Both tho mothod and results when Syrup of Figs in taken; it is pleasant and rof resiling to tho taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fovers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac Deptablo to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly benciicial in its effects, prepared only from tho most healthy and ngrocablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and havo mado it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottlca by all leading drug gists. Any rcliablo druggist who may not havo it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FRANCISCO. CAL IDUI3VIUE. AT. HEW YORK, H.f. KAIER'S Opera House, J. O. QUIRK, Mgr. MAHANOY CITY. PA. ONE WEEK, COMMENCING PJIMY, PRCfl MATINEES: Thursday (St. Patrick's Day) and Saturday. A delightful fact A Sl.oo pcrfoimance at popular prices. The Favorites Supporting J. HARVEY COOK AND MISS LOTTIE CHURCH In the following scenic productions : Thursday nlcht "A l'nlr Ucbcl" Friday night "Tho Unknown" Saturday nintinec "She11 Saturday nlnlit "Tho Midnight Alarm" Ladies' tickets will be issued, for Monday night, liuy a season ticket, it saves you money. PRICES : - 10, 20 nnd 30 Cents. II The play you are waiting to see The great play of the Czar's Realm The one pronounced hit of recent years. An unequalled cast of characters. Presented with the same careful attention which has marked its career. Every Feature an Interesting Study. Every Act a Delightful Surprise. Prists: 25, 35, 50 aad 75 Cents. HUMPHREY WITCH HAZEL. OIL C U Piles or Hemorrhoids Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. idoiis i urwors. , Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rh mm & Tetters. Chappet Hands. Fover B'Isters. Soro LIpJ & Nostrils, ' Corns & Bunions. Stings i Bites of Insects. R E S Three Sizes, SC 50c. and $1.00. SoUby druggWU, on Mi postpaid on rueelpt of rloa mmruKus' .111 uiHuiiuBi.,s.rtk. Darkest Russia. a cm Terrible Conflagration in a Crowded Manufacturing Building. PROBABLY TWENTY LIVES LOST. Tho l'lro Dovolnpod n, Ilorotno In St Iks jCntlinrlno Ciirnoy, Who Aided tho Girls Unilor llor Clinrtro to Kmciipo at tho Hlslc or llor Own J.I 10. Chicago, March 17. It required Just 20 minutes yesterday afternoon for one of the most snvnfie fires Chicago has seen Blnee the famous cold storage warehouse (Ire on the World's fair Grounds In 1893 to take from 1G to 20 lives, malm 30 people nnd reduce a six story brick building to a pile of blazing timber, red hot bricks nnd twisted Iron. The number of dead Is still In doubt. Three men are known to bo dead, They are: Samuel A. Clnrk, book keeper for the Olmestead Scientific company; Miles A. Smith, salesman for the Olmstead Sclentlllo company: Edward lllnz, cashier for Sweet, AVal lach & Co. The three known dead were cut off from escape by the flames, and to Bave themselves from death by llame they Jumped from the sixth story to tho sidewalk, their bodies being terribly crushed. Clark and Blnz remained to put their books In the safe. The missing, of whom nothing has been learned, and most of whom aro without question In tho wreck of tho building, are: W. A. Olmstead, president of tho W. A. Olmstead Scientific company; C. II. Arms, secretary of the same com pany; Mrs. M. H. Harris, widow, 42 years of age, bookkeeper for the same company; C. T. Anderson, employed by Sweet, Wallach & Co.; W. W. Hill, as sistant In ofllce of Presbyterian Doard of Publication; Tony , an ofllce boy; Fred Hamlll, vaudeville singer, employed by the National Music com pany; C. A. Price, cashier; Solomon Grottmnn, agent; Solomon Grottman, Sr.; Anna Guest, cashier; W. n . Nelson, worked for Olmstead Scientific com pany; William Marvin, shipping clerk for Presbyterian Board of Publication; William Boss, errand boy; W. J. Wil cox, partner of W. A. Olmstead. The building was six stories high, had a frontage of E8 feet on Wabash avenue and extended back 100 feet to an alley. It was of what Is known as mill construction, had two elevator shafts, one In front, one In the rear, and reaching from the third story to the roof was a light shaft, which gave the flames every chnnce, and It was because of this shaft that the fire spread with such awful rapidity. The building was occupied by a number of concerns, some employing large num bers of people. It Is estimated that 400 persons were at work In the building when the fire was discovered. The origin of the fire Is In dispute. By some It Is said to have been caused by an explosion of collodion In the wall paper warerooms of Alfred Peats, on the third floor, and by others to have been the result of an explosion among some photographic chemicals In the photographic supply house of Sweet, Wallach & Co., on the sixth floor. Employes of both concerns deny that there was any explosion In their vicinity. The weight of evidence seems to be, however, that the explosion was I In the lower part of the building. The sound of the explosion threw tho Inmates of the building Into a panic, and on several floors a wild stampede for the stairways and ele vators began. To add to the panic the men In charge of the elevators ran their cars up to the top of the building, shouting fire at every floor. When they reached the top both ele vators took on a load of frightened women and started for the bottom. The front elevator was In charge of Harry Gleason, a boy, and that in the rear was handled by William St. John, a young man. Both of these kept their heads, showed much coolness and bravery, and were Instrumental In sav ing many lives. The elevator In the front of the building was In good order, but not calculated to produce much speed In Mich an emergency as confronted It yesterday. Gleason made one trip to the seventh floor, carrying down a load of women, and although the smoke was rolllniT through the building In dense clouds he started up again. At the rourth floor ho stopped to take on a crowd of girls from the rooms of the National Music company, being assist ed In his work by Miss Katherlne Car ney, the forewoman. A man attempted to force his way Into the elevator, but Gleason shoved him back Into the hall, that tho women might havo the first chance. The man never came out. Miss Carney was a true heroine. Al though at tho outset she had an op portunity to escape with the other women, she seemed to feel It her duty to stay and help tho escape of the girls over whom she had charge. Her voice could be heard above the shrieks of tho panic Btrlcken girls, advising them to preserve order and reassuring them again and again. She stood near the stairway, nnd attempted to seize the foremost women as they dashed down to the next floor, but Bhe was thrown aside. When she saw there was no hope of Mopping the panic she darted to the elevator cage to calm the others. As the elevator ascended Miss Carney or dered the conductor to Btop. She then turned and helped her frightened charges Into the cage. During all the excitement she remained calm, and Is sued orders as though directing the women at work. As the elevator start ed to descend without Miss Carney one of the girls cried to the conductor to stop, but the brave woman, though Btarlng death In the face, ghouted for them not to mind her, that she would take care of herself. With remarkable coolness she made her way to an ele vator and thence to the street. Tho brave woman Is seriously burned about the face and head. She modestly dis claims the title of heroine, but proudly declares: "All my girls escaped alive.' The girls Miss Carney sept down la the elevator escaped unharmed. Two of those who bolted headlong down the narrow stairway, Josle and Annie Baxa, made their way to the second Moor, but were cut oft by the flames wid were forced to Jump from a win flow. They wer both badly injured. What nlciisuro is there In life with n licail acho, constipation: and biliousness? Thou amis (xiinrlcncn them who could become nor fectly healthy by usIiir DeWitt's Little Early Risers, tho laiuous iittio puis. u. ji. nagon littch. Ono oTHntlivyoU'H'VIotlinB Doml Nlnuara Falls, N. Y., March 17, Mrs. Addle Latlnvell, who wns shot hv her husband on Tuesday, died yesterday, Her body will l sent to Bault Bto, Marie, Mich. Every family should hava Its household medlclno chest, and the fltst bottla in It should bo Dr. Wood's Norway l'lno Syrup, uaturo'i remedy for coughs aud colds. fgliitl'liiimillllllltlllllllllllllllllllll'llllllllllllllllllliliiliilimg AreeclablcPxcparationror As similating UicToodatulllcgula linrj the Stomachs nndDowels o PromolcsDigcstlon.diccrrul ncss andncst.Contnlns neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. NotNaiicotic. Hchs oroidnrSAMvaanmEB Ivmphn Seed" JLx.&vuirr Jl'xAtlt SaJlt -stru'se Set tt Jpfimant - ftarmjcea - Ctitntud Stifftr flaw. Apcrfcct ncmcdy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms ,Convulsi"ons,Fcvcrish ucss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature ot NEW "YORK. EXACT COPV OF WRAPPER. REE TRIAL TO ANY HONEST MAM Tho foremost Medical Company in tho World in the Cure of Weak Men Makes this Offer HAPPY MARRIAGE, IIEALTIlTtRGY AND LONG LIFE. In all tho world today In all the history of the world no doctor or Institution has treated and restored so many men as has the famed ERIE MEDICAL CO., of Buffalo, N. Y. This Is flue to the fact that tho company controls wimo Inventions and discoveries which havo no equal In the whole rcnlm of medical science. Ho much deception has been practised in advertising that this irranrt old company now makes this startling oiler lnev will send their cositlv and mnfflptillv a whole mouth's couio of restoratlo remedies, without crjicitte. to any honest anil rcliablo man I Not a dollar need 1h) advanced not a ienny paid till results are known to nnd acknowledged by the patient. Ihe Erie Medical Company's npplUince and remedies havo been talked ntmut and written ntiout all oer. tho world, till cery man nut heard 01 them. They restore or ttretiEth. viKor. lioalthv tbsue and new life. They rcjuiir drains on tho system that .p the nicy uuru nervuusuess, uesjxjnticncy, ana un luucucccs of evil habits, excesses, over-work. nt,. They Rive full strength, development anil .ei jKjtuuu uim urKtui ui uiu uouy, 1 anurc is unu UK" is .10 unruu-r. This "Trial without Kicrmnse" nftor l nnfiimllv lted by the company to a short time, und application lmitit In, Trunin lit finw l Write to the ERIE MEDICAL COMPANY, BUFFALO, V N. Y.. and Clvo vour cxnress ntlriross nj well n vnurVV jokt oflice. Refer to seeing the account ol their wis putier. ROMEL604H.SiKthSt. Side Entrance on Green St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. CURE GUARANTEED." Yniint?. old. fllntrlo or married As tlinflo con- templntIriL;irmrriitffi lfyou aro a victim of Kl iBltn HEHSI3M w ny aunie. Private Diseases SJSS.Sffr'PKS?!!1 nrrnvmlnd nnd lindir. find unfit vou for the duties of life, call or wrlto and be navid. Hours! Dally, U'tlt cv'gs, O-D I Bun., !-tri. Send ftaraps for Book with iworw ttlmnnlul THE PHILADELPHIA TIHES IS THE HANDSOMEST and BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED. During 1R98THBTIMKS will not only mnlntnln the hih Htnndard of cxccllencu It reached the past year, hut will steadfastly endeavor to excel Its own hect record, nnd will not swerve from Its set purpose to mnko THE TIMES THE FAVORITE FAMILY NEWSPAPER OF THIS COUNTRY AND BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED rntsTiKa ALL THE NEWS OK ALL THE WORLD ALL THE TIME THE No journal la more extensively clrculntiMl or has n wider cirdo of rentiers In l'ciinsylvunla than THE PHILADELPHIA TIJ1ES WHY? BECAUSE IT DESERVES THEM Specimen Copies Sent Free Send for one TERMS DAILY. S3.00 ncr annum : Vi rents nur month: ilellvrrnl liycarrlvra for 6 .cents per week. HUNDAY UIIITION, 32 Inrtrp. hnhllHOlllA imirt'ii "1M fnluillll. clt'iralltlV Illustrated, beautifully printed In eolors, 8-'0 pernnuunii o eems per copy. I'tuiy aim pun day, (5.00 per annum ; CO cents per month, Address all letters to THE TIMES, riiiuCKLriiiA. Celolimtcd VomiUu 1'owdcrB never falL ale ma iur ... . .1 11 .t ihlU nil fither Vis, ak Uf ' Uontooi W- F9 h9 mm I WORCESTER 1 I CORSETS J 14 rtJ You Have Bought, Pao-simile Signature OF ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE. THE KIND YOU EAYE ALWAYS BOUGHT. THE CENTAUfl COMPANY. NtW VOflK CITY iinoi - llvi' -nnnlmnpp 1 iiusUtvcly on trial, creato eneriiy. tone to impossi llm. oHerr5j ' 4. ' I ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND THERE IS NO KIND OF PAIN OR ACHE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL. ' THAT PAIN-KILLER WILL NOT RE- 1 LIEVE. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS & SON. I S DO YOU KHOW R.FELIX LE BRUM'S Steel I Pennyroyal Treatment 19 tho ornrinnl nnd only FHEN'CII eafo nci rcliablo care on tfio mar ket. i'rico. Sl.ou; eent uy mail. Ucnmue sola only 113 . KIRLIN, Shenandoah. Philadelphia & Reading Railway Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke IN Kl'FECT FEBKUAKY 27tli. 1S08 Trains leave Shenandoah as follows: For New York via Philadelphia, week days, 2 10. 5 86. 730 951 a.m., 12 83, 8 10 and607 P in Sundays, '2 10 a. in. For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, o 7 a. m., lz anu u ju p. m. For Reading nnd Philadelphia, week days, 2 10, S 86, 7 30. S 51 a.m., Vi S3, 8 10 and 07 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m. For I'ottMvllle, week days, 2 10, 7 SO, 0 51 a. to., 12 83, S 10, 0 07 and 7 25 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m, For and Mahanoy City, week days. 2 10.5 80, 7 30, SSI a. m 12 83,3 10 and 6 07 P. m. Additional to Mnliunoy City only, 1110 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a. m For WUUarasport, Sunbury and Lewlsbur?, week days. 1 05, 5 36, 11 80 a. m 12 33, 7 25 l. ro Sundays, 8 25 a. m. For Malutno) Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 4 0V 5 86, 7 30, 9 51, 11 80 a. III., 12 S3, 8 10, 6 07, 7 25, 9 55 and 1140 p.m. Sundays, 2 10, 4 05 a. m. For Ashland and Shnmoktn, week days, 4 05, 5 36, 730, 11 30 a. in., 12 33, 3 10,6 07, 725 aud 9 55 p. m. Sundays, 4 05 a. m. For Baltimore, Washington and tho West via 11. AO. It. It., through trains les-l ReaHloi; Terminal, Philadelphia, (1 A It. II K.) at 8 SO, 7 55, 1126 a. m., 310 and 7.27 p. u. Sundays, 8 20, 7 00, U 26 a. m., 3 46 and 7 27 p. m. Addi tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20, 12 16 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 185,8 23 p.m. TUAINH FOIl SIIKNANDOAII. Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days, 12 IS, 4 80, 8 00, 11 30 a. m., aud 1 80, 4 80 yw p.m. DiinuaTS, o uu p. m. Leave New York via Alauch unuuk, week days, 4 SO. 9 10 a. in.. 1 80 and 4 15 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, Iteadlug Terminal, week days, 12 01, 0 30, b 85. 10 10 a. m. and I 42,4 05,6 30 p. m. Hnndays, 12 01 n. m. Leave lteadlncweek days, 2 05, 0 10,10 08, a, m. 12 00 m., 4 19, 6 00 and 8 20 1. in. Sundays, 2 03 a. m. Leave I'ottsvllle, weekdays, 8 05, 7 10 a.m. 12 SO nnd 6 10 p. in. Sundays, 8 07 a. m. Leave. Tninaqua, week days, 8 55, 7 40, 1123 a. in., 1 86, 8 60, 7 30 and 9 43 p. m, Sundays, 3 55 u m Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 12 20,4 91, 8 15, 11 47 a. in., 2 17, 5 18, 6 21, 7 41 and 10 08 p. m. R,i,lvn. 12 25. 4 21 a. 111. Iavo Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 35, 2 40, 4 tta ouu.eiiu. JUI. liu n. ui,, ai, aoi, OIL 7 57, 10 22 p in. riundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 S3 a. m. Leave wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 24 a m.. 4 00 and 11 80 p. re. Sundays, 11 80 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wait aud South Btrectwhaif for Atlantic. City. Weekdays Express, 9 0) a. m 2 00, 4 00, S 00 p, m. Accommodation, 8 00 a. m., 6 30 p. in, Sunuays Express, 900, 10 00 a. m. Accommoda t!,.t KOOa. in.. 4 45 n. m. Returning iravo Atlantic City depot, corner Atfmiilo and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express, 7 33, 9 00 a m., 8 80, 8 80 p. m. Aocomuiouuuun, a jo a. lu., Hundsys Express, 4 00, 780 p. m. Acconv mndatlon, 7 15 a. m., 4 IB p. m. Parlor Or on all express trains. Vor further Information, apply to nearest pMliulelphla aud 1 twilling Hallway ticket agent orauuress (leu'l Supt., (leii'l lWr Agt., ueuuiiiK K(uiuai, rauaueipuia. The Kind Always Bears the i S. P Tho Ex-Labor Loader Accopted as Immigration Commissioner! STATEMENT BY SENATOR HANNA. Ho Doolnros That Sir. l'owdorly Wns Not Promised nil Ofllco ns n, Ilownril J'or Ills Work In tlio J.nto I'rcwl (lotitlnl Ciiniiinlmi. Wnshlneton, March 1". Hon. T. V. Powderly wns conllrined In the senate executive session yesterday, by a voto ot 43 to 20, as commissioner of lmml Ijratlon. Senator Chandler was the only Republican who voted against confirm ation, while a large number of Demo crats voted for Mr. l'owderly. The vote was preceded by a rather sharp debate In which the question whether Mr. l'ow derly had made a trade with the Ile- publlcans In the last campaign was dis cussed quite freely. Senators Teller and Stewart nttacked Mr. Powderly's record on the financial question, and Senator Stewnrt read a TETiriENCE V. POWDEItLT. letter from Powderly written during; the campaign of 1S92 In which he had de clared his adherence to the cause of bi metallism and denounced those of the labor element who had aligned them selves on the Republican side as render ing themselves liable to tho charge of being made the subjects of bribery. Mr. Stewart contended that Mr. Powderly had placed himself in exactly the cate gory In which he had previously sought to place others. Senator Hanna made a brief speech In which he asserted that Mr. Powder ly's support of the Republican ticket In the late campaign was not tho result of any collusion or bargain. "Mr. Powderly," he said, "came to us of his own accord and without any solicitation on our part. We did not go after him, and we did not promise him anything." Furthermore, Mr. Hanna said that he was not originally a supporter of Powderly for the position of commis sioner of Immigration, having an other candidate for the ollice. This fact ought to be sulllclent evidence, Mr. Hanna thought, to convince the most skeptical that there had been no bargain that Mr. Powderly should have the ollice as the result of his ser vices in the campaign. Mr. Chandler made another speech In opposition, reading protests from la bor organizations and declaring that tho Republican party could not afford to appoint to so Important an ofllce a man so distasteful to the labor ele ment. Mr. Fairbanks closed the debate In Mr. Powderly's behalf, defending his record In olTlco and his character as a man. He said that Mr. Powderly had demonstrated by several months of service his fitness for the office. He asserted that the only charges made against him were of an appeal nature. and contended that these were not of a character to in any way reflect upon him or to Justify opposition to his con firmation. Tor Infants and Children. C7CI7 TTJJF8?. JCIIIetl lllH Diumlitor mid Jllmsolf. Memphis, Tenn., March 17. News comes from Afton, Ark., a vlllase 50 miles west of here, of a double tragedy. Jefferson Taylor, a well to do farmer, who has for some time been mentally unbalanced, found an old pistol. He threatened to kill his wife nnd grown daughter, and they called loudly for assistance. He shot the daughter, kill ing her instantly. Then he killed him self. Whooplnj! congh is tho most distressing malady: but its duration can ho cut snort by the use of One Minute CuukU Cure, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung nnd bronchial troubles. V. li.llagcu- bucli. Jfuarlttvo MtirclororX'iiptnroila St. Louis, March 17. Pe,ter Henfro, who was condemned to death for the murder. In Springfield, Mo., five years ago, of Will Derr, a constable, and who escaped from Jail after killing a guard has been captured on the preserves of tho Current Itlver Fishlnc club. In Carter county, Mo. Wo are anxious to do a little, good in this world and can think of no pleaKintor or hotter way to uo it than n.v recommending Ono Minuto Cough Curo ns a moventivo of pneumonia, consumption nun other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. (J. II. llagcnbuch. West Point Cndot Horlounly Injured. West Point, N. Y., March 17. Cadet Lieutenant Edwin D. Hricker, of Cham bersburg, Pa., wes seriously injured last night. He and a daughter of Cap tain Parker were out horseback riding, and while coming down the mountain road, a mllo west of Highland Falls, the cadet's horso ran away. The young man was thrown violently against a stone wall and rendered unconscious. An ambulance was sent for nnd tho cadet was taken to the hospital. Uuo u'sArnlcu Halve. The best salvo In tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcors, salt rhearu, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or ao pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or inouy refunded. Prin 25 cents or bo . For sale by A. Wasloy A Mlf'liliimi Ibi'.'t 'lohliory. Mount Pleasnnt, Mich., March 17. The People's EavlncB bank safety vault was robbed of $3,000 Tuesday night by the uso of duplicate keys. Tho bank la In the hands of a receiver. This bank gained a wide notoriety In connection with tho Farmers' bank at Shopard, Mich., the cQfhler of which was sup posed to have ben murdered In August last. A wlicolmau'e tool bag Isn't completo with out a bottle of Tit. Thomas' KclccHe Oil. Heals cuts, bruises, stints, sprulua. Monarch over pain. IN SENATE AND H0USI2. Opiirml OroHMiior Dtuilon n Humor Anciit tho l'ii'lili'iil nnd fjttbu. WohlnRton, Mnrch 17. The poatofllre appropriation bill, which wan technical ly the subject before the house yester day, was almost lost track of In the de bate. Numerous topics were dlneiiFed, but for the first time the Cuban-Spim-Ish question, which bud been kepi in the background heretofore, forged to the front. Mr. Cochran, Missouri Demo crat, brought the question Into the arena, nnd In the conrse of the debate that followed Mr. Qrosvenor, of Ohio, took occasion to deny emphatically the Htorles afloat to the effect that the pres ident desired an early adjournment of congress Hi order that he mii?ht effort a settlement without conttresslonHl inter ference. The subjeet of Hawaiian an nexation alro came in for more atten tion. Messrs. Williams of Mississippi and Kerry of Kentucky, Democrats, and Adams of Pennsylvania, Tlepubliran, all members of the foreign affairs com mittee, made speeches on the subject, the former in opposition and the two latter In favor of the proposition. Iiuslnrss In the legislative session of the senate was confined to the passage of a few bills, largely of a local charac ter. The nt.tlonnl quarantine bill was not considered. The celebrated remedy Salvation Oil, Is recommended by experienced veterinary surgeons as just the thing for the stable and cuttle ymils. Irl"iiert toTenmii'H Wplllnuton. AnnapollB, Md., March 1". Delegate Jacobl, Kepubllcan, of Baltimore city, Introduced Into the house of delegates yesterday a Joint resolution declaring United States Senator George L. Wel lington guilty of disloyalty to his party, and demanding his resignation from the United States senate. The resolu tion was promptly tabled by a unani mous vote, the mover of the resolution himself voting against it. Thoroughly healthy girl hood means happy wife hood and ca motherhood. A new faugled prudery many girls trom things that they (now before they duties ot mat rimony and maternity. Athletlrl alrmp will ncft Allilctics alone will not make a young woman thor oughly healthy. The wise ! counsels of a good mother or some older woman are indispensable. and rear healthy, intelligent children. In order to do this, she must be healthy and strong in a womanly way. Both the intel- lectual and physical future of her children detieud lareelv unon the mother. Dr. l'lerce s liavonte 1'rescription is tue oest of all medicines for maids, wives and moth ers. It is intended to do but one thing and does that one thing thoroughly. It acts directly on the delicate and important or gans concerned in wifehood and mother hood and makes them strong, healthy, virile, vigorous and elastic Taken dur ing the time of preparation, it banishes the trials and dangers of maternity. It insures tile well being of the mother and the robust health of the child. It is the greatest of nerve tonics and nerve builders. Thou sands of women have told the story of its marvelous accomplishments. Good medi cine dealers sell it and will not advise a substitute in place of it. In a letter to Dr. Pierce, Mr. C. A. McDonald. of Nj. tai N. Chestnut street. Los Angeles, Cnl., says. "At Junction City I became acquainted with W. C. Lee, M. D., nn old practitioner. He said he was a college chum of yours, but that you weni lo i-.urope lo ine nesi nosimais, wnuc lie commenced practice ; that for thirty years you were consiuereil oue oi me leaning pnystciaua in New York State, anil he considered your rem edies better than all others, and prescribed them dally in his practice On the strength of this commendation r tried your ' Pavorite Prescrip tion ' and the ' Pellets ' The ' Favorite Prescrip tion 1 has acted like maeic in cases of irregular and painful monthly periods, a few doses only being necessary to restore the natural function. The Pellets' have pruveu an infallible cure for sick anu uiuous neauacne. In paper covers, 21 one-cent stamps; cloth binding, ten cents extra Dr. Pierce's Com mon Sense Medical Adviser. Address Dr. K. V. Fierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Gomett cc oa n ee - n a rel i Rbl lite iurc&t drugs ft Dr. Peal's Penityi'osl Pills Thcr aro prompt, sale and certain In result. The emuInetDr. I'eiil'ai nrverdlsspf noint. Boat anywhere, S1.00, Addrsss Fltii. M ..m irii Lo.,, O. For Sale at KIRLIN'S "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES.' GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiui 1 jLiif FOB SufVXiB EVERYWHERE. e tdlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'VK IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK ,$iBSftK darinr;i'j3wlllpKrit to its rnd-rs a fairtiful pictnnu ssfESfev ' . Af cc":uuon of the r.J'- niu i mu run,; ai i inipiin uit ms , Q THE NEWS THAT BECOMES HISTORY National and Inler-iTucWratKiA mil t,,iiin i , Wi i i national Politics ,n du. grcai ptiliiudl cim-, i u on." Social and Economic )" u " m.iu1 and cm Q,iainn- i i"in,c fiiL-'-ii, uis, and ul the devtlopnient uettlons ( of tl,c mul.l e west, lis special orre- induitrlal Enterprise j snondent in the Klondil.s repon will trace Art and Literature the story ui die gresi gold ducoveriss. LONG SERIALS AND SHORT STORIES TwoInnKscrialswillappeardurinfihe J K ?,",,tt S. R Li kit! jl.,,, u iuiuiuicuu, a .iiiui-, tiatiiiuai unie, ana uui be uiuMiaicd. ( v. m.isk t. Onen Witter TlieKu Howard Pile writtrs iohn Kcndilck Gangs (Wbbki In M. inakins tin; i ..i t r .j Mary E.WIIklnt Iciallyriclunfiction. Oiliotfoaturuaart the DEPARTMENTS AND SPECIAL ARTICLES THIS BUSY WORLD FOREIGN NOTES Jlf R 8. it.WTI.Y Ct iMOlTHSX BlGKLOll LETTERS FROM LONDON AMATEUR SPORT Bf akxold mint! j i)rc.(ra7;r.vAT A SPORTING PILGRIMAGE AROUND THE WORLD In the liitereit of the Week Lv,Caiar Whitney Is en his w ay around the world, lie nUl visit Sum in of big game, making Ins prim ipa! hunt trom llangkolc. I Is w til visit India and then proceed to burope to prepare articles on the sports of (Jemuny and Vrance. toe. a f'tf unjforfrtt froifictHti. Suiuriftim $4.00 aytar. I'ostaffrM in tht UmltJ Slaltl, Camtja, anj iltxkt. Address II.Vl!l'i:it & IHtOTllKltS, I'ublMior,ir York I lly Cospai W hitney w. n. liuvetu Instant rrllef f r t,K ua-tortun-1 babe ant re f ir tip 1 ninth, m in n, v.irni Kith u Ci'Tii i ha h" i iiinl n un 'U jippli i'i ii cf Omit ha. (iiintn.enil, the pri'.it si. u c n Tho only ppi , lj nnd I'i "imnni ,d In itn.ii for liih'nir, humini', lin.niir, p, , n l pimply In iimrs ef lhefil.,11, m ilp,,i n 1c 1, fl E13T BLEMISHES- r A r) Pennsylvania RAILROAD. BCHUYKILL DIVISION MAnt ii 17. 1K98. Trains will leave Hhenandoah after tho ahc t dak' for Wiggans, ullherton, PmektMr Dark Water, 8t. Clair, I'ottsvllle. Ilnmhure. Uradt f Pnrtntown, Plioenlxvllle. JTnrrl"town nidPrt'i adelplila I Brood street station) nt C 05 and 8 1 a. in., 2 02, 0 11 p. in. on week dnys. Sundays. 05 a. m , 1 50 p. m. Leave Hliennndnnli for I'ottsvllle fvln Delnnol 7 57, 10 05 a. m 12 50, 2 52 and 8 25 p. m wi lIc days. Kuudnys, 9 35 a. in., 31 p. m. Trains leae Fraekvllle for rtheuandoa'1 si 71, 11411a. in. and 5 40, 7 81 p. . Sunday, 11 01 a. m. and 3 20 p. m. ieave Pottsvtllu for Hhenandoah ivlnl' inck ville, 7 10, II 20 a. m., 5 20, 7 25 u m. SuudaT 10 IB a. m.. 3 00 p. m. ' Leave Piittsvllle for Hhenandoah fvln Dilnno 7 l"i, 9 40 a. in., 1238, 2 12 and 5 00 p m weefc days. Sundays, 0 IS a m 6 0!ip in Leave PhlladelpWa, (llronil slrei t station! for Bhenandoah at 5 B7, H35 and 10 I't a ui 4 10 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at n 50 a. m. Leave Broad street station, Phllnd. Ipuia, tor He GH, Asbury Park, Ocean drove,; Branch, and Intermediate stations 8.20 11.11, ft. m., 8.80 and 1.00 p. in. week-days. Leave Ilroad Street Station. Philadelphia. FOR NEW YORK. Express, week-days, 8 20, 4 On, 4 f)0 5 15, 6 80. 7 88, H 20, 8 38, 9 50, 10 21 (Dining ('an, lloo a, m 12 00 noon, 2 85 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p in Dining (Sirs), 1 40, 280 (Dining (luri 8 20. 3C0. 4 00, 5 00, 5 56 (Dining Oar), 6 00, 7 02,7 13, 10 00 p. ra., 12 ui, nigui. Hunuuys, a an, 4 , ' 'A 0 15t ! ? i'Si8,8!9 I1' 12 35, 105 iDinlllK Car) i (Umit,d4 22Dlii(ng Ca (Dining Can, II l, a, m., ir) 2 80 (Duillii; I ar 4 no (Limited! 22DlnhiK Car). 6 20. 6 M i In....,,. cr, 0 85, 7 02, 7 43, 10 00 p. m., 12 01 nlgel. Kzpress for Boston without clmugi;, 11 00 a m., week-days, and 7 48 p. in., dally. WASHINGTON AND THE SOI TII , Car),' 112,' 318, ''ill, '5 25 ( ongres I slonal Limited, Dining Oar, 6 17. 6& Din. , ing Car, 7 31 Dining Crj p. in, nnd 1201 night week days. Sundays, 8 00, 7 20, a 12, 11 23, n. in., i.w, . i , i ii, ium ijuiiKTessiuuai lilIH ited, Dining Car, 655 Dining OurJ, 7 Jl iDIn tug Car p. ui. and 12 05 night. For Baltimore, uecomiiiiHlation, V 1 J m and 1 01 p ui week days, 5 Osaml II p t , dain FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad street station via Delaware rlvei bridge Express, ii 20 a m, 7 05 p. m. daily Leave Market street Warf Express, k 50 a in 2 00. (.0OHat!irdiisinl 1.400.500 a. 111 Sun dnyH, 8 45. HI a. in (accommodation 4 30 nnd 5 00 p. ill.) For Cape May, Anglesen, Wlldwood and Holl j Beach, Sen Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon and fetone Ilarbor Express, 9 00 u. m., 400, p. m. week days. Sundays, V 00 it. ni. For Souiers Point Express, S50, a. in., 200, 4 00, 5 00, p. m. week days Sundays, s 45 n. m, I. It. Hutchinsom, J. u. Wooo, Oen'l Manager. Clen'l Pusa'g'r Agt fflffiiCi.:''.'; jSjV &!( EsiiFrL'SB's' r, 4c 1 ,W,"'J i"'.,j j L'fr SPKCO-IC CO..PWLA... Km Hi Povlnsky's drug store. Centre Htreet. Eos AWN'S TANSY PILLS A TnifD. TRr AKIi llK WOWAN j TELIEF. AlwftVf Drnmiitmiil rrlilile Ann ! it ic nt. Gt Caio'i'L'aiirt I'lLLSand b k i kukkts, At .Iru htitn-a. or trrii ilirtct fiualit . nr i'i t!. Catoh Hi bc. Co.. llottoti, Mu. Jur book 4c. For sale at Ktrllu's drug store and Shenandoah drug elor. onthly, repnlatinc mp;.icir.p, Only l,"rmlcS O&S should be uaed 11 you 'fun the bout, 1 1 Drue Store, Shenandoah, Pa. WOMEN WHO READ I nro ir.isr"tive auil keep inl'urnied of s the VV.nd5 l'rusress. Tho well in- formed iiiid thrifty Housa-wife will nl i - D r: NB0W LINIMENT 1 in the I'.ou-e, as a Mnndard remedy for Birajne, Briilst'S. Cntmpa, IUiouniutlsm, E mid all achob and pains. 5 Pries 2S cti. and 60 ctt. per bottle. E Prepired by H. I. HACKETT & CO., Philadelphia, Carl j it t $ I P. R. Stockton i mi inn, THE ISIIl 1111 II UFUfllT and a score of equally in mim it will contribute short -.luiu s !,, tlic: