The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 07, 1898, Image 2

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Pnhllnheil crcry Kvenlnc Kxcept Monday, at
8 rtontn Jakiun Stkkbt. Neah OrtTnit
Tlie Herald I tlcllvrirtt lnSlieimniloali and tho
surrounding towns fornix cent n tree te, pay
bl. othocnrrler. lly mnll 13.00 n yi-ar, or i
centtn inontli. piiyatito tn mU-ance. Advortlw
mcnt chanced iiecordltiR toartHC-e ami position.
Tho publishers reserve llio rla-lit to lIi.iiikc tlic
position of lulvemnrincntK whenever tlia pub-JltMlo-i
of new, ilcmamU It. The rlulit In
reserved to wJrMfttty ndvertlaentent, whether
paid for or not, jnt the publishers may ileein
.lproper. AflrettisliiE ratci tnado known
tiion nppllffttlon.
Rntcred nt the poMoQke at Hliennndorth, I'm., an
eoondclasi mall matter.
"All the News That's Fit to Print."
Evening H & ra i ci
THURSDAY. APlill, 7. lbliS.
Tim county suat newspaper that
haH Its "own direct wire" was tlie
limhin' Htock of the peoplu north of
the mountain yesterday : in fact,
they were indignant. Tlie aforesaid
paper emtio out last evening with the
exclusive news by "our own direct
wire" to the effect that the Presi
dent's mes-sno was submitted to
Congress at noon (yesterday) and re
ferred to the committees. Such enter
prise oven surpasses the "yellow
journals," but it is disgusting to in
telligent readers. The peoplo in
this valley, as usual, had to rely on
tho IIkiiald for the authentic news
from "Washington.
Anthracite In the Navy.
The promotion of a movement
favorable to the use of anthracite
coal as fuel for tlie United States
Navy, inaugurated sometime ago
by the Anthracite Coal Operators'
Association, with headquarters in
New York, was supplimeiited on Tues
day at 'NVilUesbarro by a similar olTort
on the part of the Commercial Club,
composed principally of leading coal
dealers. The meeting was largely
Congressman Morgan B. Williams
has taken an active part in tile move
ment, and he notified the above as
sociation that he had already inter
ested Senators Quay and Penrose and
various Congressmen in the move
ment, and ho has arranged with these
representatives to call on the Secre
tary of the Navy and confer with
him about the question of anthracite.
The members of tho association were
urged to insist on the government
using nntltracite coal on its vessels, as
they claim that much surprise has
been expressed that a smokeless coal
has not been provided both for coast
service and foreign coaling stations.
During the discussion many argu
ments were advanced in favor of tlie
use of anthracite. Following the
widespread use of smokeless powder,
it would seem that as many advant
ages would attach t a fuel from
which no smoke was produced. In
stead, however, the Navy has trrtr
cliased and is using soft coal which,
when burned, and especially under
forced draught, yields an enormous
volume of black smoke. As a con
sequence of this tho presence of a
vo.sol can be discovered at nearly
fifty per cent, greater distance than
if no smoke came from its funnels.
In other words, where, in attacking
an enemy, a vessel burning soft coal
may be discovered while at adistauce
of some eighteen miles, it could, in
burning ant iracite, move to within
twelve miles without being observed.
In blockading, and especially for
the coast defence vessels, this is a
matter of the greatest consequence.
us during the day time there is every
advantage through the absence of
smoke, and at niglit there is almost
as much since bituminous coal, when
under heavy forced draught, often
produces a Hume at the top of the
A further and more important dis
advantage caused by smoke is in the
fact that, when u squadron of vessels
Is In motion, a donse cloud of smoke
hangs around them, preventing a
prompt reading of signals or the
ability to locate each vessel.
Still unother serious disadvantage
in soft coul is in tho constant danger
from spontaneous combustion in tho
ship's bunkers. This is a matter o
such common occurrence on board
tlie vessels of tho Navy that it
creates Iittlo remark, though the
least inattention on the part of those
whose duty it is to observe tho tern
peruture of tho vurioits compart
ments might result in the loss of
vessel and all of its men. Tlie same
Is tho season tor now llfo in nature,
now vigor in our physical systems.
As tho fresh sap carries lifo into tho
trees, so our blood should givo us
renewed strength and vigor. In
its Impuro slate it cannot do this,
anil tho alii of Hood's barsaparilla
is imperatively needed.
It will purify, vitalt.o uud enrich tho
blood, and with this solid, correct
foundation, it will build up good
health, crcato a good appetite, tone
your stomach and digestive organs,
strengthen your nerves uud over
come or prevent that tired fooling.
This lias been tlio experience of thou
sands. It will bo yours if you tako
ie nest
Spring Medi
cine and Illood Purifier, Sold by all druggists. $1.
Tj it i-!ii . euro nausea, indigestion,
HOOtl S FlllS biliousness, aeeuts.
, Baby Msiel
Every mother
feels an inde
scribable dread
of the pain and
danger attend
ant upon the
most critical pe
riod of her life.
Becoming a
mother should be
a source of joy
to all, but the
suffering and
j danger of the ordeal make
j its anticipation one of misery.
is the remedy which relieves
women of the great pain and suf
fering incident to maternity; this
hour which is dreaded as woman's
severest trial is not only made
painless, but all the danger is re
moved by its use. Those who use
this remedy are no longer de
spondent or gloomy; nervousness
nausea and other distressing con
ditions are avoided, the system is
made ready for the coming event,
and the serious accidents so com
mon to the critical hour are
obviated by the use of Mother's
Friend. is a blessing to woman.
$1.00 PKRBOTTLE at all Drujr Stores,
or sent by express on receipt of price.
'.'Iflk'S Contaliilnflf Invaluable information of
'rnrr Interest to all women, will bo sent
ruLR to any address, upon application, by
Xho llIUDDLI.I) KECDLAIOB CO.. Allinta. fl.
dilliciilty arises in the supplies of soft
coal kept at coaling stations.
Fuel is the vital and most import
ant factor in the effective service of
a war vessel, and for many years it
was the practice in trial trips to use
anthracite. In almost every instance
the line officers recognize the advan
tages of uuthracite. From ovory
oint of view unthracito offers de
cided and substantial advuntages
over soft coal. Its steaming propen
sities are as great; it is easier to
handle and safer to store; it issmoko-
loss, and free from danger of spon
taneous combustion.
Tho members of the club decided
to take immediate action on the
matter, and the committee will prob
ably go to Washington to urge tho
measure upon tho Naval Department.
If tlioy are successful it will result in
great benefit to the miners of this
region. Hut while Luzerne and
Iiiickawanna county people are agi
tating this sunject, Schuylkill is do
ing nothing.
Millions Given Away.
It is certainly gratifying to tlio public to
know of one concern in the Uuil who are not
afraid to be generous to the needy and BllU'cr-
r. llio prnnrietun of Dr. kiiie. tew
Discovery fur Consumption. Coughs and
Colds, have given away over tun million trial
hottlcsol this great medicine ; und Imvo the
natisfuctiou of knotting it has absolutely
cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma,
llronrhitis. Hoarseness and all rtiseasai or
tun throat, Lhe-,t ami Lungs are surely cuied
by it. Call on A. Wu&ley, Druggist, and eft
a trial bottle free. Iiegular sue 50c. and ii.
Kvery bottle guaranteed, or price refunded.
Di:riAXT (tiiax ixmninEXTs.
Tlio.v Would I'lglit Our Troops llnthcr
Tlinn ncrlflco Inilcpomlonco.
New York, April 7. The Cuban junta,
through Its counsel, lit ratio S. Itubens,
yesterday declared In unequivocal lan
guage that the Cuban provisional gov
ernment and the Cuban army would
reject absolutely Intervention by the
XTnited States unless It should be pre
ceded by a recognition of the Independ
ence of the Cuban republic; that If the
United States persisted In Intervening
without recognizing Cuban Independ
ence, the Cuban government and mili
tary foices would refuse to co-operate,
and that If United Slates troops should
be sent 1 1 Cuba upon the basis of In
tervention without recognition, the Cu
ban army would, In the last resort,
turn its arms against the United
Last evening Mr. Itubens supple
mented his utterances with this writ
ten statement over his signature:
"The statement appearing over my
name was based on the Indications ap
pearing that tlie object of the United
States In refusing to recognize the In
dependence of Cuba was to annex the
island to the United States. It was In
view of this fact that I expressed the
detcrmlnn1 Ion of the Cuban army to
resist. AVe would, of course, welcome
the American army to aid us In achlev
Ins our independence."
Interested People.
Advertising a patent medicine in tlie pe.
culinr way in which the proprietor of Kemp's
Ilalsam for Coughs and Colds docs it, is in
deed wonderful. He authorizes all druggists
to give to those who call for it, a sample
bottle free, that they may try it before pur
chasing. Tlie large bottles are 25 ami 60c
We certainly would advise a trial. It may
save you from consumption.
thi: uxoiiiTs nto.M iiavana.
AtiicidcaiiH l.ciivlngtlio City. but Con-
Mil CiiMiiiral I, i'i ItomuliiH,
Key West, Kin., April 7. The Man
cotte arrived here last night with 90
passengers aboard. Rho is coaling at
the government dock and will return
to Havana as oon as through. Consul
General Lee did not come. There is
great excitement here. Every state
.room on the Mascotte was engaged.
The city of Key West will have a big
crowd today. It Is reported that there
Is great excitement at Havana, but no
Intense disappointment was exhib
ited by all hands on hoard the (lagshli
New York when news regarding the
reported settlement at Madrid was
read. Until 0 o'clock last evening it
was confidently believed the lleet would
sail tndny or tomorrow for Havana or
Porto IUco, and the pacific news came
like n bombshell. Captain Sampson
read the dispatch with eager Interest
after which it was read at the messes,
He believes that there Is still a chance
that the Ameilcan navy may have nn
opportunity to show what It is made
of, but he regrets the delay, which
will probably enable Spain to bring her
.torpedo flotilla and other warships to
these waters. All the high naval au
thorities on board maintain that Spain
shouU not ho allowed to bring her
forces over pending settlement.
To Cure Headache la IS Minutes.
Take I)r, Davis' Ati-lleadacho. All druggist
Tim rn-FCT on speculation.
How Hulls mid Honrs Profit by Con
lllctltilt Wac Itmiiorn.
New Yuri. April ". There is a strong
cnnvli tbm cm Wall street that delny In
the ending In of the president's mcs
snRe Is favorable to tlie avoidance of
war. This was clearly manifest In the
response of the matket to the early
rumor from abroad that the president's
messnKe would not eo In yesterday,
and to the later authorized announce
ment from Wasliliigtorithat It would
be withheld until Monday. The dispo
sition of the mesmiKe was the central
point about which the whole market
turned all day. The assertions of the
mornlns newspapers thut It would
without tiuoHtlnn tfo In, und that It
would declare for forcible Intervention,
caused the decline nt the opening, the
opening prices In almost all cases being
the lowest of the day.
The resistance to the decline and the
quick recovery were a surprise to out
side observers, who were prepared for
something lllse a war panic on the ex
change. The recovery was duo to
cabled reports of a rumor In London
that the message would not go In until
next Tui'sdny. This rumor was quickly
discredited by statements from Wash
ington, and the market drifted to a
lower plane again, hut not to the low
est. The stagnation of the trading
during this period of waiting was al
most absolute, and tho sudden out
break of activity when the later au
thentic repoits came from Washington
that the message would be delayed
until Monday was In strong contrast.
It was evident that the conclusion was
leaped to that the withholding of tho
message was due to a reception of fur
ther proposals from Spain or to move
ments for mediation by Kuropan pow
ers, giving promise that the two coun
tries might emerge peacefully from
their entanglement. The violent ad
vance was cheeked and reaction set In
when It was stated that delay was due
to advices from Consul Perioral Leo.
Prices stiffened again, however, before
the close, on the strength of the gen
eral sentiment that delay favoied
For Infants and Children.
Till Would Not SiitlMfy Cubans.
London, April 7. The Vienna corre
spondent of The Times explains a plan
of settlement which "offers an accept
able compromise. If not too late, nnd
which has already come under the no
tice of one of tho parties concerned."
He says: "The scheme Involves giv
ing Cuba autonomy, but placing the
island In a relation toward Spain sim
ilar to that which Egypt sustains to
ward Turkey. Under this plan Cuba
would pay an annual tribute to Spain,
wliile America would be entrusted with
the control of the Cuban finances and
have the same standing there ns Eng
land has in Egypt. The United States
would guarantee the Spanish loan,
which, considering America's high
credit, could easily bo issued at 3 per
cent interest, being covered by the
tribute. The proceeds of the loan could
be divided, say one-third to Cuba and
two-thirds to Spain, and thus both ho
rescued from financial distress and an
honorable peace secured, advantageous
to both America and Spain."
Children liko it. it saves their lives. We
mean One Mmuto Cough Cure, tlio infallible
remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis,
grippe, anil all throat and lung troubles, C.
II. Hagonbuch.
'Alio llrnnklyn Tries Her Guns.
Fort Monroe, Aprn 7. The Brooklyn,
flagship of the Hying squadron, tried
her eight Inch juns yesterday in order
to test the new elevating apparatus
deigned to give them greater range.
The first shot was sent out with a ser
vice charge of 85 pounds of powder,
the gun being elevated at five degrees.
The 200 pound shell left the muzzle of
the gun at a velocity of 2,000 feet a
second. It struck the water two and
three-quarter miles from the ship, send
ing up a vast column of water. The
second shot was with the full powder
charge, 110 pounds, and sent the pro
jectile very near four miles, putting it
in the water at a speed of 1.000 feet
per second. There was no perceptible
Jarring from the shot.
Minimi Our Harbors.
New York, April 7. The engineering
corps, under the direction of Colonel
Henry M. Itobert, has begun operations
for the sublnarlne mining of the en
trances to New York and other harbors
along the Atlantic coast. Detachments
of engineers from Willets Pont were
yesterday sent to Philadelphia, Port
land, Boston, Charleston, Hampton
Roads, Fort Wadsworth and Fort Han
cock. It will take only seven hours to
completely mine this harbor. A force
of 120 men has been ordered to be ready
to leave the post at a half hour's no
tlce to assist in the work of preparing
for the laying of mines and torpedoes
between tlie Virginia capes, at the en
trance to Chesapeake bay.
Buy Koystonelloiir. Uo suro that tho nam
Lessio & Baku, Ashland, Pa is printed ou
over buck.
Annual Sales over 6,000,000 Boxes
such as 'Wind and Pain In tho Stomach,
Giddiness, Fulness after meals, lload
acbo. Dlzzlnoss, Drowsinoss. Flushings
ot Kent. Loss of Appetite. Oostlvoness.
Illotches on tho Skin, Cold Chills. Dis
til r bod Sleep. Frightful Droams and all
Kervous and Trembling Sousations.
IN TWENTY MINUTES. F.vory sufforcr
will acknowledge them to ho
Iir.lXHAM'.s 1MI.I.S, taken ns direct
ed, will quickly restoro Fomalos to com
ploto health. They promptly roinovo
obstructions or irregularities ot tho sys
tem mid euro Hck llcadnclie. For a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Boocham's Pills aro
Without a Rival
And bavo th
Ufnnrl'aH'iit.Mt'illrluu lit the World.
25c. at all Drug Stores.
Celebrated Female
Powders never fall.
'lii.UjUl.MiWiii.-iUre l&em
Mhuid lure (liter ruling
with Ttnj rnd Pranyroyftl Pillt aal other like
runedlei). Alwjr buy Ui bt od njld dUp.
t. Uuvutced upmur to all othen. .IJ'Siyey
poiiitment. Uuvmi
bt but In tlie liKik
3ix.iiMk lur.ik
ITrket, A nil. 1. IVUCUUUf, 1 . M(
Sufferers From Kidney Disease
Should Read This Carefully.
When tho Waddcr or Kidneys are dis
eased, the afflicted poison Is in j;reat
dunger of death. When the urine gets
pale or very dark ; when the desire to
urinate Is very frequent, especially at
night; when mere is a miming
sensation or pain in passing wuter;
when there is asedtmcntorcloudy
Btihstance at tho hot-
torn of the vessel after
aatrdthe urine has stood
when there is
aching in the small of
tlio back or
loins, your Kid
neys or Blad
der are affected
nnd you had
better look out.
The disease is
liable to lead
to pneumonia,
'nntietKtiitf Inn
ibronchitis, and
that means still
more certain
death. At tho slightest sign of any dis
order in tho Kidneys or Bladder, go to
the drug storo as quickly as you can and
get a bottle of Dr. David Kennedy' a
Favorite Remedy for $1. It will re
move you from danger at once and effect
a radical, permanent cure. Do not allow
the dealer to substituto another nicdi
cine. Nothing equals this great prepa
ration. Insist upon having Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy.
wish to tost Favorite Remedy before
buying it, send your name and address
to the Dr. David Kennedy Corporation,
Kondout, N. Y., mention this paper,
and a sample bottle of Favorite Rem
edy and pamphlet of valuable informa
tion will be sent you by mail prepaid
This offer is guaranteed genuino by tho
publishers of this paper.
THH intO!'
As Itolleoted by . . ngs In 1'hllndol-
pliln nnd HiHttnioro.
Philadelphia, April c Flour firm: win
ter superfine, '.-; Pennsylvania roller,
clear. $1.10(4.25. city mills, extra, $3.2M
3.C5. Ryo Hour quiet nnd steady nt 2.9)
per barrel for choice Pennsylvania.
Wheat weak: No. 2 red. spot,;
No. 2 Pennsylvania und No. 2 Delaware
led, Jl.OOVtflOl. Corn quiet; No. 2 mixed,
March, 34?4Ti3oc. ; No. 2 yellow, for local
trade, 33T3SVbc. Oats (pilot; No. 2 white,
33c; No. 2 white, clipped, 33?j33',ic. Hay
steady for desirable grades; choleo tlm
othy, $12 for large bales. 13oef firm; beef
hams. $22.50fl23. Pork dull; family, $12?i)
2.00. Lard easier; western steamed, Sj.Oj,
Butter very llrm; western creamery, 170
22c; factory, HVfilCc.; lilglns, 22c; Imi
tation creamery, HVaUlSVic ; Now YorK
dairy, loft 20c. ; do. creamery, l"22c,
fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing nt 24
2ic. ; do. wholesale, 23o. Chceso quiet;
large, white and colored, 7',4c; small do.,
8H8V4o.; light skims, 6?4(QC4c.; part skims,
4TjGc; full skims. 23c. Eggs firm; Now
York and Pennsylvania. lOfflOHc; west
ern, fresh, 10c; southern, !)V&fi9c. Po
tatoes steady; Now York, $2.37W(52.C0;
sweets, J3W4.00. Tallow dull; city, 3 9-10
3c; country, 3'ii3;)4C Cottonseed oil
dull; prime crude, 19',4C ; do. yellow, 22
'AC Turpentine steady at 311,!iff32c
Cabbage quiet; Florida, 73c. 611. 25; Sa
vannah and Charleston. $1.25filD0.
Baltimore, April 0. Flour dull and un
changed. Wheat easy; spot ncd month,
994iWVc.; May, 99V-.Q (1 ; steamer No. 2
red, DEUQKlic.; southern, by sample, 97c. ffj
Jl; do. on grade. M,Vn 9994c Corn easy
spot, month and May, 3l'4'g31l;c ; steamer
mixed, 34fl31!4e. ; southern white, 2GHI
SOVic; do. yellow, 35ic Oats quiet; No,
white, 33033i2c.; No. 2 mixed, 30S30'Ac,
Hay llrm; No. 2 nearby, CCc; No. 2 west
ern, G7c Hay firm; choice timothy, $12.00
013. Grain freights very dull; stenm to
Liverpool, per bushel, 3,4d., May; Cork,
for orders, per quarter, 3s. 3d., April; 3s.
1H1 May. Kggs firm and unchanged.
Cheese steady and unchanged. Lettuce,
$12.5ftl.50 per basket. Whisky unchanged,
T.lvo Stock Mnrltots,
New York, April C Peeves slow and a
shade lower except for top grades nnd
bulls; two ears unsold; steers, $4.C55.15;
oxen and stags, $4fj4.20; bulls, $304; cows,
$304,15. Calves active; closing firm; nil
sold; veals, J4&6.G0; fed calves, $3SJ3.50.
Sheep and lambs llrm; one and a half
cars unsold; wool sheep, $105.25; clipped
do., $3.75f(4.50; wool lambs, $0(f6.50 for
good to choice; clipped, $5to.25; spring
lambs, $2,5046 each. Hogs higher at $1.15
Hast Liberty, Pa., April 0. Cattle
steady; extra. $a.l035.15; fair, $4.30ff4.60;
common, $3,9044.20. Hogs nctlve; prime
medium and best Yorkers, S4.15ftl.20; light
Yorkers, $tf4.10; heavy hogs, $4.1034.15
pigs, $3.70413.95; good roughs, $3.50413.75
common to fair, $2.503.25. Sheep firm;
choice clipped, $1.2531.35; common, $34?
3.50; choice clipped lambs, $4.00455; com
mon to good, $4,254)1.85; spring lambs, $C4t
b. Veal calves, $54)0.50.
War Munition From Franco.
Paris, April 7. The United States
government has purchased In France
a considerable quantity of ammunition
and a number of quick firing guns
Lieutenant W. S. Sims, the United
States naval attache, will shortly re
Heve Lieutenant J. C. Colwell, the Unl
ted States naval attache In London,
wliile the latter recuperates.
Jorsoy -Naval llesorves ordered Out
Jersey Cty, April 7. The members of
the battalion of the ISast Naval Re
serve, New Jersey, have been ordered
by Commander Washington to report
on the United States steamer Ports
mouth, lying at Hoboken, this after
noon. It is said that a detachment will
then start for the League Island navy
yard, to take the monitor llontauk to
Portland, Me.
, .
Fntlier Chlrtwlok Prnmofon.
New York, April 7. Father Chldwfck,
chaplain of the Maine, who Is in this
city, received notice from Washington
yesterday that he has been advanced
to the rank of lieutenant in tho United
States navy.
King; Otto's Condition.
Munich, April 7. An olllclal bulletin
with reference to the 'condition of tho
demented King Otto of Ilavaria, who
yesterday was reported to he dying,
says: "The condition of the king Is
not serious, but ho Is suffering from a
Blight hemorrhage of the bladder."
Voorlu-oH Itonppolnts a Domoornt.
Trenton, April 7. Governor Voorheea
yesterday reappointed James T. Mor
gun aB secretary of tho bureau of labor
statistics, for five years. The place pay
$1,500 a year. Morgan was originally
appointed as a Democrat, and comes
from Union county.
Proyfu-. May Ho Liberated.
Urussels, April 7, The Solr, of this
city, declares that tho Dreyfus trial
will shortly bo annulled hy the French
court of appeal, on the samo grounds
as the Zola trial, This would giv
Captain Dreyfus his liberty.
Mother anil Clilltlrmi Cremated
Howling Cieen, O., April 7. Mrs.
Oeorge Cnrr and her two small children
were burned to death at Hays during
the night, Tho Carr homo wnB dlBcov
ered to be on (Ire, and Mrs. Carr rushed
In to rescue her two sleoplng Children.
Uefore Bhe could do so, however, the
building wub enveloped In llatnos, and
all three perished, Tho oilgln of tlm
fire is unknown.
Headache Quickly Cured.
Dr. l)avl' Anti-Headache never falls, 25e.
AW!! WMi
Ono of Tliolr Pnrnini l.onrtoi'H Urcos
Adliot'nnco to tlio Itopubllo.
Honolulu, via San Francisco, April 7.
Tlie old Iloyallst party of Hawaii Is
hopelessly divided, and 111 feeling be
tween the two factions Is becoming
more and more Intense. Friendships
of long standing have been greatly
strained within the last few davs. A
Iloyallst meeting was held recently, but
ndhetents of the ex-rjueen did not at
tend it, those present being Hawarlans
wlio favor Princess Klaulanl. To old
pnrty adheres firmly to Llliuokatanl
and restoration. It declines to recog
nize any other platform or sot of prin
ciples. It Is tho largest and most
powerful faction.
This faction has denounced a native
named Kaulla, a member of tho Ha
waiian commission Just returned from
Washington. Kaulla claims that res
toration and annexation are both dead,
and he advises the Hawallans to unite
In support of the republic, take tho
oath of allegiance, register and par
ticipate In the politics of the country.
One of Kaulla's friends states that the
ex-comtnlssloner Is very ambitious In
a political way, and that he will bo a
candidate for tlie oillce of president of
Hawaii if an election is held under tho
laws of tho present republic.
Three Killed on tlio Hall.
Thomaston, Conn., April 7. On ac
count of an uccldent to a work train on
the Nnugutuck branch of the Consoli
dated railroad, about a mile and a half
north of this borough, three Italians
lost heir lives, nnd a fourth was seri
ously Injured. The accident was caused
by a box car, In which the men were
riding, leaving tho track.
Prominent Ocliiwiit'cnn Suicides.
New Castle, fel April 7. John J.
Doyle, a prominent merchant of Now
Castle, aged 55 years, committed sui
cide yesterday by shooting himself.
Mr. Iioj'le was prominent In Demo
cratic politics, and held the position
of state sealer of weights and meas
ures. Ill health was the cause.
Perished In tho Ico FIopm,
St. John's. N. F., April 7. Tho seal
ing steamer Vangunrd Is returning to
port with three of her crew dead, the
Leopard with two and the Labrador
with two. Thev perished in the Ico
floes on the night of March 21. The
Aurora, which arrived yesterday, had
25 men frostbitten.
To Opou Now Ilcdford ."Mills.
New Hertford, Mass., April 7. Tho
treasurers of the nine cloth mills now
on strike have unanimously agreed to
open the mill gates next Monday morn
ing to such operatives ns care to return
to work. It Is generally believed thnt
a majority of the strikers will go to
Klomllko Craze, Uuntmtott.
San Francisco, April 7. The steamer
Alameda arrived yesterday from Syd
ney, N. S. W., and brought 41 bars of
gold valued at $325,375 from Auckland
and $2,000,000 In sovereigns from Syd
ney. Her passenger list was very
large, there being 107 cabin passengers.
The Klondike craze Is unabated In the
colonies, and 25 Australian miners who
Intend to leave as soon as possible for
Alaska, came yesterday.
Effects of Tobacco.
tnr&nii cxccsslvo uso ot tobacco, especially
U by young men Is always In Jurloua and
undoubtedly shortens llfo materially
Mr. Ed. 0. Ebsen, compositor ou tho Contra'
Costa A'cu'8, Jlnrtlncz, Cal., writes; "I have
used Dr. lilies' Restorative Ncrvlno and ro
eelved much bonefit from it. I was troubled
Ttlth nerv2usnc3s, dizzy spells and sleepless,
ncss, caused by tho uso of tobacco and stim
ulants. I took Dr. lilies' Ncrvlno with mar
vclously good results, allaying thodlzzlncss,
quieting tho nerves, and enabling mo to
sleop and rest, proving in my caso a very
beneficial remedy." Dr. Allies' Rcstoratlvo
Ncrvlno Is especially adapted to restoring
tho nervous system to Its normal condition
under such circumstances. It soothes, heals
ana strengthens. BCTfPSi?
Dr. Miles' Remedies
aro60ld by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, first hottlo
benofita or money re
funded. Rook on dis
eases ot tho heart and
ncrvc3 free. Address,
Klt,6l VlBl
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
Kimball's Detective Agency
Do all legitimate detective work. A
correspondent wanted iri all towns.
Office. 58 Trust Building, Willlamsport, Pa.
I Webster's
I M6fcioiiary
? Successor of the " VnalrUlyett.'
t: Tho Ono Great Standard Authority,
t hit wrtw'S Jioii. !. i, jin'Wfr,
of tho IT. 8. C.ov't VrintltiK
umce, me v. n. miirema
i;ourt, tin me riaia nit
pieme ('&MMB,Anlof near
ly au ine HCiiuoiuooKs.
l7 State Rmertntenlnti (
or Schools, Oolh'KH I'H-nL-
(Ipiits.aml other urn turn ,
mutual milium iumiuvr-
111 lint titiiifii-lioM. fiml tn
'Jls ,'S8', ""I Iiumj mid Belf
' to ilnj the word u anted.
. :v ascertain the pronunclaon
. is ij trace tho growth ot u word,
!' ' t -y to Icnru ..hat a word means.
. . - ... ....... ....,, .........
I ' i : t .--tilt u ionics f i lluMirw vttli a (
' ii - I ,i t'i -t t 'ijilkij tin' nuikt tliiTfillMinll. .
' I i I l , i ' T IlillM'Ut K1IIW1 Ulint. '1 In ;
' i nil', I . flncU tliU liui'lk to which III! J
tuny 1IS8IHI in imr.-.Mri!0.
? OUT TUB nnsT.
5 .STS; clmn ragei sent on application to
4 . .C- ft MlUlUrA M CO., l'ltbllsliern,
C ilk
v MI
And Flouerfi, the Hand of Ameilcn, Cali
Via tlio tiuo pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
Itouto," which traverses a rcgiun of perpetual
sunshine, where snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes ato unknown. Pullman first
mid becond class palace and tourist sleeping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old anil New Moxico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
N'cvada, without change. Quick time, low
rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway
Improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway
system. For rates right from your liome,
literature, and full information, drop a postal
card, J. P. MuCauu, T. P. Agent, nil) Rail
road avenue, Elmira, N. Y., or 391 Uroad
way, New York.
3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, O. E P. Agt.
Nothing so interferes with one's plans or
ambition like sickness or poor health. Have
you ever thought that your kidneys may be the
cause of your sickness? You can easily find
out by setting aside your urine for twenty-four
hours ; a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine
stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble.
Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the
hack, is also convincing proof that the kidneys
and bladder are out of order.
It is a source of comfort to know that Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp Root is the gieat remedy for
all kidney and bladder complaints. It relieves
pain, stitcii or dull aching in the back, difficult
or painful urination, frequent desire to urinate,
scalding or pain in passing it, and quickly
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times during the
night. The mild and extraordinary effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. Its action is
gentle, yet immediate, the relief speedy and
(lie cures permanent. At druggists fifty cents
and one dollar. You may luve a sample bottle
and pamphlet, both sent free hy mail upon
receipt of three two-cent stamps. Men
tion IIl'.KAI.D and send your address to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Ilinghamton, N. Y. The
proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuine
ness of tliis ofier.
A Clever Trick.
It certainly looks liko it, hut thero is really
no trick about it. Anybody can try it who
lias lamo back and weak kidneys, malaria or
nervous troubles. We mean ho can euro
himself right away by taking Electric Hit
ters. This medicine tones up the whole
system, acts as a stimulant to tlie liver nnd
kidneys, is a blood purifier and nervo tonic.
It cures constipation, headache, fainting
spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is
imrely vegetable, a mlldt ftxatlvo, and re
stores tho system to Its natural vigor. Try
Electric Hitters and bo convinced that they
are a miracle worker. Every hottlo guaran
teed. Only 50c. a bottlo at A. Waslcy's drug
KUNNINO ON tijii:,
Jacksonville, Fla., Fob. 22. Last season it
was not au uncommon occurrence for the
trains from the North to reach here from one
to live hours lato. Tho jcmarkablo regu
larity of tho arrival on time of tho Southern
Railway trains this season is a matter of
comment and favorable criticism around the
hotels and by all incoming tourists. The
scheihilo of tho Florida Limited, the fatt
train over the Southern Railway and tho
Florida Central and Peninsular, is several
hours shorter than that of last year, but the
track has been put in oxcollcnt condition and
the engineers of incoming trains say tho new
schcdulo is made with ease.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your L
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forover, bo mado well, strong, magnetic,
full of now lifo and vigor, tako No-To-Bac,
tho wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Ovor 400,000 curod. Buy No-To-Ilao from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
euro. 50c or $1.00. Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Utciliug ltemcdy Co.,
Chlcago.or Now York .
Decoration Day Tour to Gettysburg,
Tlio Pennsylvania llallroad Company has
at ranged for another of its popular soven
Uay personally-conducted tours to tho battle
Held of Gettysburg, Luray Caverns, and
Waahiugtou, to leavo New York and Phila
delphia hy special train Saturday, May 28.
Uato, $27.00 from Now York; ?21.00 from
Philadelphia, covers all nceessary expenses,
Ptoportlouato rates from other points.
For itlneraties and full information apply
to ticket agents ; Tourist Agent, 1100 Broad
way, New York j 78'J Broad street, Newark,
N. J.j orfleo. V. Boyd, Assistant General
Passenger Agent, Philadelphia.
Give the Children a Drink
called Graln-O. It is a delicious, appetizing,
nourishing food drink to tako the placo of
coll'ce. Sold by all grocers and liked by all
who have used It becatifeo when properly
prepared it tastes liko tlio fluest collee but la
free from nil its injurious properties. Grain
Oaids dlgoitlon and strengthens tho nerves,
It is" not a stimulant hut a health builder,
and children, as well as adults, can drink it
with great benefit. Costs about 1 as much at
cofloo. 15 aud 25u.
Coming ISvents.
April 10. Entertainment under ausplccsof
the, Welsh Congregational church, in the
church building, South West street. Tickets
10 cents, Including lefrusliments.
May 1th. Social and entertainment under
auspices of tlio Welsh Presbyterian church,
In Bobbins' opera houso.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition and
ruins your health, DeWitt's UUlo Early
Itisers cle.iuso the liver, cure constipation
and all stomach aud liver troubles. 0. II.
jyi. W. II. Y I NO ST,
Graduate nnd Ijtte Uenldent lloune BurRCCP
the University Stnte ot Iff. Y.
lleniluuartrrsi-Comiucrclal Hotel. Shenandoah
Calli night or day promptly rcipondtd.
jij M. IIUKKB,
Ci m T." r1 I.,,! t.l ' ,
Centre utreetH, Sheiitndonh.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre street.
Lock Box OS, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Having studied under some o( the hflrt
mutors ie London and Parli, will hto Uj4i
on tho violin, mandolin, guitar and voAl cro.
Term rcasonabls. Adaraai In cure ! SWiftta,
the jeweler Shenandoah.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
i'...n Hard Coal No Smoke
Trains leave 8hennndoah as follows:
For Now York via Philadelphia, week days.
2 10, S8C. 730 9 Ma. in., 12 S3, S 10 and 0 07 p.
ni Hundnya, J 10 a. m.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, weak daya,
IS SIS, 7 30 a. 111., 12 83 and 3 10 p. m.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week rfaya,
2 10, 5 80, 7 80. 9 54 a.m., 12 S3, 10 and 6 07 p. I.
Huntlnys. 2 10 a. ra.
For i'ottmllle. week dava. 2 10. 7 38. 9 It a. m..
12 3.1,3 10, 0 07 and 7 23 p. ill. Bundaya, 2 I9a. ra,
For Tumaquii and Mahanoy City, week days.
210.5 30, 7 30, 9 St a. m., 12 1, 3 10 and 07 F. m.
Additional to Mahanoy City only, 1140 p. m.
.Sundays, 2 10 a, u.
For Willlauixnort, Hunhury and Lewleburg,
week days, 4 OT. 5 30, 1130 a.m.. 12 83, 7
p. m Himdnyfl, 8 25 a. ra.
For Mahnno) Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 4 0), f 86,
7 30. 9 54, 11 80 a. m 12 S3, 8 10, 6 07, 7 25, &5 and
11 40 p. ra. Uiindaya, 2 10, 4 05 a. ra.
For Ashland and bharaoklu, week days, 4 OS,
5 80,7 30, 11 30 a. m.. 12 33, 3 10,6 07, 7 2S and
H 65 p. m. rlundays, 4 03 a. m.
For Baltimore, VVnsliliictoii and the Went via
11. .to. It, It., through trains lea". Raattaur
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & H. B X.) ul 2T,
7 55, 1120 a. m., 810 and 7.27 p. i.. Hunien,
3 20, 7 00, 11 20 a. m., 3 40 and 7 27 p. m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chait
nut atreets station, weok days, 10 80 a. m. 12 30,
12 15 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 SO, 8 00, 11 SO a. m., and 1 SO, 4 SO,
9 00 p.m. Sundays, 0 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, weak
days, 1 80, 9 10 a. m.. 1 80 and 4 15 n. tn,
Leavo Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 12 01, 8 40, ii 36, 10 10 a. m. and 1 42, 4 03, 6 SO
p. m. fjandaya, 12 01 a. m,
Leave Headlng.week days, 2 05, 7 01,1001, a.m.
12 00 m., 4 19, 600 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 103
a. ra.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, S 05, T 10 a. m,,
12 30 and 8 10 p. ra. Sundays, 8 07 a. m.
Leave Tnmaqua, week days, 8 55, 7 46, 11 S a.
ra., 1 88, 5 60, 7 20 and 9 43 p. ra. Sundays, 8 ii
Leave Mahunoy City, week days, 12 30, 4 $1,
8 15, 11 47 a. in., 2 17, 5 IS, 6 21, 7 44 and 10 81 p. m
Hundayt 12 25, 4 21 a. in.
Iave Mahunoy Plane, week days, 1183, 2 40,
0 30,8 30. 10 25, 11 6'J a. m., 2 82, &82, 6 41,
7 57, 10 22 p m. Sundays, 12 49, 2 40, 4 85 a. en.
Leavo Wtlliamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a
oi,, 4 00 aud 11 30 p. ra. Sundays, 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street waif and
South ntrect wharf for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. m 2 00, (3 00
Saturdays only), 4 00. 5 00 p. m. Accommoda
tion, HOG a. in., 5 IS, 6 80 p. m. Sundays
Knpress, 900, 10 00 a. in. Accommodation, t 00
a. b.., 4 45 p. ni.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, tntner
Atlantic nud Arkansas avenuea.
Weekdays Kipress, 7 35, 900 a.m., 3 80,6 80
p. in. Accommodation, 4 25, 8 15 a. nr. 405 p. m.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 5 30, 8 00 p. m. Ac
commodation, 7 15 a. m,, 4 15 p. m.
Parlor Cars on all oxnrASH trains.
Xor further information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Heading Hallway tleket agsnt
or address
I. A, Swhioard, Kdsoh J. Weeks,
Gen'l Sunt.. Qen'l Posa'r Agt.,
Reading Terminal, Philadelphia.
nillions of Dollars
Go up in smoke ovory yoar. Take no
risks but got your houses, slock, fur
niture, etc., insured In first-class rt
liablo companies as represented by
hAVIh FATKT Insurance Agent,
UAYIU rAUO 1 '120 South Jardln St.
Alao Llfa undAccldental Oompa' 1
Should be Id Every Home and Library.
TUB People's BiDle History
U written by KIlit lion. William Twart n I ad tone,
Ki'l'remler of Great Hrltlan and Ireland, Chester,
En n. i Uev, A. II, tiaice, Queen' College, Uiford, Kng.t
Iter. Hamuel Ourtltm, 1. 1)., Chicago 'Ibeofoaical
Hera I nary, Chicago. Ill.i tier, Frederic W. Farrar, 1.L.,
F.H.H., Dtfaii of Canterbury, Canterbury, Kng.t Iter.
Klmer H. (Japan, l).l.,Tufta Oolleuu, HonierTllle, Mau.
Iter, Frank W. Uuntaulu. 1. J)., Armour Institute,
Chicago, 111.) Hev. (loom P. Pentecost, D.P., M nry te
rm ne l'reshjteriHi. Uhurch, Loudon, Eas.) Iter. H, H.
Mac Arthur, 1 U., Calvary HaplUt Church. New York
City, N. Y.i Hov. Martin Hummerbell, 1 .!)., Main
htreat Froo Hai'tUt Church, Lowiston, Me., Iter. Frank
M. UrUtol. IMi.Flrht Methodist Fnlticopal Church,
KvanMou. Ill.i liov. W. T. Moore, lXU..''Tbe ChrU
tlaa Commonwealth," London, Lnii.i Iter, Kdward
Kverett Hule. D.D., Rtiuth Con u relational Church,
lloflton, IMusfl.) Hev. .ToMoph A nor lteet, D.U., Wesley an
College, Itichraoud, Knc i Iter, Caspar ltene Gregory,
lidlpzlu University, Leipzig, UermnnTi Hev, wra.
Cleaver Wilkinson, IM , University of ChtcaRo, Chi
rnuo. Ill.i Hev, Hamuel Hart, D l), Trinity ColleR.
Hart ford, (Jonn.jjtev.,1, Monro Glbhon,D.l.,Bt..Tohn'i
ootl l'reitbiterian Chu rrh, London, Kntf.t Hev, George
U Larimer, LL !., Tlio Temple, Hoton, Mam.
I'Ul'lUK KIH I ION. !1J paues. M full-pace Illustra
tion, silt edgoi, cloth, llAJj half lev nut, tS.UO; full
lAlllo' tlilTiaN.-LTiO patten, 200 full-poRO tllustra.
tlont. Ktrlo A gilt edties, full levant, one volumo,
f 15 U). Htle It-two volumes, full levant, tutted, tJUOOt
lu lOi'AHTB.quurtoniro. review (juetttionn toearh,etiti
paper cover, sewed, trimmed slightly, tl.UUeaclt part.
1 or aala at all bookstore and by bookseller. For
further Information, wrlto HKNltY O. HHKI'AltU,
I'uullshuriU und ',11 Muuroo Street, Chicago, Illinois,
V -