The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 12, 1898, Image 1

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Creates business because of its known
large circulation and render! rich
results to its advertisers.
7 public through a pro
gressive, dignified, influential journal
use the HERALD columns.
r r. -68
wetting &m ijcrmo.
Better Than Klondike.
Invest your money where you are sure
to receive full value for the same.
V " " , IT. UJl
Parlor Suits, 5 pieces, - $iS.oo
Wood seated chairs, - .45
Cane seated chairs, - .75
J. P. Williams & Son,
La d
Ladies1 Plush and Cloth Capes and
and Children's Jackets at half price.
$5, $6 and $7 ; your choice for $2.50.
will sell for $4.
I I CDCD.ET'C North Main St.,
Undertaking in - -
- - all its Branches.
Open Day and Night.
cor. wnite and Lloyd its.,
shenandoah, pa.
On Tap at all
On Tap at all
All standard make wheels, that you will run no risk in buying,
Bring your old wheel in and we will over-haul and
repair it now. Have it ready for you to
ride the first fine day.
To Reduce Stock.
Your Choice For 25 Cents.
3 Pounds Seeded Muscatel Raisins.
6 Pounds Good New Vuscatel Raisins,
4 Pounds New SeedlessvRaisins,
4 Cans Maryland Sugar Corn,
3 Cans Fine Northern Sugar
2 Cans Fancy Maine Corn,
4 Cans Early June Peas,
3 Cans Sifted Early June Peas, -2
Cans Champion of England Peas,
2 Cans Early Sweet Peas,
2 Cans California Apricots,
2 Cans California Bartlett Pears, -
3 Cans Baked Beans, Large Size, -
Solid Oak Fancy Base
Extension TaWe, - $3.75
Iron Bedsteads, - . 55 3-5
Solid Oak Chanila Suit.
eight pieces, - 14.00
Full size well made couches,
spring seat, full fringed, $ 3.75
Side boards, - - 5-5
13 S. Main Street,
ies', Misses' and
Children's . .
Jackets, at half value. Misses'
Children's Long Coats, worth
Also 4 coats worth $10 and $12,
Shenandoah, Pa.
25 Cents
25 Cents
25 Cents
The forecast for Sunday : Partly cloudy,
slightly colder weather and hrlsk to freih
southwesterly and wostorly winds preceded
by rain on tho coasts.
More Wages AVero AsUcil for Under a
Locked Lump litlle.
It has just leaked out that there was a
short and fruitless strike- on tho part of tlio
miners employed at the Win. l'enu colliery
on Wednesday, last.
On tho afternoon of the preceding Tuesday
tli 1 co Lithuanian minors were burned by an
xplosiou of cat In a chute. Tho air courses
and other regulations in that section of tho
mino wcro nil right and at first tho cause of
tho explosion was a mystory. An Investi
gation showed, however, that some dobiis
from tho chute had blocked tho fan piro.
The fan boy called the attention of the men
to tho fact, but they wero too busy at the
tlmo to clean out the plpo and a small body
of sas accumulated. It was ignited by tho
lamp of ono of the men and the explosion
Tho result of tho investigation led Insldo
oremau flolden to give orders to the lamp
man to give tho men in that section of tho
mino locked safety lamps. When tho men
Plicated for wotk on Wednesday morning
and wero told of the order they struck for
more wages, claiming that they would not bo
able to do as much work with tho dim light
of it locked lamp. Foieman Golden an-
eared upon the scene and said no increase
could bo. It was Btntcd that the men Hero
making fair wages under existing circum
stances and to demaud an increase of the
company might result to the disadvantage of
the mou. The striko was declared oil' and
there has been no bolt since.
Harly Work oil tlic Illngtown Lino la Now
A re-orgaulzation of tlie Shenandoah Street
Electric Kailway Company took placo in town
yesterday afternoon with the election of the
following oiheers : President, Hamilton
Godfroy, of Ktadiug: Vico President, II. C.
Geisslor, of Reading ; Secretary, II. I). Itent-
schler, ot Klugtown: Treasurer, J. W. Johu-
Bon, of this town ; Engineers, W. II. Dechart,
of Reading, and Mr. Thompson, of Pottsvillo.
Tho company announces that th activo
work of locating the lino over Locust mouu
tain from this town to Ringtown will begin
next Tuesday mid the rijhts of way In town
will bo appliod for at an early date. The
terminus of tho lino in the valley will be at
tho Kinjtown fair grounds.
Will Go 10 11 Hospltnl.
Peter Poll', of North West strctt. will noxt
week go to tho Jefl'orson hospital at Philadel
phia for treatment to his hatids.which were
badly buruod by gas in tlio Shenandoah City
colliery about six mouths ago nnd refuse to
Vanilla mid Chocolate Ice Cream
To-night and to-morrow at Scheldor's bakery,
37 J'.iist Coiltro street.
Social Gathering.
A vory pleasant timo was spent last trcn-
ing at the homo of Miss M. IJutler, on East
Lloyd Btrect, by a number of young folks.
1 lie feature of the eTouing was a solo by J,
Jiurphy and a duott by Misses N. Cunning
ham and Mary McDirmott entitled, "Ileautl-
ful Moonlight."
Tho woll known Singer Sewing Machine
Company wants to rent a small store room on
Main or Centra streets for uu olllce. Will
rout lor a year. Reference our present
landlord, ex-Postmaster Meliet. 3-10-lw
Illrtliday Gathering.
Mrs. Mary A. Crawshaw celebrated hor
birthday anniversary last ovoning aiid Tory
pleasantly entertained a few friends at her
homo on North Jardiu street. There wero
present Mr. and Mrs. George Crawshaw, of
Jlalianoy City; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ilroughall
and sou, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Williams and
Miss Delia Daddow.
There Never Was a Better Cure
Than Pan-Tina for coughs, 25c. AtGruhler
Uro3 drug store.
A Good JnvflMliiieiit.
A brick building, centrally located, with
all tho latest improvements, is ollered for
sale. Terms to suit purchaser. Possession
given April 1st, or present lessees to continue
at optiou of purchasor. For full terms and
particulars writo or rail at S. G. M. Hollo
peter's law olhce, Titman building. 2-23-tf
Illckert'H Cnto.
Sour krout, pork, mashed potatoes to-night
Glaus Hniashml.
While a painter was at work in one of tho
show windows in Robblns' row on West
Centra street this morning tho chair on
which ho was standing tipped against the
window and shattered a large patio of glass.
Tho painter narrowly escaped being procip
itatod through the window.
Oiler of Thimbu.
Tho family of the late Joseph Flook desire
to oxtond sincere thanks to the Columbia
Phoenix and Rescue firo cempani.s for the!
attendance at tho funeral last Thursday.
Headache Quickly Cured,
Dr. Davis' Anti-Headache never falls, 23c,
Wagon Itroko Down.
A dollvory wagon belonging to G. W
Keitor and loaded with oats broko down at
tho corner of Main and Lloyd streets thi
morning. The front axlo gave way under
the weight. Many of the bags of oats were
scattored In the mud.
To Cure Headache In 15 Minutes.
Tako Dr. Davis' Atl-Headacho. All druggists.
Smoke Causes Alarm
Some excltomont was occasioned on West
Coal stroot last evening by denso volumes of
smoke issuing from one of tlio residences i
tho Franey block, Tho smoke was caused
by a fresh fire and tho chimuoy did not per
mit free passago
"I suffered for months from soro throat,
Eclcctrio Oil cured mo in twenty-four hours.'
M. S. Gist, Hawesvlllo, Ky.
ICimlnn lklmililml
Engine N5.y577, being 0110 of two drawing
a long tram 01 loaueu coal cars on tut
I.olilgh Valley railroad, met with an acct
dent whllo rouudlmr tbo curve at tho foot ol
Market street this morning. Tho cap of ono
of tlio steam chests was blown off and the
train was dolayed for somo time.
School Hoard Meeting
X special meeting of the School Board vi
be held on Monday evening to act ou repoi
of committees.
No matter how long you have had
cough; If It hasn't already developed
consumption Dr. Wood's Norway Pluo Syrup
will euro It.
Hoping FOft
Government Officials Are Actively Pre
paring For the Worst.
House Naval Committee Will So Report A
Military Department of the South
Created-Mlnlster Be Bernabe
Says Spain Will Try to
Avert War.
Washington, March 12. Hoping1 for
the beat and prepared for tlio worst
about represents the situation In the
ar and navy departments theso days.
The officials still profess confidence
that thoro is to bo a peaceful outcome
of tho present threatening dllllcultios,
but meanwhile prepare with serenity
to meet their duty if events should
shape themselves otherwise. The most
Important and significant develop
ments of the day were the decision of
the house naval committee to place
In the naval appropriation bill a pro
vision for three new battleships and a
conclusion on the part of the secretary
of war to Issue an order creating a
new military department, Including
within Its confines that part of the
country which would In all likelihood
bo nearest to the field of hostilities In
case It should come to that.
Tho order, which was Issued this
morning, will create a commotion In
the south. The present department of
Texas Is abolished and the headquar
ters, which has been at San Antonio,
Tex., for so many years, are aban
doned. In place of the old department
s created a new ohe, the department
of the south. General Qraham, at
present commander of the department
of Texas, will command the new de
partment. This department will In
clude the states of South Carolina,
Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi,
Louisiana and Texas. All of these
states save the last are at present at
tached to the department of the east,
under command of General Merrltt, of
New York. Headquarters of the new
department will be at Atlanta, Ga.
For the first time yesterday officials
of the war department admitted that
they wero straining every nerve to lm
provo that part of the defenses of the
country confined to their care. It Is
without question the most unusual
mark of confidence In an executive of'
fleer to empower him to Klve orders
without limit for the purchase of war
material, yet this Is what the president
and Secretary Alger have done In the
case of General Flagler, chief of ord
nance. Genernl Flagler has Instructed
every concern capable of supplying war
material, such as rapid fire guns, shot,
shell and ammunition, to eo to work
at full capacity.
The navy department has now reason
to believe that it has secured the two
warships Amazonas and her sister ship,
now building In England for Brazil. It
was stated at the cabinet meeting yes
terday by Secretary Long that the
naval attache at London, Lieutenant
Colonel Well, had almost completed the
negotiations for the sale. So far, how
ever, the final notification from him
that his offer has been accepted haB
not yet reached the navy department,
Secretary Long has determined that
there shall be no wasteful extrava
gance In his department In the expend!
ture of tho funds so generously pro
ided by congress, nnd to this end he
lias addressed the following letter to the
assistant secretary of the navy, the
colonel commandant of the marine
corps, and to each of the bureau chiefs
of the navy department, Instructing
them to Incur no expense or liability
except after written statements and
estimates made by them and approved
by the president and secretary.
In anticipation of a rupture be
tween the United States and Spain,
many naval officers on the retired list
have notified the secretary of the navy
of their willingness and readiness to
perform any duty in the line of their
profession that he may deem suitable
for them. The president has power to
assign any retired officer of tho navy
to duty during the progress of war,
but he can only assign him to the com
mand of squadrons or ships by and
with the advice and consent of the sen
ate. There are army officers on the
retired list In the full enjoyment of
health and mental vigor, despite the
fact that they are over 62 years of age,
The statement was persistently cir
ciliated yesterday afternoon, and In
some cases the report came from thoso
whose sources of Information should
be reliable, that the administration
was In possession of Information that
the result of the Investigation of the
court of Inquiry as to the cause of the
Maine disaster would show that the
explosion which destroyed the battle
ship came from some external agency,
A cabinet officer was even quoted as
making this announcement, and an
other report had It that the stono
graphic notes of the Inquiry were be
fore Secretary Long. When the mat
ter was brought to the attention of
Secretary Long he pronounced the
Statement as false In every particular,
Tlioy Will Ito of tho IMiioHt. nnd Will
Cost So.OOO, 000 Knoll,
Washington, March 12. Three new
battleships of the staunchest type
afloat were authorized by the house
committee on naval affairs yesterday,
and a provision for their construction
was Inserted In the naval appropriation
bill. At the Bame time the committee
agreed on a maximum price of $100 per
ton for armor plate, for our vessels,
Increased the force ofnaval marines by
473 men, and put matters In fair shape
for a decision today on tho location of
dry docks, probably four In number.
capable of accommodating tho largest
sized war vessels. 5
Tho new warships provided for will
be of the finest pattern, It will be two
years, doubtless, before thoy can be
Dlaced In commission, una 01 tnera
the commltteo decided, should bear the
name of the 111 fated Maine. The ap
proprlatlon for the construction was
not fixed, ueintr reierrea to me bud
committee on appropriations, which
will report to the full commltteo today
Tho cost. It Is expected, will be aliou
15,000,000 eacti, tnough for the flsral
year covered in the bill the nmount of
expenditure may not exceed $2,000,000
each. An Important question was
raised as to whether the expenditure
for the new battleships should be de
frayed out f the $50,000,000 emergency
bill, but this subject was passed over.
The committee also agreed upon a
provision authorizing the secretary of
the navy to purchase nrmor plate by
contraot or otherwise at a cost of not
exceeding $400 per ton. This was agreed
to, however, only on tho express pro
viso that this item should Include the
nickel used In the armor, for which a
large outside percentage heretofore has
been paid by the government. One of
the most Important features of the
work on the bill was an agreement on
an appropriation of $135,000 for outfit
ting, rationing nnd uniforming 473 ad
ditional marines. This Increase In the
naval force was made the subject of a
peclal and urgent request sent to the
house after tho submission of the regu
lar recommendations.
The outlook Is that four new dry
docks will be authorized, two on tho
Atlantic coast, one on the Pacific and
another on the gulf. If the present ex
pectations are materialized the docks
will be authorized to be constructed at
Boston, Mass.; Algiers, New Orleans,
Mare Island, Col., and League Island,
With the amounts to be paid for dry
docks and for armor plate, In the ag
gregate not yet determined, the bill as
It stands carries In all something like
$30,000,000, which, however, will be
largely augmented by the other Items.
Rapid progress has been made with the
bill, and It Is likely it will be In shape
to report to the house Monday or Tues
day. upposon to I'owilorly'H T'onflrmut Ion.
Washington, March 12. The commit
tee on Immigration has reported ad-
ersely upon the nomination of Hon.
T. V. Powderly to be commissioner of
Immigration. The nomination has been
held up In committee for several weeks
on account of the absence of Senator
Chandler. He having returned to
Washington, the matter was hrought
up, and the vote being taken Mr.
Chandler united with the Democratic
senators to secure an adverse repo.'t.
It is believed that the report will bo
made the basis of an animated contro
versy In the senate.
System That Carrie With It Oenulno
Tho Spring soasou has arrived and wo are
eady for it with tho largest, finest and best
stock of clothing for men, youths and chil-
ren over brought to Slunaudoah. Lach
urticlo is sold with a guarantee as to quality
and make, and every pioco is made by us.
Ilavo you heard of our Ono Price System .'
We'll tell you. Since the 3rd of March we
have been doing business ou a strictly Ono
rice basis. No more cutting prices at our
place. You find overy garment marked dis
tinctly at what it is actually worth to the
consumer. It you liko what you examine
you take it at the prico marked nothing less
1 ml nothing moro. Since the Ono Price sys
tem has beon in operation our business is
greater than over it was before Peoplo
express surprise at tbo prices marked on onr
goods. Wo have always sold cheap, but
undor the One Prico systom our prices are
still lower. Wo mark every pieco at bottom
rock and that mark becomes our Ouo Price.
Wo can sell cheaper than others becauso we
manufacture all our own clothing and havo
no rent to pay. Sparoafow minutes to look
at our show windows ono filled with men's
clothing and tlio other with children's cloth
ing. After looking you will aurcewith us
that there never before was a better or larger
display of clothing in children's suits and
novelties in Shenandoah. Anyono who wants
to see tho latest styles in clothing should not
miss looking at our windows.
A Fine Merchant Tailoring Department
has been opened in our store and wo havo
over 10,000 worth of pieco goods from whicl
you can select anu havo a suit mailo by our
own tailors in our own building. Wo guar
anteo perfect fit and elegant finish at any
prico you want. No fit, no purchaso.
Mammoth Clotiiino IIouse,
L. Goldin, Prop.,
0 and 11 South Main street,
Shenandoah, Pa
P. S. If anybody finds fivo days after mak-
ng a purchaso of us that we are not cheaper
with our Ono Prico system than any other
store in tho county, wo redeem tho goods and
refund the monoy.
Kemlrlck House Vrea T.nnch.
Cream of tomato soup will bo served, free,
to all patrons to-night.
Missing Since Weilnesriiiy.
Maml Hoehn, seventeen years old. resid
ing with her parents in Pottsville, left her
home on Wnduosday evening, during bor
motners absence, and has not been seen s nr.
although diligent search lias beon made for
her. It is reported to her parents, by her
young lover, that sho had drowned herself.
Alelitulzls uafe,
liean soup, free, to-night.
Hot lunch ou Monday morning.
Advertini'il I.ettnrH,
Lettors addressed to tho followinff named
people remain uncalled for at tho local pest
office: Mrs. George Hcywood. MIsa LeenHr
Wright, John Lawlor. Edward Luck. Mr.
At Kepchluski'a Arcads Cafe.
Hot Tamales, free, to-night.
Hot lunch ou Monday morning.
Social anil i:nturtulunient.
The social and eutortainmcnt by tho Chris
tian Endeavor Society of tbo M. E. church
next Monday evening, March 14th, promises
to bo very largely attended. Cauls of ad.
mission 10 cents, including refreshments.
lloner Wus Ilefeuleil.
It Is something unusual to rccoid a defeat
for Jack Iioner, tho Summit Hill pugilist, but
In tbo 0-round bout at Philadelphia last
night, between lloner and Tommy Wost, tho
Utter won the decision.
Absolutely Puro
Closing: of the First Week of Criminal
The Case of Commissioner Meyers Will be
Taken Up Again on Monday Morning.
The Resignations of Commis
sioners Rentz and Martin
In Hand.
Special to Kvr.Ni.Nn Hi'KAM).
Pottsvillo. Maich 12. After disposing of
Constable Matt. Oiblon's Shenandoah cn&os
early yesteiduy afternoon. Judge Savidge
went to his homo at Suubury. He and Judge
Koch havo disposed of tho following canos :
Tns. llubics, assault and battery to kill, on
oath of August Douscort; not guilty, each
pay half the costs.
Jas. Uuble?, assault, oath of Alex. Klciza ;
guilty, SI fine, costs and 30 days.
John btone, nssnult nnd battery, oath of
Anna Klesliner; not guilty, each pay half
tho costs.
Anthony Guzauski, assault and battery,
oatli of Daniel McElauey, f 1 fine, costs and
30 days.
Josiali Gambler, plead guilty of fornica
tion, oath of Mary Saul; ?100 fiuo and costs;
other cases dismissed.
Charles Charlston, larceny of mino car
tickets at the St. Clair Coal Company's col
liery; guilty; $5 fine, costs and four months.
M. Itolim, John Itohm, Vasil Sniyka and
Joo Prum, murder of John Osteiiich, oath of
Constable Fred. Goding; bill ignored by tlio
Grand Jury.
Joo Karmitis, assault and battery, oatli of
Miko Yancofsky; bill ignored, prosecutor for
Anthony Wenckus, assault and battery,
oath of Mat. Petrosky; bill iguored, prosecu
tor for costs.
Miko Kotchumes, Dominick Mankct and
John Lebeuavago, assault and battery, oath
of Anthony Mositus, bill iguored, prosecutor
for costs.
Simon Matuiis and .loo Ilutanavish, assault
and battery, oath of Wm. Matulusky. This
was a Mahanoy case. The verdict was not
guilty but pay tlio costs.
Ilios. . Itoose, adultery, oath of A. W.
Swade. of Tamanua. Kceso's wife swore
thoy were married in 1881. and it was de
veloped that they teperated. Aunio Staller
is tko woman involved. She did not appear
when called for the witness stand and Judge
Koch adjourned tbo case till this moru-
when it was tried. No evidence was put
in by tlio defendant, but Geoige J. Wad-
hnger, Esq., made a special plea for Iteose,
saying it was tho defendant's father, Harry
Hoese, of Sliamokin, who fired the Peters
burg mino in 1SU4. Tho jury is still out.
The cases against tho school directors, tho
tax collectors and some of tho school terchers
of West Mahanoy township, which wore
brought by Thomas H. Doe somo weeks ago,
wero not acted upon by tho Grand Jury.
Tho indictments will bo presented at tho
May term. Tho bills of indictment had not
been piepared, becauso they aro of a volum
inous character, containing many counts,
similar to tho hill brought against tho direc
tors when they wcro tried last year. Charles
E. Iheckons and Deputy District Attorney
McLuughlin'will prepare tho bills.
The caso ngaiust Ishmael Uodgors, of
Krackvillo, charged by tbo District Attorney
with furnishing deadly weapons to assist a
prisoner, his sou, William, in escaping from
the county prison, was put ou trial before
Judge Koch at 1:30 o'clock last evening.
Assistant District Attorney McLoughliu and
William Wilbolm appeared for the prosecu,
tion and J. D. Noeiker and H. O. Haag rep
resented tho defendant. Wm. Iiodgers, sou
of Ishmael, sat at the Commonwealth's tablo
with Mr. Wilhelm.
Geo. W. Seiders, Deputy Warden of tho
county prison, sworo that himsolf and Warden
lirower found the two pistols in Wm. Hod
gers' pockets when they searched him in his
cell, October 1 1th, 1807. His lather, Ishmael
Uodgors, tho defendant, had visited William
several times and once had with him a little
John J. Duffy, Deputy Clerk of tho Court,
was sworn and read fioin tho records of vaii
ous crimes that Wm. ltodgors had been
charged with before Justice Philip E. t'oyle,
of Mahanoy City, including larceny and
carrying concealed deadly woapons, and an
other suit for arson hrought by Thomas
Bradley with Justno John C. McGinnis, re
lating to an attempt to burn tin former's
burlier shop at Frackville. Ho had beeu sen
tenced in May, 18U7, to ouo year on tho latter
charge and two years and three mouths for
tho thor offenses.
Wm. ltodgcrs thon took the stand. Ho is
not moro than 23 years old and had a queer
look at times in his eyos. Ho was questioned
by Mr. Wilhelm.
Q. William, who did you got tho revolvers
from ?
A. I got'em in all right.
Q. From who?
A. Never mind from who.
Aftor being warned by the Judge to
answer he said, "My father; I took them
from him in prison."
Cross examined by Mr. Noeckor.
Q. How did you take them from him ?
A. I took them out of his sleeve.
Q. They are 32 and 3S calibro revolvers,
pretty big to have up your sleeve Y
A. I don't know ; that's where I got them.
Q. How did you come to got tho revolvers?
A. My father said ho had them and I took
thorn In ; there was an understanding be
tween us ; that's all.
To moro quostlonsby oounsoland tho court
ho answered that his father promised him
threo weeks before that he'd 6eo about get
ting tho revolvers. His cell mate, Thus
Clemens, didn't know uuythlng about him
bavitig tho revolvers. It took but threo
minutes to get them. His father cumo regu
larly to see him and brought a little gill witli
him once. At this point ho bald to Lawyer
Noeckor. "Spoak out plain, what do you
mean by previous?"
Q. How did your father hand you the
A. Ho stood outside tho doorandwhonl
reached to shako hands with him I pulled
the revolver from his sloovo,
Q. Who gave you tho ammunition J
A, Novor mind who tho parties were,
Q. Yes, but vu want to know.
A, You wou't know. I'll not tell you.
To Judge Koch : I got the cartridges later.
They wero handed In. I don't know the
person, or can't remember him. It was not
my father.
Q. Don't you know 1
is on luipllcflfd now, and that's enough.
(Continued ou Fourth l'ogo.)
Paintfs Celery Compound
is the
I Best
Spring Medicine
It makes the weak strong.
We have it.
106 North Haln Street.
To Jtptiro l'roiu HuxInt'tH.
To bo sold by March 20th. My entire stock
of gents' furnishings, dry goods and notions.
Iiaro bargains. Intend to leave town Louis
Mann, 17 West Centre street. 2-20 tf
Scalp Treatment.
Katharine A. llickey, 120 N. Main St
29 N. Main St., Shenandoah.
Shenandoah's leading millinery
Hundreds of trimmed hats, no
two alike.
Entirely new styles.
Nothing that has been seen here
And the largest assortment.
New goods, new shapes and new
Don't fail to be at the open
Our stock is large and prices the
" lowest.
flnd goods open for inspection on
March 17th, 18th and igth
Hats for spring and summer from
49c to $12. gS.
Also mourning hats and bonnets a
Hats trimmed free of charge
A souvenir to all callers on the
opening night.
Will Open March 1 7, at 7 p. m.
Plain Words About
Baby Coaehes. . .
Spring will soon be here
and we are anxiously awaiting
its balmy days. Why ? Be
cause we are already prepared
to have every wife call on us
and see our new and extensive
line of
Baby . . .
Which we hav
season of 'gs.
down to prices
selected for the
When it comes
we can sell vou
wonders of makes at
$5.00 and upward.
106 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Looking Over the Stock
Every household has a Stock
of goods which it draws upon
daily. They find it is advis
able to keep this stock up to a
good standard. You want
your stock of
To be fresh. We give you the
best supplies and keep your
stock satisfactory. We curry
a stock of quality and make
prices right.
And all kinds of Canned Fish,
25 South Alain Street.