The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 19, 1898, Image 1

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Crta tes itniness itenusi of its known
largi circulation and rcndtrt rich
results to its advertisers.
To reach the public through a pro
gressive, dtgntfied, influential journal
use the 11KRALD columns.
let A
Better Than Klondike.
Invest your money where you are sure
to receive full value for the same.
Parlor Suits, 5 pieces, - $18.00
Wood sealed chairs, - .45
Cane seated chairs, - .75
J. P. Williams & Son, "JSL-
Undertaking in - -
- - all its Branches.
Open Day and Night.
Cor. White and Lloyd Sts.,
On Tap at all
On Tap at all
48 $50.00 WILL BUY A VICTOR.
All standard make wheels, that you will run no risk in buying
Bring your old wheel in and we will over-haul and
repair it now. Have it ready for you to
ride the first fine day.
Salt Mackerel, Saused Mackerel, Evaporated Codfish,
Shredded Codfish,
Yarmouth Smoked Bloaters Sugar Cured,
Boneless Herring. Salmon, 2 and 3 cans for 25 cerits,
Salmon Steak, flat cans.
Sardines in Oil.
Our Loose Coffee at 10
Our 25 cent Coffee extra quality reduced from '30 cents
Our Fine Old Government Java Coffee, reduced to 35c.
No Reduction in Quality.
For Good Bread
For Good Pies and Cakes Use Our PASTRY Flour.
Our Rye Flour is Pure Rye.
Fancy Dairy Butter This Week. Strictly Fresh Made, Equal
to Creamery and Lower in Price.
Oranges.California and Jamaica OrangesLarge
juicy and Sweet.
Just ReceivedA Car of Heavy Clipped Oats.
Solid Oak Fancy Base
Extension Tab'e, - $3.75
Iron Bedsteads, - . $ 3.50
Solid Oak Chanila Suits.
eight pieces, - 14.00
Eull size well made couches,
spring seat, full fringed, $ 3.75
Side boards, - - 5-5
North Main St.,
Shenandoah, Pa.
Brick Codfish, Whole Codfish
Canned Lobsters,
Sardines in Mustard.
Try Them.
cents good and cheap.
Use DAISY Flour.
Tim vi:atiii:u.
Tli. forecast for Sunday: Threatening
weathor and probably rain In light showers.
t Was Intended tn Hub tlio Annunciation
Tlio police last nlKht tracked some suspici
ous characters to several parts of tlio town
and concluded from their actions that n
robbery was on foot. Tlio tracings led the
hunt to tlio vicinity of West Cherry street
nd there the trail was lost for a while. At
1:30 o'clock this morning Policemen Miillahy
and I'oyle stood nt tlio corner of Cliorry and
West streets when tlio former suggested that
walk be taken towards the Annunciation
church. Tho police walked but a few steps
on tlio side of tlio stroet opposite to tho one
tho church Is on wheu they observed the
forms of two men suddenly spring up just In-
sldetho church yard railing. ,Mullahy and
loylo mado a dash, but the burglars had too
much a start. The latter lied to tho rear of
tho church yard and sprang over the fence,
making their escape. The polico aroused
Iter. O'ltcllly from his sloep and ho accom
panied tho olllccrs In making a search of the
premises, which showed that tho burglars
had not succeeded in breaking into any place.
Tho burglars entered the churchyard from
Mayborry alley and got over tho high fonce
itli the aid of a beer kcj turned up on cud.
Appearances indicated that it was the inten
tion to first break into the church. The men
ero .vidontly lying on tho grass plot in tho
liurch yard watching the movements of tho
polico when the latter concluded to walk in
that direction.
Chocolate nlitl Vnntlla Ice Crcum.
To-day nud to-morrow. At Scheidor's
bakery, 27 East Centre streot. It
All Apology Demanded.
Ed. IlKitALD : Tho individual kuown all
uver town as Levi Kefowich, assailed tho
diameter of the undcrsigicd in a local In
our paper last evening under the signature
Citizen." The local referred was paid for
at n certain rato per lino, the same as his
advertising and shows up the calibre of tho
man who was the Instigator of It. A right
eous and gentlemanly apology has been
demanded from Mr. Kofowich and unless It is
forthcoming in tho columns of this paper ho
will pay well for his lies, slander and
libelous advertising.
The Famous.
Shenandoah, I'a., March 10, 189S.
Abthub A. Spkro.
The Llceuso Money.
The County Treasurer has prepared the
list of towns and boroughs and their respec
tive appropriations from tho licenso fees,
which are now payable, as follows : Ashlaad,
i,280 ; llutlor Twp., f 1,020 j Cass Twp.,f 900 ;
rackvillo, 11.500: Qilberlon, f 1,080 ; Glr-
ardville. $4,800; Gordon, $600; Mahanoy
City; S15.120; Mahanoy township, West.
$300; Miuorsville, $1,080 ; .MeAdoo, $3,000;
ottsville, SS.2S0; St. Clair, $3,480; Shonan
daab, $18,240; Tamaqua, $4,500; Union
township, f ISO ; Union township, East, $720 ;
Union township, North, $240.
Set of ICooins l'or Kent.
Suitable for ollicos. Mcllct building, corner
Market and Ccutro streets. Apply on
premises. 3-14-Gt
"Y" Program.
Tho following program will be lendcred at
a meeting of the "V" to bo held in Mellet's
hall this oveulng ; Singing, by "Y;" scrip
turo reading, Esther Daddow; extracts from of the llreakfast Table, llattie
Mansell; recitation, Emma Llewellyn; select
reading, Maud Gilpin; solo, May I, Dusto;
address, subject, "Why should Amorlcans
claim Cuban sou? " Daniel McNealls; recita
tion, Jennio Hughes; critic, to bo appoiuted.
Kemlrlck House Freo Xuiich.
Clam chowder will bo served, free, to all
patrons to-night.
Hook Case Added.
Tho meeting room of the Annunciation T.
A. II. Society was considerably beautified yes
terday by tho addition of a largo book case.
It is fifteen feet in length aud is made of
quartered oak, with a handsonto class finish
Its addition has added much to the appear
anco of the room, of which tho members are
justly proud. The caso was gotten from M
O aciII, the furniture dealer. An order has
also been placed for now lineoleum for the
lloor, and the repaperlng aud palutlng of the
meeting room,
Hock Ile.r.
Now on tap with tho trade the celebrated
re hrensnan Hock liter, the finest in the mar.
ket. A trial will convince you. Orders
promptly attended to.
Solomon Haak, Agt.,
3-10-3t 110 S. Main St.
Favorably ltcport.
Mine Inspector William Steiu stated to-day
that the reports from the collieries in his
districts for the month of February wero
very favorable, there having been but ono
fatal accident and three- case of injuries,
Which were slight.
lteinovul Sale.
We aye a largo stock of dry goods and
notions on hand, and In making preparations
for movlug wo will for tho next ten days
oiler our entire stock of plain and figuieu
silks, sjtlns, cashmeres, serges aud faucy
novelty dress goods at cost.
Qur ' stock of domestic goods, muslins,
towellngs, tickings, llaunels aud cotton
flannels at similar prices.
Notions consisting of gloves, hosiery
handkerchiefs, collars, cull's, underwear,
corsets and all other notions will bo sold at
3-15-tf II. F. Gill
The Hon Ton Opening,
Tho management of tho Don Ton mil
lluery store was disappointed In the musical
feature of tholr grand opening, but ltoilly
orchestra will bo present to-night and lls
course musical selections. This Is a new dc
parture, and tho Hon Ton people aro to be
complimented upon tlielr enterprise. Tuol
display of the latest things In the millinery
art is worthy an Inspection.
At ICvpcliluoUI's Arcade Cafe,
Hot Tumales, freo, to-night.
Hot lunch on Monday morning.
Ushers' Meeting.
Gospel meeting will be held In tlio rooms o
the Vonng Men's Usher's Association to
morrow afternoon, at 3:45 o'clock, Tho
meeting will bo lu charge of E. I). Dauks,
and will e addressed by Est, D. I, Evans.
All young men are Invited to attend,
lteinovul Suit',
Tho City Cash grocery, at 23!) West Centre,
will remove to 313 West Contra street, about
tho first day of April. In order to reduce
our stock wo have concluded to oiler It at
sacrillco prices. You should tako advautago
ol them. 8-18-lw
Fan-Tina I What Is It?
Tho greatest euro for coughs aud colds. At
flruhlcr JJros., drug store,
Expected In Washington Some Time
Next Week.
Cabinet oniclals Unanimously Applaud
Secretary Long's Flan For Coast
Defense-Cubans Are Willing
to Pay Indemnity to
Washington, March 19. An air of
Buspenso Is noticeable in the navy de
partment, duo to the approach of the
me for the delivery of the report of
the court of Inquiry. It Is not known
Just when the document will come to
Washington, nnd of course, In view of
the reports of the determination of out
side parties to obtain possession of It
before the department receives the re
port the oinclals, If they know, will
not say how the papers are to be
brought to Washington. All that Is
known definitely Is that the president
has suggested that the report be made
as soon as possible, and In consequence
It Is expected to reach this city In the
course of two or three days. The cab
inet yesterday talked over the matter,
and the time stated was the general
opinion of the members when they had
heard all that Secretary Long had to
report on the subject.
There Is an Impression that Lieuten
ant Commander Marlx will bring the
document, though It Is within Admiral
Blcard's power to' choose any other offi
cer. A cabinet I ofllcer expressed the
belief that the report will require care
ful consideration on the part of the
president and his cabinet before given
to the public, which would seem to
postpone publication to some time
about the middle of next week, al
though nothing Is certain on that point.
The new naval policy embodied In
the creation of another squadron to
rendezvous at Hampton Iloads was
also discussed at the cabinet meeting
at length, and received unanimous ap
proval. In fact Borne surprise was ex
pressed at the delay on the part of the
navy department In taking some such
step to ensure the protection of the
more valuable coast ports along the
North Atlantic, the gathering of a
uselessly surplus fleet at Key West
being regarded In the nature of put
ting all of our eggs In one basket.
The San Francisco reported her ar
rival from Lisbon at Gravesend yester
day. Under hls-orders the commander
will divide his crew with the Amazonas
and sail at the earliest possible mo
mant for the United States convoying
the new ship, vhe Amazonas was for
mally transferred to Lieutenant Com
mander Colwell yesterday at Graves
end by Commander Corres, the Brazil
lan ofllcer. The flag of Brazil was taken
down and the Stars and Stripes run
up to the masthead with simple cere
Beyond the Amazonas, her sister
ship, Abreuall, and the yacht May
flower, no purchanso of ships have
been made by the navy department
A number of lleet steam yachts owned
In the United States aro being ofered
to the department, and it is probable
tha .ome of these will be purchased
Be etary Loner takes the view that
tr ..lng to secure the torpedo boat de
stroyers he wants the best plan Is for
him to equip some of these Bpeedy
boats with torpedo tubes and light bat
teries and Improvise torpedo boats.
The navy department Is convinced
that the Spanish government has not
acquired possession of the Varsee, the
Italian armored cruiser. It would not,
however, be a matter of deep concern
If the report were tre. The depart,
niont Itself had the vJlsel In mind as
a possible acquisition, but abandoned
the idea upon learning that Bhe could
not be made ready for service In less
than three or four months, which
practically put her out of considera
tion as an emergency purchase.
Some idea of tho activity prevailing
In naval circles Is given by the state
ment that the payroll of the construe
tlon department, only one of several
departments In the Mare Island navy
yard, for March was $80,000. This great
expenditure per month. It Is said, was
not equaled during the late war.
It is said to be the purpose of the
president and his advisers to keep a
separate and distinct account of all
funds expended from the $50,000,000
emergency appropriation made by con
gress for the national defense. In ac
cordance with this intention a separate
form of requisition has been prepared
and all amounts alloted from the fund
are made upon the direct order signed
py the president himself. The amount
paid for tho yacht Mayflower was
uoout $iUU,UUU.
The ordnance bureau of the war de
partment yesterday awarded pontracta
for a large numuer or steei armor
piercing and deck piercing projectiles
for the coast fortifications guns, There
were several bidders, but instead of
giving tho contract to one concern th
bureau divided the contracts, so that
supplies will be coming from several
quarters at tho same tlmo.
Tho house committee on ways and
means favorably reported yesterday.
with amendments, the Dlngloy bill for
the temporary admission free of duty
naval supplies purchased abroad. The
bill Is amended bo as to include mill
tary as well as naval supplies.
Recruiting Is going on apace at all
stations for the army and navy. The
Michigan, at Erie. Pa., has enlisted 65
men so far, and good reports come from
nil quarters. The Columbia and the
Minneapolis are still 210 men each short
Seventy thousand men Is the number
of Spanish soldiers who nave been kill
ed. wounded and otherwise lncapacl
tated for d uy during the present war
In Cuba. These figures have been re
celved In this city recently from re
liable Bourccs, and are said to be as
pearly authentic as it s possible to
pbtain them without rpcourse to the
records kept py- ;ns ppanisft govern
ment. From ine same source it
learned that Spatn'd army In Cuba at
present o insists of 135,000 men. of whom
80.000 uvc enecuve ror military pur
poses. There are also 30.000 member
In what Is known as the voluntnr
army- These are mostly In the prov
ince or navana.'tmn are largely In tnr
naturc of homo guards, corresponding
to our state mllltla, The strength of
the Spanish nrmy at home and includ
ing her nearby possessions Is 100,000
men. In the Philippine Islands Spain
has an army of 32,000 men, which In
cludes about 15,000 native troops. In
time of war tho latter are of very Ut
ile use to the Spanish government. On
Porto Itlco there are 5,000 Spanish
troops, which In the event of hostili
ties could be supplemented by 4,000
Tho Momlinra HiihII.v Knunceil In Pro-
piirlnir Tholr lteport.
Key West, Fin., March 10. The court
of Inquiry Is diligently continuing Hb
sessions on board the battleship Iowa,
and, Judging from statements mude by
members, It Is quite problematical how
many more days will pass before the
public learns Its conclusions.
By the courtesy of Hear Admiral Si-
card this correspondent was yesterday
enabled to escape the rigor of the re
cent rule forbidding correspondents to
go on board warships, and waB the
first civilian to Interview the members
of the court o Inquiry since they se
creted themselves on Wednesday on the
Captaoln Sampson received the cor
respondent pn the poop of the splendid
ship he commands. "The court Is still
hard at work," he said. "I have Just
left my conferrees. It Is utterly Im
possible to say when our report will
bo ready. If I surmised the date, and
you reported, I am afraid something
might occur that would defeat the ex
pectation and only serve to disappoint
the anxious public. When the report
Is ready, It will not be for us to make
the announcement. Washington, I pre
sume, will do that."
In tho course of the afternoon, while
the court continued In session without
any coming out of the cabin, large
quantities of ammunition was taken
on board. The same thing took place
on the New York. Both ships are now
better supplied with ammunition than
they have been at any time before.
Unusual precautions are observed on
the New York and the Iowa, double
harbor watches being enforced. Every
craft that passes on Its way Into the
harbor Is submitted to the closest
scrutiny of searchlights. Both ves
sels are ready to pull out at 15 min
utes' notice, and special attention Is
being gh'en to the Instruction of the
sailors In small arms and tiling prac
tice. FAIR TO ALL.
System That Curries With It Reiiuliio
Tho Spring season has arrived and wo are
ready for it with tho largest, finest aud best
stock of clothing for men, youths aud chil-
ren over brought to Shenandoah. hacli
articlo is sold witii a guarantee as to quality
and mako, and overy piece is mado by us.
Have you heard of our One Pnco System 1
We'll toll you. Sinco the 3rd of March wo
havo been doing business on a strictly Ono
rice basis. No more cutting prices at our
placo. You find every garment marked dis
tinctly at what it is actually worth to the
consumer, if you like wuat you examine
you take it at tho prico marked nothing less
and nothing raoro. Siuco tho Ono Prico sys
tem has been in operation our business is
greator than ever it was beforo. People
express surprise at tlio prices marked on our
goods. Wo have always sold cheap, but
under the Ono Prico systom our prices are
still lower. Wo mark every pieco at bottom
rock and that mark becomes our Ono Prico.
Wo can sell cheaper than others becauso wo
manufacture all our own clothing and have
no rent to pay. Spare a few iniuutos to look
nt our show windows ono filled with men's
clothing aud tho other with children's cloth
lug. Alter looKlug you will avree with us
that thero never beforo was a better or larger
display of clothing In children's suits and
novelties in Shenandoah. Anyone who wants
to seo the latest styles in clothing should not
miss looking at our wiudows.
A Fine Merchant Tailoring Department
has been opened lu our storo and wo havo
over $10,000 worth of pieco goods from which
you can select nnd have a suit made by our
own tailors in our own building. Wo guar
antee perfect fit and elegant finish at auy
price you want, No fit, no purchase.
Mammotu Clothing llousr,
L. Goldln, Prop.,
0 and 11 South Main street,
Shenandoah, Pa.
P. S. If anybody finds five days after mak
ing a purchaso of us that wo are not cheaper
with our Ono Price system than any other
store in tho couuty, wo redeem tho goods and
refund tho money.
ltlcltert's Gate.
A special free lunch served to-night.
1'ottsvIlU Ileal Estate J).ul.
The Mountain City building, at tho corner
of Centra and Norwegian streets, Pottsvilli
was sold yesterday to tho Pottsrlllo Improve
ment Company, for fS5,000. Tho Pottsrillo
Improvement Company is a corporation
recent date, coinpoied of such well-known
men as Harrison Hall, of Mahanoy City : J
A. Uepew, manager of the Delano storo;
Alex Scott, of Frackvillo, former Sheriff;
Oeorto Scott, of Pottsville, dlvlslai superin
tendent of tho Heading Coal & Iron Com
pany, aud pharles ft Breckons, attomey-at-law.
The object of the company is to buy,
Improve and lease roal cstato in pottf lllo.
AleltlaUls Cafe.
Dean soup, free, to-night,
bliootlng Mutch,
The shooting match at Mlnersvllle Tester.
day between David Weiss aud Daniel Walker
on one side, and Ketueratd Albright on tho
other, for f 100 a side, was won by tho former.
Umbrellas ro-oovercd while you wait.
Advertised Letters,
Letters addressed to the following named
people remain uncalled at the local post.
ofllcM! Isaac Jones, George J. Ilelly. M
Hecksr, John Owens and lUnry Melil.
Absolutely Puro
In Mnuner nnd Form as Indicted by the
Grand Jury.
The Addresses to the Jury In the Mahanoy
City Arson Case, After Which it
Went to tho Jury The Attend
ance Was Very Large The
Meyers Case.
Special to UVRSIKG 1IKKAI.1I.
PottS'illo, Maich 19, 3:00 p. m. The jury
n tho Mahanoy lity arson caso retired
shortly beforo one o'clock this afternoon, and
twenty minutes later brought in a verdict of
guilty in manner and form indicted.
Tho jurors reached a verdict on the first
allot, and they wero unanimous lu this con
Tho usual motion for a suspension of sen
tence ponding a motion for a new trial was
mado, nud until this is done, requiring about
two weeks, no other steps will be taken.
Tho defendants aie Michael Darrah,
Kdward Knowlos and William Itichardson.
Pottsville, March 10. The trial of the
young men cliargod with the crime of setting
lira to the Hosiery mill at Mahanoy City in
January last, drew big audiences to-day to
listen to tho closing argument of tlio counsel
and Judge Koch's charge. The defendants,
in their testimony, denied cverythini; that
had been testified by Flemming and Wooden.
Michael D.trrah, ono of tho defendants,
was called to tho stand late yestorday after
noon, aud said he did not sot fire to the
hosiery mill and saw uo one else set fire to
It, and was not present when it was fired. He
deuitd having heaid anyono talk about
sotting firo to tho mill, and hoard no one
call Wooden a coward. Said ho was home
whan the hosiery mill fire was discovered.
Ho was not at tho lime kiln noxt day, but
was working. On cross-examination the
witness said it was about 7 o'clock Sunday
ovening when ho met Itichardson. Darrah
was then taken over tho route ho said ho
tooK that night, and stuck pretty closely to
tho story told on diiect examination.
The third defendant, Edward Knowlos,
also denied setting fire to tho hosiery mill,
aud ho did not know who did. IIo told
whero the defendants wore the night o
the firo. On cross examination he said
he was at homo at tho time of
the Parker fire ; would not swoar the
others did not drink when they met on
the railroad at the timo of the Eichman firo.
From his own account, ho had been walking
about from 10 o'clock to nearly 1:00. Ho
went to tho hosiery mill lire aud got his hand
burned carrying thiags out of Fritz's house ;
met Richardson at the fire, but had uo con
versation with him, only to tell him his
hands were burned ; said there was uo talk
about the fire the next day when tho defend
ants met at tho lime kiln ; that Wooden said
nothing about the reward ; mot Flemming at
tlio mill lire next day j then they went to
view tho other ruius, and aftor that went to
tho lime kiln to unload stone.
This closed the tostimony for tho defense,
aud tho Commonwealth called Deputy Clerk
Duuy, to prove that the defendants had bi.en
convicted of offences and thus mado incom
petent as witnesses. Judgo Koch ruled that
they could not admit testimuny as to the
character of the defendants, but nnythlng
that related to felony, fraud, Ac., would lie
hoard. Clerk Dufly was theu requested to
refer to the docket, May Terra, lb97, aud ho
read the entry, showiug that William Itich
ardson had Leon convicted on three counts.
larceny, forciblo entry and receiving stolen
goods, and had been scnteuccd by Judgo
Koch to pay costs aud imprisonment for uiue
There was a delay in opening the case this
morning, owing to tho lato arrival of Mr.
Marr, ono of tho counsel. Judgo Koch
finally instructed Mr. Whitehouso to proceed
with his address on tho summing fur die
defense and he occupied about 4.1 minutes
He opened by saying that tho happi
ness of thrco families was Involved in tho
case. Dwelling on tho imperfections of the
storlos told by lilcbardson, Darrah and
Knowles on the witness stand ho assorted
that the stories were tho mure
true. Ho attacked Flemming's evi
dence aud described him as a telf-uuufessed
criminal. Bryant's story was contradicted
by Joseph Eichman, who swore Itryant was
in bed when tho second firo was started.
Wboden's testimony was dissscted and de
scribed as simply infamous. Talking aud
drinking with these men tho day aftor the
firo he prepares a story blamiug them for this
terrible crime of destroying the power of
usefulness that employed many people
The speaker dw tit upon tho danger of con
victing on tho ovideucp of au accessory and
accomplice, aud upon that of another who is
expecting reward, liook upon book has lieou
written on how dangerous and unsafe to rely
on such testimony, lhoro Is nothing rc-
markahlo about these young men being out a
night likothatand of running to fires. ICutiug
well, sleeping woll, all young and vigorous,
they had a Uttlo carousal aud then went
home, parting Hko boys usually do. Thero
is nothing said about going homo on such oc
casions. It is tho natural time to go homo.
It is tlio natural way to go homo. Knowles
said ho parted with Flemming on 0th street
and saw I'lemming going toward,
his friend, Curmody's house aud
in tho direction of the mill.
Klemmlng has confessed that ho burned
tho mill. IIo said that he slept at a fiiuud's
down town that night, and yet we proved
that he stopped at Carmody's, near the mill
that ho burned. All the evidence against us
is from criminals, or persons seoking reward.
Mr. Whitehouso declared tho fact that be
cause a man commits one crime is uo reason
under tho law that he should be judged
guilty of another. The law prevents that
very thing because It would have a tondency
to do innro harm than justice. The lawyer
concluded by saying the defendants were in
jail because the law would uot accept ball.
They aro of tho young blood of America and
me country is now in ueeu ot sucn mood as
this. Under the law aud tlio evidence the
Commonwealth has not pioveu the cute aud
you aumot convict ou suspicion. Convict,
and tho best part of three Uvos is wiped out,
aud ou such dauiauable and infamous testi
mony. William A Marr, Esq., made tho address
for tho Commonwealth aud opoued by saying
tho Jury.uo doubt, thought from tho brilliant,
eloquent aud pyrotecbulcol of Mr. Whlto
houso that l'loiuiulug nnd Wooden wero on
trial, and uot tho throe defemlauts. Ho said
that Mr. Whltehou? almost mado a buries-
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
Kveiyliody invited to tin
grand millinery opening
of the
29 N. Main St Shenandoah, Pa,
The Bon Ton will be ready on
March 17II1, at 7 p. m., to dtmon
slmte to the people of tins town
and county, who are lovers of the
latest fashions in the milliikry
world. Our equipment of spring
novelties for this season is unsur
passed by any other establishment
in the county. The opening will
convince you that we have the
largest millinery parlors and the
greatest display of
Ever exhibited in Shenandoah .
Hats Trimmed Free.
Music at opening by Reilly's
orchestra. A handsome somenir
to every lady on the opening night.
Plain Words About
Baby Coaehes. . .
Spring will soon be here
and we are anxiously awaiting
its balmy days. Why ? Be
cause we are already prepared
to have every wife call on us
and see our new and extensive
line of
Baby . . .
Which we have selected for the
season of '98. When it comes
down to prices we can sell you
wonders of makes at
$5.00 and upward.
106 .South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Of The
SWELL. . . .
This term fully
answers the de
scription of our
spiing line of
gent's furnish
ings which we
are now show
ing for the early
season. In the
way ot Jiaster
novelties we
barring all com-
stand alone,
A Word on Our Winter
Which still remains on our shelves.
It must and will be closed out
regardless of cost to enable us to
display our spring goods. We are
uot in the habit of stocking away
any goods for future seasons.
15 E. Centre St.
Up-To-Date Hat Store and Shenandoah's
Greatest Gent's Furnishing Store.
Looking Over the Stock.
Every household has a stock
of goods which it draws upon
daily. They find it is advis
able to keep this stock up to a
good standard. You want
your stock of
To be fresh. We give you the
best supplies and keep your
stock satisfactory. We carry
a stock of quality and make
prices right.
Aud all kinds of Cauued Fish,
25 South Main Street.