The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 11, 1898, Image 3

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    BottM Dd' engund-sgreat navy
Whether in the form of nlll nowder
or liquid, the doctor's prescription for
trlirplirv nr nnfnall. TllPRf llrilirn linttln
J . ' . , .. fl . . . I
up tne poison ana ury it up in llie
system, but tuey ais5 ury up uic marrow
in the hones at the same time.
The suppleness and elasticity of the
taints give way to n, stiffness, the rack
ing pains of rheumatism. The form
gradually bcuds, the bones ache, while
decrepitude ana helplessness premn
turely take possession of the body, and
it is but a short step to a pair of
crutches. Then comes falling of
the hair and decay of the bones, a con
dition truly horrible.
Contagious Hloo.l
roison the curse
of mankind is the
most horrible of all
diseases, and has al
ways baffled the
doctors. Their pot
ash and mercury
uoiueuptiic poison,
but it always, breaks
forth again nttnek-
ing some delicate
organ, frequently
the mouth and
throat, filling them
Willi culing SOreS. I
S.S.S., is the only
known cure for this
disease. It is guar
anteed nurclv vege
table, and one thousand dollars reward is
offered for proof to the contrary. It
never fails to cure Contagious Blood
Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism,
Cancer, or any other disease of the
blood. If you have a blood disease,
take a remedy which will not injure you.
Beware of mercury; don't do violence
to your system. Don't get bottled up I
Our books sent free to any address.
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
O. O. QUIRK, Mgr.
I nm 12, i
Lincoln J. Curler's Great Spec
tacular Production . . .
The Heart
of Chicago.
Elegant Special Scenery, Wonderful Mech
anical Devices, Mysterious Electrical
Effects, a Vivid Picture of
the Great Eire.
A Powerful Company Introducing:
Splendid Line of High-Class
ZUi 03 HID 3U ugIiIS,
Thursday (St. Patrick's Day) and Saturday.
A delightful fact A Ji.oo perfoimance at
popular prices.
The Favorites
fun stogk com
In the following scenic productions :
Monday night "Wife for Wife"
Tueiday nlht "Land ot the Midnlcht Hun'
Wednesday nlglit 'Tho White Squadron"
Thursday matlneo "Paradise Alley"
Thursday night "A Fair liebel
Friday nlfht "Tlio Unknown'
Saturday matinee "She1
.Saturday night "Tho Midnight Alarm"
Ladies' tickets will be issued for Monday
night, lluy a season ticket, it saves
ou money.
Part I. Diseases of Horses.
Part II. Diseases of Cattle.
Part III. Diseases of Sheep.
Part IV. Diseases of Hogs.
Part V. Diseases of Dogs.
Fsrt VI. Diseases of Poultry.
iiarrti. book In bettor bindlnrf OO eta.
VmrUUlIS'llin. CO., Or.nilllul Job Bu.,aa lot!
.and Prostration from Over-
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopnthlo Specific
No. S8, In uso over40 years, tho only
suoaeasful remedy.
$1 per rULor S vials and large vial powder,for $1
SM t-f Urifflili, or stnt potwli! on rclil of prlci.
JIVXrllUMS BID. CO., Cor. WUIiin JtkabU., York
"""V lu jajjuuu-
ed in Enlarging Iti
nm A mTunurm Tmnir lm nnnntrtiit
fi. oxn-xnaiua j. i ivuiu. u uuouuijH
Tho Klrnt Jjoril of tho Admiralty De
clares Tlint tlio Protection of Kvcry
Trnilo and JCvory I'ooil Supply ltouto
Has lleuti Ciifofully Considered.
London, March 11. The first lord of
the admiralty, the Hon. George J.
Goschen, In presenting the naval esti
mates to the house of commons yes
terday, pointed out that, with the out
lay on naval works, tho expenditure
amounted to the colossal sum of $127,
7E0.000, which, he explained, was even
considered Inadequate In Bomo quar
ters. Tho navy, ho said, was In a
transltltlonal state, to which many ot
the admitted deficiencies were due.
Moreover, he added, tho government
was Introducing a Berles of Improve-
ments. The jubilee display had been
great, but the navy had not reached
the Ideal standtrd.
Continuing Mr. Goschen dilated upon
the quiet and unostentatious lncreaso
of 'ho British fleet In China waters by
uul vcnticio lli'iu utuci luiugu Bul
lions, as ueing an instance 01 me navai
Mr. Goschen said he hoped the ad
miralty would not be too hardly press
ed to communicate its plans, but ho
assured the house that In the distribu
tion of cruisers, for Instance, the ad
miralty had considered carefully the
protection of every trade and every
food supply route, and ho trusted that,
'If times darkened," the admiralty
would have the confidence of the house,
and the admiralty would be found do
ing Its duty.
Mr. Goschen denied that the navy
was undermanned, declaring that every
vessel which took part In tho Jubilee
review was as fully manned as It
would be in war times.
Touching on tho building program,
Mr. Goschen said he would defer fur
nishing particulars regarding the pro
posed new warships, in order to keep
foreigners In the dark concerning their
He concluded: "If peace shall again
reign In our center of Industry and
maritime Instincts, and If the nation
that calls herself mistress of the sea
reasserts herself by an increase of
merchant seamen, then tho nation may
look forward In confidence that If
there he peace It will be puaca with
honor, but If war, which God forbid,
It must he war crowned with victory."
The mornlnir papers all urge the
government to keep pace with Itussla,
but no alarm Is expressed, since It will
take Russia years to build the new
The Standard says: "Russia's action
Is probably directed as much against
Germany and Japan as against Eng
land, and It might perhaps become
necessary for the government to assert
Its rights of pre-emption over ships
now building In England for foreign
governments, but only as a last re
source. It would be prudent, however,
to lit out the old battleships which are
sound In hull,
The Times says: "The speech of the
lord of the admiralty (Mr. Goschen) Is
not the sort of language British mln
lsters lightly use. Wo understand It
at home, and hope It will be under
stood abroad."
The news that Russia has decided
to expend 00,000,000 roubles In the con
struction of new war vessels is being
discussed in all Russian capitals. A
Berlin dispatch says: "The news of
the Russian naval credit was received
here with equanimity, as Justifying tho
German naval hill. The bourse even
rose on the expectations of the Gen-
man Iron trade."
A Pretoria dispatch says: "The pros
pect that England may become Involv
ed with European powers Is eagerly
discussed here. During the debate In
the volksraad yesterday over the
scheme for the cold storage of meat
President Kruger, supporting the pro
ject, said: "There are troublesome
times ahead, and pointed out that
the Transvaal Is now depending upon
foreign countries for provisions.
Tho Morning says It learns that
Japan has warned Russia that If the
latter retains Port Arthur Japan will
retuln Wcl-Hal-Wel and the Islands
adjacent. The same paper says the
Japanese admiralty has ordered the
men-of-war building abroad to be hur
ried, and denies the report that Japan
will sell the cruisers now being built
at Philadelphia and San Francisco.
The Yokohama correspondent of The
Times says: "Japan Is calm, and the
government does not expect war."
Wucklen'a Arnica Salve.
Thn hnxt nalvn In the world for cute.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhoum, foyor sores,
totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and posltiyoly cures piles,
or jo pay roqulrod. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony rofunded. Price
85 cents per box. For sale by A. Waaler.
To C'ontost Ifuiiuii'B Klootlon.
Cleveland, March 11. Mayor Itobert
E. McKIsson announced today that hi
would contest the election of Senator
Hanna when the latter attempted to
take his Beat for the Ions term. Mo
Klsson was the candidate of the oppo
sition for senator at Columbus last Jan
A thrill of terror s experienced when n
brassy cough of croup sounds through tlio
house at n cht. Hut the terror Boon changes
In relief after One Minute Couch Cure has
been administered, Safe and harmless fur
children, C. II. Hagenbuch.
Will Not "I'rosoonto .Mntlilmi DrcyfUH
I'arls, March 11. A sensation has
been caused by the announcement that
Comto Ferdinand Walsln Esterhazy,
on the advice of counsel, has aban
doned his prosecution of M. Mathieu
Dreyfus, brother of the 111 fated pris
oner of the Isle ot Devils, for defama-
tlon In accusing him of having written
the bordereau.
Th e Greatest Discovery Yet.
W. M. Iiciiine. editor Tiskilwa. III.,
"Chief," says : "Wo won't keep house with
out Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coiijjlis and Odds. Experimented with
many others, but never got the true remedy
until wo used Ur. Kins s naw uiscovery.
No other remedy can take its place In our
home, 11s in it wo have a certain and sure
cure for Couchs, Colds, Whooplnc Cough,
etc." It is idle to experiment with other
remedies, even if they are urged on you as
just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery.
1 liey aro not as good, liecauso tuis remedy
nas a record or cures and ueelues is guaranteed,
It uevor fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at
A. Wasloy's drug store.
Youtiir'ltooltwltli to lMny llnsobnll.
uubuque, la., March 11. Manager
feuuivan yesterday engaged Warren
Beckwlth, son-in-law of Itobert T. Lin
coln, to pitch for the Dubuque team
of the Western association.
Whooping cough is the most distressing
malady; but its duration can bo cut short by
the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which Is
also the best known remedy for croup nnd
atiiuuguuu bronchial troubles, u. iLiiugcn
Yet It Cures the WorBt Cases of Dyspepsia
and Indigestion.
Dr. Jcnnison, who lias made a life study
of stomach troubles, says ! All forms of in
digestion really amount to the same tiling,
that is, failure to completely digest the food
eaten ', no matter whether the trouble is acid
dyspepsia or sour stomach, belching of wind
nervous dyspepsia or loss of flesh and appe
tite i a person will not have any of them If
the stomach can he induced by any natural,
harmless way to thoroughly digest what is
eaten, and this can be done by a simple
remedy which I have tested in hundreds of
aggravated cafes with complete success. Tile
remedy is a combination of fruit and vege
table essences, pure aseptic pepsin and
golden seal put up in the form of pleasant
tasting tablets and sold by druggists under
the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
One or two of these tablets should be taken
after meals and allowed to dissolve in the
mouth and mingling with the food in the
stomach, digests it completely before it lias
time to ferment, decay and sour.
On actual experiment one grain of Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets will digest three thousand
grains of meat, eggs and similar wholesome
It is safe to say if this wholesome remedy
was better known by people generally, it
would be a national blessing, as wc are a
nation of dyspeptics and nine-tenths of all
diseases owe theirorigin to imperfect diges
tion and nutrition.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets nrc not a secret
patent medicine, but a fifty cent package
will do more real good for a weak stomach
than fifty dollars wortli of patent medicines
and a person has the satisfaction of knowing
just what he is putting into his stomach,
which he does not know, when widely ad
vertised patent medicines are nsed.
All druggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets, full sized packages, 5octs.
A little book on cause and cure of stomach
troubles mailed free by addressing The
Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
And Flower, the Hand of Alnorlcil, Cali
fornia. Via tho true pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
Route," which traverses a region of perpetual
sunshino, where snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes are unknown. Pullman first
and second class palaco and tourist slncping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and Now Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Novada, without chango. Quick time, low
rates, and all the comforts of modern railway
improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway
system. For rates right from your home,
literature, and full information, drop a postal
card, J. P. McCann, T. P. Agent. 510 Kail
road avenue, Elmir.v, N. Y., or 391 Broad
way, New York.
3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, Q. E P. Act.
For Infants and Children.
'r2fe& JUL
To Any Reliable Man.
Marveloai appliance and one month's remedies
of rnra power will be tent on trial, without anv
adtvtnci pavnwnt. by tho fnremum company In tho
wuriu in ten ireawueni oi uivu went, oroKeD, all
course ea irom elicits of excesses, worry, over
wore. ao. nappy mnrri' po n-ourea. complete res
toration or do? olopmotit of fll robust conditions.
The tirao of this oiler i limited. No O. J.
cnemj no aocopttoni cxn-isitrn. Andrews
CDIC NICniPAl on 64 niaoaimst.,
The Canadian Remedy lor all X
Larog Bottles, 25 ots.
Prop's Perry Davis' Pain-Kiuer.
Every man's
wife vh has
Vfpy eameiijruu
about Seel-
knows a good
lg'3. This admii
1 turtimproTescheap
' codec and mikci
drink. Try it on
your husband
l or little money.
n .., . f it., I 1 A .
l umr ttl rmmai unu '
Ann by
Side Entrance on Green St.. PHILADELPHIA, PA.
Vnimi. nii bIiktIa if ttiarrli ri At I tinan nn.
tcinplallDg inarrlaRo. ltyou are a vlotlm ot
uft-uuu iiiwuii i..Kf' or
iPr va a D saasBS "T.SX n UtJ a1l n utrllii flml 111 UAV.Ifl. UitUril
itrnvmlnd nnit ItnilV. fttlil linHt VOU TOT IUU
nuiy, ai er k. run., n-i-wt oenu
rtfciupa for Dookc with morn tttutliutitilnl
:c a uaca.ff
chocolates! WPhl
Yes, Hut It's Shciiniidoah Talk, the
Kind that tells In Shenandoah.
Talk that tells.
Talk that's endorsed,
Kveryday Ulk by people that know.
City talk kidney talk.
Do kidneys talKT
Well, yes, both loud and lone.
You should learn tlio kidney language.
liackache in kidney talk means kidnej
Id me back means lamo kidneys.
Weak bach means weak kidnevs.
A had hack Is simply
The kidnoys talking trouble
Here's Shcnainloau talk and kidney talk.
Mr. I!. Williams, of 237 Kast Coal street.
says! "I hajro not used Doan's Klduoy Mils
ysolf but my son Jolin was greatly troub
led with his lark and kidneys. He had
scvaro pains In his head to, mostly In tho tup
nd back and a constant aching pain lu tho
loins. Ho did not rest well nights owing to
bladder trouble and ho had much nervous
ness. A commercial man was at our house
and ho advised us to get's Kldnoy Pills.
lie related what they had done fur him and
wo were to impressed that we procured them
at ouco from Kirlin'n drug store. At that
me my son was sufl'oritig from his back so
ntensely that wo had him take them. They
did really reliove 1dm at once ami so banished
le wholo trouble and annoyance. Now ho
working in tho mine every day and I hava
ot heard him complain forovor fire months.
Wo think there never was such 11 unfailing
remedy as Doau's Kidney Pills."
Doan's kidney Pills for sale by all dealers.
rice GO cents. Mailed by Fmter-Mllburn
Co., Hull'alo, N. Y., solo agents for tho U. S.
Iieniemner the name Doau's and take no sub
Buy Keystoneliour. lie suro that tho namo
Essio & IiAKit, Ashlnnl. Pa., Is printed on
vnr hc .
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Enijint-s Burn Hard Coal No Smoke
TralnM leave Shenandoah m follows:
For New York vl Philadelphia, week daya,
10. 5 86. 7 30 SMl.m.. 12 HI a in anrlftn?
m Hundaya, 2 10 n. ra.
ror new l one Tia Mauch Chunk, week dayj,
SO, 7 30 a. m., 12 83 and a 10 p. m.
Kor Henaincr nnd PhllAde oh a. waek d.
10. 5 86. 7 30. S SI a.m.. 12 83. a 10 and 07 n n,
Bundars, 2 10 n. m.
For 1'ottnvinc. week dava. 2 10. 7 30. 9 R4 a. m.
12 33, 8 10, 0 07 nnd 7 25 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m,
rur iiiiw,un nim uinuftnoy UIT, WeC OATfl
10. 5 86. 7 30. 9 M a. m.. 12 83. 8 in unit A 07 n ...
Addltlounl to Mnhnnoy City only, 1140 p. m.
Hundnya. 2 10 o. m
For liimmiport, Sunhury and Lewlnburg,
week dnys. 4 01, 8 86, 1180 a. m.. 12 33. 7 2
m nundays, 3 25 a. in. N
For Miilmncn Plnne. weckdavn. 1 in t ni k ur
30. 9 54, 11 30n. m.. 12 33. 3 10. 6 07. 7 as a iw .nrf
11 40 p. in. Sundnyi, 2 10, 4 05 a. m.
For Ashland and bhamnkln, week dnjrn, 4 05,
36, 7 30, 11 80 a. m.. 12 83, 3 10,8 07, 725 and
55 p. m. Hundaya. 4 05 a. m.
For Ilnltlmore. Waahtni-ton and Ihx bl t
t t. ft i i ii . , . n ..
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & H. U H.) at 8 SO,
on, Jiai a. m., s lu and 7.27 p. 1.. Bundara,
20, 7 00, 11 26 n. m., 3 46 nnd 7 37 r. m. Add!-
onal trains from Twentv-fourth and Chnt
lit atrectd station, week dara. 10 8(1 n. m. lion
12 U 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia. wik
dnys, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 80 a. m., and 1 80, 4 80
Lftl p.m. nuiuiaya, uuo p. m.
Leave New York vln Maucli Chunk, wek
vb, 4 SO, 9 10 a. in., 1 80 and 4 15 n. m.
Lcuve Philadelphia. Keadlne Terminal, week
days, 12 01,3 30, 8 85. 1010 a. 111. and 1 42,4 05, 0 80
ni. omiunys, i.uio, lu.
Leave Iteadlne.week dara. 2 Oi. 6 10.10 03. a. m.
12 00 m., 4 19, 6 00 and 8 20 p. in. Sundavi, 2 03
Leave Pottavllle. week dava. 8 05. 7 10 a. m
12 80 anil 6 10 n. m. Sundiiva. 3 07 a. m.
lave 'lamaqua, weeK uaya, S 55, 7 46, 11 28 a.
1., 186, 5 60, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m. Sundays, 8 55
Lenvo Mnhnnoy City, week days, 12 30, 4 91,
15. 11 47 n. m.. 2 17. 5 Is. 6 21. 7 44 and 10 OS n. m.
Sundays. 12 25, 4 21 n. in.
lavo inauanoy 1'iane, weeK dnya, 12 35, 2 40,
85 6 80,8 30. 10 25. 1159 a. m 2 82. 5 32, 6 41.
57, 10 22 p ni. Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 35 a. m.
Leave Wllllnmsport, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a
1., 4 00 and 11 80 p. to. Sundays. 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut atreet warf and
South street wharf for Atlnntlo City.
Weekdays Hipress, 9 00 a. m 2 00, 4 00,
5 00 p. in. Acoommodatton. 8 00 n. m., 6 30 p. m,
Sundays Eipress, 900, 10 00 a. m. Accommoda
tion, H 00 a. lu., 4 45 p. m.
Returning lenvo Atlantlo City depot, corner
Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Eipress, 7 35, 9 00 a. m 3 80, 5 90
p.m. Accommodation, 815 a. to. 405 p.m.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 7 80 p. m. Accom
modation, 7 15 a. ni., 4 15 p. m.
rarior i;arn on an express iraini.
v.. f . . 1. 1 .. , ,1 1 .
Philadelphia and Iteadlm? Itallwav tlekat aaroat
nr address
uen'i upt., uen'l raaa'r Ag.,
ltradlnir Terminal, Palladelphla.
TIiIh remi'ilv belnir in
jected directly to tbu
Hear, or mono umonsci
or the Gcnlto-Urluary
Orgnnsi, requires no
change of diet. Cure
irunrnnteed lit 1 to 3
dnvH. t-iiunll plain puck-
(P TT TO T7" "bo- y mull, si.oo.
AihaMolu only uy
S. P. KIRLIN, Shenandoah.
F drThem
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinltj
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
I Tho Rosy Froshnoss
I And a velvety softness of the skin Is lnya-
rlablv obtained by thora who uau Ponom'a
Complexion i'owder,
Govornor Loedy Denounces tho Ne
braska Freight Rate Dooision.
Knnsns' CliloT MnixlHtruto Vltroronxly
AbbiiIIb .Tuntlco Ilnrlnu'H Interpreta
tion nrtlio Koiirtuoiith Aiiioniliutiiit.
Dlrootly Cliururos. T tul IcIulCorrtipt Ion
Topoka, Kan., March 11. The Popu
list administration of the state of Kan
rna gave out a public address yesterdny
brlstllnff with severe criticism of the
recent decision of the United States
supreme court In the Nebraska maxi
mum frelfiht rate case. The address Is
particularly slRnlflcant in thnt Gov
ernor Leedy has already taken steps
preliminary to the calling of the state
legislature In special session, with the
especial purpose of enacting a maxi
mum freight rate law. While the ad
dress Is given out over the signature
of the governor, It had llrst been ap
proved by Chief Justice Doster, of the
state supreme court, and other promi
nent Populists.
The governor begins his address with
tho statement that for a year the press
dispatches have said that the opinion
in the Nelvaska case would be averse
to the state, and he Insinuates that
these forecasts were put out In ad
vance by persons connected with the
court in order to feel the public pulse.
Then he says:
"The opinion has been handed down,
and the dispatches say that It Is a
clean Victory for the railroads. On the
contrary, It is an unclean victory for
the railroads In every aspect of the
case, showing that, no matter how '
carefully the robes of Justice are folded
about the personnel of the supreme
court, these robes can no longer con
ceal the cloven hoof of olllclal mal
feasance and usurpation."
The governor declares that the con
stitution of Nebraska gives the leg
islature power to establish maximum
charges for transportation, and that
the supreme court has tried to abro
gate It. He challenges Justice Har
lan's declaration that a corporation Is
a person under the 14th amendment to
the federal constitution, which he
quotes, adding:
"How can this apply to corporations?
Corporations are not born; they are
created made by law. They cannot be
naturalized; they can take no oath of
allegiance; only human beings born
elsewhere can do that.
"Who are the persons who shall not,
according to the 14th amendment, be
deprived of life, liberty or property,
nor be denied equal legal protection?
Everybody outside the asylum and off
the federal Judicial bench knows them
to be and to only be natural persons.
They aro those who, besides the ca
pacity to hold property and enjoin
legal protection, also have life and can
enjoy liberty, and that means human
"Nobody but a slave or a knave will
yield assent to the hideous distortion
of meaning which Judge Harlan gives
to tho word "person" as used In the
14th amendment, and upon which he
bottoms his Infamous decision, and
which shows to what depths of Iniquity
the supreme court of the United States
has descended."
In conclusion Governor Leedy states
that his maximum rate bill will be pre
sented to the Kansas legislature In
such shape that to decide against It
the court must reverse Its decision In
the Nebraska case, and he states that
"if the court still pursues tho corrupt
and rotten practice that It has hereto
fore, by changing Its decisions to suit
the shifting Interests of the railroad
corporations," the remedy will be with
the people In dealing with the courts or
In building railroads of their own.
A Cleyer Trick.
T. 1lt.n I. .I.nw. to Kvilln
lb tUI UllUiy 1UUHD 111.13 ll, uu. uiliv to ivatij
no trick about it. Anybody can try it who
has lame naclc ana woaK Kiuuoys, malaria or
nervous troubles, we mean no can cure
himself richt awav bv takine Klcctric Hit
ters. This medicine tones up the wholo
system, acts as a stimulant to tho liver and
kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic.
It cures constipation, headache, fainting
spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is
puroly vegetable, a mliu laxnuvo, anu ro
storea the system to its natural vigor. Try
Electric Bitters and be convinced thnt thoy
are a miracle workor. Eyory bottlo guaran
teed. Only 50c. u bottle at A. Wasley's drug
Coming; l'ventn.
March 11. Ladies' Homo Journal Art
Exliibltion, Dougherty's hall.
March 14. Social anil entertainment umler
tho nusplces of tho Christian Kndoavor will
bo hold in tlio M. E. church. Itefreshmcuts.
Admission 10 cents.
March 15. Bean soup social by Mis Lizzie
Jones' Class of WilliuK Workers of tho P. M.
church iu tho ledum room.
Ayrll 19. Entertainment under auspices of
tlio Welsh CoucroEatlonal church, in tho
church buildine, South West street. Tickets
10 couts, including refreshments.
Many People cannot Drink
coffee at night. It spoils their sleep. You can
drink Grain-0 when you please and sleep like
a top. For Grain-0 docs not stimulate; it
nourishes, cheers and feeds. Yet it looks
and tastes like tho best coffee. For nervous
persens, young people and children Grain-0
is the perfect drink. Made from puro grains.
Get a packaso from your grocor to-day. Try
it in place of coffee. IS and 25c.
rno Ohio Minors' sbnlo.
Columbus, O., March 11. The minors
nnd operators' committees have agreed
upon the prices for day labor in min
ing. The scale Is $1.75 per day for
drivers and other Inside laborers, 11.90
for trackmen and J1.75 for assistant
trackmen. It was decided that a day's
work should begin when the man was
at hlB place In the mines. The agree
ment effects all the states controlled
by the Chicago agreement.
Take Laxativo Iironio Quinino Tablets. All
druggist refund tho money if it fails to
rure. 25c. The gonulno has L. II. Q. on
each tablet.
For Uniform "KlKltory'LoclHlntton
Trenton, March 11. Governor Voor
hees has appointed Ii. W. Andrews of
Woodbury, a. D, Shannon of Penns
grove and J. Forman SinnlcltBon ot
Salem as a commission to confer with
a similar commission from the statr
of Delawnro with a view to securlnt,
uniform legislation by tho two stntes
with regard to the taking of fish from
tho Delawnro bay.
Give the Children a Drink
called Grain-O. It is a delicious, appetizing,
upuriBhlug food drink to taku tlio place of
coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked Uy all
who have used it because when properly
prepared it tastes like the finest coffee but is
free from all Its injurious properties. Grain
Oalds digestion and strengthens tho nerves.
It is not a stimulant but a health builder,
and children, as well as adults, can drink it
with great benefit. Gusts about I as uiuch a)
coffoo. 15 ami 23c,
Th( Dowager CountCMl of Klirln,
mother of the viceroy of India, Is dead
The learning, a Burmese hill tribe.
iave mansacred five military policemen
nt Allahabad.
Mrs. "Jack" Wllmerdlng Is Raid to
have been committed to the Uloomlng
dale asylum.
Hush Smith, marshal of Morley, Mo.,
arrested for drunkenness, set Are to the
Jail and was fatally burned.
Although the government Klondike
relief expedition has been abandoned
the reindeer will be sent to Alaska.
Insurance Commissioner McNall, of
Kansas snys the Insurance companies
have formed a combine to prevent re
bates. Anna W. Corbln-Hnrrowe makes
charges of mlmnHtiauoment In the
handling of the estate of her father,
the late Austin Corbln.
D. W. lliggln has reunited the
speakership of the HHtlsh Columbia
Provincial legislature lieeanM he could
no longer support the Government.
I'ucrgy nil gone? Headache? Stomach
out of order? Simply it uase of torpid liver,
lluidiiek 1'lood I'.ittors will make a new man
or woman of you.
llomlmy motors Quieted.
Bombay, March 11. Search parties
exumlned all the houses In the riot
district yesterday. Thpy found 25 per
sons suiferlng from the plague, and
some rioters. The authorities believe
that the heads of the Jula community
Instigated the lints for other than
plague reasons. It Is believed that a
general rising and murder of Europe
ans was originally projected. The town
Is now quiet, but the patrolling con
tinues. It 9 a marvel how
some men will risk their
lives by sheer neglect.
Thev sleet) awav entirely
oblivious of the danger
creeping upon them. Men
can hardly be made to rc-
nlize mat a little sput
tering spark of disease
which might be stamp
ed out in an instant
may mean death if it
allowed to keep on.
Dyspepsia, con
stipation and
liver complaint
f.eem like trifling
matters but they
will eventually
wreck the con-
stitution as
surely as a
" ppark will blow up a keg of
. If vonr health is, not stront-
J', "N and vigorous it is a simple
v''- an1 9ell5,ljle thing to write to
Dr. R. V Tierce, chief con
" suiting physician to the In
valids' Hotel and Surgical
Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., and obtain from
him and his staff of eminent specialists,
without charge, professional advice which
will enable you to put your constitution on
n solid basis of health and strength forth
with, before these ailments have a chance
to reduce you to a physical wreck.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is
acknowledged as the most wonderful med
icine ever devised for those diseases which
are caused by imperfect action of the liver
and digestive organs.
Mr P. M. Uoblnett, of Xeuophon, Hancock
Co.Tenn says in a letter to I)r Pierce- "lean
heartily recommend Dr Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery for Indigestion and torpid liver. I
tried different doctors with but little result. I
could scarcely eat anything it would put me in
such dreadful distress in my stomach. I had a
dull aching pain in my stomach, and continual
hurting behind my shoulders, bad taste in my
mouth, tonirue coiited brown, had faint spells
with o tired worn-out feeling. 1 took tlcveu
bottles of ' Golden Medical Discovery' and re
ceived great benefit. I am now able to work. It
it had not been for this wonderful remedy I be
lieve I would not be living to-day."
The most difficult diseases to cure are
those which are aggravated by constipation
In such cases Dr l'ierce's Pleasant Pellets
should e taken in conjunction with the
" DiscoA -ry." They never gripe. All good
dealers?., ell them.
1 rjr
vigor to the whole brine All drains and losses are checked fcrman. ntlv. Unless patients
are properly cured, Ihur condition often worries thennuto Infinity, Consumption or Death.
Mailed sealed. PrurSt per box; 6 boxes, unit lron-cla,l I'-sal cuarant,-t tocurf or refund the
moucy.Js.oo. Send tor tree book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO , Cleveland, 0..
For Sale al KIRLIN'S Drur Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
' lii ilio
'g ami an
' rtf -
Simiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" (iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiP
. in .t.. tn m frlvp in
the put auarter of a ceatury contributions Irom tlio p. ns ni ihi. great llterarv men and women m llio
world, Illustrated by leading artuta. A brief glance, n-. prmpectue auuouncce iuih rtad.iu a
I'nnitiTs ion i KirniovtN MaiL hik loamunn mroirmrE F At istttaux cntL
L 'i,,.pAriD TrRne i nvurfMoro.v c. fvno
by Hbnky Seton Mrimak. author of "The Sowers striking noveltie. in hort ficti .n .'!
bi contributed by eutli authors as W D. Honcllb, Kichard HacdniK Tavi., llrander M u iti. i'
Frederic Hemlngton, Ruth Mclinery Stuart, and utlicra, Xiine will be a series of ainu.- on
Pmtogtfrtt to all itibicrilert in th Vnitti Stjttt, Canatii, ami Sltxici).
Sub.$4 ayear. Address HARPER 4 BROTHERS, Pub's, N.Y. City. Send lor free prospectus
Gen. 1 Willi's
ItohlnK, r.,lj , t ', , ,L, ,, ,,,. , ril
and painful tit t-r ,,!-, , , ,1 , j,? id;,
oily, lli.ilLy k Irv, Ihm, n, I fnllintili,,,., p Y
Injf, scaly ,,,, u j i,, ni.irkiy to wjrin laths
with Cl'TII I l.l f-.,Ar, nii, B, ,,. n . j
with CuTituiu (itm, ut , th. gr, ut t.ic.
tlRlt ma Chim,
lUnJj - tv-
I'Knnt a nv 20, 1HP8
Trains will lenre Hlieimndoah nfter the above
oatc for WlwcanH, (llllierton, Fmokvllle Dark
Water, St Clair, Pottsvllle. Hamburg. Heading,
Pottatown, Phoenlxville. Xorrlstown nrd Phil
adelphia (Krond street station) nt 6 05 and 81
a. m , 2 02, 6 l"i p m. on week days. Hundaya,
05 a. m , 1 s.0 p. in.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle (via Delano!
"57, 10 OS . in., 12 no, 2 52 ami H 25 p, m. week
days. Sundays, 9 35 a. in.. 0 31 p. in.
Trains leave Fruekvllle lor Mhenandoah at
7 Wi, 11 4B a. in. and 5 40, 7 81 p. a. Bunday,
11 01 a. ni. and 3 26 p. in.
Leave Pottavllle for Shenandoah (vlaFrack.
villi-, 710, 11 20 a. in., 5 20, 7 26 p. m. Sunday
lOit'i a. tn.. 3 00 p. ni.
Lenve Pottsvlllc (nr Shenandoah (via Delnno
7 41, 9 10 n. m., 123N, 2 42 and 6 00 p. in. week
days. Sundays, t 15 a. in. 6 0"i p. m.
Leave Fhtladelplria, (Broad street station), for
Shenandoah at 5 57, S85 nnd 1019 n. in., 4 10
n. III. week tlavs. Sundava leave at fl 50 a. rn.
Leave lirniul street station, Philadelphia, lux
Roa (Jin, Anbury Park, Ocean Grove. Lone
Branch, and Intermediate stations, 8.SU
11.14, a. m., 8.80 and 1.00 p. ni. week-days.
Leave llroad Street Station. Philadelphia,
I'Oll N15W YOHK.
Express, week-days, 8 20, 4 0), 4 50 515, 6 50.
7 83, 20, 8 38, 9 50, 10 21 (Dining Car), II 00 a, m,
1200 noon, 1235 (Limited 1 uo and 4 22 p.m.
Dining Cars), 1 40, 2 30 (Dining Uir.) 8 20, 3 50.
I 00, 5 00, 5 56 (Dining Car), 0 00, 7 02,7 43, 1000
p. in., 12 01, night. Sundays, 8 20, 4 Wi. 4 50, 5 15,
20, 8 38, 9 68, 10 21, l Dining Car), 1) to n. m..
12 35, 1 05 tDinlng Car) 230 (Dining tar,. 4 00
(Limited 4 22 Dining Car), 5 20, 5 56,( Dining Carl
6 35, 7 (O, 7 43, 10 00 p. in.. 12 01 night.
KxnreH for Boston without change, 11 00 a ni.,
week-days, and 7 13 p. in., dally.
For Baltimore and Washington, 8 50, 7 20, 8 32,
10 20, 11 28, n. m., 12 09, 12 31 i Dl..lng
Car), 1 12, 3 18, 4 41, 5 23 Congres
slonal Limited, Dining Car, 6 17. 655 (Din
ing Car, 7 31 fining Car p. in., nnd 1203
nigni weetc uaya. Sundays, a oo, 7 uj, 9 12, 11 23,
n. III., iuv, ill, 4 41,
Ited. Dining Cur, 055
5 20 Congressional Llni
i Dining Car, 7 31 Din.
lug Carl l). ill. mid 12 05 night.
Leave Broad street station via Delaware rivei
bridge Kxprcas, 7 05 p. m. dally.
Leave Market street Warf Express, 8 50n m
2 00, 4 00, 5 00 p. in. Sundays, 8 45, 9 45 a. m
(accommodation 4 30 and 5 00 p. in. )
For Capo May, Auglesea, Wildwood and Holly
Beach, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon and
Stone Harbor Express, 900 a. in., 400, p. m.
weekdays. SundayB, 9 00 a. m.
For Soiners Point Expiess, 8 50, a. m., 200,
i ou, w, ii. in. wee. uiivh ?mimt,y!t, o so u, m,
J. It. Wood.
Uen'l Manager.
Uen'l Pass'g'r Agt
GUAP":' Wiurox Specific Co,PrtiLA-A.
at Povlnsky'a drug store,
Centre Btrect.
itu it fx WOMAN 5 RELIEF,
t.tml rfl tih'.p A 'of I tnt 1,
Atlir I'M IHniKi A h ltl"3kltT.
I pi i.t ,1-nct tM-ai"ii, pi r-e fl
, Itoatnn. Mum Our iionk 1c
I'"or sale ut Kirlin's drujf store nut) Shenandoah
drujr siora.
Cplclnntod Femivlo
1'oudcrB nerer fftti
,liojhiJaii!Lli lLcTjje"t!' ri
naff tuui un laftcr fftlur"
1 with Tanr f"J Pennyroyal I'illi nct other Ilk
hIk'h). Alwuypbuvthe best and Yoid JlsatH
uuraiiteeti iupcrlor to all othert. Bivri
pntntmcnt. U
Xx. &J Uav. Boston, Mv-
They havr stTuI '!.- - ' fears,
ml n t.e cuit-d t nus 01
.,s-s t Ncrvon, I 'i 1 c such
as Uc-bihn , Dizzme .cli-ilcss-
s and an, oLr!"-.Atrcvhy,&c
Tlit-y lil brjin. tr ntheO
the circulation, make digetioa
pt-rfi ,-t, and impart a healthy
I i' '-ttl lrr
0KUG j
i i : . . i " e
ury jiroiriv c:c ntiu Kt'up iiiitinueii ui
-.'' tlio W.iriii'.- I') ;rri'r.. The well in- E
..a t'orini'il uiiil tlmfty Hoti.-e-wifo will
Iioum, as u dtnndanl retnody for
. ... ,. lit !
uruiot'o, t. nunjis, ixneuiiiuuMii,
'icnes auu jiuius.
t'rlca 25ct. ana SO eti per botlle. E
z4 b) H. J. HACKETT A CO.. Philadelphia
the reailine public lliat tthkh has made it famous f"r
It. s, w uiiacis w uiiiw'it t ' i i i ; ' w i a