DO YOU WANT 7 rtitch the fuilic through a pro gnttfve, dignified, influential journal use the HERALD columns. THE HERALD Creates lusiness becauseof ih known large circulation and renders rich results tti its advertisers. VOL. XIII.-NO 73. SHENANDOAH. PA.. MONDAY. MARCH 21. 1898. ONE CENT ttOltttll tMi, WCCftiPo & vA WSr rV & Better Than Klondike. Invest your money where you are sure to receive full value for the same. Parlor Suits, 5 pieces, - .$18.00 Wood seated chairs, - .45 Cane seated chairs, - .75 J. P. Williams & Son, aJL WATCH SPRING I I DDIP O'HARA'S LIVERY. BOARDING AND SALES STABLES. Undertaking in - - - - all its Branches. Open Day and Night. Cor. White and Lloyd Sts., shenandoah, pa. BOCK BEER BOCK On Tap at all Customers COLUMBIA BUIllllllllllllllllllllilll llllllllllllilllllllllllllli On Tap at all Customers BOCK BEER BOCK BICYCLES for 1898. $50.00 WILL BUY A VICTOR. $40.00 WILL BUY A GENDRON. $35.00 WILL BUY A DEMOREST. $25.00 WILL BUY A WARRANTED WHEEL. All standard make wheels, that you will run no risk in buying, Bring your old wheel in and we will over-haul and repair it now. - Have it ready for you to ride the first fine day. SWALM'S HARDWARE STORE. OUR FISH STOCK Salt Mackerel, Saused Mackerel, Evaporated Codfish, Shredded Codfish, Brick Codfish, Whole Codfish Yarmouth Smoked Bloaters Sugar Cured. Boneless Herring. Salmon, 2 and 3 cans for 25 cents Salmon Steak, fiat cans. Canned Lobsters". Sardines in Oil. Sardines in Mustard. COFFEES Our Loose Coffee at 10 Our 25 cent Coffee extra quality reduced from 30 cents Uur rine Old Government Java Coffee, reduced to 35c. No Reduction in Quality. For Good Bread Use DAISY Flour. For Good Pies and Cakes Use Our PASTRY Flour. Our Rye Flour is Pure Rye. Fancy Dairy Butter This Week, strictly Fresh Made, Equal to Creamery and Lower in Price. Oranges. California and Jamaica Oranges Large Juicy and Sweet. Just Received A Car of Heavy Clipped Oats. At KEZITEER'S. Solid Oak Fancy Base Extension Tab'e, - 3.75 Iron Bedsteads, - . $ 3.50 Solid Oak Chanila Suits. eight pieces, - - 14.00 Full si.e well made couches, spring seat, full fringed, $ 3.75 Side boards, - - 5-5 FOR- ANNOUNCEMENT E - T'C North Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. mm H0USE STABLES, MAHANOY CITY. - Try Them. cents pood and cheap. THIS WXATIIKIl. The forecast for Tuesday : Pair to partly cloudy weather, with rlslnc temperature and fresh southwesterly to southerly winds. JOYCE IN LUCK. Sentence SiiHprmled Indefinitely liy tlm Diiuplitn County Court Thomas J. Joyeo, editor of tlio lllack Diamond went to Harrisburg to-day, this being the (Into fixed for tho passing of son touce in tho caso In which Mr, Joyce pleaded uullty to a chargo of perjury, tlio prosecutor in tho caso being cx-Sonator J. J. Coylo. It was understood that an effort would ho mado to withdraw tho plea of entity and en ter a plea of not sullty, so that Mr. Joyco could stand trial, but a telegram recotved from Harrisburg at two o'clock this after noon stated that Judga Mcl'herson postponed sentonco Indefinitely. Tho prosecution was chagrined at this result, which gavo great satisfaction to Joyco and hisattornoy. EXTORTION CHARGED. Arublan Peddlers Complain Against De tectives Amour mid llolih. Constable Thomas Tosh has had placed In his hands by Justieo Toomoy four warrants issued 011 oatli of two Arabian peddlurs of town named Nejwb Nahas and Heehara Nahas, who chargo Detective Illehard Amour, of town, and Detective Levi liobb, of Malta noy Piano, with extorting money from the comulainants to exempt them from arrest for peddling. Tho peddlers claim they hold ro ceipts showing payment of the money tc the detectives, as well as tho respective cards of tliootHoers with tho inscription, "Dick (or liobb) pass tills man along." M. M. Burke, Esq., has been retained to prosecute tho cases. A Popular Attraction. That attractive and most pleasing play, "Darkest Itussia," will bo seen at Kaler's grand opera house, Mahanoy City, Wednes day, March 23d. This most popular attrac tion is ropleto with all tho elements of suc cess. It tolls an intorcstlngstory, is mounted and costumed beautifully and is full of bright and mirth provoking comedy. The play treats on Russian every day life and shows scenes ranging from tho luxurious palaco at St. Petersburg to tho Slborian mines. Lever ing such an extended field and dealing with such a variety of character tho scope affords great opportunity for elaborato mounting. Of this tho management lias taken advantago and "Darkest Itussia" Is produced on a scalo seldom seen in romantic plays, hvery sot is carried and tons of scenory and mechanical features aro utilized in staging tho produc tion. A largo and thoroughly artistic com pauy tell tho story and it can truly be said that In ovory particular Darkest Itussia" is play well worthy of tho success which it has achieved. Chart open's to-night at 7 clock at Snyders drug store. Obituary. F. C. Buchholz, of Pottsville, visited Hazleton on Saturday nnd died suddenly ata mtcl in tho Utter city. His companion, Fred, llunchley, also of Pottsville, awoke during tho night and found Iiucbbolz cold In enth. Ills weakness for intoxicants is said to he tho cause of his sudden death. Tho deceased was 32 years old, and was ono of tbo leading blacksmiths of the county. Mary, tho beloved wife of Ilonry Kurort died yesterday at tho homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warn ick. No. 231 West Oak street. Tho deceased was 21 years old and leaves a husband and two children, the youngest 15 days old. Tho funeral will take placo on Wednetday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, and interment will be made at Itingtowu. Tlio deceased enjoyed a largo clrclo of friends who mourn her loss. Spring TfiMugH. Our spring lino of tho latest and most fashionable suits for men, boys and children is now ready for your Inspection. Wo would especially call your attention to our immense assortment of confirmation suits for tho little fellows. Call and examine samo and you will agroo with us that it is the most com pleto lino over shown in Shenandoah. We have just received this morning 50 of tho newest and latest fads in shirts, and will mako a special run of them while they last at 39c. In hats we carry the latest and most popular shapes. I.verytlilng will bo sold under the positive guarantee that our prices can t bo beat. To anyone proving the con trary wo will gladly refund money. Awaiting your kind patronago we aro respectfully yours, John Elliott, Ono Price Clothier, 10 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa Ituimwaj' Stopped A team of horses hitched to one of tho largo Columbia Jlrewlng Company's wagons ran away on North Main street this morning and had attaincil considerable speed when stopped by Arthur Illaker, who Is employed as clerk by John Coslett. lilakor cllmbod Into the wagon at tho rear end and then ran forward and caught the reins. (oiner Jones to Iteslgu. It is rumored that tho resignation of Oomer Jones, superintendent of tbo L. & W 1). mines at McAdoo aud Audenricd, has been asked tor to take effect April 1st. Umbrellas re-covered while you wait. At Uruium's. Ntlirlng the Goal. Word from tho Uraeber party, from Ash land, anuouuees the fact that they aro now within six hundred miles of D.twsou City an that tho weather, considering the season of the year, is much milder than expected, Hock lleer. Now on tap with the trade tho celebrated Feigonspan liock Door, the finest In tho mar ket. A trial will couvinco you. Orders promptly attended to. Solomon Haak, Agt., 3-10-3t HQS. Main St y IinmeiiBo Sale of Shares. The new scries of stock issued at the last meeting of tho Miners, Mechanics and Laborers' Building aud Loan Association resulted In a sale of 500 shares. For those who dcsiied and failed to secure any shares tho officers havo decided to leave tho books opon for a limited time. llemovul Sail. Tho City Cash grocery, nt 23!) West Centro, will remove to 213 West Centro street, about tho first day of April. In order to reduco our stock wo havo concluded to oner it sacrlllco prices. You should take advantago of them. 3 18-lv nillinan'a Condition. A mcssago from the Miners' hospital this afternoon stated that tho condition of Pe Dillman, of town, who suffers with a hiokcu back, was fair, but his chances for recovery aro not very good, Headache Quickly Cured, Dr. Davis' Anll-ltcadacho uover falls, 25c GOflGMtfE. President McKlnley Falls to Attend . Church Services. MAINE INVESTIGATORS' REPORT I May Reach the President at Any Hour Now, and Will Soon be Given to the Public After He Has Qlven it Due Consideration. WashiiiBton, March 21. President McKlnley did not attend church yes terdny, nB Is his custom, hut Instead spent two hours and moro In confer ence with several members of the cab inet. Assistant Secretary Day called about 10:30 o'clock and remained until nearly 1. Secretary Lone; nnd Secretary Miss were tho other members present. They remained less than an hour. Commander Clover, In company with Mr. Charles II. Flint, who has been actine; for the government In the nego tiations for the purchase of ships, also called, and were shown Into the presi dent's pilvate olllce. The presence of Mr. Flint at the con ference naturally gives the Inference that the president and his advisers were discussing the Question of ac quiring addltlonnl ships. Mr. Flint, hose commercial lterests are largely with South American countries, Is be lieved, In a measure at least, to repre sent Chile and the Argentine Republic In any negotiations which are under way for the disposition of their war vessels. A reporter asked Mr. Flint If he would say whether or not the Uni ted States had secured possession of tho Chilean shin O'HIgglns and the Argentine shlD San Martlno. Ho re plied: Both Chile and the Argentine Re public have the warmest friendship and admiration for the United States and her Institutions. Neither country Is anxious to sell their ships to this government, basing this Indisposition on the belief that we have an excellent navy of our own. Thpy want these vessels themselves. If the time should come, however, when It was apparent that the United States needed these vessels they would gladly part with them to us." The attention of Mr. Flint was called to the published report that the United States would purchase the Brazilian torpedo cunboat Tuby, but this, he said would not be done, so far as he was aware, as there were no negotla tlons under way to that effect. The members of the cabinet on leav ing the White House said that there was no special significance In the meet ing. The report of the Maine court of Inquiry, they said, had not been re celved, nor was It definitely known when It would reach here. It was ex pected, however, early this week, and as soon as received It would be handed nt once to the president, and when It had been read and considered by the president It would be made public, Secretary Long, In speaking of the re port, said that while fully realizing Its Importance tho country, In his opln Ion, would willingly accord to the presi dent a day or two, if necessary, for Its consideration. The Indications Beem to be that the report will be made pub He by the middle of the present week. Aside from the meeting of several members of the cabinet at the White House there were no Incidents of im portance during the day. Judge Day, Assistant Secretary Adee, Chief Clerk Michael and other ofilclals were at the department, but this has been quite common during the recent month. Also at the war and navy departments a number of tho chiefs of bureaus were at their desks for several hours, main ly for the purpose of disposing of the business which recently has accumu lated bo rapidly. The most Interesting topic of the day was based on the dispatches from Ha vana, Indicating a propectlve confer ence between General Pando and Gen erals Garcia, Gomez and others of the Insurgent army for the purpose of sub mitting to the latter a formal offer of autonomy. The basis of autonomy as outlined in the dispatches apparently found no credence with the ofilclals of the Spanish legation. They stated their disbelief that a conference on the pro posed lines was probable, and added that they had no Information on the subject. Minister Polo y Bernabe ex. pressed the opinion that the report from Havana was unfounded,- as he said the basis upon which It was pro posed to grant autonomy was absurd, AN INTKItXALi ISXI'I.OSION. So Siiys Cnptuln WUoy, or tho Morrltt WrooltliiK Compnny. Newport News, Vn., March 21. The Merrltt Wrecking tug Underwriter ar rived In this port Saturday at midnight from Havana, where she went with the derrick Chief, which Is assisting In the work on the Maine. Captain Wiley will again start to Havana, probably tonight, with the barge Lone Star, which Is very much needed by the wreckers. Captain Wiley believes that the Maine was destroyed through the agency of an Internal explosion. In an Interview Captain Wiley salds "You ask me what I know about the cause of the disaster. I reply that know nothing, and when you get down to actual facta I do not believe there is anybody who knows Just how the unfortunate nffalr happened. "Without having had opportunity to examine the wreck below water, would say that the Maine was blown up by an Internal explosion. There 1 one deck above water, which Is com plctely turned over by the explosion, Tho deck Is bottom side up, with the deck frame on ton. That looks to me as If the destructive force came from within. If a mine did the work and played so much havoc with the upper deck, where must the bottom be7 Can she havo any? Yot they say they have found some of the bottom Intact. My opinion Is that If tho affair had oc curred in an English harbor there would not bo ono man In a hundred who would say oxternal causo after looking nt the wreck as It Is today. I heard that the Spanish divers found a piece of the forward turret. I do not believe a mine In tho harbor would have broken the turret, whllo an In ternal explosion would." FAIR TO ALL. A System That Curries Willi It (Icutilm Kiunllty. Tho Spring season has arrived and we arc ready for It with tho largest, finest and licst stock of clothing for men, youths and chil- i en ever brought to Shenandoah. I.ach rtlclo Is sold with a guarauloo as to quality ud mako, and overy pieco Is mado by us. Hnvo you hoard of our Ono Price System ? We'll toll you. Sinco tho 3rd of March we havo been doing business ou a strictly One Prico basis. No moro cutting prices nt our placo. You find every garment marked dis tinctly at what It Is actually worth to tho consumer. If you llko what you examine you tako itnt tho prico marked nothing lorn nd nothing moro. SInco tlio Ouo Pi lee sys tem has been in operation our business is greater than over it was before People xpross surpriso nt tho prices marked on our goods. Wo have always sold .cheap, but ndortho Ono Prico system our prices are still lower. Wo mark every pieco at bottom rock and that mark becomes our Ono Price. Wo can sell chonpor than others because wo manufacture all our own clothing and have o rent to pay. Spare a few minutes to look tour show windows ono filled with men's clothing nnd tho other with children's cloth ing. After looking you will agree with us that there never before was a better or larger ilisplay of clothing in children's suits and ovcltics in Shenandoah. Anyone' who wants to see tho latest stylos in clothing should not miss looking at our windows. A Fino Merchant Tailoring Department has been opened in our store aud we have vor $10,000 worth of pieco goods from which you can select and havo n suit mado by our own tailors in our own building. Wo guar- nteo porfect fit and elegant finish nt any prico you want. o fit, no purchase. Mammoth Housi:, L. (Joldin, Prop., B aud 11 South Main street, Shenandoah, Pa. P. S. If anybody finds fivo days after mak ing a purchase of us that wo aro not cheaper with our Ono Prico system than any other store in tho county, wo redeem tho goods and refund tho money. lllckcrt's Cul. Pea soup, freo, to-night. Special hot lunch to-morrow morning. JtlHtlccs Cartes, Tho Justices of town had a number of casss boforo them Saturday night and yester day. The following wore disposed of by Justlco Shoemakor : Stincy llazulis, charged with stealing a watch from Mikzis Kaiatonis. Waived a hearing and entered $500 hail, Josoph Kaiatonis, assault and battery ou oath of his brothor, Mikzis; $300 bail, (ieorgo Iicrgal.assaultand battery ouoath of William Kuczynski; S300 bail. William Matalaitis Anthony Petrowski, assault aud battery. De fendant committed in default of bail. Michael Mack, assault and battery on oath of i;mil Smith, 300 bail. Tho following cases wero disposed of before Justlco 'loomey onSaturday night : Anthonv Urbanawicz was held in $500 bail fur assault- ng his father-in-law, John lieuneck. with a knife. John liidla furnished 300 hail for committing an assault on Martin Kulwich. Kitona Mlchus was put under $300 bail on a charge of larceny of a watch aud chain valuea at ?1S. Ills brother, Joseph, is the prosecutor. Iti'iuoval S.ile. Wo havo a largo stock ot dry goods and notions on hand, and in making preparations for moving wo will for tho next ten days oner our cntiro stock of plain and figured silks', satins, cashmeres, serges aud fancy novelty uress gooilsat cost. Our stock of domestic goods, muslins. towellngs, tickings, flannels and cotton flannels at similar prices. Notions consisting of gloves, hoslerv. naniiKercnieis, collars, culls, underwear, corsets and all other notions will ho sold at cost. 3-15-tf R. F. Gill, skyour grocer for tho "Itoyal Patent dour, and tako no other brand. It is tho host Hour mado. Trestle lteliiilli. the work of rcbuildiuir tho brideo and trestle of tho Pennsylvania Pailroad Com, pany at Boston Kim was finished ou Saturday nigui anu tncy wsro satisfactorily tested yesterday. Tho running of trains to Potts ville over tho short lino routo under the schedule that was in forco beforo tho accident ol luesuay, last, was rosumcd this morning, Pan-Tina 1 What is It? ilio greatest cure for couchs aud colds. At Uruhler Uros., drug storo. Lehigh Valley Wages. Tho Lehigh Valley passenger conductors now receive $3.25 per day on tho coal branches as well as on tho main lino, instead ' f-,as loruicny. mggaiemastei's have ueen Increased to f3.30 and brakemen J1.U0 por day. to At Ki hIiIiiU1V Arcailn Cuffl. Sour krout, pork aud mashed potatoes will no scrveu freo, to-uigbt. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. llloomtburE's Normal Srliool. An oxcellent program has been prepared mr mo term concert, to bo hold in tho Nor mal auditorium of tho Bloonisburg Normal school, to-morrow evening, under tlio imme. Hate direction of Principal Welsh. Kemlrick Holme Vree I.iiucli, Vegetable soup will bo served, fice, to all patrons to-nignt. 1'lvi-I'olllMl Triplets. Mrs, Stophcn II. Swank, of Shamokln, on oaiuiciay, gave birth to two girls aud a boy each weighing five pounds. The parents aro overrun witn congratulations. AlelilallM enfo. I.ivcrand onions, free, to-night. Hot luuch to-morrow nioruing. lluhop Talbot at l'olUllle, Bishop Talbot of tho Protestant Dnisconal church, paid his first olUcial visit to the Potts ville congregation yesterday, and at the morning service confirmed a class of nearly lxty candidates. POWDER Absolutely Puro COLD BkOOD Young1 Charles Saduskey Deliberately Murders a Companion. HE ESCAPED AND IS AT LARGE ! Witnesses Say the Shooting Was Pone With Expressed Premedlatlon and the Victim KeclevedNo Warning The Mur der Followed an Earlier Quarrel-Sadttakey's Record Bad, The town waa almost turned upside down iturday night by ono of the most cold- looded murders ever perpetrated in the mrough. Tho case was one of deliberately lacing a revolver against the head of a man nd sending him into eternity with the same ndiH'erence as tlio butcher dispatches cattle. The victim was Charles Jlinghclser, a young man who lived with his widowed mother on South Bowers street. Kingheiser had the reputation of being industrious aud respectable. Ho w as 80 years of age. The murderer was Charles, alias "t'al," Saduskey, a youth who was 80 years old last January, and having a black record. His larents are respectable aud Industrious people. His father resorted to extremes to reform him, without avail. The father is William Saduskey, a lespectable man who earns a livelihood in tho mines, but is better known as a special otlieer. Ho has been on tho force for fourteen years and a resident of tho town fur the past twenty-six yean. Mr. Saduskey feols tho force of the terrible deed Ms wayward son has committed as any faith- ul and law-abiding parent can. THE MUItDER. Tho factB gleaned show that the murder was as deliberate as can be imagined. Sa duskey walked up to his victim and deliber ately shot him in the head. The victim dropped uucouscious and died about twenty minutes later at his home. Dr. W. N. Stein was the physician summoned. He found that the bullet entered the leftside of the head on about a level with the top of the ear. It passed through tho head and lodged be tween the skull and tho scalp, at about an nch above tho right ear, showing that the courbe of the bullet was almost horizontal. Dr. Stein extracted the bullet from beneath tho scalp. nXCITIKG SCEXKS. Tho scenes following tho shooting wore of most exciting character. People flocked from all par of the town to tho vicinity. Messengers wore sent in all directions for the oliec, to have them trace tho murderer, who lied when his victim fell. The shooting took place in tbo swamp at the foot of Bowors street. Immediately after tho shot Kingheiser, tho victim, sunk to tho ground and rolled over upon bis side. There ho remained motionless until people attracted to the scene carried him to his homo where he oxpiiud 20 minutes after tho shooting. I ho Uingheiser homo is situated ou the western sido of Bowers street, about a bun died feet south of Centre street. Tho sccno of the shooting was about 300 yard south fiom tho home. Iiinghelser was shot at about half past six o'clock. S.YDU"KEY IIHITANT. As his victim fell Saduskey cast a hasty glance upon the prostrate body aud then fled oast, towards the tracks of tho Philadelphia md Beading Kailroad. He then followed tho courso of tho railroad south as far as the Shenandoah City colliery, where ho turned east and tound tho path leading up the dirt bank to tho Pennsylvania railroad. It is evi dent that in his hasty flight up tho dirt bank exhaustion manifested itself and with it camo fear of capture. Saduskey turned and saw a number of young mou in chaso. He stood ami drew his revolver. Poiuting it at his pursuers he shouted, "Go back, or I'll shoot you." The pursuers halted and taking advantago of tlioir timidity, Saduskey quickly resumed his flight, darted around tho edge of tho dirt liank, nnd sped east- wardly along tho Pennsylvania Kailroad. Nobody ventuitd to chaso hini. I'liKCAVTIOX TAKK.V. Although the murdeier made good his oscapo the authorities did not givo up hopo of early captuio. Constablo Matt. Cliblon was ono of the first ofiicers to act. He hurried to the telegraph ullico and messages were sent to all parts of the region, describing the fugitive aud asking for Ma arrest and detention. "I'LL CATCH HIM." William Kingheiser, a brother of the victim, walked into the kitchen of the home stead where tho body lay and looked upon mo com, stui countenance, lie was In a condition of suppressed excite ment when ho entered and said noth ing, but a moment after glaueiug over the remains, and appaiently satisfying him self that duith was a positive fact, the view ing brothor suddenly shouted, "I'll kill him I He killed my brother and I must kill him." The united efforts of several strong men lalleu to prevent the grief-dazed brothor. who is a tall, muscular man, from loaving tun iiousc, anu no uiauc his way out deter mined on deadly veugeanco. He followed tho courso taken by the fugitive, but ie turned about an hour later bemoaning his failuie. Ho eagerly inquired for clues and spent most of tho night hunting i every direction rumor directed him. (urriciEXT JCVIUENCH. Tho ovidenco at hand shows conclusively that the murder was not only deliberate, but piemeditated; and the perpetrator does not seem to have a shadow upon which to plead fr earthly mercy. There are a number of witnesses to tho crime. The most Important appear to be Martin Dowliug, of l'.usl Dak street, and Edward Gider, of South Bowers street. Both are young, the latter being 17 years old. They wore companions of both tho principals in the terrible aflalr. Dowling was with ltlngheiser when the latter was shot. His evidence is, briefly that Saduskey deliberately walked up to the victim and shot him, without provocation, or warning. IT WAS I'lihMl.'UITATm). Edward (iidcr tells a direct sWy and shows conclusively that Saduskey held a grievance against the victim, mid not only shot him deliberately, hut committed the crime with a revolver stolen from the culprit's uwu father but a short tlmo before the shooting occurred. quick's story. I'd ward Gider is a native of this town.lmiu of Polish parentage He was 17 years old ou the 18th of this month. He is a good look ing young man of the como-day-go-day order, but keeps himself neatly attired. He admits that he frequents saloons, aud takes bcor In tho bushes, but is emphatic in hit declarations that he tries to avoid troublo, Ho admits that lie knew Saduskey intended to make troublo, and with tho same fruuk- - (Continued on fourth Page.) Ten Thousand People Have visited the Bon Ton Millinery the past three day. We are proud of our hats. People tell us we ought to ; thev an. highest in style, highest in work manship and lowest in price. Even if you don't need n hat just yet come and lake a look at them You will find a fascinating display of all that is new and novel in ladio headwear. A paradise of flowers. Thous ands of choice blooms, including Silk Poppies, Pansies, Buttercups. Daisies, Carnations, Corn Flowers, Roses, Geraniums, etc., at lowe t prices Kats Trimmed Free. AT THE- BON TON 29 N. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. New Goods at All Times. Plain Words About Baby Coaches. . . Spring will soon be here and we are anxiously awaiting its balmy clays. Why ? Be cause we are already prepared to have every wile call on us and see our new and extensive line of Baby . . . Coaches Which we have selected for the season of '98. When it comes down to prices we can sell you wonders of makes at $5.00 and upward. . O'NEILL, 106 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. SWELLEST Of The SWELL - . . This term fully answers the de scription of our spring line ot gent's furnish ings which we are now show ing for the early season. In the way ot liaster novelties we barring all coiu- stand alone, petitors. A Word on Our Stock Winter Which still remains on our shelves It must and will be closed out regardless of coat to enable us to display our spring goods. We arc not in the habit of stocking away aiiy goods for future seasons. MAX LEVIT, 15 E. Centre St. Up-To-Dale Hat Store and Shenandoah's Greatest Gent's Furnishing Store, Looking Over the Stock. Every household lias a stoc k of goods which it draws upon daily. They find it is advis able to keep this stock up to a good standard. You want your stock of . GROCERIES To be rresh. We give you the best supplies and keep your stock satisfactory. Wc carry a stock of quality and make prices right. BLOATERS, MACKEREL, HERRING, COD FISH, And all kinds of Canned Fish. T.J. BROUGHALL. 25 South Main Street.