OWED BNJOY Both tlio motbod and results wlicn Syrup of Figa is taken; it ia pleasant and rof resiling to tlio tasto, and acts gently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tlio sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fovers and cures habitual oonstipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ac Beptablo to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agrocablo substances, its manyoxccllcnt qualities commend it to all and havo mado it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for salo in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any rcliablo druggist who may not havo it on hand, will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCI3C0, CAL. UBU1SVIUE, Kr- NEW YORK, AX 'VETERINARYSPECIFICS S00 PAGE BOOK HAILED FREE, CONTENTS: Part I. Diseases of Horses. Part II. Diseases of Cattle. Part III. Diseases of Sheep. Part IV. Diseases of Hogs. Part V. Diseases of Dogs. Part VI. Diseases of Poultry. Same book in bolter binding BO eta. Hl'atr-llllEYS'UEU. CO., Cor.lTIIIIftin A John Bit.. New York NERVOUS DEBILITY VITAL. WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Hwmnhroys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in use ovor40 years, tho only successful remedy. $1 per vlai.or 5 vials andlame vial powdcr,for $5 Sld by DruggUtl, or MM pnnlpnU on receipt or price. IIVHrilUhlS' MED. 10., tor. William A JolinMi., New York " "THE STYLISH PATTERN." Ar tistic Fashionable. Original. Perfect- 1'iuing. races iw " coiiim None higher. None better at any price. Some tellable merchant tells them In T nearly every city or town. Ask tor I them, or they can be had by mail from I us in either New York or Chicago. 5 f. . 1 T T7-,M olamps ui&en iaica aa.iivn w.n-v. sent upon receipt of one cent to pay postage. , " . f PL H TT ' Brightest ladies' magazine published. Tnui hU for Ifie home. Fashions of the day. Home Literature, Household 2 Mints, rancy worn, v,urrem xopita, Flrilnn. all for onlv 50 cents a vear, In- cludinga frco pattern, your ownselec- I Hon any lime, oena two ittm aiuj for sample coov. Address t THE McCALL COMPANY, V S I J42-I46 West Hth Street, New York. t f G ,89 rat Avenue, Chicago. THE PHILADELPHIA TiriES JS THE HANDSOMEST and BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED. r...t iana Tinr ti mk4 will not onl v mntntatn tho hlirh standard of fijcellcneo It reached tho i - ttn .tbttiifnutlv puflfiivor tu excellts own best record, and will not swerve ron Its set f urpoao to make THE TIMES THE FAVORITE FAMILY NEWSPAPER OP THIS COUNTRY AND NEWSPAPER rniNTiKO THE BEST PUBLISHED ALL THE NEWS ALL THE WORLD ALL THE TIME No Journal Is more extensively circulated or has b whler circle of rwulera In Pennsylvania than THE PHILADELPHIA TiriES WHY? BECAUSE IT DESERVES THEM Specimen Copies Sent Free -Send for one TT3DMC DAILY, J3.00 per annum Mcenia lEIVi'lO per mouth ; dellvrreil liy carrier for 6 cents per week. HUNIUY HWrjON, 32 larpc, lmiidsoiue puKea 221 columns, cleuuiitly Illustrated, beautifully printed in colors, J2-C0 per annum; Scents per copy. Dally and Bun day, &S.00 per annum j CO umts per month. Address all letters to THE TIMES, rUILADKLPnti, HUMPHREYS 3 .-Q-l40l-allstIl-3i-c MAGAI1NEW ANOTHER BANKCLI APTIiR Showing How Easy It Is For a Pinanoior" to Bob, THE LIABILITY OF DIRECTORS. Itcicolver J'nilo, of riillndolpliln'.i Jjootod Hunk, IntlmnteK Thnt Suits May Do lli'ouulit Against the Direc tors orThnt Institution, Philadelphia, April 2. The startllnrr exposures of the methods pursued In the conduct of th business of the Chestnut Street National bank at the hearing on Thursday before the Uni ted States commissioner in the trial of Cashier Steele led yesterday to further revelations. It now transpires that tho former firm ot Gerlach & Hnrjes, which, In a report of the bank's examination under tho date of Oct. 7, 1800, was re corded ns being Indebted to tho bank to the extent of $107,034, retired from business two years prior to that date, and a member of tho firm statbd today that he had no knowledge of the firm being obligated to the bank, and be lieved tho name of the house had been used to cover other parties indebted to the institution. Mr. Hnrjes said ho never received any notice of any Indebtedness, and was unable to explain the report. He was even more astounded and mysti fied bv the statement that the firm's loans had Increased in amount in the interim between Nov. 14, 1895, and Oc tober, 189G, for the reason that the firm did not exist during that time. He admitted that they had dealings at the bank, but said whatever loans they had mado wero amply secured by col lateral. Mr. Eorle, receiver of the bank, said in an interview: 'No ono who has carefully studied Mr. Slngerly's methods and character can fail to bo sorrv for the directors and others whom ho has gotten Into all this trouble. He was winning, de termined and persistent beyond words, and by a sort of natural selection grad ually gathered men about him who thought him tho greatest man in the world, and who, though amiable nnd good intentloned, were totally unable to resist or restrain such a dominating and able nature as his. "Of course I was no sooner appoint ed than it became my duty to resist Mr. Slngerly's wishes, and he promptly determined to get rid of me as soon ns he could. It was simply Impossible for him to brook opposition from any one. I say this because I think justice re quires it, and I do not fear to say it, because every one either does or will eventually know that nothing, not even my sympathy for people who, through their friendships, are having most seri ous troubles, will or has swerved mo from protecting to the full extent of my powers those whom I represent. find that nearly all, if not all, of these directors had such confidence In Mr. Slngerly that, notwithstanding their knowledge, ho has obtained largo por tlons of their personal means from them. Of course such men should never have been directors, and it is most un fortunate for tho depositors and them selves that thev ever were." Mr. Karle Intimated that suits may be brought against the directors to recover In the Interest of the deposl tors. Concerning Mr. Slngerly's dealings with his friends, a well known financier said today: "His friends had the ut most confidence in his honor and finan cial responsibility, and they were per sons who were most deceived. Slngerly had a way of figuring out to the satis faction of every one who Inquired about his wealth that he was worth at least $1,500,000. He would enumerate his se curities, nnd point out all of his prop erties, and n friend would not think of further Investigation. They all had confidence In him. "I never obtained a dollar from the Chestnut Street National bank on a loan," said ex-Governor Robert E. Pat tlson today, when asked concerning the claim which the bank has against him personally. "What I did with respect to my obligations held by tho bank," continued the governor, "was done be cause of my almost implicit confidence in the ability and financial responsi bility of tho late William M. Slngerly. Mr. Slngerly on several occasions as sured me both of his ability and In tention to thoroughly protect me and to properly nnd satisfactorily provide for the payment of the notes. I shall, of cou!-o, always feel It to be my duty to pay, as far as I shall ever be able to do so, any portion of the Indebted ness that may not be realized upon the collateral held by tho bank. From the standpoint of the careful business man I may havo made a mistake In thus giving Mr. Slngerly my notes, but )i) doing so I did It to oblige a man who had always been my friend." Interested People. Advertisine a patent medicine in the pe. culiar way in which the proprietor of Kemp's Halsam for Coughs and Colds docs it, is in. deed wonderful, He authorizes will druggists to eive to those who call for it, a sample bottle free, that they may try It before pur- rhasinir. The large bottles are 25 anu 00c We certainly would advise a trial. It may save you from consumption. IlIsmnrnk'H Klghty-thtrd Hlrthdny, Frledrichsruhe, April 2. I'rlnco Otto Von Bismarck yesterday celebratod the 83d anniversary of his birth, giving a bannuet to 22 guests, who had prevl ously Inspected the birthday gifts. The prince was in excellent spirits, ana walked with the nd of a gold handled stick, the gift of Emperor William. At dinner he called for cheers for the era- iieror. Count Von Donnersmarck loasttfd l'rllice. Bismarck. Many People Cannot Prink coffeo at night. It spoils their sloop. You can drink Qrain-O when you please and sleep liko a ton. For Graln-0 docn not stimulate; it nourishes, cheers and feeds, Yot It look and tastos llko tho best coffeo. For nervous persons, young pcoplo and children Graiu-0 Is tho perfect drink. Made from pure- grains, (lot a package from your grocer to-day. Try it iu placo uf coflea. 15 mid gac. Anton Solill's SuocovHor. New York, April 2.I3uEene Ysaye, tlio violin vlrtuso, will be tho succes Hor of Anton Seldl In this country as the director of Wugner and Ileethoven concerts. Slgmond Bernstein, late manager for Held!, has closed a contract with Ysnye, by which Yeaye will or ganize nn orchestra comprising mnny of Sldcl's musicians, with others of his own selection, and will conduct It on the lines followed by the dead master. It Is possible that Ysaye will eventually take charco of the Philharmonic and tho 'permanent orchestra. Bucklen'a Arnica salve, Tho boat salvo In tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhoura, fovor soros, tcttor, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or jo pay required. It Is tuaranteed to glvo perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salo by A. Wa&loy. I have used Joliann Moil's Malt Extract and find It most beneficial as well as agreeable. I would like to know your price per dozen bottles. Beware of Imitations The genuine JoSann HolTs Malt Kxtract has this signature fT" on neck label. Eisner & Mbndei. son Co., Sole Agents, New York. oeoasooosaoeooeooecsoaeaeoooooaooeessseseoeoooooeee Free Med for sea backs this Oder. (Cut out and send this notice, or ERIE MEDICAL ItUNMNU ON TIMK. SOUTIIHUN RAILWAY FLORIDA TIIA1TS MAK ING A lli:SIAI!KAm.E RECORD. Jacksonville, Tin., Feb. 22. Last season it was not nil uncommon occurrence for the trains from tho North to reach here from ono to five hours lato. Tho remarkable regu larity of tho arrival on timo of tho Southern Itallway trains this season is n matter of comment and favorablo criticism around tho hotels and by all incoming tourists. Tho schedule, of tho Florida Limited, tlio fast train over the Southern Itallway and tho Florida Central and Peninsular, is soveral hours shorter than that of last year, but tho track has been put in excellent condition and tho engineers of Incoming trains say tho new schedulo Is mado with ease. Don't Trifle With Coughs and Colds, Take Pan-Tina (25c.) and bo cured. At Qruhlcr llros., drug store. Decoration Day Tour to itttyburg. Tho Pennsylvania Itailroad Company has arranged for another of its popular seven day personally-conducted tours to tho battle field of Gettysburg, Luray Caverns, aud Washington, to leave New York and Phila delphia by special train Saturday, May 28. Kate, $27.00 from Now York; $24.00 from Philadelphia, covers all ucecssary expenses. Proportionate rates from other points. For itineraries and full information apply to ticket agonts ; Tourist Agent, 1100 Broad way, Now York ; 780 Broad street, Nowark, N. J. ; or Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. Give tho Children a Drink called Grain-O. It is a delicious, appetizing, nourishing food drink to tako tlio placo of coll'eo. Sold by all grocers aud liked by all who have used it becanso when properly prepared It tastes llko tho finest coffee but is free from all Its injurious properties. Graln Onids digestion and strengthens tho nerves. It is not a stimulant but a health builder, and children, as well as adults, can drink it with great benefit. Costs about 1 as much a3 codec. 15 aud 25c. RUPTURE CURED. A Specialist on Rupture from Williamsporti v;ill visit Shenandoah Every Thursday AT THE Hotel Franey, from 8 till 10:30 a. m. Rupture permanently and quickly Cured or uo pay. written guarantee to aosoiuieiy cure all kinds of Kupture without operation or detention from business. Absolutely no Danger. Examination Free. loo persons cured in Sunbury. Shamokin, Mt. Cannel and vicinity who can be referred to. Charges and terms moderate ana wiuun reach of all. Thos. Buchanan, OPTICIAN. Examination Made at Your Homo or at Our Store. --Has Moved to- 118 S. Main Street. THOMAS BUCHANAN, OPTICIAN, fOCOV and CH0C0M1TES rpR EMING. DRINKIN6. COOKINP. BAKING Bi 1 Purity of Material and Odicioasness FUttrlltitxtellsaV fDR SALMI OUR SIOIUS f i AHP by CWCIRS tVlRyWHtllE. Celebrated Fomalo I'owders novcr full. ihe bvit In th nhTrkrt, A H( Tjuc, JSMk Utj, Uorton, Mi "7mm 1 fillli TV; M .J. A . nis II Ki U mm mm Jr'yiQilU'Bclt wciwvuiiiru.Mi.m J 'M saT and sure (sfter fiuln with Tsniv fnd rennyroysl 1'llli and other Ul' dVBtJ tunedkf). Always buy tho but sndtvotd A up rclntmeut. Uuiiraiitcou upcnur.iq.ail oisers. .!. tvucuiancts, lr. IM. a en Who Are Willing to Pay When Convinced of Cure. A Self-nilflf! enmtjinret mcdlcnl Boil Tnpchnn!(vl rum lirul I teciull(covciod for " Weakness of Men." Ita success lias been so startling that the proprietors nowannounoo that -uii'j-wiu scna 11 on mm-remeaies nna appuanco Z"' without advance payment to any honest man. ' If notall that U claimed all you wish send it rjack - that fnos it pay nothing I No such Oder was ever mode in good faith before 1 wo believe no other remedy would stand such n test. This combined treatment curcsqulckly, thoroughly and forever nil effects of early evil habl.ts, later ex coses, overwork, worry, etc. It creates health, strength, vitality, sustaining powers and restores weak nnrt unlcvolopd portions to natural dimen sions and functions. Any man writing In earnest will receive descrip tion, particulars and references in a plain sealed en veloe. l'rofesaloual confidence. No deception nor IraiKjsltlon of any nature. A national re-nutation mention pnpar.) Addrcig CO., Buffalo, N. Y. DR. E. C. WEST'S HERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL, ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS, fa Boldnnder nositivo 'Written uarnntcc. byonthorizpdnsonts only, to euro Weak Momory, DizzinesB, Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria, Quick ness, NiRht bosses. Evil Drenms. Ijick of Conn deuce, NorvouBtioss, lassitude, all DrainB, Youth ful ISrrore, or ISxcosslvo Uxeof luliacco, upturn, or liquor, which loads to Misery, Consumption, Insanity and Death. At etoro or ty mail, SI n box, sixfor J5;vithTvrltteii ciinrnntco to euro or refund, money. Sample jiacl: iigo, containing fivo dayor treatment, with full Instructions, 25 cents. Ono eamplo only Bold to cacn porson. At atoro or ny man. Pnwnp. r,nRt. Mfinlinnd. Br-OREorbymail. APTEP For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug: Store. ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND THERE IS NO KIND OF PAIN OR ACHE. INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL. 1 THAT PAIN-KILLER WILL NOT RE LIEVE. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB- , STITUTES. THE GENUINE DOTTLE BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS & SON. Tht' why they enjoy their OOFFBJJ. Any grocer can tell you why customer! keep coming; back for SBEUG'S. 0aljr3c.p4ckaf. t AskYqurDealerForThem. mm i DO NOT DESPAIR I lioXotSiiirerl-onEcr! The toys ana ambitions or life can to restores to you. Tlie very worst cases or Nervous nobili ty are absolutely ourcul by iM:kfi:ct4i 'i'aiii.kts. UWo prompt roltet to Insomnia, falling memory and tue wnits and drain ot vital poirers.lncur. red by lndlt.crotlonsoroxcessea of enrly years Impart vleor and potency to every function. n . .t. .tam llirn IllOOin IO 1116 ebeeks and lustre to tlioeye i of young orpld. UnoHic ; bo; renew -f ft A vital energy. teed euro or uUi'uey refunil-ft-fAfyed. Can be carrleainvesM For sale in Hlienandoali by Shenandoah Drug moro anu uruiiier jm. .CONSULTED MANY D00T0RS hluiou II lit. oevv York. Hoars be fore Aldermau O. Kulhoni: "For elsht weary years i aragfrci luroumi toe mis eries ofadtscatte that no doctor seemed to flWA IViJuudt'rBUnit I cunaullixl many or the '"hi-it lamllv doctor. BiecUllslH and hosDl- ly doctors, biwcihusu and tiospi Now York Citv and not onaol Ul pliTBtclaus of Kw York clt s or siw 1 or t ny ana uoi onor them nave me any reuer. ne anv re lie r. I imd sevtre nalns and 1 una severe pains and Rflies that ifcetnod to m toeif ct overv part -of my body, with MIUVOIIH nKIUl.lTV, poor memory, ulcers In my mouili. balr loll out.sto, It was a mytsry loniehow 1 filstl Insurli agony for the Jialu at uuies wa uuuunrnuio auu i as na euud Tor any duties of UiU life; but a lucky day came for me at last and that was when I visited my cousin In IMiltad'!i!i!a, whea during a conver sation with him and Ids rrleud ihey remarked that DR. THEEL 604 Horth Sixth St. (1'rlviilo enirivnci'iiLii u.i i.,i i'lilluili'lphlii, was good 111 special trouble so 1 at uuue thought mine was ol that sort and the nett day quiet ly con'ulted the doctor, who thoroughly examined me and stated thnt mv troubles were due to ISAKIiV AlllWi;nd lll.(IIM) 1'OIMIN. I at oiku went under hucareaiid contlnuul treatment forelchiern inonlhs and at ihe end of that time was thoroughly cured, Henrt flvo to stamns for 'Triiili-' 'I'"' best Its ertual cannot be found! only one eipoiliiB quartti i advertising as rreat and famous spi-c nttiis. I rrsu ( uses cured In 4 to 10 da). Hours HI l-vg's. Hun., frit; Wed. and Bat. Kvg's, iHO, Trontinent hr mull. Hecrocr fuiirmilrril. vnnmeiubilabl wlthoutconenk eriuuneiit cure guaruntml alter other tailed. Health is Weajth. itt 1 E35"Rcd Label Special SSsm Extra Strength. Mm ror imnoioncy. juosa oii,f'- n t mim'Wikrl .fR0YAL , H(W0RCE5TER SA C0R5ET5I L mm ft A PnTRMTlR, Her Boy Went Down With tho Wreck of the Mainoi HAS ANOTHER BOY IN THE NAVY. And Sho Is Unliosltntlncly I'or War In tlio Intorost oftlio StKVorlnir Mothers tn Culm Who Havo Seen Tholr Clill dron Stnrvo by Tholr Sldoq.' . Chicago, April 2. Side by side In the Chicago Tribune today appears a lettsr from Mrs. Ellen M. Henrotln, of this city, who, on behalf of the Women's Clubs of the United States, wrote to President McKlnley urging him to lake the way that leads to peace, and a statement from Mrs. Shilllngton, moth er of Harry Shilllngton, who went down with the Maine. Following Mrs. llenrotln's letter Is a statement by her In which she upholds the stand she took in her letter, and repeating that the general federation of women's clubs will give to President McKlnley "our moral support in all that he does or In all thnt he leaves undone for hu manity's sake." Mrs. Shilllngton was shown Mrs. llenrotln's letter, nnd asked If she thought It spoke for all the mothers In America. Mrs. Shilllngton could not read any further than the line "on ub war will fail the heaviest, for we must give up our sons. "I've already given up one of mine," sho said, "my Harry. Hut with ono boy burled in tho mud of Havana har bor and another on board a United States cruiser that may be the first to be sunk In case of war I have no ap peals to make to the president for peace. I am a mother, and I have suffered as perhaps not many of the mothers who have Joined In Mrs. Hen rotln s appeal have suffered, but I do not shrink at the notion of war. We must think of our own, and Heaven knows no one could have" thought more of her boy than I did of the one who died on the Maine, but there are moth ers in Cuba who must be thought of mothers who have seen their little ones starve to death by their sides. 'I have no criticism to make on tho women who have Joined in Mrs. llen rotln's petition. They want to be spared the loss of their loved ones, and I pray God that they may bo. liut if he should let them suffer as I have suffered, If It Is for the sake of the dead and dying in Cuba, if it is for the sake of our country and her flag, and for tho sako of the boys who were killed on tho Maine, I can only say to them as 1 say to myself a hundred and a thousand times a day: 'It had to be. It had to be; there was no other way.' " Freo Pills. Send jour address to II. E. Bucklcn & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Tills. A trial will convince vou of their merits. These pills are easy in their action and are particularly eflectivc in the cure of Constipation and btok Headache, For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been Droved invaluable, ihcy are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious . . . I- I 1.. -l.t- Tt .1,. SUUStance ailU IU uc uuiciy vcucuiun:. juc, uu not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the svstem. Regular size 25c, per box. Sold by A. Wasley, Druggrsu THEPRfODUCETARKETS As Jtollootcrt by Donlluiru Iu I'hllnilol phlu mid llaltliiinro. Philadelphia, April 1. Flour weak winter superfine, $.1iT3.23; Pennsylvania roller, clear, J4.1094.2j; city mills, extra, 53.25B3.C3. Itye flour moved slowly at $2.00 per barrel for choice Pennsylvania Wheat dull; No. 2 red. spot, OSUfiSSHc. No. 2 Pennsylvania nnd No. 2 Delaware red, 99US99'ac. Corn uuiet nnd steady No. 2 mixed, March, 3354034c.; No. 2 yel low, for local trade, 341,si835Uo. Oats quiet and steady; No. 2 white, 32330.; No. 2 white, clipped, 32?i33e. Hay firm; choice timothy, $12 for largo bales. Ileef steady: beef hams, J22.G0S23. Pork steady mess, J9.50tj3.75; family, $12fil2.50. Lard t toady; western steamed, $5.35. Butter very firm; western creamery, 15V4'320o. do. factory, I2&UV2C.; Elglns, 20c; 1ml tatlon creamery, llQ17e. : New York dairy, 14S18V4c.; do. creamery, ltgi9e.; fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing at 23 2Cc. ; do. wholesale, 22c. Cheese dull; large, whlto and colored, September, 7vc; small do. do., SSSUc; part skims, 4Vi'5Co.; full skims, 2530. Eggs firm; Now York and Pennsylvania, 10',ic ; western, fresh, 10o.; southern, 10c. Potatoes steady; New York, $2.37142.60; sweets, $3f4. Tallow quiet; city, 3c.; country, 2'33c. Cot tonseed oil dull; prime crude, 13Vc. ; do. yellow, 225j22Vic. Rosin steady; strain ed, common to good, $1.4201.45, Turpen tine quiet and steady at 32!i33c. Cab bage steadier at $101.50. Baltimore, April 1. Flour dull and un changed. Wheat firm; spot and month, 98M:09S?ic.i May, 99HS99o.; Bteamor No. 2 red, 95G93',ic.; southern, by sample, 85c. $lj do. on grade, 9Gfl99!4c. Corn easy; spot and month, 33',i333c. ; May, 33li(,'Q 83Ttc; steamer mixed, 33fl33o.; southern, white, 34S350.; do. yellow, 3.T534C. Oats steady; No. 2 white, 33Jj34e.; No. 2 mixed, fOJj30'4c. Itye firmer; No. 2 nearby, 55V(.o.; No. 2 western, EG'.io. Hay firm; choice timothy, $12.50313. Live Stook MnrUots, Now Tork, April 1. Beeves active and firm; all sold; steers, medium to prlmo, J1.C5S5.35; oxen and stags, Jlffl.65; bulls. K&i; choice heavy, I.20O4.25; cows, J2.150' t. Calves 75c.ti!l lower; not all sold; veals, poor to prime, $3IC. No sheep here; lambs steady; Rood to prlmo, JG.10S6.vj; no clipped stock? spring lambs, J2.5036. Hogs steady at 134.25. EaBt Liberty, Pa., April 1. Cattle about Steady; prime, J5.05H5.15; common, J3.SO0 (.15; bulls, stags nnd cows, J.f1.10. Hogs steady; prlmo medium, $1.0334.10; best Yorkers, J4S4.05: fair to light Yorkers. 3.0501; heavy hogs, J3.10Jj4.0D; pigs, as to quality, J3.00SJ3.90; good roughs, $3.40 S.GO; common to fair. $2.50SJ3.25. Sheep steady; choice, $1.9025; common, J3.50B4; choica lambs, S.DOfifl; common to good, tl.7BS5.60. Veal calves, $5.&0Q0. It ia a great leap from tho old-fashioned doses of bluo-mass and nauseous physics to tho pleasant llttlo pills known as DoWltt's Little Early Itisers. They euro constipation, sick headache nnd biliousness, C. H. IIiiKen buch. l'oftuiriil'H Kyo tu IIiikIih'ss. London, April 2. Tlio Dally Chron icle, commenting on the decision of the Portuguese government to import for eign wheat, suggests tlmt Portugal In tends to creute a corner In corn, with a view of selling to Spain In the event of war. Thirty-five years malio a Boncration. That la how Ions Adolph Fisher, of Znnesvllle, O., Biill'ered from piles. Ho was cured hy tisiiiB three boxes of DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. C, II. Hnconbucli. Olllll MhlKIM (111 SU'llUt, Cleveland, A)iil 2. Woilt was sus pended yesterday In all the conl milieu of the Ohio dlstiict. The euiiBe Is tin fact that 10 per cent Increase In wages agreed upon between the minora and mine operators nt Columbus nnd Chi cago lias not yet been applied to tho common laborers in the mines. The utmost confidence Is expressed that thi matter will bo straightened by the middle of next week. The farmer, the mechanic and the bicycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts aim bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo Is the best thing to keep ou hand. It heals inilckly ard Is a well known euro for piles. C. 11 Hasciibucli, NUGGETS OP NEWS. "j The Nnrthnmberland rounty. Trt., li cence fl int nHiitpd only two new re tall applications. The report of Porretary Wilson on the government's b. ot sugar experiment has been sent to congress. The war department has Just IssumI an Interpstlng report upon the condi tion of the slate and territorial troops. The contracts for the Oeorgiaconvlcts under the new system were made yes terday. The state expects an annual Income of $100,000. Mrs. Marguerite Reynolds, of New York, by reaching for her dead baby's picture, fell in a fit, overturned a kero sene lamp, and was burned to death. The house Invalid pensluns committee approved the bill granting pensions to former Confederates who may be In capactated in the service of the Union. Mrs. William C. Whitney, wife of (ho ex-naval secretary, is nut expected to recover from the accident that happened to her while hunting in South Carolina. A torpid liver robs you of ambition nnd ruins your health. iJeWitt'i Litilc Early Itisers eternise the liver, cure constipation and all stomach arid liver troublm. C. II. llagenbucli. I'oiiimylvnnlH'H KIlilor Itond.r. Philadelphia, April a. The command ers uf the Pennsylvania National Guard say the guuid in this city could go out with every company marked up to its full war complement of 100 men Inside of 48 hours. On emergency call every company could go out with its peace complement inside of five hours. Instructions have been issued to have the guard in readlnesss to move, nnd every preparation is going forward to that end. The men of the state naval reserve are now practical ly resting on their arms, awaiting the call to duty. They are considered un usually efficient, the roster of officers Including five graduates of Annapolis. It is sad and disap pointing for a fatheri'Ol to rear a sou, spend JM hard-earned money -V5t work to inure him - '-' an advantageous start iu life, and build cas tles in the air about the boy's future, onlv to have him killed off in the early years of manhood by the dread disease con sumption. JJntil recent years consumption was con "sTilered an incurable disease. Now it is known to tens of thousands that Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures 98 per cent, of all cases if taken in the early stages of the disease. It also cures bron chitis, laryngitis, throat and nasal troubles and all allied diseases of the air-passages. It is the best blood-maker and flesh-builder, the best general tonic and nerve restora tive. It gives a keen edge to the appe tite, corrects the impaired digestion, pro motes the flow of digestive juices, facili tates the production of chyle iu the lower stomach, or intestines, invigorates the liver and purifies and enriches the blood. It tears down old and inert tissues and builds up new, firm, muscular tissues of health. It strengthens the heart's action, promotes the circulation of the blood to every part of the body and deepens the breathing, thus supplying the blood with vitalizing oxygen. Thousands have testified to its merits. The dealer who offers something else as "just as good " is dishonest. "I never was very strong and then I had Ti Grippe," writes Mrs. Grade G. Smith, of 480 15th St.. Salem. Oregon. "I had a cough and felt tired all the time. I took three Irottlcs of Dr. Tierce's Favoilte Prescription and two of 'Golden Medical Discovery' and two vials of Tleasant Pellet ' I have better health now than for many years." Twenty-one one- cent stamps cover the mailing of a paper-covered copy of Doctor Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. Send to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. 8omcUni68neoHBareliBble, the purest drugs Ther are prompt, Bale and certain In result. The cer'ilr. (Dr. real's) never disarm For Sale at KIRLIN'S DIRT DEFIES THE IS GREATER THAN Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiMiihiiniHtmii'iiiiiii.i. are the formed niwnys FOH SALE EVERYWHERE. S Ellllllllllllllllllltlllllllllll'T' IllllllllllllllllllllllllJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllS i ' will enter the comlnc year prepared to (jive to the reading public that whkh has made it famous for die na" t riuarter of a cenmn -cmtributums from Ihe pens oi the ureal lib. r iry men and women oi ih. world illustrated by leading artUts. A brief glance over us pro-.pi.uu. announces such reading as OUR PACIFIC PROSl'lECT i-itojF.cis roil mcaium-in ciml the co.hjii.uu.ii. i.i'iiiitimi ok im hkiin na B, It.,. ItM'in TLKVIK Ht BVra.M."V . ElSTi:il Mill Mil 1 THE I'UIIIC THE DEUMIr-DEXT OF H H "lllIC IIOllUN , arsrimx bo.vsji a,cmRimt Hunt RODBN'S CORNBR THE NOVEL OF THE YEAR bv HaNRY SBTON MkRRIMAN, author of "The Sowers " Striking novelties In short fiction will be conlributed by such authors as W U. Howells, Richard HardRig Davis, llrauder M.I hew FreTric Kemington, Huth Mcloery Stuart, and other.. There will be a .ene. of article,. ,. THF PROGRESS OF SCIENCE EUROPE, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ART AND THE DRAMA ARMIES AND i NAVIES I STUDIES IN AMERICAN SOCIETY AMERICAN CHARACTER SKETCHES r,stl frf t" oil tul'.rthr, i thi Vmtttl Si, Irs, Cui.i.ti. m,i MtxKt. Sub. $4 a year Pimplei, blot' ho., I.Ui MicmiU, red rouIi, oily, mntliy skin it' Inti'. scaly si alp, dry, thin, mid fal Inn: li ur, and baby bli rai lici prevented by I'rui i ra Soap, tho most effectivo skin purifying and beautifying soap in th'1 wmM, t'n v'l ai purost ana sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. (yticutt I! ihrmirhn i' th wnrli. ro-TTi DlHTO ARO 'n i s a llii-nui, tutllM frw, in I'imptMt t Horofulu rt4 bjt ft TIC LI KlMIIlIU, 0" H w EVERY HUMOR P ennsylvania RAILROAD. SOHtrYKIM, DIVISION. March 17, 1898. Trains will leave Hhntiamlonh after Inc. fioora dato for Wlsmins, Htlherfcm, Fractvllio Darlr Watar, ft. OTnlr, PoMsvtlle. Hamburg, Rending, I'otkrtown, Phocnlxvllle. Xorrlatowu nrdPkli. odalpbla (Rrntid street station) at 6 05 nnd SI a. m., 2 02, a 10 p m. on week days. Sundays, 6 0S a. m., 1 no p. ni. T-ave Shpiiamlnnh for Pnttsvllle (via Delano) 7 57, 10 05 a.m., 12 (SO, 2 2 and 25 p, m. week days. Sundays, 9 35 a. m., 6 31n.m.. irBins leave rracKviiie lor 7 30, 11 if, a. in. and 5 Id, 7 81 11 01 a. m. nnd S 20 p. m. Hhonnndofth M p. oi. Hunday, Tave Pottevllle for Shenandoah (viaFraok vllle 710, 1120 a. m., 5 20, 7 26 p.m. Sunday I0ft"i a. m., 3 00 p. m. Iave Puttevllle for Blipfiandoah fvla Delano 7 45, 9 40 a. in., 12SW, 2 42 and 5 00 p.m. week days. Sundays. 9 15 a. m. 6 05 n. m. Iave I'litladelpMa, Ulroad street station), to Shenandoah at 5 87, 8 35 and 1019 a.m., 410 p. in. week days. Hundaya leave at 6 50 a. m. ieave uroaii siren station, rmiadeipnla, lor Sea Qlt, Asliury Park, Ocean Qrovc, Lone nrancll, and Intermediate stations, 8.20, 11.14, a. m., 8.80 and 4.00 p. m. week-days. Leave Broad Street Station. Philadelphia, KOIt NEW YORK. Kipress, week-days. 8 20, 4 00, 4 SO 5 15, 6 SO, 7 38,8 20,8 38,9 50, 10 21 (Dining Car), 11 00 a. m! 12 00 noon, i2 85 (Limited 100 and 4 21 p. rj. Dining Cars), 1 40, 2 30 (PlniiiK Oar) 8 20, S 50. 4 00,5 00, 5 56 (Dl nl UR Car), 0 00, 7 02,7 43, 10 00 p. m., 12 01, nlitht. Sundays, 8 20, 4 05, 4 50, 5 IS, 8 20,8 38,9 59. 10 21, (DI:.nC Car), 11 85 a. m., 12 35, 1 OH 1 Dining Car) 280 (Dining Carl. 4 00 ( Umited4 22DlnliiK Car), 5 20, 5 5G,(Dinlng Cur) 6 35, 7 02, 7 48. 10 0(1 p. m.. 12 01 night. Kxpress for Ponton without change, 11 00 a nt., week-days, and 7 43 p. in., dally. WASHINGTON AND TUB SOUTH. For lialtlmore and Washington. S 50, T 30, 8 32, 10 20, 1128, a. m., 1209, 1231 Dh.lruf Car), 112, 3 18, 4 41, 5 25 CViicth. alonal Limited, Dining Car, 6 17. G55 Din ing Car, 731 Dining Car p. m., mul 12 Oi night week days. Sundays, 8 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23, a. tu., 1209, 1 12, 4 41, 1520 Congressional Lim ited, Dining Car, 6 55 Dining Car, 731 (Din ingCar p m. nnd 12 05 night. For lialtlmore, accommodation. 9 12 a m, 2 02 and 4 01 p m week days, 5 08 and 11 Id p 111 dally FOH ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad Btreet station via Dolawaro rlvei bridge Hipress, 9 20 11 m, 7 05 p. m. dally. Leave Market Street Warf Express, 8 50am 200, (800Ssturdayaonly),400,500 p. m. Sun days, 8 45, 9 15 u. in (accommodation 4 30 and 5 00 p. in.) For Cape Mny, Aliglcsen, Wildwood and Hotly Beach, Sen Isle City, Ocean City, Avnlon and Stone Harbor Express, 9 00 a. m., 400, p. m. weekdays. Sumlas, 9 00 . ni. For Somers l'olnt Exureos. 8 50. a. m.. 2 00. 4 OO. 5 00, p. in. week days Hundaya, 8 45 a. in. J. B. Hutchinson, J. It. Wood, Gen'l Manager. Gen'l l'ms's't Agt PILLS! lSnFrSiioauRl""siN& i'c. for"vman s'spfe HBUAP"!' Wurax SPECIFIC Co, PMIUk-rA. at Fovlnsky'a drug store, Centre street. Has AWN'S TANSY PILLS A Tim n TRt'X ATtn ifk WOMAN S BELIEF. AlwiLv nnmnton'l rtlt ible Aiouf limtati 'M. Gel I'AiHf's Tawbt I'lLLand bavk i fukkti. Atdrti-- " ( r n nt tliicct fMOlnll. imee, Cathh v r Co , hot ton. Mum. Our buok 4c- For sale at KirHn'H dru store and Shenandoal! drug store. aaonthly, reffnlatiuj,' wei'ic t Only harmlfl3Gud should bo used. If vol wahi the ueM, got Drujr Store, Shenandoah, Pa, KING." THEN ROYALTY ITSELF. a . m B .1 WOMEN WHO READ oRsowtivo umiI Keep liilurnied .f k orlil'e Pruirroah. Tlio well it. ana thrifty House-wlfc will Keeji RAINBOW LINIMENT 1 In the house, ns a standard remedy for 5 Siirnjns, Bruises, Crumps-, IUioumatlsm, nnd all aclies and pains. E Hrico 25 ctt. nd 60 cts. per bottle. Prepared by II. J. HACKETT & CO.. Philadelphia. Addrcis HARPr.lt Is BHUlMtrt, run s, n. I. tu. senuiumcv iiu.ieviue -s t c "j, j,',,