The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 02, 1898, Image 2

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Pubttahad every Evening, Kccr Sunday,
rhe nernld It detlvaied tuHhcnniidoau and the
avrwidlUg towns tor 1k cents n week, pay
Wl. o the carriers. 11 mall W0 n year, or
Mta a month, payable lu advance. Advertise-Ma-Ota
charged xcordtna to space ami ponitlmi.
T vnbtUtim reserve tho right to change the
ajMBon ot advertlrnicnt whenever Mm pub-Jfjarto-i
o( newt demands It. The right It
Marrrl U ijrtntv advertisement, whether
jjwJrtor or not. unt tho publishers may deem
CayropoT- Advertising rates made known
amfe armlleatlon.
Rattxd the postoBlco nt Shenandoah, l' ns
teewrd class mall matter.
"All the Hews That's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
It looks very mui'h like
get your gun. "
TllK enforcement of tin- Aliou Tux
law in still t;lvliiK tin- County Com
missioner!) of tliis ntiito trouble, mill
the end will not be riuiuhutl until the
Supreme Court imKes upon the
matter. The Commissioners of this
county received a coinniunientioii
from the Commissioners of Uliilr
county relative to the matter. The
writers state that they propose ap
pealing from a decision of the Court
of Common Pleas of Ulair county re
straining them from collecting the
alien tax under the act of June 15,
1897. They suggest that all counties
where aliens are employed are inter
ested in this appeal, which will cont
about $550. and Schuylkill county is
asked to contribute .50. Tho Com
missioners decline to go into the
matter. They have attempted to en
force tho law, but in this they have
not been very successful, as very
little has been paid into the treasury
by employers of foreigners.
Important Qualities.
One of the most important quali
ties the young can develop, says an
exchange, . is self-reliance, yet the
training they receive from both par
ents and teachers is generally of such
a character as to render young people
dependent. Even in the household,
if some simple work is to be done, tho
father does it to save time rather than
entrust it to his awkward son. The
mother relieves the daughter that the
latter may acquire accomplishments,
or because she is impatient and can
not sit idly by while a 'prentice hand
is at work.
In tho school room the teacher
finds it easier to do tho work of a
pupil than to superintend his opera
tions. In tho workshop the master
takes tho work from the hand of tho
learner lest the product should be
spoiled. The daily lesson to the
young, imparted to them by expert
ence rather than by precept, is that
they are incompetent and can not for
many years acquire the skill of thou
preceptors. If not altogether dis
couraged by the reproaches for their
awkwardness, they are at least de
prived of that self-conlidonce or self
reliance which in itself would go a
long way towards making them skill
ful uud efficient.
In social life tho young man or
young woman is seldom recognized as
being able to do anything without the
advice and assistance of his or her
elders. If an entertainment is to bo
arranged, some one with experience
must bo consulted; if curds are to be
sent out, the young people feel that
they are incompetent to make out a
list. Mothers complain of their
daughters that tho latter cannot buy
a dress fabric or a bonnet without
assistance, forgetting that tho daugh
ters have never been allowed to do bo,
or, having made tho attempt, have
been ridiculed or censured for their
In very many households the young
people are really dependents, and
have fallen into tho habit of con
sulting their elders on the most tri
vial questions. They may have good
taste and good judgment, but have
acquired tho habit of deferring to
their elders or superiors and are with
out self-reliance. When freed from
this thraldom by marriage, for ex
ample they gradually acquire self
reliance, und then, forgetting their
own experience, roar their children
in the same way.
The most successful teachers never
do the work that should bo done by
their pupils. By the exercise of great
patience they resist tho- temptation
to take the easier course, and simply
instruct tho pupil as to what he
should do, leaving him to do it. In
that way they develop some degree
of self-reliance in the pupil. The lat
ter becomes less and less dependent
upon the teaoher for help, and loaves
the sohool able to think and judgo
for himself.
This method of training should bo
applied in the household as well as lu
the school. The child should be re
quired to do his task without assis
tance, and criticised, if at all, in a
kindly manner that will not dis
courage him from trying again. It is
not an easy task to do this, especially
if the parent is of a nervous dlsposl
tion. The awkwardness of tho be
ginner is irritating ; so, also, is his
slowness. Patience is required to
keep one from defeating tho object of
training by taking tho work from the
hand of the learner, or from scolding
him for ids incapacity.
It is well, however, to make the at
tempt to teach self-reliance, for it Is ti
great help to after training and will
be needed by tho young man when
lie goes out into the world uud finds
no parent to lean upon. The young
will not do anything just us their
elders would do It. They have
neither tho skill nor the experience
possessed by the latter, but they will
acquire both if encouraged to do
things rather than to look upon
things belli-? done, and they should
acquire by this means a reasonable
degree of self-reliance.
llurdoik Wood Hitlers gives a man a clcn r
bead, n activo liralu, n strong, vlgototis
body makes liim IU for tho battle of lifo.
t'tillndrdplitii C'oiniflltiioii Acre-mod.
I'blladplpliia, April 2. District At
torney Ornham wont Into court yestcr
dny and nuked that warrants be Issued
for the arrest of Common Councilman
Charles Soger, Select Councilman J.
Rtnnry Hyram and Nelson O, Oreon,
attorney for tho Schuylkill Valley Wa
ter company, on oharRes of bribery In
connection with the Schuylkill valley
water bill. The warrants were Issued
and shortly afterwards the men sur
lendpied themselves. Green was held
In $60,000 ball, and the others In $10,000
each for a heating next Monday.
l)r. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup seems es
pecially adapted to tlio needs of tho children.
Pleasant to take; sootliinu In its influence.
It is tlio remedy of all remedies for every
orm of thro it and lung dlscnro.
Minday Special-.
Services in the Trinity Kcfurmcd church
to-niurrow at 10:00 a. in., and 11:30 p. in.
Sunday school at l:il0 p. in. Itev. Itobert
O'ISuylo pastor.
ltogular services will bo held In the United
Kvatigelluil church, North Jardtn street, to
morrow at 10 a. in. and 11.30 p. m. Sunday
school n. 1.30 p. m. ltov. I. J. lieitz, pastor.
K. b. ('. K on Monday evening. Prayer,
praise und testimony meetings every Tues
day, Wednesday, Thurslay and Friday even
ings Jr. K. I.. C. Ii. every Saturday
evening at T o'clock.
Primitive Methodist church, James Moore,
pastor. Pleaching at 10:30 a. in. and (1:30
P. m. Sunday school at 2 p. in. Class meet
ing on Wednesday evening. General prayer
meeting on Thursday evening. Everybody
Services in All Saints' Protestant Episcopal
church on WestO.ik street to-morrow. Holy
Eucharist at s a. m. Morning player at 10:30.
Sunday school at 2 p. in. Evening prayer at
7 p. m. On the first Sunday in tho month
Holy Eucharist at 10:30. Tho rector will
First Ilaplist church, corner of West and
Oak streets, ltov. 1). I. Evans pastor. Services
at Ida. in. and 0 p. m. Sunday school at - p. in.
Prayer meeting Monday evenings. Young
People's meeting Wednesday evenings.
Class meeting Thursday evenings.
Methodist Episcopal church, corner Oak
and Whito streets. i!ev. J. T. Swindells
pastor., led
by John Senior. Sermon at 10:30 a. m.
Sunday school at ' p. n., Dr. J.S. Calleu,
Superintendent. Sermon at (1:30 p. ai. Seats
free. Everybody welcome.
Calvary Iiaplist church, South Jardin
street. Preaching to-morrow at 10:30 a. m.
and (i:3rt p. in. l!ov. It. It. Albins, pastor.
Sabbath school at 2 p. in., Deacon
John Ilium, Superintendent. II. . P. U
Tuesday evening, at 7:30. Wednesday
evening, general prayer meeting at
Everybody welcome.
Services in the Presbyterian church to-
nionow nt 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Sabbath
school at 2 p. in. Jr. C. E. and Sr. C. 1.
Tuesday evening at (i:3l) anil :;iu ociock.
Prayer and song service on l uursuay eveu
ing at 7:30. Strangers always welcome.
St. John's Lutheran church, West Cherry
street. Itev. John (Iruhlcr, pastor. Pleach
ing, 10 a. m. ; Sunday school, 1:30 p. in. ;
preaching 0:30 p. m
St. Michael's Greek Catholic church, West
Centre street. Itev. Cornelius liurisin, pas
tor. Mutational service fl a. in. High mass
10 a. in.
Church of the Holy Family, (German It.
C.) North Chestnut street. Itev. A. T. Subtit
tlehofer, pastor. First mass S a. in., second
mass 10 a. in.
St. Casiinir's Polish It. C. church, North
Jardin street. Uov. J. A. Lenarkiewicz,
pa.-tor. First mass S a. in., high mass 10 a.
in., vespers and benediction -I p. m.
Church of the Annunciation, 218 West
Cherry street. Itev. H. F. O'Heilly, pastor;
Itev James Kane, assistant pastor. First
mass, 7 a. in., second mass, 8 a. in., high mass,
10 a. m, benediction, 7 p. m.
Kelieleth Israel Congregation, corner of
Oak and West streets, Itev. Henry Mit
nik, pastor. Saturday services, 8 to 10 a. m.,
and 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday services 8 to 10 a. m.
and every week day morning from 7 to 8 a. in.
A little boy asked for a bottlo of "get up in
the innniinp as fast as vou can." tho druggist
recognized a household 11:11110 for "DoWitt's
l.lttlo Early llisers," and gave him a bottlo
of those lamous little puis lor consupauon,
sick headache, livor and stomach troubles
C. 11. Hagonhuch.
Hoys' (inn Traction Killed 11 Mini.
New York, April 2. Udward Tormey,
a youiiK carpenter, while working on
the bcaffoldlne of a new building at
Now liiighton. Si. I., yesterday, was
shot In the side and killed. There was
no report of a firearm heard, and those
who saw the man fall thoucht ho had
been seized with vertlso. They were
surprised when they found the bullet
wound. Inquiry revealed the fact that
a crowd of boys had been In the vlcln
Ity practicing with a Flobert rule.
Clarence I.uce, Jr., 15 yenis old, has
been nrrested in connection with tho
By nourishing
every part of
your system
with blood made puro by ink
ing Hood's Sai-sanaiilla. Then you
will havo ucrvo, mental, bodily and
In the Spring
digestive strength. Then you need not
fear disease because vour system will
readily resist scrofulous tendencies
and attacks of illness. Thou you will
know tho absolute intrinsic! merit of
Sarsapar?!!a ruarSil
clnoand Wood r .rifler. '.si. t ('! Prepared
only by C. I. Hood u Co., Lowell, Mass.
1 -. net easily, promptly and
HOOtl S FlilS ctteetl ly. saoeuu.
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Orange Champagne.
I A Hand
I Is one of tho
Kites It.
Handsomo Comploxion
1 greatest charms a woman can
':; A Pleasure at Last.
' V SOAP ' 3
I V AH 1
No Muss. No Trouble. :
if . . ANY COLOR, fl
! The Cleanest, Fastest Dye for 3:
S Soiled or Faded Shirt Waists, .
S Dlouses, Ribbons, Curtains, Under- :
linen, etc., whether Silk, Satin,;:
;2 Cotton or Wool.
Soa in All Colors by Grocers andl
j: Druggists, or mailed free si
;5 for 15 cents; 5;
;S 12T Dunne Street, New York, 3:
Letters Sent fo tlio (loiernors of tlio Sea
Coast States.
Washington, D. C April 2.
Supplementing the action taken on
Thursday by the navy department 111
requesting governors of states to drill
and equip the naval militia, so as to
be ready for any emergency, Assistant
Secretary Hoosevclt yesterday sent let
ters to the covernors of those sea
coast states not having such organiza
tions to take steps looking to the for
mation of naval mllltla. It is hoped
that each of these states will be en
abled to promptly acquiesce In the de
partment's request. The coast states
not having naval mllltla organizations
are Maine, New Hampshire, Delaware.
Texas and Alabama.
Late In the afternoon Secretary Long
received a telegram from the adjutant
general of Connecticut stating that the
governor directs him to notify the de
partment that the naval battalion of
Connecticut Is In readiness and is
awaiting orders from the president.
The navy department received In
formation yesterday that the cruisers
Vlzcaya and Oquendo, tho two fine
Spanish vessels which have been lying
nt Havana, had left that port. Their
destination Is not known, but there Is
reason to believe that thev have gone
to join the torpedo llotllla.
The naval olllcials continue reticent
regarding the acquisition of new ves
sels for the auxiliary fleet and the ne
gotiations for the purchase of ships
of war aboard, but there were Indica
tions today that. In spite of the an
nounced belief of tho department that
no more ships were to be looked for In
that quarter, all hope has not been
abandoned. No confirmation of the
cable dispatch from Denmark that ne
gotiations were under way for the pur
chase of two Danish cruisers could be
obtained, but at the same time It was
not denied. Assistant Secretary Hoose
vclt, when asked tho question direct.
replied that he could not answer.
Ilccoiiconli-adi) Ociloc 11 SiilitoiTuge
Tho sub-committee of the senate
committee on foreign relations appoint
ed to draft a report and prepare a
form of resolution outlining a course
of action will report to the full com
mlttee at its meeting today. The sub
committee will recommend the ndop
Hon of a resolution declaiinu, in the
first place for the recognition of the
Independence of the Cuban republic,
and In the second for the Intervention
by the United States with her army
nnd navy, for the purpose of assisting
the Cubans to secure Independence In
case Spain continues to refuse to con
cede It. The committee will treat the
rescinding of the order for the recon
centratlon of the Cuban non-combatants
as a subterfuge, and will dwell
upon the past, If not the present, treat
ment of these unfortunates; will detail
the Maine incident and attempt to
demonstrate that It Is a sufficient cause
for the declaration of war If thlB
country were desirous of making it
such, nnd also will touch upon the In
Jury to American Interests caused by
the Cuban struggle as a full Justifica
tion for our interference. The com
mittee will report to the senate on Mon
day unless It Is then made evident that
It has been Impossible for the presl
dent to complete his promised message
for lack of time.
Senator McMillan, who has been In
consultation at the White House two
or three times a day ever since tho
situation became critical, made the
following statement: "The president
Is flatfooted on the proposition that
Spain must move out bodily. He also
knows absolutely that Spain cannot, or
at least will not. consent to this com
plete abandonment. That means war.
The president squarely faces that. He
Is not ready. He recognized certain
serious unpreparedness. McKlnley
feels he would be guilty of great neg
llgenco If the deficiencies be not made
good before we are plunged Into war.'
Beats tho Klondike.
Mr. A. C, Thomas, of Marysville, Texas.
has found a more valuable discovery than hns
yet been made in the Klondike, For years he
sphered untold agony from consumption, ac
cotnpanied by hemorrhages : and was abso
lutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery
lor Consumption, Coughs and Colds. IK
declares that cold is of little value in com
parison with this marvelous cure would
have it, even if it cost a hundred dollars
bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all threat and
lung affections, arc positively cured by Dr,
King s wew uiscovcry lor consumption
Trial bottles free at A. Wasley's Drue Store
Kegular size 5a cts. and $1.00, Guaranteed
to cure or price refunded.
Shnnl.v limit Sunk, I'lvo Di owiiod.
Mount Canncl, Ills., April 2. It Is ip
ported that a shanty boat was sunk
three miles above here and a family
consisting of live persons have lost
their HveB. It Is now believed that
danger to the railroads from the high
(load Is passed for the present.
Hike Uxativo Brotno Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tho monoy If it falls to
I cure, 85c. Tho genuine has Ij. li. H
' each tablet.
Tho list of tho prenentserlosof personally,
conducted tours to Old Pol"' Comfort, Hlcli
mondand Washington via tlio Pennsylvania will leavo New Vork and Philadel
phia on Thursday, April 7.
Tickets, including transportation, meals en
routo lu both directions, transfers of pass
engers and baggage, hotel accommodations at
Old Point Comfort, Kicliiuond nnd Washing
ton, and carriage rldo about Itlchmoud in
fact, every necessary expense for a period of
six days will be sold at rale of $3.) 00 from
Now York, llroeklyn ami Newark; $31.00
from Trenton; $32 80 from Philadelphia, and
propoitlonato ratei from other stations. POINT COMFOIIT ONLY.
Tickets to Old Point Comfort only, includ
ing 0110 and three-foutths days' boaid at that
place, and good to return direct by regular
trains within six dayf, will ho sold in con
nection with tills tour ut lato of $10 Q0 from
New York; $15.00 from Ticulon ; $14 00 from
Philadelphia, and proportionate rates fiom
other points. At a slight additional expense
tourists can extend Hie trip to Virginia
Ilcach, witlinccoiiimodatlonsat tho Princess
Anne Hold.
For itineraries ami full information
apply to ticket ngcivtJi Tourist Agent,
111HI Hroadway, Now York ; 7M) llroad street.
Newaik, N. J. ; or Geo. W. Hoyd, Assistant
General Passenger Agent, llroad Street
Station, Philadelphia.
Holler Exploded, Folic Killed.
Campbellsvllle, Ky., Apill 2. A holler
explosion four miles 1101 th of town
killed four men outright nnd fatally in
jured nnother. Tho dead are Thomas
Itatcliffe, Doc "Wright. Clarence lint
cliff c nnd Thomas Newcomb. Ulma
Itatcllff was scalded, and will die. The
boiler, engine and shlncle mill were
demolished. Low water In tho boiler
caused tho accident.
Tor Infants and Children.
Tin fae-
It 03
nd I'lom-rs, the Hand of America, Cali
i'ia tho true pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
Itoutc," which traverses a region of perpetual
sunshine, wliero snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes .110 unknown. Pullman first
nil second class palace and tourist sleeping
lira to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change, Quick time, low
rates, and all the comforts of modern railway
improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway
system. For rates right from your home,
literature, and full information, dropapoital
card, J. P. McCanii, T. P. Agent. .1111 ltail
road avenue, Elmira, N. Y., or 301 llroad
way, New York.
1-tf W. E. Hoyt, G. K P. Agt.
A Medical Discovery that Effectually Cures
Piles in Every Form.
For many years physicians have experi
mentcd in vain, seeking a lemcdy which
would effectually cure piles and other rectal
troubles, withcut resorting to a surgical oper
ation. Many remedies were found to giv
temporary relief, but none could be depended
upon to make a lasting, salisfactory cure.
Within a lecent period, however, a new
remedy, the Pyramid Pile Cure, lias been re
peatedly tested in hundreds of cases and witl
highly satisfactory results.
The first effect of the Pyramid Pile Cure is
to instantly remove flic pain and irritation
generally present and from that time on the
cure rapidly progresses aud before the patient
is hardly aware of it he is enthely cured
The remedy seems to act directly on the
nerves and blood vesslcs of the parts affected
as it comes into direct contact with them and
sets up a healthy action, which in a perfectly
natural way brings the parts to their normal
The remedy docs its work without any
pain or inconvenience to the sufferer and is
justly considered one of the most meritorious
discoveries of modern medicine.
Piles is one of the most annoying and often
times dangerous diseases witli which humanity
is afflicted. If neglected it frequently develop;
into fistula or some equally fatal or incurabl
trouble, whereas by the timely use of th
simple but effective remedy no one need sufler
a single day from any form of piles unless
they want to,
The Pyramid Pile Cure is perfectly harm
less, containing no mineral poisons and is also
very reasonable in price, costing but 50 cents
a package. It is so'd in drug stores every
where. The manufacturers of the remedy
are the Pyramid Drug Co.,of Marshall, Mich
who have placed this excellent preparation
before the public only after giving it thorough
and repeated tests in the hands of reputnbl
physicians. The results in hundreds of cases
have convinced us that it will not disappoint
In Bottles or by
the Keg.
Lauer's Lager
Pilsner Beer
Porter and Weiss Beer.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street,
You can tell Just as well as a physician
bother your kidneys are diseased or healthy.
Tho way to do Is to tako a bottle or glass tum
bler, and fill It witli urine. If there is n
sediment a ponder-llko substance at tlio
bottom alter standing n day and iilglit, there
Is something wrong witli tlio Kidneys. An
ther sure s guof dlscaso Is a desire to urinato
often, and still another sign is pam in tho
back. If urino stains linen, there is no doubt
that tho kidneys nro allected.
Any and all diseases 01 tlio Kidneys, liver,
bladder and of tho urinary passages and con
stipation of tlio bowels ato cuted by Dr.
luvul KCiinciiy s ravonio iicmeuy. incro
is no question about its being the best and
rest medicine in tlio world for such troubles.
It quickly relieves and cures inability to hold
rlne. and People, voung or old. who tako it
re not compelled to get up a liifmbcr of
times during tho night. For putting nn end
that scalding pain experienced 111 passing
Ine. nothing is so good ns Dr. David Ken-
cd's Favorite ltemedy. It corrects the bad
Meets of whiskey nod beer; is pleasant to
tho taste, and does not seem to ho medicine
nil. Diseases of the kidneys and bladder
fteu require the use of Instalments to push
back tho sandy matter so tho mine can bo
oided. In such cases ravorilo licmcdy
should bo taken without further delay or tho
lisease may prove fatal. It is sold lor 0110
dollar a bottle at nil drug stores. It is well
orth many tunes its price.
Samples Free.
If vou wish to test Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite ltemcdv before buying It. send your
full post office addiess to the Dr. David Ken
nedy Corporation, Itondout, N. Y.. and
mention this paper. Wo will then mail you
a sample bottle free, ns well as circulars giv
ing full directions for its uso. Every readci
if tho llKHAM) can depend upon tho genuine
ness of this liberal oiler, and nil sufferers
from kidney troubles should tako ndvnutago
of it nt once.
Tho Wav Cloud llns Hud No Disas
trous KfTcetH ns Yot.
New York, April 2. It. Q. Dun &
Co.'s weekly review of trade says: In
spite of foreign conditions since the
destruction of the Maine failures In
three months are smaller than In the
first quarter of any year since 188G; the
ratio of defaulted liabilities to pay
ments through clearing houses has
been the smallest for that quarter since
18SG; the average of liabilities per firm
n business has been the smallest since
1880, and tho average of liabilities per
failure has been lower than ever be
fore In any quarter. It Is especially
significant that the failures for less
than $100,000, without material de
rease In number, were 29 per cent
smaller than last year In tnanufaC'
turlng, nnd 24 per cent smaller in trad
The war cloud, which many have In
ferred must have greatly Increased
commercial disasters, does not appear
to have any such effect as yet, and
while there is some decline In tho new
orders for industries, nearly all live
works are covered so far ahead that
tho difference is not felt. Rates for
money have advanced, and the G per
cent, which used to be the ruling rate
n active times, again prevails, which
compels many speculators to liquidate.
But the Imports of gold go far to pre
vent any real anxiety.
M. Ij. Yocuiu. Cameron. Pa., bays "I was a
sufferer fur ten ycarB, trying must all kinds
inle reined es. but w it imit success, no
Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo was recommended
to me. I ucd 0110 box. It has etlected a. per
maiicnt euro." As a permanent cure fur
piles DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo has no
qual. U. II. UUKClllJUCII.
Tho I'rlnolpnls Dvlnir null TlirpoOthoi'H
Wiiiinded by Strny IlullotH.
Waco, Tex., jprll 2. W. C. Brann
editor of The Iconoclast, and Captain
M. T. Davis met nnd fought a revolver
duel lost evening. The men met on
South Fourth street In front of the
Cotton licit ticket office, nnd after ex
changing a few words began firing,
When the battle was over Brann was
found to be shot In the left lung and in
both feet. Davis was shot through the
right lung nnd through both arms. The
surgeons say both men are likely to
Trouble has been existing between
the men for a year, and when they met
last evening they lost no time In get
ting out their weanons. About ten
seconds were occupied In the shooting,
at the end of which Brann and Davl
lay bleeding and W. H. Ward, Brann';
business partner, was shot through the
right hand, the bones being shattered
A wild bullet hit Motorman Kennedy
In the knee. Another wild bullet hit
Eugene Kepler In the foot. Kepler nnd
his partner, Prince, are touring th
world on a wager and had just reached
Waco. Brann, who Is too weak to talk
Is probably past surgery, although the
doctors say there Is some slight chance
for him. Captain Davis was taken to
the Pacific hotel, and Is regarded as
mortally WQUnded, his right lung being
badly lacerated. Both men are bleed
Ing Internally and are faint.
Nothing so interferes with one's plans or
ambition like sickness or poor health. Have
you ever thought that your kidneys may be the
cause of your sickness? You can easily fitii
out by setting aside your'urine for tweiity-fou
hours ; a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy condition of the kidneys. When urin
stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble,
Too frequent desiie to urinate or pain in the
back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys
and bladder are out of order.
It is a source of comfort to know that Dr,
Kilmer's Swamp Root is the great remedy for
all kidney and bladder complaints. It relieves
pain, stitcli or dull aching in the back, difficult
or pninful urination, frequent desire to urinate
scalding or pain in passing it, and quickly
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many limes during the
night. The mild and extraordinary effect of
Swamp-Hoot is soon realized. Its action
gentle, yet immediate, the relief speedy anil
the cures permanent. At druggists fifty cents
and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet, botli sent free by mail upon
receipt of three two-cent stamps. Men
tion IIkram) and send your address to Dr,
Kilmer & Co,, Ilinghamton, N. Y. Th
proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuine
ness of tliis offer.
Coming KvenU.
April 10. Entertainment under ausplcesof
tho Welsh Congri'iiatioiial chinch, in the
church building, South West street. Tickets
10 cents, Including lefroshmciits.
May Hli. Social and entortainmcut und
auspices of the Welsh Presbyterian churc
in ltobblns opera house.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your L
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forovcr, bo undo well, strong, magnetic,
full of now life and vigor, tako No-To-IUc,
tlio wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gaiu ten pounds in ten days,
Over 400,000 curod. Buy No-To-Ilao from
your own druggist, who will guarantee
cure. 50c or fl.OO, Booklot and sampl
mailed free. Ad, htorllng ucmody Co
Chicago or New lurk.
Thin In tlio Dniiilnnnt Opinion Ainonc
SpnnMi Htnttisnic-'.
Madrid, April 2. Uoth United Stat.
Minister Woodford and tho fpanlsl
ministers show pointed reserve con
cerning the contents of the Spanish
memorandum, but It Is said to be a ic
mnrkably Dtronir restatement of the
Spanish case on all the points raised
by the United States, and especially In
regard to the pacification of Cuba nnd
tho settlement of the Cuban question
from the fpnnlsh n Int of view.
In political and diplomatic circles the
situation Is deemed crlticnl, because It
Is dlfllcult for either side to make con
cessions likely to bo acceptable to the
other, Judulng by the attitudes they
have maintained in the recent negotia
tions. The Imparclal says the govern
ment lias received excellent Impres
sions on the favornble attitude of
Europenn continental powers whose
friendly dlsposltlbns toward Spain
havo been strenisthpned by tho fact
that tho United States and ICngland
have lately been drawn closer by their
common Interesls In China.
El I.lbernl says that Spain must trust
solely to her own enersles. It Is un
derstood that this paper echoes the Im
pression that Is dominant in diplomatic
circles and among many Spanish
statesmen. On the other hand, the
ministers nnd their supporters seem
still to entertain some hope that Presi
dent McKlnley may hesitate and acaln
attempt to stem the war currents pre
vailing In his parliament and country,
now that tho Spanish reply leaves no
doubt that the queen nnd her ministers
will not surrender Cuba without a
struggle, however costly and unequal
It may prove to be.
Ten thousand demons gnawing away nt
ono's yitals couldn't bo much worse than the
tortures of itching piles. Yet tlicro's a cure.
Doan's Ointment never fails.
Alii For .IoIiiim Hopkins University.
Annapolis, Md April 2. The biio
of delegates last night TmRKPlt. Iiv n
Dte of GO to 22, the bill appropriating
0.000 per annum for the rnilnf
Johns Hopkins university. The bill hns
already passed the senate, and only
.needs tho governor's signature to be
come a law. The house a few days
ago rejected a bill to give the univer
sity $100,000 per annum, and the pres
ent bill was the next dav Introduced
In the senate and passed.
Sympathetic f)ti$bana$.
The svmrjathetlc tenderness of a lot
tnr husband Is evervthlntr to nn exnee
tant mother, especially during her first
ordeal. George Layton, Esq., a promi
nent druggist of Dayton, O., gives the
tollowing case :
A custflmer of mine, whose wife has used
four bottles of 11 Mother's Friend " before con-
tinement, says, after seeing the effects of the
remedy, that If she had to go through the ordeal
again, and there were but four bottles 011 the
market, and the cost was $100 per bottle, she
would have them.
" Mother's Friend " is a scientifically
compounded liniment which affords Cer
tain relict in tlie various ailments pre
ceding childbirth, and assures proper
elasticity to the cords ana muscles nv
volved in the final ordeal.
"Mother's Friend" is sold by drug
cists, or expressed on receipt of one
Valuable book, "Before Baby is
Born," mailed free on application.
Gives a satisfied smile to
every pa'ate that tastes it.
Now on tap at al
our customers.
WM. SCHMICKI-K, JR., - Agent
These were the two reasons that formerly
kept people frwn attending to their teeth,
lioth reasons have no existence in this ad
vanced age. I'ninless aud inexpensive dent
istry witli an absolute guarantee for five years
is our method.
A Good Set of Teeth, $.
The Very llttt Teeth, $8.
You can get no better, no matter what you
pay. No charRe for extracting, where teeth
are ordered. We can take ) our impression in
Ihe morning and give you your teeth' In the
afternoon if desired,
dold Fillings, $1 ; Best Silver
Fillings, 5oc up; Cleaning, Soc;
Extracting, 25c.
Crown and bridge work at very reasonable
rates. Examinations and estimates free.
We use but one grade of material
the best.
7 North Jardin St., Sheuaudoali.
At Four Score
dr. Miles' Nc.wno n'Vrs- Health.
X'. f' .'j;j"4u.-'v- f.V HI' .
'm,: ....... -.vj&ss
ONOIjE EZEKIEL ODEAIl, assessor and
tax collector, Bovorly, Mass., who has
passed tlio 8. tu lifo mllo ctcno, says:
"Dr. Miles' ncstoralivo Norvlno has dono a
Great deal of good. I suffered forycars from
leoplcssncao ant. nervous heart trouble
Would feel weary and used up lu tho morn
ing, had no ambition aud my work seemed a
burden. A friend recommended Dr. Miles'
Ncrvlno, and I purchased a bottlo under
protest as I had tried so many remedies un
successfully, I thought It no uso. But It
gavo mo restful deep, a good nppotlto and
restored mo to energetic health. It is a
grand good mcdlcino, and I will gladly wrlto
anyono Inquiring, full particulars of mysat-
Isfactor? oxperlcnco." I
Dr. Miles licmcdics I
aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or monoy re
SSk. Health
funded. Hook on dis
eases of tho heart nnd
nerves free. Addrcsi, I
DR. MILES MDriTPATiOO.. Klkuurt. Ind.
pit. W. II. Y1NHST,
Rrnduato nnd Iito Resident House Surgecp
tho University State of N. Y.
Itendiiuartcrsi-Coramcrclal Hotel. fthenandoAb
Calls flight or dny promptly responded.
Onice Kiran bulldlnir. corier of Main an
Centre streets, HlienauUoab.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Mnrkct nnd Centre streets.
Lock Box 65, Mahatioy City, t'a.
Having studied under some ot the beat
mostcra lr Loudon nnd PArls, will give l-Oijl
jii iiiuvioun,uiaiiuoun, guliurnua vocal cuieka.
fcruia reasonable. Addresn In euro si StfiffiSM,
tho jeweler Shenandoah.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Engines Hum Hard Coal No Smoke
Trains leavo Shenandoah as follows 1
For New York via I'blladelnbla. week days.
2 10, SSC, 7 30 9 Ma. in., 12 81, 8 10 and 8 07 p.
m Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, waek days.
5 86, 7 '.10 a. m., 12 33 and S 10 p. m.
For Heading ana l'nilftuelpbla, week Mays,
1 10. 5 86. 7 30. 9 51 ft.m., 11! 83, 1 10 and ft 07 p. ui.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
Far rottsviiie, vr eeic aayi, 2 10, 7 93, n x a. m,,
12 83, 8 10, 0 07 nnd 7 23 p. m. Sundays, 2 19 a. n,
For Tamoaun nnd Mnbanoy City, week days.
2 10, 5 86, 7 3d,9rHa.m12 33,8 l6ande7p. m.
Additional to Mnbanoy City only, 11 to p. ni.
Sundaya, 2 10 n. m
For Wllllainsporl, bunbury ana ijowuourr,
week days. 4 03, 5 88, 1186 a.m.. 12 S3, T 3
p. m Sundays, 8 23 a. m.
. . ii, . i 1 n .n J A. . n .
rur jHuiiauu riuiio, hcdkuu;,, j iu. i iu, mmv.
7 30. 9 51, 11 !W H. in., 12 S3, 8 10, 8 07, 7 25, 86 and
11 40 p.m. sununyi, ie iu, 4 us a. m.
, . ' 1 .1.1 1 I U 1 . .. . .1 J Ac
FUl ABU IU1IU t.UU ulWUIIU.IU n Whv u.ji. vm.
5 80, 7 80, 11 80 h. ra., 12 33, 3 10, ft 07, 7 35 nd
9 55 p. in. Sundays, 4 Oi a. m.
ror uaitimoro. wftamnrron ana ine vre yia
t) i. - i T il ..U 1 I . T - - f I
Terminal, 1'hlIadelphVa, (P. 4R.B K.) at 8 55,
li,ii s. rn., a iu anu i.di p. ij.. etuncwri,
20, 7 00, 11 28 a. m., 8 48 and 7 37 p. m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty.fourtli and Ckcat.
nut streets Btntlou, week days, 1080 a. m, 12 20,
12 It 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 83, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
Jays, 12 13, 4 80, 8 00, 11 SO a. m and 1 80, 4 80,
9 00 p.m. Sundaya, 600 p. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m.. 1 SO and 4 IS ii. ui.
Leave Philadelphia, Readlnfr Terminal, week
days, 12 01, 8 40, t) 85, 10 10 a. m. and 1 42, 4 05, 6 80
p.m. Sundays, 12 01a.m.
Lenve Itpadlim.week daya, 2 03, 7 01,10 04, a, ni.
12 00 m., 4 19, 6 00 and 8 20 p. ra. Buudaya, 2 01
a. ra.
Leavo l'ottavllle, weelc daya. 109, 71 n. in.,
12 SO and 6 10 p. m. Sundays, 8 07 a. .
Leave Taraaqua, week days, 3 35, 7 46, 11 28 a.
u 1 86, 5 50, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m. Buadaya, 8 5
a m
Leavo Mahatioy City, week. daya, 12 26,411,
8 15, 11 47 a. in., 2 17, 5 18, 6 21, 7 44 and 10 08 p. m
Sundaya. 12 23, 4 21 a. m.
Leave Mnbanoy Flan, week daya, It 85, 2 40,
4 85 6 80,8 30. 10 25, 1139 a. ra 2 82, 3 81, 6 41,
7 57, 10 22 p in. Sundaya, 12 40, 2 40, 4 35 a. m.
Leave Wllllamaport, week daya, 7 42, 10 20 a
m., 4 00 and 11 80 p. m. Sundays, 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut atreet wait and
South street wharf for Atlantto City.
Weekdaya Kipreaa, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, (8 06
Hatunlava only), 4 00, BOO p. m. Aceommoda
tion. 8 00 u. in., 5 15, 680 p. ra, Sundaya
Hi press, 900, 10 00 a. m. Accommodation, 8 00
a, n, 4 45 p. m,
Returning; lenve Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlnutionnd Arkansas nvenuea.
Weekdaya Hipreaa, 785, 9 00 a ra., 8 80, 5 80
p. in. Accommodation, 4 23, 1 15 a. nr. 405 p, m.
Sundaya Kiureaa, 4 00, 8 SO, 8 00 p. m. Ac
commodation, 7 15 a. ra., 4 15 p. m.
Parlor Cars nn all express tralria.
For further Information, apply to neareat
Philadelphia aud Rending Hallway ticket agent
I, A. Hwkioaud. Kuson J, Win),
(len'l Supt, Gen'l Pnaa'r Agt.,
Heading Terminal, Philadelphia.
riillions of Dollars
Go up in srnoko every year. Take no
risks but got your houses, stock, fur
nltuio, etc., Insured In flret-clasa ra.
liablo companies as represented by
hAVIft PATIST insurance Agent,
Alio Life and Accidental Oompanlea
Kimball's Detective' Agency
Do all legitimate detective work. A
correspondent wanted in all towns.
Office, 58 Trust Building, Wllllamspott, Pa
1 1