The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 07, 1898, Image 3

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Of the Face.
Mrs. Laura E. Mlms.of Smlthvillc.Ga.,
says: "A small pimple of a strawberry
color appeared on my cheek; it soon
began to grow rapidly, notwithstand
ing all efforts to check it. My
eye uecanic icriiuiy
inflamed, and was so
swollen that for tniite
a while I could not
see. The doctors
said I had Cancer of
the most malignant
tvrtc. and after ex-
hausting their efforts.
wittiout uoing me
anv nood, they cave
dp the case as hopeless. 'When in
formed that my father had died from
the same disease, they said I must die,
as hereditary Cancer was incurable.
"At this crisis, I was advised to try
S.S.S., and in a short while the Cancer
began to discharge and continued to uo
so for three months, then it began to
heal. I continued the medicine a while
loneer until the Cancer disappeared en
tirely. This was several years ago and
there has been no return of tha disease."
A Real Blood Remedy
Cancer is a blood disease, and only a
blood remedy will cure it. S. S. S.
guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real
blood remedy, ana never lails to per
manently cure Cancer. Scrofula, Eczema,
Rheumatism or any other disease of the
blood. Send for our books
on Cancer and Blood Diseases,
mailed free to
any address.
Swift Specific
Co. Atlanta, Ga.
Opera House,
J. J. QUIRK, Mgr.
The Favorite Little Comedian
James 1 Kelly
And his own company of comedians, singers
and dancers, in Chas. E. Ulaney's
most successful farce comedy
P.&R. R. R.
Baggage Check.
Everything: New and Bright.
All the Latest Popular Music,
Prices :
25, 35, 50 aild 75 CentS.
mill Mid 12, i
Lincoln J. Oner's Great Spec
tacular Production . . .
The Heart
of Chicago.
Klegant Special Scenery, Wonderful Mech
anical Devices, Mysterious Electrical
Effects, a Vivid Picture of
the Great Fire.
A Powerful Company Introducing
Splendid Line of High-Class
25, 35 nnd 50 Cents.
No. 1 Fever, Congestion.
No. 2 Worms,
No. 3 Infants' Diseases.
No. A Diarrhea.
No. 7 Coughs & Colds.
No. 9 Headache.
No. lO Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
No. 1 1 Delayed Periods.
No. 12 Louchorrea.
No. 13 Croup.
No. 14 Skin Diseases.
No. IB Rheumatism.
No. 10 Catarrh,
No, 27 Kidney Diseases.
No. 34 Sore Throat.
No. 77 Grip & Hay Fever.
Br, Humpbrays' Homeopathla Itanual of
MfeaAata at vntii. nm.vtttl fir UaIIaiI Kree.
.Sold by druKliU, or ent on receipt of SScts.,
or l, Humphreys' lied. Co., Cor. William
uujouaau , r(eT xors.
Brilliant Author and Statesman
Killed on the Field of Honor.
Blrjntir Cnvnllottl llrouirlit tho Clinmo
ofTinlllokliiir In Decorations Airiilnst
tlio J'.x-I'rmnlor, mill Itolmi UushIv I
I'tirsuud lllm.
Rome, March 7. Slgnor Felice Carlo
Cavalottl, poet, dramatist, publicist,
and the well known Hadlcal member o
the chamber of deputies for Corte-
Olona, was killed here yesterday af
ternoon In ii duel with Bwords with
Slgnor Mncola, member of the chamber
of deputies and editor of the Qazzetta
Dl Venezla. The encounter was the
outcome of a press polemic In the col
umns of the Milan Secolo and the
Gazzctta Dl Venezla. It took place at
an unfrequented spot outside the Porta
The first two engagements were with
out result, but In the third Slgnor
Cavallottl received a thrust In the
throat that severed his lutrulnr. The
doctors and his seconds carried him to
Zelllno and laid him on a bed in the
residence of the Countess Cellnro.
Tracheotomy was performed, and arti
ficial breathing attempted, but all ef
forts were useless. Slgnor Cavallottl
expired In ten minutes. Slgnor Macola
did not receive a scratch.
Slgnor Cavallottl made his will Im
mediately before the duel, which was
the 32d he had fought. The body will
be embalmed and lie In state at his
Though political opponents, Slgnor
Vavallottl and Slgnor Macola were per
sonal friends. For this reason their
seconds tried to avoid the duel, but the
matter becoming ridiculous In the pub
lic eyes, the principals decided that
they must light. The death of Caval
lottl Is a great loss to the Itadlcal party.
Italian laws regards killing In a duel
as "qualified murder, but Slgnor Ma
cola has cone to Venice, unmolested.
under the protection of his parliamen
tary prerogative.
The news on reaching this city caused
a great sensation. Numerous deputies
and friends hurried to the snot, and
there Is universal regret over the
tragic end of Cavallottl.
The late Slgnor Felice Carlo Eman-
uele Cavallottl, who was a member of
a family originally Venetian, was born
at Milan on Nov. C, 1S42. At the age
of IS, having become already noted for
his poetry breathing hatred for Aus
tria, lie threw himself with ardor as a
writer and a soldier Into the struggle
for Italian Independence, taking part
In various expeditions and publishing
in the newspapers of the day articles
and verses whose revolutionary au
dacity attracted wide attention. Since
that day he has been a most prolific
writer, and his dramas have always at
tracted wide attention.
Often elected to the Italian parlia
ment, his career In the chamber from
time to time was signalized by no less
agitation than the publication of his
poetic efforts, More than once his
Interpellations and his speeches Invoked
the parliamentary tempests. He was
a lifelong opponent of Slgnor Crlspl,
and was glad to be known as one of
the Italian politicians who resisted
with all their energies the tide which,
under the auspices of Crlspl, carried
Italy toward Germany.
In 18S5, when the Ilanca Itomana
scandal was the sensation of Europe,
Slgnor Cavallottl, then leader of the
opposition In the Italian chambers, dis
covered what he called a new and most
promising lode. Going through the list
of great and little men entitled to wear
the Grand Cross of the Order of St.
Maurice and Lazare, he came upon the
name of Dr. Cornelius Herz. Rightly
conjecturing that It would not be there
except for a cash consideration, he
prosecuted his Inquiries until ho felt
warranted In making the public de
claration that Slgnor Crlspl, the pre
mier of that day, was guilty of an Il
licit trafficking In decorations. Not
long after he published a pamphlet
against Crlspl repeating this charge,
and adding the charge of bribery In the
fifth district of Home, where the pre
mier had defeated the Sicilian Socialist,
Gu'seppe de Felice Gluffrlda. He even
uvc uutiti; M tiir- uiiuiiiuci ul u. ii, lo
tion to annul the election. When the
matter came up Crlspl Ilatly declined
to make any statement as to the quar
rel, and the chamber sustained his ac
Slgnor Cavallottl then renewed the
attack In his paper. The Secolo, of Mi
lan, and announced that he would pre
fer charges In the courts. This threat
he carried out, and In his denunciation
of Crlspl to the criminal authorities he
asked for the examination of the Mar
quis dl Rudlni and Slgnor Bert!, secre
tary of the department of decorations,
as witnesses in support of his charges,
as touching Cornelius Herz, a Panama
canal lobbyist. These proceedings, with
various modifications, were continued
until the court of cassation recently
transferred the whole matter to par
liament. Pending this decision, how
ever, Slgnor Cavallottl proposed the
Impeachment of Slgnor Crlspl, then
fallen from power, for the disasters In
the Abyssinian campaign. To the last
he relentlessly pursued Crlspl, and the
latter, in the death of his brilliant and
fearless adversary, will probably see
the end of the long campaign against
Wo nro anxious to do n little good In this
world and can think of no pleasantor or
l.ntinr wav tn do It than bv recoinnieiidinjr
Ono Minuto CotiRh Cure as a preventive of
pneumonia, consumption aim omer sonous
lung trouuies mat louotv ncyicticu tuiua.
C. II. Hascnuucli.
A llannuot oflloruo Moat.
Kansas City, Mo., March 7. Horse
meat was served Saturday night at the
annual banquet of theKansas City Vet-
erlnary college. Though the spread was
elaborate, not a morsel of meat other
than the flesh of the horse was served.
From soup to roast, It was all horse.
The students nnd faculty of the college
who gathered around the board made
merry, and Insisted that It was appe
For Infants and Children.
Coming I'.vuuts.
March 11. Ladles' Homo Journal Art
Kxulbition. Dougherty's hall.
March 11. Social uud entertainment under
tho auspices of the Christian Endeavor will
bo hold in tbt) M. E, church. Itcfrcshmciits.
Admission 10 cents.
Energy all gone? Headache? Stomach
out of order? Simply a case of tornld liver.
Buidock Blood Bittern will make 11 now man
or woman of you.
A Sufferin
This veteran fought for his country; suffered un
told hardships, and returned with health shattered.
Afany a brave soldier has the same history. To-day
this one rejoices in a nciv-found strength and tells his
experience to benefit others.
No man Is better known and liked in
that rich tier of Illinois counties, of which
Peoria is the centre, than genial Chester S,
Harrington, of Princevilie, 111.
Mr. Harrington is a veteran of the late
war. Like many another brave soldier, he
suffered not only during that service, but
for years afterwards from diseases con
tracted then.
For years his health was shattered) his
sufferings increased. He was unable to
gain relief, but now he tells a story which
is of profit to many:
"1 served three years in the 124lh Illi
nois, enlisting at Kewanee, Hi.," said he.
" I was in Libby Prison and suffered like
many another Northern soldier.
" The strain of army life did its work in
undermining my health, although the col
lapse did not come for sometime after.
" For fifteen years I suffered from g? neral
debility and nervousness so badly that I
could not sleep. Indigestion resulted and
my misery increased.
"My eyes began to fail, and as my body
lost vitality my mind seemed to give way.
I could scarcely remember events that hap
pened but a few weeks before.
' For two years I was unfitted for busi
ness. I was just able to creep around dur
ing part of this time, and there were many
times when I could not get up.
44 Ky brother is a doctor, but all his
efforts to help me failed to give any relief.
"I tried a number of remedies without
Town 1'ronstii-cr Clinrced With Then.
Exeter, N. H., March 7. News was
received here Saturdav that Edwin S.
Thyng, town treasurer of Exeter, had
been arrested In Boston on a writ Issued
by the selectmen, charging him with
the embezzlement of about $20,000 of
the funds of the town. Tho arrest of
Thyng was decided upon bv the au
thorities after a careful examination
had been made of his bank accounts by
the town auditors.
Whooping cough Is tlio most distressing
malady; but its duration can bo cut short by
the uso of Ono Minuto Cough Cure, which is
also tlio best known remedy for croup mid
all lunguiiil bronchial troubles. C. H.llngen
buch. j four llniiilnd ICtiutiifk.v Dtiol.
Paducah, Ky March 7. A fourSand
ed duel has occurred between farmers
residing In Fulton county over a law
suit. Joe Lynch, his son, Hurt Lynch,
Wade Harding and James Morris were
seriously Injured.
There Never Was a Better Cure
Than l'au-Tina for coughs, 25c. AtGruhler
llros., drug etoro.
pnimuc nun nmnc S
The Canadian Remedy lor all X
Large Bottles. 25 ctb. y
Poop's PtRRy Dvi8' Pain-Kiueh. X
mi rTtnr. npiNkmr, i
Purity of Material and
derrnl appliance and scientific i rem
edies sent on trial to any reliable
man. A world-wide roputation back of
tbUoffer. Kvcry obstacle to happy murried
life removed. Full strength, development
and tone given to every portion ol tho body.
Failure Impossible; ago no barrier.
No O. O. 1). scheme.
ERIE MEDICAL C0.b6bao?an.s7:
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinitj
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
AskYour Dealer
COCOA and jfeO
avail. Finally, having read articles re
garding cures that had been effected by
Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People, I
decided to try them. That was in 1896.
I bought a box and took the pills accord;
ing to instructions. f
"Four days later I had Ihe happiest
hours I had known for years. That night
I went to sleep easily and slept soundly as
a child and awoke refreshed.
"After I had taken four boxes of the
pills, I found that I was cured and had also
increased 27 pounds in weight.
" This greatly surprised my friends, who
thought my case was a hopeless one. I be
gan my work again and have continued
ever since in excellent health.
" Another valuable gain to me was, that
while I was taking these pills I had been
cured of the smoking habit, which had
formed when I was a boyand had clung
to me all these years. The craving for
tobacco left me and I have never expe
rienced it since.
" I cannot say enough for these pills and
have recommended them to many."
To verify this statement Mr. Harrington
made affidavit to its truthfulness before
Lincoln M. Coy, Notary Public
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
strike at the root of disease by acting di
rectly upon the impure blood. Their
power is marvelous and many wonderful
cures have been made. Druggists consider
them a potent remedv, and all sell them.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke
IN KKFKUT FKIlItfAUY 27th. 1898
Trains Ichvo Bhenamltmh ah follow :
For New York via Philadelphia, week days,
210, B 30. 7 30 9 Mo. m., 12 83, 810 and 6 07 p
m Hundnyti, 10 a. m.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week day,
5 86, 7 30 n. m., 12 83 and 8 10 p. in.
For Itcjvdinjr and l'hllndrlphta, week days,
1 10, 5 80, 7 30. 9 54, Vi S3, 8 10 and 07 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For I'ottsvllle, week days, 2 10, 7 30, 9 M a. m
12 33, 3 10, 6 07 nnd 7 25 p. m. Sundays, i 10 a. m.
For Tamnqua and Mahanoy City, week days
2 10, S 30, 7 30, 9 St a. ni., 12 S3, 3 10 and 6 07 P. rn.
Additional to Mnhunoy City only, 1140 p. in.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m
For Willlainsport, Sunbury and Lewlsburff,
week days. 1 03, 5 38, 11 SO a.m.. 1233, III
p. in Sundays, 8 25 a. m.
ForMaliauo) Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 4 0J, 580,
7 30, 9 51, 11 SO a. m., 12 33, 3 10, 0 07, 7 25, 9 55 and
1140 p.m. Sundays, 2 10, 1 05 a. m.
For Ashland and Shaluokin, week days, 4 05,
5 30, 7 30, 11 30 a. m., 12 33, 3 10,6 07, 725 and
9 55 p. tn. Sundays, 1 05 a. in.
For Baltimore. Washington and the West via
11. A O. H. It., through trains Ici-i Heading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. .li It. If X.) at 8 20,
7 55, 11 20 a. m., 8 10 nnd 7.27 p. 1-. Sundays,
3 20,7 00, 1120 a.m., 8 46 nnd 7 27 p.m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest,
nut streets station, week days, 1030 a. m. 12 20,
12 l; H 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 180. 8 00, 1130 n. m., and 180,4 30
9 no p.m. Sundays, G 00 p. m.
Leave New Y'ork via Mnuch Chunk, week
davs. 4 80. 9 10 n. in.. 1 80 and 4 15 n. m.
Leave Philadelphia. Iteadiue Terminal, week
days, 12 01,3 SO, d 85, 10 10 n. in. and 1 42, 4 05, 0 80
p. m. atiaays, 12 ui n. m.
Leave KetdlUK.wcek days. 2 05. 0 10.10 08. a. m.
12 00 m 4 19, 6 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 2 03
Leave Pottsvllle, weeK days, 8 03, 7 10 a. m.
12 30 nnd 6 10 p.m. Sundays, 8 07 a. in.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 55, 7 46, 11 28 a.
in., ISO, 5 66, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m. Sundays, 3 55
a m
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 12 20, 4 91,
h io, 11 47 a. in., i 17, a is, o zi, 7 41 ana luos p. in.
Sundays. 12 25, 4 21 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 35, 2 40,
4K5 6 80,8 30. 10 25. 11 59 a. in., 2 82, 5 32, 6 41.
7 57, 10 22 p in. Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 S3 a. m.
Lenvo Wlllinmsport, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a
m.. 4 00 and 11 80 p. ni. Sundays, 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf nnd
South street wharf for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Kxuress. 9 00 a. m.. 2 00. 4 00.
5 00 p. m. Accommodation. 8 00 a. in., 6 30 p. m.
Sundays Express, 900, 10 00 n. in. Accommoda
tion, a uu n. a,., 4 4a p. m.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, oorner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 83, 9 00 a m., 8 80, 5 80
p.m. Accommodation, Hian. m. 403 p. m.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 7 30 p. m. Accom
mudntlon, 7 15 a, m., 4 15 p. m.
Parlor Cars on nil express trains.
Kor further information, npply to nearest
Philadelphia aud ltcmling Unllway ticket agent
or nddress
I. A. Swkioabd, Hdsok J. Wbsks.
Clcii'l Supt., Oen'l Pass'r Agt..
Kending Termlnnl, Philadelphia.
Relieve and Cure
s Head Troubles
s Stomach Disorders
System Irregularities
'1 formula
of nted
E "For every III, a special pill.
d If not at Drug Storos, write
Bronx Chemical Co.,YonkerslN.Y.
Health Boole Stalled Free.
You can blame
yourself If you
do n't get real
pood coifee to
ilriuk. Ordinary
coffee is made de
licious by adding
SGUl.lQ'i. ir. . pkt.
for Seellg'5.
, A little of this
ladmixture to
'cheap coffee
makes a delicious'
i drink and saves expense.
j j; IK iiumiiiiuiii i 1 , rettuiiioi
NeiriihiuS Miici'lul lUettfct'n. Vur
lrofrlei Ntrlcturen, .No nllltiira
Nimill Unilvtlut:(I Oririm!; Im1
rn nnn pnisnu
, .ua t,; ii ru ..,, ,1, ,, , r u uwww , uiwwii
Krili2ln ciike. 1'retih vuaea curril li.l
lOiliiya, 6i'HilluclH. stainimfur Hook
Hfc'"'tViitli,"o!ilytrueineiilcal lioulcKipoelng
Uuucka&futtDluaiUmea, tUclr trickiScUcmc
Steel pennyroyal Treatment
is the oricinnl nnd only lTtI?N(71I
anfu and runnlilo euro on tiie mar
ket. .Trice, $1.(10; sent by mail.
Utuuiuo Bold only by
S. r. K1HLIN, Shenandoah,
Demands From All Sides Pour in
On the Celestials
Dciuniiiln nn AnstirniicoTlifit tlio I'ny
meut Him In .Mny 'Will llo Promptly
Mot HuhhIii DoiiiiiiiilH Sovoroliriity
Over Port. Arthur unit Tii-Lloii-Wnn,
Pekln, Mnrch 7. I.ast Friday Ynno
Fumlo, the Japanese minister to China,
demanded nn olllclol signed assurance
of the payment of the Indemnity due
next May. The Chinese government In
structed Ynnir Yu, the Chinese min
ister at St. Petersburg, to urge Ilussla
to evacuate Port Arthur. Ilussla de
ferred a decision, alleging that the pres
ence of Hussion warships at Port Ar
thur was beneficial to China and fa
vorable to peace .In the Orient,
Russia Is now opposing the Anglo
German loan. M. Pavloff, the Ilusslan
charge d'affaires, lodged a formal pro
test last Thursday and demnnded a
quid pro quo. The details of the Rus
sian demand are not yet made public,
but Russia's nttltude Is regarded as
Inimical to peace In the far east.
On Friday M. Gerard, the French
minister to China, made a similar com
plaint, with corresponding demands for
compensation In the south.
England nnd Germany are now re
garded as having obtained their legiti
mate aspirations, nnd Russia and
France desire to secure thPlrs.
The Chinese acknowledge that the
British late loan negotiations were dis
interested and calculated to advance
China's welfare and to maintain her
Russia has demanded that China sur
render to her all sovereign rights over
Port Arthur and Ta-LIen-Wan for the
same period and on the same conditions
ns In tho case of Germany at Klan
Chou. Besides this Russia demands the
right to construct a railway, under the
same conditions as the trans-Manchu-rlan
railway, from Petuna on that line
(near the River Sungarl), to Kwang-
Chung-Tzu, Mukden and Port Arthur.
Five days are given for reply, nnd the
agreement must bo signed within a
In the event of non-compliance Rus
sia threatens to move her troops Into
Manchuria. China will perforce yield.
By this agreement Russia will obtain
the light to send soldiers Into L,eno
Tung, ostensibly for the protection of
the railway engineers.
Russian assurances that the ports
will be open to tho world are deceptive,
Inasmuch, while conforming to these
assurances, Russia can convert either
port into a second and stronger Vladl
vostock. lCnglnnd C.'niuint Anient.
London, March 7. The Times, com
menting editorially this morning on
the dispatches from Pekln, says: "Rus
sia's protest Is neither more nor less
than a thinly veiled demand upon
China to abandon the whole of Man
churia and the province of Shlng-KIng,
which Includes the Leao-Tong penin
sula. If China yields those provinces
will practically pass away forever, to
be Incorporated In the czar's empire.
While recognizing that Russia's desire
for an Ice free terminus for her Asiatic
railway Is reasonable and legitimate,
England cannot assent to the practical
absorption of two great and wealthy
Chinese provinces."
Thero nro threo Uttlo tliliiRS which do
more worn tnan any omur unco nu
created they nro tlio ant, the beo and
DeWitt's Llttlo Early ItKers, the last being
tho r.mious little pills for btomach and liver
troubles. C. II. llugcnbucli.
Austrla" t-'nlilnot Crisis.
Vienna, March 7. The cabinet crisis
which culminated Saturdny in the
resignation of Baron Von Gautsch and
his ministry was a complete crisis In its
suddenness, though expected to occur
ere long. Count Von Thun, the new
premier, Is a favorite of the emperor,
and Is believed to have been long
marked by him for the premiership. It
. .. ... -.1 .1 I I, i. fliiorro
Is even alleged that Baron Von
Gautsch was compelled to resign by
pressure from above.
A thrill or' terror s oxnerienred when a
brassy cough of croup sounds through the
liouso at night. Hut tho terror soon changes
to relief after Ono Minuto CourIi Ctiro has
been administered. Safe and harmless for
children. C. II. Ilagenbuch.
A Mississippi Lynching.
Lako Cormorant, SIIss., March 7.
William Jones, a necro, was lynched
last night by an unknown mob for out
raging a colored woman yesterday. The
mob met the officers while transferring
the negro for safe keeping, and taking
him from them dragged him to a tele
phono pole near by, where his body wns
left swlnglnir In the moonlight. The
negro was tried a week ago for a simi
lar offense, but the evidence was not
sufficient to convict him.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your L e
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, bo made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new Ufa and vigor, take No-To-Bac,
tho wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds In ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-ISae from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure. 50c or fl.00. Booklet aud sample
mailed freo. Ad, Sterling Bomedy Co,,
Chicago or New York.
AootiKcii Mnnntror Arrostid.
Chicago, March 7. Joseph Bernlalc,
formerly manager of tho United States
Guitar and Zither company, of Balti
more, was arrested In this city yester
day and will be taken to Baltimore to
answer the charce of the embezzle
ment of several thousand dollars from
his firm. Mary Westerham, formerly
Bernlnlt's stenographer, was arrested
with him as an accessory.
Many People cannot Drink
coffee nt nlgbt. It spoils their sleep. You can
drink Orain-0 when you please and sleep like
u top. For Orain-0 docs not stimulate; it
nourishes, cheers aud feeds. Yet It looks
and tastes liko the host coil'eo. For nervous
persons, young people and children (lrain-0
is the perfect drink. Made from pure gralus.
Got a package from your grocer to-day. Try
it in placo of cotl'ce. 15 aud 25a.
Bloody Biittlo Ovnr n Calf.
Calloway, Ky March 7, A bloody
fight took place Saturday evenlne; In
the New Harlan district of Hurlan
county. Tho participants were William
Gross and Ram Gross airalnBt Abe Car
roll, John Carroll nnd Abe Sowell.
Knives nnd pistols were freely used,
and Sowell was Instantly killed, while
William Gross and One of the Carrolls
were fatally Injured. The trouble arose
over the kllllns of a calf boloncltic to
the Gross brothers by Carroll.
tlucklen'" Arnica Salve.
The beat salvo In the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rlieaui, fovor sores,
totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all Bkln eruptions, and positively cures piles,
oi jo pay rtxiuired. It ts guaranteed to utvi
lwrfect satisfaction or tnony refunded. 1'rlce,
so cents per oox. t or saio or A, waaiey.
Cnttlo !!(((. Ipts In Phllntliilphln nnd
tlin lo-lnit Quoin! Ions.
Philadelphia March 7. The receipts of
catth in this city last week werp ns fol
low: Beeves, 2,'in.S; sheep, 6.4SS, Ims,
4,203. Receipts the previous w..k
worn: necvi'S. 2,219; sheep, 5."i- hK.
4.27:t. Ucef cattle were In full supply, mid
allhnugh snh'S wnre slow prices mlv in i d
a fraction. There were 226 head exported
to London per slesmshl" Maine, (junia
tions: Extra, BViGHc: good. G'siiue.;
medium, WSiEk'.; common, 444fce.
Slu-ep were fairly artivc except for
best medium nnd common grades, on
which the prices were easier. We quote:
Extra. Mt5,v.; good, 4V"4c: medium.
4lVlc.; common, 8V4f'31)4c.; lnmhs, SVtSJ
Hogs were firm at WiCc. for best west
ern enid M46c. for others.
Fat cows were fair at 2'4TS!4c.
Thin cows were in better request at fSfli
Venl calves were active at SOTc.
Mill h eows were fbm at $201145,
Unused beeves sold t (KifSViC.
Some Foolish Faople
Allow a cough to mil until it gets beyond the
reach of medicine. They often iy, "Oh, il
will wear away," btrt In most casta it wears
them away. Could ihey lie induced to try the
successful medicine called Kemp' HaKam,
which is sold on a positive guarantee lo ( tiro,
they would immediately tee the excellent Hlccl
after taking the first dose. Price ajc. and 50c.
Trial sire free. At alMtttggits.
1'lglits Henry, --inuliH Hstorhazy.
Paris, March 7. Colonel Plcquart,
who In the recent trial of Kola was se
verely disciplined for testifying In his
favor, fought a duel with swords Sat
urday In the riding department of the
Military school with Colonel Henry,
who, In the course of his testimony
against M. Zola, denounced Colonel
Plcquart as a liar. Henry was slightly
wounded on the elbow. Ph 0.11,11 1 re
fuses to ansuei Cuiuie Esurhazy's
challenge to a duel.
When we read of a railroad wn ck in
which a huiidrtd people are killed, we are
filled with pity and horror. There arc other
dangers in this lift a thousand times grcati r
than that of the railroad wreck, only we do
not have them brought so forcibly to our
attention. Consumption does not kill a
hundred people at once in one train. It
does kill tens of thousands for every otic
that is killed by accident.
If a sufferer will resort to the right rem
edy before it is too late, consumption can
be cured. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery cures 08 per cent, of all cases if
taken in the earlier stages. It has main
tained tills record for thirty years. Many
of those whom it has rescued from the
verge of the grave have permitted their
names, addresses, experiences and photo
graphs to be printed in Dr. Pierce's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser. This useful
book is free, and any sufferer who wishes
to investigate may procure it and write to
those who were once .sufferers themselves,
l'or a paper covered copy send 21 one-cent
stamps, lo cover cost of mailing only, to
the World's Dispensary Medical Associa
tion, Buffalo, N. Y. The "Golden Medical
Discovery" is the great blood-maker and
flesh-builder. It restores the lost appetite,
corrects the impaired digestion, makes the
liver active and the blood pure. Any med
icine dealer who offers you something
else said to be "just as good" is thinking
about his pocketbook and not about your
" I have taken Dr. Pierce's flolden Medical
Discovery and ' Kavorite Prescription with
wonderful results." writes Mrs Annie M Nor
man, of luiuinunk. Wivue Co, Pa "I luul
consumption . the doctors said I'd die. The
'C.olilt'D Altdtcil Discovery' cured me,"
a tJ B M n w r y A
vlor to tlir whnle bring. All drains
are properly cured, their condition ctten worries, them into I rs.,niiy, Loimimptinn ot Ueatn.
Mailed sealed. Pr-r$t per box; 6 boxes, with iron-chd 1 guarantee to urt . i r fund the
niuuey,$5.oo. Send for free book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO , Cleveland, 0w
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drue Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
1 ) M
xi-. ea- ' ". ' r ,
Jtn the
if wm
Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir " iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
B) Aiiirnr ikk
U a atirring narrative of four
companions who have lo
cated a long lost fortune.
I C)U IS HARkliiim tTSWI
IS a thrilling storv ol a nslit for
a treasure concealed in an o!d
castle in the mountains of Waloa.
In addition to tin three long serial stories, the publication of which will continue durinp the entlrs
year, there will be short stories of every kind, of which it its only pouibleto mention a few tit It s here
Hunt, the Owler
The Plunking of Watklns' (lliost
f J0I1.V XSXVKtCK s.ixes
Elephant Hunting In Africa
Plrit Lessons In Tiller and Sheet t
tl BVDLiY t. r r.4 KKFR
Editor's Table, Stamps and Coins, Photography
10 Ctntl a Number (SrnJ fur Frte
Postage free In the I'nited SUte-,, C anaila, and Meilco.
Addreu IfAItPKU & IIItOTllUUS, l'libllaliers, Friinlilln Square, N. Y
Stiblev J Wcymxa It. Ti, M. Watsoa Cvrut
Tn nil the wn
so pare. ei -
sen lag, put 1 1 1
scalp, aiel Ii in
iiinr, A4 w.irin
Hirr'n meat
1 1
,l I I
and gem I
- 1 Ii ( 1 1 it
luent), tho greit akiu 1 tire
KunKCARV 20, 1H98
Trains will leHVuHheiiAndoah after Iho nbova
aate for WiuMns, Ollherton, KruolcvlUc Dark
Water, Ht. Clair, Pottsvllle. Hamburg, Heading,
l'ottstown, Fhoenlxvtllc. Iforrintown nrd Phil
Adelpbln (Broad street utatinnlat 6 05 and 8 1
a. tn., 2 02, (1 1.1 p tn. on week days. Sundays,
6 0S a. 111., 1 SO p. m.
I.eve Shenandoah for Pottvllle (via Delanol
7 57, 10 or, . m., 12 no, 2S2 and 8 25 p. m week
days. Hundoys, 9 31 a. m., 0 81 p. m
Trains leave Frackvllle for rlhenandoab at
7 !tft, 11 4A h. m. and 5 40, 7 51 p. id. Sunday,
II 01 a. in. and 3 20 p. m.
Iave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah (vlaPrack
vtlle. 7 10, 11 20 a. m., S 20, 726 p. 111. .Sunday
IC 35 a, in., 3 00 n. in.
1 Leave Pottwvllle for Shenandoah I via Delano
7 41,9 40 a. 111., 123s, 2 42 and 5 00 p. m week
days. Sundays, 0 15 a. m G 01 p m.
I Iave Phlladclplria, (Kroari Htreet station), tor
Shenandoah at 6 57, 8 86 and 10 P.I a.m., 4 10
p m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 50 a. m,
Ix-ave Broad street ntallon, Philadelphia, lor
Sea Oil, Anburj Park, Ocean Orovo, Long
Branch, and Intermediate stations, 8.20,
11.14. a. Hi., 8.80 and 4.00 p. m. week-days,
Leave Hroad Street station. Philadelphia,
I'.ipreM, week-days, 8 20, 4 0i, 4 50 5 15, 6 50.
7 83, K 20, 838, 1150,10 21 (Dining Can, UOOn. In,
12 00 noon, i2 85 (Limited 1 00 and 4 22 p.m.
Dining Cam), 1 40, 2 30 (Dining Oar) 8 20, 3 50.
4 00, 5 H0, 0 10 (Dining Car), 8 00, 7 02,7 43, 10 00
p m., 12 01, night. Sundays, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 6 15.
S20, 8 38, 9 58, 10 21, (Dining Can, 1131 a. m
12 35, 1 06 t Dining Car) 230 (Dining C'ari, 4 00
1 Limited 1 22 Dining Car), 5 20, 5 50,(D1iiIuk Car)
31, 7 02, 7 48, 10 0(1 p. m.. 12 01 night
Kxpress for Doston without change, 11 00 a m.,
week-days, and 7 18 p. m., dally.
Kor Baltimore aud Washington, 3 50, 7 20, 8 32,
1020, 1123, a. m., 120U, 12 31 I)i.,lni
Car), 112, 318, 4 41, 5 25 Conirres
bIoiibI Limited, Dining Car), 0 17. 651 (bin.
ing Car, 7 31 Dining Car) p. in , and 12 013
night week days. Sundays, 8 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23,
a. m., 1200, 1 12, 4 41, 520 Congressional Mm
ited, Dining Cur, 0 55 Dining Curj, 7 31 Din
iiigCarl p. in. and 12 06 night.
Leave Broad street station via Delaware rlvei
bridge Express, 7 05 p. in. daily.
Leave Market Street Warf- Express, 8 50nm
2 00, 4 00,5 00 p. ill. Mu inlays, 8 45, 45 a. Ill
(accommodation 4 80 and 5 00 p. m. 1
For Cape May, Angleseu, ildwood and Holly
Uracil, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avaloll and
Stone Harbor Lx press, 9 00 a. m., 4 00, p. m.
week days. Sundays, ii 00 a. ui.
l'or Seiners Point -Lxpress, 8 50, a. m.,200,
100. 5 00, p. in. week Uas Sundays, 8 45 a, m.
I. 11. Hi tciiinson, J. H. Wood,
(Jen'l Mitnauer. (Icn'l l'asa g'r Agt
GUAP"".' Vii.rox Specific Co,PruiA,rA.
at I'ovlnsky'a drug store, E
Centre street.
TFI t AVI. ATV VV U rvr A r a Htutr
writ t innl r1tili.t I ' J
'1 A B Y I'll I nnd "A kikkt.
-ii a orm ' t ihn et ti" alfl t' "
. lithium, Muw in' k 4C
For sftle at KIrlins dniK HtoroanU Shenandoo!
drug stor.
1'owi.prs pvor fuh,
TlnTiITriiTu'i.J'jLMare illuu
and ture after lolling
with Taiuy rid I't-nnyroya
aotl other IU
t1I. Aiwaya tiuvtlie licit anil avoid J ap.
uarmitcod aupmor to all othenu l'(nlltvrj
'ointment, w
tX Qv. Srttoo.Mi.
Thry iiavn stood t'n " ' ' vears.
and h-iNC cuitd i 4ft of
ca-es of Nervou . Ii i Cj ruch
-tb Debility, Durir- v tocples
noi and VaiicoLclc A hy,t:C.
They dear the b: m . 'r ugthea
the circulation, tn ike (ligentioa
D-rfett, anil imp ni a health?
and losses arc check rd f rmanenttv. Ui h- h patients
1 ' '. 1- I, 1,
ttm i 1 ' - 1 I . 1 r,
C j' Ail Auuin tl- - in m w, , ,1 11,, rr
r rn Pitni 1 n f . F a
Ut.di.ft. lit..
L n in
V CtloH M 1
I are j r. i?re ! n-e aild keep nilurn.od of E
V tin- W.irMV ruire. "li will w
jt forim'i! ni:il Unity H iu -e-wi 1 1 will
2J uh' : - l;i't'; E
hou-e, an ! itHii(liinl renwdy for 55
tjirain, liruisvs, t riunp, Klieuruausin, 3
Hinl all aches and pains. 3
fried 2b ctl. and 60 eti per bottle. E:
Hrep-i) by 11. 1 HACKETT & CO., Phlladelphl. g
, klhh ill Sl.'ir.
Il ism theliimelmif the ear -vhsra
the hern his Ills adrnn - Z""
from u here he rescues th- I'nr.c "3.
llluckaJiTS A Harbor M)stery
A (Ireut Haul A Creature of Circumstance
An American Explorer In Africa
Kt CM' 1 C AP 1113
e, Laying Out o Clolf Course
B, ir i: in rissM m , v
Short Stories, Sketching, Photograph,
'rntprrtw), Sutrripti tl 00 a i'
C A3m
Pouttney Hi. 'flow K ik M r C