The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 08, 1898, Image 2

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Published eTecy 'Krcntnn, ltie
8 hocrn ,Thmn HTiir.ri, Njab Ckhtok
Die HcrnM ' i O.-ilveird inHhcmiiUonhaiid Hi
nrroiindlm; fowni (or six contu n wk,
m Vtho!'rlfr. Hymill100ypr,o-r
wnlin moutfi. pnyitMa In nilvuncr Advertise
mrota chirjr'diKcoritlnKtofpuccnnd ponltlon
The nihil lliew tttr tlio r.irht to chnio tb
Pwltlon of -I'lvcrTlrnientil whenever the turn
lutlo-i ol ntrti demand It. Tlio rlitht L
lpocrred tf. lijrlaw advertisement, whether
oiitd for o no. .jM the tnitillahera may derm
'.iprojior. AdvfrflaiiiK rates made known
trnon aprdcntlon.
Ktiffred it tho noftoBlco at Hlieunnuoau, I'n., m
second cjihm mall inattrr.
All the Hews That's Fit to Print,"
-K -T - - J -
Etvesning Hrs!d
FRIDAY. AI'KIl. 8. 18BS.
I k tho war should full to nmtoriul
tzo the now navy will coniu in liiimly
in Hi'ttliiiK tho WuimiimUor-Qiliiy
As a protection to their mortage on
Mint iroveniinuiit, tlui Kolhs-uhildb
hayo purchased a battleship and pre
ct'iited it to Spain.
uowly-i'leeteil President of Swarth
more college, comes of Quaker stock.
Since 180:1 he has been head of the
famous Friends' central school, of
Philadelphia, and has dono much to
strengthen and build it up.
A Prrrsliuitu preacher hits the
jingos on the knuckles in this stylo :
"It is an easy thing to advocate war
1,000 or more miles away. Those
jingoes aro bold and brave until tho
conflict is on, 1 nt place thorn in tho
thick of tho light, under the trying
ordoal of battle, and thoy nio
cowards. Such men are impatient
with the President and heap insults
on his head and burn him in effigy
because he did not declare hostilities
when tho Maine was blown up. It
was a great provocation and a
dastardly crime, if dono by or with
tho knowledge of the Spaniards, but
President McKinley and his advisors
have acted wisely in going slow."
The True Statesman.
In every stage of tho Spanish
Ainorican dillioulty President Mc
Kinley has shown himself to bo tho
true statesman and loyal, patriotii
American. "1 pray God that we may
bo able to keep peace." These are
the words of President McKinley,
spoken to a committee appointed by
members of tho House to confer with
him with the purpose of finding what
action ho proposes to take toward
Spain. And thoy aro words that are
echoed in the heart of every wise pa.
triotic citizen of tlio United Htiites.
TIi ero is no popular demand for war,
but there is n strong liopo in the
breast of tho American people that
The patriots of Cuba may bo given
the enjoyment of complete liberation
from the yoke of Spain.
The President was well aware that
it is unwise to light unless wo are
ready to fight, lie fully appreciated
the need of a united country in meet
mg a foreign foe. With confidence
he applied to tlio patriotism of the
American Congress. In thisuatlonal
emergency he was too great to treat
as a partisan opportunity what con-
corned all alike. Ho called to the
Executive, chamber tho leaders of
tho land, Democrats and Uopnblicans
alike. By his tact, by his manliness,
by the greatness of his charactur,
President McKinley did more, in
these last fow weeks, to reunite the
United States of America than had
been accomplished in tho three and
thirty years since civil war closed in
Bulletiness and resentment. As one
man the chosen of the people sus
tained the Executive, and us ononiau
will they stand at his back in the
thickest of tho troubles which the
crisis may bring.
Tho one great aim of tho President
is the Independence of Cuba. If this
can bo accomplished without blood
shed, it is host that It should. To
light Isiiotalways courageous or com
mendable. This nation has advanced
so far upward in tho scale of civiliza
tion and enlightenment that it
shrinks from the savagery, brutality
and horrors of war. It is to its honor
and glory that this is true.
President McKinley believes that
In this emergency war should bo ro
sorted to only as a -last menus of ef
fecting tho purpose upon which the
people aro bent. And ho is right;
eminently right. There is nothing
cowardly In Ills notion. Ho is care
fully considering the best interests of
tho people whoso chief servant he is.
He is faithfully performing; his duty,
and in tho end his great good sense,
his splendid patriotism and his
mighty courage will bo understood
and keenly appreciated.
The spectacle of tho President
going his way, steadily, calmly and
firmly, undismayed ny domestic
clamor nor tho threats of tho foo, is
worthy of tho best days of tho best
sons of tlio Republic.
Mo tin 1 li in i i
ready cflV it . 1 1'Mit ii ''"ft r f.
turn all (n, it.- r k
lie. 1 urn . cti t I it
Tlx omjr I'lIK I'J Uke lHi Jloud' tari..HirllU.
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
And a velvet toftneu of the akin Is inva
riably obtained by tbofs who uno 1'oztoni'ii
Oomplexlon i'owder.
Hood s
l'i. cunti,
Tho Surgical Ohtilr and Its Tortures May bo Avoldod by Womon Who
Hood I.Tru. rinkhum'a Advlcn.
Woman's modesty Is natural; it Is charming'.
To many women a full Miite'-.pnt of th. 'r troubles to a initio phj-Rlcmn 13 til
most Imponslblo. Tlio whole truth may bo told to Mrs. MnUhntn because she
is ft woman, and her advice Is freely
offered to all women sulVorors.
Mrs. O. K. TiADD, of luth and N
(lalveslon, Texas, wlioio
letter Is printed 1ip1ov, wb
completely dlscouraured wlicrj
she first wrote to Mrs. I'ink'
lmm. Hero Is what the says
" Ukak Mas. Pink ham: I
wrote to you some time it fro,
telling you of my ills, hut
now I write to thiiiik you
for the good your remedies
have done me. I have iseil
two bottles of Lyilla, K.
Plukhain's Vegetable Com
pound, three packages of
Sanative Wash, and one box
of liiver 1'llls, and to-day I
call myself a well woman. I
buffered with backache, con
stant headache, whites, sick
Momach, no appetite, could i
hloup, and was very nervous,
thno of menstruation was in t
riblo pain. Your mcdichio
worth its weight ill gold. I nev
can say enough In praisoof it. 1 h
recommended it to many friends,
nil .suffering women would try it, 1
more happy homes nnd healthy women.
you for th change your medicine has mnde in mo.
Iydia K. I'lnkham's Vegetable Compound and Mrs. Plnkham'a advice, have
saved thousand of women from hospital operations.
Tho lives of women aro hard; whether at home with a ceaseless round of do
mestic duties or working at some regular employment, their dally tasks make
constant war on health. If all women understood themselves fully and knew
how exactly and soothingly I.ydia ij. I'inkham's Vcgetablo Compound acts
on the female organs, there would bo less
Spain will ym:m NO MORH.
Ilur Win- MiiiNtor Thinks Our fJuv
nritiiicitt Is I-'i'lirhteiii'il,
Madrid, April 8. Tho ambassadors
of France, Germany, Kussla and Italy
waited OiKPther last ovenlntf upon Se
nor Gullon, the foreign minister, and
presented a joint nnto In the Interests
of peace. Senor Gullon, replying, de
clared that the members of the Spanish
cabinet were unanimous In consider
ing that Spain had readied "the limit
of International policy In the direction
of conceding the demands and allowing
tho pretensions of the United States."
To the qoestlon whether United States
Minister Woodford has demanded his
passports a negative reply Is given, but
the belief Is expressed here that he will
soon iult Madrid.
Several of the papers publish state
ments by Lieutenant General Correa,
minister of war, apparently authentic,
In which he denies that the government
is threatened with a ministerial crisis,
lie Is represented as saying that when
the dispute with the United States en
tered the acute stace all resolved to
stand firm. The minister of war con
tinued: "Having examined the Cuban
cabinet's manifesto, I loyally Informed
my colleagues that I could not sanction
the expression 'Cuban nation' In rela
tion to an armistice, or certain other
expressions, especially 'suspension of
hostilities,' which could not be em
ployed without dishonoring the army
unless In response to a petition ema
nating from tho Itisursents. Senor
Moret, desiring to avoid a conflict,
criticized the attitude of myself and
other ministers, but our arguments
convinced him."
Referring to the possibility of a con
flict with the United States, General
Correa Is represented as expressing a
hope that It may still be averted, "be
cause It Is not known that President
McKlnley's message to the American
congress will refer either to Independ
ence or to Intervention."
General Correa added: "In thus
changing his attitude President Mc
Kinley responded doubtless to Spain's
determined conduct, and had we not
bowed our heads at the time we suf
fered our first humiliation we should
not find ourselves where wo are today.
I am not of those who blindly shout
'victory,' should there be a rupture and
hostilities, but I believe that of the two
evils war Is preferable."
From a source that Is unofllclal, but
trustworthy, It Is learned that the cab
inet council last night discussed Senor
Polo de Bernabe's cablegram saying
that the European representatives In
Washington had delivered a collective
note to President McKinley, the prob
ablo result of which would be a paclllc
resolution. The Initiative of the note
Is supposed to have come from Franco
and Russia. It Is believed here now
that the powers' note explains the fact
of President McKlnley's postponement
of hts message until Monday, rather
than the pretext given out to enable
Americans to withdraw from Cuba
prior to hostilities.
For Infants and Children.
Tl fM-
I: on
riyliiLr Siiinilton Itcndv to Kluht.
Fort Monroe, Va., April 8. The fly
ing Bouadron is ready for action and
complete In all details except the pos
sible addition of a dispatch boat and
a hospital boat. Tho battleship Texas
yosterday signaled her arrival and the
practical completion of the squadron
by the usual salute to Commodore
Schley of 11 guns, answered by nine
guns from the llrooklyn. The Minne
apolis, with the assistance of pleasant
weather, has succeeded In completing
her painting. "The Texas," said Cap;
tain Phillip to a press representative,
"Is ready for sea at an hour's notice,
and ready to light, and all rumors to
the contrary, 1 believe she will show
herself to be t'.e worthiest ship In the
ocean." "
Our I'oliKlllH Homeward Hound.
Kingston. Jamaica, April . The
agents of the steamer llrookllno have
advices from Santiago de Cuba, prov
ince of that name, on the south coast,
that the steamer sailed at 0 o'clock last
evening with the United States consul,
Pulaski F. Hyatt, and others. The Hos
ton Fruit company's steamer Heverly,
Captain Andersen, Is at Cienfuegos,
province of Santa Clara, and Is prepar
ing to sail with United States Consul
Owen McGarr and other Americans.
Iioth steamers weie chartered with
great haste by United Statos Consul
Louis A. Pent, of Kingston. British
consuls will represent American in
terests. Buy Koystoncflour. Bosurotlmt thorium
Lkssio & IJaeb, Ashland, I'a., ia printed on
evory sack.
1 masmmm
e would bo 1
I thank
a Woman's ncmedyforWoman'sJHf
ma i Lous i:A(ii:u roit conflict.
A I'liui or Itnttlo I.nld Out For tho
Ploot at Koy WoMt.
Key West, Fla April 8. Conditions
here have undergone u decided change
In consequence of the Washington ad
vices as to Consul General Lee's ap
proaching doiKirture and the firm at
titude of the administration from thp
disappointment and chagrin that fol
lowed Wednesday's paclllc advices from
Madrid. The latest news has aroused
the bellicose spirit to a greater degree
than ever. Naval men believe that a
conlllct Is a question of a few days
only, and tho long delay has merely
Increased the ardor of the man, who are
constantly In readiness for a call to
The enthusiasm Is especially marked
on board the flagship New York. When
tho news was conveyed there Captain
Sampson maintained his customary
reticence, but the other officers weie
confident that It meant hostilities un
less there should be a complete sur
render on the i art of Spain, which la
now regarded as remote.
The most significant development Is
the orders just received from the navy
department on the plan of action. These
provide that In the event of a blockade
of Havana or Matanzas the first line
of battle nearest the shoto will be com
posed of torpedo boats and tugs, the
second of cruisers, such as the Marble
head, Detroit, Cincinnati and Nash
ville and the gunboat Helena, and the
third of the battleships Indiana and
Iowa and the flagship New York.
In case of an attack on the American
fleet by any small vessels these will be
engaged by the first two lines, the
plan being to afford the greatest pro
tection to the battleships from the tor
pedo boats of the enemy. Should the
attack be by a superior force, such as
the Vlzcaya or Alrnlrante Oquendo, the
flrst two lines would retire, leaving the
attacking vessels to be engaged by the
battleships. AVhlle It Ib accepted here
as a foregone conclusion that this plan
will be executed should necessity arise,
It comes from the department moro as
a suggestion than as an order, and
Captain Sampson has full authority
to vary the plan or ignore It at will,
The Mascotte arrived here today
with 74 passengers. Many persons aro
holding back to the last available hour,
on the strength of favorable peace ru
mors that are afloat In Havana. Tho
Ward line steamer Yucatan left Ha
vana for the United States this morn
Ing with SO passengers.
Millions Given Away.
It is certainly gratifying to the public to
Know ol one concern in tlio lanu who ore not
n f mill to be ncncroui to the needy and suffer-
Ins. The proprietors of Dr. Kind's New
l)icovcry for Consumption, Coiiehs and
Colils, have given away over ten million trial
liottlt s of mrilicino; nnd have- the
satisfaction of knnwini; it lias absolutely
eurril UinusanUs ol hone ess nines. Antlunu
bronchitis, Ilnarscncs, and all dheasos of
the I hrniit, C liest anil Longs are surely cured
by it. Call on A. Wnsluy. DruufiUt, am) get
a trial hottlo free. Ufinilar sizo 50c. and $1.
Uvory bottle guaranteed, or price refunded.
Strlolcon on tho SUnrro,and Novor Ho
Grained CoiisoIoiimiiosh.
Charleston, W. Va., April 8. Marga
ret Mather, the actress, died hero last
night. While playing the cave scene In
the fourth act of "Cymbellne" In this
oity Wednesday night she collapsed,
and was carried off the stage In an un
conscious condition, and never regained
consciousness. She died of convulsions,
caused by acute Ilrlght's disease.
Margaret Mather, as she was known
on the stnge, was Margaret Flnlayson.
She was born In 1SG2. Her father, John
Flnlayson, Is still living In Detroit.
Margaret passed her childhood among
squalid surroundings, and after she loft
home, a half grown girl, she engaged
as dishwasher In tho rtussell House.
Having a chance some time later to
join a barn storming troupe sho availed
herself of It, with the result that In
18S0, while In New York, she attracted
the attention of Mnnager James Hill,
who persuaded her to take a course
In a training school. After two years
of study of the part of Juliet she made
her debut In Chicago In 1882. Miss
Mather had been twice married, her
first husband being Kmll Habercorn,
an orchestra leader. She was divorced
from him, and shortly afterward mar
ried Gustav Pabst, the Milwaukee
brewer, from whom she was also di
vorced. Mis llnrlon I'cui'il to l.onvo Havana
New Yoik, April 8. Stephen llarton,
chairman of the central Cuban relief
committee, said yesterday .that he had
received a cablegram from Miss Clara
Iiartou, president of the National lied
Cross society, who Is at present In
Cuba, saying that she had been ad
vised by Consul General Lee to leave
the Island at once, as It would be un
wise for her or any other American to
Children like it, It saves their lives, Wo
men n One Ml mite Cough Cure, tlio Infallible
remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis,
grippe, and all throat und lung troubles. C,
II. Ilaccubucli.
ThoFrlnlcy Ilnlctnu I'rlnccw Wlio
sorted Her llmlmnil.
London, April 8. The Herlln corre
spondent of The Standard says that
the Duko sf Stixe-t.Viliun: and Clotha,
as head of the family, lias assented to
a divorce of 1'rlnce I'hlllp of Saxc-Co-burrr
and Clotha from his wife, tho
Princess Louise of Ilelglum, eldest
daughter of King Leopold, all attempts
at reconciliation bovine failed. Her
husband, Pilnce Philip, fought a duel
on Feb. 18 with Lieutenant Mattnthlch
Kcglovltch, and was severely wounded
In tho riaiit arm. The cause of the
duel dated from n year back, when the
love affairs of the Princess Louise, who
eloped with the lieutenant, were the
talk of Vienna. Since the duel the
princess has again deserted Prince
Philip and loturned to her lover.
Ask your grocer for tlio "Itoynl Patent
rlour, nnd take no other bnuid. It Is tlio host
Hour made.
As JtolJpotcrt liy Deal linxs In Philadel
phia mid llnltliiioro.
Philadelphia, April 7. Flour quiet; win
ter superfine. $.Tfi,l. :;'; Pennsylvania roller,
clear, Jt.l0'if4.2r,; oity mills, extra, $X25ff
3. G3. Uyo Hour sold to u limited extent at
$2.00 per burrel for choice Pennsylvania.
Wheat steady; No. 2 red, spot, !W,W93',4c. ;
No. 2 Pennsylvania and No. 2 Delawaro
red. $1.(10 V'll.eOM.'. Corn stoady; No. 2
mixed, March, .WiUBic.; No. 2 yellow, for
local trade, 3."y35h,c. Oats steady; No. 2
white, 33c.; No. 2 white, clipped, 33g33'4c.
Hay dull; choice timothy. $12 for large
bales, licof firm; beef hams, $22.C0323.
Tork dull; family. $1212.M. Lard weak;
western steamed, $3.47'4. . Uuttor firm;
western creamery, 17T(22c; do. factory,
12'iifJlOc. ; Klglns, 22c: imitation creamery,
WA1llHic.; New York dairy, 15ff20c; do,
creumery, 1722c. ; fancy Pennsylvania
prints jobbing at 2ln2ic. ; do. wholesale,
2.1c. Cheese steady; lurgo, white nnd col
ored, September, 7Vfi7c; small do. do.,
SQ8l,ic; light skims, SMlfSUc: part skims,
466c; full skims, 2i.'!c. Eggs llrm; New
York and Pennsylvania, loift lOVic. ; west
orn, fresh, 10c; southern, tWO'lic Fo
tntoes steady; New York, $2.ii7Vj!2.GO;
sweets, $34.50. Tallow dull; city, 3 9-169
3c; country, SV'jc. Cottonseed oil
easy; prlmo crude. lD'aOc; do. yellow,
228122140. Cabbage quiet; Florida, 75c.0
$1.23; Charleston ana Havunnnli, $1.2.1rl.50.
llaltlrnore, April 7. Flour dull and un
changed. Wheat easy; spot and month,
99',i& 99JiiC ; May, Oln.aMc. ; steamer No.
2 red, SCi'tfiiWUc. ; southern, by sample,
$6t.3$l; do. on grade, iSVAlSOc. Corn
easy; spot, month and May, 34f31c.;
steamer mlxul, S3";j,ffj 33c. ; southern,
white, 30c; do. yellow, SSViV. Oats quiet;
No. 2 white, S.'SGSSvic; mixed, 30ft.10Vc.
ltyo firm; No. 2 nearby, KViCCc, No. 2
western, bi'ic. liny nrm; cnoice iimomy
i2.WjlS. Lettuce, $1,231(1.50 per basket,
Llvo Stock MnrUntH.
New York, April 7. Peeves steady; re
frlgerntor beef, 7'fiSMc per lb. Calves
steady; all sold; veals, JI.SiTiC.";. Sheep
steady; lambs llrm ; spring lambs weak
all sold; unshorn sheep, fltrli.lO; clipped
do.. $lfi4.23; no choice here; unshorn
lambs, $j.90riC.2S; clipped do., $31j5.23
soring lambs, $2.C0Tf8; mainly nt $3tj5.
Hogs weak at $4,101(4.23; western sold at
IJast Liberty, Pa., April 7. Cattle
steady: extra, $5.10105.15: prime, $31(5.10
common, $3.9013 1.20. Hogs excited and
higher; prime medium, $l.25ti4.30; best
Yorkers, $1,201(4.23; light Yorkers, $t.051f
1.15: heavy bogs, $4.20ffl4.25; pigs, $3.801J4;
Kood roughs. $:t.&0'5 3.75. Sheep firm; choice
clipped, $l.25ii4.35: common. $3fi3.50. Choice
lambs, cllpptd. $4.901i5; common to good,
lt.25ii4.S5; spring lambs, $G8.
The Strlolion Soul I'lshors.
St. John's, N. F., April 8. Two more
of the seal fishermen who were return
ing sick from the lco fields aro reported
to have died Wednesday night. This
makes 59 deaths up to date. Four
sealing steamers are enmeshed In the
Ice floes off this port and believed to
bo In distress. The whole coast Is
blockaded with Ice, and the relief
steamers cannot get out to them.
Shenandoah People are Surprised
Like a Ray of Sunshine to
rinny a Home,
It seems like a ray of sunshine
Makes the old folks happy.
And the young folks joyful.
Takes the load olf the back.
It's all done so quietly.
No fuss about it.
What is it?
Why? Doan's Kidney Pills.
The llttlo Kiduey Wondor-Workers.
What will they do.
Head what a citizen says.
Mr. Benjamin Davis, of 213 Mayberry
alloy, machinist, says : "For twslvo montl
or more I had nil extremely p.iinful attack ol
lumbago, anil there was a lamouess acioss
me which inado every movement raiiso sharp
twinges in my back. Thoro wns also a dull
gnawing pain which mado mo miserable all
tho tunc. I could not do any work and wa
only nblo to drug myself from pUto to placo
Tho kidney secretions wero nnnoyina and
Inactive. All the remedies I hud tiled did
me tin good until I got Doan's Kidney Pill:
from Kirliu's Pharmacy. They caused
chaiiiio for thu bettor immediately. I hav
quite ircuvercd from thu lameness uud inn
not suffering from pains in my back. Th
troublo with tho kidney secretions lias all
gone and I can say that niiyouo afflicted as 1
was can miiko no mistake in using Donu
Kidney Pills. In addition 1 wish to say tha
my wifo used Duan'a Ointment for a very
boro foot which commenced with an itcliln
and biirnliiK caused by poisoning five years
ago. lieiucdles wero applied ono after nno'.lie
but without healing It. Dean's Ointment re
duced tlio iiillaiumatiou and caused it to henl
at onca. It was remarkable how quickly that
valuable pieparatiou stopped the itching and
Doau's Kiihity Pills and Doan's Ointment
for sale by all dealers. Prlco P0 ceuts
Mailed by I'ostcr.Milburn Co,, lliiflalo, NY
Solo agents for tho U, S, lfemembor the
tiamo Doan's and talc no substitute.
Some of Uto I'xiiprlriiepii of an Artist In
Sketching l'roin Life.
"Lcnvoi From tho Skotchhook of nn
'Animal Artist' " Is nn nrtlolo by Morrdltb
Nugent In Mt. Nloholns. Mr. Nugent mys!
There was mi elephant In tho .Tiirdin dee
Plunk' tlint would not peso unless ho
wore paid ' r It, nnd paid In ndvnnco.
Then he took payment In buns nnd plo,
but If these worn not forthcoming liu would
deliberately wnlk to tlio further end of the
lticlouro cml turn his baok. Tho only
way to get a drawing of this big follow
was to cngogo honioono to feed him riieiin
whllo. In tho sumo gnrdons I sawnrr unusually
Interesting sight uno morning. A little
sun bear with a hirgo marrow bono In his
shaggy paws was roeorting to nil sorts of
bear devites to get tho sweet marrow.
Suddenly ho lay down on his buck, placed
one end of the bunu in his jaws nnd with
his hind paws tipped tho othor end of tho
bono so blub up that the cholco morsel
slipped into his mouth. If the nnliiiul could
only hao understood the shouts of npprov
al that grouted this performance, I think
It would )mu turned his head.
Asa rulo, I find tho models very good
nnturcd. True, thoy keep a sharp oyo on
mo for tho first fow days, but nftcr that
aro generally qulto friendly. Of course
thoro aro somo parts of thu business thoy
do not like. Tho orlolo never was happy
when 1 hold him In n.y hand for oloso In
spection, but a beautiful cat which ro
bollod when I first placed her In n bird
cage, to keep her in front of me, grow so
fond of bolug thero that nftor I llnlshed
my drawings sho orled and cried to bo put
baok Into the cngo.
Intonso curiosity Is tho grcnt character
istic of animals when In thu studio. They
are as muoli Interested In you and thu sur
roimdluus as you aro In them, This Is
especially the oaso with birds. Leave tho
studio but a few minutes, nnd these two
legged fellows aro hopping Into every
thing. Of course thoy inspect tho paper
on which you have been drawing, nnd thu
paints, and tho brushus and occasionally
vary theso proceedings by taking n until
In tho water bowl.
Oh lii's War DoIoiino.
Columbus, ' O., April 8. Senator
mioy's bill appropriating $1,000,000 to
place Ohio on a war footing passed
tho house last evening and Is now a
aw. The Valentine nntl-trust bill wns
made a law also. It prohibits com
binations to Increase or control the
price of commodities or prevent com
petition In manufacturing or transport
ing the same. The penalty Is $50 to
$5,000 fine and six months to one year
Would Not Sail For Tlnvniin.
Philadelphia, April 8. Captain Tun
nel!, principal owner and master of tho
schooner Charles M. Patterson, which
has been chartered to carry coal to Ha
vana, yesterday withdrew the agree
ment on account of the possible danger
to his vessel. The charttr had baon
made before tho relations between this
:ountry and Spain became so estrang
ed. The vessel sailed for Boston ln
ftead. 3i
Saved Her Life."
ItS. JOHN WALLET, of Jefferson.
Wis., than trbom nonol3rnorohlhly
esteemed or vldcly known, write?
"In 1S00 1 had a sevcro attack of LaGrlppo
and at tho end of four months, in s:!to of all
physician?, friends and good nursing could
do, my lungs heart and nervous system wero
so completely wrecked, my Ufo was do
spalrcd of, my friends giving mo up. 1 could
only sleep by tho uso of opiates. My lungs
and heart pained mo terribly and my cough
was most aggravating. I could not Ho In
ono position but a short tlmo and not on my
left sldo at all. My husband broucht me
Dr. Miles' Norvlno and Heart Cuio and I be
gan taking them. Whon I bad taken a half
bottlo of each I was muchbcttcrandcoutlr;
ulng, persistently I took about a docu bot
tlciiJind was completely restored tobealth to
tho surprlso of all."
Dr. Miles' I'cmcdlcs
aro 3old by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or money ro-
funded. Hook oa dis
eases of tho heart and
ml mam . Si
nerves f rco, Address,
DU. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind.
Kimball's Detective Agency
Do all legitimate detective work. A
correspondent wanted in all towns.
Oiflce, 58 Trust Building, Willlamsport, Pa
successor of the " Unabridged,
Tho Ono tireut Standard AutUorityt
H wrlu-s Hon, 1. J, trower,
Justtwj I'. H. huprenm Court.
of theU.H.dov't rrintlntf
onice, tbn IF. H. Hujirnna
(Joiut, all the hLute Su-
f nemo Courts, unilof near
y all tlie Hcliuolboobs.
hv fitflta fiinrerintpinlpntft
ml m
nf Schools, f oilcan rrt'l-
almost without iuuhIat-
- ?
1 tlio litilll
- i. nj?. JcHMUUill )1
iSflioM, ntul to (
. scholar, itnr-
it easy to find the won) wanted.
1 easy to uncertain tho pronuncia'n
t nt)Qiy 10 trace me growth ol a word.
I ':a$y to I earn what u word means,
j .7m Nt'tx Varlz Trlhtttm .im
i fi; I t t I'-IHIoti on it -i from tlio tin-m v lib a, (
- i 4i lint hnplh 4 h iiiont tfioniniiiwlt- (
' I ' t 1 1 I y i- n pht ,il iirtnh)ln, 'lint I
i 'V1' ' ' I' "l tlU u work to which Itli
" y us'-niu n in. -April b.ibw.
mr thu imsT.
-) imen paces sent on application to
UelotimtAd Female
ra never fun
urefifter f&lllna
'ill aod other like
Alwava liiivthi, beat ftUil SVUlil fluia.
pouitinept. Uaiu-anteed superior Co all oUwa I'oiUivdl
the but In th i.ffrkrt, A No. 1, ilrtkullil, 4 .' JJr. ft '.
ll4k lly, Uuntou, Mua.
Ti MBS mSBE'.. 1'
lrtrT vtth Timv Fid I'L-nnvrovil 1
"00LB DUBT."
so easily it's
v r
iS It cuts the grease, and a
'Vu leave the dishes delightfully
Chicago. St. Louis.
Ami l'limcr, the Ihtnd nf Aincilcn, Cnli-
Via tho true pathway, "Tho Iron Moimuiln
Itouto," which tni verses a region of perpetual
simshino, whero snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes aio unknown. Pullman first
nd second class palaco aud tourist sleeping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
lid and New Moxico, Arizona, California,
Iregou, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Xevndu, without change. Quick time, low
Rites, nnd all tlio comforts of modern railway
improvements guaranteed to all who pur-
chuso tickets via tho Missouri Pacific rallwny
system. For rates right from your home,
literature, and full information, dropapostal
card, J. P. McGinn, T. P. Agent. Ml) Hall-
oad avenue, Ehuini, N. Y., or SOI Uroad-
way, Now York. W. E. Hoyt, G. E P. Agt.
Nothing so interferes with one's plans or
ambition like sickness or poor health. Have
jouever thought that j'our kidneys may lie the
cause of your sickness? You can easily find
out by setting aside your urine for twenty-four
hours ; a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy condition of the kidneys. lien urine
stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble.
i'oo frcnuent desire to urinate or pain in tile
hack, is also convincing proof that the kidneys
nnd bladder are out of order.
It is a source of comfort to know that Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp Root is the great remedy for
ill kidney and bladder complaints. It relieves
pain, stitch or dull aching in the hack, difficult
or painful urination, freijuent desire to urinate,
scalding or pain in passing it, and quickly
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times during the
night. The mild and extraordinary effect of
Swamp-lioot is soon realized. Its action is
cntle, yet immediate, the relief speedy and
the cures permanent. At druggists fifty cents
and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet, both sent free by mail upon
receipt of three two-cent stamps. Men
tion 11 URAI.D and send your address to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., llinghatntoii, N. Y. The
proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuine
ness of this offer.
A Clever Trick.
It certainly looks like it, hut thero in really
no trick about it. Anybody can try it who
lias lamo hack mid weak kidneys, malaria or
nervous troubles. Wo mean bo can cure
himself riitlitaway by takina Klectne Hit
ters. This medicine tones un the whole
system, acts as a stimulant to tho liver mid
kidneys, is a blood puriuor ana nerve tome.
It cures constipation, headacho, fainting
spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is
nuiely vegetable, a rnllcl laxative ami re
store! tho system to its natural vigor. Try
hlcctrlc Hitters and liu convinced that they
are a miracle worker. I'.very bottle guaran
teed. Only 50c. a bottlo at A. Waslcy's drug
Jacksonville, l'la., Fob. 23. Last season it
was not an uncommon occurrence for the
trains from tho North to reach heie from one
to five hours late. Tho remarkable regu
larity of the arrival on thno of tlio Southern
Hallway trains tills season is a matter ol
comment and favorable criticism around the
hotels and by all Incoming tnuilsts. The
schedule of the Florida Limited, the fast
tiain over tlio Southern Hallway and the
Florida Central and Peninsular, is 6evcral
hours shorter than that of last year, but the
track has been put in excellent couditlouaud
the engineers of incoming trains say the new
schedule is mado with case.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your L
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, bo mado well, strong, magnetic,
full of now Ufo and vigor, tako No-To-Bac,
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain tea pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cuicd. Buy No-To-Ilac from
your own druggist, who will 'guarautco a
euro, 50c or $1.00. Hooklot and sample
mailed free. Ad. tjtorlhig Itemedy Co.,
Chicago or New York.
Decoration Day Tour to (lettygbtirg.
Tho Pennsylvania 1 tall road Company has
arrant ml for another of its popular bevcn
day personally-conducted tours to tho battle
field of Gettysburg, Luray Caverns, and
Washington, to leave Now York and Phila
delphia by special train Saturday, May '-!8.
Itato, $27.00 fiom Now York: $21.00 from
Philadelphia, covers all necessary expenses.
Proportionate rates from other points.
For Itineraries mid full information apply
to ticket agents ; Tourist Agent, Hull II road
way, New York ; 7b0 llroad sticet, Newark,
N. J.; or(!eo. W. lloyd, Assistant General
Passciiger Agent, Philadelphia.
Oive the Children a Drink
called Graiii-O. It is a delicious, iippctUIng,
nourishing food drink to tako tho placo of
collcc. Sold by all grocers und liked by nil
who havo used It becaui-o when propeily
piepared It tastes like tho finest cofl'co but is
lieu from all its injurious properties. Grain
Ouids dlgoitiou und strengthens tho nerves.
It is not a stimulant but u health builder,
and children, as well as udiilts, can drink it
with great bcnellt. Costs about 1 as uluch as
collco. IS and 25c.
I Coming Kveuts.
' April 19, Kiitortalnnient under uuspltesuf
thu Welsh Congregational church, in thu
church building, South West sticet. Tickets
i 10 cents, including lefreshinonts.
May 1th. Social and entertainment under
I auspices of tlio Welsh l'resbytcriau church,
In Uobblns' opera house.
A toinld liver robs vou uf ambition and
I ruins your health. DoWltt's Lit lo l'uly
libera clouibo thu liver, euro constipation
uud all stomach and liver troubles, U. II.
w r
"00LD DUBT."
for tlishcs that can be thrown away after every
meal, to avoid the tiresome taJk of dish-washing,
cannot he granted. Would she liave the
next hest thine? Let iter wash the dishes
almost a pleasure with
Washing Powder.
good rinsing will
New York. Boston.
j jit. W. II. YINCiST,
Ornduuto ntul T.nte Rffltilciit House Hurfccri
the University Stuto of X. Y.
IlcmUitinitersi-Coiunierclnl Hotel. Hliciiandoab
Calls nlKlit or dny promptly reriiomlfd.
jlj M. BIMKK,
Olllco Kcan btilldllnr. corror of Main an
Centre streets, Shcnnndonh.
Blionnndoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre ptrccts.
Lock Box M, Mahanoy Cliy, Pa,
Hnvlne studied under aomo of tho beet
musters lp London and Paris, will give hyapn'a
on tlii. violin, uuindolln. rnltar nnd oeal tmlllbre.
Term reasonable. Xddxesu In care e( Stfoano,
the lownler Hlienandoah,
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
' '.i .. , ' mt Ha 1 Coal No Smoke
Trntiin leave Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week days,
110, 5SI1. 7 30 9 54 a.m., 12 83, 8 10 And C 07 p.
m Humlays, 1 10 a. m.
For New York via Mnuch Chunk, week days,
5 30, 7 30 n. iu., 12 83 and 8 10 n. m.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 5 80, 7 30, 0 Bl a.m 12 33, 8 10 and 6 07 p. 1.
Sundnyp, 2 10 a. m.
For 1'oUivllle. week daya. 2 10. 7 30. 9 51 a. m..
12 33, 3 10, 1) 07 mid 7 25 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m,
i' or i um.viun arm ainnanoy cil)', weeK aays.
2 10, 5 80, 7 30, 9 51 a. In., 12 3.1, 8 10 and 6 07 p. u.
Additional to Mnhunoy City only. 1140 p. m.
Hiludaye, 2 10 a, la
Kor willlamsport, sunoury ana iewiaouric,
week days, 4 03, 5 30, II SO a.m.. 12 33, 7 M
li in Hmitlaya, 3 25 a. ra.
ForManatio t'lanc, weekdays, 2 10. 4 05, 530.
7 30, 9 51, USO IX. in., 12 S3, 8 10, G 07, 7 25, 9 65 and
ll iu p. in. sutiuaya, a 10, 4 uo a. m.
ir... 1.1.1 1 n...i Ul,n...nt.t ..I. i nK
5 30, 7 30, 11 80 a. m 12 33, 3 10,0 07, 7 25 and'
i.v p. m. nunuayfl, 4 oa a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and tho West via
B. Sl O. It. It., through trains lco-1 Heading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. Si It. B S.) at 8 29,
7 55,11 20 a. m 8 10 and 7.27 p. l.. 8undaya,
3 20, 7 00, 11 20 a. in., 8 40 and 7 27 p. m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut ntreets station, week dayB, 1080 a. m. 12 20,
12 It, 8 40 p.m. Bundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 SO. 8 00, 11 SO a. m and 1 80, 4 80,
9 00 p.ui. Sundays, G 00 p. in.
Leave Now York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 30, 9 10 a. ni.. 1 80 and 4 15 p. In.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 12 01,3 40, eS5. 10 10 a.m. and 1 42,4 05,0 80
p. in. Sundays, 12 01a. m.
Leave lte'idlnu.wcelc days, 2 05, 7 03,10 08, a, m.
12 00 m 4 19, 0 00 and 8 20 p. m. Bundays, 2 05
o. m,
Leuvo Pottsvllle, wceic days. 8 05, 7 10 a. m,,
12 80 ond 8 10 p. in. Sundays, 8 07 a. m.
Leave Taiuoua, week days, 8 55, 7 40, 11 3B a.
in., 1 80, 5 60, 7 30 and 9 43 p. In. Bundays, 8 95
t In
Leave Mnhanoy City, week days, 12 20,4 91,
8 15, 11 47 a. in., 2 17, 5 18, G 21, 7 41 and 10 08 p. u
Siuidaj-H. 12 25, 4 21 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 85, 2 40.
IBS 080,8 80. 1025, 1159 a. in., 282, 682, 041,
7 67, 10 22 n m. Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 35 a. ni.
Leave Willlamsport, weok days, 7 42, 10 20 a
in., 4 00 and 11 SO p. in. Sundays, 11 80 p. ra.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street waif and
South street whalf for Atlantlo City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. m 2 00, (3 0O
Saturdays only), 4 00, S 00 p. m, Aeaommoda
tlon, 8 00 a. in., 5 15, 6 30 p. m. Sundays
lCzpcesa, 900, 10 00 a. m. Accommodation, 8 00
a. liu, 4 45 p. ra.
IUturnliiK Itavo Atlantic City depot, comer
Atlantic aud Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 85, 9 00 a m., 8 80, 8 SO
p. in. Accommodation, 1 25, 8 15 a. ir. 405 p.m.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 5 30, 8 00 p. m. A.
commodatlon, 7 15 a, in., 4 15 p. m.
Parlor CArs on all oxnreeH train.
For further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Heading Hallway ticket agent
or address
I. A. BwBiriAnn, ICnsorr J, Wkeks,
(len'l Hupt., (Ien'1 Pass'r Agt,
Heading Terminal, Philadelphia.
nillionsof Dollars
Go up In snioko every year, Tako no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
uituro, otc., insured In first-class rc
liablo companies as represented by
PtAViri FATKT Insurance Agent,
Also Life andAccldenial Companies
Should be In Every Home and Library.
TAB People's Bible History
In written by Hon. William F.wnrt tone,
Ki.prmnler of (iruut Hrltlaii und Ireland, Cheater,
Ktiff.t Hav, A. II, tinjee, Queeii'H College, Oiford. Hon i
Hov. KaniuBt Ivvs OurtU, 1). 1)., Chlrnco 'lheoloalral
Bern i nary, Chlcfigo, 111.) ltev. FrederioW. Forrar, I.1).
F.U.H., Oenn of (Unterliury. Canterbury, Knii.i Iter.
KlmerII.(!iii, Il..,Tufli College, Homerfllle, Mbm.J
ltev, Frnnk W (.iiunauluK, J).I, Armour Institute,
Ohlcupo. 111. i ltev. lfiorK F. l'entecottt, !).!., MarylA.
hoiia l'reKl))tfiriai, Cliurch, London, hnK.j lie?. U. H.
MiicArtliur, i ., (Inlvury JluptiMt Church. New York
Crty, N. V i Hev, Muttyn Hunioierliell, 1). I J., Main
Htreet Free HuhtUt Cliurrh, Iwutton,Me,,lter. Frank
M. ilrlstol, I.I, Flrht MothodUt IUco;nl Cliurch,
j;vanton. 111.; ltev. W. T. Moore, f,The Chris-
tlau (JomiiiouweaKli," London, Lnit-i Iley. MwarJ
I ivernit lluie,, riouiu uunu rvuunonai iiiurcu,
Hoflton, MitMi.t Iter. .Tooli Agar lieu t, 1U., Vetdeyan
(Jolletfe, lticlimond, Ln.i l(v. Oafpar llene Greg or rt
I ult.l ItnlvMrttlty. IIdzIlt. (lurmanyi Itav. Wm.
(lleiiver Wilklunon, I) 1) , llnTrortlty of Chlc&ft, Cht
cnuo. 111. i Hev. humuel Hart, D.U.. Trinity Col leu.
Ildrlfortl.Coun.iItcv .1. Monro OHmon.D.l) .Ht.Jolin
ooil l'reU terian Ohu rctt, Iondon, Knjf i ltev, Ueorce
C.TorlrnBr, LI. 1) ,The 'It-iuple, Itonton, Masa. .
I'lU lUH millON- Mi pajiot. 67 fulf'iai;e llluitra
jloii.. (,MltdH, clutli, Jl.ftJ; halt levant. fS.U), full
tlrmt. Htyle A ullt vino, full levant, ono volume,
1 15 iJ. RtyU H -two vnluniCH, full levant, tufted, tJUUOj
Iu lQl'AUlH,quurtu tUu, review quetttloni toeaf fi.itltf
jiajer covort, hewed, trimmed ullvlitly, 1.UU eacli (urt.
For hale at all bookitoren and hr (HXtktiellorii. For
furtlier Informatloii. write HLNltV O. HIlF.l'AItt),
I'uhlUhor.ariuud'H Mumou Htieet.Cliicauu, IlliuoU
r . 1