The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 05, 1898, Image 4

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Than the kind vc sell
for the reason that the maker ,
uses only the best material,
knows how
charge no
than some
and above all, he
IU lllclNU 11.
more for the
charge for the inferior
CK- N. IVlealri St.
rho riorliln Uniltcil Will Again lluti mi
the simllicrii Ititllttity.
Tho Florida Limited, which It the syn
onym of nil that is pli'Rimt in modem rail
way trains, antl which iluiiint its former
si rvlre hit liri'ii a nrlnn fiv. n!c for tourists
from the North .eekinit the 'isilil climate of
Florida, will lie placet! in -"rvlco by tho
Southern Hallway about tliclirst wk in
January. IMS With iti return to wrvit r this
train, which will lioolid Pullman vuntibuled
between New York, Philadelphia ami St.
AiiKintine will present foatuies in the way of
luxurious and comfortable appointments not
heretofore invented, aim which will le
destined to add still further to its already
well established popularity.
The Southern Railway is havint! built for
tho Florida Limited serv'ce three traiiH.eaeh
containing a dining car, two ilr-twiim room
sleeping cars, a compartment car and a
library mid observation car. each ear com
plete in all its appointments and equipped
with the very latest devices and appliances
for the comfort ami couveiileuce of the pas
sengers. Wlille no seheduUi ITas as yet been
announced, it can be stated that it will be the
quickest ever arranged between Philadelphia
and St. AUKiistiiie, and will he so planned
that passengers can leave Philadelphia at
some convenient hour during the day and ar
rive, at St. Augustine before nightfall of the
following day. Philadelphia Uecord.
Notice. Applications for liirther informa
tion addressed to J no. M. lieall, District
Passenger Agent. Southern liailway, S'.'S
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will receive
prompt attention. ID-SS-tf
Stomach troublo is tlio common
iwmo applied to a derangement of
tho system which is keenly felt but
vaguely understood. It may mean
inability to retain food or to digest
it. It may mean nausea, pain after
eating, fullness, inordinate craving
for food, or cntiro lack of appetite.
"Whatever it means, there's troublo,
and it's with tho stomach. If you
havo stomach trouble, you will bo
interested in this letter from a
man who had it and was cured by
in ssiog.
"For nino yea.'S I suffered from stomach
trouble. 1 tried tho aid of tho best doctors
of Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and spent
largo Bums of money, all in vain. One day
while waiting a train in Bellaire, 0., I
picked up a paper with a notico of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. 1 got ono bottle to try it. It
did mo so much good that I purchased five
moro bottles. I took four of them and
gained in flesh, my appetite improved, and
now I can eat anything. My stomach is all
right, th inks to tho uia of Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla." Calvin ll.STUVENS.Uniontown.l'a.
IJM1U SAI.H A u"rt-eliin moat market with
' nil Its fixture. Centrally located and is
tlio best stand in town. Call lie loilllt re mut
ably nml po.eiilon can be bad immediately
lifter purchase The present proprietor Is going
to leave town. Apply at Ufkai.ii tidlcD. 3-.T-01
"AI.K Four properties, tiltuated at No.
p'', 'n v,.t l.lovtl street Two are on
P 225 and
the front ami twr
i the rear ot the lot. These
properties wt re lormeriv nwneu iij- jtmiui'ii'i
IE ltogers Apply to William .1. Jones guardian,
llox 131, Mt. funnel, Pa. 2-21-lm
ITtOll HUNT. A rare chance for an energetic
business man. A grand Htore either for
grocery bust-ess or saloon, in good location,
Hrst-clawi dwelling apartments attached with
bath room and fixtures, all latest improvements,
good cellar !W feet long. Possession to be had
ill April. For further information apply at the
1Ii:kau olllcc IMl-lm
ITIOIt HUNT. storeroom anil dwelling, No. 17
' North Main street, now occupied hybhlpp'c
shoe store. Possession given April 1st. ApplJ
to Jacob Noll, II N. Main street, tf
POIt S.U.K. A buggy anil two butcher
wagons. Will also rent my wheelwright
nH rit. almii. earner Coal mill Jardili streets
Annlv to Charles Plonpcrt. on tho premises, tf
Tinii ml.P A vitv ili'si t'ltblo nronertv. An
V nlv lojoscnh Wsatt, LDI North Main St. tf
MTOCKIlOI.DHIf Mi:i:TIN(i. The annual
O elici ting 'f the C'ltl. us' lllllliliog mid Loan
Association will be held at Its olllcc. No. 127
North Main street, on Tuesday, MnichXth, l.s'W,
at H p m, lly onh'r of
Jawim llr.u. Pres.
ttest : C. W- )i:nc.i.i:k, See'y. :l-3-5t
VOTICi:. The iiiidcrslgneil Is desirous of
A closing up his accounts either In cash r by
notes, for all bills that are now due or over due
this month. All contracts, and agreements,
however, will be eitrrlftl out I shall place all
over due accounts in the hands of proper
parties for collection
M. P. Fouixn,
January'JS. 1
ITIOIl HUNT. Storeroom, dwelliuir and stable,
' No- I'JO North Main etrctt. lient very
reasonable to the right party, store anil tin rll
ing can be rented wllb or without the stable.
.Storeroom has plate glass front and is 12 feet
deep- Po-esslon can be bad at once. No
better location for business in town. Apply to
C W Ncwliouscr, 122 N. -Main St. 2-2vtf
IjlOlt HAI.U. Timber yard ill all excelleii
' location In Tainaiioa. A splendid opening
for it carpenter with a small capital. For further
information Inquire of l:. I), liedd til, attorney,
corner of Centre and Mahantmigo streets,
PottsvIIIe. 2-2-Ult.eod
a hereby given that there will be a meeting
of stockholders of the Shenandoah -trect
wny Conipany on I'ridav, March 11, lb'J", ut II
a. in. at the olllce of the company, ill the
borough of Shenandoah, .1. W. ,lobiisoir, 222
North Main street, for the purpose of electing
oilier', adopting by-laws anil do and perforin
such other corporate acts as may be deemed
advisable. II. I, Scc'y.
Hhenandoali, Feb. 2S, 18'jk. 2-2S-S
It pays to be educated. It pnys to
be educated at the best school.
Time and money are buth wasted
at an inferior school
At Bloomsburg, Pa.,
Is unsurpassed in equipment, in
struction and conveniences for
students. Write for a souvenir
book of views and catalogue.
Spring term will open March 29th, iXyS.
j. p. WELSH, Principal.
Should be la Every Home and Library.
Tie People's Bible History
I. written br Itlltlit Hon. William I'.wart pluJ.tone.
Ki-Prnnlr ot Great llrlttan Orel Ireland, I hnUr,
Kng.t llr. A. II. Bajce, Out-en . College. Oiloril. J.ntM
1UY. Baraul ltM liurtl". 11. 1., ChlraKo llieolotikal
Heraln.rr. Chicago. Ill.i IU. Frederic W. arrar, I) II..
K.U.H., Ileau ot Oiinmrbury, t'anlerliurx, Knil l Iter.
El mar II. Capon, II.IJ..Tutt Unlletta, homerrlll. Maiui.i
Hr. I'ranlt W Uunauulu.. 11. 1J.. Armour Inatltuta,
Chicago, Ill.i lla. tloomo f. Pentecost, 11.1)., Marile. I
bone ireaoyterinn t nurcii, iwnuuii. ""ivi V, vV
MacArtliur, ll.I).. flalfarr Ilat-tl.t C'lturch, New ")ork
flltF. N. Yi Her. Martin Hunnnerliell, l).II.,.Maln
M. llrlitol. D.f)., l"lrt Metl.oilist t lilscoi-al (.linrcli.
KTUaton.ill.i l(e T Moore. '"the Clirl
ttan ItommODwealtli," Ixnttlon. t lie?, l-daanl
Ktreet free llaetliit Church. Ii.lon. Mb.i Hot. t rank
IJ.l... C iri nirinv
ll.I Hev W. T Mo
lonwealtli, IxnttV
le. 11 1).. Boulh I
w.t Hev. Josiiiih Ati
FhmanJ. Knit.i H
i .tn.i llnlHlt lj.ltili.. otrmanr:
tiin.i.nn It t, ii1ap1i et ('ttlrauo.
raao. Ill.i Iter, hamuei jtart. t.w.. in iiir i"t'Kri
ttan HommonweaUh," lon.lon, t ,. '""I
v .... tlui. ti It R,,tli Cnnurualloiial Church,
lioaton. Maw.! Iter. Josnoh Attar fleet, 1.II.. ealelan
Hollers, Klchmond, Knit.i Iter. t'aiar ltene oreuprr,
IlDila linivaraiir.
1IpjIk. Uermanri Itev. will
Intty 13
ll.n'rnrd'.tVinn .Iter J. Monro tlibson, 11.1) .Bt.John'a
, Chi-
The attaches of Kaler's opera house, are
busy making arrangements for their benefit
production on the Ssth Inst. "My Friend
From India" will bo on the bill.
Miss Julia May. daughter of Justice Alex.
May, entertained a number of friends at her
homo last evening.
Mrs. Mary Smith entertained the mem
bers of the Shakuspeare Heading Club at her
home last evening. Mr. George Kolb, of
Chicago, Mrs. Smith's brother, was the
honored guest.
The funeral of Samuel, infant child of
Jacob Purnell, of (Jilbcrton, took pluee this
afternoon. Interment was made, In the Odd
Fellows' cemetery at Frackville.
Willianf lMwards, the painter, received a
luinful injury of the right hand while le
pairing a chair witli a chisel yesterday.
MierllT's Sale.
SherilT Toole to-day held hit first regular
sale at the court house, and among the prop
erties disposed of was tlio Charlas A. Hitting
farms in Union and North Union townships,
sold to Joseph II. Poineioy, attorney, for the
sum of j-',50(l. Quite a number of the sales
wero postponed.
And riouers, the Hand of Anietlca, Cali
fornia. Via tho true pathway, "The Iron Mountain
Iioute," which traverses a region of perpetual
sunshino, where snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes are unknown. Pullman first
and second class palace and tourist sleeping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and Now Mexico, Arizona, California.
Oregon, Washington, .Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change. Quick time, low
rates, and all tho eonifortsiif modem railway
improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via tlio .Missouri Pacific railway
system. For rates right from your home,
litoratuio, and full information, drop u postal
caul, J. P. McGinn, T. P. Agent. Ml) Kail
road avenue. Klinlra, N. Y or 3111 llroad-
way. New York.
3-1-tf W. Iloyt, O. K P. Agt.
lluy Keystonoliour. lie sure that the name
Leksio & Habk, Ashland, Ph., is printed on
ovor swei
As Ittillontod by Deal lugs In I'lllluilnl
plilu mill lliiltlinnro.
Philadelphia. March 1. Flour firm: win
ter superfine. $3'ii.'l.2j; do. extras. J3.2.)ft:i.f,5:
Pennsylvania roller, clear. $.25f) 1.63; do.
straight, J.cri ; western winter, clear,
$1.25ff(l..r.0; do. straight, ?4.W'ii4.Sj; city
mills, extra, S3.R0ti.1-Cu. Hyo flour sold In
a small wtiy at J2.80Ti2.90 per barrel for
Bond to choice Pennsylvania. Wheat slow:
No. 2 red, $1.02'.bS1.02',4: No. 2 Pennsylva
nia and No. 2 Dolawnro red, $1.02's'S1.02'4.
Corn easier; No. 2 mixed, March. 31?itj)
3r,c.: No. 2 yellow, for locnl trade, 25c.
Oats hcarco nml firmer; No. 2 white, 3V,t.c;
No. 2 white, clipped, 33j3tc. Hay aetlvo
and steadily held for nood tirades; choice
timothy, J12 for large bales, lleef firm;
beef hams, J2:ii2l. Porlc quiet; family,
13fil3.M. Lard weak; western steamed,
jj.41. Hutter tlini; western creamery, 1!
6i20'.,c.: do. factory, lKiH"e.; Klglns,
SOVtc; Imitation erenmery. llPifil'c.; New
York dairy, 13ft 17c; do. creamery. Hi?
20c.; fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing at
23ff2Ge. ; do. wholesale, 22c. Cheese weak;
lnrirn. white nnd colored. September, 8Vic.;
small do. do.. September, SUflSc: light
skims. tWi6'4c.; part sltims, 4fSc; full
skims. 2ift3c. Kggs steady; New York and
Pennsylvania. 12sic.; western, fresh. 12Vie ;
southern, 12W12U?. l'otntoes steady;
New York, $2.37Viifi2.W; sweets. S36T4. Tal
low nulet: cltv. 3.c: country, Z32c,
Cottonseed oil nulet; prlmo crude, 20
201'je. ; do. yellow, 23c. itosin stenuy
strained, common to good. Sl.40fil.4S. Tur
pentlne linn at 3Tc. Cabbage quiet at $3
n rii
Ilaltlmore, March 4. Flour dull and un-
Minncti. Wheat weak: snot ana montn,
JI.OO'AiJil.OO: April. Jl.OHi; May, 1.01?ii
oi..nrner No. 2 red. MKi'jSUc; southern, by
sample, ftsc.SiJl.'Jl'ir.; do. on grade,
il.Ol. Com weak; spot and month, 33if?
31e.: Btenmer mixed, 33V,if3314c.; southurn,
,. anv.Jiaie do. yellow. SSiiOSHio,
n.ittt steady. No. 2 white, 34U,35c.; No.
2 mixed, 32i32'4c. Ityo dull and easier:
Kn. 2 tifiiibv. KV..fi6Wic; No. 2 western,
m..inna.v.i,. llnv linn on best grades;
choice timothy, 12.M?(13. (Iraln frelglits
steamers active; engiigeiiienis large;
Mteurn to Liverpool, per bushel, 3V4d
Mav: Cork for oi tiers, ner quarter, 3s.
Ed.. March; 3s. 4Vil.. April. Sugar strong
nn.l nnchiinL'ed. Cheese steady nnd un-
.bunr.eil. Iluttor firm and unchanged
Hbks (tulet and unchanged, Lettuce. II to
Jl.r per basket. Whisky, Sl.21.27 per
cflllon 'or tlnlshed goods in carloads; Jl.LJ
01.20 per jjnlloii for Jobbing lots.
Misses Mary A. Lynch and Amelia C,
Schooner and Miss Coury visited friends at
PottsvIIIe to day
Patrick Murphy attended the funeral of
n friend at Mahauov Piano to-day.
Harrv Hafuer has returned from a trip
to Philadelphia.
P. W. ltiorslcin made a business trip to
1'ottsvllU this moiniuK
II. II. Knaliss. of Allentown, a former
resident of town, circulated uinoug the hard
ware trtde hero yesterday.
John II. Leonard, who recently suc
ceeded Samuel W. Stevens us division freight
agent fur the 1'. & 1!. railroad at Williams-
port, was in town on business last uveiiiug,
Miss Annie Midgley, of St. Cl.iir, is
visitiiik' relatives in town,
Mrs. David H. James lias gone to Tama-
qua to visit relatives.
K U Kit's (ll'KUA MOUHK.
Charles K. lllaucy's successful f.trci
comedy, "A lhiggage Cluck," comes to the
Kuler tr.tud opera house, next Thursday,
March 10, for one nislit, leaded by that mad
wag, James T. Kelly, nhoso every appear
ance in Mahsuoy City has added to his
reputation us a farce comedian of tlio Hist
rank. This production of "A JJagguge
Check" is under Mr. Kelly's personal tlirec-
tiou, and the names of tho company to the
initiated is a roster uf clever people and a
guarantee of equally clever worn.
"HKAItT OF ClllCAIlfl."
All the scenes of tho "licait of Chicago,
which conies to the KaUr Grand opera house,
Muhanuy City, nuxt Saturday, March 12, fur
matiueo uud night, are laid in the Western
metropolis. Those wliu aro familiar witli the
city Trill icadily lccoguize many familiar
localities. The Chicaju lire scenes will be
especially interesting to thu old-timers who
saw that great work of tho fire king
"A dose in time s.ies lives." Dr. Wood's
Norway Pino Syrup; nature's remedy for
cuughs, culils, pulmonary diseases of eveiy
Spufiul Climcll Notice.
Iter. I. J. Iteitz, who has been rt-appointed
for the third year as t astur of the United
Evangelical church, on North Jardili street
will preach to-morrow murulng and evening
Text for tho morning soruioii, II Thes. 3:1-!!
Sunday school at 1:30 p. la., conducted by
0. S. Kehler and U. Stocker. Evening sub
jeet, "Esau's Folly and Unavailing liepeut'
elite." Everybody welcome.
Itev. Themas II. Nedd, of Princeton, N. J
will occupy tho pulpit of tho Piesbyteriaii
church to-morrow morning and evening.
Services in tho P. M. church to-morrun
morning ami evening. Morning subject,
"(iotl's Visitations of Judgments." Sunday
school at 2 p. in. Evening subject, "Acheiva
tuentsof Women." Everybody invited.
Calvary Baptist church, the pastor, Itev. it
It. Albln, will to-morrow evening, at 0:30,
preach a special sermon entitled, "Post
Mortem Salvation." Tho choir led by W.
Waters will give an anthem during the ser
vice. All will be welcome.
Tho newly furnished audience room of the
M. E. church will be opened for services to
morrow. At 10:30 a. in. the pastor will ad
minister the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper,
lly special request at U:30, the toxt will be
Hebrews 3:15. All seats in thiscaurcb art
freo and everybody is invited. Strangers
will be given a cordial welcoms. Tho cost of
improvements will not be considered to
morrow. There will be no appeal for money.
Happening Throughout the Country
Chronicled for Hasty l'enunl.
Empty houses are scarce In Ollberton.
Tho Itcd Men will organize a now lodgo at
Tho.Eplscopal church of St. Clair will bo
Governor Hastings has set apart April 8
and 22 as Arbor days in this state.
The public schools at Lansford aro closed
because oC an epidemic of mcatlcs.
Company F. N. O. Pa., of (llrardvlllo. will
be Inspected next Wednesday evening.
Thero are CO inmates at tho almshouse,
while 207 tramps aro in the "hum room."
Mahanoy City is to have auotlior weekly
newspaper, with J. W. lloppes as publisher.
Tlio factory destroyed by flro at Schuylkill
llaveu.on Thursday night will bo rebuilt at
F. P. Speise, of TatnauUH, who has been
ritlcally III with typhoid fevtir, is reported
out of danger.
Phil. Wynkoop, of PottsvIIIe, won second
prizo at the Philadelphia dog show with his
pointer "Pat."
Alfred F. Ituth, proprietor of thu Port
Clinton hotel, received a stroke of apoplexy,
hut is improving.
John Hughes was badly injured ut the hi
Clair colliery, and is now au iumato of the
Puttsvillo hospital,
William Gibson, of I'jlo Alto, says ho has
permanently retired from tho ring, and has
fought his last battle.
Edwatd Parker, the trick bicycle ihkr
frum Girardvllle, will jivo au exhibition (it
St. Clair this evening.
Jake llellnur, who escaped from the in
sine dcpaitmutit of tlio county home, nits
captured at '1 remuiit yesterday.
Tho articles of assocuti in ut tho l.tmitqus
and Miuorsville Kent and Ptirchasu Societies,
icspectively, were filed at tho Kscunlei's
1'iellmiiMiy steps were taken last night for
tho organization of a Country Club tit Potts
vIIIe. Theie aro sufiicieiit "jays" in that
ltoberi J. Kanteriind Miss Annie Catharine
Graelf, both of Tam.tqua, welo married on
Thuisday by Itev. John I), l'ox, of the il. L
church, Pu!tsvlilc,
A brush factory to employ 125 bauds wants
to locate in Sunbury. Tho plant will luve
capital stock of $30,000, one third of which
tho city is asked to subscribe.
The bond of Louis J. Seltzer, treasurer ol
Iiutler tuwuship, in tlio sum of $2,000, with
William A. Marr as surety, was presented to
Judge Uechtel and approved.
lly au order from Washiiitm tho foil
ppstago stamp agencies at Puttstowu, whi
weie maintained at a cost of $21 each
annually, will bo discontinued.
W. S. Whitlug, assistant mining eugiuee
for tlio P. fc It. C. & I. Co. at Shamokin, has
resigned, and will remove to Pottsville to
engage in general mine supply business.
The Nonpareil Social club has aboiidoned
its hcadquurtars in tho post olllco building
Mritcft Up.
You aro suffering. You do not know what
is the matter with you. You aie all run
down, nervous, weak and broken in health.
Dr. Greene, 35 Wtstl lth St., New York City,
the eminent and distinguished specialist,
whose marvelous cures have astonished the
world, has in his investigations discovered
medicines that are simply infallible in all
cases of blood and nerve atllictiou and what
are called chronic diseases. You can consult
Dr. Greens personally or by letter, free..
Wrlto to him and he will explain your ca-,e
so plainly that you will understand exactly
what ails you, and ho will cure you if you
Remember If You nave a Cough or Cold,
Pan-Tlua always cures, 25c. At Gruhler
Ilrus., drug sturo.
ltesoltltluns of Condolence.
At a special meeting of the Catholic
Literary Society of Lost Creek, held on
''ucsday, March 1, 1808, the following pre
amblo and resolutions were unanimously
adopted :
WimtEAS. The great and supreme Ituler
of the universe has In his infinite wlsduui
moved from our midst our worthy and
esteemed President and brother member,
Patrick lleane : autl,
WlIfcitKAS, The long and Intimate relation
held with him in the faithful discharge
his duties in this society makes it eminently
befitting that wo record our appreciation of
him : therefore,
Itesolvcd. That tho wisdom and ability
which ho has exercised in aid of our organ
ization by service, contributions ami counsel
will be hold In gratelul remembrance.
Itesolved, that the sudden removal of such
a life frum among us leaves a vacancy and a
shadow that will bo deeply realized by all
tho members autl menus ol this organ za-
lion, and will prove a serious loss tu the
community and the public.
Itesolvcd, That we tender to his alllictetl
relatives our sincere condolence and our
earnest sympathy in their allllctiuu at the
loss ol one who was a goou menu, a true
christian and au upright man.
Itesolvcd. Ihataconyot these resolutions
ho spiead upon the records of this organiza
tion, a copy printeu m tne iikii
A!.I, of Shenandoah, and Press and Times,
of Girardville, and a copy forwarded to the
bereaved family.
John J. Cakky.
Miciiaki. J. McLain,
Vico President, Thomas J. Muiipuv.
Attest : Thomas A. Dixo.v, Sec'y.
Persona of sedentary habits, especially sales
ladles, seamstresses, etc , who feel ovsr
worked, will find Dr. Hull's Pills a true,
uterine tonic and an active stimulant of the
bowels. 25 cts.
Deeds Iteeordetl.
Deeds for the following real estate trans
fers were recorded : Soreu yeiinersvaldt et
u x, to Chas, Matteu etal., premises in Port
Clinton ; heirs of Chas. Mattel! to Sarah
Matteu, prsmlies in Port Clinton.
V ood I'MsbrWrlsn Church, Ijiirlon. Kns : Hey. Oeomo
v i ( 1, T1..T....H u Ill-Inn. XllBL
Wlr-lllB VuillOS. UK! pane. BJ fulf-patte llluntra;
To Cure Headache In IS Minutes.
Tnko Dr. Davis' Ati-IIeadacho. All druggists.
A Jlotlior nml Diniclittir Ai-o About tn
ISn Htmnlli'il.
Chicago. March G. After nearly 11
years search and the spending or
modarnte fortune, Mrs. H. A. Hanks.
formerly Mrs. Henry Frederick, of this
city, believes that through the rending
of a small Hem In a newspaper she has
found a daughter taken tt'.vay over a
decade ago, and whom she lias mourn
ed as dead. Thursday Mrs. Banks re
celved a brief account of the search
of a young woman of Syracuse, Wyo,
for a lost mother and sister. The
young woman's name was Hattl
Frederick, the name of the missing
daughter of Mrs. Danks, ifnd today
Mrs. Danks started for the west.
According to Mrs. Dunks' story she
was married 20 years ago to Henry
Fredeilck, In Omaha, Neb. After liv
lng together for nine years Frederick
left, taking their two children. Th
elder daughter, Addle, shortly after re
turned, but no trace was found of
Frederick and the other child. Klght
years ago Mrs. Frederick married Her
man A. Hanks, a wealthy contractor
In Omaha, and with him she continued
her search. One night in September,
189G, her husband disappeared. He had
nearly $200 with him, and It was be
lieved he had been murdered. He has
not been heard of since.
To add to Mrs. Banks' misfortunes
six months ago her 6-year-old son was
drowned. Her money had given out,
and broken hearted and prematurely
gray she gave up nil search for her
daughter. A day or two ago the Chi
cago police received a letter from Hat
tie Frederick, of Syracuse, Wyo., ask
ing that search be made for her mother
and sister, for whom she had searched
for years. This story found Its way
Into the newspapers, where Mrs. Banks
read It.
Cdlinlbiils AWf n'lltilirJmi Ofllnlnl.
Brussels, March 5. Information lias
reached here from the Congo Free
State that wnnlbuls killed ami ate a
Belgian ofllclal named Neuhaus at
Lukolela, on the Congo, west of Leo
pold II lake, last January.
Has Experienced Wonderful Benefit From
Mayor Miles IS. Preston has been Hart-1
ford's chief executive for two years. As a
result of his economic, wise administration,
the municipality has prospered, and to-day
stands high among tho leading cities of
Mayor Preston is the first chief magis
trate of llitrtford under tho consolidated
form of government, beginning a new period
in the municipality history of Connecticut's
He beesn at the bottom round of tho
ladder less than 25 years ago, cemlng to
Hartford without a Iiusiness ncuuainiance or
friend in tho city. Asa man ot tho people,
but also a thoughtful conservative official.
fully conscious of tho responsibl ity of his
high position and ol his ricoiiimcuuatinus
Mavor Preston's statement ol tho decided
benefit he has dorived fiom Paluo's celery
compound must carry more than ordinary
weight In every home, where mere is neeu
of recuperation, and of a remedy that is be-
yonil any reasonable tiouut rename, mis is
what Mayor Preston said :
MAYOlt'S OFFICII, Hartford, Conn.
The modern man of business, bo ho ever
Tocleansotho system in a gentle and truly
beneficial manner, when tho jpringtimw
comes, use the truo and perfect remedy,
Syrup of Figs, liny tho gcnuluo. Manu
factured by tho California rig Syrup Co.
only, and fur salo by all druggists, at 50 cents:
per bottle.
Preparing for tVitr.
Just at this time when war anil rumors of
war aro clogging up the atmosphure and tho
feverish mind of the average citizen, it may
bo of interest to tho public to know that
Schuylkill couity, at least that portion of it
in and about the hamlet of Kington n, has
formed a company of able-bodied men to go
to the front to help wallop Spain, should
their services be needed. The officers are us
follows : Captain, Israel Applegate; First
Lieutenant, Gideon Heaver; Sscond Lieu
tenant, Conrad Keisch ; First Sargeant,
Samuel Kiscnhurt; Corporals,. Jacob Kiseu
hauor, Usury Dresbtr, Charles Everett,
Blias Mtrwlno; Itecruitlng Officer, D. M.
Staufl'er. The company is comneseil of sixty
men. Drills are being regelarly attended In
tho fair ground, which was given by the
Hlngtowu Fair Association for that purpose
ruribiit ruin"'. vm imko. u, .. --. ; -7,
tlona. gilt edgw. clotli, flXUi bait leiuut, i3UJ lull
sunt, S4.00.
HAY and 8TKAW.
Floor and Table 011 Cloths.
E. B. FOLEY, 21 Centre St.
LIvh ttiniU MnrUotx.
Now York, March 4. Beeves a little
quiet nnd steady; yards nbout cleared;
native steers, JU0C5.10 per 100 lbs.; stags
and oxen. 2.WM.10: bulls, tS.40fj3.715; dry
cows, J2.40vi3.S0. Cnlves active and firm;
nil sold: veals. 58.26 per 100 lbs. Sheep
slow and slightly easier nil
about 700 head unsold; sheet),
ner 100 lbs.; Iambs. Ki.WfiC.20.
I!ot slow and lower at ll.K0fil.4O per lou
Hnst Liberty. Pa.. Murch 4,-Cattlo
steady, prime, Xl.lwfiB; common, 3.S0f4;
bulls, stags nnd cows, 2fl4. Hogs active
untl higher; prime assorted medium
weights, Jl.30fl4.35; best heavy Yorkers.
IGOJtlM pounds, J4.26fil.t0; light Yorkers,
I1.1W4.20. heavy hogs. J4.15fr4.25: pigs, as
to luallty. JJ.MHJ4.10; good roughs, J3.45f?
3.7G: common to fair roughs. J2.Mft3.25.
fiheep stoatly; choice J4.85fiB; common,
J3.&ufi4; rhok'e lambs, J5.75f(S.W: common
to good, J4,7Sft).70. Veal calves, JG.D0fi7.
1 IJInnetiM nt l-nsr.
KZVI LU-- liffl OLD
y ah
so sturdy, findsofien that tho continued pres
suie of alfitirs has caused tbo uorves to
remoustrato and fall in tone. At such a time
Paino's colcry compound becomes of value.
Having expel ienced its benefit, I gl'tdly
commend it.
M1I.FS li. I'ltDSTON.
The skin and tho eyes aro two good ther
mometer's of health If tho skin has spots,
oruptious, au unhealthy pallor or a yellow
appearance, itini tho eyes a glazed look, with
yellowish whites, it is high time to purify
tho blood and regulate tho livcrand kidneys.
Paine's celery compound makes bright red
blood and relieves thu liver and kidneys of
tho strain that Is brought upon them when
ever impure blood is constantly pouring
through their substance.
There Is every reason in tho world why
Paluo's celery compound should build up
sickly people, increaso their appetite autl
nourish every tissue in their body.
As oven cbildien are aware, there is blood
all over the body. It is this blood which
builds up tlio tissues that have been worn
out. It carries all tho materials for restoring
wasted and worn parts. To tho muscles it
gives certain particular materials for making
muscle; to tho bones it gives up other ma
terials for making bone; in the brain and
nerves It leaves other materials again for
making ncrvo matter, and so on,
liut it takes rich, puro, highly vitalized
blood to do all this, and this Is tho powerful
lever which Paine's celery compound takes
advantage of to mako the weak body strong,
and to drivo out disease from the system.
Paine's celery compound supplies just that
needed, appropriate food that the overworked
nerves aio often too feeble to extract, un
aided, from tbo miss of food takeu into tho
stomach Paine's celery compound increases
the appetite and puts tho digestive organs
into shape to pass tlio food over to the blood
in such a perfectly prepared condition that
tlio change into nervo, brain and tissue sub
stanco is easily and fully brought about,
without waste of nervous energy or wear
upon tho livsr, kidneys, heart or Btomach.
In this scientific, accurate fashion, Paine's
celery compound permanently cures stomach
troubles, disordered liver, kidney diseaso,
indigestion and all unhealthy conditions that
grow out of overworked, underfed nerves
and organs.
New Store! - New Goods!
Our stock is composed of everything in Boots, Shoes, Gent's Furn
ishings, Hosiery, Hats, Caps, Dry Goods and Notions. We invite the
public to call on us and convince themselves. Our prices correspond
with the times. A few of them :
- - - 31 cents
- - - 13 cents
Men's Rubbers,
Ladles' "
Shoes, -
. . w
All other gootls are sold on the same low comparison.
7 S cents
SS cents
No 26 East Centre Street.
Xuxi door to Sinner Sewing Miiclilno ufllc-e.
For Franck'a Coffee Essence
For Franck'a Imported Chloovy. In Europe.
15 Factories
(lentiino Krnuck will plcaso you If you lovo a Rood cuji of colTco.
Your grocer sells it.
Sole Agents.
Tlio Mlnern, Alcelmnlca and Laliorern lluIMInt,'
andJ.oiui Association will Usftu it ni'W
t. erica of btock on
Wednesday, March 16, 1898.
The Cleanest, Fastest Dye for Soiled
or Faded Shirt Waists, Blouses,
Ribbons, Curtains, Underlinen, etc.,
whether Silk, Satin. Cotton or Wool.
Sold In All Colors by Grocers and Druggists, or mailed frts for IS cents;
Adilrctt, TUB MAYPOLQ SOAP DEPOT, 127 Duaae Street, New York.
No Muss. No Trouble.
The salo will take plat o at tho odlco of J. It.
Coylc, i:s(., lSi'ihlal! htillillui;, between the
hours of 0 nml 8 o'clock p in
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Orange Champagne.
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardin St.
These were the two reasons that formerly
kept people from attending to their teeth.
Iloth reasons have no existence in this ad
vanced age. 1'ainless ami inexpensive dent
istry with an absolute guarantee for five years
is our method.
A Good Set of Teeth, $$.
The Very lleit Teeth, $8.
You can get no better, no matter what yon
pay. No cnarne for extracting, where teetli
are ordered. We can take your impression in
the morning and give you your teeth in the
afternoon if desired.
Gold Pllliiigs, $ ; Best Silver
Fillings, 5oc up; Cleaning;, Soc;
Extracting, 25c.
Crown and bridge work at very reasonable
rates. Kxaminations nnd estimates free.
"We use but one grade of material
the best.
7 North Jardin St., Shenandoah.
CO West Centres Street,
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
And a velvety softness ot the skin ii Inva
riably obtained by thofj who uu PozzoNi'a
Complexion ."owiler.
Examination Made at the House or at
Our Store.
No. 7 South Main Street.-
(Shccler's Ol J Stand.)
Kirst-class work guaranteed, Prompt auiV
ollte tUtenUttuU, Jlulr cuttiiiK ft ij'ttUlty.