The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 01, 1898, Image 4

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Will soon be here and
we hao a fine selection of
cards, booklets, t?tc., and at
prices to suit the times. Our
line of tine Chocolates for the
Easter trade is complete ; also
chocolate t'igs, rabbits, etc.
fl- N. IVlmln St.
The Bee Hive.
Our Spring
Wc offer vou the newest
Kontk .ind the best values yott
i 1 1 recei veil . To our already
many departments we have
added another, millinery. Fine
trimmed hats from 39 cents up
to 514.49, and all IirIs trimmed
free of charge. As millinery
is only one of the many lines
we carry it is a simple matter
to understand that we can give
you greater values than nuy
other house in town.
Great Bargains
Are oflered in all the latest
sdks. stylish dress goods, white
KoihIs, embroideries nnd lace
A these good will not last long
at die remarkable low prices we
are selling them at, it will pay you
to 1 .ill earlv.
The Bee Hive,
2 South Main Street.
An r.ioilllK uf Young Mun I'nr l.rauim
llabaiioy City, April 1. Sovcrnl youths
ranKiiiK from 111 to SO yuatu of ago havo ilo
nartud suddenly from tkis town without cx
viliiluint; tlio reason to their families. Thoy
hoarded a frt iulit train at llnek Mountain.
Their Mipp.i-wl destiuatiuu i I.fhkuo I&lund.
Armory hall Has bountifully decorated last
vomriK for the 12th annivori'ary reunion of
WasliuiKton Hook anil I,aihlcr (.'oniany No.l.
'f bo bearins in the case of tbo Shenandoah
young men charged with stealius pifOoUH,
shows that at luast ouo of them, 0. Mrduire,
was exonerated from tbo charges. His ex
planation an to how tho piuooiis came into
his jni.sse-.sum was satisfactory to the Justice
and tin- oioseentor. lie traded his own
hitroim-tur the ones stolen hy other parties
Tlie I' I!. ('. ,t I. I'u. ii ropairiu" the
ii ii ru 11 ii i iik from the l.tliiuli alloy depot
t., (lie Malianoy City eulliery.
Ue.iiL'i-Viiiiiik. recently in.ide foreniuu at
the Vule.iii eolliury, moved to-day to Phila
delphia, where ho will engage in the retail
coal business.
The funeral of Viola Elizabeth, 11-year-old
daughter of Frank rtorotico, took plaee this
Croup in-itantly relieved. Dr. Thomas'
Kclectric Oil. Perfectly safe. Nover fails.
At any drug store.
I.ehluli Coal mid Navigation Company Sus
peiidn .",1X1 KniplnyuN.
Tauiaqua, April 1. Tlio I.ehii;h Coal and
Navigation Company sprung' a staitling Mir
priso at its Nos. 5 and ltf eullicries in tlio
Panther Creek Valley yesterday by notifying
fire hundred men and buys that thoir ser
vices will lie dispensed with for uu indoflnito
period. A greater part of those employes
resido at Tumaiiua.
To Cure Headache In 15 Minutes.
Take Dr. Davis' Ati-Hcadacho. All druggists
Itailroaiter Injllrreil.
William Stuffy, a railroader, sustained seri
ous injury in the yard at Tauiaqua yesterday
by having ouo of his hands crushed between
the bumpers of cars.
Headache Quickly Cured.
Dr. Davia' Anti-Headache never fails,
4 TT A T? "RTfi
20 j South riaiti Street.
My enure stock of dry goods at coot
prices and also lielow cost.
Wc are still weaving carpet at from
25 to 50 cents tier yard.
Suitable to the Times.
Two pounds of Arbuvklou colTio kIuii iiwny
with one pound of 50a tea.
Ten pieces of good wlilto Moiitiug s,Kip, 2fio
t nrce pouiiuo uiiiiiwwuu I'l.iitvw ,
Hlx pounds lima beans 2fa
1 wo cans 01 newt Jfliy
U0041 loose eoneu .w
Other goods sold In proportion.
And that it the time to have
your liair cut. We make it a specialty.
12 W. Centre St. ItARIiHK SHOP,
Ferguson House Block.
Floor and Tab 0 Oil Cloths. S A
E. B. FOLEY, 27 Centre 81,
nro not tlistinguisliod by any mark
or nign from coughs that fail to ho
fatal. Any cough, nofjlfcteil, may
sap the strength and undermine tho
health until recovery is impossible.
All coughs lead to lung trouble, if
not stopped.
Aycr's cherry Pcc!6?3l
cures coups
"My wife was suffering from a dreadful
eoiih. Wo diil not oxiwct that shu would
lonn survive, but Mr. It. V. Koyal, deputy
purveyor, happened to be stopping with us
over night, and having .1 bottle of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral with him, induced my wife to
try this rmedy. Tho result was so beneficial
that she kept on taking It till she was cured."
It. S. HUMPHRIKS, Saussy, Ga.
"My little daughter was taken with a dis
tressing cough, which for three years defied
all the remedies I tried. At length, on tho
urgent recommendation of a friend, I began
to givo her AyrrV Cherry Pectoral. After
tiring ono bottle I fo.intf to my great sur
prise that sho was improving, 'ihrea bottles
completely cured her."
Trav. Salesman Wrought Iron P.ango Co.,
St. Louis, Mo.
is put up in half-size bottles at half
price 50 cents.
Tin: wi:atiii:k
The forecast for Saturday : l'air, wanner
weather, witli slight to fresh, vatiable winds,
mostly southerly and southeasterly followed
by some cloudiness.
1 kffir( in Jnccinrf
Constable Joe Kleindent, of Mahanuy
City, was a visitor to town to day.
-John .MeCutehoon. of South Jardin
street, lias recovered from his locent illness.
Willi. 111 I.eacli, of Johnstown, is a guest
of Thomas Tosh and family, of South West
Kugeno Ferguson, the bright Hkuai.d
carrier at Lost Creek, was iu towu Isst
Mrs. Ilobert O'ISoyle, wife of the pastor
of Trinity I!efonned church, is conlined to
the house through illness.
J. W. Johnson has lcturued from Head
ing, where he spent tho past two days look
ing after his electric railway interests.
Mrs. l'red. Ilouks and eon, Heibert, re
turned home last evening from Pottsville,
where Ihey spent several days with friends.
J. Arthur Moyer. who made many friends
here in thu management of the factory Shoo
Storo, will move his family to Perkasie, P.I.,
where lie will engjgo iu tho same business
Dr. 1). J. Langton lias returned from
Atlantic City, where ho spent tho past two
weeKs in lieaitn recuperation. .Mis. J.ingtrn
remains the guest of fiiends in Philadelphia
a lew days.
Charles (lirvin left thisinoming for Now
Vork City, on a business mission.
T. H. Hutchinson has gone to Sunbury
to visit friends.
C. C. II. Kirlln returned to-day after
sp"i)ding several weeks visiting friends at
Sunbury and Williamsport.
Mr. and .Mrs. K. II. .Morgan, and
daughter, Ellon, wero Mahanoy City visitors
this afternoon.
(1. W. Kclter, Sr., of Illoomshiirg, was in
town to-day in the intorest of his grocery
business horo.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shuiihing loturncd to
Philadelphia at noon to-day.
1$ P. Parrott returned home from Phila
delphia last night.
John Delanoy, of Win, Penn, has re
turned homo, after a wcok's visit to tlio
Quaker City.
Tirol I'lro! I'lriit
Insuro your property from loss In tlio
oldest and strongest cash companies : Pliila.
Underwriters Insurance Co. of North
America and Fire Association, Hartford
Fiio Ins Co., American Fire Insurance Co.,
Westchester Firo Ins. Co., Unitod Firemen's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah.
ICeienlie. Inspectors About.
Two Internal Uoveuuo Inspectors weie at
work iu this town ami Muhauny City yester
day visiting drug stores to ascertain whether
thoy are selling alcohol with tho internal
luveuuo license... They also visited saloons to
see whether empty cigar boxes are sold or
given away without the cancellation of tlio
stamps on them. It is knowu several drug
gists wero caught iu Mahanoy City and some
saloonkeepers, but what tho result here was
has nut been learned. No suits have been
entered yet. Tlie penalty is f 100. It is said the oWervanco of the ruveiiuu laws iu
this district lias been very lax and the visit
of the inspectors was moru to givo warning
than to prosecute.
Suri o lug 1'iiiUheil.
C. II. Dechurt, the engineer who is locating
tlio lino uf tile Shenandoah KIcctric liallruad,
completed his work yesterday and left for
his homo In Heading last livening.
Mrs. C!.iuser is moving from West Centre
street to her now ptoperty on North Jardin
Miss Salllo Delaney to-day Bhlpped her
household eilects to llrooklyu, N. V., whoro
she will rcsiilo for the future with her
sisters, who havo preceded her in departure.
James Morrisey and family to-day vacated
their residence on South limerick street and
moved to Ashland.
Minor Injured.
An accident, caused by a fall of coal, oc
currcd at the Knickerbocker colliery yostor
day afternoon. Tho victim was Andrew
(lisefski, a minor, residing 011 West Centre
street. Ho sustained lacerations about tho
head, face, back and neck. It is feared that
he may lose the sight of one eye. Tho
patient is under ti ratmcnt of Dr. 1). John
Mrs. Mary, widow of tho lato D. V, Curry,
died last night at her homo In Centralla, after
a year's illnews. She 1 til yes ten children.
The dticrsMMl continued 10 carry ou the hotel
husinwu after hur husbaud s death.
skyour grocer for tho "Itoyal Patent
llour, ami take 110 other brand. It is tho best
flour made.
II. Ii. Yociiim, Cameron, P.i., says "I was a
sum, lor for ten yours, trying most all kinds
or pile remedies, but without sucre-M. Do
Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo was recommended
to me. I used one box. It has ell'ected a per.
inauent cure." As a Permanuut euro for
piles DcWitt'fl Witch Hazel Salvo has no
I 1 r , 1 1 ..1 1
uiiuai. 1 . 11. jiagenuuci.
(Continued from l'ltst Page.)
Union of the I'nitsd Slates, yesterday morii
iiift forwarded to Prosidcnt McKlnUy tin fol
lowing letter:
Hon. WtM.UM, President of
tlio United States Your l'.trollrncv : Tho
lilsh Catholic Ilurvolent Union of the
United States, rccogni.lng the gravo respon
sibilities resting upon you as Chief Uiecutlve
of the Natlnu In connection with the
Spnnlsh complications, and noting the wino
slid pitriotic manner In which you arc an
deavoring to bring about a peactful solution
of those dllllniltles. hereby exUnd to you
their earnest sympathy and beg to assure
your Kxrcllcncy that the members of our
t'lilnu have Implicit eoiiliileno iu your
patriotlc.iudicmciit iu whatsver manner you
may thiuk proper to mploy in the cause of
humanity and tho honor and dignity of our
bnloved country, and further your Htcol-
leney can rely on the loyal support of our
members morally, physically nnd financially
in upholding the honor, dignity ami supre
macy of our country's cnuso. 1'nclosed
please tlud nildies which has besn forwarded
to each of our branches. With sentiments
of deep devotion to our country and entire
conlldenco iu your Excellency, wo remain
your obedient servants,
lUNMnt, DftTY, Piesidcnt,
A. A. llovi.ti, Seoietaty.
Tho milium refericd to is cjuito lengthy,
and In speak leg of tho gravity of the situa
tion in our national a (Vain as nppculini with
especial force to tlio member of the Union,
snys "we take this means to reiterate tho
cardinal principles of our Uuitn, and pub
licly oxpress mir unswerving loyalty and in
creasing devotion to our country and its laws,
and to paiticularly emphasize that our every
ell'ort will bo txrUd to 'stimulate our
common citizeushlp with a true and patriotic
feeling Iu obeying and supporting every
measuie advocated by our National rulcis iu
upholding tlio honor and dignity of our
country. We believe the timo has como
when every patriotic citizen should declaro
in clear and positive terms their linn loyalty
to country and wliiln no voice or declaration
is required on the pait of our membership to
piove faithful allsgianco to our country's
(lag, wo deslio to publicly proclaim that as
American citizens wclove ourcountiy with a
devotiou second to none, its Hag is our Hag,
its laws aro our laws, and independent of tho
action of any nation or people our linn pur
poso must bu to maintain and prescrvu those
gloiiuus principles of civil and lellgious lib
erty guaranteed by our laws and ou)oycd in
all thoir fullness by overy subject." The ad
dress concludes as follows: "Our people are
lint and cannot be charged with being un
grateful, and in the enjoyment of the great
sdvautates guaranteed every citizen under
our C onstitution let our actions prove, that
our ainhitiou is, that in socking to practice
tho precepts of our church and live up to its
teachings, wo but endeavor to testify to the
world, that thero can be no bettor citizen
than a good Catholic."
orr run wixr vikoixia.
Joseph J. Morris, Jr., and his brother.
(ieorgs Morris, formorly of Ashlaud, and now
of Pottsville, left for Vivian, West Va., to
accept luciativo positions at a soft coal plant,
of which William Spencer, formerly of
Miucrsvillo, is superintendent.
Much excitement was occasioned yester
day afternoon over the discovery hy Loader
lloss McDonald, of Cumbola, of a nowly
boin baby gill in a box freight car at Silver
Creek collieiy, operated by tho P. & It. C. &
I. Co. The lifeless remains uf tlio little tot
wuro wiapped in a newspaper. Suspicion
led to the unraveling of tlio paper, when the
ghastly find was discovered. Thero was no
clothin: ou the cliild and the iuteiiur of the
car gave somu evidence that thu cliild had
been born thero. Tho residents of Silver
Creek have no suspicion of anyone in that
neighborhood, aud believe tlio child was
placed iu the car at Philadelphia or sumo
point between that city and the colliery,
while tlio car was en routo to tlio coal re
gions. HIJ1NO mil A HhTTLK.MlI.VT.
Morris Muses brought suit against Michael
J. Powers and Charles Calnon, for a settle
ment, claiming f:S3S. Tho defendants were
meuibeis of tho Mahanoy City iMiiiiifactur
iug Co., Limited. Moses was a soliciting
agent and collector, but sold his interest for
a couple of bundled dollars. Ho received
bills for collection and collected a little over
$130 whon he was stopped by the firm. There
was certain losses which Moses was asked to
hear a portion as a partial member of tho
company. Verdict for plaintiff for $U33.
Judges FJirguod and Craig wore present to
day working ou the contest case of Judges
Lyon and Dunn for Orphans' Court Judge.
Sovcnty-four districts havo been finished, and
tho papers have been filed down to tho bor
ough of Orwigsburg.
Letters of administration wero granted to
Oeorgo W. Mortimer and G. Wssley Morti
mer, on tho estate of Susan F. Mortimer, lato
of Pottsville, deceased.
Tho will of Daniel Doibert, late of Ilogins
township, was probated and recorded. Tho
will of John W. Kuieiim, late of Tamaqua,
was also probated and recorded.
juiKir. puumii.nci nojin.
Hon. Cyrus L. Pershing, president judgo
of tho Schuylkill County Courts, arrived
lionio at noon yesterday trom Atlantic City,
where bo has beeu spending several weeks.
It was announced to-day that the three
Judges would consult in refeienco to the
lksiguatious of tho Commisslouurs and the
appointment of their successors. The result
will not bo madu public befuio Monday.
It is surprising tho grxat prvssino brought
tobear 011 tlio court in the inteiest of tlio
half hundred candidates. Joseph Xichtcr,
of this place, who has always beeu prominent
111 Democratic politics, appears to havo tho
strongest backing, and is certainly deserving
of tho recognition from a party standpoint.
He has given his time and money in tho
interest of Democratic candidates, aud has
never roieivsd political preferment. Mr.
Nlchtcr would make a model Commissioner,
and his friends assert ho would rcllect credit
upon tho appointing power. In saying this
it is no disi arasement upon the other can
didatcs, but the Pottsville man seems to havo
thu inside track.
Tlio Pottsville (ias Company was awarded
tlio contract for lighting tho court hoius aud
jail at $1 per thousand fcot of gas.
J. Frank Fame, of Mlsersville, denies
that ho is an nnti-Ilrumm candidate for btate
Auastasia, widow of tlio late Edward
Coonau, formerly postmaster of Port Caihon.
died yesterday. Tlio funeral will tako placo
Saturday morning,
The funeral of Harry I'., sou of Jacob J
und Clara Koop, will tako placo ou Saturday
at ii p. 111. Hu was in his Ulst year.
Tho fuuorel of Annie, widow of William
A. lieidlcmau, took place this afternoon from
the homo of lier son-in-law, John Pugh.
It is probablo that llfUcu crows, including
seventy-live men, will bo laid oil' on the
P. ,t K. main lino between Palo Alto aud
Philadelphia this week. Tills will leave hut
ti.i crews employed at tho work,
Thousands of sufferers from grippe have
ueou restored 10 ueaitn uy une .Minute (Jougli
Cure. It quickly cures coughs, culds, bron
chitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, aud all
throat and lung diseases. C, 11. Hagenhucli.
Itolilicil to Itob Olliers,
Hobhcrs were ngaiu at work last night.
Tliis timo they visited A. L, Oral's screen
factory, at tho corner of Kuierlck street aud
Apple alloy. An entrance was eil'ectcd by
unlocking the door. They satisfied their do
sire hy taking a brace and a now patent auto
matic drilling inachiuo, Tho loss on tho
tools Is about f 10. Mr. Graf stated to-day
that tho articles stolen would be excellent
devices for blowing opon a safe. This drill
taken was the only oae of Its kind in towu,.
Annual 8ole over6,000,000 tloxos
such Wind nnd rum 111 tho Stomneh,
Giddiueas. Fulness- ulr r nn nls, Jtend
neho. Urinous, Drott-uioss. Flushings
of Hoat, Loss of App'iito, OostlvonoHi.
JUotches on tho Skin. Odd Chills. Dis
turbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams nnd all
Nervous and Troniblnui Bonwitions.
IN TWENTY MINUTES, Dvory sufferer
Will nckliowiodRO tlieui to bo
IIIIIXII AM'S lmxs.lnkcn ns direct
ed, will quickly rostor" Females to coni
ploto health. They promptly reniovo
obstructions or Irregularities of tho sys
tem nnd cure side llenUaclic. For a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Boocham's Pills aro
Without a RivaS
And bnn tlin
uTrtr.y l'nleiilMeillrliio Iu the World,
25c. at all Drue Btoros,
Two Hot lilooiled l.illiiianbius With 11
Shooting Mnulti.
Some disturbance was oicasioucd at the
Pennsylvania Itailuay station last night by
tho condiictof twohalf drunken Lithuanians
named Thomas Kundraeky and Joseph
liomanowbkl, whu seemed anxious for an
excuse to use their shooting irons. First
they wanted to shoot tho dog which is. the
faithful companion of Watchman Henry
Warwick, falsely claiming that the animal
had bitten 0110 of them, and when tho watch
man interfered they thieateiicd tushoot him.
Policemen Murphy ami Mullahy wero sum
moned and thoy hurtled the bluod-thirsty
Lithuanians to the lockup
Sliver Cream Polish, the bust in tlio world.
At lirumm's.
Iteiuarkiiblo Combination of the AYoik of
ruinous Men and Woiiipii.
It is not often that it is possible to obtain
;it 0110 timo and at modeiate cost the bust
work of such leaders of public thought as
l!ov. Lyman Abbott, H. D., Chauucey M.
Depow, General Nelson A. Miles, and Octave
1 linnet. Hut this is exactly tho trait pic
pared for leaders of the gieat Philadelphia
Sunday Press for noxt Suiiduy, April ,1.
Kach of tho famous pcisous named will be
lcpiesented by exclusive contributions ou
current topics of vital interest. There will
bo a host of other exclusive features which
can bo found only iu next Sunday's
Press. Thero will bo fifty pages al
together, making the Sunday Piess tho
largest of Philadelphia papers, with an
cight-pago comic section in coitus, so funny
that it will literally make you laugh until
j 0.1 cry. Then in addition to all this a
.splendid picture uf the cruiser Philadelphia
111 cloven colors will be given fico to eveiy
You will iiiako a mi-take if you do not
order next Sunday's Press to day.
iVlllIN Tit WhI.INC.
Whether on pleasure bent or business, tako
on every trip a bottle of Syiup of Figs, as it
acts most ploasautly and eU'ectiially on the
kidneys, liver, and hotels, preventing
fevers, headaches and other forms of sick
ness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all lead
ing druggists. Manufactured by thu Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only,
A New Departiiio.
It was learned yesterday that tho head
quarters of acting Superintendent George W,
Drill, who assumes his position to-day, will
shortly bo located in Ia.Iclou. Tho reason
fortlie removal of this impuitaut ullice is
two-fold. In thu first place George W. llrill
is on trial. Iu the second placo ho is an old
employe and tlio company desire to givo him
an opportunity to show that ho is worthy of
the appointment, and to accomplish tins ho
must bo removed fiom his former associates.
At KcpchiiisUl's Arcailo Cure.
Clam soup, free, to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning. .
I'olleles Must bo Transfel red.
Those who carry insurance upon their
household goods, and intend changing their
place of resilience, should not fail to prompt
ly notify tlie agent and havo their policy
transferred to their now abode. Othcrvviso
should a firo occur aud tho household goods
bo consumed, they cannot recover damages,
Knndrick House l''reo I.llnrh,
Clam soup will bo served, freo, to all pa.
trons to-night.
ltiiill-ouit Changes.
Taking cflect this morning James C.
Fit.natrick, agent for tho Philadelphia and
Iteading Itallway at Tauiauiia, was trans.
fcrred to tho agency of tlie company at
Girardvillo, and Thomas L. Hvans, agent at
uirardville, was transferred to,
Seitlfi Treatment.
Katharine A. Hickey, 120 N. Main St. tf
A S10110 'i'hrowur.
Wysil Pawczak was arrested yesterday for
throwing stoues at Mrs. Akiin Morak, a
neighbor. It was chaigcd that he frequently
committed tho oU'euso, hut ho was allowed to
settle tlio cao by paying tho costs to Justice
Shoemaker and promising good behavior
Tho accused was at first Inclined to go to
Jail, but changed his mind after spending
two hours in tho lockup.
New Fresh Tniek at Coslelt's,
Now fresli strawberries, tomatoes, head
lettuce, asparagus and beans. Frosh fish
every Wednesday and Friday. At Coslott's,
3d South Main stioet. il-SO-St
Women Oilitrrel.
Mrs. Kate Whitehouse, of South Main
street, appeared before Juttlco Shoemaker
last night as complainant against a neighbor
named Miss Annie MoNoalls, who waived a
hearing and entered ?20O. Mrs, Whitehouse
said that when she took her son away to pre
vent Miss McNealls from abusing him, the
hitter assaulted her.
Ill, llert's C11I0.
liuau soup, freo, to-ntght. Dated potatoes
ami sausage to-morrowmoru nig.
Assaulted His rather.
John Canoll, aged 21 years and residing at
Colorado, was arraigned before Justice
Shoemaker last night, charged wllh assault
ing his father, William J. Carroll, who
alleged that tho yuiiiig man was trying to
run tho house. While they wero at tho
dinner table tho father reprimanded John,
whereupon the latter uroso from his seat and
struck the complainant several times. Tlio
son was commuted in del'aiilt of $:!0J ball.
doners lor latslei.
A full variety of Piaster plants In full
bloom, They will anivo Thursday. Apiil
7th, at Coslett's, 3D South Main St,' 3-30-Bt
Miuklewlc Improving,
A report from tlio Minors' hospital to-day
stated that the condition of Joe Miuklowicz,
the victim of the South Jardin street stabblm?
affray, was much improved.
JMeliluliU uaro.
Cream of tomato soup, free, to-night.
K,ippmilURH Throughout the Coillitl3
(llinuilcteil lor Hasty Perusal,
Did April fool you? t
Tho D hum shop) aro now working ten
hours a tiny.
About ten mora men worn laid oil' the
Pottsville trolley roul yesterday.
I. N. Illrd attended tho weddlna of his
lirolher. Instead of a funeral, ns erroneously
The Chelf lliirges and Health Ollicer of
Main liny City inaUn n joint tour of that town.
Here, things are different.
The Coinmissloneis clerks aro wrapping
tho property blanks preparatory to Bending
out books for tho spring assessment.
Tho Hlnouisbiirg Car Manufacturing Com
pany, nt lllo'imsluirg, yesterday, began runn
ing their plant night aud day.
John C. IMwaids, a prominent men bant,
and Mrs. Thomas Williams were married at
Lsnsfonl yesterday by l'cv. J. T. Grlllitli.
Orion It Mclllcli. yesleidny entered upon
his duties as postmaster nt Dloonishiirg.
Company F, Twelfth Iteglinent, National
Guard, at Danville, was Inspected Wednes
day evening.
After attempting to shoot a constablo yes
terday, nt Shamokiii, John Curran was ai
rested for burglary.
First of All, Red Flan 011, 25c.
What fur? Aches, pains, bruises. At
(Iruhler Dins., nrtiir store.
OrillIgH ItltlhSOtllH.
Sovcrnl Shenandoah friends havo received
enrdsannniiucliig the engagement of Dr. II.
1!. Casselbcrry and Miss Mario, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George John, both prominent
members of the first families of Hazlcton.
Tho wedding will take placo iu June, and
will be a fashionable affair.
A pretty homo wedding took placo last
evening at Taiinqua, when Milton A. Whet
stone, a school teacher, of Quakako, and
Miss ICstella, of tlio former place,
were joined by I!ev. G. Gebeit.
Tho wedding of Oliver W Keigel and Miss
Itosa C. Faust took place at tho residence of
tho hi ide s parents in drier City yesterday
afternoon. Itov. J. Fisher, of Taiuatiua,
olllciatetl. Misses S. AliceNeifert and L'tntnu
V. Faust were thu bride-maids and William
II. liahraud II. 11. Zimmerman tlio grooms
men. 1 lie hest man was Oscar .1. Iteigcl and
Miss Mamo Faust was the maid of honor.
Children like it. it saves their lives. We
inenii Ouo Minute Cough Cure, tho in fallible
remedy lor coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis,
grippe, ami all throat and lung troubles. C.
it. llageiiliuch.
Around tlio Hunch.
Tho Lehigh Valley base ball club, of Lost
Creek, lias re-orgaiii.ed for tho coming
season. The boys last year made a very
lavorahlo showing, having been defeated on
a fuw occasions. This year they expect to
surpass all previous recoids under tho ablo
management of Victor O'Grady O'Hooligan
H ibhius, to whom all communications should
bo addressed. The team is niado upas follows :
Michael Coyle, c, Sweeney and McLaiu, p.,
Michael lhnpty Stack, lb., Anthony Metealf,
2b., W. Fakir Price, 3h 11. Zulu Dadduw,
ks., V. Grady I'ubbins, lf W. Diigmoro
Junes, rf (1. Shoity Drew, cf. William
Heed has been chosen as tho mascot and
liiiinwhat Mansell will have cliargo of tlio
tent, which will shelter tho club's lady ad
mirers fiom t'10 rays uf tho scorching sun
The team is now open for challenges.
1 hu Ko-o Dud lull team would llko to
play any team iu the county whoso agts
avoiago II yeais. Address James Cuogan,
ln:i West Coal street, Shenandoah, Pa.
The Western Kml Grays would like to plav
any baseball team in thu 'county whoso ages
range 1 10111 11 to 13 years. Address all com
niunic.itions to William Walsh, 11S0 West
Coal street, Shenandoah.
The Coal Trade,
Anthracite tonuago is up to tlie average for
tho first quaitcr of thu year, though larger
this year than lust, ami at the same time one
hears uf trade being unlet. Itisso because,
while the output is small, tho demand from
the retail trade is of such a chaiacter that
no great ellbrt is needed to supply it. In
this way tlio business moves along without
anything to attract more than average atten
tion and producers feel that thero is ' notli
ing in it," because an improvement can
hardly bo looked for iu soino weeks to coino
Soft coal at the sea board keeps about as it
has been fur somo timo past. There is an
imnienso tonuago being sunt forward and tlio
quantity that has been disposed of at tlio
eastwaid is evidenced by tho receipts nt Dos
ton, where the total Is ahoyo that of hard
A Good Thing for a Bad Cough.
What? Pan-Tina, 23c. At Gruhler Hros.,
drug sture.
SUM Deiulloelieil.
Tho Iloroiigh Council of Tamaqua is still
deadlocked and there is no indication of tho
Coiincilmcn getting together. All muncipal
work is at a stand still.
of tho Globe fcr
NEURALGIA and tlmllar Complaints'
tuiu I'rejtaruq uuuer UIO fSiriDffl'nt
hf Vs!vProscrll)ea by eminent pliysiciansi
luiiiiii'iiuwrn-iii 1. HiarKaiiiyMit'cccsiiui v
PJOnliBcniilno Willi Trade Mark" Anchor,' t
Wl . Ad. ltlc liter .U'o,, 21 " l'cutl.St... Nciv V01L. j
13 Branch Houses, Own Glassworks.
23 & SO cu. Dttdumed Si rccouuuuudul by
a. wasiey, 106 H. Main St.,
C. II.Hacenbuch. lm N. Mnln nt
i-.r.D. jurnn, 6 C. Main St.
.sr. .. oaenanaoan.
nn. fi r.tiTiiiii
j -"- "VHpepninivisroiiiiifii i:iiiiiimih.
im'ib n.ii.r.. ,1 iK-i,iiiiini 'viillliit lieu room
Jj suite. Compute outfit. Apply at iliutu.n
oiuee. s-rj-iz
lUANTKD.-dood loan to sell 81 UOaixident
M Insurance policy. Liberal coiuiuiislou,
Aiiuiess, lrret. II. wetter, general agent, rolls,
ville, Pa. U-?yu
IMIt SAI.1J. lltiuso und lot, flIS ICast e'entru
V street. Apply to T. It. Jlisltlall, Hlicnau.
1 ctr
I.lOlt H.I,i: A very tlcbiiablo property, A11-
ply to Joseph Viitt, 'Jul North Main HI. tf
ilOlt ItUNT The corner storo room now 00-
ellliiett bv tho Factory Hlloo Store. A irood
opening for any 0110 either iu thu boot anil shoo
or any oilier iiiisinem. .ppiy inn. w. iiciiuaii,
lledilal 's Hardware (store. 8-17-tf
N'OTICK To tho young men and ludlrs of
the Slienaniluali valley who wou'tlearoto
beeoiue gooil telcgruplicis iiiashoit time, iu a
class or prlvute le-sous, to be coutliicteil by an
uhto iiistriutor, u ill tlo well to writuto "Tele-gr-ph
Operator," care III 1tsl.11. All tho upiill
uitttuis will be answered anil full particulars
given, l'.iirolbiicnt will bu open only this
week. 3-al-Ut
118 and 1M N. 1 lowers Bt, Bhenandooh,
if The
I -Ii Kaier Export Beer
Has attained nn excellence which lias rarely been excelled.
And his associates havo spent, not only much time, hut also a
largo amount of money, iu experiments, to bring tills ltecr to
its present perfection and thoy havo many testimonials that
tlie company has received from well known medical men
which aro exhibited with pardonable prido by the President,
Mr. Chas. D. Kaier. Tlio brewer, Mr. Franz Kalor, is a
gentleman scientifically versed iu all that portalus to tho
lliower's Art and to his porscvorauce aud closo application is
- largely duo thu splendid triumphs achioved by
The Kaier Export Beer.
It is compared by many
to tho products of lUdcn
THE GBflS. D. PIER COMPflllV, Lmd.
Mahanoy City, Pa.
Mail orders will receive prompt attention.
but have told direct
tamer for 25 jer
e&i prices, iavinfc
aejier s rrouii.
ivnor ior exaraiDaiioQ.
Everything warranted.
liBBtrlea or Vehicles,
55 styles of Harness.
Top JJujrgies. ftfi
Surreys. IjU to lli1.
ires. Phaetons. Trans.
ettes, Bpnng-Hoad
Jfo. TT. Surrey lUrneii. rriae, f 16,00,
Ai food m Mlla for f 2b.
(Successors to
N- Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
If you contemplate building consult our contract price. The new
proprietors were formerly with the Shenandoah L,uniber and Feed Co.
Thos. Buchanan,
Examination Mado at Your Homo or at
Our Store.
Has Moved to
118 S. Main Street.
We have some nice effects in
Easter baskets.
29 West Cenlre Slreet,
(Bhccler's Old Stuud.)
Flrt-claM work puarantetd. l'ronil.t auil
ollto nttrndanta. llalr lutllng a tuclolty. I
What Is it brain or brawn?
Do you clean by main
strength or do you use labor
savers? Do you use the best labor
saver? If you are undecided which
is best try
"Old Country" lleer Drinkers
and lUvaria.
to the coc'
at m hola-
mm iq
snip anj-
and Milk
Waftona. Send for larpe, fre9 No.606Bprrey. Prle. with tnrUini. lamps, un
C&talogua of all our styles, shads, aproa and feodtrs, CO. X goo tells for 39.
J. W. Johnson,)
30 Days Slaughter
Sale of ... .
In order to make room for my
new branch of business, hardware,
stoves, shelf and builders hard
ware, in which I am going to
embark in the near future. Ifere
are a few of our prices, as an illus
tration of our slaughter sale :
Baby Carriages
$3.50 and up.
Six foot square extention tables,
nicely furnished, $2,75.
White enameled bedstecds, a
miracle, SI.98.
Cane seated chairs, in Cherry
and Walnut, 49c.
High'back wood seated dining
chairs, 35C.
Leather seat rockers we are
selling at SI.G9.
. . . DEALER,
121-123 North Main St.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvety softness of the skin is Inva
riably obtained br tlioc 9 who use I'ozzoni's
Complexion i'owder.