EVENING HBRALD UMTAULIKUUI) 170. Puollihad every Evening-, Except SumlBy, at eorrn Jinnm Htkkkt, Nkah Crntkr. Tka Herald It deltTaieil InHtienaiiiloaii and the aurrourtdtnK to-as for six centi a w cck, pay al. So Hie carriers lly mall tl.OU ft year, or -i am it month, payable In advance. Advertise asantsi crarrsed accord In to space anil position. TV nubhslicwi n-wrve the rlc M to chance tlie aisulrloii ol advo&lsementa whenever the pub-flRie-i el nni demand. It. The right Is rsawvexl to jjrtaivy advertisement, whether Bf3 for or not, mat the publishers may ilccm .Xiriapcr. Advertising; ratca ruaile known Xn application, .... ml at the poxtofllce at Hlienaniloali, I'm.. as Moond cls mall matter TBLEFHONK CONNECTION "All the News Thai's Fit to Print." r:s-arn. Evening Hetrsld Tl'KSDAY. MAKCH 22, 1SIW. PRESIDENT THOMPSON, of tllO Pommy lvtuiia lluilroad linos, lias is sued a transportation card to Mrs. Edgar Tlioinpsoii, Mrs. Thomas Sfott nnd Mrs. Oeo. 15. Kolu-rts, widows of formor presidents of tho Pennsyl vania road. Tho card is of solid silver, about tin- size of tlio Presi dent's annual pass, and beautifully Hiigrttved. The pass is good during tho life of the holder and fan bo used upon any train or in any car. He sides this, lie lias issued to members of the board of directors a silver pass about the size and shape of a silver dollar. TllKHK is no truer gauge to the business care and sense of a iun.ii, nnd therefore his stability and chances for success, than the station ery he uses. There is no truer por trayal of the eliitracter of the tirm than tho appearance and cost of tho sheets of paper they use to make thoir representations. A poorly printed heading, unless designedly made so, is a sure indication of a Unit with loose business methods or, perhaps, with an unduo desire to economize at tho expense of appear ances, in which latter class can be put the cheap man, for whom any thing is good enough. This man has tho easy faculty of feeling that any thing is good enough for all the rest of humanity, and therefore It be hooves ou to ask yourself if you can agree to be put in this class by this man. Some time ago it was stated, on the authority of the Republican leaders at Washington, that the Lodge immigration bill would be called up in the House the early part of tills month. Keoent events, how ever, go to show that Uiomj Congress men seeking a renoininiition, includ ing tlie representative from this dis trict, have not the courage to place themselves upon record on this ques tion, and will allow the bill to die a natural death. It has already passed tlie Senate, and Mr. Hrumm has given assurances to some of IiIh con stituents that he would demand, in open session, that the bill be called up for consideration. Thus far lie has failed to do so. Commenting upon tills subject, tlie Ha.leton Standard says: "It is this class of Congressmen who fear tho votes of the yory men they have encouraged to como to this country, so they could get and handle their votes. They fear the votes of the cheap labor ele ment, recently granted citizenship, more than they do the American working classes, who have paid the taxes, built up the country, and who now see their avenues of employ ment out off, wages reduced and ob liged to live from hand to mouth. The Congressmen, with mad haste, gave tho millionaire capitalists any and all prohibitory legislation they asked, and even let them fix their own rates of tariff, but when it comes to protecting tho American working man against free trade in labor, that is a horse of another color." Council Should Act. No more deliberate and cold blooded murder was ever committed in tlie history of Shenandoah than that chronicled in our issue of yes terday, when Charles Hingheisor, a young man of quiet disposition and bearing a good reputation, was shot and mortally wounded by Chnrles Saduskey, a notorious character and jail bird. Tho evidence shows be yond u doubt that tho act was delib erate and premeditated and without provocation. Crimes of this nature are too frequent in this county. Saduskey, the culprit, should be captured at whatever cost; and made to pay the penalty of hisorimo. His punisluuont should be swift and cer- StrongToday Because Hood's Sarsaparilla Built Up His System Chlid Was Weak, Had HlBht Sweats and Poor Appetlto. "Our youngest child was lu a bad con dition. One physloUn said the troubls was malirla and motbar thought it camo from th itomiob and liver. Meantime the obltd kept growing weaker. H had night. wat, poor appatita and various other troubles. W worried along for two years, and then we determined to try Hood's Bareaparilla, and from tho rlrst day we noticed a chad so in our little boy. We kept on until he had taken about three bottle. Today he ie a strong, hearty obJld. TTo bava always had. to keep him indoors in winter, but last winter he was out wit hot her children and we found no traoe of tlie, old troubla retnrnlnf." AT.PW5D IUusiNiMiamt, 70 Washington Avenue, Altooua, fa. Hood's Sarsaparilla Ii the belt in fact the One True Wood I'urlfler. Said by all druggist. Hi six for ss. Unnlt niin do not purge, pain or llOOa S f MIS griDfl, Uruggisu. sac. THE REAL CAU5E Many physicians do not seem to know thnt tho rcnl cnuso of the weaknesses of many womon is to be found In disordered Kidnoys and Madder. They erron eously treat women for " female troubles," and their medicine docs not reach tho affected parts at all. The other duy the New York papers j-ccorded tho death of a woman who died of Kidney troubles ami nau oecn ircnieu ior years for "fcmalo disease." If she had taken Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy she would bo alive and well now. I'unatural drains, bearing-down feelings, pain in tho back, frequent desire to urinate, a sediment in the urine, pain in pass ing water all these are signs of Kidney Trouble. Favorite and J--rr 'Vi' tain. Tho Horoiigh Council cannot ulTord to allow so bold a criminal es cape justice without putting fortli every effort to n'oure his capture. A suitable reward should at once lie offered; and when he is captured, he should- lie vigorously prosecuted and punished. Hingheisor's grief stricken mother mourns over tho corpse of her beloved son, while the blood-thirsty villian is roaming the country, awaiting, perhaps, the opportunity to add another to his long list of crimes. A description of tho murderer lias already been sent broadcast, and it is such that there is nogood reason why his capture should be long dulnyed. A suitable reward by the llorougli Council would be an incentive to the officers of the law in otliur localities to apprehend him. Any effort that Council may put forth in tills direc tion would meet with the hearty ap proval of the people. Saduskey should be captured. "Will the Horoiigh Council take the initia tive? CASTOR! A Tor Infants and Children. Tit fl!- Illlllt llfsatart cf ' Icon erjry TTlffll. JI'KIXIil'.Y'S 1il!OlTS ATTlTril. Will Solid Alii to Mrlokon Ciiliiin Kvou Tliouuli Siuln Oli.li'i'ti. Concord, N. II., March 22. Senator William 13. Chandler. In an editorial in the Concord Monitor, says Hint Presi dent McKlnley Is about to take action In the name of the United States to relieve tho famine and sickness In Cuba. "liod and medicine and clothing." ho says, "pMven by tho freneruus peopli of tho United States will be sent with the approval of Spain, If she consents, or will he carried by American sailors and soldiers, without that approval, If she docs not consent. "The end of starvation and torture Is near at hand. Hvei y humane person In this whole land should sustain and bless the president in his coming proc lamation, which Is to cause the name of Wlldnm .McKlnley to he held in sacred icverenee bv the Cuban cen er.atlons us Iouk as will be revered the name of Abraham Lincoln by the col ored race in America." Give the Children a Drink called Or.iiti-O. It is a delicious, appetizing, iioiii isliing fond drink to fctko the placo of cotlec. Sold hy all grocers and liked liy all who liavo used it because when properly prepared it tastes like tho finest cofl'cv lint is free from all its injurious properties. Grain O aids digestion uml strengthens tho nerves It is not a stimulant hut u health builder, and children, us well as adults, can drink it with great benefit. Costs about 1 as much ns coffee. 15 and !23o. Dentil or ft Prnmlnont Catholic Louisville, Match 22. Granville W. Smith, one of the most prominent lay men In the Catholic church of America, died yesterday at his home here of Brlght's disease, aged C3. He was the founder and at one time president of the Catholic Knights nnd Ladies of America, and also at one time promi nently Identified with the Catholic Knights of America. Ho was one of the leading members of tho Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and was Identified with other church work. A Great Surprise Is in store for all who uso Kemp's llalsam for the Throat and Lungs. Would you be lieve that it is sold on its metits and any druggist is authorized by tlie proprietor of this wonderful remedy to give you a sample bottle free? It never fails to cure acute or clironie roughs. All druggists sell Kemp's llalsam. I'rice 2$ and 50c. IN SENATE AND HOUSE. Iowor llnily I'axK"! tho Malno Vlo- timH' liniior inn. Washington, March 22. The house yesterday unanimously passed the bill for the relief of the survivors and vic tims of the Maine disaster. The bill reimburses the surviving officers and men for the losses they sustained to an amount not to exceed a year's sea pay, .and directs the payment of a sum equal to a year's pay to tho legal heirs of those who perished, There was qulto a spirited debate over an amendment suggested by Mr. Cannon to give the survivors each a year's pay out of hand, Instead of attempting to reimburse them for actual losses. Borne uld alleged scandals In connection with the reimbursement of the sur vivors ot the Samoan disaster were raked up by the debate. The tid was saved from a rather sordid tone by a beautiful tribute paid to the gallant dead by Mr. Cousins, of Iowa, In a short but eloquent speech. He aroused tho galleries to spontaneous applause when he Bald that while tho vultures might bo watching over the dark waters of Havuna harbor for tho be lated dead, above all the eagle's pierc ing eye was watching for the truth. The remainder of the day was occu pied In the consideration of tho old claim of John Iloach, the shipbuilder, for $331,000. No action was taken upon the claim. No business of general Importance waB transacted In the senate, and quite unexpectedly an adjournment was taken boforo s o-ciock. initio I'irTiilloyraiill lloiul. Horlln, March 22. The Duke of Talleyrand and Sagan Is dead. Hd was born In Paris In 181 1. His second wlfo v is a daughter of the late Marshal Honlfaco, Count de Castellane, iiw-sra " v Era Kcmeuy will ovcrcomo tnem nnu rcsiuru health and strength. Your druggist has it for sale at St for a largo bottle. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE. All men women who suffer from Kidney, Liver and Madder Disorders should send name and address to tho Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Kondout, N. Y when n sample bottle and pamphlet will be mailed free. Menion this paper when you write. Don't delay with a dangerous maiauy iiko wuney uiwuaci Hf l trin vnlnnble to bo thrown awttv. THE SUBMARINE FlGHTER. ' Another Successful Trial Trip nfltol laud's Marvelous Invent Ion, Perth Amboy, N. J., March 22. The Holland submarine boat made another trip from hero yesterday. At a depth of ID feet under water Bhe showed Rood speed, and was handled with case. After she came to the surface tho boat grounded In tho soft mud and was hauled off by the tus Erie, which acted as a tender. The boat's conning tower will be lllled with electric lights before another trip Is made. The trial of the Holland In deeper water will probably occur during the latter portion of the week. Itoth the guns are In need of repairs, as the btoeches now admit air, and there are other details aboard that need atten tlon. When this has been done the Holland will start for a long trip In deep water In the lower bay, and probably will remain submersed for two miles. Her guns will then bo fired for the ilrst time. It Is probable that the Holland will he taken to Washing ton next week. She will bo tested In fresh water at the capital. The Surprise of All. Mr. James Jones, of tho drug firm of Jones & Son. Cowdcn. III., in speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last whiter Ids wife was attacked wltli La tirippe, anil her rase grew so serious that physicians at Cowdcn aim l'ana could do nothing lor lior It seemed to develop into Hasty Consump tion. Iliivim: Dr. King's Now Discovery in storo, and selling lots of it, ho took a bottle home, mid to tho surprise of all alio began to set hotter from first dose, and half dozei dollar bottles cured hnr sound and well. I)r KIiik s New Discovory for Consumption Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to do this goo I work. Try It. i too trial bottles at A Mcy s drug store. Coming Kveuts. March 22. Bean soup social by Miss Lizzie Jones' Class of Willing Workers of the P. M church in the lecture room, April 19. nutcrtahiment under auspices o th Welsh Congregational church, In the church building. South West street. Tickets 10 cents, including refreshments. Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. Tho best salvo in tho world for cute. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovcr sores, totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin emotions, and positively cures piles, ot jo pay required. It la guaranteed to give jcil'cct satisfaction or mony refunded. Price in cento por box, f or sale by A. wasloy. KUNNING ON TIMi:. soUTIIKltN' RAILWAY FI.OUIIlA TUAITS JIAK' ISO A ItUMAKKAIll.K BIX0RI1. Jacksonville, l'la., Teh. 1!2. List season It was not uu uncommon occurrence for the trains from tho North to reach here from on to five hours late. The remarkable regit larity of tho arrival on time of tho Southern Railway trains this season is a matter of comment and favorable criticism around the hotels nnd by nil incoming tourists. Th schedule of tho Florida Limited, the fast tmin over the Southern ltailway and tli Florida Central and Peninsular, is several hours shorter than that of last year, but the track has been put in excellent condition and tho engineers of incoming trains say tho now schedule is made with case. After years of untold sufTeriug from idles B. W. l'ursoll.of Knitersvllle, Pa., was cured hy using a single box of Dewitts Witcl llazle baivo, akin diseases such as eczema rash, pluinlcs and obstinate sores aro read i I cured hy this famous remedy, C. II. Hagcu bucli. MICHIGAN'S CORPORATIONS. Governor IMnirroo's Hill toKxnotMore Tuxes From Thorn. Lansing, Mich., March 22. It Is evl dent that Senator McMillan's reply to Governor Plngree's letter on the sub ject of taxation of corporations will be the keynote of the opposition to the Plngree taxation bill In the special ses slon of the legislature, which con venes today. The appointment of commission, which shall report an In vestlgatlon of the subject at the regu lar session of the legislature next win ter, will be urged as a compromise measure. The Plngree bill was com pleted yesterday. It provides for ap polntment by the governor of a state hoard of 11 vo assessors, the audlto; general to be president thereof, who shall assess all railroad, telegraph, ex. press and telephone companies' taxes, the assessments to be at the average rate of taxes on other properties for the previous year. The corporations named are required to file sworn state ments of all their property, real and personal, and gross receipts from all sources and such other facts as the board may require. The companies' franchises are also to be assessed at their true cash values, A llriitui 11 11 1 111 11 a '1-. ( rimo. Geneva, O., March 22. James Mc Stockard last evening shot nnd prob nbly fatally wounded his wife's sister, Mrs. Gaines Trunkey. After firing two shots McStockard started to run, but was pulled down by two large hound owned by Mrs. Trunkey. He succeed ed In releasing himself, however, an escaped. McStockard had been drink Ing heavily of late, and had becom so abusive that his wife had lied wltl her llttio girl to her sister's residence, Inpau'H TowciTiii Navy, Vienna, March 22. The newspapers announce that Japan, between 1895 and 1905, will have devoted 193,000,000 yen to the building of warships. Forty seven have already been ordered, with short terms of delivery, In Ungland, France, Germany and the United States. MnnirouI'M I'lnnil Mlliildlng. Montreal, March 22. The water the St. Lawrence Is receding, and ap prehension of a llood has almost passed away. The Hochelaga cotton mill employing 1,200 hands, are not In oper atlon, the fires under the boilers haV' Ing been extinguished. So far most the damage done has been in the low lying suburbs. Dr. Wood's Norway I'ino Syrup seems Iieclallr adiotcd to tlin lifedsof thechlldi ren l'leasant to take; soothing In its Influence It is the remedy of nil remedies for erery lerni of throat and lung disease. CLEMMER'S TRIAL POSTPONED. ury Commissioners Ilml Illoually Drawn the Panel. Norrlstown, Pa., March 22. Tho trial of James A. Clemmer, charged with tho murder of Mrs. Hmtna Kaiser, on Oct. 2S, ISM, which began yesterday, came to a sudden stop before any of tho Jury had been seletced nnd was postponed until the June term of court. This unexpected turn of nffr.lrs was tin result of a petition by the defense that the panel of Jurors be quashed on the charge that Jury Commissioners Troy and McDowell had Irregularly drawn the panel and for various other tech nical reasons. It was alleged that the commissioners had drawn tlie entire panel for personal and political reasons. Jury Commissioner Troy admitted sending out a circular letter to the Democratic county committee asking for the names of men who could act as Jurors. Commissioner Tioy said that as he wns elected on the Democratic ticket ho thought he had to get Demo crats for the Jury. Tnko It Homo. "Haviue used Salvation Oil lu my family for rheumatism I flul it an xcclient remedy. Hiram (1. Dudley, oi Dudley & Carpenter Commission Merchants, 12,-i Light St., I!.dto., Mil " 'Spulii .Mum W ltlulcinv Hi-rTroopH llrussils. March 22. A dispatch to Le Solr from Mailt Id describes an In tervlew with Senor PI y Margall, at one time president of the Spanish fed eral republic and chief of the min istry. In which be Is represented as declaring that Cuba Is practically lost to Spain. "Spain Is exhausted, bo Is represented as saying. "She must withdraw her troops and recognize Cuban Independence befoie It Is too late. Hy an Immediate recognition slit would obtain payment of a portion 01 tho war debt and commercial ad vantages." Sick headache, nervousness and general feebleness, women's daily complaints, call for the uso of Dr. Hull's Pills, the best alter itlve. nervlno and tonic known. Price 10 mil 125 ct'. I'oi'linpx ii'l'ntn Itovniir Mutch. Trenton, March 22. Hem y Hi-own, ol Trenton, vtas probably fatally Injured in a boxing bout at the Palace Sport ing club last night by a blow on tin Jaw from his opponent. Jack Smith, also a local man, In the fifth round. Brown lasted the limit of six rounds. He was immediately afterward taken to a hospital, where his condition wns found to be serious. Heferee Sam C. ustln, of New York, and Smith were arrested. When other remedies fail to relieve couslis and colds, Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup will effect 1 permanent euro. Obviously because it is tlio best romody. Indian Torrltot'.v Lyncher I'nuclit Wagener, I. T., March 22. United States Marshal Hennett arrived here yesterday In charge of six prisoners, charged with murdering a negro named Chandler and a white woman with whom he was living Saturday night The parties arrested for tho crime are prominent at Gibson Station. 1I11ST or AM. To clcanso tho system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when tho Springtime comes, uso tho true and perfect remedy Syrup of Figs. Buy tho genuine. Maun facturcd hy tho California I'lg Syrup Co only, and for salo hy all druggists, at SO cents per bottlo. XJucoln's ICIumibis lo Hlrris. Tho following Incident is related by one who know Lincoln und who at tho time of the incident was his fellow traveler: "Wo passed through a thicket of wild plum and crnbnpplo trees and stopped to wntor our horses, uno of tho party cum up alone and wo Inquired, 'Wboro Is Lin colnr " 'Oil,1 ho replied, 'when I saw him lnet ho had caught two young birds which th wind had blown out of their nest, and li wus hunting fur tho nest, that ho might put them back in it. Woman 's Journal. .1111 oil r.nvor'R 'lloulilo Crlmo. Wellsvllle, O., March 22. While re turning home from church Sunday night Oliver Heed asked Sarah Walton to marry him, and upon her refusal he drew a revolver and shot he through the heart. He then blew out his brains. An examination of paper found on his body shows that tho deed was premeditated. Juilla'H viceroy ,Mny Iti'Hlirn. London, March 22. The Standard says It has reason to belksvo that th Earl of Klgln and Kincardine, viceroy of India since 1S93. desires to reslg his post, and that the government I consmenng me appointment of a new- viceroy. Our Sow Cruisers Itniianiod. Washington, March 22. Secretary Long issued an order yesterday that the Amazonas, the cruiser recently purchased at the New Castle-on-Tyn fiom the Brazilian government, here after would bear tho name of New- Orleans, in honor of the principal city of Louisiana. Secretary Long has also rechrlstened the cruiser Abreuall, and hereafter she will be known as th Albany, In honor of the capital of th Ihnplre state. A CERTAIN CURE FOR PILES. Safe and Effective In Every Form of This Common and Annoying Disease Many people sutler from piles, because after trying the many lotions, salves and ointments without relief or cure, have com to the conclusion that a surgical operation the only thing left to try nnd rather than inbuilt to the shock and risk to life of an o eration, prefer to sutler on, Fortunately this is no longer nccesary, the Pyramid Pile Cure, a new preparation cures every form of piles, without pain, inconvenience or deten lion from business. It is in the form of suppositories, easily applied, absolutely free from opium, cocaino, or any injurious substance, whatever, and no matter how severe the pain, gives instant re lief, not by deadening the nerves of the parts but rather by its healing, soothing effect upon the congested membranes. Tlie Pyramid Pile Cure is the most eflec. tive, the safest and most extensively sold of any Pile Cure that has ever been placed before the public, and this reputation lias been se cured by reison of ill extraordinary merit and the reasonable price at which it is sold druggists selling it at 50 cents and $1 per package, and in many cases a single paclag has been sufficient. A person tskes serious chances in neglect ing a simple case of piles as (lie trouble soon becomes deep seated and chronic, and very frequently develops Into fatal Incurable rectal diseases, like fistula and rectal ulcers, Any druggist will tell yod the Pyramid is the safest, most satisfactory pile cure made, I he Pyramid Co., Marshall, Mich, h., will' , I se and send to any address a treatise on cause cure of piles, also book of testimonial! THE PRODUCE MARKETS At Iti'lleotcd by llonllnrx In Philadel phia nnd llnltlinoro. Philadelphia. March 21. Flour steady: winter superfine, JW.23; Pennsylvania roller, clenr, Jt.20ff4.sri; city mills, extra. t3.25fT3.C5. Ilyn flour quiet and Bteady at $2.00 per barrel for cholco Pennsylvania. Wheat strong; no, z reu, iuarcn, inium 991.41'.; No. 2 Pennsylvania and No. 2 Dela ware roil, si.Wirifl.wWi. uom Biouuy anu In fair demand; No. 2 mixed, Mnrch, 3lfl 3IVic.; No. 2 yellow, for local trade, 33 33V.C. Oats firm; No. 2 white, 33ff3.H4c, No". 2 white, clipped, 33V.c. liny market fairly well supplied; choice timothy, J12 por ton for lurge bales. Hecf Urn! city extra India mess, tK.W!ll. Pork dull! fumlly, $12.BWT13. Lard steady; western steamed. tri.STifiR.tO. Putter firm; western creamery, 151(19c; do. factory, 12TM3c.; Elglns, H'c; Imitation creamery, HHlGic.; Now York dairy, UttfflKc.; do. creamery, 155fl9c: fancy Pennsylvania prints J1111- hlng nt 22irf23c.; do. wholesale. 21c. Cheese dull; largo, white and colored, Hcptcmuer, Sc.; small do. do,, September. RVfec: light skims. GTufiGUc.; Part skims, 41jCc! full skims, 2ifi3c. Hggs firm; New York nnd Pcnnsy Ivan a. lOliMllc; western, rroan, lOMc: 'southern, lOVVniO'ic. Tallow about steady; city, 314c; country, 35Mf3y4c. Cot tonsced oil quiet; prime crude, 19HJT20C do. yellow, 22V4Sj23c. Cabbago steady at J2Q3. Halt more. March 21. Flour quiet west. em superfine, J2.70fi3.10; do. extra, J3.3.1 4; do. fumlly, ft.Mfll.TO; winter wheat, patent. Jl. iuxiS; spring no., j.-.wio.iu snrlng wheat, straight, jr.W5.15. Wheat unsettled; spot and month. 99Wrt99Uc.; April, Wbmy.Hc.; May, 993ic4ifl; steamer No. 2 red, (OGisrOir.: souinern, uy sam ple. 9."c.fi$l: do. on grade, 0C',4""i 99140. Corn steady: spot nnd month, 33V(,B3.1',ic.; April, 33'4ifi33?4c.; May. 3,Wl33Tio.; steam er mlxeil. 32'ii .Kic. ; soutnern, wnuo, 33W H7.14UC. do. yellow. 32lW33'ic. Oats oulct: No. 2 white, western, 34ft3l&c.: No, mixed do., 31Hiii32e. Hyo nun; no. 1 nearby. E5ic.; No. 2 western. Wc. Hay steady; cholco timothy, J12.50W13. drain freights demand very lint and rates ap pear to ho easy; Btonm to Liverpool, per bushel. SViil., May; Cork, for nrilers, per quarter, 3s. 10V4d., March: 3s. 4Vid.5?3s. Cd.. April. Sugar strong; grnnuiaieu, d.zu'a. Butter steady, fancy creamery, 20i21o, do. Imitation, 175lSc; do. ladle, 15c; good lndle, 13(Illc; storo packed, 105112c. Eggs quiet; fresh, 1014c Cheese steady; fancy New York, largo, PVwDHc.; do. medium, 9W.fffl0c; do. small, lOViSTlOHc. Lettuce, J1.50(fl."r per basket. Whisky, J1.2CQ1.27 per gallon for finished goods In carloads, Jl.2Sifl.29 per gallon for Jobbing lots. Mvn Stock 'Mnrict't. New York, Mnrch 21. Steers active and 10c. higher; rough butchers' stock gen ernlly steady; yards cleared; natlvo steers, J4.40fi5.20; stags and oxen, J2.751f 4.50: hulls, J35J3.75; dry cows, J2.20fl3.t0. Calves fairly active, hut closing Wif9ic lower; closing sales of veals at J47. Sheen and lambs active at a slight gen eral advance; all sold; sheep, J3.50S5; lambs, J5.S0fiG.25. Hogs actlvo and steady at JI.loff4.35. Hast Liberty. Pa.. Mnrch 21. Cattlo ac tlvo, strong; prime. $5.03115.15; choice, J4.85 Sj5; common, J3.G014.10; hulls, stags and cows, $2f4.10. Hogs steady; prime me dium weights, J1.15fj4.20; best heavy York ers, Jt.10rf4.15-. good heavy hogs, J4.10fJ4.15; common to fair Yorkers, Jlfj'4.03; pigs. to quality. J3.C0fT3.90; good roughs, J3.40 J.G5; common to fair, J2.50ff3. Sheep about steady: cholco, Jl.fcofio; common, J3.50Q4 Choice Iambs., J5.75T5.S3; common to good, tl.C3fi5.70. Veal calves. $GfJ6.60. JSer Health Restored fW"4IIE mUcry of sleeplessness can only be U icallzod by tlicso who havo expert enced It. Nervousness, sleeplessness, headaches, .neuralgia nnd that miserable feeling of unrest, can su'oly bo cured by Dr. Miles' Hcstoratlvo Nervlno. So ccrt'.ln Is Dr. Miles of this fact that all druggists arc authorized to refund prlco paid for tho first bottlo tried, providing It docs not benefit. Mrs. Henry Ilruns, i lfo of tho well known blacksmith at Grand Junction, Iowa, says 'I was troubled with sleeplessness, nervous, less, headacho and Irregular menstruatloa uifTorlng untold misery for years. I used various advc.rtlsod remedies for fcmalo com plaints bcsldci being urder tho cai-o of local xhyslclans, without holp. I noticed lu l)r 'Illos' advertisement tho testimonial ot ,.idy cured nt ailments similar to mine, and I shall novur ccaso to thank that lady. IIci testimonial induced mo to uso Dr. Miles' N'ervjiio and Ncrvn and Liver Pills, which t..n-:l 1..0 tohcalth. I cannot say cnougL jr Dr.Mllos'Koraodlcs.' Dr. Miles' Ilomcdies irosold by all drug tbtsundora posltlvo guarantee, first bottlo benefits or money re funded. Hook on dis eases ot tlio heart and nerves freo. Address, wssm IS- Nervine : K-.Bostores . V.. Health Dlt. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Iud, C ! Patterns "THE STYLISH PATTERN." Ar tistic Fashionable. Original. Perfect- T7II1I T3-I IAn.,,1 "1 IT ,wi . ., . k uiing. trices M-J ltll. i;UIl.!9. . I None higher. None better at any price. 1 I Some reliable merchant sells tnem in ? nearly every city or town. Ask for A them, or they can be had by mall from J us In either New York or Chicago. ? Stamps taken. Latest Fashion Sheet I sent upon receipt of one cent to pay I postage. , , . 1 Brightest ladles' magazine published. Invaluable for the home. Fashions of ' lbs day. Home Literature, Household 1 mnts, rancy worK, current topics, I I Fiction, all for only 50 cents a year, in- Q I eluding a freo pattern, your ownselec- I tlon any time. Send two 2-cent stamps 7 I for sample copy. Address n : THE McCALL COMPANY, : i 142-146 West 14th Street, New York. A ! 189 Fifth Avenue, Chicago. i millions of Dollars Go up In smoke ovory year. Take no risks but get your houses, slock, fur. nltuio, etc., Insured In flrstclaeg re liable companies as represented by DAVID FAUST, insurance Apent, un. iauJts) 8outu jardln gt. Aln I.lfa and Accidental C1nipnl I A Hand I is one of tho posscas. I give It. Handsome Comploxion irreatest charms a woman can I OZZONl'fi COMHJiXIOM PowduuJ MAGAIINEvSP O s o c e e a e HOME DTEIHe A Pleasure at Last. 9 m a a o e a 9 a No Muss. No Trouble. Sold in All Colors by Grocers and Address, TllO MAYPOLE SOAP TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE Aml Plim-pr-H, the Hand or Aiiirrlcn, O11II- foriitn Via the truo pathway, "Tlio Iron Mountain Route," which traverses a region of perpetual sunshlno, whcio snow storms, blizzards or high altitudes nio unknown. Pullman first and second class palaco and tourist sleeping cars to points In Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and N'ovada, without change. Quick time, low rates, and all the comforts of modern railway improvements guaiantccd to all who pur chase tickets via the Missouri Pacific railway iysteni. For rates right from your homo, literature, and full information, drop a postal card, J. P. McCann, T. P. Agent. 610 Rail road avenue, Elmlra, N. Y., or 3111 Broad way, New York. 3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, G. K P. Agt. IT IS EASY TO TELL. People who fail to look after their health arc like the carpenter who neglects to sharpen his tools. People are not apt to get anxious about their health soon enough. If you are "not quite well" or "half sick" have you ever thought that your kidneys may bo the cause of your sickness ? It is easy to tell by setting aside your urine for twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of tin kidneys. When urine stams linen it is evidence of kidney trcublc. Too frequent desire to urinate, scanty supply, pain or dull ache in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. There is satisfaction in knowing that the great remedy Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, ful fills every wish in relieving weak or diseased kidneys and all forms of bladder and urinary troubles. Not only does Swamp-Root give new life and activity to tlie kidneys the cause of trouble, but by treating the kidneys it acts as a tonic for the entire constitution. If you need a medicine lake Swamp-Root it cures, Sold by druggists, price fifty cents und one dollar, or by sending your address and the name of this paper with three two cent stamps to cover cost of postage on the bottle to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uinghamton, N. Y., you may have a sample bottle of this great discovery sent to you free by mail. WASHINGTON. l'llRSONAI-LV-CONIlUCrni) TOUIt VIA PENN SYLVANIA KAILIIOAI). The next three-day personally-conducted tour to Waslnnutou via Pennsylvania Rail road will leave New York and Philadelphia on Thursday, March 31. Opportunity will lie afforded to visit, under the Intelligent direction of an experienced Tourist Agent, all tho principal points of interest, tho Capi tol, Executives .Mansion, Congressional Li brary, tho Muniimrnt, National Museum, &c. An experienced chaperon will also accom pany the party as a companion for tlio un escorted lady tourists. The. rate, f 14.50 from New York, $11.50 from Philadelphia, and proportionate rates (roiu other points, includes all necessary' ex penses during tho entire trip transportation, hotel accommodations and guides. Persons desiring to icturrf IvUvQettysburr; may do so by purchasing tickets ut $2 00 extra, which include this privilege. An, opportunity will also bo u II u riled to visit Jit. Vernon and Arlington at u slight additional expense. For itineraries, tickets, and full informa tion apply to tickot agents; Tourist Agent, 1100 Ilroadway, Now York; or addres Oeo. W. Iioyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Hroad Streot Station, Philadelphia. THE PHILADELPHIA TIJ1ES IS THE HANDSOMEST and BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED. During 1R08THI5TI MICS will not only maintain the high htuuilaril of oxi-ellelK-o It reached the past year, lint will Hteiulfustly endeavor to excel Its own liest record, and will not swervo from ltB wet purpose to mako THE TIMES THE FAVORITE FAMILY NEWSPAPER OF THIS COUNTRY AN 11 BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED l'UINTIMl ALL THE NEWS OI' ALL THE WORLD ALL THE TIME THE No Journal Is more extensively circulated or I uis it wider clrclo of renders In l'eiiiisylvaiilu than THE PHILADELPHIA TiriES WHY? BECAUSE IT DESERVES THEM Specimen Copies Sent Free-Send for one TCI5MC DAILY, J3.00 per annum lEKl'lO i.nr month! delivered Ii' 1 23 cents by carriers fur 6 cents ner week. SUNDAY EDITION. 32 larne, handsome iiaces 221 columns, clefuntly lllustrutcd, hcuutlfully printed In colors, 820 per annum 1 ooenia per t--iy- iwii mi nun duy, j.5.00 per milium 50 centa pt r month. Address all letters to THE TIMES, rmutDBLruu, XMAYPOL&f 1 V SOAP l WASHES & DYES V Am MAYPOLE a a e e WASHES MS DYES AT ONE OPERATION . . ANY COLOR. The Cleanest, Fastest Dye for Soiled or Faded Shirt Waists, Blouses, Ribbons, Curtains, Underlinen, etc., whether Silk, Satin, Cotton or Wool. a a a a Druggists, or mailed free for 15 cents! DEPOT, 127 Duane Struct, New York. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JJU. W. It. Y1NC3ST, VETEHINARY SURGEON. flrndnnte nnd Irfito Resident House HurRecr the University Statu of If. Y. Hcaduuartcrsi-Commerclnl Hotel. Hlicnnndoab THKKR VKAIt COUltSK. Calls night or day promptly rcipouded. m. nniiKE, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Olllce Kgnn building, corier of Main an Centre Btrcctn, Sliounndonh. J H. POMItltOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Shenandoah, Ia. jg W. SHOKMAKKR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Corner Market and Centre streets. pKOK. JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 63, Mahanoy City, Pa. Having ntudled under soma of tho heM musters b London and Paris, will giro Itnvttoi on the violin, mandolin, iruliarand vocal CTltfijr'e. Termi reasonable. Aditreaa In care af auwuM, tbe jeweler Shananitnah. mmmmmmmwmmm(& "THEY DO THE WORK" 2 BRONCHO IHOMCEOPATHICI w f g REM EDIES 1UC fc Relieve and Cure Head Troubles stomach Disorders System Irregularities 27 formula of nted B & "For every III, a special pill." 3 If not nt Drug Stores, write 2 3 Bronx Ulicniical Co.,Yonkors,N.Y. 3 ST Health Hook Mailed Free. j3 ironuiuu wolrorun wsltsy on at JOE WYATT'S SALOON. Cor. rialn and Coal Sts. Pines! whiskeys, bears, porter and Ale constantly on lap. Ohnlce em pe ranee drink and Cignra. Philadelphia & Reading Railway En!:iii.!i Hum Hard Coal No Smoke IN EKKEUT MAItCII lath, lt8 Tralnn leave Shenandoah aa follows: Kor New York via Philadelphia, week daya, 210, 5 80, 7 30 DM a.m., 12 M, 8 10 and 107 p. m Humlaya, 2 10 a. m. For New York via Mauch Chunk, week daya, 5 80, 7 30 a. III., 12 83 and 8 10 p. m. For lteadlntr and Philadelphia, week daya, 2 10, B 30, 7 30, 9 M a.m., 12 33, 1 10 and ( 07 p. n. Sundays, 2 10 a. m. For Pottiivllle, week daya, 2 10, 7 33, 9 SI a. in., 12 83, 8 10, 6 07 anil 7 23 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a. m, For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week daya 2 10. S 86, 7 3.1, 9 51 a. In., 12 33, 1 10 and 07 t. m. Additional to Mahanoy City only, 1140 p. m. bundays, 2 10 a. n Por Vlllloiniort, Sunbury and Lewlsburr, week days. 4m. 5 SS, 1180 a.m.. 12 33, 7 25 p. in Sundays, 8 25 a. to. ForMahauo Plane, weekdays, 2 10, 4 On. 504, 7 30. 9 51, 11 80 u. m., 12 S3, 8 10, 6 07, 7 2, 9 55 aud 11 40 p. in. Sundays, 2 10, 4 05 a. m. For Ashland and Shuiiiokln, week day., 4 03, 5311, 730, 11 30 a, in.. 1280, 810,007, 725 and 9 55 p. m. Sundays, 4 05 a. m. For Baltimore, Washington and the Wutvla II. iO. 11. It., through tralaa lea- IUlnt Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. U It. D Jt) at 20, 7 55,1120 a. m., 3 10 and 7.27 p. l. dundays, 3 20,7 00,11 26 a. m.. 8 46 and 7 37 p. m. Addi tional trains from Tweuty.fourth and Cheat nut ptreeU station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20, 12 It X 40 p 111. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m. TKAINH FOlt SHENANDOAH, Leave New York via Philadelphia, week Java. 1215. 4 80. 8 00, 1130 , anu 1 80, 4 90, (100 p.m. Sundays, 0 00 p. m. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, neck days, 4 B0, 9 10 a. in., 1 80 and 4 15 p. m. Leave Plitladclnhia. Iteadllni Terminal. rek jftj 'guVdlys-'lsbialm.- "' "d ' "4.0S-880 I Leave K-adinK,week days, 2 01,0 13,10 08, a.m. 12 uu m., 4 in, oou ami n zu p. m. ounoaya, xu a. m, Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 8 03, 7 10 a. ni 12 80 and 6 10 p. m. Sundays, 8 07 a. m. Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 55, 7 40, 11 28 a. in., 1 85, 5 50, 7 20 and 9 43 p. lu, Sundays, 8 55 m Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 12 20,4 91, 8 15, 11 47 a. m., 2 17, 5 18, 6 21, 7 44 and 10 08 p. lu. SumlayK. 12 25, 4 21 a. in. Leave. Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 85, 2 40, 4 US 080.H30. 1025, 11 59 a. In., 2 82. 6 82, 641, 7 57, 10 22 p in. Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 35 a. m. Leave Wllllauisport, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a m., 4 00 ami 1 1 80 p. m. Sundays, 1 1 80 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut streut waif and South street whaif for Atlantlo City. Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. m.. 2 00, (3 00 .Saturdays only), 4 00, 5 00 p. m. Accommoda tion, 8 00 n. in., 5 15, 630 p. 111. Sundays Express, 9 00, 10 00 a. in. Accommodation, 8 00 a. n, 4 45 p. in. HcturuliiK leave Atlantlo City depot, comer Atlantic and Arkansas avenues. Wceki'nys Express, 7 85, 9 00 m., SCO, 5 80 p.m. Accommodation,! 25, ft 15 n. ret 4 05 p.m. Sundays Express, 4 00. 5 30, 8 00 p. m. Ac commodation, 7 15 a. in., 4 15 p. m. Parlor Oars nn all exnress train.. Vor further information, apply to nearest rhilodelphla and Iteadlni; Hallway ticket uciil or address I. A, Sweioard, EnsoM J. Wkiks. Ueu'l Sunt., (len'l Pasa'r Airk, Heading Terminal, Philadelphia. ION'S Celebrated Female Powders never tail. mnrasxnsrrifSo air. and iut. (after falling .111 ana oinrr uw polntment. SOAP