vitality from tho blood; even mm-, miisulc, bone, organ and tissue ilepciuls on tho blood for its quality and condition. -,., Thercforo nivo Opring blood is absolutely EWfrnirMPTiiPi "ITI"1'!''" ri-Ilt IVaeUlGte ylv-m;r mul hcaltliy bodies. iruil'.'-S.irsaparilla i tlicgrcat blood piu'iner and tho bent Spring Moil'ioino. Thercforo it is tho great cure for scrofula, salt rheum, humors, sores, rheumatism, catarrh, etc.; tho great nervine, strength builder, appe tizer, stomach tonic und regulator. a I mSJlrSSrt BlFiS 11 ttt 13 301(1 "y a" i Six for S5. Prerircd unly by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Masi. de. ilood's ami only Houii'. Hood's Pills tf It. ! after (tumor aid tUgusnun. . f wHr 1 1 iAti k;'r caEAjr) n V-liYl-P FVERYUdV'nVlC wJRTWic;,&i-r- BO YEARS' EXPF.mr.ncc. TRADE MARKS, COPYRIGHTS Ac, Anyone c it?) ij? n t-ko i. w ) tt-i'r1 I ion may 'luickiohi-'i n nfi 1 1 v i . tj t un invent urn fa tobnhly i.iiTf tji' it- i iii'iit 'hi ,ji irnittlr unuer-li tl. iti i. -t np ii. f r-viM.n;fjj .renin Amenta. him u U.t-I w tun oliiri' 'atontd tukon iiji-"UkU Munu X to reti-lvo ecial notice lu tho SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, teantlfullr lllumralod, largist circulation of Aur cteiitltlc Ifiuruul, weekly, temia$H.0(l u reiri fl0ix luoutlii. hm-Iiuwi coploa anil MAitll lloOK ON Patents bum true. AdUrcua MUNN & CO., 301 Uroudwnv, New York A 1 'tf.L' H MM "WW OVERWOIi K L.cttorn"to Mm. Phikhnm Prom Women Who Havo Doon Holpod Frcm Sloknose to Honlth. Tlieonilnaryftvory-dnylifeof mint ot our u oiiicnisnccnselcMtrcridmlllofvvork. llow much harder tl'iu daily tusks liccoino when homo derangement of tho female organs multcs overy liiovuiuuut painful unu lteutis the nervous system mist rimj; t The following letter from Mrs. Vai.ti:i! K. IIanta, Spark ill, X. Y tells ilio story of nuiny Mill Shown tlielll llOW to tfot ri'Hofl "ilBAllMlw. I'lNKilAM : I cannot tlinnk emotiirh for all .villa 14. l'inkliiimS Veirvtnl Compound lmsdone for me. When I wrote vou I lind Ktitlered for years Willi fulliiik', ilnmmBtlol, Hlul ulceration of tho womb; lmrk il,Iwl f 1,1 1 w" so ' 11 ' "wtreed I could scarcely walk. I " a harden to myself and did not care whether 1 lived or died, "1 have taken five hottlus of your medicine and it litis dono wonders for ,nu ns all f,.iellds cim textifv. I can (1 om, nmJ m)t lum, , . ,., , , , . to "M'1 m tituilu to you for lho good your medicine, nml advice havo done me. I owe my life to Mrs. I'inkliani." At. 1'lnklir.m'fl counsalUoffered fren lo all vvomeil n.10 ,KH.,1 u,lviee about j u, nul. m1lll.eh8 is Lvntl .. t. ,,... , Mass. Mm. V. II. Ill lcucitorr, kel- lerton, Iowa, tells here in her own words how Mrs. I'lnkham helped her: "Dn.ut Mu. Vinkham:- I was in a vcrv bad condition before I wrote to you and beg-an the use of Tvdia K, I ii,llinml-s, Vegetable Compound. I , ntUllou. wllIlttodo. I suffered . ., , ., , terribly every month, when on my would havo such a bcarinif-ilown fcelinff, was very weak, womb was swollen, back ached, appetite was very poor, also had trouble with my head, 1 have token several bottles of your Compound and cannot bay enough in its favor. It helped moro than all tho doctors." . ... ,., , .c,iri,i,i 1 vt!)p P. Pin? frnm s VegfetnblcComnoapti ' p Woman's Remedy for Woman'slils Tin: i'i:r.i,ix(i in madimd. Conservative I.l Liberal Intimate- That War T-i I nevUiibln. London, April C The Madrid corre spondent of The Times suvs: "The horizon blackens once anew, and con gress is Ihe cloud which grows more Imminent. The reported mediation of the pope sent stocks up yesterday with a rush. Today they may fall back just "The talk of armistice has done something toward Inducing calm, al though armistice is admittedly no magic word, but a verbal expression for a fact struck by at least two mill tnnt parties. Today It Is being remem bered that, before the armistice pro jected In Cuba becomes an accomplish ed fact, no fewer than five parties must be consulted In one form or other. These are the United States, the Au tonomists of Cuba, the Autonomists of tho mother country, the government of the mother country nnd tho rebels In the field. "It ha3 been usual of late, perhaps unreasonably usual, to attribute every sinister Impression to a Jingo source. No Imputation whatever of jingoism can bo attached to FA Liberal, which Is mlnlsteilal, deliberate and unsen satlonal, and has loyally stood by the government In every detail of their procedure until quite recently. Today El Liberal says It 'fears the ray of light serves only to show the darkness, nnd that tho guiding thread leading the way out of the labyrinth Is snapped.' The effect of the Cuban cabinet's mani festo Is regarded here as doubtful, for similar experiments have been tried before, and unsuccessfully. "For many days past there has been talk of an armistice, which Is now be ing attributed to the papal scheme of mediation, but the talk should have gone deeper. The stereotyped expres sion, 'peace with honor,' Is just now the veritable watchword of Spain, but If peace means the sacrifice of her pet policy, or an armistice conducing to that loss, the result, In the unswerving opinion of the Spaniards, would bo na tional dishonor, and war, external or civil, will bo preferred. Such is the creed of this country, which professes that it will welcome pence If presented In the sweetness of slneeilty, but peace In the form of a gilded pill, never. "If mediation comes, it comes late; whether too late events will duly show. Passions are running high, while the American congress so Madrid has been told Is not a barrier to be likely over riden even by a president with a sensi ble majority at his back. This latter Is the reason why today 131 Liberal, speaking faltly for all classes, Is eager to hear what congress will say to the pope as a peacemaker. sii'i'i'ctni'.v Slii-rmiin In 'cw York, New York, April 5. Secretary of Stnte John Sherman arrived In New York last night. While refusing to say anything as to the specific wording of President McKInley's forthcoming mes sage to congress, in general he said that It would lie the most commendable document ever sent to congress. It t.ould, he said, Immediately commend Itself to the patriotism and loyalty of the American people. I Children 111 o it. It saves their lives. Wti mean One Mmuto Cough Cure, tho Infallible if'incdy fnroouglm, colds, croup, bronchitis. rinne. and all throat anil lung troubles. C. I 11. ilagenhiicli. I War .MntirliilM From (inniiniiy. Berlin, April C All of the purchases made by Lieutenant A. P. Nlblack, the I United States naval attache here, In Germany and Austria have been safe ly shipped. The wnr materials consist malrrly of Schwnrtzkopp torpedoes, which are to be fired from vessels. They have moved to be tho most ef- ! flclent In the German navy. Com mander Nlblack has received many offers of vessels and materials, includ ing North German Lloyd steamers, but tho ships offered will not be finished I for months, so the negotiations were , dropped. The torpedo boat joiners, purchnsed in Germany, wa3 experl- mentally fitted with a quadruple ex pansion engine, ns Ilkoly to save the most coal. It has been successfully tested. Spain has not purchased any vessels In Germnnv. Free Pills. Send your addreti to II. K, ISucklcn & Co., Chicago, ami get a free samnle box of Dr. King's New Life Tills. A trial will convince you of their" merits. These pills are easy in their action ami ore particularly eflective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. ! or Malaria and Liver troubles they have lii'eu proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to lie perfectly free from every deleterious suliktanee and to k purely vegetable. They do i not weaken by their action, but by giving tono j to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate I the system. Kegular siie 2oc, per box. Sold by A. Wasley, Druggist, some Complexion f-reutest charms a woman can oizo.n'a Coupluxion 1'ownuui I A Hand I 1. nnn nf Din I UOSSCSS. V tlvea It. ED WOMEN. wume ItUNNINn ON timi:. SOUTIir.UN U.ULWAY ri.olllDA TUAITS MAK ING A Iir.M.UtKAIlI.l: ltKCIIKD. Jacksonville, l'la., Fob. 22. List season it was not un uncommon occurrence for the trains from tho North to reach here from tine to live hours late Tho rcmarkalilo regu larity of tho arrival on tlmo of the Southern Hallway trains tills season is a matter of comment and favorable criticism around the hotels and by all incoming tourists. The schedule of tho Florid'i Limited, the fast train over the Southern Itailway and tho Florida Central and Peninsular, is stfcral hours shorter than that of last year, hut the track lias been put in excellent condition and tho engineers of incoming trains say tho new schedule is made with case. Tor Infants and Children. Ths he- I it 30 ersty trnpfcr. Decoration Iay Tour to licttj Slilirg. Tho Pennsylvania Hiiilroad Company has a ranged for another of its popular seven day personally-conducted tours to the battle Held of Gettysburg, Luray Caverns, and Washington, to leae New York and Phila delphia by special train Saturday, May MS. liate, S27.O0 from New York; $21.00 from Philadelphia, covers all necessary cxpensos. i'lopurtionato rates from other points For itineraries anil full infdrination apply to ticket agents ; Tourist Agent, 111)0 llroad way, Now York ; "SO llroad street, Newark, N. J. ; or Geo. W. lioyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. It's tho' little colds that grow into big colds ; the big colds that end in consumption and death. Watch the little colds. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. GENEROUS WITH STATE MONEY. Ponnsytvniiln'H Keonomlo Zoologist AViih Over oniolou, Harrisburg, April C. When Governor Hastings arrived home from tho Pa cific slope he found a curious tale awaiting him. The legislature of last year authorized the reprinting by the agricultural department of a pamph let on the "Diseases and Knemles of Poultry," covering 12S pages, and pro pared by Dr. II. It. Warren, economic zoologist, and Dr. Leonard Pearson, state veterinarian. Dr. Warren's por tion of the pamphlet covered 41) pages, und Dr. Pearson's 77 pages. Dining the governor's absence his private sec retary, Lewis E. Heltler, discovered that the work, which was being done by former State Printer Husch under his old contract, had been enlarged to 1,000 pages, of which Dr. Warren con tributed S25 pages and Dr. Pearson his original number. Dr. Warren's por tion of the pamphlet had been enriched ! by the Insertion of 101 beautifully fin ished plates of the birds and beasts of Pennsylvania. Some have as high as ' 1G colors, and there are eight half tone 1 pictures of Pennsylvania scenery. The original edition of tho pamphlet j cost $4SS.24. while the total cost of the proposed edition was estimated to be i 53,200, or an average of $3.C0 per copy. I The entire cost of tho proposed edition is 109 times the cost of the original edi tion. Mr. IJeltler, by the advice of Secretary Martin, at once put a stop to I further printing, although the book j was virtually iiwuiug uiuutug. It was found that the otuer for the t was rounu mat tne oruer ror tne nting had not been given by Secre- y of Agriculture Edge, the head of prl tary the department, but by Drs. Warren und Pearson. Secretary Edge yester day, by authority of the governor, or dered the reprinting of the original pamphlet at 13 conts each. Dr. Henry T. Fernald, of State College, was yes terday appointed to the position of economic zoologist, made vacant by the resignation of Dr. AVarren. Ord nnry household accidents havo no terrors when there's u bottle of Dr. Thomas' llclcctrio Oil in tho medicino chest. Heals burns, cuts, bruises, sprains. Instant relief, l.ir Hu'il I'or Trial. Philadelphia. April C Itlchard V. Loper, vice president and general man ager of the (iitnrantors' Finance com pany, which recently made an assign ment, furnished f2u,000 hall yesterday to answer at court the charge of conspir acy to defraud the People's bank. The cashier of the latter Institution, John D. Hopkins, committed suicide on the day or the assignment of the Guaran tors' company, and the following day the People's bank suspended. Evidence wns presented at yesterday's hearing that the Guarantors' company owed the People's bank $500,070. This money had been borrowed by Loper through Cashier Hopkins, and It was tostllled that the collateral hold by the People's1 uami iui tnu value whatever. bank for tho loans had no market to cuiti: a cui.ii is ont; day. , 'Aiko Laxative llromu Quinine Tablets. All ; druggists refund the money If it fails cure. 25c. The genuine has L. II. U. on I each tablet. DIPLOMATIC TALK. rnrclgn AinlmB-nilurd ljriiliiB Our SpniiMi Trouble. Washington, April G. That the presi dent's meisagre will go to congress to day was th best information obtain able In VahiriKi"ii laBt evening, through the kaleidoscope of Internal events appears to be moving so rapidly at Miulrld lis to make possible some new and possibly ivmarkuhle change In the aspect of affairs thnt will pre vent this statement holding good. The message Is ready, makes about 7,00 words, and has ln-ni approved by the cabinet. It recommends armed inter vention, but so far as known without stating that tills should be Immediate by the United Slues, to prevent hos tilities and succoi for the starving peo ple. It makes an argument against recognition of Independence nt tills Urn1-, and leaves It clear that In the opinion of the nilmlnisttallon it is the duty of the government to sitneivlsc the affalis of the island until, In the light of fuller and later knowledge, n stable government can be established. The attitude of congress on this policy cannot be foretold In advance of Its ofllclai promulgation In the president's message. Tie' day was proline of reports of mediation on the part of the Kuropean powers, but a summary of all the news on this point is that the powers of M. JULES CAMIJON. Europe cannot agree, and that their interference would lie unacceptable to the government of the United States. Throughout the day unusual activity was manifest at the foreign embassies and legations representing the great powers of Europe. These representa tives are the Uritlsh ambassador, Sir Julian Pauncefote; the French am bassador, M. Cambon; the German am bassador, Dr. Von Holieben; the Ital ian charge d'affaires, Count Vinci, and the Austrian minister, Mr. Yon Ilengel muller. These oflhials were kept fully advised from their foreign offices, nnd It was expected that a concerted move ment would be made nlmost any mo ment. About midday the British am bassador went to the French embassy nnd conferred with M. Cambon on the situation, and shortly after Count Vinci was at the British embassy. Again, at D o'clock, it was understood that the French ambassador and Austrian mln Ister conferred with Sir Julian at the British embassy. Hut while conferences were thus going on. and apprehension was keen over an anticipated move, It could not bo learned up to a late hour that any actual olfer of mediation had eventuated. It.ceitainly had not been made up to the close of oincc hours at the state department. The German ambassador, Dr. Von Holieben, appears to be tho only one not actively participating In the con ferences, but there Is reason to believe he Is kept fully advised on tho sent! ments at Berlin concerning the Spanish situation. Accompanying the diplo matlc comment was an undercurrent of suggestion that developments!!! Cuba were not unlooked for, and that the pressure of the powers and the pope on Spain might yet bring about an armis tice In which both Spanish troops and insurgents would participate. Viewed from tho official standpoint here, the time for that has gone by, and there Is little likelihood that the Insurgents could be Induced to luy down their arms even for a time. The Spanish minister, Senor Polo do Beranbe, did not take part In any of tho diplomatic conferences nor did he have occasion to visit the state depart ment dining the day. If the negotla Hons have taken nny new direction It has been between Minister Woodford and the authorities at Madrid, and not at Washington. KB EETCJOY ri ii a L -i V , ' oth tho method and results when , s.o,.,i.o o mi Syrup Of I lgs IS taken ; it is pleasant , and refreshing to tbo taste, and acts gently yet promptly on tbo Kidneys, jjivor anu renvois, cleanses tuc svs torn effectually, dispels colds, head acbes and foyers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia tho only rcracay ot its kmd ever pro duced, pleasinc to tbo tasto and no teptablo to tbo stomach, prompt in ita action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from tbo most bcaltuvand agreeable substances, its ninny excellent qualities commend it to all and havo made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in CO cent bottles by all leading drug- gists. Any rcliablo druggist who may not havo it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. SAIl FRANCISCO, CAL L0UI5V1U, AY. NEW YORK. NX fffiOAL no pain frojyom , vjiemTrss RUPTURE It you woar tho - CHAMPION TRt Moue By FUladelohl Truit Co.. 610 UcuitSl. PbtiPa. mrnBTisv A TEXAS ELECTION. It Itotilti In n Double, Murder nnd n Prompt l.ynHitnir. Brownsville, Tex., April 0. The city election here Monday resulted In blood shed ns the result of the contest be tween the two factions known ns the Beds and the Blues. The lied ticket, with Eben Cobb at Its head for mayor, wns defeated. John Carson, nominee of the Blues, wns victorious. When the result was made known early yes terday morning the Beds set up a cry of fraud. Counter charges were made by their opponents, and the affair cul minated In the -drawing of flrenrms. Carter Guillen, a Blue, the editor of a paper here, received tho first wound. Hushing Into the street he sprang on a horse and drew his pistol. Jnllor Cobb, who was also mounted, attempt ed to arrest Guillen, but the latter was quick with his pistol, and at the llrst shot fatnlly wounder Ihe jnllor. Con stable Cobb, who lushed to hlsbrollni's aid, was met by a bullet from Guil len's revolver, which ended Ids life. Lorenzo Guillen, the son of the editor, then appeared on the scone nnd fired a shot Into Constable Cobb's body. Guillen, It witB learned, was first shot by a man named Charles. He was soon arrested, and together with the boy, Lorenzo Guillen, was jailed. Hardly 15 minutes had passed befoie a mob of 300 men formed nnd marched to the Jail. The door of the frail structure was soon battered down and in two minutes Guillen was dead his body perforated by bullet. The boy escaped. Give the Children a Drink called Graiu-O. It Is a delicious, appetizing, nourishing food drink to tako tho place of cnH'ce. Sold by all grocers and liked by all who havo used it because when properly prepared it tastes like the finest coll'co hut is Hce from all Its injurious properties. Grain- Oalds digestion and strengthens tho nerves II is not a stimulant but a health builder, mil children, as well as adults, can drink it with great hcui'lU. Costs about i as much a) ollcc. 15 and 25c.. The Storto-.Mmroo ConipromNo. Pittsburg. April C. The pence pro gram between the Stone and anti-Stone forces In Allegheny county, whereby W. A. Stone receives 13 and the oppo sition 25 delegates to the Republican state convention on June 2, which nom inates a candidate for governor, was entirely carried out yesterday without the slightest hitch In the different leg islative district conventions. The. only trouble anticipated was in the Eighth district, but It was the speediest con vention of the lot. In the Sixth dis trict a motion was made to endorse Senntor C. L. Magee for governor, amid immense enthusiasm. He asked that the motion be withdrawn, and the dele gates go unlnstructed, which was agreed to. Followed by Heart Disease, Cured b) Dt7. MILIiS' HEAflT CURE. T1f n. O. O. SntJLTS, of Wlnterset, Iowh P. in-ontor anJ manufacturer e r'-al-s' Safety Vfcltuetreo Conpltm -Tb.cn of Miles' Iloart Cure. "Two year (To on attack of LaGiippo left mo with i ','cak heart. I had run down In flesh t .ero ekiu end bone. I could not sleep lylni .'town for smothering spells; frequent shur darting pains nnd palpitation caused a con .tant fear of cudden death, uothlug coult induco rr.o to remain away from lioico over night. My local physician prescribed Dr. Miles' Heart Curo and In a few days I was able to Bleep well nnd tho pains gradually lessened, and finally ceased. I reduced the tho doses, having gained fifteen pounds, and am now feeling better in overy way than I havo for years." IWffi'rMZ) Dr. Miles' Remedies ''VStS aro sold by all drug- tflst j imrlop n line 1 1 tr uuranteo. first bottlo ferfSSdCuCi; leucflta or money re Restores, jj- funded. Book on dis Wj.MoaMh vim- eases of tho heart and uervca f roo. Address, tJMHE,arjy rat ; Dli. MII-F.3 MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind. LAUER'S In Bottles or by the Keg. Lauer's Lager AND Pilsner Beer. Porter and Weiss Beer. Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street, SHENANDOAH - PA THE GREATEST BOOK OF THE AGE I Should be In Every Homo and Library, 1 People's lie Histonj ! written by Bight lion. William Kwart Oloil.toae, l.X'l'riMiiler ot tlreut llrltian und lrelnnd, ClieKter, hn?., Ituv. A. II. Him-''. Queen' ('uUtie, Oitortl, Knic.i ltav. Haniuot Ivda Cnril, 1J. 1)., Clilrinio 1 lieolouicaf Heminury, Chlcniio. lll.illcv. h're lerio N Farrar, !.!., V U.H., Uoan ot Cantt'rlmrii. C. nterburjr, Kiir.i Iter, I'.lmar ll.t'uijfin, lU'.iufu College, Suui riilla,Maii. Itay. 1 rank W Uunsaulu. Il ll, Armour Institute, Chicauo, III i itav. Oiiurvi F. l'ntPCot.t, D.IK, Mar)la lione l're.toiurimi t'hurtu, Ixnidon. hnK.i Key. 11. H. MaoArthur. 1) II., (Jnburr llai.lt rliurih. Dew York City, N. V.i llo". Marlii SuiiiinerLi'll, ll.l)., Slain hlreft troi llai.'i.f rinin-h, Lmiikten, Me.i Her. Frank M. llrht.il, ll.ll . l ir-t Metl,o.llt. l'.lcopal Church, L'ranaton. Ill . It. i V. T llonra, I.L.l)..'lia Clilla tlan iwiiiiiiouwi'iilili.' Lninlon, Kntf.i Iter. Kilnard j.mttt Hals, ll.ll. Soulh loinireiiatlonal Churcli, J.OKlon. llns . lin A,.r llaat, ll.l)., Wealeyan liUpip. nl.'hiii'inil. 1 r-u H..v Caspar Itana GreBorr, I ali-iiH liin .tir.il, lA'ipziK, Ciermanyi Ilev. win. Illi ivir Wikin!i. 1) 1) , lliilvcrailr of i'liicueo, Chi. filii. 111. i llav. rliiinuol Halt, III), 1 rniity ColleKe, lliirifaril.t'oiin ili(v J M.imotUliMin.U.l) ,Kt..lolin'a p 1 Jrili terian Ciiiirrh. Ixmilnn, Unu.. IteT. Oeorse (' nnmtr. i.t. II . Tlui Teniplo, Ito-ton, Alaai. Illl'll.ilt I III I lll. III'.! ,auo, 67 lull-iiat'o llluitra l."t),. ,.llt ailsaa, cloth, tl.UJ, halt lerant, t5.U)i full 'o.uir. Mia. oi niih UITI0N- i jrn Wo, yo full-pace llluttra ti'.na. httla A silt diiea, full lovulit, one volume, f' Hi''f "-" oluinii. full loyant, lulled, taitlj, in !tl TAIt IS, uartn kixu, review que,t Ions loeacli,at!tl l ..lir cuvern.aewed, trlmiMid i.lii'hlly, tl.UJ mcli part. ror aalu at all tiooUkloii n I'ntl by hookaellam. For furlln r infrai ulun, t;iIii. lIKNliy O. HIlKl'Altl). I'ubli.Utr.XU und ill Mvuroa titreat, Culccgo, 1 lliuoli. Xps, il m i "00I.D DUST." 10 lyP Jill "If THE BEST WASHING POWDER OLD FOINT COMFORT, PtX-IUY TOlTIt VIA l'KN.NSYrAWNl.WlAII.IUUIl TO IIICHMONII AND WASIItNOTON. The Inst of tho present scries of personally- conducted tains to Old Point. Comfort, Rich mond and Washington via the Pennsylvania Hiillroad will leave New York nnd Philadel phia on Thursday, April 7. Tickets incltidlliK transportation, meals cn route in both directions, transfers of puts ctificrs and hajigtigo, hotel accommodations at Old Point Comfort, lllchniond and Washing ton, and carringo liilo about Ulclimond In fact, every necessary expenso for a period of six days will be sold at ralo of $35 00 from Xew York, Ilrooklyn and Newark; fSt.OO from Trenton; $32 60 from Philadelphia, and proportionate rates from other stations. OLD l'OINT COMroKT ONLY. Tickets to Old Point Comfort only, includ ing ono nnd thrce-fouiths days' board at that place, and good to return il licet by regular trains within six days, will bo sold in con nection with this tour at rate of $1(1 00 from New York ; $15.00 from Trenton ; $14.00 from Philadelphia, and proportionate rates from ithcr points. At a slight additional expense tourists can extend tho trip to Virginia Ucacli, with accommodations at tho Princess Anno Hotel. For itineraries and full Information apply to ticket agents; Tourist Agent, 110(1 Ilroadway, New York ; 780 llroad sticct, Ncwaik, N. J. ; or Geo. W. Iloyd, Assistant Gcucral Passenger Agent, llroad Street Station, Philadelphia. WHAT IT INDICATES Nothing so interferes with one's plans or ambition like sickness or poor health. Have you ever thought that your kidneys may be the cause of your sickness? You can easily find out by setting aside your urine for twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. l'oo freiment desiic to urinate or pain in the back, isalso convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder arc out of order. It is a source of comfort to know that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root is the great remedy for all kidney and bladder complaints. It relieves pain, stitcli or dull aching in the back, difficult or painful urination, frequent desire to urinate, scalding or pain in passing it, and quickly overcomes lliat unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night. The mild and extraordinary effect ol Swamp-Koot is soon realized, its nction is gentle, yet immediate, the relief speedy and die cures permanent. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail upon receipt of three two cent stamps. Men tion II I'.RALD and send your address to Dr. Kilmer- & Co., liinghatnton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuine ness of this offer. Beats the Klondike. Mr. A, C. Thomas, of Marysville, Texas., has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made in the Klondike. For years lie suffered untold agony from consumption, ac couipanied by hemorrhages ; and was abso ltttely cured by Dr. King's New Discover) for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in com parison with this marvelous cure ; would nave it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, llronchitis and all threat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Trial bottles free at A. Wasley's Drug Store. Regular si?e 50 cts. and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. ,J TO THE LAND OF SUjfjHINE Ind riowei-s, tho Hand of America, Cali fornia. Via tho true pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain Route," which traverses a region of perpetual sunsldno, wlicro snow storms, blizzards or high altitudes tuo unknown, Pullman (list and second class palacu and tourist sleeping cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Toxas, Old and Now Mox'co, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and Nevada, without change. Quick time, low rates, and all tho comforts of modorn railway Improvements guaiantecd to all who pur chase, tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway system. For rates right from your homo, literature, nnd full information, drop a postal card, J. P. McCann, T. P. Agent, 510 Rail road avcuuo, Kludra, N. Y,, or 301 Broad ivay, Now York. 3-1-tf W. K. Hoyt, Q. E P. Aut. Don't Tobacco Bplt and Smoke Your I. Away, If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forover, bo niado well, strong, magnetic, full of now llfo and vigor, tako No-To-Ric, the wonder-worker that makes weak men strong. Many gain ton pounds In ten days. Over 400,000' cured, Iluy No-To-Ilao from your own druggist, who will guarantee a cure. 50a or $1.00. Booklet and saiuplo mailed freo. Ad. Sterling Homedy Co., Chicago or New York. Coming Invents. April 19, ICnteitaliimcnt umlor auspices of the Welsh Congregational church, in tho church building, South West street. Tickets 10 cents, including refreshments. May 1th. Social and entertainment under auspices of tho Welsh Presbyterian church, in Itobbins' opera houso, M. L. Yocuin, Cameron, Pa., .says "I wns a sullercr for tcu ycais, trying most all kinds of pilo remedies, but without success. l)i Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo was recommended to mo, I used ono box. It has cllVctcd a per manent euro." As n permanent, euro for piles DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo has no equal, (J, II, Ilagcuhiich. Ask your grocer for tho "Itoyul Patent dour, and take no other brand. It Is the best flour made. "GOLD DUST." PROFESSIONAL CARDS jlt. W. It. YINC1ST, VETEMNARY SURGEON. Grmhinte nnd tjite Hcslilctit House SlirKecp the University State of N. Y. Ilciiiliiimrterst-Conimcrclal Hotel. Slicnandonb TIUilCE Y1CAK COUKSK. Calls nf (-lit or day promptly responded. M. BURKK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ollice Kcan biiildlnEr. correr of Main nn Centre streets, Slienmidonli. 1 II. FOMKItOV, (J ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Sbcnnndonh, l'a. JjJ W. SlIOr.MAKKlt, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Corner Market nnd Centre streets. pi!OK. JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 63, Mahanoy City, Pa. Hnvlnf; studied under some of tho hcjt uinsiers II London nnd Paris, wltl giro lesd&Mta on the vloiin, mandolin, guitar and vocal curata. Teimi- rcnsonnble. Address In care of SVnjfoe, the Jowelcr Bhanandonti. Philadelphia & Reading Railway Engiiiis Burn Hard Coal No Smoke IN EFFECT MARCH 13th, 1898. Trnlns leave Shenandoah ns follows: For New York via- Philadelphia, week days, 1 tO, SSS. 733 DM ft. 111., 12 83, 3 10 nnd 0 07 p. in Sundays, 1 1C a. m. For New ork via Mnuch Chunk, week days, 1 36, 7 3a n. in., 12 S3 mid 3 10 II. in. For Rending and Philadelphia, week days, : 10, S S8, 7 33. 9 51 a.m., 12 33, 3 10 and 6 07 p. ni. Hundays, 2 10 n. m. For l'ottavlllc, week dnvs, 210, 7 3 , 0 It a. m., 12 33, 3 10, II 07 und 7 23 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 n. m, For TuniiKiuu nnd Mnhunoy City, week days. 1 10.5 30, 7 3J, 9 51 n. m., I2il,a 10 nnd 6 87-. m. Atldliloun! to Mnhnnoy City only, 1140 p. nj lundays, 2 10 n. ui For WillianiHuort, Sunbury nnd Lewleburg, ,eek days. 4 03, 5 80, 1180 a.m.. 1233, 715 in Sundays, 3 5 n. ui. For Mnlmno) PJnnv, weekdays, 2 10. 4 03, 5 80, I 30, 0 61, 11 80 a. in., 12 33, 3 10, 6 07, 7 25, 55 and I I 40 p. in. Sundays, 2 10, 4 05 a. m. For Aslilnud mid Shamoklu, week days, 4 05, 36, 730, 1130 ii. m 12 33, 3 10,6 07, 725 nnd 55 ii in. Sundays, 4 03 a. m. For Baltimore, Washington nnd the Wettvlft U. &O. I. It., through trnlns les--, lteistng I'erinilinl, Philadelphia, (P. '& It. D R.) nt 8 20, 7 55, 1120 a. in., 8 10 nnd 7.27 I. 1 dulidnys, 120,7 00,1120 n. in., 3 40 nnd 7 27 p. in. Addl tlonnl trains from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20, 12 It S 40 p in. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. m. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH. Leavo New York ln Philadelphia, Inys, 12 15, 4 30, 8 00, 11 80 n. in., and 1 ! I no n.in. Sundays. 0 00 n. in. week 10,4 30, Lenvo New York via Mnuch Chunk, week lays, 4 30, 9 10 n. in.. 1 30 and 4 15 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, v. eek lays, 12 01. 3 10, 8 35, 10 10 n. In. nnd 1 42, 4 05, 6 80 j. in. Sundnys, 12 01 a. in. Leave lt''idliiK,week days, 2 03, 7 01,10 0.1, n. m. 2 00 in., 4 10, 0 00 nnd 8 20 p. in. Sundays, 2 0 . m. lAuve PoUsville, weeK days. 8 05, 7 19 a.m., J 30 and 010 p. in. Sundnys, 8 07 a. w. Lcnve Tatnaqua, week days, 8 55, 7 40, 11 8 a. u., 1 36, 5 60, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m. Sundays, 8 5 ui Iene Mnliunoy City, week dnys, 1220,491, i 15, 11 47 n. in., 2 17, 3 18, 0 21, 7 41 and 10 OS p. m Sundnys. 12 25, 4 21 a. in. Leave Mnlianoy Plane, week days, 1285, 2 40. 115 030,830. 1025, 1159 a. In., 282. 532, 041, 7 57, 10 22 p in. Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 35 a. m. Leave YVUllamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a oi.. 4 00 and 11 80 p. m. Sundays, 11 80 v. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street waif and South street wlinif for Atlantic City. Weekdnys Express, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, (3 00 Saturdays only), 4 00, 5 00 p. m. Accommoda tion, 8 00 n. in., 815, 6 80 p. in. Sundnys Ei press, 900, 10 00 a. in. Accommodation, 8 00 a. iu 4 45 p. m. Iteturnlng leave Atlantic City depot, comer Atlantic mid Arkansus avenues. Weekdays Express, 7 35, 9 00 a m., 3 80,5 30 p.m. Aecoinmodntlon, 4 23, 8 15 n. it. 405 p.m. Sundays Express, 4 00, 5 30, 8 00 p. m. Ac crmmodation, 7 15 a. in., 4 15 p. m, Parlor Car on all express tratna. wor further Information, apply to nenroat Philadelphia and Heading Hallway lie., hgent or nddrcss I, A. SwKioutn, Eiisok J. Weeks, Cen'l Supt., Oen'I Pnss'r Agt., lteailluir Terminal, Pblladelphln. ?1ME FERFEGI mi I DO NOT DESPAIR I Ilo Not Suffer I-oii lie r I Tbo Joys und ambitions ot llfo can be restored to you, Tlie very Horbt cabci of Nervous Dcbllw tv aro aliKnlutely cured hy ii:uri:rro 'FAiti.iyrs. rjUlvo jiruinpt relief totnsomiila. and drain of vital powers, Incur red by tiidlscretlonsorexcetses of early years Impart vigor anu iHjiuiifj' io every luncuuii Jlracouptho system. Olvo cheeks and tu&tru to tno bloom to tbo eves of vomitf or old. One Wto box renews i O boxes at V'ir0 a coin i tooil euro nr lnunOV rcf lllld vital energy; tpleto Buarun ed. Can bo curried In vest pocket, bold overvwliereor mailed inpiain wraiipurun receiptor prlco tyTlllC "tiUPtiCTUCO., Cazton Uldff. CUlcaKO.IlL Vor ttalo in Hlieiiamloali by Hhennndoah Drue; btore and Uruliler Uros. riillions of Dollars Go up In smoke every year. Take no risks but got your houses, slock, fui nlturo, etc., insured In nrst-class re liable companies as represented hy hAVITi FATIST Insurance Agent, Also hita nndAoc1deotI Oompinfea DETECTIVES I Kimball's Detective Agency Do all legitimate dttecllvc work. A coirespundcnt wanted in all towns. Office, 58 Trust Building, Wllliamsport, Pa. I dew Jw!