The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 02, 1898, Image 4

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Will soon be: here and
we have a fine selection of
cards, booklets, etc., and at
prices to suit the times. Our
line of fine Chocolates for the
Easter trade is complete ; also
chocolate eggs, rabbits, etc.
a- IM. (Vlialn St.
The Bee Hive.
Our Spring
We offer you the newest
Koods and the best values you
ever received. To our already
many departments we have
added another, millinery. Fine
trimmed hats from 39 cents up
to $14.49, and all hats trimmed
free of charge.
As Millinery
Is only one of the many lines
we carry it is a simple matter
to understand that we can give
you greater values than any
other house in town.
Great Bargains
Are oflered in all the, latest
silks, stylish dress goods, white
goods, embroideries and lace
As these goods will not last long
at the remarkable low prices we
are selling them at, it will pay you
to call early.
The Bee Hive,
29 South Main Street.
(Srd in o:
Charles Niswcuder is on the sick list.
II. I). Malonu transacted business at
l'ottsvillo this morning.
Mr and .Mrs. M. .1. O'N'oill left town this
morning to visit friends at Philadelphia.
Mrs. Klias Webster 1ms gouo to Philadel
phia to visit friends.
Miss Coriuno Tempest, Mrs. J. II. Martin
and Mrs It. It. Sevurn spent to-day visiting
friend at l'ottsville.
J.ihn A. Koilly and daughter, Nellie,
went cs l'ottsvillo this morning to visit
-Mrs T. M. Stunt spent to-day at Potts
Mile, :i guest of relatives.
W U Gregory made a buslnoss trip to
the county sent to-day.
- E. W. Shoemaker, Esq , has been olectol
solicitor fur the Citizens' Iluilding and Loan
Wm ,1. Morris, of Tromont, who has been
tho guest of his daughter, .Mrs. John Knott,
of Elleiigowan, the past week, returned
home to-d.iv.
Mrs. Q. W. IScddall returned to her
homo 111 Williamsport this niurniug.
Ho Completely Climrit Oil' 11 I'lngiT uf Hit
A fight took place between Peter Novicki
and Miko Unonis in u saluou on North
Emorick street last night, during which
Unonis completely chewed oil' tho index
linger of Xuvicki's right hand and spat it
upon tho lloor. Dr. W. N. Stein amputated
the remaining stump of linger. Policeniou
Ilutlcrand Matz arrested Unonis and locked
him up, but ho was dischaiged after paying
tho borough fine and costs, as the victim le
fused to prosecute. It is said tho men were
always on the most friendly terms prior to
the disagreement last uight.
At Jilfeticc Totmiey'H,
Peter Chicauoski was put under $300 bail
last u ght for breaking wiudows in tho house
of Joe Aukaloski.
William Estwell, of tlio First ward, was
committed to the luckup fur assaulting bis
boarding house keeper with a knife uud lurk.
After fcpendlug several hours in tho "cooler"
ho settlsd the case by paying the Hue and
lllrtliday I'lirly.
Gaorgo Iluchanau celebrated his 21st birth
day anniversary at his home in Kllangowan
by entcrlaioing about sixty friends, lie re
ceived a number of presents. A supper was
followed by a program of vocal and instru
meutal music.
Headache Quickly Cured.
Dr. Davis' Anti-Headache never fails, 25o.
304 Soutli rialn Street.
My entire stock of dry goods at cost
prices and also below cost.
We are still weaving cariet at from
25 to 50 cents tier yard.
Suitable to the Times.
Two pound of Arbuckles cnfTcu given uwuy
with one pound of SOu tea
Ten pieces of good white floating soap, 2fto
Three pounds California prunes 26c
Hix pounds lima bonus .JSo
Two cans of bent jelly 2So
Good loose colTec ,'0c
Other goods sold In proKrtlon.
HAY and HTitAW.
Floor and Table 011 Cloths.
E. B. FOLEY, 87 Centre St.
Stomach troublo is the common
name applied to a derangement of
tho system which is keenly felt but
vaguely understood. It may mean
inability to rotain food or to digest
it. It may mean nausea, pain after
eating, fullness, inordinato craving
for food, or entire lack of appetite.
Whatever it moans, there's troublo,
and it's with tho stomach. If you
havo stomach troublo, you will bo
interested in this letter from a
man who had it and was cured by
"For nins vea.-3 I suffered from stomach
trouble. I tt'ied the aid of tlio hot doctor
of Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and spent
larjre sums of money, all in vain. One day
while waiting a train in Iiellaire, 0:, 1
picked up .1 paper with a notico of Ayer's
Sarsapnrilla. I got ono bottle to try it. It
did mo so much good that I purchased five
moro bottles. 1 took four of thera and
gained in flesh, my appetite improved, and
now I can eat anything. My stomach 13 all
right, thanks to the use of Ayer's Sarsapa.
rilla." Calvin M. Stuvcns, Uniontown, Pa.
Clolri Hunter Hoard l-'rntu.
A lottor was received by n friend of
Thomas Iteilly yesterday, which stated that
ho arrived safe in Seattle, Washington. The
long delay in reaching that destination was
caused by a prolonged visit among acquaint
ances in Hutlalo. Mr. Iteilly will sail for
Hanson City shortly in search of gold
1' Executors, Administrators, Guardians,
Trustees, itc, herein named, filed their re
spective accounts in tho following estates in
the itegister's ollico at l'ottsvillo, in and for
the County of Schuylkill, which accounts
having been allowed by tho Itegister. will be
presented to the Judgeof the Orphans' Cotut
lor continuation nisi, uu
Monday, May 2nd, 1898.
1 First account of Aaron Iteichart,
guardian of Itohcrt Schweikert, minor child
uf George Schweikeit, late of South Maii
heim Township, deceased.
Ill-stand linal account ot Tlio bale de
posit Hank of Puttsville, Pa., guardian of
.Mary l.tizahclli r lsulmrn. lumur -ij Ul ol
George (J. l'ishbum, lato of IleiHy Town
ship, deceased.
3 l ust and unai account ot ueorgo r.
Iiickert. executor of Magdalena Goettlcr.
late of l'ottsville, deceased.
1 I'ust account of John Schmcltzer,
guaidiau of Theresa and Annie Dotterweich,
iniuor children of John Dotterweich, lato of
Puttsville, deceased.
l irst and linal account of Kcubcn II.
Shade, executor of Hannah Itullliiigton, lato
ul Hnliley lownslnp, deceased.
0 l'irst and linal account ul Vt . I). Walter
man, guardian ot sumuul h. iiuun, minor
child of Isaac Helm, late of Eldrcd Town
ship, deccised.
7 l lrst anil nnai account ol Alexander
May, guardian ol Caroline Kleiudieiist,
minor child of John Kleiudieiist, lato ul'
Maliauuy City, deceased.
& First account uf Alvin E. Hill, executor
f Gideon J 1 1 1 1, late of West l'enu Township,
0 Second and final account of Mary SI.
Hustler, administratrix of A. J. Ilossler, lato
uf New l'iuuiiold. deceased
10 Account of Daniel feheiip. executor of
Catharine Scitzingor, late ol lainuo,ua, de
11 First and final account of Ida Ilrcd
enner. administratrix f Solomon Itred-
b liner, lato of East Union Township, de
1!2 Filst and linal account of Margaret A
Nolan, administratrix of John Nolan, late of
Gmdun. deceased.
IS First account of John F. Shoup,
Clarenco It. Sbindel and August Hartwig,
executors ol Adam llartwig, lato ol 'la.
manna, deceased.
11 First account of George M. Heads,
administrator d. b. n. c. t. a. of Chiistina
Putt, late ul l'ottsville, deceased
13 First and final account of Edward
lieck, executor of George lieck, lato of North
Maiiheim lownslnp. deceased
111 First and liual account of Joseph
Schock, administrator of .Mary Schock, lato
of Walker Township, deceased.
17 First and final account of ThcodoroS
Thompson, exeiutur of Katharine V
Thompson, late uf Mahanoy City, deceased
lb First and account ol i no sciiuyi
kill Trust Co.. uf l'ottsvillo, administrators
d. b. n. c. t. a. uf James Gillingham, lato of
l'ottsville, deceased.
10 First and final account of Gcorgo J
Wadlingcr. trustee of John Quiun, lato of
I'ultsvULe. deceased.
20 Seventh account of David Watkius,
executor of David 11. Evans, lato of Potts
villi", deceased.
21 First and final account of Charles P
Seiners, trustee ol Jolm Lilly, lato ol Ilegius
Tow ish i p. deceased .
22 Filst and final account of Daniel
Neater, administrator uf Priscllla Nestor, late
of East lirunswick lownslnp, deceased.
23 First and final account of W. I.
Kramer, administrator of Henry Woostcr,
lato uf St. Clan, deceased.
21 First and final account of Juhn II
iiecd, executor of Francis M. Lukenbill, late
ol Way no Township, deceased.
25 First and final account of II. IJ. Gracll'
nxecutor of Catbarino S. Conrad, lato of
T.iiiiadtm. deceased
tl Filst and final account ol
Win. M.
Faiissct, trustee of John P,
l'artoii, lato of
l'ottsvillo, deceased.
1!kiistkr' Offick,
Puttsville, Pa., March 20, 1SIH.
hereby given that tho appraisement of the
decedents herein named, setting apart the
personal or other property to tho use or tlio
widows and children, have been filed in tlio
Clerk's ullice, and that they will bo presented
tu tho Judgo of tlio Orphans' Court of said
county forranfiruiatlnii nisi, on
Monday, May 2nd, 1898.
1 Tho appraisement of tho real and per
sonal estate uf Samuel V. Dorr, lato of Potts
ville, deceased.
2 Tho appraisement of tho porsonal es
tate of John E. Flood, lato of Now Philadel
phia, deceased. .
3 Tho appraisement of the personal cs
tatoof Luctau Fegley, late ol West liruns
wick Township, deceased,
I Tho appraiseuiout of tho personal es
tate of Abraham Curl, lato of Tower City,
5 Tho appraisement of tho personal es
tate of John L Eckert, lato of tho Township
of East lirunswick, deceased.
(1 The appraisement of tho roal and poH
souul estate of William M. Wagner, lato of
South Maiiheim Township, docoascd.
7 Tho appralseiueiit of tho pdrsoual es
tate of Augustus Fox, lato of Puttsville,
8 The appraisement of tho iorsonal es
tate of Aaron Klcckuor. lato of Itahn town
ship, deceased.
I 0 Tho upprulsemont of the personal cs
I tate of John J. Ityan, lato of Port Carbon,
I doceased,
10 The appnilsomont of the pertbiial
estate of Frederick Iiickert, lato of Tower
City, deceased.
' I'. C. liEESE,
Clerk of the Orphans' Court.
I ItKOIS'rEli'8 Okkii k.
1 1'otUvillo, I'a., March Bl, 1898.
( sprs
Additional Testimony TnUoii In Cuminls-
loner Miners' Cute,
l'ottsville, Apill 2. Tlio testimony lu sup
port of tho motion, for iv new trial in tlio
eao of Cominlsloiur Meyers was briefly
outlined In yesterday's issuo. A. C. Elsen
huth, of Orwigsburg, one of tho jurors, con
tradicted tho evldenco of Court Ciicr Charlos
(1 ruber, the latter having sworn that he was
not near tho Juiy room dooi at all. Crier
Graber was also contradicted by Frank
Webber, of South Manhelm township. He
sworo tliat Giabor spoke to him through tho
door transom when bo asked about more
ehiIj and clears.
Tho tlpslair, Jacob Swclgart, testified that
Webber and Graber bad no conversation
whatever; and he also said that Juror Webber
wis uot outside tlio door of tho room. Mr.
Swclgart stated that Mr. Grabor informed
tho jury that Judgo Ilcchtel had said that ir
they found a veidlct during tlio night they
should seal it and return it tho next day.
Swclgart was the last witness beaid and his
testimony differed point blank from that of
Mr. Graber, who sworo that he instructed
Tipstaff Swcigart to so inform tlio jury at
10:10 o'clock p. m.
Graber also declared that ho was not ncaror
tho jury room tliau the landing at tho top of
the stops. On this point Grabor also difl'ered
from Eisenhuth. Tho latter testified that at
about ten o'clock p. m. some ono called Juror
Webbor and tho call was repotted by several
jurors. Webber stepped outside tlio door and
into tho little alcove, whoro ho was engaged
lu a talk witli Court Crier Graber in a low
tone of voico fiom threo to fivo minutes.
Then Eisenhuth wont to tho door, which had
been left open about 18 inches, mid asked
Webbor to como In, so that they could go
ahead with tho work uf reaching a verdict.
Eisenhuth stated that from where ho satin
tlio jury room ho could see Webber and
Graber, but ho couldn't understand what
they woro tnlking about.
PotorSunor, of Minorsvillc, another juror.
gavo evidence similar to tlut of Juror Eisen
huth, except that ho could not sco Graber
from whero ho was sitting. He could hear
them talking, but could not mako out what
was said. Webber, ho stated, was out fouror
five minutes.
Tho remark that Juror Elias Klingcr inado
about Commissioner Meyers was hcird in
Joseph Wadlingei's lintel by Dr. J. W.
Sallado, of l'ottsvillo. Tho doctor said ho
was sitting in the barroom when Klinger,
before drinking a glass of beer, said To
hell with Charley Meyers." Mr. Wadlinger
also beard Klingor and, calling Dr. Sal
lade's attention to tho remark, mado a
written note of tho words. This happened
during tho trial and about a week before it
ended. More will bo heard about this matter
next Monday, when tho argument for a uow
trial may be made.
Judges Pershing, liechtel and Koch did
not decide upon the Commissioner vacancies
yostcrday afternoon, but will probably do so
within a few days. It was stated tins morn
ing that Joseph II. Nicbter is thiukitig of
withdrawing from tho fight, becauso if ho
should be appointed lio would have to give
up his wholesale and retail lhmor licenses.;i: a r l'O I NTM KNT.
Word reached hero yesterday that the ap
plication of 'Charles A. Snyder for the ap
pointment of Controller had been held up at
Harrisburs. Senator I.osch, who is backing
Snyder, and W. J. Whltohouso, in opposition
and, it is statod, in tho interest of Iturd W.
Payne, went to Harrisburs this morning.
Tlio Cltl7l'lis'
Firo Company
fur War.
Is ltrtidy
Mahanoy City, April 8. At a meeting of
tho Citizens' Steam Firo Company No. 2
last night the following resolution was unani
mniisly adopted :
'Iiisolved. That in caso of hostilities be
tween tins country and Spain, tho citizens
Steam Firo Company No. 2, of Mahanoy
City, cheerfully ofler their services to tho
Governor, to be ready for duty at onco.
Tho adoption of tlio resolutions was fol
lowed by prolonged cheering and other
evidences of enthusiasm.
Fen Cooper met with a royal reception
upon his return hero last night from Iteading,
where ho won a silver cup and a gold badge
as the omblems of tho stato championship in
tlio pigeon shooting contest.
Thore was an installation of officers at a
meeting of General Grant Lodgo No. 575,
I. O. O. F., last night.
The funeral ef Thomas Goodwlnltook placo
this afternoon. The services were conducted
bv Rev. T. Maxwell .Morrison. Interment
was mado in the Gorman I'rotestant ceme
Services over tho remains of Isaac Bcltz
took placo this afternoon at the residence of
tho deceased's daughter, Mrs. Jonas bhoup,
at Delano. Interment was made at Quakake,
Wedded To-day.
At tho homo of the groom in Zion's Grove,
this morning, Miss Minuio Siugley was
wedded to Harvey Werner. They were at
tended by Miss Ella Werner, a sister of the
groom and Charles Fox. Tho groom Is
brother of John Werner, of town. Among
tboso in attendanco at tho wedding were the
following from town : Mr. and Mrs. Hons
bergor. Misses Lizzie Miller, Aunia Portz,
Auna Helfner and W. J. Daddow.
Seorotnry Altrnr's Knt lior-ln-Lmv Dond
Detroit, April 2. W. G. Henry, fath
er-in-lav ot General Alger, secrctnry of
war, died at his residence here last
night. Mr. Henry, who vn tho oldest
graduate of the ItennBselaer Polytech
nlcul school, was 90 years old. Ho was
born In Bennington, Vt., and graduated
from Hennselaer in 1828.
Donclly Labor Hint In Huiicnry.
Vienna, April 2. A serious agrarian
outbreak has taken placo In the Hatz
feld district, near Temesvar, Hungary.
There has been a conflict between the
rioters and the gendarmes, the former
being; armed with stones, pitchforks
and hatchets. The gendarmes fired
Upon the mob and three laborers were
killed and several wounded. The mob
thereupon charged the gendarmes, one
of whom wuh fclllpd, nnd the rest fled,
Buy Koystoneflour. lie suro that tho nam
Lkjwki & Baku, Ashland, I'a., is printed on
overv sack.
Should be In Every Home and Library,
THe People's Me History
lla t' W (hin.Biilii. II. I,. ArmflUr ln.titUta.
ilhicauo, lll.t Itev. tleorsa F. 1'eiitccont, !.!., Marjle.
MaoArlhur, 1) U., Oulvur?
VlMnArthnr. II II.. fLilvurv Uni.liMt rhurch. New York
I'ltr, N. V.i Uov, MorUil Huinmerliall, I'll., Mat
Hlreet t reo HajitUt Cltumi, lwiaton, Alo.t llatf, rr
Hlreet 1
reo llailll (Jltumi, lwi
ol. 11.11 ,t'lrt Melhoilli
i.Ill.i lte ,W. T. Moore
niraonwBaltli.' JjOnuon,
f 1, liri.toi.
j' piacuuai i jiu
i C'hrii
vnn.lnn. Ill . 11a V. T. Moore. 1.111.. "The (
lion Conimonwealtli," LooJon, l-ng.i ller. j-.tlwartl
lerett Hale, 11.11.,
lln.lmi. Mhui.i ILhv. .
11.11.. Koulh Cjonur,
Houth Conuregationa) Church,
l!otou, Mau. Iter. ,Io.eili Agar licet, 1.1I., eklejuu
I Ai
College, JtlchlnoiiJ, lng.
. c'aiii'ar Itene uregpr
f Heaver
Wiikluaon, 1).1 .yuTwrnitr of i'hlcago. Chi-
I., Iter, rlumuel Hurt. II I).. Trinity College.
iie. i
fHgo. Ill,
Hartford, Iktnll.i lter.Jroiirofllb.on.ll.Il.Ht.John'a
Xt ooJ l're.bterlau Ohu rrh, Lomlon. i Iter. (Jvorge
U lrlmer, J.I, II., ilio lltiuoie, liokion, w
lriLAII t.lilllu.l.1HJ lage., Ol lUll.fiaga iiiu.ira'
Ion.. Bill edirel. clotli. I1A). halt levant. t&OUi full
"ut'illr'i' lUlTION'.-I Wn nanea. 200 full-rage lllllktra.
Itona. Utile A gilt edge., full levant, one Toluine,
f 15 II': Hlyle II -two voiumo., full levant, tufted, fji UJj
In IS I'A ItTti, quarto aire, review que.tlona toeach.atitf
lianer corera, aewed, trituuied allulttlr, IIaai eacu part,
Fn, ul. at all limk.lnrtui nml It frf,nltMl ler. fill
farther information, write IIKNIIV tl. HIIKI'Altll.
i'uoiiauerfSi. una zii Aiouroo Direei, unrcugo, jniuui
!. written br Illulit lion. William Ewsrt Ola.Utone,
:i-Premier of Ureal llrlllso unit Jrlopil, Chester,
:ng.i lte. A. II. Suice, Queen' Oollfiie. (ll.'ont. hps i
lev. Samuel Ie l!urtU, 11. 1)., Cldcjiaol huologlcal
.minuT, Chicago, ill.; Her. 1're.ierloU Farrnr, fj.l).,
r'.ll.H.. Iiean at (Weruury, Ouuierburr. Iter,
Kiiuer If.Caimu. ll.ll..Turta Cnllece. Koniervllle, Maw.1
vai.uaiii.ic :is-i'AOi: hook oivj:n
Fitisis to ot'it itnADints.
All Import Dressmaker Tells llnw to Sinks
Over Hint Itc-cnloi' Old Dresses, tVrups
mid Other Clothing in llm Latest Styles tii
Look I.Ike w-I'larllcnl Instructions
Hiut Will Suvo Money In Any Home.
It is astonishing how little, money and
work are required to mako fashlouablo, up-to-dato
gowns and wraps from lastyoai's cast
ofi' clothing, it ono only knows how. 'Homo
Dressmaking" is n 32-pago book, written by
an export dressmaker, that gives pictures of
fashlouablo dresses, wraps, and coats for
women and children, and lulls just how
they can bo mado from old garments, that are
faded, unfashionable in color, or out of stylo.
Tho HnitALn lias
Send this with n 2
t'cnt ptamp to Wells.
IticliatiUnn & Co., llur
liitgtou, Vt , and ie
ccUefree, by mail, one
ropy of "Homo Ircsa
nmklng." mado special ar
rangements with
tho publishers to
glvo tho book free
to any of its readers
who send the cou
pou with a two-cent stamp to Wells, Iticb
ardson & Co.. Ilurlington, Vt. Tho edition
is limited, and any ono who wants tho book
should send at once.
John A. IJoilly. popular both at homo and
abroad, has announced himself as a candidate
for tho Democratic nomination for Controller.
He would certainly make a strong candidate
There aio broakors ahead for Itruium, says
the Puttsville "Chiuniclo." Glad to hear It,
neighbor. They ought to como with such
force, too, as to ontirely sweep this political
huckster from tho field of politics forever.
Ho has fed at tlio public crib long enough,
and it is about time that Schuylkill is reprc
sented by a man who will tako care of iti
interests and do something moro than draw
his salary and secure fat positions for political
heelers. Hazloton Standard.
Frank Mooro is after Gus Scbrink's scalp
In tlio Fourth Legislative district, and it is
probable tho former will secure the nomina
tion. Attorney General McCornn'ck lias declared
for Wauamakor. Tills means that Governor
Hastings is of tho same opinion.
Tlio boom recently hiauguiated for Hubert
E. Pattisou as tho Democratic nominee for
Governor is 6aid to havo been inspired by a
number of Independent ltcpubllcans, now
supporting Wauainaker. They rcaliza tho
lattor's chances are slim, and are paving the
way to bolt the ticket nominated by Quay.
To say tho least, tho situation is inimical to
Kvpublion success, unless a ticket is nomin
ated that will afford uo pretext for a bolt.
Tho Mahanoy City American says: "It is
high timo this Jingo patriotism canio to an
end. Our Congressman should be called in,
renovated and sent out on tho farm. It is
very evident they have outlived their useful
ness and aro of no earthly good tu tho public
their constituents. This is severe on
Iirumm, from a paper that has heretofore
been bis loyal supporter.
Hon. Thomas A'. Cooper, who announced
himself as a candldato for Governor on a
platform of harmony and business equality,
has withdrawn owing to his connection witli
tho insolvent Guarantors' Insurance Com
pany. Thousands of siill'ereis from grippe bavo
been restored to health by One Minute Cough
Cure. Itquickly cures coughs, colds, bron
chitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, and all
throat and lung diseases. C. II. llagcubucl,
Church Notices.
Tho revival services lu the Calvary Baptist
church has been well1 attended during the
past week nnd cunsidcrablo interest lias been
manifested. Sumo aro" already declared on
tho Lord's side aud others aro anxious about
their souls. Miss Morgan's preaching has
been very acceptable aud impressive. SIiss
Morgan displays considerable ability as an
evangelist. Thero will be service this Satur
day evening at 7:30 ; also every evening
during thu coming week. To-morrow (Sun
day ) Pastor It. It. Albin will preach in the
morning, 'Coming toiJcstis." Miss Morgsu
will preach in tho ovening, Tlio choir led
by W. Waters will give an anthem during
the evening. All uro jiivitod to attend these
Services will lie held iit tho P. M. church
to-morrow. Morning .subject, "A Specimen
of Blblo Pictorial Teaching, tho Eagle."
Sunday 6chool at S p. m. Evening subject,
I ho Great Wonder iu Heaven a Woman."
Everybody welcome.
Palm Sunday and confirmation services
will be held in the Trinity Reformed church.
on West Lloyd street, to-morrow morning
and evening. At the first service tho pastor,
Itev. Robert O'Boyle, will cxamino a largu
number of catechumens aud in the evening
the class will bo confirmed.
Clare Mutter, .15 Knsl Oak Street,
is tho authorized local agent for tho popular
work known as "Tlio Beautiful Life of
Francis Willard," the world's iireateet tem-
pereuco advocate and reform organizer. Tho
work is profusely illustrated; rich, racy, and
wonderfully Interesting aud Instructive. All
other popular works handled by the samo
agent, especially Talmago's'greatest and best
book, "Earth Girdled." A postal or other
message will bo responded to by said agent.
Silver Cream Polish, tlio best in tho world.
At Brtimm's.
Truiisfors Aslteil For.
Tlio following persons have filed petitions
for the transfer of liquor llcouscs: William
Batinls for tho retail license of M. P. Bren-
nan, Wes,t ward, Gilberton; William Dagilus
for the rotail license of Mrs. Catheriuo Busch,
Third ward, Shenandoah; Peter Yauulavigo
for tbo retail license of John W. Curtln.
First ward, Shenandoah; J. P. McDevitt for
the lictnse of Abraham Tajlur, Frackvillo;
Thomas Pauilukouis for tho liccuso of Juhn
Stroles, Fittli ward, Shenandoah.
Croup instantly relieved, Dr. Thomas'
Eclectno Oil, Perfectly safe. Nover fails.
At any drug store, "
Coal l'riees Iteilllceil. .
Tho ofliclals or tho Philadelphia i. Reading
Coal & Iron Company havo issued a circular
to tho Hue and city trade announcing a rc
duction iu broken, egg, stove, nud chestnut
sizes of anthracite coal of 25 cents a tou.
A Warning,
Among tlio business changes mado yester
day is that of Louis. Mann's notion aud
gents' furnishing store from 17 to 33 West
Centre street. Notification Is given to a
gang of loafers who mako that locality
placo of rendezvous, that if they fall to cease
the habit moro stringent measures will bo
resorted to. -H.2t
Askyour grocer for tho "Royal Patent
dour, nud tako no other brand. It is tho host
Hour mado.
Tuu 11a) a Neat Wonlt.
Orders woro received to-day for the P. & 11,
C.& I. Co, collieries to work noxt Mouday
and Wednesday, three-quarter time.
Mrs. Dohanua died at her homo In Girard-
villo on Thursday evening. A husband and
threo children survlvo. They are John aud
William, of fiirardville,'nud Mary, of Phila
iHiipeiilnsa Tlirncnjliont the Country
OliriMilclod for Hasty Perusal.
To-morrovr will be Palni Sunday.
The niiiio workers at Hazloton were in
convention tills aftornoon.
Tho area to bo paved in Mahanoy City
covers 40,410 square yards.
The North Mahanoy colliery has bson
equipped with a telephone lino.
Yesterday was pay day at tlie court house,
but thero was no money In tho treasury.
Tho Schuylkill county Medical Socioty
will meetnt tlio Almshouse next Tuesday.
l'ottsvillo defoatod tho Danville team last
night in n samo of basket ball, score 11 to 0.
A new Masonic lodco was Instituted at
Haxleton last night under very favorable cir
An eisteddfod is to bo hold in Bethel Welsh
Congregational church, Mahanoy City, on
Good Friday.
Philip J. Htintzingor, a Mahanoy City
ninatcur, wnnts to meet Jack McOeover, the
Wllllamstowu light weight.
The news items in the correspoudouco to
tho l'ottsvillo daily papers appear in tho
llKitAl.l) tho day previous.
Dennis Dougherty, a well known young
man of Connor's patch, left tho forepart of
tho week to enlist in tho navy.
Tho now Hazlo brewery, nt Hazlcton, was
opened yesterday for the llrst timo. Its
canacltv is 20.000 barrels a year.
Tho work of rebuilding the Commercial
IIouso at Mt. Carmol, that was recoutly de
strovod by firo. has been begun.
A St. Clair man was appointed Almshouso
Steward, and the l'ottsvillo papors givo him
a column lu biogrtipbiial sketch. Such is
John Dcch, formerly of Mahanoy City nnd
St. Clair, died nt tho almshouse ycstenUy,
until 08 years. Although nu inmate lie was a
valuable attendant and nursoiu tho hospital
for many years.
Cards aro out announcing the wedding of
Miss Nora Barrett, an accomplished young
lady of Connor's patch, to Mr. John F.
Rollins, a popular young man of Homes
vllle, on the ISth of April.
Tho many friends of Thomas J. Ldwards,
formerly of Mahanoy City, will bo pleased to
learn that bo was recently promoted from iu
side foreman of Logan colliery to inside fore-
man of Green ltidge colliery.
William litirdon, outside foreman at tho
Gilberton colliery, has sent in his resignation
taking cllect the first of April. He has bold
the position of outside foreman for many
years. . IIo Intends to mako jMiui.nioy city
bis placo of residence.
Itev. David II. Schneder, of Iteading, has
gono to establish a mission at Sendai, Japan.
Soveml druggists of Mahanoy City are
threatened witli fines of $50 each for selling
alcohol without a license.
John Prosser was on tho streets early this
morning expounding bis views on the
American-Spanish question. Ho was loaded
for war.
Suit has been brought by Coroner Georgo
B. Sbeck against tlio Lebanon County Com
missioucrs for $3.50, tho charges of an in
quest, which they refused to pay.
During tho month of March work was bo
gun on 5!i dwelling houses in Allentown, and
it is expected that tho year will bo a record
breaker for building operations.
For attacking Tax Collector McNcal, of
JIcAdoo, Schuylkill county, Mrs. Josepl
Itnyuock was heavily fined, nud Joseph
Stofako and Stophcu Paill, hor allies, wero
bold for court.
Thu North Bangor slato quarry, at Bangor,
Northampton county, which lias been idlo
two or threo years, will resume operations
Monday, aud a largo number of hands will
bo employed.
Xuw Kresli Tmck ut Guslctt's.
New frosh strawberries, tomatoes, bead
lettuce, asparagus and beans. Fresh fish
every Wednesday and Friday. At Coslett's,
30 Smith Main street. 3-30-bt
"V" ri-ugraiu.
Tho following program will bo rendered a
the meeting of the "Y" this ovening: Sing
ing, by "Y;" scripturo reading, Miss Lizzie
llrooks; solo. Miss Annie Robiusou; reading
Miss Laura Robertson; declamation, A. J
Millichap; news of interest, E. F. Danks
question box, historical questions, in charge
uf Miss Manscll; critic, Benjamin Mansell.
Children like it, it saves their lives. Wo
mean Quo Miuuto Cutigh Cure, tho inlallibl
leniedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis,
grippe, and all throat and lung troubles. C,
II. Haucubuch.
Tllcy's Now I'oKltliin.
John W. Tiloy, lato outside foreman at th
P. & it. C. & I. Co's, Pino Forest colliery, at
St. Clair, which was abandoned last week
has been appointed to a similar position at
the company's big colliery at Gilburton, and
assumed his duties thoro yesterday.
Fire! Flrnl I'lrul
Insure your property from loss in til
oldest nnd strongest cash companies : Phila
Underwriters Insurance Co. of North
America nud Firo Association, Hartford
Firo Ins Co., American Firo Insurance Co
West Chester Firo Ins. Co., Unitod Fiieinen'i
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 S. Jardiu St., Shenandoah.
To Cure Headache In 15 Minutes.
Tako Dr. Davis' Atl-Hcadacho. All druggists
30 Days Slaughter
Sale of ... .
In order to make room for my
new branch of business, hardware
stoves, shelf and builders hard
ware, in which Iam goinp to
embark in the near future. Here
are a few of our prices, as an ilhts
tration of our slaughter sale :
Baby Carriages
$3.50 and up.
Six foot square extention tables
nicely furnished, $2.75.
White enameled bedsteeds,
miracle, SI. 98.
Cane seated chairs, in Cherry
and Walnut, 43c.
Iligh-bnck wood seated dining
chairs, d&c.
eatner seat rockers wc are
selling at SI.69.
. . . DEALER
121-123 North Main St.
Tlio Coinlnltlre. nre Doing Considerable
1'rellnilniiry Work,
The Soldlor's Monument Park Association
hold a meeting in tho G. A. K. hill, Kcfo
wlch's building, last evening. Although It
was tlio first meeting slnco last Januaiy thu
eports of sub-committees sboned that they
ail uot been Idlo and tbo project is con
stantly on the move. It is tho intention of
the Association to mako no definite public
announcement concerning tho work In hand
until it gots affairs in tticli shupo that tliy
nn be taken up and pushed to completion
without any moro delays. Tho prospects
for this aro very encouraging. Hon. M. C,
Watson, chairman of tho commltteo on site,
mado a report in which he stated that tho
negotiations with tho Girard Estate
for a site was progressing very favorably
through Messrs. II. S. Thompson, of Potts
ville, and E. C. Wagnor, of Qlrardville, aud
tho prospects for securing tho land sought
aro very bright. A vote of thanks was
tcndorcd D. C. Kenning, Esq., for nn oiler of
sslstauco. Tho granting of tho Association's
charier was formally announced. Another
meeting will bo hel.d nt tho samo placo ou
tho 15th Inst.
Consul for Coul Miners,
John Nemcth, a prominent Hungarian
resident of llazleton, yostorday received
official notico of his appointment to bo a
consulate of tho Austro-Huugarlan Govern
ment that has been croated for thonnthraclto
coal region. Mr. Nemcth will havo his
headquarters in that city and employ n forco
of eight assistants. His jurisdiction extends
over 18 counties of Eastern Pennsylvania,
Flowers lur Kastcr.
A full variety of Eastor plants in full
b.noiu. They will arrivo Thursday, April
7th, at Coslett's, 30 South Main St. 3-30-8t
Itiinniviiy Knghio.
A "Penney" engine was on its way down
the grado toward Boston Itun yesterday
when a coal train was seen approaching.
Both engineers reversed their levers aud
jumped. Tho engines collided lightly and
oach staited in opposito directions. Ono of
tbo engines started up tho grado at a good
rate of speed, ran into a traiu of coal cars at
Frackvillo, knocking four of them into
splinters, and twisting itself all outf sliapo
uud finally toppled overall embankment.
Scalp Treatment.
Katharino A. Uickoy, ISO N. Main St.
jOH SALE. A beautiful walnut bed room
suite. Coiimletu outfit. Aimlv nt IlniALD
uuicc. a-iy-ti
VyANTHD.-rjooil nmil to sell 81.00 accident
t lusiiranco policy. Liberal commission.
Address, Fred. II. Wetter, general agent, l'otts-
FOlt SAI.13. IIouso and lot, 813 Kot Ocntro
street. Apply to T. It. lieddall, Slienan-
JjOK SAI.15- A very desirnble property. Ai
; ply to Joseph Wyutt, 201 North Main St. tf
ITiOH HKNT. Tho corner storo room now oc
! cupli'd by tho Factory Shoo Store. A good
opening for any ouu cither in tho boot and ehoo
or any other IjiihIiichi. Apply to N. W. Kcddull,
jseuuaii'8 iiatuwuro store. 8-17-tf
VTOTlCi:. To tho young men nnd ladles of
1 thu Shenandoah valley who wou.d care to
become uood tcleirrunhers In nsbort time. In a
class or l.'rivatc Ic-homh. to be eondlieti.d bv mi
able Instructor, will do well to write to "1'elc-
grnpn operator," core All the appli
cations will ho answered and full particulars
given. Enrollment will bo open only this
neeK, 3-3W)t
tot have sold direct to the con
Burner for 25 yean at bo!e
1 price, atviait him th
eaier i pront.
woer ior
ayiea or
Top Dureiee.
arrerf,!Mtotf23. Carria-
eel. Thaetons.
etteg. Spring-It
lTo.TT Samy Hiram. Pries, 16,00,
gvoa mu ior f J3
CKaier Export Beer"-
Has attained an excellence which lias rarely been excelled.
The Kaier Export Beer..
It Is compared by mauy
to tho products of lladen
Mahanoy City, Pa.
Mail orders will receive prompt attention.
(Successors to J. W. Johnson,)
N- Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
If you contemplate building consult our contract price. The new
proprietors were formerly with the Shenandoah dumber and Feed Co
1 spring remedy tV4 to
batter than alt other U
Thousands havo been cured
by It physicians use and rec
ommend It
Wo "havo It
Try a bottle,
106 North Hnln Street.
We have some nice effects in
Easter baskets.
rmm.-cnmr -stoke,
29 West -Centre Street.
c a
And that is the time to have
your hair cut. We make it a specialty.
12 W. Centre St. BARBER SHOP.
Ferguson House Block.
118 nnd 120 N. Bowers St., Shenandoah.
The Rosy Freshness
And a velvety softness of the skin Is Inva
riably obtained br thore who use Pozzomi'b
Complexion powder.
13(1 to 170.
Trans. Waeon.
oad Q4 Milk
r.Tffr .iii Ir" v N.WSurrtr. Price, with eartalni, lamps, t.
tataloguo of all our itlei. shads, apron and fender. IM. At looi i in for lao.
CO. W. Ii. riUTT, Bco ELKUAUT. U.
And his associates havo snout, not only much timo, but also a
largo amount of monoy, in experiments, to bring this Beer to
its present perfection and they havo many testimonials that
tho company lias received from well known medical men
which aro oxliihited witli pardonable pride by tho President,
Mr. Chas. 1). Kaicr. The brewer, Mr. Franz Kaier, is a
gentleman scientifically versed iu all that pertains to tbo
lltewer's Art and to Ids porsovoranco aud closo application is
largoly duo tbo splendid triumphs achieved by
"Old Country" lieor Driukors
and Havana.