The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 08, 1898, Image 2

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lXTAliUSIIKl) 1870.
-ujlUhed every KvcnliiK KxceptHumlfty.Bt
OETFl J Ann in Htrkht, Near Okntkr.
Die llnrnld 1a tlellvtinl InHlicuamloMi And tin
tmmumllnp tow.inforili cent a week, p
ah. Din carrier. My mall $3.00 year, or '&
entu n month, pnyahto In ftdvattee. Advertftc
lenU charged according to hiuwa nml pcmitlon
Tb uuhlihec rorvc the rlirht to ctwuitre tlu
nmttToi. of advertNemcnW whenever the pub
'it(oi of newf demand It. The right le
tcnervi. to i any advertisement, whether
paid (or or not. aat the publishers may ueein
.-proper. Advertising taXen made known
upon application,
Entered nt the at Hlnmandorth 1k..
second cias mall matter
"All the News That's Fit to Prim."
M. Zola is to bo provided with
nHi'iRi nnnwnris iiuriiiLr uiu ulm iuu ui
. it 1 . -.
h i nn rniir it t . nun uui niu i vn iu
. i ,i i.i,. f...:i,.
a irieiHi. ror n nut jnu, tucn--
I II (It IlUUiU.
Amoi n contemplates the purchase
1.- 1.1,. i. .-. If ..L. HII
1 i. f .,1.l!l,.,.,a
le mluUt witii prom suuHtumo ine
11. t
It Ib told in Kansas City that a
l 1.tK
U II I (111 Ul (1.11 UAVUl plUll U 11 "
1 I 1 I
tin uuuncu i vj i uuc-iiiui
rtiraT atnii tlmrrt. I P MVfWl fill UPtmi-
ita nf tlm nxmirnion train an hour
rrnnonmonr. nt T.n mmipmilrt OI Tile
to Albuquerque, an ueunuse sue
Thk constables of Maluinoy City
I(jt4 IIUU1 TiVi4 lllIVIlll' ...... ..-.
reports of violations of law in their
respective bailiwicks, anil the end ap
parently is not reached yet. It would
be interesting to hear the answers of
gome of Shenandoah's constables
when closely pressed upon the saiuo
question of violation of the license
Thk Uoinan congregation of the
Holy Office has just sent to this coun
try a decree regulating the use of
flags in decorating Catholic churches,
which forbids the use of national,
.. ,,(-V,..,. ..,, ,1,1 ,. l,,l,lU,,,l! 'IMlU
decree also prohibits the use of the
unblessed banner of private societies.
The decree admits that tho American
Hag is one which should be to all
Americans a glorious emblem, but
rules that it cannot therefore be con
sidered as a fitting decoration for the
Hous-e of liud. This mandate from
Home was issued in consequence of
tho friction between lliwliop McDon
nell, of Brooklyn, and one of his
priests inconsequence ot the HishopV
action in commanding that an Ameri
can flag with which a church was
decorated should bo removed from
the edilice.
It is noticeable that at the sessions
of tho Naturalization court appli
cants show greater proficiency as to
this government and its laws, and the
reason of this was made plain at
court on Saturday. Ono of the ap
plicants displayed a small pamphlet
of about twenty-live pages, entitled
"Politicky Katechismis," or Political
Catechism. It is printed in the
Slavonian language, and soils for 10
cents per copy. The pamphlet con
tains in both the English and Slavo
nian language a complete set of
questions and answers as to our form
of government, the various depart
ments, how the laws are made and
-where, the powers of Congress and
the President in fact, it is one of
the most complete little catechism on
government published. Judge Koch,
after examining it, most highly en
dorsed It and urged all applicants for
naturalization to procure a copy. It
is said a similar book has also been
published in the Italian language.
'I'lm hnnk wiih irotten out since the
stion of naturalization has been
in our courts, and isaccomp-
rch good.
rganization of tho Uorough
Cmincn li
under pe
last evening was effected
peculiar circumstances, and
with a totul disregard of all honor
on the port of at least two members
of that body. Messrs. Hell aud HurK
ins. the two newly-elected members
violated a solemn obligation, and if
there is any dishonor attached to the
proceedings the people will not be
Blow to nlace it. The details of the
"deal" between these two men and
the six Citizen members of Council
are given In our news columns, aud
we leave the people to pass judg
ment. In commenting upon the
"deal" made by them, our Democra
tic contemporary, tho Daily .News,
styles them "two treaoherous Demo
crats" and says they "shoulder an
odium thut will cling to their sfyrts
as lonir as they reside iti the town."
If they aresubjecttosuch criticism fr
breaking party ties, we can imagiiie
the feeling of their colleagues when
they violate a niostsolemn obligation.
All will concede that tho Democrats,
having elected a majority of Council,
should reap the fruits of their victory,
and we know of none better satisfied
with such a result than the Citizens
members of Council. The latter
offered no inducements to tho recal
citrant Democrats. These two
made certain overtures and tney
'wre acoepted. "We do not think,
however, that the people will sane-'
Hon the action of the majority in in
creasing tho police force merely to
creato places for friends, The
people demand rotrenelyuelit rather
than the creation of salaried officials.
Upon this subject we may have more
to say later on,
Don't ntinoy others liy your cotiglihiK, nml
risk your life ly nuxlectinj. u colli. Ono Min
ute Cough Cuio euros coukIis, colds, croup,
ftripio niiil all throat ami lung troubles. C.
11. llaiiunbuch.
Mrs. Jtarv Hucklcy, of New York,
was badly torn about the face by a St.
Hernnrd doR.
Two men nie dcud nud two others
dying from the effects of drinking wood
alcohol at Moose Lake, Mont.
Mounted customs Inspectors now pa
trol the boundary line between Wash
ington state and Ilrltlsh Columbia.
George S. Cralle, an aliened notorious
pension swindler, who Is wanted In
several states, has been arrested In
Friends of the late V. O. Ferris are
InvestlKatlng the story that a rittsburE
undertaker Is holding his ashes for un
paid expenses.
Hugh .1. Jewett, of Maryland, a well
known railroad man, and once men
tioned as a Democratic presidential
candidate, died at AURllsta, Oa.
Assistant Secretary of State W. It.
Day Is slated for the new circuit court
judgeship for the states of Michigan,
Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee.
White DulTalo will be Installed as
chief of the Winnebago Indians at
Ulark Hiver Falls, Wis., on Aurll 30,
amid great ceremony.
I'ntnl I'lulil nt a Dnucn.
Springfield, Ills., March S. At Athens
EUzy Gilchrist, accompanied by David
Easton, John Whltehurst and Thomas
Scantlln. went to the house of Fred
erick Impkey to break up a dance. A
general fight followed. In which George
Hakestraw was shot and killed and
John Wlneland fatally wounded. Gil
christ was held by the coroner's Jury
for the murder and Kaston, Whltehurst
and Scantlln as accessories.
Strike tops Worn on the Wisconsin.
San Francisco, March S. Owing to
the strike of the steel moulders at the
Pacific Holllng mills, In this city, woi'k
upon the battleshlt) Wisconsin, which
was recently ordered rushed, has been
delayed very materially. The contract
for the steel mouldings has been sublet
by the Union works to the Pacific Holl
Ing mills for the purpose of expediting
matters, but when the men weie asked
to work overtime they struck for an
fxtra wage, which was considered ex
orbitant by the olllcluls. The result was
almost the entire force of moulders
went out on Feb. 2S, and the places of
the stilkers have not yet been tilled.
After the Fever
Llttlo Clrl Was Woak nnd Could
Not Eat-Hood's Sarsapnrllla
Cavo Hor Appotlto and Strength
Eczoma Disappearing.
"My little girl was sick for several
months with typhoid fever, and after buq
got over it she was weak and did not eat.
My husband got her a bottle ot Hood's
Sarsaparilla, saying it would make her
eat and give her Btrength aud it did.
She had taken it only a short timo when
she was well and strong, Everyone who
sees her is surprised at her improvement
because sho was so weak and thin, but now
Ib fat and healthy. I am giving her
Hood's Sarsaparilla now for eczema and
the trouble is fast disappearing. My hus
band has taken it for rheumatism and it
has done him good." Mits. Clinton B.
Corn, Buckingham Valley, Pennsylvania.
parilla Is the best In fact the Ono True Blood l'urlfier.
Sold by all druggists. Trice, J I ; six for 5.
Hnrvrl'c Dillc are u,e be9t n'ter-dlnner
1IUUU & rlilo pills, aid digestion. 26c
In the Spring will be Tremendous.
The tnobt profitable huslnecs will he In trans
portation am! mcrclitimllHliiK uixl In furnishing
food and 8Upplie to the multitude of Gold
SfekeiH in ahoit. a ceneral Trading, Mercan
tile and Steamship business. It wus ao in 10 It
will be bo In
The Alaska Transportation
and Development Company
,nCC0arpPUai:Cd $5 000,000
To meet this demand, will own and operate Its
Connecting with Its own line of large and
Magnificent Ocean Steamers,
Specially adapted for passenger business onrry
lug to that eountrv an linniensn amount of sup
plies and equipment for the miners, as well as
furnishing them transportation for themselves
and their ioods, and establishing Trading
Stations t different points. An opportunity Is
ottered any pers- n, bo they of small or large
means, to buy sbaren of stock In this company
and participate In tho
sure to be earned within tho next 12 mouths.
Shares are of feted at $1.00 each
par value, non-assessable, and will bo offered
for n itmiteu tune only.
Safer than Savings Banks nd Bank Stocks
PavIiii- lamer dividends. While numerous
mavIiilfs hanks and banks htve suspended.
transportation and trading companies wero
never seen Iu the list ot failures. This stock Is
out. of the most desirable investments olfcred
tliH milille
Tho Incorporators and stockholders who aro
connected with this company are men of wide
..vtifripneM In itliiillnr undertakln&s and men
w !ioe names ure sutllclent guarantee of the
standing of tne company, to will
ALMKKT r. 1ILATZ, l'res Val Wat IUcw Co.,
HON VM. H. MASON, United States Senator
from Illinois
P. Q KDWAltllS, Pass. Traffic Mgr. O II. it
I) It. It , Cincinnati.
I'llANK A. HECHT.of Chas. Kaeetner & Co.,
CHAS. 11. KOCKWKU., Traffic Mgr. C I. I
It. (Alonoii uoute-j l nicago
W. t HINKAUSKN.Oe.n'l I'ais. Agt. O. N. O
.t T. 1. U H., Cincinnati, O
II W (lltll'KITIl. l'rca First National llank,
VI, L-.IiIItl.. Mian
FI1UII. A OTTU, past eighteen years with
fttieinr iianic, nueiuyvine, sim.
J. M. 1'HILI.II'S, Cshler First Nat'l Hank,
Vlcksburg, uish.
Ami lmiulri.lM of others eoually itromlnent.
Address and make all money payable to 'Ji
Be Alaska Transportation .Development Co,,
Fisher building,
Cor. Van lturcn it Dearborn fels.,
How to Tell if Your Kidneys
aud Bladder are Diseased.
Many people suffer from Kidney and
Bladder Disenses without knowing the
cause of their poor health ; and still noth
ing is easier to find out. There aro cer
tain symptoms
which never
fail to toll the
Upon a
rising in
the morn
ing, put
wrae of
your urine
m a glass
to remain
there till the
next morning. Then ex
amine it. If there is a
sediment or powder-liko
tubstanc? at tho bottom,
it is positive proof that
your Kidneys arc in a dan-
cdv. if taken promptly, will
restore your diseased Kidneys and Blad
der to a healthy condition again. It will
also cure pain in the small of the back ;
scalding pain in passing water; frequent
desire to urinate, particularly at night
and inability to hold tho urine back, all
of which troubles are due to dtsordcrei'
Kidneys. Favorite Remedy is sold
in the drug stores for Si a bot'le,
may have a sample bottle and pamphlet
of valuable information mailed vou free
if vou send your name and address to
the Dr. David Kennedy Corporation
Rondout, N.Y. This offer is guaranteed
by the publishers, lse sure to nicnttou
this paper when writing.
ruilior nml InumliiVc Drowneil.
Toronto, Ont., March 8. Thomas
Macdonald and his daughter, aged 15,
ivere drowned Saturday night while at
tempting to cross In a small boat from
the Island to the city. When half way
aver the boat filled with water and
lent down.
Olve the Children a Drink
called Oiain-O. It is a delicious, appetizing,
nourishing food diink to take tho place of
coflce. Sold by all grocers and liked by all
who liavo used it because when properly
prepared it tastes like the finest colic but is
iree from all its injurious properties. Grain
O aids digestion and strengthens the nerves.
It is not a stimulant hut a health builder,
and children, as well as adults, can drink it
with Kicat benefit. Costs about as much as
L'otleo. 15 and 25c.
riio Florida Limited M ill Agulu Hun on
the .Southern Kullwuy.
Tho Florida Limited, which is the syn
onyni of all that is elegant in modern rail
way trains, and which during its former
service has been a prune favorite for tourists
from tho North seeking tho mild climato of
Florida, will bo placed in srvieo by the
Southern Itailway about tho'first week in
January. 1SU8. With its return to service this
train, which will ho solid Pullman vestihuled
between Now York, Philadelphia and St.
Augustine will present features iu tho way ol
luxurious and comfortable appointments not
heretofore picsented, and which will be
destined to add still further to its already
well established popularity.
The Southern Itailway is having built for
tho Flurida Limited service threo trains, each
containing a dining car, two drawing room
sleeping cars, a compartment car and a
library and observation car, each car com
plete iu all its appointments aud equipped
with the very latest devices aud appliances
for the comfort and convenience of the pas
sengers. While no sehedulo has as yet been
Himounied, it can bo stated that it will ho tho
quickest ever arranged between Philadelphia
and St. Augustine, aud will be so planned
that passengers can leave Philadelphia at
some convenient hour during tho day and ar-
rivo at St. Augustiiio heforo nightfall of tho
following day. Philadelphia Keeord.
Notice. Applications for further informa
tion addressed to Jno. M. lieall, district
Passenger Agent, Southern Hallway, &28
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will receive
prompt attention. lO-US-tf
Ah Itollootort by Dnnllnr-M Iu 1'lillndel
phlii nnd Itultlnioro.
Philadelphia, March 7. Flour steady:
winter superfine. S.l(fi3.2j; Pennsylvania
roller, clear, $4.2304.40; city mills, extra,
$3.o3i(3.C1. ltye Hour dull, but Arm. at
?2.00j3 per b.irrel for good to choice Penn
sylvania. Wheat easier; No. 2 red, March,
J1.00UQ1.09V4; No. 2 Pennsylvania and No.
Delaware red, ll.0Hi5jl.0IVi. Corn quiet;
No. 2 mixed. March, 34V.ifi34?8C. ; No. 2
yellow, for local trade, 25H5J3Ciic. Hay
firm; choice timothy. $12 for largo hales.
IJeef steady; beef hums, 523624. Pork
easier; mess, $10.50T)10.75; family, $13t13.M.
Lard easier; western steamed. $5.37H.. Hat
ter steady; western creamery, lD20c.;do.
factory, llfiljo.; Klglns, 20c; Imitation
creamery, lift 17c; New York dairy, 13
19c; do. creamery, HfJlOc. ; fancy Penn
sylvania prints Jobbing at 23?f2Cc; do.
wholesale, 22c. Cheese dull; large, whlto
and colored, September, 8V&C. ; small do.
do., September, S?iSJ9c.; light skims, Cffl
CViiC; part skims, 4jGlic; full skims, 2fj'
3c. Kggs stendy; New York' nnd Penn
sylvania, lHjll'ic ; western, fresh, lie;
southern, HSjllHc Potatoes qulot; New
York, $2.37142.50; sweets, $3Jf4. Tallow
steady; city, 358c. ; country, 3ft3?ic Cot
tonseed oil easy; prime crude, 20VjC.; do.
yellow, 23c,
Daltlmore, March 7. Flour dull; west
ern, superfine, $2.bOJ(3.20; do. extra, $3,130
4.10; do. family, $4.401t.70; winter wheat,
patent, $4.856.10; spring do., $5.20S5.40;
Bprlng wheat, straight, $3S5.15. Wheat
steady; spot and month, $lS1.00Vi: April,
$1,0014151.0014; May, $1.0OV4iil.O0?i; steamer
No. 2 red, MViSjOSc; southern, by sam
ple, 97c.j$1.01; do. on grado, 9Gc.Si$1.01.
Corn easy; spot and month, 33V4iQ33y,!c;
April, 3l34',lc. ; May. 34c; Btenmer mixed,
328330.; southern, white, 3314I&3IV4C.: do.
yellow, 33V45I34!4c. Oats steady; No. 2
whlto, 34V4lc; No. 2 mixed. 3Z&32V4C.
Itye steady; No. 2 neurby, 65c.; No. 2west
crn, OGc. Hay II rm for best grades; choice
timothy, $12.S0ir13. CJraln freights quiet;
scarcely uny demand; steam to Liverpool,
per bushel, Eltd,, May; Cork, for orders,
per quarter, 3s, Cd March; 3s. 4V4d April.
Sugar strong; granulated, uutlor
quiet; fancy creamery, 21c; do. Imitation,
17018c; do. Indie, 15c; good lodle, 13jlic;
store packed, J0sil2c. Kggs quiet; fresh,
lUvIt20- Cheese steady; fancy New York,
large. 9Vi&!i'ic; do. medium, 9?iB10c,j do.
small, 1014c Lettuce, $1.2501.50 per basket.
Whisky, $1.2001.27 for finished goods In
carloads, $1.2b01.29 for jobbing lots.
Llvo Stock Miii'Ki'l",
New York. March 7. Beeves slow and
Bllghtly lower, except for bulls; yards
cleared; native steers, $1.4005.10 per 100
lbs.; Btngs and oxen. $3,7554.60; bulls, $3.23
Oa.80; dry cows. $2,204(3.23. Culvcs actlvo
and firm, nil sold; veals, $SOS per 100 lbs.
Sheep and lambB slow nt a slight general
reduction In value; about 400 head carried
over; sheep. $3.6004.75 per 100 lbs.: lambs,
J5.50OC20. Hogs active lit $4.2004.45 per
100 lbs.
Kust Liberty, Pn.. March 7. Cuttle
steady; prime, $305.10; common, $3.0004.10;
bullsjatags and cows, $204.10. Hoga slow
and Jower; prime medium weights, $l.20O1
4.26. heavy Yorkors. 100 to 190 pounds,
tt.lSO4.20; light Yorkers, $4.0504.10; pigs,
as to quality, $3.9004; heavy hogs, $4.1001
4.15: cood roughs. 13.40fi3.75: common to
' fulr roughs. $2.6003. Sheep Bteady; choice,
$4.8605; common, $3.6004; choice lambs,
15.750 5.85; common to good lambs, $4.750
(. Yeul calves, $0.50017,
evuus eomuuuu; uui uu not ijJlSx
a alarmed. Dr. David NKSii
Kennedy' Favorite Rem- XSS
An Allotted Symllcnto For tlin Snlo of
FilmMlly Hullt Wnrwhlim.
Philadelphia, March 8. Chnrles II,
Cramp, head of the shipbuilding firm,
today declared that the widespread
talk of Spain buying warships abroad
and the securing of options on these
ships by the United States Is part of a
scheme Instigated by a syndicate of
ndventurers. Their purpose, he said, Is
to secure big commissions by helping
English nnd German shipbuilders to
unload on this government a number
of unsaleable vessels built either on
npeculatlon or by contract with various
of the second rate powers that ure not
able to pay for them.
Said Mr. Cramp; "The total valua
tion uf the ships involved In this deal
Is about $16,000,000. The commissions
which the speculative syndicate would
receive for disposing of them to the
United Stntes would be about 1G per
cent of the selling price, or $2,225,000 on
tho whole lot.'"
Mr. Cramp declined to dlvulgo the
names of tho members of the syndi
cate, but said it was composed of nn
Anglo-American combination embrac
ing a largo manufai tutlng establish
ment In Kngland. one of the most
noted contract brokers In New York
city, and certain concerns engaged In
the manufacture of ordnance materials
both In this country and abroad.
Mr. Cramp added: "The shipbuild
ing Industry In England has been for
the past year or so seriously crippled
by the great strike In the engineering
trades. They have been delayed In de
livery of warships built for foreign
account far beyond the contract time,
nnd the ships hnve been thrown back
on their hands In some cases, or they
have been subjected to serious penal
ties In others. For these reasons It Is
.a great object for them to unload on
the United States."
The ships In question, he continued,
are all cheaply and fllmslly built, and
none of them anywhere near the Amer
ican naval standard, either as to work
manship or material.
After years of untold sudorlng from piles,
I). W. I'Ursell.of Kntlersville, I'a., was curort
hv usinz a sinele box of IVWItt's Witch
IIuzIo Salvo. Skin diseases such as eczema,
rash, pimples anil obstluate sores aro readily
cured by this famous remedy. C. II. Ilagen
buch. Inventors' Association Sued.
Philadelphia, March S. Attorneys
representing Thomas E. Keavy and
Herman Meyer have begun suit against
the Association of American Inventors,
claiming $50,000 damages, because of
the failure of the association to exer
cise due care and diligence in making
application before the patent authori
ties of Great Britain for letters patent
on a bulling machine, the patent
rights of which are controlled by Keavy
and Meyer. The plaintiffs claim that
they placed their application in the
hands of the association, but that the
latter p.ermltted the time to expire
within which their patent could be pro
tected In Great Britain.
Remember If You Have a Cough or Cold,
Pan-Tina always cures, 25o. At Gruhlcr
roe., drug store
C'oronn Cnblnot Olllelnlu Uoiltrn.
London, March 8. A dispatch from
Nagaskl, Japan, to The Daily Mall says
the Corean cabinet, with the exception
of the foreign minister, Mln Chong
Mouk, have resigned because Mln
granted Deer Island concessions to
Ilussla without the consent of the cabi
Anotbor Philippine liohnlllnu.
London, March 8. A dispatch to The
Dally Mall from Hong Kong says that
a fresh rebellion has broken out In the
Philippines, and that 63 Spanish sol
diers have been killed. No further de
tails are known at Hong Kong.
A Hit for Coughs and Colds.
What? Pan-Tina, '.'Sc. At (iruhler Iiros.,
drug store.
Cnnnda'K Probable An'swor.
Toronto, Ont., March 8. The Ottawa
correspondent of The Globe (the Lib
eral government's mouthnlece) refer
ring to the passage of the Alaskan
homestead law by the United States
and the concessions to be asked from
Canada In return for the privilege of
bonding goods at Fort Wrangel, says
"It will probably be Intimated to the
authorities at Washington, as plainly
as diplomatic words can Intimate It,
that Canada will tfliut up the Yukon as
tight as a bottle, turn back all Amerl
can miners and keep the gold fields as
they are, undeveloped, until a rail
way can be built from an ocean port of
British Columbia Into the region,
rather than submit to any terms of the
sort contained In the bill."
Governmont Ilcdniloor nt Sonttlo
Seattle, Wash., March 8. The gov
ernment's Alaska relief expedition, with
the 537 reindeer and 113 Laplanders,
which left New York last Tuesday,
March 1, reached here last evening,
having made the unprecedented time
for freight trains of six dys from
coaBt to coast. The reindeer nil stood
the Journey well. The Laplander chil
dren kept the measles with them all
the way from New York, reaching
Seattle with the whole 26 suffering
from that disease.
Death Follows the Burgeon's Knife-Not
the Surgeon's Fault, of Course, He
Can't Hilp It You Can,
Pyramid Pile Cure Cnrei Piles Quickly,
Painlessly, Without Danger,
People go along for years suffering with
piles. They try this and that and the other
thing from carrying a buckeye to getting
treatment from a physician, They obtain
temporary relief, maybe, but they are never
quite cured. A (little strain in lifting, ex
ressive fatigue, a little constipation or a little
diarrhoea and the piles come back.
They don't seem to amount to much, but
they banish sleep and appetite. No position
is comfortable. There is intense local pain
and that dreadful feeling of weight in the
Maybe in the early stages some of the
many salves on sale will aflord temporary re
lief. If the case is of long standing there is
only one speedy and sure remedy, It is
Pyramid Pile Cure, liven in light cases it is
the safest thing to use. Other applications
may cure and may not. I'yramid Cu-e is al
ways certain, always reliable, always brings
comfort at once. It's prompt use saves
months of severet sufTcrinr, In extteme cases
it 'will save scrgical operations, and their at
tendant dangers and discomforts. It is better
than a knife. Will cure easier, quicker and
safer, Thousands have used it. Thousands
have been cured by it. The cost is trilling
compared with what it does. The price is jo
cents. Most anybody would gladly pay ten
dollars to be rid of piles.
All druggists sell Pyramid Pile Cure.
and wife should know about the pre
paration that (or half a century has
been helping expectant mothers bring
little ones into the world without
danger and the hundred and one
discomforts and distractions
J is applied externally, which
Ml C 's tlic only wajr to eet re''ef
WL Medicines taken internally
will not help and may
Y,jLvo.VL result in harm.
sv a -
t, V! Ml3 -k xv -s7
fits and prepares every
organ, muscle and
part of the body for
the critical hour. It
robs child-birth of its
tortures and pains.
Laby's coming is made
quick and easy. Its
action is doubly bene-
Vficial if used during the whole
neriod of pregnancy.
1 per bottle at all drug stores, or
sent by mail on receipt ot price.
Books Free, containing valuable infor
mation to all women, will be sent to any
address upon application by
fhe Bradfield Regulator Co.,
Atlanta. Ga.
Triple LyiKtlitntr Follows Jlurdor, Hut
tho Und Is Not Yot.
Bock Springs, Wyo March 8. Val
entine Hoy's friends have caught and
lynched threo of the murderers of Hoy.
The men lynched are L. J. Johnson, a
man named Bemret, nnd a third man
whose name cannot be learned. Some
days ago Johnson, who was a cowboy
employed on Hoy's ranch, near Bock
Springs, shot and killed a boy named
Willie Strong for a trivial provocation.
He escaped and Joined some of "Butch"
Cassady's outlaws. Hoy Joined a sher
iff's posse which went In pursuit. The
posse came upon Johnson and two
others In Ladore Canyon, when a fight
occurred, In which Hoy was killed. The
outlaftvs were, however, surrounded In
the canyon, and finally captured and
The killing of Hoy, who was a promi
nent man, has stirred up the authori
ties of Colorado, Wyoming and Utah,
and It is now proposed to send the
combined military of the three states,
If necessary, against the Cassady gang,
which occupies an almost Impregnable
fortiess known as "Bobbers' Boost,"
near Vernal, Utah.
Austria's Now Cabinet.
Vienna, March 8. Privy Councillor
Count Von Thun Hohonsteln has con
structed a cabinet ns follows: Presi
dent of the council and minister of the
Interior, Count Von Thun Hohenstein;
minister of public Instruction, Count
Von Bylandt - Ithledt; agriculture.
Baron Von Kast; finance, Dr. Von
Kalzl; commerce, Dr. Baeren-Belther;
Justice, Dr. John Von Ruber; national
defense, Count Von Welsershelmb: rail
ways, Dr. Von Witte; minister without
portfolio, Herr Jandrejevlcs.
Children and adults tortured by burns,
scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases may
secure instant relief by using DoWitt's Witch
Hazel Salvo. It is tho great l'llo remedy. U.
II. Hagonbuch.
to Good
Mini, p
Shenandoah's - Greatest - Gent's - Furnishing . House,
TJno do Loulmt ProMonts Columbia
With Property Worth 91.100,0(10.
NevTork, March 8. Property valued
nt $1,100,000, having a frontage of 125
feet on Broadway and extending
through to Mercer street, was formally
accepted by tho board of trustees of
Columbia university at a meeting of
that body yesterday. Tho donation will
be known as "tho Galllard-Loubat Li
brary Endowment Fund," and will be
Used for the benefit of the library. The
donor Is Joitph P, Louhnt, known In
the courts of Europe as the Duo do
Loubat. Ho divides his time about
equally between Uuropo nnd this coun
try, nnd when In America lives at tho
Fifth Avenue hotel,
Though not a graduate of Columbia
university, Mr. Loubat has long been
Its friend, and has In the past given
It many vnlunblo donations In the shape
of books, manuscripts, etc. He has
been extremely liberal to the rtoman
Catholic church, nnd Pope Leo XIII
made him a count In 1SS8. In 1S93 the
pope elevated him to his present rank,
and since then he has been known In
nrlstevrntlc circles of the 6Id world as
the Due do Loubat.
The chairman ot the board of trustees
said that the Loubat donation, with
tho $1,000,000 given by President Low to
construct the present library building
as a memorial to Mr. Lo ' s father, will
place the library on an Independent
basis forever.
Shake Off Rheumatism and Neuralgia.
Hub well with Ked Flag Oil, 25c. At
Gruhlcr Itros , drug store.
jot n4 n Military Kxpotlltlon.
Ottawa, Ont., March 8. The report
that the Dominion government Intends
sending a military expedition to the
Yukon Is not altogether accurate. What
the government Is contemplating Is to
send out men and ofllcers of the perma
nent corps to the Klondike In future,
Instead of taking away more of tho
mounted police, which would necessi
tate engaging new policemen. In this
way a savins can be effected and the
permanent corps can have a little ex
perience at roughing It In the west In
stead of lying In Idleness In the Gar
risoned cities.
Dnnntl'M Ilnlil l-'or I'llliiiistorlmr.
Jacksonville, Fla., March S. The
steam tig Dauntless was libeled yes
terday by the government charged with
filibustering. The vessel Is now in
charge of a deputy marshal.
Hut If you have weak kidneys, bladder
trouble or distressing kidney complaint, then
Swamp-Hoot will prove to bo just tho remedy
you need, Too frequent desire to urinate,
scanty supply, pain or dull actio Iu tho back
is convincing evidence that your kiduoysand
bladder need doctoring.
There is comfort In tho knowledgo so often
eipresscd, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
tho great kidney remedy fulfills ovcry wish
In relieviug pain in the back, kidneys, liver,
bladder and every part of tho urinary
paas;o. It corrects inability to hold uriue
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects
following use of liquor, wino or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times during the
night to urinate. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soou
realized. It stands the highest for its
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have tho
best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and
one dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent freo by mall upon
rccuipt of three two-cent stamps to cover
cost of postage on the bottle. Mention
llmtALDand send your address to Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Iiinghamton, N. Y. Tho propiletors
of this paper guarantee the genuineness of
this offer.
n niniimiiiun n or
Look Where to Save
Your Money.
New styles of Spring Hats are
now being shown by us. They
are now open for inspection and
Only a Starter. we feel satisfied
and prices will suit all. Manyl
range in price from
fx iS TT Wcn pair. That kind
Hall HOSe. that will make the
wearer smile. Wc liavc the very newest
creation in plaid and polka dot hose.
Pine Imnnrted sict.hj"K that
Silk MllfflerS. winter end of any
purchaser. Wc have them ranging in
ptice from 50 cents to 2,25.
llev Health Restored
UK misery of sleeplessness enn only be
realized by those who havo experi
enced It. Nervousness, sleeplessness,
hcidachcj, neuralgia and that mlserablo
feeling of unrest, can surely bo cured by Dr.
Miles' Hestoratlvo Ncrvluo. So ccrWiln Is
Dr. Miles of this fact that all druggists aro
authorized to refund price paid for tho first
bottlo tried, providing It does not benefit.
Mrs. Henry Iiruns, wlfo of tho well known
blacksmith at Orand Junction, Iowa, says:
'I was troubled with sleeplessness, nervous
ness, hcadacho and Irregular menstruation!
suffering untold misery for years. I used
various advertised remedies for fomalocom
plaints besides being under tho caro of local
physicians, without help. I noticed In Dr.
Miles' advertisement thrvtcstlmonliil of a
lady cured ot ailments similar to mlno, and
I shall never cease to thnnk that lady. Her
testimonial Induced mo to use Dr. Miles'
Ncrvlno and Ncrvo and Liver Pills, which
restored mo to health, I cannot say enough
for Dr.Mlles'HcmcdIes.',
Dr. Miles' Remedies
aro sold by all drug
gists under a posltlvo
guarantee, first bottlo
acneflts or money re
funded. Book on dis
eases of tho heart and
nerves frco. Address,
nn. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, lud.
Jjlt. W. II. Y1NOST,
Oraduato and Late Resident House Suraeci
the University Stato of N, Y.
Headquarters :-Commercial Hotel. Rhenandoab
CaIIs night or day promptly responded.
Office Egan building, con er of Main an
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
(J .
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Lock Box 63, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Having studied under some of the best
masters lr London and Paris, will glvo lefAftlls
on the violin, mandolin, guitar and voeal cmia.
Term, reasonable. Address In osra of fltrousto,
the Jeweler Shenandoah.
Up-to-Date Hat Store,
I A I landsomo Complexion I
1 is ono of tho greatest charms a woman can
possess.'s Complexion 1'owdebI
lives it. (
That is the place the closest buyer is now
looking for. We are closing out our
entire stock of
At the lowest cash prices.
that the styles Only a Starter.
19 East Centre Street.
HH sbbbbI