The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 21, 1898, Image 2

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    evening herald
Published every livening, F.icept Sunday, at
liie Herald Is deltvsied InHhenamtoali unci tho
surrounding toAnsforsIx centn ft week, pay
hi. So tlie carriers. Ily mall $3.00a ycr,or2?
enfa a month, payable In advance. Advertlso
ments charged according to space and poUlon.
Tbfl publishes rnsorvc the right to chango the
cwtttom advertisements whenever tho nub
tf.ftreto-1 ol news demands It. The right lit
irserved to wjw'.any advertisement, whrtlirr
paid for or not, iit the publishers may deem
LtprwpCT. Advertising rates made known
tnpon application.
Sxitered fit the postofllce nt Shenandoah, Ph., as
second claws ninll timttcr.
"All the News Thai's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
TltK heavy Know full of to day
justitk'8 the reinark that wintor ttlll
llniern in tho lap Arc.
QovitllNOll ilASTIxus lias boasted
that the next Ijugirlitture would not
meat in the now ouiiitol building, and
it will bo no fault of his if it does.
Wlllts the Hoard of Inquiry makes
its report, wo may expect tile yellow
Journals, which have assumed every
position in tho war talk, to come
forth and say, "We told you so !"
Spain's 4 per cent, bonds are now
quoted in the money markets of
Europe at from 55 to 58. United
States 1 per cents, new issue, are
quoted at 123 and 12a. That tolls tho
A piiomixkxt Cincinnati pastor
announces that lie is in favor ot
legalizing the sale of beer in public
houses. Anything that runs to
schooners is justillablo while so much
war talk is on.
Bktwkkx tho devil and the deep
sea is an uncomfortable position to
be placed in, but that is nothing to
be compared with the position of one
or two prospective candidates before
tho Republican county convention
this year.
Aftku having endeavored for
years to dissuade women from wear
ing birds and feathers as ornaments
on their hats, Mrs. Hichard Uoyle, of
Loudon, gives it as her opinion that
"where fashion is concerned the
world of women are utterly callous
and blind to every consideration ex
cept their own selllsh vanity."
Dr. Swallow is giving the state
politicians much uneusiuess. II is in
dependent candidacy for Ilasting's
shoes is causing the Quay people
many sleepless nights, while the
Vaiianmkor boomers have come to
the conclusion that the reverend
gentleman is not by any means a dead
issue. And tho Democrats smilo
A SOUTHERN paper says "the North
nnd Knst would supply tho guns and
ammunition, tho West would supply
the coitimlssarit department, and the
South would be tho seat of war."
Hence, according to that paper, the
South would be the loser by a war
with Spain, and all the rest of the
country would bo a gainer. This is
hardly the correct view. Probably
in tho long run the gains and losses
would bo pretty equally distributed
ShknANDOAH has long enjoyed a
well deserved reputation for the ex
cellenco of its retail mercantile es
tablishments, as well as for the en
terprise ami progressivonoss of its
individual merchants. Its standard
to-day in this rospqet is higher than
it has ever been, and there are fow
towns in the county whose retail
stores, taken together, are more at
tractive or offer more inducements to
purchasers. There are some mam
moth concerns in other towns which
are superior in size, but there is none
whloh excels our leading local houses
in quality, in variety and cheapness,
nnd none in whloh the general aver
age of excellence is higher.
Tiik exports find that un average
man requires fifty-nine ounces of food
per diem mid that ho needs thirty
seven ounces of water for drinking,
and also thnt lie must have for breath
ing, thirty ounces of oxjgen. It ap
pears that a man eats with his food
just ubout as much water as he drinks,
ninny of the articles of so-called solid
food being largely composed of water.
In order to supply the fuel for run
ning the body and to supply waste
tlesuo a man ought to swallow daily
the equivalent of twenty ounces of
bread, three of potato, one ounce of
butter and one quart of water. The
large amount of water required is
bttcause the human body is largely
made up of that ingredient.
In his speech last week John Wann
niakor, the anti-Quay candidate for
QoYernor, attacked tho record of
members of the last Legislature, and
among other things said : "To more
clearly show the character of the
contemplated steal, and the. juon
suloncolegs daring of the .treasury
looters,' in Novembor hist ut l'otts-
ville, Schuylkill county, in a libel
case, Jonathan Jones, a resident of
that county, swore that Ma name had
been pineal upon tho padded legisla-
Are much In httlo; ninny uk. nam
reiuJjr, efficient, satisfnr E3P III (T
tnry, prevent a cold or feter B I fl J !
cm all liner IIU, Itek heaU W
&eht, Jaundice, con.tipatlon, to- i'rlco 25 centi.
Th oal I'llll to Uk Uu Jloud't tUrnuarllla.
The Host Patient People ilust Show
Annoyance nt Times.
Niillilui: spoils it good disposition, quicker.
.Nothing tniex a man's patience
I.iko uny Itchiness uf tho skin.
Itching piles almost drive you i-nizy.
All day it liuikis you liiis-urablo.
All ii lull t it keeps you uvvuke.
Itch? Itch? Itch? with no relief.
Just the Mine with lczctna.
Can liuritly keep from scmtclilnu it.
You would do so hut you know it mukei it
Kuch miseries urn d.illy di-irruidiii,'.
People nru leurniii!: tliey can he. cured.
I.ritrtiltii thu merit of Dunn's Ointment,
l'lenty of proof that Dosiii'k Ointment will
cure I'ilei.
Kezeuift or any llelilness nf tho skin,
i'cail the testimony nf u Shenandoah citi
Mr. .John Thel. nf 17 South Main street
iuusicin, piocuicd Dunn's Ointment from
Kirllu's l'hiirinaey and makes this statement:
'I luivc iifed 1 loan's (liutmuiit and desire to
say that In eight ,Veis search for a euro It is
the Hrst positive remedy that I lmvo found.
1 sulle red from a most exasperating irritation
and itching cnusiiik rau great siitl'erlnc and
embarrassment. 1 could not remain till at
times, nltlioiigli 1 nas compelled to sit and
sulfer. Jly wife lead aliutit Doan's Dint-
ineiit and went and purchased a box forme.
1 fuund it Ihii exact tliiug needed in my cue
and 1 am now perfectly freo from the ex
cruciating iiuuoyauco."
Doan's Ointment for sale by all dealers.
Price 50 cants. Mailed by r'ostor-Milburn
Co., llulfclo, N. Y., solo agents for the U. S.
Iteineinber tho name Doau s and take no
tive pay-roll, at the lastsession of the
Legislature, by Senator Coylo, who
had secured power of attorney and
had draw u $U00 for alleged services,
although it is stated that Senator
Uoyle knew ho (Jones) had not been
in Harrisburg a single day during
tho session."
Itchiness of tho skin, horrible plague.
Most everybody atllicted in ono way or
another. Only one safe, never failing euro
Doan's Ointment. At any drug store, 50
a Havana iti:xr.iTr
For NpnnlMi SnltorH Our Nntlon'x Alii
For Ntiii'vliiu Cubans.
Havana, March 21. Little work was
done on the wreck of the Maine yester
day by the divers or contractors. The
city has been quiet after the festivities
of Saturday night, lasting until early
yesterday morning at the Tacon thea
ter, where a dramatic representation
was given In old of the fund for the
Spanish army. There was plenty of
enthusiasm in the crowded theater.
Every patriotic sentiment was cheered
to the echo, but there were no sensa
tlonul features. The proceeds are not
all in yet, but it is believed that they
will amount to between $30,000 and $40,
000 In cold. Even with tho enormous
prices paid for boxes and seats It was
impossible that any such figures as
$80,000 or $100,000 could be realized, as
was Imped by some.
The Hod Cross Society of America,
having decided to devote Itself hence
forth In Cuba to hospital, asylum and
kindred work. Doctor lCgan prefers not
to serve on the general committee. The
distribution relief committee now con
sists of Consul General, Dr. It
Guzman, representing the Cuban com
mand; Mr. J. I.. Vandewater, secretary
of the Western railway of Cuba, repre
senting the American contributions.
General will act as arbitrator In
the event of a difference of opinion be
tween tho two other members.
The food on hand will afford relief to
all the needy In tho Island for a week
or more, and additional supplies are
afloat, rtellef has been sent to 131 cen
tral points, from which 402 towns and
villages have been supplied. Corn
meal Is the principal ration, as being
good food for the renlty hungry, but
not likely to tempt beggars or the un
worthy. Special Commissioner Klopsch has
appointed three men to travel con
stantly through the Island to verify the
count of the needy nnd to see that the
supplies are properly received and
handled and to prevent fraud and gen
erally to assist In tho work of distribu
tion. The latest total reported to Mr.
Klopsch Is 20!,000 necessltlous cases.
Olve the Children a Drink
culled Gniln-O. It is u delicious, appetizing.
nourishing food drink to uiko tho place of
coll'eo. Sold by all grocers and likeil by nil
who Iiavo used It becnuso when properly
prepared it tastes liko the finest cotleo but is
freo from all its injurious properties. Grain
Oaids digejtion and strengthens tho nerves.
It is not ft stimulant hut a health builder,
ami children, as well as adults, can drink it
with great benefit. Costs about as much U3
cotfeo. 15 and 25c.
Mnlno Court of Inquiry Itoport Muy
Upset All CaloillatloiiH.
Washington, March 21. Whether the
report of the naval board of inquiry on
the Maine disaster goes to congress
this week with a special message from
the president calling for congressional
action our relations with Spain and the
proximity of a war, as viewed from the
standpoint of the emergency prepara
tions now going on to place the coun
try In a stuto of defense, probably will
be exhaustively debated In the house
in connection with the naval appropri
ation bill, the consldoiAtlon of which
will begin tomorrow. Tho many emer
gency Items In the bill, the large In
crease In the enlisted force, tho liberal
provision for battleships, torpedo boats
and dry docks, will bring the wnoie
subject of tho necessity for the prep
arations directly before the house. An
effort is likely upon the part of some
of the radicals to force from those In
tho confidence of the administration a
declaration of the policy of the admin
istration regarding Cuba. This they
hope to do by taunting them with some
of the rumors which have been floating
about In the newspapers.
No program has been prepared for
the senate for tho present week, and
tho course of events is liable to be in
llueneed largely by developments from
the outside. The quarantine bill is the
unfinished business on the senate cal
endar, and if opportunity offers Sen
ator Pettlgrew will got up his public
land bill. It Is expected that the Bun
dry civil appropriation bill will bo re
ported Wednesday or Thursday, and
It Is also understood to be Senator
Davis' intention to bring up the Ha
waiian treaty in order to got a vote on
the Bacon amendment.
All these plans are liable to be
changed If the report of the court of
Inquiry Into the Maine disaster should
he received. The receipt of this doc
ument would Inevitably have tho ef
fect of springing a Cuban debate In
both houses which would sidetrack all
other questions.
to nuAitn ni:w .ti:itsi:Ys coast.
Oilleorn or tho Stuto Mtllttn Advised
to Ho Ill IteiiillneMi.
Newark, N. J.. March 21. Tho com
mnmllnK nfllcors of the regiments of
the Now Jersey National Clunnl held
a meeting at division headquarters of
General J. W. Plume yesterday. There
were present Colonel Campbell of New
ark, Colonel lllnes of Paterson, Colo
nel of Kllznbeth, Colonel Smith of
Jersey City. Colonel Cooper of Camden,
ami Colonel Mnmford of Trenton. Ad
jutant Oenerul T. S. Chambers of
Trenton and General P. 1). Wnnsor,
commanding the First brigade, were
also present.
The Koneral condition of the troops
was considered .and all reported satis
factory. It was the sense of the
meeting; Hint, as New Jersey has no
roast defense be,tween Sandy Hook and
Cape May, except a four gun battery
at Sea Cllrt. New Jersey, in case ot war,
would have to take care of her coasts
with her troops the minute hostilities
were bou;un between the United States
and Spain. 'While no olllclal order was
given, every man was quietly informed
to be In readiness In case an emergency
should arise.
(leiiernl Monro to Visit Wnsliliiirton
ISostoh, March 21. Cietieral Mont
gomery Mooro, commander-in-chief of
the llrltlsh troops in North America,
accompanied by Mrs. Moore, Miss
Moore and his nldo-de-cnmp, Captain
Colbtirn, arrived In Iloston yesterday
from Halifax. General Moore said to
a reporter: "I am on my way to 'Wash
hiBttm to pay a visit to the British am
bassador. There is no political signifi
cance In my visit. It may seem strange
that I should visit the ambassador at
this time, when the shadow of war
seems to bo over the United States, but
It 13 only a coincidence."
Proctor's Appeal For Culm.
Rutland, Vt Ajtarch 21. Senator
Proctor, of Vermont, has been asked
by Mayor Clement and several other
citizens of this city to speak at a pub
lie meeting Tuesday or Wednesday
evening on his recent trip to Cuba. In
a private letter to the pastor of the
Congregational church the senator
said: "For Heaven's sake, place Cuba
first among your objects of charity, at
least now."
Charged With fJrnnrt r.nreony.
I,os Angeles, Cal., March 21. Dr.
William DeForrest, formerly of New-
York cltv, but now a resident of this
city, has been arrested on telegraphic
Instructions from the pollco department
of New York. He Is accused of grand
larceny, the specific charges being the
larceny from Alexander McKlfee, of
New York, of S2.G00. Dr. DoForrest
came hero some months ago and moved
In good society. Ho was a widower,
and not long ago married Miss Kather-
Ine Kimball, a well known vocalist.
Mrs. lturnott Seekw DIvoroo.
Washington, March 1. Mrs. Frances
Hodgson liurnett, the well known au
thor of "Little Lord Fauntlerov" and
other books which have gained wide
circulation, has Instituted divorce pro
ceedlngs against her husband. Dr.
Swan M. liurnett. The grounds upon
which the decree Is asked are desertion
and failure to support. The charge, to
a large extent. Is purely a technicality.
For about three years Mrs. Burnett
and her husband have lived apart.
Sevoro Snow Storm In Moutnun
Kallspel, Mont., March 21. The most
severe snow storm of the season Is pre
vailing In this section. At 1 o'clocl
yesterday morning it began snowing,
and at 0 o'clork In the evening 18 Inches
of snow had fallen. At that hour the
wind changed to the north, and the
snow is drifting badly. All trains are
delayed, and some will have to be aban
doned entirely. The storm Is even more
severe In the mountains.
Children and adults tortured by burns
scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases may
secure instant relief by using DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. It is the great l'llo rcmeuy. C
II. Ilagonbiich.
To Srnroli Tor 'Kloror TVuilrco.
Berlin, March 21. Theodore Lerncr,
with an expedition aided from state
and private sources, will start on the
steamer Helgoland next May In search
of Herr Andree, the missing aeronaut,
and to prosecute scientific investiga
tions. There I This is Just the Thine.
Ited Plug Oil for sprains and bruises.
Gruhlcr Ilros., drug store,
jirotnor'H Snot f'roveil Fntnl.
New Haven, Conn., March 21. Frank
Enqulst, of Kast Haven, who was shot
by his brother-in-law, John Erlckson,
during a quarrel on March 8, died at
tho hospital last night. Erlckson has
thus far escaped arrest.
Trnnsvanl'H Tlirent Aiinlitxt Knglaiiil.
Johannsburg, March 21. The Stand
ard and Diggers' News, In a seemingly
Inspired article, says: "War Is almost
inevitable unless England abandons
her claim to suzerainty."
Regarding Eemtdlts for Dyapepsla and
The national disease of Americans is indi.
gestion or in its chronic form, dyspepsia, and
forlhc very reason that it is so common
many people neglect taking proper treatment
for what they consider trifling ttomacli
trouble, when as a matter of fact, indiges
tion lays the foundation for many incurable
diseases. No person with a vigorous, healthy
stomach will fall a victim to consumption.
Many kidney diseases and heart troubles date
tlicir beginning from poor digestion j thin,
nervous people are really so because their
stomachs arc out of gear i weary, languid,
faded out women owe their condition to im
perfect digestion.
When nearly every person you meet is
afflicted with weak digestion it is not sur
prising that nearly every secret patent med
icine on the market claims to he n cure for
dyscpsia, as well as a score of other troubles,
when in fact, ns Dr. Wertliier says, there is
hut one genuine dyspepsia cure which is per
fectly safe and reliable, and moreover, this
remedy is not a patent medicine, hut it is a
scientific combination of pure pepsin (free
from animal matter), vegetable essences, fruit
salts and bismuth. It is sold by druggists
under name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
No extravagant claims are made for them, but
for indigestion or any stomach trouble,
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are far ahead of
any remedy yet discovered. They act on the
food eaten, no dieting is necessary, simply
eat all the wholesome food you want and
these tablets will digest it. A cure results,
because all the stomach needs is a rest, which
Stuart's I)ysepsia Tablets give by doing the
work of digestion.
Druggists sell these tablets at 50 cents per
package. Little book on stomach diseases
and testimonials sent free by addressing Stuart
Cou chemists, Marshall, Mich.
Mrs. W. K. Paxtox, Youngtown,
North Dakota, writes about her strug
gle to regain health after tho birth of
her little girl:
" Dkau Mits. Pinkiiam: It Is with
pleasure that I .add my testimony to
your list, hoping that it may Imhieo
others to avail themselves of your val
uable medicine.
" After the birth of m tttle girl,
threo years ago, my health was very
poor. I had leucorrhnja badly, nnd ft
terrible bearing-down pnln which
gradually grow worse, until I could do
no work. Also had headache nearly
all the time, and dizzy feelings. Slen
struatioiiB were very profuse, appear
ing every two weeks.
" I took medicine from a good doctor,
but it seemed to do no good, I wits
becoming alarmed oTer my condition,
when I read your advertisement in a
paper. 1 sent at once for a bottle of
tiydla K. Pinkham's Vogotablo Com
pound, and after tuklng two-thirds of
the bottle I fult so much better that I
send for two more. Aftor using three
bottles I felt as strong and well as any
' I think it is tho best medicine for
female weakness ever advertked, anil
recommend it to ovory lady I meot suf
fering from this trouble.
Matornity is a wonderful experience
and many women approach it wholly
unprepared. Childbirth under right
conditions need not terrify women.
The advico of Mrs. I'lnkham is freely
offered to all expectant mothers, and
her advico is beyond question tho most
valuable to bo obtained. If Mrs. Pax
ton had written to Mrs. Pinkhum be
fore confinement sho would have been
saved much suffering. Mrs. Pinkham's
vddress is Lynn, Mass.
Thlrty-llvo States Have Already Do
oldoil to Piirtlelpiito.
Omaha, Neb., March 21. Plans for
Btate buildings at the Trans-MlsslssIppl
exposition are coming In rapidly. The
department of publicity has just re
ceived the architects' drawings for tho
Minnesota, Montana, Arkansas, Denver
and Missouri buildings. The plans for
the proposed Iowa building met the
hearty approval of the experts of the
exposition. The Illinois building is
nearly completed, with Js,- exception
of an additional wing, maue necessary
for the accommodation of the fine art
exhibit which Illinois will bring to the
exposition. The Wisconsin building is
well under way, and is ono of the most
complete state buildings on tho
grounds. The Nebraska building is
practically completed. The plans for
the Denver or Colorado buildings have
been accepted and tho contract will bo
let in a day or two.
Plans for the Georgia plno palace
have been submitted. It will be con
structed wholly of pine donated by the
people of Georgia. It Is a handsome
structure. Tho Minnesota building will
be constructed on similar lines, of un
hewn Minnesota logs. Plans for the
Oregon building are now being drawn
and will be submitted this week. Mem
hers of commissions of other states
send assurances that plans for their
state building will bo forthcoming
within a short time. It Is highly prob
nble that the states of Now Jersey and
New York will construct handsome
buildings at the exposition. Thirty
five states have to date decided to par
tlcipate In the exposition. In 30 of
these commissions have been appointed
and reports from agents In the field
are to tho effect that at least five more
states will be organized within the
next ten days. The winter weather
having been favorable, construction
work Is fast advancing, and is progres
sing In the main court, the Bluff tract
and the Midway with great rapidity.
The government building, D00 feet
long, and the pinnacle of whose dome
is nearly 200 feet high, Is nearly done,
The management finds It necessary to
build several annexes to accommodate
the extraordinary demand for exhibit
Mrs. M. E. Hussolle, 07 Park stroet,
Newark, N. J., 6ays: "After having used Dr.
Hull's Cough Syrup in my family with most
cratifylne results I pronounce it the friend of
all mothers."
Stole Ton Wnth, fiot Flt!"oon"Yenrs,
Omaha. Neb., March 1, Judge Sla-
baugh, of tho district court, sentenced
Charles Hendricks to IS years' lm
prisonment at hard labor for highway
robbery. The prisoner held up threo
men. shot two and got ten cents. Ho
was captured by his third vlcttm.
I'rlnoo liooriso to Itulo In Croto.
Constantinople, March 21. In re
sponse to a direct appeal from tho sul
tan the cz?ir has consented to with
draw his demand for the $3,750,000 ar
rears of the Itusso-Turklsh war Indem
nlty, which his majesty at first insisted
should be paid from the Graeco-Tur-
klsh war Indemnity. This fact, It is al
leged, foreshadows Turkey's accept
tance of Prlnco George of Greece, the
candidate of the czar as governor of
the Island of Crete.
An Alleged "Gold Hunt" Swlndlor,
Now York, March 21. Hlrsch Cople
mann, supposed to be one of the men
who robbed Max Bernstein, of Cleve
land, of $15,000 In this city last Novem
her by selling him brass filings for gold
dust, was arrested yesterday and held
to await identification by Bernstein
Solomon Jncobs, the principal In tho
robbery, is now serving an eight year
term in the penitentiary.
Six CouvIotH Killed.
Birmingham, Ala., March 21. An cx
plosion occurred In slope 2 of tho Ten
nessee Coal, Iron and Hallway com
pany at Prntt Cltv. Six colored con
vlcts were killed. Tho men were 1,600
feet from the surface repairing the air
machinery. The explosion was caused
either by firedamp or powder. It Is not
possible at present to reach tho dead.
Professor John C, Zachos, for 30 years
curator of Cooper Union, New York
died yesterday, aged 78.
Alleged heirs of the late Charles H,
Contolt, of New York city, who loft his
$2,000,000 estate to charities, will con
test his will.
The body of little Joseph Edge, who
disappeared a year ago from a convent
school at Nyack, N. Y., has been found
In the woods..
Dr. E. F. Hartung, of Brooklyn, N,
Y pricked his finger while making an
autopsy, and will lose his arm from
blood poslonlng.
The Diamond Match company has
been sued by Lewis niedenger, at Mar
quette. Mich., who claims $30,000 for
breach of contract.
Peter Snyder accidentally cut himself
In the stomach with a shoemaker's
knife, at Mauch Chunk, Po neaily
tllsembowllng himself, and Inflicting a
fatal wound.
Tho Ill-It Ml Fleet III China.
Tacoma, Wash., March 21. Olhccrs
of the Northern Pacific steamship Vic
toria, Just arrived from China and
Japan, report that the British govern
ment Is massing a very powerful fleet
of warships In Chinese waters, and that
the British arc buying alt the coal
coming to those waters for their men-of-war,
and so anxlouB are they to get
that they send vessels to sea and
there hall the coalers and b.argntn for
their enrgoes, paying gilt edge prices
if necessary. There are now 20 or 40
British warships on the China station,
and the fleet has been considerably
augmented during the last few weeks.
Among the latest nrrlvals was the big
marine fighter Powerful, one of the
most destructive vessels nfloat.
iVriiblo Hud of n Feud,
Birmingham, Ala., March 21. Two
farmets residing near Dolomite found
a blaze in a bursh heap In a narrow
ravine. On close Investigation tho
charred body of a man was found In
the ashes. From articles strewn about
the place the body was recognized as
that of Matthew Hall, a well known
farmer. Hall had been the principal
actor In n feud of long standing rela
tive to a property line. Andrew and
GUBtavus Lee, "Dave" O'Neal and
"Hnndy" Singleton are In the county
Jail on the charge of murder. There Is
evidence to show that the Lees, who
are white men, employed the other two,
who nre negroes, to murder Hall and
burn his body.
A Mnri'i'i-miH Virginia M nil Inn.
Richmond, Vn March 21. In Appo
mattox county Emmett Marshall, son
of the late Douglass Marshall, shot and
Instantly killed his brother's wife, Mrs.
W. B. Mnrshall. He then ilred at his
brother Douglass, wounding blm In tho
arm, and attempted to shoot his other
brother, the husband of tho woman he
had shot. Emmett used a double bar
reled gun. He Is demented. ! was
taken to Jnll at Appomattox C. H., and
tried to commit suicide by running his
hend ugalnst a projection In a steel
Commorclnl Agency Hoports Still Con-
tlnuo Kncoiii'itgliiir.
New York, March 19. TX. O. Dun &
Co.'s weekly review of trade Bays:
Neither peace nor war reports have
changed the onward current of busi
ness. Orders for more than $25,500,-
000 gold from Europe have blocked the
way toward stringency for rates In
money, and treasury receipts of about
$1,100,000 per day have kept In check
any question about the currency, while
exports of products have continued at
a rate considerably Increased, and tho
demand for products of the great In
dustries show steady expansion. Prompt
action by the senate and house has re
moved all fear of embarrassment
through conflicting purposes at Wash
ington. Tho government is making
ready without any waste of time, while
frankly assuring .everybody that It
looks for a peaceful settlement, and
hopes that Its prepe.rations may prove
The backbone of the situation is tho
excess of merchandise exports, again
more than $41,000,000 In February, with
an Increase of $2,000,000 In miscellaneous
products, $2,100,000 in provisions, $4,-
500,000 In cotton and $7,000,000 in bread
stuffs compared with last year, and
$15,100,000 in nil products.
Bradstreets' review says: Tho ag
gregate volume of the country's busi
ness continues sufficiently large to al
low of favorable comparisons with past
periods alike In this and In proceeding
years. Aside from a quieting In de
mand at a few leading eastern markets.
where uncertainty as to the outcome of
foreign complications Is advanced as a
reason for unwillingness to embark In
new business, the situation Is one pos
sesslng nearly all of tho favorable
features noted for some time past. The
best reports as to distribution in lead
lng lines come from the central west
and the northwest.
From Extreme Nervousness.
TTIIAT no ono remedy can contain tho
D elements necessary to euro all diseas
es, is a fact well known to everyone.
Dr. Miles' System of Itcatoratlve Kcmodles
consists nf soven distinctively dlfforont
preparations, each for Its own purpose.
Mrs. L. 0. llrnmley, 37 Henry St., Bt. Cath
erines, Ontario, .writes: "For years 1 suf
fered from oxtromo nervousness and annoy
ing const Ipatlou, doveloptng Into palpitation
and weakness of tho heart. I was unablo to
sleep, suffered much from hcadacho, pain in
my loft sldo, palpitation nnd a constant
feeling of wcaknets and prostration. I began
using Dr. Miles' Nervine, lloart Curo and
N'crvo and Liver Pills nnd tho Antl-Paln
'ills to relievo suddou paroxysms of pain
and headache. I soon felt much improved
md tho pains and aches and weariness left
mo. I then look Dr. Miles' Restorative
Tonic and am now restored to jay formor
tood health."
Dr. Miles' Itomedles
ire sold by all -drug-Ists
under a posltlro
,'uarantee, first bottle
'leiictlts or monoy re
funded. Hook on dis
eases of tho heart and
lerveafreo. Address,
Dlt. MILLS MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. lad,
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardin St.
nillions of Dollars
Go up in smoke ovory year. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured In first-class re-
uauio companies as reprcsontod by
TAVIT T3ATTCT Insurance Acent
'ISO South Jardin Bt.
Also Life andAocldental Oompanlea
A woman's hand
If it is smooth and white it
save her hands
.cni,n niiCT washing'
to do her cleaning. If her hand is
it snows sue is still using the
wiry uoirt you use uoiu
Dust Washing Powder?
Largest package greatest economy.
0 - SJ I Int. n. H. rAIKUANK CUNIrAnT.
' s Chicago. 8L Louis.
' VjH Boston.
Anil flimcm, 1I10 Ibinil nf Amnion, Cnll-
Via tho truo pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
Itoute," which traverses a region of perpetual
sunslilno, where snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes nio unknown. I'ullmiiii first
and Becoiid class palaco nnd tourist sleeping
rare to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change, Quick timo, low
rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway
Improvements guniantccd to all who pur
chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific mllway
system. For rates right from your home,
literature, and full Information, drop a postal
card, J. P. McCunn, T. 1. Agent. 510 Rail
road avenue, Elniira, N. Y., or 301 Jiroad
way, Now York,
3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, G. E P. Agt.
People who fail to look after their health
arc like the carienter who neglects to sharpen
his tools. People are not apt to get anxious
about their health soon enough. If you arc
"not quite well" or "half sick" have you
ever thought that your kidneys may be the
cause of your sickness ?
It is easy to tell by setting aside your urine
for twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settling
indicates an unhealthy condition of the
kidneys. When urine stains linen it is
evidence of kidney trcublc. Too frequent
desire to urinate, scanty supply, pain or dull
ache in the back is also convincing proof
that the kidneys and bladder are out of order.
There is satisfaction in knowing that the
great remedy Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Uoot, ful
fills every wish in relieving weak or diseased
kidneys and all forms of bladder and urinary
troubles. Not only does Swamp-Hoot give
new life and activity to the kidneys the cause
of trouble, but by treating the kidneys it acts
as a tonic for the entire constitution. If you
need a medicine take Swamp-Koot it cures.
Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one
dollar, or by sending your address and the
name of this paper witli three two cent
stams to cover cost of postage on the bottle
to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Iiinghamton, N. Y.,
you may have a sample bottle of this great
discovery sent to you free by mail.
Tho next three-day personally-conducted
tour to Washington via Pennsylvania I!iil
road will Ieavo Now York ami Philadelphia
ou Thursday, March 31, Opportunity will
bo afforded to visit, under the Intelligent
direction of an experienced Tourist Agent,
all tho principal points of interest, the Capi
tol, Executive Mansion, Congressional Li
brary, the Monument, National Museum, &c.
Au experienced chaperon will also accom
pany tho party us a companion for the un
escorted lady tourists.
Tho rate, $11.00 from Now York, f 11.50
from Philadelphia, and pioportionate rates
from other points, includes all necessary ex
penses during thucntiro trip transportation,
hotel accommodations and guides.
Persons desiring to return via Gettysburg
may do so by purchasing tickets at $2 00
oxtra, which include this privilege An
opportunity will also bo a flu riled to visit Mt,
Vernon and Arlington at a slight additional
For itineraries, tickets, and full informa
tion apply to ticket agent?; Tourist Agent,
110(1 llroadway, Now York; or address Geo.
W. lioyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Ilroad Street Station, Philadelphia.
The Surprise of All.
Mr. James Jones, of tho drug firm of Jones
& Son, Cowden, 111,, in speaking of Dr.
King's Now Discovery, says that last wintor
his wife was attacked with La Grippe, nnd
her case grow so serious that pliyhicians at
Cowdon ami Pana could do nothing for lior.
It seemed to develop Into Hasty Consump
tion. Having Dr. King's Now Discovery In
store, and selling lots of it, ho took n bottle
home, and to tho surprise of all she began to
set hotter from first dose, and half dozen
dollar bottles cured her sound and woll. Dr.
King's Now Discovery fur Consumption.
Coughs ami Colds is guaranteed to du this
good work. Try it. Freo trial bottles at A.
Wasley's drug store.
Coining Kveutg.
March 22. Bean soup social by Miss Lizzie
Jones' Class of Willing Workers of tho P. M.
church in the lecture room.
April 19. Entertainment under auspices of
tho Welsh Congregational church, in tho
chinch buildiug, South West street. Tickets
10 cents, including refreshments.
Every family should have its household
mcdiciuo chest, and tho fiist bottle hi it
should bo Dr. Wooil's Norway Piuo Syrup,
nature's remedy for coughs and colds.
Cnttlo Itocolpts in Philadelphia and
tllll Cloning QlliltlltloilN.
Philadelphia, March 21. Tho receipts of
cattlo In this city Inst week wero B fol
lows: Ucevcs, 2,217; sheep, C.321 ; hogs,
8,557. Receipts for the provlous week
wero: liceves, 2,375; sheep, 4,015; hogs,
Heef cattlo were In fnlr demand, nnd
nlthough the quality was poorer, prices
wero stronger; 226 head wero exported on
the steamer Missouri for London. Quo
tations; Extra, D-Hil5ic; good, 6V6Q5!ic;
medium, 4?4Q5c.; common, 4U4J414C
Sheep were steady nt unchnnged prices.
We quote: Extra, &5V4c; good, 4'4f4?4c,j
medium, 4f4Jic; common, Siif3c,
lambs, wool, 6V436Hc.J lambs, clipped,
Hogs wero fairly nctlvo at DMSJCc. for
best western, 6V8JG?ic. for othor western
and 5Ml&c for stuto.
Fat cows were Inactive at iMUZSic,
Thin cows sold from $8 to $15.
Veal calves wero active at 5f7Vic.
Milch cows wero unchanged ut 1204745.
Dressed beeves wero active at BfaSVio.
Headache Quickly Cured,
Dr. Davis' Anti-Headache never falls, 25c,
' fm
telh the tale I
shows she usc9 her head to.
that she uses
rough, wrinkled and shrunken,
old soap aim soua coinumauon.
Now York.
Grmlunto nnd Lnte Itestilciit lloune Htiraecp
the Unlvcralty Btnto of N. Y.
Ilcmliitinrtcrsi-Coimncrcinl Hotel. Shenandoah
Calls n!fht or dny promptly retponded.
Olllee Egan building, con cr of Vain n
Ccntro Btreeta, Shennndonb.
BhennndoAh, Pa.
Corner Market nnd Centre ptrcetfl.
Lock Rox 69, Mnhanoy City, Pa.
Having studied under somo of tha bent
oiAsterHh London and Paris, will give lewrfs
on the violin, mandolin, auliar and voonl ctrUura.
Terms reasonable. Address in eara af Btroiite,
tho iiwler Shenandoah.
Relieve and Cure
c .. .
s Head irouDies
5 Stomach Disorders
s System Irregularities
1 27 formulas
or natcd
E "For every ill, a special pill." 2
If not nt Drug Stores, write 5
jt: Bronx Chemical Co.,Yonkers,N.Y.
tZZ Health Hook Mailed Free. ZJS
K rfonuiue welcome waitsy ouat
Cor Haiti and Coal Stu.
Finest whiskeys, beers, porter and ale
constantly on tap. Choice emperance drtnba
and clgArs.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Hnyii..H Hum Hard Coal No Smoke
IN KKKKOT MAItCH l'Jtll. 1098.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
Yor New York via- Philadelphia, neek day.
2 10, 5 80, 7 30 9 54 a.m., 12 83, 3 10 and 6 07 p.
m Bundnys, 2 10 a. m.
lror New York via Mauch Chunk, week day,,
5 80, 7 39 a. m., 12 83 and 8 10 p. m.
For Heading and l'hlladelphla, waek daya,
2 10, 5 80, 7 30. 0 54, 11! 83, 8 10 and 07 p. at,
Bundnys, 2 10 a. in.
For l'nttsville, week days, 2 10, 7 30, 0 54 a. m.r
12 33, 3 10, 6 07 and 7 V p. m. Bundaya, 2 10 n. m.
For Tamaqun and Mahanoy City, week daya
2 10.5 88, 7.10, 9 54 a. m 12 83, 8 10 and 8 07 r m.
Additional to Mnhanoy City only, 11 40 p. m.
Bundaya. 2 10 a. m
For Willlamsrxirt, Sunbury and Lewlshurr.
week days. 4 03, 5 38, 1180 a.m., 1233, 7 25
p. in Bundaya, 8 25 a. m.
For Mahano) Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 4 01, 5 8.
7 30. 9 51, 11 SO a. m., 12 83, 8 10, 8 07, 7 25, 9 5.1 and
1140 p.m. Bundaya, 2 10, 4 05 a. m.
For Ashland aim Sliamoklii, week days. 4 05.
5 88,7 3(1, 11 30 u. m 12 33, 810,8 07, 725 and
9 55 p. m. Sundays, 4 03 a. m.
For llaltlmore, Washington and the Wut via.
II. & O. It. It., through iralaa Ira" ReaHInc
Terminal, Philadelphia, (1. & It. U X.) at 8 20.
7 55,1120 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. u Sundays,
3 20,7 00, 1128 a. in., 8 48 and 7 27 p.m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Clirat
tiut Htreets station, week days, 1080 a, in. 12 20,
12 16 8 40 pm. Bundaya, 185, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York vU Philadelphia, week
days, 1215, 4 80, 8 00, 1180 a. m., and 180,4 80,
9 00 p.m. Bundaya, 0 00 p. in.
Leave New York vln Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m.. 1 80 and 4 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 12 01,3 80.8 85. 10 10 ft. ru. and 1 42,4 05, 8 80
p.m. Bnndnya. 12 0la. m.
Leave ItcadlnK.week days, 2 03, 0 10,10 08, a. m.
12 00 m., 4 19, 0 00 and 8 20 p. m. Bundaya, 2 05
a.m. Leave l'otlavllle, weekdays. 8 03, 710 a. in.,
12 80 and 8 10 p. in. Bundaya, 8 07 a. m.
Leave Taraaqua, week days, 8 55, 7 40, 11 28 a.
in., 1 86, 5 58, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m. Bundaya, 8 55
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 12 20,4 91.
8 15, 11 47 a. m., 2 17, 5 i8, 8 21, 7 44 and 10 08 p. in.
Sundays 12 25, 4 21 a. in.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 85, 2 40.
4t5 6 ISO, KM. 10 25. 11 59 ft. III., 2 82. 5 82, 641,
7 67, 10 22 p in. Bundaya, 12 40, 2 40, 4 35 a. m.
Leave VYIIUamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a
m 4 00 and 11 30 u. m. Sundays, 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street waif and
South atrretwbaif for Atlantlo City.
Weekdays ICipress, 9 00 a. in.. 2 00, (3 00
Saturdays only), 1 00. 5 00 p, in. Accommoda
tion, 8 00 n. In., 515, 8 80 p. m. Sundays
It x press, 900, 10 00 a. m. Accommodation, 8 00
a. ii, 4 45 p. m.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, corner
Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Uzpress, 785, 9 00 a m., 8 80, 5 80
p.m. Accommodation, 4 21, 8 15 a. re, 405 p. m,
Bundavs Express, 4 00. 5 308 00 p. m. Ac
commodation, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. tn.
Parlor Cai-m no all ai ureas tralu.
For further Information, apply to nearest
1't.itadclplila and Heading Hallway ticket agent
or address
I. A. HWKIOARU, Kiisoif J. Wkiks.
(Jen'l Bunt, Uen'l I'asa'r Agt.,
Heading Terminal, Philadelphia.
Celebrated Female
Powders nevor fall.
i aavfe uid lura t after flUlM
m a HI nil nther Ilk
SdlSi il. aribay Ufa bt and oW fJUaD;
llak liar, Boston,
it la mi unTin, A .w - i. -