The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 29, 1898, Image 1

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tKtntig mlmm tyttcab.
a.-rYturdn- TT
Crea Its business because of its known
large circulation ami renders rich
results to its advertisers.
7 M' public through a pro-
gressive, dtgntfica, influential journal
use the HERALD columns.
vol. xni.-NO
Better Than Klondike.
Invest your money where you are sure
to receive full value for the same.
Parlor Suits, 5 pieces, - 18.00
Wood sealed chairs, - .45
Cane seated chairs, - .75
J. P. Williams & Son,
Solid Oak Fancy Base
Extension Tab'e, - 353.75
Iron Bedsteads, - . ? 3-5
Solid Oak Chanila Suits.
eight pieces, - 14.00
Full size well made couches,
spring seat, full fringed, J 3.75
Side boards, - - 5-5
13 S. Main Street,
Occurred This Afternoon in n Snloon
nn the Ituckd.
A stabbing affray, which may yet result
fatally, occurred about 3 o'clock this after
noon tu tlio saloon of Joo Yeduskl, on West
Laurel street.
.loo Mlnkowicz, In company with two
countrymen, from Malianoy City, woro visit
ors to Vcdunki's saloon. One of tho visitors
began to slug, which was objected to by
Mlnkowicz. After being warned ft second
tlmo to ceaso n dispute aroso. The proprie
tor camo from behind tlio bar to eject tlio
visitors when ono of them pulled a large
jack knlfo from hi? pocket and sank it into
Mlnkowlcz's left breast, inflicting a deep
wound. Tlio assailant's thirst for blood
urged him to use tlio knife
the second time, with good offset, A stab
wound In tho groin, ono and one-half inches
In length and flvn inches in depth, was tho
Dr. Stein was hastily summoned to tho
sceno and attended to tho woliuded man.
lis says that ho bolloves that the man's lung
is cut.
Mlnkowicz is a singlo man, aged S3 years.
Ho was removed to his boarding house, op
posite tho sceno of tho nlTray.
During tho excitement which provailcd
the assailants mad their escape and wlion
the Herald went to press had not been arrested.
Resolution Recognizing Cuban
Independence and War
Against Spain.
Spain Willing That Wo Should Feed
Her Ouban Subjects.
North Main St.,
Shenandoah, Pa.
Klectlon of Ofllcera
A semi-annual election of officers was held
by Shenandoah Lodge No. 501. I. 0. O. F.,
last night with tho following result; Noble
Qrand, JoBoph J. Bees J Vlco Grand, I). D.
Williams; Secretary, William J. Morgan;
Assistant Secrety, John Bitlor; Trustee
for 18 months, T. T. Williams ; Trustoo for
12 months, II. J. Huntzingor. An election
for Grand Lodge olllcers was also held with
the following result : Grand Master, Samuel
McKeovor; Deputy, Esau Loomla; Grand
Warden, ffm, II. Hose ; Qrand Socrctary,
James B. Nicholson ; Grand Treasurer, M.
Richards Muckle ; Grand Representative,
ItobertE. Wright; District Deputy, S. F,
Buggies and Carriages For Sale.-
MeltlalzlH Cafe.
Liver and on I cms, free, to-night.
Uniform Contract Awarded.
Messrs. Daniel Coakley, D. It. James find
M. J. Brcnnan, the Lamp and Watch com
mUnt nf llnrnM.h rVmnMl rant loaf nlptif
V. TtT'11 1 . 1 1 j 1 . 1 I V U '
g Win oe soia comparatively cneap. nmi considered bids for supplying seven
... 11 ...i..... r . . i, ,. i ! r cnn ...
& Rpnanne fnr epllirr nrp tltnr tlipv companied tho bids. Tbo contract was
g ,, i ., , . ,:n. i awarded to tho Famous Clothing Company
have been replaced with several a 413,50 a Bult. This 1. three dollars below
uuiuaua ui new uno, winwu ai
U rived this week.
tho prico paid last year.
I This sale Is a profit winner for horsemen,
Silver Cream Folish, tho best In tho world.
At lirumm's.
On Tap at all Customers
Superintendent ltoderlck Resigns.
David J. Roderick, for many y.ars env
ployed at Stockton, but who for some titno
has nllcd tho position of superintendent at
tho Coleralno colliery, on Saturday tendered
his resignation. It is said that Mr. Roderick
will shortly tako up his residcnco at Scran
ton, where ho will form a partnership with
his father, who is an extensive dealer in mine
Scalp Treatment.
Katharino A. Hickcy, 120 N. Main St.
On Tap at all Customers
A11 Intorvlow llotweon tlio French
AmliiiHnilnr nntl Amlntnnt Socrotnry
liny GIvoi Color to tlio Koports Tlio
Nnvy Department Makes Plans For
n "Mosquito Flooy Formed From
tlio Auxiliary Navy Ordnance De
partment Awnnls Contractu For Dis
appearing Otm Cnrrlniros A Warlike
Havana Newspaper Spain's Vlijor
ous Iteply to Minister Woodford's
Note Coiicornlnir Cuba.
All standard make wheels, that you will run no risk in buying.
Bring your old wheel in and we will over-haul and
repair it now. Have it ready for you to
ride the first fine day.
Another Lot of Fine Fresh Made
As Good so Creamery and Cheaper.
Mr. Williams lteslgus.
The publication of the rumored resignation
of Thomas M. Williams, as superintendent
"aJLtha Pennsylvania Coal Company's collier
les near Jit. Carmol, is true, but ho will not
bo succeeded by Mino Inspector llronnau
His successor will bo William Iteinhart, in
side foreman at present.
lr. J. Kge, Gorman riiyslclnn
and Surgeon, of Roading, !'., will be at tho
Franoy Hotel on March 31st, from 1 to
p. m. Rupture euro guaranteed. Private
surgical hospital, 112 North 8th St., Read'
Inc. 3-29-21
Hickert's Gate.
Special freo lrjw't to-night. Tomato soup
to-morrow morn), 1
Powers for Surveyor.
The Philadelphia Times this morning says:
"Oil Inspector Thomas J. Towers, the leader
of tbo 25th ward, Philadelphia, is understood
to be iu lino for appointment as burveyor ol
the Port. John P. Finney, of Pottsville, and
P. M. Lytle, of Huntingdon, were candidates
for this position, but both have been in
formed that tlio placo l to go elsewhere."
Powers has always been a Martin follower,
and hisappointment will give Quay 7 dele
Kates from Philadelphia in tho state conven
tion, and Lauo and powers will bo found in
the Quay oauip hereafter. It is understood
the appointment will not bo made until after
tho state convention.
Komlrtck House Freo Lunch.
Grand Army beau soup wil besorved, freo,
to all putrous.
A Wealth of Worth.
This is a fact that is being realized by tho
many shoppers as they make their exit from
R. F. Gill's now dry goods store. Everything
displayed is kneo deop In attractiveness. A
hidden treasure only to bo unearthed by
visit are the ridiculously low prices for our
spring specialties. It Is not too early to
solect the goods for your spring garments.
Our assortment is perfect and can fully meet
the wants of the public, because w curry
tho largest stock iu this locality.
At Kepcliluskl's .Vrouila Ullfe.
Bean soup, free, to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Speclnl to Evesiho IlEtULn.
Washington. March 20. When the Senate
couvoned to-day, Senator Joseph Rawlins, of
Utah, secured the recognition of tho prend
ing officer, and offered a resolution recognize
ing the Independence of Cuba and declaring
war against Spain. Tho resolution was at
onco referred to the Foreign Relations Com
mittee without debate, of which Senator
Cushman K. Davis, of Minnesota, is the
Senators Mason and Forakor, members of
the Foreign Relations committee, favor tho
adoption of tho resolution without delay
Senator Forakor has had a resolution recog
uizing "10 independence of Cuba in his
uociet, but tho President has pursuadod him
not to introduce It. But lL." cannot bo
controlled and may break out at any time.
Senator Morgan, another mtmbor of the
committee, is strongly In favor of inimedl
ato intervention on the part of the United
There Is a strong feeling, growing steadily,
In favor of soino form of Immediatoactionon
the Cuban issue. There is a stronger feeling
to-day among tho members of both Houses
over tho avoidance in tuu Message of any
outlino ef a defmlto Administration policy,
and a decided disposition apparent not to
await any further delay. It is doubtful
whether Congross can bo held in check.
It is the opinion of tho President that
peaco is not assured by auy means, hut he is
hopeful, as he has been all along, that war
will not become a necessity. Tho President
thinks If he can keep Congress in check,
Spain will accept his plan regarding Cuba.
The Foreign Relations Committee will hold
its regular meeting to-morrow morning.
continued aid abroad Is unjust to the;
people of this country.
The special cnblnet session was hold
to go over the president's messnge nnd
particularly to consider the latest
developments In the negotiations now
proceeding with Spain. These had as
sumed a wide field, embracing not only
the Maine question, but the entire
Cuban problem. The answer of Spain
was In hand to the firm note sent
through Minister Woodford last week
stating that the condition of Cuban
affairs had become so, Intolerable that
the united States could not much
longer remain Inactive toward it. The
general tone of the Spanish answer Im
pressed the president and cabinet of
ficers most favorubly, so much so that
after the meeting It was stated by
members that the outlook was far more
assuring, and that Spain had shown
such a concilltory tone that it was
believed she would make concessions
sufficient to permit an amicable ad
justment of the present strained relations.
This was supplemented, however, by
the statement that the danger point
had not yet passed, and that war, while
no longer a probability, was yet a
possibility. The president had dis
tinctly disclosed to his cabinet asso
ciates his purpose to avert war If It
was possible with a just solution of
the Cuban problem, and he had felt
from the disposition manifested by
Spain that this just solution could be
reached. This, however, Is without
considering congress, which may, now
that the subject Is formally before it,
take some radical action.
Meantime, at the state department,
cablegrams were being received from
Minister T, dford, and the Spanish
minister, Sei. . Polo de Bernabe, was
In a lengthy conference with Judge
Day as to the prospective adjustment.
The meeting between the Spanish min
ister ana juage uay came alter tne
cabinet conference, so that such repre
sentation as Spain submitted through
him did not get before the cabinet. At
least two of these new phases submit
ted by the minister were of exceeding
Importance. The Spanish government
made It known that no objection would
be made to the humanitarian objects
of the United States government In ex
tending relief to the sufferers in Cuba
on a far greater scale than hitherto
had been contemplated. On the con
trary, Spain has made known that It
recognizes the humane purposes ani
mating this country, and that it does
not doubt that these purposes will be
executed In such a way as to avoid all
possible force cf pction. It Is not ex
pected that tho relief .7111 be ijarrled
In warships, as this would Introduce a
political aspect Into a project which Is
purely humane.
This acquiescence by Spain clears fhe
way for the president's message of the
next few days asking a large appro
priation for the relief of destitution In
He Attacks Jurors nnd
" , Case.
Counsel In His
Jurors Alleged to Have Been Prejudiced
Against Him and Interested In Bringing
About His Conviction-Serious Ac
cusations Also Made Against
One of the Counsel.
29 N, Main St., Shenandoah.
Pottsville, Mar. 2!). Tlio following reasons
for a new trial for County Commissioner
Charles Meyers were filed to-day by his
counsel, Messrs. Smith, Wadliuger and
liergor :
That tlio court erred.
First, In not quashing tho bill of indict
Second, In denying tho application of tho
defendant for the withdrawal of a juror and
a continuance.
Third, In not withdrawing from the con
sideration of the jury counts Nos. 7, 8, 0 and
12 in tho bill of Nov. 13. 1S07.
Four'.b, In tho admission of evidence of
fered by tlio Commonwealth and objected to
by tho defendant.
Fifth, In rejecting evidence offered by the
Sixth, That the Juror J. II. Dunklebergor
was incompetent to sit in tho caso for the
reason that ho is a member of tbo Taxpayers'
Association and has contributed money for
the prosecution of this defendant and other
county officials, nnd that this Information
has come' to tho knowledge of the defendant
since tho juror was sworn In the caso.
Sevonth, That tho juror Frank Webber
was incompetent to Bit on tho caso for tho
reason that ho was and is an applicant forap-
polntmeut as County Commissioner, and
having voted for Charlos Meyors, and being
legiblo to All any vacancy caused by con
viction and ouster ot the defendant, was in
terested in bringing about a conviction of the
defendant, and therefore not impartial and
unprejudiced, and that this information has
come to the knowledo of defendant since
tho juror was sworn in tbo caso.
Eighth, That tho juror Elias Klinger was
incompetent to sit on the case, not being im
partial and unprejudiced, by having preju
dice and feeling against tbo defendant ex
pressed during the trial by the remark, "To
hell with Charley Meyers," and that this in
formation came to tho knowledge of dcf;t-
Our Rreat display of Easter hats furtlr
week is the most extensive and attractn
display ever made in town. New in s'yl-',
pretty and becoming, in trimmed and in
trimmed hats. Iioimets, walking hats a .1
sailors at lowest prices.
fhir trimmed hats ale the latest ideas of the
best American nnd foreign artists and exce:-1
ingly attractive. We have the largest colics
tion of unlrtmmed hats in the county.
Bonnets and Sailors from 49c to fLgS;
Fancy Straw Hats, all the latest styles ar. I
shades, from 23c to 2.25 ; Trimmed Hats,
all styles, from 49c to $12.98 i an immt- -
assortment of flowers from to SI.9S,
one hundred stylet of fine Ribbons from ?
to 49 cents per yard.
Feathers, Wings, Quills, Aigrettes and
Ornaments at Lowest Prices.
29 N. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
daut since the juror was sworn in the case.
Mntli, That tho court erred in Its answers
to the defendant's points, all of which should
have been athrmed as submitted
Tenth. That John F. Whalen. counsel for
It had been feared that this, the Commonwealth, in his closing argument,
As Long as It Lasts.
l'lucky Miss l)lunoy.
Botween twelve and ono o'clock this morn
lug two young moil tried to effect an en
a !ii 1 1 rr. f trance aiiuo rear 01 inonouioni jhw diho
A Special bargain IU loose roasted coffee at wL t,ie dressmaker, on West Centre
stieet, who was iu the rear bed room on the
sscond floor of the building. Miss Delaney
cents. Better than the package coffee
Our 25 cent roasted coflee is fine quality.' Reduced from 30c
Our fancy Java is straitrht Java and the best we can buy. Reduced
to 35 cents.
Rich and tVHid.
IMo Compound.
A Large Stock of California Evaporated Peaches, Apricots
and Prunes at Low Prices. California Oranges.
got a revolver kept within easy reach. She
raised the sash of the rear window aad told
tho midnight prowlers that If they did not
leave the premlsos at once she would shoot
them. The warning was quickly heeded.
Then Miss Dolaney screamed Police I"
Two arrived, but they could find no burglars
in tho neighborhood. Miss Delaney has her
household effects packed ready to join her
sisters at Brooklyn, N. Y.
Headache Quickly Cured.
Dr. Davis' Aati-Icadacho never falls, 35.
Not a Ciimllilatu,
Editor Evening Hkiuld : Seeing my
name mentioned In your valuable paper as
being a candidate for County Commissioner
for the unexpired time, I would say I am no
candidate, nor would I accept It if offered me.
Yours truly,
Qeo. Folmcb.
Hlore Hear Stolen,
John A. Itellly's refrigerator on West Apple
alley was broken open and robbed of six kegs
of beer somo time during Saturday night.
To Cure Headache In IS Minutes,
Tako Dr. Davis' Ati-lleadacho. All druggists.
Washington, March 29. Yesterday
was one of action In every branch of
ofllclal life; action in the White House,
where the president and his cabinet
advisers assembled In Bpeclal cabinet
session at 10:30 o'clock, action In both
branches of congress, where the mes
sage of the president on the Maine dis
aster and report and testimony of the
court of Inquiry were received, action
in the secret conferences of state of
ficials and diplomats concerning the
latest phases of Spanish-American ne
gotiation, and action In the war and
navy departments, with the Spanish
situation as the common purpose of all
the varying aspects of ofllclal action.
Seldom has a day been replete with
so many diverse and Important phases
of a single subject. And yet through
out this activity tho prevailing tone
as received from administration sources
has been more assuring:, more in the
line of peace, than It has been for some
days. This was the Impression con'
veyed by cabinet officers after the spe
cial cabinet session. The same sentl
ment characterized the diplomatic con
ferences at the state department. But
In congress, which afforded the great
est field for anti-Spanish and warlike
expressions, a strain of discontent and
uneasiness prevailed after the presi
dent's message and tho Maine report
was submitted, especially on the house
The president's message submitting
the Maine report and accompanying
evidence was the main event of the day,
Those who had anticipated that the
message would contribute to the as-
gressive spirit were disappointed. It
contained no surprises. In the house
ot representatives the message and re
port was referred to the committee on
foreign affairs, and Spanish debate
was for the time being diverted.
In the senate there was a similar
reference to the committee on foreign
relations, and Mr, Money, of Missis
slppl, delivered a brief and energetic
speech picturing the woes of Cuba.
With the report was submitted the
voluminous evidence taken at Havana
and Key West before the court of In
qulry. Examined In detail this evl
donee proved to be much more Inter
cstlng In recital than the cold and dls
passlonato review submitted by the
Afterhe adjournment of the house
there was considerable discussion over
a proposed consolidation of the forces
In the house who favor some form of
Immediate action on the Cuban la
Bue. There vai a strong feeling shown
over the avoidance In the message o
any outline of a definite administration
policy and a decided disposition ap
parent not to await any further delay
nor resort to temporizing measures,
The project to furnish ad libitum re
lief supplies to tho uuuan non-com
l.otnntu la ITlPRtltlir Wftll ODDOSltlnn. In
which members on bJth sides of the
house have given voice In private dls
cusslon on the ground, first, that Spain
alone Is responsible for the conditions
on the island, and, second, the ex
tending of such large und probably
relief, given directly by the United
States government, would be resented
by Spain as Indirect Intervention. In
that event there Is little reason to
doubt the relief wou'i have been for
warded at any cost, even the cost of
war, as the administration has felt that
a war In behalf of a humane object
would command universal approbation
of the world.
Another Important Spanish docu
ment which reached the government
during the day - as the abstract of the
report of the Spanish naval commis
sion which investigated the destruc
tion of the Maine. It is the only an
swer SDaln has thus far made to the
action of this government In submit
ting to Spain the findings of the Amer
ican court. The conclusions reached
by the Spanish commission are directly
the opposite of those of the American
court. No demands have been made
In connection with the Maine, and
therefore there Is no response beyond
the submission of the Spanish report.
Following the call of the Spanish
minister at the state department the
French ambassador, M. Cambon, had
conference with Judge Day. This
renewed the talk of European media
tion, which is assuming tangible form
The speech of Premier Hanatoux In
the Paris chamber last Saturday Is
looked upon as foreshadowing at least
sympathy, If not direct steps toward
mediation, by France and other contl
nental powers. There Is good reason
to believe Spain Is ready and anxious
for this move, and has been encourage
Ing It at the European capitals. It
would not be an offensive Intrusion,
but more of a friendly offer to mediate
the differences which have recently
threatened to terminate in war be
tween the United States and Spain. It
is understood, however, that up to the
present time M, Cambon hns not re
eclved any definite Instructions to take
the Initial step In such mediation
At the war and navy departments
the stir of preparations continued as
usual. The navy department made
plans for a "mosquito fleet," to be com
posed of tugs and steam yachts re
cently purchased and armed as an
auxiliary fleet. The war department
made numerous shifts in the location
of troops In the west, with a view to
their speedy concentration
General Flagler, the chief of ord
nance of tho war department, awarded
to a number of companies contracts
for furnishing the department with
disappearing carriages for the eight,
ten and 12 Inch guns, emplacements
for which are now being constructed
at tho sea coast fortifications. The pro
posals from which these awards were
made were submitted in answer to
advertisements Issued by tho bureau
under the prospective appropriation by
the fortifications bill, but as the money
for the latter Is not yet available the
carriages will be paid for out of the
emergency appropriation made by con
(Tho Maine roport on second page.)
Absolutely Puro
mado the following statements, unsupported
by tho ovldcuce, to tho prejudice of tho do,
fondant, viz :
(a) "They called Mr. Christ to testify te
Meyer's good character. Ho could have
glTcn you somo information as to tho firo
plugs, hecauso he is tho man that Bast said
he bought them from. We could have con
tradicted Hast, but ho was not inquired of as
to tho tiro plugs and wo could not inquire
about it." (b) "They claim that wo
havo not shown that any of the
money went into Meyers' pocket.
Wo couldn't show that Allen, Itentz and
Martin got any money, but they have been
convicted. (c) "Ho (Moycrs) approved of his
friend Bast s bill and paid it to Hast a poli
tical helper, a word helper." (d) "Tbey did
not want J. O. Ulnch. Ho would havo been
their most damaging witness. If Ulrich was
hero ho would havo had to say he was not
entitled to it, and would havo given it
away." (0) In speaking of tho
endorsement of approval on the
tho contract of J. A. Buchanan & Co. Mr.
Whalen said : "That is in tho samo hand
writing as the rest of tlio endorsement, and
was written by J. O. Ulrich. I called tho
attention of the jury in tho caso of Allen,
Itentz and Martin to that endorsement and
chargod Ulrich, iu its presence, with having
written it, and ho didn't deny it." (f) In
speaking of Daniel J. McGuri ho said, "I
don't know why his father left hero. He was
afraid to face tho music." (g) Iu speaking
of tho investigation made by tho expert
Moyers, and of bis report, be said, Meyers
took somo of the good Schuylkill County
beor, or bug juiro." (h) Tho payraont of
this money was what these other Commis
sioners were charged with and are you going
to let this fellow go? And of such these
other parties woro convicted."
l.leveuth, The jury, after it was charged
by tho court, was illegally separated; that
ono Charlos Qruber, at about ten o'clock on
tho night of March 21, 180S, and again at
four o'clock in the morning of Slarch 22,
called Frank Webbor, ajuror,out of tho room
In which the jury was holding deliberations
and on both occasions held conversation with
him to the prejudice of tho rights of the de
Twolfth, That one Charlos Grabor, on the
night of March 21st, sent a mossago to J. H.
Dunkleborger, n juror, without list having
obtained permission from tho court, and
without tho couseut of the dofendaut, whose
rights were prejudiced thereby.
Tbo sentenco of Mlchaol Flomming, im
plicated in tlio Malianoy City flr cases, who
pleaded guilty, will probably bo imposed
next Monday. He would havo been sen
tenced yesterday, but his attorney, James
W. Eyan, Esq., was absent owing to the
death of a relative
A vordict for tho defendant was rendered
in tho slander suit of Aaron Hoffman against
Louis P. Eborly, boforo Judge Lyon. Ii was
alleged that the defendant had said Holluiau
could be bought for a glass of whiskey.
Tho damage suit of Mrs. Annla Fry agalust
ex-ShoriU 11, S. Dufly, of Ashland, aud Sol
Lowonstoln, of Tamaqua, is on trial beforo
Judge Endlich. Mrs. I ry allegos that in
1SS7 Sheriff Duffy aud others evicted hor and
her daughter from their home iu Tamaqua,
Tho Utter was ill at tho t me, and tlio day
being very com, nor sicRuoas was so ag
gravated she lost her mind and was a patient
at tho Norristowu and llarrisburg asylums
for four years, during which poilod her mind
was a blank. Damages Iu f 10,000 ure claimed.
Beforo courtjyesterday was a case in which
William U. Gleuu and J. J, O Hearn ap
noared as plaintiffs and I. Itobbins as defend
Ant. For the, past ten years the threo parties
wero partners In business at Shenandoah
doing business as the Shenandoah Foed and
Lumber Compauy. Heceutly they agreed
to dissolve on or about April 1st, 1693,
and tho first steps In tho dissolution
were taken when Messrs. Glenu and O'Hear
commoncod business for themselves by
purchasing the lumber yard of J. W. John,
Plain Words About
Baby Goaebes. . .
Spring will soon be here
nnd we are anxiously awaiting
its balmy days. Why ? Be
cause we are already prepared
to have every wife call on us
and see our new and extensive
line of
Baby . . .
Which we have selected for the
season of '98. When ' it conies
down to prices -we can sell you
wonders of makes at
$5.00 and upward. s'
106 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Of The
SWELL. . . .
This term fully
answers the de
scription of our
spring line of
gent's furnish
ings which we
are now show
ing for the early
season. In the
way of Easter
novelt i e s we
stand alone, barring all com
petitors. A Word on Our Winter
Which still remains on our shelves.
It must aud will be closed out
regardless of cost to enable us to
display our spring goods. We are
not in the habit of stocking away
any goods for future seasons.
15 E. Centre St.
Up-To-Date Hat Store and Shenandoah's
Greatest Gent's Furnishing Store.
Looks Attractive.
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
When you find greater attrac
tiveness than you had expected
you are pleased. If you find
less, you are disappointed.
When we give you more than
you expected you are pleased.
Those who give you less dis
appoint you. We always
please our customers, for they
find tho goods more than we
claim for them. Come and
see what we give with
Ono Pound of Caking
The largest articles in the market.
25 South Main Street,