The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 21, 1898, Image 4

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Than the kind we sell,
for the reason that the maker
uses only the best material,
and above all, he knows how
to make it. We charge no
more for the best "than some
dealers c harge for the inferior
a. tM. VI a In St.
Itow Ht (llllirrtoll.
There was name excitement at (lilbcrton
Saturday night over u saloon Unlit which
threatened to develop into u riot. .Mm
Jamei, of Turkey ltmi, and two companions
wnr in tlm saloon of Mike Nnrlowictt anil
Jiini'i irut Into a nmuiel with some Hun
Karlans. It Is said one of the latter would
havo used a curving knife if James had nol ilneled. Nailewics and James had nil
oxchanre of word outside und (lie lattor
throw a stone throuch one of tho saloon
windows. James ran away, hut was eaiisht
ninl r.immitled hv Justice WillianH in d
fault of J300 bail, but th'.-iwas talk of a
settlement later.
Another Trial for Murtlii.
Wilkcsbarro. I'., March 21. ShorilV
Alartiu and six or eight of Bil deputies who
wcro recently acquitted in the 1ittlmcr easo
will ouco moro face a jury on tho charge of
murder. This wasdecided upon at a meeting
yesterday of the l'ro-.ccutiiiK Committee and
Attorneys Garman, Mctiahreu and Swirlut.
There I This Is Just tho Thine.
Ited Flag Oil for sprains and hrulsos. At
Qruhlcr llros., drug store
3ii Hill
is za
(Continued from 1'lrst l'HRo.)
to bo rid of, because bad blood is
tho breeding placo of disfiguring
and dangerous diseases. Is your
blood bad? It is if you aro
plagued by pimples or bothered by
boils, if your skin is blotched by
eruptions or your body eaten by
sores and ulcers. You can havo
good blood, which is puro blood, if
you want it. You can bo rid of
pimples, boils, blotches, sores and
ulcers. How ? By tho uso of
We have some nice effects in
Kaster baskets.
29 West Centre Street.
(Slieeler's Old Stand.)
irii-at-Mnim work trunnvntecil. Prompt ami
olltu attendants, llnlr cuttltiK n Fjuciitlty.
118 and ISO N. llowcrs St . Sliciinndonh.
The ituens liuilding and Loan Associa
tmn of Shenandoah, l'n.. will issue a new
scries uf stock on
Wot wren the hours of O and 12 a. m., at the
office of the Secretary, C. V. Dcngler, Nortl
Main street.
In Bottles or by
the Keg.
It is tho radical remedy for all dis
eases originating in tho blood.
Head tho evidence :
"Ayer's Sarsaparilla was recommended
to mo by my physician as a blood purifier.
When I began taking it I had boils all over
my body. Ono bottle cured mo." Bonneb
Cr.AFT, "Wesson, Miss.
"After six years' suffering from blood
poison, I began taking Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla, and although I havo used only threa
bottles of this great medicine, thu sores
havo nearly all disappeared. A. A. MAN
NING, Houston, Texas.
1UAHAN0Y city.
iilk'K nf TiialTiiwn Unsuccessfully Hunted
I'or Saduskey.
Mahanoy City, 21. Chief of Police Ilasscl
received a tolesram at 7:30 o'clock Saturday
night, requesting him to keep strict wateli
for Charles Sadmkey, the Shenandoah fugi
tive murderer. At midnight It was rumored
that tho fuuitivo had been seen at the electric
railway terminus ou Main street, but searcn
failed of success. Later it was reported
that Saduskey had passed tliruiign
town oil the P. & 11 HiiU'alo express train at
3:17 a. m.. but this rumor was also unsuccess
full v run down. An olhccr boa (led that
train here and went as far as Tamnqua on it,
making a thorough hut unsuccessful search
en route, lesiuniav moruiiiK iv w ir
ported that Saduskey had been seen hurrying
past the Primrose colliery. Several otiirers
nade a search fruin tho colltery to Delano,
r .liking all tho way and beating bushes, but
nit with no success.
Michael t'orrella has been committed to
the l'ottsvillo jail on a charge ol passing
counterfeit money. On Saturday night a
boy pre-ented a spurious silver dollar at
Andrew Swertkp's saloon and asked to have
it changed. Tho saloonkeeper saw tho coin
was counterfeit, but gave the change and fol
lowed the boy. lie saw Corrella receive the
money and caused his arrest. To day
Michaol TcrritU was arrested on oath ol Uor
rolla, who says Territta promised him 50
cents if ho could got a dollar for tho coin.
Territta was put under fiJOO bail. He denies
making a bargain as alleged. Ho says Ills
wife got tho coin from a saloonkeeper and
Corrella liromised to polish it up so that it
'mild bo tiassed. It is bulioved a gang of
counterfeiters has been unearthed.
Tho funeral of Thomas T. Moore will take
place at S:30 to-inorrow uiorniug. Services
will be held in St. t'anicns church here mid
the remains taken by train to l'ottsvillo lor
interment in St. Patrick's cemetery.
Tho West End Gun Club held its first shoot
near Tunnel liiuge coniory on oaiunuj,
with the following result: T. Price, 22; it.
Stride, 17; 0. Sliaeiier, 17; W. Mooio, 15; 1.
Mcltrcen, 15; W. Collins, 15; u. mime, u;
S. Coomb, 13; Win. Herring, 13; J. Herring,
11. Each man shot at 2.ri blue rocks.
ness acknowledges that ho was afraid of the
In answer to tho quostlnns of allElUMi
n.iHirter ho said i "Saduskoy and me had
been ton saloon drinking beer. I only had
I about three glasses. Wo then went down the
I Headlnc railroad to tho bridge near thoShcn
iiniloah City colliery. We sat on tho railroad,
near the bridgo. Suddenly Saduskey said,
'There's Cliarloy.' Itinghblscr was coming
down tho timber plane at Millers' (Shenan
doah City colliery). Then ho said, 'Como
over until 1 get my pipe.' Itlnghclser and
Mart. Dowllug camo down tho piano to
gether and sot on the timber pile. John
Jones and thu fireman of tho colliery and a
Polandcr I don't know sat with thorn.
Saduskey and mo went to the timber pile and
sat down.
a (VARRi:l.
Saduskey slid. "OIvo mo my pipe.
Chailey." Iiluglielser said, "I haven't got
It." Saduskey said, "Yea you havo ; I lent
it to you."
Saduskey told me beroro, continued Uiilcr.
that he had loaned the pipe to Itlnghclser up
in the hush, whllo thoy wore drinking beer
earlier in the ovcnlug. Itingbciser said, "1
left It up at tho keg."
"No you didn't," ro'ponrted Saduskey,
whereupon Klugheiser shouted Whats
that?" and ho struck Sadutkoy with his fist
in the face.
"I'll cot tho pipe," said Saduskey, and
Uingheiser replied, "I don't kuow whetln r
you will, or not, for being so fresh," and
then Itlnghelscr hit Saduskey a couplo of
times moro in the face with his fist.
Sidiiskry then said to mo, "Como on, We
will go homo." I thought ho wanted to get
away and not havo any moro trouble, aud I
went witli him. Wo went to Sadiiskey's
house and ho said, "Walt until I come out."
I refused und walked up Oak street until I
mot Peter Ilaverty, and I told him there
would he a fight if they got togo.her.
After a whllo Saduskey catuo up. Mo and
Peter Ilaverty were up on tho electric rail
way bridgo. Saduskey hollored, "Hello,
Pete, old sport, how nro you?" He called
me down and I went. Saduskey said, "I
am going to do him up, now you must go
with mo." I said, "No, I won't go with
you." He said, "I will shoot you," I said,
"Youaio only blowing.'' Ho said, "Look
hero I" and ho pushed his coat back, and I
saw a revolver In his right hip pocket. It was
loaded. He took hold of my coat. I went with
him; at tho last house on Itower street I
broke away from him. Ho wanted me to
keep on, but I said 1 wouldn't go. Saduskey
went down to tho swamp, near the railroad.
Uingheiscrand Dowling were there. Saduskey
wa'ked down to them. I watched them
Saduskey said something aud Uingheiser said
something. I guess thoy only spoke about
ten words. I couldn't hear what was said
Saduskey stepped hack a little, drew his
hand from his right hip pocket and filed
He shot Iilnglicisor In too bead, lie was
about a yard away from Uiugheiser when lie
Hied. Uingheiser fell, rolled over on his
side, aud his hat went rolling down the
bank. Wo all ran then. I saw Saduskey
run towards tho railroad. I was ruuning
aud too excited to notice where Saduskey
went. I don't know who picked up King
heiser. Saduskey was pretty full. Ho had
been drinking before I met him."
William 3.idukcy, father of tho culprit,
stated that his sou had only reached tho
end anticipated. He first had tho boy com
mittcd to reformatory for sixteen months
as an Incorrigible. Upon his release the boy
took to stealing aud was soon sentenced to
tho Pottsville Jail lor lour months. A fow
weeks after his release young Saduskey
again received a sentence of four mouths for
larceny, and but a short time after his release
again received a bcutenco of one year for
robbing tho shoo factory of liradigan liros ,
on South Market alley. Saduskey served his
time and was released shortly before
Christmas, last. Tho father tried to win him
from his evil way, but persuasions and
threats failed and Mr. Saduskey finally for
hid him tho benefits of the family home.
Young Saduskey has not been under tho
parental roof for over two mouths past.
Saturday morning tho father placed his 38
calibre Smith & Wessou levolter in a bureau
drawer In a bedroom on tho secoud floor.
Upon learning that his son was engaged in a
hooting allray Saturday night tils apprclien
ous prompted him to go to the bureau. He
found the drawer had been broken open aud
tbo revolver stolen.
At about eight o'clock
few People Do, unci Tlint Is Why ll Great
Man Has Wiltten This Note iif Winn
ing. llelow Is the synopsis of an address glvcu
by Professor Marshall :
"It Is n fact that, to-dav. thousands of
people nro within a foot of tho grarealid
they do not know It, Vory many people who
read these lines realio that at times they aro
unusually tired and cannot account for it
Thoy fel dull and indefinite, pains In vnrioiis
parts of tho body and do not understand it
Perhnnstliev mav think It is only a cold
which will soon pass away.
"Now. nil thn svmntoms above described
Rnd many moro of a similar nature Indicate
part of 1803, as clalmod by counsel for tho
Judgo liechtcl stated ho received a letter
fmm .lnnVn Dntv. of Westmoreland county.
refusing a new trial to auco anu i.ugeno
Coylo, of Mahanoy City, recently convicted
of forcible entry.
T. II. llcddall, Esq., fllod a rule to take
testimony In tho matter of tho executions
filed to tlio road vlow In Union township.
The court ordered a nol. pros. In 21(1 cases
in the criminal court this morning.
mcensk TitAVsrnrts.
Tho following wero among the saloon li
censes transferred this morning : Andrew
ltnrllplil. Sni'iind ward of Shcn.ipdoah, to
Michael Mills. Mat. Ycdiiskl, First ward of
Shenandoah, to Knoch llokunas. Joel 0.
Gilbert, East Union township, to E. A.
Era nk.
A Minister's
This narrative from a minister is of greatest value
to those whose nerves arc unstrung, health shattered
or otherwise ailing. It is particularly appropriate in
this age of active, nervous, endless labor.
tho coming on of tho worst physical trouble
that has cvor been known to tlio numan
race. These sriuptomsnrc, In fact, nothing
le-s than the forerunners of that dreadful
llrlnlit'a disease nf the kldnevs which so
often fastens itself upon the constitution be
fore tho victim Is aware. It Is daugernustn
both men and women, especially women, is
nearly ns hereditary as consumption, quite us
common, and fully as fatal
"Until recently It has always been con
sidered incurahlo, buta few years since much
excitement was caused among scientists and
the nudlcal profession by n discovery which
actually cured tills fearful dio so oven In ts
last stiuos Doctors wero amaed at Its
power and gladly welcomed It. That ills
inverv Is known among men of scleuco tho
world over ns Warner's Safo Curo, and it Is
no exaggeration to state that it has accom
plished more In tho field of health than any
thing which has over been brought to tbo
attention of 'ho medical profession or the
general public.
"Hut tho great popularity of Warner's
Sjfe Curo Is duo not so much to the fact that
it has rescued tho victims or ilrlght's disease
frnm ilm lirltik nf the Druvo. as that it drives
away the diet symptoms of this diead mal
ady wlienever nicy appear aim resioics mu
su-'l'erer to perfect health. I do not liesltato
to imploro everyone wno reaus meso noms
not to neglecr tlio silguicsi. symptoms ,n um
nev difficulty. Certain sufleiing and prob
ably death will bo tho suio losult of such
neglect and no one can atl'ord to hazard such
e s2 -a.
Lauer's Lager and
... Pilsner Beer
Porter and Weiss Beer.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street,
Should be la Every Home and Library.
B People's BiBie Histon;
! written ti ltliilit lino niiiiim r.wn ';-'
V. I'M,,, r ot Ureal lint an and Irrianit. 1 n
U?' Hamuli Curtii, U..I.. I'l'lifan ll.i.'ic.,
vii.r. flilesao III.. Iter. treJerloW luirar.ll 11
WK S ftKir, Canteruurj. ! . If
Jla rrann , unnwum., .;' --...,,-... i
Uluoauo. Ill I lt i"or rtnunco". ..... . .....
Iu TrViuiwrian Church. Wlon. tM , lie'. II.
MaoArthur. I) U.. OaWarr HaplUt I Imrcll, Jjjw ojk
!lli N Y . Uo. Martjn Huuimorlarll, l.l) , Ial I
trial 'ri Cliurch. IlU.n. Ma . Hav r rank
5t Ilflilol. Il.fl.. rirjt M'lhodlat tyloJ;l C liurcl.
.Y.'n (tom'm.iiw.Hlh"' Indo: ' EnV. lt.;:
I Torett Mala. D.D.. Booth Conjiri-uutlonal Church,
I , Jinn. Ma... Itav JoM,h Aaar lloet, 1.I., Waal.iao
IllchmonJ, Kile , lift C;ilnr "'' '
Unlvaraitr, llcnir. (i.rrnalir, ltav Wm
Wilkinson, D.U.lInirer.ilr ' ChlMoii, Chi
l .lK? Komuol Hart. 1)1). Trinity (toll.vf.
llurllord. (lunn.i ltov J Monro Olhwn.U. l.Bt.. ol.n .
Hill l(l. 141 I'oiioa. 1 lull-l
oJ W..I
(1 Tirlm.r.
k.vl I..U Kll
liona. Kill dgea, cloth,
...m. HI,, .Ira.
halt iaaul, auu. iui
ui iilro 1 6TI0.-I3m wno; 20 full-nan" lllu.tra
tl... Hlrl A-silt eli.. lufl larunl, on volume
JJS;..; So"."., 1. lrtniinr.1 .I ahllr, IJ"','''' '?.,
i" al. ai .11 lMKk.lor. an 'jf fVil'All ')
furth.r Inlonnatlnn. write HI. Mil O. Hllr j All
"ublWi -al3 ana '111 M"nro hlroil. ChlcoBO. Illlnol.
tiiiipenliiKH Tlirotiglimit llio Country
Clirtiulcleil for Ilaaly 1'erusil.
Jtanj young men aro leaving McAdoo.
Ceorgo II. Itcese has resigned as outside
foiciiun at Little Diamond colliery.
Joseph Slieinonas, a Now rhiladclphiacon
stable. is charged with larceny by a piddlar.
A big pair of engines, 10x00, wero re
ceived at tho St. Nicholas colliery lat week.
Grace Lodge No. 1B7, I. O. O. F., of Or
wigsburg, celebiated its O'.'d auniversiiry on
A T. T.!Liil.enslelii. of Ashland, lias been
drawn to serve as a juror In tlio U. S. Court
term in Philadelphia for tho first week in
f nilnilnlstriitlon wero granted to
V. I!, mid A. J. Sheeder on tho estate of
Catharine Sheeder, late of Mlnersville, de
ceased. Navigation on tho Schuylkill canal, be
tu'iM'i, tbn roa 1 regions und Philadelphia
will ho opened April 10, and tho boatmen
anticipate a very busy season.
To Cure Headache In IS Minutes.
Take Dr. Davis' Ati-lleadaeho. All druggists.
I'onslou Awmts' lllir I'Vos.
Waslilncton. Jlurch 21. For seven
years past tlio penslonerH of the coun
try have paid legnlly to attorneys, for
proHcfiitlne their clnlms. an annual
averaere of nearly Jl.MO.OOO. or a total
of $9,510,191. A statement prepared at
tlio uenslon office shows tlint of this
total $7,000,000 was paid In three years
(1S91 to 1893 Inclusive) as follows:
1S91, $2,109,200: 1S92, $3,112,321: 1893, $1.
872.178: 1S9I. $022,770: 1895, $081,018; 1890,
$557,721; 1897, $591,318,
IMroinnn'H Tlilnl Acoldont Fntnl.
Lebanon, Pa March 21. William J.
Hemperly, driver ot the Lebanon
chemical enclne, died Saturday from
Injuries received Friday nluht while re-
Bnondinc to an alarm ot lire, lie wua
nmrjloved only a week aco and drove
the engine three tlmos, having an accl
dont each time. Friday nlcht ho was
pitched from the engine, tho wheels of
which passed over ins anuomen.
OIomtimr'H Trill! Iteirim.
Norrlstown. I'a March 21. James A,
r!lemmer. who s charEeil with llio
murder of Kmma P. Kaiser on Oct. 28,
1890. was clnced on trial today. Tho
victim's husband, Charles O. Kaiser,
has already been tried and found
guilty. Miss Lizzie De Kalb, who has
made a confession of her part In the
crime, will ho the principal witness
against Clemmer.
report was received that Saduskey was seen
making his way from tlio rounsyivaum rail
road track across tho hill east of the old
trotting park. Oilicers -ent out ill that
direction aud ufter a long hunt through the
bushts returned to town without the fugitive.
Tbo murdered man will bo remembered as
one ol the strongest players on tho Shenan
doah professional foot ball team. Ho was a
splendid physical subject. Tho will
nut tako placo until A p. m. on inursiiay, as
11158T LINK OF
Floor and Table Oil Cloths.
E. B. FOLEY, 27 XSUt.
It Hft the Spot That's Bight.
What? Fan-Tina for coughs and colds.
Gruhler Bros., drugstore.
I'lrot I'lrul I'lrol
Tninra vmir lironerty from loss In tho
.,i.i,.vt ,i,nl atronerst cash companies: l'lillu
IT,l,,i.,vrlters lUSUrUUCU U. Ol
America and Fire Association,
n Ins Co.. American Firo
l'nrmer County Coiniiilisloners Ilcnieil a
New Trial lteasous (liven.
Pottsville, Slar. 21. Judgo lleelitel this
morning discharged tho rule for a new trial
in tlio ase of V. L. Shaefer, agent for tlio
Taxpayers' Association, against former
County Commissioners Iientz, Martin and
Allen. The Judgo read a long opinion giv
ing his reasons in detail for refusing tlio new
trial and paid a high tribute to the jury in
the caso. m. A. Jlarr, Esq., hail an oxcep
tiou noted to tho decision.
Judge licchtol cited several authorities and
stated that the claim of the defense that tlio
verdict was against the law aud evidence
was not upheld by the arguments, or the
facts. In approving tho finding of the jury
as to tho first count he said the Commis.
sioncrs should undoubtedly havo included
tlio $50,000 temporary loan in tho financial
statcmont filed beforo making tbo $75,000
loan. Ho denied that tho verdict of not
guilty as to tho 11th count and that of guilty
as to tlio 21st count weie inconsistent. Tho
11th count charges tho illegal letting of a
contract to Joseph V. Geary, while tho Slst
alleged tho illegal payment of $1,(W) to
Joseph V. Cicary for woik on the contract
referred to in tlio 11th count. Thcro is
nothing inconsistent because the jury found
tbo letting of tho contract was not illegal,
because hasto was necessary. Yet they we
justified by the evidence in finding tho de
fendants guilty of paying excessive charges
on tho Slst count.
As to thollth count, charging that fciiflO
was paid to Koch llros. and Peter llctz To:
painting tlio inside of the court huuso with
out having advertised for bids as required by
the statutes, Judge Hechtcl said tlio contcn
tiou of tho defendants that they lieliered tlio
filth and tenth sections of tho Controller Act
unconstitutional is not warranted by the
tacts. In tho cise of Lloyd vs. Smith, lVs
Pa., tho Stipieme Court declared tho
Controller Act constitutional and tho
defendants wcio legally bound to
know, and did know of tho decision. Their
claims tnal tney wero auvisen uy ineir solici
tor is also no excuse. It was a matter for tlio
jury to decido and tlio conduct of the defen
dants In this matter sceuieu a ileliauco ot the
law. It is not surprising that a conscientious
iur.v found such a verdict, and they weio
Saturday night a justified in doing it.
Patrick Cooiicy, tho boy tenor, is homo
from Wilkcsbarro.
J. W. Cuitln was a business visitor to
Mt. Carmel to-day.
Miss r.mily Kraft visited friends nt Mah
anoy City yesterday,
William Navitskl was a passongcr to
Philadelphia this morning,
William Hill has returned homo from an
extended vlil to Philadelphia.
Michael Coakley, of Mahanoy City, was
a guest of fiionils in town yesterday.
Misses Hattlo. Tones and Allco Leo, two
of our school teacher?, aro on tho sick list.
Joseph II Mauley, of Northumberland,
spent yesterday visiting relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, of Hazloton,
spent Satuiday evening in town with friends.
Mrs. C. G. Palmer, i.f West Contro street,
issull'eriiig from un attack of Inflammatory
Dr. Arthur C. Morgan returned to Phila
delphia to-day, to resume his duties at the
lilock.ey hospital.
Mrs. Samuel Feldser, of tlio Hou Ton
millinery store, is in New York purchasing
additional stock. She will be nwny two
Wilbur reltit, of North West strcot, has
recovered from tho attack of rheumatism
that confined him to his homo a part of last
Michael Covle. n catcher on last year's
T.nt. en-el; treim. left this morninc: for l'hlla-
;le n i a. Ho will catch for tho University ol
Pennsylvania team this season.
Peter Poll' left this morning for Phila
delphia wliero ho will seek treatment at tho
MeUlco-Uliirurglcai Hospital, jur. ion nau
both of his hands badly burned some months
ago which refuse to heal properly.
Councilman H. S. Llttlo.of Philadelphia,
spent Sunday in town ns the guest of his
rriend, S. U. M. llollopcter. Ksq. Mr. l.iuie,
in comnanv with several moro Quakor City
ollicials, will leave that city to-morrow morn
ing to view tlio While squanron, now
stationed at Norfolk, Va.
Ve are living too lasi. " Fast as light
ning," expresses It, lor we talk by elec
tricity, cook by electricity, travel by
electricity and so on.
Its a hurry, hurry, hurry from the cradle
to the grave.
7c crowd too much J crowd our woric,
crowd our eating, crowd our pkasurc,
crowd our sleeping.
A " breaking down of the nervous sys
tem" is the way of expressing the result.
It means a depleting of the ner is in
duced by prolonged strain i overtaxing of
the nervous system; a product of over
hurry and bustle.
It affects all people in all walks of hfe.
It baffles physicians of all schools.
No one knows the horrors of such a
condition belter than Rey. I. N. Mc
Cready, of Elkton, Mich. For years he
labored faithfully and welL He was pro
gressive and aggressive! a leader among
men, a deep thinker and a hard worker.
In his leal, he overworked t overtaxed
his mental and physical strength.
The outlook was dark, with health shat
tered and recovery apparently hopeless.
Miny means for a cure were tried, with
out receiving benefit.
Finally he took Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People and was restored to health.
He says: , T
"In April, 1 070, the pnysiciani saio i
must stop preaching or die.
"I had overtaxed myslf and was suf
fering from a complete breaking down of
my nervous system and a persistent stom
ach trouble.
" Several physlclani treated me, but no
permanent benefit was derived.
" Four times I was stricken with nervous
proitratio.i i twice with gastritis.
"These attacks would throw me into
" I could eat neither meat or vegetables.
" If my bare feet touched the floor I was
immediately seized with cramps.
" I was used up J helpless, hopeless.
"I commenced to take Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People. One box was
consumed and I felt no better. This dis
couraged me.
" My wife urged mt to try the pills
some more, feeling that my life depended
upon the result.
" I continued to take them.
"Since then, and it has been several
months, I have enjoyed life. ....
" Have preached all summer and held
revival meetings for fifteen weeks.
" I have had no muscular exercise for
years, but recently, have done considerable
hard work in my garden, my muscles
standing this test remarkably well.
" Every Sabbath I preach three limes
and now think I am good for another
twenty years, if the Lord wills."
To add weight to his words. Rev. Mo
Cready made affidavit before J.D.Brookes,
Notary Public
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
exert a powerful influence in restoring
wasted nerve power and in purifying and
enriching the blood. Druggists consider
them the most effective remedy which
they dispense.
BaTTtj IHrnfM. Pric-,18.00,
-(mil (! iwi
l.nt tinva Bold tlirjct to the
8umerfor23esri nt uhola
v&!e jTiccf, string bin the
dealer rroiuj. amp any
wtioro ior eiauinauon.
Kverytmtie; wn mi. ted.
tld styles of VvMcIcb,
fn itj-Jes cf Harried.
Top Hujtfcii'R.JK'toO.
Sjrrm.SUMP.j;.. Cnrnt
ffffl- ritautuim. Tran . Vn(con
ctloJ, ypriii-'-llorui nd Milk
M'ai;ns. Send for 1.1176. Ireo
CrUloU3 of an our ti.rjes.
x vigil x imoflmn y
No.6CSHurr. Prior, with cunt' ,,t imri,uB
biiI, nprou K'xt tend ra, ?tA At .oo 1 Lt, a At for fth).
Tho many testimonials received dally by
the proprietors of Salvation Oil, emphasizinc
its value as a curo for neuralgia aim rheuma
tism, furnish convincing proof of its creat
merit. It is par excellence tho liniment.
Deeds ltocorileil.
Krom W. II. Harrow and wife to Thomas
V. Stevenson, premises in Union township
from Jas. Turner and wife to Noah Turner,
prciuisss in West Tenn tonnship; from J. 1.
llrock, executor, to Charles Burmcister,
premises iu Ashland ; from Frank GallaRher
to Samuel A. Boddall, premises in Tamaqua ;
from Kil ward Corcoran to JIary Ann Cororan,
premises in Girardvillo.
(Successors to J. W. Johnson,)
N- Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
To cleanse tho Bystcm In a gentlo and truly
beneficial maimer, when tho 'ipringtlmo
Syrup of Kias. lluy tho Kcnuino. Mann- proprietors Were formerly Willi llie aueiraiiuuuu i,uiuki ami 1-n.u
lilt I'll I -
If you contemplate building consult our contract price. The new
faetund by tho California Fin Syrup Co.
only, and for sale by all druufe'lsts, at SO cents
per bottle.
Tho 15th count was claimed to ho not es
tablished. Tlio court fixed ?2,000 for the en
tlio compensation of Win. 1. Hill, tho archi
tect of tho almshouse improvements, yet on
May 11th, tho very day the court fixed the
comnensation. aud just boloro the court
signed the contract, tho defendants.
unknown to the court, paid f 1,U3j additional
to Aichltect lllll, or Hi percent, on u.i,uuu,
tho then estimated cost of tho liuildinjjs.
They said they believed tho ?2,00l) was fur
inline services only aim inai mey were
SCIIOl'l'i:. On the 19th Inst., nt Shenandoah,
rn.. Itutli Marion, dainrhtcr of John M. nod
I,l7zio SchopiH', ukh1 15 months. The funeral
will tube placo on Tuesday, 2Jod Inst., nt 2
p. in , from the fninlly ri'sfdcneo. No 7 South
Wcit street. Interment In the Odd Fellows'
cemetery, llelntivcs and friends respectfully
Invited to nttend. a-m-'jt
UUl'KUT. At Shenandoah, on tho 20th lnht..
Mrs. Mary llupert, mica yenrs, unutliler ol
Mr. and Sirs, l'rnnk Wnrnick, Tho funeral will
take placo on Wcdnesilny, nt 1 o'clock, from
the family residence, 231 West Oak etrect, in
terment nt ltlniitowii Friends mid relatives
invited to nttend.
A prccioUH ono from us has K"ne,
A voice wo loved Is stilled;
A placo Is vacant in our home
Which never can be filled.
tho family desires to await tho arrival ol the , d ..,vi., li(io5 for roliuiinary
leceaseu s sisier iruui iuioii, nuioa. Btuulcs. etc. It that no so, wiiy It'iuire mo
Tl.o following is the description of ha- nnmuval of the court at all ? To sustain such
iluskev which has been telezranhed to many a contention would bo a fraud. In llio con-
mints: "He cut. five feet 71 inches: weialit, tract u isagrceu inai no luruiiu mo inrii u
It.") pounds ; blue eyes, lisht colored hair,
sight of loft eye defective, lottrs "C. S." on
left arm, wears a number seven shot ami
when he disappeared was dressed in n dark
suit and hlaek derby hat. He has a tough
swagger Iu ids walk and generally lauchs
n-heu UilkliiL'. From his past life, lie is
likelv to bo fouud in tlio compauy of
Un to tho time of tho Hi:uai,t soing to
nrcss notliiuc had been learned to give the
authorities knowledge of Sadiiskey's where
abouts. Tho polico say ho is foxoy aud will
not bo easily captured.
Nothing removes humors from tho blood so
nicely aud gives tho complextion such a
clear, cleau uunearanco as Dr. Hull's Fills
but get only tho geiiulue, Dr. John W. Uull's
K. uf V. Smoker.
Tho monthly .moker of General Harrison
iuary studies and rcceivo $2,000 as his entire
eunmeusatiun. If tho contract does not
show that stato of facts it would bo ditllcult
to mako a proper contract fu any other way.
The testimony of Judgo Pursliiug was re
ferred to and the last clauso of the contract
described us doubtful, or intended to mislead
t lie court. The total amount paid to Arciu
tectlllll was $3,21)1.50. just a litllo moro
than live ner cout. on SliS.OOO. Indication that
the defendants proposed payini; mil live per
cent., whether the coun npproveu ir,, or uoi.
An impartial examination ot the testimony
serves to lead to the conclusion that tho jury
wasjustlfled iu convicting upon tho uiueteou
counts RDueifled.
The Sard count, charged illegal payment
of ?183 lor surveying and laying out u pio-
imhcii nioei eiioeuL bciiuui uismtt in .u.tii
Manlielin townshili. This is described as an
excessive charge aud the Judgo said the law
clcarlv savs the district, aud not tho county.
should pay the costs when a new dlsliictis
reatod, auu wnen nor. croaieu iuo peimouors
must pay them.
t he Vermel oi inojury was supiiurieu ny
Lodge No. 251, Knights of l'ythlas, will bo tho evidence aud tho jury showed anintelli-
IuBUramo Co.,
wt nhostcr Fire Iui, Co., United Firemen a
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 8. Jardln St., Shenandoah.
One Minute Cougli Curo cures ouickly
That's what you waut I O. H. Hageiihuch.
morrow nlglu und In addition to a program
of threu-iiiinute talks on events of the times
and vocal and instrumental selections Mr.
Kluier 11. Johusun, of Lost Creek, will present
tho Kodak views betook on his trip through
tho British Isles, Franco, Italy and Switzer
land last summer and .Mr. Wilhur Lewis, of
Wui. l'eun, will introduce hlsgaphaphouc.
Sculp Treatment.
Katharine A. Hlckey. 120 N. Main St. tf
Cliarceil With Illgumy.
All interesting case was hoard before
Justice Toouiey on Saturday night Iu which
Samuel Williams, a resident of the "flats,"
on West Coal street, was the defendant. '1 he
charge was assault and battery on oath of his
wife. Harriet. Williams pleaded guilty and
iu default of $300 ball is still confined to the
lockup, The result of tho abovo case brought
about a cross suit in which the husband sues
the wife for bigamy. Mrs. Williams does uot
deny beliiE married before, but asserts that
she had told tho present husband of her first
marriage and he claimed that matrimony
with him would have nothing to do with the
past. Williams and his wife have been
married for two years. Tho first husband is
living near Fountain Springs. She furnished
$300 hail fur her appearanco at court.
Uuy Keystonctlour. He suro that the name
r.Kssia & Uakb, Ashlsnd, Pa., l printed on
every suck,
Children and adults
J I. Hagenbuch.
tortured by bums,
ds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases may
iro instant lellef by using Do Witt's Witch
ncl Salve. It Is tho great I'ilo remedy. U.
fully certifying their verdict in writing on
each couut, Four weeks wero occupied on
the trial and tho Jury spent a l Hours iu de
llhi-r.itlnn. A new trial under tho clrcum
stauccs would not bo justified, und it is not
certain that any other jury couiii no any
In the habeas corpus proceedings of Dr,
ICasmus, of Mahanoy City, against Wurdeu
Hrower, of tho county prisou, Judge Koch on
Saturday released the doctor under $500 bail.
This morning Judgo Koch filially disposed of
the case by releasing Dr. jcasmus nuogeuier
on tho ground that tho Justice who Com
milted him had no liirisdictiou undor tlio law,
and also that tho testimony did not warrant
the charge of violation preferred against the
physician. Tho Acts ol ASfinuiy oi ibj-j
ami 1B3II wore cited. Tlio Justice, Neal T,
llronnau. was elected iu Mahanoy townshli
ami lias an olllre there. Ho nlso has ono ho
cal a a eou,u t ne o 1 co at 220 Centre streut,
Mahanoy City, where tho hearing in tho
lUsinus case was heaul. 'ihu statutes show
thu case must he tried iu the district wlioro
the Justice has been elected.
Iu thocasoof County Commissioner Meyers
.fudge Hechtcl concluded his address to tho
jury shortly alter lour o ciock iiiisaiicriiuou
M. M. Iliirio. I'm., had the bond of T. J
Mullahy. treasurer of tho borough of Shen
uuiloah approved.
Judgo Lyon, of Juniata comity, will ho
here on Friday to hoar motions.
Judge Kueh discharged tlio rule in the
cnio of HoyleagaliutTitman. This Is a re
fusal to nut the appeal of tho defendant
from tlio Justice ou record. Tho answer of
the I'rothouotary denied that a trauscrlnt
had over bceu olfercd for record iu tho early
IOIt HUNT. A nice dwelling, centrally lo
' ented. Suitable for sinnll family. Apply
nt Hr.iiAi.i) olllco. 3-19-tf
VTOT1CE. After Mnrch 20th, between 6 and 8
IN p. in., the undersigned will sell n prlvnto
sale his furniture, pictures, dishes, stoves and
kitchen utensils. ,1. W. Cooper, SO F-asI ; Onk
street. J-l'J-tl
-IIouso and lot,
nnn HA7.TC.
b trect. Apply to T. It. lleddall, Shennn.
313 Ka-t Ocntro
TTTOU SAI.H A very ilcsli.i.m-liropcrty Ay-
ply to Joseph Wntt,20t North JlnlnSt. tf
IOIt HUNT -Tho coi ner store room now oo
1 cll,ied by thu Factory Shoe Store. A good
oi'ieniiiK for any mm cither In tho boot and shoo
or ttliv other bllslnens Apply to N. W. Hcdd'lll,
Ueddal.'s Hardware Store. 8-1,-tf
iOIt SAl.U. A buggy nnd two nuiencr
wairons. will also rent my wneeiwrigut
and paint shop, corner Coal nnd Jardln streels
Apply to Charles rioppcrt, onino premises, n
the Iront aim iwo o, xno rear ,n vnu ikk . ,icb
properties wcro formerly owned by Jonathan
it. ltoecrs. Applyto William J. Jones (runrdian,
Hox 131, Mt. Uuiincl, Fa. 2-31-Im
A Specialist on Rupture from Williamsport j
vill visit
Shenandoah Every Thursday
Ferguson House, from 9 a. m. till 1:30 p. m.
Gives a satisfied smile
every palate that tastes it.
170ll SAI.K. Ono Jet black horse, 1 yenrs old,
sired by Itarron Wilkes, o.n trot a mile In
AO and iinv huly can drive Idin: nlso one sadlo
horse, with four dllTcrcnt Kntea, anil two good
gcncrnl purpose horses, old enounb to work.
Cnll at MnBarglo's grocery, No. U Kast Centra
Now on tap at all
our customers.
Ihsagbur ltobblns, William II. Ulenn und
J, J, O'Henrn, ilolng business under tho linn
name ol tlio HiicuaiKioan i.innuer nun reeii
Conipnny. Limited, hnvo this day dissolved tho
said pn-tnershlii. Wo have employed Frank
Conry to collect nil accounts nnd pay nil hills
when O. KM by William H. Glenn and Z. S.
KOlllllllS lfW.Al.llAU ..U,IU.D,
WlUIAM H. (ll.KSN,
John J O'Hbaun.
Shcnandonh, Fa , March 15, 189S.
Tho same lino of business will be conducted
nt the old stand by lssnchnr ltobblns und .. S.
ltobblns, under the firm name of I. ltobblns
Si Son. 3-10-Ct
y filnrcll IKUli, lovo, ior iiiruisiunii
i-riwerleu. drill's. IllUSlln. fruits
co, coal, etc. fur tho quarter endlnir
BUS, to lio used nt tlio Schuylkill
Bhouso. nt Schuylkill Haven, Fu
p. in. Monday .Marco skiu, iovo, idi uhuniu
inents, Hour, groceries, drug", muslin, fruits,
vcuetnlilcs, lee,
.Timnlinth. IK'JH.
rin.,.itv A Imalintiun. nt Hell
mid tho Schuylkill county prison, nt I'ottsyllle,
Fa. Tho hoard reserves thu right tojejectnny
or ull Md. , , , , , ,
a Meiiniuln nf (ho nrtlcles nud nrobnhlo
nmount of each reipilred will bo furnished on
application to the Directors of the l'oor, thu
Wliruen OI llio itiboh ur mc 11,1..".....
3-15-18-21 County Controller.
Rupture permanently and quickly Cured or
no pay. Written guarantee to absolutely
cui e all kinds of Rupture without
operation or detention from
Absolutely no Danger.
. . Examination Free.
loo peisons cured in Sunbury, Shamokin,
Mt. Carmel and vicinity who can be referred
to. Charges and terms moderate and within
reach of all.
Kimball's Detective Agency
Do all legitimate dHectivc work. A
correspondent wanted in all towns,
Office, 58 Trust Building, Wllliaiflsport, Pa.
These were the two reasons that formerly
kept people from attending to their teeth,
l'otli reasons huve no existence in this ad
vanced age. Painless and inexpensive dent
istry witli an absolute guarantee for five years
is our method,
A Good Set of Teeth, $,
The Very Heat Teeth, $S.
You can eet no better, no matter what you
pay. No charge for extracting, where teetii
are ordered. We can take your impression in
the morning and give you your teeth in the
afternoon if desired,
(laid Fillings, $i ; Best Silver
Fillings, 5oc up; Cleaning, Sue;
.. :" ?: " ' . . ., w ci itAmim? shop.
I'm. . ,. , nn ..,nrL- o vwiiiv"., - -
rates. Examinations Viml estimates free, I'erguson House Ulock,
Wcuse but one grade of material
the best.
And that is the time to have
your hair cut. We make it a specialty.
7 North Jardln St,, Shenandoah.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvety Boftness ot the skin is Inva
riably obtained br inure who uso Pozioni'b
Complexion i'owder.
Durlnir 1W8 TUB TIMES will not only maintain
the high stamlard of excellence It reached tho
past ycur, but will steadfastly endeavor to
excel Its own best record, and will not swerve
from its set purpose to mako
No Journal Is more extensively circulated or
bus a wider circle of readers 111 Pennsylvania
Specimen Copies Sent Free Send for one
pen JIT c DAILY, 13.00 per annum 1 25 cents
ldvl'lO ner month) delivered by carriers
for 0 conts per week. HUNDAY KUITION. 82
larue, handsome pages-iBI columns, elegantly
Illustrated, beautifully printed In colors, 120
per milium 1 S cents per copy. Dally and Hull
day, M.oo per nnnum ; W cents per month.
Address ull letters to