eVfcHlNG HERALD 1MTAULLSUEU 1H70. f aMIsVert avsry Rvenlnx, Kicept Sunday, al II flSSTH jAUKtn tVTHKSrt, MKAII ('t.STI:K. Fks It raid U dellTslil InSlienrkudnari and till mnmidlnc torrnii lor ix cnila a wrrk, my && So the carriers. Uy mull MOO a r,tr2 spur a month. payahU In advance. Advcrtljo tnA ehnrjrMttccotdlrir topv ennd position. lUs fmblUheis rwrve he rlutil to change the rfmn o( wire rlrinettt whenever the pub niAn el nrws demand". It. Th rlRnt I" uytH u wIo1atr adrc-rtlnemonl, whether SJi for or not, t.iit (he publlhera may deem J?JVtper Advertlidnf; rates made known nefn application. IWtWifcd at the pO'toBJee at Shenandoah, I'm., nr wiHoai clas mall matter. TKljRPflOHK CONNKCTION "All the Urn Thai's Fit lo Print." SWning l-l erald TUr,SI)AY. AI'Kll, B. ISflS. If tlio Prrr-Ielent tli'siroa further .1.1-.. 1.. 1.1... ....... ...uf U blip Mum! uuint lot. mm iccinc-; ui't'""-! v j to throw down the liars mid tfive the orators n uhiiuco. Tliey would talk th time away. Ykstuhday eight Jlmigarlaiis led lit. Ciiriut'l for 2ow .rerey, and a like nitiuuor for tliu toft uoul rugions. Till seems to lie n, every day ou enrronco now in thin region. MltN oocunjing public position are subject to criticism when they fail to perform their duty. The vaporing of insignificant publications will not dotor thin journal from performing its duty to its thousands of readers in this respect. . . -. A uullktin issued by the New "York Huraau of Labor Statistics shows that tho number of persons in the state who, at the close of 1WI7, be longed to industrial organizations was 173,728. This, considering tho vastly greater number of the.stato's inhabi tant who work for a living, indicates that the trades-union idea has by no means as many followers as is goner ally supposed. Urt. Wanamakkk in his address at Conahohockou on Saturday night last poko of politics as connected with our bankitiff institutions. Ho mnde another bitter attack on Quay on the ground of his having during tho last eiion of the Legislature made per sonal appeals to members to danger ously enlarge the powers of the di linu.uont Guarantors' Company, ap peals which, fortunately, were futile. Tho Critical Hour. The time has come when tho Spanish-American question must finally be considered and with the utmost calm ness, slncority and wisdom. Peace may be continued; or it nut be war, terrible, devastating and long-eon-tinued. Lot no mistake lie made, through any foolish under-rating of tho perils of tho hour, or the strength and skill of the enemy. Let us not act on the niippositioii that the Spaniards hit cowards. On tho contrary they are hot-blooded, belligerent, reckless, with an abnormal fondnoss for scenes upon which tho people of other civilized nations look with horror, and never st ip to count the cost. They faced th i conquering legions of tho first N ipoloon with wonderful courage. 'I' ley stood before the iron-hearted I ittalions of Wellington. Hut while this country and Spain oavo endeavored to come to an ami cable agreement, without resorting to bloody warfare, what of Cuba, which Has a more dheet interest in this momentous (lUOftio.i and its ultimate settlement, than pitlier V Tho Cubans declare they will not accept any te.ms from Spain short of absolute and complete i'. dependence, and that they v. Ill pay no ol cr price for their freedom than that which tlioy have already paid. Tlioy will not supple ment the blood payment they have made with a gold payment that would keep them impoverished for a gener ation. This is tlie ultimatlon of the Cubn Junta, who represent those who have fought, suffered nnd bled for freedom and independence. In deciding the question of war, however, let us do so with a full ap preciation of its horrors, of its cobt in blood and treasure. AVar will be no holiday aiTair, oven without any meddling on the part of any other Kuropean nation. Perve muot bo preserved, unless thre is with honor no other alterna tive. Tho world has never seen such a war as will tako place on tho high t"i, and on the American coast, within the next ninety days, if hostilities are once commenced. Whether it bo war or peace, the Spanish flag must leave this peaceful America's Greatest Medicine is Hood's Sarsaparilla, Which absolutely Cures every form of mpure blood, from The pimple on your Face to the great Scrofula sore which Drains your system. Thousands of people Testify that Hood's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Catarrh, Rheumatism And That Tired Feeling. Remember this And get Hood's And only Hood's. .V.YrV. imp, evasfi I A Pleasure st Last. -rv MAYPOLE SOAP ' washes st pyrn i WASHES MS DYES5! i; AT ONE OPERATION sj 1 . . ANY COLOR. I? 5 S; Tho Cleanest, Fastest Dye for;: Soiled or Faded Shirt Waists, J: : Dlouses, Ribbons, Curtains, Under- jj: l linen, etc., whether Silk, Satin,;: ! Cotton or Wool. 3jSoc in All Colors by Grocers onc; Druggists, or wailed free 3: S for 15 cents; . Address, TUB MAYfOLE SOAP DCPOT, Sj 127 Duaae Street, AViv York, !; continent. Shenandoah, not unlike other localities of this nation, awaits with bated breath the outcome within the next six days. May a spirit of wisdom, patriotism and prudence guide our representa tives and President JIcKinloy in this critical hour. Free Pills. Scud your address to 11. H. llucklcn & Co., Chicago, and get a free sainjile box of Dr. King's New Life l'ills. A trml will convince jou of tlieii merits. These pills arc easy in (heir action nnd arc particularly cflectirc in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed lo be perfectly free from every deleterious bst.mce and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 2,jc, per box. Hold by A. Wasley, Druggist. SPANISH TREACHERY. ienatnr IVikliiH Make SerloiiH ChnrguH AkhIiixI .Spiinixh OIIIcI.iIh. II was TraflKly and' openly charged in the senate yesterday by Mr. Perkins, of California, In a set speech, thai Spain was responsible for the Maine disaster, as it had been brought about by Spanish machinations and Spanish tieneliery. The speech of Mr. Perkins was only one of four prepared ad dresses upon the Cuban question de livered In the senate yesterday. Mr. Clay, of Georgia, while hoping for a peaceful settlement of the problem tip country Is now facing, declared strong ly In favor of Independence of the Cu bans, and pledged to the administra tion the loyal support of the south which In the event of war would have lo bear the brunt of the conflict. Mr Perkins took substantially the sami ground, and his vigorous treatment of the Maine disaster aroused the crowd ed galleries to enthusiastic applause.' Mr. Mantle, of Montana, while express ing confidence in the administration rnairitnined that the time for action had now arrived, and that ac tion must be to the end that Cuba should be free. Mr. Kawllns. of Utah, entirely elimi nated the president from consUleratlon In his speech, holding that the ease against Spain was already made up, und that with congress rested the re sponsibility of declaring war. For con gress to wait longer was only to in vite ciltlclsm. While theie was no attempt to force consideration for a resolution regard ing the Cuban situation in the house, there was a brief outbreak, in the course of which the watlike temper of the crowded galleries was so manifest that Speaker Heed threatened to elear them If It was repeated. The out break occurred over a bill to authorize the president to erect temporary forti fications in case of emergency upon land, when the written consent of the owners was obtained, without await ing tho long process of legal condem nation. Tills led to a demand by Mr. Dalley, the Democratic leader, for in formation as to the fac ts which war ranted all these war measures. The particular statement which aroused the galleries wus lo the effect that while the Democrats were willing to wait any reasonable time for the pres ident to transmit a message that would meet the approval of the Ainerlc-nn people, they would not wait a minute for hhn to continue negotiations with "the butchers of Spain." Mr. Cannon accused Mr. Halley of "posturing" and playing to tho galleiies. The bill was passed. A Conorvntlvo Soiuilor Sii.vh War., Senator Mitchell, of Wisconsin, who Is one of the most conservative men In the senate, and has never advocated Intervention in any way until since the receipt of the report of the Maine dis aster, received a letter yesterday from u friend in Milwaukee In which an argument for penco is made. Senator Mitchell replied: "I have never fa vored armed Interference in Cuban af fairs. I did not feel that wo were bound to redress the wrong of Cuba by ronortlng ,to war. Hut the Maine epi s'odo will not down. Over refinement of argument Is useless. It stands before the American people a plain case of treachery. Perfidy and cruelly run In the Spanish blond. There is little else In Us history. Any nation that would permit such nn outrage to go unpun ished would not deserve lo exist. There are some things worse than war. There are some things bettor than money." A special meeting of the cabinet was held last night, and nt Its conclusion Secretary Long authorized tho an nouncement that the president's Cuban message was finished nnd would be presented to congress tomorrow. The message, which In Itself Is long, will not he accompanied by the consular re ports deullnsr with the stute of affairs In Cuba. These win go to the com mittee on foreign relations of tho sen ate for tholr private Information, nnd will not he made public Just now. The diplomatic correspondence between the United States and Spain will not bo submitted at present. MEW I . I V lrali OLD STYLE - t L ffSHaaSSaSTYLE 1 A I p No Muss. No Trouble. if Jtt llW BB UM lMCOM.VItl.Y" A jM'Afs'ISI! SI'l. Tho ((mini at Tort Monroo linn ltoon Oi'ilerod to SI t. Fott Monrne Va., April 6. There la a good deal if excitement here over the aliened discovery of the presence of a Spanish spy. Several nights ago the sentry nt Fort Monroe, whose post was nearest the newly arranged esplanade tor rapid lire nnd disappearing guns, noticed a niun sulking along the grassy side of the slope, lie challenged, hut received no answer. The next night the same thing occurred and the sentry challenged nnd then llted. ltlnnk cart ridges were In use. but since the Inci dent Captain Hosklns, of the fort, Is authority for the statement that tho guaid Is mined with hall cartridges and with orders to shoot. When Coiniuodoio Scliley was at the Hotel Chnmhetlahi a man of foreign appearance wntched hhn closely. Sev eral friends of Commodore and .Mrs. Schley noticed the man several limes, lte Is reelsteied at the hotel, hut has avoided all the tniests. While the sentrlus at the fort can shoot n stranger lull tiding, there Is no law In force by which at present he can be apprehended. A day guard as well as a night miard Is being pre served about the new gun emplace mi ills, and strangers will not bo given Information, t'ardliml (llbliiiiis flan Token No I'nrt n.'iltltnore, April 5. Cardinal C.lbbons was asl d about his reported Interview with 1'iesldent McKlnley In regnrd to the mediation of the pope In the trouble boluceii Spain and the United States. He said: "There Is not a word of truth In It. 1 have not seen the presi dent for some time. Nevertheless, I hope for peace, nnd today. I am glad to say. the outlook appears to be bet ter. The whole question may be safely left to Puv.ident MeKliMey, and, In spite of a lew excitable folk, to con gress as ell." Iecorattiii Day Tnur to ItnttjstMirg. The Pennsylvania Hailroud Company lias i ranged for another of its popular seven- day personally-conducted tours to the battle- Held of (ietty.sMiid, Lnray Caverns, anil Washington, to leave Now York nnd l'hila- delnbla by special train Satiiiiluy, May Kate, $27.00 from New York; $21,011 from Philadelphia, covers all necessary expenses Proportionate rates from other points For itineraries and full information apply to ticket scouts ; Tourist Agent, 1100 llroad- way, New ork : "SO llmad street, Newark. X. J.; ortleo. V. lioyd, Assistant General ras-euger Agent, 1 hiladelphia. Ohio M iinlolpnl r.tcot lo'lif. Cincinnati. April E. Little Interest was taken In the election here yester day except In a few factional lights among the Itepubllcans. ICdwnrd J Dempsey. Democrat, was elected su perior court judge over John Gnlvln Hepubllcan, by 1.CS2. The vote In the state was very light. Only municipal ofllcers were elected, nnd the issues were purely local and often personal. The following prominent cities elected Democratic ofllcers: Sandusky, Mans field, Loudon, Zanesvlllo, Fremont, Wooster, Upper Sandusky, Gallon, Marysville and Jackson C. II. The fol lowing cities elected Hepubllcan olll cors: Cleveland, Masslllon, Havcnna, Urbana, Pio.ua, Klyria, Warren and Mount Vernon. Harrlty 'Dcilriii'ites Kino tori. Mauch Chunk, Pa., Am 11 B. The Democratic county committee met here yesterday afternoon for the purpose of electing four delegates to the state convention, together with a chairman of the county committee for the ensu Ing year. There were two tickets named, one in favor of W. F. Harrlty the other nntl-Hnrrlty. Factional lines were closely dtawn and bad blood was evidenced throughout the session James T. Mulhearu, present Incumbent, and a pronounced Harrlty follower, was elected county chairman over Jo seph N. liennett by three votes. The state delegates elected will all support tho Harrlty wing of the Dprnnnran" T There Is no word so full n of meaning and about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of " Mother " she who watched over our helpless infancy and guid ed our first tottering step. Yet the life of every Expectant Moth er is beset with danger and all ef fort should be made to avoid it. fi II. 1 1s0 assists nature Mothers WcTss the Expectant Mother is ena bled to look for ward without dread, suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherhood. Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement in short, it "makes Childbirth natural and easy," as so many have said. Don't be persuaded to use anything but MOTHER'S "My wife Buffered morn In ten min utes with either of her other two chil dren than sho did altogether with her last, having previously used four bot tles of 'Mother's Friend.' It is a blessing to any one expecting to be come a MOTHER," says a customer. Uundisuson Dale, Carmi, Illinois. Of Prujcliliat 11.00, ortsnt byeiprtts on receipt if rlre. Wruo for book contatnlnir teulniontiils md valuable Information for all Mother., free. The HradfUM Utxulator Co., itlautii, (la. LAUER'S In Bottles or the Keg. by Lauer's Lager AND Pilsner Beer. Porter and Weiss Beer. Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street, SHENANDOAH - PA MOTHER Friend MANY LETTERS Are Received From People Cured by Favorite Remedy. It Is nn evervdav .occurrence for men and women to write and say that Dr. Dnvid Krnnetly'H Pnvorlto Rem edy has cured them after tho host phy sicians have made utter failures. The most roniarknble cures have heen in Kidney, Liver, Bladder nnd Uri nary Diseases, Rheumntism and Constipa tion. Many people say they have hcen cur ed of pain in thesmnllof the back, of fre quent desire to urinatc.of pain in pc-ssiriK wat er, uthers say that their urino no lonijc: """stains linen, and tluv there is no sediment or cloudy conditici at the bottom of the vessel after thci urine has stood 24 hours. Still othci sufferers will ho i;lill to know that tint great medicine can he had at druggists for Si a bottle. One bottle will cure ordinary cases, while in severe cases p is sometimes necessary to take more. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE. If you wish to test Favorite Remedy beiore buying it, send your full postollico ad dress to the Dr. David Kennedy Corpo ration, Kondout, jn. v., rnu mention this paper. Wo will then mail you a sample bottle free, as well as ciiculnrs giving full directions for its use. Every 'cadcr can djpend on the irenuinchess of this liberal olTcr, and all who suffer from any of tho diseases mentioned dxve, especially those whose troubles ire considered chronic, should tako ad '.antago of it at ones. THE PRODUCE MARKETS As ltellecled by Dealing-) III lMillndol Idiln and llaltlincii'o. Philadelphia. Apf.l 4. Flour firmer winter aupc nine. ?:1W3.23; Pennsylvania roller, clear. S1.10JT4.25; city nulls, extra, $3.25ft 3.C5. ItS'e Hour quiet and steady; choice Pennsylvania, 52.80 per barrel. Wheat firmer. No. 2 red, spot, SO'MiWiC.; No. 2 Pennsylvania and No. 2 Delawaro red, $1.001,z'iil.W;l4. Corn llrmer; No. 2 mixed, March. lUWiSVic. OatB quiet, but firm; No. i while, 32y,iii33c.; No. 2 white, clipped, 32!)fi33c. Hay steady; choice timothy, 112 for large bales. Hcef linn beef hums, $22.MKi 23. Pork firm; mess, $9.75010. Lard linn; western steamed J5.C0. Uutter very llrm; western cream ery. f5'i21c.: do. factory, 121il4',4e.; El- gins, 21c; Imitation creamery, 14ft 17c. Now York chdry. lliilS'je. ; do. creamery, 15'4.S20c.; fancy Pennsylvania prints Job bing nt 23i2Gc.: do. wholesale. 22c. Cheese quiet; large, white and colored, Septem ber, 7V4c; small do. do., September, 88 SUc.: light klms. GftfibUc; part skims, 45Ca; lull skims. 211 3c. Eggs steady; New York and Pennsylvania, lOHWlOVic. ; western, fresh, 10c; southern, U'yfilOc. Potatoes quiet; New York, $2.37'A1 2.511; sweets. J3UI..'KI. Tallow quiet; city, 3 9-10 G3c; country. ty,Wc. Petroleum easy, refined New York, jj.70; Philadelphia and Baltimore. $.".i.0; do. In bulk, J3.15. llosin steady; strained, common lo good, J1.12V4 01.43. Turpentine steady at a2i.Vfi33c. naltimoie, April 1. flour quiet; west ern superfine. J2.701i3.30; do. extra. SS.Si'dl 4; do. family. $1.2.1514.50; winter wheat. latent. Jt.ei .spring do., $j.2015.I0 soring wheal, straight, $5Ti5.15. Wheat dull: snot and month, W'HfWic: May il.OUV'iCl.OO'i. southern, by sample. 'J'c.U $1.00',.; do. on grade, 90Vici)$l. Corn strong; spot, month and May, 31V&ft3iyic; steamer mixed, 311i3P,ie..; southern, white, 35Vyfi3Cc.: do. yellow. 33c. Oats quiet; No, 2 while, 33'(i33M.c; No. 2 mixed, S0fi30V4c. Kvo linn; No. 2 nearby, S.i'.ilu.jHc.; No, western. SC'kc. Hay firm for better grades: choleo timothy, $12.G0fil3. Grain freights very dull; sieam for Liverpool per bushel, 3V4d., May; Corlt, for orders, oer cniaricr. 3s. 3d., April; 3s., May- Sugar strong; granulnt"d, 5.20'i. Hutter steady: fancy creamery. I'.)fi20c; do. imi tation, liiflSc.i do. ladle, 15c; good ladle, MiUi: : storo packed, 101712c Eggs llrm fresh, lu'.ve. Cheese steady; fancy New York. huge. DlVi 9Vr. : do. medium, VsC. do. small, lUidetlOVie. Lettuce, ?1.2.nl.r,i nor basket. Whisky, il.2Wil.27 per gal Ion for finished goods in carloads, $1.2!p 1.29 per gallon for Jobbing lots. f.tvn Stook Mnl'Uots. Now York, April I. Iieeves dull; all told: sleeis. common to good. $l.lu'fi5.20 oxen, J3H4.50; balls, $3,101)1; cows, $2.10 1. I'alves opened higher; market weak ened and advance lost, but all sold; poor to prime veals, $I'(JC2."); choice, $0.50. Sheep active nnd film; Iambs slow und lower S'A ears unsold; unshorn sheep, $lf(5.25 cliniied do., $3,501 1.371s r unshorn lambs, $3.7.".ii;.:i0; clipped do., fufaS.lS; spring lumti.s. J2.r.0(fi5 each. Hogs slow, but nrlces steady, at $Hil.25. Kast l.lbcily. Pa.. April i. Cattle Bteady: extra, S5.10ftR.15; prime, $3iT(5.10 common, $3.Wq4.::o; common lo good fat hulls und cows, $24.30. Hogs ruled slow and a shade lower: inline medlun weights, $1,055(1.10; liest heavy Yorkeis, UT 1.05. light fn-lters, $3.9oii3.!i3; heavy hogs. $IJI.50; piijs, as to quality, $3.00 3.S5; good roughs. $:Xi3.50; common to fair roughs, $2.5"1;2.75. Hheep Heady; choice, $I.U(M5; common to good, $3.5U5i'4 I'holi e lanibs, $5.9ilil, ommon to good $1.75fj5.&5. Veal calves, $,Wi5,50. It's the little colds that grow into big colds ; the Wit colds that ond In consumption and death. Watch tho little colds. Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup. ItllKMNO ON tisii:, SOUTltlUEX 11AILWAY l'I.OUIIJA Tit A ITS MAK ING A UUMAUKAllU: KlXOItU. Jacksonville, l'la., Teh. 22. Uast season It was not an uncommon occurrence for the trains from the North to reach hero from 011 to live hours lata, the remarkable rex 11 larltyof the arrival on timo of the Southern Hallway tiaius this season is a mutter 0 comment and favorable criticism around the hotels and by all incoming tourists. Tho schedule of tho Florida Limited, tho fust train over tlio Southern ltaihvay and th Florida Central anil Peninsular, is stverul hours shorter than that of lust year, hut the track has been put in excellent coiiditloaand tho engineers of incoming trains say the new schedule Is mado witli case. Unl'nary liousoliold accldeuts have n terrois when there's a bottle of Dr. Thomas' F.clectric Oil hi the medicine chest. Iloal bums, cuts, bruises, sprains. Instant reliof. Sohaeror JletenfsHlvos. Chicago, April 5. The first big match at three cushion carom billiards was brought off yesterday afternoon nn evening, and Jacob Schacfcr defeated Frank Ives by a score of 125 to 105, The match was for $1C0 a side, nnd though not played for any trophy was practl cally for the championship at this styl of game. Sixty points were played I tho afternoon, and Schaofer reached that point In his 91th Inning, leaving Ives at 40. The afternoon session was replete with brilliant shots. In tho evening Schaefer went after every thing In sight, and lots of things thut were not in sight of any one olse. Ives played great billiards, bu,t luck was agahiBt him, and he suffered from an epidemic of kisses. i TO ClJItl! A COM) IN ON15 DAY. 'Bako Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets. All dniKtflsU refund tlio money If It fails to cure, 25c. The genuine has I., li. Q. on each tablet. l 1 Vn V-'f raaa ouit rmowiNo navy. Now I'lirclinscm For tlio Auxiliary Nnv.v Swells tile I.I vt. New York, Apt II C The naval auxil iary board toduy Is going over certain vessels belonging to different lines, with the object In view of mnklng se lections for use as cruisers. It Is ex pected that this work will bp continued until all the vessels have been care fully examined as to their fitness. Th" board yesterday purchnied the follow ing for nuxlllaty cruisers: Caracio-i nd Venezuela, of the Hed D line; Knnsas Cltv. of the Savannah line. Yorktown, .Tnmestown nnd l'rlnccsn Ann, of the Old Dominion line; El Sol and three others of the Morgan line. The terms upon which these vrssels have been seemed were not disclosed by the board, but a member said tha they would be purchased outright 'hey are to be armored and equipped with aims, so that they will innkc an auxlllnry feet that can aid the regu lar vessels of the n.ivy and can be used to patrol the sen coast off the hn portant harbors of the country if the ships of the retrulnr squadron are needed elsewhere. The board ha3 now for the auxiliary cruisers a fleet of vessels hi nil, Including the dozen yachts and tugs p"olously secured, tho Creole for a horii.al rhip and the Saturn nnd Lebanon for colliers. The Kansas City Is a steel vessel of ,079 tons. Is 327 feet long, 45 feet beam and 19 feet depth. Fhe was built at Chester, Pn., In Wj. The Caracas Is :&3 feet lone, built In 1SS9, and has a tonnage of 2.5HI. The Venezuela-Is 303 feet long, teunnt-c ..',813, and built In 1XS0. El Sol was built In 1890, Is 390 feet long, 4.G23 tonnage. El Norte, built In 1S92, has n tonnage of I.G39, and Is 3S0 fec i long. El Hlo, built In 1S93; tonnage, 4,005; length, 3S0 feet. El Sud Is a sister ship of El Nord, and was launched at the same time. The Jamestown and the Yorktown, built in 1S94, are of steel; length, 299 feet; ton nage, 2.K9S each. 1110 Princess Anne, built in 1S97, is of steel; length, 301 feet; tonnage, 3,079. Olve the Children a Drink called Graln-O. It i3a delicious, nppctlzhig, nourishing food drink to tako tho place of eoll'ee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all who have used It because when properly renared It tastes like tho finest eoH'ea but Is free from all its injurious properties. Grain 0 aids digo3tinu and stroiigthciis tho nerves It is not a stimulant but a health builder, mil children, as well as adults, can drink it with great benefit. Costs about i as much 113 ullcc. 15 and 25c. Killed "by ifollor l.xploslon. Hellnlre, O., April 5. At the Wheel ing Iron works. In Henwood, yesterday boiler eploslon killed David Gnrry, of Old Hundred, Va., fatally Injured Owen Tates, of Hellnlre, O., and badly scalded four others. CAS For Infants and Children. lis fat- O Ic ea vuppti. Cnrdlnal TnselierenuTrnlmlil.v- nyliiEf, Quebec, April 5. Cardinal Tascher- eau, who has been ill ror a long time, Is much worse today. He has received the last rites of the church. Children liko it. it saves their lives. We mean Ouo Miuuto Cough Cure, the infallible lemcdy lor coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis gripno, and all throat and lung troubles. J II. Hagcubuch. ArelibNIinp OppiMW"ln tor volition. Home, April 5. Arcdibishop Ireland has cabled deprecating a formal of fer of Intervention, and explaining that the pope could only Intervene success fully by recognizing the Monroe doc trine, which would be Impolitic. A ru mor Is current here that Kmperor Will iam first broached the Idea of papal mediation, and wus warmly seconded jy Austria. jrlll i: misery cf :,leeplcssnoss can only be IS realised by thoso who havo oxpcrl cm ed It. Nervousness, sleeplessness, headaches, neuralgia and that mlscrablo feeling o( unrest, can surely bocuiodby Dr. Miles' ltestoratlvo Nervine. Bo ccrtdn Is Dr. rules of this fact that all druggists are authorized to refund price paid for tho first bottlo tried, providing It does not benefit. Mrs. Henry llruns, v.lfo of tho well known blacksmith at CrnnJ Junction, Iowa, says: 'I was troubled with sleeplessness, norvous ness.htadscho and Irregular monstruntlon; suffering untold misery for years. I used various advertised remedies for female com plaints besides being under the caro of local physicians, without help. I noticed In Dr. Miles' advertisement tho testimonial of a lady curod of aliments .-.linllar to mine, and I shall never cease to thank that lady. Her tostlmo: to 1 Induced too to uso Dr. Miles' Nervine und Nervo and Liver Pills, which rcstoiod mo to health. I cannot say ouough for Dr.Mlles'ltomedlcs." Dr. Miles' Ilcmcdloa aro sold by all drug gists under a posltlvo pi,:rantoo, Hrat boulo iioncLuor money 10 runded. Hook on dis jasi ,sof tho heart-nnd icrvcs free. Addrc-s, EST MHos' K. 'Restores hTr . 111. . vfij PH. MILr.3 MEDICAL CO.. lUkUait, Iud. THE GREATEST BOOK OF THE AGE I Should be la Every Home aud Library, Sil It written hi Itlitlit lion. William Kmart OU.l.lons, r.t'i r.inier 01 tirum jiriuuu iirid iroianii, imi-Kier, rvnif.i tiov. A. II. Dintu, yut- n H unneuo, Ulioru. IMitf. Herat uury.Olitcatfo. lll.jllev. Frederick Farror.l jver. ouiuuai ives vuru.-., 11. i Clilciiun lheoloulcul leriotV Karrur. II I).. Inntoi bury, f 'unlerliurv. l-lnu t Itus J'.lmerlI.Cu.fln, lJ.ll.,Tufla lrnl!rn'e,8oiuerTille,Mas,i r.ii.B., Heart or imniei uurr, Iter. Frank W Uuntaulus. lt.lt.. Armour Im.lltuiA. Chicago, 111. i Key. (lnn;o P. l'entccont, U.f J., Marile. MaoAillmr, 11 II,, Calvary II .111.1 Cliurili, New York Oltr, N, Y i Itc-v. Mnrtju hummcrbell, Il.U., Main Street I-reel ltititlt Uliurrh, LeAUton, Mo.i Key. Frank m. in ibiui, i'.i' r irt ju-i uuuiat I iiecoiiai t iiurcn, i, l,lU.." lbe Clirl tlaa tlaininoayinaltli." Lfiiulnn. Kliff.t ltev. 1'ilward lerett Halo. 1J.IJ. Hulllli (VinLTCifutlnnal r;linrrh. llti.lon.ManH. i luiy .Iomii Ii Aixar llct, Jl.tJ., Wealejau Jfll'zlK llnlver.itr. IaIiizIu. (leriuBnyi llev. Win ..leaver ttiiitinHOII, I'll, iinivereiiy or fill ratro. 11 .i Uev rCamuo Jlnrt. I) I).. 1 riiiity (Vllece, lfartfnnl.tVion.ihey J. Monro illiwn.U.l) ,bt..luhnV WooJ l'renblterfau Oliurr-h. Iimlon. I'.uu illev. Ueorce naniuo WooJl'renbterli C. Tiortmer, 1,1, 1) , ',a Teuilile, Jlokton, Mesa, I'lll'ILAIt lUIIIUL vu paicua. 67 full-rage Illustra te"", Kin euuei, ciotu, ft.vJi uuil jeyaut, a.uu, tun UlIllj'lulTI01,n) paicea. S0O ful.pao illuttrs ileuj. Htjle A Kilt lpee, full leyant, one volume f 1 ... : n,7e l iwo voiumea, run levnin, luneu, ijuuu in luj-Allltt.quuno Mre. renew ciuefctlnue loearli.a Id PA HI H, quarto i-lre, review questions lo ear li, atlll laii-er covera, enweii, iiiont.iN! anviniy. ii.cuuailt part For tale ut all bookstore iiml by bookapllera. For runner inlorni.illnn. wruo IH.NUV J. Hill: 'All I I'uUliiLor, Vti uuu VI I MourcHi titiuel, CliUai:o, I llluoit Ser iiesra Restored Arj2SL a. "OOLD DUBT." doesn't'look so hie; ns the'facc of it. ' il l'liwc'cal,"''iose9 sWl1 f economy she looks wl3ilf rMtj?7 nt ,ler ,110"cy edgewise. The woman who wHeKiffi p , j valttc9 her money as well as her strength uses 1 1 Washing Powder. S 1 F 1 "rS1wii& and has something to show for her labor bcsldo 11 I'll ' SsJBmS,wvv B worn face and a pnir of rough hands. & pfiPv Ki i V i ST SteTKaXV LnrK0,t package grontest economy. &jfm OTifinY p' aVil lIlllEWW yfy , The N. IC. FnlrlinnU Conipxnj-, jl4$jjm twjsfc1 ' i OLD POINT COMFORT, SIX-PAY ToriiVIA PENNSYLVANIA IIAIMIOAIJ lo UlCIIMONl) ANIJ WASHINGTON. Tho last of tlio present series of personally- conducted tours to Old Point Comfort, liich iiiond and Washington via tho Pennsylvania Itailroad will leavo New York and Philadel phia on Thursday, April 7. Tickets including transportation, meals en outo In both lircctions, tiansfers of pass engers and baugnge, hotel accommodations at Old Point Comfort, Richmond and Washing ton, and carrlago ride about Richmond in fact, orery necessary expense for a period of six days will bo sold at rate of $35 00 from New York, lirooklyn and Newark; $31.00 from Trenton; $32 GO from Philadelphia, and proportionate ratos from other stations. OLD POINT COMFORT ONLY. Tickots to Old Point Comfort only, includ ing ono aud three-fourths clays' board at that place, and good to return direct by regular trains within six days, will bo sold in con nection with this (our at rate of $10.00 from New York ; $15.00 from Trenton j $1 1.00 from 1'hllndolphla, and proportionate rates from utlicr points. At a slight additional expense tourists can extend 'the trip to Virginia Hcach, with accommodations at tho Princess Anno Hotel. Por itineraries und full information apply to ticket agents; Tou,rlst Agent, HOD llroadway, Now York ; 760 liroad street, Newaik, N. J. j or (5eo. W. Boyd, Assistant Geneml Passenger Agent, liroad Sticct Station, Philadelphia. WHAT IT INDICATES Nothing so interferes wilh one's plans or ambition like sickness or poor health. Have you ever thought that your kidneys may be the cause of your sickness? You can easily find out by setting aside your uiinc for twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desiie to urinate or pain ill the hack, isalso convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder arc out of order. It is a source of comfort to know that Dr Kilmer's Swam) Root is the great remedy for all kidney and bladder complaints. It relieves pain, stilch or dull aching in the back, difficult 1 or painful uiination, frequent desire to urinate, scalding or pain in passing it, and quickly overcomes that uppleasant necessity of being compelled lo get up many limes during the night. 'I he mild and extraordinary effect of Swamp-Koot is soon realized. Its action h gentle, yet immediate, the relief speedy and llie cures permanent. At drue-gists fifty cents aud one dollar. You may have a sample holtlc and pamphlet, both sent free by mail upon receipt of lluee Iwo cent stamps. Men tion II r.RAI.ij and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ilinghaintnn, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuine ness of this offer. Beats the Klondike. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, Texas., lias found a more valuable discovery than lias yet been made in the Klondike. Kor years he suffered untold agony fiom consumption, ac companied by hemorrhages ; aud was abso lutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, lie declares thai (fold is ol Utile value in com parisou with this maivelous cure i would nave it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Jironcliitis and all threat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumpticn. Trial bottles free nt A. Wasley's Drug Sloie. Regular size so cts. and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE And Flowers, tlio Hand of Allierlell, Cali fornia. S'ia the truo pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain Route," which traverses a region of perpetual sunshine, where snow storms, blizzards or high altitudes aio unknown. Pullman first and second class palaco and tourist sleeping ears to points in Missouii, Arkansas, Texas, Old and Now Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and Novada, without change, Quick timo, low rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway improvements guaranteed to all who pur chase tickets via the Missouri Pacific railway system, For rates right from your home, literature, and full Information, drop a postal card, J. P. McCann, T. P. Agent. r10 Itail road avenue, Klmira, N. Y., or 3'Jl llroad way, New York. 3-1-tf W. K. Hoyt, O. K P. Agt. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your L Away. If you want to quit tobacco uslug easily and foiovcr, bo made well, stioug, magnetic, full of now life and vigor, tako No-To-B.ie, the wonder-worker that makes weak men atroug. Many gain ten pounds in ten duys. Over 400,000 cured. Iluy No-To-llao from your own druggist, who will guarantee a ore. 50c or $1.00. Booklet aud sample .nailed freo. Ad. Stcillng Itomedy Co., Chlcaso or Now York . Ciimliii; KtentH. April 10. Kntertalumtnt under nusplees of tho Welsh Congregational ehuicli, in tlio church building, South West street. Tickets 10 cents, including refreshments. May -1th. Social and eiilertalnmcut under auspices of the Welsh Presbyterian church, hi ltobblns' opera house. M. h. Yocuiii, Cameron, Pa,, Bays "I wnsa sulleier for ten yeais, trying must all kinds of pile remedies, but without success, Do Witt's Witch Hazel Halve was recommended to mo, I used ouo box. It has cU'ccted a per manent cure." As a permanent, euro for piles DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo has no equal, 0. II. Ilagenbuch. Ask your grocer for tlio "Itoyal Patent dour, aud take no other brand, It Is tlio best fluur made. "OOLD DUST." '1 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS Jlt. W. II. YINC1ST, VUlfcltlNAKY buKlifcUn. Orndlintc nnd I.nto Resident Hounc Surgccp tlio University Btnto of K. Y. lle(u1iunrtcrs:--Coininerclal Hotel. Hlienandoab TllltlJlS YKAH COUltSK. , Calln night or day promptly rcupcmdcd. M. BUItKIC, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Ofllce Kcan bulldlnrr. corier of Main nn Centre street, Shenandoah. J. II. POMKUOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Shenandoah, I'd. E. W. SHOKMAKItK, ATT0UNEY -AT-LAW. Comer Mnrkct and Centre Mtrcets. pilOK. JOnN JON1C3, ' MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box &5, Mahanoy City, Pa. Ilnvlng studied undor somo of tho hoat masters le lindon And Paris, will kIto ltfgtSn on tho violin, mandolin, gulmrand roeal aui&lito. Terras reasonable. Adareni In onro of BtTO&M, tho Jeweler Hhcu&ndnsh. Philadelphia 8c Reading Railway Engines Uurn Hard Coal No Smoke IN Hl'FKUT MAUCH 13th, 1898. Tralnn leavo Shenandoah an follow! : For New York via Philadelphia, week dnyii, .'10. 5 SO, 730 051 a. in., 12!t3, S 10 nnd 6 07 p. in Humluya, 1 10 ft. in. For New ork via Mauch Chunk, week days, 5 ISIS, 7 33 n. in., 12 83 and 3 10 n. m. For Heading and Philadelphia, week days, 1 10, S 30,7 33. 9 51 n.in., 1L-8IS, S 10 and 0 07 p. lu. Sundays, 2 10 a. ui. For l'ottsvllle, week days, 210, T 39, 9 St a. ra., 12 33, 3 10, (, 07 and 7 2S p. in. gunduys, 2 10 a. ni, For THinaqua and Mahnnoy City, week days, 2 10.5 30, 7 30, 9 61 a. rll 12 at, 8 10 and 0 07 . u. Adiiilioii.'tl to Miiliunoy City only, 1140 p. m. iiuclayn, 2 10 a. in For Wllllamsport, Hunlmry and l.awlnburg, neek diiyn. 4 01, 5 80, 1180 a.m.. 12 S3, 7 21 t- in Sundays, 8 25 a. in. For Mnhauoj lane, weekdays, 2 10. 1 01. 6110, 7 30. 9 51, U 80 a. in., 12 83, 3 10, 0 07, 7 25, 9 55 and 11 40 p. in. Bunclnya, 2 10, 4 05 a. m. For Ashland and Shntuoktn, week day, 4 05, 5 30, 7 3'J, 1180 a. in., 12 33, 3 10,8 07, 725 and ) 55 U. in. riumlayg, 4 Oi u. in. For n.nlhoo: v, WasliiiiKtou and tlio Vfc:t via .' A. O. 11. It., llu-nni'h tialn-4 lci- c llentlnff rcrniliial.Plilhidelphlo, (P, kit. U K.) al 8 20, r 55, 1120 a. m 8 10 unci 7.2, p. Uur:nj-, J 20, 7 00, 11 26 n. III., 3 40 and 7 27 p. in. Addi tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Ckeet tiut Htreetn station, week days, 10 30 a. m. 12 20, 12 It 8 40 p m. Hundaye , 1 85, S 23 p. nl. THA INS FOlt 8HKNANDOAI1. Iavo New York via Philadelphia, vteek days, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 1180 a. m., and 180,4 80, 9 00 p.m Sundays, 0 00 p. m. .oavc New York via Mauch Chunk, neek days, 4 80, V 10 a. ni.. 1 SO and 4 15 p. ni. Lcavo Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week ,lnja, 12 01,3 10,35, 10 10 a. ui. and 1 42,4 05,6 80 p. nr. Sundays, 12 01 a. ni. I, (live HrudliiK,vf rek da n, 2 05, 7 05,10 08, a, m. 12 00 m 4 19, GOO aud 8 20 p. u. Bundayt, 2 01 a, in, Ltavo Pottsvllle, week days, 2 03, 7 19 a. m,, 1280 ami 010 p.m. Sundays, 3 07 a. ni. Lenvo Tamacpia, w-eek Ua7s, 8 55, 7 45, 11 2t a. in., 1 85, 5 50, 7 20 and 9 43 p. in. Sundays, 8 SS , ni Leave Mnlianuy City, week days, 12 20,4 91, S 15, 11 47 a. in., 2 17, 5 IS, G 21, 7 44 and 10 OS p. m Hundayp 12 25, 4 21 a.m. Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 1235, 2 40. lb,') 880,8 30. 10 25. 1169 a. la., 282. 582, 641, 7 57, 10 22 p m. Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 85 a. m. Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a m., 1 00 and 11 80 p. m. Sundays, 11 80 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leavo Philadelphia Chestnut street waif and South etrcetwharf for Atlantlo City, Weekdays Kiprrsa, 9 00 a. in., 2 00, (2 09 Saturdays only), 4 00. 0 CO p. m. Accommoda tion, 8 00 a. in., 515, C80 p. m. Sundays Hjipress, 900, 10 00 a. in. Accommodation, (00 it. in,, 4 45 p. ni. HotiiruliiK leave Atlantlo City depot, comer Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express, 7 35, 9 00 a m., 8 80, 6 30 p. ui. Accommodation, 4 23, S 15 a. rt, 405 p.m. Sundays Kxprrss, 4 00, 5 30, 8 00 p. ni. Ac commodation, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. ra, Parlor Cum on all nxiirevs train. Vor further Information, npply to nearest 1'i.ilndclphla and Heading Hallway ticket agent nroddress I. A. SwrsioABD, Kuson J. Wbees, Ifcn'l Sulit., Uen'l Pass'r Agt., Hcailinir Terminal, Philadelphia. HAKE PERFECT M 2 DO NOT DESPAIR! Ho Not fttiiTer Conner! The Ojs Ulm uiuuiuonB ui mo can ih rpKtnriT'rt to tou Tlio vcrr worst cases of Nervous Debili ty nrn nhsnluipW ourpcl hy i4i.itri:T rrAiii,i:TN. Jw(JIvh prompt reiiei to uiboiuiiia, AjEtoU.iitf mi'inory and ttmwastu 0y und dnitii or vital powers. Incur 'ft rsdlif lndlBcri'tlonor)xt'eR&e 'jr or can years impurt viuor and potency to every function. Ilraco im ilio system. Olvo rar nloom to the chucks and lustre to tho SX eyes of yountt orold. OuoMio box reiiew8.rY A ivltul enerttyf C bozos al !sKt a com-fra 1 J jSplote uuarun teed euro or inonoy ref nn(l.?j(yyed, Can ho eurrlud In vota pocket Bold xHPfcT every whercor mnlled In plain wrupperun receiptor prWo lyTillil'lSUl'-lXTOCO. Cuxton lildj;. Cblcttp"jtl- Kor wile In Klieimntlottlt by HhfiiniMloah Drug Storo und Uruhler J.ros. nillions of Dollars Go up in sinoko ovory year. Take no risks but got your houses, slock, fur nlturo, etc., Insured in fl rut-clans re liable companies as represented by hAVln FAIIT Insurance Agent, Also LKeandAixlilcntal Ccimpmlos DETECTIVES ! Kimball's Detective Agency Do nil legitimnte detective work. A correspondent wanted in all towns. Office, 58 Trust Building, Williamsport, Pa,